Newspaper Page Text
TI1K ltEU UANDANNA. Oh where. and ob where waa your rcd bandanna made r Oh where and ob whero waa your retl bandanna roadc ? Twaa made ln mcrrle England with the wages of free trade. And oh,dont you thlnlt Ihat lt'ajut the Clere- land ahade I Oh how, and oh how wlll jrou use thla prttty wlpe ? Oh how, and oh how will you use thla prett j wlpe 1 Oh III hako it and I'll ware H 'tlll Novcmber rotes are ripe, And I hopo that tho votes, they wlll be the prop erstrtpe. Suppoo and .upposc ahould faU I that the jropof rotcs Suppose and auppo tht tho crop of totci ahould fail I Then I'd drop my rrd bandanna, and I'd weep my lonely wall, And oh, in lny boat up Salt Ulver I would siU. Springfichl Union, TAXATION IN VKIt.nO.NT. One of the Impnrtant malters to cnme bcfore the liegnmture m tnai oi nxa tlnn. Alreadv the diecussionB are be cun and a usim! the debators ranee all tho way f rom the extreme lnqufsito. Irnn.r-lnrl OBtll advOCatO (O tlie di cinle of Henry Georee. -In the Rutland rr,mhl thn Ilnn. V. D h run ning a Birirn of articlos on "Vermont Farming," one or two of which we liave copied into the Bannek. His "No. X," i nntiilpri: "FnnninE in Vermont "Double Taxation and It Relation to Land Valuea." "Proper Principlfs on Whirh tn nae All Taxalion.' "hx- emptlon of Privale Properly a Moral and Legal Absurdity." He says: The fundamental principlcs nnnn w liich taxation ahould be based nre obvioua, and reat upon two aimple prnposillons. Firat Individual life, righta and property must be protecied, and socinl nml hinlnpHrt Intercouree regulated by concerted action and organized eifort on the part of the mafses reciutring bucIi protection and aid. RnHThn pxnenfe8 inourred by nifth nri.nnlr.aHon shculd be paid by a uniform taxation, based upon the en- tire property of every indiviuuai em braeed in the organizttion, together anf-ti taM n mav lilstlv be levied upon Ihe penon8 of thpae rrceiving the b-neilia or ciiizenanip. I shall in this connvction ppeak only of thofe lpeil cnaoimpnta upon our Rtnintn biinka. which are a uianifeBt vio lalion of lhe6e fundamental princples. that if, lngiflation which rcsuita in so nallpil "dniililH taxation.'' Thia lerm but ery Imperfect'y expres8 its true rhnrap.tpr. It ia reHllv a relic of bar- baricm, handed iluwn frnra remote an tiijuity based upon barbarous IheoricF, nnd ruinous in ita practical reBultf. That actunl inihvidual wealth Bhou'it be the criterion upon which to bane tax ation and that taxation snouia iohow title, in aasessmenti of t ixea'upon real eetate are axioma which n very low or der of intellcct niay coinpielicnd, but which our legislators have 80 far practi cally Ignored in this matler. Let u examine in detail the enactmenta now upon our statute booka in relation to taxation, and consider tho various phases which they praclically prraent. lst. The preaent law levics taxes up on debta contracted in the purchaso of real estate. 2d. It leviea taxes upon pnliro morl gaged catalea, and also upon a pottioo of the capital inveatcd in theee eatates. 3d, It taxes proapectivi, aa wcll ac ncquired titles, 4th. It swells tha grand lht of the State by asaesament upon the indebted neBB of its pcople, and thua praclically proclalnis to the world, that tho State pos8ef8ea taxable wealth and resources which do not exiat. 6th. It ia bised upon tho BUppiaition ,tbat the moro hopelesa ihe indebtedness ,of the people, the greatnr Ihe taxable wealth of the State. ,6ih. It practically imposea n pennlty tapon every tranafer of real estate, where mortgagea are given. 7th. It discriinlnates ngaintt tho pro ducera of new wealth, against Ihose who would Durchase farm. and woik- ahopa and pay for them otit of the uet proflta of the busincfa in wh'ch they are to be employed. 8th. It discrimiiiati'8 against the em ployera of hired capital. and by its un just proviflonB. bo baudicapa them that they cannot allord to pay ratee of intcr est "which under juBt and equitablo con dltions thpy might pay, and thua capi tal is driven from the State, which would otherwise be empleyed in the dr vplopment of its resources. 9th. It taxea both the povefty and enterpme of our young men who are 6truggling to acquire titles to homes, farms or work-8hop in Vermont. 10th. The exemption of personal property is a very natural ouigrowth of thia fchenie of taxalion, which in ileelf, is both n legal abBurdity and a moral wrong, nn illegitimate child of an illeg itimate parenlage. . - ... Lgilalion which unjustly difcrimi nates against the purchaxera of any spe ciea of property cannot fail to affect more or less seriously tho mnrket value ss that property. Li t ua illustrate the ipractical operation of this legislation in its relation to real estate valuea. We will suppose that A owna a farm, the appraised value of which. for pur posee of taxation, is $4,000. Ho ia wlll ing to diapose of it at that price, and B's son, who bas more enlcrprise than ready money, deirea to purchafe it. Ie is shrewd and Yankee-like, ho cal culatea tiia cbancea for succers. Ile finds that nfler paying for ihe necpfaa ry outflt of tooN, seed, grain and otber farm und hnuf.ehold suppliea, ho will have but $1000 to invest in the farm it aelf. If be makes the purcbaoe he wil, In addition to hii interest, ordinary cx tnnBes and rieko. bo rcnuired to nuv taxea on a farm representing $f000 while he has but flOUO Invested. ln otber words, Ihe laws of Ihe Slate will compel him to pay both interest and taxea unon his $3000 of indeblednees. He finds also that A wi 1 be tixed ona lint renresenting Ihe monev nnd nnter which he will giye intheltade; that taxation will, in coneequence of the transfer. be increased from a lirt rcprr. aen ine $4000 to one representing $7,. 