Newspaper Page Text
Rational (ftpinioti.!1 A. .. I'. lit I. IS, I alitor. ERADFOR, FRIDAY, OCT. 19, 1866. 4 orinlli. Pkemicms. In our report of late Fax we omit- RATES OF ADVERTISING: One roluiim, one Tear, 1 1 :tlf mlnnm. One fourth column, i'tie m-iiaro, one year, One piiiinrc. three week-.. I-emd not U rn ut IS rciitu per Wrir tor three "Wcrk-k P.N) J. .VI j fov.ght it down, should have dicta- iii Hot to pardon such Mipcrinr scoundrels a Holu-rt K. 1,-eo. who for over four years wns tin tiiiht arm of .1.., ..iu.u;. i ..I... (;n ..(..,. 1 mcminnis ;it the I iit nm iimiii uit't iim i i.i in m fall of Sumter was deep in tin couth 1 ' tin.' Spanish Merino sheep. deuce of Con. Scott, a..! when he : '",:,S U" s"v'". Ci-itli. I1!ast, n-,Jaf1.llk1.ow,-,lz.'ofl.U 'tl.-lirt premium on buck lambs. plaits went into tin rebellion ami at tempted to tear down tin- citadel of Hy tiie provision of the same art. tin riioi ui in-.i.iii-a n-ii.-ii-o iiu . ... - , . Stile llllf- r..,M.:, 1:.,liivr. l.1ti i-toih... til. iii. i.(.l the j l re.W HO l.llgi 1 Illi '" riHiiiK "i r.ii sr.o.-K-ainsi t:- i'i. ii'-'i j dens, as would lie done by the at- an.l tin-. iiIm-.'. lilt V ..1 lU. i awl t ..,.,( to establish a system of State - itlein.nt wa tr.u.l.-n. il m tin- -Vinli-i I . . . it A. 'iiiiiiIh. to whose ivn..:t I ni l v.m -oilll.ll oi IHMiib Millll.ll ii inuw oi laudable, which must ue vss.u ..y needs ntnl should the present oppor j ted o u ttIc'i it .mi tlie duty f thJ t..i SUBSCRIPTION RATES: In advance. I'-M .At tlip eml of trie year, tfc" No variation whatever fmmt'n-'-e r:i t i-h IV pn'icr uVeolitiliileil until ail lunar-afTe-i nro paid, ixrupt at tin option of tin ptil'lii-her. Tin: i:i,i:rTioiN -o IMM.M'V. 'Ml Six states liave thus far held tlu-ir flections for congressmen, &c., and the result shows most conclusively wliat the advocates of tlie immedi ate admission of the rebel stales without proper safeguards or sure ties. liave to exited from the people in those states that have not yet spoken. Congress, which is made tip of men direct from the people, is fully and unequivocally sustained by the people. Johnson and his policy in the states of Maine, Vermont. . Iowa and Ohio, are placed lower in the scale of popular contempt than political plumct ever sounded, while Indiana and Pciinsyh ania vote him a putrescent nuisance to the tune of from 1.".KK to L'O.oOO majority, and with their congressional delegations almost a unit against the shameless brawler. We pain two congressmen in Pennsylvania and lose one in Ohio. Imt it i-i some satisfaction to know that Geo. II. Pendleton, the copperhead candidate for vice presi dent along-with McClellan, is defeat ed in the latter state. The battle that was fought on Tuesday the uth, was as warmly contested a one as has been waged for many years. The canvass in all the states has been excited and hitter. On the part of the democrats it was fought with a determination and a courage worthy a better cause, for on the result ot that day they well knew depended the complexion of the fortieth emi gres, unless by some high handed hocus-pocus the rebel states could be forced in, rind they fought to win all that was possible. The republicans on the other hand had an honest pride in sustaining the reputation of! their several states and of rolling; up finch a majority as would show to the would lie usurper that the masses of the. people were still as loyal as on the terrible da v of Gettvshiii-gh, and fiber! v on the s-cious pit a that his i allegiance was due his . rather I than the nation : or such double dyed villains as Semines, who for the same leii"ih of time was a sueces'st'ul free booter upon the high seas, burning I and sinking" our well freighted ves sels of commerce, and who when he had positive information that the war had ended, lice surrendered and Davis a captive, did not desist in his work of destruction, but li'e the ti ger in the jungle destroyed his vic tims in wanton sport ; or such heart less butchers as Forrest of Fort Pil low fame; or the braggart Wise, as traitorous ami defiant as ever; or the infamous Monroe, pardoned to wield the destinies of New Orleans, and to plan massacres of negroes and loyal while men; or the blusiei ing igfall who vacated his seat in the senate to aid in the work of organi zing and cipiipping the hosts of the i new Pandemonium. These are but a few of the many hundreds in the long and dail; catalogue of traitors whom the president has taken tohis lrosoni and whom he now asks con press lo clasp in its loving- embrace, ami why ? that they may help in the work of reconstructing and reform ing the shattered fragments of our once happy country! This is one feature of the beautiful and consis tent policy ot Andrew Johnson! At this idea congress and those w ho sustain it revolts. The policy of the president is to admit the rebel states