ORLEANS IWJM JIIiItJJMI 1 A. A. EAI1LE, PUBLIS1IER.) KTo Moro Oompromiso "writ la Slavor JTERMS, 81,25 IX ADVANCE.. NUMBER ?. VOLUME 1. IRASBURGII, VERMONT, FRIDAY, JANUARY 18, 185G. itcrarn Selection. THE FATAL CONCEALMENT. BY AN EXGLISH BARRISTER. Some years after I commenced prac tice but the precise date I stall for ob vious reasons, avoid mentioning I had a friend at whose house I was a pretty con stant visitor. He had a wife who was the magnet that drew me there. She was beautiful but I shall not attempt to de scribe her she was more than beautiful she was faecinating, she was captivating. Iler presence was to me like the intoxica tion of opium. I was only happy under its influence ; and yet, after indulgence In the fatal pleasure, I sank into the deepest despondency. In my own justification, I must say that I never in a word or look betrayed my feelings, though I had some reason to suspect they M ere reciprocated: for, while in my company she was al ways gay, brilliant and witty ; yet as I learned from others, at times she was of ten sad and melancholy. Powerful, most powerful was the temptation to make an unreserved disclosure of my heart, but I resisted it. That I had the firmness so to do, has been for years my only conso lation. One morning I sat alone im my cham ber. My clerk was absent. A gentle knock was just audible at the outer door. I shouted " come in !" in no very amiable humor, for I was indulging in a delicious reverie upon the subject of the lady of my heart, and the presence of an ordinary mortal was hateful. The door opened . and Mrs entered; I do not know exactly what I did, but it seemed to be a long time before I had power to rise and welcome her, while she stood there with a timid blush upon her lips, which made me feel that it would be too great a happi ness to die for. " I don't wonder that you are jurprised to see me here, she began, with a pro voking little laugh ; " but is your aston ishment too great toallow you ;o iay how do you do ?" The snell l- " But would you be so unreasonable as to require an artist to draw a straight line 1 when he was under a fit of delirium tre mens?" ' "You are an incomprehensible1 person," she replied, rather coldly, so I shall leave you to your legal studies. But, if you are going to have a fit of the delirium tremens, I had better send in the doctor shall I?" "Well, I don't anticipate an attack this morning," I answered with a forced laugh ! "so I will not give you the trouble. The fact is, I have been violently agitated a short time since, and my mind has not yet recovered its equilibrium." We talked a few minutes longer, she quizzing me in her light, playful manner, and I delighted to be so teazed, standing stupid and dumb, acarcely able to say a word, though very anxious to prolong the delightful interview by keeping up the war of badinage. At length she went to the door, and I was about to escort her down ' She did not rebuke me for calling her so; and emboldened by her silence, 1 took her hand to lead her from, her narrow prison. ' She moved forward and fell into my arms a corpse. I cannot recall what followed. I only know that every means was tried for her re storation to life, but alas ! without success. Of one thing I was firmly convinced she had not died from suffocation. I had seen a man who had met death in this manner. I recollected his purple and swollen face, and his warm limbs. She was pale, rigid and cold. The tumult of her own emotions must have killed her the moment the door was closed upon her. By some means I kept my secret from the knowledge of Watson and every one else. All that night I was trying to re cover her. Then I formed the project of shutting her np in the closet, locking up the chamber, and going abroad for twenty years. But the idea was rejected as soon as formed; for it would be hardly possible took her hand ; I fear 1 pressed it more warmly and held it longer than was abso lutely necessary. " Perhaps your surprise will be in creased," she continued, " when I inform you that I have come on business." I muttered something about not being so ambitious as to hope that she would visit me from any other motive. She took no notice of what I said, but I per ceived that her face turned deadly pale, and that her hand trembled as she placed before me a bundle of papers. " You will see by these," she said in a low hurried voice, " that some property was left to me by my uncle and by my grandfather, but so strictly settled that even I can touch nothing but the interest. Now, my husband is in want of a large sum of money at this moment, and I wish you to examine the affair well, and see whether, by any twisting of the law, I can place any part of my capital at his disposal. Unintentionally I have done him a great wrong," in a tone so low, that no ears less jealously alive than mine could have understood their meaning. ' and poor as this reparation is, it is all that I can make, and I must do it if pos sible." I pretended to study the papers before me, but "the lights danced and mingled ; and if, by great effort, I forced my eyes to distinguish