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TROY WM. H. FREAR OPENS THE SILK AND VELVET SEASON OF 189 WITH T1IK (iHANI)KST COLLEC TION OF -IX- SILKS I VELVETS EVEK SHOWN IN New York State. Wm. II. Frcar's Kicat and well-l;nowii succcss in tlicso dcpartments is sufticiciii jruarantce for tlio ahovo statcment, and tlio ladies who throng tlio Silk nml Vel vet Coimtcrs of the llazaar vtill hcartili endorso it. Wm. H. Fiear ia jtlluj: greater valuefor your moncy tliap it wa cvcr iossiblo to cive bcfuro CI.OSF HUYINU and CASH DOWX docs thc HUSIXESS. Lookattheso flRiircR, ano tlicn come and sco tlio goods. 30 PIECES Satin Stiipo Surahs. in all tho neucsl shades, lioncstly worth 7."ccntK pcr yard, Only 41c. GOLORED CAHTON SILKS 1 ii ovcry shadc for street and cvenlnc wcar, fast colois, I.yons dyed, woith (We, Only 49c. GOLORED SURAHS. Orders iilaced with tlio manufacturers forlaieo (iiiantitics ot Coloral Suralu- enahlc us not only to givo ynu tlio west valuo for your moncy, but also to shov you shades and colors not to 'bo founo clsowhe'c. It is a wcll-cstabHsIicd facl tliat ladics can matcli Drcss Goods ii. Surahs at Frcar's when thcy ilnd it im posslble clsewliere. COLOKKD SURAHPUICELIST: 2!o per yard, ouc pcr yaru. 112 1 2c pcr yard, 7.'jc pcr yard, 87 l-2c pcr yard. A SPECIAL IN BLACK BEUENCE. Wo havo only llvo liicces of this nutn ber, and itisTHK BAI10AIN in 11LACK SILKS; lioncstly worth $.50 pcr yard, OnlySI. PRINTEO CH1HA SILKS. Thc collcction of I'lintcd China, India and Crcpo do Lyon, woiks cf art, now ov oxhlbitlon at tho liazaar smpass thi drcams of poct or paintcr, and is beyom. tbopenof a plain busincss man to cvci attcmpt to dcscribo thcm. Ono thing wi can say: Thcy are all our uwn exclnsivi dcsiL'iis, and ladics can rciy on tlie faci that tho stylcs will not bo duplicatcd. riian rlinfpo eoods aio now scllini! vcrj Tapidly, ro it is bettcr to make your st- lcction ai oncc. WASH SILKS. For Gowns, Blouscs and Shirt WalsU are becominu moro popularevcryscason, l,v mal.n n rnol. scrviccablo car mcnt. 1'hcelvles this ycar aro hand- somcr than cvcr. Frcar is rcIHiik pm linc, a cholco one, worth ffic pcr yard, At 79c. N. B. Gct ono of Wm ctpcs for washing silks. II. Frcar's ro It is exccllcnt. BLACK SILKS. In all tho fashionablo wcavcs, botli Forcign and Domcstic, aro pilcd high in in Frcar's Silk Stock. Tlicso coods havi bccn bought at prices that tho manufac- turcrs anu lmportcrs say wm ncvcr m touched again. Frcar's only objcct Ir. buying goods away down is to bo aole u tell thcm to his euatomcrs at priccs thn ' nn nther house can imitate. His Black All-Silk Surahs at 40o pcr yard, Black Gros-Orain, 24 inches widc, at 07o pei yard, Black I'eau de Soie at I and J1.23 per yard and his Black Drap Impcratrici at $1.39 pcr yard, are all strong vouchcrs lor mo iacu DLAGK AND GOLORID SILK VELVETS. Krcar ha evcrr shailo in Colored Vel rjito from 75c pcr vardup to$3. In Black cvery price from i5c to $10 per yard. WM. H FREAR. EiiMraMofelties LOCAL INTELLIOESCE. - . D. Cuims Wiu.iams has bccn visiting ln tmVn in town. , , ,, Mim Boxv Swift hasbcen quitoill Utcly, but is Improving. Mn. and Mns. Ciias. C'oorEi! aro spcnding o few days in Xcw York. 31ns. Wm. Mooiie has just retunicd from a isit to Averill l'.irk, N. Y. The riillliarmonio Society cnjoyed a banonet, and social liop at tho Putnam last evehin". . v f'virimia U In Vpw York thURwcckLsck4t .g tl B Htcst stvles tlie latcststyles. . I'.KfiULAit Convocation of Tcmplo Chapter No. 8, K. A. M., on Monday evci iug, Fcbruary 23d. Work, I'. M. CgrCC. Mits. CJiias. V. Skaiis has bccn iaa ; ...7 r .1- ?utical conditioii for somo timo, and but little hopo is cutertaincd of hcr rccovery. Mks. CitAitLES b. Coi.viN has cono lo Vcitlleui, a. 1., lo visu ner sistur , Mrs. JUlnton, anu will rcmain a numuer of wceks, I.OI!i:.VZO StOP.TZ of Averill l'ark, and fathcr of Jlrs. Wm. Mooro havo bouplit a rosiddnco on Pcnot street. and will rc- movothoroApnllst. .Mlss MlVMi: Illi: l)f TrOT.N. l.. WIIO was iiiattcndancoatthereccptiongivcii,,lciivere,i uv affable salcsmen and at last wcck by Jlrs. A. J. C'oopcr and Miss I.izzio Coopei-, ictiirncd liomo Monday. TiiEattcnlion of tho scvcral towns is callcd to tho circular of Stato Trcasurcr Ficld in another coliimn, rclativo to tho "asscssmentof Stato and Stato school tuxcs." I.vmax I'ati'HEX is making a vcrv pleasant dwclling houso of tho storo ad-' lotiiinsr his homo on Mnin strect. Tlio new tencmcnt will booccuplcd byDwight l.inhl ami tainuy. nri.r. Avn Mns. Calvix W. Evaxs :io liioved froin tlicir liomo on Union strcct to uppcr Main strcct wlicro tlioy will iwiidn Ultli Slro. U.H1SR lliollll'r, "'";, "v "" Ji"" Wilton A Yhll 0 " announcement. Tho book cnn- Tiir Y.l'.S.'c. K.of tlioSc-Co.idCon.Is .p0 K'"" hy tho .,7i,,m M,..rnl. ..ivn a "Ento Green- Fr.ce I'rcsiiAMOclatton audisacredltablo wny" party at tlio cl.apel Fri.l.iy cvciing, : Feb "7th An "aftcr dinncr" colTco cup ind'saucer will bo prescnted to all who i partako of supncr. opou it lor tiiosumiiiertraclo. lllssistcr v.'... ...l.sJ.f ,.f .m, -it st lwi" bo associated with him. Thcy havo TiiK subject of tho "Vrvo.r,!ltl "pcricnco in hotel life, tho family Pcter's C hi rch on &ni 'lay nextatl.en- . . , ,i,n,..ivi,Kr" ,o.,g will bo ao cmucn uno ",. J.itholo and Apostolio Ou ' vkiackin.'toniakoiipacomi.lctoficiies, fftlMraeli four hundrcd thousand ! lars havo hecn appropiiatcd for this . ;nirpi)sc. FnoM tropical Vermont comes tlio nsual mid-wintcr story of tho "llrst obin." This timo "Bicliwooil" is tlie ilaeo and Thiiisday, Jnminry 2!Hh, tlio timo Bv (ho way, wlieio in "l.iciiwooii" Will tlio St. Albans Mciiteiiuer plcaso inswer. Thohhdis sald to havo bccn biiRy picking bcnics. VtatlHlurjli ie publican. Tm; next holidav occurs ncxt Siinday Washington's birthday, Feb. 22d. This is a Icgal Imlulayin ;i.)(iiitoi 44aK.res il tl.o L'nioii, nnu 111 tno icrruoiy. o. Utah. tho States in which it is not a l.oliday bcing Aikansas, Delaware, Imva, .Uississippi, Uli'gnn, noiiiu iiaKoia, Lenncssec. vcimout aim ncsi lrginia. Ovn of tho (Micstiou to bo votcd nn" savs a New York cxehange, "at the com ing town mccting is whcthcr tho towns i Ii rciuiKl loilialtcil incn inosums paiii or substitntcs in tiie last war.". Tliis mav provo to no a "utiimng imesuou - efiiro tho matter is scttled. At tlio limc, thc dnifted mcn for tho prltueut! ot hcnillng buiislliiucs. Is- another coiuniii to-dav wc mtronuco inotherncw-comcr amongour tradcsmen o our rcadcrs, Jlr. E. II. Jlclntvic. rhc location of Mr. JIc Intyio's "vanctv tm n" is mst east of tho Mcliors buim- ingon Jlain sticct.iscasily acccssibloand adviso our lca.lers to can anu ui- ncot tho ttock now opcncd mviting thcir custom. Tm: asserlinn of last weck's lleformtr that I'rof. C. S. IJavis wroto tho rcport f tho "Teachers' Instituto" in tlio Hax- er. etc.. ctc. is a fair cxamplo of tlio pcrsistent and delibcratc edltniial lies 'Itll WIHCIl lliai hlicct woahiy iit-uis. I'rof. Davis neilhcr inspired nor vjrote. nor did ho know about Kinl rcport nntil 'io read tho samo in tliis paper. iius lcnial is duo to I'rof. Davls, but is not eccssarv iu any locality wlicro tlio Ke- 'ormrr cditor is known. H. A. Haiimax, attorncy for tlio Rut land Relcctmcn, has glvcn a wnttcn opiu- ion as to tho constriiction that should bo placed on tho law rclativo to the nppoint- nent ot ovcrscer oi ino poor iorinac town, itcontiining moro than 10.000 m habitants. In this opiniou Jlr. Harimn cnlncides with cx-.Iudgo B.irrctt, and al tliough I.awver Spcllman and otliers intagonizo tho posilion taken it is likclv to stand tho tcst of tlio courts. ims is quito complimcntary to tho legal acu men of Jlr. Harman. Act No. 17 of tho laws of 1S00 should eceivo tho attcntion of votcrs at tho coming Jlarch mceting, and it is not too caily for them to cunslder what thcy will do in tho prcmiscs. It is tho law