Newspaper Page Text
if V HI 41 44 it ft i f i m So i HP if. 1 h Mr f V ;t ;t u f 'If EmBMFAT OF v- . . i i hi; Jiiscri.i.Ar.ot s items. Kmns Fjpts nni"T TonACCO. This is tlie season f cattle-shows, yis' r 'V(-liin-cli:i snvs si (Iron or two or to speak of them with inure res- j , f tll0 oi) . ,..,,! m iMe tongue ot a lieiuui iiuiikm, hi aiu iiuui.ii, jirtKltit'es convulsions and ueatu fairs. They serve to remind us of ! n, t MP ,.M.,. t- a minute, the advance of the farmer in the. a Collejfc of physicians his said honest, not the poetical estimation , tilllt i,?ss ti,;, wentv thousand of the world, and of the enhanced I itl ..,. .,,,,..,!, die' hv use of diLitity and enlightenment of a call ing always honorable. Tor thous ands of years the world took it for .'granted that the ruxtic nmst he far , behind tho) koto insulation in all qualities of intelligence and refine ment, ami then very adjectives i 111 -ply a dilVcreisee in jrootl liianiiers al together in f.ivor of the dwellers in towns. farmers outside of eelo crnex. were " eloil-hoi liters."' "vil- 17 V . Hans," i-haw-haeoiis;'' and the mi liuery IteriuzcuH'nt of the pastoral this poison. Dr. Show names some eighty dis eases, and says that they may he at tributed to tobacco. Governor Sullivan says: "My brothel-Genera! Sullivan, used snuff, and his smitl'lodged him premature ly in the grave." Ilocarme, of Belgium, was mur dered in two minutes and a halt by a little nicotine of aikali of tobacco. A vouth of sixteen fell dead.Vith 1 cigar in his mouth, in a dram shop. net's Inquest said that ' it was a .mys terious act of God." The minister, at the funeral, consoled the friends, by saying much the same thing, I'hy.Mcians said it was heart diseasi A sensible woman knowing the hoy'. habit. said. " Tobacco killed him." It deranu'ed the action of the heart it ceased to beat, ami the victim j .. Atlantic in pursuit of the tell. There is at present being exhibit- ; ed in Ireland a bov of an enormous; ,ho wasborn November 7, si.t Me weighs "ill,' pounds, mcasim ! across! lie sliouhlers J yarn aim -j inches, 7o niches round the waist, .'JO I round the calf of the leg, 2'J inches ' round the muscle of the arm. anil ! aboue a vard round the thigh. poets made country -talk at best but j wiiat caused his death ? The euro artltieial objects ot souun ctiricai cjnti'ni)t. It was thought a won derfid thing that Jioclctiaii should prefer thcci Itiirft of cabbages to the power and the pleasures of the pal ace so wonderful that the world has MkeJ about it ever since. There has boi-u no end of admiration at the HjH'etacle oT (.'iiiciiinatus taken from his j.'ow to le nmd Dictator ; hut. we turn fanners into senators anil senatniR into faruicvs every year 5 convert hu ge lauded proprietors in to major ycneral.s and find the grow ers of turnips ami potatoes accept able, contributors, to the monthly magazines. Theru was, it cannot be doubted, a tendency ia the old farming life to stolidity, to a coarseness of the earth earthy, to the mechanical nied oericyot" dull routine, and to a con tempt lor the polished pursuits of literature and art. L nlbrtunaf ely thif. co.irss uelf Hul'iicieney also ex tended to r. contempt for scientific discoveries, to a foolish distrust of real improvements, 1o anything out of the usual and t ime-honorcd course of plow ing clumsily, leaping painful ly, exhausting body and soul and soil, nil three together, by a bigoted adherence .P the wavs of the fore fathers. The fanner was a thrifty, hardworking peasant, with his thief plea sures alimentary ; and his boys and girls fit is not wonderful to lie wondered at) ran away to the cities to become brokers and the wives of brokers, merchants' milliners any thin;; but the weary drudges of the field and the dairy. A modern agricultural fair proves how all this lias been changed. The material improvements is marvelous as .shown in the increased prod no-1 tion, in delicate fruit, in gigantic vegetables, in golden butter, and in Ktoek advanced almost to perfect ion. This is to he referred to that simple principle of competition without which the world would cease to move or would only refrogade. The prizes bcfctowedjire something ;. but they are too small to be, regarded in the light of remuneration ; they are like