without a why and the second on ewe lambs. He also sold to Mr. C. K. Cotton, of Hath, ilaine, one premium buck Iamb and a very nice two years old ewe, ami received 9 '' ior me ' Mr. Stevens has taken preat inter est in pure blooded sheep and has obtained quite a name for himself in this line. II ru llrI. Tkkjshim;. Mr. Win. Wil shire, tt West Fairlee, thrashed for Mr. James II. Arinstronp, of 15rad- ford, with a common two horse Miver machine, 100 bushels of wheat in three hours and twenty minutes. Mr. Wilshire says this can't be bmt. We are requested to announce that the r.'tniiims awarded at the late Fair in this place, to persons residing- in Ilnulonl w ill be paid at the store of P.aseomb iv Clark. i'oti.lisi III. Lkvf.k antJ Oysir.n Si fter. There will be a Masonic Levee and Oyster Supper at the Town Hall at Fast Topshani on the evening of Tuesday Oct. 2'X Admission l. cents, Supper $1,50. The attend ance of all is solicited, and a grand time is expected. Everything will Im done up "on the square." Go one, po all, and till the hall. tin- iiit'una.itioii on tin wnltji-i i .1 tun i-l.ii.n. a- wi ll .i lonli'tail, ui t laiin- all.nv i il i'y lnul a-iiiii-l tin- Mali'. ! tin t!n- :llt of MoIht. l-l'-'i. tin- l.J:l.llt l- 1 iiia:i.rt'.ii!.-al nulmiilti'il to no- tin- .-ti.v in ' M-ii ilnli-of inilitarv iioii r y ln-l"tui.i totlo' , Si. lie. wllil il lie ri . ollllll. il. 1. il i-liolllil In- rol.l. I to w ii : i 1 t. ii 'ow rido, 1 tai-i-t nlli'. 1 ' .ilM'. -.11 Binall talili-ii, K,-, iaii. i.l lniw liatH, I :ji paii k cotton Jt roiiscvi.. I sit juili-i. on i-talK sr it. in in Iroi-ka '.'S i-r, frm k- 'l ,l "'U. I aioiin,-tl it lloanl i f m ivi-y to inline tlii iioi-iiy, ami on tin ir n -," n't. mnl vxom iiii iiilnlioii, im tin- 1 itii ilav ot Novi -iiiImt. IS'". Ollll IVll till- lll.lltCl lllilM. I tlllll t.iI lo ill tin alni' at atlrlloli. wllii-ll lit' all' wants iliil. TIih iniMH-rty wim uUl uinl lia l ' moi-' r ll'.H llM'll. On tiir ."11I1 ilav of Hi-n-mlK-r. lSiii. tU Qnal-ti'ini.l.-liT o'liera liaittln' follow "ii4 '"' 1"'" .':rty in hi., liumU iH'loiiyiiiii I" ' x" wit : ;I,iHJ winiI bluiiki'tx, ,.'.'i"' nililii-rl'laiilftK. 1 inlilM-r itnii.lni.777iira:it' ' ii. ' liavi r ai ks., IlS tiil.l.- knlvt-K. I rrk. talili- 'ioona, Am; thi ilati . U" '-"l"-- '"' i-lllnlli' tirks. il - lK iiiH-r ioi . Wliieli be recoiiiiiieliiled to luV some of our sister S;a!es. ltlnu the last year, a way seems to have been opened by which a be- j ginning may be made in the accom plishment of this important work, ami at a very slight expense to the State. The Trustees of Orange County (Iraninier School an insti tution of estabhs ied cliiiracti r have proposed to the I Sou I'd of Ed ucation to surrender up the use of their school property for a term of years, for the purpose of converting their school into a State Normal School : the ISoard of Education to establish courses of study, the tint to include all the branches required bv law to be taught in the common I schools, and t lie second to be more ! rigid, and to require in it mastery i 0 year's lotiL'cr time: the Hoard to ohl, for the reason that it was al- j determine the qualifications for ud- niost impossible to preserve tlie most of it from injury, if u'- s tiuction, through' a siicecssiou ot summers, that it would be useless till wanted for the militia when call ed into active service, and that when, if ever, such an event should happen, similar property could pro bably be purchased in market for less than tins would now sell tor. On this application a ISoard of Survey was appointed, composed of C. IS. Wilson, 'oh lii'l -1th Kcgimeiit Vt. State Militia. W. A. P.allou, ("apt. 1th lieuiiucnt Vt. State Mili tia, C. C. Putnam, .Ir.. t aptam 4ti mission to and graduation from tin school, and to attend, by its agents, upon all examinations, and decide w ho shall be allowed to enter and graduate ; the ISoard to nominate the principal, and the trustees to en gage as principal no other than some person so nominated by the ISoard ; the trustees to keep the school pr pel ty in good repair, and to deter mine i.'ie rates of tuition and receive the same for their own heuelit : gra dilates from the first course to re ceive certificates which shall inure to their benelit. as, qualifying; them to teach in anv common school in the Pcgiinciit Vt. Slate Militia, who, on j state for tive'years ; anil .'raduates UOVr.KAOK'M HtKMS lGlS. Gentlemen of the Senate : tuiil House of HeprexentHtireH : Having assembled in accordance with the requirements of the Con stitution, for the discharge ot the 1 .f , .1 .1.'11 A . dimes, ami inc luiiiiiineiii 01 tin or wherehue, and when their repre- j truths imposed upon us by that in sentatives ask admission to congress j strunicnt, I avail myself of the car- it must admit them. and no questions asked. This is the exact tnith of the