Newspaper Page Text
THE FARMERt -NOVEMBER 14,-3 9 1? -1 1105 UAH SI TThinr IT iflkTVlJO 1105 MAIN ST. C08 LIAIN ST. JIU H y..9P J J 10 Rue St. Cecil Hartford "atw-ivi k-r Paris Wholesale and Retail Leading MiJliners. SENSIBLE PRICES MARK THE SMART -PTTTJC! TTT7T5T1 - ; J lliH UU1VJJ , Furs are not to be classed as unobtainable -luxuries "when they are moderately priced like these. Considering the fact that the plainest garment acquires " distinction when worn -with furs, ouying at such prices becomes pru dent. Black Fox Muffs or Scarves. $14.98 to $ 40.00 Taupe Fox Muffs or Scarves 24.98 to 50.00 Narobia Lynx Muffs or Scarves,. 5.98 to 18.00 lissi,n. Lynx Muffs or Scarves . ....... 19.98 to 40.00 3hina Wolf Muffs and Scarves . : . ... 6.48 to 15.00 Astern Wolf Muffs and Scarves 12.48 to 25.00 iled Fox Muffs and Scarves 13.48 to 37.50 rrstural Skunk Muffs or Scarves 22.48 to 100.00' Tatural Raccoon, Hudson Seal, Blue Lynx and many other , kinds of furs1 at bargain prices , , rTR TRIMMINGS CHILDREN'S, FURS 20 Per Gent Gash Discount Sale Continues Remainder of Week Furs and fur coats reduced ten per cent. . Everything ese in the 'store including gowns, suitsj coats and blouses, subject to a straight discount of twenty per cent, for cash. , " ''r-. 1 Such an opportunity has never been f o- " fered before at the very height of the sea- ; son when stock is fresh and complete. ' Do not fail to take' advantage of it. - ROCKWELL &, CO. ' '. , 1108 MAIN ST.V ' ' YALE PLANS NEW DEGREE FOR HER STUDENTS IN WAR New Haven. Nov. 1 A suggestion that the degree of bachelor of mtl tary science be conferred on men who have left college to enter war service, rather than the regular1 college degree, is made tn a letter from President E. M. Hopkins of Dartmouth college to the Tale News and made public here today. President Hopkins says: . "I want , to say iricst definitely that I tninK notning is ito iwiu ir ihhc men who have left college and gone Into service. X am not sure, how ever, that the best thin for them or for the college Is to give the regular degree. I am Inclined to think that the. fairest thing, and probably the most satisfactory thing, would be to give a special degree -such as per haps, bachelor of military science, or something of this sort. "I need not say that I- should not consider this proposed degree- inferior in any way to the ' regular one., ' It would simply, be different, and fully significant of the actual record of the Villa , Clashes With Government Troops Presidio, Texas, Nor. 14. Fighting between Villa ' forces and Mexican government troop began at Ojlnaga at E: 20 a. m. today. The attack start el from the southwest and grew with the approach of daylight into a con stant flf rifla hnta No artillery, machine guns or hand bombs were used In the first attack. Aimed can patrols are guarding the ford opposite OJinaga. , It is reported that bullets are falling on the Ameri can- side of the Rio Grande. V THE WEATHER ' New Haven, Nov. 14 For Bridgeport and vicinity: Fair to . night and probaWy Thursday. Connecticut: Fair tonight and probably ' Thursday; moderate north winds on the coast, proba bly Increasing. The southern disturbance has caused ruin daring the last 24 hoars on the south Atlantic coast from Florida northward to North . Carolina. The rain does not ex tend very far inland. Pleasant weather prevails in all other dis , tllcts east-of the Rocky monn- tBrns. The pressure Is consider -' ably above the normal in all the northern districts. The minimum temperatures last night along; the northern border were slightly be-. , on freezing. There has been no derided change in temperature in ' any district east of the Rocky mountains during the last 34 hours. t . Conditions favor for this vicinity generally fair weather and not ' much change in temperature. AXiMANAO FOR TODAY Bun rises ' . . Sun sets . . 