the cross of the soldier, or the simple certificate of merit which the whool bov proudly carries home. The moral advantage is that the Jarmcr sees what has been achieved, and is fired with an honorable am bitioa to equal 'or to excel. W hat Jones has done in the way of pigs, Or Smith accoi'dishcii in the wa of pumpkins, Brown feels that he can do and does it. lint above till in the solemnity, if we may say so, of the oiTasion, 111 the ability of the addresses and thei,- sv'.ject matter, in the judicial estimate of the exhi-' hitors, in the general pomp and cir cumstances of the whole festive affair, the farmer feels that the im portance of his profession is admit ted, that its dignity is respected, ami that it is recognized as the call ing of all others with which the world is utterly limbic to dispense without, lapsing into barbarism or experiencing a vast amount of so . cial sulVeting. lie ill con tact wit It all his fellow farmers of Jonx Brigut's Allvsion to AMKIMCA. The following is the lose of Mr. Bl ight's clequent speech ! at the great Leed's IUtoriu deuion Istration: j " I have mentioned the North ' America 11 continents. To-morrow ' is the m-eatest dav in the Tinted j .States, when, perhaps, millions of, men will go to the poll, and the ; will give their votes on the great question whether justice shall or not be given to tho liberated African ; 'and in a day or two we will hear .the result,"aud I shall !o greatly 1 surprised if that result does not add I one more nroof to those already giv en of the solidity, intelligence, and public spirit of the great body of the people of the Tinted States. I have mentioned the North American continent. I refer to the colonies which arc still a part of this empire as well as to those other colonies which mnv form this great and free Republic, founded by the old Gen oese captain at tie end of the fif teenth century. A friend of mine, Cyrus field of New York, (cheers,) is he Columbus of our time, for af- ti r no less than forty passages across great aim ot his hie, he has at length ley his cable moored the New World close alongside the Old. (Cheers.; To speak from the United Kingdom to the North American continent and from North America to the Tin ted Kingdom now is but the work of a moment of time, and it does not require the utterance even of a whisper. The English nation are brought together and they must Divoiicii. Senator lice d , of! march oii togethci. The spirit of Washington County, has introduced ; either Government must be the a bill into the Legislature, adding same, although the form may be dif ferent. It it be true that a broad NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! AT IlIL TIAI310III VARIETY STORE. SI IIIUUIUU uuuuu, (ilovra. Ilimii'rv, XH. K;iir Piiffs. forM-la, I.ineu ami 1'hjii r 4'ollant ami l'nrt, Nrck Ti-H, hi-ai l, un.lLiiK ii lc iiiels, I'mikei! Nullum., I y. I'ajMT ami Eiii1iiis iif 1 vi'tv anU Jiiice, lluir il. i'tmi.i'li'S, , l"uil'iiiiifiv. ami tuok- inj; ixtrails, Fine Cut Tla eo, and Wur:i-ti-r'K Hop yeast; wonsTt'.bs. i fulil Zi-ihyr, fur ltri uUf;i-t t '.i' nml HooiU Sinli- and Split ZYplu r.-, in all nl.aileu, lafnlM' lriin lore, Buck Gluvi n am) Mittrus. DUT THE' BEST! Bliss' Excelsior Hair Restorer, For 64 cts. m r Bottle. ( it ti"l a Oye ' will mt in.iurt- or soil the skin in flip sli 'litpst il,.jr-,.o. it will in all cji n-Ntorc iray Hair 10 il original color. It is one of tin? best H;titnir'sinM. k;cpin tli liair tilossy and moist, l't-cpitivd l.v I.. ISliss. Ai-nt, llrad t'ord, Vt. Sold wlit'ii-ale ami retuil iiv T. J. FLA.N'UEKS. AUo, the Hungarian Hair Dye. TtevoniK Stsmipw, In aU donoiniiiatioiiR, at the l'ostorticc. 