matter, and twisting of words cannot change it. The democrats assert that congress has no policy. We say it has a pol icy, and it is the policy of the major- j itics that have spoken with such ve-1 hcmeiiee in the late elections. It is j this and nothing more : that theloy-j al people of the south, white and1 black, shall reconstruct the states and reorganize society on such a ba sis as suits them, ami when their re presentatives ask admission to con gress that they be uhlotnprovi their best opportunity to conimiuiii-ate to j you such information respecting the j prominent public interests of the State, as will enable you more read ily to enter on the business of the session. USANCES. l'roin tin' Tri-ami'i-'K ii ioit. luTi willi iil lniitoil to yon, it aiipi ai'M tliat the lialanrc ol iMfli in tUi' Tn-asurv Sciil. ;j, isf,.-f win. ' It-.M'."- 01 Tlio i-ci'i ijilM of tin Ti-ea'-nry from nil otlti'i-ouri'e-'. to Soi it. lit, lMi.i, liuvo Wn (IKI.001 4S lotat. nnrini tin- yi'iir to Si pt. 11, liiil, tln'i-i' Inu lii-i'ii paiil out liy tlm t.i;it;,.V)S 4:1 f u7,!isl SJ JS.oTl'i fn I former lovalf v as well as their uresetit that no rebel sympathiser or rebel imniU r,,,,,, S(.,.Ks to exclude j agent, whether in the presidential j ,,..,. ,f ..... ,. ..... ....... j.., , chair or out of it, could receive a tit -1 tie ot aitl from them. We admit a j pain, however, to the democrats in Pennsylvania of some 8,000 votes, has the smallest taint of treason. And why should they not be exelu ded! Is the man who attempts to burn vonr house over your head and principally in the large cities, where , js (n,"v 1(1.,.v,.Ilt,.,. ,,y ,,.siM;11H e the endrinous patronage of the pres ident wns bestoweil to bring alMiut an endorsement of his course. For a week or t wo previous to the elec tion the navy yards and docks in that state weir heavily reinforced with hands to be in readiness for du ty on election day, and that the elec tion is over those points will not be deemed of such impoitance as be fore. The late elections stamp the sig net of public condemnation upon the piesident and hi, policy; and it is not the first rebuff he has met with from the intelligent masses of the north. Since his treason to the prin ciples and the party that raised him to power the breach between him and them has been daily widening, till now their is but a handful of those who stood by the country in the dark days of the rebellion in tin hour of its sorest need, left to honor him with their supisii t, and when thryw him as he is in hUhidous deformity, outside the rebel ranks tlu ie w ill be none bo poor us to do hint rover encc." Anil how has this great change in public opinion been wrought t Why does the almost united voice of the .,nl '.licii.'J party execrate the natnc r A,wi,..n.- Jo.'-tison. whom but eigh teen mouth a."'' J wiinidy up,i wi,.. i.M 'lie blame ? lltlilt"H " niiv v I it with the president, o" i the people! There 10,1;.' nf change In the latter, nve to prove truer and firmer to the great and pro Ijreshive principle of human freedom. It i tho tutwarraiilable and high liandel course of the president that has nlienated the affect hum of for mer fi'ieiidsand rendejfd him an ob ject of loathing to the bulk of the republican party. His wholesale pardoning of every rcliel that has applied for a pardon in on nbnse to tie loynl jicople that elected hint and an insult to the thousands who bared their lirenttn nd im ived the shock of battle. Kven n he iteisoniilly diAponed tojmrdon the great leaders of the inmates, a proper person to lease the building to, or even to ac cept as a joint occupant f Or is the highwayman who meets you upon a lonely path ami demands vourmouey or your life, a safe person with whom to trust your purse after he has been ! mastered ! or would il be the part of I wisdom and prudence to divide the I treasure with him on a hollow prom- j ise of better fashions, and he the; whole time protesting that he was I right iiihisfirst attempt at robbery f j We think not. Vet this is w hat t lit' southern slates ask. and it is what j the president asks congress to con- j cede. To this it will never consent : j and Cmd forbid that it ever should.! Coiiv icteil rebels should never hold j an ollice of trust or honor, or have j any of the emoluments that pertain to a government they despise. The adherents of Johnson say he is currying out the policy of Lincoln, Than this nothing nmv absurd. It is a lilsO upon the fair fame of the great departed. In looking over the whole field of politics one remarkable fact stares us in the face, and w hich no Johnson nrrr. in all. llalani'i' of i ah in tin.' Trcury, Sont. 10, lsoti. Total. Knr ft ilrt.'iili il Klati'ini'iit ilUlniri-iiii.iiis, rofi-ri'iiri' i.i niailr to ilio Trras-nri-r's. r')ioi rs. 