Newspaper Page Text
il siiis vknTastii.y. Secklnc Anir Wlwt Jlay le l'onnd nt Oiic'n Oiv i 1'lreMile. Tha InvalUl propi etr. s of a wealtby cstate in Scotland ice vnitid ihe contl nent of Europe to g t rul of her mala- dies. ... i Slio went to B-id-'iiItaden and tried those celebrated wi ter. then to Carls bad and tried Us 11 ineral springs. Shc got worse instead o. beiter, nud in de spair Bhe said to a jniysiciin ; "What shall I do V His rcply was: "Medicine cnn do nothing for vou. Vou iiaveonechance. in the waters of Pn Kealthy. Snotland 1" "Isit possible?'' lie repled, "why, those waters are on my own estate '." Invalids ro trami ine over ilie world. un8ucces8fully seck ag the relief tliat often liea riglit nt l eir owndoora. Clianue of cliraat" aiid travel U no doubt beneficlsl in ome classes of dia caso, but it is irapoMibln to secure.while traveling, the proptr curo and nursing, the choerful comforto of home, whion are often necessary uljuncti to medicine in promoting rooovi ry. In ninny ailmenta aruing, as so many do, from deranEetm nta of lho?e prima ry organs, the kidnya und livcr, with proper reinedy to ue, lecovery is niuch more rapid at one'a wn lireeide. Maj. S. B. Abboti of Sprinulldd, o., waa attacked wi'.h s erious troubles, and aftcr a long course 'f medical Ireatment tried to find relief at Ilardin Sulphur Springs in Califnrnii.suid visited a nuin ber Of other noted ieal tli resorts but all tonopurpose. At last ho went home he was induced to try Warner's eafe cure for hia kidney troubles and soon became a well man. Dr. Gustav Weber.a lending piiyslcian of Dessau, Gerniuny, writoj Warner's eafo cure Co.'s bn nch at Frankfort : Sept. 12th, 18S7: ' For many years I have 8uiTered from inlNmmaticm of the kidneya, nnd each jenr wns obliged to VisitCarsbad for teuiit'rary relief. I havo Dnished my littecnth bottle of Warner's safe cure and luve complotely recoTered." The main tlilng if to Und the right remedy.then recov ry from all the many ailments that are tl e n;sult of kidney derangement is inr. t tanily secured at liome eurrounded by homo comforta. There are few disen es or which travel le, on tho whole, bi lelirial.but there are many which may )e cured by puttlng the kidueys in a he dthy stato,thu9 driv ing the cause of tli dwease from the Byatem, VKU.IIOM' THACIIIillS Tho annual mee ing of the Vermont Stato Teachers' as1- icUtion at Brandon on January 20, 27, and 28, promiecs to he one of the moal nteiesting yetheld. Oov, Ormsbee will teliver an address on Thursday, Januarj 28 Addresses will also bo delivered by l'rof. (jrenvillw Yager of Middlel ry collegi' on 'The Misaing Link in K uration' ; by D J II, Worman of Sar. 'ogn on 'Metl.oda in Language Teachini ,' nud prohably l'rof. S, F. Emmerson ol lhi Univeraity of Vermont, Papera vill le read by Mra J. M. Dewev of lii lan l on Morala and Manners;' by Miw iCat-" E Lowrey of Burlington on 'Bik. :s i nrt Schools;' by Miaa Francea L. D- i ( Woodatuck on 'Progress In Scioiu i 'i o icliing;' by His Lucy Wells of C atl con on 'Lngln Grammar;' by Mibi Ellen Btker of ,St Albans on 'Fiction ' b) Principal Ecl ward Conant of Ha doiph on 'The Need of More Teachers' A'S' clations in Ver mont;'by Principa1 E II Dntcher of Brandon on "Ci -ics in Secondary Schoola.' Principa E A. L-avenworth of Kansas will o ien a disciibaion on 'Professional Traii ing for Tearhers. Ilotel ratea will be ?1 I er dav and re- duced rates have L'enjecured all the- railroads, iioiv to or.'i ."UiMti: i:t:s. It is a fact but lil-lo known to peoplc who keeD noultrv t'lat ' he firal part of a hen which becomct di mrrauged on the approach of uifieaee is tiio ovanea or egg producing organs, Excesa of fat, Jxpure to wct and cold. noor condition. sbeddinc feathera, improper food, wai t of oxercise or lack of certain elements in t'ie food to devel ope tho embryotg, will all produce the eame eiTect an 1 c iuse the hens to stop laying. It cannot be aildown as an "iron- clad' rule, that whtn a hen ceasea lay ing it iaa positivn sjmptom shewill soon bo aick: but it cau bo stated with the utmoat aesurum e tlut soniethiug ia wrong or sho wouli nor. cease laying for week8 and often m ntlis. Tho annual egg product pcr hen. In this country, range-i from thrt e to eight dozen eacn, Inow this ty lar 10 smau Thero is no earthlv re it.on whv every hen that lays at all nhnuld not be made to lay from ten t(. lif.ieen dozen eega cach per year, and nontinue to do bt for at least llve yeara. Wt know of parties whogeteggs atthu raio In mldwinter in our coiu ciimaie. How to eet eeca m cold weather in terests every perton who keepa hene. MrCharles Itaymcnd of ew uanaan. Conn,, writea un ler date of March 8. 1887 'I had excellei't remlts from feed ing Sheridan's Pow Jer to my seventeen hena. In Decembe-thi-y lald zil ecKs, in January 177, and in February 241. People around hert who have three and four times the het s I have. (and who didnotuse Sheridnn'H powder) dld not eet one nuarter ns manv eirca. I, S. Johnson & ( o., 22 Custom House Street. Boston. Mai-s.. pth the only man ufacturea af Shend in'a Powder '.o make hens lay. If you lannot get it of your nearest druggist or genernl etoreueeppr Johnson & Co will send the Powder by ruall or expresB, to iny nddreaa, chargea prepaid, aa follnns: For 50 cents in Btamp8, two small packe; for $1.00, flve packs. Ur lor $1.2 1, n large '4 pouno can will be Bent, si cans for 5.00, ex press prepaid to an.- expresa ofllce, ALATK riSOI'KSisION. Mr, Lamar findin that sonui explana tionof hia apparen' adliciioii to treaaon and traitors waa nc 'es8iry, lias express ed himself as folkn 's: I would bo mani estly unfit for the bench, under the p eae jt condition of things, did I Btill jnt' rtain the same vlews of tho conati utn n and righta of tho Statea that I lu .d iieforo tho war. Butldonot.neith'rdn the men who participated with ne In secestion. We have accepted the r -aul s of the war.and do not pretend to n aintain our tlieorlea of anti-war times, i 'gatdiiig the sover eign rlghts of the b atet urlheconbtruc tion of the constitu lon This ia very good so far aa it goca.but it ia only a few yeai s aince Mr. Lainar, in the U. S. Senate d-.-cluruu that he would not hear Jell Da ia calleda trai tor, and it is only a few rnontha Bincehe eulogized John (3. ( alhoun ai the wieeat stateaman of his duy, and bis theory of the constltution as heiruuone. If Mr. Lamar has maile progress 6inc then we aro glad of it, out declarationa which are mado for gettiiig ofllce are usually looked upon wilh aonio Bufpl cion. Moroover, whcn Southernera talk to each other, they ex 'iise tliemselvee for 'accepting tho rcsu ta of the war,' on the ground that they hi d to, but they Btill confldently predict the ultimalo tri nmnh nf the loat cauae. TheBupremeCoi rt, with tho changea which will occur iti u, naiurany. uui ing tho next four ji-ars. may bo bo pack pA with men who dj not think that Jef feraon Davia waa i tiaitor, and who would like to see tho ultimate tnumph of the loat cauae, they can Bet up thn Iiton nf confedei-ation abovo the idea of natlonallty and do no incalculable amountof miechicf nmnr-rnt.n lauirh at uh for thinkine there is anv daneer. Wo ndmlt that the old anike. with hia fanga ilnwn. is not overoowerine, in either the museum or national garden.but who wanta one in the nntional spring r DON'T let that coldof joura run on. You think it ia a llght thing. Ilut