Newspaper Page Text
FUZZLB. Ten weary, footsore traTelerSi AU In a woful pllght, Songht Bhelter at a wayslde inn Ono dark aud stormy nlght. 'Nine rooms no more," the laudlord Bsid, "HaTe I to offer you. To each of efght a single bed, But the ninth must serve for two A dln arose. The troubled host Could only scratch his head, For of those. tlrtd mtn no two Yfould occupy one bed. The puzzled host was soon at easc He was a clever man And so to piease hU guests deylsed Thls most lngcniousplan ABC D E F G 11 I In room nmrkcd A two men were placed, Ihe thlrd was lodged In B, The fourth to 0 was then asslgncd, Tlie fifth retlred to D. In the sixth he tuclted away , In F the seventh man, The elghth and ninth ln O and II, And thcn to A he ran. Whcreln the host, aa I hare sald, Had lald two travelers by, Then taking one the tenth and last Ile lodged hlm aafe ln I. Nlne slngle rooms a room for each Were made to serve for ten ; And thls tt Is that puzzies me And many wiser men. BILLETS DOUX IN TURKEYS. NOVFt, SCIIEMK OF A FAIR VERMONT SUIIOOL. TKACIIEU. GallantMayor O'Brien of Boston X'alls a Vlctlmto Her 'Wiles.-Otrier Uostonlana Fall to Blte at Invltatloni to Send TJer Olrtt of Jewelry. Adrolt Mlsslves ln Thanklglvlnir Turkeyi. From the Doston Hcrald.) Kate Gilletto is a Vermont school tcacher, andjust before Thanksgiving ilay Kato thought over what sho had to bo tliankful for the past year, and as her cves resteu unon ner leweirv casKoc lts cmptiness suggested that wlien another jLlianKscivinir uav camo arounu suo might as well feel tliankful that thcro wero so many men desinng to part with their money to a strangcr, and that the ucpiction ot thoir tunus mcant tne repie tion of her jewelry casket, for Katie dearly loves jowelry, and so do tho big uovs wno attenu ner vinairo scnooi. Now, if Miss Gillette's fcrtilo brain isas nrolilic m ldeas to mako her scholara learn thcir A. B. C's, and she is as sue- cesstul in niculcating usetul Knowlcugo into llicir hcads as sho is in filling her emnty jewelry casket, shemust, mdeed, bo looked upon by tho school board as a trcasure. A few days beforo Thanksgiving, and while hcr scholars wero helping their parents preparo turkeyB for themarkets of tho mctropolis. Sliss Kato might liavo been scen pluckiug feathers from tho carcasses of the birds, who a few days previously had strutted around tho Gilletto farm, totally oblivious of tho approach of their fate. Now this was not tho kind of work Kato felt sho was cut out for, so sho dccidcd to do a littlo plucking of a different style and vastly more profitable, at tho samo timo being much easier. She wroto numerotis notes and placed them insido tho turkeys, ro questing tho finder of tho noto to send iomo present in tho shapo of jewelry. Mayor O'Brien happcned to purchaso ono of the birds, in which sho had placed this nolo : "I am a young: school teacher and have no watch. I have taken a wiDter school. What shall I do without a watch 1 I hope fiome good Hepubllcan Hill remcmber me next Chrlstmas. I don't like thc Dcmocrats. but if one would send me a present I should thlnk better of them. I don't thlnk ihcy llke to give presents, Do they ? I am a Vermont girl, and hope to hear from those who eat this turkey. Kate Gillett, East Randolph, Vt. Tho noto was written on a half sheet of common noto paper, in a round, up hill, school gjrl hand. His Honor con cluded, despite the girl's political belief, to honor her rcquest, and accordingly on Friday purchascd her a nico gold watch anu sent it to her by express, ac companying it with a noto exprcssing tho wish that his political bolief might not debar him from liolding a placo in hcr aiTections. Mayor O'Brien's letter, accompanying thc gold watch, was as follows : ClTY OF BOSTON, Execctive Deimrtiient, Nov. 30. 1888. ) My Dear Miu Cillttlet On Vednesday last I bought a Tery nice turkey, welghing 15 pounds, in Quincy marlcct, from thc flrmofll L. Law rence & Co., where I usually purchaso poultry, and vhen it was being prepared for cooking,your note, placed inside the turkey, came to llglit. I assure you it was a great surprise that your ap ncal to Renublicana and rour nronouneed disiike it Democrats should fail Into the hands of the Mayorof Doston, a lile-long Democrat. I assure you, however. the Mayor of Bolton during his official life has rccognized the claims of both Democrats and Kepublicans. Wc are all citizens of thisgood old city and have the welfare of the city at heart. I bclleve in you. Miss (,lllelle,and excue your disiike of emocrats, because it has been cultured by that one-sided State in whlch you live, always prononnced Kcpnblican. To show you that I am sincerc I send you a watch, which I hope you witl accept from the Demo cratfc Mayor of Boston. Piease answer, and I hope that my Democracy may not prevent me froui holding a place in your aiTections. Truly yours, IIcoii O'BniEN. On Wcdnesday Mayor O'Brien re ceived a letter from MissGillette, which is hcre givcn in full : KasT IUHDOu-n, Vt., Dec. 2, 1888. .1r. O'Brien iluck Rapected Friend ; 1 hard. lyknowhow to begin this letter to j-ou aftcr re ceivtng such a beautiful gift from you last even ing. Words cannot begin to express the thanks which I reiurn to you in this letter. Wben I wrote the note little did Ieverexpect to receive a reply, and when Mr. Ilolfe, the Globe corres ponuent, calied on me last erenlng with the tel egram bearing the news, Z was so Burprised I could notgive hlm anything but a disconnected account. I will trv and exnress mvself more clearlyinthis letter. Nothinft could have been more acceDtable. I am an onlv child. Iwasgrad- uated at the llandolph State normal school four years ago. mnce inen i nave laugiu mree years, and one summer operated a typcwriter for a law flrm in New York. 1 was obliged to glve up teachiuir on acconut of 111 bealth for a tlme. 1 have never been able to purchae a watch and chain, so I bave always borrowed one, and now to receive snch a valuable watch from vou I am truly vcry gratefui, and I think I can afford to gei a mce cnain 10 auacn 10 u. i was so pieaseu on reccirinz lt that 1 could not exnress mvself. I assure vou it was a ereat surDrise. I know that there is one good Democrat. I think amanof fonr hcart ought to be a Kepublican. Hiis may eadmetoturnandchangeinypolltics ; atleast, I shall always cherlsh kind affectlons for oue who has been so kind to me. The watch Is beautiful. 