a word, it conveyed not the f-lightest meaning to my whirling brain, livery drop of blood seemed imbued with a separate couciousness, and to be ting ling and ru-shing to the side next to her, whose presence, within a short distance of me, was the only thing of which I had a distinct perception I hung my heai to hide from her the emotion of wljch I was thoroughly ashamed. It may well be believed that I was in I no condition to give a professional opin- ion ; but I got over the difficulty by telling her I must Lave time to study the case, and promising to let her know the result. louarea tiresome ereature," she said, with a little coquettish air. "I really expected that for once in your life, and tor a lneud, too, you might have gotten rid of the days delays, and give me your opinion in nan an hour, bo far, at least. as to tell me whether there is any proba bility ot my being able to do as I desire But I see that you are like the rest of the ' lawyers time! time! time! I suppose ; you will keep thinking about it until 1 f am dead, and then it will go to my husband $ in due course of law." $ " It may not require more than half an hour to ascertain 60 much, when I can ; direct my thoughts to do it for that space I of time," I replied, and I know that the words rattled like shot out of my mouth, stairs, when we heard some one speaking that the presence of a dead body in the below. house should not be discovered before 'Good God !" she exclaimed, clinging that time, to my arm, " that is my husband's voice, Next I thought of setting fire to the if he finds me here I am ruined." place, burning all my books and papers, ''Don t be alarmed," I replied, endeav- making a funeral pile of them, and thus oring to reassure her, "you came here on ruining myself to preserve the secret. business, too ! He could only love you But that thought, too, was dismissed. It the more for it." might cause loss of life and property to "You do not understand so well about many innocent people, and would be a tL:s as I do," she said shuddering convul- bungling proceeding after all, and if this sively. " He is jealous exceedingly of fire was discovered early, policemen, fire, you ; and, oh ! I fear not without some men, mob, would break in, and findin cause. Hide me somewhere for mercy's the body there, all would be lost for it sae" was more to save her reputation than my i aou t Know now it happened, but my me, that I was striving and plotting arm was around her, and I half carried In the meantime I was prey to the most ner across tne room to a closet. tearful anxiety. I was sure she must 'Shut it : lock it ; take away the key, have been missed and sought for. Per- or 1 shall not feel safe. There is a plen- taps she had been seen to enter my cham ty of air," and sprang into the recess. bers. Every step I heard, I feared might t or one moment her eye met mine, be that of a policemen. In the morninn- and 1 have thought they beamed with im- a stranger called on business. This of passioned love. The next I had locked course, was nothing unusual ; but, when tne door r j-on my treasure, throwing the he was gone, I felt that he was a detect- papers she hau brought in a drawer, and ive officer, and had come as a spy. Jr5raremty usy, with my pen when tDr"st a few clothes into ajerjveagjqj. round about way to question me upon cer- up a box of matches to set the place on tain points of the law respecting marriage fire, I grasped a razor and looked earn settlements, &c. ; and, after a tedions estly at its edge as the surest and swift amount of circumlocution, he gave me to est way of ending my misery. But all understand that all this regarded a de- these wuld leaTe her t0 the Jests of the sired transfer of some property' of his world and my own sufferings were noth- wife's into his own hands. He had come ng xn comparison. : At this distance of upon the same errand as that generous time I can lok hack impartially and cool- creature. He had also a copy of the rel- lJ uPon we dreadlul day ; and I can sol- atives' wills, and I was compelled to ex emnly declare, that I would rather be amine closely, for he Was desperately hanged for murdering her than to have pertinacious, and would not be put off. allowed a breath to sully her fair name, I was angry at the thought of what his 1 "ad just laid down the razor, when a poor wife must be suffering, pent np in hurried step crossed the ante-room. It that narrow prison. I felt that I could was her husband's. Now, I thought, all have kicked her husband out of doors for is lost 5 she was seen to enter here, and keeping her there. At length he made he has come to claim her. a move as if to go. I started up, and "My dear he began in a very stood ready to bow him out. nervous unsettled . way, "you remember did I preserve self-possession during this interview ? so far from being really calm, I could have gnawed the flesh off my bones in agony. That night when the doors were fasten- ed and I was alone, I shut myself up in the clos' for two hours, to ascertain whether she died from want of air ; for I distrusted my own knowledge of the ap pearance