'I'll,- Tivnsnivi'i. rlai-'illi'it "lati'iiii'iit of n rriils. ami ililniit'ii!riit.s, for the yrar pro itrf U ;ei follow : la.ri.nTsi. Ti'xr., A m-ii ul In nil CoUoao fnml, Snli' of roiil 1'i.tat.' t.,v tlio Amlitor, 1 jr.'iiH.. lor i-irriiHi'i, Sat.'ty Kiiinl lioti'H, I'ollci'tt'tl in part, l.o.lln of ll unit lSli.1, SoMiorV n'.lotiio-nl, llaluniT Si pt. j, lsu'i, examining saui jiroperi.v, lecoin inended ts sale. The r i"pi t was continued, and the t uarterniastcr General authorized to sell the same, at such time or times as he saw tit. with directions to stop or suspend the sales when, in his opinion, it was not selling at remunerative prices, j I'ndor these order he sold property to the ano '.nt of $ 5.".ISt, who i I finding that the I'niied States were ! selling like property, in very large ' quantities, all ovur the countiy, I thereby depressing prices, be sus- j pcuded further sales ; but said or- j tier is still in force, and the residue ! of that property will be sold under it, during the present fall and com-j ing winter, unless the Legislature : direct otherwise. j j STATE AIT). I i Hon. John llnwe, Jr.. agent for the distribution of State aid to sol diers' families, has made his final re Krt, showing that, from Sept. 1, 1SC.". to April l.". lSiiti. he disburs ed, underacts of April ''. ls,il. i and Nov. 1 1, l.ii-', the sum, in all, i of .?.. IS. Thelagent states that there is now no outstanding claim under cither of those acts. I here with transmit said report. VOl.t'XTEEU TIMorS. Since the last session of the Le gislatiiie. the four companies of the Hlh liYiiiiiicnt and the entire 7th to receive i!i t unit v to purchase it be negleeJe', 1 do not think it could ever again oe obtained at anything like the price now asked. I therefore recommend an appropriation for its purchase at the price named. The buildings have lteen repaired ami enlarged, so as to accommodate from twenty th e to thirty scholars, and the school is now open for the reception of juvenile offenders, quite a number having been already re ceived ; and I think it gives go si promise of accomplishing all that the State expects from such an insti tution. The first report of the Commis sioners has been made, to me, and 1 have caused the same to be printed, ready for immediate distribution. I commend its suggestions and recom mendations to your careful conside - atioii. 1ISIIING REti rt.ATK 'NS IN LAKE OIAMPfcAIX. Pursuant to the act of the Gener al Assembly, entitled " An act to prevent taking shad or white -fish in Lake Champhiin or its tributaries." approved November t, 1 Si ;.". 1 caused copies theroiif to be forwarded to the Governor General of Canada and the Governor ot New York, with the vetniest that "-their respect ive Governments ndnpt like meas ures prohibiting the taking, killing, or tlestrovini;. of shad or white 6-h in the xut.' of said lake within their respect ive jurisdiction'" The subject was taken niti eors)(lera tiou with promptness ami coin-test by the Government of Cauathr, and oil the l.Sth of April. ISiSi. tf f-'l htwintr rcLinlation was anoroved bv the Gov et nor federal in council, un , del the Canadian fishery act, viz: No person shall, daring the months lroiu tlie higlier course credentials which shall avail them as perpetual certificates. This pro position has been approved by the Hoard ot Education, ami win ap- , . .,!,1.1iK.P ..,.,1 ( irtoU-r. and No pear at length in the report ot their ; vt.lkt-.f.j. ,ak(,. Kill, or destroy, any Secretary, and, at their jequest, 1 i ll;ttl white lish ill the waters of commend the subject to your care- tn jk,. riiamplaiu situa fill eonsi.lerat ion ' te.l w ithin t he Pr.n ince of C, I recommend the enactment of a j v (.,.1.1imtlil.a,i(,11 from the U-.v i law by which the lSiiurd of Fduea ! ,.,.,. ,,t' ,.,v York, of M v , tion ma.v be empowered to accept is.i( inioiii,,'.! me that earh in the pinjiosit inn referred to, and also to accept, in their discretion. similar propositions from other schools in different parts of the State, and to carry out the compacts that will re sult from such acceptances, by at tending, in person or by agents, the examinations for admission to a"d graduation from any schools thus adopted, and granting jo graduatts the appropriate cert ilie.ites. 1 desire also to commend to your attention the matter of the authoii ! zctl list ol si-liooi text oooiis, a soaie j what extended discussion of which j will be found in the reptr; fth ' I ISoard of Education- to your honora- j j ble body. The original selection of school books was made in IS.V.I. toj expire in ISiit ; but the time origi j nally appointed for its durat ion was I j afterwards extended to lMl", and ! j will now soon expire. This plan ot j an aiithorative selection of school 1 books, although strongly opposed a! j liist. seems to have won its way to i very general approval Nome It si's.sioii will be necessary to prevent i return to an unlimited