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INDEPENDENT Qnfi A ATiD A FMn. A. A. EAIILE, PUBLISHER.! 1ST o Moro Compromise witli Slavery, 1 TERMS, 81,25 IX ADVANCE. VOLUME 1. IRASBURGII, VERMONT, FRIDAY, MARCII 14, 185G. NU3IRER 11. itcrarn Selections. IEA ALLEN. HOW IIE TAID THE VERMONT MILITIA. In Thompson's Roman -e, " The Ran ger's, or the Tory's Daughter," there is a scrap of history worth reading and preserving. The scene is laid in time of our Revolutionary war. Burgoyne was marching southward, and danger was imminent. A meeting of the " Commit tee of Safety" was called at Manchester, Vt., to inquire what should be done, and various propositions were made, almost in the dark as to any practicable move ment. The colony was without arms, or munitions of war, even if they could raise men to meet the enemy, and there was no authority to raise money by taxa tion. The meeting was composed of strong and sterling men. There was Olin and Paul Spooner, Rowley and Matthew Lyon, Benj. Carpenter, Ira Al len and others, and over all presided the sagacious Thomas Chittenden. Such men would not sit idly by and see the haughty Briton triumph, and they arose one after the other and made propositions based on voluntary subscriptions. One proposed raising one company, and an other more sanguine, two, when Ira Al len arose. But we will let Mr. Thomp son speak for himself.J " And I go for neither, Mr. President!" said Ira Allen, stopping short in his walk, and turning to the chair. " For I be lieve the council, on a little reflection, will conclude to do something more wor thy of the character of the Green Moun tain Boys, than the raising of the paltry force which even the best of these propo sitions involves. And I doubt not the means of so doing may be soon and abund antly supplied, without infringing the constitution or distressing the people. And I therefore move, sir, that this coun cil resolve to raise a full regiment of men, forthwith appoint their officers, and take such prompt and speedy measures for their enlistment, that, within one week, every glen in Vermont shall resound with the stir of military preparation." " Chimerical '" said one, who, in com mon with the rest of the council, seemed to hear with much surprise, a proposition of this magnitude so confidently offered, when the doubt appeared whether even the comparatively trifling one of Clark would be adopted. w Impossible, utterly impossible to raise pay for half of them !" responded several others. " Don't let us say that till we are com pelled to do so," said the patriotic Car penter, in an encouraging tone. " This jumps so well with my wishes, that I would not see it hastily abandoned. For, although I confess I do not pretend to see where the requisite means are to come from, yet some new light, in this respect may break in upon us by another day And could we but see our way clear to sustain this proposition, we should feel like men again." " Amen toall that," respondend Clark. And as the hour for adjournment has now arrived, I move that our young col league, who offered this proposition with so much confidence in the discovery of a way to carry it into execution, and who is said to be very fertile in expedients, be appointed a committee to devise the ways and means of paying the bounties and wages of the regiment he proposes to raise ; and that he make his report to the council by sunrise to-morrow morning." " Second that motion, Mr. President," cried Lyon, in his usual full determined tone of voice and strong Irish accent. 'I go for the whole of Mr. Allen's propo sition, means or no means. But the means can, must, and shall be found, sir ! We Will put the gentleman' a brains under the screws to-night," he continued jocosely, taming to Allen ; ' Aud if he appears here in the morning empty-handed, he ought to be expelled from the council. Ay, and I'll move it, too, by the two bulls that redeemed me !" " I accept the terms" replied Allen, bowing pleasantly to the former. " Give me a room by myself, pen, ink, paper, and a lamp, and I will abide the condi tion." "For your lamp, Mr. Allen, as your task is to discover money where there is none, I advise you to borrow the wonder ful lamp of Aladin," gayly added Row- Mathew Lvon, who verv soon becnm rr,r,. noted as a leading partisan in the legislature of ennom, ana suosequenuy more so as member of congress from Kentucky, having, as before inti mated, been sold to pay hit passage from Ireland to Connecticut, where he landed, ard afterwards redeemed by the payment of a pair of bulls to the parchaser, by a gentleman of that state, for whom he was permitted to labor, at