of suffocated persons. The place was well supplied with air from a couple of crevices. My first idea was correct she had died from some other eftiergSi from ihe closet, 1 cause. When I found that the night was intensely dark It was raining in torrents-, and the thun der and wind roaring in dire chorus, sur passed by the sullen booming of the river then at high tide and already swelled by the rain. I sat there in the dark upon the floor, holding the cold stiff hand of death within my own. I thought dream- ingly how often it had welcomed me with its soft pressure, while the sweet eyes beamed brightly into mine, and the full pouting lips had wreathed into dimples o delight. Now, that hand that used to be so full of warmth and life was cold ! Those lips were 'clammy and hard ! Tears came to my relief. I wept as grown men sel dom weep, and with that heart-easing gush came a new idea for her and me. was to believe at that moment that her spirit rested upon mine, and inspired the thought, for it burst npon me suddenly with a conviction that, if executed at the instant, it would be crowned with success. How could I otherwise have the temerity to snatch her up in my arms, carry her down stairs, at the risk of being encoun tered by some of the other inhabitants of the house ; bear her through the courts, by a way I knew, into the garden ? The river was running strong and deep against the wall. I pressed one kiss upon her cold forehead, and threw her into the stream. Gladly would I have gone with her, and held her to my heart till death ; but the impulse was still on me, and the Log Sermons. A writer in the j London Quarterly Review, in an article entitled "Home Heathenism," makes the following comment on "the immoderate length of sermons" which we shall ex tract for the benefit of clergy and oth ers : "The length of the modern sermon is a great disadvantage and a growing evil : but it is not the main cause of listlessness in the hearer : for it is not the last por tion w hich tires us ; we are tired before we get that relief ; and there are long sermons which never appear long. The fault is both in the matter and the style. The topics are to generally stale, and ex tremely limited in their range ; the pub lic mind wants variety and freshness. The mass of the truths uttered from the pulpit need no proof ; it is an idle waste of patience and skill to offer it. If all vain repetitions of thought were exclu ded, and the best of the remainder were alone retained, sermons would not be so unreasonably long. And generally the style is verbose ; it is not close, compact, nervous. The rule might be, to see how much space the gold can be made to cov er ; the practice is, not to be perspicuous, convincing, brief. The word-painter fails to exhibit his own thought, probably be cause it is not clearly conceived by him- seif ; for he who thinks clearly and vigor ously will express himself with sufficient perspicuity, thought shapes the style, The one radical error, not universal, but general, is excessive verbiage "the sev en grains are hid under a bushel of chaff. We are of the opinion that it is the sin of the age ; and indiscreet persons freely bestow their praises upon young ministers especially if they have plenty of bold 'figures in proportion to their being unable to remember anything that is said. The ' cloud land' style is, in our judment, the most offensive ; an accumulation of what are no better than cant terms, com pound ephhota, ana words " without defi nite significations ; and these are often accumulated into an incongruous mass of Ueology has proved that, at one peri- j Extract from the journal of a school ed, there existed an enormous land veg- master, published in nn Olro nawr ' i i HOW COAL WAS MADE. SCHOOLMASTER BOARDING BOUND. etation, th ruins or rubbish of which, carried into seas, and there sunk to the bottom, and afterwards covered over by sand and mud beds, became the sub stance which we now recognize as coal. This was a natural transaction of vast consequence to us, seeing how much ut'I- ty we find iu coal, both for wanning our dwellings and for various manufactures, as well as for the production of ste:un,by which so great a mechanical power is generated. It mar naturallv excite sur prise that tie vegetable remains shoul'd have io completely changed their appa rent character, and become black. But this can be explained by chemistry; and part of the marvel becomes clear to the simplest understanding when we recall the familiar fact that damp hay, throw n closely into a heap, gives out a heat, and t'ty of stone wall Monday Went to board at Mr.T. V had a baked goose for dinner. Suppose from its size, and the thickness of iu skin, with other venerable appearances, to have been one of the first settlers of this state. Made a slight impression on tfio patriarch's brcftst. Supper Cold goose and potatoes. Family consisting of the husband, gulo wife, daughter Pegg, four boys, Pom oy the dog, and a brace of cats. Fire built in the square room n''"iit 0 oV!o k, and a pile of wood lay by the nte-ilec. Saw Peggy scratch her fivgers and