Newspaper Page Text
illilTIl ANNUAL K. AW MOST SUCCESSFUL OF : v ORDER'S SOCIAL SUCCESSES ful ; Gowns- Make Event One of Most Brilliant Ai- fairs of QTrt, - of -Present. Season Many Town Visitors BeiutifuUy sowned ,, women, good j muaic and an' atmosphere, of merry making, made the ninth Knirht3of ' olumbus Ball given last night at The J etratfleld a memorable one. ThebaU ' W one of the largest ever felven toy t the Knights and measured by the good time, which it provuu, v . - the tainly one or.uw Hiwe -- . " long series of splendid ones. , . , of The i simple . V j the handmade an effective background fo the beauurm sow J TIIJ- Guests, were present frpm nearby cities and towns. ; ; . -, ; '"''' ' j,. . . During the4ntersionat U:30 the dancers enjoyefl a supper In the dining, ( rom, served by the hotel management. t After midnight . dancing .was resumed ? until well Into the morning. A large' share of the, good time pro i vided by the . ball was due to the -f cellent work of the committee of ar rangements, i the . reception committee and the patronesses. h.: , ' Mrs.- Charles - innegan. pearl grey J , Georgette crepe over white; rose vel Miss iainan j-ai.xia.i, """" - witli silver metallic .corsage flowers, blue velvet ribbons. " . f ; y. i Mjss' Minnie, Schwerdtle, black tulle and vgold lace over white; blue velvet 1 , Dud Wue charrteuse I in bouffants over, gold lace, soli tissue I 'ribbons; Ward roses. :. - J"li-V . ! , Miss Mary Flynn.1 silver greyAChar jneuse brocaded with- slber ; thread , fc A i KrtrrtA ovr; silver sliver'' .inreiw ; t - ...... it. -oto naaa ' i Miss &entl6moiikU8,'vluta!te ! with, rosebud garlands; pink', sweety i Pe&i Ethel ; Hall. whiW ;crpexdo j chine with pink girdle. y ' yCV ,'. L Miss JUoretta Cunningham." purple and -lafender ' tulle, silver l6e "ft ! white;- purple girdle; sweetpeas in j. Miss Agnes lie, blue panne velvet I embroidered with gold Wead'ln c ! luette effect;; pink silk netiodi C -Miss Xillian Kerr, rose chintaf i feta, with pointed overdress of -deep : -rmmie rsilk net; purple taffeta v glr- . Miss Eileen Flannlgan, r6sel pink j 1 tulle, gold thireatt pecOTrsx I and ilbbons; orchids violets. Mrs William E. Salvey, white satin, K witbT pointed tunics of vtrhite lket. I satih girl, opalescent fcandingal; yio I lets ..and orchids. ; ; '.;:'-' V- , iliss Bessie Kelly, - peacock blue tulle- arid : satin, S , . cwtte effect. of !( Xer etnSroideries on the blue tulle;, Ward roses and sweetpeas. . : i; ; ' VMise Jane Smith, pink chiffon over blue; orchids ; and lilies. of .the val- f rs. i O'Brien.' black tulle rrer i dark green, ornamented in steel ' b6Mik Trances O'Brien, white crepe ovexTflesh chiffon. trimmings cf sil- f an.sweet:,peas.;w.1:V.-,i-; -' w,lx. 1 Miss Genevieve t Nlver. j Ught blue crepe de chine, 'blue .tulle. Eilver.lace,; j P Anes! ; Flatmigan: . wbW' taf i fet,"(turauoise velvet bows, on pan t niers, sweet peaWi;-v :fiivla.; 1 Mtai largaret ? Ktexwch. i overThlue taffeta. silver cloth bodice, f 1 Frances Kelly1, White tulle over leilver cloth. vdeep ; pipings .. or , pms sweet V''n' I ITIse Margaret Mills, blue taetaV ; MissVUary SulUvan, white -x net. j !nichraond roses. v ; ' - I' .. .22s Tisss prien, Iblacktaffeta, 3et j trihiminps. .v'O'-U -(M''' -1 , Mlas v.Etoav'vWylW-;:11???' ; black vlt t6' Miss Margaret Moran, wMte , rufflea tulle edge with silver lace, aweet peas. ; . Miss Cathertne'Kinseloa, -blue flow-, i ered taffeta, silver ornaments. . Mrs. Francis C.Sanford, -black net, j opalescent trimmings. American. Beau vty 'xoaenh-:ifit V- .' r Miss Iillian Xcas white tulle over ' jviid green, butw - ; Mi Gertrude Fuston, anet floundes ' edged with : silver lace oyer ,green, : sweet. peas. '"' ,, Miss Idla Gorman, white, taffeta, sll v'ver lace, orchids. ' " - 1 ' iMiss Mildred Neal, black . tulle em t brotdered over silver cloth, sweet peas. - Miss LAela Barry, lavender net over taffeta of same shade,; heavy silver : bodice. - ' " 4 i - Miss May . "Light, white tulle em- broidered in silver, : oyer white , lace, ' rose "bodice. A "- . Mrs. " John 'i Heaphy, brocaded' pink - satin over pettlslip of lace, pearl pas sementrle; large white feather fan. Miss Josephine Kiely, silver metallic cloth, sweet peas and roses." Miss tUlian Fox, , white - net over flesh, silver laee, orchids,' Miss Katherine Donahue, Jpink tulle over satin same shade, orchids . ,'and lilies of the vaUeyi1- ' ' M3ss ISose McCarthy, white -crepe, gold and silver 'beaded embroidery. Miss Helen Coyne; white, lace oyer gold satin, sweet peas. , Miss May oonan brocaded taffeta, ' pink sweet peas. ' iiTWa Marguerite Noonan, lavender tulle over silver cloth, opalescent trim- y mlng, sweet peas. u: v.v "'.' Mrs. Frank 1 BTennan, embroidered ; white taffeta; pink silk net, pink sweet peas.. , , t Miss Mary Blake,' black net-, -over gold ; -t Miss Hazel Walch, , peach and lav ender tulle over peachy satin, gold cloth' girdle. Mrs. James H. Havens, blue crepe, (lve trimming. Miss v Lillian Sullivan, ' white tulle . over satin of same shade, silver trim ming. v-x''.:: A' , Mrs. ' John H. Bedgate, . lavender satin. '-ia -li:-:'", ' -'-. . 'J'-.-'.r.'.-.XV Mrs. Leo Red-gate, white tulle over - blue satin, sweet peas.i:'.fP-i?.:4.A';i;' l,Miss Mary' F. Tlerne'y, turquoise net over ' sunset taffeta, sweet peas, opa lescent trtraming.; A; '. ;; .: Mies Geoeyieve. Donahue, 'grey crepe over pink taffeta, gold ornaments. Mrs. Elmer Fitzgerald, white taffeta and crepe. - 'fi'-'k-''"-' '' ; ... Miss Madeline HarrUran. white net. ; satin ribbons, sweet peas. " Miss Theresa Ring, yellow taffeta, tlver lace, sweet peas. OF C. BALL Mrs. James H. Kelly, black satin gown with triple tier tunics of black net . embroidered with silver thread, Killarney rosebuds. i Miss Genevieve Kelly, white lace over pink, pink girdle, sweet peas.'- Miss Marguerite McFarland, white taffeta, gold lace jand gold tissue rib bons; pink sweet peas. " v Miss .Florence Hauslein of New Ha ven, black satin, gold lace, metallic tissue ribbons. Miss Rosamond Fisher, pink taf feta., ; ' Miss Josephine Keating, . flesh color crepe de chine, pink roses. ' Miss Elizabeth McCormick, white satin grey chiffon, orange panne vel vet, sweetheart roses. ; r' . Miss 'Madejinb Shea, gold lace over silver cloth. . . .-. ;.";.', Miss -Mae Turner, pink and blue tulle, blue panne velvet bodice. V' ! Miss Mary A. Warren, turquoise blue, silver trimmings. . -.; ..i ' ., " Mra Lillian. Griffin, black crepe. . Mrs. Joseph Heaphy pearl grey pussy willow taffeta. . .,' -, Miss Edith Donley, ' brocaded old rose satin. , Miss ,. Martha . Hanson, . AVnerican beauty, chiffon, ; trimmings; of v silver lace. V - ':.".; ' r - " ".'" v Miss Nan : Troy, white ; satin ..' ' em broidered in silver. 4. -::' ? ; Mrs. John Hickey, ? blue i and - black tulle over . satin irridiscent trimmings. ; ; Miss Marguerite Scott, white . tulle, silver "trimming, pink sweet peas. V ; ..Mra .-F. VJ. Huda, Jr. orchid - silk net; over -taffeta,' sweet peas.' . V V W Miss Ethel Wallace;" white ; panne velvet, , silver lace, -Richmond roses. t Miss i Elizabeth Carwardine yellow sati sweety peas 'ahd orchids, v .i, ; Miss Grace MacDonald, white mus lin de soir, white tulle ; ovrdraperies lopped, up with coral satin roses Kil larney rose buds., t - ' $ 'X'yf j- .v :t 'Mrs . Stanley Greenwood, turquoise blue friet. over ;pettislip;of; white" lace, opalescent.' trimming.' . ' ' V .Miss'Ahne Lommitzer, turquoise satiric silyerlaceplnkiC roses. V;,r , SMiSs Ethel Ailen,v;yellow taffeta, yellow if tiiHes; orchids ' and '"gardenia. , ? S&rsn WiUiain:. Casey,; whjte k satin, . Oriental v laces;;; Richmond, roses, v j ;;'Miss Tessie: . Ryan, ."pink' brocade, gold?; hice pett4skirt V; wlthv blueH and rose f velvet;rbons,roses:Vv y,',i('l ,;Miss iarion Kerrins,' ' gold ' tissue with 'deep' green' tulle tunics,; gold - and iilveri'ribbons;';V'r:':'''ft y -vvMissAnnabelle McPadden.'