The News fkom Abroad. Tlic
Ion ian intellipnc'i' rapidly itnrtuses
in interest. In tin mi. 1st of preatcr
-v'iits,tln' Kulisli inini.sliy ;iiic;us
to liavi' readied ii -i i.sis. A vote
was had on the Hctoriii hill, result
ing in tin; defeat of the Co .eminent
hv eleven majority. The inqtort aiico
of the i'ii!t decided is not apparent
from tin' teleoTi'phie statement, hilt
iLis roh:ihli' that the issue was re
garded as a test vote, inasii neh as
.Mr. (ilailstone thereupon put him
self in coiiinillliic;it ion v ith theiiiecii
anil the I louse of ('ominous w;i. ad
jourueil to await the result. The
opposition,! hen, would serin to have
successl'iill. r niisiimmatcd their at
" tacks upoii the llelorin hill so far as
ihe present Parliament is eoiu erm d.
Whether M.iladst one is 1o abandon
the measure and retain his place, or
whether he is to recognize, his cab
inet, or to retire and make way for
a Tory l'lime Minister, or whether
Parliament is to he iii.-v"ilved and .
new general election 01 lered. vc
.shall probably know by he n x
On the Continent the. war which
has soiling been inevitable has been
formally declared at last. All those
clashing prejudices, aspirations and
interests vv hich make it so dillieult
to explain the cause of this contlict
to those who have not attended to
its gradual development, are now
committed to the drcadarbitranicnt
of the sword. It remains to be seen
whether the bloody contlict can be
routined to the original belligerents
or whether it is destined to draw
into its arena the colossal power of
Russia and the hitherto unchecked
empire of Louis Napoleon. Hut
whatever may be its extent or iis
duration, we can only hope that it
will result in bursting some of the
oV: bonds of despotism in l'.urope,
: '". ill gi nig to the masses new lib
erties and an ampler life.
The Prussian unity crossed the
Saxon border !' t!.e middle f last
month. They mid, up to the last
dates, occupied 1 resdeii, the eapitol
of Saxony which is only one lnin.j
dred miles from Ilerlin and pushed
on well toward the Austrian border.
Thus Saxony is substantially over
run, its armies withdrawing to form
a junction with the Austrian. At
the same time it would appear from
on rdi'. patches that another Prussian
column s advancing upon Frank
fort, the M-;it of ( icrinati liet. These
mox'cmenfs indicate great vigor on
the part of Prussia. Of the Aus
trian plan ol' oppositions, we have
Vet nothing of eniiHeitienee. Aus
tria is proverbially slow. Put it is
plain tln'.t - f has no oportunity to
linger in "a. tor Italy (Iceland var
Uj'on her llie very saiae day that
Prussia, thus show ing a concert
on the pait of her asail.ints that
will soon put her eltvr;:ies to the nl
laost st rain. ' tnl'itirn'l.
Kr.Kij. l'.i;: liir.Cii. m;:i:s.
This disease in hmsis. which has
hitiici'to been considered fatal by all
vi l iii is on the subject, is said to have
ii si;
a'.teil. A c
nt in the TurJ, I'icld, and
I Si i v s
In tin
a sci i. s i'f
last t xv o numbers of
J'rnv)i, t me n ported I
xpoi -intents v it ii t he h v -oda,
w ith a iew to test
wi-rs ;u arresting h-riuentative
di-ea-e-. Among t hese ex pel iiue;:t s
a number of dogs were inoculated
with tin- virus of glanders. To a
portion of them the hyposulphite of
mm I a was administered ; the others
were h it to Nature. All the former
recovered, and all of the latter died.
If there is anything in this of a re
liable character, a fair triad will soon
make it manifest. It is supposed
that one or two I'vachnis adminis
tered two or three, times a day will
lie suuicieiit. It may lcipiire more,
but experiments will determine the
iuiintiiv to hi used, and also its
value, as a cuie for
What it Cost to ;kt into the
English Paki.i ament. In the
House of Commons Mr. Lowe recent
ly made a speech, in which he gave
the following statistics of what, an
English election costs:
" I will take the southern division
of Derbyshire. Hie election cost
X&VM, nnd this is the then pest 1
Hindi read. The northern division
of Hill-ham cost .CI U !''. and the
southern division jC1I,0!m. South
Essex cost CP.,mh, and north Es
sex JC1 ;,IMM. West Kent cost C12,
000 ; South Lancashire, X17,Mi0;
South Shropshire, JCllVMlO; North
Staffordshire, XI l.tMKl; North War
wickshire, Xlo.noo ; South War
wickshireXbt.miO; North Wiltshire,
Xl.l,lM !l; South Wiltshire, , Xll!,0(M,
and theNoith Riding of Yorkshire,
XUT.OW). Now, 1 ask the 1 louse
how is it .possible that the institu
tions of this country can enduie'if
this kind of thing is to goon nnd
Temperature has u great effect up
on butter making. An experienced
dairyman sins: 'The colder the
cream, the longer is the time re
quired to make the butter, the great
er the quantity produced, and the
bctbr the in tit le. I'sing warm
. cream may save a little time, but
there is a loss bth in the quantity
and quality of the butter"."
ITi:r.. On Monday night, the
1st h, two barns together with four
Ions of hav and sonic farming tools
belonging o Mrs. Thomas I 'lem
ming, ol Ir.t-biirh, were desl roved
by lire. It is Mi)posed to have been
the work of an incendiary. .Yuc
lrl ,' in k.
Fikk at Lpmaiu i;n, Vt. Luii
ritHl,r,tS. ., ) 1! I. (!. Mailing
. Co.'s sime and goods at Lunen
burg, Vt., wi to biriieil last niyhl.