liberal wages, till this novel kind of indebtedness was cancelled. And as this bold and siiKrnifir mnn ntprftd nrmn 'h scenes of life as a successful freeman, he was wl of boastitg of the romantic manner in which a became one, while the expression, " Ev the wn duiis that redeemed me," became his favorite oath on all occasions. ley, as the question was put, and carried ; and the council, in a half-serious, half sportive mood, broke up, and separated for the night. At sunrise, the next morning, as had been proposed, the council punctually as sembled to receive the promised report of their committee. Most of them, from having lodged in the same house, were aware that Allen had spent the whole of the intervening time on the business which had been committed to his charge ; for, hour after hour, during that import ant night, they had heard the sounds of his footsteps, as he continued to walk his solitary chamber, intensely revolving in his teeming mind the vexed question, upon the decision of which he felt the last chance of making a successful etttnd a- gainst the invaders of the state would probably depend. And this and the ex pectation, which had somehow been gen erally raised, that he would present some feasible plan tor carrying out his propo sals, the character of which no one could conjecture, caused his appearance to be awaited with no little curiosity and solic itude. They were not left long in suspense ; for scarcely had the president called the council to order, before Allen came in, holding in his hand au open sheet of paper, to which, as the yet un dried ink showed, he had just committed the result his night's labor. " Is the committee, appointed at ad journment last evening, prepared to make his report ?" asked the president. " Fully, your honor," promptly respon ded Allen, who according then rose and said, " My report, Mr. President, consists of two parts. The first comprises the nom ination of a list of officers, from colonel to subaltern, for a regiment, to be styled Tlie Ranyers. The second part involves the subject more particularly committed lo me, and proposes the means of raising aud supporting them. As the first will be useless unless the second is adopted, I will submit it without present reading, and proceed at once with the second and more important proposition, which, after a long aud patient consideration of every argument for and against the measure, I have concluded to recommend to the council, as the best and most effectual means of securing the desired end. And that proposition, for the sake of conven ience, as regards the action of the council on the principle involed, I have thrown into the form of the following resolu tion : " Resolved, That by specific deee of this council and under reguK'ons here after to be made, the eates, both real and personal, of all nose who have been, or hereafter n be, indentified as tories, aiders and abettors of the enemy, within this stJtce, be confiscated for the military de&nce therof ; and that so much of said estates may be needed for the payment of the bounties and wages of the regiment now proposed to be raised, be forthwith seized, and within ten days sold at the post, for that purpose, by the officers ap pointed by this council to execute its or ders and decrees in that behalf." The speaker without offering any fur ther remark in explanation or defence of the measure he had reported, resumed his seat, and calmly awaited the expres sion of the council. But they were ta ken by such complete surprise by a propo sition so entirely new in the colonies, so bold and so startling in its character, that, for many minutes, not a word or whis per was heard through the hushed assem bly, whose bowed heads and working countenances showed how deeply their minds were engaged in trying to grapple with the momentous subject, upon which their action was thus unexpectedly re quired. At length, however, low mur murs of doubt or disproval began to be heard; and soon the expressions, "un precedented step r "doubtful policy .'" and " injury to the cause" became distinguish able among the over-prudent in differ ent parts of the room ; when Matthew Lyon sprang to his feet, and, bringing his broad palms together with a loud slap, exultingly exclaimed,- " The child is born, Mr. President ! My head has been in a continual fog, every hour since we convened, till the present moment ; and I could see no way by which we could even begin to do all that the exigency required, without run ning against law, or distressing the peo ple. But now, thank God, I can see my way out. I can now a glance, how all can be speedily and righteously ac complished. I