Newspaper Page Text
f J 3 rENERAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY. E. II. FOSXKBt UOiHH JFATHIC PHTSICUS 8XRGEON BBACroKD TtEHOST. Owe la btuldlnR formerly oeeu;iied by Vt. M. L. Scutt, nearly opposite l'twt Oibee. U. II. WITT, TAILOR, r.ntiFORr, Vermont. Room in Hardy" Building, in rear tf S. T. Of-orge's Store . " nosvr i.i- l" it " T n. ATTOltSF.V AND rOUXSKLLOK AT LAW. jfM(fr S .Wiriw i". Cl.imfi- and PentUtn itn t'Miin A'cnl. mud; l'I'.l', VEMMIINT. National Opinion. VOLUME L TULVDFOHD, VERMONT, FRIDAY, JANUARY 4, 18GG. NUMBER 30. II. . WOKTIIK.Tf, ATTOnS EY AXl tOl. XSLLLOK AT J. AW. vermost. 1 :1.1.1m iu.i, LICENSED Al'l'TU'XEKR, nnAiroiin, vt.i:mont. r H ot o o n a v ji k u , wei.iV mvEU, vf.umont. 1 CBOWKM' HATCH, TAItOK, T.n-.Dror.r. vkmtoNT. Shop n Hardy'" Building, first door tip ntuii" (With Win. O. Hardy.) PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER. Store in Xn. 1 Hardy's ISuibliu;. WII VI SII U.1. IT ill'-'J Tt RDR tVIi:V -XV .U I1V JI I.IA A. AMHlTf. II. STi;H'KI.A.l. IROX FUl'XDElt A XI) MACHINIST, And MaJiufaetm-erof A iexiltur.ilLiil'lenioiits j IIIlUiroRP, VERMONT. ' it. i. sti:vi:s, PROPRIETOR TROTTER JRH'SE, hhdtii n c , v i: m e s t . X Mi. II. STIll KS, proprietor sprixo hotel, S 10 H'Bl'llV, V E K K O N T , H.. r.ood Livery ottitehcil. A. T. CI.Altlil-:, uorsK. siux, and -ornamental Painter. Grainrr, (!!:r.iri; Piiprr-Jfuiiger, HKAirolM. Vl.UMIINT. Alio, dealer in Taints, Oik, Vnrn'.-hf . and I'ainf Stork of every deseiiption, IVtui-n Frames, .MouldiiiKS and Glass. I j. o. Mvi!iT(ni:, ATTORXEY V COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Solicitor in Chunerrit. Life it tire Inaurann Atjcnt, v. i:st iotsiiav, vr.r.MONT. 3 noit i r. j. id)M?i'i:ii HEAL ESTATE ACKNT, CIVIL LXGIXEER, nnd Prwtieul St'rrvijor, iiADFOHI', Vl.RMOXT Rrniiwvi'.s.-- I 'id. K. I-'arnam.S. T. floorse, Tinidtor.l; Jlon. Win. T. (Jeono- Fast Top. .ham ; ,1. & ,1. L. Jt. H. Haverhill, X. II. i -L It. t'pliain. M. 1.. Botii. M- ' 17. a. tMVOl.L. HARNESS MAKER &. TRIMMER, UAI-T COUINT1I. VERMONT, 4 i'. i:. ixmv, ji. -,. PHYSICIAN AND SIT.OEOX, TOISriAM, VEBMOSr. 4 yi A It K II. ( ouivn', I'll Y SIC I AX AXI) SEUUEOX, corinth, vi.ioioxT. 4-Cm Whieh shall it be ! Water or Wind Life in lyinc brifjit before you. The rnminj; days most fairly idiine And ne darkening ekmd linnim o'er you. 'What need to i lioosel There's time enough; The world ha" Rt bent few pleusures ; Art sure it path? are made more rnu);li Jiy i-nnttlng wine's ruby treasures r Oil. foolish ones! have yoi no thought For the l.earta of mothers, broken, For sisters' tears, fur falhers' woes' Kml for ivtt," deep gnefn !innpoken I V m've none of these, and yon eiioose wine. Red wine, that yleams in your tilasses I Fiil n;i the eup and drink to Death, While svift'iy tit eveuini; passes I ViU to the brim, for life is idiort ; rink ye this : "Red wine forever !" Fill ! Dri'ik to the di"jiikurd's eorpini That is limit in); down the liver! Fill up a.'.'ain A srrenm yon heard I It may be, for lln're'sone ly inji, "Who even now. iineij;h yoiins as you, In mad delirUiiu is dying- Yet di ink it down, the ruby wine, While pleasure your life is ei-ov.-nin You henrd a ciy from yonder brook I Yes; for th-re's a drunkard drowning. What t'-eksit though, the Berioit eni And writhes in the pattering glasses ! We'll till again ami drink to Ibsith, While .swiftly the evening ! Stop ! think of your si.t rs' id tears, Think ot ymir mothers, lira 1 1 lo-okin, Tiiink of your fathers' bit ter woes, Of your wives' deep griefs unspoken ! Ah ! shiverins, turn the wine As you tbiiik itf the void, deep rivrr. Tie' drowned corpse, the mai.iae's se:.:am, And forswear red vine fureeeri It is done, and, savi 1 from lmiy The Ti'inplar'.s vow you have taken; Then look no more ontlic nify wine, Let your purpose 1.' unshaken. We've ihnsen v. ater. elear and pure. That sparkles bright in our glasv ; Fill up the eup and tl .ink to Life, hde swiftly the evening passes ! j lii nt that lie Avns ofton let in allor j tliat lionr I'.y a liat k iitrim.'