it may run Into catarrh. Or into pncumonla Clr rnnRiimntion. Catarrb Is disguUinc. Pncumonla Ia dangerous. Consu nption ia death it pf. The breatliing apparatiis must be kept lmnltii v nnfl clenr n( nll obatrucllona and offenBivo matter. Othorwlee there 18 Iroublr ahead. All the diseasca of thoso partB, head, noBe, throat, bronc lial tubes nnd lunga can bo delightfrhy and entirley cured hr the uaa of Bosi hee'a German Syrup. If vou don't knojy his nlrcady, thcus anda of pfcdple cao lell jou. They have bceu cured by it and ;-know how It'la thamaelves. uouuoniy i'i cvn atn FOltTl-SIXTlI ANNUAI- ItEPOltT OF TUK FITCHIIUltQ lEAIMtOAI) C0.1t TANV. The renort of the Oirectors of this company elatea that owing to the large additionstotho property of the com p.uiy during the year ju s tcloaed, It is Impnsaible to make veiy eatisfuctory comparisons of the detaila of businea between the two laal yeara, but the fol lowing explanation will enable the stockholders to judge of the future pros pecta o' their property. The lotal groea income (as ahown in ihe annended tablelfor the flncal year ending Sept, 30, 1887, raade up as fol- lowe: Or FitchlrarR Itailroud proHT ... entlreyear Xioy and tireenneU Uailroad tuti lloosac lunnei lor o muuma Hoosa; Tunnel Dock and Elevator fnr raonths Troy aml Uoiton Kailroad for i luontlia lloiion, ltooJacTunDcl aml Vet- trn Kailroad ror nionms n5 hi-m Tlie earninga ottha pmncrty for ilc 8ame propornnn o iuc j cr ,li,. snt. 30. 1SSH. wpre 1.500.508 41 Showlng aa incrcase In 1887 of. .. . iHin.lIS 17 Tho total khsi earnlngs of Ihe presenC Uonsoliaalta i-ine lor tliA f-ntire flscal vrar of 1H8I J.119,318S For ihe enttre llacalyear of 1887.. &honiDcaolncreaaeof J,t M Conaidcrine the inconvenience9 undcr which we have labored during the year and which are alluded to later in thia renort. thia comnariaon Eeenia iiulle aatiefactory and leada ua confldently to predict a handsomo Increaae year by year In the future. olnce tne laai aniiuni ieiuii, nno nanv hn tnken tiosseaaion of Ihe Troy and Greenlifld rallroad nnd the Hooaac Tnnnel, in nccordance with ine arncies of coneolidatlon, haa becomo con6oli dated with the Troy and Iloaton Rall road Company. and has acquirea ny thn BostoD. Hooaac Tunnel and Weatern Itiilway, thua completing its line from Hosion lo ine uuason ihv- er nnd the greai irunu nnes ui iun West. IV. I,!iv nlnn acciuired tho entire real cst Ue and property of the Iloojac Tun nel Dock and Elevator uompany. Freight for fiireimi ports irom me trunk lines is now delivered to ocean hteamers hero witnoui paying 1011 or trihuto to any olher company. Having thua perfected the line of rail road which wa have been Btnvine for ao many yeara lo obiain. it Beema proper to infiirm nnr Btnckholdera of eome of the characterislica of the property which they have acquired. Ihe uiaiance irom Iloaton to Troy nvermia nuu miccn miles shorter tlun by any other route. to Albany itis three miles nhorler, nnd by meana of our West Shure connecliona itisabout twentv miles the shorleat to Bultalo and poin'n West, (Jhicago, eto. Connectlona aia made wilh all tho trunk llnea running througli thp btato nf New York to the Wett, nnd with tho Wwt S ioie. De aware aml tludson ua- nal O'mpanv, New York. Lake Erie nnd Weatern . Deiaware, Lackawanna aml WeBtern. and Lehieh Valli y R-lil rcada, we are now duing a large thro buine6s.whilo our interchanee of tratlio witli our frlenda in the North, the Cheshire and Cenlral Vermont and ita Rnnnmtiona. reninins undisturbed We also connect direclly witli the Eiie Canal at the Rotterdnm Junction, the western terininm of which place are unrivaled facilities for the constuction of an elov.itor anu the trnnanortation of nrain and other iner chnndise direclly Irom and to the canal to and from the ltack3 ol tnis company. A coutract has, iherefore, been made with resnonaible nartiea for the erection of an elevator of 130,000 bufhela capaci ty, to be completed May 1, 1888 a meaa u're which appeHred to bo abaolutety iieceBaary to prevent a diveraionof trade Irom Boston and irom ils direct route wilh the West. At the time of writing this report the double track on the main lino now ex- tenda from Boston to Johnaonville, N. Y.. 173 addition lo which there aie aboul 01 milea of double track be- tweer, Jonrisonvnif anu noiieruam, leavirg of single track in main line. 10 miles Johnaonville to Troy, and 30) milea (o Rolterdam Junction. Since the formation of a Western line over the Fitchburg Itailroad we have aparea no piins to rurnlah proper ao comodationa to the citizena of Boston and to those living upon the line of the road, Not content witli simply furniah ing aa good facilities as any olher line, we have been the pioneers in aeveral en terpriaes which have been of great ben efli to tho city of Boston, We haye the most cumplete service of Palaco sleeplng cara of any railrond nomp.iny in Boston. Thia company waa llio ilrat to run througli Bleeping cara from Boston to St. Louis, We were llie firat to furniah parties of New England eettlers in the West nnd California witli tho luxury of througli paa8enger cars. wilhout change between Boaton nnd Chicago. We also firat opened to Ihe traveling public facilities for excuraionB througli the beautiful sccnery of tho western cntinties nnd along the picUirescjuo Bhores of the Iludaon. In theee vnrioua parliculnra othets have Bimply followed in our footsteps. It is our dcaire in the future, as in the paat, to bo tho Iendcr in all effnrts to furniah the city of Bolton with proper facilitiea for weaiern buainesa. The Interstato Co.nnierce law has gone into operation since our last report and, although It Is yet too eoon to form an opinian as to its may he said tliat it haa not been aa injurious aa waa generally feared at the limo of ils pas BHge, although it has afTnrded increaaed facilities for competition by the Cana dian lines. and by tho Canal route t) New York during the Beaaon of naviga uon, It haB been the custom for many years by nieans of rebatea and otherwlae, lo reduce tne rates irom wosiorn poinia 10 Uoston upon export uuaineas to tiioeo ot New York. This equahzation of rates isahsolulely neceasary lo the exlstence of export buainess'froni this port. Soon after the pasaage of the Inter- alato Commerce act, reprcaentatives of ihe Kading railroads tn new r.ngland met together for con erence in regard to their future action. A committee was appninted with in- slructiona to taku tne ndvlce ol counsei upon varioua questlons which arose under said nct, and among others, upon the lecality nf coutuiuliii' tho payment of rebates uoon export busmteg, It was the unanimous opuuon ot tne counsei conaulli'd by thia committee that the practice of paying tliese rebatea was notillegnl under tho inlerstate com inerce Act. This comnanv cnncurred inauch onin ion and was adviaed by ita counsei that ibere was no questlon whatever that the existing practice in this reapect wns legal iinuer tho inlerstate uommerce tiill. Greatlr to the aurpriso of thia coniDiny. the counsei of oneof tha roada termlnatlng in luston auviaeil that tne navment ol bucIi tciialea would he llle gal uuder tho anld bill.and communicat- eu euch uecialou to the trunk nnea. Thia company strongly proteeted agalnst their ulecunlinuance, out unavailinmy, and sucli rebate-i were discontinuod when the act took fffect, Petitiona to the Interstate Commerce Comrmaaion were at once