iliversilv ol season of the Legislature of that State, he sent a copy of said act to that body, and by special message called their at:e it!on tothelavv pass e l by the General Assembly of Ver mont, and urged upon thein the im puitance of a similar enactment on their part, but that owing to a press of other business, the legislature adjourned without final action there on. The act of this State, is. there fore by its terms, still inoperative. Kl'SlOi: VlToX OF SEA ElSll TOT UK) 1'llNXK.l'IH I T lllVKi:. I ruder the joint resolu ion of tin ( to v ei -in r co : I at once snDrnrtV : ted the tpi s:iou to t!i Jnlge$of tho .Supreme Court, who, after consid eration, gave me their opinion. if writing, holding that the fact tu abov e stated cons ituted Bach a Ta cancy as the Constitution made it the duty of the Goveriior to fill. Siibseqiiently, m the L'lst day of NoveiiilM'r, l,s;.-. I appointed lion. Hike 1'. I'ofaml, ot St. Johiisbury, a Senator from this State in tho Congress of the United States, to fill the aforesaid vacancy until the next lncetiiigof the General Assem bly of this State. On the L'sith day of March last, Hon. Solomon Foot, Senator from this State in the Congress of the. Flirted States, died at Washington, in the District of Columbia. On the 3d day of April. Wm, I filled the vacancy thus occastfitretl, by ap pointing Hon. Geo. P. Edmunds, of lSurhngtoii, Senator from this S:ate in the Congress of the United States, until the ine tiirg of the General Aoe?nhlv of tlie State. The loss of both of her Senators within a brief period, was a calam ty unjrTecedfjirtrtl. in the history of Vermont unprecedented in the his tory of any of her sister States. Their long experience ami distin guislied services, their rare a'lility and ric wisdom, their tried and un failing constancy to duty, and fideli ty to State and country, their Chris tian purity ainl nobility of charac ter, had wort f.vr them rhe foremost i auk in the councils of t fie nation. ; In the fullness f tl'ir givat uselul- uess and inllkieiM't", at a tin- when j t h ficctts of the nation erietl out i for their continuance among us, I they were by the deerecs e' an in s:-rutable but just Provide l&v, called I hence Tin w hs si'euis irrepara ble. Veriitoii d.Mibly hoiioreil by their lives, weeps over their fresh j graves', and the nation mourns with ! lu-r. 'flu never fading record of j t'ai-ir lives remain aiich legacy to i.i...;.. c...... .. .... i;..i.. ....... 1U li . 1 ii. ii' . .1 iiiiiiii; iiiil ii.('ii tilt' Ml -oi.ti i'i i urn i,i'.v ' o.T .1 ill. I aspiration i" an. jiT)i.a-".s .;' the srrar.ME ohtjt. IIoii. Luke P. Poland, having on the Hist day of November. 1M. re ceive 1 the appointment of'd States Senator from this S:ate, re signed the Ollice of Chief Justice nt the Supreme Court of Vermont, to which he had then recently been Ill.sntllSI.MKM0. Imt- t.-Ol.iws I i -.".l.'.IIS '.I I I Km.) ;:i 1 Oriliimrv mnl war cspi'nwg. ani-i. I'ay rolU. mililiii 1' sk fiiii-4, Soldi. -r--' alloi nii'i'l . .Viii-iiltiiiiil f'.lli'iif t'.itiil inviKt- .-I in IhiiiiU, i.ny mi Salrtv I'niiil r.''ai.l. .'.i'.-'.'i n l.oan'of Kill linliiniopaiit. i.i.imil ini l.o.ih-.. f is.; ami l-"'i paiil, 'Jsi.ikki mi Jlali-ni-i' of iiili-rit iirroiint, l.'a.iki'.i s:i Croilii -inLini! fiinil, T-VJioO lioinUor IS7I paiil, (..- ihi llatani i' in Tii aniiry S pt. 10, lSiV,, -js,:,;i; i;7 i.. . .. . - . . 1-1 t mii.i.'.s Hi lieglinelil ol V erinoni iiiiumi'-p f ri'i-i iiitH. iiiol I ti:i i been mustered out ol service. Those of the !Mh were mustered out in the State of Virginia, Oeeembcr 1, 1SIS5, and the 7th Kegiineiil at . :ll.. 'I- t i. i i 1 ci'i: 11 .rt.wnsvtoe, ,..,.. .... '. .. , ,. , , inja.eth. Front these ooints they returned to ,. , , , , .... 'i-i.Oii f- s. i .i . ... .. . .; l .... i sciioois ; aim i lecunmieiiii iii.u un V erillOlil, w im m l in , v ri i- ii.imi iiiw , .. ... ,. , . s.n7i i'i 1 , ', ,i ,i ii- 1 ISoard ol Education Is l.:t:l 7.. I tiiscnargco. inns an tut- ni'ii.i- ii.titK) oo j (i,,lis ,,f Vermont, in ct ection .ion on! with the active iiroscciition of the CSI.imiii im j y;ir i',,i' (lie preservation of the I'ni on, have been perlornieil, ami all . i . . . , I lie ot ii'iis win ii""i i " .,nl,jt. State, and which have contributed ' so largely to its reputation and lion-1 Ki;t'iUM schokl. or ami to the final success of the na- j Under (he act approved Novcmbei tiimal arms, have ceased to t xUt as j ,Mi,", entitletl " An at t to estab such, ami the ollieeis and the men ; jsli the Vermont Kelorm School," 1 last session of the Legislatuiv, n-1 , ative to the restorations of sea lish to the Connecticut river, and itsti i outlines. 1 appointed Albert l. Ha i ger, State ieologist. and Hon. Chas. ISarrett. Coinuiissioiiers. I also eonimuuicatetl copies to said joint resolution to the Governors til Mas sachusetts. New Hampshire and Connecticut. The Coniinissinliei s j report may be expected during vntir 'islation at your present j i . ... , I I It 11 1 .1111.111, 1 J".lll I -1 ' . f '.' -. I ,;i ;s un l-.'