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IIGil THAT TELLS ENEMY ALIENS ' THATTHEY MOST WATCH THEIR STEP V : . , 3..LWJt5iw,a.mksiWljliyijUM jjllUliyWJ jlh. ' mm''.' y a, -MA ' 1 ' r it r . . - ify- A jmr ., -f ... jfl' - 1 "Notice to Enemy Aliens" Bigns have been pasted oh streets and ave nues alone the Waterfront In coast cities warning against trespass. Our sud Jeot. following they'ef-out'' orders must pick his. steps while on a moving expedition to ouier quarters. -- t, .w - " - REVIEW STREET RAILWAYS BY MASS ACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY FOR 5 YEARS ,EasiQue$irizus of Rate' of Fare, Length of Haul, Zone . $ysteiify'arid btherTeatures Treated in an Exhaustive ; ivxanner m xuue tin o uao jlbbucu. ? V, - It is riow Sour or' five years ago that the Electrical Research Division of ' the Massachusetts InsUtute of Tech nology has had under consideration and investigation the various prob lems of transportation.' Some, of the .results have already attracted public attention such as the comparison of motor vehicles in efficiency under va rious - conditions, one "i-wIOx, another and with horse drawn rr: ones. - The , latest report which .appears in "book form and u U. I T, Research Divis ion . Bullettin, No. 14, Concerns itself i a i II 1 A fnw up the basic questions of the nickel fare, length of haul, zone system and others in a comprehensive disens ston, which being of Technology, . leaves no question of bias in its find ings. Moreover,-many facts and fig ures are presented 'from which the , interested reader may , arrive ' at his . -own conclusions. :.i ''. ;v ' Some , of the statements In this vol ume are ' of - greatest , consequence, coming from an; authoritative source, for example, ' the prediction of the passing, 'of the' flat rate and the com' Jng of a, fare based on length of haul, , an evidence that the single fare from one point on the line to any other one ' can no longer stand In the face of modern methods-of business and mod ern .extensions of transportation sys tems. ' y . l'Jiy, : Half-a-dozen? Tech nfen have been engaged in the" research, Professor Harold ender having charge In the beginning and oi.:g61ng to Baltimore, , his mantle fell in , Professor Dugald i C. Jackson, 'with 'assistants, H. F, ' Thompson, Da.vi47C. McQrath, O. Rob ert Schurlg, Thoraas.N. Buell and Ed mond W. Bowler, ;Mr, McGrath being employed on .the work, all the time. It appears; thalj density of tratfio Is the moot important factor , towards . success,' of street railway operation, and the; higher this, flure, the lower are th6 proportionate investment : charge, and. the operating; costs per passenger.- , t .") Density of ' traffic- is a factor that floes not always follow expected lines, for example it is large in medium sfcied ciUes, but in very large cities is likely to be-pnade less-through the existence of long routes into sparse ly settled suburbs. '". This density is the expression of - theaiurober -of I passengers carred..jjpjr; Jinlt ' of track in a -unit of time. Another Important factor- is the rate of fare, for it is distinctly true that the increasing of unit tares tends to, discourage and decrease ' traffic, while lowering the rate of fare always Increases the jiumber of passengers. A fjit rate of fare over whole cities or over extended districts M custom ers today almost everywhere in this country but these investigations show that it is in error in principle, The nickel la a very convenient fare but if It is to be used, limiting the distance-which one may ride for one -fare is ' suggested. The three cent - fare witfcln city districts has theoreti cally its advantages, but with Its use -there are rather important additional costs in collecting and in auditing, and j difficulties in limiting the ride to relatively short distances. Some pf the by-products of the in vestigations show curious relationship, for example that the ability to take lone rides for a single fare seems to increase the distaned --which ie aver age passenger rides. The uniform fare throughout a great street rail way J system , puts a comparatively higher rate on short rides for the benefit of those who take long rides. otv.Uh it may seem that the rush ward tendencies in costs continue, street railways , must stop develop ment, or else must find means for in creasing ttalr incomes, and It is not to be forgotten that the railway is a private enterprise in which the stock holders have the right to look for rea sonable , returns on their Invest-1 ments. : J OUR NEWTOWN NEWS LETTER ' (Special to The Farmer.) Newtown, Dec. 11 Judge William C. Johnson of the Probate Court, was one or the speakers at the ninth an nual convention of the Federation of Jewish Farmer of America, which began its session Sunday night with an -open meeting at the auditorium oi the Educational Alliance, New iotk city. The local branch of the ieaerauon, through the national president, Eli Greenblatt, extended the invitation "to 'judge Johnson. The former took prominent part In or ganizing tne farmers' Dairy Co. of Bridgeport, and is vice president- of the company. Judge Johnson Is al so greatly Interested in the coniDanv hand, gave .time and money in estab lishing this enterprise. The Jewish larmers of the country pledge them Belvea to answer the call of President Wilson by greatly increasing their crops in isis over that of the past jco... .... iuo dBwisn larmers are warm supporters of the co-operative movements for purchaslffg supplies and -marketing farm products which