000: that the aggregato IIb oftheS'atv will be awelled so ns to renresent a cain of $3000, in property value, whilo Ihere will be do increiiBe in value. The State will tlnn practically iinpose apenalty upon him anmunting tnhe aggregate annual taxalion upon his $3000 debt until pald. This because of crop failures, low marketa, etc, may aniount to hundrcds ol uollara anu cnn eequent financial ruin. Tbese coniider ntions. with other real and fancied ob ipntlnna to locatlng in Vermont, lead him to azcept the advice of Horace Greely, which waa "Oo Wett, young man. no Weflt," and lie goes. This is Vermont law and this is its practlcal effect, w If I purchaee real estate and pay only a portion of the purcbase money down, glVlng a DlorigHe uctru iut uio uaiquur, 1 become invesieu wun oniy iuai por tlnn of the title repreeented by the pay. ment which I havo made. Ihe balance of the. title remains wilh tbe former owner. whoshould manifestly pay such portion of the taxes as the unpaid Dotea described in aaid mortgage bear to the asseesor s valuatjon ot the properly or which he holds a ioint title. To illustrate, we will suppose that A purcbases oltla farm worth 3000 and paya but $1000 down. I), as uaual in nuch caser, gives A a deed conditioned nnnn the navment of tho balance. When A pays said balanco he becomea Invested witb the full title. A at the aame titne gives Ba deed, also ccndl- tionpd upon the paymrnt of the unpaid balance. li iv laus to pay saiu oaiance. the property rcvrta to B, and he be comea re-lnveated with a complete title. AVhile tbe balance remains unpaid the title manifestly rests between Ihem Ntlther alone holds, or can give. a ocr fect title. The nuestion of title in such cases, aa I have said, is a queetion of fact. It requires do judlcial lore or legal acumen to trace ns owncrshlp, Tbe amium ot we unpam noiea nem o the mortgaete atany given time wll deterraine the extent of hU title, and reDresent hta taxable Interest In tho es tate, provided the sum of thesenotea and accruea intere( is noi greaier tnan the aooraUed value of tho estate. In such exceptlonal cacei1, of course tho lister'a appraisal should repto ent the mortgagees taxable intprest. To nlace the anoraised value of an es. tate in such cases ia the list of the p.irty ln poaseftsion, while the notes deecribed in the mortgajre deed are et in the list of the othvr party, roay justly be clmr. acterized aa leiral robberv. Uur present grand list is no indez to the itnancial condltion or taxable wemin of the State. We have no such indez unrier exiat ing laws. By the legal machinery new in force. every advance in mortgageil indebtedness is followed by an advance in thn aggregate grand liet of the Btate. Wliat a boundleaa fleld for the develop ment of our taxable resourcea is thus opened bpfure ual If we only become poor enotigh, our plethoric grand list may yet become a maiter of neighborly envy and stale pride! TIUS SCIIOOt. QUKSTION. In udditinn to tl e ttxmion Bubjtct our ijeglsinture nas oiner matiers neinanu ing aciion now bcfore t. A measure f paramount importnnce to the people of tbe State to como bcfore the Uenerpl Assembly is that providing for n more eflective common schocl system. The district avstem, as at present ndminis- tercd, haa outlived ita uaefulncsf , and tbe town syateni does not feem tn ineet with suiricient populnr favor to warran the Legislature making the uduption of tne flvnrpm onmnnlAiirv nn thp mwnM. The Lgislaturp, recognizing llie neces- Bily of dolvlng Ihe pnucadonal problem Inteliigently, the G"neral Assembly of loou enactrd a law enilleu "An act at. pninting u ommittce of three to draft a new Educalional B U bo as to incrcase tlie eflliiency and improve the pubiic schoola of the Slate. ' Uuder this committee cons'sting of Ilon. Loveland Munson of MnnchfBter, I'resideut tzra Ilrainerd of Middlebury (Jollege, and 1'rincipal S. W. Landon of tho Builing. ton Iligli School vtai uppointed. Thia commioBion hax labored aHpidnously to solvo the school problem, nnd the result of their eiforts H embodied in a compre- henMve Lii II lo rcvise the school Iiws, which bas becn prinled in full liut i too long for our colurana this wtck. We give, huwever, the following piiuclpal teaturi'8 : The bill providea for a State Superin tcndent of &liicaiion,as now, the Super. intendent to be annoinivd by tlie Onv- ernor and Sonate and be paid $2000 a year nnd his expnsra. He shall hold llie Teachcrs Institute', as riauirraby exlstlng lawp, tlie exprnse ol eiich not to exceed $30. The Oovtrnor, with the advice and ronsent of tho fapnate, ap- point8 at each eession of tlie lygisluture bupervuora of Scho(.ls in each couuty, pruvidinp ror tlH'in n xalary that ehould command the mrviccs of competenl men. Tluae ollirers me ti have the im- mediule finiorvifion of the i-cliuolf.iinilf r the general coiitml of the Supermteiid- ent ot faiicatinn. rrovision is maue inr examinations nnd for granting certifi cates, uhich, n far na can be done by etatute, should accure tificiency in teacbcr.-. lhuifsuiug of ctrtillc.ilis to indiduit'8 under 18 years is forbidden. Tho at leclion of text hooka nnd all llW delaiia of adiniuistratinn are carefullv provided for. Tho district nnd town ysteni8 nre both preserved, but the imn- mum exticnsu for maiutaining schoola n each dittrict must bc at (east 18 uer ceut. of the grand list,'o wbich the pub- ic ruoncy will lie appiico 80 lar as it will go. The public money is to be divided, one-half up to $12U0,amnng tbedlstricta equallvj ol tho ncxt $1200, one sixth to 1)0 divtiled iipially; of the nt xt $1200, oiR-twillth li) 1h divided inuiillv. the imniint to bc dluded pquiilly not 1 1 ex ceed $1)00. The runiainuer ahall ImmIi- ided ainmig the ilistricts iiccoiding to verage attendance, nnd h rt'Kitr hv-- teui i nquired. No district shull reri'ive asuin grealer Ihan itacash txpendiiures for t-achera' wng a and ihe running ex peneB of the scho 'l. Kelpctmen nre em- poweri'd lo requlre scnoou lo tie taught where they should be and levy tixes pon the dlslricti lor the copt of tup- itt. Ihe school age Is loweiru to 18 yenrs iniirail of 20. and attendance witb- in school nge is made compul.sory. It is optionnl with Ihe towns to ndopt tbe town ajetcin. Each town or dis trict imiBt malntain at least 24 weeks of achools each year, County uniformity f school books for tive years is renuired, and towns mav own the booka it they prefer. The selpctiona are to be made by n board to be appointed by tho Coun y Uourt, anu tlie Uounty isupervisor iali bo a member. TlieSupprvisors are to have ndviory power over the loca tion, conalruclion