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The Rutland daily globe. [volume] (Rutland, Vt.) 1873-1877, August 31, 1877, Image 1

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VOL. V---NO. 1342.
Grand Reduction
we nare r. uced the prlcea on uunnilro
ntocl:"! ure&s Ouoda, Woolens. ulnves llia
lory, etc,. to such a low polnt that every ladj
an i Ron lema nbo ld avatl ihema lvoa ot tho
favored opportunlty an bu o now drrss. no
suli, tioH Bhawi, new cloak, new glovo-, ntw
hose, new Bocka, new han jfcorcblefs, etc , M
thetr wanta m) suggest.
for the sale of thn wlde world knon
and favorlto aewing machlne,
we aro preparert to furntsh thcm at tho Mng r
Manufacturlnir Comp ina lowest casb prlces.
Tbe IN iKK MAUHlNElsBoextenslvely lnaae
and fav Tably knon that tunher commcnt ls
nol r qulred. Evcrybudj shouli buy tho
BlNGBlt Wo havo n hand thi pUcea acd
paru abd medies tor iho Inger. AU orders
shall recelvo prompt attentlon.
G. 4. PUtKllUltST &. CO.
August 23, 1617.
JlrjTLAND, Vt Aug. 11th, 1811.
TlllK ls to ceitlfj that Meaara. O. A. l'ark.
hurst & On. have taken ibo retnll agency tor
oar ewlng m ithtnes, attachmonts, i k-ccs and
parts, etc,, eto., ln thls placo.
THI'. -I REtl raF CO.
C. W. UICKOK Manager.
Monstrons Reduction
shonld Indnco every icntleman, old and younor,
t vlslt hla extenstre rstubll bmcnt and soltcc
from a very tull varlety a i-otnpleto outnt.
ThOBeas m la the bott-st during thn year,
and wlll contlnuo so, wlthout douot, two
moaths longcr.
30 PKIt G!VT
U mado on everrttaln
lntueshap'Of 'ummfr
wear. A trlnlng lnre itment
to vlslt tho
m prepirojou
ln an approprla'e mannor, and whrnthsea
on ls ot r jou wlll bo ih n nl th t jou enj
braced the oppogluulty to KEEP i ool. wbl e
.at th 8mo ifino you aro biuiked ruran.tuer
ot the mony yu wuuid h ivn pa d fo th- snme
articlflH kIx weok go. I( jou ould conblne
satlsfaction wlth economy, tocd taate nlth
Teal coiulort,
Gro To Flack s,
osntVst., Rutland, Vt.
Steai Dye Works,
W. Simpson & o,
The anbtcrlbers ber to lntorm tho cltlzens ot
Rutland and vlclnlty that they bave upened
Bteim dyilng and scourln? works ln Rutland,
undertno pcrsonal Buperrfslon of Hr. Klmpson,
a sklUed and tborougbly praci lcal dyer o( ovcr
twenty years experlence ln the south or hoot
land. AU klnds ot Ladles' ami Oentlemcn'e
Wearlntr Apparel Cleaned, Dyed and FlnlBbed
equai m now, nunout Bnnnkage or crociting,
at moderate chariro.
Partles llvlns out ot town can send thelr
gooda by eipresa, and havo thom returuoo c,
W. 81MP80N & CO.
Rutland. Vt, Jan. 13, 1877 dlt
Lace Points.
I10SDH, JDNB 18, 1877.
A Bplendll Llno or Lco rolnts, frcsh from
the rttcnt TIIADK halk tn Now Vork, which
cau anQ wiu do som
Less Tlian Half Value !
Wm truarnntPA t.hlfl ?nod4 tn be overv flbrf
B1LK and Li.ama wo u and atlcaathan half
tm price such good oru uimiiy Buid,
r, S. riease remember that wo arothoonly
partles ln town who bave thls llno ot good9 and
we can got no moro at tbese prlces.
Grindstoue Pixtures,
ror alo by W, Q, LANDON. dW
Very latest Dispatches
Associatod Freis
Tho Eock Island Accident
New Yoiiit, Aug. SO,
Tlic Tlmcs' Des Molnn tptclal ey the
accldcn! on the Rock Island rallroad vtat
cauned by laln unJermlijlDg a very itroDg
culrort. . A targe brldge a mlle wot was
aUo washed out. Uad tbe train croased
tho culvcrt U would bave bocn wreckt-d at
tho brldge, and nono would probahly bave
DB3 M0ISE9, Aug. 80.
At 0 o'clock levenlcen budies bad bctn
rccoTercd, fuurteen mon, two women and
one cbild. Among tbA wounded F. B
Biker, ono of Darnum'a mco, bai linco
dicd, miklng vlgbttcn The full list or tbe
dead ls ai (olluws : Mra. Emlly Dabcock,
Analusla, III. ; J..lm E. Belt and daughter,
Boonesboro, I iwa ; M.i. Wm. Crow and
Mn. Donaugb, Dcj Molncs; Wm. IUke
atraw, ennlutcr ; M. Cohen, I'corla ; Jabiz
E. Prlnco and D. A. Broneon, Clncinnati ;
Wm. Gunntng, ncwuboy. Tho followlng
wcro ln Barnum'a car : Green Gcrry,
Gcorge Hickwell, John Purcell, Jobn
Bruce, Cbarles Thompii.rj, A, Mack.
Two ladits aro knon to be m
tbe wrcck, also ono of Barnum's men and
a little girl, tbe daughter of Mrs Crow. It
ls tbought by many that there aro 81111
otht r bodk'8, but tboso doated toot up a
total dealh roll of twenty. The bridge
waa ovcr what ia known as Little Fuur
Mlle creck, nlue mllea iat of Des Moince.
