Newspaper Page Text
LOGAL INTEILIOENCE. Mus. F. L. AI.BEE has beon scriously ill for somo flvo wcoks, and is but little liAtfnr. Mlts. II. !. Stillsox and dauKhter Ituth, .iro visiting in Brownsville, winu- sor county. Mits. A. S. Kkves of Minncanohs, Mlnn.. is visitinc ln town. Slio isno- companied by licr son Malcom. TiiKfamilyof rostmaster Martln ro to thoirsummer cottafio, Satunlay, at Camp Comfort VVk aro sorry to loarn of tho continued rtlncss of Mrs. S. M. Slbley and tliat licr conditlon is a matter of solicltudo. Jonx II. Noiitou, wifo and Iricnds cnjoycd a day's plcnlo in tlio woods at Uarbcr's Pond tliU week, inlionor of tbe annlvcrsary of tlicir marriago. MitH. Jon.v lUitTi.KTT (forracrly Mrs. W. II. Kobertson) returned to Ilartfo.d, Conn., ycstcnlay, af tcr visitinR fricnils inUcnniiigton and Shaftsbury. Sixtekn little f rionds and schoolmatcs otMiss Lulu Burch cnjoycd wltli lior a plcnic in Hunt's Grovo Tuesday aftcr noon commcraoratiiig licr ninth blrtli day. Ai.iiEHT Wii.MAnTH of Stamford is to bo marricd noxt Wediiesclay, Juno 23tli, to Miss Ella Tlionipson of Pownal. The cercmony wlll bo pronounccd at the j liomo of tho bndc. Tiik timo of tho Sunday ovcnlng scr vico at tho Congregational church has rovcrtcd to tho formcr hour, 7.30 o'clock. Subjcct for noxt Sunday ovcning: Com mon Scnso in Faith. Wk aro glad to notico tliat Mr. A. It. Pratt. who livcs with his dauBhtcr, Mrs. C. L. Hudson, is ablo to bo out ngaln. llo has bccn sick ncarly all wmtcr. The now Baptist parsonago is slowly rising, work on tho sccond story of tho walls bcing dono this wcck. ic is n brick structuro and makcs a flno addl tion to tho dwcllings of that locality. YVii.i. lioiiKiiTso.v has gono to Brattle boro, to work at tho trado of black- smithing, and is craploycd thcro in a cood position. Ho movcd his family thcro tliis wcck. The ltcv. Wm. J. C'hapman, ncxt wcck, cxpect8 to attcnd tho Commcnce. mcnt of tho YVcslcyan Univcrsity at Middletown. Ho is a mcmbcr of tho class of 1874. IIo also goes oa tho vis iting committco of tho Troy Confcrcncc. Tiii: Bennington firo dcpartment cx- poct to go in a body, with invitcd fricnils, on an oxcursion to Lako Plcas- ant, sonictimo during tho last of July or the llrst of August. Tho plans aro raauo but tho dato has not yct bccn fixcd. Oi-n nciglibor of tho lleformer sccms to bo improving in character. Not long ago, it is B.tid, ho cscapcd indictmcnt for violation of tho Sevcnth Commandmcnt by onc vote; and this ycar we aro told his papcr eamo within (ico votcs of an indictmcnt by tho Grand Jury, for being a common nuisanco. Mus Oiia K. Htrim, lato of tho Bellows F.ills Tlmcf, has takcn a sjtuation as compositor on tho Banneu. Sho is a daughterof Springflcld's old and long timo Postmastcr, and a lady who will bo wclcomcd by tho young people's so cietics of Bennington. Iler homo in Bellows Falls has becn with tho family of Clias. F. F.ddy who is wcll known to many of our rcadcrs. Mkmsiis. Wm. II. Biiadfoui), K. B. Godfrcy, Hcnry W. Marsh, and M. T. Ilamlcn returned this wcck from a flsli ing cxcursion into "Texas" on tho East Mountains. Mr. Marsh rcmombered "tho Editor" for which thanks aro re turned. We sco it statcd ln "cold typo" thattwo tonsof trout havo bcen takcn out of tho liead watcrs of tho Hoosick and other rivcrs in Somcrsct and vicinity. The genial sccrctray, F. II. Farring ton of Brandon, has kindly fumished us with a corrcctcd copy of tho cntrics to the summer mccting of tho Vermont Associatlon of lioad and Trotting Ilorso Brccdcrs, which is to bo hcld at ltutland, Aug. 2028 Inclusivc. Tho long list wo shall quoto at somo lcngth m a futuro issue. Among tho namcs wo notico the Mcssir. Burgcss of Bennington, Judson and Dcming of Arlington, and others from this county. Mus. V. J. Chai'SIAN, a graduato of tho Burr and Burton seininary and win ncr of tlie "Skinncr prize," goes to Man cliestcr to-ilay for a vislt to hcr fathcr's and also to attcnd tho nfumnt rcunion of that institution noxt Thursday. Tho prospect now promiscs that Manchester will sco moro of tho graduatcs of Burr and Barton -scminary on thatoccasion tlian at any prcvious pcriod in its liis tory. In anothcr placo wo givo tho pro .grammc. Tickkth for tho concert to bo givcn undcr tho auspices of tho Bennington Villago Improvcmcnt Society will bo on salo at C.D. Gibson's and E. L.Nfchols's. Do not f ail to givo your support to this cntcrtainmcnt. Tho musical pcoplo of Bennington gcncrously givo tlicir time in prcparing for it. Wo ask each and evcry citizcn to como on the evcning of Juno 27tli and sco whcthcr it is a success. As notcd prcviously, tlio band playcrs of this placo will play in concert also tho vlolinlsts. Sovcral flno solos will be rcndcred by homo art ists, Look for tho postcrs. Tiie wrcstling match bctwccn Miko Caslin of Bennington and Martin Dcmp sey of New York for tho cliamirionship of tlio world, which takcs place at Hoosick Falls, N. Y., Satunlay, is at- tractlng considerablo local intcrcst. Caslin lias bccn in training for somo time undcr tlio dircction of Jamcs Duano, a spccialift in athlctics, and Caslin has dcvclopcd wonderfully uiitlcr his in struction. Tho wagcrs aro purscs of $2.0 a sido and tho contcst will tako placo at tho picnic of tho Hibemians in tho attcmoon of tho 21st. A largo nuni' bcr from licre will go dowu. Caslin having ncvcr yct bccn tlirown lcads his Iricnds licro to hopo that ho may win and tho champioiiship bo transfcrrcd from Now York to Bennington. Tiie scctlon of Wlllow strcct, be- twccnPlcasant andplaiu, is to bo gnulcd, with guttcrs, curbing, walks, etc., ac cording to tlio survcy and map of the villago mado last ycar. Tho work Ig well along, and aftords our pcoplo an ldea of wliatis contemplatcd, or what wlll bo the results when tlio whole of our dozcn milcs of strccts shall liavo bcen trcatcd in a like manncr. While in tliis case tho grado hal to be cut down, ln othcr In- lnstanccs it wlll nccd to be ralscil, and tho lawns, also, in front of dwellings will rcquiro illling in and rcgradlng. Thcso improvemcnts wlll tako both time and moncy, but if a bcglnning is made tliis ycar, ig followcu up systcmati cally and an tho money holds out, ln a very fow ycarn tho results will bccomo wonderfully apparcnt Tiie annual gradcd scliool mccting occurs ncxt Tuesday, in scliool hall at 2o'clock. This is an important mccting and tho iriends of tho scliool, thoso who favor tho institution lccauso it is a vltal factor to tho. wclfaro of our chlldren and tlte futuro of our conimuulty,should levolc tho af tcmoon of ncxt Tuesday to lho duty of intclligcnt actlon rclatlng to our sciioois. l'artlzanship and ncrson- alitlcs nro out of place in qucstions of schools j tho