can already see a regi ment of our brave mountaineers in arms before me, as the certain fruits of this bold, bright thought of our sagacious and intrepid young colleague. TJnpreoedent- ed step is it? It iay be so with ns tun id republicans ; but is it so with our ene mies, who are at this moment threaten ing to crush us, because we object to re ceive their law and precedent? How were they to obtain the lands of the half of Vermont, which, it is said, they recent ly offered the lion-hearted Ethan Allen, if he would join them, but by confiscating our estates ? What has become of the estates of those in their own country, who, like ourselves, have rebelled against their government ? From time imme morial they have been confiscated. Can they complain, then, at our following a precendent of their own setting? Can they complain because we adopt a meas ure, which, in case we are vanquished, they will not be slow to visit on our es tates, to say nothing of our uecko ? Can these recreant rascals themselves, who have left their property amoBg us, and gone off to help fasten this very govern ment, complain at our doing what they will be the first to recommend to be done to us, if their side prevails? Where, then, is the doubtful policy of our antici pating them in this measure, any more than in seizing one of their loaded guns in battle, and turning it against them ? Injury to the cause, will it be ? Will it injure our cause here, where men are daily deserting to the British, in belief that we shall not dare touch their prop ty, to strike a blow that will deter all the wavering, and most others of any proper ty, from leaving us hereafter ? Will it injure our cause here to have a regiment of regular troops, who will, perhaps, draw into the field four times their number, in volunteers? If this bean injury, Mr. President, I only wish we may have, a few more of them ; for, with half a dozen such injuries, by the two bulls, we would rout Burgoyne's whole army in a fort night. Yes, Mr. President, this measure must go ; for it promises every thing to cause, and threatens nothing that honest patriots need fear ; and had I a hundred tongues, they should all wag a good stiff ay for its adoption." "A bold measure, boldly advocated!" next spoke Carpenter. " But as bold as it is, Mr. President, I rise not to condenju it, but rather to say, that I am determined to meet it fairly, and without fear ; and if, when I get cool enough to jnuf -i make a decision, the objections to it ap-1 pear no more formidable than they now do, I will give it my hearty support." , " Jf the public should call this a des perate remedy, they must recollect that it is almost our only one," remarked Olin, in his cool, quiet manner. " Nothing venture, nothing have ; let us go for it who dare !" " Let us oppose it who dare !" warmly responded Lyon. " The measure will be a popular one ; and let it once be known among the people, as I promise gentle men it shall be, that this proposition was considerately recommended to us by a committee we appointed for the purpose let this be known, and who among us has nerve enough to stem the storm of popular indignation that wdl burst on his head, for the timid and cowardly policy which led him to go against it ?" " Vermont," added Rowley " Ver mont was the first to show her sister states the way to take a British fort let her also be the first to teach them the secret of making tories bear their proportion of the burdens of the war. I am already pre pared to give the measure my support, Mr. President." Almost every member, in turn, now threw in a few observations. The doubts and fears of the more cautious and wa vering gradually gave way ; and it soon became evident that the measure had found too much favor with the council to be re sisted. Lyon, with his rough and pithy eloquence, had broken the ice of timidity at the right moment ; and he and the originator of the measure, at first the only unhesitating members of the assembly, perceiving the gathering current in its favor, now warmly followed up their ad vantage; and within two hours from its introduction, the resolution was adopted. This was immediately followed by the passage of the decree named in the reso lution, specifying the names of those thus far fairly indentified as openly espousing the British cause in Vermont, and declar ing their estates forfeited to its use. Al len's proposal to raise a regiment of ran gers was then, as a matter of course, unanimously carried, and the officers he had nominated were, with a few altera tions, as unanimously appointed. All were now animated with a new spirit. Hope and confidence had taken the