Newspaper Page Text
I rCKUtHIDBTKKTTHUBSDATArTXBXOOX, TxaxB or SoBscBimox: O i yer. tn mIt&qcq $1 60 I Three month s.. -39 mtotbi " 7ft &Idr1 coplcs,.. ...... ..5 (rOSTAOB FBI-W ID.? RATK8 OF ADVEliriSINQ Uq Inch.l wetk, $ 761 One inch 3 montnt $3.00 Oa lnch, S wccks, - 1.24 One Inch 6 monthi,4.60 On-Forth col. 1 yr,30.00 One inch 1 year, 6.00 Noticxb lnsertednndcrhcd of "Business Lo cUM 10c per llne, each lnscrtlon. Ml Lette ri ind CommanlcftUons ihould be d (trttsed O. A. riKRCE, mblUher and Proprletor. Entered at the Bennington second-dass aatter. 4 ktrr Business JOircctciry. C. H. MASON. ATTOnNEY AT LAW. , . Adams' Block. Bennington, Vt. 32 HttS. M. E. FAimtlDOE, M. d o FFICE and Itcaldence, 36 Maln Strcct. C. II . DARLINO. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ofllce over FirH National bank, 44lf Bennington. t. C. D. OIBSON, Druggist & Apothccary Maln itreet, Brit door weit Baptist Churcb. OpenSundaya-from 9tol0 a. m.,-and (to p. m. II. C. DAY, H. D. O FFICE ATDKUI! STOIIE, No. 1T, Maln Street, Bennington, Vt. 8p.cialattemlongivenlodlenci or tlic kcnr n lung, 'i. 0. A. PIERCE, BOOKSEI.l.ER, PMNTF.R, STATIONEIt iD IiLANK BOOK MAKEll, Banner Building,) North t., Bennington. W. B. SHELDON. Attorney and Counsellor at Law, an.l fiollrltor In Chancery. OBIce and resldenct 18 V , t MlnBtrfet, Bennington, Vt. COAI, ! COALI COALi T IMK AND CEMENT li AT W110LESALE AND RETAIL. ot it., J. I1.L0H1N0 & f., Bennington. n a Toiin nvn 11ATF.S. TTOKNEYR AND COUNSELLOUS AT LAW VT?. t-1 Motinnal itank. IlcnnlnL'ton. o6tf J klBATCllELDElt. E. L, BATE8. DB. B. C. JENNEY, Dcntitt. SUCCE8S0R TO Dlt. J. N. SCIIANTONO Ii prtpired to rtrfonn " opertion in Dcnt try in tliorouch nd workmnlike mnnnrr. I cr et tinhction rurntced In 11 cac luhinitled o bli ero, ind t reasonible pricM. (io or Etber admlniitered oreitractiDK tcith wbcn re nired. OIBce opoitc ConKregatioml Oliurcli Mtin tt. Bennington. WiLXIAM E. A,N. LAWirCE mTeNKIS XjAW mCE8M ASOS. ENKI8 BATES. Uooin37,a8,39l)UnltJ llullding, 7'J Ucttf orn8trett,ClilcaKo.lll. Inf rtmenta a fpccially. I,onn of nny atnount rlacti upon C'hlcaeo real cstale at 7 ptr cent: imall Inans t 1 wr cent per alininn. A slmreof jour builnras Inbotlt derartnjentn Kollcltctl 10 A. Z. CUTLEB. Dentist. Succesior to I)r. 8. B. Kkc. All pcratloni performed In tlio moBt llioronEh andeareful manncr.and at rttt'onalile prlcea, Wt alm wlll be to jrlTe eatiro aatljtactlon to all caifaiubmittedlomy care. Uaa aid Etber adminlstered for extrocting teeth wlthoutpaln, when desired. Oltlct Opponlli Kree Llbrary Hail, Bennington, I7tf Vermont HaTtng old my dental rractlce to Dr.A. Z.Cnt er, a gentlemanof ezpenenec and fibility, X be apeiklor hlm Ibe tame llbcral patrcnage tliat bas bten aceorded m the pattelgfitcen jrearj. Dlt. t). U.l'lKE, BENNINGTON CO. SAVINQ8 BAKK. The Bennington Connty SaTlngn Bank at the Bennington Connty Natlonal Bank, i) open dally f.r the transactlon of bnilnesi from 10 o'clock a. m. to 4 o'clock p. m., Snndayi and liolidayi ci- fnter'tittodepoiltori itrictly In accordance wilh nelawiofthe Btate of Vermont. Money de. poited anyUmo after the flrrt day pf each month drawa Interest from tbo flrat day of the next iuc ceedlnr month. Interest computed Jannary lit and July llt, and if not withdrawn will be added o prlndpu, and lntereit thereafter wlll accrue upon it. .... Loani lolldted upon real eitate and nndonbted A. B. VALENT1NE, Pref Ident, W.'E.IIAWKB. Vice Prejldent, J.T. BIlUBTI.EFF.Treainrer, U. W. 'IAKMAN, Secretary, TaciTllt A V. Valenline, WmE. llairks, fi. W.Ilarman, OiinScott.J. T. Bhurtlelt, I. K. Uibaon. Garriage, Sign I hae hlred Mr.Thomas Crowder, a flrtt clan workman in all branchea of painting. Ile ha had charge In tbe beit ibopa in Aioanj ana iroy Oood work done reaeonably and wlth dcapatch I haTe also made arrangemenu to do Carrlag Trlmmlng and Oeneral ltepalrtng. jjt-UIto mo a call. ERI ALLEN. l DCO PCUT I' 11 rtn UCfi I . InTtston. Onaran- M teeil agilnnt lo. li: W. RDDMAN WINSLOW 132 NASSAD ST.,Vaur1erbilt Ruililing NF.W Y)niC CITY. Fj.UMib4d Ket ltt, 1887. UoqocsUonaWe efcreDCci. wnicorcauiorruwftuua. yi YOLUME XLYIII. HENCE THE BEST&CHEAPEST. ARE Youa Miffcrer from nny of thlsllstot srmptoms, eomo of uhlch worn you thatyouftro llablotoau atlnclc of Apopleiy? Dltzlncss or Fressuro lntbo IIoailt Spots Dcforo Ej-cs.Paln AroundorPalplta tlonof IIcart.ralulQRcglonof Hcartwith Fccling of Suftocatlon, Klnglng Boand In Kara, Xumbncsior Trlcltly Bensatlon of Llmbs, espcclallr tho Arra, ralnbctwcenShouldcrsandln Sldp.Palnln Small of Back or IIlp, Dry Cough, Flatulonco, Sour Stom&cb, Qcncral Dcblllty.Lonof Appetltc, &c, YOU can bo curM by purchailng; a bottlo of ANTI ArOl'LECTINE and taklng It accordlng to dirpctions. It 1s strongly endoritcd by tho leadlng phyalclans or Montrcal, as " tho only ' Apoplcxy Pre rentivc, and i evcrywhcre rcgardod as a euro curo for 1'nrnlyali, Ilenrt Dlaenec, Rheumatlam, Anglna Pectorla, Chronlc llronehltlit I.lrcr Complnlnt, Kidner nnd Bladder Troubiea, Hcintlcn, Dyflpepaln, &c.t &c, For alo by all druggUta. Trlce 81.00 abottlc, ili bottles for 83.00. Sond toOR. F. B. IIOTCIIINSON & CO., Enoaburgh Falli, Tt., D. S. A., forclrculart and tcfltlmonlals. fl 1C0 Emergcncles" prlco 15 ctfl. Matlcd f rco to readcrs of thls paper. Tclla what to do in caao of accidcnt, and what may resnlt from bclng DIZZY ? rLUBURG chair uomMnma a rirlor, Llirarf . Mmn lil, Ricililif, tr linlU CMIIt. lOUIttt, Bf6. Annl ercoucn. rrict9aUU n. toiHtiiii. ruiiiiii, rinniiii' iad SirqiiRi' OmuiIii. tivilM rimCirpit rtldlij, fliiiniRiim CHAIRSand LOCIPEDCS and SELF PR0PEl1e!r8. ALL XINDS OF APPLIANCE8 FOR INVALID5, RABY fjOACHES Ottr 00 dlfferent deilgni. Oar flttit Ailanitlc Bnll on all Car. "uuiwini : oj pueinc joar onura dlreet witn tna mikm roa can mm ....... .v.i... vur mioii and apMUI IlnrKnlnx wl ufMiTniwt irro o anj potnt In J LUtlUKC iVIFC. CO. 110 North lJlsbili Btroet, rLlladelpbia, Pa. tj0 THE PUBLIC. MILLER & LUCE. Wliolenale and retail iJcaleri In Granite & Marble And all klndi of Cemetery Work. also Manteln, SbclvcK.FIagging. White Band. Calcined Ilanter, Ac llliiell atprlcei that defy compctltlon. Entlmatci glven, on apnllcatlon. on any dealgn. l'lea.e gire tn n call lieroro placingyottr order. Kemetnbertlie place. flnt door north of Eipresa nfllce. North ttrcet, Hrnnington. Vt. tf U, M. LA.MUKIIT, Manager, WATER RATES OF THE BENNINGTON WATER GO. Flrnt ftitirft (pcryear) $9 00 Kerond Faucct , 2.00 WntrrCknct 3.00 JlathTub 3 00 Ktatiooary Ttibt or Ibtolns 1.00 IrlratoHtAbIcfl, Ul horae 5,00 Kach addltlonal borne or cow 2Hl )awn hofttt (to bc used by hand onl) 6.00 IVovldeil. that no nrlvnffl linnA Blia.11 tmv nwtH 20.00 p?r nnnm, exchifliro of lawn hoe. Tho euoto raie are for ttinirie ramtilei. 