. pink tuHe. oyer.; pink ... satin; ; ' pompadour girdle; pink,-sweat- peas.ft'i;-'-iv-?.i;! i '.;;. '.Mrs.' FrankUn , v E.; Sullivan,' pink tullQ oyer ! ihk,;- brocaded girdle; . Richmond roses, ' r. - MissKMary i; Lalley :'.'of , Torrington, silver cloth iithi silknet. bertha, ef fect of silver lace embroidered in rose and blue, Richmond roses. vii;-.v;,V-; s i Miss -Mary Kerihart, : black panne velvet i .bOultants, t gold and ' crystal beaded .shbulder ! fastenings.- . - v A ' : Miss VEthel Kenhart; orchid ' ; tulle over,. ' white " satin,. v flowered ? taffeta girdle and bandings on tuie overdress. . Miss Vera Hanlon, white, tulle'.bver pink; satin,- satin girdle; fsilver ; ribbons, i iMiss Tn&resa: Shea Of Norwalk. pink taffeta and pink Georgette ; crepe, silyeiedit::-: 1 : W ;v MJtS9:eliyns;d clothe, in turkish . bouffants, gold rib bons, shoulder f asteningSi; k .; '; : i Mrs. P...D. - Hippolitus,. black , tulle over black ; satin, blue - sequin band ings, sequin embroidered bodice, blue ribbons in corsage. . '.. ' , T'. ' ' - r ; ' - Mrs. R. Emmet Donnelly, gold col ored crepe de , chine,' ! silver f lace in hoop ; skirt effect, . silver t'. lace ; petti- skirt:' j-i': ;.;;-;; .. ';UV WA't .. Mrs. R. H. : Murphy, black beaded overdress, ! on,' black' satin and hlack tulles, red . rpse orsagejv .v:v'. i;i. i Tls MaryfE. Quigley.v'silver metal lic thread lace and crystal embroider ed veiled with silk net, silver lace A Mrs. J."W Lynch,; 1 yellow satin, tulle hd touches' of old blue. .Mrs.. Bradford Seney, pink chiffon, silver .lace. v ; k-l:;": :- yjjf)' A 0 Miss , Marie Leonard, green 'tissue; green tafTeti, pink sweetpeas.- ; . Miss Rita McFarland, green; satin, gold brocaded" laces, pink :sweet peaau;, ry. Jjy-Vitij "Miss , Marion Forbes, gold colored taffeta, gold lace, pink :, and white sweetpeas. N ; ''yyy-J'i, - :::: Miss Helen; Brosman, blue flowers, taffeta with silver lace bodice'; Rich mond roses. -v ,- yil- ' ' j Mrs. ',' F. W. 'Montanye, ' gold colored gros des ;Londres, boffants 'over pet tisklrt I of gold thread metallic v lace in -sleeves, v: -;-.. :" , , - - Mrs. George i.i F.; Mara, King , blue silk net over blue, pa'illetted girdle and! shoulder fastenings. x, :V, r Mrs. James D. Lawler, American beauty panne -: velvet in court train and ' pointed,., panel with: silver ' laces and silver hand embroidered .oh silk net over orchid and .silver cloth. i Miss Anna Burke, rose pink taffeta with blue pannier effects, brocaded with silver, thread, pink, tulle and tiny rose garlands, deep rose, sweetpeas. . j Mrs.."T, J, Foley of Worcester; deep rose Georgette crepe, silver cloth, sil ver laces,. Ward roses, j'." '' y-S i' , Miss ; Gertrude a Darney of Water bury, black ; tulle over satin and sil ver. a s - Miss, Tessie Canny, . peacock .blue 'satin and ; tulle,: gold embroidred Richmond roses." . p'v.V i . ;".; , Miss May Snide wind, pink taffeta, brocaded tulle, orchid ; sweetpeas. v Miss Mabel Sweeney : pink ' satin, satin, crystal and - silver embroider ies, , pink sweetpeas. - i ' Mrs.. John, J. Conway blue net and gold lace; over cloth. Mrs. Stephen Dl Horan, silver me tallic thread lace bodice; silver Ccloth with white tulle tunics pecoted iij silver;-rose and white camellias. ' Mrs.-: J." Murray Jehnson,- pink and White bouffants pompadour bodice; roses and. gardenias. . Mrs." Victor Mitchell pink char meuse; ;. pink tulle, with, gold orna ments ; orchids. 