flled by the rallroad companiea anu otners intorest- eu in tne export trauo, praying lor re llef. The counBel representing the Fitch burg Railroad Company at the hearing stateu to tne commision inai u was the onimon of this comnanv that the Inter. siate Commerce law did not forbid the continuance of the payment of thia drawback, and requeated tho Commis- eioners to report ieavo to wllharaw upon that grounu. Thia view was taken by tho Commla aioners, anu leave. to wiindraw waa grauted upon the ground that there waa no occasion for cnlling uimn the com- nlsaion to givc tanction to n pratcice which would ie legai wunout it Immedlately after thia declsion the trunv lines autliorized the reeumntlon of the payuent of export robatea, and the buaineesof exporting Western pro- ducta from Ihe port oi Iloaton haa beon uninterrupled. Although the report ahowa. as the re ault of the year's freight buslncaa, a aubatantial Increase over tbe reault of any previous year, it ia noverthelets a fact that we have euffered from cxcep tional diaabihtien which allected ua nona tho lcas unfavorably, because they were Deyonu our power w recuuuy lueui, They were malnly tliat tbe laketteam ahip linea of two out of three of our princrpal trunk lins connictiorn were extrcmoly inellicient during the laat nummertBO much so Uiat txtth theJr'unk linea in qucrtlon are Mklpg.vTg'oroua measurea to prevent' theT rscurrence xt uch lola ot lake to'uhago to tbemmlree Another diaadvantnge developed it telf in the course of theaummer. In consequenco of the maintenancn by New York trunk lines of througli rates at figurea not Inwer than thoae for bhorter distancea, it becamo practicable to our loaa, of course, to bring canal borne graln via New York to Bneton, IIow far further legislatlon or rulings may effect this matter it is Impossibl to aay; but we are satiafied that our direct connection with the Erie Canal will en able ua liereafter to intercept such round about BhipmentB by water and retain a fair share of the grain tranBpcrted to New England. It only reninins to be ndded that, not withntanding all the loasesof freight tr.qfHe. from the rausea named. sulfl- cient new buinesa has bten secured to more than offaet them. The Increased passenger earnlngs are very gratifying, and It ia fair to oxpect still better resulta in tho future. Ihe route ia an cxceplionally attractive one. in many reapects, for paeaehger travel: and as Its projected improvementa are rompleted, will surely become more ao, until it carriea its full share of the oaa senger traffic to and fro in Now Eng land. A number of new local enterprises have been estabhVhed upon the line of tho road during the paat year, and the espe-iially favorable route of the line for valuable water power and mill aites wairanta thoexpectalion of many addi tional induatries, which will add to our local buainess liereafter. The track. bridges and rollingatock have not only been fully mainlained. but have been materlally improved in ralue. On tbe 28lh of Juno a very heavy rainfall came upon the line of the Ver mont and Muasachuaeltfl Road, amount ing practically to a waterspout, entail very great damage upon thia company. Ik'sidea the deatriictlon ofErving bridge over Millers River there were morn than 00 brak8 in the track between Erving and Millers Falls, varying from u waah out of three feet to others of 30 feet in depth. Several thousand car loads of material were waahed awny. Our buaineas was scriomly interferred ua it waa several days betoro trains were run at nll over thia piece of road, and then for weeks only by uss of a single track It ia estimaled that the actual outlay for reconstruclion and consequent lose of trafllc will aggregate nearlv, n not quite $100,000. Boaton Journnl. In tho work by his decd, one will know the artisan. Uaa Warner's Log Cabin Scalpine and by your new and tl'.ick growmg nair every oouy wm khuiv that you have used it. HOW TO llKCOMK A MECIIANIC. Perhaps no question in the whole range of niechunics ia naked with bo much ennicstneas and usually receivcs ao meagre a reply, ns that from the young man who aaks: 'IIow can t be come a good mechunic?' In nearly every case the young man aaking this queB tion feela that the circumatancea aur- rounding him ab'olutely proniDit tne idea of his attendance at any of the technical Bchools, nnd in his deapair of nniiinir nnv wav himself, heturna to the editor of some mrchanical journal. Too often he is told to read such nnd euch a Imnk. reirnrd ess of the fact thnt the reading of no one, or n dozen booka or a huudred uooks will niaite a mecuanic oi him, Aa nim who has been comnellid to gel II nf hin mechanical information wilh out personal asaistance from any one, it may not Le out oi puice ior usiu uuumr such plana aa have been of the most help to us. The beet of all mecnanicai educators of today iB the meohanical jurnal:. Lei tne young uiau wu wiem-o iu becoinc a uicchanic aubacribo and pay for one or two of such joumals as have a special bearing upon what he wiahes tolearn. We Bay py for it, because there is a moral iniliionco of l.aving paid for what he Is gctting that will cause him to obtnin more real informa nnn from ono lnurnnl so obtained llian from a dozen which mnybe given him. Each number should oo read carefully nnd everv nrticle studied so thornughly aa to be cerlain that there are no pointa not understood. Nor is thia nll: each statement mado should be carefully compared with everyday experifnce, nrd when items of information are con- veyed that have no direct relationship lo hia preeent surrotinuinga, ne ouuuiu enler upon experiments or carefully re tain the rpmarks until he can lind such an opporlunity. It is by the careful nnnin.irinnn nf other'a flatements with one'a own practical exiwrience thnt the ueat Bnd truetl nnowieime m iuuuiiumi'o ronies. Booka on various 8Ubiect8 aro nlto ol great ad vantago lo tho young mechanic, n fact, lliey uecomo a necesauy n m wishes tn develoi) far m mechanical science. but ns a great number of minds nre wiser than any one mind, so is the technical journal, which is tho rellex of many mlnda, twtter man tne oook, which is the rniex oi oniy one unuu On the practical nnle of the questlon tho vounc mechanic phould carefully etudy the machitie with whicli he comea in daily contact. A long nrae speni in Btndv of n sirnrle machine may seem like a waste of timo to the heginner.but if he thoroughly underatands but one machine he has traveled a long road to- ward the comprehension of all ma r.hinps. flr the understandini! of a machine is meant, not oniy unueraianuing mm u otHTniea but how it is made, the thick ness and kind of raetal, the sizeof bolls, the nroriorlions and general arrange- ment of parts. The beat wny to go about the study of a machine ia to care- rully make a aet ot urawings oi u, lei tinc evervthinc in the drawing be of the oxact aize and proportion that It ia in thn nf!tual machino. Ilnvinir made this drawing. the next studv. and one that will glve the leat to nntivn nhi to Iocate in the macnine the amnunt. kind and direction of the straina that come uoon it when In ope- mtion. nnd aee if the tironortlona aro In tru relatlonsh n to theso strainB. n ne flnds in his work what are apparenl weaknessea in the machine. let him then rnrpfnllv wntch tbe machine in oneration with everv nervii on the alort, and Bee II tie can ueieci ineee ns atiuai weaknesees. If thU wnrk