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THE FARMER : FEBETTABT 16, 1917 J ' HOME HEALTH CLUB r : -J SlEdited by Dr. David H. Reeder, Chi-' 'I? ; . cago.) V . Pacts Concerning Epilepsy: (By Dr. 1111am Held, 7th installment.) It is atural that such results should have tiVen rise to the fond hope of toeing ble to use the same serum in the 'treatment of epileptics, but we were oon face to face with tlie fact that' vhe serum when used in tne numan ' fiubject, proved locally and systemat ically so irritating that its employ- Ssietn became impractical. It was nec Ijssary to weaken, attenuate or do lomething that would render tne se rum not only beneficial but also abso lutely harmless. It was tedious labor, ljecting one animal after anotner, fhanglner concentrations of solutions, 3-, - . ... Irawing spinal fluid from patients ana iking various combination, and nat- Irally was very discouraging when the Inally produced serum, in the absence if all Irritating characteristic, was Oound'to have no curative value. The description of manipulations rhich followed this state of affair ap peals only to the trained min of the iboratory physician, for which reason is omitted. The fundamental prm- ple which led to success was the fact lat cne specmc ana reponsiui ittietn was extracted from the serum. pie anti-epileptic serum so proaucea pmbines absolute harmlessness with f" 'oven .efficiency supplant the ob nt)rmailA Jir-nnlrtps and other drugs. p long and so disastrously used by bllentics. . Under the serum treatment the mental . faculties of 1 epileptics Ifeared with noticeable promptness as tie -' the first symptoms or tne treai ent ..was.., extracted' from. .the serum, rmerly enveloped the patient, had ken HftPfl lThe steadily increasing evidence of f pre serum's efficiency is a heart cheer Jig message. He who .."now speaks of ne prognosis of epilepsy can no longer Vonounce the horrible disease incur jble with the same ring of positive fess which formerly characterized his jhhouncement The present genera -. on witnessdVthe production of .a i Specific v anti-epileptic, the long looked : or remedy rising from the laboratory ff present day workers Epileptics' of j 'the present' generation will be able to J "eceive treatment with the same f (chance of success as is now obtained toy the modern treatment of syphilis; land the coming generation will not be n position! to- realize the grea boon tlacedat its .command; they will be less Keenly affected, for they will not have, as is the case now, harbored epileptics, for prolonged periods. They will not have known the pangs im parted by the knowledge that . some, day death will compel . them to leave their epileptics in' the care of stran gers, in the care of an unsympathetic world; they willnot have . travelled from one end of the country to the other in vain search of' relief; they I will all in alV-mccept recovery from jepilepsyas a matter of cqurse without i navngr xe jtjjen,ai?tacnes oi I those who now care, for epileptics. It is only by such comparison that the ! supreme importance of , present day achievement along epilepsy research can in a measure be realized. t 'When you are 'told that a serum has f "Been discovered that will effect eDi- flepsy more 'beneficially than any other ? form of treatment and that there-are now former, patients who 'after years or anncuon ana after having rnad ! from -many attacks daily to several ; weekly and monthely. that such pa 'tieiVts have, actually been fee from attacks for months and years' 'follow- ffng the serum treatment, while others f qave been enabled to " the- asy lpm and return. to normal and useful j occupations, that they have re-gained 4 their, normal faculties and that none fof the serum patients has received an ! atom of suppressive drugs, you may j wonder why, when there are 175,000 e'pileptlcg in this country, why thou sands of these epileptics- do not rush in - to' avail tnemselves of ,'the treatment (which has in every respect proven . Capable to accomDlish more trnnri han any other 'method thus far 1 known. The reason for this Is that we have always some people who f delight in y thrnwlTIr ctnmhHnw Vilnnlr. j Into the road or progress. True the f efforts of all adversaries to a real i i ii . meritorious innovation cannot pre vail forever, but for a while they im pede progress. In scanning the pages I ;Kf history you invariably 'meet in stances where every new discovery - was met by antagonism of the dis coverers' contemporaries, but whch Were later generally accepted. AHjBUch difficulties with which 'the road of -progress is beset, have' not , distracted from the efficiency' of their ffemedy nor from the credit which is now universally given these