1 have uorn it to church today, feeting rery proua oi tne watcu auu giver, Mr. ltoue, me ulobe correspondent. spoke In hlgh terms of you. 1 think vnl' wpll wnrtliv nf hpinir re.elpcted MaV- or, and one that the city of Uoston may well feel proua oi xou wiu not neea to go 10 iuincy marKei nexi ytar to purcnase a inanasgivin turkev. for I assurn vou If 1 am allvc. vou sha receive as nice a turkey for Thanksgiving as the Htateof Vermont can afford. Tbe watch came just ln tlme, as I go in my school tomorrow mnrnlng, and the watch will be myconstantconv panton. There was nothlng I so much needed, and nothlnir could have nleased me more. Shonid you like, 1 will send my photograph to you My parents were very much nleased, Both of them are ln very poor health, and join with roe in thankBto yuu. Jioping to hear from you agatn, I will close, with many tbanks and the best,w!sh es oi your vermont irlend, KATE BlJlNCHE GttLETTE. East Randolph, Vt, In addilion to the abovc, tho Mayor is ino recipicnt ot tno lollowing : Cokcoro. Mass.. Dec. 3. 1688 Mayor (yilrienDear Slr : I saw in a tiunday paper an account of your turkey and yonr most geuerous present. aiibs uiueiie is a la Miss tilllette is a fadv about 22 years of age, the daughter of a farmer. tihe craduated in thn flrst course class. Januarv. Isas. ItaadolDh normal achool. and has since taught Bciiool. As a member of that class, a Vermor ter and a Democrat. I thank you and hope you will be re-elected. Yours very truly, Leonard Fibxe. Miss Gilletto know cnoush to have good many strings to hcr apron, and she alono can tell liow many presents sho nas rccetveu dunng tho past low uays and nrobablv she would not caro to di vuliro thenumbcr. Now iusthownianv turkeys contained nolcs from hcr asking for Dre3ents will nrobablv nover be known, but it is certain that two of them did not materialize in Iho shapo of nrescnts. On Thanksgiving day tho proprietor of a Court squaro hotcl presented each of his cmployes with a turkey. Dennis Mulcahcv hanncns toboonc oftholucky emnloves of tho hostclrv. but Dennis is a nrcttv hriirht bov. and not to be caueht spending his money in the purchaso of trinKcts to auorn tno person oi any voune woman ho has ever scen., Dennis has no haysced ln his ha'r. He found secreted in tho body of his turkey a crumpled billet uoux, and lor tbe mo ment wondcred how the bird ovcrswal lnweil such a birr nieco of naoer. Un consciouslv ho unrolled it. and was sur prised to find tho paper covorcd with wriUne. The chirography was plaln nnd rntiml. nml. desnite thenlood-Stains unon tho paper, was very legiblo. It wnn writtnn in lend rjencil on both sides, but tho sizo of tho ring wanted was ilrnwn In Ink. The letter wnS in pre risolv tlm a.iinn li.Tnihvrililltr as tho noto fnnnil In thn Mavor's turkev. and which gaincd for Miss Gil'etto a nico gold u-ntxh ilnsnitn thn fnnt that tho municl- his honor has at the present timo so many pressing demands for money. The letter found in Dennis Mulcahey s tur key was as follows : Easi MiKDOirn. Nov. 25. "Dear folkt who read this lettor and eat of this turkey, I am gotng to write you. I am a Vermont school teacher. I am golng to teach ln my home district thls wln ter. I get $7 aweek and board at home. Itbe gins next week or week after, I have plcked bo many luncevs touay inat my nanos ana nngers are lame. I hope those who read this will write me and I will tell you about turkey raising. I want a preity nng, ana wisn tnose wno eat my turkev will club together and send me one. This la the size i f my fmger. Hoplng I may hear from yon, 1 will close. East Randolph, Vt., Orange County. Now tho question might beasked how many notes did tho little 24-ycar-old, licht complexioned school teacher write ? Certalu lt is that another turkey ar rived in Boston, bearing a missivo from the fair Kato for a young man who knows a irood nows item when ho sees it, and who also knows which is the best gaper in lioston to send tno news to, on aturday ho mailcd a letter to tho Her ahl. in which ho said : "Enclosed find a letter whlrh was found ln our Tnanksglvlng turkey. rublish lt if you uxe. "MasTKn 0. A. Bradford," Tho letter Master Bradford enclosod was from tho Vermont school teacher, whoso increnuitv in oricinatinir apnea's appears to havo no bounds. Tho letter was as follows : To those wbo eat my turkey 1 would say I am a young lady rejoici: rison and Mortou. oictng over the electlon or tiar- rison and Mortou. Now if any Democrats read this letter I expect they will not like it bnt they ougni to sena me someining lor uie eirciiuu, j wear the 11. & M. badgc and feel proud of it too, ReDubllcans. let me hear from vou and see your picturcs, a hearty hand shaki for you. KATI (ilLLETTE, E. Randolph, Vt, Did Master Bradford send Katio f rcsent or his picture ? Oh, no, not ho. lo showedtrue journalistio instinct by sendinir tho letler to the Herald. Did Mayor O'Brien Benii Katie agold watch? Weli. he nolds the receipt of the Ameri can Express Comnanv for a eold watch addressed to Misa Kate GillettP, East Rindolph. Vt. There etill may be oihers who hold re- ceitiu ror jewelry sent to Miss uiuette. and, on the otlier hand, there may be more lelters in existencc which failed to secure for the Ditite Vermont Bchool ma'am the coveted presents. Who knows. Now, having eupposed that hersupply ol jewelry would be reulenished, Khip, like all women, bethought hetself that, next to jewelry, a few new dressea would add to her personal appearance, oiove a source