(, antl ; w onlii ri'iiatr to tho sithiijjTdoiH n t- pared for h occasion, with his t'tiir ! one, viKre they talked " soft iion j smisc" till the '" weo small lunrs." I As ho generally riKlc over to licr j icsiik'iicc, laii had taken the C'ap j t.iin'tf hired man into liis confidence, ! and oinploycd him on siu-h occasions 1 to leave the barn doorM TiiifaKtPTK'il j when be went there at nine o'clock j to make, ovry thing wn-ure ;i-cnd-I in to his niHsK-r's orders, so he (Dan) i could obtain leave of his team there ! at nny hour of the night ; Of bourse he apparently pubiuit I ted to the CaptaluV stern mandate, j and always promptly batie his be ! loved auieti antl thove-otf at precise ly nine p. m., but only to return again at :i later hour to diive his the bon vivant young man did not recover for several years till he met siisy Low,' the heiress, whom lie without hindrance wed. English v k ii m u s American IUilroads. Mr. Moses Y. IJeatb. of 1 he New York Sun, who is now in Kurpe, thinks American rail roads do not compare very favora bly vitk those of Eug-Und. lie says : " Ye liare stood still comiiarative ly thc.c', twenty years ij! railroad af fair., and hence, from being first, are now in the second rank. The Englishman sticks to his comjiurt inent carS, but adds to tlitMiu'lior of compartments in each car until, on the newest roads, the length of horse, with the least noise possible I ear billy equals the American. Jhen in the barn, where he generally h -ft system vf rigid attachment, of I ing a crown which vii wore not on God A Comfort. Dn yon know what fomfoiting iowcr there is in (iol f Have you never seen times when in your own affairs you would have given all yon had if there was one perfectly wise man' tUat you could go to and aseiitain what w as tluty, what wa the rijrht way? Have you never seen those hours that hung as if ensphered globes, when the flickering lift of a clrild seemed suspended, nnd you knew not whether it should live or ilic V Have you never had in those hours the thought. 'OIi, if there, were but one of infallible, skill that I might goto, the whole enrth. even if it were guldens should be his for my child's life, certainly rest o r e d Have there never been hours of re morse; have you never had hours of disquiet and tears iuwardly,a.sifeach tnougtit v.-ere H spear ami -ach b-el- JllStELLALOI.H ITEMS. Two men were shot through Che breast by an unknown person in Pert kind, Me., last week. u Hanging by the neck nntil tLey are ilea l in iwvr -tire ienalty iii Mississippi for horse stealing. Tbe emigration, fram Ceorgla to Texas is imrneiiKC. A negro Prown was burglarj-. man named Thomas buug in Mauon, for him standing all harnessed 1 Icing -cognizant, of these facts, and by stratagem learning the night ! Dan intended to visit there next, he ! arranged a plot to ofl'set the punish meiit he had undergone in the pear i raid. j As it happened the Captain's ser- ; liolirs i vavii' after dnlv renortiuir affairs at ! kind the barn all right, upon tliat event i ful night, sought the residence of an i old acquaintance to enjoy a social, j prolonged chat. Dan at tin; same time itad bidden the family good night and after waiting till the old ! gentleman was abed and sound as ' lecp, had with customary caution i returned to recommence the atten ! ti ins, so unpleasantly broken up for ! an hour ortwo on every such ncca Ision, by the Captain's stringent ; ruie. He bad hardly entered the house : the second time ere Soinerby the victim of the pear gathering scrape i stole into the farmer's barn and i lighting a pocket lantern, hastily j began to detatch Dan's horse from the chahe, which act being neconi- cars produce a steadiness of motion much to be preferred over oiir jerk ing rattletraps. Hut perhaps, the most striking change is in the mode of taking water. What think you of running a trai'i of a dozen cars two hundred miles or more, in live nnd without a Mop of nny The thinir is done here ! A sufficiency of coal for fuel is easily provided, of course, and only neces sitating the carriage of a few pounds