;1 J i ; 4 "j ! . i n : . ' I' - f .' f " if It K f 1 V - i, v.. f If " i' Orleans Independent Standard A. A. EARLE, Editor. Barton, Friday, Oct. 11, 1867. TERMS: Term of the Standard S2.00 in advance; and no paper discontinued until all arrearage! are paid except at the option of the publishers. Rate ol Advertising: One column, one year, Hal column, ?W One fourth column, 25,00 One square VI lines, or less one year, 8,00 One square three weeks, 1,60 Legal notices at 12 cents perline, Orleans County Fair. The Fair held on last Tuesday was a decided success. It was the best by all odds that was ever held in this county unless we except that held at Craftsbury and such was the ex pression made by every one. The show of cattle and horses was large, and when we sav that Cleveland's and Randall's Durhams, and Thos Baker's Dutch cattle were there, it is needless to say that there were good ones. The show of vegetables was large, and there were the best speci mens we ever saw. Onions, beets. turnips, apples, plums, potatoes squashes, pumpkins, corn, fcc, were exhibited in great plenty and in great variety. The State Fair presented none better. John Way, of Albany ahowed some nice specimens of apples and plums, as also did K. S. Howard of Irasburgh. Chas. P. Ellis, of Bar ton, presented ten varieties of apples and Owen Donegan, of Troy, pre sented seven varieties, among them the blue Dearmain and Fameuse which were excellent. lie says finds no difficulty in raising fruit other than from the woodpecker and the borer; trees do not winter-kill. His orchard is but eleven years old from the nursery, and he has trees that bear ten bushels. There was a fine lot of cheese and butter. Our friend Hill, ol Irasburgh, sustained his reputation as a cheese maker, and Thomas Baker, of Barton, also show ing some worthy of special mention one in particular that weighed 150 pounds. In the fancy department, Chas. D. Robinson, of Newport, pre sented a crayon sketch of the great Cholook Fall in the Voseraite Valley, which, as a work of art will take an honorable rank, and was greatly ad mired. Gen. Stannard, of Burling ton, has purchased it lor $25. Rob inson has sufficient talent, would he but apply himself with energy ,to mak an artist whose name might become world wide, but like all persons of genius, he lacks application and force. Mis3 Emma G. Willard, of South Barton, also exhibited a nice crayon drawing of "Innisfallen." But the most decided works of art, were four pieces of pastel painting by Miss El len Drew, of Barton, lately deceased We heard but one opinion expressed, and that, too, by competent judges, which was that they were the most natural they ever saw. The dog asleep upon the cushion, was natura as life. It was her last work before her sickness. We apprehend it woul take a miut of money to buy them of her parents. she was a superior girl. A splendid piece of worsted work a dog by Miss Clara Stew art, of Derby, took our eye, and we do not la-lieve it can be beaten by any one. There were other pieces of worsted work by Miss Stewart, and all of them most excellent, but that dog was so natural he could almost bark. There were several specimens of hair work, but we could learn of but one owner to any of them, and that was by Miss Esther M. Nye, of Irasburgh, which was very neat and tasty. We saw many other things from the hands of ladies that we would like to mention, but we do not know who presented them. Par ker the best shoemaker in the world took the first premium on calf boots, and Orrin French, of Glover, says it was right. French took the other premiums. Our friend A. A. Ripley of Derby fa vored the people with the sight of a peck of Seckles pears, which were a sure witness that Orleans county can compare favorably with any other in the state in this branch of fruit cul ture. Mr. Ripley is up to the times. Lewis Ford of the Landing showed an incomparably nice article of undrain- ed sugar, white, fine and sweet. He deserved a premium. There were 427 entries without go ing to floral hall, where there were 150 entries more. There were 20 en tries of mares and colts, 17 carriage horses, 9 saddle horses, 7 pairs match ed horses and 6 stallions. Notwith standing the liberal premiums offered there was but one town team. We hope to see a stout competition in this particular next year. The labors of the various committees were arduous but they were promptly met and uni versal satisfaction and good feeling prevailed among the crowd which nam oereu not iar irom ovvv. .oeiow is a complete list of premiums, with the exception of a few in the floral hall : CATTLE FIRST CLASS. Best 10 yoke oxen, Barton, $15,00 Best working oxen,Cyrus Eaton, Barton, 3,00 2d J. W. Perley, Barton, 2,00 3d L. Nye, Coventry, 1,00 Best fat oxen, J. W. Leland, Bar ton, 3,00 2d " Mark Nutter, Barton. SECOND CLASS. Best 