'r . ; Miss ; Helen , McGuire, Nile green taffeta brocaded; pink sweet peas'. Miss Carrie O'Brien, pink taffeta; white siljc net;, pink and white sweet peas; ' ' .. ' ' - v.. -V';':.; s'--' Miss Madeline Bulkley of Winsted, silver cloth with American eBauty color, red overdress, red and gold tis sue ' girdle over cloth' of gold; red roses. , , -: . ; ; Miss Jean Burke, ' flame : chiffon over flames color; silver embroidered shoulder fastenings on drop shoulder effect; silver thread kirtle. V ' Miss Estelle Hamilton, green geor gette crepe corded with white satin in Jacquette effect over crystal beaded satin. f J ' ' ' ; - Miss Mae Burnes, black tulle tunics over black; jet spangled bodice Miss Maybelle Pedersen, cloth of silver, pirc pompadour girdle and reticule. ' j Miss Harriet Bradley of New Ha ven, green satin brocade; green crepe and gold lace. Mrs. Robert T. Rock, blue silk lnet over pink satin; crystal beaded orna ments; pink roses. Miss Josephine Moran, green Shadow Lawn material with Poiret spots of royal purple; purple ribbons; purple sweet peas witluOphelia roses. Miss Marie McCullough, pink tulle, silvet pecited over silver tissue; roses. Mrs. Robert' McCullough, navy blue Georgette crepe and dark Pompador siik. . . Miss Lila Barry, lavender , tulle tun ics over lavender satin silver thread embroideries and silver lace. " Miss Agnes Dunn; flesh olored tulle over silver, silver ribbons and laces; pink sweet peas and lilies of the valley. Miss Mary Light, orchid chiffon taf feta brocaded in "gold thread, ribbons ihp astel shades, hoop skirt effect in silver lace and rosebud garlands. ' Miss Mae Kelly, gold and black net over gold colored satin; jet spangled bodice. Miss Josephine Kelly, blue . satin, silver lade; pink and white sweet peas. v- Miss Lillian -Fox, pink satin with white . tulle overdress, silver lace' in bodice; orchid and sweet peas. , Miss Etta' Christiansen, r0se pink taffeta with silk net and silver lace tunics; violets and gardenias. Miss Rose Christiansbn, pink taffeta, turquoise blue velvet ribbons; silk net; seep rose sweet peas.; f . Miss Marguerite-Kelly, gold colored satin with 1 tunic - of ; white net gold thread .embroidered ; violets and Ope lia roses. , Miss Marion Arnold, lavender satin, Oriental lace bodice; white rosebud corsage. " ' . ' ! Miss. Helen ((jooney, blue pompadour taffeta,; silver lace bodice, white sweet peas. V." .' , " ' 'y- . ; ;. r : Miss Margaret Keating, pink tulle over? ,pink . satin, , silver ; laces, pink roses. :.-''..- ':y' '4--' yy Hy"', Miss Katherine Bulkley, . blue tulle over blue satin, silver lace, pink . roses and sweet peas. yy -' ;-' t -.;';v ,-' v -l ' ' Mrs. E. G. Bulkley, silver grey satin, Georgette crepe,, opalescent ; motiff ; pink' sweetpeas. . . ' y yl? V:Mis;s Catherine Connolly, Port Cliesi ter, -green taffeta, pink, roses.;; ' ! Miss Katherine McCrurdy, taffeta,' sweet peas." : J ,; canary ;--. ; .. ; Miss Jennie i, Mulkerin,' orchid tafy f eta,' sweet peas. '. ,'.,;; : . ' i ' Miss Katherine Burke,; peach tand Wisteriai' satin; , violets.:. - , - v V:' V - j Miss Helen Krause, coral 1 satin 1 em broidered in silver. -M:y. -yy ;'C;-V--'3 Miss Ethel ' Eagan, white net; over silver cloth; sweet peas.- - yy ;-y'y'y'iy , VMiss Anna Huda, white - net over blue taffeta, pink roses;; A Miss ; Angel us' Cunningham, blue tulle over yellow crepei de chine.',., : Miss Catherine Donpvan, coal pink chiffon taffeta, ' sweet peas and - or; chi,'W;ri;;':i;;J;;;'t'",' :.'yi Miss Margaret Maloney, "blue ' taf t eta, silver trimming, pink roses. : . Miss Anna BuTke, pink chiffon - taf feta and blue satin embroidered . in silver,! sweet.' peacs. .Miss, Anna Burke, pink chiffon taf feta' .and blue satin embroidered . in silver, sweet peas, j ' .. j . , , Miss Alice Long, black ,et over gold tissue, sweet peaa " - , ' :? Mrs. James Cane,' white ruffled taf feta, silver lace, violets. . ' y Miss , Nellie Hunt, ? white net and lavender, taffeta, violets. 