Newspaper Page Text
The Banner. BENNINGTON. VERMONT : Thursday Afternoon, April 30, 1891 Thn MimiesoLi I.CL'islature lias ad- lourncd wlthout passinc tlio Anti- Tiehts blll. or tlio Antl-l'ool bill. or tho Anti-Interest bill. or tlio Ncwsnapcr Siirnpil Articles bill. or Anti-Mortcaffo Forcclosuro blll. or any of tlio otlier mfi.isiiies on wliich tlio Farmera' Alll- ance mcmbers had sot hcart, Indccd, it looks as thoiich tlio Allianco in Jllnne- BOta liad wound itsclf up liko a tcmpest in a toapot. X. 1. Press. Tliodcathof JudRO Homcr E. tloyco, Frid.iv. romoTCs a prominentllcuro from tlio nublic raon of Vermont. Ho was linrn in Berkshire Juno 14lli. 18S0. nnil liad long since climbed to tho top of tho laddcr of judicial famo, rctirinR from tlm offico of Chlef Jtistico two ycars sinco by his own request. Tho funeral was hcld Tucsday, aud was attcnded by Stato oflicials. tho llcnch and Uar of tho Stato Bcneraliy, as wcll as by Inindreds nf nponlo in and about St. Albans whcro bo resided. Tho romalns wcro laid in tho ltoyco family lot at llcrkshirc. Tho Troy 1'ress rcfcrs to tho "falla ciousuess" anu "ininracucaumiv 01 im rnlmnl C1flnr.l llltlL- BVtftTII TllA minll of tho schooTs of Amstcrdam have to-day ovcr 814,000 to llicir credit, Xolhinp, vcry impracticablo or fallacious about that fact. .liii.iffnfam lleconler. Xper (iijiflrt tax on babics of $50 iiiipht put $40,000 in a city's trcasnry, but it would bo an impracticablo and fallacious mcth od of raisuiR revcnuo for all that. If mnnoy-lioarding wcro tho primo objcct of f reo Bchools, thcn thcro won'd bo moro forcc to a linancial cxhibit. Btit tliis is not tho theoryof ourcdmational syslem It was not omanizcd as a bankinir busi noss and cannot liclitfnllv bo ncrvcrted to sucli a pnrposc. Troy Prcns. W'e thoronghly aurco with tlio Presn and rec omniend tlio thousht, briclly cxprcssed to tho Stato Iuspcctor of Finairo. 1'er- haps ho will roviso bis contrary ojnmoii W'e thorooghly agrco witli a writcr in tho Xpw York I'rcsa in tho followinff, itcm of nows.wlucliwill bo reart with intercst: "I heard yesterday a curions cxnlanation of tho cnuso of the ouarrcl nmonr tho woinen ntanai:crs of tho C'oltimbian Exposition. It is tliat .ho riilin'' spirits of tho lnovcmcnt in Hli Womcn'H lloard sccmeil their nositions for tho sako of hobnobbini: with and cntcrtainiiii: tho Princess of AValcs and otlier prominciit forcin ladies who may como to tho fair. In tlicir clTorts to liavo full conlrol of whatovcr social fcs- tivitics ladies mihc undcrtakc on such au occasion thoy havo ipiored tho com inonscnso eleincnt m tlio uoaril, wiiicr docs not earo whether th" l'rincess o Wales conics to tlio fair or not, ko tliat tlio peopie como, anu ncnco tno ciasii, My inforniaiit on this scorc, ono of tho Uni cd Statcs C'ommissioncrs, said to tno: "fheie is no doubt in my mind tha this is tho rcal secrct of tho flcht bc. tweeu Jlrs. I'ottcr I'alincr and Jliss I'lia'bo Coiizius. If I nm ii''lit Jliss Couzius w'M win hcr liulit, too. W'c havo no nlaco for biiobbcry at an Amcr- ican AVoild's Fair. Xono but a country town iiko unicaKo wouki navo nau boaid of lady nianagcrs, anyway.' " rm: NATio.NAi.risn hatciii:uv. It is licrhans wcll known by our rcad ers that at the last session of tlio N'ational C'ongrcss an appiopriation of $.')000 was mado for tho purposo of ostablisbina hatchcry in Veiinont. Vcimont also mado an appropiiation of $L'400foraliko tmrposo last fall. Governor I'apo has uccn in corrcspondcnco with Col. Jlar- shall McDonald, tho