place of doubt and despondency in their bosoms, and the remainder of the day was spent in carrying out the details of their plan, - ! which all agreed should now be put in execution, with the greatest possible promptitude and seciecy. In this, as soon as the different appointments, made necessary for the execution of the decree were completed by the united action of the council, all the members, individual ly, took an active part. And for many hours, they might have been seen sitting round the tables, silently and intently engaged with their peas some in drafting despatches to be sentti New Hampshire and Massachusetts, sone in writing confi dential letters unfoldhg their plan, and asking the cooperation jf the leading men in the different parts of their own state, and some in making out commissions for the military officers, or the commissioners and other officers of eor.u Mixtion ; while others were out, scattering themselves about town, warily and cautiously inquir ing out prompt and trusty messeagers, to be despatched, as soon as it wts dark, simultaneously and post-haste, to convey these important missives to their different destinations round the country. And all being accomplished, the blow struk,and the machinery put in motion, the coun cil concluded to adjourn, to meet again in a few days at Bennington, the interim to be spent by them in repairing to their respective spheres of influence among the people, and there taking an activs part in defending and explaining their meas ures, and assisting to carry them into ope ration. Such was the origin of those tem;orary tribunals in Vermont, subsequently termed courts of confiscation, which firmed a prominent feature in her early history, and which furnished, it is believed, the first example of the exercise of this ex traordinary power ever known in the United Colonies during the revolutionary struggle. And whatever may have been the effects of this retributive policy in other states, its results here were salutary and important. It put an immediate stop to any further espousing of British interests, especially among men of property, while, within the astonishingly short space of fif teen days, it brought a regiment of men into the field, well armed and prepared for instant service, thus securing those advantages to the defenders of liberty, in the peculiar posture of affairs in which it was introduced, and giving that impetus to their military operations, without which the brilliant successes that marked the ensuing campain in Vermont could never have been obtained, Of this there can scarcely be a doubt And scarcely less doubt can there be, that the important measure in question would not have been brought forward and adopted at the crisis, in which alone the advantages it then se cured could have been derived from it, but for its sole projector, the sagacious, scheming, and fearless Ira Allen. Speculative writers have often amused themselves in tracing great events to small causes. And in this they have often times so wonderfully succeeded, as to show, beyond the power of man to refute, some of the most trivial circumstances of life, considered by themselves; to have caused the revolution of empires. Were we to make out an instance of this charac ter, to be added to the many other re markable ones which have been noted by the curious, it should be done by tracing the independence of America to the mea sure which Allen so boldly projected, as he walked his lonely chamber, on the eventful night we have described. The independence of the colonies was, at that dark crisis, balancing, as on a pivot ; and the success of Burgoyne must seemingly have turned the scale against us: The success of Burgoyne, at the same time, hung on a pivot also; and the victory of Bennington, with all its numberless direct and indirect consequences, as bow seems generally conceded, turned the scale of his fortunes, when his success, otherwise, could scarcely have been doubtful. But the victory of Bennington would never have been achieved but for the decided and energetic movement of Vermont, which alone secured the cooperation of New Hampshire, or, at least, insured vic tory, when, otherwise, no battle would have been hazarded. And that essential movement of Vermont would never have been made but for the bold and charac teristic project of Ira Alien. All this, to be sure, is but supposition ; but who can gainsay its truthfulness. G"A gentleman, in announcing Lis willingness to take a wife, declares that, as he is Limself in clover, he has no ob- ! jection to take a lady in weeds. gg Our language is made up of sixty parts of Anglo-Saxon tc thirty of