3 year old steers, Mark Nutter, Barton, 3,00 2d, A. A. Randall, Craftsbury, 2,00 Best 2 year old steers, D. Mars ton, Derby, 2,00 2d, G. W. Leland, Barton, 1,00 Best yearling steers, J. MciNeai, Barton, ,uu SWIXE. Best boar, Thos. Baker, Barton, 2.00 Best sow and pigs, " ,ou 2d SanfordMay," 2,00 Spring pig, Lewis Ford, " 2,00 2d, II. F. Black, Coventry, s,vv BUTTER AND CHEESE. Best tub butter, Geo. B. Brew ster, Irasburgh, 1,50 2d, Thomas Baker, Barton, 1,00 Best 25 lbs. cheese, Moody Cou ner, Irasburgh, l,oU 2d, J. C. Oliver, Charleston, 1,00 POULTRY. Bftst nair t?eese. Z. E. Jameson, i o . , Irasburgh, ou 2d. Geo. Norton, Irasburgh, ,50 Best Dair ducks, . A. Bafcer, Irasburgh, oo d. Geo. Norton, Irasburgh, ,ou Best pair turkeys, Geo. Norton, Traahunrh. tU - - O ' Best fancy fowls, Z. E. Jameson, Irasburgh, 2d " " " Best common fowls, S. Howe, " 2d " Z. E. Jameson, " " 6 Squashes, A. J. Dodge, Lowell, ,50 " Seed corn,R. Watson Barton , ,50 2d " C. RandaU, Newport, ,25 Nansemond swe.et potatoes, T. H. Haskins., Newport, Beans, 1 pecAi, Milo Farrington, frasburgV4 Peas 1 perk, E. S. Howe, Iras burgh, Tomatoes, Wm. Spencer, Brown- ingVon, WatevmeloQ, Milo Farrington, Ir'asburgh, Cabbages, T. H. Haskins, New port, Best table potatoes, L. Aldrich, Troy, 2d " A. W. Lyman, Barton, Seedling potatoes, R. M. Haines, Albany, Turnip, A. Bemis, Westmore, Seckel pears, honorable mention, A. A. Ripley, Derby, MECHANICAL WARES FIRST CLASS. Best doors, J. C. Currier, Bar ton, $1,00 Clapboards, J. C. Campbell, Charleston, 1,00 Best bee hive, E. C. Baker, Browningtou, 1,00 Sash, J. C. Currier, Bartou, 1,00 Bronson, of Hard wick, which we did not see. but heard it spoken of as a good one. There was a fine show of native cows ) and calves, and we ?50 j should judge that it would puzzle the committee to decide upon the best, ,50 ,50 ,50 ,50 ,50 ,; ,50 ,75 ,50 Blind 1,00 ,50 ,50 ,50 ,50 Brahmas, A. W. Lyman, Barton, 2,00 1,00 2d, A. F. Parker, Coventry, BULLS THIRD CLASS, Best durham bull, II. C. Cleve land, Coventry, 3,00 2d, David Driver, Holland, 2,00 Best durham yearling, William F. Niles, Barton, 1,00 Best durham bull calf, A. A. Ran dall, Craftsbury, 2,00 Best 2 years old dutch bull, Thoma3 Baker. Barton, 3,00 Best devon yearling heifer, D. G Shaw, Barton, 1,00 Best alderney bull calf, R. B. Ed munds, Coventry, 2,00 COWS, YEARLINGS, CALVES 4TH CLASS. Best durham stock cow, U. C. Cleveland. Coventry, 2,00 2d, do do, A. A Ran dall, Craftsbury, 1,00 Best durham milch cow, U. C. Cleveland, Coventry, 2,00 Grade cow, A. A. Randall, Crafts bury, 2,00 2d best, T. Baker, Bartou, 1 ,00 Best grade milch cow. W. F. Niles. Barton, 2,00 2d do do, T.Baker, 1,00 Durham lat cow, A. A. Randall, Craftsliurv. 2.00 4 grade yearlings, .1. McNeal, Bartou, 4,00 2d best 4 grade, C. B. Leland, Barton, 3,00 Durham yearling heifer, II. C Cleveland, Coventry, 1,0 Grade two year old, T. Baker, Barton, 2.00 2d grade, two year old, T. Baker, Barton, 1,00 3 durham heifer calves, II. C. Cleveland, Coventry, 1,50 Dutch heifer calf, T. Baker, Barton, ,5 HORSES FIRST CLASS. Best stallion, James Vance, Al bany, $4,00 2d " Lewis Ford, Bar ton, 3,00 Best 3 yr. old stallion, Hiram Cutting Newport, 2,00 Best 2 year old stallion, J. S. Stevens. Lowell, 2.00 Best carriage horse, Cyrus Eatou, Barton, 3,00 2d " " A. Bemis, Westmore, 2,00 3d " " W. W. Grout, Barton, 1,00 Best matched horses, Wm. Pitch er, Albany, 4,00 2d do do E. A. Ufford. Glover, 3d do do Lumber wagon, G. B. Brewster, Irasburgh, 2,00 iuggy wagon. Holt fc Spear, Derby, 2,00 )ump wagon, J. B. Wlieelock, Coventry, 1,00 SECOND CLASS. Best thin boots, A. C. Parker, Bartou, $1,00 among so many good ones. - The calves of C. G. Doty, A. Cass and W. J. Hastings were particularly notice able. The show of horses and colts was very large and good, but as we had not time to examine them particu larly we do not know whose were best but suppose the various committees found out. Among the sheep the Merinos took the lead in numbers, and were well represented. , Messrs. Col lins and Bullock exhibited some speci mens of full blood and grade Cots wolds, which attracted considerable attention. Among Mr. Collins lambs was one six mouths and three days old, with wool eight inches long hav ing averaged a growth of one and one" fourth inches per month since birth. He also exhibited buck lambs same age, weighing over one hundred lbs. each ; among them a pair of twins. We should have said while speaking of cattle that the show of oxen and steers was good. Several pairs of the oxen weighed Irom 3500 to 4000. Theyearling steers of Mr. Scott, rais ed upon skimmed milk and his early cut hav, are certainlv a strong argu- : ,.r i : ii . i a. d " O. French, Glover, ,75 U,L"1 1,1 iawi w I,lsuiaiiUUU1 uumg 3est thick boots, " " i;oo : n iy early, ami having war,u stab- 2d " " " ,75 ling for his