groatcst good to tho grealcst number slioulu bo tlio broad and con- trolllng imnulso ol all Uiscusslons. Our people aro willing to pay for a cood scliool, and ono of the best mcans of se curing this dcsldcratum is for evcry cchool man to seo that lie avails himself of the rceman'd frnnchlse, Chas. Babmes has bccn elcctod a vjstrvman of St Petcr's Church, to 1111 vacancy causcd by tho death of Chas. E. Gravcs. The Bov. J. W. Bcnnott was In town last weck en route to Shaftsbury, whero ho preached tlio dcdicatoryscrmonlntho now McthoUist Ctiurcli, ln tnat town. Mn. G. F. LEOXAnu, of Tho John S, Holilen Manufacturing Company lias arrivcd ln town for the summer. IIo is accompanled byhis wifo and son and thay board at Tho Putnam. PitoF. Minkii. supenntcnuont ot schools of North Adams, Mass., and Mr, Gallup awcll known busincss man of that place, wero in town over Sunday. Mrs. Ckab. CoorEit and daughtcr aro visiting relatives in Connecticut this wcck. Mlss Lizzio oxpccts soon to join a party for an oxtcndod trip to Europo, Tiie Ilev. Wm. B. Walker was eiectca Assistant Grand Chaplaln of tho Grand Royal Arch Chaptcr, at Burlington, Fri- day. He reprcsentcd Tomplo Chaptcr, No. 8. of this vHIago in that body. Tiie residcuce of J. T. ShurtleiT, in proccss of crcctlon on tho sito of tho old homo, Is up and now givcs onoan idcaof tho clevation plan, It will bo ono of tho most artlstic, architccturally, yet built in Bennington. Oun Itcpublican pollticians this wcek aro at Montpelier attcndlng tho Convcn- tion. Tho county dclegation is claimcd as solid for Woodbury. Wo oxpcctto givo tho nomlnoo for govornor bcforo wo go to pross to-lay. Georqe E. BAHNEVhas an opportu- nlty to purcliaso a placo, and with what ho had, and tho assistanco rcccntiy givon ho hopcs to bo ablo to pay for it A subscrintion gcncrously signcd is in circulation and the proposal is likcly to be a success. The semi-annual mceting of tho Ver mont society will bo held at Rutland, June 20th and 27th. l)r. F. W. Goodall will attcnd, and will prcsont a papcr on tho succcssful trcatmcnt of extrcmo opium poisoning by lorcctt respiratiou. Tiie Rov. L. C. Kimball who has lato- ly workcd with marked success at l)or sct'and Manchestcrbcginswork in Wood ford noxt Sunday, Juno 22d. Thero is evcry assurance that ho wlll mect with a hcarty reccption in his now flold. Tiie Putnam IIoso has a baso bail nino which thcy "pit" agalnst any othcr In this town or vicinity. Whcn this bc conics gencrally known it is safo to say that thcro will bo somo intcrcsting gamcs airangcd to como off during tho scason. Tiie mcmbers of Minam D. of H. Lodgc, No. 8, of this villago havo rc- ceived an invltation to an Odd Fellows rcunion at North Adams next Wcdncs day. Tho invitation was acceptcd at tho rcgular mccting Monday and a largo nunibcr wlll probably attcnd. O.vk of the vcry flnest cngravers on gohl and silver that wo have cvcr known is Mr. E. E. Uawson of this villago. Wo aro rcmindcd to say this bccanse of the scliool and othcr medals which havo ro- cently bccn mado to bear suitablo in- scriptions. In tho abscnco of any oilicial rcport this ycarfrom tho ofliccrs of our Y. M.A., wo ilnd tliat 370 new books wcro addcd to the Bennington Frco Ubrary last ycar. Tho number of bookB made was grcatcr than cver, and tlio library is particu Iarly valuablo on acconntof tho rcfcrcnco Tolumcs it contains. CiiiEF Hankon of tho Rutland firo dcpartment was ln town Monday, ln consultation with Chief Drysdalo as to tho coming Stato flremcn's mccting at Burlington. Whilo tho dato is not ilefllnltcly fixed yct tho flrst wcck in August appers to bo tho only ono in that month not pro-cmptcd by some- thing clsc. Mit. Aiitiiuii G. SiiKiiitY and wifo of Troy, N. Y., aro so sall for Europo tho last of Juno, to bo abscnt two months. Mrs. Shcrry and hcr boii aro visiting her parcnts, Bcacon and Mrs. S. S. Scott and tho little boy is to rcmam witli liis grand-parcnti during tho summer. Wo oxpect to publish somo vcry rcadablo lettcrs from tho pcn of Mr. Slierry, wrlt tcn from abroad. As A F. Loosis has purchased tho bank rupt stock of boots and bIiocs in tho John W. Willlams storo, and opencd Monday. IIo will occupy tho "old stand" for the present, and wo bcspeak for hlm a good trade. Mr. Lomis is wcll known in town and in Shaftsbury, is a rcliablo gentlcman and will command a good trado. At tho gcncral convcntion of tho Ver mont Congregational churchcs hcld last week at Rutland, tho Rev. Chas. R. Sey mour was made ono of tho dlrectors of tho Vermont Domcstlc Missionary So ciety. This is a position ho is cmincnt- ly fittcd to fill. His intcrcst and cfforts ln tho discrction of wcll-dlrcctcd mis sionary cfforts are wcll known and he wlll mako a valuablo addltion to tho board of dircction. Tiik Republican caucus held Satur- day nftemoon clcctcd tho followlng del egatcs to attcnd tho Btato convcntion, hcld at Montpelier to-day: Luman I'. Norton, Rufus B. Godfrey, Harry T. Cnshman (2d), E. D. Welling, Col. J. II. Walbrldge, Ed. S. Chandler, Col Olin Scott, Irvlng E. Gibson. Tlio chairman was tho Hon. John V. Carney and Ed. C. Houghton was Bccrctary. Mll. AND MllS. GEOnOK A. JEWKTT Of New Haven, Conn., aro visiting Mr. Jewctt's mother on South Street. Thcy aro accompanicd by Miss Millio A.Schnce- loch also of New Haven. Miss Schneo loch sang in tho Sccond Congregational church lastSunday to tho groat cdlfication of tho largccongregation present, Sho is a notcd vocalist. Tiie graded schools closo to-morrow af tcmoon with tho publlc oxorciscs notcd but weck. Tho cxamlnatlons are com pleted and tho results wlll bo announced beforo tho term closcs. Wo prcdict a gcncral advancomcnt of ncarly all tho scliolars, notwithstanding the- standard has bccn ralsed. We notico the namo of Ileman Robin m, known to somo of our rcaders, givcn as one of tho mcmbers of the Exccutive Committeeof tho Faclflc Coast Associatlon of theNatlvo Sons of Ver mont, at tho rcccnt annual rcunion held in San Franclsco. It was a very suc ccssful, cnjoyablo and largcly attendcd affalr. A short programmo of choice musical and litcrary sclcctlons was ren dcred aftcr which suppcr was scrvcd and danclng was Indulgcd in, Tiie namo of "Towcr" as nppllcd to tho lato purcliaso of Samucl I). Sanford in Bennington Ccntro, having bcen qucstloncd by sovcral old rosIdcnU, wo explain that tho namo was givcn us by our lnformant and tho location was not in mind Bpccially. It is tho "Old Bank" propcrty, and so called because tho flrat bank ln town was locatcd in this houso and occuplcd as such for many ycars. Tiie summer chango of tlmeon tho railroads in and out of Bennington affect tho Lcbanon Springs moro than any other. It wlll bo seen by tlio tlmo card