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YVON 11 V TIII! SCIIOOLM.V'AITI. Tlie ecliool dlrectors of District No. 10, Perry Township, were bolding a meeting. Nobody woulil liave thought it. Tlie chairman was leamng agaiust hls front gate, with his checked shirt sleeves turned back and an ax in bis hand. eur Teying the other two nierabers of the board, who stood outaido tho fence. It waa a meeting, nevertheless; and !Ib object was nothing less important thnn the selectlon or a teacher for tlie fall term. 'Lyman Doty spoke to mo nbout hav ing the school,' said the cbair, dubiously. 'Lyman Doty?' exclaimed Steve Ten ney, a stalwart young fellow with thick brown bair, white teeth and o square chin to make up for hia lack of down right good looks. 'Why, Lynio Doty couldn't teach a baby. Ile quit school bofore I did, long enough, and ho hasn't studied anytbing but potatoca and wln ter whcat since. tliat 1 know of. Detter atick to bis farm eli, Larkla?' 'Gucss you're right,' responded tlie third nieniber of the board, a little man with a chcorful faco nnd a tuft of gray bair aticking straiglit out froni hia chin. And the cbalrman nodded bis agree ment. 'Well,' continued little Mr. Larkin with an air of importance, Tve had an application that I guesa will auit. It'a a eort of relative of my wife's and just as nice a girl as ever wna. Smart, too. She got a certiflcato for two yeara laat exam ination. She'd make a aplendid teacher. Alolly Sanborn wouluv 'Sanbornl' said Steve Tenney ehortly : 'any connection with tho Sanborna over on tne river t 'That's where slio'a from ,' said Mr Larkin. 'She's old John Sanborn'a girl bim that died last winter, Steve frowned. 'You won't nut her Into tbat school. then, with my consentl' ho aaid detcr rainedly. 'Wbatl' said Mr, Larkin with a gasp, whlle tho chairman etared, iwi..i -ou ju iliinlr ' Ihn vnnns man responded, ' a man sohl you lirty head of sheep at a good price, and balf of thcm died o(T in the next wcek of n diseaao ho must haro known before liand ? That waa tlie trick John Sanborn eorved me. And he laughed in ray face wben 1 wanted my monev back. JNo sirl I can't conecientlously consent to putting any of tho Sanborna tn that school. Jfad lot, in my opinionr Larkin's small, bright eyea snapped. 'Old Sanborn wasn't too straight, and evcrybody knows it,' he ndmitted. 'Iiut what that's got to do with Molly ia more than I can see, She's as lino a girl as you eyer Bet eyes on ; not a bit of her iather about her. 'Well, well, llght it out between you,' Baid the chairman good-naturedly, and returned to hia wood-chopping. The tall young man and the little old man walked up tho streel togcther, talk lng briskly. Mr. Larkin was liot and indignant; Stevo was cool and immovable. 'There don't seem to bo any morcy in you,' Baid the former, almost tearfully, as Steve was preparing to turn m at his gato. 'If they'd been left well oil it would bo dilferent; but thoy'ro poor as poverty, and Molly needa the placo the worst way.' 'You hadn't mcntioned that,' said the young man, turning back. 'If that's the case ' Mr. Larkin walked away triumphant flve minutes Iater. But Steve Tenney had Burrendered with bad grace. 'I couldn't hold out after that, you ee.' he said to hia niother, relating the Btory over their tea; 'but I don't np prove of it. There's not much good in the Sanborna or I loso my guesa! School began two weeks later, when the first cool wave waa depopulating front porches and increasing tlie attrac tion near kitchen Btoves. Stevo Tenney held to his opinion con cerning the new school teacher and nct ed accordingly. IIo did not call at the echoolhouse the first day, aa was hia custom, to leave the register and eeo if anythlng was wanted, tho chairman having turned theso du ties over to bis younger colleaguo. He sent the register by a boy, and was utterly iudifferent aa to whether any thlng was wanted. He turned tho sub joct when tho new teacher waa men tioned; and ho avoided Mr. Larkin's comfortablo honic, whero tho teacher boarded. Tho little man mado him a call, how over, a month or so atter school had be gun. 'Guesa you'll have to own up to being in tho wrong, Steve,' ho began. 'We hain't had a teacher for years that's given the Batisfaction that Molly does The children ravo about her all of 'em.' But Stevo waa unimpresaed. 'My opinion haa vet to bo altered,' he eald rather stiflly. " And Mr. Larkin looked diacouraged. 'She epoke about needing a new brootn and water pail,' he said aa he rose. 'I told her sho'd belter como to you about it.' 'That schoolhouso had a new broora la8t term, and water pail terra beforo laat,' said the young director cmphati- ca"y. , And Mr. Larkin took a diacomfited leave, Tho flext Sunday evening tho young man, sitting in tho pow of a small wood en church witli hia mothcr, and allowing his eyea to rove about during the rather long sermon, Buddenly discovercd a new face, and sat Btudying it for the remain dcr of the evening. It was tbat of a young girl not a re markably pretty girl, but fair and fresh and innocent, with a bright intelligence in her dark eyes and a sweetnesa in her full lipa. 'Who ia she?' was the iirst nuestion after thn services were concluded, ad dreaaed, as it happcned, to little Mr. Larkin, who had como in late. 'That 't' tho latter a6ked in astonish ment. 'Why, that's our teacher that's Molly Sanborn. That's my wife ehe's with, don't you see. I am waiting to take them home.' Stovo Tennov found himself wishing quite often after that that tho new teacher would come to him about the brootn and water pail. Not that he ebould furniah them if he found they were not needod. But ho felt that he should not object to an in terview with tlie school teacher. IIo even mentioned the subject to Mr. Larkin carelessly when ho met him one day. 'Well, you see,' was tlie response, 'ahe sort of hates to come to you. Tho way you felt about her having the school haa got all around town, and I s'poao she'a heard of it. She can't help what her fathor was, Molly can't, and she's real sensitive.' The young man looked disturbed. That afternoon he left hia work at an carly hour not, however, admitting to himself hia purpoan in doing so and strollsd down tho atrcot, turning oll (but hp persuaded himself that it waa not in teDtional) in tho direction of tho school house. 