couldn't take the hint. Felt squeamish alnnit the stomach, and talked about going to bed. Peggy looked sullen, and put more wood on the fire in the square room. Went to bed and dreamed of having eaten a cuan- becomes of a dark color. When a veg- Tuesday Cold gander for breakfast, etable mass is excluded from the air, and swamp tea, and some nut-cakes, the latter subjected to great pressure, a bituminous j some consolation. fermentation is produced, and the result is the mineral coal, which is of various character, according cs the mass has been intermingled with sand, clay or earthly impurities. On account of the change, effected by mineralization, it is difficult to detect in coal the traces of a vegetable structure ; but these can be made clear in all except the highly bituminous caking coal, by cutting or polishing it clown into thin transparent slices when the micro scope shows the fibre and cells very plainly. From distinct isolated specimens found in stones amidst the coal beds, we discov er the nature of the plants of this era. They are almost all of simple cellular structure, and such ns p-cist wish us in small forms, horse tails, club mo-sesnr.d :g:lIluVr a"J tte:,t to b,J "goodnight fens1 but advanced to an enormous ma?- ! r3t- DlIItl vt-ry cold night and nitude. The species are long since ex- Dinner The legs, !cc. of the gander, done up warm, one nearly done up. Supper The other leg, &c, cold. Went to bed as Teggy was carrying in the fire to the square room. Dreamed I was a mud-turtle and got on my back and could not get over again. AV'ednesday Cold gander for break fast. Complained of sickness, and could eat nothing. j Dinner Wings, &c, of the gander I warmed up. Did mv best to dWmv them for fear they should be left for sup per ; did not succeed. Dreaded supper all ihe afternoon. Supper Hot johnny-cakes. Felt re lieved. Thought I had got clear of the 'wn.,"-o,--;jllv is such that her body had been found far down j the river. ' The medical evidence, after a pofit-mortem examination, was that she had died from rupture of the Tieart, and that her death took place before her im mersion in the water. So they conjectured that she had been standing by the river, when the fatal attack seized her, and had fallen in unperceived ; and they returned a verdict of accidental death, and buried her in a pretty churchyard near where they found her. I shall die a backelor. I am lean and pale, and bowed down and grey beaded, and the sound of my laugh is strange to me. "So," said he,tying up his papers with the business I came about yesterday ?" provoking deliberation, "nothing but my . 1 enectry. wife's death you say, can put toe in pbs- " And do . 70U remember the words I session of this money. I want it very used 85 1 was g0U1S ? I mean in answer much, but nobody will suspect toe of de- 10 what ?m said about not beitlS abIe siring her death for the sake of having it t0 touch this money until after the death a little sooner. oimywner, , He laughed at his own ooor iesL and - " Y.?. remember them distinctly." made a sort of hyena chorus to it, that . "My wife Las disappeared since yes- sounded strange and hysterical, even in terday morning," he continued, turning my own ears. He went at last, but stop- more Pale than before, " and if anything ped again on the stairs, and detained me serious should have happened, you know, there, talking for full five minutes longer. and 70U Bhould tLose expressions, I felt by sympathy, all the pangs of suf-: they might be laid hold of, and I don't focation. My throat seemed swollen know what might be the consequence I my forehead bursting. Great God ! will might be suspected of iaving murdered he never be gone ? Will he stand here her. gossiping about the weather and the gen- Poor fellow ! If I had not Hrynvn the eralities of the law, while his lovely wife, truth, I should bave suspecteu .t myself, who came to sacrifice her individual in- from ,his excessive terror and anxiety terests for his sake, dies a terrible and I He wiped the perspiration from his face lii;--ci-ing death. I rushed to mv back and sank into, a ehair. The sight of a room. A step behind me makes me turn person frightened more than myself re round. It is my clerk curse on him. I assured me. I was calmer than I was since could ground him with unavailing rage. I the preceding morning. could have stabbed him shot him beat! "Where did he go? How was she out his brains hurled him headloDg dressed," I inquired, anxious to know all down stairs. But my violence would I could on the sub iect. Value of oxs Leaf.