Latin, in an assumed hundred parts, leaving to tbA Greek nd a'l other knmin tint we jreeK ana au oiner languages Out ieo paiu- From the Herald and Journal. INDIANS ON THE PACIFIC. BY BISUOr O. C. BAKER. The Indians on the Pacific are deeply degraded. The digger Indians in Cali fornia are in many respects, to any abo rigines I have seen. Their stature is short, but they are tolerably proportioned. Their hair is black, heavy and matted. Many of them have hardly a human ex pression in their countenance , it is more like that of a furious wild beast. Their huts are small, low and dirty, constructed of bark, boughs or old canvas. Their food consits of acorns, roots, seeds, grass hoppers, rats, squirrels, rabbits, fish. Arc. Large quantitiesof grasshoppers are gath ered by them when they can easily be obtained, for food. Having been put in a sack and saturated with salt water, they are placed for about fifteen minutes in a hot trench covered with hot stones. They are then eaten like shrimps, or ground and mixed with soup or mush. Some of their customs are exceedingly revolting, especially their burning of the dead, and mourning badges. In eoniHion with the aborigines generally, they be- j lieve that somewhere in the west are beautiful camping grounds, where the In-I dians enjoy perpetual ease and plenty, j They also believe in the existence of two invisible spirits, the good and the bail, and that the heart of man is immortal, and if the evil spirit can be driven away, or di verted from beholding the hear', it will leap from the body, and go away to the land of rest. Their deep and howling exclamations at the death of friends, are not designed merely to give expression to their grief, but partly to confer a special blessing on the departed. If by their noise, the evil spirit can be driven awpy, or his attention turned to other objects, the heart can safely pass away. After the body is suitably arranged on the fu neral pyre, the dearest friend of the de ceased comes forward, with torch in hand, and sets fire to the pile. After the body is consumed, the allies are gathered up and surrounded with a rude wreath of flowers and weeds. Some of the ashes is mixed with pitch, and the hair and a part of the face of the relatives is be smeared with this mixture, ..TLU-is a mourning badge aud it is suffered to re main on the face until it wears off, which usually requires about six months. Some Indians whom I have seen marked with this mixture looked really frightful. The Oregon Indians are greatly supe rior to the Digger Indians in point of in tellect. Yet I confess I never looked upon them but with sorrow and disap pointment. They are evidently a doomed race, and not designed by Providence to continue their nationality. Those especi ally residing in the valley and in conti guity to the whites, are passing away like the morning cloud. Nearly all of them are more or less diseased, and they seem to have no recuperative energy in their systems to counteract the influences of disease, or power to resist the ordinary influences of the climate. To view them in their relations to the dead is to see them in their true position. They form a mere funeral train, passing solemnly to their houses of the dead. And the offi ces of our holy religion, which the church can render, are mainly to offer them the consolations of the gospel on the pillow of death, or to direct them in their be reavements to the Lamb of God which taketh away sin of the world. I hope their condition is more hopeful than I have here represented it, but certainly their state was wholly painful to me. The burial of the dead among the In dians is singularly impressive. Could you witness a funeral train on the Columbia, where a long line of Indian canoes, in single file, and with a measured dash of the paddle approach the houses of the dead, you feel that human sympathy is not confined to civilized life. The In dian with all his degradation and fault-, loves the dead ! The mode of burial among the Indians is various. In some places on the plains, the emigrants saw j dead bodies wrapt up in skins or blankets, j and suspended high up in the branches ! of the trees. On the lower Columbia ! tliey frequently bury in Indian canvas. The dead body is carefully wrapt in blankets or buffalo robes and deposited in a canoe, and the canoe safely placed on some lonely island in the river. On Mount Collin in the Columbia River I saw great numbers of canoes, borne of , , , , them were oid and decaying, others were , . , ... . apparently in good condiUon and proba - . , , , j W 1116 most. uea ' j tances, which tue deceased possessed, i Ane practice oi ourying