Tclating to repairs ou highways, and it jives t io scvcia towns tlio ngnt to say whcthcr tho highway tax sliall bc paid in moncy at tho rato of 15 ccnts on tho l.llnr f ll.n trmilll Ht. tll llfl nXIU-llllpd by tlio town as a wholc, or whcthcr tho . rax sliall oo paiu in lauor ai zu ceuis on j tho dollar of tho llst and bo paid ont undcr tho direction of highway stir veyors. If a town takcs no action, tlio tax will bc payablo in moncy. We aro told that tho l'hilharmonio Society is probah'y-to bccomo ono of our regular instltutions. Bennington can nipport ono musical oiganization, and tiusROCiciyiurnisiicsiuo .ur i, is is Rliown oy tii o remir on o. i io Clumcs. of Normandy, rccci tly. V ith wosuclimusloansasjas "S" traincd tho parts during tho rclicarsals ind took chargo of tho stagc, and I'rof. CJoldsmith who managed tho alTalr iu 'onlunctlon wun ino lormcr, we cer- ainly havo tho promlsc of a succcssful irganizatlon. Why not tako hohl (by tho hundred or more of our musical pcople), and cstablish in Benniiigton a nrinir fcstival after tho pattcrn of tho . Rutland Jtayannual? i t.i. r..i i WM. UUI.vs, uroiiur ui .i.icn iuiiiii ui l,T. s u 11 wask ledw h oswitc limr Ul ,7 ' V . hi.iri,.,,. m 1 " 0 cxtend a cordinl hand of we conio to chps of sermon.R orlcs to cl itdrcn; m 10 , !,,.,,,, lmdiaiy of tll0 old m Tlmrsday af te noons, In thc 1 ai ih . , , Walloomsac. Hall, a reading to womcn. 11 ' r ....... . I. tlin ltn lUMllJ " ""S 01 CllStCr 1'OSt llilS llPCIl llt CAi.ironMA is tho only .? HiJ jj . half-m'ist sluco tho deaths of Admiral " cd Ml Thnt l, Fi, S I'orterand Gencral Sherman last week. chool boolts. II at aw has 0 i" n aS Ious-v ton cnilroai last tl'ls rcspcct, butlt U our Intcntion to TI.P UmU rcsScnco is in bo ovcn ral,ro so in 11,0 f,,tn,c- 8 c0' vn N. Y?mTL dc a cd is Z ' ot'ler. ontcrtainincnt in a yard i rhursday, stepi cnH.wn, i-. i. "'. ... - - - l.mtom.n mcmbcrcd hcro havlnfi heen ke".an "" J1',0 SrA.,. ftnmnnnv Hn work for tl.a at0"Lf 5?PJ1"'L .1 10 vcars of agc. Ho fcli bctwccn tho cars and his body was run ovcr by three i;ars and an cnglno and crushcd bcyond rccognitlon. Tho funeral was attcndcd last Saturday. A numbcr of railroad lioys" irom ncro anenueu iuo ou- scquics. Ijf tlio matcr of tho Drysuale tallurc, tho crcdltorsdid notagrco on an assignco indcstcrday tho court appolnted John Robfnson. This assurcs tho prompt .dosing out of tho cstatcand Slierifl Ilob- inson will rcalizo all thcro can bo golten out of tho bankrupt storo and accounts. Tho choicc of tho crcditors lay between two: Hon. J. V. Camoy who represented tho largest numbcr of creditors, and tho Hon. Wm. B. Sheldon who was tho choiceof thoso rcprcscnting ino largest mlt that thcao reporU of tho auditors, aggrcgato amount of clalms. rhc crcd- sclcctmcn and otliers aro mudcU of com ilnrs iiavimr fallcd to agrec. tho statulo gavo the cholco as well as tho appolnt. J,0 lookid upon as iudicatlve of pros mcnt to tho court, with rcsults as statcd. pcrlty. It will bo romcmhcrcd that tho Wo lcarn that thcio will prpbably bo no fur pcr cent. bonds Issucd to rctiro tho difflciilty in dlsposlng of tho Btock of floating ,icbt of tho town somo yeara toods, with good-will, as soon as it can 8nco amountcd lo tho sum of about bo done lcgally. $1.10,000, 'hat this debt undcr a systcm The Ucmocratlc Caucus Saturday ovc- of town oidcrs drawing intcrcst had ap ning rcsultcil in tho appointmcntof a prcciatcd Irom somo t.18,000 in 1870 Ui cornmlttco of scvcn, to which tho Chalr- aggrcgato tho large sum llrst nained. man of tho mccting was addcd, maklng Feb. 1st, 1801, the amount outstandlng :i.. i.. nll inniirir with asimllar com. was S75,2j0. proving concllisirelv the mittcofrom tho Rcpubllcan Caucus rci- ativoto a unlon town iickcho oo np- portcd at Jlarch mccting. The gcntlc. men named aro as foflows: Milo C. Iluling, John Robinson. I)r. E. B. Dalcy, Dr II. C Day, JI. W. Stcwart, II. S. ivll.rldtrc. Michicl WelclL Samuel Tli. Hpniil.llr.iii Cnuciis last niuht organlzcd with A. J. Uewoy.Chalr- man, and II. T. Cushmau, 2d, Bccretary. Tho committco toconfcrwlth tiieUcm- oratswasnamcd: Arthur J. Dcwcv. Ed. L. Batos, E. D. Wclling, R. B. Ojdfrcy, Fdcar V. Boytl, H. S. Bingham, 1. E. Glbson, E. S. Chandlcr. Thcso com- mlttccs mcctthls ovenlngat 7 o'clock. Wo hcar that tho I'rohlbltlonlsts will - tiii. Bvpnfni'. It. Uf.itrh. iircsu'me that an exccllcnt tlcket will bo the result of tho committco mccting to- night ana that Jt wm po ciecieti. I Wn aro sorrv to hcar of the scrious ill lipss of Mrs. Wm. B. Sheldon. Hcr manv fricnds will hono for hcr tiltimato rccovci y. P . t -,i ii . i.. imi ' Ip tlio ol.l s lyin? provcs truo in lbOI, that in Februiry indicato tl.o san.o numbcrotrosfMn -May, wo l'vo a rery irosiyinonm oi u i.uer ou. Tho Sclcctmcn havo appolntvd Saniuel L. nnbinson Collcctor of School UIi- 1 'ici iNo. iu xi niiwio vacanov occaMomu ' bj Uio resignation ot E. I). tillmore. I Mits. Fnnn Is. Squiiie and son Itobcrt, aro in noston lor a coupic oi wecns, vis- ftlng'SIiss ItuthSnulro and othcr fricnds. tfj'"K "Hub"and Is maklng vcry comincml- ablo progress in hcr stud es. 1 b ,r. . , . "; "ASB-:l"s"? conuucwir , N. Y. C. & H. R. K., is liomo for , lir!.t(Trt ,.of.r ITn.lenn ..i j ....,. . VUI V llirLUII.llCiy U.NU'tl.Ul. l.Ui.Vll. iiu . ,i i,. f.u i,.i n.,.i .!,. i.f noJt serin.,siv. ' UoiiAnE WnniiMAV rehirnoil Sundav" ,rl,f ,m ,olf ,t ,, , fn , - , Woot,m!,n- e,,,,. , ,,os v y ,.pi,i. ., fl,..t .., , ,,., that thn fntlinr and Rnn l.avn mnt nm tho viR ni irra-itlv ni.invnil l.v lintli. Mr. 1 Woodman. Rcnior, ls In goo'd health. -r , , ir-.. (.omnanv. aro dailv cnhir2ln!r tho Mllinm nf nrmlini fS.oil Irnrnls piiccs much'lcss than hasbcen tho ruling .custnm In town bccrius to tell in favor of i tlio (Irm who "put tho priccs down." Beoixsiso wilh last Sundav. tho l-ail- ; way postal Rervico bctwccn 'I'roy and i st. Albans is cxtcndcd scvcn davs to tho , wcck. Ilcrotofnre tho postal car has not !rn Suudays. This cxtcnsion of tho mail Ifacilltics will bo apn'cciatcd bv tho busi ness men of Wcstcrn Vermont. 1 Tiie nTnhlo Sccretarv of SLito. Ilnn. Chaiiuccy W. Browncll, Jr., is sciiding ouc ino " ot lbuo to tlio towns tlirougli tho county clorks. of wliom tlio said towns aro to procnro jueir suppiy oi .comcs as prnvini uy J" , worfc Ai.Ti:it H. Hi:niiv lias lcascd, so wo nro told, tho Walloomsao Housc, and will No"w York cItv. Ml, ncnywiH bo ,.,, llv ..., , ,.raiIpra. !(l'I,tc'1 " uBii..uC ino coumry. ino P '''. " J' V" nV .?";. traln convcylng the Ucnenirs uoily its placo of tiitcrincnt. Thc traln stirts this aftcrnoon. The fiincrnl of Admiral 1'nrtcr took placo Tucsday nf lcuionn, in Washinglon.anil lio wasbtiried In Aillug ton ccinctery. Iu amither coliimn wo givo a biographical sketch of thcsc two distiugislicd men. Fiiom a rccent nuniher of tlio New Yoik Jnurnal thc followiug ls takcn: Tho po.sitiiin of h.iss soliiist at St. Tliomas's Episcopal cliurch is hcld liy Wllliam H. Sijuiic, who is a nalivo of Troy and coims fionia iiiusical family of nineli talcnt. IIc studled wilh I.ouls Von Eltzaud coninicnccdri'giilai'chnicli singing at Cluikt cliuich, Troy, when vcry yoiing. llr caniu to New Yoik in 3885 and acceplcd tho position of solo hasso at ht. Tliomas's, whcio ho has ic lnaiucd cvcr since. .Mr. Squlio has bccn hcard in scveral coneeits thniiighout tlio coiintry. Ilisvoicp hasbcen piiinoiinocd by giioil critics as a niagnilicciit baiitono of gicat powcr and .