Loss iusiiicd i 'mio. '',.
work vf an im ciidiat v.
J'rssi.v's Tiikeat. The actual
outbreak of the war in Kurope lias
not probably startled the public
mind of this country so much as
Prince, Goi-tcliakofTn declaration
that, upon the slightest violation of
neutrality bv France, llussia also
would abandon her present neutral
attitude. This, ns if by a lightning
Hash, gives us a glimpse of other
combaTants standing behind those
who have opened the war, and ready
to impart an immense cnkirgment
to its area. For, Ictus consider a
moment what such a declaration im
plies. (ioi-tchakoff is a veteran
statesman and diplomatist, who,
neither by habit nor by his position
as Prime Minister of l.'ussia, is like
ly to drop any public expression
without giving due weight to his
words, lie implies, then, that he
su.-peets France of a design to drop
!:: mask of neutrality at any fa
vorable iiioim nt, fr his words carry
a stigma which lie would be the last
to apply to any power like England
or Spain that has given no reason
to distrust its neutral position. Sec
ondly, he implies that Russia is
ready to enter the arena ns the an
tagonist of France, because his dec
laration is a virtual challenge, w hich
he is too shrewd to issue if Russia
were behind Franco in point of pre
paration. Continuation of this view ha,s
been presented in tlic rumors of a
secret alliance between Russia and
Austria; in recent visits between
the capitals of the two empires by
the Queen of "A urtoniherg and her
significant reception at the two
courts; and even in the remarkable
composite with which Austria' is
reported r.i our dispatches to have
received the hostile invasions of
Prussia and Italy. If these indi
cations should be realized, we may
soon see Russia, Austria ami Tur
key in battle array against Prussia,
I ranee and Italy the East against
the West of Continental Europe.
The ministerial crisis in En-'laml
just at this moment ( ven raises the
st'ggst ion that a Tory ministry
ni'ght form an alliance with the
Aust ro Russian side; but there is
no reason to Itclieve that the people
of Fnland would endure that.
(Inat Ibitain will
ch ar of t he affray,
gantie enough and
probably keep
It will' be gi
bloodv enough
without her. It wiil change th
It wiil change
and give a new
mat) ot r.nrope ami mve a new nie
to the
social anil political energies
people, which we cannot Imf
ot tin
t Hi'-
will be bonelicial on the whole.
lln.stolt tji'lll'lllll.
M'uiiiMssKY riMis a Rival. The
multiplying of gaming houses in
this place from season to season has
been marked. Rut never as much
so as now. ( n the main street inanv
of the second lloors are taken lo
th use win) keep the business sccli t.
From the streets, from the piazzas :
of t he hotels, from dawn till dark,,
and from sundown to sunrise, Sun
day bringing no repose, no cessation,
men can be seen under the f.iscin l
tioii of the tables, winning or losing
great sums. Some well-to-do and
well reputed men from New York
daily play, with a fixed rule only to
lose a certain sum. They play
w Lilt- they win. P.nt when fortune
is against t hem and their standaid
of loss is reached, they quit Ihe ta
bles. These men iicvvr drink whiie
they play. Rut with nil this rivalry i
Mori issey has been able to hold his
OtV n.
lie has now found a rival. A wo
man from New York has taken a
house on 1 In' same street where Ids
c lub house is located. It is elegant
ly tilted up. It iias a bar of choicest
wines and liquors. A hop is held
each night at which men are admit
ted on the paynio t of-"). Young
women quite pre i iy and well dress
od parade t l,e strocis and call at the
hotels, ami with handsomely print
ed circulars cull men into tins new
palace of dissipation. The circular
holds out the price of the hops, the
music, the w ines and refreshments
as does a bill of fare in a restaurant.
The lady of the mansion keeps a four
in hand team. The out tit is splen
did. The horses are stately and ar
istocratic. A driver hohlsthe reins
dressed in livery . Two lackey s sit
behind in white coats of immense
breadth and buttons big as half dol
lars, and otherwise dressed in the
most aristocrat ie style. Alone, in
the open carriage, the owner sits in
all her glory and is driven up and
down, in ami out the town, and of
course is the centre of general ob
servation. The thing has made and
will make a profound ecitimeiit
here. Men have been waylaid by
girls protcud:!ig to have lost, their
way. Men have been enticed into
the house under various pretenses,
ami the bold, delimit, open, business
like wav the house is managed strikes
all wilh astonishment. lUirlciyh hi
the jidkIihi Juurtwl.
Ri'lcnI-x Three cases of at
tempted suicide two of them satis
factorilv successful to the pa 'ties
enuaged in them fook place iu
1 1. 1 it lord, ('(., on Saturday and Sun
day last. One was the case of il
I. I '."lies, a shoeiiKiker, who had
been living with u Mrs. Shaw, and
having become enamored with her
eiiarms, ami found his love tin re
filled, had recourse to a dose ol
strychnine to free him i'roiii his dis
appointments. Jb leaves three
young children. There were two
ot hcrcasesot trad women w ho iniim
ed into the river, hut. one of them
was rescued by some men passing by
Whciiecr ott see a dandy swell
ing through the streets, lloiitishinn
lis cane ami glass, it is u
sir-ti he In.s lust brain enough to
imatrlue vou will see his glossy new
hat, ami nol the long ears thai fall
Tin: itamcv i,i:mi:k.