It ia a little Btrcam, ccnoially quiet, und
w3 ncver buforo known to be eo blgb.
The biidge Ia approachcd axound a curve
aod a down erade. It is tbought tbe ralls
wrro left standlne alono nod UDSupportid
as tho tialu approscbtd, nnd the cngineer
who Ltd lacktil Bpced till he came ln eight
ot tbe biidgo,isupposing it all right, dashed
upon it. Tlio cliHnnel of tbc etream waa
19 or uO ecet wide nod the banks were about
SO fcet blgb. Tbe locoruotivo lunded at
tbe foot of thu wcetcrn eide, and balf
buricd itself ln tho carth. Barnum's
car waB tho ncxt. It dropptd luto
tbe cbanncl; the baggnmo and roall car
ti.llowcd and paseeddlrectlyoverit, stuakh
Iuk it to piecea, but going to the bultum, a
bar of ir m runnlng clcar thiough it 1 he
racn ln that car etcaped hHtc. Evcq tho
lamps weio not put .ut. Tbe firtt pavteu
ger cr pitchtd bead dmn intotbuchaim
wbcro tbe wattT was 15 feel dC'p. The
ncxt car plunged under thia. telescoping it.
N. xt teletcnpt'd balf through b. th of llic
two prectdioi;. Tbe sleeplug car dld not
uo Into thu wrcck Iis occupants wtre
j itnd, Imt nnno eirioualy hurt. Most nf
be killed were ln the car in fronl of the
slceper. The sct-ne ia dctcribtd as tf rrific.
Tue rain waa falling in tnrrctits. accom-
pn cJ by niud, lightulng and vlolcnt Ibun-
der. Tbc cia-h put out tbe ligtitp, and tbe
cenc of terror ensult g tnay wtll be itn
ugii ed. Men who ncro not iujurcd
and cmild get out wcnt to work at once
to res-cuo tho liTinz and woundid
Thev had to ro a mile to a
farm bouse to get axea to choplhem out,
but wntked heroically, and by dayligbt bad
m Bt of tho wounded riBcucd. Many pltl
lul trcnes and tet der Incidenta occurrtd,
One mnlher waa killed slitlug bctwcen hei
two rblldrcn, who escaped unhurt. A lit
tle giil who bad laln ln tbe water four
bours wilh a htavy man Ijn g dead be
neatb her body waa diecorercdtobe brcath.
ing and was rcacued. Tbe dead were
brought here on a train wilh Bome 2;
wnundtd. Among thc wountfc) ro H
J-nnlDg nf lti.cbesier, sligbily ; E ward
Duanof Iincbester, badly burned; Albert
F. West, Bandbank, Oswego county
bruUed ; 0 CoUln of Roae, Wiyne cuun-
ty, N. Y., Euatained eerere lnternal ln
All the wounded by the rnllroad accident
on tbe Kock iBland road yeterday who
were brought here aro dotng well, and tbe
pnyeicians aro confldent tbat nono wlll die
l lio uead brongbt ticre latt nlebt were
waalicd, dreeEed and put ia neat cofflns
Bevcral were forwarded to-day to thelr
frlenda. Tbe work of clearlng tho wrcck
wbero it waa drlven deep ln mud and eoft
earlti is golng on. To-da) two bodles a e
ki.own to bo in it, and it Is feared tbere
rnay bo three or four othere, aa tbat nura
ner of paBrengers are slill mlaalng. A
body, Bupposed last niebt tn be that o
Jiffiey A. Price nf Clncinnati was to-day
identiQ. d a A V Flowers nf Wi6Coniin.
hALCM, Masi.., A'ic 39
Lart evening a Lowell train cirrying an
cxcutslon by tbe Btramer Plynr uth Rnck
Btrurk a group of flve pertoua. Mr. and
Mrs. J 'fpb Swcr.ey were lnt' nily lsllled,
MIb Hachel Gifford, sbtcr of Mra Bwazey,
f atnlly iujured, and tho othir two setlona
ly huit.
Tbe i all road accident last nlght li at.
tributcd to tho cartleeBnecs of tbe conduct
or of tho train running it down upon a
crowdtd plcr wilh no beadlight or lanteru.
Webber Swezey, ono of tho injurcd thls
mornlng. Bevcral pereani are rrported
raMug.. Several ladlea In tbtlr frlgbt
jumped overboard. All are belitred to
have bcen resoucd.
Enfield, Mais.,Aug. 80.
As tbe Sprlngfleld, Athol and Northeast
ern passcDger train was miking a flylug
last nliiht, tho brakca dld urt bi ld, ni d tbe
train coll ded wlth a freieht train ftllv
Injarlng a brakrman named Aldrlcb. and
eeilnualy, tf not fatally, ibjuiln Conduct-
The Strikes in Pennsylvauia.
New Yi hk, Aug. 80,
Tha Ilcra d's P n it'ylvanla epeclals eay
an Imprcsilnn prevnlls in cnal circles that
the mlncra' stilke wlll, eoon end, The
minos at Hazleton, Baycr, McadTllleand
8 nckton aro in full operatloD, wlth pros
p cis of entitc resumptlon on Mnnday.
Tue altuatii.n ln many distrlcta, bowcver,
ls unsettlcd nud hos a tbreatcnlog look.
All tho mlnea ln tho Schuylkill teglnn are
running. Tho labor agitatora frcm tbe
Wyoml 'g and Lickawanna rcgtons who
ontered ibe mi 'dle coal fl lds to creatc trou-
bla hare made con racls and gone to wotk.