11FVNHY W. rUTUAM, rrcsldfnt. Joly 10. 1887. Ttf VTABRH ELV'S CUKAtll DAI.9I Cleanses 1 li c Vaal I'.issaifs. rHAYFEVER Vllajs 1'ain and iiiiiarumai i o n lleals llif Sorr? Itcslorea t li t Scnscs of Taste aiiri Mneil. HAY'-EEVER try ihe cuitE A nftrtlelfl It innltrd Intn ietl DOBtril; nopaln; acrecablo to one. i'rlce COc. at uruKKiKii: or man. jTjri'ierou, w cenii. IlItOTIHMIM T.A Wnm.n Kf . MoW Vnrlr. 11 t aor. a THE GREAT German RemedyJ TRUTHS FORTHE SIGK n Yor tlioni! druthly UllionflSpcllfldcitid ouSl'U'IIUltl.tTTKUi' for n cabo whcro bCL-1 II I'lIlTR lllTTEHS Wtlllll it vllimro yon. notnssiRtorcure. ltJ E3 1omhi puili;rwlll: in:vvr i.ins. thnttimlan Intlftonr fcclliipj; ' po, unc SuM'inrn llnTCUs;! C)nii8LtlicUlatcd lool wbcn you pcc ti Impiiiitlcs biirst nthrouRh tho rkln n rinincn.lJlotrhC8. UiKTathcAwlninrcl iml porcs. Itcly on F3 cioseiy corwnuu li' tho jnllh nnl work nhnps; clcrkn.wboili) not procurc imflllcn! cxi'rcUo.nn'lnllwhc arofonfint'dlndoorf. M'Lrnmt liirrKiis. ind bcalth wlll fol- IrtW. BlimillK 11ITTK118 KhouM usoFi'U'iiru wlll ruro LlvcrCom lHTTF.tH. Thcvwll ilalnt. Don't 1ki uls ouragcU; Itutllcurc not thcn IxiwcakaDd! vmt. 1( ou dtitmt lh HULrntiR UiTTEns I tosufrcrfrom Khciim UllmlM youupand mnko you strongond atlsm, vso a lottT ni BULmt'n niTTi.KS; It norcr fa!h to ruro M.'U'HUK ltITTCRS pon't iKllhuut n botllc. Tiy 1 1 1 you imrc.rlchanfl strong.M win nni rcffiri lt. ind ynur ncsn naru. i ILn'iica In cii'llcitr hcalth, wlio nro nllj run ilown, rlinuM uf I Try .sui.rm n Kit I rr.iw to-nlifht. nndl vou wlll filcop wcljfi siTLrnrit iiiTTFn, inn it'fi iPiirrTorit. I)n voil wnnt l,pt Work ntihllBhivt 7 Pond 3 2-i'pnt PtnmiH to A. 1'. Okdwat A CO, Uoston. Miis1)., aiut recclvo a copv.frce. For Sale, For Casli, In Lots To Suit Purchasers. 1 Car, No. 1, 51-2 and 6 Inch Clap-boards, Ganada Spruce Shingles.. A full Assortment of Wire and Cut Nails. NoYia Scotia Plaster PAR1S GREEN. Lake Huron Grind-Stones. E. S. Chandler, T1DY STEAM LAUWDRY 7 Iiccch 81., IlciinliiKtoii, Vt., HARWOOD M'F'Q CO., Proprletors. THE WnoEST AND MOST COMl'LETE INT. WANIUNd IK1.NK II Y KTEAM.Itn.l.r. Vr l'roceMl NO ItUBItlNti Oll ill.EAClUNti, uhiiik mj Mai iimi v aier . Wn havo l'iirtliav.1 n full Iin of the lateat lm. proTed Laundry Maclilnrry. wblcb, wlth an ex pericnco of ten yearn In lh IfitNlnc.., enablea to gunranteo nrittlaKs work at llring prlcel. All family and ladles1 wcar vrill 1m, under IIim lt'rronal luperti.lon of Mri. J. U. Harwood, who In an eitiericncFd laiindren.. Orderi by uall or otlterwlie ill recelre piomjit (looiti called for and dellrered. A Sharo of the I'ultllo l'atronge Hollclteill Bhlrta 19 centi eack; Collara and CoITn. i L & Fruit Growers and Packers of Cholce Canned Fruits. Cholce Canned Frult a Specialty. Onr Frullt are liome jrrown and packed wben freab in glaii Jara onlr. and ulll I. found atrlrtly flnt-claai In ererr reapect, and are Bend for prlce ll't. WEBBS MILLS, N. Y. Chemuug, Co. i Ex. Olfico Wolls, N. Y. BENNINGTON, VT., THURSDAY, JOHNNV IIULL'SPAIIKSI UltOTII. EIl JONATI1AN. How are you, brother Jonathan ? Tl8 the Anp- piest of mcetlngs i l've come across the waters to exchange frater- nal greetlngi. 1 loTcyon, Jonathan, I do ; my heart wlth Joy runa orer To eo yonr folki bo properou and Uvlng detp ln cloTer," How are yon, Jobn J I cannot be behlnd you In pohteneas I But excue me, If yonr comlng doein't flll my aoul wlth brlghtneaa. Deg pardon ifmy glancts aeem a little blt autple ioufl, For Utnoidyou, Johnny, th.ugh your Bmllo ia beamlng and deliclous." "My loilng heart reflocta the amlle, and ao you must belleTe It ; I'rc come to offcr tt to you, and won't you pleaie recclve It ? 1've comc to talk with you about the ffoo-tciU of mr natlon ; Y"ou know I used to exerclse a fatherly relation.'1 '0, ycs 1 I've tiot forgottcn how way back in 76 You lAoicnl j-oui 'fatherly' regard by playlng me those trick. I wa a little feltow, then, whom you wero bent on maehing, And I found it nocessary to reward you wlth a thrashlng." "O, wcll.let by-gonea be by-gonea i l'm wlllliig to forget 1 The lofiing of mylcolonies wai aoraethlng to re gret ; But, Jonatlian.ailgrow old, my lore for you grows atronger, I wantcd bo to tell jou, I conld keep away no longer." " Let's Bee 1 'twaa '(1,1 thlnk, when nty rebellioua daughten Wvrc gcttlng aomcwhat troublesome ; how wai it oVr the waters I Waa Johnny'a loro for Jonathan 10 ery, ry atrong That he could sentt ouf privatefri to help tbe war along I" "That was unfortunate, I own ; but. Jonathan, beliere me, I've secn the error of my v, nya. t o as a frlend re ceivc me. I hare a projcct ln my brart, which I hare come to tell you ; Tl! all about a atock of goods that t ehould like to sell you." "Aha I I thottght o, Jobnny,dcar 1 anddooa the tariff queetion hcary on yonr rtomach, and preTent a good digeition ? Y"ou came to plead your love for me, and also to palnt the beautles Of openlng up my market by abotiahing tAe d.f. ica r "Tlio tariff Is a wlclcdthlng I a rank nbomlim. tion I It ougbt to be nbolltbed ; we ihould havo reclp. rocatlon I A Butptus is a mllsaoce and your people won't ndure it, And free trade ii tho remedy tho only one t'j cure It !" "Don't gct oxcited, Johnny ; for, no maUerwhat your worth, You nevfir wlll be aatlnfled, becanse vou wjnf the earth. ll' very nice, on raiuy days, for any man or na tlon To hare a little 'cash on hand' to keep away mrration." "But, Jonathan, you're classed among the free dom-loTing nations 1 Wliy don't you bow your frecdom In the lino of importationn ? You nilgbt reduce the surplua ; and I'ye stackB of gootls to Bparc, if Yotl mIII only Iet thelu inliy taklng off Ibe tariff." "Yoo'ro very good, dcar Johony. andlthankyou fnr your offeri To lake my little Baings, nnd tranrfer them to ourcoffera. It pliows your lore for me aud nifnc ; but loye U not protectlon ; Attd so I mu,t 'decline uith thanks' uch tokena of affectioo." "I hope you're not forgotten that l'm ina.Ur of tbe aeas, Anrf wlth niypowerful navy I can brlng you to your knees I Yourflrbiot: fiect have had enough to last them for a season, And may be