Newspaper Page Text
15 Fsnpinnien0 (CHfflissfiSficBdl Adl Ptaie 12a THE FARMER: JANUARY 23, 1917 n t J ' : V. POLICE GRAFT Every once in a -while from some of the big cities, there comes a tale of , alleged police graft. Chicago is the ' latest to call for a show down, the state's attorney claiming that one man ; has put $25,00 in his pocket from il legal dealing with law breakers. War rants for other are also issued.' sit is a,', constant problem also in smaller cities In appointing police officers to find men who shall be impervious to crooked -work.; v' formerly In appointing policemen, 1 tlie principal question was as to their I, athletic J ability. They were supposed tar be big muscular fellows who could handle the most riotous drunk or cap- te the ' most fleet footed runaway. -Folic work is still a rought , and tumble. These physical qualifications t hfm still quite necessary. But certain rubral qualifications are even more essential today. The policeman's sense 0$ right and wrong needs to be qtiite ajt vigorous as, his arms and legs. '; Srhat police forces are s honest as - tey usually are is a testimony to. the good side of ,human nature. It shows ' that after, all there is a lot of honor left in the" world. A great many men who seem very ordinary types. of fel . oyrt really ehow no little heroism in ,' te way they set aside these tempta tions to easy money. ' ''.But no doubt there are a lot of policemen who stand up very straight and make -a very impressive appear- ante' on duty, but who are really in the pay - of the underworld. Police - graft strikes at the very foundation of our civic lite. I It is useless to pass laws, futile to conduct churches and .schools, if crime can flourish un- , checked ,byF the simple . expedient of ' paying policemen to be r conveniently I near sighted. ' , - " ! In appointing policemen, the most careful attention needs to be given to a man's" morar record. If he cannot 'show a clean life,, square in all bul , ness dealings, he has no fitness for police Work. ,.'. STATE i VITAL ' STATISTICS 1 '' Hartford Jan: 22. Figures con- , -cerning the health of the state for December were secured of the office 4 of the 'state board of. health lit 'the capltol to-day. ' The average in ' deaths for towns afeove 5,000 popula- ' tlon was ?'17sa per 1,000 "population. The total deaths numbered 1,889. -The highest rate was iri Southington, M.Vr the lowest- in , Stafford, 6.2. " There were 2,969 living births and l ,6 59 marriage " in 4 Connecticut In November,? At, the fclbse of .Decern- .- Der mere were bo aaes ui Biuauiiu . and seven deaths had occurred froni I - that disease. ..-'.- l , )' "tale is to make-' women bachelors of arts. ' Will no college give the men ' protections against - destructive ; ' com- f petition f , "No , complaints of lack of oppor tunity jnvwie legaj, - profession, nave been heard since Harry Thaw was put tinder; restraint again. FUNERAIi DESIGNS AND r" BOUQUETS I J Dermatologist M L J NIE A. BAIii-Oraduate N. T. ' Hshool Of Dermatology, Growth of ia)r on face, warts and moles re- Sfiovrd by electric i needle. Facial passage and scalp treatment Room 12, ill Main street. Phone sis. . n ''t, - ' ' , T 20 ail - FEED9 GlfE YOUR IIKNS Dry Mash1 and rratch feeds. . Best and cheapest rjr flayers. The . Park' St Pollard fnds. ! Standard Feed Co. 16S4 , lain 8t., Barnum 920. 