printed on our tntldc pages that tralns lcavo on tliat llno at 8.40, 11.15 a. m., and 5.45 p. m; arrive at 10.20 a. m. 2.00 Jand 8.08 p. m. Tho Bennington and Rutland also, has put on one extra train each way, and now mako a Boston coniicctlon with the cxprcssleavingTroy at3.15p. m. On that road tralns lcave for the South, East and West at 12.00 mld- nlght, 7.45 a. m., 12.85, 3.25, and 5.15, p. m.; arrive at 1.10, 0.42, a. m 3.00, 4.30, and 0.40 p. m. Leavo for tho North at 0.10 a. m., 2.25 anu i. m.; arnre nt L10, 8.10 a, in., 1.10 and 6.40 p. m. Mus. Smitii, of Cambridge, Mass., for- mcrlyMiss Jennlo Burgcss, is visiting at hcr fathcr's in tliis town. Mus. E. A. RoniNSON, who has passcd tlio wlntor in Vcrgcnnos has returned to Bennington, for tho summer. The First District Committco havo isscd a call for tlio convcntion which is to bo hold at Middlebury, July 0th. It will annoar in our columns next week. Dr. B. C. Je.nnv broaks ground to- morrow on West Maln strcot, near Mr. John S. Holden's rcsidcnce. It is to bo a llno building and C. F. Scars is tho buitdcr. In a spccial horso car, tho flno liorscs owncd by Mr. II. W. Putnam, which aro to bo in town this summer, arrivcd attendcd by their clty grooms. Tho car camo up over tho L. S. R. It., this evcning. Tiie ladicsof tho Socond Congrega tional church will givo .1 lawn party and strawberry sociablo at tho residcnco of Mr. Harrison I. Norton, on Monday ovcning, Juno 23d. Strawbcrrlcs and ico crcam will bo sorvod. Tiie dclay in tho publication of tho Banneii this wcck is oxplalned by the 'cxtcndedness" of tho lcgal notico in othcr columns, which rccitcs tho history of tlio Lcbanon Springs Kailroad ln part. Euokn'k L. Graves and Uaugntcr ot Clevcland, Ohio, aro in town. Mr. Gravcs is bottcr of tlio neuralgla which bccamo a serious mattcr laat wlntor, and on accountof which a trip South was under- takcn with bcncflcial results. Tiie F. M. Tiffany IIoso Company attended tho ilcld-day and hoso tourna- mont of tho Lo Roy IIoso Company of Cohocs, N. Y., on Tuesday. Tho "boys" wcro mot at tho depot in Troy by tho F. B. Peck IIoso Company of watcrf ord, and cscortcd to Cohocs whcro thcy wcro royaily cntertaincd by that company during thcir stay. Tiie Rockwood Bros. havo iust re- ceivcd an immcnso Btock of all kinds of framo mouldings of tho latest stylcs, and havo in addition a doublo mitro framo machino that will mako an accu- rato watcr tlght joint, and with bucIi dospatch that tho customer can havo thcir pictures framcd whilo waitlng. II you havo pictures to bo framcd givc thcm a trial. Tiie marriago of Miss Sara, daughtcr of John Tomlinson, to Mr. John II. Tudor of Stamford, is notcd clscwhcro to-day. Tho cercmony was pcrformcd by tho Rov. Z. Marten at tlio homo of tho brido's parcnts on Thursday ovcnlng, Juno fith. Aftcr congratulations by fricnds present tho happy couplo lcft for Stamford whero they will rcsidc. In common with many fricnds, tho Bannkii oxtcnds congratulations. John T. Sawyeii attendcd tho last conclavo of tho scason Monday evcning of Oricntal Noblcs of tho Mystic Slirino, Troy, N. V. Wo notico among tho othcrs present W. V. Reynold, Esq., of Roynolds, N. Y., and A. C. Hoag of North Pownal. Elovcn rcccivcd tlio degrce. Tlio traditional banquet of tho ordcr followed tho ccrcmonics, at whicli over 200 Noblcs wcro present. Tiik Comradcs of CusterPost hold a camp-firo, Satunlay evcning, Juno 2Sth. It is hopcd that tho vcterans will bo out in full nunibcrs bccauso tho proposcd trip to Boston, tho 2d wcck in August will bo talkcd up. In anothcr placo to-day wo givc a Bummary of tho prep- arations alrcady mado for tho National Encainpmcnt, and it is cxpcctcd that a party of fifty at least will bo mustercd from this county to attcnd in a body. iUrcady Caledonia, Lamoille and othcr couutics aro moving in tho mattcr, as will bo sccn from tho articlo rcferrcd to. A VKitv largo and brllliant reccption was hcld at tho homo of Mr. Ell Tiffany on SafTord strect last Tuesday evcning Tho houso and grounds wcro flnely lightcd and prescnted a gala appcarance. Tho gucsts wero rcccivcd by Mcsdaincs Eli, Faank and Louis Tiffany. Many elegant costumcs wero worn. Musio was funiishcd by Goldsmlth's Orchcstra. Tho refreshmcnts wcro claborato and niccly scrvcd. Sovcral gucsts wero present from out of town, and it was prounounccd ono of tho finest society events over cnjoycd in Bennington. Fiiou an oxchango wo clip nn itcm which will intcrcst Canton Bennington: "Tho first weck in August a grand oxcursion will bo givcn by tho Odd Fellows of Massachusctts to Chicago, to tho Nation al Tri-ennial Cantonmont of tho ordcr. A spccial train of slccplng cars will bo run from Boston over tho Fitcliburg railroad, and the faro for the round trip will bo onlyj.9.00. Manyof tho mcm bers of Canton Colfax and of Oncco Lodge, I. O. O. F., of North Adams will embraco this opportunity to mect thcir brothcrs in the Windy City. It is prob ablo tliat Canton Colfax will attcnd in a body; this will bo dctcrmlncd next wcck at tho rcgular mccting of tho canton. Young: Men'a Chrlitian Aisoclatton. Matters are progrcssing niccly at tho rooms of tho Associatlon. They havo becn thoroughly rcnovated. Tlio new carpct has bccn put down on tho reading room floor, which givcs it a dccidcdly chcerf ul appcarance. Furnituro has bccn purchased and placcd into position, and in placo of tho largo room rcpellant by its barrcnncss, wo sco ono of a vcry cozy dc scriptioii. Largo tables havo bccn pro- viueu, on two ot wnicii tno very latest periodlcals will be placcd, while thothlrd will act as a corrcspondcnco tablc. Tiie lovcrs of chcss and cucckors will ilnd thcir comfort wcll lookcd at in tho naturo of smali tables and chairs just adaptcd to thoso camcs. MCdium slze tables of tho dlnlnir room nattcrn havo attractcd somo curiosity and upon inquiry wo Ilnd that tnoy aro lnteiiueu ior a gamo Known as Crockinolo. This gamo wo understand has bccomo quite tho craze and from tho descriptlon of it wo aro incliiicd to think that tho membcrs who wish to nlav will havo to await tlicir turn owing to rcluc- Mnce ot tnose piaying to givo up tnclr nlace. Tho gymnasium whcn inrunningorder will bo ono of tho most complete of its slzo in tlio country. it mignt bo wcll to eav richt hcro that we aro L'iven to un derstand that it is not to be in any scnso a training ground for acrobats or profcs- sionais ol anv nature. it is intcnucd that tho work taught shall bo of nature that wlll givo our young men a moro manlv bearinf? and a moro. enual nll around bodily developmcnt. ltcgular and systcmatic exerciso will mcan clearcr ncaus and auiuty to uo moro anci beltcr work. The gymnasium is not llkely to bo opencd bcforo tho