scientists. $o we stand to-day on the threshold which leads to the only logical and practical treatment for epilepsv. the I only because it is like no other, based upon the specific cause of the dis ease. At no. time before this has the I real cause of .epilepsy been so thor- wighrjr understood as now and never fjjfore have we been able to direct Weatment to the cause of the disease with as much benefit and absence of harm and never are the event of the ajnei-epileptic serum have so . many epileptics successfully been treated." ; WM..HELD, M. D. This remarkable series of papers on Epilepsy is practically a simpli fied review of a paper which I heard him read, before the societv for Medi cal eULr?h. His offerfto" treat free ot expense 100 patients for the Hnm Hfeklth Club was mad a at thnt timo V The only stipulation required being t$e privilege to make a full report o? ah case to the , society so that ; the results may be '-verified by per sonal Investigations. ) i THE SURPRISE STORE CLOSED TODAY PREPARING FOR BIG SALE OPENS TOMORROW AT 9 A. M. The Winter Season Is Over With Us So, As Usual, We Start Our Big Semi-Annual All Clothing and Furnishings Will Now Be Reduced to Quick-Sale Prices ONE BIG BONA HE SEASON' ST, SALE OF CLUB NOTES. il will gladly answer all Inquiries for Information on health subjects from readers of this publication if same are addressed to Home Health Club, E029 Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago, " 111. Send full name and address with ? 4 : cents postage. -Dear Doctor: Many people 'take headache powders, etc., and I wonder if they know that putting the feet In hot' water and keeping the lower ex , tremeties warm and the head cool is almost a sure cure for the worst kind of headache ? I have seen it tried many times and always with success, t Our entire family have been using your-"methods and all feel much bene fitted."" Although we have been expos ' ed to several diseases we have never r takn any' of them and I credit the Home Health Club for it all. My only trouble is Neuralgia in tho arms. The - painr "worse in . the right arm and sometimes the middle fingers of each - hand cramp. The pain is mostly in the elbow. on' the Inside of the arm and Just, where the arm Joins the body a -little forward of the armpit. : 1 be tbanJtfttl if-you' can tell m Guaranteed clothing and furnishings can now be bousrht below actual cost, in some instances. No other nrrasinn of thp en tire vear offers seasonable and desirable merchandise at the prices we quote during these sales. Scores of men and women wait for our End-of -Season Sales each season for they know they are genuine clearances and offer unusual advantages YOU CAN RETURN NY ARTICLE you purchase and et your money back or get something else. All our men's clothing was mpde in our own factory aM we stand back of it with an) iron-clad guarantee. These Values in M SUITS $ O'COATS at $12 and $13.50 Values There are about 1150 of these, embracing all the new models, new fabricst, and new weaves. Every suit and coat in the lot guar anteed to fit and give the maximum satisfac tion in looks and serviceability. The sale price covers about the usual wholesale cost to retailers -and there is a full range of sizes and styles' to choose from. ' ,.' SUITS & O'COATS at Values $15 and $16.50 f. In this lot there are fully 1,400 garments consisting gff Pinch Back, Loose Back, Form fitting, button-through and Chesterfield Over-" coats and a splendid array of models and weaves in suits including Pinch Back, Form fitting and two and three button effects in cassimeres, cheviots, worsteds, t f and fancy mixtures. thing Will 1 SUITS & O'COATS at Values $18 and $20 Here are nearly 1500 of the choicest gar ments ever seem in this city, selling up to $20. They are of our own stock, made in our own factory and designed and made for this sea son's wear. All the new models in both suits and coats are shown, including the , Pinch Back, loose-back, and the more conservative models. SUITS & O'COATS at Values $21.and $23 Any man, no matter what his taste or fancy might be, will find in .this lot of about 1700 handsome garments a model, fabric and pattern to please him and a good, substan tial saving in price. Pinch Back, Loose-Back, Button-through,. Wellington, Chesterfield and other Overcoats Pinch-back, patch pocket, one and two button models in Suits. ' u li End of Season Sale of 1 Men's Pants ' " v." -i . i ' , , Our entire stock of pants is included in this sellingTrand every pair is guar anteed the same as if ypu. paid regular pricey , :r . .