U. S. Fisli Commis sioncr at Washington, with a vicw to sccuring for tho Stato tho bcst possiblo advaiuangcs wliicli can bo ucrivcu from tho Stato and National apnropnations, Col. McDonald is in doubt as to whothcr it would bo dpsiranlo or nracticablo t conibino tho Stato aiini'omiatiou witli tlio Xational appropiiation, but assmcs tho Qorcrnor tliat ho will with rcprcsentitivo mcn of Vermont bo' foro comiii'' to a conclusiou about tho inattcr. Thus far only two diicctors of tlio State hatclicry havo bccn annointcd br tho Governor, viz: C. C. Warren, of Wateiburv. and I)r. II. II. Swift of Pitts ford. It has becnicd best that tho third uiicctor bo located ncar tho hatchcry and until that locatinn has bccn ilccidci unon it is probablo that tho third Dire'c- tor will not bo appointcd, providcd, of coursc,,that directors Wairen and Swift agrco as to luo locatioii. It is notaltocether clcar whether tli hatchery should bo conuectcd with, or in uiu viciuiiy ui iuu iiiioiiai jiaicueiy ui in hoine BL-i-iiua ui iuu oiaio. lll ue ciding this mattcr our Stato Commis- siouers will doubtless coun.sel witli U, Commissioncr McDonald whcn bo comcs to ermoiit to niako his cxaminatlon which will piouablv bu earlv in Jnlv, Col. McDonald is snokcu of vcrv liiirli ly as a man of cxccllcntscnso and sound judgmcnt in all mattcrs pcrtaminc to lish, aud prcscut indications nro that Vermont will receivo substantial bencllts from tho imjictus which will bo givcn to tno propagauon ot nsn uy tneso two ap propriations. o copy hclow a reccnt lcttcr from Commissioncr McDonald to Governor 1'ago which may bo of intercst to tlioso who tako an intercst in lish culturo i: Vermont: Washington, I). C, April 15, 1801 IIon. Caiiiiom. S. I'aok, Gocernor q Vermont. Hydo lark. Vt. Dkai: Sm: Tho annropriation mad for tho trout hatchery in Vermont, docs not bccomo availablo until tho lirst of tho cnsuing liscai year, and in tho prcss of othcr mattcrs rcouirine immcdiato r.t- tention, I havo defeircd considci-ation of our plans wltn refcrenco to that work until it was neccssary to tako it un, Shortly after July 1st, it is my iutention io visit v ermont anu maKc a careiul cx amination of such localitics a aro stui- g'csttd or are known to mo to bo availa hlo for such a station as is contcmplatcd. Ilaving detcrin'uicd tho location, which will only bo dono aftcr most careful ox amination. tho ncxt sLen will bo tho vest- ingof thctitloin tho United Statcs by puichase, gift, or transfer as tho caso may bc. Thcso nreliminaries havinir bccn fcettlcd, our Knginccr would make a survey of tho ground, and prcparo tho plans for tho dcvelopmcnt of thostation, so as to bo rcady ncxt winter on tlio opcning of Congress to submlt in dctall pians, spccmcations anil cstimatcs, Whether lt will bo ileslrablo or nractica blo to combino tho Stato appi-opriation with tlio Govcnimcnt .mnronriation is a mattcr I am not prcparcd to cxpress an opinion aoout until i navo givon it mor lnaturo consideration. I sliall only uct in tho mattcr after advising wlthyour tclf and rcpresentatiro inen from tho State, and will como to no dcclsion As to location or plans until aftcr full and frco coufcrcnco and discussion. I dcsiro to procccd slowly, cautlouslv and conscrva tivcly in tho mattcr. and to lay tho fotin- datiou securo for 'such derclopment of our work iu your Stato as will bc, I hopo, of grcat cvcntual value to it Very truly yours. M. Jit'UONAi.i), Commissioncr. Xcict it CltUen. T1IK BWEUES. Tho statcmcnt liaving bcen publishci tuat