Newspaper Page Text
J THE FARMER: KOVEMBEK 16, lUTt GnuPAIGIl FOR UU, A. FUND AT STRATFORD HOWLANP'S HOWLANP'S entrances In Main Street, Fairfield Avenue, and Cannon Street - - . Entrances In Main Street, Fairfield Avenue, and Cannon Street Entrances In Main Street, Fairfield Avenue, and Cannon Street Bridgeport, Conn., Friday, Nov. 16, 1917. Weather: Partly cloudy tonight and Saturday. . Klavicle Trench $30. Town Will Subscribe Its Al-I Beauty comfort; fur coat. lotment of $3,000 ' With Ease Dress skirts; a sale ! I.IANY BUILDING PERMITS ISSUED Ctratford Bowlers Start : Fund for Ambulance for War Front (Special to The Fanner.) Stratford, Nov. IS Six hundred and eighty-six dollars is the amount already collected by the Stratford ' branch for the Y. M. C. A. war cam ' D&ira fund, according- to Elliott "W. . Peck t chairman. Announcement of this fact was made yesterday at the meeting held at the Stratford Trust Co. when captains of the eight var ious teams handed In their returns for the day, Teaterday was the first " day that the campaigning started and Judging from the hearty responses, pledges - and enthuiasm manifested, the neonle of Stratford will easily sub- rrib Its . allotment. 33.000 by the end -Of the Week. The- largest individual donation, ISO. came from Lloyd Bleeker's team. ' Chairman Peck refused to disclose the name of the donor. Following are the captains: Elliott. W. Peck, Mrs. Edmund Judson, Clarence Garner, G Wamn Ttaiph T,1ovrt Bleeker.' Mrs. ; Iavld I Rhoades, George W. Carey, jeremutiat uvu ana jwift : man. ' : . Today a large thermometer was placed in front of the Stratford Trust ' Co, and figures of each flays returns Will be placed on It at end of the nay twk :: . Muoh credit Is being given R. Ed I gar Fischerw principal of the- , High f school, who has taken such an inter-; f cat In the cause that he has already tasked 29 boys from the High school to sledge themselves ' to earn and iThT following have consented: Ben- l Jamln Graham, Paul carpenter, jsu 1 gene Roberts, Kennth Thompson, Ar thur SHilttC"-' waiter : Wheeler, An l drew Hanson, William' Basaett, Wll- j Hum Peck, Herbert ; Hart. Robert JTlllmer, ' Harold Stephen, Burnham S Hardwick. Carl Baohs, Irving Ben- f nett, Sidney FoUett, John Taylor, I Thomas Moore, Reginald Judson. ' Harold Chase, Robert Halllday, Ed- ward Barbour, Wester Burritt, John Hamilton,: Harold McMahon, Jack - Hamilton. , John . Thompson, , Donald ' Stevenson' "William Edge and Do Witt : Bunas. ; . At Of. i Chairman Peck, Sergwjt t3lt)pon. who has been as sisting: latrh Bridgeport ' campaign and Who rh&a. 'seen actual service In France, addressed a large meeting at Packard haU, Broad street, last eveh-- ing. . He, recounted, many harrowing details of the sufferings ot the sol diers and told also of the wonderful work that the T. M. C. A. Is doing for all. . , . . . .-, - BnlWtns; Permits. Building' permits the total amount , ZttSSr2X wmi 1 were: VThomas and Mary Bradley, : one-story frame house, Bow street,) between Barnum and Boston . ave- Hum, 1900 jLbel T. Parsons, one- : faxoilv house. Blakeman nlace. S2.200: , Thomas . Jagoe, garage. North Main. i street, II0O; Ixul Sorchloti. four- nouse, .Raymond street, itso; Catherine Baddy, seven-room cottage. wlnsor". avenue, $2,000; Joseph Do ooty, six-room cottage, Bridgeport avnae.Xordship Park section,- $2,000; Betrtha: Orobofskv. garage. Burritt , street, I16Q: nd Mrs. Mary E. Go- dolptaln, garage. North avenue, $100. Sarts Ambulance Fond. Jim Jack; manager of the Stratford bowling alleys, has started a players' . amba lance fund . among the billiard j ana powimg arasu. a nas also . im . liib - laiiiuiiiiiiiiin. Hmn rUnf W asked to buv a. book of I stamps Wldch range in price from 5 I cents to a II a week. . The book! costs $2.50. Bach week the player buys a stamp untU his book Is paid for. or by paving $2.50 on first I ! ment "S may, receive his certificate ! $r22S"2& TT. boys -over there." Mr. Mack has , already sold many books