1 T. J. KLA.M.EliS, Postmaster. Just From Market. Iiaiiitual drunkenness to the causes now recognized by statute as siilii cieut grounds of ilivorce. At the Uepublican National Con vention of lSli I, when a proposition was made in the Wisconsin delega tion to unite their vote in favor of Andrew Johnson for Vice President, 1 Gov. Hand. ill, now Johnsons riidit- haiul man and Postmaster General, opposed the motion. ', No,'1 he said, I knoy Andrew Johnson better than 1111 do. lie in u lnul trencher oi(n mini, (aid unfit for the ojliee. Farmers in York county, Pa., are selling apples at " cent a bushel, and eider at t per band. If a barrel of cider is purchased of a fanner the haver gets as many ai- apples as he desires thrown in for! making apple-butter. j 1 here is no place like 'home. I says the. port. Ulght! unless it's j the home oft he young woman you're j after. This of course au exception, j G AMr.r.iN'i. Among many other j evils that attend gambling, are these: Loss of time, loss of reputa tion, loss of health, loss of fortune, loss of temper, ruin of families, de frauding of creditors, and what is very often the effect of it, loss of life'itself. SrnnENLY Iliot. One day last w eek a hard working young man re ceived a letter from New York, an nouncing the death of an 1 mint who left a large estate, a full half million of which will come to him. lie ap pears to be a vei v sensible man, as THE HALLETT BROTHERS Are now daily receiving new and Elegant Stock of DRESS GOODS Woollens, Hats, Cap, c, Comprising a complete assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, corn & caskets, rE W01I.D EESrECTVl'LLY 1XKIUU httinl, for nale, t! the ixil.liu that wo koeu coiutaullv nil The Lirst i Bft Assortiwat of Coffins k Gaskets to be found in the county, which we are selling Cheaper limn nl auy other E Inblioliuienl. Also, MAKl'FACTUREUS OF A I.I. KINDS OP T 1: r s t I: adk, which will lie aold Wholesale ami Retail at the lowest nijnrcs. S. A. FISH & SOX. Thetford Ceutre, Vt., July 5, lsiM. I'.nit and geiii'i'oiis freedom is the heritage of I'.hgland, onr purpose is this, to establish that freedom forever on the sure foundation of a broad and generous representation of the people.'7 FURNITURE WAREHOUSE. Tunc siiiseinnru coxTivfKSTo r,n- 1 rv on the t VIUM-T K I'M XI 11' UK Itl S IXESS, at the Old Sstund, at the South cud of iiKAiroici vii.i. . KCOMMF.XDF.n BY Till" MOST S( I EX titie Amilylical t hoini.IH to lie - The Best on this Continent. Casting Oit Devils. AVe have a friend, a Methodist preacher, anil a jolly fellow he is. lie has a large, muscular frame, with corpulence to correspond ; has a huge hand, with a powerful grip save us from giv ing him serious offense it he were a common sinner, lie is au earnest worker, and has a well earned repu tation as ii revivalist. Some years ago he was holding a meeting, at which quite an interest was awak ened. A number of persons had conic to the anxious seat, and some had been converted. One evening a group, consisting 01 two or inree young nu n and as many young la dies, were present, whose object in coming was to have merriment. The minister having noticed their man envres for a while, and thinking it was time they were checked, fo- ml his way to them, and addresy i himself to the young men, kinniy requested thein to observe tiic tleco- ; rum befitting the place. One of: tin ill, ni'.-M- mi .in n Miiiu were hardly up to the mark, ventur ed in a rather ungracious manner to reply that they had understood i that miracles were worked up there, 'and ho had come to see some per- formed." Upon this our robust j friend, the minister, coolly took the voting man by the coat toller, de led him tiown the. aisle, foriuerlv occupied hy A. P. Sitaw where ho lias on liaud. and is constantly'acturin; i'roiii the best materials, a general as .'U'tnieitl of Cnhiiiot liti-nitui'o, coiiiislin iii jnu't of SOFAS. SKI KI'.TAI!! KS, ltt'tiEAt'S, ' Cottaue nnd Common lieilsti-ails Center, Din ing, C.utl. Work anil llres TaWles, Liijit and Va)l-tanils, Cane. NVooil-Seal, Lla-k Walnut and Mahogany A No, Pniepl ISccliuin Chnirs, Willow WaronH. Children's ChairH and Cribp, Tortal'le and and Wet Sinks; hNo, Which, for elisaiipe of style, will lie found en tirely Hiiperior to anything lieretofon? ottered in thin village, nil bought diniiif; the present tnjuatiou of price!). Plain and Fuucy Sills, Poplin, Mo Imim, Hombuzinex, Alpaccux, (irciiadiucx, Barege, All Wool. V h am bra i, Ginghams, Print, dc. Our nuecesH in Bradford i. ' tliun far been j beyond our expectations, ami oiu M-ade is daily j increasirj;. llnr detcvniinatiuii is to so maii- aje our imsiues? as to merit a continuance ot tin: succesu which has attended our heiuuiuK. As regards tho It not only restoroM the Hair to it nnturnl color, and keeps the head free from I'anilrittt. but it ia tho most Tin I. 1 Im si,. that cau lie produced. i' sTK IvXHY, Leather Dealer. Manchester, X. 11. I feel rnulideiit that it operates not as ii Hair Dve. but to restore the roots to their natural healthy stat -. H1KAM It. Sl,n X. Cnrria-ie .Mauufaeturer. .laiichesti-r. X.1I. Ihave used. I. Ii. lunni ri V Vn.i r.viii.i-. II iu Rkstim:.ti r. for ahotii to ears, ami have found it the best preparation iluoeused. .IASIIN WKsTUN, Clerk (ias Co.. .Maueiater. . II. It eertainlv will -top t!i-1'allii,- :ii of the Hair. " DANIEL L. sTEVDXs, Lute Ilich Shi ritl. ManchestiT, X. H. I have used .1. I;. 