Jnbs to brlng abuut atrlken, bo tbat prlces
a tbe scaboard culd be clcrattd, are not
UDCommon. Johu Llncy, fotmer prcsl
dent of the mlncra' cational neaociutl b,
now keeper of a notorious Molly Maguiro
saloon ln Bchuylklll cunty, boasts of bar
ing recelrcd $20,000 from certain coal
cumpanies to suw dlssensions among mln
cra and instlgnte consplraclea and ctrlkef.
Whlle rcaurnp n n ia gcncral m tbe 8 iamo-
kin region, somc indicatlona of trouble tx.
Ist. At Pieasant Vulley, n subutb of Pltte-
ton, Maron WiUon, pumping CDLinccr of
thc Etle tuincG, was beaten prnbaby fatally
whlle icturnitig home, Tbe Mollies had
notifled hlin to leave wotk. An cffort ia
beiug made to convene a meeting and bTe
a etcret ballot takcn as to resumlDg wotk.
The Death of Brigham Young.
Salt Lake Citt, Aug. 30.
Urigh m Yuuug waa nttackcd wltu cliol-
cra m iLui Thurulay nigbt, superinducicg
li fl immatiou of the bowcU, followcd by
continued snclliog until resriration was
stoppcd. He was colecIous, but only
bnefly anawercd qucstlons during tbe last
48 hours. Tbe evcot produccs leo csclte-
aienl, txccpt amoog tho mcmbers of tho
blghcr priCBtbood, tban was exject. d.
Brigham's troublc was ccusloned b in .1
ecstlon, conscqu nt upon a roeal tateufud
denly on a (Uy of cxtremo haat. On Mon
day hla c ndition was prccnrious, but tbo
fact was kept u eccrct uulil Tuesday.
Urigbam's pliypician, bls nepbcw, ct lod in
thc most tritsled Gcntilc physiciau In Balt
Lake Oity wlien Young bccnmo uncon-i-cious,
nnd tho pbytlcian'B udvieo was
adopted. Thc Mormon policy of laylng on
of handd waa adhcrcd to until death cn
sued. New Yiikk, Aug. 30.
The Sun repnrta that Brigham Yon g
aucrcBsor will bo hia ynungcst son by his
flrtt and l(g 1m i-e wif . J n W. Young.
Gen. Meirittto Fightthe Indians.
Omaiia, Nb., Aug. 30
Gcn. W'cklcy Sleniti baa bicn orderi d tn
tnite crmmatd of a column if carulry,
aVmt tcn cimpi'n'es, to rembzVjUn at
Cimp l)nwu,in Wlndrlvirvalley, wbccce
they w 111 prt.cied notthwaid to tbc Nn
IVicis uail. Uc will bave wlth hlm tb
wrll known flfili ca;alry, arrglmrnt wbich
provcd unifoimly EuiciBiful in fighiibgln-
dlaua. Five of sevtn compabita of tbe
uiuth lnfamry, stationcd at Omaha bar-
ratks, lelt jiaterday to rellevo cavaliy
companlea at rarloua poste, that tLcy m-
juin McnittV command.
New Yorkers at Bondout.
ItONDOUT, Atlg 80
A no'ablc cxcunlon party of New York
buaineas und pniftsslonal men viaited tbls
cliy yceto.'day os guo-ta of tbe Antl racite
tuel company. Afier an it sprtIon of tbe
worka of the company at P.irt Ewen, tbe
practical opcratlcu of tho utilizttion of coal
dust attracting great attenth n tbe party
were taken to 'he ummlt of tlir Catskill
mountalns, 2,000 feet above lldu watet , by
aprcial taain on tbc Ulat-r and Delawarc
rallroad, tbe distance of U0 leet to the
mile. The cnglne bun.ed corapreseed cotl
rbe pariy were moBt boepitably enter
taincd by FIoo. Thomaa Cnrncll, and after
fpending tbe afternoon lu inepecllng tbe
new Fnrtland cement works at Flatbush
and other itiduatriea, nturued to tho city
bj the eye'iing b itt.
Outrage by Masked Burglari.
Baltimoke, Aug. 30,
A number of masked trampa last nlght
taggeil the lelegraph optrator nt Union
junctlon, In tbe eubuibi), and robbed hiro
and tho ofllco of all portables. Tho opera.
tor got looBe, and telcgraphcd to the preai'
dent strect atation. Twelvo pollcemcn
went out and arreflKdnlx Buspectcd trampa,
Other offlccrs wcnt out on n train and found
aome tramps around a fire In tbe woods,
Books, chla-ls and emall articles from tbe
telegtaph ofllcc wste found on tbelr per.
Sporting Men Dissatiefled.
New Youk , Aug 80.
Tho Timcs' Ilaitfnrd speclal chargca tbat
at tbo races ycsterday, Alley, owned by
thoGoldimllb'sof BloomlngGiovc, N Y
won tbo Qftb h at of he 2:24 race, but the
judgea eet hlm b ck f. r ruuunu, tbua glr.
inn tho raco to tbo Hartford bnne. About
$40,G0O was in tbo pool box nt Ibe time.
Tbe Uoldauiltbs bave wlthdiawn all tbelr
Chartcr Oak Fark Haoes
IIabtf iid, Cuun., Aug. 30,
Firtt race, 3:30 claea, purEO $3 000)
Lyaindcr B y wlnccr, Colman aecond)
bcat ttmo 2:24 Hecond race, 2:23 clats,
purBO $2O0O( Iannla winner, ProBpero
B.'cood) bcst timo 2:10. Thlrd race run
ning inco purso $IC0; Uuco winncr,
Oandy s ro dt bs time 1:40:
WASUItiQT K, Aug. S0
Tbe dlttrlct cnmmlsaioners to diy ap
poloiol Tbnmis Eatursle Insieotor of
bulldlngi, taViDg tffect October lst.