'High water Moon sets Low -water :43 a. n 4:34 p, m. 10:08 a. m. 4:15 p. m. 4:5S p. in. FRENCH AND DUTCH BULBS ' rCST ARRIVED ' JOHN RECK SON BUILDING PERMITS VALUED AT $20,375 'a: : ' ' ' - (Fifteen building permits, ' aggregat ing in value 20. 375, were issued at a meeting of the Board of Building Commissioners last night. They in clude: : ' ' S Mrs. Catherine Tealya, two-family house, west side of Summerfleld ave fiue. , 1 .- - , E. i,. Dearborn, garage, ' 1,146 How- anl avenue. ' W. F. Chatlos, block of nine houses. east side or Brook street. D.- CWheeler, -garage, south -side of fTnauowa Hill. , . Remington Arms-IT. M. C. company. shed, -south side $ Birdsey street. A. R. Relchel, ibarn, 128' French street. . ','. " J. EC. Sullivan, garage, 1,470 Park avenue. Paris is out of French tobacco and cigarettes. . Dealers have signs up 4n French and . English r"No French cigarettes or tobacco." ' , WHY HAIR. FALLS OUTI . Dandruff causes a feverish irritation of the scalp, the hair roots shrink, loosen . and "then the hair comes out fast. To stop falling hair at once and rid the scalp ' of. every, particle of dandruff, get a 25-cent bottle of Dan derine at any drug store, pour a little in your hand and rub well into the scalp. After a few applications all dandruff disappears and th hair stops coming out. Adv. v , . FOOD SOURING IN STOMACH CAUSES INDIGESTION, GAS 'Tape's Diapepsin" relieves . , stomach distress in five minutes. Wonder what upset your stomach which portion of the food did the damage do you? Well don't bother. If your stomach is In a revolt; if sick, gassy and upset, and what you Just ate has fermented and turned four; head digzy and aches; belch gases and acids and eructate undi gested food; . breath foul, tongue coated Just take a little Pape's Dia pepsin to help neutralize acidity and in live minutes you wonder what be came of the indigestion and distress. Millions of men and women today know that it is needless to have dys pepsia A little Diapepsin occasional iy keeps the stomach sweetened and they eat their favorite foods without fear. - If your- stomach doesn't take care of your liberal limit without rebel lion; if your food is a damage instead of a help remember the quickest, "Sur est, most harmless relief .- is Pape's Diapepsin, which costs - only , fifty cents for a large case at drug stores. It's truly wonderful It stops fermen-s tatidn and acidity and sets things straight, so gently and easily that it Is really astonishing. Adv. . THE RED TRIANGLE. (By Charles L. H. Wagner.) Friends, have you seen this emblem of red. Triangular shaped, with its mottQ o'erspread? The "Spirit," the "Mind," and the "Body" it reads, A Trinity, one, supreme over creeds, Do YOU know what It means to the nations of Earth? Have YOU followed its light, have You rrteasured its worth? Have YOU pledged it yourself, or eaten Its bread? If you have, then thank God for this emblem of red. On the blood fields of France, " on the soli of the Hun, Its radiant red shines forth as the sun, . 'Midst the terrors of seas, on the fleets of the brave As a brother of flags It rides o'er the wave, In the War camps at hornje, prisons, forts on the shore, Triumphant it gleams o'er a welcoming door; Wherever there's, need, or sservlce, 'tis said THERE will you find-this emblem of red. Friends, give of your mites, to its 'cause give your gold. And better, give Self, there's a need manifold, It's a savious of , Men, it's a maker of Men, , Then give ALL you can, and then give again. Remember the boys who are far, far from home, . 