more of tbe pame bind wlll fetcb you to your reoson." "O, ho 1 the Hritlsh I.ioti roars I I're heard auch talk bcfore ; But Jonathan . blgger Ihan hc was In days of yore ; And backt-d by dlxty iQllllom, who have hpapi of pluck and gnt on, ltc'U not lurrcndcr any ri'oMa fo Cotwnfrt tir Dritonr "Of weli, we'll aee about it ! lf one method will not do it, 111 try anotlter, for, in tlme, l'm bound to bring j ou to It I If Cobden Clubi, wlth all their cnh, don't get a hold on you, The day is not f.rdietant when you wlU aee what can do I" "JIow 3 ou do lot-e me, Johnny Bull ; you came and tricd to 'ipark' lt And shOMed your deep affection for myttlf a uellas mnrlef ; And now you turn your back on me wlth ven- geancc in your eye. l'm forry for youreeh'nys, but, 'Oood-b)e, my lover, good-bye'." -CaptAnn Hreeie, A COUNTIIY COU8IN. "Girlp, wliut ilojMiu lliink " Tlii- jutiiiK lady who Bpoko lifitl junl come intn tlie il.'gnnt imtlor, ln a pnttj htllolri'pi- ptrrel cnftume.vf ith hor dain ty bonnri ttill on lier heaJ. Slto aank into a luzurinus luunging-ciiHlr, and luoknl uii wllh euch nn air of Tt'xation that thu little group of three ladifs and a genlleman, who had dropprd in Inr a morning call, knew at once that eomo thlne wb wrong, "Why, whatnhould we think ?" crled llarriet.lho oldprt of the threo Dlnsniore slsters. ' Don't keep us in aurpeDte, Lu 1" "No, for plly's enke what is '" clnmed in Bell, who eat nearcst to Carl Hcy modr,and was careful to etrikea becom ing attitudo as eho leancd back in her chair to look up at her sister. "Ilave you heard had newr, Lu ?" "Well, I don't call it particularly dc lightful I" eaid Lucy, pettistily. She opened hcr pretty hand bag and took from it n letter wliich she passed overto Bell, eaying : "There, rrad that I" Uell enalched open tho lettcr nnd glaticed duwn the page, "Oh, my ROoJneis I" she czclalmed. "Was anylhing ever bo provoking 1" "But what is It, Bell V" cried UarrieL "It is Irom Cousin K'tty Carroll," taid Bell, etlll reading, "She ia coming on Friday to raake us a monlh's ylalt." ' Oh I my I" groaned the other girls in concert, and then Ilarrlet took up the theme : "Wapn't thoro any plareclsoslio could go, I wonder ? No, Mr, Seymour, don't go I Thisisn'tn family mattcr, for of course if alie comes you 'will have to meet her." "I thought I tulght be Intrudlng," aaid Mr. Hrymour, polltely. But he allowed llif s IXaltlo lo take hiahat.and resumed hisaeat, white Aun", Maria, who eat catmly knitting a sllk stocklnd asked; "What Is wrong with your Uncle. Jared's daughlcr,that sheshouldn't vlslt you ? If I remember rightly, jou have apent fevetnl euramcra at their farm, glria." "Well, yea, we haTe," answered FJar riel, reluctantly. but that'a dlllerent. We know somethlng, and how to drufe, jnd all thatj- besldes oul there in tbo country it dMn't matler. But deliver me from the awkward, ignorant rustio in the city 1" "And it'a just about tlme for our par' ty, too 1'' said Lucy. ''She ne'dn't ezpect me to go about with her t" put in Bell. "1 dare tay she will wear a eun-bonnet and calfekln ahoes 1" Carl Seymour latighed hearttiy, and eaid : ' Iieally.I do pity you ludlta I But Iet her come, she wlll be quile a curiosity in thc city." ''Oli, mcrcy, tlun't I'1 crlcd Bell. 'Let's wrlto we've got ec.irlet fever I "No, nay we've gone to tho ehoro for tlio eummer l snt'l Lucy. Just then tlio door oiu'nril. and Mrn. Dinsmore, majfslir, portly. nnd well dreesed as usuai, raueu into tnp niotn " Wliat's all this about 1" fhe askml.srnt' ing herfelf nnd beginning to away her large fan, Then of courae theletler had to be rend, nnd the itirls nppoaled to tnamma to know what to do. "Why, of course we can't help her coming, ' eaid urs.uinsmore. "lnougn it'a very unfortunate just now, But l'm sure Ur, Seymour knowa that evun the nldest familiea (oh with what nn air Mamraa Dinamore got that oll I) have tbeae country cousins whom they are obltged to bo clvil to. and make all ai lowances." "Oh. certainly I ' eaid Seymour. "But really I nnticipale cnnridrrable pleasure from the vislt or thls coustn, lf you will kindly allow me tn call aa usual,'1 "Ob, yea, come I" critd Bell, who re gnrded the rich Carl as her Pfpccial property, and alreaily, in fancy, eaw herself the mi'tress of his elegant man sion over on Walnut Ulll. "Perhapa we cnn get snme fun out of her, if nothlng more," she added. "When will she be hero ?'' asked Jlrs. Dinsmnre. 'Tomorrow, by thc three o'clock train," answered Lucy. "Mamma, eaid Bell, "ycu neetl nol send me to tho depol to meet her." "Nor me," epoke up Lucy. "Let her take a hack," "But that won't look just polite, will it ?" askcd Mrs. Dinsmoro, faintly, "Well, no matter. If we aro not too civil, may bc ehe won't etny o long," said Bell. Here Cnrl roee, and remarked thnt he must really go, but nccepted Bell'a invi tation to return in theevening. As he was paselng through the hnll.he felt a hand touch his arm, nnd Aunl U.irin's vnlce tnid ; "Look here, young man, wnil until you see my brother's daughlcr, and then make up your mid for youtsel'." ' Oood adrice. MIb Lenox. I'll Inkf it," said Carl, laughingiy. After he wae gone a family council was held, which would have mailo pret ty Kitty Citrroll'd ears burn, and raost surely havo prevenled her intended to the ciiy,could ehe by any meana have heard it. "I wouldn't caro so ni' ch," aobbed Bell. but Carl Seymour is eo eleganl I And I know he won't want anything to do with us when ench a rustic ctiuied into the hnuse I "Oh, never raind, Bell !'' a tid Mre. Dlnsniore.eoolhingly. "He will be civil to her for your Kake, nnd you wlll sliow olT the better by contrnst. This was some comfort tn Bell, and she began to turn her raind to the prep aratton of bewltching toileta which ahould complele Carl'aeubjugntion. Her sisler'a wcre willing enough to help her, for tf liell brougnt a miinonnire into tne fnmilr. there was no" telltng what she might not do for the reet. Carl walked home thlnklng oddly of the ezpocled visltnr at the Dinsmores. "roor Ihtng, i pity ner I ne sain, smilinir. Women don't treateach other as well as men do, that is a fact. They wont gtve her Ihe least bit of a chance. and yet I dare eay they were willing enough to drink her falher's milk and eat his strawberrics. It'a too bnd to let her eomo this babcl of a city and not even meet her. I don't resprct them quite us ruuch ns I did, for that," He thought ao much ntmut it thnt the