Crimcs aod CasunUics,
BTnAiFnr.T, Ont., Aur 30.
Bundny Mra. Anna A. Ilanlon of Mll-
waukce, real llng here wilh her brothcr,
Rev. Charlca Stewart, eulcided wlth strych
n.nc; causc, lutanlly.
Boston, Aug. 30.
Thc man found dead at Nnntaiki-t bcach
baa bccn Idcn iflcd as J 'hu Clarl: of Ar
lington, Maes Tbo affalr Is atlll unex
plalned. Foul play auspccted.
New Yokk. Aug 80.
Tbe Timcs' Cliliago fpeclal says tho
state Barlngs batik failure was cauecd by
tbe mcs dlab nest, nuungcment. Prtai-
dent Spcnccr bad bci-n Bpeculatiug ln sub-
urban rcal ratate flnce 1873 wlth bank de
poslta on his ptivate account.
Nukfolk, Va , Aug. 80
The custrm b uso ftauds beie weie pcr-
petiatcd by colleoilng dutles on carnccj
and appropilatlng tthc mnney, and then
dcstroylng the papers and reporling the
vcsacl as bavln arrlrcd tn ballast.
Nantabket Ueacu, Mass., Aug. 30.
The body of a man named Rlley, em-
ployed at tho Rockland bouBtf, bas bcen
found conctaWd. It ubows marks of fcar-
ful Ecaluiug
Si'r.iN(iFiEi.D, O , Aug. 30.
Tho eh'r'ff of C .uke cnunty took from
a Btnngo woma i a cblldpoBltlvely billoved
tn bo Cburlty Ross. He wlll be Btnt to
DETnoiT, Micb., Aug. 30.
Durlns tho s orm of yi-alcrday John G.
Heller was klllid by lighti ing nt North
field, ?nd a younc man named Lakeat Mar-
MONTKKAL, Aug. 30.
The suiclde ot Emlly BurnB occaslons a
eenjutional tcaridal impllcaiing a prcml
nent rrurchaut.
a bad niT.
Usion SrmKOB, Ali., Aug. 30,
Ayouth named Baugb, ln an nlietcatinn.
h't a ci mnde nmd Vaugbn a fulal blow
wlih a bite ball bat yts eidy.
New YonK. Aug. 30.
Jobn Messair, ate.l 42, a falully
Btahbed w tu a clii-el tbls m rulng by his
botmr Cir), at 8cbrci.kmeu'a fuinlturo
faot 'ry, 'wbcro iho lailUr w& cruplojtd
Tbe mur lner ? rr '(teJ.
Ntw Y ntK Aug 30
A Hivrn lcttcr ntt.atea the npcraliona
of ga g of fo gers iclling tmill certified
gold cbecka. Chtcks rnls.d to large
am untt cau cd a I an c. Thc forgcra rc.
alized $10 0j0 and ea a cd.
xiaitr cim.DmN left fatiierlees.
New Yoei:, Aug. 30.
Mlchael Long of Newark, aflcr a wcck's
deba ch, took a fatal dose of laudanum
yeattrday, leavlng elgbt cbildrcn.
Montkeal, Aug. 30,
By the fall of a ec IT .lu ut tbe girls'
hlgh (chool yesterday, two laborera wtre
precipltaied C0 fcet and kl ed
Newburgh Regatta-
NEAni'iiaii, Aug. 80.
The flrat r.rnual regalta of tho New.
burc r'i"ing asso iaiton, flrst dy : Firet
rac-, 8 inllc, hlngle a ull for bys un er
20, Frnn G. Tei eyck, P.ek klli; on, Al
Davgh accond ; time 20J. Secocd, ama.
teur aingle scull, tbtcc mile?, Gcorgo W
Lce, Treton club, N ark, N. J., winner,
Ftaran Yonkers stcond ; time 23. Tbird
race, protesaloiiala, t-iDgle k ull 'hree inllci,
Funcby J uiia m. Boston, (colnred), win
ncr, Ja A. Temyclc, Peekakill, Bccond,
Genrgi Ilusmer, (loston, tbird; time 28
Platsted was preacnt but dld not row, not
haviDg recovered from the Saratoga race,
Courtney ia not here. Itaco doublo ecull,
tbree miles, four crcws atancd. Arlbur
McGinn and Al Davagb. Newburg, won,
JamrS A. aod Frink E. Teneyck, Pceka.
kill, iccond ; bebt time 23?.
Fate of a Fooliah Qirl
New York, Aug 80,
Cora Young, ibo beautltul )mng woman
who dled In th boepl ni last Suu'ay trom
tbe cffectB of a d ug laken tn pmduce nbor
tion, formerly llvcdinadisicputublohouce,
The partlCH w,n took tho girl to tbe boppl
tal aro a Frencbtnin who owucd tho bouse.
and an fnierprcter, Thi gitl nformed tho
phyalctans that her father waa tll known
meichant in Bo.von, but relustd to dia-
close his namo Sbe rtn away from houie
and her bct ayer descited lier htre.