of envv to her leas fnrtu- nale village chumv, and at the same time so dazzle the optics of eome one of the country bumpkins attending her school as to make him forptt lil-i bashfutniss, and invite her to a husking bee. For Kite evidently has a solt epnt in her heart for one ot the villaee beaux, as tn ner var ious notes she has not asked for a hus- band, althouek alniost ererything else a woman'coull desire has been written for in a most innocent, frank and taking manner. Another letter received at-the llerald oflice today was brought in by a well-known merchant, and is in the same handwntlng as those previously written by llia incenious Kate, while the same monoeram of the paper manu facturcr adorns the corner of the paper as was on the previous epistle. Tho fol- lowing is a copy cf the letter : "I wish tle ladies w ho eat of ray turkey would write me about lt, and lf they have any old clothcs of any kind, if they will piease send me a box of them to make over for me. 1 hone to hear from ycu inatyon CDjoy my lurKey. AATE UILLETTKt "K. Randolph, Vt Havinc asked for everylhing else under the sun. now Miss Kate wants a nice stock of winter clothlng and she came pretty near cettinc it. "If I had Known whpther the ciri was 4ora4 years of age, I should have sent up a quantity of such clothing aa I deemed wouia ni ner ana prove ni serviue uur ing the winter," eanl tln gentleman. ''but I had no idea of her eize until I read the Hcrald and the telegram trom the pnstmaster at Randolph enying she was 21 years of ago and petite in stat- ure." Mor is thls the end of Kate s fertile imagination, for hardly had the gentlo man who broucbt in letter No, 4 Itft the oflice when tbe mail bag arrived and tho following letter was found : The similarltv of the inclosed letter and thc fact that I found it in a 15-pound turkey houglit from Lawrence ln tbe Qulncy market makcs me belicve that Miss Gillctte Is probably the cousln to the Edle Durkee mentloned in the enclosed, Now, I have the material for a dress and pretty little apron already purchased to send to Miss Edie!but the question arosc thls morning after reading the ieraid.doesthe child nced the drcss, or are there not more dcseniug ones right here inourcityf Yours truly, B. A Fierson "oi unesicr tsquare." The letter inclosed by the writer was in precieely the same chirography as those elgned Ka e Gillette, and in the left hand upper corner is the monogrum of the paper manufacturer precisely the same as in Kate's letter. Again, the letter is written on a half sheet of pnpcr tnd in the opinion of eevernl parties who have seen the letters writ ten by Kate Gillette and the one signed G lie Durkee, there is not the Bliemest doubt but that Kate Gillette and Edie Durkee are one and the same: certainly they are so far as the handwriutig goes. The uurKee letler is as tonnws : Dear Folks : I am a littlo flre vears old, and have got my cousin to write a letter for me to you. I helped piofeather turkeys today. I wnn wnoever gcis inis luraey to eat wouia scnu me a new dress. or cloth for lt. It takes about four yards for me for a dress, I have blue eyesand mv naircuris innncieis aiouna mv neaa. i none you will enjoy eitlng the turkey, and remember me a utiie glrl away up uere auioDg ine vermont hills. My name is Edie Durkee of jast itannoipn Vermont, Orange Co." Poor Kate t To thlnk that of all the notes sent inside her turkeys, four of them should fall into tho hands of par ties more suspicious. than our good na tured mayor, who could not resist the ppeai ot the ureen llountatn scnooi ma'am, and. yielding to the dictates of his heart, sent her what she wanted, a gold watch. rnere are yet nrouaoiy Beverai coun ties to be heard from, white sotne curios ity exius as to what Kate wanted in some of her other letters.and what name eheused after her own proved tobea rawing card, Send the returns in promptly. 'TU1S MADONNA AT THE TUII," f whoni Miss Fhelns writcs. was aaen uine snccimcn oi health and strenizth Sho uoubtless hceded tho warnings of her nredeccssors. and undcrstood and apprcciatcd the matchlcss qualitics of ut. rierccs I'avonto i rescnption, which relievcs and ctires so many ail- ments pcculiar to tho scx. As a power ful. invifforatinc tonic. it imnarts trcnctli to tuo wbolo system.anutothe womb anu lts appcnuages, lnpariicitlar. ior ovcr-worKeu, worn-out' "run- own," dehilitated tcachcrs. milliners, dressmakers, seamstresses,"shop-girls," nouseKcepers, nursing motners, anu fccblo women generally, "Favorito 1're- scnption" is tho grcatest carthly boon, oenig uuequaueu as uu uppciiziug cor dial and rcstorativo tonic. lor Constipation. Sick. or Bilious Headache. use Dr. Pierce's Pellets. or Antl-bf lous Uranulcs I'urely Vegeta b'o. One a doso. IntcreBted Teoule. Advertising a patent medicine in the peculiar way in which the proprietor of Kemp s Balsam, for Coughs r.nd Colds does it is indeed wonderful. Heauthor zes all druggistH to itive those who call for lt a sample botlio free, that thev may try It before purchasing. The large bottles are 50c and $1.00. We certainly would advise a trial, It may save you irom consumption. ror aaie uv j. T, Shurtleff, Bennington, Vt. Ilood's Sarsaparilla is a purolv vcno tablo preparation, being freo from iniur ious ingreuieuis. 1 19 pccuuar in lts curativc power. 