nex.1 dav. when Ihe hour for her nrrival drew uear, hu concluded to go to the etation and see what llie connty comin wna iibe. aiwl if eliu nwi'dt'd ntiy nnaial- nnce. He thought he vt uuld be nhle tn recngnizu lier from Oelre tlescrtption. "I hope she won't wear tho c.tlfskin shoes 1" he iaiil. InUKhinuly, to hiinself. "I don't he:i"ve I could aland thnt I But I 8uppiHed she will be big and embtr rasscd, and euoit last yiar's faslii'.ne. I duro say I cnn pick lier out, but tt will depend on circuinilancea whi thrr I speak or not." When the traln camo in n was on tne plalfortn. A nuniber of men got olT.but he only saw tvro Si-tera Clixrity, n fat woman wilh a baby a lean womnn witb a bundle, and n young girl dresstd in verv stvli'h mnurninir. The country cousin cuuld be noue nf hese, nnd Carl wns almut lo turn awny.cnncltidinK thnt she had failed to come, when a nweet roice addri'ts. d him, nnd turning riiund he Faw the voung lady in black nt hia elbow. Ilenvens 1 what n lovely f.tce I And 'n whatsweel, reflnrd tones ehepnld : "Excuse me, air, but I nm n slranger tn the cily. Will you kindly tell me how bisl to reach Elm alreet r' 'Cerluinly, tnin," answered Cnrl.rnts- ing his hst. "Just take the car that or stny 1 what numbvr of Elm strect do you v. ieh ?" "inree nunurtu ana nurtren, rir.--Carl slarted. Three hundred nnd four- tcen wns the Dinsmoro reaidenco. Could thls be Ihe dreailcd country cousin ? If it wns well 1 thrre was fuu nhcad I To test it, ho askd : "Ja it Mrs. Uitifmore's liouseyou want to go to ?" "Yes, sir. nlie Is my aunl. "Stitely, thcn, they did not exprct you?" "Yes, l wrolo tliat l wouiu ne nerc. Mv name lf Kale Carroll: Tho Dincmore giil'inreniy cou.-ini. I wonder why they are not here to meet me?' "So do I." saiu unri.iervenuy. "uui, luckily, Mi-s C.irro'l, I chance t-i know whre the Dinrmorts lite. If jou will allow niH to rntl a cab, I will give tbe IriverKll necers.ry dirtctinns. "Thank you." She gave him a plens- aut smlle. and as he heln her into the cariUge a few momcnts later, she said : "1 am very graleful to you, tor i nnve never tven here beforr, nnd had not the least iilea where 1 wantcd to go." " is nothing nt all I ' replied Carl, I am slad to have been of aurvice." Un liftcd his hat ngnin, and a bow, walked back to hii hutne, Uughing and yet pro roked. 'I wonder how they II look when they aee her ?" he though. "There len't one of them that can hold a cnndlo to her I Calf skin eboes, indeed 1 I noliced ber foot when she got Into the carrlage. und it was much daintler tban Mlss Bell's own. If fho lias only cultivaiion to match her beauty.shb'a aperfcct beauty, sbe's a perfect gem, I've a curinus fan cy to got acqualnted wilh her and see." Accordlngiy tne very next evening ne presented himself In the Dinsmure par lor. Only Bell and Lucy were in the parlor when he entered, and he couldn't rerM the lemptation to a,k them if their cousin had come. 'Yes, she came yeaterday afternoon. said Bell. 'Did vou flnd her as bnd ns you cx- pected ? ' intmired Carl, dcmtirely. "no, not ijuite. Diie eeetns pretty well flxed up, but she Is no doubt igno rnnt of everything. Here eho comes, you cnn eee for youreelf." Ilarriet entered the room fotlowed by tbe slender girl in black, who had been in Carl's niind slnce he saw her Ihe day before, But when they weie Introducod.somt tliing in her quick glsnco seemed to en treat him not to menlion thnt he had nl rendy seen here, nnd bo did not allude to tbb meetlng. She did not talk a great deal.but what she did eay seemed seneiblo. Tbough Indeed Bell and Lucy chattered solncee santly that there was hardly a chance for any one lo get in a word. Carl thought Ibere could he no trace of rus tlcily found in Misi Kitty's nianoer, and her mourning dress, whicb Mri. Dins moro wore for her mother, was quite as becomlno;as the gay robes and ribbong of the other girls. After a wbile Carl thought ho would lest her knowledge a little. He had al ready Iried Bell and Lucy with Ituskin and Cariyle, but found them much bet ter acnualnted wllh cheap novele. He gave Kitty a quotalion in answer toa remark of bors, and ehe replied with a' llash of tbe eye which told him tbat ebe qulto undcrttood him,, That Inclincdj OCTOBER 11, 1888. him to puroue the conversntinn, and he soon discovered that ahe liad ImMI) taste and knowledge in literature. "Thnt 8Core another victory for lierl'' ho thought. But ns Bell was just going to tho, tney slopped talRing to ne ten. Bell was considered nuite n per- former.and elio dashed nlf several pieces with great force nt leust. Ihen Lucy wns cnlled fnr, nnd snng in a slirill, pip- Ing suprann, which always niade Larl nervnus to hear. "I supposo you dorotpl.iy?"said Lucy to K'tty as ehe left tho piano stool. 'Not very much," answored Kitty, ho.-itatlDelv. "You haven't a ptann, havo you ?" askpd Uell, "Yes, papa got us one two yearsagol" said Kitty. "Oh, Is that so t cileu IJell in ner merry way. ' Do play for us 1 We'd like eo much to hear you 1" She insisled, when Kitty a.ilil alio would preler not to play until she bnd recovered from the fatigue of her jour ney, and flnully lud her to tlio piano, with a droll look at the rest, ns much us to say, ' Now sec her make a dunro of herself I" But if any one was tho dtincu it wns not Kittv. She struck n few clinrda. and then nluyed a piece which B--II could not linve touched, in n truo, ex- peslve style, which aetonishcd all, and vexed a part of her hearers. Shciou- nt tho conciusion.nnd would not play ngain that nlghl, promislng to elng the next day for them. "And I nm sure wc shnll liavo a treat, thoticlit Carl. but he wns too wise lo eay so, for he saw alrcady thnt to praise her would only be to excito tli envy ot lier cousins, nnd make her ttnplensnnt. llut ns ho went homo tlint nignt ne said lo himself ; "lf I can win that sweet girl, ahe shnll be tnlne." A r -mark which would have mado Bell fu rious. Howevcr. Carl keut iid his uual nl- tentions to all the cirle. und did not once sliow Kitty any bpeciil favor, until the day before she was going homu. Then ht happened to flnd her ahinn in the parlor, nnd ln a mnniy, strnigiit-ini-ward way, ked her to be his wife. "Whtu ! would vou nn'ly marry Ihe country coui-in, Mr. Seymour?" ahe asked with n smile. I certainly will. if shn will havo me, ' said Carl, gruvely. "Wlll ebe V" Then Jvilty blushed und eal l : "A8K me that quesiion in my own liome, and I will tell vou." 