-mlfnl swTctncsR, and ho sings with dccp fecling liko a truo artist." Tnn water rtiiining all ovcr our sidc-walks cvery timo it rains this wintor may be a nccesar.vnuisanco but it iscxliemcly iiicniivcnient. This is cspec ially truo if half tho water which nught to ruu ilowu tho guttcis gocs intn somo onu's ccllar iinkinglifo aburden in that house; and therc are many ro hituatcd in this village. Tho pcdiey of a boaid of olliccrs which carefully shovcls out tho guttcis duriug tho summcr iiud allnws thc snow :iud ico to ncciuiiiilate dming tho wintcrthercin,without llfling a llnger to lcniedy thc matti'r. may bo good Rervico iu Bennington, but il ducs not look that wav. Why havcn't our isticcls bccn nttcniled to this wintcr tho samo ns in tormer ycais? has rccelvcil tho Rad nos of thcdcnthof his hihter, which occurrcd in Coultcrville, III., tho tth. inst. Tho discaso was typhoid fovcr and a fatal tcrmination was not. cxpected. Sho had bccn ill for only a wcck. when tlio fcver becaniocomplicatcd with pucu monla and death shnrtly aflcrwaid cnsucd. Jfrs. Jlarictta Eyio will bo rec ollccted by many of our leadcrs and thc family and fiicud.s bcic will bc shockcd to read of. hcr death. Tho funeral Rer vices wcro hcld from tho Jlethodist cliurch in Sparta, III., on Tuosd.iy, Feb 11th, at 11 o clock a. m. That portiou of tlio family lcsiding in Sparta dld not hcar of JIib. Eyrc's critical illncss imtil after rIio passed away so suildcn was thc progrcss of tho fatal inalady. A guoil woman has pasicd to hcr rcward. A N'ews itcm sivs tliatan cffort has hecn mailo to cstablihh a collin mauufac tory at Essex Junction. Tho argumcut is said to bo that it will put. new life into that slccpy tOWIl. Wc tlllllk tllO RUggCRtiOU tilflclV. l'robahly moro peonlo havo dlcd (?) in v.iuiku . ....... .m .i.uus ui... u.uu- ly) ncvcr camo than in any othcr jil.ico ot wiucii wo navo Knowieiige, aim tno prnposal to cstablish tho new industry will givo cmployment for such as rc main. With the collin factory and tho proposcd miiitary post, tho old town will, ludecd, becomo lively. Tho passcn gcrs out of moncy can carn cnoiigh to pay faro to Bmlington or St. Albans, - . . . . . , , f , w b & t h , ., . , . j , . . ''" Y means lefs havo tho new , i . Com" lllll"stry- Tho Aryus and l'atrtol quotcs thc par- anrapu wiucu wo copicu rcccuiiy irom tho riattfiburgh Teleyram, rclovant to tlio prevalcnco of frco advertlslng for Rocials, churchcs, etc., and tliet. com mi'iits: "This extrnct voiccs what thc A - aut and Patrlot has thought. and to a dcgreu has attcmptcd io practisc. Thcro aro somo wno iu iiicpasiiinvc iuo ic u i. i. ......i.., ...n.. ... ' r-"v...... u to bo civch to nrocuro for rcllL' 18 lo 0 C1VCU IO prOCUTO 11 1M3 ior rci g- 1(lU cllJritll,,0t orotlcr ,,,, mlrpof ' " W"son why a nowRpapc lnuW "o oxpccted toadvcrtlso it wi l.out charco than thcro is that a prcachcr should givo his scrviccs to the society ho scrves, or that thc lecturer shouhl not receivo any pay for his lcetiirc, and ro on. 'ino lauorcr is woriuy oi ins nirc,' and if tlio coliiinnsof a ncwspapcraro ur.irrii it.infr ..a nn nii rH 1 u ! iiif sucli uso sliould bo paul for. 'fnK audlUirs of tho town, Mcsrir. E. p, Wclling, I. E. Gibson, E. B. D.ilcy, comnlcted their work last Thursdav. and Wo gavo a Bynopsis of tho rcsult of tlicir labors in our last issuo. The pnntcd pamphlct, containlng all tlio rcportsof BcniilngUin town olliccrs in dctall will bo out n a few days, and then our local rcadcrs can seo for thomsclves tho stcw- ardohip of tlicir oflicc-btareiu. Wo sub- cconomy of tho policy inaugurated to jj u. .... ......... ....... ... uuu u popular bctwccn 1870-1880. U pay nothlng and to llght in tho courU. An- otlicr thlng will be obscrvable, that tho cxpcnscs for "roads, rivcrs and brldges" havo decrcascd somo $000, during tho past year. In this Itcm wo do not In- cludo the new Mcachholo" brlilgo bo- causo that U In tho naturo of pcrmancnt iraprovcmcnti. JTho amount paid by tho sclectmen for currcnt cxpcnscs, accord- ing to tlio auuitor's rcport was fl,:H.08. This shows a most crcditablo rccord on tho part of Jlcssrs. Harris, Houghton and Robinson. selcctmcn. Twoof theso rnen will rctlio; ouc, Jlr. Houghton, is abscut in tlio WcBt.andJudgoltoblnsuii's tlcclloii to tho I'robato Court will tako his name out of tho llst of available can- uiuaw.- iu. - ! JIlss Eva SmLKY of Bennington Ccn trc, is makiug nn cxtcndod visit friom in Boston, Worcester and otlicr , citlcs in M..ssiohusctts. Tiit-nistnr nf tl.o Seroi.d Comrrci. I , 1 1 b 1 ' m " , ,,nTt wHv tloni 01 yfctI"cH ycn ng m craut, "- ....... I tot. H . Skwaiui 1:1111 or Gor. I .igc s stalfand Gen. J. G. Jle Cnllongli reprc- oi.i-i ....... ... i.u.. iui. u-.u.ji. Masteii Jamie A. Waiiii. Ron of II. D. Ward if North Adams. Mass.. for- mcrly of this town, has rccently conio ncro 10 inaKo it ius liomo wnn ius Br.iuu- mothcr. Jlrs. A. Eddv. It will bo rcmembcrod that his mothcr (now dc-, was Alieo Eddy, Two dcaths havo rcccntlv occurrcil at the Soldiera' Homo. On Feb. 8th, j Farcwell, dcar friend, may your slcep Jliclncl Hurlcv of North Bennington, .i.bocalnumd peaceful, and tliough ycain mcmher of Co. A., 8th Vt. l!eg., dicd at tho ago of 04. . Ho was liiiiicd from St. Fnincis de Salcs cliurch. This moniing; Jlark Donahlson nasscd nwav. His rc niaiiis will bo sent to his homo In Thet ford. Ho scrvcd in tho 7th Vt. l!cg.,and was 74 years old. Tho Woodford justlco who, it ii alleccd. held a court in ilooslck. N. Y. has heon matched if notoutdouo by au oflicial of tho great Stato of New York, according to tho Now York H'orW, which says: "On tho West slioie of I.akb Gcorgo livcs a iiistieo of tho pcaco who is ns conRclcutlous as ho is lcarncd Iu tlio law,possibly moro so. Thc caso was nn alleged theft at a counlry ilancc, of ono derby hat valucd at $1.60. The law ycrs on both sides agieed to dispcni-o with tho 'twclvo good mcn' and rciiucst- cu tlio liisuco to slt as turv. llo tooK tno rcquest litcrally nml mounting thc hench, no consKicicii lor a ion" timo anu unaiiy consentcd. Then lcaving tlie bcnch tho justlco fllcd liimself ,lnto tho jury-box, hlmself sworn by tlio clcrk and lis tcncd to tho cvldence. When an objec- tlou was mado of a law point raised uy thc lawynrs. 'tho jury' left tho box, mouutcil tho bcnch anu passed on it as ju.lgc, .ci.i,lnf,- t tlio jury-box in tune to hcar tho teslimony. After tho cvi dcnco was all in ho wroto out his Instruc- tisnsas judge, and hanillng it to onoof tho attorneys, rcquested hini to read it to ino jury. vitcr listcning to tno m Rtructions iu liis capacity of jury ho had liimself conductcd from tho room by tho sherilT and lockcd up in tho jury room to cousidcrtho verdlet. IIo Rtayed out six ho rs, and at tho cud nf that tiiuc illed iuto court. rcnoited that thc jur- could not Mgiee, and as judge illseliargeil lumsclf and taxed thc jury fees $:). liiftCrllrOuliN lo Vi.ttirn. Thc fnllowing codo of rules, ctc, has bccn issucd for tho inforniatlon of tho votcrs at tho approaching Sfarch mcct ing: A careful insnection of tho satnnlo bal- lot posted hercwitli, will hclji tho votcr to unilerstand tho followiug liistructious. (iivc vour naino aud les denco to tho ballot clcrk. who. ou llmiing vour namo ou tho cheek list. will admit you withln tho rail aud haud vou a ballot. Go alono to ono of tho votiiig hooths aud prcparo your ballot by making a cioss atthc ligiit of tliA namo of ench pcrson for wliom you wlsli to votc. Vote only for such numbcr of pcrsons for cach ollico to ho lillcd as the law or town mccting directs. Noticc that tho numbcr of pcrsons to bo clcttcd to cach olliec is statcd on tho halhit thus: Jloder.itor, Volo for one. Selcctmcn, Volo for nuinbcr ilxcd by the mccting. Audituis, Voto for thrcc. Aud so on tlirougli thc lisr. If tho votcr Us moro names than thcro aio pcrsons lo bo clccted to an of flce, or if for any lcaMin it is Impossiblo to iletcrinim' tlio voter's cholco lor anv ollico to bo iillcd, his h illot not hc couiited for sucli ollico. If you wish to vote for John Ihie, for Jloder.itor, your ballot miist bu m.iikcd iu this way, viz: MODEIIATOU, Votc for ono. .lou.v Doi:, (,'itizens' I'.uty. X Should you wish to vo e for somo nor- son wh.ise namo is not on tho ballot. wiitc, or insert by a stitker, tho liaiuc