.n? m i ' iJWi.'.".!! I-- eillpow eretl to rev ise the authorized list of school books, add publish the same as soon ! as may be practicable, ami that the j authority of the present list be con i tinned until such rev ision be made i (he last session, rclat llig to I he im ; provident destruction of shad in the i Connecticut river. I addressed a j conimuniea;ion to the Goveriior of Connecticut, request ing him to call ! the attention of the' i.t 'is!aiuie of that Slate, then in session, to tm subject, ami tothc resolution of our State, a verified copy which I trans mitted to him. I also transmitted copies of the same to the GoVellluiS of Massachusetts and New Hamp shire. In response to the applica tion made to the State of Connec ticut. I herewith Irntismit to you the elected. The Vacancy occasioned by this resignation, I on the ',1 V.i day of Nov ember, lMi.l, tilled by ap pointing Hon. John Pierpoint, of Yt-rgeiines, to be Chief .1 list ice of a d Ct n t until Ue next nu ct ng t f I lie General Assembly. On the same day I also appointed for the same m-riod of time the Hon. James ISarrett. of Woodstock, to lie l ust Assistant Justice, Hon. Loyal C. Kellogg, of Uutland. to be Second Assistant Justice. Hon. AsahelPeck, i of ISiirlinglou. to be Third Assi-t-' Justice, and lion. William C. Wil son, of lSakersliehl. to lie Fourth Assistant Justice of slid Court ; thus leaving a vacancy in the ollice j of l-'it'tlr Assistant Jie-tice : and on ithe same tl;y l appointed II"''. ISen jjamiii 11. Steele, of Iry. Filth j Assistant Ji.-tee of said Court, to till said vacancy nut.'l the im cling j of the Assembly St ATI'S MP iUE co.w rrjv. I - i fs.nce my last a inn.d conimnnici- tion to the Legislature, the wurii of reconstructing ami reorganizing the i State and local governments v, hich, for more than four years, had bceTt in rebellion against the federal nil i thiirity, has largely engaged the at ! tent ion of the executive ami legis- ..i.. .1... .... ....... ,.r .i... i . , 11 '1 , , ' -- --- tlOltll 1.II(I1I,1I1,F lll'lfIIV.t composing them liave laid aside !nppointe d, by ami with the advice certified copy of a joint -resolution, ' b.vci'itii icut and as is both neees fj HI'.l.'fll I-.' Tlip linliilili.K mnl n onroc of the Slate ill i jvis that I licit" Coll III I'V ilate of Trea-nrer' i-i-i.n-t, an lollow j. : I . . .. . . Slate IioiiiN oiiii,tainlin viz; tllllie to UVl t Itiie.lnne I. Is; I, f7."...V)ll IH) i nilieer'. I""' I''" ' -r I. ls7l, -"".i j .;,,ii,te.i men, line Oiii inliii-1. I "Til, .-.l.iniil (Hi line li.-i-enil.i i- I, Ins. '.'.i i.iiihi nil . C, The Hi) eri ilit. il to tin- finkinu fiitiil. . ... i i , ami J? HI..I NI no whi. h llie An.lilor expe, t, lo j Ap...ii;le.t o..ii,ii,iio,Ioi,i .1 ol- ! I, 1,1 RIHITI lltllll I '(- .(-O.-lill I'lll ' I O'O'lll. I ,. .. . , IA 'i-i. 1 f. l;....i;... .... il...... I I. l.lilKti il inen, j"....:- .'t ..., il ma r t lAiiti.i i ii . their arms assumed the garb of (hi citizen, ami have quietly mingled with tlie mass of the community. All honor to these noble men that yet live ; an respeci, limiting ic - ,n ateti saui scIkmi at v atcriiury, restt r ition of shad to the waters ol M-ct, to the memories of the fallen, j Vermont ; ami in connection w ith j the t oiiiu'cticut. wtnl NO elieel till V li'il 'C tlllll' OWIlKii.l liie-iti.m tlm Cm k.i.a.M. might con-! pnrcliascil about sixty seven acres if tln Senate. Annul I. I'enso ai ! I.,- tin f .... I 1 , t n ,. I' ll.,i ActiiigCouimissioner, ainl Lewis A. State at its last session, showing Dunn anil Lewis Pratt, Advisor, j their willingness to co -operate wit h t oiimissioiiers, whosoun altervvar ls, the other States in interest, in the 7".' I7.S-JS lire inli li'li lhle allotnn iili., line lleei iver of Ilanl'V llank- wif. ty IiiiiiI. Ine to li t", S. Siirptll fnml, One Ai ii nllunil ( olleo funil, One I'Mr.i Stale pavi-i,,t. ,1, .'l.'.Sfl !U 1 ft,; .W IK) n.i;i; is i.r-7 i '.'ii.'iiki mi fi'Uiii ! l'.iili-li il men, I Ari'isulp nunilM-r, to,l:i7 -S,'.ni7 of land, part of the old Governor ''"" i I i...:...- ... .i... v...: i ii,,, I ., ,., ,, . ii i . i i , i.i'Liisiiti nit- leiiiiiiii; in un- . .ii uniii i l.utlcr larm. so called, takinga deed K., ,, i " , , , :. , , ,,.,1,,. , , . . ,1 CI HI 11.11 V II. Ill, 'MII'IUIII ill lis liist ot tlie same to the Stale, at the I , , , , . , ..: .;.., i ... t . i t , i session. I, al an car v tlav, appiiuit"il price ot sx thousand two hiih lei , ,, , ,. ," 'in'' i i ni.r.M i.t tii in r in tlie I reiiini v. s..,;i-. i',7 mi lav i f si,', ' ,'i.s,7 .MI Sin plus tiiinltioii :uiip.ii'l, I . I l'l."...Vil.'.'n I.iwh of ei'rti til hal'ililii , 1 rt tit IK t Kill NT I Alt Nut . Him l.ll klli'l.l.Ukt'nlt,. liui, ii... .ii. .1 in,'. . ii ii ' ..iliil, ,i i.