19 aj 4 HOUSES) 'FOR SALE AttAlfTtC, ST. -; Twov family 14,500; ; f-mall"' payment , down. Rents ; for f$(45 per month. , Steiber & Wagner, 'Itiai Warner Building. U it x T 29 . tf 'v '- : ' . -.- fQ: TiVm K A Tift! 9'-, famfltf. ' . O- ft-popnas Improvements. 25x27. Jetlan Solace, 'Black Rook. Inquire 25 Jet' jan Place. X : , ! )V JEWELER Btt YOUR WIFE or best girl their , Christmas " jewelry, watches, dia monds, rings of Parksr the Jewslsr, 8 P. O. Arcade. ' ', . T 12 al MACHINE WORK' H. :A. BOWDRKAJf CO., Manufac-tturers- metal gpods, dyes, 'tools, ages, rebuilderslof electric motors .and light engines. . 67' 'Golden Hill. A16 a- MUSICAL, INSTRUMENTS PIANOS?, PLAYERS and Talking Ma felines. New and second lhand vio-,-SIfns ; and cellos. Oyer three thou- Uve. Its POULTRY SUPPLI BLSLCK ROCK FEED CO. agents for Sltie Purina scratch and Chickeh ( Idhowder, ' the best thing to make lypur hens lay.' We are -also deal ers in hay, grain, feed and poultry supplies. , Sold to retailers at whole sale prices. Prompt' deliveries to iridgeport, Fafrfield, Southport and itratford. Store 2319 Fairfield Ave. Barnum 227 3.V 4 -IL A 19 ai . Furniture 1 14 flrAN LOADS of storage furniture ",rfir sale at storage oncos. acaneyi Warehouse, 26i Gilbert i St.. Tele ?lhone Barnum 2553. . If H 29 tf If " v;;- .-J' ; Si Lost and Found V LT Pair gold Emerald prayer fieads between Austin street and $acred Heart church and Myrtle f Ave. Name on cross. Return to piary Farrell, No. 14S Austin St. (Reward. . 1V A 22 b MILLINERY i APPRENTICES WANTED Girls to larn the Milliners' trade, paid while learning.. Apply to E. H. Dillon and Co. 1105 Manl St. FOR SALE 4 Secod-hand large drum mers trunks for sale, original prices 25. Sale Price $5. FOR SALE 3-arni $15 BrQnge electric light fixtures for sale at $5. $12 arc gas light fixtures $4. All as srood as new. . Apply to E. H. Billon & Co. 1105 Main St. v mIle help wanted W ANT E D Machine CJnriders, Jones & Lamson land : Hand Screw Machine operators; also lathe hands and all round machinists. Men experienced on 1 high grade work and with full tool equipment only. Apply Employment Office LOCOMOBILE CO. A 20 8 iii our Cbpet Dept. for back making. Day rate for beginners. , Steady work. , Warner Bros. Cp. Apply at Employment . Office . l ' A 20 tf. . ANJTOtJNCEMENT T NOW IS THE BEST TIME to place spring-orders for uwfiiiigs 'and have them . already to go up in spring when wanted. Time and imoney saved by ordering ; now. Geo. I. Harrington, 175 East Main St.. Bar num 5948. - A 18 a DANCING LESSONS NEW IDEAS in dance instruction. Waltz, Fox Trot, One-Step. Private , lessons. Miss , Jewel Smith, 238 Smith St.?' hear NeWfield Park. 'Phone Barnum, 4511. i . . . i - i A ll a) , ASHES REMOVED ASHES REMOVED to your entire i , satisfaction;' yards, cleaned, t Rub : bish rempved at16w prices. James Allsop, 55 Tom Thumb street, rear Tel. 2478-4. -' ' A 19 all AUTO TRUCKING LOCAL AND LONG distance furni Hure moving, also, general trucking. Glass and Madwed. 