j extra weight. The water is taken up once in twenty miles, without the sliglrlest delay, by a simple con trivance, 'cute' enough tohave oiigi- the head but the heart, and of thorns? And have you never felt, Oh, were there but one teacher, of sympathy and depth and knowledge that I might go to. who had the power to take me up out of my circurust Alices and luing i n hack to comfort and assurance 1" Is there not; some one here that lias departed from the mother's house that to day thinks, "I would give the globe, if I might but tind my way back to the.purity of childhood ?"' Is there no oik; to say today ."Oh if I might work mv t( Boston lifec'eanand whiieiu lioncsfYuirain? The Chief of Foliee reporto one hundred and eighty houses of pros titution, and fifteen gambling houses in Cincinnati. Nineteen thousand five hundred and ten acres of public land was sold fit HnrnboTt, Kansas, land of fice last month. The editor cf a California iaper has been presented with a radish about the size of a five-gallon keg. A man was recently kicked to death by his wife at Elinburg, Pa. Corn is selling in Alabama for five dollars per bushel. r.oxbury, Mass., has been annex- natcd in a Yankee brain il'it did not. jl I. 1 ... 1 1" :l .. I . a. ! 'Wntn-'i f,,r nut rctel Wi.-ie Minuvi . L l. ol I,. I'., !!rallli-tn)ro, l. Nov. .1 . 1 ,tK plished. he harnassed him in a bill with lifO'l living tlir ilnnlur .' Th''ii by sundry ohanges in buckles and straps, h A trough, halt a mile long, one toot wide, and foui inches deep, made of cast iron, is placed between the rads and filled with water. As the i iai.l ptissos over tills trouo'ii, one nid of a pipe reaching forward from the tender is lowered into the water. The motion of the train forces the water up the pipe into 4he tender and the thing is done. My descrip tion may not convey t lie idea to a lion -mechanical mind, but those who i (iod knows that there is notbing to ! J,,Im Moran, who kuied Mary El- avcihat I wontl not ciye to u-o I u'n Kwu'ii.v most brutsilly at Kox- laek again."' Hooii know the tliicLiiations of c . Then you know the re- irthlv ;ain 1 have bailed out leaky bn suit of thes exjierieiice conditims in wliich (lod resents hinisell'as the comfoHing Cod. where al the treasures of wisdom, of patience, of love, of f,ravr, and cf goi'nlness in iuni are not hoarded, but yet kept in an unfailing supply that is poured out forever and forev er inexhaustibly, and they that have gone wrong, done wrong, that ail its with a the children of want and sorrow in jed t! the so disarrang- scoop, as often as ,ou have done, will uiu'eitand this method of scooping" water from the locomo- this world may find in Him a lie j deeinets a comforting tiod. ..'treur. I20V." S!I.IMXi:KN lost " i'ri-:ii-:s." SUM whole gear that an hourltive. With us th;.- sanii nlan would spent a diliigent toil t'y any otn would hardly rearrange it a be'HAiati, ( As.-ist "d by J. A. II:.r,'y.) WATfll-M A Kli'lt AND JEWELER IIIIAMOIIII, Via-.MK.VT, Dealer ill Wateln'".' 'he-Its and. Jcwclry.Oohl. Silver. 1'lated and liii; anna Wai-e. Fine l'oekt t nnd Table L'utii-rv. Speetai les. Revolvers and Yankee X.itiou... (Tiakf. ati-lu-s, and ,lew nr.v eorreel ly ri-puirrd and warranted. 1'i onipt utteution to oidi rs by Express or Mail. X ). 1, Hardv's building. A. ivy r.r.o. r. ci'.ui-i'in:, v. Dan was the wildest ''blade ill the town of W-. . He was always concocting some kind of ,y. i:sti:y x t o., H RATTLF.lIO RO, V K R M OXT, MASCFAi-Tt'RKR "F '(Kits, Cf(t3r lliinnonif, auil BctiIir Organ. with the Vox Humana Tremolo, found only in the Lst. v Organ. H. II- COXAX T. Orford, X. II. Agent. LIVK11Y STARLK, (Rear of Trotter House,) n5 oncak CAiiiro-v. Turties furni.-hed with Sinylc or Douhlc, Tets, nt iliort noliee, and fit KEA SON ABLE 1 'EIC ES. Carri.igenin rrudiuesa nt the depot upon the arrival of the train". lIni.lford..liltie It, ISt'.e. 1 lARl'ETS AT REIilCFI) I'KK'ES. RICH J All-Wool. Hemp, nil Cloth, llrass Matting, Cotton llaiking, nt , , F. it II. T. KF.YF.S At f'fi'S. OTOF.A; H. T. KF.YF.S A. ('., II l.J.I'. voiieiiuget good All Wool lio'tum-", lusii- louable ecdors. for .'ine.. l'rinis Irom l i to JOc.. and other lrrM ( e.iinlly u" eln up. IlAIU.OR Ft fl.M IT'HI. L U'XOF.S. S(. 