1' . viiiu l r's f I v i it Henmi. TivK for the pas car, and cimsiti-i it s:i.i'ior to any other in use. ,1. (i. l.A I'liN. IVopiictor City Hotel, .Manehesiei, ". II. I have, tried ntot ail the ot her Ii, -tni ativi h, ami never t'oiiml auv that did in hair the linn! cure like U.u.Hi.u's. Col. .V C. HALL. Man. h. Mer. N. II. It Ilestorcs Cvav ll.iiv: it iirevents Hail Falliui; ( lilt ; it lianes iiie roots to t h'-ir ori- 111.11 " l .111 ' IH t 1' Ml , I L ,1 .(Iltlilt'S I'.l. I'll 111. j . -Vi" I nml Humors ; ii Keeps i!u- s'-ulp lu aliliv: it '"a' jT I eontanm no iiiiuriiiiiH inredieiiti,; ami in imi- "Truth is Stranger than Fiction." rWM. O. IIAUDY, A5I KKO t'LAULY RB 4 eelviiig New Ooodn from the maiiufao Iuivm and IuiMirter, bought tor eanh, at low figure, and ill lie sold at a nniall adviuioe from cost, with a substantial Kuaruntj of pee ilieil quality, .at NO. 1 HAUDY'S BflLDIXO, Such an Clocks. Watehe. .Jewelry, Gold. liiNer and elated Wares iu variety, br eoiinuoa and ifirriul uses, including choice arti olcs for itirth aipl Holiday l'rea cuU, and for Silver, (.olden, and Diamond Weddings, Silver Spooim of Ster liuirqiuilitr. SUvcr l'lated 'Tabla and Pi a Kniye, Forks.Spoonii. Ladles, 'lea Sets, Custom, Cuke &i Card Haski ts, C'uimi & (.oiilcta. Toast liai ks.t.all Hells, ,Vc, of the best ipiality. Tii'le und Tucket Cullei-y, Loiijr ami Short Sighted Spec trvcles ,V Nose i'.Ihsck... I'rriscopie 6l Man uit'viiiK (Uasses. Fine Silvered Collin Piute furnished and engraved to order. Hci-mor, TlieriimiiicterH. ICevnlvers, Cartrid;o, and ater Proof lYrcushuui Capi, uml many itsetul Yankee Xo tiomi, too uiiiueroiirt to mention. Clock and Watch vt.irk rnrrrrlli) done; also, ,Iob work, i ii, I u 1 1 1 n Surveying, and Mtmieal liistriimculs. done v. itli lasiinK utility. lam ussisted in the atcli Departmi lit li.v my la ther, who has had much practical experience in this brunch, ami will utiemt personally to tlu real waiitsof iiupnriaiit Watehe. He will ;:ie ep.-cial attcniion to Chronometer, film Duplex, and Lever Watches, and Double Tim ers. aim will ailiist and regulate Uicm U. Stan dard Time. v it h t;rent iiceuracy of JntrhroHf vibration, that such timekeeper may answer fully the purpose lor vi hieh they were made, in whatever position iheymay be used. He will put into yood I lid Knlish Levers new parts, jfivinirlliem the ipiick and nniforiii beat of the Amen, an Watches, and ill add the i liroliolll eler 1 1. . l.i 1 1 -.-. well ailjusliil to tciiiperature and poiiion. Lxpeiise from f l.'i to $Xt, according to iiuiiiImt of pieces, tiueticss of finish, uud ac curacy of adjtlslltu'lil. stail and Uiiiiler work, Pivoting and ,tew elliu to a limitecl Hiiuiiiiit. done lor the Trade. My thanks I hereby tender to n ciu.-rou public for so liberal a paiiounue in the past, and I respectfully solicit II collltuiiauce of tho same. All order's for eooils or w ork, by ex press, ntaj;e. orotherwis,1, will receive prompt ami careful attention. AVM. U. HAKDV. Ilradl'ord, June 2, ISiV.. 1 !lv In Anil. id D: i i it- -niB. ! are 1 1' 1 ii 1 1 than a ll v TfCKKIfS PATI'XT SPKIXC ( haiuber I1F.DS, Also, a Sefs and I.ookinu (ilassen, lar'e assortment of Ready Made Coffins, (.';its, and Grave Clothe on hand, which he will furnish an reasonable a can be atlorded. trimmed in a neat and taty inanm r, or to suit the purchaser. He is also a,., for WILCOX V ;II1RS FAMILY SFWIM .MAI HINKs. m liiCX.V At A.U1DOX S l I.UT11LS WKINOKK. A. P. SHAW. Jr. Ilradt'oid. t., Jiilv I'.', lSiiii. i;mj or.l. d t ami Superior 1 oih-t killelhf bottle. Fery bottle emit-iiiis mei-i other ilollar pri nar.iii.tii. No laie rew aids mirieil to -stuhlih its eiVi cai v : leit we do guarantee to n luud the inonev to any person w lm will usi- two b,.tTl s, and tficu say that our lii storatn e has tailed to do all weelaim. t- have ial nu Ted all our agents I'ailhllliU to IMtnpl w it ii the above i.t viiANTv. ' J. Ii. llAliiiLl I A ( 1 1 , Manehrstcr, X. II, Piopiier-. M.S. IK nil A Co., Ceneral -elit -. lto-l,.ii. A C. S. SII.VIN-. It.