cattle. These steers arc- Jest six sides upper leather. E. j natives and have had no grain or roots II. & L. U. Nye, Glover, 2.00 Four dressed calve skins, H. & L. II. Nve, Glover, 2,00 Jest pair harnesses, Roger & of any kind, raised solely on sour milk and hay, and have run out to grass this summer. Their weight is breed represented. The new town house was used as a Bucklin, Barton, 1 ,00 i 20l2 pounds. ( 1 swine there were 2d single, Roger it Bucklin, Bar- j some hue specimens of the White Cues. ton 1 UU ! ters the onlv HOUSEHOLD MANUFACTURES. ipt 10 vsird-i pnrnptinir fi-i I"" ' !fl 1 1 I i u Win Willey Barton 1.50 ' mnui uim "'eciuuues uau, auu -ue ursi 2d, " Mrs. M. C. Jeune, Derby, 1,00 ; day was well titled with the products " 10 yards frocking, Mrs. ol the needle, the pencil, the dairy M. Levins, Morgan, 2.00 ;UJ(J llui t0(t,tia.r wilh' seVeral " 10 " flannel, Mrs. A. O. iabor savillir lm,.hanical eontnvances J Joslyn, Browningtou, 2.00 . J 2d " Mrs. M. Levins, Morgan. 1.00 au U1 w,l,ul s,,UUiU ,uliaiiinj! " ru", Mrs. Ordway, Barton until the close of the fair, but much j Landing, 1.50 wus carried off the fut nirht. still 2d " Mrs. Beui. Nutter, Bartou, 1,00 : hayim-- unite a creditable how in this 10 yards diaper, Mrs. N. W. ; ia sh(ll.t tht; .vlini(. (air Grev, Coventry, l..0 2 lbs. stocking yarn, Mrs. thus. ' Best oil painting Mrs. Mary L.ius, iiarton, i .'-. -k- "t'. j.. p. i.m.in.-. , SHEEP. Best Merino-buck, H. Tolman, 2,00 2d S " " W. D. Bronson, 1,00 3d " S.S. Brigham, ,50 Best pen Merino ewes S. S. Brig ; ham, 2,00 2d fc H " H. Tolman, 1,00 3d " W. D. Bronson, ,50 Best " " lambs H. Tolman, 2,00 2d " W. D. Bronson, 1,00 Best Grade Merino buck S. S. "Brigham, ; 2,00 2d ' " " A. Collins, 1 ,00 Best " A " ewes S. S. Brigham, 2,00 2d " " G. Nelson, 1,00 The sheep of Mr. Fulsome are no ticed by the committee as worthy of mention. Best Cotswold buck I. D. R. Collins, 2,00 2d " " I. D.R. Collins, 1,00 3d ' " " ,50 Best pen " ewes B. Bullock, 2,00 Best pen " lambs I. D. R. Col lins, 2,00 SWINE. Best White Chester boar H. Blake, 2,00 2d " II. S. Andrus, 1,00 3d " " S. Morse, ,50 Best pair pigs A. A. Randall, 2,00 " fat " A. Morse, 2,00 BUTTER, CHEESE AND SUGAR. Best tub butter G. W. Seaver, 3,00 2d " " J. Anderson, 2,00 3d " A. Morse, 1,00 Best tub sugar F. D. Williams, 1,00 2d " J. Anderson. ,50 Best cheese N. Boutwell, 2,00 MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT. Best express wagon N. Hovt, 2,00 buggy J. C. Cutler, 2,00 2d " N. Hoyt, 1,75 Best work harness R. Gillis, 1,00 " fancy 2,00 pair " " 3,00 ' horse shoes I. Davis, ,50 root cutter L. A. Tillotson. 1.00 '' clothes wringer, E. Webber, double neck yoke N. Hoyt, ,50 " washing machine O. Hovey, 1,00 " side upper leather. F. Green, ,50 " harness ,50 calfskin .50 - pair sleigh robes N. Whiielaw, 1,00 ; pair calf boots R. B. Goodwin. 1,00 -d " J. K. Gardner, ,50 Best pair thick boots, ,50 ' two horse mower (Clipper) H. Bailey, 1,50 one horse mower II. Bailey, 1,00! plow H. Bailey, " ox cart B. Hunt, " butter tubs E. Fisher, MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES Orleans County Conference. The fall meeting was holden at West Charleston, Oct. 1st and 2d. The opening sermqu was preached by Rev. T. E. Ranncy, of Holland, subject, "Christian consecration," an inter esting and stirring discourse. Afternoon organization and pre sentation of the Domestic Mission cause Rev. A. R. Gray, Secretary. These were followed by a discussion relating to parochial evangelization. It was concluded that the great need is more earnest cooperation of lay men with the pastors. In the evening the conference gave place for the an niversary of the Bible Society. Rev. P. H. White preached a sermon on Psalms 119th, 129th first clause. An able and glowing unfolding of the rich ness and power of the Holy Scriptures The report of the Treasurer showed that more had been done to sustain the Bible Society in the county the past year than ever before, and yet there is need. Officers, Hon. E. B. Simonds, presi dent ; Rev. A. R. Gray, Mr. L. Wil liams, C. Carpenter, Vice presidents ; Rev. P. II. White, treasurer and de pository ; Rev. S. K. B. Perkins, sec retary ; S. R. Hall, L. L. D., C. Cum inings, Wm. Twombly, W. J. Hast iugs, Rev. C. A. Smith, directors; Rev. A. W. Wild, preacher. second dav ot coniercnce morning exercises, addresses on the Educa tion cause, Foreign Missions, The Congregational Union and Parochia hvangehzation. speakers, Revs, h k. B. Perkins, P. II. White, J. H Woodward, A. R. Gray and J. P. Stone. In the afternoon Communion service, and sermon by Rev. S. K. B Perkins on First John, 2-28. The sacrament was administered by Revs J. II. Woodward and P. II. White This closed one of the most interest ing and profitable meetings of confer ence. Clergymen and laymen not present were losing a precious oppor tunity for doing and receiving good rni e uon t proiess to nave mucti " sprawl." tmt j we recoiled that a certain paper which claims to 1.00 I ,ie ll'e " rgan," and in fact the only " live" paper . - ! of the county, forpot to say anything to its read- j"" I ers aiiout the legislature or its doings at its last annual .session. t,rpresi. t H' ,1M ., i.i: .1. .1,.