1 ' Miss Alice, Brady, yellow ,crepe de chine, sweet peas. ; ' Miss : Margaret Fox, pink taffeta oyer pink; Georgette, sweet peas. ' Mrs. W. P. Kirk, white net over silver cloth, ruffles of white satin. Miss Margaret Kennedy, flesh col or satin, . net jof , same shade, sweet peas. -' . '-":, i v ; ; t . 'Mrs. Frank ' Irving, orange taffeta, white' tulle roses. , 1 ' ;.;;. --V-' Miss May E. Baird, silver cloth, white tulle, embroidered in silver. ; , , Miss. Millicent Bee, blue tulle over silver cloth, lilies of the valley and orchids. " iy Miss Helen Dreuke, white . crepe, opalescent trimming, .violets and li lies, of the 'valley. . -Mrs. David . Greenbaum, black tulle, jet ornaments. .. . Mrs. t Carl' Lawson, j Chantilly lace, gray , satin, irridescent trimming. Mrs. Carl Schmidt,' jet gown over silver cloth. ,;; f1 - . - ; Miss Irenev Hazel,' peach satin over silver, silver lace, Richmorfd roses. . f- Mrs. D. Brennan, blue tulle,' over gold,' gold lace, pink and white sweet peas. . ' ' ' i - Mrs.; John II. Savard, primrose yellow taffeta and . silver , lace bodice with turquoise ' blue velvet ribbons. Mrs. J. A. II Robinson, blue tulle tunics over -white silver lace. V f ' . . ; Miss Roslyn Barkey, green ' satin with .white silk net" tunics, .white and purple sweet peas. ;.. ' . ' 'y. : ,;' , Miss Anna McKelvey, piftg t em broidered pink satin, orchid, sweet peas. I j11: v.; ; k J " ' '; ! " ' '. , Miss Helen Quinlivan, rose taffeta, . white tulle, opalescent trimming, pink sweet peas.', ': . -;:- ';,;;:.' ; ; ; ";V '';, ' , : . Miss ; Charlotte Waters, pink satin silver laces and tulle, pink sweet peas. 'j;:, ; . . y ; Miss Hazel . B; Rourke, yellow satin brotaded r with gold .. thread, yellow tulles, Ward roses. Miss May Walsh, V blue silver lace, pink sweet peas. ; ' . . v ; Miss Mary Dunn, green taffeta gold brocaded, silver shoulder fastenings, pink roses dnd primroses. The gentlemen who attended are: William EL Falvey, James H. Kelly, Harry McCabe, Charles j Kelly, Wil liam Lennbn, Harry O'Nunn, Theo dore Leonard, J. J.. McFarland, Jr., . James Lee, . Edward Casey, ' E. W. MontanyeG. F. Mara, James D. Law ler, Thomas Canny, W. B. Mc Naughtori, ' Thomas McKeOn, Frank Llnnehan, Raymond Foley, , William Lynch,. Charles Harbing, Thomas Mc Cluskey, George McCormick, 'Fred Williams, Sherman ' O'Connor, Stanley Stevens, Clifford CHara, Dr. P. D. Hippolitus, R. E. Donnelly, R. H. Mur phy, Owen Toolan, D. Brennan, J". A. H. Robinson, E. H ' Dillon, John H. Savard. , ' " -;-" -;;; Richard Torbey, James Dunn, Vin cent Haggerty, Robert Kelly, Walter Wakelee, Leon B. Reed, Thomas Lud dy, Raymond ! Donnelly Francis Cl Sanford,; Russell Nugent, Albert Ro senwald, Arthur ; Withtsandley, Her bert Hemstead,' Fred Bidstrup, Regis Ganley, John 'Heaphy, Matthew Kiely, Harold Fox, John McElroy, ' Edward Coyne, Joseph Wood, ; John Hawkins, Charles Johnson, . Frank Brennan, Joseph Donahue, William Farmer, Tames Havens, TV. ; F. Kehoe. John Redgate, Leo Redgate, Earl Webster, , James Coyle, Elmer Fitzgerald, Georgo Cassidy, "William Nolan, Louis Petriel, Charles Allen, R. J. Conklin, 'Villiam McCarthy, James Coughlin, John McCormick, William Griffen,- THE FARMER: FEBRUARY 20, 1917 Edward Shanley, Joseph Heaphy, Charles Carroll, John Hickey, Leslie Hickey, F. J. Huda, Jack Brady. Frank Klnslow, Fred Johnson, Stan ley Greenwood, John J. Salamon, George Adams, S. P. Wagner, James Mulkerin, Paul Hasset, James Gal lagher, Sargent Varden, John' Brown, Frank Moran, James Duggan, Wil liam Broderick, Thomas McNamara, Clifford Meaney, James Cane, Francis Rock, Gordan