6 FOR $1.00 or mailed tor price. . yjL.i "JBA UV o'-'f (htM -u h EVIHTWHllt I y f I 25 CTS. 1 . F r NEWS AND NOTES. U ughter,iged 83(facetiously) ' Papa, l found a dozen gray haira in ray head this morning and'pulled them out. Don't you give me away, though.'' Father (slRlilng heavily) "Glve you away, Emily? I'vo aban'doned all hope of it." Chicago Tribune. They are etitl countiug in Texas &. j last ac -ouns they had the Democratio maj'iriiy up to tuo oo, ana naa one-1 iniru ui ine counties.Tet to Detaouisiea They estimate ClerelaDd'a majnrity tt 170,000. They are only counting for fur, but if the national ilection turned on the popular vote, thev would run up a majority of 800,000 w'ithcut winking. One reason why the people of Northern Dakota object to changing the terrltor ial name when they come in as a State, even for so gnoda name as that of Lin coln, Is that "Dakota wlieaf has a market value the world over, and the farmers are not eure tbat ' Lincoln wlieaf' would eell as well as under the old name, even though it was grown on the samo soil, The Governor of South Carnlinn, in his recent message to the Lgislature, eays of the public school that he flnds an mcrease of 18,417 pupils and a large exp'nditure of money for school houses thau ever before. The number and quality of school houses in the country have greatly advanced. The faclllties for the training of teachers have lso been enlarged. It is singular how suddeidy some Democratio Congressmen bave bpcome alive to the"mnral side" of Ddkota's cltim to Statehood. Until they learned that Grover Cleveland was defeatel and that the next Congret-s would be hope lessly Republican any wy, they were aa violently npposed to the admtssion of Dakota us if the great Terntory hud been Timbuctoo. The ennrmom eale which a certain novel dealing with relit;lous queilions has had is due ltrgely to the setmons which have been preached in crilicifti, or denunciation of it. A rtcent vlgnrous sermon in KalamvzK) enabled the local dealers to cluse out all their stock. Min isierswill some time learn that the auresi way to adveitise a book which they think to bo objctionab!e is to preai'h against i It seeras to be the general opinion of Vermont papera which have discusstd tho recent failure ot the tnur.isipal suff rage bill in that State thatthe two ptime causes for the overwhelming defeat of the measure were: First.dissatisfaction with the course of 'wnmen in politics, as illustrated by the W. C. T. U. ; and Secondly, a conviction thntonly a small number of women, relatlvely, reully want the suiTrage. Bost n Jovrnal The two thousanda honest settleis who have got to lose their homeeteads be cause of a neglect or blunder of the In terior Department are probably not over enthuaiastic for this Administrn tion. It Mr. Vilas had tried half ns hard to dtscharge t'le dutie? of his oflice as ho did to carry the Northwest for Cleveland, these unfortunate people might now be 6ettled, prosperous and happy. LoupCity, Nehraska, is preparing an unique present for the Presidenl-elect llarrison the railway company furnieh inga caron which it is to beconttrucled a typical eod bouse. Two p.iintings will accompany thehouse, one npresen ting Nebraska in t800,showing soine pioneers with nn old coach atij an ox team attackfd by Indinnn; the other depicting scenes of 1888,growing grain, a farm house, a tiuin of cars and other etidences of prosperily, The legends that wid aoconipany llie car are as follows : "L'iup City sends these oifer mgs of respect and ei-tem to the Presi- dent-elect. In 1800 the Repuhlicans de clared that the Union raust be preser- vea ; ln 18B that the rommercial lnter- esn must be profcted, In 1860 Ne braska had 28,000 populatinn and no rallr04d:in 1888, 1,2000 000 populi tion and 5,000 mile ol rnilroad." An istimated deficiency of mure than four mi li m dt lUrs in the Post Oflice Department for the Isft vear is a con- clu9ivp argument aininst anv lessening of the rates of postage. The DeDtit- ment's bnsinesa now nnd for years to com" will not warrant it. What la wai - ted is not a cln aper hu' a better service. Of all tbe deparments of the Goverment the post il service undes this Adminis- tration has.uirered the wori-t dt-teriora-tion and b-en made the obiect of most complaint. Mr. Dickinsnn argues that lt is better than that of France.G rmai v and Great Bri ian. It ought to be better. inflnitely better, and it is no great feather in tho cap of Uncle S,im that thouchthe nostal service mav be cood aonmpared with that of foreign nation, lt is still so positlvely bail as all inu-11 - eenl Amertcan cinzens know 111016 Under the llarrison Adminlsiratinn the PostOIIice Department will undoubtedlv come in for a pretty thornugh overhaul- ing. i' wiu n ive an ollli'ial at it-i head whoe chief duty nill he to attend 10 the public busineaa insiead of devoting tl e most of his energiesto polifcs and ctir ring upsectional jealousy and hatied in hop stobenefl' hispirty by it. Roman Catholics of Montreal and of the Providence of Quebeo feel elaled over tho announcement that there is a possi bihty of Cardinnl Archbishop Tascher eau of Quebec becominu successor to Mis Holiness Pnpo XIII. as a ruler of the Catholic world. Thls statement i btsaedon an interview with Ilnn.Michajl Vidal, formerly representing Lou siana in the American Congreas. Mr. Vidal has but recently returned from Ittly. In an interview, alluriing to the great age of the Pope, he said that there was a consensus of opi-'inn amnng Cardinai that the next Pnp.- must m.t be an I al ian. In Paris he spoke to Cornellv of Gau'oU, an authnrity of Pnpal poficy. Mr. Cornelly found inanv Cirdinala at Uome in fayor of Oardinal Gibbons of Bslttmore as Leos successor. believinc that the United States woul 1 supnoit a struggle for the restoration of the tem- poral power. The ohiectinns to choos- inc a Pofio from anv of the EurnDenn States are many, and of course the most popuiar ann lerist objectionable choice would be Liardinal laachereau of Que bec, Cardinal Gibbons is not available, owinc to liis reoresentine a democracv. Cardinal Taschereau, however, occupies a unique anu strong pnsntion aa a llrit ian 8uoiect anri vet one who would be regardtd by France as a Frenchman. He would thus elicit the avmoathv and snpport 01 two poweriul natlons. (jar, d nal Taschereau, tliougli of modera'e viewp,i8 8Utllcintiv ntieral to saliafy Hd vanced parties in Europe, and it would not be stiprising tn find Canada mpply ing tue next ruieror tne uiMimic world Ilucklen'M Arnica Salve. The best Salve In the world for Cuts, Bruises, C'happed