- j: 'i e uiu uui j)uim.-n uie proceedings 2d, Mrs. N. W. Grey, Coventry, ,50 ' awarded, and all other expenses of Best pair socks, Mrs. II. Coburn, . the society. Albany, 1,00 " " mittens, 1.00 10 quartered blanket, Mrs. .1. A. Seavey, Barton, 1 ,00 1 pair knit drawers, Mrs. N. W. Grey, Coventry. l,oo Best bed quilt, Mrs. Willie Locke, Irasburgh, 1,50 2d Mrs. J. Cuinuiiugs, Derby 1.00 The Black Eiver Valley Fair. The following is a list of premiums ! awarded: ! OXEN STKEliS AN1 KI LLS. 1 Best town team 20 pairs Crafts- j bury. S5.00 ! 'Best pair working oxen 5 years ; old Cyrus Eaton. 3,00 2d I. I). R. Collins. 2,00 1 3d - R. E. Hoyt. 1,00 j The oxen ol'J. S. Moody are spoken j of by the committee as worthy of ngliam. R. A- R. Wilson, The first annual lair of the Blaek mention, river vallev agricultural and median-1 IJest lair ot' 0X0,1 4 -vours o!d ical society, on Tuesday and Wednes day last, proved a decided success, not only as a horse, cattle and sh'.-ep show, but in the number of visitors nrpspnt nnH tlie nnietne.ss and ood ! Best ' " ( Native ) Allen. 2d 3d ' II. T Best steers .' years oU A. A. Randall. 3,00 2.00 ! 1 ,00 ! (Durham) order that prevailed. On account of the pressure of other duties, we were unable to be preseut on the fair ground but a short time during the first day, and consequently took but a cursory view of the stock present For a local fair there was a very large 3,00 show of all classes. One noticeable Ben Morev. thing for this section was the number J. M. Robl.ii :j,oo ;i,oo j 2.00 Irasburgh, 2,00 of thoroughbred animals present, show- uesi sauuie uorse, uowen, ym that lhe people are waking up to Id do do. H. PiftrP. 00 Barton 1 00 mals over e method of breeding mares and colts 2d class. hap-hazard. We are glad to see this Best mare and colt, James Vance, move in a right direction, and hope Albany, -00Une reinauguration of fairs in this 2d do do Joseph Abbott, t . he, t0 awakcQ a new ItIovpt. 100 J r Best 3 yr. old colt, Wm. P. interest in the improvement of stock Dodge, Irasburgh, 2,00 of all kinds. It is just as easy, and 2d do do H. S. Jones, nearly as cheap, to raise a thorough Coventry, 1,00 bred animal, worth from one hundred , V Wl cuucu' to one thousand dollars, as to raise jr., iroy, z,uu 2d do do F. Blake. Salpm i nn amount. The Durhams were well Best yearling colt, L. J. Leland, represented by the stock of A. A. Ran Barton, 1,00 dall, Esq., who had a very fat, fine -"so ao do Joseoii Marsh. ii- v,,-a ik. i.r I InllonH ' ' shffp ' breed. He also exhibited a thorough ine wool buck, Chester Gilbert, bred Durham cow, which took the Brownington, 3,00 first premium at the N. E. fair at 2d do do A. A. Ripley. Concord. N. II.. two vp.ars asro this I I 7 ' J O Tv 1 -v s y-v I ueTDV. OU faii a verv fine aniirial. His vparlino- Best do yearling buck, , .ii i 1...11 i i c : n, . .,. - , T . ' . nix uuii auu uuucanes weieuiso nuts a.ui Chp.st.pr Irilhprt. Hrnwnino-tnn. 2.00 do do Warren Mitch- mals- He also exhibited a pair of 2d M. J. Leach, Best 2-year-old steers B. F. I Twiss. 3,00 i Best 1 year-old steers, A. Scott, 3,00 2 ' Ira Davis, 2,00 Best steer calve.-, W. J. Hastings, 2,00 2d ' Ira Davis, " 1,00 Best Durham bull 23 1-2 months old A. Jones, 3,00 " " yearling A. A. Randall, 3,00 Best Devon bull 3 years old Geo. Nelson, 3,00 " " " yearling W. J. Hastings, 3,00 2d " " S. Morse, 2.00 3d B. Bullock, 1,00 ii Best Durham cow A. A. Randall, 3,00 " fat cow A. A. Randall. 3,00 Best Devon cow I. D. R. Collins, 3,00 2d iS E. L. Hastings, 2,00 3d " Geo. Nelson, 1,00 Best Grade cow A. A. Randall, 3,00 2d " or native cow R. Gillis, 2,00 3d " G. W. Seaver, 1,00 Best 2-y ears-old heifer G. Nelson, 2,00 2d - " J. McAllister, 1,00 Best yearling heifer, " 2,00 " 1,00 ,15 ,50 ,50 ,50 ,25 ,..) ,50 ,75 ,50 ,50 .25 ,50 ,50 .25 ,25 .50 ,25 .25 ,25 Mark ell, Coventry, Best 3 fine wool ewes, Nutter, Barton, 2d do do L. Baker, Barton, cotswolds. Best cotswold buck, Milo Far rington, Irasburgh, 2d do do W. W. Foster, Troy, 1,00 ,50 1 00 steers of the same breed, which weighed some thirty-one huudred. 