Monahan, W. P. Kirk, Frank McLusky,- Frank Irving, Nor man Murphy, James Doherty, Robert Lee, Dave Greenbaum, Carl Lawson, Carl Schmidt, "William Kennedy, . J. W. Lynch, Bradford Seney. ' , P. J. O'Reilly, Robert McCullough, Fred Bidstrup, Frank Devaney, Regis Ganley, " Kenneth Ballard, Matthew Lucey, Harold Fox, Jerry Kiely, Ar thur Withstandley, August Cunning ham, Henry Ryan, Matthew Kiely, John Savage, George i Burnes, Clifford Bulkley, E. G. Bulkley, Alfred Breck bill, William Casey, Charles Kely, John McCarthy, Dr. F. E. Sulivan, Clinton Keating, Sumner Smith, Jo seph DuCotey, William O'Connell, L. Savacci Glen Henderson, Robert T. Rock, Dr. A. . A. - McLoughlin, John J. Conway, Stephen Horan, J. Mur ray Johnson, Victor Mitchell, Charles Finnegan, Jack Lamb, Walter Staple ton, John Foley, William Devey, Alex Domonkos, Clifford King, Daniel Troy, Walter Walsh, James E. Falvey. COLONIAL PARTY OF ART LEAGUE UNIQUE SUCCESS - ' Rev. William Wallace Rose Praises Benjamin Frank lin In Lecture. , Unusually attractive and unusually interesting was the Colonial Tea par ty, given yesterday afternoon at the Bridgeport Art league rooms for. the members of the league. With hair powdered and gownsv in a fashion worn by. their great great grandmoth ers,' the; members of the organization greeted: each other at 3 o'clock;.' Rev. William Wallace' Rose's interesting address ; upon "The ' Man Behind Washington and Lincoln," was ' the chief ; feature of the afternoon's pro gram:; "According to Mr. Rose, Benjamin Franklin was the man be hind" .both Washington and LIncolnl The gradual rise of Franklin from an hunible printer - to one of the great est 'statesmen of the world, was trac ed in .; the talk. .' American humor, patriotism, ' ; science, religion and in vention, would not be what it is, ac cording to Mr. Rose, were it not for Franklin who does not receive 'a full share of the honor due him.; George Washington, said Mr. Rose, might not have ' been the man he was, were it hot for Franklin who paved the way for, him and Washington inspired Lin coin.; . - .' :j " ' .'y'' ' Miss Anna Hannibal, soprano, sang "From the Land of the Sky Blue Water," and as an encore, "Joy of the Morning."! Mrs. Albert M. Hodg kins,' soprano, sang, "Swallows' Two small misses, Flarence Dayidson and Gertrude Lang, gave several comic sketches, , and Miss Frances Goodrich also gave an . amusing character sketch. Miss Virginia Marsh and Miss Mildred Steigler, in Colonial costume, danced a ' stately , gavotte and iMiss Elizabeth Clarke and Miss Helen Marshy all pupils Of ? Miss Agnes 1 Marsh, executed the Rainbow dance. Mrs. Albert E. McDonald- presided at the teas table. The program com mittee' to whom the delightful after noon was due included, Mrs. Hal Per kins, Mrs Richard Uowell and Mrs. Albert A.?Hodgkins. f 90 AMERICANS SAIL ABOARD FRENCH LINER ' New1 : York," Feb., 20 British and French passenger steamers, each .with a gun. on her after deck, are making scheduled sailings 'from this port and arriving from Europe; ; The Orduna, which' left Liverpool1 with passengers and' cargo after the German blockade was declared, came in .today. , ; The French" liner Chicago, sailed yesterday for Bordeaux wita 9 0 Americans in her cabins. . r;yl ' .'", '' - '"' Altogether . eight vessels departed yesterday- for- European ports. The Dochra; the , first American vessel from New York, to brave the sub marine zone, has reported to her own ers here her safe arrival in Gibraltar; Sh eis bound for Genoa. SEASIDE COUNCIL'S BOOSTERS TO ESCORT OFFICIAL TO ELM CITY ' ( : ' - ' - Tlie "boosters" of Seaside council, Royal Arcanum, will escort the Dis trict Deputy Grand ', Regent ' on his visit to New Haven Wednesday even ing, Feb. 21, to install the officers of Hillhouse council. The trip will be made by auto bus, leaving Main and Cannon streets,, at 7:15 p. m. - : A good ; time is in sight, as these visits are always condusive to good. The "boosters' are to take along their ' star entertainers; and this in itself is a guarantee. Those desirous of making v this visit should be ' on hand promptly. ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH : TO HAVE1 "QUIET DAY" St.; George's parish will begin Lent with a "Quiet Day" Ash Wednesday, beginning with service at 9:30 av m. There will be services at intervals in the : morning and . periods of silence for reading, meditation and ;' devo tions. ; ": ' . At 4 o'clock there will be another service ' with instruction to children, and , at 8 o'clock in the evening, the parochial Ash Wednesday i service with sermon. " - ' TRINITY CHURCH SERVICES. -Ash Wednesday services at Trinit; church will be as follows: 6 a. ; m. Holy Communion; 6:45 a. m., Peni tential office and Holy Communion 9 a. m., ; Matins, Litany and . Hoi Communion: 8 p. m., evensong an sermon by the rector. Meadow Brook Creamery Butter 5 lb. 41c -3 lbs. $1.20 BIG Another big mid-week sale full of specials whieh -will help save the thrifty housewife some money on each item. Are you one of them? (CLOSED THURSDAY AT NOON.) Best Pure LARD lb. 19c Assorted Fruit PIES each 15c Whipped Cream PUFFS Doz. 30c Large Sweet Sunkist ' ' ORANGES Fresli Sliced Liver. . lb 10c Lean Boiling Beef. . .11) 12c Lean Rump Roast. . . lb 19c' Lean Pork Chops. . . . lb 22c Best Sirloin Steak... Ib 25c Walter Baker's Cocoa. . . Moliican Pure Catsup. . . Far cv Selected Effffs it- Car. Head Rice... ... lb 8c Special Teas. . 41b. pkg 15c Fancy Molasses . . . .can 10c Alaska Salmon . tall can 15c FISH Fresh Shore Haddock Steak Tilefish . .... . Steak Pollock . , i . . : . Butterfish .... . lb 15c Fresh Mackerel . . . .. lb 18c Steak Salmon . . . . . . lb 20c Finnan Hadies . . . . : . lb 12c Svvordfish . . . . .. . ... lb 22c Fresh Smelts .... 20c AMERICAN FREIGHTER SAILS FOR HAVRE WITH CARGO OF COTTON FOR ALLIES J I- CITY OF The -t American freighter, the City of Pueblo, sailed for . Havre, defying the German - war zone decree. She is owned by the Harvey Steamship com- pany of 17" Battery place, andwas built at Cramps' yard "in Phila'del- phia in 1881 for the ; Alexandre-' line; which operated a mail and . passenger service "between , New York, Havana and Mexican ports. , ; QUIET AND NEAR LONDON. The Lonely Cotswolds Nearly. Touch The World's Bfiggest Qijy. , vThe Cotswolds are an example of the variety of natural .scenery that Eng land succeeds In packing away 'within her. narrow sea - barred, boundaries. Here, within three hours of the largest city, in tl world, you can walk in complete loneliness oyer a rgrassy , road that follows the route laid out by Ro man engineers with a tumbled sky line of real mountains - on your right and a ' sweep ' of - empty fields falling away to the left You can take tea; in an old' ' Roman Villa, where the tiled courtyard Is still smooth' and tight; you can sleep in an inn ttiathas apparent ly not changed its habits or its bill of fare since the days of Richard the Crusader. y1. yJ 1 ,s. A. ;. yk . 'j As mountains the . Cotswolds cannot; pretend to any great eminence or bold Gold Medal None Genuine Without This Trade Mark There is no other "ju5t as good'' as some who are selling an Inferior nachine wllf try to make you believe. , The Gold Medal (the highest honors obtainable) at the Panama Pacific position was awarded to the Sweeper-Vac. We guarantee and recommend hem. ; - ' . '' . ' i Club Price, Model K, $3.50. ; The Wenfworlh Furnihirc Co., Inc. COMPIJiZrE nousE FURNISHERS WLHjIA3I K. 3IIX, President 15 JOHN ST. titlrin r m i ii 'imiImmll mm 'Urn n ' WEDNESDAY SPECIALS 4 TO 5 P. M. HOUR