and repair of huild ings. They are also to hold public ex aminations of teachera nnd to grant and revoke rernllcatcs. Ilioolhce of Town Superintendent ia to be abolished. Oraded central echoola aod one State Normal school are provided for, Districta pmployltig 13 or more teachirs mny employ h peraon for spec ial superviion unJer the coiumilteeand tho County Supervisor, We note by the comments of our cx- changps,lhat lliii bill is llkely to become a law, and shall pnasitily give it in full at soine future time. li is probable that he Herald voices the eentiment nt Montpelier when it Bays editorially : "Ihe citimaied extra cost of thia new sjtcm $10,000 for the whole Stnte-is uiuch lesa tlian we suppoaed any im tiroved sytitein would cost. Tho Legis lature nill liardly heeitate a moment on this nccount, if satisfied of the mcrit of the chaugex propoecd. I hua early ln Ihe public cnnsidera- tion of the Coinmissionera' bill, we do not pretend to be able to judge of it wieely.but itscems to be n monerate and carefully s:udicd measure of progrees, which bids fair to eecure the greateit improvement with the lcnet change. Une thlng h certain: aomethlng must be done. The people aro not prepared for the town syetem of school mannge ment. which works bo well in other StuUs, and tho Commission haa notrec ommended it, But it has recommeoded the best features of that syBtem and combinded the interest and reponsihili- ty of rtictricts nnil towns, with outfiuo watchfulness and Ruggeslion. S1LEST FUHXACES. IIHNNINGTON'S KXPKltllSNCn ItE I'KATKO. A IVnnnylTnnln Dcmocrat Who AT1I1 Vote ror iinrrllon anu .tiorton. Oeori!e B. McCalmont spoke at the Iron Works, Troy, N. Y., Saturday night Mr. McCalnionl'a homo is in Bradford. I'a. loarepnrter h said: "I nevtr votod for n Rspublicnn in iny life.but I slmll v. tethe whole ticket this fail. I snt down nnd tbougbt thr uhole matter over and reachi d the concliision ihat Ihe Kepuhlicnti party was the place for me. When the Democrats organized a club in Bradford they exprescd eur- prlse whpn I ulil not cnme around, for 1 had alwaya been In.the front in Dfmo orn'ic organization. One night I walk ed into the Repuhlicau club room and aome one asked me if I had not uot into the wrong pew, Another man oflerrd raen iipw hat if I would addresa the club. 1 ncceptcd the oiter and from the night of 27th up the present time I bave missedonly three nights, and 1 proposr to laiu untll eiection (lav. ihe outlook ia very promising for the Itepublican nomlnees. The tarifl nuestion is the all imporlant issuo. The penplcunderetand it. i was orougnt up in venangn Uoun ty, Penn, In that county when 1 was a boy tnero were nity biast lurnacea with rolling mills and such like industries. In the adjoining county of Clarion there were nity lurnacea. r-veryixdy was engaged in the iron buBiness, and all hands were bappy and prnspcrous. Tbe tarilf reductlon bill of 1840 went Into effect, and the iron induslry began to wane, 1 can Temember buw hard the tlmes wfro 9nd how hard we had to plnch in order to inake both ends meet. By 1852 the whole 100 blast furnaces were gone. The two countiea would have gone to tlie dngs entirely had it not been for the fact that when iron went out oil was discovered, and proved eo much more valuable that notlnng bas since been done with ore depotlti. If thn Demor.ratic party wins this fail. bundrrds of scctions will bo blighted as were Venango nnd Uiarlon uounticaby Ihe tanll reductlon of l4U." Ontbesame traia with McCilmont was Qeorce Uunton, who spt ko at the Itepublican rally in Scbsghticnke Satur day ntgnt. iie is tne autuorof "wealth and Pregress," a critlcal examination of the labor problem. Mr. Qunton is cer tain that ilarrinon will carry tbe Empire btato. Vacant riacea In the ilental ranks will n)ver occnr If yon ara particuiarwiuiyoiirteotii, andrieanno them er. f rvilar wilh thitfamoui tootli wanh-SOZODONT. From joulh loold age U wlll kcep the enamel spotlf m ana unlmpairea . Tlie leeth of peraoni who ute 80WJDON1' have a pearl like whliennn, and the gums aroceate buo. white tbe breath ! purlfled, and rrndered swret and f rsgnint. It ii compoMd of rare antlfeptlc hcrbf aml Is enurel rrre irom tne oojecnonauio aDumjunous ingrei leotaOl 100U1 rasir, eic. OUTSI'OKEN CLEIiG YMEN. IIENNINOTON MKN. I'or Dllller and ITIorallty. llurnlmt Word (rom llio llev. XI r. Cliartca llobluaon. tlie ller. Ur, Mcrrltl lluriburl.-The .Halii laxuea Clearly Deflned. In the Tribune ot Monday we find Ih ulterances uf the two oleritymen uained above, which are signiticant. We give tbe excerps as written for that paper DB ROI1INSON CONTnASTS THE PAHT1ES. Tbe Uer. Dr. (Jharlca S. Robu.eon. formerly pastor of the Mnrtison Avenue rresoyierian unurch, laieiy engagea in preaching to a number of I'rrsbyieria coogregatlons in this clty. aaid ln an swer to the repor er's nuestiotis : The moral issuea were nevei 8 1 clea aa m this caropalgn. There can be no hesilancv on tbe nart of in Clirislia man as to lua nctfon wln n tbe cbuice is to bo made between such n O ivt rnor as Hill bas hpen aud such a (Jovrrnor Miller would muke. The iiuniin. tuo u( Mr. Hill fffini to me lo li ive iH'e broughl nliout with trickine s, and the elemenH ralljing around him for his supporl aro suuh as I can have nn uosm blo sympatby whli. If the fr ends and supporters of Qvrrnor Uitl were rnnged on one slde of a straight street and Ih friends of Miller on the cther, Miere would be no room for any nrgumopt for any one wno is acquainteu wun both. One could tell by the looka where de cency was. Hill dorsnot have the back mg of lliu rrapectable rlemeuta of Ihe Democracy. Many of them who were going to vote for Ihe Prohibition candi dates, now that llicv seo tho fcsue sharply ni'ide.areclianging Iheirground ann wui vote for wi.ler. Ihe next Goyernor of this State will be eitlu-r Miller or Hill Ihe first stroug teetotuler and I'rohibitionisl in sentiment, and the second tbe abjolute tool of the liquor interest. I have nl ways been and am now.'istronnbeliever in tne Mgh-license system, and nmsorry that the bill was defeated by Hill; and i oeueve that the Hobersenseof the oom- munity will condenin that velo at the polls, and nill heartily receive and n- uorse a cli a measure for the reslnct on of the liquor iraflic. It haa been report ed that there is some uncerlninly about my voiuig for uarrieon anu aiorton. may say tliat 1 ahalt vote for ond give mat ticKet my eupporl. 