'I inight as well go In nnd seo about that hroom and water nail.' he Baid to himself when he stood opposite the littlo baro-Iooking building. And hn went in nRcnrdinclv. Tho little toacher looked considorably Btartled when she opened tho door to bim. She dropped the Bpelling book she held, anu lier voico waa nacuiy sieauy ua Bho expressed her gratification at seeing Kvidently, Stovo rcllecled, Bomo ldiot had potnted him out to her at church the other evening. IIo sat down in a front seat feeling unpieaaantiy ogreisn. Slm nrnn linarinrr the last sDClllne claai. flow pretty she looked, Btanding there in her dark bluo calico dress and white apron. What a eweet voice Bhe had, though putting out 'hen, men, ren, to-a lot of fidgoting youngsters could hardly hnn it tn the beat advantage. When the class was diamissed nnd the last small student had rusbed wnoopirig down tho street, the teacher and the young director stood looklng at cacn ntl.rr with somo awkwardness. 'I thought I'd come in,' Baid Stevo at laBt, apologetically, 'and see if anythlng 18 neeaeu. .... Ile did not mentlon tho fact of hia bo lng Bomo six weeks late m tbo parform anco of hia duty. The girl dropped her oyes timldly. 'T rlnn't think to.' Bhe murmured. 'What a bruto she muat tbink met' Rtnvn reilectcd. wltb some sclf-disgust, Ho turned carelessly to tho corner where the broom stood. 'Isn'tthls pretty far gonef ho aakcd, with a coMCience-Bincuen giance at ua Btubby end, Anrl thn littlo teacher nodded. 'Your water pail eema to leak,' tho director went on, indicatlng the empty bucket and tbo wet floor. 'Yes,' tbe girl assented. 'I'll see that you have new onea,' Stevo concluded. And ho was rewarded by a grateful giance from tho teaclier's soft eyes as she took her hat from its nail. Ile took her lunch baaket from her hand bb tlioy started away together, and having takcn it, could hardly surren der It sliort of Mr. Larkin's gate. Ile was a little reluctant to surrendcr it oven then. For thcir first awkward iiesa had quite worn olf ; their walk had been far from unpleasant, nnd they were feeling very well accjuainted. He walked home in an ngrecable ab sorption, repeating to himself the tliings slio had said, and recalling her pretty way of saying them. Ile did not pause to conaider that it was old John Sanborn'a dnughter of whom he waa thinking; lie was only conscious that she waa a bright oung girl, whom it was cliarmlng to look at and listen to. Hia pleasant mood was rudely inter rupted by littlo Mr.Larkin, who diopped in that evening. 'Lvme Doty couldn't havo the school,' ho nbserved with a chuckle, 'but it looks as if ho was going to havu tho teacher I' 'What?' said Steve, with a sudden un explainable ainking of tho heart, Ho's hanging around considerable, anyhow,' said Mr. Larkin. 'Went to visit tho school last week, and he wna asking mo to-day whether Molly's got any way of gelting home Friday night. Ile aaid he'd just as lief take her in his buggy as not. Molly genernlly walks, 1,. I,MI K ,,f lift i 'You don't mean to tell me,' said Stovo, wannly, 'that the'd have any thlng to do with him?' Mr. Larkin stareu. wuat couiu steve caro wilh whom old John Sanborn'a daughter had to do ? But he only eaid. deprecatingly: 'Well, Lyme'a a good steady fellow.' 'ilumpli! was the scorniui rejumucr. The young man mued long and se rioualy when his visitor was gone, and Went tO hot wilh n lijhlwr lioart, huTHlg come to a firm conclusion. When the new teacher closcd the school the next Friday night she was feeling rather worn out, as showasnpt to feel at the ond of the week; nor did the prospect of tho four miles walk home servo to cheer her. She locked the door and started down tho pith with a sih. A neat littlo buggy was coming brisk ly up tho road. Molly gave a etart as tho drivcr pulled up the horee and aprang to the ground. i won t mano any excuses, jiiiss San born,' he said with a humnrous solera- nity. 'I won t say I m going over the river on businesa, and happenod to tlunk you inight like to ride. Tho trulli is' tliat it's a carefully laid plot. Willyou be an aider and abettor?' The little teacher laughed nnprecia- tively as ho helped lier into tbe buggy. '1 must stop at Mr. Larkin's and leave my dlnncr pail,' ehe faid demurely. Mr. Larkin was standing at tho front gate. Ile stood ataring at tbe young di rector as tne iatter asaistea tno teacher to the ground nnd sat down on tho home block waiting for lier. 'Lymo Doty was here after Molly lust now,' ho said gaspincly. 1 eent him down to the schoulhouse.' 'We met him, said Steve, 'You see,' he nddcd. mnking a bold attenint at carelefsneps, but speaking, noverthelesa, in a snametaceu way anu avoiding tne little man's eye 'you see, I feel as though it's my boundcn duty to keep Lymo Doty away frnm lier. Pure im pudence, hls banging around her that way.' ihe littlo teacher came tnpping baclc. and tho young dirtctor's buggy wliirled away in a cloud of dust. "atcve tenney s taking woliy home in his buggy,' aaid Jlr. Larkin, joining his wife in the kitchen and sinking dazedly into a chair. 'I guess the worid'a com ing to an endl' bteve Tenney ain t a fool. Ius wife responded, practically. 'I know ho'd get over that ridiculous notion of lna and especially afler he'd seen Molly.' 'Says ho's doing it froni n fcn.-o of duty,' said Larkin, chuckling slowly as the humorof the situatinn dawned upon liim. 'Wonder how far his senso of duty will take him V l shouldn t be surpriscd at anythlng, aaid Mrs. Larkin mysteriuusly. Ine Larklns and periiapa Lyme IJoty were tho only people who wero not surpriscd when the new teacher gave up tho echool nt the end of tho term and waB quietly niarried to tho young direc tor. The chairman of tho sjhool board is wondcring over it yet. rilartford Daily Timee. su.vii.iv in oiiitniAnY. IIoiv tho Ilny 1 Spcnt Not Ttade a Tlnic ofllcnt- Dlrcsard lor tlie Ssb bntli Sanctlty-Tlio Itcsulti on llie rcoile, Thoso who writo for American read- ers conceriiinz tho habits and ciistoins oftlio (Jcrnian people, generally speak oi iuu inuiiuer iu wincii iuu ouuuaLii is ob'ervcil, if not with absoluto com meudation, at least with apologetic sanction. Ihis is a hard working people, thoy say. They uso tho Sabbath as a ilay for rest; a day for tho rccreation of thoso spccial fimctions of tho body that havo been worn nud cxhausteil by the six daysoftoil. For instance. tno man of mnnuai lauor will givo nia pnysical lowcrs completo rest and will exercise us miiid bv some amitscmcnt, sucli as the theatro or tho opera if ho can nil'ord it, ifnot, by louugliig in soiuo bccrgar den, wl)oro ho niay listen to a good hand conccrt, or may bo cnjoy somo cheap stago show. Tho man whoso wcekly labors tax the niinl seeks some pliysical activity as a means for resting on tlio Sabbath. An cxcursion into tho country it niay be, or a stroll in tho many parks nnd jrardens. If noither of these.iio will at least allow himself to be entertaincd iu sucli a inaiincr as shall not call forth anv mental ell'ort. but shall sootho and rcfrush tho niind. Tho deep tliinker, tho seholar may get tho needcd rest by listoning to tlio weakost