SAlUfc 20 for 2Isk ALL, DAY MONEY SAVERS Mohican Best : BREAD 1 oaf Prime Chuck Roasts . . . . . ... . . lb. 1.4-ISc Sugar-Cured Bacon. . . ...... .... lb. 22c Best Round Steak . . . . . . . . . . . ... lb. g2c Fv. Ground Hamburg Ib 16c Lean Sm'k. Sboulders lb 19c Lean Salt Pork. ..... lb 18c Lean Fr. Shoulders , . lb 18c Pri i' . lb 20c . y2 lb. tin 19c . . .pt. bot. 20c Doz. 48c Fresh Country Eggs doz 55c .White Compound . . .lb 17c Crisco . ... . . . can 33c SPECIALS FOR WEDNESDAY . . ; .lb 10c i Steak Codfish . . , . lb 14c . ; . . Ib 12c Fregli Herring . Freh Flounders Cod Gems . . Cod Strips . .v. . .'. . Smoked Whitefish Smoked Bloaters . .11 14c .lb 15c . lb 25c ea. 5c lb 18c Smoked Herring Salt Mackerel .... 6 for 25c II ..?WvWt A WWW; PUEBLA LORDING WITH The City of Puebla is of 2,624 gross tonnage, 320 feet v 6. inches ; long and 38 feet 6 inches beam, has 26 feet. 3 inches depth of . hold and is a, single screw steamship equipped with triple expansion ' reciprocating - . engines which gives her; an average speed of twelve to thirteen knots. The picture shows the City . of ; Puebla loading with cotton. The .American flag is painted-on her; slde.;7.,..vV;v'.'.,.j '. ; ness. - They have no attractions for tlia man who wishes to brave steep cliffs or for him- who would travel for a week on end through a sliigle pine dark valley. , They ;are well bred little, hills compared with the Alps 'or the Rockies, but they have the true mountain flavor of loneliness an 4 sturdy charm., Thb occasional farmhouse enhances the pe culiar feeling' of isolation," for a single human dwelling only serves to set, off loneliness. . ' - '-'" ...... ' And the roads are a perpetual de light. : . The ; King's highway winds through, these hills-ra public road that would , cost thelanded proprietor who owns the ground on 1 either side of It half his fortune in legal expenses to close up. Exchange. ' j Primogeniture. . - The law of primogeniture -sends back its roots to . the most ancient times. Away back In the patriarchal ages the firstborn son , had a supe 1013 BROAX ST. Awarded , Good t . Table Butter lb. 38c ,: 2 lbs. 74c Whole Milk CHEESE lb. 28c 3-Layer CAKES each 20c i Loaf I CAKES m Large Meaty Prunes . ...... . 3 lbs. 25c Fancy Table Apples . , . . : . . 5 for 10c Ciprv Hearts u . ...... . . . . bun. 10 Grape Fruit . . : . . . 6 for 25c writ u t'eaciies. . . . o iijs tve Mixed Nuts . . . . . . 2 lbs 25c id Ib 18c ib cc m IB IOC Salt Herring .... -V ea. ' 5c Salt Ciscoes . . . '. . .' . ea.. 3c Fresh Oysters . . . . . qt 50c Smoked Salmon ; . . . lb 32c Smoked Eel .. . .... .lb 38c COTTON This makes five American . tyrelgliU ers that have sailed from New..York for Europe .since the publication., of the German note announcing the new submarine policy. The first;was the' Dochra for Genoa. ' She was f ollow-i ed, .by the Rochester and. the Or leans,, both for' Bordeaux, and the Oi weco ' for Genoa. These I ships are now approaching he war zone. . .', danger riority over all his brethren and In tlu absence of his father was in every im portant sense the Jiead of . the house. Upon the death of the father he be came by the unwritten law,' whl. h i could not be questioned, the priest aui lord of the family, and naturally- to him fell the; property as well as tlia honors of the i household. Primogeni ture wherever it is found today is thi lingering-remnant of the ancient cjus- tom. ;:y y V ' ' - ." w . ; - ' ; - , s t : , , Foiled. V''; "Dearest, I ordered to be' 'sent home today ; a most beautiful hat; for ojTy $30. It's a perfect love!" , "My darling, your jlove will be re turned." Puck. r . - Ornmblers deserve to be 1 operated ' apm surgically Theii; trouble Js usp ally chronic Douglas Jerrold. ' t .". Advertise in The Farmer I 1 y "-'-vwv 1 1