'I will bo there two wcrks from to dav," said Carl. fervenlly. He went and Kitty gave him yes lor an answer. So, after all, it was thc connty girl who won not only the mil- lionaire. hut the true love a nunle lieart, -Jiuff fc D. BrilU. lllil'Oltlt IT IS IIOIIN. Numo Slarllllic KtaleiilFiita of lienrral Interest. rtskcd when the training of a cliild shoulil begim replied. "A hundred years bel'oro it is born." Arn wo lo infer from this that this genorntion is rcspotisiblo for tho conili- tionortho raco a nuiuircu ycars irom now ? Is this wondcrftil ceiicrntion the nat- ural result of the proper dict and medi cincs of n hundred ycars ngo ? It is conccded in other iamB t most of tho wolidcrful discoycrics of tho world in this century havo eomo from thiscountry. Ouraiiceslors wcre reared in log cabins, aud iuiVerecl liardships and trials. Iltit they livctl and cnjoycd hcalth to a rino old acc. The woiucn of tho'so days would eiidtuc lianlsliips withotit apparciii iniigiiu mui vvottui btutiio tlioao of tlio prcsent ngc. 6no of tho pronrietors of tho noinilar reiucdy kuown ns Warner's sal'o ctiru, h.ts been faithfullv invcstitratitii; the causo, and has called to his aid scicn- tists as well as men, miprcss ing upon them tho fact lliat thcrc can not be an clTcct without a catisc. This invcstigation discloscd tlio fact that in the olucn timcs snnplo renicdies wero adinlnistercd, compounilcd of herbs nnd roots, which wero gathercd nnd stored in the lofts of tho log cabins, and when sickncss catne on, tlieso rcmcdics from na'lirc'd laboratory wero used with tho bcst cffccts. t hat wero tlicso rcmcdics ? hat wero thov used for ? Afler untiringand diligcnt scarch they havo obtaincil tho fonnulas so gcncrally used for various disorders Now tho (iiicstion i-. how will ilio olu cn timc prciiarations afl'ect tho people of ini3 agc, who has been treatcd, unuer modern mcdical schools .iml codcs. wilh poisonous and injurious drugs. This test has been carefully pursued, until thoy aro convinced that tlio prepara tions thoy now call Warner's Log Oabin Rcmcdics aro what our much nbuscd systcms rcnnirc. Among ilicm is what is known as Warner's Log Cabin Sarsaparilla, and thoy franklv nnnounco that thoy do not considcr tho sarsaparilla of so much vniue in llscll ns it ls m tlio combina tion of tho various incrctlients which to- gcther work inarvclously upon tho sys tem. They also havo pronar.itions for other di9cascs, such as "Warner's Log Cabin Cough nnd Consumption Hem cdy," "M Cabin Hops and Bticliu nemctiy,'' 'warncrs log waoin nair Tonic." They havo crcat confidencc that thov havo a curo lor tho coinmon discaso ofcatnrrh, which thoy givo tlio nnmo of "Ix)g Cabin Kosu Orcam." Also a "I)g Cabin I'lastcr," wliich they nro confidcnt will supplant nll othcrs, and a llver pill, to bo used separatcly or in conncction with tho other renicilics. Wo hono that tlio publio will not bo disappointcd in tho rcmcdics, but will reap a uenellt irom tne lnvcstigaiions, and that tho propnctors wlll not bocm- barrascd in their liitroduction bv dcal- crs trying to subsliluto rcmcdics that havo been so faniiliar to tho shclvcs of our druggists. This lino of rcmcdics wlll bo used instcad of othcrs. Insisl upon your druggist gctting tlicm for you II ho hasn't tlicm yet in stock, and wo iccl conuuent tnat tucso now rcmcuics will rocclvc npprobation at our rcadcr's hands, as thc foundcrs have used cvcry caro ln their prcparation. YKS, TUNRN THEM OUT, Betwcen Juno 9 and Septembcr -1 n prumlnent busiuess man of this city ad- dreesed ibirleen lelters to his purcuas- tnc agent in San Frnncisco. Evcry one of the lettcrs contained instructions of the grentest importanco and demanded immedlate answers. Nothing was heard of the purchasing agent until ycfterday when a ldter was received Irom hlm in wincli ho said tne thirteen letiers were placed upon his deek by tho letter carrier on September 17, tlio datcol the leller received yeater day. lho corrpanonuent nddeu : "lt wlll how you how our Democratio post of llco ofllcials atleud to the bueinces which ls intrusted to them. I have not chang ed my addrpss here In Bix ycars." Tho non-delivery of thrse lelters work ed a loea of between f 3,000 nnd 1 1,000 to the Troy business man, nnd quitn natur ally he Is ludfgnuiit. '1'hefo coiuplaints of mis-management nnd inefllcicncy in Ihe Postal Depattinent ero coming in daily. There is only one retncily. Turn tho raecals out. Troy Tclcyram. Nhlluli'a Coiiailtiipllon c.are. This is beyond questicn thn most euc cessful Cough Mediclne wu havo ever eold, a few doees invariablo cures the worst cdses of Cough, Croup and Bron chitts, while its wonderful success In the cure of Cocsumption is without a paral lel in the hlstory of mediclne, Since its flrat dlecovery it has been eold on n guaranlee, a test which no other m;di cine can stand. If you have a cough we earneetly nsk you to Iry it. Price 10 cente, 60 cenls and fl. If your lunce are soro chest or back lamp, use Shlloh'a Porua Plaetor. Sold by J, T. Shurllefl, Bennington, lAr AMEMCAN CiriXEN. l'ASTOIt IIAINKS, OF (IKNHItAt, IIAH. lilSON'.SCIIUltCU, IIGSC'IlIIIKSONK. The UcscrliitloliFltstlieltepulilIcuilStand-nnl-llrnrer ln Ktery I'artlciilar. Tcatl l.iony 1'rol.i ll.oao JVhii Know tlieMan. Immcdintely after Gen. Benjtmlnllnr rison was nominated at Chicago, the pd itor of that ablebut fair-minded journal, tlio Tndependent, oskpd tho Rev. M. L. Haines, pastor of the First Prcsbyterian Church of Indlanapolis, where the Ite publican standard bearer haa regularly altended for many years, what hnve be.n Oeneral Harrison's rulationa to the church of which he is a member, and how he ia regarded by those who have been intimatply assoclatd with him in religious and sncial relations. To this, Oeneral llarrison'a paftor made reply. When Mr. Harrisun cntue to Indinn apolis ai n young lawyer at the agc of twenty-two he wna nlready n profexaing Christ nn. He had unitrd with the Prcsbyterian Church of Oxford, Ohio, during his studvnt lifo in Miaml Unl versity. Mrs. H.irrison and ho brought their church letiers witli them and iden lifled themselves immediately with the Pirpt Preshyteriun Church of this cily. During the thirly-fotir yeara eince that tlme they havo been amone its most consisten', efllcient nnd lionond mem- bera. Tho Iv. Dr J II. N.xmof Wil mincton. It. D IIurniT of l'liiladelnhi.i. J. P. Knmler of Pitlsburg. and Myron ueeu oi lienver, e.icli ot whom