-a.llov.!. A. S. FllilVlll . Well- l.'iver. V. A II. T. Key, ; &i Co.. Ncwhttrv. a'al by all ilyu;!'.:ivts. iiw i I j. ri. u ai:ii:. WATCH MAKLU Jzn-f:t.t.Kir. If; " f t : X ii II A V E It . Al-ti. dealer in Clockx, Watehe, Fine (ldil .leicetrj, Aircr, nmf .S. 'rrr !r'n' fIr.-r, of the 1,.-m iieality. O'lI.D SII.VLU. nml s I I I. he is innnstrioiis vA tonmcvati i .1... i., ii;, I llberaU'iV il II' I Oil III 111 III m 111.- Hill lllClll V , , , , , completed his .lav's work as though ' "" opening tin; door, without cere- A the country ; he gives (hem 1 he ripe1 result of his expei iccc, and he car l ies oil" their o n in turn. In the I sharp collision of many minds, nil j working in one direction, there isal j M ays u birth of new ideas and a re generation of old ones. Tho agri cultural fairs uv the farmers in council, and the farmers are the conscript fathers of the republic. Another great gain arises from the circumstances of the time. W e have just ciucrued from a long and wast fill war. 'l itis did not it is true, immediately interrupt our peaceful pursuits; we were spared t lie mor tification ami distress of neighbor ing ravage and raid ; hut the work of the agricultural population was, to u certain extent, interrupted, ami lorn lime its quiet monotony may have seemed inglorious. However we may regard ii, we must come lmck to it, uml pursue it more stea dily than ever. The task now be fore H H !i'"r.'dly to farm ourselves out of debt. If anybody doubts this, let him fisk hiir.Kc!:' what .'ill not li in li' hud htiiuiened, and titter having been to New York toeonliriu the facts in the case, has returned to his daily labors, which he will con tinue till the administration of the estate is completed. Xcicburyport llendd. .Toux P.nowN's Widow. A let ter from Ited lilulf, fa!., sa; s : As shi) is called, the wili; of the great .lohn l.rown still resides here. pleasantly situated, and surroiinde'! , with pleasant, comfortable iiiliii-j ciice.". She has Won the esteem and I confidence of t lie people, and com- j mauds the iiilmiratioii of all par ties irrespective of political opinion. Her home has been freed from debt, I and under her own vine ami tig tree I she lives with none to molest or j make her afraid. She has three I daughters, who have been engaged ; iu teaching school. They are said to be very intelligent ladies. The I eldest has received many calls to go back Ninth and help to educate the race her father died to benefit. .She feels it somewhat her duly, and will probably go. Since living here, Mrs. IJiown has received aid from Kngland, and many letters express ing high regard for her husband's memory. She has made this place her permanent home ami intends to spend her days among this people."' niotiy lantletl bun oiiisaie, quiciiy remarking, " We do not w ork mi lades, but uc cant out dailx. Ex change, A fellow coming out of a tavern, one frosty inovning, rather to heavy, fell on the dot ir step ; trying to re gain his footing, he remarked: " If it be tri e that the wicked stand on slippery ground, I must belong to a ! di Hen nt class, for n s more than I i can do." eiili' rtu-iiiliiiix ood. (ami) STOCK OF CLOTHING, t'O.M )i isiii : rV'ocV, Sick, mut Ooittn, Vmn find Vrstn, to .ifrtri, Jl'y Cvattamt Puttcrt, Shirts (out ltriorert, llutttufl Cap in grettl variety, At Plill IIAIiD'S. A Skkvkd Him liioiii'. A man liv ing at. a village near.Mobilc on .Mon day night attempted to frighten some girls wrapping a white cloth round his boil and personal iuu a i ghost. All ran but one. who pulled oar greenbacks and bank notes mid I out a revohcr and th libctately fired .lleriicine. OKXKIiAL ASSORTMENT CONSTANT iv on hand. Al-o, PATENT MEDICINES, OHf3 rt . t Dyo atuffiM. Proscription carefully put up. Physicians supplied at nniall advance from eie-t. PKK HARD. other public Mcttritiea would Im worth if nil our arable hmda were to be tiicken with sterillity. These are purely practical consid