of Hucu cison iu ono of tho blauk Rp.iccs uuder thc piuper hoidiiig, and makc n eroi-s in tho spico at tlioii'jht of such naino. It im i-poll :i li.iltot lciurii lt to thc ballot clcrk who will givo you another. You caiiuot havo uuno thau two cxlia ballots, or thiLo in all. l ou cannot occntiy tno uoolli moro thau livo miiiiitrs lu cahc thoic who havo not votcd aio wailing. Bcforc lcaving tlio houth thc votcr miistfoldand kccn folded his ballot. iu such a minner as will not dlsplay his niarks tlit'icoii, and if possiblc, in sucli a way as to disnlay. when presanted to tho presiding olliecr, tho oflicial cndorscment on tho back of tho sune, when ho shall forthuitli pioceed outbiilo of the guaid rail by tho cxit and shall not again entcr. You aru not allowcd to carry away a ballot whcthcr Hpolled or A votcr who declaics to tho prcsidinz oflicer on oath that ho cannot u-ail or that ho U iihysically or mcutally unahlo to maik his ballotcan rceeivo asist..uco from anv ono of tlio clcction olliccis rc- lcctcd by lmn. In ordcr that tho votcrs cholco miv hc clcarly shown, it is urged that uo m.uks bo madc upon tho hillot cxccptiug tho cross at thc right of the uame of each pcr son voted for. hrasing aname. marking a billot on tho Icft of tho name. or dcsignating cholco by anything moro or lcss than a cross in tho sp.ico provided, may reiidcr tno iniiiot voui. sECTioxs :!4, ;J5, ."0 axii 37 or tiii: i.awh or 1800 1'liovini:: . ....... l...u . - t.. J ..IIU. lll. ll...l, UAUl'lb ..3 lll'lUlll olherwise provided, allow his ballot to bo seen by any other pcrson with an ap parent intentfou of lctting it bo known Iiow ho is about to votc, or who shall make a falso statcment as to his iu.ibil- ity to mark his ballot, ar any pcisou who shall interfero with any votcr when in sido of s.iid cnclosed spacc, or who shall enucavor to limuco niiy votcr to volo lor any particular candidato withiii thc bullding in which tho votlng is pincccd ing, shall bo punishcd by a lluo of flfty dollars, aud it sliall bo tho duty of tho clcction olliccrs to sco that lluj olTtniler is duly brought bcfore tho proper court for the rccovery of such penalty. Any pcrson who shall, prior to an elcc tion, wilfnlly dcfacc or (lcstroy any list of candid.itcs posted in accord.uico witli tho provislons of this act, or who, dur iug an elcction shall wilfully dcfacc, tcar down, reinovo or destroy any card of in structlon posted for tho iiistruction of votcrs, or wlio shall, duriug nn clcction. wllfnltv rnmfivn (ir dnttriiv ntiv nf ttw. supiilies or convciilcnccs furnishcd to ' concerncd, jiurely and absolutcly uuder cnahloa votcr to prcparq his ballot, or miiitary gtiidancc, shall wilfully hlndcrtliu votlng of otliers, Such, iu bricf, would be tho pro shall bo punishcd by a linc of flfty dol- gramme I would advisc. Of courso mucli lars. labor miist dcvolve on tho 11. II. 31. Asso- Any pcrson who jihall falsely m-iko or clatlons and tho citizcns of Bennington wilfully faco or destroy any ccrtilicato of and promincnt citizcns clscwherc. Al iiominatinn, or noniinalion paper, or lct rcady lnquirics aro mado by wholo regl tcr of withdrawal, knowlng tho samo or mcnts in New York, about camping any part thcrcof to bo falsely m.ide; or RuiiprcRsanv ccrtillcalo of nomln.ition n, or noinination paper, or anyp.nt thcreof which has becn Illed; or forgc, o mako tho olllclal cndorscment ballot. or wilfullv dcstrov ballot. or wilful v delav tho dcllinrv if ballots, shall bo punishcd by a linc of one hundrcd dollars. . Any publio olTlccr upon whom a duty , is Imposcd, by this act, who wilfully neglects to Perform such duty, or who shall wilfully pcrform it in such a way as to hlndcr tho objccts of this act, shall bo punishcd by dollars a linc ot livo liundrcd D.a 1. of n E.tlmi,io Y..nB I ........ u. ...,,..,,,.. c ini,r At Pittsford, on Thursday morning, Feb. 12th, Mnggle Fltzpatrick departed this life. A youug ladyuf noblcqualitics of mlnd and lieart; hcr death causcd a dccp and hcartfclt sorrow throughout this villago wlicro sho had llved for tho past tcn years, endcarlng hcrsclf Ut a large circlo of fricnds by her chcerful aud loving dispasition, gcntlo manncrs and prctty face: and thoso witli whom slio camo iil daily contact cau bcst tell of hcr noblo charactor. hosiug her parcuts wbcn qulte yoiingslio Iillcd tliclrjilace t her brotheiv and bistcrs, Icading n lifo of sclf-sacrillce for thcm. Sho had bccn In frail health for a few years and last sum- mcr sho had to givo up, when consnmp- tion bcgan its work; biuco then sliesauk ranldly undcr Its inilncncc, but sho boro all with patiencoand resignation. She kncw that her timo of dwelling in this "Valo of tcars" was short and did all in hcrpowcrto prcnaro for that abodo whicli our Dlvlno Eord promlscs to thc falthful. Sho talked cheerf ully of death and mado cvery nrrangoment for hcr funortU nnd reslgncdly offercd hcr - roimglifo to hcr loving Sivlour. Slio to dlcd a boaiitimi doatli consolcl and sireiigtiioniHi in ncr tasc momonw wnn tho SacranuMits of our Iloly rcllBi".i and surrouniliMl l.vlovingrelatives. Slio was a mcmber of ho "Smlality of tho Blcsscd V r u Marv,-' fnd Ithat Sodalltv foclthat f h , cxcmi.lar v mcmber and kiml, loving fricnd. Thev sliowcd ber mmv kiudnesses dnriug hcr illncfcs , and tlio beautiful whito robo in whluh sho , was robed in dcatli. v.aa a pift fro-u them. Tliey will alsn liavu a 11,1. j..Ui nf lirrmlftin nffftri-il fnr !!m rnt.nsn i.r In r Hi-it vpin prcvcnted from followiug hcr rcmaiiis to iicr last sad rpsung placc. Tho funeral tn.ilt t.lnrn K.iti!rii.iv mnmli.ti ln lMHs- ford. whcro, nmid tho crlcf of loving jbrotiicrs and slsters and a largo con- courso of fricnds. sho was laid to rcst. may roll on, and other fricnds claim us we will still rcmeinber tho kiud and lov- ing Jlaggic. lr. I.ucrcllu 'I liaj cr, AncU 00 Yenrs. Tlio Buffalo, N. Y., Courkr, says: "It is a sad duly to chromclo tho dcatli of Jlrs. Lucrctia Thayer, which occurrcd tlo Jlonumcnt, and cclcbratiou of the at tlio rcsideiico of hcr daughtcr, Jlrs. ono hundrcdtli aunlvcrsary of tho adinis Enos Gould, No. 117 WeSt Tupper sion of Vermont as a Statc, at Benning- sireei, reuruary iziu. Jirs. inaycrnaii hosts of fricnds and many lel.ilives in this city. In lifo sho was highly es- teemcd, liouorcd and belovcd by nll who knnwher "JIis. Thavcr was born iu I!unci t.Vcr- mont, Juno :!d, 1801, had sho llved would of tho formation froin Bennington Cen havo becn 00 years of ago. 'tcr. It is siiggcsled thata reccption bo "Sho was marricd to Nclsoir'Tliavcr. pIv.mi tlm 1'ii.slih.nt nml otlicr ilistin- who died 17 yeaisago.andsliico his dcatli hcr lifo had becn spent among hcr chll- dien. Tho past year and a half sho had llved in Buflnlo. Jlrs. Thavcr was tho mothcr of 12 children nlno of wliom aro now llving: jlrs. u. u., .uis. ,i. ii. i;iisuinaii, .urs. . J. liiiuici. .urs. ii. k. ii uc ncs. Jlrs. J. B. Jlcacham, Jlrs. Enos Gould, Jlr. O. 0. Thayer, Jlr. Ii. II, Thavcr, M.. I. J. Tl. ... si.o vm iilRoauiitof Jlrs. F. 11. Rootof this city, and grand - mollicr ot Jlrs. U. h. .Maim and tho l.ito Jlrs. S. J. Jlarlin and Jlrs. A. J. IIow- ard. Tho iutcrment will bc at llenning. ton.' Tho funeral scrviccs of Jlrs. Thavcr wcro hcld at tho residcnco of Jlr. I.. I). Ilamlin on of last wcck tho Rov. Chis. R. Scyinour. ollleialing. Thcro were mcseut nino ehildren, six daughtcrs aud Ihrco sons, tho combined ngcs of which wcio iho hundri'd years. Tho thrco sons and a grandson acted as bcarcrs. Thcio wcro prcscnt from out of .town: Jlrs. Davcn- nolt and son of Trnv. thn fnrmpr .1 Hlslpr of tho lato Nelson Thayer, ageil 81. Also James E. 1'ratt (a ncphow), of Granville. Y. His mothcr, Jlrs. I'ratt, tho only v.ving uieiuucr oi iicr i.iiucr s iaiuiiy, was not ablo to bo prcsent. llic .lIiMiiiiiicni .IScclliii: 'I o-itAr. Tho cailv liour at which wo co to nress aud tho fact that all of tho mcctiugs havo not aiijouincil maites our rcport snoitcr than It otherwlsc would havo hecn. I rhocailv traiiH brought Oov. C. S. 1 I'age. I.icut.