- -There couldn't keep warm in bed ; got up and stopped the broken window with my coat and vest no use froze the tin of mv 4 as now grows in clusters oi tropicar w , i t i !i i i i .i nose Ue. mnus ; oui n must nave wra iuu resuu -'ning. . . .. . . -a- l.;t trarurtttur&ht:mi'd otherwise hursuay Cold t have conpromised her. In a few minutes my brain was clear again. "Watson," cried I, "Mr. has just left me. He is gone up Fleet street, I think, run after him, and request him to leave those papers with me. Say to him I would like them more at my leisure. Run, run, quickly, and you will overtake him." Watson disappeared. I turned the key of the outer door, and sprang towards the closet. As I unlocked it, I remembered the look she gave me when I shut it ; I wondered, with a beating heart, whether the same expression would meet my en raptured gaze when I opened it. There she stood with her eyes calmly fixed on mine. . -; "You are safe, dearest," I muttered. " I don't know. She told me she was going out shopping and visiting ; but no one saw her leave the bouse and none of the servants knew exactly how she was dj-essed. When I went home to dinner the first thing I heard was that she had not returned V " What have you done ? Have you sent to the police and to the hospitals ?" " Yes, and to every friend and trades man she would be likely to call." " You may depend upon it, " I replied, very impressively, " that I will not repeat what you said yesterday. You are right in supposing that it might tell against you very much, if she is found dead under suspicious circumstances. . He talked a little longer, and then went to renew the search for his wife. How A Bacuelok's Reflection. Bless me I am thirty-nine to-day ; six feet in my stockings, black eyes, curly hair, tall and straight as a cedar of Lebanon, and ' still a bachelor. Well it is an indepen dent life at least, no it isn't either. Here are these new gloves of mine full of rips, string off one of my most faultless dick eys, nice silk handkerchief in my drawer wants hemming, buttons off ray shirts ; what's to be done ? How provoking it is to see those married people looking so self-satisfied and consequential, at the head of their families as if they had done the State some great service. As to children, they are as plenty as flie3 in August, and about as troublesome ; eve ry alley and court and garret are swarm ed with them, they're no rarity ; and any poor, miserable wretch has a wife ; enough of them, too, such at (luey are 1 It is enough to scare a man to death to thir.k how much it costs to keep 'em ! Silks and satins, ribbons and velvets, feathers and flowers, cuffpins and brace lets, gimcraeks and fol-de-rols ; and you must look at the subject of its bearings ; little jackets and frocks, and wooden hor ses and dolls, pop-guns and ginger-bread; don't believe I can do it,by Jupiter! But here I sit with the toe of my bcr-i boot kicking the gra;e, for the want of something to do ; it's coming awful cold and dreary weather, long evenings, can't go to concerts forever, and when I do the room looks so much the gloomier when I come back, and it vould be cozy to have a nice little wife to tliat and laugh with. I've tried to think of something eLe, but can't ; if I look in the fire, I'm sure to see a pair of bright eyes ; even the shadows on the wall take fairy sliapcs ; I'm on the brink of ruin I feel it; I 6hall read my doom iu the marriage hot before long Jhnou Jihail! was once a caravan crossing, X thins, the north of India, and numbering in its company a godly and devout missionary. As it passed along, a poor old man was overcome by the heat and labor of the journey, and, sinking down, was left to perish on the road. - The missionary taw him, and kneeling down at his side, when the rest had passed along, whispered in his car, "Brother, what is your hope ?" The dying man raised himself a little in answering, "The blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth from all sin ;" and immediately expired with the effort. The missionary was greatly astonished at the answer ; and in the calm and peaceful appearance of the man, he fell assured he had died in Christ. How, or where, he thought could this man, seemingly a heathen, have got his hope ? And ad he thought of it, he observed a piece of paper grasped tightly in the hand of the corpse, which he succeeded in getting out. What do you suppose was his surprise and delight, when he found it was a single leaf of the Bible, containing the first chapter of the first epistle of John, in which these words occur. On that page the man had found the gospel, for the Tuati-l""' "AWns now i, perate, and even polar regionsi jim , "" i 'pie xne conclusion, mere tore, to wiucii very much discouraged not to Fe!t a .ant dreams. ' ; most geologists have arrived is, that the nday Ki-eah.asl abroad. Dinner earth, originally an incandescent or high-! ilt JI r- J S"wh'r amI hot lK,Ja- ly heated mass, gradually 'cooled, until in the carboniferous period it fostered a growth of terrestrial vegetation all over its surface, to which the existing jungles of the tropics are mere barrenness in comparison. The high and uniform tem perature combined with a greater portion of carbonic acid gas in the manufacture, could not only sustain a gigantic and pro lific vegetation but would also produce dense vapors, showers and rauis ; and these again gigantic rivers, periodical in undations and deltas. Thus all the con ditions for extensive deosits of wood, in estuaries would arie from this high tem perature ; and every circuiii-tancc con nected with the coal, measures points to such conditions. toes