is made and studied out fnithfullv wltbout the assistance of any one, it will be of vaBtly more benefit lo him than anvthine he couio posaioiy learn in a collei'e. Uavlng extracted nll the Information pofiaible fiom the flrst machine. let him lake another of a somewhal differentclassand go through It in tho same way. Acomnari6on of the a.raina anu pro p-Tlions in one machine to the atraina and proportions in the other will give him some Idea ot tne laiuuup exerciaeu by deaignera, If tbe young man has Ihe true mechanical inatinct this invea tigation will have an absorbing intereat to him and he will see a wide viala of thought opening up before his mlnd, which in after years will bring forth good fruit. sucn worK in not lmpoaeioio nor cvt-u hard for tho young man who has to work ten houra a dav for hia living, II he haa any real desire, real nmbitnn to becomo a good mechanic, hia apare mo menta, mornlng, noon and night.will be turned UDon hia investigations, and even in ao short a time as a few montha he will (lnd that he bas tnadewonderlul progreBs. The wntchword of advance is think, Think In all timea and tilacee. Remem ber that ona bour'B earneBt thought nnon n aubiect on which vou have been reading ia wortn ten extra nuuraui reading upon it. The mechanic who will persislently Btudy nno ininK on nis businesa will not down. He will cer taluly come to tho front. even tbough he were conflned within tho walls of a prieon. Wood and Iron. HMX'S H0KCY h Ui ixit t-out" Cirre, 45, )c, l riEXN'S S0LPHUR S0P heals and Uaulifief, Vx. C V WAR CORlt REM0VER MIs Corni t Bunions 53c ,011 'i IU1R & WHISKER DYE Black & Brown.COt PlKE'i TOOTrltCHE DR0PS cure in 1 Miaule, c. DEAH'S RHEUUATIC PIUS are a sun cure. V Commodore Vanderbilt'a thorough waya of doing buaineea are proverblal. At one time Bome of his laborera applied to have their time reduced to the eight hour lyatem. The commodore ordered their time reduced to soven houra and paid them pro rata. Not liking thia turn nf Rffaira. ono Irlahman said to another: Mike. I wlsh the Commodore was In h 1 Fnii. answered Mike.lliat same would 'not help you, for lie'd bave control of WISE AND OTHEItWISK. Y'oung Houaekeeper lo flah dcaler What kind of flah have you this morti liig? Fisli Dealer How would you like aome nice atriped bas raum? Y. II.. hesitatlngly-No, I think I would like aooieihlng in a small check. Some think there's nothing like a Une educatlon, It givea to the gifled euch eloquent tongues; But Dr, Bull'a Cough Syrup ia tho thing in creatlon. That kuocka into amithera a pain In the lungs, Buttnns: Missus told me to come down and tell you ahe waa not at home. Uoncut : uo oick anu ten vour iuio treaa I eay I haven't called. For cure of rheumatifm, neuralgia In ita varioua phases of sciatica. tie doul oureux, aemi-crania, etc, and gout, uee Salvation Oil, the greatest pain cure on earth. It is a specifio for the above dia ease. Price 23 cents a bottle. Mistress, arranging for dinner, Did nt the macaroni cotuo from the grocer'a yet. Bridget? Bridget 'i, mum.but I aent it back Every wan av thim atima wa empty. Keen your blood pure and you will not liavo rheuniatism. Hoods Sareapa rilla purifles the blood and tonea the whole system. Remarks one would rather have left unanswered: Well. good by, dear Mrs. Jonea. I'm afraid I've put you out by calllng at thia uneurthly bour. Uh, I nope i unin i anow , I have been troubled with catarrh for the past ten years and have tried n num ber of remediea but found no rellet until I purchaaed n bottle of Ely'a Creatn Balm. I conaider it the nioat reliahle prepnration for catarrh nnd cold in the head. Qeo. E. Crandell, P. M Quono chawntaug, R. I I wns troubled with calarih for Beven veara previous to conimencing the ubo of Ely's Cream B lm, Bome flve montha ago. It hi.s doim for ine what other ao called cures failed to do cured me. The eilect of the Btlm feemed magical. Clarence L. Huir. Bidderord, Me. Oh, vou make me sickt ejiculated a huabarid to his wlfe aftcr a little tiil. Well, I'm glaJ, ahe returncd apiteful ly. that there has heen once m your life that you haven't laid it lo the bUcuits. Much of the diacoinfort of wash da ia removed by theuaoof JAMESPYLES PEARL1NE. It ren.ovea dirt withoui the lcaat iniurv to tbe fabric. For aulc by grocera generally. Ah, my son, said the ininister. 1 am glad lo see you in the Sunday school al last. 18 tnia yuur nrsi nunuajr Yes, eir. Tlnw do vou Wkn Wi Oh. I gueaa I kin etand it until after Christmjs tree. Chester U. Pniker of Oueid , N. 1 , wns entirely cured of an affection ol the throat nnd lungs, nrcoinpanieii oy a ee vnr couirh of aeveral veara' the use of Wiatar's B.ilsam of Wild Cherry, Wliat is the price of that teuf Bhe asked of the guileleag grooery. One dollai- 'narf, uinrm, waa tne re snonse. Is tliat not too etiep'Z was the next MiKMiinn. and the l. l'. reolied : Yes, marm; tnai wiiai uiey uu wun , .. w . ... it. VllAT A T1TY thnt ho manv otherwlae Httractivcpollte aud narlicufar people nfllict ther frienda Vl .1! Ut ...I,.- f Dy tne ioui anu uimgiecuuio uuui their hreal 1: 11 IS maiiuv cauaeu y uia orderMd dlcestion. nnd can be corrected by removing the cauae, oy uaing inai pure niedicine.Sulphur Biturfl. Health MiiRanlne, Thero are flve gold dollarB, said old Ueartv to his young grandsoni ono for eacho'f vourbirthdaya. What more could h little xhavcr like vou wish? Only that 1 waa us old ns you, granu- pa, repiien ine young unaucier. MiatresB Whv. Mary. I told you to make up my room an hour ago.and here It is ln terrioie uisoroer. Marv Yis. muni. nn' I did make it nn: but the master came in to put on i clane collar, muni, an' he loat the but lon, Oh. bv the wav. Job, Baid MrB.Smlth, the TlianKaglvliig prociamaiiuu ia uui Yvhn Bhiill wn invltlt I L'tiesa. mv dear. that we'll waita fow dava nnd ere if tho invitaiions won't be cnmlnir tlils wav. 1 vo coi nooui iireu of drivingturkeys to oven for all tho relatives. It ia about time there was reciprocity. Elderlv member of church, to young man lingcring oii ine ouianie Are you seekinif the Lord. uiv voung friend? Young man, bnshtutiy ro, sir, i'm seeking Miss Carriu Jones, but I can t wait until tneeting lets out. Tajclier. at ihe Misston S, S. es, childreu, Daniel waa east Into a den ot liuna. but not one ot tnein uaroa touon him. How strnni'e Punil. scornfiillv. Aw, dat's nutbin'. I seen a duck do lliit act in der cirkis las' year. T.ittln Brlirht Evea Mamma. did you know papa was going to givu graiu'uiaa prejenl V Maninia No. dnrling, what makea you ask ? 