stago uonsenso wldlo ho drinks his bcor. in sliort, iio who is sliut up in doors all tlio wcok will rush to tho irardens. parks or iields for fresh air on Sunday. And Iio whose work is out ot iloors W)ll a3 surely sjieiid his Sunday iu somo iu doorresort. All will thiis find thenisolves Monday morning recrcated; mado bcttcr and stronger by having observod the God givcn Sabbath according to tho dictatcs of a God-givcn naturo. This, thoy say, is the natural way of obscrving or using a day of rest. And they ask; "Ia it not after all moro rational thnn tlio Amcri can or puritanie inanncr of demanding that all, whatsocvcr thuiroircuinstanccs or vocations in life, observo tlio day in one and tho self same way? Theoreti cally this sounds very well, and if tho itcrinau nconlc reallv id ouscrvo tbo day as hero reiiresented thoy would bo 1CS9 Upi'U IU SUUip UL1L1U1SI11 111 IU13 JUUl- ter. Jt is ncrhaiis fortunalo that all obscrv- crs do nut seo with tho samo cycs. Eithcr their opportunitics for obscrva- ttonuiuer, or somo "uaving oyes, sco not." What statcmcnts I ruako aro from jicrsonal observa.tion, and, I beliove, fairly rcprcbent tlio mattcr. mo lact is tbo lari'cst norlion ol tho peoplo aro occupied with tho samo duttes ou Sunday as on wcok days, at least untll tho last half of tho afternoon, Storca of all kinds aro opcn and appar ently do a driving business. They cotint on faunday for a big trade. What sccms most lnconsljtent is tho closlng ol tho storcs on anv and all of tho nuinberlcss ciiurcli uays uiiniig tlio week. lcstcr- uay, bunuay, l could havo mado nny purchase I inight haro dcslrcd nt any iimo ucioro tiirco or lotir o ciock. lo dav cvcrvthiuL' is sliut un even many of tho bread houscs cxccnt porhaps for two hours in tho middlo of tho day, when a fow oftlicni aro oncn. These thinirs aro nulto vcxa- tions. Ilolidays, tho largcr part of wiiicn aro cnurcn iiays, aro quito tno bano of business and ontorpriso in. Uer many. Theso jieojilo nover niurmur be- causc tiioy nave iu worx on auuuav.uut cannot bo pcrsuadca to uo so on a lioll- ilay uiiring tno wcok. ii 13 not siniplj in tho places oftrado that tho Sabbatl is a3 other dayj. Tho nctors havo no dav ol rcst.lor tho oncra nnd theatro rn servo thclrmostattractivo and difOcult bills for Sunday, when tho honso will bo crowdcd. Tho tailor will tako an or dcr for n suit of clotlics Saturday and dcUvcr It Monday noon, bccauso ho nnd liis inen aro at tlio buncli all dav Snn day. Thotapoftho cobbler's hammer is iustas consiant on bundav aa on week days, An arlist gau tako aa ordcr to completo a picturo on a certain day, bccauso ho will bo at his casol Sunday for that or somcthing clse. In tho hos pitals instructors havo thcir Sunday classes. Farmers, or at least thcir wives aud danghters, niay bo seen at work in thofields. At tho rcar ofour Vienna anartmcnts was a dancim: school hall. Sunday scemcd to bo tho hvolicst day of uio wcck. ino grear, nuniuor oi nuie bodicd men who dailv and almost nny hour of tho day may bo found lounging in tlio cafcs and bcor gardcns is quito surprising Thcoretically they otiglit to mako a ciiango. Givo up bccr and ex ercise their muscles with work on Sun- dav. but it is not so. Among tho oun day throng you may sco tho samo faces you havo seen cach day during tho wcek. Tho only differenco between Sundav and week davs is that Sunday tlio crowd is a littlo largor, tho click of tno uiinaru uau is moro consiant, anu moro money changcs hands at tho card tablcs. In speaking of thoso places, I do not rcter to llioso ot queslionablo cnar acter. according to tho German stand- ard, but places into wliicli tho1 most rcspcctablo Jlunchcso and Viencso ladies do not hesitato to co for rcfreslinionts. Just how much thia disrcgard for tho sanctity of tho Sabbath Iias to do witli tho moral status of society hero it is dif ficult to say, so many anu various con ditions and inllucnccs being prcscnt to produco it. Ono thing is certain tho pcopio aro niorauy corrupi anu iiccn tlous. Tho Viencso boastingly do claro that "with tlio possiblo oxception ofl'aris. Vienna is tho wickcdcst city in tho world." With a population of i.iuu.ihhi sno nas moro tnan eu.umi ii ccnsed prostitutcs, Fifty per cont of tho children born aro illcgitiinato. Men loaf and ganiblo whilo their wives and daughters carn tho family bread by tho most laborious out of door work. or by attcnding to tho storo or othcrlike busi ness. To theso peoplo, a wonian, liko a horse, is a thing for use.- Aro thoso who roally do givo up their usual work on Sunday in a bettor condition for the dutics of Monday after having resteil in tlieir pcculiar way ono day? Manufac tiiroriijiuildcrs, ctc.aro almost tlio only class a largo proportion of whom do not contiinio tlieir work on tho Srbbath. I am informed by good authority that in estiniating upon tlio cost and timo ro quircd for fullilling a contract tlioy cotint Monday as of littlo valuc, for many of tho laborers will not prescnt thenisclvcs, and tlioso who do aro so uscd up by tho pcculiar rest they havo takcn tho day bcloro that they aro un fittcd for work. With tlicso facts in vicw it cannot bo ilcsirablo tiiat wo Anioricans shape our Sabbath to this pattern . Fcrsonal effort, tho nowcr of tho pulpit, tho prcss and tho law should consiiro to proscrvo tlio sanctity of tho day as a day for rcit and thoworship oflfim whoso wiscly ap pointed it. Special corrcspondcnco of the Boaton Journal. W1SU ANI OT1IKKW1SE. TlicEnglishman whosaid that hugging was ' 'armless' waa wrong. It is 'armful Life. Do not tako qulnino for malarial disordera. Ayer'fl Atio Cuic contnins lionc, nor nny other iujurlousinxredlcnt. Xbid prcparation, If taken strictly in nccordancc with dlrcctlons, H war raat(d to curo all malarial diseuKes. Next to n full grown mule, there ia notlung quito so ohstinato as tlie clioir of a country church. It is tbe thorn in the eide of a many clergyman. "Cilve us this our daily bread," Ho prayed it carly morn, And then vienl out on the exchangc To raie tlie nrice of corn. -lUoston Courler. It ia said tbat care once killed a cat. If care is out of a iob, wo know n etroet up town whero bo can llnd einploynicnt by tho week at good wngea. l'uek. Tliellfcgirlnff properllen of Ajer'a Snrsapa rllla liave establWhed Ils wcll-earned rcpiilatlon, and madc it tl c most effectual and popular blnod purifler of tlie day. l'or all di'eascs ot tlio stouiacb, liTer, and Mdnejs, this rcmedy Iias no equal. l'rlco $1. Jliss Singer that waa, daughter o tho 'scwing macliine man.' is now the Duch- ess Decozes of France. As ye eew, etc, and grcat oaks from little acorns, and so lorlli. Uoston uazette. 'Aunt Jennio eava llon Conmound ia just eplendid in the Spring, made n new man ot james. 