and the local !. alleys bid fair to be in the lead with i the other bllUard'and bowling halls 1 throughout the country. ; -. : "-', To Be Hoct Mrs. Bobort Sllliman will be the host Friday evening ' f or the Hoover 'V Flvot . -bridge at the Weatogue country, cint. others on the com MrTr SJZST&.'tt I 8a vard, s Mrs. James Dunn. Mrs. j Frank .Fargo, - Mrs. George Houston, usi Jtfeers, jars. Coney, and - j J&rs .anka v :;. . ' - J Personals. Mrs. ..John Maynard of Brooklyn, . N. T., Ifim being entertained by her rotr?. Elliott w. Peck, at his home, Xjojxs jurQOk avenuat Mr. and Mrs. August J. Mohs, who Have been living at Orange, IT. J., since their -wedding, have taken ; house in Stratford. OOBTEZ C BOCKWEZJi, plumb- , ing and Heating, lobbing a specialty, Otl Main and Hillside avenue. Phone 114-2-$. , B 10 tf POEfTS OF IKTEREST ' )tM7 Watches. V Every; few days we get In a few "vi, w .vuo yviiiiw nuuuir wrist watches wiKh. illuminated dials. The A A ' , 1 aemana is greater than ' the supply, but we have close connections with the manufacturers and receive a lib eral share ot every shipment. See our display now and make your selection early. Goods can now be laid away for Christmas. M. J. Buechler, the Feliable "Jeweler, 4$ Fairfield tive- : nue Adv. . , The Quinine That Does Not fet -. Head Because, of Its tonlo and 1nrtt ef fect, Uaxatlve Bromo Quinine car be taken. by anyone without causing (fcr- vousneos or ringing In , . the lxfad. There is only one "Bromo Quinine." XX. W. iSrove's-algnatur is on box. $0c. A great large and good lot the regular gathering of tasteful and good sorts and to sell at Special prices ! Satin skirts Taffeta silk skirts Chudda cloth skirts Serge skirts l PI aid skirts , . Jersey skirts Many fancy and individual patterns, many rich and quiet sityles, many satisfying distinctive plaids, but all at Those that were $7.50 to $12.50 Those that were $13.50 to $30 Second union suits 85c ' For woman who enjoys comfort of. fleeced under wear and added comfort of a union suit thafti cannot mkCkT ' ' crrv ! oit?4-cs r-P good fleeced , cotton 85c. In the liked Dutch-neck style with elbow sleeves but c ouu Some soft fine fleeced cotton vests and panto 75c and 85c Girls, good warm-fle'eced underwear 5c- rurable stockings for boys are of medium-weight cotton in good ribbed knit,- Bo. , . Women's attractive lisle stockings in the very colors most sought 86c XJale ' stockings for women at 25 cents are medium weight and nice fitting, they have double sole and heel, white tan or black, 25c - Left aisle, rear. . .' T I f A!UU VCiy IdUriCB IOT V ! . Tine doWTIfl : Ow t v. iji..i a j ;" VVHU.UJ.Ul ana, aeucax? mo& 7 as a spider's web. mcnes Wiae,- Sl.OU and SZ vard. Creorgette crepe in nove). tiful plain weave'; among these novelties unique figures ana stripes, $1.75 to $3.50 yard. Metal cloths that lend distinction and brilliance to the gown upon which they appear, several color shades $130 3 Center HOWLAND DRY GOODS CO. FEW ADHERE TO ORDER OF FUEL ADMINISTRATOR I . , i a wtn , . . , Many users or Juiectricity In This City Burned ' Lights. With but few exceptions the larger users of electricity. in Bridgeport last month paid no attention to the plan for cutting down the consumption of coal here by discontinuing display ad vertising signs and unnecessary lights Blgns on many of the theaters wen blazing as early as 6 o'clock, and most of the big advertising signs were Il luminated as usual. - ' This is said to be due to the fact that so formal order has been reoaiv. of skirts itaken right from .'plain colors, some splendid new low price I $5. $7.50 floor. Nice handkerchiefs . well-picked now ; 1 - ' V There is delightful variety and' beauty and goodness. among handkerchiefs ! now gathered. 1- : . 