wiia tne QtaJ , , , , , j o erallly prevails among the Indian tribes J on both sides of the mountain. A friend of mine examining a email mound, a few years ago in the West, dug up the skele ton of a babe, and by its side was found the rude rattle with which it had loon ! scon their recent report.. Lut the u' accustomed to beguile its little sorrows, j estimate, based on my personal obsorva I can appreciate the feelings of that moth- tions und inquiries, proximities I presume er, who, knowing no bp tier, buried with nearly to the truth. herinfant child its dearetoy. But the lit tle ones need no human artifices to : secure , their happiness. They go to the bosom j of him who said, " Suffer tic little chil- dren to come unto me, and forbid them ! ..... r ... r i . , ,s -. .. uoi, ioi- oi tucu is me Kinguom ot Uotl. J While the near relatives of the deceased survive, they annually revisit their coifiii! . J canoes and lurm,Ii tue dead wj;h new .... -..1 A- Jl TV . Ill iiiaiinvu ui lUUI-a. xu OiU Xlllliun tulil ' uev. jiro. v . x our nation do not care (or your people they aie. 1 ou ! n th(. Illdian milJll. Tlieir svsiem seems wrap in their clothing and bury them in j 1f,.fwtlv .Mlaj,twl 0 lhi;i,.tl, ,a 1(.d con. a box, and you care no more ubou. j Jilion. Their forms and. t-ren.onies, pic them. V,e care for our people. We ; tlm.s cni,.;fixCll a:i beads, &c.,dclhf give them new blankets every year." j lu,.ID, wh:!e mondhv thev preach does On the upper Columbia, houses i;ke(not 6,.CUI ,0 htWf,'ie lliu,.h wilu tln ir an Indian lodge are built for the dead. pleasures. Oregon Tcniiorv was erect -They are called houses. At j ,.,1 jIlSo Apo.-tolio Vicariate, in W4.S. the Cascades, two of these houses wen by i,,,c Gregory 1 Cih. To brother built near the portage round the rapiJs. ! ow exercise KpNeopal authority over One of them is still in good repair. Somewhat to formerly Oregon Territory. boards or planks are used in its construe- j )m. of them reside in Oregon city, and lion which they have ornamented with J has the f.pecial over-e ht of Oro'ii, and rude figures of animals and of the. human the other re-ides at Vaneouv r. and pre face. The oilier has fallen to decay ami j sides over the Nosquallv ,i j.v.-p, which great quantities of human bones are scat-j embraces the V t in Territorr. It is tercd about it. Riding by the bones one day in company with some Indians, 1 looked to see if I cotdd detect any rever ence they had for the place of the dead. Bull could detect i. thing. Perhaps no dear friend of their' s reposed there. In some places I saw red streamers flying from poies raised over the home of the dead. In other places tin pans, pails, kettles, &c, are suspended over their graves. These articles, however, arc broken or rendered Useless for ordinary purposes, so that no vile person would be tempted to carry them awav from their consecrated ground--,. The ceremonies of the Indians Lave been so frequently portrayed that I shall not attempt to describe them. A friend of mine who attended the eouncil of the Indian Onmmis?Jonr clurinjr it 4 t summer in the Wall VVlia cauulv re lated to me a ceremony somewhat differ ent from any I Lave seen described. It seemed to combine the manifestation'! ol opposite affections revenge, glorying over the fall of an enemy, and the tender passion seeking its reciprocal manifesta tion. A large circle of young maiden was formed standing closely as possible to each other. In the centre was an old woman holding up the scalp of an enemy. When the native music commenced the young maidens with exact time wot 1 la 1 dance in unison, leaping from the ground and advancing perhaps, some three or four inches at a time in their circuit around the centre. The old woman in the centre was with horrid grimaces and violent gesticulations pouring contempt upon the quivering sculp, and shoving how she would utterly destroy her ene mies, and feeding the revenge of some bereaved family whose circle had been broken by some one of the race whose scalp was the exhibited, or inflating the vanity of some valient brave who had brought in the scalp as a jieculiar martial trophy. But the young people, it seemed, were far from indulging the feelings of war. As the maidens came round the circle, in their dunce, a young Indian j would gently tap on the shoulder of th- j maiden whom he would specially honor, and if Lis regard wa3 mutually recipro cated, some outward expression would bf made, to the evident satisfaction of the young gallant; but if the maiden showed by countenance or waive of the Land that . . Ins suit was rejected, the youn man suf J ' fered no little mortification under the iauntings and loud laughter of Lis asso - Ciates. Rafuer a perilous mode It would 1 seem to read human hearts. No traces of outward worship exist among the Oregon Indians. Ju this re- spectall our aborigines are similar. Their methciue men iiave certam ineiuitai.ons m wtjich spiritual agencies are invoked, but as a race they build no altars, tny have no distinct religious rites, and yet; tLey acknowledge a superintending pow-j er, and believe iu a future stale. 