-(iov. Fletcher. Trcas. Ficld. Scc. of Stato Browncll, Speakcr Jlann, 1 en. Gilinorc, Judgu Ileniy, Col. Col-1 mrn, i'rof. I'erry, II. i . opatlord and otlicr promincnt gcntlcmen to town. Thcy wcro met at tho depot by Col. Ah lmtt, Jlaj. Valentine, Maj. Colfcy, I. E. Gihson aud otliers, aud drovo to tho Jlonument, thcnee to tho Soldicis' llomc, nnu to tlio 1'aiK iuocK wlicro tlio incct Ings wcro hcld. At noon (."ol. Abbott ilincd tho distin guished guehts at his liospitahlc homo ou Pleasant strcet. Gov. P.igo's daugh tcr accoinpanied him and was tho guest of Jlrs. Abbott. Tho Governor aud daughtcr will rcmain ovcr night tho guest of Jlajor Coffey, proceedlng to Boston iu tlio moruiug, whllo tho otliers dcpnit ou tho tiains. Thc liistoiical society's mccting was presidcd ovcr by tho IIun. Gco. W. Har man. Oov. Pago was clccted presldeut nro tcwpore of the Jlonumciit Assocla tion and piesidcd. Overthirty mcmbcrs wcro preseiit. Aftcr dlscussion Major. Valentino introduced a rcsolutloii which was adopted, iinanimou.sly, providingfor tho transfer of tho ll.ittlo Jlouumeut to tho Stato of Vermont, agrceablo to tho statute. aud alsoautliorizingaud cmpow ering Hon. Geo. W. Harman, and ap poinllug him ngcnt to mako said lcr. This was tlio special objcct of tho mccting. Fiom lcports lt is not proba hlc Ihat thc I.cbauou Spiiugs Railroad will bciu c.inilili.Jii to build thciuoposcd spur railroad this year. Au Advisory Comuiittco was appoiutcd on bclialf of tho Association to confcr with thc Stalu Commltlco on cclcbratiou in August next as follows: Jlessrs. Val cnlinc, Abbott, Seott, Shuitleir, llatclfcl der, Ueniiett nndO. E. IJcwey. This eoin eoinpleted tho biisiness of tho As.Micia tiou. Tho iuc(.tlng of gieat intcicst to tho public was that of tho Stato Cummittco on celehr.ition, consistiug of tho Gov ernor, I.lcutenant-Govcriior, Sccrctary of St.ite, Treasuicr and Speakcr of the House. This eomniittco mct iu cou uection witli thc othcis aud dniiiig tho dUcus-don Jlaj. Valentino oll'eied val u.iblo hiiggestious, wliieh will probably forni tho basis of tho action takcn this aftcinooii rclativo to tho cclcbratiou iicxtbiimnicr Wogivo Jlaj. Valentluo's idcas Koiuowhat atlcngth ns follows: Tlio dedic.ition of tlio Jlnnuinent and cclcbratiou of tho 100th annivcrsary of tho ailiuissioii of Vermont to thc Union being n matter of Statc acllon, it shuuld, in its gcneral management, bo inanagcd bv tlio Statc, and wliatcvcr aid may bo given by piivato citizcns, tho Statoitsclf, tliruugh its onicials,jhould liavc nll of tlio glory aud nll of tho lcRponsibility. Iu fuilhcrancc of this idcn, iu my opiniou, nothingbut Stato olliccrs, civil and niilltarv (except in caso of visiting miiitary olliccrR), should appcar on that day as dircctors and mauageis of tho pioccssion, Iu tho same liuo of action, I would ha70 a gencral oflicer ot tho miiitary dc partmcnt of the Statc, tho Commandcr (not Jlarbhal, but "Gencral in com manil") of all organized bodies prcscnt; tlio 11. II. JI. Association and cvery othcr organization, civil and miiitary, suhoidi uato lo him, tlio Governor, nf cotirRp, ns Commandcr in Cliicf of all; ho (thc Gov ciuor) to iutroduco tlio l'rcsidcut of tho l).iv. Siill furlher in tho samo linc, I would havo him ("Gencral in Command"), for his statT and nssistauts, mako dctall froin tho forty commlssloned olliccrs of tho rcglmcnt (ono from cach coinpany aud two from tho Hcld), and sucli compli mcntary dctalls from visiting miiitary organizations as circumstauces sliould suggcst. Dctails from onrown rcgiment should bo cotisldcrcd ns on miiitary duty and bo held rcsponsiblo fortliodischargo of tlicir dutics, aud, In caso of sublect to the same penalties as tliough on duty witli thclr rcgiment. In fact. I would make tho wholo affalr. so far as parado and its coll.itcrals aro grounds, and tho practlcabillty of tlicir marcjung irom iroy, nnu going into camp for a wcek, Jly idca is, that what ' Tho l'rcsidcut witli manv Unitcd States olllclals will bo here, and will no j .doubt, bo well cscortcd. I beliovo Xcw' llampshiro will scnd 1000 mcn of its, Stato miiitary organizations; Jlassacliu-' sctts as many moro; Connecticut will bo , well represented, and as for New York, I should not bo surpriscd if as many miuiary organiz.iuons camo irom tiicroi as irom nu omcrs ucsi ics. rtuii incn conio tho Mnsons, and Odd iellows, and "1,mreu "ers, wuo aro cven now maK- ing arrangcmcnts to turn out in forco In full unlform. Thcre will bo thousands represented in Grand Army orgaiilza- tions, Sons of Vetcrans, aud Sous of tho Amcrican Rcvolutlon. i Tho occaslon can hardly fail to bo tho ' largest and flncst dlsplay of miiitary and Rcml-inilitary organizations overtogethcr In Xcw Eiigland, witli tho posslblo cx- cciitlon of slmllar gatherings at Boston. lt is fortuuato for the committco np- pointcd by our Lcgislature with full powcrs, that tho Jlllltary Departincnt of Vermont, to which the chargo of tho parado uaturally bclouga, ls nu orgnniza- tion fully cijulppcd and well nualilled for such duty. It takes from tho rom- mlttco a load of rcsponslblhty, and at tho samo time assurcs a succcssful paradc. These suggcstlons mct with favor and tho distinguishcd committee passed tho aftcrnoon in the discusslon of dotails. It ls proposscd to havo a procetslon to foim at U n. m. of August lOtli, and to movo atl):80. Then to procccd to tho monumcnt slto nrrlving at noon. Tho dcdic.ltory oxcnUes and oration to take ir falsely would amount lo a rcgiment of : can uot castiy nssall and dcmollsli. i'rof, of any UnitcdStatcs lnfantry and al)attcry,ainl j A. W. Trulicy sioko upon "Friday aftcr- or defacc anv a uompany of Calvary, will bo prcscnt. tnoon work" In scliools. glvlng his tho tlmo uutil 2 o'clock, then o banquct lo tollow, ciosing uio cenieniiiai a.m uiiiBiwry ciuiuia. On tl.o of tho Governor and tho othor StJito ollicfrs isexpressed a detcr- mlimtion to i ivo an wca.ion worth. the historic evcnt, and it is suggostcd that at loast 810,000 will bo allmved by tlicso gcntlcmcn tow-.r I- :. c.penscsof tlio celebra'i.-. Tl i- t,.tat ccltbratlou of 1S77 cnst ue.uiy su.umi, uui mero aiv mii:: Uems wlncli cun uo cut ilov.n w u.ti with 810.000 itis probab'o as cixdltahlo au a(Tiiir will ho sccn 111 1831. as was wit ucssed iu 1877. ueniiingtou niust iaK0 an imporiaiu part in lnakinf tho cclcbratiou a ruccces. cspecially should tho great numbcr of pcople, miiitary nml civio organizations as is now unciy 10 uo iuo caso. ' Tho invitatlon from tho Stato of cr- mont is courlied iu tho languago of tlie Rtatute: "Tho Governor is hcroby mrecteu lo invltc, in tlio namo ui ino "'Oovcniincnt. and' tho States hm.ii ... viirimini iiin Ai!iiin,.ai of Now llamnhiro and Jtassachu RcttR. tn unftn with thntatuof Vermont iu tho dcdicatlon of thc Bennington Bat- ton, August lDtli, 181)1." ; Tlio grounds of tho Soldiers' Homo will bo utilizcd for camping purposcs: ' tho nroccssion will nrobablv bo formcit ithcie. with tho right rcsting on North stieet. tlm .ilTnnllnir n mnf'niflcciit viow guishcd gucsts in tho evening.theformcr attho Soldiers' llomc, thus ciosing tlio memorablo day. I It will bo sccn from tho abovo that scveml snl.'nilld dlvlsinns aro assured for tho paradc, vlz: tho miiitary; tho Kiiignts icin)iiar; tno I'.uii.uciis .uni- tanl.nnt lii stwalcur tliosniiotin uniiorm. Tlio wiitcr would not bo astonishcd if 'tlisra -neiu In tlicso four Knml diTiaions from 10.000 to 20.000 mcn iuline. 