2,00 Mr a. Jones, of Wolcott, also exhibit ed a very fine bull, twenty-three and a half months old from the celebrated herd of A.W.Griswold, of Morristown 3,00 According to our recollection his weight wa3 between fourteen and fifteen n rvr I ,ou hundrpd lhs. The Devona wprp wrII Best yearling cotswold bucK.Frank . , , XT , Percival, Derby, 2,00 ;,"-' TT T 2d do do doW. W. l-u- oinns, i. u. iiasungs, 15. Foster, Troy, 1,00 Bullock, S. Morse and A. M. Harri- Best cotswold buck lamb, J. F. man. Mr. Nelson's bull three years IfOO old weighed nearly 1500 lbs., is a beautiful animal, and well deserves the unqualified praise bestowed upon 2Q0 "im by those who saw him. He ex hibited a two-year-old heifer, thorough 1,00 bred Devon, which had a calf at 15 months old which weighed at birth 72 lbs. The calves of this breed, three in number, on exhibition were all 2d 3d " " B. F. Twiss, Best Durham calf bull A. A. Randall, 2,00 " grade or native " A. P. Collier,2,00 2d " A. A. Randall, 1,00 3d " " C. G. Doty, ,50 Best Devon calf A. M. Harriman, 2,00 2d " " Geo. Nelson, 1,00 3d " il 1. D. R. Collins, ,50 Best Alderny bull calf W. D. Bronson, " native heifer calf A. Cass, HORSES. Best pair matched horses, W. Jackson, 2d " " J. J. Campbell. 4,00 3d . " " A. Eldridge, 3,00 Best carriage horse, D. Calder wood, 2d " " J. W. Bemis, 3d " " Cyrus Eaton, Best draft horse, B. F. Twiss, 2d " " J. Cuthbertson, 3d " " J. J. Allen, Waterman. Holland, Best grade buck, Curtis Bean, Irasburgh, Bestrade ewe lambs, Frank Percival, Derby, 2d do do, Milo Farrington, Irasburgh, Best Leicester buck, C. D. Row ell, Albany, FEUIT AND VEGETABLES. Best variety apples, C. P. Ellis, 2,00 3,00 Barton, $1,50 raised on skimmed milk, but were 2d Owen Doneeaa Troy. 1.00 finp looki nor animals All t.hp. Dpvons Best variety plums, R. S. How ard, irasburgh, u 1-2 bushel beets, Harvey Al len, Barton, 6 Pumpkins, Cobleigh, ,75 on the ground are decended from the herd of H. M. Hall, Esq., of E. Burke. 50 The Alderneys had but one represen ,50 tation, a bull calf, exhibited by W. D. 2,00 2,00 5,00 3,00 2,00 1,00 3,00 2,00 1,00 Best stock horse A. A. Randall, 3,00 2d " " J. Vance, 2,00 3d " B.Pike, 1,00 Best 4 years old stock horse, Wm. Pitcher, 3,00 Best breeding mare and colt KUrie, 3,00 2d " " J. Vance, 2,00 3d " " S. C. Corey, 1,00 colts. Best 3 years old colt A. Chase, 3,00 2d " J. Patterson, 2,00 3d " " H. S. Andrus, 1,00 Best 2 years old colt L. D. Jones, 3,00 2d " F. Hunter, 2,00 3d A. White, 1,00 Best yearling colt T. Smith, 3.00 2d " "D.Buchanan, .2,00 3d " " L. D.Jameson, 1,00 Paddock, 1,00 " monchromatie " Miss Lelia Cutler. " (.Jreeian " Mrs. Fanny Wood bury, " Oriental " " " Crayon " Miss Lelia Cutler, " hair wreath Mrs. L. Hiu:t, 2d " Emma Scott, 3d " J. Heath, " bed quilt " B. F. Twiss 2d " " J. Brown, " spread " J. H. Allen, 2d " " " E. S. Simonds, " hooked rug " J. W. Stev ens. 2d " B. Bushway, braided " O. A. Griswold, 2d " " C. Northrop. 3d Miss M. Richie, : worsted work, Miss B. Cooke, 2d ' Miss Nellie Allen. 3d " " Mrs. Fanny Woodbury " embroidery Mrs. E. S. Simuuds, " corn W. Northrop, " pumpkins, B. Hunt, " beans " " squash I. T. Patterson, " E. Webber, " onions, J. Heath, pop corn S. Lathe, potatoes Geo. Fogg, beets " Best tow cloth Miss M. Bullock, 1.00 i 2d " " Mrs. S. C. Corey, ,75 Best fulled cloth C. O. Shattuck, ,75 I " silk patch work Mrs. L. Hunt, ,25 ; " burr work, " J. Leavitt, ,25 " moss wreath " M. Marcy, ,25 " bead work Miss A. Simpsou, ,25 2d " Mrs. P. S. Paine, ,25 Best lamp mat " L. Hunt, ,25 Wollen hose " B. F. Twiss ,25 " " mittens " R. B. Goodwin, .25 " " yarn " li.t . l wiss, ,2o " sample sugar, Geo. Fogg, 2d - S. Morse, " Best Graft apples A. Morse, " W. Hvde, Best crab " J. W. Stevens, " u A, Morse, There is one item in connection with the premium awarded to Mr. W. Jackson for the best pair of matched horses, which ought to be explained, as a gross swindle was perpetrated upon the society in obtaining it by Judge E. G. Babbitt of Greensboro, and an other man whose name we have not earned, in order to obtain it. Nei ther of the horses belonged to Jack son. One of the hoises belonged to Babbitt and the other to his confed erate; they were both driven togeth er for days before the fair and were well broke ; they were then placed in the hands of Jackson to own till after the fair, and he drew the premium of $5,00 on a pair of matched horses that belonged to two other men. Judge Babbitt was one of the com mittee and as he was one of the par ties to this petty meanness he was of course just big enough as a committee man to give himself the first premium as a swindler. We get these facts from three prominent members of the society, it is true. We thought a body of re presentatives that did not know an more than to tolerate Camp as one o its clerks, would uot have gumptio enough to do anything worth record ing. AntrEeconstraction Tactics. The framers of the Reconstruction Acts, evidently anticipated a sharp contest in the several Southern States in the elections for deciding whether conventions should be held, and for choosing delegates thereto, and so they provided the requisite safe guards. But it turns out that the enemies of reconstruction have taken different tack. They make no op