erations. Something might be s.iid of the iidvantHges of innocent rec rcalioii ; of the bright holidays roining. with their healthy influen ces. vYIicii (he jcar is miist glori oils and Jhe skies, cool btU, still sun liy, look down 1Imiii the blue valleys and Hie )iarti colored I'm cuts, tj. fnnooth well reaped meadows ami the llelds full of yellow stubble, the good farmer nml till his f'amjly have earned n wen son of list uml these few days dedicated to wight weeing. JIo will go hack to hi farm with new Ideas, new ambitions, and new knowu"'ISp I n,"l I'Verv wnccewsful H gricnlt iu n! exhibition n a mire por tent Hint tbe not nnd the next will be better and betteP. 3'. 1". Tribttnt. frovldo iheltcr fr youiiR cnttle. six balls into his head and body. At the first shot the ghost fell, but she continued firing. She then went home and related the circuiustdiices, and parlies returning to the spot louiid Iiie completely extinct, two balls having penetrated the forehead and the other four the region of the '1 lie S uipalhv of the people fin orcd the girl, ami she hats not been niresletl. A NAtiACIOfS YoKKSIIIkT.MAN An I'hndish paper relates that n Yorkshiicmati who had attended a meeting of the London Anfhrtjtiolo gietil Society, was nskctl byn friend wind, the lenrned gentleman had Im-cii Haying. Well, I don't exact ly know," he replied. " there nre ninny things 1 could not understand f but there was one thing 1 thowt I intule out- they believe that we lutve come from monkcyf, nnd I thowt us how they vcro fast getting buck to where they cuineliom," As cold weather cetne the good fanner will provide abundant shelter for his stock from the. winds mid storms of winter. A writer in the Toledo Blade pro poses Schuyler 'olfax for our next President, and Hannibal Hamlin for Vice President. An old criminal was once asked what was the first step that had led him to his ruin, when he answered : The first step was cheating a printer out of two years' subscrip tion. AYheii 1 had (lone that the de vil had got such a grip on me that 1 could never shake him oil," A la nor. Ell. John V. Darling and ('. A. Iloyt recently caught an eel in ('handler's Pond, "Whcclock, three feet and four inches long, w hich weighed seven pound. Eleven pheasants from .lapan, lately taken to England by the cap tain of a ship, have been sold for twelve hundred dollars; n good I speculation, An nti washed (street boy being ! asked w hat made him so dirty, his i reply was : I was made, as they tell me, ol the dust ol the ground, and 1 reckon it is just w orking out." The ladies wear mohair dresses, and more hair headdresses. A Eathlu Kll.l.r.n TtY Jits Sox. Last week .Mr. .1. II. Lane, a res pectable ciii.en residing nenr Lynn ville, 'feint., wits shot and instantly killed by his won. n lad some sixteen or seventeen ,cnrs of age. The elder Lane Inning returned home intoxicated, was olferiiig some vlo letice to his wife, wlieu f he son, com ing to her rescue, was assailed by his father, nrmed with n large knife. Escnpe being cut oil, he is believed to have fired the fatal shot iu de tense of hia own life. Eifteen million of pin nre waid to bo Milled for daily in England. ii. . CTisiKii:ie, Boot, Shoe, and Leather Dealer, A T TUK OU " fillSS STAXD," Windd say to his pttlriinii, aiul the puhlie gen erally, that he feels u'lati'lnl fur past favurs, and that lie linn imw en hand a noil assort ment nt' LOOTS, SHOES, and LEATTIEK, wliieli lie tillers. f'r Cimh nr I'niilu I'uy as ehenp as en i lie liiumlit in market, and wimhl invite all wlio are in want of uin thinn in his line, to rail and exiuiiine liin eeelleiit slin k, lie has Hut Is and hhai'M (if i very deseripliiin, and all of (.'XOellellt ipiulity lllld lillish. dotal Calf Paint, far $1.50 Pntir (i. litem 1,50 Children' plum ami ('upper tips so Wuiiii'ti's Uiiliniiral Shiies 1.7si Atul fither Shiies nl the same cheap rnteit. He has ;hie Cull' uf his own tituniiij;, vhieh he w ill .variant tn give snlisl'aetinii. Jirfmirimj iftnic nt short notice, and work mailt to ontrr. ISfailfiirtL.tiine In. Isil. lvl HOOP S'tIRT TRADE, Only eome and uen vrlmt we can do for tou. Our stuck iu thin line is very large, and of the Very Ilcvt .tak and fetylra. Rrtry Skirt uld by o U W A R 11 A X T E D Fancy Fun, Beautiful Sun