'caufta i nearti nuu ien ir. ouiun ui day tliat ho wns going to give the old lady the slip loiiight and go to down to the cluu. In a Pennavlvania town a man rccent ly went into a drug store and asked the clerk ir they kept Monaecraieu iye. inu urbnno clerk replied that they did, and after purchasing tho article, tho man wenton hia way, conieni tuai no uau bought what his wlfe bad sent for. When a msn comea bomelateat night after working hard all the evening on hia books, it ia mean for his wife to re quire liim to say, 'Say, Bhould such a shapely Basli shabby alltclies show' be fore shu will unbolt the front door. IIow nice and quiet it is out here, she said, aa ahe led him from the crowded parlor and eat on the stairs. Yes, ho replied. Thia would bo a (Ine place to hang the mistletoe. Oh, no, ahe relurned emiling archly. It ia so dark here that it ian't necessary. Snifkina Miaa L. O. Cution haa made a hit aa an actreas, Ii ian't ahe? Blifkins I think not. What makea vou think eo? Well, aimply this her picturo haj not been used for any soap advertiacment yet. I see. Ma, aaid a little Scranton student of natural history yesterdny, do frogs go to Ireland in the winter time. when every thing Ia froroup? No, my dear; why do you ask such a question'f Becuuse teacher says they alwaya hi bernato in winter, was the reply of the young bopeful. Pa'sa me the bulter, Charles, she said. She had been a wtdow.she had married again, and they too.'had gone to Wash ington to begin the honeymoon, My name is Genrgo, ho aaid coldly, and with discrlminating emphasia. I know It Goorge, ahe replied; you must exf use me. I was misled. It is tbe same butter. Arer'a Cherry Tectoral Is recommenad b em. Inenl phyalclans, oa both sldeaof the Atlantic, aa tbe moat reliable renedy forcolda, coughs and allpulmonarydlsordeni. Inqulre ofyour drug glst for Ayer a Almanac. A llarford youngster goes to cburch where the concluding omen of the par aon's prayer is Bung by the cholr. The otber night.after he had aaid hisprayera he produced a harmonlca from beneath his pillow and aatoniahed his mother by blowing a blnat where the amen came in remarking: That'a the way wo do ln church. Oh, Wliat A Conali. Will vou heed tbe warning, The Bie- nal perbapa of the ture approach ol that mnra terrible diseaae, consumptlon. Ask youraelvea If you can afford for the aake of saving uo cenie, w un mu tibk anu do nothing for it. we know rrom ex periencethat Shiloli'a Cure will Cure vmir Cnuoh. It ncver falls. This ex- -. . . . , tni i.-a.i plalns wny more mn a mimuu uoitim were sold tbe paat yeur. It relieves croup nnd whooplug cougb at once. Mothera do nol be without it, For lame back, eide or chest. uee Shlloh'a Porous Plaster. Sold by J. T. ShurllelT, Main stroet. Bennington. Aa two ladlea wero riding one day in nnn of the towns of Berkshire. Maas.. they said to a little girl by the roadslde, Can you tell us me way io onaacr u I a tro't fB. nia'am, waa tho quick and polite ronlv; tnu bo riaht down to my grand- ma'a, then you lake tlie road to Shaker Villago.and when youRet tbcio you will Mrs. Iloulihan It'a nolhin' but per llticle partiea In my house, Sarah. Thero ia Jimmy Sinith, he's a Prohibitionist : Eddy's a Hinry Georger! Palsy'a a Jim mercrnt aame ez hia poor ould father wuz. God blias 'Im: Tommy. he'j jintd the Pergreaaive Libor Party; an' would pez belave only Clem entina, dear gurl, como last night and nxrd if ahe could jine the Pergrestve Uker party jiat formed in the nelgbbor hood, an', aa she aaid it wuz no end of favora she wuz to git, I let her jine. fUarper'a Weekly. Mr. Stetson wa standing before the door of the Qlobe Theatre the other day when a young theatrical man, who is alwaya ilevising theatrical Bchemea re quirl'ng other people'a money for their Hccomplishmenr, came up and inquired if Mr. Stetson had entrrtained his last proposition. Stetson looked at him a moment out of hia bad eye, which is a good deal more expressive lha. the good eye of the ordinary man, and said : ino, sir, l have not entertnined your nronusttion. but I aaaure you ycut prop osition has entertained me. What curious substance have vi u in thnt vesael? asked Society, niHeting a atranger coming out of the diaaectirg room. Brains, replied Truth. Bralna which I have juat taken from a poor dtad scholar. Let me look at them. said Society, ea- gerly. I tiever saw any before". Let me look' at them: how are they worn? ln the head, replied truth. Out of sight? aaked Society. Entirely. Take thtm away: I have no use for euch ornamenla. And bo truth wenton into the college wilh her Brains, and Society went on her way without any. l. , She aoean t need any. GOCKLE'S ANTI-BILIOUS PILLS, THE GEE AT ENOLISH BEMED Y For Uvcr. nilp, IndlBrMton, , . fmm Mv. cont&lnH only llirt. Vcctal))e InreJlenti. Agcht : C . rulilbVl'US, new iorH. WIIKKKA8, tlie clrcuit court ot thn Unlted Btatca tn enulty alttlncr. held in and for thn norlhem dlstrict of New Yorlr,at tbe clianibers r.f the clrcnlt Jinlpe In the city of Ryracnse.on tho 24tli flny of March, 1KS7, did make a decreo In a certain auit thereln dcoendlnfC. wliereln tbe Ctn- tral national DanK or uonion, iwnicn auetl a n ell for itaelf aa for all otliera ahnllarly ajtuated) was coinplalnant. and Ilnwlaml N. Uazard, Wllllam Kotcr, Jr,. the New York, Rutland and Moutreal rallway company nnd the Amerlcan loan and trupt company of New Yorlc wcro defendcnta, by which It was amonK other thlnes thereln contaln. ed referredtotheunder&lKiiedlo Rell at publtc auctlon the premtaes and property liereafter de. acrlbed : Now. ln nursuance or said decree. rouca ii hereby glyen that on tbe aecond day of June.1887, attwelToo'clock atnoon.atthe outer wcsterly door of the court houe In the city nf Troy.cotlnty of Kenaf-elaer and Btata of New Y ork, the undep slgncd will wll at public auctlon to tbe hlKhest bidder the prcmlaea and property decribcd as contalnedlu a certain mortajre matle by the Lebanon Springs rallroad company to the y nion trmt company. ond which were ccnreyed hy a dnetl executfd by Ocorpe McClellnn, rcferec, to V'llllam Fottcrjr., anj Howland N, Ilazard, aa tollowai"AU the rlKit,ttle and Intercst of Iho aald uarty of the flrst part (said Lebanon Hprlns rail roaI company) of, In and toall and sinRular tbe aeveral nieret or 'tiarceti of land formlnir tlie track orroadway of the liarty of the tlrt part from the C'batham Four Cornera. in the Uounty of (Jolumbla. to the east line of the atate of New York, In the townof Ilooaick, in tho county of ucnssciucr. anu an rauus inereairer 10 De acquir ed for the purpoae ot forralng aald Irack or road way ; also tt.e rallroad of the said party of tho Srst part now bulU, and to be bullt. .and all tbe ralla, hrldees, fences, atatlons, atatlon houaea, wood bouaea, butldlnKS and other structures and appurtenances thereunto beIonrinf, and also all tlie tolla, lncnmea, rcnts, lasues aud proSts and allenablc franchlse of the snld party of the flrst part connected v Uh said railway or relating tbere to. Inr-ludinclta rl hts and franchlses as a cor. poratton nnd also atl the rolling Btqclc, focomo tlrea tenders, BPQW piouirhs and scrapcra. and all the passenger cars, ba c ige, mall and expresa cars, nal cars inu rars 01 every acscnpiion i all the machine shonsand blacksmlth shous and nll the artlclcs usid in the constructlon, replactng and repalring of roada and cars and In tbe run nlng of the cara now owned or hereaaer to bc ac quired by the said paityof tbe flrst part; all of which clmttlea are declared to be nxturesand an purtcnances to aald rallroad. and are to be soid tbercwith and not separatetbcrefrom, and to bo laKcn as a pari inercor; anu aiso an me ngiu. tille and inurest which tbe said Dartyof tbe nrst part may have or may hercafter acqulre of, In anu to the Vermont anu New oilc rallroad.con- Btructed or to be conf tructed from the termlous of tho rallroad of the party of tbe flrat part In the toun of HooAick aforesald, to the vlllaee ur lleu nlnctnn. ln the Ktnte of Vermont, includinz all the ritrhl. title and Intereht of the nartr of the firat part. In and to the francbia and "cqulpmcnt of ino Ham crmoni anu mwi orit ra.iroaq,ue4oiJK Ing to or ln any wise appertainlng or which may at Any time btlostfor anpcrtaln to the aame aa well in law aa lc cqulty. Datcd Albany, fJ. Y., Anrilll.HW7. WOHTIIINaiON' HtOTlIINQIIAM. Ileferce. iule & UI'lklet, soiicltora rort;omplainant, Albany, N. Y. The above mcntloncd sale Is postpoued to tee unrteentn unr.) uay cl uctoocr, tbe sam. hour and place. Albany. JnneSnd. 