1' rom all 1 can learn, by coiivernlloris with Democratic friends and othrrwisp, I Ihink thcro hae been n decided change of feeling, nnd nai unrrison, norton nuti Mliler will win tho day. Dlt. IIUKI.I1UIII) ritAISKS WANKElt .MILLER. The Itev. Dr. Merrilt Hurlburt. paitor of Irinity (Alelhodist rJpiscnpal) Uliurch at No. 323 Eitt One-huudred- md-eight-eeth at , when en at his liome, aaid that be would cheerfully imloreethe po sitions taken in thia campaign by the clerny nnd thr betler clpmenta of the people of New ork. He added : rrom my poinl of view, Wnrren Mil ler in his persinal chnracier and record ed utlerances, representa my own con victions on the issues In the Stalo cam paigri most perfecily and to my eutire saiiHfnulion. Ihao knowti Mr. Miller personally from early inanhood, and his personal nnd polilical career have been exceeiilnijly creditable. I do not bclieve that any in.iu ever cauie up for the auf- rages ol tlnsaiate wilh acl-nner record personally aud in his publio life Ihan Warner Miller. Whalever Uill s per sonal characier may be, and I linve no personal knon IcdgH of it, ho represents principlt'a exnctly autngoi.iiiic to nll Ih it Mr. MMer etands for. I aiu perfectly Irnnk to ni knowledce hat I havenlwavs been a Knublican. but I am n L'liihibitionist on priiieiple. and liave voteil for tho repreeentatives of that p'lrtj for the Slaie Legislaiure. INow tnat 1 have ataled thnt much.I wll at the aanie lime saj tliat I do not be lieve In hil ition to bc prnctlcable, at the procnt lime al any rntn, and Ihtre fore I sinceiely heheve in the policy of high licenrc. It is mucli bctter tn have Bpvere restraint upon the liouur Irallic thau to aiin nt immediato prohibition nd by so do doing defeat eveivthlnc tending loraril li. It teeuia to mo that all broad,minded citiz"iia will ricognlze wiiellier luembers ol ihe ilnrd Parly or otberwUe that now iheisues areclear ly drawn. their dnlv n to vote for the candidote who Is favoiablu to tpmper- nnce, sobriety and the only practic.ih'e resiriction of the liquo- traflic. Our governniental legislntiun on thnt Kubjit must do practicai aud not uleal. I he Prohibilion part)'a pnpi'ion ialnurd nt the present time, nnd they nre plainlj actlng and no douht nll of them ait not couscious of it in the interel of Ihe Ueniocratif parly, nllempling to the party whlih is ni'knou lpdged to be aim'.ng at nml nccoinp'ihing refurm in the matter of ihe liquor ir lll", aa well aa in other direc ioii. Dr. Hurlburt, as will he nen from a prusal of his rHin uks, ha rnd a pracli cal insight iuto the workings of the Third Party, and ih strong in lii con demnatioii of their present posilion. Ile luitner referred to tlie non-prohiii Ing reaults ot Prohibition lawa in Stales whore thpy have been enacled,'ind spoke mot earnestly ng.iin and ngain on the follr of losinc what is at'ninable by grasping for what is tinattainable at least uniler pretent condilions. liasl Arlliicton, Miaa Flora t.oodt-nough contemplatrs soiourn In Fitcliliurir. llatfl., and hiT eitttfr. iliHM (JraCH Uoodennuuh, gocsat ihe parae time lo Jierrituac. Ma-iH. liolh tbt'80 youriK ladiea will be eadly iniesed, not aiene nt nomo, hut ln tlie Uliurcli and Society as well. Charlea Cook met with a pevre and palnful accident in Ii hIis nhop Friday. wniie u imk a circuiar pnu )ic iet band wua cut conipletely through caus- triK mo losa oi ull in-t itnern. 1ip wound waa drcnrtfd br Dr. Chirk. J. R, Judaon, Em , has rt cently re urited from a Ihhuifhh trio t) Ntv Yuik, and repnrls a very fnvnrablo out- looic tor llartidon and Moiton in tbe Metropolis. li. W. SatTord, Eri , Ikih addrd a new JiMiure tn Iih 1ihiiw-h, xiz: tbe niantifacture uf childrenV cut, wnirb be rnalit'H in a vi rv tiei t utaucer. Mr, A. Wal er rxpectt i iro lo Nrw Tork next wtelc tn purcbuijr new go'dn in the hvlli'un line. The villnte k-Ihid! nre larirHv iii- tendcd Ihirt letip, ;i'id tlh le.icliiii: l very ifllcient. NewtfMi Sd litert h;n in'ive bi.i f.nni- ly lo WifCiHiHiu. Pmatuea mII ftir fvtiv cenla ir burtbi'l. Quiiu a hii-iw aionn Tui'Hday. .Irlnston. Mr. Orlamlu Ailama epent lant cck in Boelon. purcliuainj! noocls for tlie full trade. iHkitiL' nlvantni;e uf Ihe mer- uhaDt's wcck in B01I011. Mra. Wni. N. Huril ia vlslllnir her parent8 in New Jerfey nml New York, where her huabanil joina heraoonfnr his annual vacafion. II. . Wileon.O. M. IJirney, E. C. Wuodwnrth nnd A. O. Stewnrt went to New York on the excuraioQ on Tues- ilny. Mr. and Mrs. C. IS. Viault havo rc- turned from a rnj urn uf two weeks in New York nnd New Jeraey. Mra. O. H. DroiiBon ia viiitine rela- tlvca in Cllnton, Maaa., ezectlng to Btay iwo or inree mnntna. Mra. II. E. Cmiflrld haa cone lo Mil waukcf, Wia , to apcnd tho winter; K)?sibly a longer time. Ilon. Eilwnnl O'Nlel nml wife left for their hnme in Milwnukep, Wn., on w.dneeuay. Uer. Dr. Canfleld tfllciatril in 81 James Chtnchon Bunday, Oct. Old . Hev. (ieo. S. I'rntt and famlly leare town this week lor new lorK, Fred II. Canfleld ia in Troy and Al bany thu present wcek. Woodford . Delated Itcmi 1 We are nlad tn see Mr. nnd Mrs. Hle Iry from Sandy Hill, N. Y., ngtln in our town. Mrs. F. A. Oleason antl son Alhert a1 tcnded tho Fair in Wilmington. It snowed here Sunday afternoon so that the grouna was white. Charlea M. Dlies is rpendlng a fow days m town. Miss Orace Wood bas a new organ. l'ear's 5oap securcs a fino complexion. TKItUIIILB ACOIDENT. Yesterday a special traiu on the Le high railroad carrvine the Wllksbarre, Penn., delegatlon homti from a Father Aiatthew celebrntion waa wrecked, and it is said 80 livea were lost by this awful cnlamity. Off Newfoundland the Na- tional Line steamer, ''Queen," collided wun a nsninir ecnooner and raoiuiv sanK wilh a loss of twenty. Rcculato tho Iteeulator with Warnor' L02 Cabin Sarsnnarilla. lnanufuctured by proprietors of Warner's Safe Curo. Lnrccst hottln in the mnrtpt. Rold hv au