fall but wo would adviso those thlnking of jolning to do so as soon as tho opportunity offers as each ono bcforo bcing pcrmitted to exerciso will be rcqulreu to unilergo a pjiysical examlnatlon by a compctcnt pnyslcian, as well as bcing systcmatlcally mcasurcu by the lnstructor. This examlnatlon will not cntail addition oxpenso and will bo a sourco of grcat bcncfit to thoso un- ucrgolng It, urst, ln satisiving tncm ol 1IUU 1IUU1 llUrilh UUUUIVB. UIHUIUH, nnrl miullv In nl.iclni? tli.m In possession of a scries mcasuremcnts by An annlvcrsary gathcrlngof thoChrlst whlch thoy wlll bo ablo to see nt the cnd ian Endcavor Society and tlio junlor ofthclrwlntcr'sworkjusthowrpuch thcy 'class, was held on tho bank of Lako have dcvelopcd. At lcast two ovcnlng Paran on Tuesday aftcmoon. Tlicro classes will bo arrangcd for and possibly wcro about forty present, and with Rcv. lf thcre is a demand for it a busincss Mr. Pcck and othcrs intcrcstcd thcro was men's class at somo tlmo during tlio day no tlmo lost Whcn tho hour camo for most convenlent for thcm. Tho boys refrcshments, tho boating and othcr dl will probably hcar somothlng of Intcrcst vcrsions bcing suspcndcd, tho baskcts to them ln tliis llno beforo long. I wcro nnpacked and a bountiful rcpast Reading room wltli tlio gamcs it is ctnoeifil wlll 1u nnonpd in n vmli'i ilmn tho only thlng prevcnting wlll bo tho tween sunshino and cloud, nnd the tcm-non-arrival of tho matcrials alrcady or- perature such as to iuvigorato and dcred. Itis hopcd that tho young mcn's mect - Ing on Suiiday aftcmoon will bo startcd by tho end of month. Young men aro cordlallv invitcd nlicad of timo and as- sured ofa good brisk mccting, llvosiug- ing and a hcarty wclconic. Mr. A. E. Fllndt, tlio now Gcncral Sec- rctary of tho Associatlon wlll bo nt tho rooms each day and will ,bo glad to mect . au lricnus ot younc men, na wcu as tno I young men thenuwe CMIdren'a Day at the Uaptlit Church. Cliildrcn'a I).iv wns celcbratcd laat, Sunday ovcning at tlio Baptist Church bv a very bricht and chccrful musical Borvicowith dcclamations. Tlio instru mental music consisted of an orchcstra with tho followlng lnstrumcnts: tho organ, playcd by Mra. J. B. Parmcntcr, violinccllo, by llubert Uowns, violin by Miss Addio Marsh, comct by Edward II. D. Ranncy. Tlio vocal part cons.Istcd of composed of Audria Bowcn, Mabel Hurley, Allio Smitii, Fanuy AValbrldgo ana uaisy jior&u, wim uiiuius tum nnsoil of tho Sundav Scliool. Tho musi cal programmo was Bclcctcd and armnged aiuf the orchcstra and choir drillcd and conductcd by Mrs. Parmcntcr ln hcr usual carcf ul and accurato manncr, tho rcsult of whicli was a grand success, such as alwavs attcnds Mrs. Parmcnlcr's pfTnrts. Tlio oiienliiL' nicco was of un- usually diilicult composition but had bccn comnlctely mastcrcd. Miss Addio Marsh playcd tho violin with grcat swectncss and accuracy. and wo navo no doubt, from herbcautiful handliug of tlio bow, that with carcful Btudy sho will bccomo a famous violinist. Mr. Worthington playcd tho comct with great delicacy, avoidlng tho usual harsh and shrill stylo of band piaying. Nb notcs wcro forccd. but all wcro playcd with correct modnlation. Mr. Uaniiey is nn cxpencnccd muslclan ol sovcral ycars of liearty and dovotcd study and pi-actiso, ns is also Mr. Uowns, and it is necdless to say thcir parts wcro rcndcred perfcctly. Tho choir of inisscs tang with accuracy and delicacy and tho chorus was prompt and hannonlous, ali showing tho most carcf ul and cncrgetlc drilling. At tlio opcning oi tno scrvico tho children. all arravcd in white gowns. marchcd from tho chapel up tho South alslo to tho church platiorin, lcu ny iirs. Frcd Thomas who had chargo of tlio tlis- posiug of tho chihlrcn, wliom sho arrani?cd in rows of chairs. inakinL' very prctty spcctaclo. In front of all seatcd in two little rockcrs wcro tho twoJvouncest of tho crouiic Mary 'a- bridgo and Bcllo Stowart Munroe, who bchavcd with niucli dlgnity and sang thcir narts vcrv lirettilv. Tho dcclama tions by Bcllo Smitii, Alico Martin, Susio Marten, Carl Whito and Cliarlio Martcn wero ilncly delivcrcd. Soven littlo glrls recitcd each a vcrso of a pocm cntltled "Soven Glfts," six of them reprcscnting somo llowor, whilo tho sevcnth, instcad oi a llowcr, gavo ncr iicnrt to jcsus. Thoy wero Ruth Marten, Susio Marten, Mabel Gravcs. Besslo Graves, Edlth Walurulec. Aiauu uaiusna and uaino Wilcox. A collcction was takcn by Mrs, Thomas's class of young ladics. Tho church and chapel wcro crowded to their utmost capacity. ino norai uccoi-aiions wcro cxtcnsivo and bcautltul. 11 Ulill- drcn's I)ay is to bo thus celcbratcd in tno futuro its rcturu wiu uo wcicoiucu by tho young aud tho old. St, l'eter'a Chnrcli Note. At tho nnnual nicetiiu' of St. Marv'B Guild. hcld last Thursday. tho folliiwfiiK olllccrs wero clcctcd : -nrs. Jiar tin, dircctrcss: Mrs. John II. Norton and Mrs. I)r. Chisholin, vico dircctrcsscs; Mrs. Charles Barncs, sccrctary; Mrs. II. L. Stlllson, treasurer; tho Rcctor (ra offlclo), tho dircctrcss and Mcsdanics L. F. Abbott, A. B. Oatman, L. P. Norton, V. B. Walkcr, cxccntivo coinmittco. Tlio annual mccting of ht. Petcr's Guild, Monday, clioso tho following: Tho Rcctor, mastcr (px offlclo); John T. Shurtlell, prcsidcnt; II. L. Stillson, vico prcsidcnt; Chas. Bamcs, sccrctary; L. F. Abbott, treasurer; Tho Mastcr, l'rcsi dcntand H. O. Harwood, L. P. Norton, C. M. Lainbcrt, exccutive cominittco. Tlio annual Parish reccption is to bo held in 1'arish Hall on Monday evcning, Juno SOth, and both Gullds extend a cor dial iuvitntioii to thcir fricnds to bo present, A largo number of tho pcoplo of this parish havo bcen nt Arlington this wcck ui attendancc on tho Ccntcnnial Convcn tion of the Dioccso of Vermont. Tho church is cntitlcd to four delegates. 