GfiMTul I.U Munnor. rokM-n tie fifto to liuvi"
a ji:irt in tho rtvi! Guvenmiria. anil iieoomimii-ii-H
ttit Kin to lif-r.tit!artf'i-8 u iiinUter with
out oftit-,-. I.u M.muora will have tiie urt mr
control of flip army, w liil,. Kirutnli -will iri'
t!tle at tin; Council of Ministers antl i-outluct I
llie ImpineHri of tin' llono? 0'!ir. Wti liear
nntliin of men in tin' snlmnliimte rank of
tli' AdmiuiMtrution. l'roltulily iioothi.'r change
of iio jtiirlaiit-v T,ill be finiitl iiiM-fwuiiry. In Uii'
tn ineiitliniH erUU Uirouyli wliii-h Itiily is now
iiliont to jiifrf. kIip will liiive no littlr rausfl to
lie tliankl'ul (hat licr I'n niirr hIiihiIiI tm mit h
a loan an Ilit asoli. lwlinl, with ve ry ft w, or
M-am-ly any xttjitioim, Italy may In- Kiiil to
thavc liet'n foi fiip.,t,.' in lu-r giiil.lie lni-u. Cavour
anil !uiHiino tV A.vYio liavi", iinlrfil, as-.t-il
away; but in upright ucs, ill devotion, in
liili honor, in liiuine to the wry point of
jtnMtornTicsM, Huron hicaoli will bo l'ountl
fully ftjual to the omcrgrnry.
Iuili eil, forthe la.-t two or thri'p yoarx.thc
act'f.sHioa of Kit-asoli to the Cabinet lni Im t-n
ahno.-t ilaily ainiouni-etl, but at often i-ontra-ilii
tt tl. jiai-Ily bet-auM tbi'Vti was no room in
the Cabinet for two men of em H unyielding
temper a liicanoli antl La Marmora, partlv
lM'; the King was anxious not to employ
all tht; meniiH at his disposal, andkept liiiu who
is railed emphatically in Italy "the liaron-' in
rer-rrve. The lon continued abnenco of
Itiranoli from hie Sovcrein'it (.'ouncil was ulxo
supposed to arise from antipathies hat lion . 1
nainnt him by high powers whom f very man
iu Italy was anxious to propitiate. Hut in
days of gathering storms, all such timid coii
hidern''H!s are set aside, and the present com
bination gives the world the liot security that
Italy will only take counsel from its own true
instincts, ami never make its policy subservi
ent to the views of its neighbors. Iiieasoli
was the fir-t to say in the Italian Parliament
that " he knew of lands Italy had to conUer;
he knew- of none she could or would ever give
On the other hand. I.a Marmora, who. in the
service of his country, tuts been for these la.-t
few years tli' man-of-all-work, IVt-feet in Na
ples, Home Mini-ler, Foreign Minister. vVc,
will at last find himself in his own sphere, at
the bead of the I'nny, w hich since is 10, he has
with rare intervi Is, been assiduously arming,
equipping, orga lizittgam! training. The King
is tlic nominal I imniauih r in Chief, but. unlike
some of tiie nionarehs now encamped against
him. Victor Knimmitii 1 i--. a rial In In and -no
incumbrance to his military advisers. luthm s
of ; . -e the King Is a sport-man ; in Ihe day
of baUle, a Zouave.
Hut il" the general plan of campaign is likely
to be laid by I.a Ma nnoi a in t lie King".-, tent.
its ( i eution in the held will be mainly intrust
ed to ( iahlina. If I.a Marmora be the man to
create an army, CiaMini is the one to handl"
it . He has gr at fiv ft if tit ' .'' ', i apid plans, sure
t .v t ttlion. Napoleon III., v. la-n he sent him
to diive L.tnou it ii re 1'nwu Cmbria a:al the
M.II-ehes.b;iil. him frdj-J-'Z Cl7r r-'f'yiJcr ),''
and nothing could be more rapid or decisive
then the b. ginning and t ud of that short but
1-itHian! canipeign. Ciahliiii, vho wa not
Ion a-7o st i-ioosly and almost mor-faUy ill at
H 'h-gtta. has ih.w rega'na-d his forini r rolm-t
health, and the consequences of a gunsliot
wound thiongh the chest, from which it was
thought he would in M r reeovi r. have coin-ph-t!
Iy di-ap ,-;:;v.!,
I on ibal li. ai-o. t, i':e. t i jird as bi "::g na-.v in
gooil licatth, and i l.ibitipg mi traie of his
latlietiess. It is al the e :pie.-s t-(-'.ie.-t ofboth.
we are told, that (b-neral r.iHavn inLhas 1 n
s -i.t in command of some c s 's that v ill co
operate oa the Alps wit'i C.iril.i.hli. IVllavi
t iai. we 1 ave not forgot ten, is the otliecr who
directed the atfack np.ui the band-, whit h Cari
bahii was leading against the King's (l ivmi
nu nt at A-p;emoiite. The hero of Marsala
lean.! how- to set a proper v alue on the dash
ing spirst t f his eapittr. and was fain to secure
(lie flirtal. hip of one whom duty alone, had
mailt1 his enemy. Such, iu spite of the many
besetting sins which di-figure it. Is th Indian
character. Such are the redeeming oualities
w hit h even in its fallen state endeared that
ihty liifted pcotIc
Loml'in .VVirs.
to most tif their neighbors.
Receipts for the National Opinion,
lull THE W 1I K KMHMI Jt I V C, I Sl'l'i.