-l 'III 1 , II IMI i i ... .... , I I . mil li'M oil iioiiii), ln-. llv plolnotioll to tlie t". S. A., Tl''ii In oilier olallililiollii, Total hy .lentil. Total l.'v ilieli.ii-f, l. l lleit. I iroiieil I'roiir t-oltf., Not tii'iillv ari o'inli il for. Mi'-i. i. il mil of an lev In nil. V :i res ile. ; V H i mi" re i nli' te l. I; .li-l h! I . s. A my mnl Mailne i i Oiiilleil im ii, paip ' otiitiiiilaiioii. lt:i 1. 1. Hi .l.liS -'..' II' II,; 1 i. i.ri" i.i'ia l,:i:i' i.'i; i II II . I I "U II f ir,,iioi mi that is that every rebel, big or small, .. . ."Hue rpi ii"- ami ncrj cop iciiicati who reviletl i iiankinu Uiml--iimimll- Lincoln as a Myrant,' ami said vve j ,'''"11'"""1' ' eunimt conquer the ouih,' is now! IIiVhhi ifi ii.'aLi'lig the air resonant wit h shouts ( intuit I in' iliiii for tie v. nr. ibv Amlrevv Johnson and his match less policy, while nineteen out of ev ery twei:t.v 'f those who supported Lincoln and said the government niiint Ulid sin'iild sjaiid, and the li b. els miultf to ji-hl.nre now with con LTessaiitl r'('cv t anil those states i isi'. nnioiiiiiiiiit to ;,'.' :, mm,u iiinr Ih . . ,' ., ' l lll-"illlll Hi lolliivtn t which furiMslieu troops me mosi readily for our arinics, ami tin most of them, gave the heartiest and the heaviest tote npii"' IoIiiisoii anil hit policy, Thew ' iI,'i,'t vol ninen, Let the hi 'le ponder I hem. t ;:'.;. 'i luiir ltlli. limn nt fl'i'tv l? e. nli. im the ilollar oil I lie fjraim ll-l will ho leillii' ; Hint Hi. mil p' nplo ill I'let v il. I'lll liienl ol hn-i-tlll'i.1. ill-l' prosiereil anil InlVi lllille tin lilt to ' meet Ihh iiniomil ol tnati"ti. it wltl iiiiii nI i ii-rtiiiiily In. eoiiniiiant wit the ni"li.l-ln m In pnriii' the poin t in upplili h t.nrlt '. fO.'iOf. ua il Kinkioti IiiiiiI. In I -i n the ii'imloil pay ill ti -tun. nf iu In Mill u ln'. Otlieix weti'iltiiMii mi mr In I lie Slale Troll- mirer IiiiiiI Oi loU-r -.'Ith, MIWi, to .lainlarv l-t rniTKRet EltiliT Hot tt HTK1K1S. Xnr York, 1et. Vt A sM'iii I Wash ington dispatch M.vs nil the ci'inpoN it ins. nr.'ssmcn and binders In the f the reWllion ' decent regard for Cluoi u ncnt Piinting OtUce lttick ih ' loyal ' peoplo td those who to day for the eight hour n.v steoi, tl-.l I.'i Sen hen Mini inpeinuii nf ri ertilt ll -i lln- in, S, i in-anil i xiHine nf arrenling leetti l , li S.'i I'eli loe nt the frolill. r, XI I'll Mule pHT pi lor I o Hinder nmt piiv nt nlllil'li.. Ill till t'. i li.i-ii orKlllilllld Slnle tnlllllo . Ilrj H l:kieiiM ul Male Militnty roin iiii. -Ioii nt VV a.liliiitton, I .'ll I.I T run. pin till Inn ol Verininil nfllif1 m, oliliel. el.-. m It I:h ii of htali Tn'mttrer'n nf. lien, I hi. I, iMil.ti. l.'r. I. Ist'i, ft.tV.Vi WI fSiier Jiiiiimrv I. I "'. till i"i the Tir.i.ory mir.T Iiiivp brrti iIinwii l.y tho Atnll nr nf Ac nnliilii. In ileroi'lani i. villi the pmil-ion of the Hi t nppiuveil Not. II, l-tv'i, tiillih il, " An net ill-lining 11m ilnllen nf rerlaln Slate olll.em. ad for Uio i-v4N tlun tuul helH lit lit tlif 1 nu. nrr." Total nnliilii r fni ni-lii il l,v lliln Slnle, lll.vSts MUiU.M. AMI COMMON Sl'ttool.H. For many vears there has been an increasing strength of public scini lueiil in this State favorable to the adoption of suiiie adequate means of supplying a more specific course of ilisiriicliiin fur the leacheis of common schools, This sentiment has increased very rapidly, and has Im'coiiii' imni ami morctlt'tiiieil with in the pas) feu ,iais, until the gnat majoiitv of thoughtful friends of popular ethical inn scent thorough ly milled in desiring the establish nieiit of smile sv stem of Stale Nor mal Instruction. The national troubles ami the very large expenditures induced theit'by, have hitherto delayed any attempt to inaiigcrate such system as would icsHiin (o tin general tie liinml ; for, while all have been imi teil in opinion that we weir In duty bound to lose nothing of the ground already gained In the field of educa tional labor, all have euunllv agreed that the heavy burden of our taxes rcudcicd it uninlv Isiible to turner- tin S. .Mori ill. Commissioners to ex amine the subject, so far as relates. I'.l . I ... .I.T . .. . 1 . . 1 . . ... They paid it six thousand ' ' a"." l" "V . " T 111, ..,i-f.lll i-M .--.-l III. I'll f-!l. II 111, .