0UT-0F-T0WN CORRESPONDENCE Norlli lleiiiilusion. Edmund C. Brown. nn cntcrnrisini; young man, has just completed tho com mcrcial courso at tho Troy Busincss Col- lcge. Tho gamo of ball which wasadvertiscd to como olf last Satunlay was postponcd on accuunt of tho raln. Joo Heartt of Trov. N. Y.. sncnt last Sabbath with his consin Dcming Hall. A cousin and other fricnds. froin Flor- ida, Mass., spcnt a day or two last wcck, with Mrs. Wm. Skiiincr. Mrs. H. C. Houi:liton lcft for hcr homo in Rcd Oak, Iowa, on Tuesday. Hcrjhus baud will mect hcr in Chicago, which is moro than Iialf way on hcr jomncy homc. camo Monday with his family to spcnd tho summer. They will occupy the home of Mrs. Jamcs Atwood on Mcchaiiic street. Cliarlcs Hall. wifo and daughtcr of Sjiringllcld, Mass., camo by privato car nago last wcck, driving tbrough and over tlio ucrksnlro mus en route. riicy wcro accompanled by Maj. N. B. Hall of Jack Bon, Mich., who was visiting his brothcr in Springileld with a vlew to rccupcra tion from the continued cltccts of ln grlppe. Their joumoy back was by an cntirely dinerent way, taking ln otiicr lovely viows and suggesting now and over varying rcllcctions. Dr. S. E. I.indhc and wifo of New York, aro stopping in tho villago whilo on thcir way to Craftsbury, to trcat littlo Charllo Huntington by the method stylcd mantage, gymnastics. This courso will bo furtiicr followed when, in tho courso of two or thrco wecks Mrs. Huntington and son shall rcsuino thcir homo in Craftsbury accompanicd by tho doctor, who is a Swcdo aiul has bcen in tliis country about tnrco ycars. Wo leam that Prof. W. W. Howo has bccn oll'crcd n sciiolarshlp in tho New York Normal Uollcgo ln Albany, witli cmploymcnt in tho Now York institutcs. This institution is not dcsigncd for tho cducation of its mcmbers as thcy aro sup- poscu to navo suiiiciciu liistruciiuu in tho various branchcs of study. but to Ccrfcct thcm in tho latest improvcd and cst modo and art of tc.iching. This is a compllincnt which mustbohighly grat ifying to Prof. Howo and which substan tiatcs tho gcncral view of his ability as a tcachcr. A call at tho Stercocopo and Work Box csmbllshmcnt of H. C. White, this weck, rovcalcd tho improvemcnts going on within tho last six months. Tho im mcnso nunibcr of pastcboardboxcs, used in putting up tho vast quantity of ster- coscopcs wnicu no inaKcs, icu inm to ro- boIvo to manuiacturo ius own irom tno board. whicli ho buys by tho ton. Ho has now, in tlio addition whicli ho put upon his shop last fall, a room with the latest machlnery for doing tho work and whoro ho will mako ono hundrcd thous and boxcs, in ach of whicli ho packs two stercoscopcs or two huiidrcd tliousand in tho courso ot ono ycar. lius is in nno with all the parts of tho work, dono at his factory. Tho wood work, morticcs, teuons, planing, jolnting, etc., is all dono by macliincry spccially adapted and much of whicli was mado for him. as Is also tho brass and wlro work for tho samo. Tho hingcs, locks, and othcr smali mctal work used about tho work boxcs and stcrcoscopcs, all struck by machlnery from plato mctal, so as to nave a margin to tho mamifacturer. With tho visitor or inexpcricnccd, tho largo nlles of flnlshed goods from which goous ln proccss, csuniiucs uuu uuiy ou mado by tho cord. His mill for sawing lumber from tho loir Is in usemostof tlio time, and tho railway carrles tho pniduct to tho sheds for scasoning, or to whcro it is cnnvcnlent for customcrs to obUiln thcir quota. It rcquircs tlility-llve to forty liands to operato tho machlnery i, ,. . and carry on tho work, scrveu lu geuuino picnic siyic. iueai, ' tpnuion was fiue. overhcad a mcdltim bc- , strcngthcn. , Tho ladicsof tho HlnsdlUvillo Mctho ,n,t Church, wlll hold a lawn party at the rcsidcnce of Mr. Edwanl Walbrldgo I., iti.nnlnirinii Falls. TneHil.iv cvcnlnir Juno 21th. An cntcrtilnmont will bo cvcn consistingof vocal and instriimcnt- al musio and rcadings. Ico crcam and cakowlllbo scrvcd. Tho procccds nro to bo used for rcpalrs on Hiusdlllvillo jietliodist I'liiircb. a coruiai invltation I & tztcndcd to all, &!iaftatmrr. Tlm nrocrrammo for tlio dcdicatton of tho new Mcthodist Church lastThursday was carncu oui. us luiveriiscu. i nu uay was rainv. but that dld not provcnt tho pcoplo gathcring from nll quartcrs. In tno aiternoon tuu iiuuku wu iiuuu w na- tcn so a scrmon by tno Rev. J. w. iicn nett of Troy. Rev. W. II. Crawford of Arlington and Rcv. E. P. Stovens of Cam- serviccs. ilio Jiev. j.ji. ncusiur, nu- crvICCS. XXIU Jiwr, w. MvuoiiiMiiu- idiin' Kliler. was also nrcsent and lcd ln the dcdicatory scrvlce. Tho rcnott of tlio building cominittco showcd tho total cost of tho new building with its furnish ings to bo about 8853. All was paid but about $73. This ainount and a littlo moro was ralsed among thoso present be foro tho building was dedlcatcd, so tho pcoplo of tho now church may congratu ulato thcinsclvcs thst thoy havo no church debt lianging over their hcads. During tho past wintcr tho ladics of the Aiil Society havo raiscd about .!X), which was used towaid tlio furnlshlng of tho church. A gift of 8250 from an uuknown fricnd liclpcd largcly ln tho woik. Much labor and matciial was donatcd by fricnds interestcd, bcsides tho cash subsciiption paid. PrcsentH wero also rcccivcd fiom fricnds outof town. aniong tho rcst three handsomely upholstcrcd pulpit chairs. an unsolicitcd gift froin Mr. J. Ed. Walbrldge of Ben nington. Aftcr the aftcmoon scrvico a gcncrous collatlon was servcd by tho ladics in tho rooms abovo tho storo near by. Moro than a huudrcd availcd thomsclves of this mcans of satisfylng tlio nceds of lho natural man. In lho ovcning tho church was again fillcd to listcn to a scrmon by Rov. E. P. Stovens of Cambridge. Mr. Stovens is gratefully rcmcnibereil as ono who assisted lanrclv ill tho mcctlncs at tho scliool-houso last fall. After tho ser vlco a largo party from So. Shaftsbury still tarned ln tno cuurcn, spcnuing uio timo in song and soclal convcrso until tho midnlght train should tiko thcm homc. Serviccs aro to bo hcld ln tho church thrco tlmes oach wcck. rrcaclillic Sun day aftcmoon nt two o'clock, by tho nastnr. Ituv. Mr. Hitchcock of South Shaftsbury. Prayer-mccting with short pi-caching scrvico Wcdncsday cvenlng at 7..iU. Class-nicctlng t riiiay evcning con ductcd by tho Ieadcr, Mr. John Elwell. At tho closo of tho prcaching scrvicc Sunday aftcmoon at tho Mcthodist church, a Sabbatli scliool was organized, witli Jlr. Jolin Jilwcll as Bupennicnuciu. Tcachcrs, Rev. Mr. Hitchcock, John Elwell, Mrs. A. J. Wcbb, Mrs. J. M. Mat tcrson, Mra. Jaincs Young and Mrs. Brow'nsou Mattcrson. About slxty wero nresent at tlio nriraiiization. Tho scliool mects for tho present immcdiatcly aftcr tlio Sunday prcaolilng scrvicc, South Mmllitburr. Childrcn's Day oxcrciscs wcro hcld hero last Sunday ovcning. evcry thing passcd off niccly. Espccially would wc notico tlio chihlrcn who dld so well in their rccitation,and tho songs they sang. i ho lloral dccoratlons wero mucn au- mircd, vcry pretty and wcro arrangcd with oxccllcnt tastc. A largo nunibcr from hcro attendcd fliHr..itifm cxcrciscs of tho new Mcthodist Church lastThursday, and cn joycd tho oxcrciscs. All who desircd partook of a bountiful rcpast, servcd by tho ladics of tho church and coininunity to anv wishing to rcmaiti at tho ovcnlng scrvicc. Unclo" Gcorgo Mattison is visiting fricnds in and about town. Ho docs not Kccm to chango much. Ocortro E. lloon and McrrittBumham. passcd last Sunday iu Cambridge. Mrs. It. L. Sticklo is iii vcry poor hcalth, bcing connncd to tlio bcd at this wntlng. Iler daugntcr, Jirs. jouu wood of Windsor, 