144 Highland Ave. Telephone Barnum ; 6307, Bridgeport, Conn. ; ; A .19 a!I INSTRUCTION E. RHKY GARRISON, pianist and ac companist, ' thoroughly practical course of piano instrucijon. Studio 47 Taylor Building, , 46 Cannon S.. - : ; "-'a s a.i 1 MULTTGR APHING 1 1"YPEWRITING, addressing Seers, stenographer and v notAry public, 108 Meigs Bldg.,.186 Fairfield Ave. Barnum 1011-4. ) ' A 5 a PRINTING WHO'S YOUR PRINTER? Let u4 do it. Business cards, y circulars. invi tatlons, etc. National Pri: Jng Co., Barnum 2606-4.' !3fli Fairfield Ave. . ' .. , T 20 a8 SHOE REPAIRING P. 5IARCHESE. first class shoe mak er, repairing, bhoes made, to order 2367 Noith Main St. ''r -v " : V ; T. 5 tf ' Y '" ; TRUCKING LIGHT EXPRESSING and trucking uy nour( or jod, pacKage delivery. ZalingerS Auto Express. Phone Bar nim 1083. . Office 178 Wood Ave. ' ' ' ' :. i T 9-agx PRINTING, V ALL KINDS of printing, time cards, letter heads, business cards, invi tations, legal papers for law offices, etc. Kalafus & Son, Corner Arctic and Hallett streets. iV A 5 all POSITIONS WANTED XN OP 2 5, wishes position as jani tor or caretkker, good habits. Care H. M., 67 Park St., Bridgeport? - A 16 d WmM- POSITION WANTED Accountant and office manager, Connecticut man, thoroughly competent, cor poration experience. 717 Vander veer Place, Woodhaven, L. I., New York City. A 16 d Wanted- GIRLS IN OUR CORSET DEPARTMENT FOR MAKING, JOINING, STRIPPING, STEEL COV ER, FLOSSERS, AND FLOSS CLIPPING. STEADY WORK. GOOD WAGES WARNER BROS. CO. APPLY AT EMPLOY MENT OFFICE -i COR. LAFAYETTE AND GREGORY STREETS A 5 tf AUTOMOBILES REAL BARGAINS in used cars. Paige 1916 seven passenger; Paige, ,1915 Touring; Chalmers master six! Pullman's Sedan. 367-9 Fairfield Ave. T 29 a SPLENDID USED CARS for sale. Maxwell touring cars and; roadster; also Metz, Flanders, and Fords, Prices $125 to $400. Sykes Motor Sales Co., 63 Holland Ave. Phone Barnum 6989. ' . .-. V A ajl BUlLDlNd CONTH!lCTORS NAIRN AND WELCH, Mason con tractors, Jobbing and cement work & specialty. Estimates cheerfully given. 401 Warner Building, Fair field Ave. Barnum 2203. V y ; . A; 15 a CLOTHES WASHER HALL'S "SELF-ACTING" Germieldo Clothes - Washer, Automatically washes same time and place , In special boiler, sterilizes: no rubbing or wringing; incomparable; demon strations arranged Gideon E. Hall, Devon. . '.' ,-; . I 1 T 29 .tf V, RE-VL ESTATE FOR SALE COTTAGE : 1-2" acre' ground, $3,800. - $500 down. 201 Meigs Building. T 18 THREE FAMILY HOUSE, Central lo cation. . Take $700 cash above mort gage. 201 Meigs Building. . - ' : ; ;- :':.'v-:'' T ,18 NORTH MAIN STREET new two family house IS rooms, electricity. shower, garage, driveway, only $300 A rxTt'-r 9I1 Ufiim t)iit14lnrr . T '18 RESIDENCE De Luxe, Bridgeport's most( exclusive , location, 10 room . , house, hot water heat garage, driveway, $7,200, easy terms. 201 ;.. Meigs. Building.... :"; : -.1 : ., : !.-. I . T 18 ' LOOK " CLIENT , leaves for California will sacrifice her two-family house, 12 roomM, all improvements.' Price $3,500, worth $4,600; little cash re quired, balance easy. 201 Meigs Building. ' ' .. - ' - '"t. . ,T "18 WHY PAY RENT?-We have waiting for you, one, two or three family houses. See M. B. Warner. -301 Warner ,Bldg., Phone 2653 553. It;. 9. i ai HOUSES FOR SALE One, two and three family houses; any section of city you want; , easy terms! r also lots, all bargains. - C. H. Fleming, 952 Main St. - . '.: - " -".V'uV v p jo tf $900 CASH- $4,500 10 room 2 fam ily house. 'Atlantic St: Fine condi tion. Improvements. Driveway for garage. P. O. jBox 528. ' r ' ,- ''.:i-?"