,1. II. Muiin. Itradfotd. J1.00
T. M. lici.frew, "
. K. Morris, " 2.W
11. V. l.t avttt. " 2.C.I
Calvin P. Clark, " i.Ot)
II. C. Child. -.Mr)
. Purler, " Mil)
J. V. Hatcllehler, " 1,00
Andrew Aiken, " I .no
K. Ianerson, " Q.U0
.1. A. Hardy, , " . m)
M. S. Kouo, " !.(i0
D. II. IClssrll. 1, IK)
It. K. Wlulcotnb, " .'.Ort
I. S. John.-oii, " 1. 00
I". Priehiird, " '.M
1 Ian dohnsoti. ' S.OO
K. C.llohert, " 1.00
lohn rnderwi'od " '.'.HO
.1. II. Corlis, l.mi
A. Slevens, " 1.00
I. K. Andross, " 'J
C. M.drow. " M
V. II. Carter, " 'J.oO
Win. Ka-tmun, " '.',00
J..Iohnsoii, " '.V'O
11. X. 1(. nfrevv " 'J. ml
I, ;ifavetlc Mason, liarnet, 1.00
II. Poilge, Thetford, J .00
I. S. Cluipmaii. Coiiutli, '.'.''O
M. II. Slehhins, Soiuerv ille, Mass. I.11O
II. W. llhslgct tturlington, '-'.00
K. IlickeiiMoti, Corinth, L'.uO
.lohn Stratlon, Kairlee, I.11O
II. A. Ilowaid, Thell'oi.l,
lohn Cianviile, Topsham, 2.00
V, Cralts, Ct.riiilli, '.'.no
.tames (luge, Newbury, 1. 00
I,. Tin ker, " ' 1.00
(liltaan llaim t, " , l.'H)
A. II. V. 'renny, " 'J.oO
Alotir.n Pago, " I.ihi
LewNTaher, " I.UO
K. Cunnitigluini, Topsham, I. oil
I-. M. Collins. ' 1.00
b. V. I lute, Coriulh, ,.'.IKI
A. 8. Krent li. Piermoiit. I .ml
Vui. Ilauelj, Corinlli,
W. A. Uoge'rs, Thcifor.1, 1.00
.1. 11. How, " l.uO
.1. N. lloslord, ' 1.00
l Howe, " '.'.OH
It. K. Mt laiiti.Toppliani, '.'.no
.1. Italley Jr. South It.vegale, 2.IHI
8. II. Hailing, Verstilre, M'll
W. K. Pn kel, lloslou, Mass., 2.00
Kcstore those
' K"'.l
y by 11
lav balls to lluir iiaturn
color ntid beaul
iisiua lliu Amciicaa Hair
CliriM lines not protnisi' to liis fnl
liiwct s iiniiiiiiiity li'Diu sdi rnvv. J I
'Xiicsslv ilcclnrcs tlmt In the wnili
tlll'.V Sllllll llllVO tlillllllltidll. lie
lliH'S I111L lllil'lisll rtlliVcl illLf. lint. 1)V
liis i,viiinitli,v tuul succor cinililc
tliein to iK'iir'it sii tdlicuril that it
sliiill work out. for lliciu it far iiiok
i'NccciI'iio; mill I'terna! wtic-lit o
IJiaoiiTos, CkMiiwixiE ami .VIki. ;iia,
For the week ending July 4, ISOfi.
lli.r.t l'er inn lbs. on total weight of Hide,
Tallow and meat. Kxtra. I t.inhiiil l.g.1 ; Kirst
Quality ,tr.l.ilal3.7.V, S.-eon.l ,,ualit .-. ibtabl "si
Thinl iiiality.C.'al .'. jJ1J.?.V. a f.w choice sin
gle pairs! I.")iia!fl5; koiiip of the poorest, bulls.
Ac. .ll.iuall..'i'l;
Wi.iikisi; OXKS.-f-.iOilaen; handy Sleern,
$ a , or much according to their val
ue for U'ef.
Cow ami Tucxa "Ai.vr.. Kair cu:ility,
Vi;iJ7j; extra tS0a.;lb); farrow and itrv,
Siikkp Per Hi., live weight. Northern HaCJ rts
Sheep and Ijimbs.iKT bead, in lots la '..
Kat llDiin-l'cr lb., lUJall cts.. live weight; I
Shote l'-'al I cts.
Vbai. f.i.vK. t!at!ii SuckcrsO-ii-r..
Hii.ks 1'righton, UalO ets. per lh.; countrj
lots. 7aH cts. I
T vi. Low Talft cts. Tier lb.
Pia.Ts-l.."ii'aJJ,.Vl each : lambs,S0a75 ; Shear
lings. 2tl:i'l cts. e.
Calf Skins 25 ctn. p'T lb. '
Iti M Ar.Ks. The market this week, broken up
as it is by the National anniversary, has but
little significance as to the future of trail"
anil prices. A single CAl(MMl from Northern
New York is all that we bow of, except West
ern which amount to alsint 1,-HU head. These
with the large number lust we.!;, will keep the
market heavily stocked. The few past cool
days, and the demand for the Fourth, have
given the butchers a good market; but this
(Tuesday) morning both in lteef and in lamb
trade is slacking up, and lamb in particular,
is offered at a disco mt from .vest, rday's price.
At five to six dollars pet head for 25 u 1 lb.
lamb, the meat comes high. There is consid
erable liniomit of dressed Iamb from Maine up
this morning. There were about 3.400 at Cam
bridge on Saturday. Those not on commission
sold better than last Tuesday mostly nt iail.
Cattle cost 7."!ill0c. per 100 lb., less in Albany
than last week, and prices here are rati 'o
er,but we let last (imitation remain line. m. god.
UliAliKoiiD, July 5, lSt'iG.
nutter, bump a0..W
liairy W ft ;i
Ch-ee. lid' ' Ha 'JO
Means 1.7't a 2,-.'.'.