the la'.ter very good ; ate these and went to school somewhat contented. Supper Cold gander again ami no potatoes, bread heavy and dry. Had the headache and couldn't cat. Peggy much concerned ; had a fire built in the square room, and thought she and I had better sit there out of the noise. Vcnt to led early. Peggy thought too much sleep bad for the headache. Saturday Breakfast, cold gndcr ni:d hot Indian johnny-cake did very well glad to come off fo. Dinner Cold pander again. Didu t keep school this afternoon. Weighed and found that I had lost six pounds the !.i--tvetk! Crew alarmed. Had a talk with Mr. B., and concluded I had boanl- The woman ho reigns queen of the ball-room is very seldom found capa ble of beinz the governed of Ler owu children. Beautiful Doctkise. The Rev. Ir. Bellows, of Jiew York, recently de livered an excellent address on mirth, in the course of which he remarked : " For my part I say it in all solemnity, I have become sincerely suspicious of the piety of those who do not love plea sure in any form. I cannot trust the man that never laughs ; that is alx-as se date ; that has no apparent outlets for those natural springs of sportivenes and gavety that are perennial in the human soul. I know that nature takes her re venge on such violence. I expect to find secret vices, malignant sins, or horrid crimes springing up in this hot-bed of confined air and imprisoned epace ; and therefore, it gives rne sincere moral grat ification anywhere and in any communi ty, to see innocent pleasures and popular amusements resisting tho religious big otry that frowns so unwisely ujK)ii them Anything is better than dark, dead, un happy social life prey to ennui arid mor bid excitement, which results from un mitigated puritanism, whose second crop is usually unbridled license, and infa mous folly." tS3Ien are like bugles the more brass they contain the further you can hear them. Wotnn arc like tulips the more taode.it mid retired they appear, the better you love them. EEMAHZABLE CCCUTlfcEIXZ. A circumstance of a somewhat extra ordinary character occurred a short time since in one of our nourishing ' towns of the middle counties. A clergyman died, and his ifo and daughters, on the third day after ! rca.-c, reo-ileciing that no likeness remained, it was agreed ere the grave closed o'er him, that the body should be unshrouded and a portrait taken. A young lady of some professional celebrity was engaged lor the ta,k. She, with the aslain-e of the attendant, took off the hlaoud and placed the body hi the requisite posture ; but other duties requiring the artist's atten tion, the sketch was deferred till noon. About 12 o'clock, at the foot of the bed, the lady commenced and went thro an hour's work on this image of death. At this stage of the proceedings, by some unaccountable motion, the head of the ed out his share. .le.-.ili-like figure fell on the s'.ile. ISotn ing daunted, the artist carefully took tIie f slru;'jrl-3 of home? i i ... ... i.tA. ; . i. i tr-. v CiT What a man really is, will tppcr.r in the truest light under his owu roof and by his ov.ii fireside. I can believe that h-? is a Christian, when I know that le: faithfully takes Up the daily duties, and bears the crosses that cluster within his own doors. I shall think that the wond rightfully calls him a philanthropist.wheii, notwithstanding common faults mid hi1 firniitics, he receives the spontaneous awnr-,1 f tli ptfr-X lui. btvn-1 anJ u !, and the kin luess of hu nature is retted eJ iu the very iu'r and light of the dwelling. And talk of noble deeds! vUrs will you find occasions for, where wid you behold 'n.anirestalions of a more beauti ful sacrifice, a more penerous heroism, than in the labors and in the endurance of thousands of men and women thut out from the world's observation in silent nooks and corners of this very city, amidst the relation -hip, and care and ; it ticther" it be in f.rnn of good or r il, the real elements of K;;r;i know that . ihe genu ine moral qimlitiea of people must be e I -reised there Kkv. K. II. Cniri:. opened, and staring her full in the face, the dead inquired, " Who are you ?'' The young professional, without trepi dation, took the bandage front the Jicad j fAn rxchange quotes Paul's wii aiul rubbed his neck. lie Immediately ; ting "'owe no man anything." and then saw the ehroud, and laughed 'immoderate- j tt,J s, Onv of our suWibcrs ly. The arliftt quietly called the family i i never real Paul's Epistles The poor their joy may be imagined but cannot be 'ruin gave a look atliis delinquent lit de.'cribed. That evening, he wlm I.od Lighcd, as only a printer can igh a:il Iain tlo-ce days in bis fchroud, Lcmoanea ami quietly reKfmci !,is labor, l.v rn.ilher find tistlTS with llgOilizillZ . ... I . - j 4 . . , : 1 ! -fi d mail i-iiiM nuiin; in about tW Fahrenheit. A scientific f.'. nd observes, that, to Increase his l'inp r:i- , all that is necessary is to pull hit ! HOse, U ars, gladdened their hearts ly tuUng his accustomed place at the tea table, nnd at this moment is making an excursion iu jJ North Wales. i ( l''j! t ) j ' Timei.