-:T .;. ' iT '29 al',:' HOUSE ONLY $2,000, North End. Looking fori rents or furnished rooms? We have them, all parts of city. Bowers 'rooni, 304 Werner Bldg. Phone 7488 a. m.. 6380 p. m. ; V : ; T 9 a FORCED , SALE- Owner , needs cash. 1 modern two family house, large lot, central location; price $4,800; house - alone cost more; easy terms.i. , Coe Realty Co.,1 Phone Barnur..: 168,7; 302 Warner Blrf. . - ; 1 ' : r! ' T 12 all ' REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 5 room bungalow near trolley, 1-2 hour ride from Bridge port, all improvements', new house $2,800; $50 cash, balance as rent. The Pease Realty Co. 109 Wall St. :' A 8 a .. DYEING AND CLEAN," NG , H. LYNGE, Steam Dyeing and Clean ing Co., (formerly the Bridgeport Dyeing and Cleaning Co.) Works and office 292 State SL H. J-ynge, Prop., Phone 4785. : , - ' T 18 a 5c GLOVES CLEANED--5c Clean ing and dyeing all kinds. . Ameri can Dyeing and Cleaning Co. Tel. 1028-4. '. Office 69 Cannon St. T 18 a SIGNS R. L. FORBES, Sign and picture painting, gold signs reburnlshed and made like new. 136 Colorado Ave., Phone Barnum 6700. ' T 15 a Hat Manufacture FINE GENUINE VELOUR HATS while they last $2.50, worth $3.50. Soft and stiff $1.00. Special factory prices. Meath Hat Shop. 949 Main ht. near, Bank, upstairs. H 25 tf Mechano-Therapist I TREAT RHEUMATIS3I, Lumbago, Nephritis, Cholelithiasis, Bronchitis, Constipation, Gastritis, Gastralgia, Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Torticol lis or all pains and aches of the hu man body. James H. aevis. M. T., 1242 State Street- ' H 29 etf Farmer Want Ads. One Cit a Word. AUTO REPAIRING J. F. COLLINS, Honest automobile repair work; Delco starting, lighting and ignition. 647 Broad St., Bridgeport. Conn. Tel. Barnum 6703. T 15 a Clothes Washer HALL'S SELF-ACTING GERMICIDE CLOTHES-WASHER. Acts on stove. ( Incomparable for all wash able goods. No chemicals, scrub bing, wringing or drudgery. Price moderate. Address Gideon E. Hall Devon. H 29 tf HOUSES FOR SALE LOOK! -5 room cottage in Stratford, lot 75x105 with garage.! price only $2,000. PlatU 299 Nichols St. 1 T 6 a ( HAND LAUNDRY NO SOILED or damaged goods by our w6rfc. Specialty in ladies washing. Dyeing and cleaning. French -American Hand Laundry, 243 Fairfield Ave. ),'': T 11 a8 " - j" - ...... . MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS VIOLINS, CELLOS, Bones, Mando lins, Orpheum Banjo-mandolins, ; Ukuleles. Everything for musicians , at Oilman's Music Studio, 99 Gold en Hill Corner Main. . , .;: , . ; t l tf INVESTMENT ' SPLENpID PROPOSITION, Only $2,000 required to Invest in manu facturing article. Big money in It to ambitious person. No experi ence necessary. Call evenings; A. Schwartz, 743 Madison Ave., corner Taft Ave.; ' ' ' ' - : A 18 r Watch Hepairing FOR SATISFACTION In watch and clock repairing go to Henry C. Reid and Son, Watchmakers, Room 310 Conn. National Bank Bldg. 1024 , Main St. v : . H 23 tf I Printing i WILLIAM B, REED, printer. Book lets,' folders and commercial sta tionery. Prices right. 207 Warner building, 83 Fairfield avenue. 0-,:- - . ; -....V- v : -V H 23 tf . . ENGRAVED Wedtting Announce ments. 104 complete with two ti f eaveiopes for South, worth's. ! Arcade. L it tt ' LOC1S r. NUTTING, physical treat . ments by heat, electricity or manl puIaUon. Rooms 809-810, City , Savlcgs Bank, 962 Main itrwt Of. flee hoiwst week days a. m. tali ML B JJCWKLJIX i '- DIAMONDS ' a credit Diamonds. watches and solid golL Exclusive ly designed jewslri'. Wsekly pay menta Will ealL Rothblum. 