Potai.r. s WI a I'O
Pork. Salt a
K'.mnd I 'I a 00
liamsatid Shoulder.s I a H
l.ard S a CO
liried Apples IS a 'JO
fallow Uia no
Wool. Heece Washed la a Ml
I'nwashed .1 XI
Maple Sugar, Tub '"-''' 1,11
Slim ( l-ja
Flour 11 a la
I'.uck Wheat do per 1 a 00
(Jlaliam ' i a 00
1-,,,-u l.-.'.ja Oil
( 1 .s rti a 1111
Wheat..".'.' "- '-''Kn 2.a0
live l.'l a 0"
M':ris 'J.'1'! a 2. i"
Provender I."ri a INI
Plaster, Ketail per ton 1 1,0'j a 0,OU
Iiead the advert isi ment of Duty's Mandrake
( table C
iway that eou;
iiieli lhtKam.
th by usini; I loty's Vi
hS. AM'liOSS
I in tl:i nioin
foHliel Iv ot 1 11; i' ll by the
e she is eat t-yin on the
1 all its blanches. Look
lii-mU'fi-il Hank. w!
Mii!in'i v ll!i,- iiii-s.s i
at lor It
Saiauit r ; vie
lrirs ol' outh. A cer.tleman who
.-altered for years bout Nervous Oebtlity. Pri -ln-iture
le,'.i' . ae.I all the elVects ot yo'ilthljll
iitiiiseietion, m ill. for tlic s.die of sutl'erine ni v. si nd In o to all who need it, 1 lit; re
eeioi and ('.ii. . ti.eis lor making l!ie sim le
r-'iii.dv l v wiii. h. l e was ired. Sut'oe-rs
w i-hiau to proti' by t lie ad "i ' v'- 1 :i'eri. uce
can do so bv ti'Um ssine-. iu i.ect eonlidenee,
.MILS li. OMtKN.
Stnl Xo. PI Chambers St., New York.
til ii3riy .iiiirrv loipielly, irrest!
thc love
tneot ane, wealttl. or heautv; anil
f the oppofito s,. eaa be L'aitied by following
ltuple rules. enil a tttrei tell envelop-, to
MBA1I li. 1. A .11 nr. 1; I .
It I (li'eenpoir.t. Xcw York.
Lovely iirl and I'cxliio I Soys..
ml nu a. iilrcssed envelope and 'J." cents antl
I wiil send you some valuable information that
will please you. Address.
flllN .I.V.V 1'. in; 1
1:1" SJ'l llroadwnv. Xew York.
In llradl'ord, June '."S, Ansa, w ife, of Lowell
reenleaf. a;;eil OD years nnd 0 tnos.
In Corinth.. tunc 'JS. S.ihah, daughter of Jan.
M. Ioe, iiKcd Co years.
In Sprin.nfii id, June 13, of heart disease. Mr.
Lyman IIuittun, of T. inph ton. Mafcs., n;;ed tiO
"National Opinion''
Job Printing Office.
up one ol' the most col.iplete Job Oth I's to
be found iu tho country.
New and Fashionable Type,
Of (lie latest s(vle. nnd from the 1 -st Foun
dries iu tho luiled Stales,
12vor.ytliins: im Xew,
And of the
are from tlic most celebrated makers,
(itoi;& co., iui'Ui. p.coi:iH)N)
And are Ihe lie" t of tlilclus In I lie market.
, '.
Every if Um of
' '
i it 1 x rr ; a ,
, ..
, ' '""-i
Wi , iT'tUrt IttiU,
.Shnir ('unit, I'rntminmrt,
II,ton, J'ttinihlrU.
., CniM, tfiiiHnfu t'nnlt,
Vimtlni Ciinln, HV.filHf Carth,
rYrriiiiro. i MM limit;
1.1-llrr Unlit' Chrrl;
Iinifl; Ilrt)iti,
RttUrowt and I'ommrrvM Vrlnlinij,
lloue lo oriler, In iitiuiiiiier wldeli for nealiiesx,
taste nnd elniiince.i anii In mil-passeil by any
(.stiibli-lmienl Iu Vi r nt.
I'm, unit und careful attention iilveti to nil
order. Prices it rciioiiabe 11 any ullu r es
tablishment. Adiln s nil order- l
A. A. KAIILI',, IVoprlelor.
Ilradfonl, Vt.. .Inue VK I""'.
Ilotv's Vegetiible Piinai en Is the best Line
title Analytical Chemists to Iwi
The Best on this Continent.
It not only rcstnn-a the Hair to its natural
color, and keeps the henit free from Ilandnitl.
but it is the most IiEAl tii i i. Iihkssim; that
can lie produced. J. ST1CKNKV.
Leatner nenier, aiancncsTer, 11.
I feel confident that it operates not as a Hair
Dve. but to restore the roots to their natural
healthy state. lllliAM II. SMIAX.
Carriage Manufacturer, Manchester.
I have used. I. It. IUkrktt's VK''.i.K H int
RksT(iii (tivk for nlsuit two vears, and have
found il the best jireparatioii I have used.
Clerk Oas Co., Manehcster, X. If.
It certainly w ill stun the Kalline Out of the
Hair. UAMKi, 1.. sn;vi:ss.
Late Ilk-h Sheriff, Manchester, X. 11.
I have used J. It. P. uutNTT' H vnt l!i:sroit.v-
tivk lor the pa.T yt ar, and consoler it superior
to any other in n.-,e, .1. li. r..v lil.v
l'roprii tor City Hotel, .Manchester, X. II.