- ami suggestions as would enable you to take definite action m the matter. After the death of Sentitvr Foot, I appointed the Hon, Go . P. ICtlmuiiils. Commissiouer to act with .Mr. Morrill ill the premises. A re port may be cxpci-ted from these gclitlellieli soon, t'Aitts i:'!mui ion. I am atlv iscd that our state Geol ogist, Albert I). I lager, intends go ing to Ihirope next season, mainly for the purpose of learning more of the coal ot Newcastle, mines of Cornwall, tin lies ol Wales, the silver mines of dollars. llus purchase exceeded by two hundred dollars the sum thc lllil'll !l lit 111 .11 'I'll llV W I I.I 11. -t t.l lllll' ' tor laud tlotlats, alal gave a guar, nice to deed bat k one acre out of the south east corner of the land purchased, in ease I he Legislature at its pres ent session should fail to make a further appropriation of the two hundred dollars. The hind purchas ed hail large ami valuable buildings on it, suited to the wants of tlie school, and though the Commission eis were unrestricted in the amount of expense in electing all suitable hui.diHgs for the nccomiuodatioii of said school, , ct as these buildings came vv ith tin land, the restrict ion as to tin sninto be paid for the land, applied to tin whole purchase. most heartily recommend t lie up piopiiutioti of the remaining two hundred dollars, as the acre to be coiiv eved back is worth lunch more than that sum. Pussell ISutler is tin owner of alsiut sixty five acres of land, which adjoins that purchased, is a part of the old Governor Hat lei lai in. This he proposet I to sell to tin State, as a part of the L'eform School larin, at the price of four thousand two hundred dollars, ami he gave a bond to convey it at that price, should the legislature at the present session uppmpriiito money for Its tuit-luise. 1 his laud is near ly destitute of buildings ; a hii tion of it is i ich meadow laud, a poriion is excellent past in age, ami the icsi tliic twenty or twenty-live acres excellent wimmJ laiul, This land is richly worth the price nskctl, ami would, In my opinion, Ih a very Ju dicious purchase for the State, as It seeiiiH really necessary in order to sary and wise in a republic in which the citizens aie sovereign, and the source of all power, this work h a commanded the interested aial in telligent observation ami criticism of the whole people of the country. Cnhappily tor the best solution t.f this problem of reorganization, the. National Fxeeutivt and the Nation al Legislature have tint been in ac cord in their views of the licstincth- lion. Solo n Pool, and lion. Jiiv "' "!' .','s, -I'ing these insurgent com- .NATIONAL ST A IT AUY II ALL. Piulerthe joint resolution of the uninlv Isable any new cntci prlscfs however i constitute niiclt u farm tin the School miiuitics to their true relations to the federal Government; and the work has thereby been much delay ed, the tlitUculUcs which environ it have been much increased, ami the southern to iini'initics have becoa o much more hostile than at first lo the demand of that wise policy which would rentier "treason odious," obtain ample security for the future, and enable the Govern ment to ret lee m every pledge it lns made to its creditors', toils friends, ami to the race w hich it has eman cipated. . The executive branch ot the Gov ernment, having inaugurated the Work of it oi'ii-aiiizinn- tin. ii.lioll..iiu l ie toppci stales without seeking the advice slate quar- im eo tmeration of Coiiuress. Imi continued to insist upon its txelu- Geriiiany, and the inaible qun.riesj sh). ,,,, , W.k (." of Italy. Should the Legislature authorize the Governor, without ex pense to the State,, to coin mission .Mr. linger is the Sta.c Agent to the Paris exhibition ot l.HliT, it would give him the benefit in his travels in the rest of Fiuope of those courtesies ami facilities lor obtaining all tlcsiiable inloi inatioii which lire sun to be extemlctl to out being a t'ommissioiier from the Tinted States, or tiotn a Slate of the Ciiiou. The infbi inatioii gather ed hy Mr. linger would undoubted l.y be of value in the development of the mineral wealth of this State, t xtrti) 8TAi i:h hisnatoks. The last legislature adjourned on the Kith day 01 November, lHti."t, at 8 o'cIock, A. M. Within an hour afterwards intelligence was received that. lion. Jacob Colhuuer, Senator from this Statu in fiiu Congress of the United States, died at his resi dence In Woodstock tho preceding night. Wait tho vnrmiicy thus crcn- uictl to tin legislative branch of the Government any share in the deter mination of the xiitiis of the insur gent cnmiuiiuitifs, or conditions of their n fttorat ion ; ami while denying lo Congress all right to.judge oi ihe completeness of this work of reor gfiuiatiou, it has conceded unly the right of each House to judge of the elections, returns mid qualifications of its own members. This policy assumes that the Kxecittivc has the sole right to reconstruct, reorganize ami restore to flieir tin tin r coudi lion in Ihe Government, the pco le, cotniuiiii.ties ami Slates w hich have waged a gigantic war agaimt that Go' Tiunent ami It imi,ts, with emphatic iteration, that Congtess, by refusing to leeogni.e the execu tive i econst ruction as Just, safe, complete iintl, null at. once admittiiigtoseiitsiu tin St nuto and House of Ucplcseutativcs per sons claiming to be elected by S ales thus ifugauizetl, Is iiMuii'l'ii'.limo,