411 fctate fit. , downstalra i INSTRUCTION COMPETENT INSTRUCTION in Shop , Mathematics and Mechanical Draft ing. May be taken separately or In combination. ' Tuesday and Thurs day earnings. Class now forming. Educational Department. Y. M.' C. ".a. -r.-y. -s .'. ' '"yY: - .. ' I?-- 4 tf LILLIAN V HARTIGAN DANCTNO STUDIO, City Savings 1 Bank Bldg. Learn ''London Taps,' latest dances; exercises for reducing?." H Phone Bar ,num, 2994.V- ; :;-v;:-' TTf tf 6iovb& KejpailrtMi STOVES REPAIRED, alt kinds sap plies, ait makes, pipes, grates, bricks, etc Charges reasonable 1711 Main AL Photir 1341-4. ' Q i ' Upholsterers WK WILL COVER and rcr-U aO material for 5 piece ' parlor suit, f uarautes all vorkm&shlp as fir.rt class, ten patterns to select from for f!3 to 416. fecal! 3roa, 4ftK ataf a street. s i. WANTEDinveors to send tor one my booklets U. S. and Forelga IM'ts&t. Meroev u. Blonde. Patent Solicitor. Coan. National Bank h baUdlBk. D 27 tt r , , , bLo liepairlug GOODYHVit SHOE REPAIRING OO TC John St., and 141 Eim. Main street No connection wita other so-cailed Ooodyear tihopa We call and deliver. Tel. X8ilu Wiu Oeld . Black, frc. - : . - TJ 1 tl To Rent FOR RENT -8 room flat, all im provements. Inquire 379 Stillman St. I. Nable. , 1 , A 20 dp TO RENT 6 pleasant room flat, all improvements, $30, Adults. Call 1305 North Ave. v. A 8 tf TO RENT Residence on Gdden Hill recently renovated. Store on Main St. Storo on East Main. Edwin Frauenberger, 164 State St.. Bar num 2540. H 22 tf WANTED Apartment Three to Flv , Rooms, Heated and Lighted, " F.ur- nished or unfurnished, wtth or with out board. Reply H. JL. S., Cars Farmer. 16 ROOM, double house, excellent lo cation for rooming house, $4,600; $500 cash. 8 room, 2 family house, $3,800; $500 cash. 8 room, 2 fam ily house, $3,600; $500 cash. L. Weiss, 1438 Main St.. Tel 869-4 Barnum. L I tf t or dale. FOR SALE) Baby cariligt; practical ly new; cheap if sold at once. Mrs. Catherine Baggs, !4 Arrh street, city. A22 sp FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE -Hotel, Oyster Bay, Long Island, Furnish ed, licensed; 60 rooms. Big oar gain! Sell or trade. State Realty Co., 925 Main Street. T 8 tf FOR SALE Farm or 7 acres, tine land, 9 room house, with improve ments, situated high elevation, out buildings, fruit, etc, Price $3,800. ; The Pease Realty Co. 109 Wall Street, j i ' ' - ' A 6 all :: NEW SEVEN ROOM HOUSE, Just being completed, electric lights, ev ery convenience. Blook from North Main street trolleys. $400-$500 Cabh, balance easy terms. Addrress Home Care of Farmer. ' : T 6 tf FOR SALE Printing Press and out fit 9x14, Gordon jobber, cabinet and cases, paper cutter, padding ma chine, eta. Fine assortment type, much of it new. 3615 Main St. or Telephone 2479-2. T 29 Ap FOR SALE 12 room 2 family house centrally located with all improve- , ments, has room for garage, $5,000. $1,000 cash. Phone Barnum 7485. v - - I ' . . ' T 7 tf , $100 CASH 'and $30 per month buys a beautiful new Stratfdrd cottage. Enquire Arthur Dennisoc, 383 Stats St. -- :' - ' x 1 tf ' CENTRAIJJY LOCATED 8 room house with garage for cars, $3,200. . Small amount cash. Phone Barnum 7485. '.( ' H 18 $3,050, $800 cash buys a 18 room 2 family house with, improvements. This is the bigest bargain in the city. Must be seen to be appreci ated. L. Weiss. 976 Howard Ave. TeL 74S6. -. ; f :. . . ; .