Shades, Embroideries, Xotions, Trimming, and Mutton, NEW GOODS. A LAItGK SKX'K .Voir Of'AW.YC. For s:d at io w in i c: i: n OLO. PKK I1AKI. Act. nr.idford. Sept. a, liio. I;i In v I I . M'i;t I At .i.s. I'eeket ami Tahle Cutl. i v. -i. .ii Instruiiietitit P!l,.t.n;rap". Al'uniiis, llia ia and Spy (ihisses, mil K.iin v (mi.uU ot' all lii'u'.s. at the lowest priees. lli'!ie,t prti rs paid fr nld Cold and j y-r''''"'kk. ami ,ti v tliot-ouhtv repaired. s.'iue in South end I'm haul's Ilriek Store. ' Itradii.rd, Virtmjir 1 II 1.1. Milt K LI I S. M t: M'P I s il. 1 UK II'.AS. MllLASSPS. AKS. ( ilr r'l.r, 1 1 Hi AC Id great profusion. Itenieniber, this U a N"w blore. iew Carriage Mhnp. .it. sr KiTTKn lliiihliin:. nearlv where he w ill ' ay MIL Sl'ltM ItlltKU HAS nil it shei. in Wiuship's ttppiiMIe I lie Caper Mill, si'iant. III-.MIIIN TO III.I'VIHIMI Old Wiij-uiis. MeiLihs, imil all iiiaiiuer l v'c hieles, an well us to make new tines. Hn has had Inlltt i xpelieuee ill the host shops ill the Stale, anil nil wink will lie done in the most tliiinuili inainii r. HKXUY 1. llliOW.N. llriidHinl, July Hi,ii, f c. o. ii. vi:iewn:i. mahi in. om: noon xoiitii ok J. the o, I lilisi. Stand," has always on hand the liisi .puiliiy of ('. O. A H' li'iM .V7'.i7) HOOTS SltOKS etdiliraled the world over n the lie-d inline. New pails nieu in all eases where they prove deleelive. AU,, Hoots and Shoes ol ii (iwn miiniil'aetnre, nlnays mi Iniml, for eil her e ol line, and all kinds, sizes nml .ashioiis. M ei'k liilc to .llensnre, uiul h'rpairing done In Short Order, Priees a low as nt anv other store in the eonn ty, w hile the iii.,iiy ,,f the stoelt used Is far Slljierior Intluit Iu n'enernl us, flriidfnrd. iliiur n, sui. v Nnxli, )oor A: lllind. rpilK M'ltst KillLlt RTtl.f. rOM'IXI'KH 1 III Hie slu p lorlnei l oeenpleil liv Hie Unr tlsini's, over Ii. i. .,iii,.r Kilt 'nelorv. In lliiiiltnrd, where , w (, .,.iy to alleihl In all rails for Sah. Hours anil llllnds, mid lor rcsroM ,i (i t:Kit At, Jon work. AU work tlotip thoriniKlilv, nt rewmialiln ratn, and on short not lee, w n' IEAVITT. nrndfurtl, June On, f No Old Stock! No Old Stock!! We shall Irv to make it for the interest of ev ery one to buy rooiIk at our Store. Wc buv GOOD GOODS AT LOW FIGURES Id order to sell good gooda at low figurei. Our ttoek of FAMILY GROCERIES rnoviaioNB Will ntwnvi eoinprlse the best to lie found In the inai ki ts, at home or nbrnuil, nnd will he old a Ladies and Gentlemen H;ur hViU'ViT, viiich rlaiin t r.'fort ynwv gtitv liaiiM. hut wliieli nre r;ilv ol' iki vnlur. 'XfCit to imike votir tiair drv ami lira- t nt try tin Kr-miinc nrlicli1. iin purat itn wliieli tlio jiroprii-Iinn warrant to rotnrf crav hair, ami sTojj t ht linir tVntn fn !liitir. and to lu tTorc it iinm titilil hi-atls, ititlcHS hrn'ilitarv. That jirrjiaratiHU in W it A m e u i c a x n, in ni:a kxeil to ii, n n t Unit llrrsser! For nestorinir firny Hair to its ori-inrd rolor and beauty, to keep the Hair from tailing off. to lirstorr it npiin Hall Heads. t,i keen the llnirsot't. Pliable, ami iivelv, the AMLIil'i.'AX TTAII; KriwM. 'Ii vll ,li sian.'- 1',.-above oil her preparations fr Tt ilr. n ie;Cves landiutl, riires llumors of tin; Sealp. Cools the Heated llrow, euros Nervim, Heinlaehe. renders the Hair ami (llo-.v, keeps the Hair trom Kallini; ni). (.Veii ,.t r.-r' severe siek ness. causes the Hair to tirow upon Haiti Heads, nml resoti lirnv Hair in iia .i,ir.,l j Color ami lleautv. It is not a live, hut nets direetly upon the liooisof ihe Hair, siipplvinjr retpiiretl lioiirislni t. nnd m tural enloriiml beauty returns. (Iray Hairs disapixur. HaJd Heads nre eovereil. ihe Hair stops KiiIIuil'. nnd n Iteaiititul I lend id' llairis the result id' usin the Ameiieiin Hair Kt-f.-u, uitur. The Ladies like it lor its tlelmhtlul I'lMiiinne, . ami tin- rieh mill nhissy appeaianee it Impart to the Hair. Kur a eoniiniiii Hair Ore-ser. the Ainerieati Hair Iteeuerator and Hair Orosser stane ; ,-t the Ileatl! Try one buttle nml vir.i be eoiiviueeil by lis use that ii is tbe hest linir Preparntioii ever otli red to the Puhlie. If it will not tlu all we reeomnieml. vour money will be nl'nuileil. !s it is warranteil to en v'c pert'. t saltsiuelioii. lie -a:.