. I have tried most all the other Itestoratives,
and never found auv that did mv hair the tiual
cure like ll.r.i:Lri"s. Col. S. C. 1IAI.L.
Manchester, X. H.
It Ilestores flray Hair; it jirev.-nls Hair
Falling f lut ; it changes the roots to their orig
inal organic action; it eradicates liaudrutV.s
and iiiiiuori.; it keeps the scalp healthy; it
contains no injurious ingredients; and is uni
versally accorded to be a splendid lresfdne,
and Superior Toilet Article; its nu rita are in
side the bottle.
Fverv bottle contains more liipiid than any
other ifollur preparation
Xo lar..-c lewaitls otb red to establish its etH
eacy ; but we do piaraut' e to refund tint
money to any person ho will use two bottles,
and t ben say that our hYstorativo has failed to
do all weclaiin. We have inst ructed all our
agents faithl'uilv to romnlv with the above
liCMlAXTV. 'J. it. liAlUfET I' & CO.,
Manchester. X. II. Proprietors.
M. S. lit an .fc C.i , (leneral Aceuts. Ilostou.
Sold by W. II. ,V C. S. Sikvkns, Ilraill'ord,
tuul A. S. F.i;wiii.i., Wells Hiver. ami by all
(lruei.ts. -Jiiwl
i OF FI.S !iI.i:TS,
rK Wotl.l) 1,'KSVr.CTKn.LY INFO KM
T the public that we keep constantly on
hand, for sale,
Tlic Larp'il i Best Assort meut of fulfills i Caslds
to be found in the eouidy, v.hkh we are selling
diesipcr limit nt any oilier !'.
l:illiliiitcn t.
MAXi"FAcri in:its of all kinds of
1 s 12 1 n rr 1 : ADS,
wliicU will 1h Miiil Whtik'.-;ilr3 and lit-tail at t lu
lu wt-st lllilTS.
S. ... FISH A: VOX.
Tlirtrnnl (Vnlro. Yl., Jnlv ". W. Tail
ItUSt t Il U. Hriii l l'Di:,
Ii E A I. KsTA T li A I i K NT, ( 1 V I L EN (UN E KI!,
und J'rnitU'i.l Sitrrr ),
i n uiFunu, v k h M o s r .
Tvi:fi:i:i ni i s. Col. 11. Karnam.S. T. Cieortre.
lb'idlol.l; Hon. Win. T. Ceorue. EaKt Top
sham; J. J. L. Hi II, Ilav. rhill, X. 11.; J. 11.
I'pham, M. 1).. Host. m, Mass. -1
S. .1. lliYOI.I.,
I A-r CiilMN'ftl. Vl.KM'lM, !
r. t:. ixu , n. .,
I'Iiys'cia:; and sruoEos.
n .1 -11 -i, v r !. Ml IX i'.
.n.s::i is. 4 f: ,
I'jivsui.i : A x i ; 1: ti;i;u V,
( ni.tvii!. vt .'. r. 1
E Vk" II I St V i'.M I A K V,
IViiinlc II'i:i0' liiKtilutc
OA!il Ol'' INsriM'llKi.V FILL
I ail ibpartiuetits. Pull Term comiuene
AtiiinM :!'. For Cirettlars. Hoard, Itooms, 1
uuv iiil'oriaation, apply to the Prineioal.
"awl " S. V.. .l I.M11Y.
Orange County Grammar School
Kiintloll'.li, t ei-lMon t,
lish studies. It has two courses of study,
one N'( IK.VI A L COl'KSE of live vears: the
other an HllillEU EN'ULISII t'Ol'liSE if
three years, bcinniu vhcro tin' N'ur al
The next Term begins Auir. aO. 11:1,.
Uwl KKWAKU C IN A NT, Principal.
i the Post Olliec. lJl-adfofi
l'X( LAIMl'll IX
1. July Jd. Hod.
litowu, T. L. 'J, Meliuiumis. Patrick.
atan. I. Smith. A. W.
Ilnmnu, Miss Mary F, Talian, C. C.
Oral. t, W illiam, " I ptoti, tieo. A.
Oerrv. .lali'.is, ati rman, James A,
Kelly, Sam. tV. Co., Wetirate, Hurry,
Mon r, James (,', K. V. Wesi'iate,'
T. j. Fi.ANni:i;s, p. m.
Snsij, lloors & Hiiiadw.
-,t the simp forioerly occupied by Ihe Mor
rison's, over l(. It. Aliii ich's Kitt Factory, in
HraiUm-d, where he will be ready to attend to
nil calls lor Sa-li. lloors and Mm. Is, and lor
craroM i- ceseum. Jm ihk.
All vvoi k done thoroughly, at reasonable
rates, and on short notice.
Ilraill'ord, June 20, lsbn.
To H-ariin rs.
n i l. STOCK OK
Sc.vtlics, 1'oiKs, lfay and Hand
liakes, Slinvcls, lines, Iron liars, Twine, Slicci Slicars, lnt
tcr Talis, iiml best Dairy Salt,
At ihe lowest market prices, by
ri.M ll.Vlil".
(it-til' i'uriiiliiii o!s..
a prii iii :
I'titrk, Sitrtt, unit Illinium ('out,
J'iuiIb mitt I'M'f. hi Mulch,
7oys' 'iis ttiul Dimler;
Sliiiimtitit Driiirrrn,
Ifitlu unit Cup in limit rurirhf.
Iy on hand. Al.o,
i'ati:nt mi:dk im:s,
OUnt o.ncl Xyo WtailTM.
Pies, riptions raieliill v put up. l'tiysleiiin
supplb d at small advance IVoui cost.
(lb ar ol Tiolli r llon.e.)