are now a feature of Fairfield county agriculture. Harry Garder of Step ney and Louis Busker of Newtown at tended the convention as accredited delegates from Fairflel county. Some of the other speakers who addressed the convention Include the follow ing:. . R. D. Cooper, president Dairymen's League; Commissioner -J. J. Dillonv New York State Food and Markets; J0Durn, president Farmers' Daily Co.,. of, Bridgeport; Hon. Jacob H. Schlff, Leonard G. Robinson; pres ident Federal Land Bank, Springfield, Masa. i Alfred Jaretzki, president Jew ish Agricultural and Industrial Aid Society; John Mitchell, chairman New York State Food Commission; Marc W. Cole, secretary Million Acres Wheat Committee, and Patriot ic Farmers' Fund; M. Fainbera. American Representative of the Mos cow Narodny Bank, and Ely Green blatt, president of the Federation of Jewish Farmers of America. The Misses Louise and Charlotte Hartwig of Berkshire, have receded diplomas for experts In canning op erations front- the Storrs Agricultural School, having completed the exten sion course of the school. An agent of the State Counsel for Defense from Hartford spent two days In Sandy Hook last week mak ing a topoiphical survey of the river beds of the Pohtatuck stream and its tributaries. This work is a part of the plan of utilizing the water power of New England In the production of electricity for domes tic aa well as manufacturing uses. James E. Campbell, the Sandy Hook miller, has gotten his buck wheat grinder into operation after a period of eighteen years' disuse, and now is receiving 'grists from as far away as Bridgeport and Huntington. One of the mills Is also used 'fn. hour traffic is of great benefit to the ; grinding rye, and whole wheat flour railways, it is to be remembered that j IDr tne farmers hereabouts, who have the returning cars are corresponding-1 again resumed the raising of thesp ly empty " and thus ; the balance is maintained, - Then it is interesting to learn that the- issue of transfers ac tually lengthens thetrverage rides or the passengers grains for- domestic uses. W. B Terrill and Roy Meyers are assisting In the work. The students of the figh schoo; field an open debate, Friday afternoo With all these considerations It be-ion the subject: "Resolved, That thp eomM evident that if the present up- U. S. government should take contro: and Columbia Remrds w n inn m v n -sr hi f . . n .hiibbwt in - i. "That's the one we want Columbia Craionola Price $21$ You want to have just that secure, decided feeling when you buy a phonograph at Christmas or any other time. You are not likely to have a complete conviction that you are buying the right instrument for your home until you have seen and heard the Columbia Grafonola. ; Whatever the price that you feel ready to pay, you will find in the Columbia Grafonola a model of such substantial value that ybu will have to give it a place in your consideration. From the lowest-priced Grafonola at $18 to the handsome cabinet instrument at $250, Columbia instruments invite and welcome comparison. The customer who calls only at a Columbia Grafonola store is sure to be pleased when he hears the Columbia. The customer who hears many instruments is convinced on hearing the Columbia that "That's the Columbia Graf onolai Price $110 , Columbia Grafonola Price $85. Columbia Grafonola Price 45 i : F. E. Beach, 962 Main St. . Geo. B. Clark Co., 1057 Main St. A. Duka, 301 Hancock Ave. one we want. S. Finkelstein, 463 East Main St. and 968 Stratford Road. Howland Dry Goods Co., Main and Cannon Sts. Alex Koszeghy, 1184 State St. Lee Brothers, 1379 Main St Piquette Piano Co., 60 Can non St. Otto Wissner, Inc., $23 Main St. . G. Cuccaro, 1618 Main St. Columbia Grafonola. Price $18 of the railroads of the country." Pro fessor Hickson expressed his appre ciation of the meritorious work of :he students' speaking. The basket ball team of N. H. S -jlayed the New Milf ord High school 'earn at the town hall, Saturday night. The visitors won the initial game here by a score of 64 to 3. ,' The members of the Country club legin the winter's campaign for funds by a whist at the home o( H. Carlton Hubbell this Mnday night at 8 o'clock. The county commissioners have paid over to Town Treasurer Frank Wright, 1960, Newtown's share of the license money received by them from the six saloons In town. ' Michael Delohery, the Danbury hat manufacturer, administrator of the estate ; or Mary Keenan has applied to the Probate Court for an order of sale of property -of the estate. The hearing is set for Dec. 17 at 10 a. m. ' Arthur Ferris, son of Mrs. Bertha Ferris and a graduate of the high school has -returned from Plattsburg, N. Y., with a commission of seoond lieutenant. After a few days' fur lough at home he will be assigned to duty In the national army. ... The December meeting of the Equal Franchise League will be held at the home of Miss Anna M. Becw on December 12, at 2:30 p. m. Miss Murray, the Fairfield county organ izer will address the meeting. A full attendance is requested. The Salvation Army is starting a campaign to raise 81,000,000 for American soldiers in France. A Chicago warehouse recently lees ed byi the government, was destroyed by fire of mysterious origin. HOIiLY-JCMAS TRICES WRXAXB8 TOSH RJflCUL BON District Attorney Swann has de manded that chorus girls and cabaret performers put on more clothes. Cures Colds in Greirt Britain -LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE table's remove the cause. E, W. GROVE S signature on box. S0c