'Tls good time ito choose for the future and miny wise folks are doing it. ' : . Women's hfendkorchiefs with white or colored fancy Initial box of 6, 75c. Womns fine piir'e linen initial hand kerchiefs 15c and 25c. Fine handkerchiefs of colored linen with embroidered corner -Ijc. Beautiful Madeira ' handkercbiefs for women- 50o 75e and $1. . ; Men's good handkerchiefs with white" or colored Initial box of 6, 76c Men's excellent pure linen , Initial handkerchiefs 2 Be 85o and 50c. Smart striped silk handkerchiefs for men, give dashing bit ot color, 50c and 75c. : Center aisle, rear.' ! 1 f . . r evemng tones, Silk tUUe al- AUuring and deUehtful, 72 patterns as well as the beau aisle, rear. ed by any one with authority. Car, "'""""i wmgeiion g ruei conserva tor, says that no formal order is necea. sary, that f .order has been pub. uanea, ana that is sufficient He will communicate the facts to Thomas W Russell of Hartford. tor, who will forward them to Wash, ington, Mr. Blemon contends tha the fuel conservator has ample power to make the order for the purnose nf nA... ing the consumption of coal, and that iiib ponce power or the government 1 unuinu me conservator for the pur- vw-o oiuurcing tne order. Its pub Ucatlon gives it legal force, he con tends. . Many of the larger theaters ilium, lnated their , signs early in tha nan. ing, but most of them closed down at 11 o'clock, which Is their usual cus tom. Some of the larger advertising signs were operated throughout the mgnt. News item says a husband knocked down his wife with a rusty gas pipe. Indignant contrlb writes in to say that he should have used a polished length of (pipe. ' !An economical luxury: fur coat. ' None other keeps one so comfortable. None other harmonizes so perfectly with How long service of good its beauty and richness and for good long wear. : , These fur coats appeal by and attractive in model. And too, they are of "live" fur skins, will keep their suppleness arid strength for indefi nite period. v Muskrat with skunk collar cuffs and border $265. Muskrat with raccoon collar and cuff s $200. . Nutria with .skunk collar and cuffs $250. " . Natural raccoon motor coa'tJ $235. - Striking leopard coat $175. T?me Hudson seal with skunk collar cuffs and border- $450. ' ' ." Hudson seal, plain and rich--$325. -, " T ; Hudson seal. with skunk collar and cuffs $300. i Caracul, handsome in marking,-$115. ' 1 i Second floor. ; Staunch gloves ; of fine fit Some newly-arrived white cape gloves are remarkable in the way they fit.. -, They are unusual of weighjt, plump and staunch, and look almost too-heavy until tried on. Then, how splendidly they fit and what a fine appearance they give the hand ! Pure and excellent white, fine black stitching and nar row collar of blaek,one clasp, $2. Good ; white chamoisette gloves look like leather but are a close-woven tough fab ric. Tney nt weiuwear well. Plain white or with black stitching 75c. --i Center aisle, rear. v ' Men s Landsome gold cKains--' $5. , New pattern Waldemar open link styles. Stretch across vest, intended to carry knife or cigar clip in pocket opposite to watch. Of light fine pattern and Of special value for we new jewelry store is a good Left aisle, HOWLAND DRY GOODS GO. ARTHUR AND SARAH K. SEELY FIGURE IN BANKRUPTCY New Haven, Nov. 1 Creditors filed a petition in the United States court yesterday, asking that Arthur Seely and Sarah, K. Seely, doing business in Bridgeport as Seely & Co., be adjudi cated bankrupt, aThe petitioning creditors are Roy Clark, Max Cohen and Irving F. Saunders, all of Bridge port. The Russian Legation at The Hague refuses to recognize the Bolaheviki government, . ' other attire. . fur coat, is ! In addition to style, it may be depended on ' their beauty; they are new ' ;-' . ' I V Marabou capes of rare beauty Fluffy and soft and light; what satisfying touch they add to evening dress. New models are of either round or sailor style and there are scarfs of much grace. . Lus-trous black and at tractive natural hue,-$5 to $16.50. 