1 fas, Easy C'hiiii's. Stutleil lloekinn ( linn", (.'line Si nt. nnd Hnek Chairs, W hat Not, la bleu, Minor.", Window shades. ., nt r . v 1 1 . I . I 1. 1 r.3 . e. .-s. (V 1 4 (1V.. I'UHIIUiP. A;J'. Wnll.n IN vitn attention to lua .look ot nowls, nsmi ng his iialroii. thai ha'. i i;; bci n .ineliased at ;b ninsi favor '! Ii rnis. be w ill gi e gren- ! ttiibieemi'iiis to I ash, iin,l Ri udy I'm r biiyem. Wanted, ill nrhange, and for ra:,h, IJulltr, ( hftir, f'j.;, Ihant, ifnph Fugnr, Pn IntiHt, 1 I j, mi l Wont, prirc will to For which tb hih"t market paid. a. n. aowT, DHMTIBtT, OirirB in llARiifa Rorm Ilnt.MSo, Ilrndl'ortl, V'rinr.n. rrr.nn riLLi n with nnt.n and sii I vi r. Aim. Liel ted on tbihl, Silver, nnd Viih iiiiliied Riibln r bae, Iii tlii lal-t improv rd mi dim My to. V re per rt of Twill otl VulritnUeil Rilli ber I nnge nil the wny from Five to Thirty Fit Ii ' r, arronliiiK t" atylf "till llnl!i. noitt; WAtnuyTKO. tlrnitfonl,.tiine 11, pffl. I 4AII O from tun i iiatitltip", at bv the run, nr In mmiller EYES' STfiKE, Xewluiiy, VI fttlAVKF.K MiTS.-A VARIETY OF I'LAIN J and ntiiiinieiiial lledriMiiu Knit a, Mattraa e. Spring lb d, CutU(a IledMeud", Cllln. nud Swing Cradlea, at r. U H. T KEY CSAt CO-8 J Pntr'l V"Ltb!orDv,a la tha baat Una- mft ana t'alfi KillfT1 mischief, and would sometimes turn the tables on those whom he indue ed to join in hi plots. Ha" ing one evening persuaded a young chap, oho was a grcut lover of fun, to assist in robbing a neigh bor's pear tree, he played the follow ing haul joke at his companion's ex pense: They arrived at the orchard con taining the tempting fruit just be-j fore the old farmer and his family retired for the night, aod although the tree, a vcri tall one, was near 'the. house immediately proceeded, ! to carry out their evil design, as it j was concealed by other trees from I the window that opened in that, di- rection. I Dan enticed bis victim to climb ! the tree and give it a vigorous shak i ing, while he stood beneath to gnUi I er tlie lneious pears into a bag as j they fell. Having tilled the sack ' nearly " chuck full," Dan tossed it i coolly upon his shoulder and run I for tl'ie highway, leaving the other fellow standi"'..' upon the highest 1 limb that wo,,,,, bear his weight, gaz;ugtowai'd him in sheer amaze ment. Cut addinc insult to injury, as he cleared the wall of the close know ing lie could shortly reach a belt of pine woods himself he halloed at the top of his voice : ' Man stealing Hay ward's pears ! Man stealing Hayward's 1cars J" nf course, this startling announce ment brought the maddened owner of the same to the door, and just as the poor young thief reached the ground with lorn unmcnlionables and bleeding shins, through their rapid friction with ro'igU nark, the chloric tiller of I he soil was after him " full bent," nourishing a huge shelalali, nnd swearing audibly. The race, for the length of the enclosure was cxlremelv close, and the club of the infitrinUil pursuer actually graz ed his back once, and was again raised to smite him as lie denied the wall with a Hying leap. I The old farmer was getting stiff in the joints, ami did not attempt to jump after hint, ho at this point gave tip the chase, though vith great re luctance. Scarred half out of his w its, how ever, the unfortunate chap continu ed his Might, vowing eiincunce for (ho mean eajsT Dan had cut. I'.eing well awaro that he was pmiug bis addresses to the. voting est dnuuliter of old Cnpt. Merrill who lived in m adjoining town, he resolved to retaliate for the injur les then inillirted, the very nest night Dan went to see aer. lie Inul heard him often sny, that his lady's father was extremely bar tleiihtr in regard to the courtship, not allowinK his daughter on any nr. million, to BCt UII W'itll IHT " ft'l- ler' after nine o'clock j distinctly tellinc hrr if they violated that or der ho Hhould forbid Dan the house. And