The Blo Grande Folioy Condemned
New Yori;, Auy. 30
Tho Uerald'a Ban Autoulo epeclal taya
tho Mexicans do notbing but lalk, Army
nfflcers are dltguat d. The T xana cnu.
sider the nconclllt ou policy endod. Un
less Ofd croasta tbe lllo Qrando wbcn lu
purauit of malefactors, wbcther Mvxlran
troops aio tbe other tldc or not, tbe R o
Grande pnlloy wlll bu wnrse tban a failure.
Comloy Btarts for his Mistion.
ClIIOAO I. AllL'. 00.
Jatnts M. Comlv. Iho newlr aonnlnted
mlnlstcr to the Banilwlch Islanda, left tbls
mornlop, and oua .from ban Franclsco
Beptcmber 12,
The EaiternWar.
VlENNA, Aug. S0.
It U renortcd tbat rtcont llplce .
ment of Mabmond Pa. ,1,a at tnB Waf offlo i
wiBCiused bv hlsiesno Itlbilily for order
lng tic waBteful nnd futlle ' atUck 0l Shlp .
ka pais.
Interct conccntratcs oealn ou Plernn,
where Ojnnn Pasha ls stlongly rcli xfotccdj
but lf defcatcd tho Tutklsh losa IV be It-
Pabis, Aug 30
AdrlctB from Athens s aiO t-iai 2 t 0
Iiallans nff icd tbelr tctvices to tho Grn dt
army. In Creto the agltatlon coutmuei t.
Fire tboutand christtan faadllee havo
aakcd pcrmlselon to lcave tho tilaad, but
tbe govcrutnuiit rcfused.
Lordos. Aug. 80,
A corrcrpondcnt at Hutslan headquartcra
tetcgraphs that Iho loiscs up to MnLday are
nolBBSthau 12,000 on bolh eides. Q.lin.
va ls full of wcunded. It ls rumored thnt
Gcna. Iii detaky and Demtrotky are
Wounded. Bebrova bas been burued by
lrregulars from IlaHgmd.
mure tr00p8 tor 8dleimah l'asua.
Adrianjfle, Au. 80
Troopa nro pon-lng to tho fron , 6,000
per day. These battalions como from Ba
touiA. Large numbers of Albaninu vo.i n
tcera are nrnving to jln Sudemau Pasba.
Thoy have excbancd their guus for Mar
tlnt Ueury nflea. 'I hers will bu no declsivo
actlon at Suipka poss until tho urrival c
recufoirem - ta.
Chicago Batiks Quiet
Ciiioaoo, Au;
Beyond a f nnll run on tbe Fideli..
eomo otber eavlngs bjiiks ibere is uo uou
ual s.ir in banklog circles to-day. No ei
citeinnt anywhcrc.
Nonc i f the i fllccrs of tbe state Favings
bank Iv tc yct appearcd. Tho asBignce Is
80 busy tbat nuthing (aabolcarncd from
bim of tbo lalcat tlevelopmcnta.
Tho di!aat.sfacti n wbich di p isltora ln
the s ate eavings bank bave ahown wlih th
appoutoiint of Col. Abtcr Taylnr aa
at-a'gnee ls Incrcased by a rique&t from
that g-itlm.a for a cummiPte from tbe
d p sllma to a-Biit in tho invesiigatioa.
Tbls aflrrnoon an uprorluus mtc'lngof do-
poslt ia choso a conimbiec to call a meet
ing of d-posllors to lake mcasutea to bave
anntbtr aeigica appoin cd bythocoi'rt.
Some peculiar and Eiupleious lo ku g tran
anciinn. i are been uncartl td by wl lc ibc
i fll era of ibe baLk during U last daya got
ai.umbci of c rtaln no 'ggc-, n te. ttc,
wbich tbc bank hcld agalnst fiem a d ly
wbich th.y tr.iosferred tu tbe bank tbelr
stoik n id took up lo c), m rtgagc.', and
other t bllgatlo s ae equ" alcn's.
Esuth Car Jina Saints.
CoLrjuniA, 8. C, Aug. 30.
The grand jury ti.-day returned true
bills for a brcach of ttust ogatnat cx-Liiut.
Gnv. Qleavcs, ex-Preident of tho Becate
Montgomery, ex-Gov. Mosca, ex-Clerk of
the Uoiiso Jonep, fx-Treasurer Parker ;
also agaliiSt Clerk of tbe Beuatc W odtuff
for forgery to the amoant of ."54.000 ;
apalnst one F. 8 Ja'i bs futery for over
$3 000 ; a s unst t-eott Parker and TJnited
Btates Benator Pattcraon for conspiracy In
tbe sntno funeryj sg n at P t e on for
bribery of membcrs of tbe legislaturc in tbe
mtttcr of tbe B,uu Illdgu ralln ad and
otber caer. and agfllntt Pattitcon, Parker,
II H. Kimpton of New Y'uk, for con
epiiacy to bribe the legl-'aturc.
Saratoga Baces
SAnATOOA, A'lg. 30.
Firtt race, flve furlorgs: War Dance
fllly (lavotlt ) nn in 1.15 J, Bon e Wood
secund, Hpeculation thlrd. ?econd race,
mile and aquarter: Brtdamante(farnilte)
won ln 2:13, Major Bakor Bccond, Wasb
B oth tbird.
Tbe laat race, purso 1 310, mlle and a
quarter, Kelso winner, W..ler aecond i
time 2:21.
Railroau atAnction.
PiTTannoit, Aug. 80.
The Ilen pfle d n lioa i, 83 miles long,
connectlng Washlugton, P ., and Whcel
lng, W Va., aa Bnld by the ITnited States
marabal for $41,000, tu tbe prealdent ot
the Baltimore and Obio, wbich toad wlll
operato ibe llno Tho tale wfti subjtct toa
mortgage of $103 000
Kentucky Society.