0ir missionaries were the first to enter the country. They reached Oregon in tV ! i.f 18"! t!,e TWiiS.tterittft in IfcSfi ' i , ,, . ,. . , .,-.,. : i the I.niseiwUians in Iou , ana toe Cam- , I ,. .' , ' ,. .olicsin Ihe hpiscopauatis hn e 1 ,. . ,. , ,, ,' , a diocese in Oregon under tne care o! ; i;si,op Scott of Portland. are j fonr r flV dlUrr!l T, , . . iTbe I rnbvtnans or CofijTc.'a;iona!tsU! land the Jiajiin I base taeh some ten twelve different churches. The Unite Brethren and the Protestant Methodists have each some three or four principal charges. The ixaet stall-lies of these denomlnalions I oat. not irive. not Laviii- TUe Cnaipbcllites are found in poar'y every iart of Ore-son in small muubers but do not seem to be everting anv do cided true religious, influence. The Bap tists have a college or by i school in Ore goncify, and the Prc-but-riaiis Potest Virove Prairie is one on "-A ., 1; ,o,r 1 i .r i f i - stall missionary work has a. I iH!l. ,), ,w sts, rnd the l 'it, y (e riy n and the Catholics. The Catholic have exerted a strong influence unpo-sihle to estimate correct U , their number. in the Territories. Their prin cipal stations ftlnoi.g ihe white settle ments are at the French Pruiries, Ore gon city, Poriand, Vancoeve.-. the. Cow litz, and two or three places near Vur.i'i Sound. Their Indian station are widely spread from the Dalles to the Walla Walla, to Fort C olville, mu even near the bae of the Rocky MoiiiUnitw In 147 they published that th-y Lad eighteen chapels and six thousand con vert'. But I in ii p'ir.-iiadrd that their influence in the territorv has not orly relatively but really diminished since that time. Their schools at the French Prai ries and Oregon city have both been elided up, and I am not aware that l!ey have opened denominational schools in fl;r fil-ict-. Tim !iu!:u:i. iirnoratlt atid uncultivated, cannot appreciate t lie d:s! ir.c tive doctrinal differcencs of iLe different de nominations and hence slnre they can o! -tain so easy indulgences for their crinvw, they seem lo prefer (hat denomination which offers eternal life the eiiexpest atid easiest to the poor naties. The Spokan, among whom the Pres byterians Lad a mission, will not, it is said receive a Catholic mis-ioriary. This Tact shows how stieees-f'ttlly their early mis sionaries instilled into their minds the elementary principles of the Guspel. Anita ah tie; tai., and cmnnotlor among tin- Indians in Oregon, the Cath olics have contrived to keep on good t. r :s with the Indian-. S'lve the Pro'e-taef ra'ssio-iaries have been driven by war from the Indian couti try in 1847, some Ind'an families Iae kept tip the forms of domestic worship in their wigwams. And wea-iotady an in cident occurs showing that the former services of the missionaries sre not with out their influence. A Click itat Indian showed, a year or two since, one of our ministers a Testament which he received from Bro. Perkins in the days of th. eatly mission. lie kept it carefully rolled in a skin and though he could not read lie knew it was the gixsl book, and said lie-it he occasionally wa- a-ed (preach d to) tlie Indians. Gl-IMI SK OK Lou CliOO. I thought I Lad never seen a more lovely land- seaijft than tlie ishiuf! ti-esejili rl. Tl.e , , , , , ... ' bay was clasped bv an amphitheatre ot !', i gently undulating lolls, in some places , i , ,- , ; terraced with waving nce-hcM-, m oiii- l , . . ' .. i I ers covered with greenest turf, or dotted : . e. n . with picturesque jrroups of trees. Bow- i i . . .i ! ers ol tne fcatnery bninboo next to tlie ! ,,aiJaj ,. ,o-Hc ful of trees almost j (.0,u.,.u:t:,i dwei.ings which netled J to-elher in the little delis opening into : !,,,. ,! :,;,?, w;ti, t'.eir stoi.e en- ! closures, and roofs of red ti s, tonie-o ui mn we had a mu,.u Lber eiv-il-iatioti expected. Tuyhr. Tastf. There are ni-ri with eve in their lteaL, chrt-w d an4 ell-lorirtg withat, who yet are blind . half the pleasures .K.,.. T t. -,.,,:..,...! .!-. ,1... ,- , . , , .-twKun Lnnurtent, tlie varied eartn. . tne boundlc-n ocean, are not for tif-.n; . ihev we them, indeed, and so due - j Lo I.a nut LxiKn. H-!;.u or young lad v out of A v. O ' s I I J