tno coiony oi nweues wiucii i- n.i.i ir l . . . .. i Lliriliyiiuiii, jiiana,t cuiivuiii luvdwu ii Norton Mill in Ksscx county is not nrov- ing a succcss thcrc, and tliat its mcmbcrs aro dissatislicd and moving away, we havo taken occasion to corrcspond witli resnonsible nersons in Weston and Wil mington In rcgard to thoSwedcs brought to t'jo.iu placcs by Commissioncr Valen tlnc. Our Weston informant says that tno sweues aro mdiistrious, irugal, anil peaccauie.peopio wno minu tuoir own al alrs. and nromiso to mako cood citizens Most of tliem reinain on tho farm wlicro thoy wcro flrst located, though ono fam ilv lias moved to Andover to work on i farm for a ycar, and tho youngcr mcn aro at work on a lumbcr job in Peru. From Wilmington tho statcmcnt in tliat tl Swedcs aro liolding thcir own, aro gct- ting a llvlng, anu sccm to no contcntcd, Tho vounirer mcmbers of tlio familics. who flnd work away fronf home, aro wcll liked. Two young womcn, who bad provcd to bo raluable domcsllcs, havo cona to New Ilavcn. Conn. Ono voun man reccntly went to l'hlladclphia, anc ono new family lias reccntly como tc town. Tho only obicction ralscd to tlio new comcrs Is thcir tcndcncy to scck largcr placcs as soon as tncirscrvtccs tio- como vaiuaoio. an uotu piaces tno im presnion mado by the Swedes sccms tobo n favorablo one. llratlltboro Vhcentz. Tliis is commcnded to tho notico of tho burlington Cllppcr. Theso nro somo of tho "ridlcnlous statement" mcntloncd in allcgcd rcply to ns. Ite. . Tho "SwcdO scliemo" nccds no bolstcring outsido tho Legislature anil a few eanctums; Jlaj. nlcntino's vrorK in tnostnio nas niroaay tloiililcil the pieco of rcal cstato nll tliruuKii the famous "ml uistrict. COIMESPOXDESCE. llaptlsta In Ihe United S'atea Mr. A'dt'or.- It may bo nf Intercst to manv to know somethinc about tho nros- ntlcmune; 1110 enons 01 mo uap- tist ucnomination during tho past year. Hero aro a lew flgurcs gathcred from tho ycar book reccntly publishcd: Wholo nuinbor of churchcs in U. S., 34,7$0: new churchcs orcauizcddumur tho ycar. asfar-as rcportcd 014; mccting houses ileiucatcu, oio; oruaincu inuusicrs, ua: oruaincu uunng tno year, 402: dicd. 01: membcrshii). 3.104.227: baptisms duringtlioyear,140,058; forcign misslonancs, a-n; preacncrsanu leauers, 1.7u0: cliurclies. 1.301: au incrcaso of 00 misslouaries and 45 churchcs baptisms reportcd 11,709. Tho marvclous work in tho Zcluga Mlssion in progrcss at tlio closo of tlio ycarcontinucs aud from Jan. lst to rcu. 2-iui, a,2u wcro oapiizcu makinc ovcr llvo thousand in tlvo months nt. this nilssinn. Ilomo mission work is to consuierablo cxtcnt carned on in councction with SLitfl misRionarv work vct tho homo misslonary society havo 833 laborers, 4:1 new laoorers auueu, anu ij iransicrreu to tho caso of Stato misslonary socictics. Thcro missionarlc8 aro lauormg among thirtcen nationalties or peonles: Amcr cans, Uerman, Frcncli, tnveues, uancs, Norwccians, Indians, Jegroes, Chincse, Moxicans, Bolicmlans, I'olisli ana Portu D-ueso. Twentv-tnreo scliools aro sus taincd for tho colorcd pcoplo, In.lians and Moxicans. Tho women havo auxiliarv socictie3 to both foreign and homo mlssion work tliat sustiln a larco numbcr of mission arics and aro doing a noblo and praiso wortny worK. uaptist. IliiU llint nre llcttcr tlian Uold, If voti havo bad brcatli. sluggish bow-ofs. nain in tho small of vour back. nervousness or giddiucss, ypur vital or gaus aro sadly out of cnndition. A mcro doso ot pnysio" wiu not neip you. Your only wi -e courso is to