1'ints, ouc. Try it. Big success. Keatl tlie Next Col u mii Arllclc. There was a sign up -u a fence Tlie ftlgn was "Ptilnt," And everybody tliat went by, Slnner and Raint, Put out d linRcr, touclied the fence And onward fped, And aslhey wiped their finger tlps "It Is," they said. Uoston Courler. Kvrrl)ody Llkoa to bo called bandsome, especially tho young ladies. But tliat ia simply im - possime as long as tlieir lacc is covereil with pimplea, blntchea nnd sores. But wait, there is nn nccJ nf thia; one or two hottles of Sulphur Bitters will re move all sucli disflgurations. and mako vnur face fair and rosy. fFnnnie Bell, Editresa. I'm going to leave murul' What for? T am suro I havo dono all the work myself in order to keep a girl.' wcii.mum. tne work s not uouo to suit niel' To cure a Cough, to rolievo all irrita tions of the tliroat, to rcstors perfect soundnesa and health to tho lunga, une Dr. Wiatar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, which ia still prepared with the same caroaawhpii it was introduced to the public by Dr. Wistar, over forty years Customer to Mr. Imactein 'Tlio coat is ahout threo sizea too big.' Mr. Isaactein (impresslvely) 'Mino frent, dat coat makn you so proud you vill grow into it.' Life. MKDICINi: FOlt OltANHMOTlIlIK, She not only wants .tbo kind worda and attention which is her due, but oftentimca she neods n medicino to tone up her dehilitnted and nged syBtem. 1'aino'a Celery Compound will Btlmulate her vital powers, promote lier digestion, and regulato her kidneya and bowels. A little Rochester girl drow the pic ture of n dog nnd cat on lier slate, and callinft her mother'a attention to it said. A cat ought to have but four legaj but I drew it with b!x. ro sho could run away from the dog.' Exchange. KnctA 'U'nrth Knowlnff. In all diseasea of the nasal mucous memhrano tlie remedy uaed must bo non-irritating. Tho medicnl profeesion haa been elow to learn thia. Notlung satiafactory can be accompliahed with douches, pnulla, powders, Byringea, na tringcnts, or nny aimilar application, becauso they nro all irritating, do not thorougbly rcacli tho affected surfaces and should be abandnncd as worso than fallures. A multitudo of pcraons whn have for yeara borne all tho worry ard pain that catarrh can infiict, testify to radical and permanont curca wrought by Ely'e Crenm Balm. WE VBE B0AP. iT3 DISTOKTiiD IIAKD3 lll Etircly coniolo thosowho clcan houwand wash clothc-'in tho old-fahl"ncd wuy -wllfi soap. How can it lo otbcrniso f You rub rub - rub, ond you iichc ache atlio. You xiiend houra Inhallng tho hot Bleam nnd odors which rihc from tho tub, iinprpgnated with tho Illth of soilcd clothing. rjid with all tlilsvou liao not obiaini d tbo lxwtrcsulM. WITH I'nAHLINEiKlcllealo vvoman anIo u largo woh. nudn not havo lo rub yiurflflf and v..urlotbcslo t,!i"i You do notliavu to nhalo fetht Elram when linl iheil yi 'u'lirf nut tx) tlnd t- h o lluit your work U well oml ccoa oudcnlly dmie, nnd th:a v.i f ave.l ininv lintirs of m iim.nt'H Iiiinlcjt ttork. JAJlEa I'YLE'd iuJ-l.LijlbttUiudcruboaii. lkwareunuiltallons. Dudely who ia not aa big a fool aa he look): -Did you, ali, give my card to Mitli Boudclipper r' Servant 'Yes. sir.' Dudely 'What did Bhe they ?' Servaut- 'She told mo to tell you, Bir, that she was not in.' Dudely 'Ah, indeed! 1'lease tell your millilress that I said I wathglad Ididu't call.' Mocking Bird. Boila. pimplea. hives, ringworm.tetter nnd all other manifeatationa of impure blood are cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla. Voyager (on the banks of tlie Styx) You look pretty weu piayeu oui oiu man.' C'haron 'Well, I am. If tbo 'oldest Mnaon' doesn't stop dying, I'll have to hiro a steamboal. ' l'liiladeliuia (Jaii City Wife Haven't you got n nice golrten yeliow cow oui ai your larnu Dairvman Oh. yes. mn'am. City Wife 'Well, I wish tho next time you come in you would bring mo some of her butter. To (cll the truth, we aro u littlo tired of tliat from your white cowa.' Tid bite. A SIBERIAN PBISON. , IIE Juno numbcr of tha Ctnlurv ilagaxine contalns tho sccond of Ooorgo Kcn- nan's lllustrated papors on Riherin, nnd thn ElllO Bvs I j I tem, which aro attractlng tH t. such wido attention. Tho !- L . i . urucics uru ucujk uxluu' sivoly coplcd into forclgn papcrs, among othcrs tho orcan of tho Russlaa lib- crals, publishod at Oenova, by whom thoy arovoryhlKaly commendeu. In this Junonumber Mr. Kcnnan glvcs an lntorestlncr account of nia visit to tho ior wardlnenrison at Tlumcn, whero ho found doublo tho numbcr of prlsonors conflncd than thero was room for. u In roply to a qucstion from Mr. Kcnnan no to Lutv many prlsoners dlod during tho ycar, tho warden rcplicd: "About throo hundrod. Wo havoanopi dcmic of typhus almost ovcry fall. A prison so ovorcrowdcd can not bo kcpt clcan, and as for tho air ia tho cclls, you know now what it ia liko. Tho locai auinor- ltica hero havo again and again urgcd tho Govcrnmcnt to mako adoquato provislon Xor tho largo numbcr of cxuca crowdod in to tho prison during tho soason of naviga Uon, but thus far nothing has bcon dono bo- yond tho building of two Iog harracks." In tho ovcrcrowdcd womcn'a prison Mr. Ecnnan saya ho found no crimlnals all of tho occupanta wero voluutarily going Into banishmcnt wltrj their husbands. " TIIE PniSON-YAHD AT TIUMEN. From a tUich inatls ly an cxi!t, (n tht Jvnt i , "cvnrury." Mr. Kcnnan doscribc3 thomarchlng away of an oxilo, and givcs, also, a grapbio pic turo oi n convlct bargo. Tno musirauoni oi this articlo aro rcmarkably intcrcsting.. l'Eon.r. Gr.NLUAi.LY iiki.ieve that if the Illood is pure, the health will be good. Tlie purity of tlie blood is guaranteed only when the kidneys are naturally active. The fluids may flow frecly, and yct tlie kidneys fail to keep the blood clcan. This will be indicatcd if you liave MALAUIA, ST03IAUI TKOUKLllS, UllKl'JIA TISM, SALT lSIli:i'M, BCJItOlTLA, SKLV DISEASKS, lMI'OTEXC'Y, HKADACIIES, LAME BACK, NKl ItALd'IA, CAKHrXCLKS AX1) HOILS, AUSCKSSHS, AVKAK KYES, XEItV Ol'SXESS. POOlt AI'I'ETITi:, and in women I'EMALE TIMtl'KLES. Thcse disorders show that your blood is full of uric, kidney, acid poison, AXI) YOU ( AX M;V1;K (!KT WELL umil you clcan out tlie blood with the only recognized scientific blood tonic. "Warner's Safe Cure." ItAMKI.ll NOTi:S. Oalileo conatructed a tele-copo in 1C19 and diroovered Juplter's satellitn Janu nry 8, 1010. ltussiun newapapera are forbidden by law to tise uxclamation points in their articles. It haa just been discovercd that to cn nlile one to peiiHtrato thick, smnky placea tho month and lips ehouid berov ered with cotton wool, Clana are said to havo nrisen in Scot land during the reign of King Malcnhn II., about 1003. John (Jowgne, a printer, published at London in 14'd tlie carliest Englieh treatise on bookkeeplng. Edward, tlie Black I'rince, tlio oldest eon of Eilivard 111,, was born Juno 15, 1330, and died June8, 130. Francis, Dukc of Lorraine, who had niarried Jlaria Theresa in 1','iG, waa eltcted Emperor of Austrin in 1715. Books witli leavea of vellum were in vented by Attalus, Hing of l'oorgamus, about 193 B. U , at which timo books were in volumea or rolla. Adlitlme, who died in 709, ia men. tioned ns the llrst who introduced 1ml lada into Englnnd. Minstrela wero pro ttcled by a charter of Edward IV.. but by a Btatuto ot Elizabeth they were maue punisnanie among roguea and vag auonus anu aturuy ueggars. The oldest newspaper in tho wholo wlde world is the King I'au, or "Capital Slieet," published in 1'ekin. It limt u peared A. D. 911, but cnme out only at irregular lutervals. Since tbe year 1351, nuwever, it nas been publlslieil weekly nnd of uniform siz3. Nuw it appcars in tnreo euuiona uauy. The guvernnient of New Zealand liaM pnclaiined all (Jhineto norts infected. in ordor to put n stop to the entrance lntothe colony ot Milncse immigrantB Tho steel rrquired for the United States ehip of war Maino aggregates about 2,uuu tons. There aro CO.000 Chineso in Austrnlia In a tntal irapulation of a littlo over 2,500.000. WEnSEPEAELINE. i "Did n't Know 't was Loatletl" May do for a Btupld boy's excuso ; but what can bo said for tho parcnt who sccs liis cldld langulslilng daily and fails to rccognlzo tho want ot a tonic and blood-purifler? Formcrly, a courso of bitters, or sulphur nnd molassos.was tho rulo tn wcll-rcgulatcd familica ; but now all intelligcnt houscholds kccp Ayor'a. Sarsnparllla, which Ia at once pleasant to tho tastc, and tho most scarching and cfTcctlvo blood medicino over discovercd. Nathan S. Clovcland, 27 E. Canton st., Boston, wrltcs : " Jly daughter, now 21 years old, was In porfcct health untll a year ago when aho began to complaln ol futlguo, licadarhe, debllity, dizzincss, lndlgcstion, and loss of appctito. I con cluded that all hcrroinplafntsorigiiiatcd in iiupuro blood, nnd induced her to tako Ayor'a Sarsaparilla. This uicdicinosoon restorcd her blood-iiiKklng organa to bcaltliy a'ction, and in luo timo retstnb llshed lier former health. I lind Ayor's Sarsaparilla a most vnluablo remedy for tho lassltude and debillty inchleut to spring tlme." J. Castriplit, Brooklyn Tower Co., Brooklyn, N. Y., says : "Aa n Spring Medicino. I find n splendld substituta for tho old-tlmo coiiipounils in Ayer's Sarsaparilla, with a fow doscs of Ayer's' l'ills. After tlieir uso, I feel fresher and stronger to go th "ougli tho suiumor." Ayer's Sarsaparilla, I'KEI'AlIKD I1V Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. l'rlce tl; ili bottlni. t5. Wortli $5 a bottlt. Dr. Ouppy r-oncludea tlu.t thenverage ra'tifall on the higher slopea of Uuadal canar, on the Snlomon Islands, is be tween 400 and 000 liiches. lliat of bng hnd Is thirty-two-iiichea. Tho Electrical Iteview saya lliat the lightuing rod ia a lelio of superstllion, nnd that the day will cnmu when a light uing rod on n hmite will be regarded in the earae llght ns a lioraethoo over a door. Tho United Slirtea Fish Commlssion car leached A'hintn, Ua., the other day when a Fingular incident occurred tjliangeoi wnler wua found necessary aud urttsian water was supplied. In aidu of an hour 05.000 young fish wero Uead. nnd nearly U.W0.000 rggs aro sup poscu to be kineu. l'rof. Poel of St. Pelersburg has found llfty per cent. of pelroleum in tho cod liver oil sold bv one druggist, tho nilul teralcd article having tlio taate, smell nnd appcarancc of tho genuine, Mineral oll is also frequcntly found in olivo oil The idea of putting monkeys to wrrk seema to havo beenaccumplislicd in llrn zil, where, uccording to a report from Uio Janeiro, twenty of theso nnimala have been euccessfully trained to cu hemp on a largo henip farm. Under the lawa of Iowa a papsenger who aticks his hcad out of a car window and has it knocked nll by a switcli bar ia guilty of a misdemeanor and can be Bcnt to for threo montlis. Mr. Konnan givea one a good idea of tbe enurmoua size ot aiueria by etating that ita territory would contain tbe United btati-s, including Alaeka, with all of tho blsles of Lurope except Itua Bia, and there would btill be 300,000 aquaro miles to sp:ire. Tlie metrio b8tem ia now tho only legal syatein of weiglita and measures for about four hundred anil ten iiiilhons of people, the only promiuenl exccptions tn itsgeueral use being in Itusbia, the United Stutea and (ireat Britain, in tlie last two nf which ila usa is authuriz?d altliougli not generally ndciptcd. The Gloucester flshenneii expect to settlo tlie nall queslinn by inlroducing a O 'rinan pniceea of pre&erving herring aud other small fish used for bait in a stccl barrel containing un nntiseptic to'ution as a eubslltutu for ice, which is far more cxpensive. TlieSupremo Court of Australia has ordercd tho release of tho Chmamen who weio refuscd pennission to land by the Colonial authorities. on tho ground tlutt the government has no power to exclude lorclgners irom tne country. It has been caleulated by l'rof. Kogera of Washington that the dynamic power of a Bingle pnund of good uteam roal is oqulvu'ont tci ii tuan'a tvulk fui une dny, three tnns for twenty years, nnd one squnre mile of a seam of coal only four feet lliicli will ripiesent tlie laborof a miliion ol men for twenty years. Hegulations have been catahlishcd in tho colfeo districla in Guatcmala liy which farmers arertquircd tn build fur nncea ou tluir landn, und whenever n Bignul is given to iudicaic tho danger of froat, to ligiit iu tljrm firea of tar, pitcli or other fcubttancelikely tomakea grent aiiioko nnd ueepnway me trost. The singular fact is demoustrattd that wlnle the most rapiil cnmion sbots scarcely attain n veloclty of C00 yards a second, over 1 500 kno's per hour, mo teorites are known to penetrato tlio air with a v'ocity nf 10,000 or cvai 00.000 yards per second. a veinclty which raisi b tlio air nt once toatemperaturo of 10.000 ilegroes to 0,000 ctnlicruse. Oh, IVlint A Couuti. Will ou heed the warnlng, ihu eic tial pirh.ips of the ture npproach of that moro trrr.ble disense. conjutiiiiti.:. Afk yournelvc? if you can alTorJ for the tako ol saving ou corile, tn ruu tho risk cnd io njtning lor it. ue know irom ox- perieneethat Sluloh'a C'uio will Cure your Cough. It never f-iils. This ex- plauis why more than a milllnii bottlcs were aold the past yi-ar. It relievca croup and whnoping cough nt once. Molhera do nut be witliout it, For Inme liaek, eide or cheot. use bhlloh n I'orous I'lnsler. Sohl by J. T. Shurtleir. Main street, llennington. LUMBAGO LAME BACK han re volutionlzptl Hia ttorM iluiiiijc thclavt haU rf'iitury NotleflPtnnuirg the wondr of iorentlre Crojrrf(8 Ii niethoU r J tytra of y ork that can e irfonord all oicr the rounlry Mltliout wpar atinir tho wnrkrnt from their home. V&r libcral: anv oue cnn do thn work; rithcr per, younjf or old; no iiMclal aMtitr reiuired. Capital not nml ed; jou are atartetl frfc. Cutth-n out and return to ua and we will end you fret, nnrnethlnf of fcrrat Talim and linnortanco toyoa, that will atart jou In bubint'ia, wlilch will Lrfiiff you In ntore more moncy npiu away, uian nnyiimiK emo in the world. (Irand outflt froe. Addren Truk &. Co., A uru ila, Maine. 