oruggisis. Tntt's Pills MlmMln.c the lornlil llror. ifFanHh. ciiHlliedlircallTooriranR.rciTiilatMtliA mwm uuu nru UUCqUHlCU US U ANTI-BILIOUS MEDIGINE, .riu t . In malarlal dlalrlcts thclr vlrtoca are n I a ely rccORii I act, an t li ey posacaa nec. illariropirtlcsIufrceluirtlieaTalera from tliat nolmn.,i . ril 11 f I'll . llllun K...n,l I. Y nE-i. Sold Evory wlioro. Ofllcc, 44 Murrny St, Now Yorlc fyfOTICE TO SELL REAL ESTATE Uf SUUiUT AMIDON. Deceappd STATE OF VERMONT. I tn Pmk.i. r District of Bennington, sa. fheld at Probata Oh Ul'C III UCnniDZTOH. In Blfl mtrrtt nn ,ha o,h Present, Edward L. Sibley, Judee. iiunuu vuuillllBiabOr Ol Mie e8lHH) Ol nuuuui Ainiuon, jaig oi lteauKboro, in rua iisincb, ueccaecu, niAicpt applicatloQ to said couri, in wrlllnB, unncr his own hand, praytnir taid court to grant him llcense lo fcll all of tho rei rMaic oi sam accasca. Tlie ame is in the worusnnu ngurss louowinir, VII : To the Ifonorahln lVnlmlprmtnf fnrtli rltrfj. oi licmiingiou. lOur Detitloncr. Faxon L. Jlnwsn. nrlmlnlBtrn. tOr Of tllfleKtfttn Of Kllhmlt Atni.lnn lilnnf nnna boro, in naid district, deceaaed, rcipectfully rep. The amount of dehts due from de ceaaed ia ftiir oa The cbargeR of admlnistration. es- oiaieu 4U oo $157 08 Tho value of tho panonal estate.. I 45 ui Hiiicn nas oeen or may be ai- aigurv me wiaon oou T 45 Balance of dcbts ehnrirpfthtn nn tlm ron eiaifl oi saia ucctawu I49 m To ralftc whlcli Rtim. he nmv nnM Cnort to (rrant him Itcense toeell all oflhe real estate ot paid dcccasetl, as tho enme ii ucccsary for the 'iijmcrn, oi b.iu afom anu cimrpea or aammis- irunon, fixowL. ifOWK.v, Aumtolstrator, UenulDgton, Vt., Oct. 9, 18S8. VhcrouDon, it ts ordered br xalii f?nnrt. thit said anplicatioa be referred to aieesion tbereof, to uo im-ju ai iiic irooate omce in RHld dintrlct, on the 27th lar of October. D. im. for heariorr and decislon thcrcon: and. U is furthcr ordercd. thata Iner- ons tntcrcptf d be notlficd hereof, by nubtlcation of notice or eaia appllcatlon and order tuereon, turee wceKs ncccviTciy m me ucnmntfon lUNNKn, a nerTPnaner nubHtihcd at Bennington, and whfch cfrculaten in the neigliborhood uf those Inter eated, before faid time of hearlng that they may appcarat iald time and place, and if they eee jy mo uourt. Auest, 38t3 b.J. WILKINS.HeelMer. STATE OF KOXANA DOWNS, i Deceased. Wlll prcsentcd. Statr nr Vkrmont, ( . Uistnct ot I'ennlngton. J " In IVobatc Court, held at tho Trobate Offlce lo Itennlneton. within and for brIJ district. rn thi- 10th day ofOctobpr, A. I. 188S. rrcsf nt, iion. Etiwani t biiiley, Jude. An intruuient tllirnortinir tn hn r lnt wlll snd testainent of lUixana l)ownc, late ol iten nlngtun. In nnld district, deceased, beinp prerent ed br Wiliiam It. UrnM-n. th fxfptitm thcroin named tor l'rnbatc, it is ordercd bysnld Court, that ull pcrnons eonccrncd thereln bo nodfied apprar ul.& nesciou uicreor, tn ue ncJU at tlie rro tt offiec In Bennington. In DtstrirL nn fhn 27th day of OL-tober. A. 1). 1888. al lOo'clock ln the orcnoon, anJ ftbovr causc, if any they have, j?aintthe probatc of said Will; forwhich porpo Lisfurther ordcred. that this order be nublinhrd three weeks eu:ceaslvely ln the ltcnninpton lian ner. a nevrpnaner nrintrd at Uenntnirtnn. in this! btate, prcrious to said time of hcaring. , uy uicwouri. Aiiesi, 38i3 J. WILK1NS, Reristcr, COMMISSIONEIVS NOTICE. EsUte of Abbio M. Montgnmery. Tliciindcrsipncdjiaring beon appointed by tho !on I'robate Court for the District of Bcnulnirton. Commlssloner?, to rcceire, cxnminc, and adjust all clalinH andflenrandsof ullperpons iipaiofttlie estatv Aimie w. -Hon(K"ucry, ito oi bijaitaijury, m ld itNtrict,dcceacd nml all claltus cxhibiledinoaT thcrctohercbypive notice "tliat they will mcct tho inirnoses aforcsaid at the ofllcn of tbe Eacle hquare ManiifacturiDj? Co., on the 3d day tueiuucr auu.iinuayoi inarcn next, irom o'clot-k n. m. unlll 4 o'clock n. m. each fpald dam. and thut iz months from the 2Stli iay of Sfpti-mbcr, A. !., 1888, li the timo limltcd j- nnm i.ourt lor bhii creuuors to prcent tneir aiins to n n for examination and nllow ancc. luted athartbbury this 3d day of Uctobvr, A, FllEI). h. MATTISON, ( fW 33t3 Eptntt of Silas D Mon'eomery. The undcrtfirnrd. harinc been nnnointrd hr th Hon I'robate Court for IheDiniriet of Itrnntnftnn connnif8inner. torccelvc, cxnminc, and adjiiPt all clalm and drmands of all pcrsons npaint the cs te oi niiAA i'. lODiiromerv. latecrhhaitfiiiiiin. naid District, deceaaed, nnd nllclalm exliibltcd in ollet thcrcto, licrcby Riven notice that we will meet for the imrpoKcs aforetald, at thc ofllce of the Eaclo axitiard Manulacturlnir Co . on tho 3d dav i Aiuii iiiun uuu in ut w. .'tarL'ii ironi OIl 'clock r.M.. uutil four oVlock I'. M.. rach of aaid drtjs, and that stx tnonthslrom tlic28thdavofbeir tcinber, A. D. im, is thc lime llmited by fald cotirt for said credltors to present their cUims to for examination aud nllonnncc. Dtcd at Shaftsbury this 3d day ofOctober, A.D.18b8. FKEr U MATTISON, 38IS FKED. EDDV, Cora'r COMMISSIONER'S NOTICE. J Estato of ANN D. FltOST. Tlie undersIgTH'd,haTln becn appointed bythc Ilon. I'robialc Court for the District of Bennington, Commissioners, to rcceire, examine and adjutt all clalms and dcmands of all persom against tjie estate of Ann 1). Krost, late of Bennington, In said District, deceased, and all claims exhibitcd ln of sct thcrcto, hercby Kiven notice that we will meet for the purposcs aforesald, at the store of E. S. Cliandler ln Bennington Center, on the 3d day of Novetnber, 1885, nnd 2ythday of March, 18H1. next froi.i 2 o'clock 1'. M., until fonr o'cloclt l'.JI,,cach of said days, and that slx raonthsfrom theth day of SeptcmUr, A. D. 1888, is the time llmited by said Court for said creditors to present their claims to us for examination and allowance. Dated at Bennington this Wth day ofSeptember, 37h3 At.KllEU HOI!lNSON, IIDW'.S THIS! We offt'r On. Ilundrl Dollan Kcwnrd for any roni nf Catarrh llmt cnn not bocuredby tftkiDK Halt'f L'aurrli Cnrc. r J CHKSKYCO.,froii. Toleilo.O. Wp, tlie unfltrfUnc(l have known F. J, Clii'ney for tlie 1ai 15 'rarii, aml lH.'Iicve him perfcclly lionnralilc in all lulnrR