1 Tlio full ilctitU of courso cannot bo detuiniliipd tn-dav. but will bo nub- llshed aftcr tho Committces of tho Stato aud Associailou sh.ill havo hcld au cxcc- utivo Rcssion. Wlilln Crrrk. Gcorgo r.ichaids of this town dicd on tlio I8II1, inst.,111 thc 8Utli year of his agc. llo was a man niuclt icspectcd, and his ' wifc is au aimt of Jlrs. E. 1). Bcnnctt of . Bennington. E. S. Chaiulier sclls Brusscls soap. I ,.rih ilciiiiiutiin Fied. Roberts of tho Illgh school, has , bccn out fick for a wcck, bclng conllned io 111 thc houso. A dcputatloii of youug mcu froin tlio Williams Collego Y. JI. C. A. will hbld union mcetiugs iu tlioclrurchcs hcicnext Siinday altcuioon and cvening.' I A daughtcr was addcd to tho family of Jlr. and Jlrs. Gco. Jloon on Saturday, I thc 14th inst. Jlr. and Jlrs. Sheldon of I.ondonbcrry havo bccn isiting Jlr. ai.d Jlrs. W. E. iSimonds for soveral days. Tho wivcs aio Bistcrs. Jliss Jones. fornicrly of Oswcgo, X.Y., a nicco of Jlrs. D.irbv. has bccn with hcr aunt for days, who has becn con llned to thc houso oy bickuess. llangs .t Lyman Co. say thcy scll moro Brusscls soap than nll tho othcr Miaps combined. Frauk Rohcits is at homc, assisllnghis fathcr iu tho m ill, haviug llnishcd liis courso at thc school iu Clavcrack, X. Y. Xothing could be moro satisfactory to our peoplc than tho respouso whicli was niadobytho loiclicrsof tho' county, in coming to our pleasant villago to nttcnd tho iustitutc which was held last wcck. It is gratifying that tlio numbcr was not lcss thau usii.ll, but proved to bo thc largest yct upon record. Tho woik ac complislicd, iu thc carryiug out tho pro grammn of Superisor llowe, was such as to rcllect grcat crcdit upon thc cduca tors callcd to treat the special subjccts, aud his ability iu conductiiig thc iusti tutc tlirougli ils vaiious scssions, was tho admirntion of tho wholo body. A visit to tlio gymnisiiim. which tho cnergy and sklll of tho youug mcn of tho higlier depaitment of our Grailcd school has establislicd, aud has bccn in running ordcr for somo tiine, cannot fail to sat itfynuy who hno not given tho matter duo con,sideratiou, that for a full dovel opmentof tho powcrs, somc tbing inoro than aud dllTcicnt from s.nv ing wood or usual manuallabor, is nccd cd. And cspecially when tlio young aro applying thcinclvcs to study in tho school room, with a tcndcncy to rcmain lu Ilxcd positions, au liour with tho ap pliances in tho gvmnasium undcr tho di leetlouof a Rklllcd leadcr, is a grcat treat, aud niuit ho of no little Mlvautagc. lt is fortuuato that wit'li his otlicr quallllcations, I'rof. Drcsscl is at homo iu tho gyinnaslum, and givcs tho kcholais tho advantageot hisexpciiencc. Tho ladies social at the parlors of tho Coiigregational cliurch, Ttio-day evcnlng, was tho most largcly attcndcd of any this benson, tliough it was a rainy linie. Ovcr hixty took siippcr, and tho enter-; tainincnt wasqulto claboiatc. Tho "IIu niaiiiphono" elaimed by tho iicrfonnci's, and proclalincd lo tho woilil by letlers plainly appeaiing on tho iiistrument, as patcnted iu Europc and n part nf Glas tenbury, uuder tho direction of II. T. Cushmau, was cxhibitcd with tho vaii ous iinpiovcmcntft and attachmcnts which havo becn addcd duiing thc last two years. This noted machlnc has bccn perfccted to such a dcgrec, that by clohc attcntion in tlio adjustmcnt of its coinplieated paits, tho human voice is so well illustratcd as to dcceivo any who thlnk it anything but tho uso of natural vocal organs. Tho approach, at timcs, to rafiiiltsiuaily parallcl to thosc pro du cd by Edison's cilebratcd phono gr.iph, it is contcnded by tho popular couductor, are pcculiar only to liis in Rtrumcnt, and cannot bo clfectually as Railcd by any inventor or patcntec. And when, as in this cxlilbition, thc nccoin panimcnts by tho violiu and organ were ro tiieclianlcally conneetcd with thc liu inaiiiphonc, as part of it, tho effcet was truly woudcrful. A liumhcr of songs wcro added to Iho otlicr enjoyablo parts, which wcro rcccivcd witli licarty np plaiibc. A slioit drama, tho moral of which was fiicouraglng to book ngcnts and tcinpcranco rcform, was prescnted by tho youug peoplo of tho congregation, which was amu.slng, bringing out con sldcrablo local talcnt, and ciosing thc cntcrtalnnicnt. TEACIlKUs' IXSTITl'TE. Tho Bennington Countv Tcichers, Instituto hcld in Bank Hall, Xorth Bennington, was callcd to ordcr Tucs day morning, tho 11th, inst, at 0 u'clock, by Supcrvisor E. W. Howc. Aftcr tho registcring of teachers of whom 00 rc ported at tho morning RCRRion, praycr was olTcrcd by Hcv. A. S. Gilbcrt, and au addrcss nf wclcomo was mado by Rcv. C. II. l'cck, waim and licarty, volclng tho intcrcst of thc peoplo in tlie objcct of tho gathering. Tho addrcss of Stato Siipciintcndcnt E. F. I'almer was a candid and wiso pro Rcntation of tho "Scopo and Function of tho Public Schools,"strongly rccommcnd- ing l itcraiuro to bo tauglit lu ot.r schooIs,nnd tliat wo should havo a school SYSlcm III.1t llCinairoirilcS anil HOUtlClans - .. . . t. .... metliods of call Ins out tho now i upils at this limc, in othcr ways than l iii'iis iius iiuie, iu .HiiiT w.ivs lliail during tlio usual school cxcrciscs , and was followed on tho samo subject by I'rof. II. Dressel, Jr., as to diffcrctit mcthods stlll, cach bclicving such cxcr- clscs could bovaried with profltto schol- ars, in many ways. iuo niicmoon oxcrciscs wcro vcry. iincresiiiiK, wuu nn a uurcss oy i nu. A. C. lcrrin, upon "Civil Oovernnicnt," ai iuo opcning, ui i wiucn ne snoweu mo importanco of tho nvcrago common, fchool scholar being acqiialntcd with its principlcs and workings, for tho lwttcr promotlon of good citizcnshlp. "Prac- tlcal Hints," as prescnted by Supcrvisor Howc, many being suggcRtcd by liis own largo cxpcriciice in teaehlng and from liis obscrvatloii whllo visiting the dlffcr- cnt scliools in tho county, wcro of grcat praclical iinport, tliough causlng at timcs nomo merrlmcnt I thcir rclation. Prof. J. II. Gniould intcrcstcd tlio audicnccin prcsentlng "Xatural Scicnce in Public Scliools," and claimcd it was practicable to Je tiught and bo mado intcrestlng to tlvo iiuito yuing, and that It would broaden thcir Idcas ns well as be n grcat inccntivo to appllcation and rcsearch. Prof. C. S. Davis Iillcd tho timo allottcd him, in prcsentlng the "Deviloi t mcnt of Sollds,'' by tlmclyremarksnpou Its connection with tho subject of draw- Ing, and by a practlcal deinonstration of tho making of models during his addrcss, as also accompanylng his romarks by illustratlons upou tho blackboard. Tho qucstion box was opcncd, and by rcqucst of Supcrvisor Howo tho nnswers to, cin of liis tho interrogatorics wcro ably given by rroi. wavis. .,.,. ... ... I..UU.1K uxuuo n, ntv, u . Seymour, was .fellvered in tlio Congrcga- tional cliurch. to an appreciativeandi- cnco flllliiK its capacity for sealing. His, subject, "Tl.o, Born and Madc," was madc so intcre!.ting m its prcscntation, that erery cye was rivitcd upon tho Hpcakcr for nrarly an liour, fraktinK upon his well digcsted thoughU n:.i; iM.'.ubiiiin as 10 inu uest tcaciicrs, u:.d mw piuuuccu. All orclicsti-a oi tlireo l.icccs dclightcd tlio audicnco witli - mtisic. and Jlrs. Atwood kiudlv favorcd tlio Rcsslon witli a beautiful song, which wa weu rcceivcu. ( The mimbcr rccisteting tho sccond day of tho Instltutc, was 122, tho largest nuinbcr of tcachcrs at any mccting ui uiu Kinu cvcr ocioro itcm in mo the county. The "I'rlmary Reading with Class," by Jliss Eva G. Rockwoodof Xorth Benning ton Graded school. was hinhlv pulnvpil by all, and to somewho had ncvcr wit ncsscd sucli a lesson, tho ability dis plavcd by tho little ones was a surpriso uuu woiuicr. Tlio two lessons upon "Drawing," by I'rof. W. W. Howc, wcro enthusiasti cally cutcrcd into by tho teachers, and no doubt an impctus was given ou this subject which will bo felt throughout the country. Supcriutcndent E. A. Hazcltine, in his rcmarks upon tcachiug "Gcography," cl.iimcd that mucli that had and is nmr being tauglit in schools.was oulva kix un- on tlie puplls witli no coricsponding ad- vaniagc.aiui gavemanygooii nints as to now io get rm oi somo unncccssaiy rcqulrcmcnts. Tlio dlssoititlon by Supcrintcndcnt W. F. Walkcr upon "Common Fractlons," brought ont somo new tliouzlitx for many of tlio teachers and coii6id- cred of mucli value. Jliss Julia A. Whito L'.ive an nn.ilvsis of hcr niethods In tho tcaching of "I'en manship." which wssof crcat intcrest to au, anu attorwards, specimens of miich incni rcsuiting irom tncir praclics, was cxhibitcd to thoso prcscnt. inursuav anei-noon. rno "Nnm. hcr gamc, with class," from tho iirimary dcpartinent, was conductcd jy Jliss Eva O. I.ockwood. in such a wav as io saiisiy anyono in.ii wonueriiil pro dcicncy in nunibci's. as compared with a few years since, can bo obtained by tho new mcthod. 