4tfyl G.'JF. HEATH, BEALEB IN GOLD & SILVER WARE, WATCHES, CIOCKS, JEWELRY, ETC. NOUTH ST., 11ENN1NOTON, VT. ALL K1ND8 OK SEWIKQ tUCIll.NF. NEK DI.KS. Ijy-Eoqulr? far Udiei' Cuff Uolden.. H l SJ m P VV ' n ? t F J S. a a: z i 3. ? g. E. o S i V.l 3 5" u. 1 5 11 SH BLANK BOOKS OF EVERY SIZE AND DE SCRIPTION MADE TO OR DEIl AT TIIE BANNER BookBindery Blank Books with njiiDi nuiiiiw, WITH Olt WITHOUT PUINTED IIEADINGS, AT LOW PRICES. IF YOU AHE IN WANT OF ANY KIND OF PRINTINGr! INDING, -OK- PAPER RULING GIVE THE Cure. Dlphtheris, Croop, A.tbma, BronehlUs.KeuralclK. PnoumonlA. KheumaU.m, Bla.dlnff.tfc Luoga, Hoara.D.a., Icfluenaa. Uackijig Cougb, Whooping' Cough, Catarrb, Chol.rm Morbu., Dy..n terj, Chronlo Dl- - yjpjK fs n m mm a containing lnfor- arrbcna. Kldn.y H B JB PIb M M H U MHmatlon T.rr Troubl... .nd 1 I I 1 M Er- Bplnal Dlaeaa... fM 11 HH "7T .boald W.wllla.ndfr.., IM W M poatpald, to all M M ID wbo nd their Hj namea, an Illua. H kjm BUJJ mt W VM HniYEr aflor tbank trat.d Pamphl.t" ta H H WmM ,neir UckT .tara. AU wbo bur or ord.r dlr.ct from ua, and requaat o r.runaea lrnot aonnaantly aatl.ned. Retall any part of the Unltad Btata or Canada. I. 8. THE MOST WONDERFUL FAMILY EEMEDY EVER'KNOWN. JOHN V. HALL, JOHN V.' HALL & SON'S LOAN&INSURANCE AGENCY FIRE. LIFE Al ACCIliT INSDRAWCE AT LOW RATES AND IN THE BEST COMPANIES. AVt belii'TO tliat tho interest of the aisured Ii oar own, and artlng upon llils blf w.U u our hest jndRment, car and forcsitht to protect and bcneflt our patron. After thorouglt iiivetigation wo liare taken an agency for The AMERICAN DfVESTMEFf CO., Of Emmetsburgh, Iowa. CAriTAIi AUTHOBIZKW, I'AII) IX. 7 PER CENT. GUARANTEED MORTGAGES, Secured not onlr hy tho lanj upon wliicli money ii lonnuil. Iiut lir tho cnlirc capital and setR of tlila rompany, euarantorini; nroinpt paymt-iil of iirlncinai and inlcrctt. Also, 6 1'EIt CENT. GOLD DEUENTUltE BOMJS. -MORAL : insure at John V. Hall & Son's Agency. FEIEND Are You Sick ? Do you have palns about tho Fiden, cliest and tjackf Does your inouth have a bad taste, cspc clally in tlie uiominKr Do you ft'cl dull nnd nlcepy? tliere a sort of stuky tliine collects nbout tho ttethf jour appctite pour? Is there a feeling iikc a heavy load on the stomaeh -onie-timci a faint, all ponc neusatlon ot the pit rf the ptomach. which food doen not cntisfy? Do your liamts and feet liccorae cold and rlammyf llaie jouadry courIi? Are your yi'S Ruiiken? Io you cxpfCtorBtc crci'iiih colored matterf Are you hawklnp and FnltMiif all or p.irtof tlie time T I)o you Wv tired all the while? Are jou iifrvous irritablo and (flooiny? Do you havo eil forbod iiigsl Is thero n niddiness a iort of whlrlinK Fensation in tho hcnd wlien rlstns up suddcnlyf Do your bowt'h become costlve? Is your ckin hot and dry at tlmesT Is your blood thick and stacnant? Aro tha whitca of your eyes tini;ed uilhycllowr Doca it deposit a Eodiuient atter itaiidingf Do you frpquentiy M-it up jour food, sometimo1 with a sotir tatc ancfsomctimcs with a fcweetr Is thia frenuently attendcd itli palpita tlon of thc hcart? l!asour inion becoine im nairedf Arc tliere vnots before the eses? Is there a feeling of prent prohtration and weak- nrsnr ii you 8uner irom any oi inee syinpioma cau ai yr ur arug sioro anu gei a oouie oi DR, ROYCE'S LIVER AND KIDNEY CURE. This Is the only JAvcr and Kidney Cure put up bv a rcmilar t-ractlclnz ithvbician of twentv flto years- aeiive eipencnce. SYMPTOMS-If you arc thrcatened with or alrcady have Hriplit's diKeae, try Dr Koyee'rt I-iTcrand Kidney Cure. lfyou have ttone in tlio Kiuneji or pravci lti me uiauucri vr. uoyce' Mver and Kidnev Cure Is warranted to dlssolve and rcmovo them. Ifvotihavo uretha irritatlnn or uleeration or catarrh of tho bladdcr, my Kid. ney urc w mi neai j ou. ii you pass reu or niootiy urinf. or strlncv urine. niv Kid ney Cure will ptsltively cure you. If ou havr rheumatic ftinEinp or achlng pains in the back and side or liip.Icadiup dowu to tlio urinary or cani, nnd distreng vou tliere. mv Livoi niui Kid ney Cure will reniove tho eauo anl curo you. If you navo iioppage oi unnn or aro ouiifrea to navo your urine drnwn. trv mr Kidnev Cure: It vtillln creaso a free tlow and pcrmancntly curo you. If you niui n Heuiuienit nnrK nusi Pi'liuu or pau coloicd urine, my Kidney Cure soon corrects and purifles. Ifyon have cuttinpr.scaldinff or stlnpln censationn in the pnrti when voidinc urine. my Kidnev Curo will ouicklv relievo anir cure. If vnu liave ipasmoiiicbtricturoorenlargement of tho proftratc clanil, my Kidney Cure conquor cvcry attack and radlcally cures. Ifyou havo scantv urine or too frefpient desirv, my Kldnpy Cure w ill right all wronj: fpiickly. If you havo dropsy froui dineaes of the ll er and KidncCuro ia the only ponitfre cure known to rnan. If you havti liver complalnt, torpfd or enlarped liver, or gall stonc. my Kidney Cure nillcurc the mostoU Btinate and chronic case. Ifyon have scrofula, erynfpelasor Ralt rhenm humors, affectinj? the liver and kldmys, my Kidney Cure wlil clcante, purify and cure. Ifyou hare rheumatism.sclatic mataria fever and atruc. caued bv weak kldne.a and unic acid in the blood If you have Int your appetite, or tonrruo coatod, dry and parched lipa and mouth. rplttle dry and cottony. or have b" coine tniaciatedniy Kiddey Cure will build up your hroken-down constitution. If yon have ln nerited fevcr. canKer, acid phlejrm, bad tnste and ofTrnstvebrcath, wy Kidney and Liver Cure rc moTi'g all theno conditlons. Ifvou have vencr- eal blood -poinon, ("yphilltlc ulccra.skln eruptionv blotches, t-hroniculcers orold ooren, rely on tny IJver and Kidney Cure to Btrengthfn the kidnes thcreby work lng all irapuritica from tbe blood.aud at the same time maUnfrnice, new. rich blood. ; It Ia nurrlr an bprtial retnedv. If ou can't nleen i or rept, and roll and tumble. feel pore and stiff. flesh and boncs tender, ncrvous, irritable, feel quarrelsome and all unstrung, my Kidney Cure will make you fttel well. Ftrong and happy. ily jjiver anu Kiuney (jure is ror saie at your utuk rtore. The only remedy known that will posi tlvcly prercnt and cure paralyiis. MV AVAK1EAIST If you pivc mr Kidney Cure u fair trlal, and are not cured or bcnc.ltted by It, I will rvfund your monej'. I wish tobe hon rht andltonorablo with you,and do not want your monpy unlesa 1 can do you pood. Can jou em ploy a phytician to ireat you on these teruu? IIt ICK-My Kidney Cure Ii one dollarper bot tle, or six bottles for fivo doilare For nalo at your drnj; gtorc. rrewribed and recornmended by moro than 6,000 renowned pbyplcian. WIIOLKSALK AOKNTS: Willp, RicnAnnoK & Co Unrlinirton.Vt. Okrkn, HinniNS & Hyde Rutland, Yt A. Ii!RLBr !Fitch Concord, N II. Weeks A I'otter, and flcn. C OoodHiu & Co. Iloa tou. !ttasa. I. W. RDYCfi, M. I mftf bc conmltetl by l.tUTl.ipils aJJres I.ock liox 1111, 8irini;fl.'hl, Mas, Hia larco Illu trali.I Journal scnlfrve on appllciition. 