liaB hepn in sticrtvhi in the pastor nf the First Church, could, I doubt not, givn inler eHling r.'mlniieenres of the help they received ironi iuis eider nnu hw wife. Mr. llnrrison when liut twenly-four years of age, was elected to the ofHco of doacon, nnd four venrs later, tn Janua ry, 1801, under Dr, Nixuu'.. p'Btorat, wns made an elder, tbe ordination eer vlce as the churrli record re.ids heinir "pprftrmed by the laying on of the uauiis ot tne eeaalon." INTEItESTINd YOUNO -MEN. For some timc before the war Mr. Harrisun was the superinti'iident of the Sunday-school, and afler his rtturu from the army was fnr a number uf ypnrs. tho teacher of tho CoogreRationai muie-ciHBi tor men. o sucresful was ho in this work that liedrew to theclasa a large number of young men active in business nnd professionnl life. I meet among the olhccrs nnd members of tho chtirchcs of diiferent denominations in tlio city not n few who speak witli en ihiiBiasui of tho instruclion and inspirn tion tn n truo lifo they received while members of that clast. One of its form- er mpmberssaid lo mo yesterday: "Oen eral llnrrison always had aclearcon- ceptlnn or Ihe truth in his head, and he had that trutli also on his heart." Atnidst lho prcss of professional en gagpnieiits he comehow bo inanaged ae to be rarely abwnt, and during one of the poliiical campaigns, when he was speaking rix days in the week. insisted that liii nppointments should be so ar rnneed that he could cet back tn In dfanapnlii, Siturday evening, and tlius be ena'dcd to meet his claes on Sunday morning. The faithfulnes to dutv thue exhihited. has pver been a marked char- acteristic of the man. A HEQl'LAIt ATTENDANT. This faithfulne8 shows itself. also. in his reguhrity of his attendance uuon tho Sunday and mid-week stirvices of lilscliurch, and in thelnyalaud thorouuh wny ho meetn the responsihilities that rest upon him as nn olllcer. He takes hold of his duties with hoth hands parn- stly "Our rtBpon.ihility to God" is a pnraso 1 tiave iieattl i in n nnniher of limesin ln's prajcrs, nnd in mich n tone ns to niHke it clear Ihat it i.s one of t ln' great Irulhs thnt nhano his lliiiikinir nnd conduct. I sit lu his oflice on Slonday last with n few gentlemen while tho bulUtins were being brniighl in one after anoth er, nnnnuncinc Ihe hallots five minutes after they were east in the Chicago ConVcntion. The cnlmtst person in that little group was tne one most interefted in the result, When. at the liecinninz of Ihe seventh hallot, Ihe word came LnlitornU sohd for llarrison." a fr end sitting next to thn Genernl turned to him nnd said exntedly: ' Oeneral, that settles it. you are going to rcceive the nomitiationj how do you feel?" "Well," ho answered in his quiet and delibcrnte way, "if it does settle it, I leci more concerned than I did tho oth er day when I thoucht I was beaten." lliose who hear Ueneral Harrison, when called upon to lead in nrnver in tho Thursday ovening sevice in his church, cannot but nntice thesimplicity and chusteness nf cxpress'on, thehumil- uy oi spiru anu tne ueep semi or rever ence that pharacterize his uttcrances. I venlure to allude to this because the real disposition of man's heart often comes to its clearest betrayal in hia prayerx. HE L.VYS NO l'll'ES. Thpro is about (Jeperal llnrrison nn utter nbscenco of pretenne or nffccta tlon. He di-cards any altcmpt to make a ehow nf liimsclf, nnd would bc the last person to speak or act for mere eltect. Upon and stratghtfnrward in botn language und nctions, ho Ucks that quality of n pnlitician whicli makes one expert nt "pulling wires nnd "lay Ing plpes." Against Ihe urgency of certain friends ho stendfaslly persisted in his refussl to talcp Bny sleps which would place lnm in the lHnition of a seeker after the i . ; . i ii j . ti . i iiiiiiuiiu.iuu iv inu iiiiice oi x resiueni, and received that nomination as I know from unnuestioned authority aiisoiHieii uiipicuijctl. Tlio only prom ise he made was that if elected he would conduct thc adminifctration on Hepubli Ciin principles. llo impres8es ono as being a man of balanced mind nnd clear convictions who would givo nny truth brought be fore him n fair chance, but who would nllow nothing to awerve him from tho path or duty. Wilh him a promise i sacred; wllh him "yes" means ycs and "no" nicans no. Ile is not n man deslr oua of dictatlng to others nor will he al low himself to he dictatod to. Decided in his convictions, bread in hia views. inspircd by a high moral nur- pose, ruled by a conscieuco botli strong nnd infnrmed, ho has lcd n life in this city conspicuoua for its probity nnd its siainic89 intpgnty. A lliaH SENSE OF 1IONOU. One who was his law nartner for sev pral years said of him; "He had ns l.igli a senee of honor as any one I ever knew, nnd the keenest senHe of justlce, i tnitiK, i ever eaw in any ono. This was especiaiiy sirlKlng in him. lt came. I think, from the fact that he was some thlng more than n man who sought to do justly. Ile was n epiritu illy niindeil man." A cettain reeerve charncteriz"H his manner united with a natural dicnilv of oenring wmcn gives eomo the imprps fion that he is cnld nnd unsympiithelic. But those who nro broucht into more intimntc relations witli hlm flnd him lo be tho very opposite. ln convereation ho lislens liitently. shows a keen senre of humur, nnd tells n wittv, clean, pat story in a manner that "bnngs down the houfe. ' Uener. oiis in his benevolences, ho has always taken a hearty interest lit the various ctinritnble organizatlons of the city, and his popularity among Ihe Iloman Cath ollc", llebrews nnd Protpstants nlike at leets to the breadth and genulneniei of his sympathies. In religious nnd charitnblo nctivi ies he has had nn earnest helper In Mrr. Harrison, For a number of years she I wna the the tfaclier of tho Infant class in the Sunday-school. She takes a lead-, ing part in the mlfeionary and eocial work of tho ladies of the church, and is prnminent in tho management of tho Indlanapolis Ornhan Asylum and other publlc benevolences. AN AKTI-8AL00NIST, Tliosu who would like to road what I NUMBER 38. eeo tho Indepcndcnt calls "a speech of remarkable power" will flnd in Oeneral Hirrison's "Danville nddnss," printrd in the IiulhnutpolM Journal of Nuvem ler 28lh, 1837. his views of the evils of the liquor traflic nnd his ringing denun. ciations of nny ullhince between tho Itt publican patty and the Liquor League. Oeneral Harrison ls oirrpliallcally an Anti-S.ilonn Republican. In regard to the form In which the irs ue has jiined here in Indiana his trumpet has given no uncertaiu eound. Ile hasdeclared stroncly for locnl optlon and increaaed reBtriction to the extent to which pub lio eentiment can secure and maintain them. I will not proaume to draw nfide the veil that cnnceal the hnmn lif nf tlen. cral Harrison and his family; yet 1 ftel free tn say that it is a Ohnntian Amnri- can hnmn, of the nnblpst typt, where niti iineciion in ii uinus its members ia purilied and strensibened by faith m Ood. and where, from tho faniilv alttr, that waserected more than a thfrd of a contury ngo, there goea up each day tho utterance of thauksgiviiiK and ronfes sion nnd prayer to tho Heavenly Fdthi r. , nnniiuijiviin, JIIU , tjunc 100, Mti'pIlcUni. llv rpnsnn nr.lm r i ... credulity in which many men pass their ii""'" 1,10 b'd ot th 3 WOl'lll. Tlinv ,nim l.t..l. .1.