'IJcvcloDinent of Laucuacc." tho dls. ciission ot wiucn was onFiied by I'rof. II, Dressel. Jr.. ivas narticiiiatcd in bv sev. cral otliers, among thcm Stato Snpcrln- icn.icnc I'uiincr anu rroi. u. o. IJavis. l'lds subject. tliough of suchmoinentoiis linpoitaucc, was prolongcd to such an cxtcnt, in its discusslon as unfortuiiatcly to icnucr It ncccssarv to oinit ono ruIi- Ject on tho programme, "l)idicultcs," .inu uring mo tune ior prcsentlng "A I'lca for Enclisli." bv Suncrvisor (.'. V. Hall, at ro lato an liour that many had bccn obligcd to lcave tho hall. whlhi otliers wcro uneasy In tlicir scats. Tho llea was of gicat intcrcst, and well sup- piciiieiiieii iiiscussion wiucn iiau pro- cciicu ii, icaviug a iavorauio lmprcssion of tho beauty and powcr of our laneuaL'e. On accouut of tho latcncss of tho liour tlio opcninc of tho nuestion box was omlttcd or postponed to Friday morning scssion. In tho cvening at 7.30 o'clock. tho tongrcgational cliurch was Iillcd, with ftllflltc llt tl.n nlelno ot.,1 n f..ll . ...... ... i.iu o ..ii,, .,. l;.,iiu. , ... hcar I'rof. O. Yagcr upon tlio subject iuo (.re.ii I'.ssonti.ii iu n.oiication." Tho distlni'iiished cducator was at liis hcst. and for ovcr an liour. in liis usual rapid cxprcssion of thought, dellglited tho audicnco with his well digcsted logic tliough somo of which by tho avcrago thlnkcr, might bo considcred bomcwhat mcinpnyRicai. Tlio intcrcst of thc woik of tho Insti tutc continucd to uain in inten.sitv. and the last day, Fiiday, lt Rcemcd to havo rcaciicu lilgn water mark. Tho class woik of Jliss F. L. Walbridgo iu nrc on...l.... ....!. rn.l 1 ... x..ui. ni..,llii .I.U .I...UU ICI.IUI. .11 Ull.UUrs, tlilrd ycar woik, was new to manv and was a matter of mucli intcrcst. convinc- ing ns it did, that therc are advautagcs in s.niiu new iueiiioiis, wiueu siioum nm hcignored. "Arithmetic" was handlcd by Prof. C. S. Davis with his usual apt- ucss anu auiiiiy. no uwcit upon per ccntage, an understanding of whicli is dillicult for teachers. and is nlwavs nuz- zling to pupils, giving a methodnew to many, whicii ho claimcd would clcar up mucli, or all which has hcrctoforo bccn nard to unilerstand. Supcrvisor C. P. Hall in trcating upon "Pliysiology. how mucli and how bcst to tcach it." spoke of its grcat importanco in the scliools, aud Riiggpstcd ways and hrlps now lt could Oo tauglit to intcrcst thc scholars, and bo madc tho most uscful. Prof. W. W. Howo gavo an intcrestlng dlsplay of "Work in Color," showing now coiors.primary, and in inclr varlous shadesand tints corrcspond in thc toncs and harmony in music, clalmlng that muslc and color Rliouhl bo tauglit in conncction, when oppoituuity is favor able, and by deinonstration liya class bcforo him illustratcd his meaning, by colors upon tlio cliarts anil tlie exeiciso of tho vocal urg.ins of his class. It was somctlilug novcl to most prcscnt, but as lu otlier ciliicational work, ho bcllcvcd new ihings 8houldboconsldercd,nnd.ip provod if fotind worthv. All tho scssions wcro closely attended uv tno toaeiicrs anu educators wno came to tho lnstitutc, showing a dcep interest iu educational work. and the citizcns bv tlicir prcscnco cxhibitcd an anxicty for n Iiigh standard of cducation, tliat shall cqual tho bcst scliools in the countiy, iu mcthod or attainmcut. Tho gencral opinion among tho teach ers was, that a grcat mistake has bccn made in nbandoiiing tlie appointmcnt of County Supcrvlsors, and thc wholesalc change in our sclicol laws. Tho followiug resolutions wcro offercd by JI. J. Hapgood aud passed unanl mously: llemttcd, Uy tho teachers assemblcd at uio insututo: That wo hercby cxtend our licarty thanks to nll who havo contribiitcd to our cntcrtainment.physical and intellect ual, and csiiccially would wo mcntion tlio kiud peoplo of Xorth Bennington and vicinity, who havo so hospitably opcncd wiuo thcir doors. Tho ladies. orgauist and oichcstra who havo so suc- cessnilly inrnisbed us witli muslc. ine oflicials of tho Bennington & Rutland railway for tho courtcsy of thcir half-fare ratcs. And au tno pcrsons, uotn tne ladics, the gcntlcmen and the little oncs, who in thc milnit and upon tlioplatform. havc so ably cntcrtaincd and instruct cd us. llcfolreil, That wo rcgrct thc action of tlio last I.ecislaUirc. at lcast. in so far as that action is about to scvcr thc close aud intlmato rclations which havc cxlstcd between us and ourhonorcd Supervisor, Prof. E. W. Howc. Tliat we recognizo tlio sklll, tho tact and thc ability with which ho has dlschargcd his dulics; tho kindncss, thosuavity and the geniicmaniy as wen as tno commcnu ablo llriiiness of his conduct towards us: and. above all. tho heartv intcrcst. promptcd by somcthlng bighcr than thc motivo of fialarv. which hc has shown In ourown pcrRonal wclfare, and that of mo scnoois unuer our ciiarge. I'ltf.I Pllrai iirinnK l'lirat Simptov Mnlsture; intcn.e llchlnit nJ .iine Idk; mot at olgbt: wore by icratchirK. If al- lowctl ti contlnue tumora form, wbicb otten bled ana alcfrnlp, becomlRR nry .or, bwatke s OiXTuiNTBton Iho Itchlna; amt blepdlnn. hral. , ulnon nnu in mw c.e. rpmoTC. ine .unior., I A. l... I... At (Irujrirt.ti, or by mall for &0 centa. Dr 8 aroe oon, l'liiiMleipnia, luirmo Peoplo come from all parts of Benning ton aud vicinitv to E. E. Hart & Co.'s to , , ... .. . ,"" urussc.a o..p v.iu ru..i;. Woodford, Jlrs. Wm. Bowlcs and Harloy wcro ovcr from Scartburgh to attcnd the 'social Wedncsday evculng. ninrlpa w Grnvpr 1ns morcd frnm tho lumbcr woods into his house at tho "city " and David Crawford has morcd ito t ho Dan Crawford house. ,. , .. . .nn ... iu n Undcr tho Juno 27, 181X), act, Hiram B. rttcr has rcccivcd a pcnsion of ?IJ per raon,l, MIs Clara Glcason aud Jlrs. Byron Ecray attcndcd the Tcachcrs' Instituto at Xorth Bennington, Sunday morning mcrcury was at 7 bc- lowzcro; wcathcr moderatcd during tho day, and in tho night it commcnccd to rain, which continucd, more or less.with occasional sliifting of the wlnd, untll Wedncsday morning. Then it tur cd cold again, witli a littlo bllzzard, aud now tho wlckcd ani rlghtcousaliko havo to bo careful wlicro thcy stcpl Fcbruary glvcs us suddcn changes In tho weather. . i, i..itnrnn I. bavlnir n wnn.lnrf.ti anfoor thc 5oMnSS.MiD lamuus nrusscis soap. ortl. i-oirnai " Rumors: That a new hotel Is about to be opcncd by a gcntlcman from Green- wlch, X, Y. Tlinta number of our offl- cials mct ln "Conccrt" and rcudcrcd fahfflo: "Thcre Iiatavcrnln tho town," THOU SH Pay more for Groceries and Shoes than thev are worth. if you will patronize the Mill Store. We have just re ceived a frosh stock of that already popular Goffee. JAVA Coffee. If you enjoy a cup of good Spscial prices given on any large quan'ities. E. E. HAS6T MXI.L Mii! Street, That certain parties aio contemplating tho huildtng . a slioo lactory at tne "WashTubs." That Barber has sold liis farm. and, that llaibcr has not sold his farm. That our lawver is "retaincd" by tlio rumsellcrs. That "tin plate" is liiL'hcrand "tm waro clieapcr. Iliat, which is of intcrcst to llorists: A new "hybid" callcd "Cotton I.illlc." Somo notico is duc tho mectings which tho "Stito Board of Agriculture" held at Pownal