'Tis Father, 'tis Mother to them as they roam, It brings them YOUR, message, it serves In YOUR stead, Then give to this glorified emblem of red. QUESTIONNAIRE SHEETS TO BE SENT TO EVERY CITIZEN OF BRIDGEPORT AVAILABLE TO SERVE HIS COUNTRY The questionnaire, containing 16 printed pages, covering all phases of the army draft, will greatly simplify work of the local boards .during the next draft. One will be distributed to each draft registrant, who' has not already. been actually installed In the government naval or military ser vice, Immediately after the local, boards complete 'the compilation ol statistics snft data, f or Congress. ' Failure to submit the questionnaire subjects a registrant to class 1, which will be first, called to service. ' The important features are' related fully, to readers of -The Farmer today. ' . Under the head, questionnaire .th registrant must write his name, ad dress, telephone number (If he has one), serial and order numbers, . Un der the same head this notice ,1s given: .You are requested by law to return this questionnaire filled out is accordance with Instructions; contain ed herein within seven days from date of thl3 notice. :- Failure to do so is a misdemeanor punishable by fine ot Imprisonment for one year and- may result In the loss of valuable rights and in imme--diate - Induction, "to , military service." , Before distributing the question naires legal advisory boards, compos ed of lawyers, will be formed, whose duty it- will be to assist the regis trants in properly answering all ques tions. , - ! . Under the questionnaire method registrants are divided into five class- j es, the first class being subject- toj irst can and the class 5 only as a last re sort. They are as follows:. Class 1. (a) single men without dependent relatives; (b) married men with or Without children, or father ot moth erless children, who has habitually failed to support his family; '(c) mar ried man dependent on wife for sup port; (d) married man with or with out children, Or father of motherless children, man not usefully engaged, family supported by Income indepen dent of his labor; (e) unskilled farm laborer (f ) unskilled Industrial la borer; registrant by 6r in respect of whom no deferred classification is claimed or made; registrant, who fails to submit questionnaire aifd ' in' re spect of whom no deferred classifica tion Is claimed or made; ; all regis trants not Included In any other divi sion in this schedule. 3 -'-.' Class 2 : Married men with children or father of ! motherless children, where such wife or children or such motherless children are not mainly de pendent upon . his labor for - support for the reason that there are other reasonably -certa!in sources . of ade quate support (excluding earnings or possible earnings from labor of wife) available and that the removal of the registrant will ' not deprive such de pendents ! of " support, -(b) ' married man, ' without children, whose wife, although the registrant is engaged in a useful, occupation, Is.' not i mainjy dependent upon his labor for support, for the sreason that the wife is skilled in some class of work which she . is physically able , to perform- and in which she is employed or in which there Is an Immediate opening for her under conditions that will enable her to support herself decently and without suffering or hardship."' (c) Necessary skilled farm .laborer in necessary agricultural enterprise; (dj Necessary skilled industrial Jabprer In necessary industrial enterprise. Class 3: Man with dependent children (not hi3 own), but toward whom he . stands in relation of nar ent; (b) man with dependent aged or Infirm parents;, (c) man with de pendent helpless brothers or sisters; (d) county or municipal officer; (e) highly trained fireman Or- police man, at least three years in' service of municipality; (f ) necessary cus tom hou3e clerk; (g) necessary em ploye of United States .in, transmis sion of the mails; (h) necessary ar tificer or worknian' in . U. S. armory or arsenal;'- (i)':necessary employe in service of-United States. (J) neces sary assistant; associate, or hired manager of necessary agricultural enterprise ; (k) necessary highly specialized technical or . mechanical expert of necessary industrial