-7 C , . ?y Faney Worsted pants Worth up to $2 They are guaranteed in every particular ; made of a good, strong quality of fancy worsted, assuring long ami satisfactory wear; mostly stripes and checks; well made garments of exceptionally good quality arid work manship; sizes 29 v to 42 and there 4 fl Q are enough to make choslng easy; sale I I 5j price ...... 7 " w Worth up to $2.S0 Complete assortment of fancy worsteds in sizes 29 to 42 and a broken range of sizes in blue twill and black .thibets. The patterns are suitable for almost any pur pose work or everyday wear; see these garments in our window and judge for yourself; sale price i Fancy Worsted Pants $1.50 Men's Blue Twill Pants Worth up to $3 These are extra SIECIAL VALUES and every man who buys a pair will agree with us. They are pants that you can depend upon for wear, fit, and looks and the? color is guaranteed absolutely fast; made of a fine quality, smooth-fice navy blue twill that shows its excellence in both Its color, and gft weave; all sizes 28 to 42 waist measure; - 2o I f PI sale price Men's Fancy Mixtures Worth tip to $3.25 Heavy-weight fancy cheviots In a variety of patterns and neat dark fancy cheviots, checks, plain colors, that we fully guarantee to give satisfactory wear; suitable for business or dress wear and we have all sizes from 28 to 48 waist measure. If you need pants don't miss this sale, for such values are not offered every day; sale price. ........ $2.00 Worsteds & Mixtures r $s I5 Included are extra-quality corduroy pants, fast-color blue, serge, heavy fancy cassimeres all in sizes 29 to 42 waist measure; also a big assortment of fancy wor steds in sizes 29 to 48 waist measure; full cut, well -tailored garments; there are stripes, checks andi plain colors; sale price $2.50 Finest AU-Wool Pants Worth up to $5 See these pants in our window; their handsome qualities will appeal to you instantly, fine-weave, all wool blue serge of fast color'; extra-quality' fancy worsteds, and high-grade, all-wol cassimeres in a variety of neat and stylish .patterns, all guaranteed fast color; sizes to fit every build from 32 to 42 waist measure; well-made and perfect-fitting; 'sale price . . . $3.50 TOYS' OVERCOATS End of Season Clearance of SUITS A - ,n Clearing out all our Winter lines at prices that make it good judg ment to supply your needs for the future. .Every model new and every fab ric guaranteed. ; : V t Suits and Overcoats- $ Suits' and -Overcoats $lo9S' $2.75 and $3 Values AT . f Every new model and. fabrio designed for this season is included in both the suits and over coats. The. suits are in sizes .5 .to 16 years, and -are made of fast color fabrics in a variety of pat terns. The Overcoats are in sizes 3 to 8 and comprise a very big assortment of buttonto-neck styles all new and guaranteed. Suits and Overcoats AT $5, $5.50 and $5.95 Values The suits are in sizes 5 to 17 years and con sist of corduroy, fast color blue serge, fancy chev iots and fancy cassimeres. Some of the mix tures have two pairs pants. Norfolk models. The Overcoats are in sizes 3 to 18, as follows: Macki naws, sizes 3 to 18; chinehilla and Juvenile Coats, 3 to 16 years. Boys' Knee Pants Knickerbocket style made of fancy mixtures of good, durable quality; full cut, perfect fitting garments; stripes, checks, plain colors; regular 75c grade in sizes 6 to 16 years; price. . . . Boys' Winter Caps ' The new kind with the fur bands inside; warm and serviceable; a grade that sells regularly at 39c; neat fancy mixtures; end of season price. AT $4 and $4.50 Values These garments show plainly that they are worth more than the sale price and we will take back any one that can be equaled elsewhere for the same money. The suits in sizes 5 to 16 and include corduroy, blue twill, and fancy mixture Norfolk models. The overcoats are 3 to 10 years and include blue and gray chinchilla &nd juvenile coats in fancy mixtures Suits and Overcoats 22c AT -" $6:50, $7 and $7.50 Values v.The suits are in sizes 7 to 18 years and com prise a most unusual assortment of Norfolks of fast colors; all wool blue serge, corduroy and fancy mixture. The . Overcoats in sizes 3 to 18 years; Mackinawsin handsome plaids; blue and gray chinchillas, and all wool Juvenile Coats in sizes 3 to 10; fancy School Overcoats in sizes 3 to 18 years. Boys' New Blouses , The regular 39c grade, suitable for all pur poses; every one is guaranteed to be full cut, perfect-fitting and well made;.. made of a splendid quality percale in stripes and plain white; open cuffs and attached collars; sizes 6 to 16;. sale price V ......... . Boys' Stockings This is the grade that sells usually at 3-for-50c and they are all perfect hosiery, in every respect; strpng heavy-rib stockings, full seamiess and fast color; every pair is guaranteed to be perfect; and satisfactory; sale price 12c End of Season Sale