Hands, Chllblains, Corns. and all SWln cruniions, ana posuiyeiy cures riles, or no pay required, It is guaranteed to give perfect satls foctlon. or money refunded. Price 25 cents per uui. xorsaieuy J. 1. oIILRTLErF 3'Jyl Catarrh Cleansrs I li r lllays I'aln aml liiflammall o 11 llrals IheSorcs, Iteslorcs l li Senscs of Tasle .iml S'nifH, -EEVERiTiy the"CDRE A partlcle Is pplld Intoeacq nostril;nopaln;agreeableto use, aruggists; ny mall. rcgiitered, 60 cents, BnOTIIEItS, M Warren St., New York. Children Cryfor Pltcher's Castorla. FRE8H HOPS, HCMLOCK GUM AND rmt UAL9AM GOMltNEP Srt-d on white mauin, THt Popular ND RCLIABLC HAY PLAtTtfl, Apptf one now for Backacba, Bld.ach., Rb.omatlam. Rldner W.akD.aa, Tend.r Luaffa. raina. urica. Bprama, eta, It cures every sort of Paln. Ache. or Weaknes, and qulckly. too. LookM lignoture uf HOP PLASTER CO Pnopmr.Tcms, BOSTON, m tlie tcnufnt goodt. W1SE ANU OTUEKWISE. 1'ear's 5oap sccurcs a fino complcxion. Soleful youth flanftuidly) "Do you sing Forover and Ever ?" Sho (practi cally) "No, I stop for meals." Tho reccnt cyclones in tho South and West havo dono a tcrrible damairc to ino anu proneriy, uut tnero s ono conv fort left tho peoplo clamor for l)r. uuu s uougn oyrup. "You'ro nn ancel." sald ho. uneuanl- cdly. No, I'm not," sho responded with conviction. "I'm a woman, nnd I want a now winter suit beforo the snow Uics, suro." Ho (unfeelingly) "My dear, you ought to cngago with somo baker." She-"Why so ?" He "Because you can get moro wolght out of a givcn amount offlour than any woman 1 know of." Wifo 0ust commenccd housckceping) Algy, will you got a small spongo at the drug storo beforo you come homo to night Algy "Certainly, ducky." "And, Algy, ask tho clerk how much of it ho mixes witii dough for threo loaves of bread." Littlo Willielm comes to school ono morning with a big cold in his head. Tho old master calls tho toddler to tlio desk and asks him what tho matter is. "Ugh, I don't feel well," says Willielm. "Bofo my oycs is leasin', an' 0110 of my noses won't go." With a rashness which ho nevcr rcal izcd until too latc, ho had kissed tho Boston girl right on tho niotith. "Nover do that agaln, sir 1" said sho. "M-M-Mlss Waldo," said he, "if tho Lord lets mo thaw out this, I will nover attempt tho liko again ; at lcast, with out an ovcrcoat." Bessio (just homo from boarding school) "I'm delighted to see you mam ma." (Kisscs lier.) Mamma (regard ing her suspiciously) "Bessio, you didn't kiss with a burrowing motion when you wcnt away from home. You'vo learned that liom somebody with a long moustache." Stilloh'n Catarrli Iteincily. Shlloh's Catatrh Remedy, a marveloua cure for Catarrh, diphtheria, canker mouth, nnd headache. With each bot tle there is an Ingenlous nasal injector for the moio euccesaful treatment of these complalnts without extra charge. Price 50 cents. Sold by J, T. Shurtleff, Bennington. Having purchased somo butter from nn Irish woman, tho merchant on weigh ing tho lumps found them all light weight, and challengcd her with trying to cheat him. "shure, it's yer own fault iftheyaro light," said Biddy ; "it's yor own fault, sir, tor wasn't it a pound o' soap I bought hero that I had in tho other cnd o' tho scales when I weigiicd 'em 1" Djspepsla nnd Llver tioiitpimnt. Is it not worth the amall price of 75 cents to freo youraelf of every syniptom of theae dislreseinE cotnplainiR. if you think so call at our alore and get a bot tle of Shi'oh'a Vitalizer. Every bottle has a printed guurantee on it, "use ac cordingly, nnd if it does you no good II will cost you nothing. Sold by J0I111 T. ShurtlefT, druifgist, Tho high-fchool girl's brother .lirn told her a new conundrum yesterday. It was this : "What is tho diileronco bo twcen shooting a .man and killing a hog ?" Tho answci was : "Ono is as salutinc with intent to kill. and thn nth- er killing with intent to salt." When sho met Amy she propounded the coiitin drnm to her, but Amy cavo it un. 'Wc 1. V I tell vou." said MI hlroil "Ono is assaulting with intent to deprivo of life, and tho other is killing with intent to preserve in brine." And Amy failed to seo the point. I havo been afllicted with catarrh for 20 years. It became chronic and there was a constant d ronmmr of niucous mat ter. It extended to my throat, causing hoarseness and great difficulty in speak ing, indeed for years I was not ablo to speak moro than thirty minu'es. nnd of ten this with great dilliculty. I also, to a great pxtent, lost tho senso of hcaring in the left car, and of tnste. By tho use of Ely's Cream Balm all droppings of niucous has ceased and my voice nnd liearing has greatly improved. James w i'.., ivi.iuil, llkUlllUJ Ilb 1.H1V, AUU11- mouth, 111. A .NCItAI OV I'AI'ltlt SAVISS IIKII 1.11' II. It was iust an ordinarv scran ofwmn. ping paper, but it savcd her life. She was ill tho last stapns of onnsnnintinn told by physlcians that sho was incura blo and could live only a short timo ; sho welghed less than soventy pounds. un a juuuo 01 wrapping paper sno read of Dr. King's New Discovery, and got a sample hottlo ; it helped her, sho bought a large helped her more, bought another and grcw better fast, coutinued its uso and is now strong, healthy, rosy, plump, weighing 110 pounds. For full er particularsscnd stamp to W. II. Colc. Druggist, Fort Smilh. Trial bottles nf this wonderful Discovery Free at J. T. Shurtl fTs Drug Storo. IU1'I!I'SV. This is what vou oui'ht to liavp. in fact, you must havo it, to fully enjoy life. j iiuusuiiiia are searcimig lor lt uauy, and mourning because they find it not. Thousands upon thousandsofdollars aro spent anntially by our people in the liopo that they may altain this boon. And yet it may bo had by all. We guaranteo 1?! llt,. ...... :r i 1, tiiuL iicuiiiu imiuis, ii u&eo accoriiiug to directions and tho use pcrsistcJ in. Will bring you Good Dicesiion and oust the Demon Dyspepsia and install instead Eupepsy. Wo rcconunend Electric Bit- . .. i .. I .. : .. i, .,. i icis iui iyysiiuiisiit uilil all uiacases t)l Liver, Stomach and hidneys. Sold at 50o and 81 per bottlo by J. T. Shurtlell', Urugglst. WWf in the homes that Wi! oleined with &m James Pylbs 1 ifjf reddlers and some tinscrupuu us groc3 are offering imitations which they clain to fj-j be Pearline, or " the same as Pearline." tr(-ATC Vf It'S false they arenot.amlbesidesare A-FV VY CVA V dangerous. PEARLINE is never peddled, but sold by all good grocers. Maoufactured onlyby JAMES FYLE, NewVork. for Infants "CajtorlalsBo well auapted to chUdrtn that l recommend 1 1 aa auperlor to ftny prcsurfption kaowatome." IL A. AscniR, M. D., Ill So. Ozf ord 8t., CrooUja, N. V. fosscssca many Important AdvantagM over all other prepared Foods. BABIES CRY FOR IT. IHVALIDS RELISH IT. Makea Plump, Laughlng, Haalthy Bablea. Regulatea the Stomach and Bowela. Bold by Druggists. B3c., 00c, 81.00. WELLS, RICH ARDSON l CO.. IDHHOTOW.VT. Baby Portraits. cantlful baby portraits, prlntod on nne plaio paper by patent photo proccss, scm free to Mothcr of any Baby born wltnln a year. Every Mother wants these picturcs; Bcnd at once. Give Babya name and age. WEUS, RICHARDSON &C0., Propi., Burlington, Vt It's Easy to Dye 'WITII DimohdDyis SuperJor IN Strength, Fastness, Beauty, AND Simplicity. WflTTnntpd tn rrtlnr more tmodathan anv other dyesever mnde, and to give more brilllant and durable colors. Ask for the Diamond, and talce no other. 36co1orit to cents tach. WELLS, RICH ARDSON & CO., Burlington. Vt. For GUdlng or Bronxing Fancy Articles, USE DIAMOND PAINTS. old, Silver, Bronie, Copper. Only 10 Ccots. 1889 1889. IISBP R'5 YODNGPEOPLF. an ii.i.rsTii vti: i) h i:i:ki,f. Harper'r Youno raopLE bpcliis lts tenth vol- uine with llie flittt Number In Navember During the year it will contaln flv serlal itorles, inelud inn: 'Dorjmales,"hy Kirk MusnoE : "'Ihe Ited Mustanp.M by W O. Stoddard ; and,'A Day ln WaxUnd," by It. K MrKiTTRitK ; "Ne 1 Thur low 's Trial.' by J. T. TBOwoninnii ; "The Tliree wisiicit." by K. Anrtrey and UBANDin.MiT TiiKWS : a Rpries of falrr tales written and lllus tmtd by IIowaru Pylk : "Home Studies In tural Ulstory, by Dr. Faux L. Oswald "Little Krneriiiipiits bv Hopiiia B IIeriiick ''(ilimnses or( from Dickpni." bv Marqa ret E. Sanoste t ; nrtlclcs on vnrloun pporta and nivstimes, ghort Btoiles hy the best wrlters, and biunorou naners ann nocmf. ulth manv liun drcda of lllustration of cxccllent quality. ETery line ln tlie pujier Is mbjeetcd to the most npld rditorial scrutiny, in order tlut nothing liarmful nuiy emer us coiuiLni. An ppltomc of evi rnthlnpr tbat Isattractlre and dcsirauie in juveniie merature jsosion tumer, A weckly fenst of good tblnci to tlie boys and pirl In every family which lt tUUs. Iiitoklyn uniun. It Is wonderful in its wealth of iiicturep. Jnfor- mailon, and Intcmt Clnittian Advocate, N. Y. TERMS PostagePrepaid,$2a Year, VOL XHEG1XS A"OV. 0, 1888 Specimen Copy Sent on Heccipt ofHCent Stamp, bi.NOLE uimKit3, Flre Cents each. lUmiitnnces sliould be made by rostofllce loney Order or Druft, to aroid chance of Ios3. Xeictipapevs are not to copy this advertisement witnottt tne vxprem oraeror itarpenx nroinera. Addrtgi ' H.UUVEH & HROTIIEHS New Ycrlc. ARE Voua suftcrer from any of thlslistof lymptoms, somo of which warn you that you are llablotoan attack of Apoplexy 1 Dlzziness or Pressure lntho Ilcau, Spots Before Eycs.Faln Around or Falplta- tion of Heart, Palnln Regtonof Ileartwlth Fcellng of Suffocatlon, Rtnging Sound ln Ears, Numbncsi or rricklj Scnsatlon of Limbs, cspeclally tho Ann. ralnbctweenShouldcrsandln Side, Palnln Small of Dack or III p, Dry Cough, Flatulence, Sour stomach, Qeneral Debtuty, Loss of Appetlte, Ci YOU can be cured by purchaslng a bottlo of ANTI ArOPIiECTINE and taking lt accordlng to directions. It ls strongly endorsed by tho leading phyBlclans of Montrcal, as " the only H Apoplexy Prfr vcntlve, and ls everywhcre rcgarded as a sure cure for Paralysls, IlenrtDlscniCt Kheuma(lHm Angtna Pectorls, Caronle Ilronchltls, Llrcr Complnloti Kldney nnd Dladder Troubleat Sclntlcn( Pyipepsln, drc. dc, For sale by all druggists. Price 81,00a bottlc, slx bottles for 85.00. Send to DR. F. S. HUTCniNSON A CO., Enosburgh Fatls, TL, D. S. A., forclrculars and testlmonlals. "100 Emcrgencles" price IS cts. Ualled freo to readcrs of thls paper. Tells what to do ln caso of accldent, and what may result from belnr DIZZY ? Hcu nreol Oli.tnienta for Catin h iliat Contaln ITIercury, as Mercury will surely destroy tbe senRe ofmnell and comuletly aerancetbe uhote Hjittm wben enterlngit through tbe mucus urficef. Such artlclen sbculd iirrer be ued except on prescrip tfons from reputable phjslclai.p, ftn the damage wiey wiu ao are itn ioiu 10 ine t;ooa you can poa nuiy uerive irom uiom iidiih uaprru uure, inanufactured bv F. J Chenev i Co . Tolpdo. O.. contaln no mercury, and la talcen Interna'ly, and acts dlrectly upon the 1I od nnd mucii purfacen of the system. In buinp lUU's Catarrh Cure be sure ycu get tbe penuine, it in taken fnternally and made In Toledo, Oh!o, by F J. Cheney & Cr. and Children. IOutorta eatts Oolle, Oonstlpatlon, Rour Stomach, Dlarrhosa, Eructatlon, Kllls Worms, ctres aleep, and promote. di Wltoutinjurlouj medlcatlon. Ta Cixiaca Covpairr, 77 Jlurray Streel, N Y. swrrrn P W)c) ic dj!7lZEF(s i Old ESTY Genuinehas a Fed H tm tag on eVerv plug. OLD HONESTYis acKnowl cdged to be tfye puresi: and rriost lasting piecc ct" Standard Criewing lcb.icco on themarKet.Trxmg il is a belter test thanari tait; aboufc ;t. Givcitafair Irial. Your dealer linc it. The New York Press FOR 1889. DAILY. 