18 at homo caring for hcr. Frod Mlrfleld had a vcrv narrow C8- capo from scvcro and pcrlians fatal in jurics, Satunlay, at II. C. Wiilte's works at Aortn licnnington. oome panoium machlnery hroko and hit him, making Iiim unable for duty for a fcw days. Mrs. Dr. J. B. Woohull is cxpcctcd Friday of this week. Tho Workcrs will servo ico crcam cvery two wecks on Friday cvcnings. Vettio Hawkius scrvcd ico croam last Satunlay ovcning at Adclbert Hawkins's. Wtil Arllnston. Mr. and Mrs. Galusha of East Arlinc- ton, wero tho gucsts of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Farnham last weck Satunlay and Sun- dav. H. T. Eaton sneut sevcral days in Bur lington last wcck, attcnding tho Masonic Grand Bodlcs. Mr. nnd Mrs. Cliarlcs Shcrman and son, wcro in town Wcdncsday and Thurs day of last weck. Wo iveio visitcd by a tcnific thnndcr storm last Wcdncsday aftcnioou. No damagc is rcported in this part of tho town. Thcro was Quartcrly mccting last Sun day. 0. E. Hamilton lcft Monday for Al bany, N. Y to purcliaso goods for his storo. Wo lcani that Dr.Blackfanof Shushan, was called Monday aa council wltli Dr. Clark, in tho caso of Fred Hoyt. but at this writing Tuesday havo not lcanicd thcir dccision. A skock nc. if not fatal accidcnt oc- currcd hcro last weck Satunlay. While Fred Hoyt was ridmg a colt, it bccamo unmanageable, throwlng hiin a distanco of about:!aft.,strikinguponhl8headand shouldcrs. IIo was takcn upunconscious and rcmalncd so for Bovcral hours. His jaw was broken In two placcs, ono or moro ribs fracturcd, and it is fcarcd sus taincd iutcrnal injuries. Dr. Clark at tcnds him. Tho marriairo of Miss Ella Blodgctt ot Detrolt, Mich., to Mr. Hcnry Thompson of Jackson, N. Y., took placo at tlio homo of Mr. and Mrs. Samucl Buck, Wcdncsdav. tho 11th. inst.. in tlio prcs- cnco of about sixty invitcd gucsts. The ccremony was pcrformcd by tho Rov. DeoBcattio of Cambridge, N. Y. Tho prcsents wcro numerous aim many oi tlicm clcgant, including a chcck for $100 from the groom's father to tho brido. Aftcr refrcshments which wcro both am plo nnd sumptuous, tho happy pair left 'mid a shower of rice, for Arlington whcro thoy took the evcning train north for a trip of a few days. manchester. Tlin nnmiln nf this town wcre ouito Bhockcd to hcar last wcek of the suiidcn dcatli of Mrs. Dr. Clcmons, which oc currcd at 3 o'clock Wcdncsday momlng. Sho rodo out wltli tho doctor Tuesday evcning and was apparcntly f coling quite well. Hcr dcatli was causcd by hcm orrhago of tho lungs. Sho was a very estimablo lady aud ono that willbeinucli misscd. licr rcmains wcro ucpositcu in Dollwood ccmetcry. Most of last wcck County court was takcn up wltli tho murdcr trial of tho ncgro Jerry Bradloy for the kiliing of Maggio Shea, at Stimford, a few wecks ago. Tho caso was givcn to tho jury Thursday evcning, and Friday morning camo Into court, having agrccd upon a vcrdict of murdcr in tho sccond degreo. Tho scntcnco was for llfc, and tho pris oner wns takcn to Windsor ncndlnc the hcaring on tho cx"ccptIons talcen bycoun- sel. Tho caso ol mai Jiatncrs ot iien- ningtou was nearly Ilnislicd Friday.wlien It was discovcrcd that an alicn had bcen drawn upon tho jury. Procccdings wero stoppcd, a new jury empannclcd and Monday rcsulted in a disagrecmcnt, the jury bcing a tio and aftcrwards changing to 7 to u ior convicuon. une oi tiie nn- uor cases from tho Southcast part of the county, wliich' was to have becn tried, was settlcd aftcr sovcral days' waiting for trial by tno paymcnt oi fzuuaiiucosts, tno wiioio amoununK to over ciou. Prcparations aro nearly complotcd for tho rcunion of tho old BtudcnU and ernd- uatcs of Burr A Burton Scminary, which wlll tako placo at Music Hall, Juno 20th. Tho banquet wlll bo at tho Equinox House. Many of the old graduatcs havo becn heard from and will bo present, T)r. Wlrkham. who is in his 04th vear. will bo in attendancc, having bccn prcsl- dont of tho Somlnary ior many ycars, Tho programmo as arrangcd Is as f ollows : Miisio: nravcr: music: addrcss of wcl- come, Hon. D. K. Simonds; rcsponsc, T. C. Cronin, Esq., New York, I'rcsidcnt of tho Alumni Associatlon; historical pa- ncr. Hon. Muuson: mnslc: addrcss, Rev. S. Lcroy Blako, D.D., New London, Conn.; music: pocm, Prof. Ar thur Gravcs Canilcld, Kansas Stato Uni vcrsity; rcminlsccnccs of Rev. Lyman Colcman and Wllliam A. Bumham. Rov. Jos. D. Wickham, I). D.; recitation, (so- Icctcd), Charles Kobcrts, A. 31., lu 1j. lf., l'r,ifpnr of Elocctlon. Uniou Thcolonl- cal Scminary, Now York; cioslng with music. Tlio exerclses bcglu at 0.30 a. in. Tho Alumni aro nll invitcd whcther the formal invitatlons reach them or not Tlio Commltteo rcqucst us to say thrt n grcat nunibcr of namcs wcro used in malling tho Invitatlons and sevcral nro unknown. hcnco this gcneral notlflca- CORRESPONDENCE. Trof. Davla and tha Oraded Schoola. To the Editor af the I!anner:So many untruthful things havo boen reccntly said of Prof. Davis that It is strango no ono sccms to havo bccn suflicicntly movcd by a scnso of common dcccncy and fair ncss, to contradict in print tho absurd andfoolish storics that aro dally sct alloat tothocmbarras8mcntof Mr. Davis, nnd to tho grcat detrimcnt of tho best interests ot our sciioois. Prof. Davis is a stranger to tho pcoplo nt Bennington nnd it is Bolelv on this ac couiit that cunuingly concoctcd llcs call- ing in qucstlon ius iioucsty, laimcss aim ability obtaiu any crcdenco whatover. To know Prof. Davis is to know an hon- cst, go-ahead, progrcssivo man, who has tho courage of his conviclions ovcry day in tlio ycar. His intcuso c.irncsiness, uis imnrovcd mcthods In tcachinir. his prac- ticabillty, his lovo of sehool work, his magnetism, and his fcarlessness in doing wnai no conccivcs to uo riKm, uiiuuiuic distinctivo and csscntial part of thc man, nnd cannot fall in ilxing thcir im prcss upon tho minds of his pnplls. Morcnvcr, Prof. Davis has a good knowlcdgeof huinan nature. His cx pcricnco in joumallsm and ln teachlng lina linnii uri, II rMf.iil!ifed to ilcvcloo hlm iii this dircction. Hiskccn cyo and alcrt mind sco quito through tho dccds of men, a gift which is invaluablo ln fonn- ing and training youtniui miuus. Consldcr for a momcnt what Prof. Davis accompllshcd ln a slnglo ycar: Ho found our scliool in a languishlng conditlon nnd ho pushed it to tho front; ho took our corps of tcachcrs and flllcd it witli onthuslasm; ho iutroduccd sys tcm nnd order throughout tho building; ho mado new cmploymcnt for tlio littlo ones in Kindergartcn work; hoadded liitrcst to the studies of tho oldcr oncB; ho put in now mcthods, modom lucas, intelligcncc, amuitiou uuu imau m placo of lichens, fosslls, bamaclcs and rust; lio raiscd tho rcgistration more than 