3iu0 es tnall colors. The Ari Shades are Decorated and Transpartnt. All Mwetto Shades. Plam or Decorated, are unsurpatsed in Beautjr, Ourabitity and Fmish. Mounted on first clast Spring Roller read to hang. ll-fim. Garriage, Sip 1 hae blrcj Mr.Tbomaa Crowd er, flrst-claas worainan in all bmocbes of Itehas hij chargc In tlie bcpt hoyt In Albany and Troy (iood work donereaaonably and wltb dcnpatcli I bare alao made arraDemeDta to do CaniafC Trimmlng and General Ilepatrlng. i -Glre mea call ERI ALLEW. FOR MRNAL AND EXTEMAIiDSb, H W M bav. tbla book, H Vi IH M nd xha' bo H II ffl U nd for lt will It, ahall r.clre a c.rtlflcate that tb. mon.y .ball prlce, 3a cta. o botu... sz.oo. Expre. prcpald to J0HN80N it CO., P O. Box 211B. Bo.ton, Ua.a. LINIMENT EDWARD J. HALL. $1,000,000 600,000 What a Time reopla formcrly hail, trylng to swallow flio old-fashionca illl with its fllm of niasncsia vaiuly tlisgulsins lti hlttcr ncsa aml what a contrast to Ayer's l'ills, tliat liavo bccn well called "nicil icatcil sugar-iilums" tlio onlyfcar lo ing tliat latlcnts may ho tcmptcil into taUing too many at a iloso. Iiut tlio ilirectlons aro iIa!n anil Ehouid bo strlctly followed. J. T. Tellcr, 31. D., of ChittcnanKO, N. Y,, cxiircascs cxactly what liuudrciU havo wrltten at greatcr lcngth. IIo says: " Ayor's Catliartio Tllls aro liighly aiiprcciatcil. They aro iierfect in form aml coatlng, nnd tlieir cffccts aro all that tlio most carcful pliyslcian could desirc. Tlicy havo supjilautcd all tlio l'ills formcrly ioriular licrc, aud I tliluk it must bo long beforo any other can bo mado tliat will at all coniparo with them. Tlioso who buy your rllls got full valuo for tlieir money." "Safe, pleasant, nnil certain in their actlon," is tlio conciso testlniony of Dr. Georgo E. Walker, of Jlartlns ville, Vlrglnia. "Ayer's l'ills outsell allslmllar prep nrallons. Tho pullic liaving onco nsed tliein, will havo no othcrs." Ecrry, Vcnablo & Collicr, Atlanta, Ga. Ayer's Pills, I'rerand byDr. J. C. Ayer&Co.tLottin,Maa8. Sold by nll Dealcrs lu SleUlclne. Uf ACQUAISTCD W1TN THE CEOGRAPHY OF THE COUhTaf Wl Y TAIN MUCM INft.,lMATlQK FftCM A ITUOV CF TMlS MP 0F TK &&&& CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R'Y Ita nialn llne. and brancho. Include CI1ICAQO. PEOKIA. MOLINE. ItOCK ISLAND. DAVEN. POBT. DE3 M0INE3. COtJHCII, MOTFS, MTJ3- OATINE, KAN3AS CITY, BT. JOSEPn, LEAV EHWOniH. ATCUISON. CEDAH ItAVIDa WATEm.00. MINNE.VrOLIS. anil BT. PAtri ond ecorcs cf lntcrmodiate cltlo Cholce ol routea to anil from tho PaclHc Coast. All trana- fcrs In Unlon dcrota. Faat tralus of Flne Day ccacuea. clccant uinlne Cara. nuunimcent Pull- man PUaco Slccperc, anct (betwcan Chlcaeo. st. JuBOph. AtcnLon and Kansas City) Rocllnlng Chair Coxs. Scau Frc.. to holdsrs of tbroueh nr.t-doEa tlcket.. Chlcaeo, Knnsao &. Nobruska R'y "CroatRock l.lnnd Route." Exund. Wcct and Soutbwc.t from Kanaaa Citl and BU Joteph to rrELCON. nOHTON.. BEIXE- VH.LE. TOPEiLA. ExiroroToif, 'mcurrA. llUTClIISSO:.-, CALDWXLL. and all pointa In KANSAO AND 80UTHERN HEBRA8KA andboTond. Eutlre ims.enffor equipment of tbe cei.brated Fullman monufacturo. All .afotr op- plianccs aud mou tni improvcmeniA Tho Fainous Albort Loa Routo 13 tbo favorltd between cblcairo, EkX Island, Atchlson. Kanias City ond Mlnneapol'. ond BL PauL Ita Watertovm broncb tray.r.c. tbe creat "VH5AT AN3 DAIRV DELT" of Northcrn Iowa, 3ouUw0tni Ulnnesota. And Eaat Central Dakotn to Watertown, Splrlt I.ake, Sloux Falla ood many other town. and cltiea, Th. Bhort Xjlno Tla f3eneca and ICwkakee offer. .uperior facUltle. to travel to and from Indlan apoll.. Clnclnnatl and otbcrSoutbcm points. For TlcXet. Iap.. Foldem. or de.lred Informa Uon, apply at any coupon Tlcket Offlco &r addrc. E.ST. JOHN, E. A.HOLBBOOK, Qenl Slanaf er. OenlTkt &Pom. Agt. ciricAao, ii. r. EliY'S 'CRKV3I BALM riransrs t h c Vasal I'a'jajrs, IInys I'ain aml liinammat i o n. Ileals tlie Sorp., llrslorfs t Ii c Scnsfs of Taste and Smell. HAY-EEVER trv the ri'RE. A partlclc Is aj.ip.ifd Intoeacq nontril, no pain; ajn-feablc to ue. rrice 50e, at uruytni-iii, uy mau, rrfrlitrreo, w centi. f.ii UHOTHEIU, 50 Warreii SL, New Yorlc. W. t4 Coushii. foro Throat. tnf.uniz.i. 4lVhooilng: Co n ffh, Croun, Ilruachl. JU, Attdinm.ana cvcry aucctiou of Uio i Tliroat, L.unfTomI Cnratnro rpccdlly 3 aud pcnnducnlty cured by Uio uso of IWIOTAR'S BALSAIYJ OF WILD CHERRY, j wbkb does not dry cp a eocjrb aml lcavu J mm1n? tbo csdm o( tbe coraphlat. COX. J SU5iriI0X CXX BE CUUtfi by a tltncly by lxnilrcilacf tc-itoonlalj. 'Shejritvtne Is tnx4 . r.nt'i" n thi mrrwr. f-rn a r. iwvi.k e: . ".s, inor'm, Uostra, Hu. ili ly dcalcn rracnllv. I Sr IVomler. cxlst In thounands of Iforms, kat are urpansed by the marrel of ln rntfin. Tlins. who am ln nfil nf UuJJl rrclllHl.le work tliat can lw donn while i Ihlnjr .t lioiiie, ftltraiM at once i.rKt their adilnM I tollal'ettfC'o I'ortland, Maine, and rrceire irce. full lnfornialfnn how elllirr nl, of all ageft, can carn frora fS to t per day and upwarda I whercrrr tliey Ure. You arc ttartcd frte Capital , not rtqulrcd. Some hate made 50Inainf!i-dny ttthUwdrtf, AUsucceed. jl CATARRH AGUICULTUItAL NOTl!S. Better let the carden run to wppd than tlie mind. Miss F. E. Burr, Some farmers nro all bralns and ol licrs all ellxiw gfpase, and neithcr succeid. No farm. largo or small. need to hn and none uught to be witbout a well cultivatml gnruen. No animal kent nn the farm will nrn- duce moro fertility or be better for the leeu tnan swine. Sow foddcr corn and other !fodder crcps in order to have the cutting of iuese come on in succession. There Un't wisdom enough, put it al together, to tell what makea one anule sweet and the next one eour. The C'entury. I have never liiown of a case on recnrd wheu a farmer failing has nut paid ilfty cents on a Uollar. Dr. G. A. Uowen. Lawyers, doctors, merchants, clergy meD, etc, take pipera