- ' O 30 6tf PHACT1CALLY new ft room house, all modern lmprovemffhts, extra large lot, with a very little extra can be made into 2 family house, $4500; $600 cash. Box E. B., Phone Bar - num 7486, , THREE FINE two family houses to sale all with . modern improve meats; room for .drive, one with rarages locate in excellent resi dential sections. They must be sold at once and are therefore to be had at a sacrifice. Investments 11,000 to $1,800, balanea en trms to suit. Phone S748-8 or Box No. to suit. Phons 2743-S or Box L. W, cars Farmer. R2 aup FOR SALE CHEAP Double, single, two family houses.' lot and the best shore hotel on the sound. Estab hshed twenty-five yean: land . with out the houses worth mora than I ask for the whole plant. Easy terms. C. H. Fleming, 952 'Main Streets Phone. , Bridgeport ' Cono P ! tf. ; CORSET STORE v - QUEEN LOUISE and Lady Betty corsets $1.25 to $5. ' Unbreakable pliant bone sides. The RIker Cor set store, 189 Fairfield Ave. -s :' s... , ' T 4 tf v INVESTMENT 1 ' MORTGAGES If you want to buy of sell a mortgage, call at 310 Conn. Bank Building. ; Philip1 Qlasner, Phone Barnum 6869. ., T 4 tf ' Meal Market . .FRESH MEATS AND groceries; vegetables in Season. Green and moving . picture stamps. Michael v Robstock, 1S24 SeavieW Ave., John Meyer, manag.jr.. ; , v-:-. h 29 'nr- For Sale Or Exchange LET US exchange something you 1 want' for some thing you don't want. Milford Realty Co., Room 207 Conn. National Bank Building. Phone Barnum 1086. ! "H .28- tt , . - CHIROPRACTOR, L. C. BOCTON, D. C, Chlrodraettt specialist, . Newfleld ouilding. Ills -Main street, Bricgepcrt, Ootta. Hours, 9:30 to 12 M., 1 to 4 pm, except Sundays and halldays Xlott day Wednesday and Friday evea lng 7 to 8 to. m. PS tf Wanted to Buy 1 WANTED to buy old false teeth, any condition. Goldberg, 146 , Fairfield Ave., over Royal Lunch. - H 29 tf . Insuranee DAMAGE IA ABOUT ALL firs eaa d to your., prooerty. Insurance eot lag l-3c a day protects you. All the particulars j.t D. B. Booths A 60 Coun. Ban Building. flOKWALES TAR AND CEMENT SIDUWALSL3 and roofing, blue aione and cement curbs, sand and graveL Estimates cheerfully given. Thomas Broderick contractor. Phone 7139. 111 North AVa. R If Ul Foot sspecfalist DR. MANSFIELD, FOOT SPECIAL I8H 1107 Main street, over Dillon's, cures bunions, ' callouses pared, 6f ccnta J still practice the famous Mansfield Method Which cures. Opea afternoons and gundaya. D13 C Sales KAFESr Ncv and second hand; of fice and house sizes. Walter l Marsh, 182 Fairiteid Ave. A H tt Farmer Want Ads. One Cent a Word. ASHES REMOVED GENERAL CARTING. ashes and rubbish removed, etc.. at short no tice. Also auto trucking, etc. Good ervice. right prices. Slattery Bros. 739 Wood Ave. Telephone 4 605. T 29 a COSTUMERS THE ELITE CO., costumes to rent for , balls, parties', entertainments. Full : dress suits to rent. 118 Bank St. Barnum 1612. - . f A 18 a 4iuhu2ancea AMBULANCES invalid car and Usaousinea Charges reasonabla James T. Rourke. 1295 Main streoc Phone. Barnum 6409. ' D T dl , Aulomobil'Mi AUTOMOBrLE OWNERS ATTEN TION! We an eave rou money on tow automobile, fire and liability Insurance, qivo us, a chs?.eo to fi gure before you Insure eleswhere. Zalmon Ooodsell ft Co., . No. 1094 Main street. Phono No. 11. a el Awnings find Sail Maker SAILS, AWNINGS. COAL ttAGS. pray Hoods. Canvas Covers. Rope ftplielng. Geo. L. Harrtmfto Ti East Mala street. TeL 6941. ' OoctOf JL YHE MODERN snfl sclentifle meth ede employed m my practice such as eleetrio light