11 Ot'AR ( AKIiTO.'.
Piirlies fiirni'bed ll'l
tSliifjli: or Dotthlv 'Witfjv,
nl short iii.ta'e, and nt
itH.w on aim. i: ri:Ki;s.
Carrliife In readiiies al llie ilcpol upon Ihe
all hal of the trains.
Ill adlold,. June II. I 1
Darling & Divoll,
i:at roiri vm,
AVouhl resTK-etfully call the atteiitiou nf th.'
public to their lare sou k of OissU. which
iivelMcii iHiught at tho lowe-t prievs,
nn' rutiiirj-il, ia part, of the follow in
' ropLixs,
of every kind and description
A larjri
sort iut nt of
13 ootn iv lie I Shoos,
of every de'scription.
Iuinlo nnd Oils.
Wewottlil call especial attention ti) our lare
nnd well selected stock of
( Jcixt.s' Furniaihiiig Crooils.
If yon wisli tolmv.i niro Suit of ( ntho, m
liny Jlx'in rjtrftjt, cutur' ami cp iih hefort KoniK'
i'1-flwhiTi', To IIhim w isljinrjj to 1 n 1 v FaiH'y
(.'iiN-inH'iTs jitui Ho. MlviiiM, wc wniild Kay, vou j
will do v. wJl lo ml I iiml mm ii.- iH'iuni Imviuir.
lor we know timt c can jfivo you trii'r that
will hatisi'v vou. Wo always hiivc a lary-c
itoik of yiioA- on liaml, niol nrc i;viot;intly
t'ccci iii new j;uoiU from luuikt t.
IndivM! Ladies ! !
Wo roirt't'tfully call your attention to onr full
ami finnplcU: ftot k of
iS'cr tihmrlx, Glorvn nnd 1'ant.ioh,
Hati, Cups, HuHiwtx, and
MiUinenj Goudx
(vf all kinds.
We have in our employ an experienced Mil
liner antl 1 rcss-Maker.' who will always be
happy to wait upon ladies that may favor us
wit It t h. ir patt onae.
Hon.,;; tout we shall continue to receive a
: hart: of your eu.-.toin, we remain, very truly
Your ob't serv'ts,
llAlil.INU & 1UYOI.L.
East Corinth. .TiinV 1, liKi. ltf
mt a Dvnnn. VEinroxr.
po.-.o a portion of my stock in trade :
'on IVfl inr y.
All kinds (.f t'oioauiu and Fancy Candies.
Coui;li Ilrops, Iieaes. e.
I'ruit :nI ."iitx.
Consisting of Ortities, Lemons, Apples
Fins. Oetes. Coconmits. Knit. & Am. Walnuts,
i.razn uts, i-eauius, t itocrts, tvc., tc.
'I'iiImk 10 iiikI CiurM.
Of all ihe dill'erent bratidsf includiiif; Army,
Auvy, r nie I nr. .c, see.
'is.ll, J-KlT, A.C.
Fresh Halibut, Cod, Mackerel, Lobsters,
Smoked Herring. Sardim s, A c. Oyster Stews
und Fries served at shor t notice.
Alow 11 110 Cord in I x.
Porter, Chnmpau'iie Cider. Soda. Small Iteer,
Port, Madeira, 11ml California Wines, liose
Water, llay Huin, &lc.
IcllicM and .InniM.
I'aspberrv. Strawberry, Vein h, Quince nnd
Pineapple Jellies and .lain; also, 'tomato and
Walnut Ketchups ; Pickles, Pepper Sauce, ami
other articles iu thi line.
Apples and Onions for sale by the barrel, or
iu less (inutilities. I'kuse t;ivc me a call.
Ilradfonl, June 1.', 111,0. ltf
C. O. I). WAI!I8 ATKI.
J the oi l " Illiss Stand," litm always on
hand the lirst quality of
celebrated the. world over ns the best in use.
New pairs j;ivcii iu all eases w here they prove
defective. Also, Hoots and Shoes of Ids own
manufacture, nlwu.v on hand, for cither sex
or ae, and all kinds, sir.c and fashions.
Work .VI stile to .tlouxiirc-,
Ri'2nirhifj done ui Short Order.
Prices ns low as at any otlier store in Ihe coun
ty, while Ihe (piaHty of the slock used U far
superior In that in m-neral use.
liradford, June 10, lt;ii. 1 yl
And exaiiiiue lare and well selected stock
I'uncy nnd SOile roccrI'.
I have nlw:iv( on hand lllaek, Japan, and
(!rei 11 'I'eas. Codecs, Spice. Sual', Mobisses,
I. ai d, I lev and Pii l;h d Ki-h, l i ipe. Vinegar,
lltie.I -'ruit, 'I'.ipioiu, Sauo, Farina. Corn
Start Ii. I 'ookliii.' Km raets. Tobacco of all kinds,
kerosene nud Coal Oil, Fruit Cans. Lampa,
lln.oms, hips, Ac, tVc. Just i-cceiM'd,
loo Hariri Choke Wtxtcni Flmtr,
Willi li ill be sold ny, and every barrel war
ranted. I liae also u kim! assortment ol
SAI ) I ) I ,K U Y H A 1 ! I VA III ',
purebn-cd of the mnnut.'fliitrr. lit inember,
lie ke
ps tlic best ol cvciyj tlimj;.
lion t foi"et the placi
I No. 3 llardv's llnildiiiK, llradlord.
lr calcoiiiniiio.