150 and put Into tho trcasury moro thnn 400 from advertisin!r nnd tuition f ccs of tho training class. Surcly, ho has accompllshcd moio in a slnglo year than many would accomplish in a long Ufo of toil. I bcllovo Prof. Davis lias como to stay. As tho circlo of his acduaintancowidens, tho number of his fricnds will incrcasc. As thoy como to know him bcttcr people wlll wnnilpr at tlio dcerco of rescntmont and prejudico that has bcen liarborcd against nn noncst man wnoso pruicssiuu is solcly to broaden and strcngthen the mlnds of our boys and girls that they may bccomo intclligoiit and uscful mcm bers of society. Wliy, then, withhold that mccd of svmnathv and co-opcration lio nccds at so critlcal a time? JfSTICE. The Itcat Itenull. Wvppv Inim-diont cmnlovcd in nroduc- iiifHood'sSai-saDaiillais strlctly ptirc. and is tho best of its kind it is possiblc tn uiv. All tho roots and berlis aro carcfiilly selccted, pcrsonally cxamincd, anil oniy tno ncstrcKiiueii. ou uwniuiu tho tlmo of purcliaso until Hood's Sarsa-nai-111.1 is nrenarcd. cvervtliinc is carc fiilly watched with a vicw to attiining tho best rcsult. Why don't you try it? ADVICK Tll MOTIIIEIIS. Mus. Wisilow's SooTnixo 8VRC, lur cblldrrn tccthiug, U tbe itrercrlptlon of one of the best te mnle uurses aud phjBldans ln the (Joitcd Statci, and hat bten ued for fortr ycara with nerer fall lnir aarceiaby oiUUona ofinothers for their chlld ren. During the process ol tecthlng lu valno li Incalcnlable. It rcllcTOS tbe chlld from paln. curca dynntery and dlarrboea, nrlping ln the bntr ell. and wlnil-collo. Bj- g-lvlng bealth to tbe chlld It resU the molher. Prlce 3S centa a boitle. SPECIAL RUSINESS L00ALS. KBlVi. u-iln A liaiiilanmn l.-lll nnffmin clock, mado in Palsley. Scotland. Ma Iiogany case, carvcd, iiilaid and dcco ratcd witli historical ollpaintlngs. Also a tall antiquo clock, with nlco plain caso, mako in Connecticut. Apply or addrcss, Clock,152NorhtProspectStrcct, uurungtuu, v t. Frear'aJune Uarsalna ln Uoalerj. Ladics' Fancy Stripcd Cotton IIoso only 3 ccnts per pair. Ladics' Brown Mixcd Cotton IIoso only 5 cents per pair. Ladics' Unbleachcd Balbriggan Hose only 0 ccnts per pair. Latlies' Fast Black (guarrantccd) Hoso only 10 ccnts Kcr pair. Ladics' Drop Stilch Fancy oot Pattcm Hoso only 12 ccnts per pair. Ladics' Fast Black Cotton Hose, with doublo soles. only 12$ ccnts pcr nnir. Lailics' Fancv Strincd Cotton Seamless IIoso only 15 ccnts per pair. Ladics' Fast UlacK lloso oniy i cents erpair. A job lot ol C'liiidrcn s rancy 4fitit lr.wn nt. milv 5 riMitji ncr nair. nonts' Fancv Strincd Cotton Half Ilose. seamless, at 12J ccnts, 15 ccnts and 18 ccnts pcr pair. Boy's Fast Black ltibbcd pair. Boys' Fast Black Derby Ribbcd Cotton Stockings only 10 ccnts per Ribbcd Stockings ouly 15 ccnts pcr pair. Boys' Fast Black Double-Ieggcd Stock ings only 25 ccnts pcr pair. Boys' Blcyclo Stockings ouly 37 and 50 ccnts pcr pair. Intants' Fast Black Long lloso, i Hoso and Half Hoso at 10 ccnts. 12 ccnts, 15 ccnts, 18 cents, 20 ccnts and 25 cents pcr pair at Frcar's Troy Bazaar. Yermonterat Attentlonl Tlm cli'imnt viows of Bennington Battle Momimcnt (conyrightcd) with dcscrip tion. sizo 5x8 inchcs, scnt postpaid on receipt of 25 ccnts. Also vicws saino sizc, "Bennington Ccntro looking south from Monument Capstonc," only nega tivo in exlstcuco; tho Vermont Soldiers' Home, and two other fiue pictures of Monument and Park avcnues, ono of tho Old First Church, each by mail postpaid, 25 ccntfl. Evcry Bcniiingtonlan In the west will want theso six views of hlstorio Bennington. Addrcss, M. E. tVATSON, IJCUIUllglOll, V l. Lock lioiW. 10H Glovea and Mltta. Wm. II. Frcar has mado snccial cffort to arrango a full list of epccial bargains in gloves and mltts for this month. Bclow you wlll flnd a fow quotations of samo: Ladics' puro silk laco mltts In black, white, cream and tans, only lSc pcr pair. Ladles' puro silk Jersoy mltts in now shades of tan, crcam, white and black, 18c and 25c per pair. Ladics' puro Milancso Bilk Jersoy mitts ln choice scason shades of tans, modcs, groys, wliite, crcam and black, only 38c and 50c per pair. Misses' puro S1IK laco mitts, cuoico sinuics, uiuy 12c per pair. Mlsscs' puro silk Jersey mltts only 10c pcr pair. Ladios' black Berlin gloves, 12c pcr pair. Ladles' framo mado gauzo Hslo gloves only 15c pcr pair. Ladics" six-btitton lcngth Jersoy taflcta gloves only 10c pcr pair. Ladics' slx-button lcngth silk Jersoy taiTcta gloves only 25c pcr pair. Ladics' six-button lcngth puro silk Jer sey gloves, Now London cmbroidcrics, only 38c per pair at Paris Glovo De partmcnt, Frcar's Bazaar. frSf-E. Norton & Co.. havo for salo at tho Bennington Fottcry. ono Blde-bar ton buggy, and ono canopy toppcd Surroy botli just from tho factory, that wlll bo disposcd of at manufacturcr's priccs. A bargain for any ono wanting such a ve- lilclc. lUlt. Now Imnortation of silk-proccss antl wrinklo Frcnch Batcens rcccivcd to-day at Frcar'g Troy Bazaar. The plcasautcst summer tlress is mado irom tno iiucn silks. Thev wash to look like new, and aro as lustrous as siik; tucy wcar ior vears. Challies at four ccnts pcr yanl at Frrcir's. Challies at six and ono-fourth cents pcryard at Frcar's. Challies at twelvo and ono-nait ccnts per yaru at Frcar's. Best Frcnch challies only twen- ty-nino ccnts pcr yanl at Frcar's. Fig urcd double-fold mohairs, in silkpat- tcnis, only llltccn ccnts. uouuio-ioiu mohalr, all colors, also stripcs, only thlrty-sovcn nnd ono-lialfccntsnt Frcar's. Vur rnlors in tho silk and wool Lans- downc. Tho crcam Lansdowno looks exactly liko India Bilk, is full fnrty-ono inchcs wido nnd only ono dollar and twcnty-ilvo ccnts pcr yanl. Glorlosa rlntli ln new cffccts. Tho L'enulne hnc- lish outlngs, warrantcil not to fado or shrink, aro for salo at Frcar's Satccu Dc partment at twelvo and ono-half ccnUper yanl. FiiKAlt's Tnoy BazAaii. jrtr-Mrs. Fred Eddy of South Shafls bury. Vt, wlll act as agcut for the Curtls Publishlng Company until farthcr notice Is glven, lu taking Biib Bcriptlons for the Ladics' Homo Journal publlshcd in Plillailclplila. Any ono wliom I may not sco.wlslilng to subscribe, can scnd ior iniormaiiun. jn cunimuni catlons will be promptly attendcd to, ,,l,rrlntlon tl u vcar. It Isamoiitli- ly magazine Tho currcnt issue at hand is vcry Intercstlng. Many of our leadinc wrltcrsaroon tho publlthing list: Mrs A. D. T. Whltney, Maud Howo, A. J. Ualfonl, Tho Duchcss. T. Do Wltt Tal mage, I). D., Kato T. SqqiU and many Othct'i AN OLD FRIE1 All oflicial ltcports Show "CLEVELAND'S" TIII! HTI'.ONOEST Puro Crcam of Tartar Bill g Powder nnuufnct, rcd. Alwolutely the Best. ABSOLUTELY THE BEST. All llic Ingrcdleiits used arc purc and Hliolcsomc, and