of Even's Furnishings H you need shirts, collars, sweaters, underwear, neckwear,-or any other fur nishings, this is an opportunity worthy oi consiuerauuii; 1M M 0 . $1 and $1.10 Values J Brand new garments from our regular stock; per fect and guaranteed fast color; coat style . with stiff cuffs, scores of neat tasteful patterns to choose from. There are our original lines and are fully guaranteed to measure up to our usual standard of excellence in fit, workmanship, and wear. ., Sweaters $1.29 $2 and $2.50 Values Coat stvles with shawl collars; made of a fine quality in dark oxford only. All new; perfect-fitting and well made garments; honey-comb and cardigan stitches; designed.with two pockets.. " Good 59c Values ! 1100 fleece-lined shirts and drawers - in medium weight. All perfect, garments, guaranteed to fit and give satisfaction in eveYy respect. They are the well known Jaeger fleece and a grade that sell regularly at 59c and worth it. Shirt sizes 36 to 46; drawers 32 to 44. . Men's Work Shirts v Made of genuine Amos keag blue chambray; guaranteed full cut and fast color; well made and serviceable quality; the same work shirts sold at 69c; sale AEZf price Neckwear Our entire stock of 39c grades in a bewildering assortment of handsome fifty-cent patterns in ' the latest shapes; all fine four-in-hands far super ior to any selling in the city today under 39c and there are colors and de signs that will appeal to men of taste. Sale IQr nrire Flannel Shirts x These are in gray only and have attached colars; very fine quality arid ev ery one is full cut, well made . and guaranteed; regular $1.25 gar- QQf ments at Men's Socks Our regular 15c grade; guaranteed fast-color, per fect, well-made socks at the amazing price of nine cents! They are in black only and they are all guar anteed to be full seamless,, perfect-fitting, and of the usual 15c quality; Q sale price 7 Men's Soft Hats This is a most unusual chance to get. a soft hat for the Spring and save flftyf cents in the price. ""These are all $1.50i hats and they. Include a good variety of shades and shapes to , select . from; see them in our window bonafide $1.50 values now at .A. 1119-1123 Main St Bridgeport OPEN SATURDAY EVENING i T 'i 'S t what to do. MRS. J. C. If the pains In the arms and Joints come from defective circulation the difficulty could be overcome by the use of the tissue foods. They can not harm you in any possible way and I believe would prove verybeneflcial. The kinds you require are Ferrum. Phos., and . Mag., Phos. for Neuralgia and defective circulation. BEATRICE) GRIMSHAW. Advertise in The Farmer I It was Just a decade ago that Bea trice Grimshaw became a name known and vadmired throughout the English speaking world by reason of her au thorship of that deliciously humorous tale, "Vaiti of the Islands." Miss Grimshaw has since written several other novels and volumes of travel, but, in the opinion of most of her ad mirers, "Vaiti" still remains in a class by itself. Born at Clona, in bounty Antrim, north of Ireland, she was ed ucated at Caen, France;- Victoria Col lege In Belfast, and Bedford College in London. She then entered Journal Ism in Dublin ,and for four years was editor of the Dublin Social Review. After that she set out on her travels, which were mainly far from the beaten track of tourists. She wandered alone all over the South Seas, and through out the little known cannibal country of Papua, New Guinea. It was in the South Seas that she gained the ma terial for "Vaiti," while her New Guinea experiences supplied the in spiration for her latest novel, "No body's Island." ; Fiji, the New Heb rides and Solomon islands know her well, and . she has also traveled over the greater part of North America, Australia, New Zealand. Europe and , northern Africa. Miss Grimshaw still (makes her home in her native .Ire land when she is home, which is seldom. Aliens In France Forced to Possess Identification Card The Minnesota State Senate passed the Minnesota "bone-dry" bill, 49 to 16. Paris, Feb. 16. All foreigners traveling in France or its colonies and protectorates may be obliged to carry an 'identification card" after the war. Tho Chamber of Deputies is discussing a law-to- that effect, which also provides that naturalized for eigners shall carry an identification ...... . . .,, . card for ten" years following the is;-? sue of their papers. , The voyages of naturalized for.' elgners under the provisions' of thlii1 bill, are to be recorded on the card, so that their movements may.' be veri? fled at any time. j This is to repress such secret in-; telligence work as it Is alleged 'wast done for Germany on French terri tory before the war , . A Farmer Want Ads. One Cent m t A