In confidence Pan had told ne tnen inn uunseii in a mow 01 hay to awa.t the time Dan would come for his team. A little after midnight he heard him stdmb ling through a side cut ranee, as the night Wits quite dark and could hardly n si tain a guil'aw, as be heard him fumbling w it It the horse's tail, no doubt entertaining the idea that it was his mane ! Cut Dan shortly expressed a sen tence of surprise, followed up as the truth dawned upon him, by a long string of expressive oaths, in which the listner perceived he had the opinion that the. hired man was the aul horof the outrage. At last, after opening all the barn dooVs to get the outside light, and finding it useless to attempt getting out of l he dilemma wit In ait a lantern, he returned Ui the house and made known his troubles to t he fair Ange lina, who had been waiting i:t anxi ous suspense for the sound of the ' carriage wheels bearing, him sali ly away, unaware o tne aosence oi the servant ; and suspecting him guilty of the foul deed, he mentally resolved to punish him at some fu ture day, and therefore concluded not to ask aid from him. but per mitted his " intended," who kindly volunteered to visit the barn with lit.,, and hoid up one of her father's lanterns, while, lie disentangled his bt ,ist from her laifghable predica- nient. W. ...... I.I ,,- L-'ktt- till. ,-siiiiii Ml i'oiui I i,,l eini in , Captain's daughter approaching with her lover, he made good his i cscane. and running to the back answer lor taking v.p small ant lira ; cite coal as well a s wat -. 1 do not i doubt so that we iniohl; run trains! icrtiss tlie CMiitiucnt if that weiv desirabl. v, : aotil a e-' iip I.Aiiir.s. lulus, hut eineroeiicy. be depend- make uur Advii i: t Vur.Mi ! Trust not to uncertain ; prepare yourself for an;, j l.earn to work and in-t ' cr pun serv ants to lire, ; sweep , our Honrs, d. it n our J stockings. Above all liii, do not esteem too little (nose honorable men who sustain themselves and their parents bv the tvmk i f their i ow n hands, while e.ii care for and receive into ,our company, tiiose !lazjidle popinjays, who never lilt i tl lillgj r tp help thetiiselves so long j as they can keep body and soul to I gethcr and get siiflieient to live in fashion. Young women remember this, instead ot sounding the purses ot your lovers and examining the cut of their coats, look into their hearts and habits. Mjrk if they have trades and can depend upon them selves ; see it' they have minds which will lead them to look above il butterfly existence. Talk not of the beautiful white skin and the soft, delicate hands the line np pearance of the young gentleman. Let not those foolish cnnsidi rations engrossyoiir thoughts. Tur. Cor.ou or Tuoi T.l'ut a living black burn trout inte a w hite basin of water, and it becoun-s wi;h in half an hour, of : Iij;ht color. Keep the fish li ing in a whirr jar "oniedays, and it becomes abso lutely white; but put it in a dark eoioied or blai'k Vessel, and although on first being phiocd there the white colored li.i'i shows most eonjiieuous !y on the black ground, in a quarter of an hour it becomes as dark -colored as the hot torn ol the jar. and conse quently diiiietlk to be seen. bury, Massachusetts, last year, will be hung on the last Friday in Janu ary, General Mcf'lel'an is at a quiet bathing place in Switzerland. Four hundred white emigrants lett j-ortress Monroe the other week for the North. A hand of Utah Indians have just surrendered to General Carson. Dog fights are the refined enjoy ment of two legged brutes and pup pies. The Indians within the territory of t ho Tinted States number 2'J.V 771. The Indians on the Plains have taken three thousand white sculps this season. The Mormon church is years old. It was organ i; six members. over 30 :ed with .onr It 1 Keep a careful account of personal and family expenses ; v. iii help 1 lie household economies,' i and belter enable y oil to be imi il just j jam! e,enerolls. Above all, keep il j daily account with God, lest at the ' ; tinal reckoning you have not hino-to ; cover an eternal loss; for "w hat shall j it proitt a man. if he gain the whole i woi Id and luse his own .sc l ;': I Wi, . .. .. .. 