WAsniNOTON, Aug. 30.
The postmaster t nd Hook, Ky , ro-
porta that a uaug nf d.Mradoo on Auguat
23, barncd balt tbe town, linluilmg tbe
Doatofllce. tbelr obtccl belnc to roD. Tho
oanil is Btill at large and tbreatens thu post
master'a llfo. Tboautbnte. t unable
to arrcat thcm, Tbe poitmuster advisea
tbo dlso 'iitln ancc of tbe m 11 aervlco tlll
atreste are made.
More Troopt for the Indian Conntry.
Wabiiin .t n Aug( 3 ,
Tbe tbird regira u o' In nt y t as been
ordered to Mont-na wilh n d lay. I. ls
nnw on duiy at Bcran m , PlttebuigH and
MoCarthy BUowncd.
Watirtown, Aug, 80.
Tbe Itate eoneullon of Unimaalists
unantmouily voted t wltbdraw fellowablp
from Ber. O. P. McCariby of New York.
From New York.
New Yonic, Aug. ao.
ibe aldermanlc cummlitco to lnreit.gaic
tho fraud of theTwccd rlng rcsolved to-dy
tnapply to the euprcmo court foraBum.
nions commandlogTwecd to nppear befoto
Ibcm Mondaj .
11KXS eatino mince riK.
Mlchael Clark ngcd 2fi. ttoublnl wb
nlgblmare, iumncd frnm n co.t
wlndow last nlcht nnrt w ..! i
"U. IVII)U?'J 111.
G -orge Wcbstcr etruck bls wilo a prob-
biy latal blow wlth a boot in Itrooklyn f
Tho exicutive comcniiuc of tho W
Un lon teiegrapb company to-di-y i ,
au utlino of new raiis to bo pn
tboJVllantlc and Pamfic cnmpc
finruition. Tho new ecbcdul ,
iAXt weck if cobflrmed.
one i f w;ll's -
The Poat'a Waiblngtnr i
Ttv thlnka the Indl . ,,
'itis; Bull'a band are o . v ,;.,r
t i band wbich nev . a,
A (Jlepatcb waa icv t. , .
ai VJng wbether ,
Sc tlttz agTcca
I "S
tbo ind
, and
Aug 30.
1 1 ton, ton nl
untruo. Mem
s ncelvd a 1-t.
blmpflt siyirg be
cnDvnlejclng. Thc
,lnc elowly.
. r Indications.
ofncK ok nr ciniKr vmti OFncKR.V
W'AsuiNnTnw ug 81 l a rn. I
For tho middle and Now Enghrd s'atea.
nnrtheaft to (r.u'hci'it winda. gt.Vlnnary nr
higlier temperature. rlslrg follnwed hy fall
irg baromp'cr, pittly clnudy weallier nnd
poasibly looa! rainn ln tbo interinr.
Temt eranco and Politics.
Ochan Gnnvr. Aug 30.
A' Ibo mre'IrK nf New .Trsev cnod lem-
plarn ye?tcrdny, it wne nnnnunrfd tht
Monday'e mccllng would decldc s tonnnii.
na' ing a full tempcrar.ee ar.d nform 6ttte
lavenport's Cbndition.
EW Y II!K. AUL'. ?0
A dlfpitch frrn Ca 'nn, P.i., thia fven
Ing s at(B that E. L D v pnr 'he actor
U terrlbly low. T ic p' yficlau glres cvery
hnpo f T his patftnt, ln' ibo family a rc
elgned to tho worst. F n yDivcnpir 's
wlth the family
A Slander Suit
Baitimore, Auz. 20.
Polic" Juslice Gr ff hns iU' d Policc
Marsh&l Gisy for $20,001 d'miges for
plander, in psserllng that tho fcrmer made
lllccal ch 'rg .
Troops For Pennsjlvania.
Baltimore A g. ?0
T'rtn battfrles b vo left F r! McUenrv
for Carlisle Pa . O her troops will fol-
low, aa Orlislr ls a corivenlcnt'ind'Zvous,
Here Stiikers in Trcublo.
Detroit MI h , Au 30,
Fivo stlik ng mlncrs hav b'cn h H fnr
trlal on lan e all for ass: ultln norkmcn
at Jnck--" m n s '
Long i r.uich Races,
Loso Brancii A 30
Fint rTe, mile and nn cihtli, Klne Bcf
wln cr, D li i aitico di b time 2:03
Recond rac, mlle, e Y'ork winner j beet
llme 1 54
WABnlNOTON, Aug. 30
Judee Slorn'ker of Lo tia bas been
appo' Ird ipecial nge t In tht internal
rev. nuo fll e.
Fir s
Pottbville, "a , Aui, Sn.
Tbe pattem thn adjo'ni ig Polo Alto
rnlllng Jiillx a urned 1 1 .1 y ; lo sl
Base Uall
B onh ltn, Aug 0
Hartfords 7, Indlanapoli S.
1 ovr.; , Aug, 30.
Bostona 0, l a a
tiew Yerk Stock and Monar Market.
Nsw Yoax, Av.s.
MONEY nuntod al. 3.
I'ltlMK Meroan lle I'apei t 8X7.
KAlLItOAD 11L)N1)S goterally nrm.
STO. KH opfned s rong and cjosi d weik,
the toliowins are tne quota' ono:
U, H. ea '81 rcg l0H
Uulon 1'aclCc
Uko Bhoi e & M.B.
. HliiClpCcntral...
v, tt. s-wr 'n uewHf
fl, y, iys roi loo,
ti. u. 4i new 104
U, H. 6-20H'67 108 V
'"lovejand t I'li'g,,
!hloaro tt N. V.
uo rrof,,,..