1SS7. WOkTlHNKTONFItOTIUN'UHAM.Keferce, & UuLSLBY,8oIicitors for Coinplalnant. tf Tbe above sale ia further postponed until the twellin ll.inj uay or ovemuer, I&37, al tlie aame liouranu place. WOKTHINtiioN FUOT11INGHAM, Referee, Hale & Di-CELcr, Solicitorn, The aliove mentioned aale ia furtber postponed tothe Ucventh (lllb) day of February, 1883, at tne sarne nouraun piace, Troy. Nov. . 18ST. WOltrHINUTON FROTIIING1IA5I, Itcfereo llale & Uucklej, bollcitora for Complalnant. A Great National JouruaV THE NEW YORK fflail and Express IheAdTOcata ot tho Iicst Interests ( tlie ITomo Tho Enemy ot the Saloou. The Friend ot Amerlcan X,abor The Favorlte Newspaper of Feoplo of rtefloed Tastea Rverywliere, rortnany years tbe dally edltlon of the New Yora- MAII, AND KXPBE83 has oeen recw n,.-H afrArnnnn Tiarwr ot the me FAVOlilTK IIOHK I'APHItln tlioaaanda ef famllles ln every Stateln tne unlon. ii na anainrii us grear. popniarny anu iunusuw u ..- t"?; prlBoln tho collertlon ot newa. tho purity of Iti tono, an.l tbe ablllty and courags oi nuum Kj nf .- Illi-htnn n 11 nnul lft, rtf tiubtlfi. lUtereSt. I'oa ltshHtbo JtAK. amd ExrRtsa will l s better patwr tban orer, and, u a oiean, miercm Ing, UutroctlTS Home Newspaper, lt soliclta cnmparlson with any other ln thermra. l,tIIEl aoywhens and apareanelther labor nnr eipenso to secnro for ita readera tba Tery best In all departmenta 01 nowapaper uieraiuru OUR POLITICS. tVe bclleTO tho tlepnbllran party to be tbe trua Instmment ot the I'dMTlt'Ali, l'nOIJUEMS ot tne Amfncan peopiej anu uouuuk ui iu boneatenlorcementot Ita prlnciplea ia the b.i'l euarantee of the national welfare, we aball aun. port thero with all our Tnlsht: butweahall alwan treat opposujg partion wnu cuus.uoikuuu - - - play. AGAINST THE SALOON. Thft A1L isn nxpCKM H the rwoftTiIrwl lr.l'T lnn innrtial ni thft niiinirv in thrt ertuit Allll- alom lCcpuhllciinmop)ii'nu It bt-lifveiilii.t Uteiiithecuemr of nocletjr. a lrtiltliit ni'imo of fitrriiptlon ln polltKri, tbo allr vt nairrhy,ii (vcrkinir to cormptty control elfctioDH ouU lcUU. PfiMMl tl.iii i a triniiQtAlri thft miblio wtlf&io &ad tle- it t bi tho cuitdemnatlon of all sood men. !ioini8 a FIK8T-OJ.ASS KCWMrAPKR vt vt. Vtn.ltv. titLflrnrpd on atl nmi- rtisappoinipa la the MaiL as J.xrKKSB, anl hnnrntPTIOV H ATES. Wee KLT. rrr Tfar, tt.OO(8limontbp, UOcnti:Uirpo niunfln, ceiiii. rR,EiMiuivrs. rvrnv KfTnnitnETl to thn W'CEkLT who sen.H rrn cfntto par Cor lKklnff nl ponUpo reretres PTMcnt from tne MAti. rrcmlnm I'nrtnilifl ofUnoo.n, (Irtnt, OTrfleM. I jioan nnd ntphnr. MAft rnttlCi ftf tnA flnfnt tfflir ai.'in minil ths MAIL AfU KXritKM ine tii ('hHt iiarnr Iilatf.rlchlr avnd artltlc allr rcproducetl Ia '20 colors. Thn orljanal of thi Rinat painttDirvai receutir eom iur otvt SlUUtUUUt . a t Htfir. T.THT nf ntlicr twnuUr aml T&l nablo prcmiums aro offereU to aubscrllwrs aud airrnta on tha most Uboral tnua, 1 her caouot bo uoocriuuu uero duuu urrvur vuvmtHi AGENTS -ViVlJTED. XtT vitit m. art-wl fttTKnt ln trrrr town aud Tll lijtowherowetiaronotono iiovt at work. .Bend lor our HperiHl Ctrcnlor lo AstDt ana im'PMAN'i'HIN nnrt thftlr ASmmTANTf. na atl othorn who wlh to locrcaaa thf.r ia al ini'i.u :iiiir. ppni iman ui ui inilll nti hontlforonoanarpclorio the-atlAreasea of r mctius. Annrou aiaipi- vnt biaiu W, II, II, rillLLIPS & Ml'RSUON LAMDS, LOANS, INSUHANCE. I ml B rr rtnt lecaml hv flrst mortnure oa ImproTed farms and cltr propertj" Talue two or J. All collectlons lthotit rxpenie to leoiler. We InTlte corrf pomleoce, ImproTS farnii for aif , eaeap. fKlnftburr Couaty), YBII cd Ure it lioino and mano looro monf atForkforuMban&tanTiiiiDr tivc in thln worl J. Capital not nf edwJ ; you aro ftarteiifrfe Botharzei all' atres. Anr ono can do the work. Lvse f irniniri ure from flrat etarU ConU outflt and t rmi (irc.lJttr not delir. Costsyounothlnjctotend hstqct addrtn : cj po What a Time I'copla forracrly had, trylnp; toawallow fljo old-faahioncl r1" with ita rlltn o( inagneala vainly diagulainp; ita bitter neaa : and what a contrast to Ayer's l'llla, that have been well callcil "med icatcd augar-pluma" tlio onlyfear bc- in that patienta tnay bo tempted Into taking too many at a iloso. But tlio dlrectlona aro plaln and auouUl bo trlctly followed. J. T. Teller, M. D ot Chittcnanso, K. Y,, exprcaaca cxactly what liundrcda have writtcu nt grcatcr lcngtb. llo aaya: " Ayer'aCatliartlc IMIbnroliiglily appreclatcd. They aro perfcct In form aml coatlng, and tlieir cffecta aro nll that the most careful rbyslclan could di-alrc. They havo 8upplantcd all tho l'ills formerly popular hero, and 1 think It must bo long beforo any other cas bo mado that will at all coinpare with them. Thoao who huy your pills gct full valuo lor their money." "Safe, pleasant, nnd certain in their action," Ia tho conciso tcstiuiony ot Dr. Gcorgo E. Wnlkcr, of Jlartlna ville, Virglula. " Aycr'a I'illa outacll nll aimllar prep arntlona. Tho public bavlngonca iiked them, will liavo no otliera." Ilerry, Vcuablc & Colller, Atlanta, Ja. Ayer's Pills, I'r.part-J l,yl)r. J.O. A)crS:Co.,I.owell,Maa. Sold by all Dcalers ln Mt-rilclnc. 1520 Aroh Streot, lhllad'a, Pa. A WELL-TRIED TREATMENT rp (OKscnrriof, asthha, nwmium msrKinn, 1A14HKII. 1141 tlLllK, llhtUAlllK, 1)1 MMTl, 1(11 1. XlTbl, MCIHAU.U kll Ikraaltj td Atrt.u. Ukor ttn. roarnrn niTGCniwi.- i.l.. i.i.i.m.b. il. HrtJa (tplaal Drrwf J tn rrlatTli lrf CtilrM' ar rUbixl nnd ) ort artlfo. Thn (b riaUlithtl of Kll arlltUt, blh nsraltt tnd phiUrat, U mUml ! tl of lalfcrltr. anil IU. Mi.rtou ial.IH. il raaiait sd tta MntrlH all arl mr amrltj un ttHtrinj, "Thn (uMpuHndOtTRrn 1rraliutitl lti.Mathr A l'1n, Fa. UJ9 Arrh Mml, I allaltlpkln, Irtn n.ln tr lh laaii M1fBlfrit mnh rlt'illt r a(!jMntat fr lbi f'rnral fOir;taaiiallrnmasnctiCti,n1 llifirma rtUt tatlrtil mmA nalnirlfliilhrl II Uil all e Iht rt I. Dn.8TAKI.LY M 1'AI.M bm tt lllafiljrltt rrfrr U Iha folUlafiiaMt wrlMaowN nria waa IrlH Ihrlp Trfalaiealt HOt. WII1!IM fi. kllLLT. Krmhtr .r (u. irw, I'allailflpala. IUV. THIOIl I, loMUH, MUorln thrraa OWrtir, rhtUdrliia!. KFt.flUKIIH M.UMI. Fdllar ) III. ItLV. A. . BMOHE. I.lltnr Tbt Ualrntrr, laaraUrr, H.l. V. II. MOItTHIM.TOX. r. Mr aaw Daia, itiriaiajrNni, Aia. J t i'i. t. n. r. IHMIJI 1 1, iK K. n. iiHiiuitiJi, Krw larb fllr, ritlUHeliifala.. 