IranfActlonii nnd flnanriallyatileto carrf out aiiyobligatlonii tnade lir tlifir Ilnn. Wtrat A 1 Tniax. Wholenalo PniMlaM. Tolrd,t.O. waltllnir, Klonanjc Manin, wnolexalo urugKWli, Tnl. d.). Oliln. E. II. Van Ilown, Ca-hter. Tulcdu Nillmal llaiik.Tolcl.i. Oliio. HallN L'atnrrh Ctirc I takcn Intpmalljr. acltoic d.rectly iiiwii th blood and mncou, aurf.iceanf tlie ytem l'ric, 76c, er botlle. Bojd by all Druvel.n. 45tt CONSUM ITION CU1IED. An old phypirian, r'lrl from pracllre, haTlos m plaml in lii band by an Kat India mlanion ary llila fonnnla of a aimple vefMabl! rfmwlyfor tlie Fjieedy and iwnnanentcurefor Conumptlon, ninncinim, viiarrn. Aimroi. ann au inroii ana Lunir AITet-Uona, alio a iMjaitlte and radlcal cure fitr Nenrou Dcbllity and all NrnrounConiplalnU, afi'T havlnfr teaia 1 Ita wonderful cnraiiTe iwvtf ln thoiiaandaof caa, bas fclt llhli daty to make It known tohia luff.rinjc fcllowg. Actuatril by thia motiTe and a deilre to rrliere buman luffer. lne. I ill tt nd free ef chaw, to all who deilre 1L tbisrecipe. InUennan. French or Entlsb, witb iuii oirecuoni lor prepannj? ana usinr. ocnl Dy per. W.A.Notij. i-j rowera uiocr, iiocueier,n. x. yi aow Tho Now Hiilldlnff of the Alhany Iloalneaa oiicfte anu imiiooi or Miort-uana nnil Type Trltlnir. U the Ixtl slructtlro derotod to buninraa eitaca tion ln the world. Catalogne and kpedmena of penmansnip iree. Adclrean, JOIIN It CAHNEI.L, rrinclpal. (3, Wi aml trr North I'earl 8t ALiT, Ii tbe artlcle'you'wantlll yourChalr U Ketlloa: thln. It If natan'a own rtmedy and haa been uaed by lndlADt of Mexieo for aitta. It con talnanooila or chemlcala. Curet dandrufl, prerenU the halr from falllng out, makes It Srow. and excells them all aa a dreMlng. old by dniftfiati, $1. The yUCCA CoH Har Uncton. Vt UKT Dlll! Tlilil ! Bcfore letting your imlces toanjr NURSERY FIRM, If you vraot pcnn&tif nt nml profiUblo EMPLOYMENT. It. O. CHASE tt CO-i Pembcrton Sq., Doitoa. TROY, IT, C. V. s. QUACKENBUSh & CO.'S -IN- & NOTICE THE 36-38 incli witle Fancy Sttitlngs at 25 ccnts per yard. 36 inch widc LadieV CUillis, in grcys and browns, at 29c pcr yard. 50 picccs doublc fold, all-wool Suitings, clioicc stylcs, at 39 ccnts pcr yard. bolid colors in all-wool Hcnnctta Cloths at 50 cents per yard. 25 picccs 46 inch wide Scrges at 60 cents pcr yard. Colorcd Drap De Almas, ti quali- ty, at 75 cents per yard. Drap d' Ete in colors, 48 inches wide, at 89 cents per yard. New Wliipcords, in blacks and col ors, at $t per yard. Our Silk Warp Ilcnricltas ; they are the best cttalities ; at i.2S per yard. 54 inch wide Krench Cloth, all ' colors, at $1.50 per yard. We will sell you in all wool IJLACK DRESS GOODS, French Arniurcs, Scrges, Hcnrietta Cloths upins' Cashmeres, Wool Twills, etc, etc, 50 ccnts pcr yard. 48 inch wide, all wool, Henrietta Cloths, in jet and blitc blacks, our own importing, at 89c per yard. Special lot of New Weavcs in black goods, such as Marie Ualanta, Salin Duchcse, Lttpins' Soliel, Otto- mans, Urap de Alsa, Ijayelinc, etc, etc, at prices $1 to $1.50 per yard. Our Black Silk Warp Henrietta Cloths arethe best that can be pro curcd, perfect in color and iiuality. We are making leaders of the follow- ggradcs. i, $1.35, i.40, S'-S and St-75- SAMPLES SENT UPON AP- LICATION T0 V. S. QUACKENBUSH & GO., Cor. liroathvay & Tliird St., TROY. TIIF.SE are in every respcct striclly first class 1'aints. composed of purc linseed oil and the highest made of pigments. They are preparca ready lor the Drusn, in 54 newest shadcs and standard colors, and, on account of their purity and great covering properties, we odcr them as the MOST DURACLE and ECONOMICAL Taints ever produced. One gallon will covcr from 250 to 275 s. ft, two coats. Samplctajvl Detcrlptire rrictLtitfrtclymail. D. W. JOnXS MAHDFAOTntlNO COUriKT, SOLE XIITCTICTUBXIIS Or II. W. Johna' Aibeatoa lTooflni'. I'lro-I'roof PnlaH, llnlldlna Felt, Htcnm-Plpe and Ilotler CoTerlnga. Aabeatoa Btrara Packlnaa, Raakata, ete. Vnlcabeaton Monlded Itta(S,Wuhera, ete. 87 MAIDEN IANE, NEW Y0EK. ron RALK DY II. II. IIunuiinT, Bennington; 8n.i MiaoN, Ilertwelltrille; lu.von l.uJ,u, North II en nlneton: CC. Itivsta.Wilmlnitton: W. 1". Mat nao Co., South SlaftiljurT: W, E. N'iles. rownal uenier; J uullock & o., iieaaaooro, u. 1-. jviiv. esl lwrer. Mm nennioouwirca .WWti: IMI lUDOI tiM. WrTBUd. I Soll4 0U BlBllM Oun rK. HowblBUpQMtbte! m Ia aaak latltlT. is kMO Im lbtt tmmm mmw M IboM wImnU, mbuu '" nluUftM rj MWBl HOUIEBOLD BAJirJC ktti k4 iba Ia rw btm Ibr KwmaM m4 tbmm o IboM wto BUf kan Mltod.HMf tooan f w rPr1jt tl la matoU to naka tati irMt OW, atBf tb OUU OLD wiUa ta4 COIT V tutflM rrM, u fcrvtaj e4 Iba mbibM la uf loeaJJlA al wjt raaalu U a Utf tnU tor ; aftf w aaap4a Ia a Ucllty toc a Boata ftw V MMllr f talIOOO to tfeOOO la lra Joai tt tmvBdtac ooti7. Thlm,tta aioal wamaartU efcr nff kov,ta mU Im riir laal w aanaM al vfcara Uar ca ba nn, Hl twr ABtoria. Wrlu al , ao4 aa.ttomrafrfUMCBMea. wtll bakwOrMT for wv tolWw Uaaavptol to Ibaaa wka aav caD at JW aa4 roar nvtrel vUl M axwt Mltakxtorr. AratalaHM vkka to wrlu aa etU W 1 wl a aftor T 1 . T Aa m wrt to r fBrttoar, wi j m hana to Om. V MUriUratlMM fMtMHew FBEBmUJ a anlU nl wlka la tba vw14 aa4 aw Utf Hmm COITLt lAHrLEI. Wpr UatprjftlffcJ, JJ. AAttm 010. ITUIKf M C9.j f S tlh nTUXP, POSITIVELY CLOSING WEEKSr GRAND CYCL0RAMA, BATTLE GETTYSBURG, 541 Tremont St, B0ST0N. Don't fail to see. this great Battle Scenb'-ftt once. elnir nalnle d wlll lake Itl place ln thlsbullding January lit l E0R SALE! Valuable and Deslrable Real Estate, Tlie HTEWAItT BI.OCK on Maln Street COii'iO, three ttorici li oflerrd for ale on rany lcnna. Alao my refldence on Unlon Street, and balld tng lott on tillver Htreet. Inqulre of Itf A. D. STEWART. Bisnor norKixs' iiali nUUUNQTON, VT. Tho New DioceMn Fchool for You nc laadln and Oiria, foQBded bjr the UtA Dinhop llopkim, or the lieauUfol cltr of IiUTiuigtun, wlll be ootnttl REPT. 19th. with a. full rortx of tchra. Ptpd aratlon for Welkslfy. Smith or VAMar Collrjtn, or a thorouffh Academic Course. iroiprctUii on appuctuon IUT. LUC1U8 M. IIARDTi It. A , PrlndpaL WANTED ! Ynnnr? mnn or womrn tn mtlHt. lfnit hn nf good audreas, coroe well