-. .1...., . and unbeliefaro proofs ol wisdom, nnd i.iiuojju oi ucinij ucceivcd rc cct lllllch th.1t 14 tmn n.wl 'n IV'?Va vle ,ft! omcnt that Dr. Picrce's uoiueu jieuicai Kiscovery is a real nnd provcn curo for aU diseases caused bv tnrniil livnr 1.,1 l.t,..l ... J ; , .u,u ur scrotUIOllS huniors carrics with it its own condem ualion. J hoy do not belicvo it, nppar cntly. fwoKsewcsay so ; and yet what u, ims, UM,i Ung can we l0 f Yyu kuow thc facts, and if wo did not make ntlhlte thn (rrnnt ... nn C !.! ... i. ; a "" "i inis rcmcciy few would proht by it. Wo try to do yui uuiy in mo mattcr and it remains Inr Hin flmil, tne ,-lw. ., . . coino his prcjtulico and givo it a trial. SjOO reward for an incurable caso of chronic asal Catarrh oirercd by the liianufacturcrs of Dr. Sage's Catarrh THE ItKSCUKU OF TIIK f. S. P. C. C. TIlO D.AV-hniirn r - ui me paet ifu of the little rescued ones. Me chanicnh tnv. n, timan t brain-work, ero to them frauds. !. V 8 80D0 nut washing," or Mother has gone to a funernl" were the fftVnntn iramno. . ,. . Itahans of whom in he flrtt days of tbe bociety there were many. Two boys, one with a foot so badly frozen Ihat it had to be amputated, the ........ ...... u urimauenuy twiated leg nnd Wlth pai-a wiin,. i " his cheek (the reaulta of punishment UUV mem lor insullicii'nt earn ings on behalf of thpir padrones.) were the heroes in nll the mimio dramas of these little Iulians. They eeemed to prefer playing "theatre," nnd nlwnys in the form of nn nnnm n.i..ti. . ucu-,iuiit.n ujuue the stage curtaina which worked hetter than do roller ones in' many parlor the ntricals. Th .n.n.rDi ...A i , eifective by the imaginntion nnd by i,n.iuir lasienea to thewnlls nnd to iransverso strings. The "acts" were ehort and etrikintr, each ending in n climaxof its own. The "pnrts" were nlwnys sung, nnd if any child degenern td into n epoken lecital of his role, or olluded to poverty and hand-organs, be was eeverely reprimanded. Counts nud counteane.s. hrti'nnda n...l ............ trod the threc-cornered slnge with won- ..,....,1., j u, woriu-renowned ten ors nnd Rnnranna i,, 1. i nction. (Tho cruel servitude under pad- ,.uim wiiiuii so many italian chil dren BUITered in those days. has now nlmost wholly ceased, owing to tho ef- u a i "U1an consuis nnd or tlio ul. O. 1 , jt C J Tho RftniUtllo n, 1 1 .j ,.....v u. (t-nuueu cmiiren for one nnother's (ufferings is cuiious. pne little urchin. whose back was ftight ully lacerated, only elicited from his bcd-fellow the remark: s poseyou've been licked with pear rods." 1 And tbe boy of the pear-rods eaid of the other, whose faco and shouldere were raw: "Them's. nnbnrul ,ltau i .... . w.w. ...1.T UUI, IfJIIK. than pcar rods." uiey all stem to feel a seneo ot 'dpg- radutinn ln nMnollii,. nl iirA . , . -rv.....s iiiuu iiiot iuc. They cherish n grent contempt for inai, uiey werp so low-spir-ited ns to be compelled to enduro nial trpntmpnt. ..Xtn.hnr. , said Wilhc; "most ot we'unsdon't hnyc II. If WH lin l,r ,, l.... ..u.u Elll, tMV ..JVJ jump on our ftomachs when the liquor "Your ruother never jumped on you!'' "".u .uucy, me sixteen-year old Cirl. WhO hail Old! Iinnn xlmlll.J I didn t eay nothin'," was the gruiT answer: "jumping ain't worserer than selting habies on hot stoves 'cause they c.iurui, iiim mai s wnnt llie old woman next door did. And eho was n purty baby, too. only she'J holler when they set her down linrd." And then the poor boy fell back exhaustcd nnd in- cy Boftly, putting lier hand on the cotlnternann. 'Don't, Lucy it'a likoanif i?hc w,ir t?Cr(r tn innn, nn I .1 f ta. 171' t nilt nf iiiir itr... t...t " im me uoy niu nis lace nnn w.v,, ,(...., tuui nn, .nnn thP hot etove. Kale Gannctt Wells, in lAiooer ii tae Awake. Loo Cauixs aro not rcconinicnded as model lubltalions for modern pcoplo. But Warner's Log Cabin Sarsanarill.i antl Warner's "Tippcca- nnn" nrn tl.n ci. ....!.-. 1.., f ..w ...u u OIIII,U ui,. cflcctivo conipounds wliich enabled thc riltr!?pd ninnpnrs tn tnnintnin Imnl.l. n.l can bc safely rccoinmcndcil to nll. TUI3 CIIIMISi: ltlLL. Thcro ii n good deal of curiosity over the cluncse bill signed by thc Preeident. Following is Ihe text of the blll: A supplement lo nn nct cntitled "An ct 10 execuie certain trpnty etlpulatlons relating to Chinese.'' npproved the Oth day of Mny, 1882. Bo it enacted, elc, That from and af ter tho passage of this act it shall bo ur- lawflll fnr nnp Pl, I I n l... ... 1. .. ' " wiiiuroc inuuici nuu ehall at any time heretofore bavo been or may now or hereafter be a reetdent iiuiu uio united Qtatps, nnd who shall have departed or shall deput there froni, and ehall not havo relurned be fore the passago of this act, lo return or rematn in tl.o United Stalps. H 2. Thnt no cerliflcates of idpnlity provlded for in tho fourlh or fifth sec tions of tho act to which this is a up- , .. . . v . . . . .,w idsuim: HUVl every certificato heretoforo issued in iu.euniii.e uicreoi is iiereny drclared Void nn.l nfnnpfTni.1. n...l .l,u rl.t.n . . . . , ...... ...c vyuiiicrc laborer claiming admissinn by yirlue innrpoi rnau not Do pertnilted to enter the United Slatps. S n. Thnt nll ll.n ,l,,l.., . ! I.. ... , -" ...... a (ii CDVI llfVII, .11,' bilities, penalliea and forfeilurn impor ed, and the powers conferred by theeec ond, tenth, eleventh nnd twelfih eec llons of Ihe nct to wbich thia is a sup plement are hereby extended and made applicable to ihe provisions of thls act. & 4. Thftt all Blinh nnr, n, npl. nt U fict to which this