Uovcland.U.A: C
1, J. for. ual
(ock Island
411 ttjt.l'oul
rtn pref,
foi-t Wavno
o S
, 81. H
u. u. oa 'os ooup,,,i u
D. B. esnow.,.,., w-a
D. s. to-40areg.,,.l(n.,s
Uurrenov ea 12.1)
Dol, K lli"'Bon 8),
Murris & Ksacx,,.. 73x
W, U. Tnlofrat'U,, 81?(
Paaino Hull !4,
Adam Express.,, V3
vvells, rarKO & Co. viit
inetlcau Sl, U. E 45
(I, H. ExpretB 41M
.Y.O. slt.lt n,wn
rle U,'(
1n ort St
narlem na
do prof 17
iUobljanCentral, HX
, 17
0, -4-(
. IU
Uhlcago d Alton. .
ao jirei.
Del.,Lack,ft West
J. 1). 0
'liinolbalA' Ht. Jc,
;outral I'aclCo...
Inlon Pacino......
Cxcbange long...
do ahort,.
1 1
Hv Torx tr
loaiBobctter antf
ment mainly ur
extra. Saus
MB HVoB G0 ' '
H S54 10 ; t
Ch llCe wbl-
3'75! f
at to 65-
at 5 n ' '
oxtr 1 ' .0
Ir ket
ro au.
i , .8. Un.
, AleagD at
. , , ' eteamrr
. , ' wlnurred
. , ' ', -ilM; .no. 1
. . .lllfr; tcy
of small state at
' Jomlnal.
i " 1 '''-"; II rket
,, i ' ,5:'bu9'n8'. Se
u lur stea.t.er uitxed:
, j ! Mo lor Mgu mtxaa;
' lio,4W ouaiieH. Marlet
,oo busnels. Mlxeu wea.
ss.seu; white wt.iein and
j lu iu.p ew Yorl No at
.0.2 thltoat So; New to'lc
.5,,,ew.yo,',t N i "'i" &t aa :
i's9j Lcy weslorn at Wrt41c;
,. rru'nntri'i,y' lr'Ie80""!wand old
Jull. "aiek Of yoarllDtr at 3a so:
ni 4rd7u: wevtrrn at 4,7o: New
nt 4gc; (Jall urnta numlnI a' 83Ut.
sa-i iu moto acttr and sto dr
0010" ,i20-Vt Euld; J "b lot3 4t "H
con.-siarkct quiet and flrmor: 8)(jic:
I! hUir t0.e'.. ren '"xiBc i.rprta.e;in-,ea
oi.cBi'P-Qi.-t ai.dsteadv. Salpant cnha
'!p ieF tuT EORleh Islandf;
"WrfMj lor rurto Mco; 40is45u lor New or
-1CK-Mail:ett.(cady nnd 'alrdemnnd. Sales
ilnas. tor caro-
-STitoi-Ecu MarbM caslor and falrly actlre.
SaleH ut crudo at 7c; unltoa ctndo at H 47
ii to;.
1h.liTn:I.,;stea-' sai"s ot ssooo
-o(.- ilnrh. t" bcarcply ao it'in. Sales
of stutti uiicj IVnn.y iruoia at !7o ac;
8te ..! Ntii h ot IMW IUU33 kt 113004413 10.
S r.o for a7afe. "v 'w"-i
frr n. ht-nrv . maUu n..nA, ...
eomm'n-oS Salea " WW for
Li.NfF.KD-Morki t r-ullat t2 05
AHlhKV- ful1.'Ar .11. .1 ... . ..... .
Vermont Morketa.
. HlClIMO.VD, August so
HCTTKIl Fair ln irnn i.vit . k... iru ia..onn.
ui. llu vuurs -, iarni ua rit-H piam s tosc :
mrm makp, sjRi;, a,lOc; no Uciory checso waa
bi. AI.BAN3. AU? St 30.
t'Li.i.n uuniiuin 1,1 toiliiuuu Hl 10t4
goou tu vli.ct' I5jv2iii' : a lecil lb !o
Muu ll.nvu . b.
,tu.n,i ,un i i iiKus iM-: .no he 1313141:
lKlLdTliQHn M fl.li' nnr tillh, 1 ltn. nn,l t, ..
l. do fer lon.
Ei'TTEK Iluite- 5aau w i'j; Kjfir, ib cerM
ouslit'l; nay uwl straw. ii.t ton, flO'0 n $ uo.
oiiuit.huuKv, Autrustau.
dozm; potatocs .5i!i0j.
Boaton Produce Uarket.
Thursdaj, Augut30.
HCTTEn We quote : Fme Nrw York Btaie foc
torj, i((js:c; Ili.e nd faucy grncern' seit-ctlous,
20 ni" ; iiik1c. t, Vcrujunt 2Jt23i-; lnv. Iies, New
York, ; fair to good, 10 .soc : common lots
i5l8; w.atoii' rreainfilea, nnn, ivsec:
vr ittrn aarj packcd, io&iie; lnvoices ot
atraiht ljtt 1517; comuiou, old ana new,
lllji 1 c.
nnEsn Wo quoto : Flno New Yorkfaciory,
llll)4c; lln-Ve mouttactory, ullic; wmt-r-rntaUory,
lOxaili; falrtogood oloo: com
mon an' ordlnury, Sti'Jc.
toos Easn rn al li!918c ; northern, at !ov3
17o ; 1'rlnco Edward's Island ut'.tMHSc.