rays, neuropathy ehtropraetie. arasssge. hyglano. are fa neeord with nature and will Ink frovc and restore your Veaith. Dr. Adolf O. Btelnfr-dt. Douglas prac titioner. Security Building. TeL til: consultary fro. , B It Furaitur X3ALLY BROS., I6! STATH ST. Largeet dealers of second hand fur' nlture fn tho state. Ws pay mora thin ethers: we have to rent to ft. fl it Uei-chanls' Exchaaffo Rdwin Smith A Co. lealery la guns. Mshlng tackle snd tportlhg ' g o o d (vers fitted, locks repaired, saws filed, door cheek put n and repaired talking machiaec, steel tape and light repaineg of all kinds at Smith's Qua fitoro. tf Wall BU TeL 42ti-l. v - RUBBER STAMPS made by as are reliable, we carry a. complete Una of stamps, supplies, ink pads, dat ara; rubber typo, etc ' Tho Schwcrd tie Sump Co, 41 Cannon SL " . - ,. . Q U d --' i- REPALRING - LEAKING ROOFS repaired; also v carpenter work 'attended tor prices reasonable. George O'Brien. 182 John St. Phone 876. i f , , ,-T,ii a - Unclsssified MARGARET SANGER will speak on "Why Fight For Birth Control'! at Colonial hall, 271 Fairfield Ave., Thursday, Jan. 25th, 8 p. m. Aus pices Bridgeport Philosophical So ciety. Admission 2 Sc. A ;- r - A 20 rp BUILD YOUR HOME AT INTER VALE in Devon, Bridgeport's fin , est Suburb. Site of the future city. Malcolm T. Kerr, (Phone 18 ring 8) ' (Lots all over ; Devon.) See .Him. ' " : V (' T 21 tf SUBURBAN EXPRESS & Parcel j livery. 6f 4 Stillman St. TJel. Bar4 v num 1509-4. L. A, Desautels. ; " ' ' T 7. tf : NEW AND SECOND HAND FURNI TURE for sale; alfto carpets and stove, etc. ,0. J. Ciam, 862 Broad v," Street. , . ' ' A' - ..,: "I y) K l tf WANTED Files of the ' Rural New - Yorker, American Agriculturist or Tribune Farmer for 1915 or 1914. . bound 'or unbound. Must be cheap. r. Care Farmer H IS p ';. BUYER AND SELLER of new and second hand furniture, stoves, car pets etc L. H. Theyer, 261 state St; Barnum 1084. v ' ' H 22 ti DO YOU WISH to engage in a profit able business., I have several , ; stores and hoCdes to dispose of at moderate prices.' L. F. Owen, 1861 r Main St. H :l tf IF YOU- WANT Fire Insurance. If you want your house rented. Pro perty sold. Call oft us. We want your business. Let us try. Chaa. S. Cole, Inc., 151 State St. H 16 t fiTORAGE irurniturs Ao; clean sep arate rooms; careful men. City Storage Co 1296 iUn St., Tel. Bar- uum 5409 O 25 tf CAJsH PAID FOR OLD GOLD sliver clatter and de&tist scrap. iold berg. 146 Fairfield avenue. J U IT a .,. ., . WANTED TO BUY all kinds of sec ond hand furniture. . Geo. F. To tania, Kedfield's old stand. 4s Har rison street Phone 101C-S, V 21 tt WANTED TO BUY FURNITURE Second hand, bought and sold. Drop postal or phone Bar num 4142-2. Charles Oppenheim. 1449 Main St T 20 a SEWING MACHINES NEW HOME Sewing Machines The best for family use. George H. Bessy, 50 Courtland St. Tel. Bar num 2712. No canvassers. T 20 a W3 f DRAFTSMEN Applv Office of Electrical Entrinenr iLake Torpedo Boat Co.J AUTO REPAIRING AUTO REPAIRING of every descrtp tion. No Job too difficult. Mag neto and bearing work a apecialty. Expert Motor Car Repair Co., 224 Charles St., Barnum -4939. ' ' T 13 a Architects HUGH BEGLY,! Architect, plans, peciflcations, and superintendence. 