1 ....... i . ' I 111, (ill 1 AMI. I.X. ' Mr. Crucc's and's farms ail- I '; joined i;ich oilier. had tin tin-1 ruly siieeji, w hich was in t ho habit i of getting into Cruce's field.' Cruce j ! expostulated with Sizer several; ! times, and told him if he didn't keen 1 lix him fences. ! sheep at home, he would Tin: Dim'N'karu's Will. I leavi losociely a ruined character, w i ed example, and memory that ,Min rot. 1 leave to my parents during the rest of their lives, as much sorrow its humanity, in a fee- side of the house sought one of the ' ble and decrcpid slati bed room windows, where the old man slept, below .stairs and ener getically rapping thereon said: Neighbor Merrill, awake, awake ! There is some serious trouble among your cattle, and you bad bet ter seek your bant as quickly as possible," Having completed the details of his plot, Somerby ran behind the shelter of some huge rocks near at hand, to witness the denouement. He heard the Captain jump from his couch to the floor, and shortly saw him emerge from the kitchen only partially dressed, ami rush ex citedly toward the barn. Of ' course Dan and his " gal" were not a tittle, but wholly dumb founded, oil beholding the hat less " llgure head ' of the. old salt the Captain, with glaring eyeballs pro truding from their sockets direct ed in i silent rage at them. Helpless for excuse or apology, Dan sank like iv limp rag under his awful scrutiny. As soon as the thunders of his voice could llnd veiil, betuititul Angle was hustled trout the vnrd and ordered to walk for the house, and consider herself a prisoner in her room for n month ; never to be ullowed to speak to the miserable, wretch who had forfeited all hopes to his regard or her hand. Dan was peremptorily packed oil' as soon n the inix'i up pieces of harness were in any way arranged as before. lie was refused ndmission to the Cai.tftiii' house henceforth and for ever. , It was a blov from which the can sustain. 1 leav c to my orot tiers and sn tcrs as much mortification and injury as I , could well bring on them. 1 leave! to my wile a broken heart, a life of wretchedness, n shiiuie to weep over my premature death. 1 give and j bequeath to each of my children poverty, ignorance, u low character, ami the remembrance that their father was a monster. As the, rose tree is composed of the sweetest flowers and the sharpest thorns; and the heavens arc some times overcast alternately tempest uous and serene ; so is the life of man intermingled with hopes and fears, with joys anil sorrows, with pleas ures and pains. Sl.ANliF.Rot'K. A miserable old bachelor poked his head into our sanctum door the oilier day, ami proposed the following:. i" nre young indies kissing ench on ke an emblem of Chris tianity ;" Vciohl him we did not know. He nnsweied: "ilccntme they aro doing unto ench othei as they would that men should do unto them." Out of gallantry we hurled our Inkstand at his head, lis it disap peared out of lltu door, for the out rageous libel. The impudent fellow. his so he wouldn't jumpaii v mm Cut l'.iiice soon found the sheep back again: so he caugiit him. and with ;i knife .-.evercd the cuticle ni si., in jast beyond tlie gnmbivl joint, and bet ween the main cord and bene. tch- i then thi'UM the other bind leg will through the avenun'. and then nut the sheep back ovw the feliee, which went oil' hobbling' on thive leg.-', Sizer soon after discovered the sad plight hi: sheep w as in, and he knew very wcjl who was the cause of il , The French army will hereafter contain l.'JuO.OWl of soldiers. In New Haven County, Conn., (V unhappy couples have been divorc ed since the 1st of last January. A Western Eohcmian repels the gift of a bottle of spruce lx-er on the ground "hat if is contrary to the rules of the profession to tell a dol lar and a half in- for six and a fourth cents.