nrc pub Ilslicd on evcry laucl. Cleveland's Supcrior Baking Powder has bccn beforc the public for ovei ttyenty ycars, and lias gained a well earncd rcputalion for purity of ingre dients, strcnolh of ihe compound and nerfcction in results. Governmcm and State offtcial reports shotv thc superiority of this over all other baking poivders. For thcse reasons Cleveland's Supcrior Baking Powder is largcly imitated. Adulterated baking powders are bcing foisted on the market under thc representation that they are "just as good as Cleveland'f," the "same ai CUveland's," etc. They are not, and housekeepers wishinj a purc and tvliolesomc article will insist upon receiving Clevehind's Supcrior, and ac cept no sitbstitutc. The genuine bears the new label as above represented and is nianufactured by CLEVELANU IJAK1NG POWDER CO., 8t and 8 Kulton St.. N. Y. Successors to Cleveland Brothcrs, of Albjny. N. Y. iivioeis an AsShown by the Proclamation of the Agent of the Northwestern in last Week's Issue of the Banner. Right herc in Bennington the County Court decided and theSupremc Court affinned the deciiion, tliat this Northwestern agent's reprcsentations wcre so misleadings and falseas to dcbir recovery upon a promissory notc given to said agent for a policy in s.iid Company upon the life of a prominen' resident of Bennington County. This decission was based upon the wcll cstablishcd principle of l.w llial fraud annuls any rontract. The figures and estiniates given by said agenl were deceptiye and wholly unauthorized by said company. This judichl record renders newspaper contention with said agent unnec essary, unsafe, univorthy. Hundreds of old policy holders in the Northwestern complain that they did not get a farthingof dividend last year, and that company by its sworn statcments to thc Insurance Departments of the various States stated that its dividends in 1S89 were 828,713 less than in 188S, although it had 11,200 more policy holders. In view of these facts of record Mr. I'ierce rcccived dividends that could only bebng to him through jugglcry or the robbery of other policy holders, as per their complaints which we arc ready to verify. Respertfully and finally submitted, Childs &, Powers, AGE3STTS, NEW YORK LIFE Ript Here in Be A little local comparisoii of dividends be- tAveen the Largest Dividend Paying' Com pany in the world and the poorest in the United States. Mr. Charles II. Potter, in Oct. 20, 1883, placcd a 20-year Endowment in the Ncav York Lil'e, 177631, for $1000 ; premiuin $47.98. Mr. Charles A. Pierce took out a 20-year Endowment in the Northwestern, March 25, 1SS5, at ago 10, for $2000, No. 133171, pre- mium $111.10. Raising the ligures to $2000, for accurato comparisoii with the Nortlnvestern, the dividend rcsult to date is as followrs : Northwestern, Pfemium $111.10 Gasti Dividend oM886, None. 1887, $22.11 23.34 24:60 53.73 1888, 1889, 1890. $123.78 The Northwestern pays no dividend at commencoment of second yoar, but givos a doublo dividend dividends of tho Noitliwestorn are six of the New York Life. The difference in premium is Pierce taken ont his policy at ago of bnt $92.88, and his dividends more than thoso given by tho New York Tho above pollcies compriso the year endowment in the Northwestern endowment in the New York Life in this village. If you take a semi-tontine policy accomnlatlons ofsurplus mnst anse: FIRST From dividends upon your own policy. SECOND From your sharo of the are discontinued by Iapso or death Is it not perfectly clear, thsrefore, that if ono company's dividends aro moro than as two to one, as compared with the other that THAT company can ar.d will mnke your policy a doubly better investment than the other ? In this comparlson tho Northwestern is at conslderable dlsadvant age, from tho fact tliat Mr. Pierce has taken liis dividends In cash, whilo Mr. Potter has allowed his dividends to purcliaso additions tohis policy, and a polcy carrjing condltlons has PRESDMABLY, larger dividends than one which does not. People are not specially interested in knowlng whicli company Is tho laraost. or by aolns nll over tna ness, but they arc vilally interested for themsolves. Thc New York Life ratiks Ihlrd In llic' Unltcd States, wlillc tlic nnrllcular. Whicli do you prcrcr? L. P. NORTON, Oeneral Agent NtMUwcstcm Miitunl Life Insurance Compflny. 1 A IW DRESS. "CLEVELAND'S" Is absolutcly FIIKE FIIOU AMJIO.NI.-, Aluiii, aud othcr rdulttr.iliiiiis, INSURANCE CO. nniniton,Vt. at ag'e 27, policy No. of tho New York Life New York Life. Premium $95.96 Cash Dividend of 1884, $8.75 " 1885, 7.85 8.86 9.88 188R, 1887, 1888, 1889, 9.02 9.48 $ 53.82 at end of the fifth. Tet the four consldernbly more than donblc the duo to differenco in ago. Had Mr, 27, his promium wonld have been tlian two and ono-half times larger Life. only instances pf a non-tontine 20 nnd the only non-tontine 20-year that the snbscnber knows of placed in eilher of these companles your dividends on those policlcs which during the tontlne penod. worw, is aoiiig tne wrgesi dusi in knowing WHICH can do the best ln amount or Insurance in forcc Northwestern slnnds No. 1 in this o Deception. 1890 I am now Receiving for the SPRIHG k SUMMER TRADE OF Onc or thc most complete stock pf Mcn's, Yomiis' and Childrcn's 7- Haam VII U ii thc Latest Deslgns ueau u tid t can Uc nrniliifoil lu- nm imt raanuracliircrs lVnvor hofnro hav.c I hecn ablc to givc better goous ior uic pncc tlian at thc nrOSCIlt limi. TllPi imnila mul priccs cannot BE SURPASSEB n nuality or chcapncss by nu ortliccltynicrchnuts. I am d tcrmlncd that mystorc shall be HEADQUARTERS ror all drst-class goods ln my linc, nnd I would suggcst tliat you cxumlnc my stock of goods bclorc miiklnir vnur niircli!io. T Imvo also addcd a complete llnc of TRUNKS, SATCHELS, HAND BAGS AND SCHOOL BAGS, Sliawl Strans, Trunk Straps. Thc above wm oc round in tucir vari ous sizcs and nualltlcs, and Iow accordlng to thc gradc or the above namcd artlclcs. You arc to c.viiiiliie tlicsc goodsandjudgc wiietncr l can nicasc you or noi. I am also nddlng to my present stock of GENT'S Furnishing Goods nll Af ..ntmr .Inalfv.ic uTlfwfna and cradcs ofNcckwear. lloslcry, rGlovcs, Slilrts, Collars and CufTs, ctc. inciuucu wiiu uic aoovc namcd goods you wlll flnd onc or thc largest nnd best assort mcnls ot Jlcn's, Youths' and Chil drcn's Clotlilng In flnc and mc dlum gradcs. Also, a full llnc or OLOTHS. Those prcfcring to hnvc their clothcs made made to measure can have a fine opportunity to select Suitings for the same. With all the big ndvcrtiscments of city merchants therc are none that givc bcttcr goods or bctter priccs than G. B. SIBLEY. No, H01 505 Main Strwt, Free Ubrary Building, Bennington, TERMONT.