9IIL R ll Mltl) tl L Mrrthaat, J'hHarlfliiKla. IIUS. , 1. hfllliiri', Fati llhi tllli'of anrw Itriirharitpriitt liiintlrril ar, rulllht4 hf Vr. SUrtr ralfn, whlra . all Inqulrrr full In rnriaalloa at ti Itil rrmarlablft fnrnlt asf ( ,n4 a rffnrtj f Mtf-ral anrlrr trpfMnf tnrt In ft nM rnnr nf ffcrnl f - aur r aftrr vmi ltmni nat- .i (llo (ar ...I.U.. f II.. t i oaniii n nvti iu. ii.i.t. " lilamlla hatik at ur haadrrit naiaav Holk ar t Mfafp wll hn m allr 4 frto lu any adtlrr aa abpllcv Uca, Itat lh nf tmrr l DR3. STARKEY & PATjEN, lj'J7 A i:m Anb Strret, I'tiMade)i hia. Ti, i. wn AGENCYt Would advisc his liatrons and the public tliat if nol now iniiired they give their early attention to the mat ter and call at Mr, Hall's Agency in the Court House Ulock, and take out a policy or iolicies in some of the reat companies representcd by him. CQMPANIES REPRESFH1 ED yETNA, of HARTI'ORD. ANGLO NEVADA of CALIFOR NIA. CONTINENTAL, of New Vork, FIRE INS.ASSOCIATION.of Eng land. GRANIT1C STATE of New Hamp- shire. HARTFORD of Hartford. HOME, of New York. INS. CO., NO. AMERICA, l'hila- delphta. LANCASHIRE, of Flngland. PHCENIX, of Hartford, PHOJNIX, of England. QUEEN, of England. I AI.SO REl'RESENT THE OLD Tt. Iltll Fitfi Ids. Co. rRlVlftflt'S 1N8. LU OF HARTFORD. LIFE AND AGCIDENT. Hearing seven per ent. intercst payable semi-annually MORAL Insnrc at Ilall's Ascncy Revere House BOSTON. Ncir Iloiton and Malne.Kartfni.Fltchburir and lowell depoti, ntres nfbuBlnM ndpnce of amusemrnt. nemotie.letl. nefurnlulicil, Newly Dt'C- oratetl und now kept on the EUROPEAN PLAH. Room all large and comforlable; flecant lultra.ttlth batli aitac!mi;ampie public parlora; srcr.tlrman'a cafe and blllanl room addcd, and nrit cia in ercry respeat. nooMSFiiojt ai a oat ur tlo l$l ICULKS I'OIl CLEIIKM. Tlie Itulcn and lleziiliillanaor an old Time Ilclfdat .Tlcrcliailt. lt. Slore ruuat bu oened al eunriae, no miatake. 31. Store lo be tltiater, lampa flllec and a pail of water hrought before break faet, if Ibere ia auflicient time to do it, attend lo all cuatotnera that call. 3d. Clerka muat not leare the atore moro than ten or flfieen mlnutea at a time without giving notice of tbe time they will be abaent. 4th. 8tore not to be opened on Ihe Sahbalh for any purpoae unleaa atricth neceeaary, and then but a few initiutea. Sth. Booka to be poatud ao nearly aa not to be ninie than one page behind in the day book, excpt in extreme caae-. Gih, No amnkinj; under any circum atancea will be perniitted in the atore b clerka or any pereon employed in the atore, beinj; dangeroua on account ol lire, diaguatmg to moat cusiomere, and iniparta a diaagrecihleamell lo all gooila; and while Bniokini; a peraon ia not in h proper aituation to wait on ihoee thai cnll. 7th. Clerka carrylnR chango of the r own abuiit them, niiiet be careful t kcepit in n purae nr wallet, ao that if nny change beloiiuing lo Ihe store ia ac cidenlally put in the pocktt, as it some tlmea ia, they may know to whom it be longa. 8th. Be careful to give exact weight and meaaure, neithcr deeeive nor nor wrong any peraon, unleaa you wou'd do violence to your conacience, ruln your character for honeaty and injure your emphijer. O.h. Everyihlng aold.howet er Ir.lling, and all buaintas done in the atore mua be cxcluaively on owntr'a accouni. Muat be no separate intereita in our atore. ' 10th. All gooda hnil of your employer, no matter hon- triiling. muat be chargid on account, nnd nll niiiney paid, no mat ter how triiling. must be charged on ac count. Whenever you want any money call on your employer for it. llih. Dar roonia, nonfecllonary ahopa, livcry slablea aml nll stnular placea ahnuld be Out feldotn vi-ited. more ra pecinlly on the Sabbath, unleaa one haa unn' oidnble Iiu-Iih'i-b there, The reaaona will sugfeat themelvea o an ingetiuoua mlnd. to aay tiolhimr of economy. clo. 12:h. If you woutil be n n od sales man, and you muat to get a living hy ttnde, you muat be active, prompt, gnod na ured, aociul. nnd weir a amiling face (tioirever you may feel internally) aml b- exccodingly aecomiiiodatinir and ulwaja fair in all ynur di'aling', doing oreciaeiy ua jou agree. lu i-hort, to in grniiale vourpelf wuli all who call lo trade. If jou suecteil you will not want for cmioinem. When a neraon atepa into tbe btore leave allexcept lnak ing an en'ry in ine uonKa, Inttinlly: ati p up quick. look Ihe peraon aleadily in the face with a iiood-iHtured. ei iiuir- ng louk, mamfeal u u illingneaa lo wait n them. nliow tliem liit'Ctiennatgniiila iirat, to give theni a good iimiretBion. and keep ahowing goods and stick to them uiitilyou aell--ket'ping remarkably good-naluied nll tho tiniH. I.lth. Heimnilj-r there lanlwnya eome- thing neceaaury lo be done in the atore when Iht re art no riintoiiH'ra in. auch aa liHting. nrranuing aml aaaortini: drv g'Hiiia, cvernauiitig nnd lying up anow naruwaie and cuilery aweeuinir chaiu- bera. garret, cellar. etc, kuotting tbread wlnding wranning varn. awnrtinc boola nnd ahoia nnd bltekinK thoae that nre lop worn. poatu.' uouks, drawing olf billa, eto. 11th. Never undert ike to lend store by standing in the atreet or in another man a aliop, lor unleaa you keen vour mind on Ihe proper busineaa of the atore ln buaine8a noura exneciallv. vou will he out little iit-e to your emplover. Uj c.ireful at all timea to attenu to Ihe rtbove directiona, nnd by all meana if jou ou!(l have tlie repuiation of being a gocd clei k, do all thingn ni'Cea eary to be done in ihe btoro at all timea without waiung (o be told. lblh. ihe clerk uho ia in a habit of spemiing liia leieuro houra in the even ing, or bil'balh u.ia in tlie tavern or bir room, and ul-o in thu habit of Hiiink ing bpaniah cigara. being ahavidatthe batbri'H. Kinni' lo all tlancinc uariiea aml alrigh-mlcs und all other places of aniusenieut in the village, being out lale utgtita aml occaaionally hleepmg away irom nonie or ma uoanling bouae, ana being other wny8 extra vagant in his ex pentea, such n clerk ia ln the broad road to ruiu, Such praclicea in a clerk will aMiredly dcatroy the confldenco of lila employer und give him a reuaon lo be aU'picioua of liis integriiy nnd honesty. liih. 1 lio most unnorlunt ofnll rulea that can be given to a clerk is thia ever uo that in n store in the abscnce of your employer that you would not be oerleciiy wiuing nnu moat likeiy to uo in nis preaence. Uememuer to make thig ahorl rule in future the standard of all your action?, and you will be sure to tarn for youraelf n cheriicter (or honeaty, Integrlty and vinuo, without which no man. young ur old, should be trusted. lblli. He honest with youiaelt anu you nted not err, for your conacience, tinlefa hardened in evil doing, will direct you what to do and n hnt not to do. 19th. Advice A clerk'a leisure houra ahould be moatly spent in reading liral ahd occaaionaliy the lifo of Franklin und Washington. And history of the united Statea, England, Ureece anu Rume, nnd netvanipers nnd penodicals. thus they may leirn aomething of tbe world in which they live, and what is going on nround them. And thia will give a lntte for more extenaivc reading. Mli.TIIi:lt I'HOVIEIIIIS AIIOUT nitisr.ii.s. A warm Christinas, a cold Easter. A green Cliritmn8 indicates a white Easter. t Chris'.maB meadows creen, at Eas ter covered wilh frmt. A creen Christinas tnakena full grnve- yard. wet tauseij more uauiaire man irom before Chrislinas. ChristmaB wet cives empty cranary and barre). If Christmas liiuii n bridee, he s break it; if he fluda none, he'll make one. If lce will hear a inan before Chrlat mas. it will not bear n mouee aflerward. (EtiRlish.) If il (nows on (Jhristnns nigiu, we may expeot a good hop crop next year. December cold, with snow. briugs rye every where. If windy on Uhristmas oay, trees wiu h;ar much fruit If thu wind blowB much the day after Christmas day, Iho graiies will be had the next year. A light Christmas a bcavy sheaf. If the sun shines throUKh tho apple trees on Christmas day, there will be nn abundant crop thr followinfs year. The twclve d.iva beuinnlne with Christmas day und endiiiK January 5 are said to be tbe keys of tho weather for the next year Ilut some besin De cember 20 and end January C. ll'roba bly oue wny is as good nn the other. IjIciIh bikI I.lvcr Coniplalnt. Is it not worth tho small orice of 10 cents to free yourself of every syniptom of tliese disiressine cnmplalnts. if you think so call nt our storo and eet a bot- tloof Shi'oh's Every bottle has a printed guaranlee on it, use ac cordinnly. and if it does you no r-ood it will cott'vnu nothini! Sold by John T. ShurllelT," Bennington, Vt, The work done in Ihe old wardivision of the Pension Burenu sinco Ihe passage of Ihe Mexican war act has shown n notable increase in restilt". For the year 18S0 there were ndjudlcalcd up to this date 24 804 clalins, beinRan Increase of 210 per cent. For example. the case a ljudicated durimr the montha of Sep tember. October, November and Decem ber, 1880. were respectively 552. 