'i ' . Center aisle, front, ; : Give corduroy a chance For the boy who wears usual suit of clothes out in "no time'', try cordurov. Y Just see how it willstand up under the hardest usaee ! ' A good brown corduroy suit with 2 pairs of trousers and tnm Norfolk coat $7.50 Tom Dasement. chains of 10K gold in long and ...... .. very attractive. arc showing men that this place to get acquainted with- front. VvR.M.LEOriARDy VOPTOM stTR I 9T Vvw MAIN Tjy Oomtcu hit - Emm at "rytnhtlHf Kuppenheimer has put over another I . ( Remember the Klavicle overcoat how it took 1 the ! whole country by storm and was imitated by about everybody? Its great feature; that fashioned from one piece of -Now they've done it again. The Klavicle Trench is this overcoat with a belt and a new rakishness. It takes the Klavicle but Kuppenheimer is right there with the fine tailoring and the new What joy to the heart of either years or spirit for it's any you've ever seem Made of handsome soft blue brown heather and so on; and sleeve linings ad pipings. Slash pockets, convenient some effective leather-covered A gem, in effect and quality and service, $30. ! , ' Main floor, rear. ' , , More' of those . ,: useful notions Fancy frilled elastic, plain or flow ered, 25c to 30c yd. . i i Handsome plain silk elastic, several colors, 16c to 25c yd. Curling irons, large and small, 10c and JSC. '. -" , ... Marcel wavers 25c and 35c. Silk hair wavers that will jot break 10c and 15c card. , Bubber liair ourlers,card of 4, 'SOo, Kid hair curlers, several lengths, 12c to 20o doa ; Automatic, buttons, black and khaki 10c doa ; Hairpin cabinets, assorted pins, 5c to 15o. . i 1 Hose supporters, ' velvet grip and Lindsay, 16c to 22c. Babies garters 10c and 15c; Pad hose supporters, a number of colors, 25c and 89c. Pewdn garters of special value 16c. ' Tango elastic girdles for gym wear and evening dress, $2. Rubber aprons for nurse's and kit chen use, 76. i' '' left aisle, rear. See the many - men's shoes. Whatever shoe a man fancies, plenty of choice here. Whatever weight shoe a man's needs call for, plenty , here. And always good style , and good full measure of value Black calfskin full-toed bluchJsro 4. Viol kid TMucliers with comfortable wide too S and $6.RO. , ( Tjeather-Uned Wuehers of black fffflrln, full toe, . . Bark tan blnchers, full toe, $5. Bark Russia calf laced, English last, $4.60. Mahogany calfskin, English type, fiber sole, -$4.50. Tan Cordo calf with English Bhape, $0. '; HOWLAND DRY GOODS CO. EGGS COSTING $1 DOZEN PREDICTED Bridgeport dairymen predict eggs at fl a dozen by Christmas day. Strietly fresh eggs are today selling for 85 cents a dosen and 40 cents is asked for a dozen - pf wester nj cold stoiage eggs. Miohigaa cold storage entire back and sleeves were cloth without a, seam. pretty fine tailoring to belt coat is a beauty. every man who is young in a trench coat different from ' -1 and rough overcoatings, gray unlined except for silk yoke and clever. Belt with hand buckle. - Good rubber ; and guaranteed ; ' A rubber hot water bottle has great advantage of ad justing itself to the contour of the body and.bringing its, grateful warmth to the exact location one desires. These now ready are of excellent rubber, sold with guarantee of service, $1 to $1.50. . " Fountain syringes sold With similar guarantee- $1 to 32. Combination bottles and syringes, guaranteed,. 11.50 to $2. . Gauze bandages, should be In every medicine cabinet 10c and 15c Absorbent cotton, sanitary and nice quality, sises from 1 ounce at 5o to 1 pound at 40c .-" ' . Center aisle, front. and good honest shoemaking Fine black Vlci with notably-easy wide toe, $7. v Russia calf of special weight, full toe, $8. i Black kangaroo, snappy new last, $. Fine Russia calf or tan Cordovan $.. . )" Rich tan mahogany calf In English style, $9. Finest of cordovan with tops of splendid calfskin $11. Main floor, rear. egs are worth, from BO to 65 cents a dozen and eggs gathered about Con necticut, but "a-few days old", are worth 75 cents a dosen in the retail market. The. American Mission In England announced that daily meetings would be held in London until the oemmis. aioa leaves tor Pari a ; , y