-uml i all fir the Aineiiean Hair licet neiatoi ami Hair Iin sser. nml take no other, ami you will he ...ttlsth tl that it Is just w hai you' want. J i lieim ni ber when you buy the boj;i, preparations yon arc throw in yotirmonev mwiv. IIiiv none bin what is if W AliliA.Ni Ll. and vou will lose notliini;. liny it of your nearest merchant, or kcnil to the proprli tins and ct it bv express. Sold everywhere. A lil.ernl discount to the t ratio. Price 7.'i cents per bottle, C. ( . IIOTV ,V Ctl , Proprietors. Hardy's South lluihlitie,. Ill at! I'm. I, Vennont. FAXCY GROCERIES i ot all kinds. lii.-r, Stareh. Atsn. kem-" ! -ene (iii a mi Fluid. Iron ami St,-, 1. Horse and I'Ksh ami Nail... ui N'.tils. Salt. Powder i'mj Mint. Hdi. Pork, ortlane, (irindstom'S : and llardw ami Ciith rv, Hour. ! and ( oiiutvy I'riu'.iiei", at piie. s us loV as can bought in tue li'vvn .'rciuintr. ' PUK HAlti). A hand. OKN'LI. AL As.suliTMUNT OK Nl-.W and I aslnonable ViiriHiuie consiantlr on Those w aiitin:' anrthiliL' in Ilia. Iin.'. i.r respeetttiily invit.-d to'call ami examine. CVtTiyS AM t ASKKJS Of various t It s nml prices, mnllv tiiiume.1 to onli r on short notice. Also Ready-Made Grave Clotkes, Coffin t'riii i iiiin km. Plates, Ac, Also. i,i;ei,i for the sab of M ASON" A HAM LIN S t AliiNFJ "iltuANs, nml SMITH'Sj AMPUICAX dUt; 'NS. Sj'reiment ml homt fnf OKO. L. Iii I LI P. First door South uf Troltcr lliniso. I!rall'olo..nlU 10, U 1 it Rondv Pav. gride salkh and SMALL PROFITS Second stock of St-a sou able Good nine ' Open. D-e . I'lone Ih'.l' I ami Poplins, Moikiu m the mum quality rna W found In the Bounty O W. 4k It, CS HALLETT. 'I I.MTIMOM Wn iniKht publish a lare iiuiuber of testi nmnials, hail we room Irmii some of the lirst men in the count rv Hpcukimr in the highest terms of our Medicines, Hut for the want of splice, wn must deprive ourselves the pli asure of ho doing;. Two to three bottles i.f the Mamiiiam; IIittkiik will cure the worst eases of Hyspcp sin. They will tlu all recommend tin in to do. Tiik Pan.ut v is pronounced, by many who have used it, far Hiiperior to ntty Pain Kil ler iu the market. (ioo,l.,, Ilhtek Silks, "es, t lin k am Plain Alluicei.s Ah.lnui t Lit ii.hIiio -.Jai'iuii I-. Frcuvh ' It s i.i, il Piiuts, lie Lames. t' bite (looils.l.aces, . 'J'i iiiniiiii'is anil lluttons, Hosiir.v, (jlovca. I'ntsk sols, Sun I niliri l 1 a a . 1 1 (. p p S 1, 1 r t 5 . It n I morn I , Corsets, a (treat variety ol Small Wan s Honicstn sand Woollens of every ipiality, ( arpetiniis and straw M.ittini;, Papt r HiinKluRa nml in, hiw shades, and ot hcrarticles too numerous to piiiticulari.c. which will lie sold at the lowest market prices, by (IK. PliK HAUD, Ant. llraiironl, .time i, luiiii. Diseases of the Kidneys. 1AI.L AT PltlCH A KICK. AND OFT V-' WAKICS K I ONLY C(I.MPOINI), the er. alc.t rcuictly in the w .trltl for all diseases ol i lie iMiiii. ys. Hon t loiKct. W amiuteil Kneielul. .i to Now Fall Goods ! STKll'EI) & PLAIN ALl'ACCAS, Rieh All-Wool Thibet and Ihlain. Siuotty l'iif, Ljonee, bootcii Tutnranxim, Fancy and -Blafli Pwslins nnd ftissimprcit. I.ADIKH' CI.OAKIXOH AND KLAXNF.I.H, Hoop skirls nml naluiornls, llhti k nml Colored Velvet ami Card Value Itllibmis, Hrcss lliitlolis, imil nlhcr i liiiiiiiinus. Hats, Caps, Boots & Shoes. ALL MTAI'LK OOOIKS IX (illlCAT VAK1KTY Just reeelvi'tl f F. & H. T. KEYES & CO. Newbury, Vt.. 10, IHtiC, Uianjc Comity National Sank of Chflsca, Vl. l','i ''tit?' IIT,:liLY SI A'll;MKi'''. -ct. Doty' Veenbe I'anaeeu la thu ktmt iUm mit nl Pam KlUer n4. It Psf iciifi'a Hills lliscoiiuteil, t'. S. Ixiil Itoiuls w ith Trens'r, Oilier t'nitctt Ntatcanecurities, I'n liiiums paitl, Hank stock. Current expenses. Notes, A c., Cash In ins (remittances rev, slainn Ate..) 1 Due liotii ill her Hanks, Heal Fstule, Kills of other Dunks, Lawful Money, ;.1.?W,ft:i ytKI.IHKI.IKl fjl.l'ilKI.Ot) l,Xr.'k'i U.UdO.IHI Mll.'.lti I, f.,4Hl,Hli it.'JINt.lK) S.fllll.ll'l 7,a:i.'i,(K , I.IAI1II.IIIKS. ( iipllat. Circiihitloti, liviileiiils uupaiil, lleposlls. Suipliis Fund nml l iuliviileil iirofiis. fiiiiwlii tlOI'OIITOX, ,lr.,C,! 2iio,oon,no 17!.tMK,IMl I.IICOUII HJN.Iti .1. c IT S i TKKAHIMIV NOTKH- .Yi i T'' Aninrt Issuer ciui In. exi r,',slii (lld lutcsL il,., by L? tv-"i.n,."t" "' Nulloiinl Hank of Xewlni. ry, lirecr, vt. OKO. I.KHL1K. Ctvihler. Uw.Duty'k Medicine.. 1