HEAN3. Wo qunto : Pea, liand plcked north,
ern at $3 O0,nt3 sj; fair to good at (2 J53
3 00; me.iium, liand pickcd ut $2 7092 75 ;
tnlr tnffood nt $3 ssa Sj; j'fllow eyes, ilue, al
I'o at r.8 ..ell at $1 7091 87 per barrel, A
low carlonds have sola at a coo per buahel.
vool ihcroUaveiy duli feellug for wool,
and prlcea contlnuo to rui' ln lavorot bujcra,
altbous no ma trlal chango hus takon place,
MinutoCtureia aio now pretty well btocked,
ai.d aro d'Eposcd to hold orr. whlle hold-ra are
not dl-poseu to presa aulcs at uay materlal con
cesslon, Tbe tranaUiOD3 Include 05,000 lba
nhioneo. es nt 40 forcuminnn a a 4C(d5uu for
mcdlum X anil XX and ab tu; Iim.ioo iuj New
York, WIm onsln and Mlcblgan llci-cs at 40C4
43c; 100 000 ILi d lalno and comuu g n ''ces ut
0a 5oc for natshoJ und 35331x0 lor u..wa bed ;
Ito OOu lba u tvaslied i.nd unineriluntable
fl cectai 253ic; 'ii.iuOlba Terrlior) w ol, tn
olu lng Utah. tviorado ai d Kai.sa at ittmisx;
1CO.0O0 IbaCallfornla at &XO lor 8 rl g
anu itsc lor fall; l9,onoiba Ttxas a' 1735 ;
2t;0oo lba llno O'egonon prlv.t" tenns; Su.ooo
lDuperand X pull o ut 3w43j; ro,oo ibs
bciUP ti atrSwIio; 11,00 lbaiuu kBhed USc;
iml a.OCO loa blli.dilei al 17e437n per ib In to -r
Igu nuol lhero havf been sa.es of 500,000 Ibs
upc, ln bond, 111 C'ana a ptriles at isxailo
gold; 5,1 00 lba Mexl. an t 1&S17C, and 70.CO0 lbi
Ausir-llan ou pr vato terma
For Week Endlng Tueaday, Angntt 28, 1177.
Cattle. ijhuop A Lambs. Swlnn
rhla week I' 93 70 7 Mi
Last week iltn 8 41 ttis
one year ago ... 853 6173 oai
Prlcc 01 marki'i Boef A lew cholce at
Ou3 00; extra lS35taa75; flrst quallt)S7t5
(47 75; aecond (uulllj (0 35.jj0 75; thlrd qual.
If a 15 25ig0 oj.
Prlces ul au,rt cattle Worklng oienM palr,
Crom f 100, $150, ii:5l2"0.
Mllih 1 owa ano Calvesfrom 135, 45,500751
farruw cowb (iS(sf 25
Yearllngs tmo; two years old 1630;
t'ii. jeamoldlvsaJS,
WOBtcrn fat swtnr, lire at CSCVc V
I'rlces of abccii and lambb Sutarcd shien
ln lOtn, UU. f3CKH.-ti.125, each; cxtTa (3 50
(35 50, orfron 45i V It..
Rprlnglamb eeuoilti.
Veal oalves 4 to 00 V Ri.
I'rlcos ot uidoa, uliuvt and Bklns Brighton
uldcs 7X(.(Si VV.; Ilrlghton tallow ec$ecit;
sountr) nides 7 u 7Xu y It; country tauow so
5X0 v .
I'eltfl-bhearcd, !50Hch ; Calt Bklns, loatlo
V R ; Lamb bklns 5 r. acb,
rbe tupply nt tula inndli g ls noarly cne.
iblrd es tbanl'atucek H the quullty had
tvoraK'ed b-itcr thu trndo would nave been
qultu fair, but tho niajoilty of tbe northern
oii' only s ci'inl ratc catile, Lot realy ny
tblnc that mlght IiocjIi. d nne. Bou 0 aeltc
lionaot thc L03 wcro boughi up by O orge
FltcntOrhlpt'i LtverrH,0l. Xatobrrt Hasilngs
ad a pilt tnat went ai wo llve; fntttdb) Mo
Fatlandot I.unoiiburg, Vt. rrlcea nccoidlng
li quaU'y rttunln uicli ngcd. c. Li-.vltt x.
0 io U 8 tt.cra, av ragj 1 aii Ibs, nt 0o live;
8 Bleer , uverge 1 tso Xiii, ut ovjc; 8 kttern, av.
rraito 1,16015 ,at0c, IlPAd'jma ld 4 thno
vcoroid bteie, tjdr. ta 725 na eacb, ai M v
Ih Unssed nclg'it.
Sbecp and lambs Thn low prlces on the
hO"ptwd lambs .10 lnpart owlng to tbeln.
. rlor qualtit m tho tu k thtt anlve. tiod
Ilocks uiocertalniynra c'. ta!osatro lot at
allplent), ore ihan uuo-qurier nf tbo tup.
pl l Itnri C.nada. U'ea berhotand theti do
rags. HSt.cyboldllo fheep and lambs, t,svo
fti, t 5o, rtcarinA ro.wcil nold 103 eu-ip
nd ambi, avcr s 7 15s, at 6'0 II llusb ha
I u.b, Bbetn .no bU' ka from 4iscc B avls
soi 1 a 1. ixed lot of m boad, avcrage C5 tts, at
t oultry I'rloeR nnihargefl, Wo should
lul.e uatihetewa a 1 of hr e tons on tale.
f.jwi ana turkojii Il4iii0 V ri; cbKkuca Itc

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