3UNDAY. WEEKLY. Tho Afiresslre Itoptiblicnii Jotirnal of llie itlelropolN. M.fVSPAI'KK FOR TM. JIASSKS Foundcd December let, 1887. Circulatlon, November lst, 18S9, 107,105 Clreulatlop, November "tli, 1S88, ,H40. Larest Daily lirculatlon or aii) irrpublican Faper iu Anierira. Tbe Press Is the organ ot no factlon ; pulls no wlres ; has no animositles to arcnge. The Most Kcmarkablft cwspapcr Succcss in New York. THE NEW YOItK rKESS ls now a NATIONAL NEWel'Al'Elt, rapldly growlnp in faror with le publicnns of every State ln the Union. Chtap new s, vulpar hv nsatlons and trash find no piace in inc coiumns oi ihe niE'B. lt ia an ex pernive paper, published at llie lowesi price The DtitvPiiEs Ii. s tho biightfst Edltorial pacrcluKvw Vuik. It snarkles wltn nolnts. 'Ihe St'NDAY PitKes is a (plend.d twclvt-pagc papfr, euvriiiiK e.try uurrcm lopic oi initresi. The Weelly I'REsseontafnsall tne irod 111101?! ot the Dally and Hundav editloni, with viiecial featurea sulted to a WeeWly publicatl m. For those who cannot aiTord The Uaily I'iiesh or are prevcnted by dlstance from early rccoivln; it iliK V KKKLY 1-RE8S1S a SplCUUId bUUSUtUte. TIIIC iui;ss. Withui the each of a'l. The best and chcapest newspaperpiiblimed in Amenca Daily and Sunday Press, one year $1 co Dally and Sunday Press, slx months 'l 25 uiiiv arji sunuay ness, one inontu eckly Press, one year 1 00 Send for The Presm Circubrwl h full particu larsand Iit of exceilent premiums. tSainpIes free. Asentn wanted eerywliere. uiuerui coiunnsions. AUiirei, The Xtw York Prrss Co., Limitei! 20 & 28 North Wllllam St., New Vork. FlrrOHBURG K. R. IIOOSAC TUSNELIIOUTE. On and aftcr Nov, II, 1888, tralns will runas IOUOWB LEAVE DKNNINQTON VIA. BEN'SINOTON & RUTLAND RAILWAY. Leave Benninpton 7 45 am,arrie Troy 9 20, u in. New Vork 2 12 p m, Hoonlck Falls 9 3(1, North Auains iu su, ureenneio uua m,r itchburg 1 ol. Uoston 3 20 p m.Mechanlcville 9 25,Saratog&,10 05 a m. Lettve Ilennlncrton 12 45 pm, arrlve Troy 2 20, 3 17, Oreenfield 4 42. Kltchburg 8 30. Bosion 10 00 p Lcave Bennington 5 18 d m. arrlvA Trnr fiM p m. New lork (vla stearner)6 00 a m, Ifoosick r ana o 14, ro, Auama 1 mi n m. uoston 0 15 a Mechanlcvlle6 53, p m. Leave Bennlnirtonl2 10 nttrhf Arrlva Tmw 1 ak LEAVK VIA. LEDANON BrHINOa RAILHOAt), Ieave Bennineton 9 00 a. m. iu uu, ureennem li JO a. m. J ItcHOUrc, Boston 3 20 n. m. LeareliennlnKton H 15 p m. arrlye Trojr 6 55 "wBit. u. u i.t 4,11. aains i uu p. m. TIIAKNS AH111VE AT BENNINGTON. VIA BENNINGTON & RUTLAND lt'v; 1 S0 a ni, from New York, Albany and Troy. 9 45 a m, from New York (vla. slpamer), iny, Troy, Hooslck Folls.No. Adams, Sarali il MccbanicTille. 3 05 n m, from New York. Albany .Troy.IIooslck Falls.No. Adams ai.d Uoston. 0,35 P m, from Ne w York. Albany.Troy.l looslck VIA. LEDANO.V SfRINOB RAILROAD 11 10 p. m. from Boston. Orec nncld n,( Knnh Adami. 80(1 n m. frnm Trov. Nn. Arljm. In,i n.fn u.jvjuijiuiift., WATSOaV, nUen3?xriftl? 1,g', Coiton' iten'l Afj't. v. ... iwv, uos:on tienl We-rn Paisenfrer Ageot Troy. FREE VUWl iir. pmi h g lBttvvor14. Pr- Utt llintv Mpr. WamnUd. Hntj Slld Oold HnntlBC CUM, Uottt UdlM'akd (iDlt'tli4 with work. ni aM e iui kitM.ore rEniom fHMCb lOCktltfCtB NCINtM V, WUQtmUMB FREE, UowUUUpoMlbUI BOt. oo lo 4ct loralltr, to kp la CrrtORi,od ido to thoM wboetli, eoro(.lt ItaaMoiv lubla.M nrr wrni uouneiiolu sahplei. nM tunplM.M vtlt w tha Mnd fr,aDl aftar ym br lp Utam ls jov boma for motilba and tbowu than totboM wttonaj bara cllad,tbar baeoina fontpn rroptiiri H la pnaalUa tonakatbla fraat offir.MndlDC Um HUUD OLD wicb ud COflTY MnplH tn. m tbittvlBotr lMamila la aor lorftlitr. alvan ratiJU ln a Urra mdm a, fUr u a4mp4M bava bn la Wttltr for mootk or tvo wt miwllr (tt from looo to ISOOO U trtda fronj tb nmondltif ooaatrr. Ttlt, lh tnotl woadtrfat cBr OTor mad. la ordar tb.l ar MmplM tnar U plr3 at oae vtMniotreao bwmn, tl ow Amarlea. Wrlu al 0BCtaad takr of tba cbaBM. Baadar It will ba hardly any troabl Ibr roi W .bow tha uraplaa to tboaa wbo may call at you boma and your raward, will bo noat atlafartory. A potul card Vbkh lo wrlta na coala bat 1 ctnl and a.tUr fni k im lLif m do not eara to go farthr, wby no Urm li dnna. Bal tf jm d od yoor ftddraaa at odm. yoo can aacara FHEE on oftao Mai amia rois waieMa id tna world and ovr Urt COITLV IAMPLEI. Wa pay aU aipTMa, frl t llaa of lhL ate. AAlma QMO. "TW80M M 00., Bci 111, rOSTLAJiP, MAlM, &3 a' o- s. -J f-i' - A' li HA3VEST EXCURSI0K! M0UNTA1N ROUTE TO rOINTS IX Kansas, Nebraska, 35 w 2ii ?rf? Arkansas & Texas, OXU PAIIK for the IIOUNI) TniP. Aug. ai, ScptU 11 nnd 23. Oct. O aml 23. Tlrkfti on fUln at tl nriDfhiat Counon Offlccai M0N 1 V t CQUAINTCO WITH THI OEOCRAHtV Of ThE COUNTRY WtL OCTAIN MUCH WFOBMATIOM FROU A tTUDVOMHII MAPOFTK GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE (&, B. I. r. and C, K. & K R'jt.) West, Northwest and Southwest It lncludes CIIICAOO. JOLIET. BOCK IStANI), DATIK. POHT, DE3 MOINES, COUNCH. BLUFFS, WA TEBTOWK, BIOUX FAIX8, MINKEAPOIJS, BT. PAUL, ST. J03EPII. ATCmBON. LEATZN' WORIII. KAKBA8 CITY. TOPEKA, COLORADO SPBINOS, DENVEB, POEELO. and bundreda ol pro.peroua dtles and towna traTerBlnB; vaat axeaa of tbe rlchoat farmlnff landa ln tbe west. SOLID VESTIBULE EXPRESS TRAINS Leadiatr all comnetltors ln SDlendor and luxurv of accommodatloDS (dally) between CHICAGO and coi.orado bprinos, ubhver and Pu miliO. BlmUar maimlQcent VESTIBULE TltAIN service (dallyt between CIIICAOO and COtJNCTX BLUFF3 (OMAIIA), andbetween CHICAQO and XANSA8 CITY. Modera Day Coaches, eletjant Dlnlnff Cars (sonring dellclous tneala at moderats prices), reatful RacllnlneChalr Cars (teata FREE) and Palaca Eleeplng Cars. The dlrect line to NELSON. HORTON, ITUTCHINBON, WICIHTA, ABILENE, CALDWELL, and all poinU ln South em Nobraslia, Kanaas, Colorado, the Indian Ter- ruory and Texaa. caiirornia ExcurBiona aallr. unoice or rouice to mo i-acino coaac Tho Famous Albcrt Loa Routo Runa Bupcrbly eQulppcd Exprcea Traina, dally, botwoon Chicaeo, Bt, Joseph, Atchlaon, IJeaTer worth. Tlansaa Cltv. and MlnneaixiUa and st PauL The populartourlstllnatothesconlcreBoru and huntlnj and lishinff erounda of the northweit Itb "WatertowTi and Bioux Falle branch travcrsei th- irreat "WIIEAT AND DAIRY BEIT ol Northern Io wa, Bouthwestern Mlnnesota and Eafit ccntraj uanota. ThoGhort