recommroiied. depoeit tca dollara ror Htnplns and jrlre atcnritjr tor roodi ahlptwd. SalarrBlztr Doliars Ptr muiih, Contrart for not Ira thao four raonlbn. AddrfM TUJS iMjiw i uuiiiniiiriti muuoe. ALBANY, NEW YOIlK. lrCv5riwirt-r?: FJnaa. FREE atffi " W.R.Worthington&Son, LEALEIIS IN CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, HORSE and CARRIAGE BLANKtTS, TRUNKS, BAGS, ETC, ETC. Jfjou want to purclmso a Sull orciollies, an Overcoai, a palr of Slioas or even a lialr oiOvcrall: at "roclc liottom" prices don't lo a "Jack-or-all-tratlcs" wlio swins out a siiii like llie follow I'ry (IchkN, (Iroceri'i. CloUiit'K llaln, fchofs, llaritwnir, 111!!!!, Cof linH, Totiilxtonea, (iriii vtoneit, (i,080 V'olvc, l'ltU-nt McdiciueH. (ila.tH Kyes. Folw TeHli, ic , &e. For, Ifiomlo, 1011 may cxiicct to liavc a very small nssortnicnl lo sclcct rrom lic.shlc.simjlnira niiitli largcr prlcc. Wc arc oireriiit; tliis rall thc Iargcst and best tlnes of OVHIt C0ATS, SUITINtiS, HATS, S1I0KS, RUBBEUS, SIIIHTS, CUFFS, C0L LAKS, TIKS, At., tliallwerc eicr sliown in llils lilace, and al pricc that will contiucc the Iiublie tliat wc arcscllliiKKoods lowcr than ani olhcr llrin ln Soulhcm Vermont. Wc arc dalb rccctvlnt: our FaU and Wlnlcr (Joods, and what wc ask Is tliat joii Kive us a eall aud c. aniliie ourstock, and Ifthc uoods aud Drlecs don't sncak for them selves avc don't ask you to hii). Wc have Increased our stock of Mcn's, Womcirs and Chlldren's Finc Shoes and arc conlldcnt wc an salisfy thc most raslidious (astcs. Kcinemhcr the nlace, W.RiWoftliiiiofoii&Soii Scott Buildlng, North Bennington, Vt 11 V 15! -ANU- AT LOW FKiUIlES. MA1N STItEET, . UEXNIXOTON EAD SOME OF THE BARGAINS: Grand Itusli on riiisliParltirSnIls from $10 up; a full line orlicsks and Scerelaries. I.ook at thosc lcftant Plllar Kxlenslon Tahlcs new tliliij:. Wlllow Chairs. A new llm1 or siiU'liiiariN. l iill stock in every dcpartmcut. No rouhlc (0 show kooiIs. (ilvc us call. ENNINGNTON FURNITURESTORE ASl) Undertaking Parlors. SAMPLES BY M A I L . WE IIAVE THE LAIKSES STOCK Or Dry? Fancy Goods ln thia Slole. Wc il a Slrlclly One l'rice No house can poMiltly undorsell us, asoll our goods arc bouKht for !UaJy Cash at the Vcrj Lowcst Jlnrket Prices. Ourfrecord ofthepwt twcnty-Dve jcarln thln bunlDeM apcaks forns. If you want ftny artictt Inourlint. plcase write to u-, statiiiR wJmt jar tlcutarklniIofK'J )on waot, and will rvwl 3nu Hamplei Uy Mafl. FUKE, wilh piice nurkcd on each. AVe Onarnntr all our Oooila l U eztctly aa n'precentf J by llie niplc. or tlie purcnasrt mont-y wni ue rfiumifu. ricafo kvo uaatrlalaml .c how ronilr oucand jmir ahonnlncin Ihl wav. Ily hfinc cjireful to ctatt ln your Irtler. nearly m you ran, llie kitnl of goooa jou cii'nirr, your orucr wiu rireiTB morv nronint and "ntfofActory nttentluu. ;km1s ccnt L' O. I). ln all mt' when ordtr are not ac coinpaU d hy pnata monfy. Printed circuiar of Infonuation xcnl wltli the tamplcs. EASTMAN BR0ST& BANCROFT, A'ICOWiHLSST., IVIITIAND. MK. J XTOTICETO SKMj UEAh ESTATK iM OF 8. MAK1A IIAUWOOD, De Crfl(ie(l, 8TATE OF VEUMONT, l ln Probfito Court District of IWMitilntin.KH. ( hrMatthe riuhateof Qculu Bennlncton, wiihiu and for mkI lHftiirton the 25th day of iM-ptember, A. !.. 1SN. Prrsent, Hon. K.Iwnrtl U Sihlej', Judj;c Ednaril IUcc, mlinlnItrator of llie CHtatoof H. Marla Ilarwood, late of lienninirton, in vnhl ditrict, dix.fawd, nntVe applicatioii to ald court. in wrltinjr, uinter liU uwn liaml, pmjfiiK oald court to xrtut him llrvnne to ncll it'rtaln o tho rral enlate of aaid drcraxfd, ainl Ihat a pnrt cannot be aold withoat lictiiuientlo the rrinain der. The ame U ln tlie wurdi aud flnurt's folluw inr. Tlz : To the llonorable Probate Court for the DU- trlrt eit I'nnlnrinn. Yoar pctitloner, Edtrart.ltlcc( a1mtnI-tratorof theeKtatnnf B Marla Harwood, lat of Itfnninj;- ton, lo aaid dUirict, ueceasea. resprcir uiiy repre aonU that Theainountof debti due from aJd deceaaed I13IJ ftS Tho chagei of admlnUtratioo, fitimftieu nw w (1415 GS Tbe Talue of personal estate.. . W Of which haa been or may be aaalimfd ihff wtdow 000 00 f 110 M n1atu nf AA i liArirp able on tlie real eaUlo or fftht deceard (92) 12 Tn ralaM irhtrh ftiim. he orava aaid cnurt to rraut hlmllceniftotcllBd niuchof Ihe rral eMato or aaid ilecared. aituate in iiiib Diair.oa mny ihs nec esary for the raynient of aahl dcbla nnd charj of admlnistration, and that a part of aaid rril ca tate cannot bo sold wlthout detrlment tothe re- malndcr. uwann uici, Auuinuu-ator. Bennlnffton, Bcpt. 25, l1'. Whrrennon. It is ordetrd br Pald Coart.tbataald appHeatlon bo referrfd to a eio thcrcof, to Im; held at the Probatt Offlve , ln aaJ.i di- trlct, on the 11th dar of Uctobcr. A. I. for heariDjf anddeclvlon thcrcon: U fur ther ordercd, that all peron Intereated benotl fled htreoft by pubticatloQ of notlref ald ap nll r tion aml onler tHf reou. three weeka mcrca tlrcly lo the HennlnKton IUnnkr, a newapiprr f abliahed at UennlnfftoD, andwbirh circuUtealu he nelffhborhoott of tboae Inirreated, lcfore id time of hcatinp, tliat they may apicar at IJ tluie aml place. anu, it iney ace cauie, onjfci luercin. Uytho Court. 8(T Atte at SIOISEY J. W1LKINS, llcgUtcr. s MALL FARM FOlt SALE. Th nhci.rltvr nfTera for ale h farm. Kltnitlrd aouth of ihe hlKhxay, and twnnded on the north by the Waloceiue rlyer. about a Lalf a mlle wrat of Ilennlnirlon Kalla. a mlle and a hatf aouth of North Bennington, aioui mree miiea wni of llcn ninirton aixl Wlthln 100 rodi oflhe dittrlct acliool. Contalna S7 acres of tlUable laud, meadoar and patture. plenty of frult, Kood prlnc, amallbroolc and exctUent w rU. (looil houw. Iiarn aoxlo, and aaitahle outblilldlnsa. Thla farm ii nell adipted to market aardratnK. I'rlce low and termi nll. factory. Babl farm formerly known a Ihe Hn j.h en Ilreckenrldge tna. For furllicr ranlciilara lniuireof John Boblnwn, oron llie I'nMnl.,.. of ' MIUIAHI.lilltrilV Bennington, Au. a, ltSW.