position at all. They stay away from he polls and endeavor to dissuade others from voting, with the hope that the aggregate vote on the ques tion of holding a convention shall fall below a majority of the whole number of registered voters in which case no convention can be held, and the whole work has got to be done over again under some other provision of Congress. This was the course pur sued by the anti-reconstructionists in Louisiana, where it came very near meeting with success, and also in Alabama, from which the returns are now coming in. The policy is openly avowed by that inveterate secession sheet, the Charleston Mercury, as fol ows : "The course for the white people of the South to pursue, with respect to the future operations of the mm tary acts, seems to u3 most plain., Let them have nothing lurther to do with them. Let them neither go to the polls, nor accept of any position whatsoever in their enforcement. By our registration we nave accom plished the object of increasing the majority required to hold the conven tion. W ithout a majority of the registered voters it cannot be held And now, whether we vote against a convention, or vote not at all, the re suit is the same arainst a convention A despotism decrees it let this des potism carry it out. We should compromise ourselves in no way by supporting it. Our time will come The Northern people are waking up to the ruin, convulsion and blood, the 'destruction acts' must bring upon themselves." The New Cathedral. The new St. Mary's Cathedral w, opened for religious services Sundav for the first time, upon the occninn of the return of the bishop from his oreign lour, nign mass was cpIo. brated in the forenoon, and in the pvp nirig Bishop DeGoesbriand addressed the people, giving an account of his visit to Rome. The spacious audito rium was crowded day and evenijj r The Cathedral is, undoubtedly t! finest church edifice between Alua .v and Montreal. The rich color. nn!i masonry, and tasteful proportions of the exterior strike every eve with pleasure; and we are not surprised at the reply of the Boston architect. who was asked it he had seen the Cathedral at Burlington, and said "Yes, and took off my hat to it, as vhe handsomest stone church edifice I had seen in many a day.' The interior is also a very striking one. Tall col umns of marble, slightly clouded with blue, support the tali roof of the nave. The arched ceiling is divided by groin ed arches, painted to resemble chest nut or some other native wood, and i itself of deep blue, relieved by ara besque figures, of gold and bright colors. Mottoes from the bible are inscribed in antique illuminated text on the architraves. The stained win dows, are however, the most striking feature. The great east window was the gift of Mr. S. B. Hunt, of Benning ton, Vt., who though a protestant. we believe, has been very generous in his donations to St. Joseph's asylum, and other Catholic charities. It has been described as follows : In the Centre Window, Christ as Judge surrounded with angels. Un der him in the clouds angels sounding their trumpets, and the dead rising to life by the power of God. In the North Window, the just af ter the Judgment led by their guardian angels to meet Christ in the air. In the South Window, the vi:k;d dragged by devils into the abyss hi helL ' The lower panels of the three win- Thus far this sinister do-nothingism dows represent the seven corporal has not been crowned with success, works of mercy. Even in Louisiana, where it was In the highest panel is the figure of favored by the yellow fever and other the Creator having on either sides two accidental circumstances, it just failed hrroups of angels representing the of reducing the aggregate vote be- choirs which the Scriptures tell us neath a majority of the registered surround the Deity. voters, and in Alabama the failure ap- The paiutings in the lower com pears to be very decided. Conven- partments represent St. Elizabeth of tions, therefore, will be held in both Hungary feeding the starving boy: of these States within sixty days, ac- the Woman of Samaria at the well, cording to proclamations of the Com- giving the cup of cold water to the luandmg Generals. A constitution n Saviour ; St. Martin, the Christian each will be named, which will be Soldier of the fourth century who ubmitted for ratification to the popu- clothed the naked beggar at the gate lar vote under the same conditions as of Amiens : the good Samaritan who the election for the convention. The visited and comforted the sick u;u:i anti-reconstructionists, therefore, will on his journey to Jericho: th-1 pious lave another Opportunity to renew monk of St. Bernard leading the s -ow their tactics of staying away from the and ice-bound traveler to a place o:' polls. But unless something unfore- refuge: St. Vincent de Paul visiting of a public nature shall have the prisons and administering consola tion to those in c1 ains. and Tobias The same very correct and reliable sheet, the present season, forsjot to out the state ticket at seen prl,l 1S Sp " ariiCU iQ the mean wiiile to favor theii We published the proceedings of PurPes, they will obviously be the holy captive religiously burying ti, t,t,..