last week. as tlioy wcro m tended for tho bcnellt of tho whole town ; and becauso somo of us, in a spirit oi commendablo liumlllty spanngiy par- tlcipated in its bcneflts. Prof. Coofc is to bc commcnded for his mcthod in tlio mcetlngs. Xo criticisni is possiblo so far as tho inembers of tho "Board" are conccrned. Thev dld their part well: andifaslim harvcst of good, perfect fruit shall succeed this wintcr sowing of practicablo ideas, tlie fault is in t e soir and not m tne rccu, nor in tne sowing thcrcof. Of courso, at prcsent no entliuslasin iu sucli mectings cau do awakcned among tho f armers as a class, the only thing to cxcito thcir intcrcst at tli ts season oi tno ycar ucinga "vcnuuo of old "chains." slcd "stakcs." "trucks" and wacon "tires." Bnt a fcw of our larmcrs wcro prcscnt, wno, uo n sam io thcir credit, cxpress commcnsurate nraiso of all tho cxerciscs. Tliey also are hopeful in tlio futuro of Vermont larraing. unionunaieiy inoso wno uiu not attend t icso mcetlngs ueiug i mucn largcr class than the otliers, aro not awaro of anv loss on account of their ab- sencc. Theso "farmers" aro thoso who cliciish mucli contcinnt for what thcy call "book farmiug." a vague klnd of oxprcssion, whicli simnly means that "farming lias no lounuaiioii oi scien; tiflc trutli; no maxims to belnccuicated, no laws that aro Btablc. and that all ol its processcs aro so simplo that tho farmer. uuhko other pcrsons. needs no othcr training or cducation than can bo readily obtained from tho daily routiue of his labors. In distinction from thoso whom thcy thus condemn, thcso lattcr may ho callcd "bockless" farincrs.whoso meadows raiso moro "daises" than timothy," and whoso fences are hedge rows. Tlicv buv lcw uooks anu rcau less than thcy buy. Thcy tako ono ncws nancr. whicli thcy valuo only becauso it fiiniishes a stoiv onco a week. short and alninln piuiiiL'h for their mcai'er comnrc- ncns on. Tlicir kuowciucooi nuairsanii their stock of daily wisdom is only that wlacli is supnlicd bv thc currcnt gossiti of saloons, storcs aud llvcry stablcs. Ono may take an inventory of this class of hcr farmers and learn thereby an cx planation why Vermont would tolcrato withln hcr bonlcrs such a gathering of fools as was our last liCgisiaturo. inoy aro not native to hcr soil. They have come with the blizzard and potato bce tlo, and liko tlio lattcr, rcmalns to bllght anddestrov her formcr grcatncss. From a rcport to tno nutiauu neraui of tlie farmers' mectings wecopy: inos. E. Browncll of ortll Pownal was cliair man and D. Thomas Batcs sccretiry. William Chaiiin of Jliddlesex dclivcrcd an addrcss on "Farminz for Proflt." Ho held that thcro was grcat prollt to be mado from manlo sturar if it wcro prc- pared in a careful nianner and put up in attractivo packages, claiming that it would scll for tcn ccnts a pound and the cost of making it would not cxcced four and unc-half to six. cents a pound. He also dwelt upon tho valuo of thc 4iay crop and pasturcs. By keeping tho bcst brced of cows and giving them propcr care, farmers could makc a prolit of ?50 to $00 a ycar from cach cow. Good prollt could bo madc, ho sald, from rais ingliorses; and poultry could bo made profltable sourccs of incomo as well as sheep raising. In tho aftcrnoon C. A. Jlills, of thc Jlassachusctts Board of Ag riculture spoko on "Farm Jtanagcment." IIc sald tho llrst tmng was io snmy iuc Vnrth Adams market. as that was whcro the Pownal farmers cxpected to sell their products. Thursday evening I'rof. cooKO oi iiuriingiou spono on Milk and IU Carc." BABY'S FACE WAS RAW DlitreiMug Itchlnc Skln 1)1 ira Cured In a Mnnth hj tlie Cutlcura ICrmedlei. on his cheek, h nre&J on both cheek and chin, etlie, but it pit no bftter. My mothe r Mlrlsd wqi raw. i nociorfi wi'ii Tnriuurrm r nmHile. I userf tLem f<hfullr. and In na wfelc the boy looked bettrr. In one monlh he wai cured, &nd now ho ln three years old and no hrni ot tt returuiiifr. Ihe. rhlld wasKObadlbad to tle hfm ln a Dillow cae,aml pln hiihandn down to t hat he could not itcraich hfs fac. X cannot ipeafc too I recommend Cutlcura whenTr I can. I would b plaed to en any one and t&Itc with them of the good It h&s uooe my ooy. GortesTllIe.Fort Lee. I. N. J. N. lt. Mvhubandli urefldentof the Tro-ch ManafaicttirlDfr Cktropanr proprletori of the Du- lx" aml "Triplex" I'hittoirrapn.c bnutter. ErnnmoRtrft. Vew Yorlr Citv. He dbllkea dentrablo ootorlfty, bu. lt wlllinc lo make sacri- flceitobeneDtolier8(antlaneDt to tnia tu monUl to ent?iiiran the ute of Cutlcura. and thui brlog relief toolheri. Cuticura Resolvent The new Ulool aud Sltln I'urltlt r and fnvatnit of Ilnmnr Remcdlca internilly. lo cleanse the bloxl of all Impurilles uid po onous tltmtnu and tlmi re more lhene, and Cuticura. the great akln cure, and Cu icara Boip. an exqulslte Mt beautinrresternallr toelearthe fkin and Kalp. andreatorethe hair.ard ellly corri ererr diease and htunor ot thn skin. acalp and blood, with lomof balr.fremliifancT to agf , from plm l:ltoscrofala Hnld erervtrhere. Trlce. Ci-rictnu. 5cc : 8oar. ilci IluoLvrxT, 1. Preiiare.1 bjr the I'oma Ilarn and umciiicAi lorpuutiom, iioaion. n7Snd for llnw to Kun tddn Dleue," M paget. 5U luastr&Uont, and HO tntimouUli. D A D V'C Skl" anJ Sc"'l Purlfled and Seantlfnl DHDI Oby Cutlcura Soap Abaolutrrjr psiy. RHEUMATIC PAINS one mlnuin tlin Cuilcurm Antl i riater relietes rheumaila- cl- hlp, kl loey( chL and mucular ana wKntir, rnce, wc. WATER RATES -orniE- IENHIHGTON WATER CO. Flnttaucct(pcrrear) tt.M S.eond Fancet ,. 1.00 Water ClOKl a.00 BathTub J.00 I'rlialoKtablri. l.t hone IJX Eich additlonal horteorcow t,0D laivn hoswi (to be ued bx hand only) 5,00 AU oll.ert apecuu. I'niTlded. that nu prltate honae ehall rar ore. I'JO.ID per annam, excliulre of Uws hote. The above ratea ara for .infda f amuiea. I1ENRY W. PUTUAJI, Pretident Jaly 10, ItOT. ttl paln ALT NOT coffee don't fail to try ic ot our s;oods if purchased in & COMPANY. STORE. Bennington, Vt, SPECIAL GOOD BARGAINS, G-. V S. QuaDkenbusH & co. Have special good bargains in MEN'S UNDKRWEAR. A heavy Dark Gray Merino Shirt aud Drawers for 46c. A fine and heavy Natural Wool Shirt and Drawers 67c, fornier price ti, &c, &c. The labies can putcliaseforthe re mainder of the season JERSEY LEGGINGS, CARDIGAN JACK ETS, MITTENS, SHOULDER CAPES, etc, at very low prkcs. We make a special eflbrt at this time to have the best Corsets sliown for 50c, 75c and i, and have receiv ed a fresh new line of Thompfon's Glove-Fittinj; Corsets. New Muslin Shirts for gentlemen We have nothing lower in price than 50c, but sell tlie best one in Ihe city for that moncy. We have a lew sliort lengths of EMBROIDERED KLANNELS 'hat wilJ be sold VEKY, VERY CHEAP. MANY.ARETHE HOUSEKEEPERS That look forward to QUACKEN BUSH & CO.'S MUSLIN SALE to get their Muslin and Sheetings for the year. A few special bargains for next week will be : A 5-4 extra heavy 16c I'illow Mus lin for 12 1-2C, The best Half IJleaclied Sheeting made, 9-4, at 241-, and 10-4 at 27c, Extra heavy bleached Sheeting, 9-4, former price 30c; for our winter sale 25c by the yard or piece. Extra heavy 4-4 Bleached Muslin 8 cents. Hundreds of Remnants left in Bleached and Unbleache'd Table Linens. -oeo- In tho week bcfore inventory w e will sell SU-inch wido Drcss Goods only 25c pcr yard. Cashmercs 23c per yard. All wool Sultings 37Jc pcr yard. I'laids and Cliecks, all-wool, doublefold, 40c per yard. Ilcnrictta Cloths, wide w idth.AOc. r'or Drcss Goods of any klnd don't fail to sco tlie bargains 6. V. S. QUACKENBUSH & CO.'S Cor. Broadvraj- & Xblrd SL TROY IM. Y . AT JOSEPH SCHWAEZ'S. Elegant Slippers For young and old. Anlmmente.totkof $3 Ladies' Shoes ! AUtdzef.FoMeYrrywhere tUofor $4 or $40, Tht WUmd eatiDf ImnroTed Lace CUP Tm cnt attacbed to both new and old hot, d C jttni. Call and aeeoar Holiday Goods. Opposlto Baptlst Church,. llaln Strcct, Bcnirlngtoii,