is a supplement as are iiivuiiaiKient nerewun are nereby re pealed. Bodisereet tn nll tl.Ini., nn.l it ttnncccssary to bo mysterious nbout nny. T hcro is nothing mysterious nbout tho nction of Warncrs Log Cabin Hops and Buchu Uemcdy. It puts tho stom ach in healthy action. (Jood dlccstion .iml hcalth naturaliy follow. lloifiscrcet aud use thls, tho bcst rcmcdy. It Is eeldom ono licnra about a pcraon bclng arrcatcd forboilingo. rccord, NEWSFArKK IIUJIOU. Vrltlen Wlth Slx Doll.r I'.lrof Sheara. Called to order The waiter. The creani of eociely Ice cream. It is tho police who raa-nip-u Isle. The child of the aea Tbe harbor b loy. In the hnman rni-n eliu h.inl... u..,., . , , " MMIWIiCI iiuils the eteaks. Ilietoriuns are generally very eec dite people. Twin siaters Misr-management and Miss fortune. A man makes his maiden epecch when he aeks a young girl to marry him. Not often may a lawver'a nharpa 1. mentloncd as bordering on the fee-nom-inal. Vermont claiuis tn lm il "yi., iu. never setM.",, i. then. DiVOrCPR Wntllil ha nL-n..n lf .1 , uiiniiunn I, bUCIU was as inue.h nn. ,r,i.. ur,n. K before ".uinutje ns There Ia a floM - . . .u. g.uie reiurmer nnn wi I nr..ani i, r.nM gedwithcinders" If doctnrn uprn nnl r . 1 , , . . .W"'J B w. an mer look tnere wouldn't be nny eickness in the world to speak of. "One good turn deserves another ," re- m&rlfPft Ihu .nnt. 1 . I dlecake a flip over. ihis is a nice box to be In," as the fellow eaid when he found himself lock ed up in the refrigerator. Oae would think tliat a reaper would greatly dislike his work. Hia sickle goes against the grain. Ou Us are tlilnmi thnf ... . p, ' u.c ouiiiciiiiii;. Lakpn frn.n llia ninin. f . ...... ,,,1. p.Miunn 111 uilO UUoU IU spread the opinions of another. The mostcurious thing about a falst hiod is that it can get over so much Ur ritory by simply lying nround. Ships ure about the only thing we know nf thnt Inul n,,l.. .n.. :l. on tacks and Bhow no elgn of pain. it remains to ne seen whetherthe atest (IlRtllrlmncp in lf,ih..l.i.. .-Ml bo n revolution or Ameer insurrection. Therp is nn n.n fn. u.,ian .... .uutii irucmuit.n compeltng for prizea at nn agricul tural fair thn PHhhM head. on the 3Iftt day of August, (s he justified a. nnnni.ij; Ul U USJ 1110 iaiJ 01 8UIT1- mer? Faruier Aftir vmt nat ti.n...wi. lilnif. what ar vnn vi.ini tn .1..? a tt-ur KMnlenpr Putn poroui pliuter on my back. Whv i nn nnrniM a..i.ay.,:r.Hn l.i il 'jiu ouuwtiini7i uiii cnnrilrv pHirnra . ceipting.M A (xrfirD,ia fnrmnf ma1i t rv. nr nn acre phnted m watprmelDns and a phy sician in the neighborhood made 2000 oft the eame acre, u.uau '(.Llia tiiuii UIJC Ul. malririfT mnnav 1 nmn..UA.l 1. dealer eoftly as he shoved the pea along mv otaio UCUU1. The flfRnifv lintwoan tl.n i tbe stock hrnkpr it.t tnam;Qii able. The one calln the balla, the other CltlZen Whnt nro vnt .ItU that man? Policeman I've just arrest ed him. Citizen But he's post. Policeman He'Jl get his hearing before the tuHglstrate. Jones I say, Smith, I understand that Brown is something of a literary man. Smith -Tirfrflrv mnn .A. HTl... Brown wrilns fnr th vcaota h..w. r - .w 'BAUho kaovf vrj ui some of the leading newspapers and magazinea in the country. The reennt nnllnn.n ...Jn.i. I.. ..II,. i . V , 1 b.uuua.c 13 oi.iiuil- decided whether ho ehall go into Joui- naiiMii wun a large J, or derote hiS tfllpntS tn nnmp nthor nA of labor. Generally he decides in favor of tho other important Held of labor, after he has aeked nbout flfleen or twenty managing editors for a job. Wp nrn till!niT ,n Udp n..-0nl i : .. ...... b .viouii.,i tcavi- tllnnV tn flm nlTlnnni. nn.l i-ntn. .rif..JI- j uiiu IUIUUUI IfcUUII 3 ijarsaparilla, which wo havo bccn ad vcrllsins somo ycars in our papcr, liar ing used it for blood impurities with great success. Its a preparation of standard mcrit. mado of pcrfectly puro liigreilienls, nnd thoroiighly cffectivo in clcansins and purifyiug thc systcra. forcriiptions, boils, can bo rc lied upen ovcry timc. Our own exper lence with it has been most gratifying. .wni c .uu iiuie io gtve ii inis cnuorse ment. Atltol (Mass ) Tranxcript. WOULDN'T 1IB CHEATED IN THE MILKS. A Poland man once had occasinn tn borrow a horee of ex-Gov. David Dunn, tho famous Poland lawyer, having to rme eevrrm iiiues to see eeverai people, He made the trip. returned. drove to the Governor's house. found no one at home, put Ihe horse in the stable and then went to the etore, where he found tbo old Democratic leader talking with some friends. "I put tho horse in vour stable anrl fed him." "All right." "Now, what's the bill?'' "Where did you go?" "I went first to Deacon Smith's." ' How far do you call tbat?'' "Thrpn mllpa." Three miles. "I know better. a hail." It's three milea and "Well, call it so. Then I went over to my brother's." "Ifow many miles does that make?" "Seven." "It's nll of elght." This exnmination continued until the entire rnute had been covered, when tho man who borrowcd the horse, eaid: "Now, Governor, what ie the bill? Tell me, and if I've got money enough I'il pay it now," "The bill?" eaid tho Governor. "I don't want anything. When you want the horse take him, I didn't care bow far you went, but when you undertook to tell ac I couldn't atTofd to becheated in Ihe miles." Lcwiston (Mc.) JournaU Makes tho livcs of many pcoplo miscr ahle, and often leads lo self destruction. Wo know of no remedy for dysepsia more successful than Ilood's Sarsapa rilla. It acts gcntly, yet surely and eflicictitiy, toncs the stomach antl other organs.rcmovcs thc faint fccling, crcat.s a good appctitc, cures bcadache, nnd rc- lrcshcs tlio btirdcncd niincl. tilvo llood s Sarsaparilla a fair trial. lt will do you good. J71I Irpepla and Llver compuint. Is it not worth the small price of 75 cents to freo youreelf of evcry eymptom of thpse dislressing complaints, lf you think so nall at our store and got n bot tle of Shiloh's Vitalizer. Every bottlo has a printed guarantce on .it, use ac cordlngiy, and if it does you no good it will cost you nothing. Sold by John T. Shurtleff, druggist, flYflflnf curet Xlrrr Complatnt. " " ni.. AfftcUmt and U Co.tlrene. At drngglata. Price t5 eti. SALVATION OIL (p onlg IS antl. SoM t) arfriff.) Relieves quickly Rheumatitm, Ntu ralgia,Swollings,Brui:s,Lumbago, Sprains, Headaehg, Toothache, Cuis, Burnt, Scalds, Sores, Backacha, ie. litltn tlMtt-frtctlQCU. MntUnittttt. V V-rw-I'r , m. I Vnr AifRS.TOiE sVif s wrm Wu 6 l