- ,- i weaker than heretofore. I he natural his brethren who died in exile. Mil SI M It 'OnVfi i t iin ot tho t imn it tt-o I . . I . ., , . . instincts ot the American people are The beautiful windows in the cler- neiu, ana gave uie ticket then. He ia the direction of doing something, estory bear devices representing the uni not iorget to put the state ticket ot going ahead, instead of adopting instruments of the Passion of Christ, at the head of our column.'' We put lne dog-in-the-manger policy on a each underwritten with an appropriate it thfi-p tlio w.cL- l.otV.ro nWt; Tt large scale. Many who do not relish I verse from the bible. i rce Press. , . c J the programme laid down in the mili- . tary acts will begin to feel that recon- io our reauers, week alter week, in or- ,50 ,50 ,50 ,25 ,25 ,25 Hon. Benjamin G. Harris of Man- 'ii uvuuu n in iatve oiu.ee lu a. ! i n- n At.,- t., i,n,- ,!, k.. i i .. . , 1 , - , -. ' nanu, is teiung some uncomiortaoie .., nun. infill tuuipituuuu u. inu mat iney ungnt as well have their . . s what when thev share in it. Besides, others of the """"""'''.' Southern States were more fnvorablv during the late war. In a recent let- disposed in the beginning toward the ter on the political situation he says : Congressional plan than those two in "While in their hearts they did not which elections have just occurred. wish as their, constituents know, the But it is apparent from the extract success of the North in their nefari- Vfi-k llOVA lnrtA hn I . 11 . ua.v, maut auuc, uiai, me ituu-R'- ous ana uuiustinauic war upon the constructionists are largely influenced South, thev vet discovered wonderful l visit W est Albany, in their present course by hopes of policy in pretending to wish it. Thev th Craftsbury, Oct. the overthrow of the Republican par- shrieked for the Union, made the i aua me accession to power of their strongest war sneeehes. while thev Democratic friends, who are expected whispered to the knowing ones of their I ... 1 ..... 1 1 TT "...I cli'mri-s. Oh o Oer IT, s ru luw u "ion uiitrouoieu party that deception was the surest P. Chase arrived here last night and y the accotnpamment of negro suf- means of getting power.'' lHn.v lit..-. k . . I ,1 I -m r r w jv the "ac- iUUS U1U uoailll or tne Mr. ilarns goes a little further than citizens. He made a speech in which iuluu;,u '":racy uiu ouinern to review the past, and discloses the he said that while he was not at liber- loyalty still continues. The Mobile preseut purposes of the democratic tv to take an active part in a ooliti- 1LlglAltr JUUU r orsym s paper, even party, lie savs : "We must restore cal canvass, as a man and a citizen he g e lenSta ot assuring the col- the democratic party to power, peace- had his opinions, and it would be mere . u P-UI,US lus ine itaaicai party ably if we can, forcibly if we must," auectatiou n, ou an occasion like this, v, , " wo he retrained Irom saying he abided in r ""'r , iue .Iotoomfry Ala O, a iSftT it. i -.1. - i r ... i i.i .i. 11PWS- 1 lfl iPPOilmnn if o nx-nic ' ' " "? i ie ruiiu i auu cnensnea uie sympathies - " " ' ; - " 7 Additional returns indicate a vote of u.eynad so otten heard him avow. " . .LU W 97.000. of which on h- two .er Pent ' 4.. T i. l- . . attention t.O Mr H'nrci-t h'o ' - ' iuesuuy ue.vi nis vote would oe r , ,J , 1Ui lucl are against a convention. The orob- given lor me Canuiaates Ot the great ' ' Uhln nnmher of whites voting for thP party whose proud distinction is that - f- f - convention is 20,000 ; against a con- u uemanus equal ngnts and exact J" "7 , l"at J . u vention, 2000. No colored vote was justice to ail men,and insists On main- T ,uuuus uu . A.ULi5e sun1 thrown asrainst a convention. lt w d The if know what i are told once. Six persons united with the congre gaiional church at Irasburgh on last Sunday Dr. Crabtre will visit West Albany Oct. 18. and Sou 1!'