dcyoted to their vocation. Farmers should do the same. To Bay tliat the ordinary horse owner does not attend to the fit of his harness, is only the expression of a well-known truth. A man who feeds correctly and in telligently will save from 10 to 20 per cent. over a min who follows only a haphazard method, A good crop of both corn and weeds cannot be grown on the same ground at the eame time, any more than two rail way trains can pass each other on the same track. It has.been ehown by experiments that seeda of many kinds ot weeds are killed in tlio coinpoat hpap if there is moisturo and temperature of 90 to 110 degreea. -rC. Ii. Djdge. The ttatement that Yankee ingenuity had succeeded in making nice-looking cotnb honey by nnchinery, current in the newspipers not long ago, is pro nounced utterly false. Next to a eure and certain provision for the great beyond. the health of the farmer and that of his liouneliold should be his first conceru. Oftentimes he makcs it his last concern. A correspondent of the Slaine Farmer Biys 'I don't care how pure, sweet, healthy and handsome oleo may be, I don't care if it contams the elixir of life I would prohlbit the sale of it entirely and forever.' A ftvtem Of ffirmtnc uhinh ilnaa nrtf provide In an cconomlcal way for a re- turn, in an avauanie lorni, ot tne soil constitutents carried o(I by the crop raisnd. cannot othprwinn iiut nrnvp nlll. mately a financial fallure. Every flower Bhould be picked from the plant as soon as it is faded. When it has reached this point it is certainly not ornamental, and the procees of eeed development greatly injures the vitahty oi ine piani. I. C. Libbysayn, in theLewislon Jour nal, that thectudy for the Maine farm ers should be to raise their own grairi nnd avoid paying so much cash for Western corn. Ihis advice would be very prolltible to other than Maine farmers. As in determining the feeding value of diirerent rations the stockman must not rely wholly upon the cheraist's dic tum, but must 'ask the honest steer,' so in the case of fertilizra the farmer must iiKjtiire of the plant. Its preferences imift be laken into account. J, II. Uale thinks that the proper training of hlackherries and ranpberries depends upon Ihe right prnning. In the suinmer tlio new shouts that come from the ground should be pinched off when they are fiftcen or elghteen inches high, to make them grow strong and throw out new laleral branches, which should be allowtd to grow at will. If wo would have better roads, the public must be made to see the benefita of them so plainly that men will consent to the closing of all unnecessary high ways; tliat good men will accept the oflice of oveiseer; and that the road tax be collected in money, thot the overseers may hire only honest men, or contract for repairs, payment being conditiuned on fuill.ful perfnrmance. Iloard's Dairymen quolcs receut ex periments in Sweden lo prove that the practice of putting fresh pkimmpil cream in the rhurns is wastelul. In the ex periment alludcd to, epecimen No. 1, was sweet and No. G was sour, tbe other intermediate samples being more or less sour in proportion. No. 1 gave S'j pounds of butter, No, 3, 3! pounds; No" 4, 4)2, No. 5, 1 pound, and No. 0 three fourths pounds. If leguminous crops get their nitrogen from tlie atmosphere, the farms where benns are grown so largely and thevines led out to sheep ought to bo very rich. We do not learn that guch is the case. In fact, it is daimed by some that beans prove to be auexhaustuig crop, and that the old bean growers are not making as much money as formerly. American Agriculturist. In summer experiments withcows for a small dairy, I found it as cheap to go direct to the grain bin or hay mow for extra food to bridge over droughts or to maintain the mllk in the fall as it was to depend upon green foods, daily to cured at much troublc. In a large dairy this element of iuconvenience would disappear largely, J. W, Sanlwrn, Jlirror and b'urmer. Ilarrowing and rolling rcaulro moro careful attention than is usually bestow ed upon them. We do not roll to make ihe iand lirni. Ilarrowing will make the land firmer than it cau be made, ex cept on tho surface, by a roller Wo roll tu break the lumps. The roller will iiotcrush the lutnpa tliat it cannot reach, and so we harrow to break some of the lumps and to pull the others to the sur face, leaving it rough, and tben follow with a roller. It has been said that a farm witbout a boy would soon come to grief, but what place would not come to grlef witbout liim? Who is it that 'does the chores.' and the bothersome crrands? And what ever amounts to much who is not laught to do the chores well, and In time, and to do errands in an exact way? It is business rverp time, and fathers should remtmber that their methods are noted. and cnpied by the bojs, and if the liatcnet, epjiie or rake is lelt to rust under the tree in the yard, he llunks tliat if Iather does it, it must be all right. SpringQeld Unlon. II i: I'OU.NO A litti.i:. 'Uml Yes! S ingularl' he said, as he stood at the cashler's desk in the res- taurant and fe t in bis pockets. Ileen robbed, I eupposc?' sneered tbe cnehier. 'I'crhaps. Iet's see. Did I chanire my pataloons?' Uh, ot course I cuei8 I did. nnd left nll mv monev in the other pair.' 'Say, that's too old to go down hcre, misterl I want sixty cents!' Yes ycs, but you see ' 'I see a deadbeat wbo'll get a good klcking if he doesn't hand over tbe caohl' 'Jlerry! but you don't tako mo for a d'adbeat I liop,-'r' 'S'xly cents!' 'Hut, I've left my money ' Sixty cents or you get Ihe bouncel' 'I'll go out and borrow it.' Oh, not Hand it over or the kicker will take charge of you.' 'Let's see, Did I change my clotbes ? Yes. I did. Dut ' 'No buts about it. I want tlxty cents!' 'Ilm I must liave slipped sumu money in my hind picket. Ah! so I did, and here it is.' And he ftshed up a grcat wud, tossed the cashier a $50 bill, and whilo waiting for his change sliook hands with two bankers and drew Ius clieck for f5,000 to settle a real estato transactlon. The cashier is still in bed, and tliedoc tor says it Is a very eeiious case. De troit Frco Piess. ALI. IX TIIK FAMILY. Ilarrr II. Smith is one of the cditors ot Aincrica, the now weckly journal, and one ot his dutics is to pass upon poelry offered for publication. One day last week he recelved a very pretty littlo tvne-written poeni signed bv a ladv whom he had never heard. Tho pocm was acceptcd and a check for its value was immediately sent to tbe ladv's ad- dress, together with a note from Mr. Smith pratsing the poem And asking tbo author to send in more nianuscripn. The next day Mrs. Harry U. Smith pre sented Ihe clieck and drew the money r mt. t m: lor ii, uuicagu iiiuee.