1 the new and hcaliliinl ait of trimalerrinu
pii lures. These pictures rixal in beauty iiml
blillintlcv of colioiui!, tin Ih sI Oil Pailllilien,
nud can be implied In Pain r. Clolli, Ienllicr,
Chiiui. Wood, l(la"S,te. Mali rials furnishiil
and iiislru. lion ;i t n in the in I. I nil nnd sec
s linens it MKS, A. T. CLAUKE S.
Ili.idlbnl June 15, I "id. 1 10
i:. ii.
Al No . l." it til 11 unn' lb ii.nivi.
131-iv ford. Vonnoivt,
Is ue place to to If "H l h 'i'0
Caries Ho lslle,
Oelll Picture,
All ,.r !.;,. I, nee lilii.ln il liecoriliuu In Ihu hit
i I poploM no lit of Hie Art. I'arliciilnr lit
. t, (Ion piiid In tonkin tiilmijiit, n well ns
ruiall I'lioloftraph lioin pietuiia of del eased
Iiiifnarmih I1oiiiih,
A line seleettoti c(ttsl mil Iv tin haiiil, Alsn,
Oial. Kilt. Illnik VValniit, ntul lloseirisii,
- ............ i. r ..11 ..I ..-.l LI...I.'
ritliii.s, roiii, t i a lilt ot ait niM-n i.iei itiinin,
inline tj mil' f. I
Low for Caslu
and U,a- hi a "imsI assoi tint 11 1 of
For c.fcji, whitli eiiaoUn ia to sell ut
Pricen that Can't be Beat,,
Con.- Lilian in art of
Dress Clootls,
SenteU & American Ginghania
IJlack Silks,
Moils l)e Laiiies
Donii'stics of most all kinds, a,
good iissortmcnt of Woolens,
SitnnutT Stiiffa for Meu and
linys, Silicias, Drill
ingH, &c, &c.
2VI I xt n. o H &
of all sizes nnd Prices,
hats and cats,
Crockery and Ghmuarc,
DUIUSI and Jl K 1 CI W KN.
Cash paid for Potatoes, Wool, nud most
kinds of Produce.
W. I). & C. S. STEVENS.
llradford, June H, IStjil. 1
IV you will find a good assortment of
(lloves, Hosiet-v. Nets, lluir Coil and Pnfl's,
Skirl and Corsets. Linen and Paper Col
lars and Cutis, Neck Ties. Scurfs, mid.
Linen Handkerchiefs, Yankee
twins. Toys, Paper and Envel
opes ol every style ami
price, ll.iir' Oil,' Per
fumery, ami Cook- .
iiij; extracts,
C I a a r s ,
Fine Cut Tobuowo,
and Worcester Hop yeast;
All of which w ill Iwaold cheap for cah.
Stop! Stop!!
I)u i1', be hunihus'.'ed when you can buy
Illiss' Excelsior Hair llcstorcr
For 69 cts. per Bottle.
( it not a Pytl'
will not in lure or soil the skin In the nlivhtcst
decree. If will in all ciec lvstor ) (llay llnir
to its nriinal color. It I ene of tho U-st
Hair Dressiui!, keeping the hair (flossv and
moist. Prepared bv E. Hi.lsH, Aent, DiimI
fold, Vt. bold wholesale mid retail bv
Also, the lliinarian llalr Dye.
Hrrtmie Stuvp$ in all Denomination.
XU'kot Agrncy,
For the ale of Ticket for the West, via Xew
York Central, (treat VVeslern. Lke Shore, and
other railroad rotincrtin ith nil poiuM
West, and South West, ut the ro.'. (ilkw,
Ilraill'ord, bv
1 ' T. J. FLAXPEKS, ToiitmLSter.
II. . l lKIUI.It,
Boot, Shoe, and Leather Dealer,
Would sny fo hi patron, nud the public pen
rr illy. Unit he lei 1 grateful for past favor,
nud tliat he ha now nu hand u goiai usHort
tllcllt of
w hleh lie idler for CmH. or Vnulif 1' rhesp
as can l.c boui;ht iuniMikel. nud would iuvilo
all v ho are I., want of all-. thinn In hi line, to
call and examine hi excellent stock. Jle ha
Hoots and shoe of every deerijitiou, ami all
of excellent quality and' fluWu.
(ImidCalf Moot for I.S0
P.Mir Oaller I.M
Children's pi dti ntul Copper Hp WI
Women' llaltn il Shoe 1.75
And other Shoe nt to. same elo urate., llo
ha Olove Call ol tain which Im
i ill .iirraut lo iv e sutlslacl ion.
Hiytiiiny itoiu ut tlmrl nnliet, und rvrk miute
to tmirr,
llradfon!, June 10, lsk ly I
lVool Cnriliuv nnd Cloth
want Wool CurilliiK und Cloth I'mssIiik
done, (lull I can Ih loaiid nt the, old Flanders'
Factory, at llrniHi'iil ('ruler, w liere 1 will per
form woik In my line Inn thoroiudi a maimer
can Iai done In tlic county. I huvo litt. lv
put in n new liiaeldne, ami iilhcrwUt greatly
repaired I lie vvoik I o meet the Hants of the
eoiiiniunil v. All who may 'choose, tna lenrn
(heir wool al Prlehiud tore. where It will bo
rnlliil for nnd ret n rui"! allot It I Unlshed.
it lloue CAtaiarr tie n nt nliT other I'neKirv
of (tie kind In Ilia ooluity, and arlfcw, too, j
lime one nnu hlne In ruid colored wool, nan
another to raid while, so that they will not ho
mined. Phase j-.l uie call. ......
IKilJAt K i'AKK.
Hi ad I'm il (Vnlvr. June I"', I'"'"'.
beneath it.
ment end Pmn Killer Used.