061. 592 nnd 5311. For Iho correspondins montha of the veir 1837, they wero 1811, 1815, 2401 and 2300. Said a railroad man : Tll het not one in a hundrfd of tbe people who travel on rallroad traina underftand how pres sure of nir l used lo apply tho braltes to a train. When the nlr brake waa firBt invented the nlr was turned into ihe cylinder under each car when tlie car va to be Rtopped, and the prw?uro was excrted to force the bmkes up agalnst tho wheels, But at the pretent dav the brakes aro beld acainst the wheeta by rnrlnRS, and the air Is turned Into the rvilnilera to ousli the brakes away from tfie wheela ni lonu oa the traln w in mo ilnn When it Ia deaircd to atop the traln tho alr ia let out, and then the (nrinitg arp'y 'bo orasoa ana siopj uio Sheridan's t'oudillou Powder HEN Ir abaolntrly pure and hlchljr concenlrated. On nuncf Ia north n iound of any nthcr klnil. Tt Ia trlctly a meilicine to " KlTen with food. Jfotlilnc on earth will make lirna lay llkn It. Jt curra rhlrk en rholera nnft all illoeaite of hen. Ia wortli Ita wrlKht ln cold. IlltidtratMl txmk by mall free. ISolfl everyn-here. or mmU tiy timll for 2. renta ln itHmpi, 3 1-4 lb. alMleht tfn rnnn. 81.00; by mall &1.20. Slx rann by exprenk, prejablt for 85(H). DR. I. S. JOHNSON & CO.. Bolton, Mass. POZZONI MEDICATED COMPLEXION Imports a Brillinnt Trnnsparenoy to tho Skln. Removea all Pimples, Freckles and Disoolorations. For Sale by all First-Class Drugglsts and Fancy Goods Dealers. KIRK'S difiljD FLOATIWG SOAP IS THE CHIEF For the Bath, Tollot nnd Laundry Snow V hlto oncl Abaolutely Pur, If jonr dpalcr docs not kcep White Cloud s,n. aend 10 cents for samplo take to the mak-' JRS. S. KIRK & C0.. CHICACO. Working: Classes A; We are now prepnretl furnUh I U II t all claes wilh rnptoMuent at homp, the whole of thflr tinip nr for ttei- snure moint-nts. Ilusl- ness new, llclil aml (i "litiiblc. rersons or cllli.r aexi-an caily earn tioni 91 etnta to,1 per ecn injr. and a proportlon il -um by dpvotinir all tlicir time lo the ln.stnc lioys aiul ffirls rarn nearly as much an nien. Tnal nll wlio (! lhi mny send tht IraiMrepi. and ti-t tlie ltnine.we maketlils olTer. To micli as are not well p.uifled e will send one ilollar for rhe ti mole of rillntr. Full partlculara and outllt rree l.E 'iiuE otinson &Vo . Por'land. Maitie. Qlyl "CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH." Tlie Oritjinnl nn Only Ocnnliie. ttiTiji) u ai f'ir vrticnlrf in Ittfr bj rcturn tnU. NAME PAPE R . thirbf tter t hf-mlcnl Co., 8.11 B .I(lion hquret t'htUtt-, IV. ?old by IruiiUt I'Tfrywhfr. Aik frr 'tTilrhct. ter' Kncllah' I'rnnjroyul 1'tlU. Tkt oaother. (ieo, C (fii A. Co.t tulei: Af-t Koton Uui. ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American papers by addressing Geo. P. Rovvell & Co., Newspaper Advertising Dureau, tO Spruoe St., New York. Send lOcts. for lOO-Pago Pamphlet. G. F. HEATH, DEALER IN GOLD & SILVER WARE WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, ETC. NORTH ST.. REN'N'INGTON. VT. AIXKIN'DS OF MiCIlINK NKK IUES. JiEiifiulrc (or IjhIIcs' CHfHIoMt'rs.' has rt'VoluttotjizeJ the worKl tluunjrtht'liiJit half eiitury XotleatamonR ilie wundcrH of lnvtntie CroKrt-NS a methotl aml ) fttem of w ork tliat can e iterfrmcil all over the rountry without fniar atnijr the workcr from tliPlr liomen. Pay libcral: anr one can 1I0 Ih work , either ser. lounf or old. no rpecial atilitv riiuirel. I apital not tiet.l eJ. you ur tartd frre. cut th-s out and ivlurn to iik aud wewlll end jou frce nomethinK of preat valu and imixrtnnce to on, ibat will tart jou fn bulnefa. lnch will bring you to more more muney riirht ha than. anytlilnt; e'w in the world. tirand outtlt frce Addrns Tmt A Co., AufTinla. Main jl "CLIMB'-AXE" T0BACC0. 8TKII CENT. riKST MOUTOAfiES IN KANSAS, PurioK the next Wdayt we nhall ItIth oor cuntomcni 5 pcr cent.oo any money they marMndua for lnTementi harc fornAlc )iTe on hanO fint mortRts and appllcatlons for money upon flrt mortgaffe loan moHly nnon 160 farms amounta rantrlnir from tOQ to Jioo. We hTC altw mortTatrfH ln atnmmt tl,000toWXHit:ir cent. which we otTer. -IIow mnrh money can you alrancf ai on these loinsT They are A 1 sfcurity The rtrinjrency In thr money market ecabte n to cut down amounta apnlied for In each cae to an amount that U Mf beyond a doubt. Now li tho time to get a nice line of small pilt edge loan. Write for oor New Inrestor'a (ttilde. Itrmlt with to JOHN D. KNOX & CO iDTtitmfntBiDkerotnd Loan Agcntr, Topeka 'KJLDU3 . 43 ITo'rfa rfBWrt Rbow nlv. riMArfflvTd ft. SHERIDAIT'g CONDITION POWDBBI Chicken Wip Cholera, S POWDER. FURNITU AND- UNDEHTMERS main binrjrr. nr.NNix(.ios vt. ra. 1 4hs tiij.y .Tr r!l UHTLti.M .a 1. t " ( I CHICACO, ROGK ISLAND & PACIFiC RAiLWaf di ii-t ni'i' it nir " . ui i' tt . ti'l i .IU'-i 1 I h' 1nrlr.r! Cnt ct, . i , , . . KaP I 'iir. V. 'in p-.t It k Ii.lini. m rnnni , 1 . nr irt Wr-raUp, i nim 'airfti". t rutiiwn. tl:iilt l- Wrt 1J rr I vfiitr, n Iml fn ! Wiiitfifrt la- i Knrxill, An- l -p K li-n.t 'thn liitntaiv ( i II iiN, in 1. i Ka'Ii iti Ti iton St C-n niiKnkm i ly. in m, 1 pnwott nt At-lt.on, in Kir -. AHfrt spoltian'i H 1 ln Mtnnf ' . Vnrrrtown n tkotA, c4 hui.iln'.l of lnttrm"nfi' cl.irf, towns ai.t TlliatrtdL Tho Croat Uock Island Routo - -lfTit. aiw.i!Hl...rirtipl.! t'Allntted Im trvk1r nf' t' tti 1 1 1 It'i nr M ttrnrivni of tn it 4 i Itt rfln-tir' I itfrrt i hani-aT u tt i le , lt tiffn i-IMl v t tf. tr TTllnntr thal nt 'un t co ta h. tnentiit an.' Trm ieproM i' .. 1.4 rnrtr 1 cwrnlitn c.nwrll n-t i a -it-tllwit lnBtrli-tiin.irti'-lnir Thhi ' w i -4 iwMftijir tvomniodalton U unequnlftl ln t,i n, tt un 'irpkn t In the wrlt. A" -i M.TriniJtfMn rht(T.portif' th'1 Ml-Mnrt T r. tnMit of ctmt Ktbl- Put r "' . ''ttllir it n tn l'all-e Vn ior nd HrrrD'l 4. r fkmiit 1 n rM rrorlJii T"rf:Unt in i nt i.i-twrrn -'m St J-nph Atobltoii nd Kaibtaj Cty rwUu Tho r- moii9 Albcrt Lea Routo jt'cillrT't. tnori:e ln K twit an I Mline lt.' antst. Paul. ( y r t'ti i it. . fttlipr Iraltti run UiW ty lh r-oiiuri. i-- Mumin I..- Ji'i-ianrt huiUi-.a a-iit i i .in1 i-flrwan t Jliipitv Tho t! 'i !" ti- UUi piU" -Intt lcnd; f PiV'ia . : . I 1 tri. wn A tl t A' Iraltl routf, (f- n f-x tn 1 K tlLM cTera tain rtor Itnlttwnrnt to tt tr ln t- . .a in . inatl. Iy ltinipoli Iificlte anl r..m- tll" l J""in, Atriiioti, liTfirpwfr! h, Kansrt i C tf 'i Tf. i 5U I"aal nml InrrninHUn ixiut .. u r v pat- m rp"--hllr fnl)., I'-.Iim mnA r" i.. ' n r . frt'io r(h W nnvmTfye f Itorlt Mni.irinln itotccUoa, rt-pf -ft I rnurrr)' o-1 fclwllr ntrrntl-.n. ... I or TfVrts Mp. t .Mr-lfti t IlirlTi'lrl Ilcict o-n It l nitt btAtci cuvi luida-r iwf nif druggist,; ana lu uj In tbo iuturt, IhHpracs in B-wtnm