enter-, prise; (1) necessary assistant or asso ciate manager of necessary industrial enterprise. ' ... - ' Class 4: (a) Man whose wife or children are mainly dependent -upon his labor for support; (b) mariner actually employed in sea service of citizen of merchant in the- United States; (c) necessary sole managing. controlling or directing head- of necessary agricultural enterprise; (d) necessary sole 'managing, con trolling or ' directing head of neces sary industrial enterprise. Class- 5: (a) OfHcers legislative, executive, Judicial of thp - United States or of state, territory or Dis trict of Cpiumbia; (b) regular or duly" ordsffned minister of religion; (c) student who on- May 18, 1917, was preparing for ministry in-recog-nize.d school; (d) persons In military or naval service of United States; (e) alien enemy; (f ) resident alien (not an enemy) who claims exemp tion; (g), persons totally and per manently physically or mentally unfit for military service; (h) persons mor ally unfit to be a soldier : of the United States; U) licensed pilot ac tually employed in-the pursuit of his vocation. ( . , v . The ; questionnaire also provIdesX race for members of well-recognized religious Sect OT Aii,aTil,Aftn. ; j n"'.".Liui(, exist ing on or previous to May 18 1917 and. whose religious convictions are against war or participation therein. Space is n -nmirMoi - ' " " iue J-IUML sheet for the registrant to signify Juol"er or not no claims exemption. The questionnaire of questions. ' Everv rrn'ttT -m,,. answer all the general questions un der series (No. 1, and questions as to his physical fitness under series No. A ana so many more of the questions under series 1N0. 2 na nnaor h ciflc instructions relating to his series "u. i, may Be applicable to his case. He must then answer the first ques tion of paoh vf series No. 3 to 12. His answer to the nrst question must either toe "yes" or "no" as the fact mav be. S'n.n-n-HT f V...B affidavits of other persons must be ODtalneq In the following cases: Di vinity" "students, rersons havlrwr rift- pendent relatives, and persons neces sarily engaged in industrial and ag ricultural enterprises. Failures tn cure such affidavits means that th registrant's case will not ftte consid ered by the hoard. All affidavit forms are contained in the questionnaire. The minimum number of snawpra tn a series of questions is six and the maximum 32. All questions must be fullv answered! excent whan orKuMOeri otherwise In the Questionnaire. Th singe words "yes" or "no" will only De accepted -as an answer wnere so specified. TheSm iiirmvCa ithM 06 Main St. and 149 airfield 'Ave. Bridgeport's Busy Cash Store Blankets, Sheets, Damasks It is becoming more difficult daily to obtain this 'class of Inerchan dise. At these prices they are excellent values. ' , Blankets , $4.00 pair Full size heavy weight wool blankets, mohair binding, pink and blue borders. An excellent value. "" '" - yen""-''- f 74x80 Wool finish blankets, white, tan and gray. Pink and blue borders $2.00 Pair Full size plaid blankets in pink, blue" and brown plaids, good weight . . $275 P8-1 tjood size white huck tow els, heavy weight, also red ders ' IOC and 15C each Faicy Turkish towels Jacquard effects, colored borders 50c 59c 75c each 64 inch damask. Heavy mercerized quality, assorted patterns 45 C Tard 18 inch hemmed napkins, ready for use assorted patterns . , 20 inch assorted patterns $1.19 .dozen SI .39 dozen 81x90 bleached seamless sheets torn size ' T 89 C each 2. 1-4 yds. wide, bleached sheeting, heavy quality 39 c yard Sheets and Sheetings. Double bed size sheets, strong center seam 69 c eacn N Notions, Toilet Articles and Leather Goods. Red rubber gloves for household, use .....".. . .... . . . ., ...... 21C Par , Powder boxes with hair receivers to match ...1 75 C 1 00 Ivory hair brushes, with fine bristles . . : ... gQ Strap pocketbooks in manyx styles of patent leather, morocco finish, and seal - grain colored linings 1 v. . .......:,.. 