81 Fairfield Ave., Room 104, Phon Barnum 6380. H 28 tr AUTO BODIES WE HAVE a large stock of open and closed Ford delivery bodies for Ford cars ready to mount on chas i. Metropolitan Auto & Carriage Co., 434 Grand St, Phone, Barnum 6862. , ' T 18 a Hair Dressing HATR DRESSING Marlnello Toilet Goods, Sarah Raycroft, Shampoo- lrigand' Manicure, 93 Fairfield AveV 206 Warner Bldg. Phone 968. . R II 9tX : CmROPRACTTC NATUREOPATH8 Dr. H. F. Pope; Dr. E. T. Wetherbe. Chlropractlo-Natureopath,' Mslgs building. Room 107, entrance 13C Fairfield avenue. Office hours to 12 a. m., 1:30 to 5 p. m., 7 to 8 p. m. Closed Thursday and Saturday evenings. Bridgeport, Conn., TeL 3874. T 4 tf ' HOUSES FOR SALE -If you have iew nunured dollars cash, and want z to own your own home, write me. i' I New house, electric lights and every;; convenience, very easy terms. Ad- dress "Home," Care of Farmer - 1 : Pmale Help IVsnted YOUNG LADIEa, it to 28, oducatloa 6th grade grammar school or equiv alent, to learn tolephone operating. Dollar a day for , 4 weeka, Rapid advancement , thereafter. Perma- v nent posiUooa. App.'y at 114 Fair field Ave. Ask Co? Miss Wheeler. Yhe Soatharr fit England Tela phono Co. 7' male Help wanted WANTED -Three or four Roil Grind-. , ers for grinding rolls ' for rolling cold steel.) . Highest wages paid, steady employment, ho labor trou- , bles. Address C. F. Logan. Phllilns , h Sheet Tin Plate Co., Strip Steel department, Welrton, W. Va, ; WANTEuD--. Apprentice to printing ' trade. ' Good opportunity for ' boy with common school education. Ad dress .Printer Cara of Farmer ' ' a, is tt , : GOVERNMENT WANTS "Railway Mail Clerks, $75 month. Schedule' f. Bridgeport examinations , free" Franklin Institute. . Dept I8A.1 Rochester, N, Y. . !-r-' ..'-L'.-V'f .' -:-.' - T '6 t - WANTED Jig and Fixture Designers. American and British Utg. Com-' :: pany. ; -: Q16w BOYS WAN TED with -bicycles, ovecr fifteen years of age Permanent positions, good pay, and advance- ment,. 37 Fairfield avenue ' ;A" ',.;. ' tit tf -K . BOYS WANTED Who want to ',adv - Vance themsevef and learn a trad; It While earning1 money. Apply. 'St " 1 Fairfield avenue. iii tf Clairvoyant URS. LEVY, raadinga -! 38 and I to., - k Telephone 6183. 1112 , tladUma , avenue, formerly of tti Madisoa RADIATOR REPAIRING EXPERT AUTO RADIATOR Repair-: lng, glass net in windshields, lamps,; mad. guards, etc. ; Stratford Auto Radiator Co., M. W. Jennings, Pro pr 198 East Main St.,-Barnum 1048-2.- V T 29 tf ; POULTRY CHICKENS sold alive and killed and ' ;! dressed .while , you wait Lowest , i' market prices. Morris Tobias, 1791' Main St r ; ' 1 : T 11 a ' REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED TO BUY 2- or 8 family, . house, - West eide preferred. Ad dress Confidential, this office. y . VT 39, all Heal Estate COMPARATIVELY NEW 2 family 11 room house, all Improvements In eluding electricity, double floors large lot, price 85,500. Part cash. M. B. Loller, 196 Fairfield Avenue, " City and Farm property. ; ' V H 29 , FOR SALE Cottage, near new. 4i rooms, 32,800. Easy terms. ! Hayne, 214 Warner Building. All' kinds real estate. H 29 tf ' ' . SCHOOLS THE UNIVERSITY SCHOOL, 131 Fairfield Ave. College preparatory; technical and professional schools,'., civil service, Hotchhlss, Hill, .eta Elementary and advanced subjects . personal work with every stu-. : dent ' Enrollment now the beat preparation for September examine-r tlons or next year's work. Sum mer session, private tutoring, dur, tag July. August, and September, i P tt - " 1 " 1 i Advertise in The Farmer I v. V V if,