- An English clergyman recently pleached a sermon in what lie said that the newspaper was a part of life's earnest self culture. A Cuffalo paper has a remarkable story to the effect that a trout, meas uring four feet and a halt in h;gttt. three fevt around the body, and weighing seventy pounds, was caught iu the lake iii'icon miles iYoiu Dunkirk, not long ago, by Messrs. Johnson & Crother, of Dunkirk. It is the largest trout ever i aught in the lakes of which then' is any re cord or t lie largest lish story known I since the days of Jonah and i. is we are not at all certain i M isa Virginia Pen ny, a teiclwr in ' itie Third Ward ScDool.Tn l)ui . uie, -was mea last 1 uesday .on an t indicftcent for an assaolt'uri Adam llaagj-cffie -of her pupils. The boy' . disobey el thft teacher's offers, and' she -whipped him ; was inrpudetfc' afterward, and She whipped him, again excessively, the. prosecution " claimed. The court niled that the, teacher tiad the right to fhip the boy ; but iliAt if the punishment was exc 'ssive, and maliciously in flicted, the t-erdict should be against, her. The jury foitnd her guilty, and sue was sentenced to pay ono cent" flue. ' Anecdote of int Gueat Doce. ' In the " Life- of Lord Comber- uiere'' is this characteristic anecdote of the Ihike of Wellington; " One day toe coiBuiandfcr in-chief . nnd Sir Trent .Spencer were ridiug mt together, when Sir Brent toolt cue ipjriuniry or Viic3croning . Iird Wellington as to his plan' of rtpiTatioa. - The cantcrsarion ' ran 1 nearly as follows: Sir Brent 8petierV: 'we aro nliout my lord, to engage in a very hazardous campaign, and no ono can tell what may befall any of us. . I m sure that I trust nrost sincerely' that nothing will happen to your loi'dship. It wttiild be a great mis fortune to the army if it were to lose you ; hut sfilTyod might be killed, ' and I think it necessary that should askou what are your plans, in or-" derthat I may carry them out, in ease I should unfortunately sueoeed ' to the Command of the army." . , Lord Wellington : " Flans! Ah! plans. I haven't got nny plans, ex cept that I mean to heat the French.' If I can't do It in one way, I will in'; another." Mr.'Beechef has withdrawn from1 the Independent the right of furth er publishing his sermons, owing to' that paper discontinuing their pub lication titter the issuing of his' Cleveland letter, and criticising his' course pretty sharply. The Inde pendent ,hv ever, proposes to aak no favors of Mr. Beecher, but to have its o ii reporter and publish them.' The World has stopped printing Mr.' Ceeeher's sermons... Always T.vr Fat Meat.---T1io American Farmer says there is near-' ly twenty per cent.- les water in the carcass of a fat animal than in' a lean one. Did you erer notice, as I have, how much more the leui of a poor beef will dry up in hanging,' than the lean of a fat animal ; and according to 1'rof. Voelker, alean hog contains' eighteen per cent, more water than a fat out, It is stated that the eight hour' system, as enforced by the city au thorities and foundries in Indiana-' polis. Iris created dissajifartion, as' the employees are paid by the hour, and they cannot earn enough o support their families. A complete skeleton of a Korth American Mastedon has leen un earthed at Cohoes, X. Y. Careful measurement shows that they be long to an animal that must havo stood ut leat fifteen feet high and some twenty odtl feet in length. Fit ACTfCAL Hints. A coating of three parts lard and ono part rosin applied to farm tools of iron or etcel will effectually prevent rust, Common nails heated red hot and dropped into cold water- will clinch and answer the sani ) purpose of wrought nail.?. A sharp corner of a common In dian arrow head or Hint will' cut glass quite effectually. A good wagon lack may be niad.ft of two pieces of boards, two or more feet long. LMhcu the board in fironi, of the wheel, one end on the ground and the other just under one of the. spokes, close up to the felly ; then take hold of a spoke on the oppo site side of the wheel and lift ; 'at' the same time place the second j board in. tier the axle-tree. In this .ioeh way a hti v. ;ih ease tiled wagon may be lifted' suitable