51.00 ' ' ' ' ' ' : : - . ' : ' ' '. 'v. - V' TocSmlth-AltxrrqyCbi - , REAL FIGHTER TO JOIN ARMY When John White, of 333 Howard avenue, told Judge Frank L. Wilder In the police court, this morning, that he was planning to enter the United States army, and that if ) allowed to go free ho would enlist, he escaped the penalty meted out to two com panions who were arraigned with him on charges of breach of the peace. Judgment 'was suspended In White's case, with the understanding that he is to enter the service, while John Kelly,., of ,811 Wordin avenue, and George Cross, of ,241 Pine street, who with White were charged with as sault upon Antonio Parkas, of 35 Ridge street, were fined $50 and costs each. . - MASONS MEET. This will be Past Masters' Night of St John's lodge and' at a special com munication to be held in the Masonic Temple at 7:30 o'clock the M." MJ degree will be conferred. ' The police In Omaha swooped upon I. W., W). headquarter and. arrested 200. m 1865 1917 After 52 Years of Business Progress We Stop To Celebrate With A Great So successful have our aims been attained that year after yea has brought us a greater volume of business, a wealth of new friends and the steadfast patronage of hundreds of old ones, in whose families the name " Fairchild" has stood foremost since 1865 when our "tiny" store first opened for business. ,! v ' v ; , THREE MORE GALA BARGAIN DAYS AND OUR 52ND BIRTHDAY WILL BE A MEMORY Our Optical Dcpl We are justly proud of this section for every facility that modern science has procur ed is here in our cheerful sanitary examining rooms. . Two optometrists of long experience in eye examination are always in attendance to give' you"the best possible eye glass service. We specialize in" .becoming glasses glasses' that harmonize with the wearers' features and add rather than detract from the personal appear ance, without sacrificing the least in effici-1 ency;- - '.W..-'.-' -v ; -.-f. ' We Also Carry in This-Section Opera Glasses, Field Glasses, Lorgnons, Ther mometers, Fountain Pens, Compasses, Clinical end House Thermometers, Motor Goggles, Geni Ear Phones and many other articles of beauty and usefulness ANNIVERSARY SPECIALS Fountain Pens, 14 kt. Iridium Tipffed Self Fillers, safety Screw ;ap with cllp--Extra Special . . : .. . . . . . - 59c Fountain Pens 14 kt. Iridium Tipped, Lever Type, Self Filler, Safety Clip. A Bargain Watch Department Here are time meters that are "correct and beautiful in appearance. - Compact, small in size, yet wonderfully accurate in ticking off the "seconds." .Women's Watches, gold filled Women's Watchesi4 kt gold Men's Watches, 14 kt gold . . : Men's Watches, gold filled ... Men's Watches, nickel i ..... . Men's Watches, silver . . '. . . . . Boys' Watches, nickel . . . . . $12.75 to $25 :.. . $25 to $75 .. $5 to $200 ... $10 to $50 . $750 ....... $10.00 $1.35 to $5.00 Clock Department "Time Pieces" for every home .everywhere and for every office in town. ' '," " Mahogany finished striking clock $7.50 to $200 Solid Mahogany Mantel Clocks .... $15 to $25 Solid Mah. (Chime) Hall Clocks $150 to $200 Fancy Desk or Boudoir Clocks . . $2.75 to $5.00 Busy and Reliable Alarm Clocks $1.25 to $2.50 ANNIVERSARY SPECIALS Sterling Silver Cuff Links. Extra lieavy and in a large variety of patterns. A rare bar gain . . . . . . . 59c 14 kt. JVecklace with Genuine Stone Lavallier An exceptional value at our special price ............................... $5 2 at v...... - $1.39 . .This Individual Shop Is Forever Interesting, Forever Informative, Forever New. Liberty Bonds- Are" Legal Ten der. Spend them here as you would Cash. G.W. Fairchild & Sons Inc. "At the Sign of the Chimes.' 997 MAIN ST. ARCADE COXtNEB Any Article Will Be Laid Aside for Christmas -Tou Can , Make Convenient - Pay-, ments. Bridgeport, Conn.!