-Mlf House Furnishings RIVE R ST. ESTABLISHMENT BENNINGTON, VT. 10,000 WORTH 0F EW EALL A RRVED AT- YSDALE WATCH Fail Announcement THIS SPACE MXT RIVER ST. ESTABLISHMENT, BENNINGTON, VT. DET G-OODS THS WEEK k SON FOR THE WEEK. Resolie Id Bi) your CLOTHING G.B. SIBLEY, f yon wish to save money and Be Sirited . HE HAS BARGAINS FOR EVERY UYER! IS PRICES ARE AWAY DOWN CALL! AND LOOK AT THE NEW STYLED GOODS JUST RECEIVED. ACOM- HLETE OUTFIT FOR MEN AND BOY'S CAN BE FOUND AT G.B. SIBLEY'S Tlie Bennington Clotliier, No. 1 Frce Llbrary Iiulldiiig. WIIEKKAS.thecIrcuitcoartofthe Unlted StatCH in eouitv nittlnc helrt In Anrt tnr th northern diHtrict of New tho chamberi cf the circult judge in tbe city orSyracuse.on tho 24th day of March, 1387, dldmakea decreo In ft certain auit thereln depending, whe reln the Cen tralnational banlc of Uoton, (which soett as well for Itoelf on for all others almllarly xltuated) waa complalnant, and Rowland N. Ilazard, Willl&m Foter, jr the New York, Rutland and Mootreal rallway company and the Amerlcan loan and trut company of New York were defendeots, by which It was amonp other thlnprs thereln contaln. ed ttforred to the underalgned to fell at public auctton the premlses and property hereafter do cribed : Now. lo pursuance of aaid decrce, notlcft U hereby yen that on tbe second day of June.1887, nt tweh-e o'clock at noon, at the outer westerly door of the court houe in the city of Troy,county of Hcnsselaer and State of New York, the under tiitoicd will aell at public auction to tbe hlphest bidder the prcmiaes and property decribed as contalnedln a certain mortage made br tho Ibanon Sprinps railroad company to the Unlon trut company, and which were confeyed by a (leed executed by Oeorco McCMIan. rtferee, to Wiliiam Ko"ter,r.t and Itowland N Hazard, m follows ;"AU the right.t itle and interent of the aaid tiarty of the flrst part (ald Lebanon Sprin(?s rail roacf company) of, In and toall and irinfrular the nevcral pieccs or parcels or land forminir tho track or roadway of the party of tho flrst part from the C'batham Four Cornera, In the County or Coiumbia, to the eaat line or the atate of New ork, ln the town oriloosfck, ln the county o Ucnselacr. and all tanda thereafter to be aennir ed for the purpoae of formlng aaid track or road nn; , oimj iiic lauiuau ui naia jiany Ol mo Snt oart now butlt. and to be bulIL and all thn rails. bridcct, fcncei, atations. statlon honses, wood bouses, buildinjrs and other itructnrea and appurtenances thereunto belonptnsr, and also all iiiti ioiia, incumco, rroin, isnues anu pronu ana allenable franchbte of the said party of the flrst part connected wfth said rallway or rc lat Ing there to. IncladinirltaiiihU and franchtsea aa a cor. poration and also all the rolling atock, locomo- tires tenuera. anow piougns and scrapers. and all the naasenccr cars. bairraire. mall and exnreiut carv. tlat cara and rars of eTery description; all me niacmue "nops ana DtacKsmiin snops anu all the artlclea used in the constructlon. rrnlarinir and repairingof road s and carsandinthe run ning oi me rars now owneu or nrrraner toDeaC' ipjlrcdby thc said party of the first part; all of which chattles are declared to be flxtures and ap purtenances to said railroad. and are to be sold therewith and not seiterate therrfrom. aiul tn hn taken a a part thereof; and aLo all the light, title and Interest hlch tbe said party of the flrst part mayhareor may bereafter acquire of, lo and to the Vermont and New York railroad, con stntctcd or to he contructcri from tho termlnua of the railroad of the party or the flrr t part in the town of llooaick afomuiidt to tbe Tillage of Den nlnRton, ln the State or Vermout inrludmg all the riRht. Utle and interest or the party of the first part, In and tothe fianchi and equlpment of the said Vermont and New York railroad, belong Ing to or in aay wlse appertainlDg or which may atany time beloogor aopertain to the same aa well in law aa in eqtdty " Dated Albany. N. Yn AprlUI, issr. WOnTIIING rON FROTHIS'CITAM.Roferee. IiiLi & Ik'LKLEr, Soliciton for Complalnant. The above tnentioned aalelt poatponed to tho thlrteenth (13(b) day of Uctobcr. 1SS7, at the am hour and place. Albany, Jtinetfnd, WOIlTIIlN'tlTOV FIinTIIIKCIt AV n.f.rMi IIale & Bl'Lklky, Solicltors ror CompUinaiit. Tlie aoore aale la further Twitnnnet itnttl thm Tweifth12th) day of NoTomber, 1887, at tho same hour and nlace. wuUTUINt.lUN FltOTIIINailAM, Keferoo. IUle & licLXLKY, Solidtors, Tbe ahore tnentioned aale Is forther rmatnnnM lothe Elerenth fllih) darof Febrnanr. lSai at tbe same hour and place WfilrTIIIVIlTflW fDATIirvntt a t IIale & Uqlkley, Bohdtors for ComplalnanU Tne abore mentioned sale u poatponed to the Elehteenth (18th) dav or ADril-1888. atthe umi hour and place. iroy, reomiry ii, ismb. WOKTHINQTON FltOTI 1 IKflll A M . H-f- - IIale & Uulkley, Bolicitors for Complalnant, The ahore mentloned aale Ia nrttnr.nH tn t Ka Slith (Qth)dayof Jnne, 1S8S, at the same hour and place. iiateu iroy, Apni istn, iwg. WOKTlIINdTON FKOTIIIVUirAW. IIale A Ilulklcy, Sollcitors for Complainanu i ne auore saie is potponed lo the Elchteenth 118th) dar of Julr. lsKa. at ti. um. t,,, .n,i place. i roy, june em, Ifw. WOKTlIINOrON FKOTHIXnilAM. Ir Hale St Bulktey. Solecltors for Complalnant. The aboTe mentloned aale Is pontponed tothe TwentiethCJnth) dayof July. lfM, attheaame Troy. Jolr 18, 1SL nuuiiuiiiiiv.i r jiuiiiinuiiAii. Krrn II li IlcLKLir, tiolidtora for ComplalnanU The abore mrntiniHl aala 1. tvHitrwin tn ih Tirentjr tfth (Ub) dajr of July, 1883, at tba anms hour and placa. Troy. Jnlrai.lHi. WonTIlWOTo.V FROTHIXGIIA.M. Rrfpree. IIale Uclklxt, Solidtora for Uoraplalnant. Tbe abor. mentloned aalo I. rxtponed to the Twraty-rlchth day cf JlIj.ISS.i, at tlie lame hour and place. Troy. July M. 1S8. WOltTlllNUTON rilOTUINOIIA. Keferet, Iliti Buuut, Solldton for Complainvit. The abore mentloned aale Is poatpcoett to tbe Tirpnt j.flflh day of geptember, ISm, at tbe cun. honrand place. Troy.JulT M. 1M. WOUTIltN'OTO.V FnOTRIKniA". Krferre. IUle i. Dtlklkt, Sollcltori for Complalnact. The abore aale li poatponed to October (H), IIM.attheaamehouraad rlace, WOltTIUNO TOS FIlOTlllNnilAM.ltererte. 1 Iale and Iln KLrr. Hollelton rorCVjnla.aan'. Troy, Sept.S!, l&tt. The ahore menlloneillale la poatponed to ihn tterenteenth (Hth) dar of October, 188S. at the aaaie hour and plac. WOKTII1NUTON FIIOT1I lNUHAM.Keleree. a"