. Seeadv ainmg inviolate the public faith, and " Ki TZa " ,UULnuou .W,1U s00.a systematically and generally asserte he rejoiced in the belief that the noble """ """ " Z ow wm settle tiU the voting was over, that tbe ecv- state whom it had been his pride to hJ Jf?"0110" f8tl0n over their lioQ had been postponed( lkreby serve in days not long past would on ads; hf hfe Democracy k ; thousands, mostly freeduten the one baud stemlv rpf.iP their a. UQder Johnson will fail them as badlv c .? n . ' J lis. . . , j;i , r i i , uuui nit iiu 1 t t .. . tfl4 It. Hill 11 i ()! Unnlio rn n A I t uuu iu uuy violation or the National ., -"-v. auuu tuai, Sirnpd, li W Vorpis .i , Without, rpupntanna on.l n.nA Vi-.ueuy l. M.UK-.l-f v;ouu uew, uuuuu meomer generously , -f w Actin"- Chairman Rpn tite Com a fi- :i r .ii their own ast stntP wJH ho w.r. I uuo "airman iitp. Mate com t.vi,cin me i ig,ub oi suurajre iu an men .. ov u Zi . .i ltnan thpir hr;t. Hnstn-n in r tv, ptui, uujusuy ue- Ax Established Remedy. Jolm- nieu. . T t. . ... i -. i .a ljivt: vjOKILla. iSarnum has 3UU 8 -uouyne L.iniment is extensivei l r i - . I I. m ii- i i i i' TTivra.o nru a i r secureu ior nis museum, a rreat curi- M1U 11 as an esiaonsneu remeuv iui iVMi,M- a ue ouiveyur ueuerai oi ...... .i , ... i. . ..ii . , ... Kansas Kn,,, t u alLi 111 lUG SQape ol a living Uonlla. uu-n:& colus- bronchitis, noarsene: nn;t;n LL j . Jr'e beast arrived from Africa, last h"1 other troubles of the throat and vviiMinvu, lCUUlLCa LL1L1 I ll ll?S I If II.X OT I , ' I . that young state, and t.h fiwraJ wce.aild s only got from the box Pags. which he are in which it was brought, into the ca Te certa'nl " uii,u iu uiuuui, n onorlJH Prepared for him, after a 1 T t . . . . complimentary to the energy of the 1 . "f , atter a contest in n your horse has had a drive. inhabitants, and vorv pn.onn. " f"1 euuiu away irom w m u eoia uiu, uraiiK too muca 7 . , vuwmu-uis 1UI 1 , , " . . I , sratP TTp P8tim,)M aeveiai bioui men, and bent double a coia water, or been out the future of the state, the num 2 livo stock is reckoned including 1,000,000 cattle, PODulation at 300 OOO an,l tu neav iron. Dar Wltn which they en- storm, berot acres of imorovpd lan.l at .iulc luu tuu xue -" ,000,000. The total value of the C. n;. 1 he 1 Post sas : When hiin i I Jl U1C T ...... - at $40,300,000, staS"P"gt is about five and attla mnannn a half teet m height, and is about in a cold rain the immediate use of the Cav- Condition Powders will restore to condition. under false pretenses, fined"$U;50. Rutland Independent. Pat in c P-.t-t,. t i n;iw, n O UIJIIC, liUW.WV ,L 1 n . . 1 vvtm, J-VOUCl I VJIUJU" hogs, 150,000 horses, 100,000 sheep u color aa elephant. Its face fined $9,95 for breach of peace and 10,000 mules. The value of the , , GlU V PPearance ot a bumaa G. W. Haskins, obtaining good; n . i I linintr than rt o ykK : j. L I , - , crops ot the present year is placed at , T, , y, wnu an eye $35,375,000 and ih nonifJ i j exactly like that of a human bein?. in farm and agricultural implements ha , 13 f . dehcate as that of a at $40,000,000. The wheat crop of N!0Fnanls and 11 would nt seem pos thisyear is estimated at 2 500000 at there 13 la such muscular ousneis, the corn at 40,000,000 bush- " " eis, ana the potatoes at 1 000 000 fusuu teeas the am ousneis. Accidext. A painful accident oc curred at Craftsbury on one of the days of the fair. Ahorse ran into the crowd and with great violence bit a Mr. Marsh, an old of about 65, knocking him down, breaking a cou ple of ribs and otherwise injuring him. Some $40 were raised for him by the people. . ; "IT WORKS LIKE A CHARM-" Reader Kenne's Pain Killing Magic Oil Cures Headache. Renne's Pain Killing Magic Oil cures Toothache- Dnna'a Ptltn Vill t . . i X' .... tr'A. i .ii , i ntuuv o ... vihiii maic cures tui..,- mai upon vegetables, but allows noth- Benne's Pain billing Magic ou cum chow ing Of acid to be placed in the cage. Renne' Pain Killing Magic Oil cures Rheurca I ii l fill l r r ni tin an. n . - i w lyin A RALM FOR EVERY WOUND.- r.b,U11f.WTeS lrrUable 11 13 RenPah, Km. M. Oil or,s Lnmeness. Grace's Celehrat.frl Snl Jo nnm Drt UUU 4uieiea by placing a few cloves Renne's Pain Killing Magic Oil cures Skin Diea- ii , - . ov or nntmpcro in ita n ses. generally used tor the Cure Of flesh ao-- Some folks seem to be proud of telling how vnnnHo nfn K -.1 e y I 1 lame their shoulders are. of " mv crick in ine uuta, uuius, Ulcers, ieions, - , Xt back--or. "I have got the Sciatica"-and delist SDramS. and all riispnspa nf tKn elrJ.. A Doay Ot policemen Irom JSeW in hrairirinir thRt "nothing rn cure me!" but that nraisp of it isnma tr. i ' Yrk Were detailed by the Superin- 'hen we get such "awfalfolks" to use Kenne's UKH praise Of it SOems to be needless. . - a .rAtr,.f P,!"a Pain Killing. Magic Oilymhm y, we . not xuose WnO nave tried It Once alwavs - w neyn onivcure tneir lameness ana coarm away mc.i keep a box on hand, and nothing will JT"?? Man StS1 induce them to be without a supply. We think this number of our trnper is pretty "fair." - of them were converted, and 40 of them held a prayer-meeting on their own account. Send as that $2. and sav. It works like a charm !" Sold br all Druggists, Merchants and Grocers. WM. It ENN K, Sole Proprietor and Manufac turer, Pittstield, Mass. Sold in Barton by Joslyn & Sons; Barton Lan ding by L. D. Wilson ; Glover by 1). Whittlesey; Irasburga by J. P. Wortiungton 41m4