Line via Seneca and Zank&kee offen racnlties totravel to and from ZndianaDOlis. Ctn clnnati and other Bouthcrn polnts. For Tichets. Mapa. Foldera. or deslred lnforma' tion, apply at any Coupon Ticket Offlce, or address .ST. JOHN, E.A.HOLBROOK, Qerl Manafjer. Ounl TkL & Foss. Agt CICCAQO, ixj. ENLARGED STORE. NEW -GOODS! SPRING OF 1888. oo JOSEPH SCHWARZ, 86 MAIN STREET., MAM'FKITCIU.R AM) WAIAM l HUBBERS. BOOTS& SHOES ! fiili Iinc of Ladies', Alisscs' and liilrirf n's lioots aml Sliocs ronslaiilly on and. CUSTOM WORK A SPECIALTY. SALT! SALT! PURE TURK'S ISLAND, ASHTON'S, GATTLE AND ROCK. IDDlllSSOILHE&l. C0EN AND 0ATS AND FL0UR, E. S. Chandler, ANGL0-SWISS GHOGOLATE AND MIU, Milkmaid Trade Brand. Mark. A Cmhination of Milk and the Best Chocolate ; very convenient. tSTFOK BAI.E 11Y ALL DEALERS. POSITIVELY -CLOSIN WEEKS GRAND CYCLORAMA, RTTLE OF QETTYSBURG 541 Tremont St., BOSTON. Don't fail to see this great Battle Scenb'-at once. A -w sulilect now urlnd palnlcil lll lake Itl place ln thls outltling .lanuary lst. S j Carriage, Sip -AND- umim phg! I lias-ehlinl Mr. Tliomsii Crowder, a flrst class orkman in all brancliesof palnllng. lltliashad charge In llie lcst sliops In Altanl and Troy uood oork done reasoniblyand wllh d(spatcta Ihaie alyo made arraogemeota to do Carrlag Trimmlng and Cleneral Repalrlng. a-Olve me a call. ERI ALLESM. OOLD UXDAL, PABIS, 1878. BAHER'S VTarrantcd rtbotuMu vurt Cocoa, from which the cxccm of OH haa been removed. IttiiUfArr. time the ttrtngth of Cocoa mlzed with Btarcht irrowroot orSotrar, aod la thcreforo far more economl. cal, cottlng Ittt than ont cent a cun. It ls dellCiou.. uourlahlag, strengtlieDlDfr, caally dlgeated, aod odralrably adaptcd (or lrjrallda a well m for pcrwona In pcaltn. 8oU by Orocert eTerjTrhcre 'ff. BAKER & C0 DorGtater. Mass, BIsllOP IIOPKIXS' IIALL, UUULINaTOX, VT, Tlio New Dlocesan School forYntinpTjiillp. and flirl., foundrd by tbe Isle lllsbop Ilopkins, near 8E1T. 19tb. with a full corpa of teachrs. Vrep aratlon for Wcllesley, Smith or Vaoar Collcces, or a thorough Acadcmlc Course. rrospectus on ! appllcatlnn. 50 J ItcT.LUaUSH.HAllDy.M.A.rrlnclpal. LflTEST STYLES! AND BEST WORK GUARAN1 EEP SPRING, STYLKS Ii II ATS. J. H. AYRES. 00 YQilWANTTHEEARTH? We can't gre juu that, but for the next dars e will glve jou the best barcalns on ln Men's Custom-Made ilothing AND We liave a big aasnrtment, and for ONE MONTH We otTer jat'clean iweeping flgure. FINE ENGLISH AND .Mi;i!ll A (Jlj)TIISS ForSuItbgs aod Orercoats. Gc. F. HEATH, DEALEU IN GOLD & SILVER WARE, WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, ETC. NOUTII ST. BENNINGTON. VT. ALL KINDS :OF'-'SEWINO MACHINE NEE DLES tSEnqqlrc for Ladies' Cuff Iloldera. Book Binding. The "BANNER BINDERY" is prepared to do every descriplion of Book Binding in the most substantial and tasty manner, at prices as low as con sistent withfgood workmanship. Old books re-bound or repaired. BLANK BOOKS Of every size and description, with or wifhouf Printed Headings, made to order. Paper ruled to any desired pattern. Job Printing. The Job Printing Department of the Banner Office is thoroughly equip ped with Type and Presses for the rapid and artistic execution ofil ell kind of Job Printing,- from an Address Card to the largest Book. If in wnnt of Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Statements, Envelopes, Oards, Pamphlets, posters, Handbills, Receipts, Orders, Price-Lists, Labels, Girculars, or print ing of any kind, before ordering elsewhere see samples and get prices at the BANNER" JOHN V. HALL, JOHN V. HALL k SOFS LOAN&INSURANCE AGENCY FI LIFE AT LOW RATES AND IN THE BEST COMPANIES. We bellere that the Interest or the assured Is our own, and actlng upon thls belief will usc our best jndgment, caro and foieslgbt to protect and benefit our patrons. After tborough InTestlgatlon we bare taken an agency for The AMEtUCANL NVESTMENT C0 Of Emmet&burghi lowa CAI'ITAL I'AII) IV. Al'TIIORIZKI), 7 PER CENT. GUARAN1EE0 HORTGAGES. Secured bot onlr by the land upon which money ls loaned. but by tbe entlre caplul and as. NT. OOLiJDENTUREBONSr01" p'ym'nl of P"dpal and tnterest, Also, PER W-M0RAL: Insure at Ag-ency. Rubber Roots and Slioes. There ls no line of iroods mannfactured of which the consumer knows so little regarding quality. You ask for a pair of G00D RUBBERS and take whatever the retailer offers you. If you will insist on having the AMERICAN RUBBER GOMPANY'S goods and be sure that they bear this Company's name or trade mark, you will be assured of a good article. They are made of the finest PURE PARA RUBBER. and are sold bv all Flrst rinss wtailera. H.M.HARBIS Saccessor to the Kstate of 8. F. HAIUUS. WOOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER d IRON & STEEL, HARDWARE, Nalls, 4c, 4c. A great Tarictj of Tablf andPocket vuuery, jues, lools, Ortadstones, Car riage !tos,P!owBolts,Loeks,8crers, RlTetsJfuU.Washers.Axle Plates, Scrswi, Bntta, 8tr.pi and ninges, Cable and Trace Chalns. R. n, Wheel Darrows.Flcks.Mat. tocks.Croir Bari. BaldwinBefrig erators. AGENT8 FOH IIOWE'S HAY PLATFOKM AKU COUNTER SCALES. Domestie and Importb Cijais Flne Kry West Clgars, Pipes.Tobacco, etc. Hope. Lath, Yarn Tubr, Ualls, Wash Boards, Brooms, Clnthea WrinirerB, I'lcks, Sledfe.Axe and llammer Han dles. Galranlzed fence, wlre and poultry net tlng. PKXNSTLVAMA LAWN MOWERS. T U TUE PUBLIC. MILLER & LUCE, Wholesale and retail.dealert ln Granite & Marble And all klnds of Cemetery Work. alo Mantels, ShelrcB.FIaeglng. White Sand. Calclned I'laiter &c, willsell at prices that de'y competltion. Estimatoi itlven, on appllcation. on any dealRn. Pleaie gire us a call before placinfr yonr order. Retiiemberthe place. flrst door nfrth of Express offlce. North Strcet. Bennington. Vt. tf C. M. LAMBERT, Manairer, OFFICE. EDWARD J. HALL . . $1,000,000 600,000 John V. Hall & Son's pal elect(9a is 89 B9ar at hand, and that Insist on having them a.ut tabe no others.3 tn tho Uultod bUtt. ! r