op- bl oue but he concluded to take thbiirs coolly, and wait some portunit v to revenge Ij curly Cilice's old tow's field, when he caught and, with a sharp kuiic, cut her mouth from car to car, and turned her back into the lit . W h e u Cruce discovered this, he went to Si iter's in a great rage, ami deman ded of Ihin what he did that fur. Sizer said: 'Tiioii inv word, Neighbor Crtiee, I didn't do any such thing. Yoiw olit now uplit her iiiiitith litiujhltii) n! my xhrtp li'mintli thefeuee." lloW TO Kl'.LIKVi: CHnK'Ltl) CAT TLE. I have fattened cattle on po tatoes, and always feed (hem whole, and occasionally oiri gets choked. 1 then put the nnimal in a yard, where there, are bars, which I let down so that she can juiiipovcr. but as high a.-.i she can jump. 1 then place her about two rods from the bars, with her head towards them. ami with a good whip, well applied, I run her over the Inns on liiejunip, and when she tour lies the ground on the opposite side, (he pot a toe will lly out of her mouth.. 1 have informed my neighbors of (his rem edy, many of whom have tried it, and in no case have 1 known u lail nre. .lit run Leo in Rural Anierlean. A Maine editor says (hat a pump kin in that State, grew so large that eight men could stand around it. This is like the lell.iu- wlm sum- tin- self. I'rcs- j p.,,,,;- ()f ,i.0S S(l j;nv ti,;lt K. t.0(1,j into : Mi, .,!,-, ,, stick nt n lent her, A lany s absence w as apologized for at a party the oiher .night, by a friend who said she was detained by an interesting little incident, " weighing just nine pounds end a In; If." A new Irish toi'is'do, while being experimented with by Fenian olll ccrsin 'ow York Thursday, explod ed, but caused ho hiss of lire. At last accounts the Methodist Centenary subscriptions bnd reach ed 92,1131,070. . IM'.MovAi.s. No less than 27.1 of ficers out of 1 10 have been removed by .Mr. Johnson in the recess of Congress for no other reason than their lldelity to the Ecpublican par ly. This is the result of the "kick ing out" process which Mr. Johnson threatened when nt St. Louis. The people, however, have been ho little inclined to follow Johnson for the loaves and fishes, (hat lie seems to have ut last concluded that it is not advisable to continue removals for political reasons. Certainly the fciiiHotiiie has rested for several weeks, lie may be wailing, howev er, to nsccrtaiii the action of the Semite upon the appointments al ready made. Vkrmont. TIio grand list of t8fil shows gratifying results, t wit t An increase over l,sti5 of ft.'JL'rt 1" the number of polls ) of to.'5,),dl J in the value of real estate, air' of i92,I71,04t in the amount ot person al projsTty making the Increase of property 2,"(0,23fl, nnd of taxable men tVL'K, . Kust v nai'3 may be drawn from wood without difficulty, by first giv ing them a blow hard enough to start them a little. A gun will not need cleaning for years if (he muzzle is tightly cork ed, and a piece of rubber kept up on the tube under the hammer, while standing idle. I Tom i. Li . 'Rr.f!. Several of our ' Vermont g ntlenieii are in the lec ture Held (li s winter. . Among them we notice Frc''. A. D. linger of Froe ' torsvillc, Slate Geologist, who has a lecture on the " Extinct of ancient animal races." Prof. Craiuard Kel logg, of MiddWbury, Uev. Wm. IJ. Cord, and Hon. Chns. W. Willard, of Montpelicr, Moses E. Cheney, or Barnard, FresideiitAngclljSeercliiry Adams, i'rof. Buckliam, and Hon. David Keade of this city, besides that pleasant poet J. M.D. Taylor, of St. Albans. As the St. Albans Ale nvnger very well says: "Those towns which cannot all'oid to pay, th big prices of" celebrated ''lecturers jjmy perhaps be as well served ut less cost bv huiklng for lecturers nearer home.''. Durlinyton Timet. . . A'womau in Winona, Wisconsin who had not heard from her husband for ten yenrs, recently got a divorwi on the ground of desertion. On the same day that Oils was accomplish ed, the Imsband made his appear, mice, and they were re-marrlcd in -thn evening. The mystery of tho ' man's long absence is not rxplntned. O