tako Dr. David Kenncdy's Favorito Itcmcdy of Itomlout. N. Y.. nndclcanso your systcm of tho iinpuritics. It regulatcs tho liver and kidncys. MEMOKIAL DAV. Gcncral ordcrs No. 22. iust issned from tho Grand Army of tlio ltepublic, relates to Memorial Day. It Is bero givcn infull: Acr.iin tho warm snnncsun rcminds us that Memqrial Day w ith its timc-hnnorcd obscrvanco is ncar at hand. Itegula tions aro so cxplicit upon this suhjcct tliat no formal ordcr urging this sacred duty upon tho posts Is necessary. r or tno swi time sinco tno .iuui ot Jiay was dcsienated for this nurnoso by Com- rado Logan, thcn cominander-in-chlcf, it is our privilego to rcndcr special homage to tlio niemory of our comradcs wlio answcr to roll-call on eai th no more, to pledgo ourselvcs anew in united and sol emn cliorus to tho great principles for whicli thcy died, and for tho pcrpct uation of which this mighty ordcr is now maiiitaincd. Lot no gravo bo unvisitcd. no comrado forgottcn, and as our chll dicii and childrcn's childrcn sliall ask, "What mean yo by this scrvico? Lct us noiut- thcm to tho sacriflccs of our comradcs wliom dcath lias mustcrcd out forover. and whoso dcvotiou to duty mado noshiblc this goldcn cra of our nation which to-day undcr ono flag is marching on to the glorious dcstiny; a f uturo nssuted to thisand tlio couiing gen erations by tho conflicts aud victnrics of tho period which tliis day recalls and sig nalizcs. Standing by tluso sacred mounds lot us urgc, that nevcr,whilo the flowcrs shall wako to life, wlulo tho rc lcased wntcis shall courso from tho mountalns to tho sca, whllo tho cmanci nated carth shall witli cach rcturning spring wavo its banncrs of green, sliall thcso mcmoiial serviccs bo unncrformcd or tho achiovomcnts thcy cclebrato bo forcottcn. Let tlio uay ne in no maiincr divcrtcd from its truo pnrposc, but lct lt no mado to tcacu to tno liiucsi cxtcut us gicat lcsson of patrotisni. Post commandcrs aro reminded tliat tlicir arrangcmcnts for Memorial Day should iuvariably includo attcudanco by tho post in a body upon somo form of divino worship ujion tlio prcceding Sun- uay. This ctistom lias becomo, and iie scrvcdedly so, vcry gcncral, and its ap propnateness and dcsirability aro appar cnt. Somo mliilstcr of tlio gospcl should bo invitcd to dcliver a suitablo scimon upon this occasion, and posts should, if practic.lblc, appcarin unfform and ilisplay thcir badges and colors. striving in cvery rcspcct to lcnder this a lltting prcliminary to our grcat annual obscrvanco. In somo denartmcnta tho custom prc- vails of liaving tho scliool chlldren co opcrato,,tlie scsslon of scliool prcceding Memorial D.iy bcing dovoted to patriotic tcaclungs cmpiiaslzcu by tno prcscncc at cach scliool of somo comrado of the ordcr, and tho childrcn askcd to sharo in nrovuling llowcrs lor tlio loiiowing day, and assurcd that in so doing thcy bccomo dircctly idcntiflcd with the praiscworiny scrvico ot Memorial uay. It is rccommcndcd that post command crs, so far as possiblo, dctall comradcs who in unlfarm mayappcar bcfoio cacli scliool and briclly suggcst actlon as abovo. All posts will mako special reports of tho day on or bcforo Juno 10, to dcpart mcnt chaplalns who will consolidato the samo and report to Comrado Myron W. llecd, clmplafn-in-cliipf, at Denver, Col., not latcr tlian Juno 20th. Post Com- mandera will bo hcld responsible for tlicso reports and thoy sliouldboprompt ly rcndcrcd. Speclmen CaarA. S. II. Clirtord, Now Cassel, Wis., was troublcd with Ncuialgiaand Ilhcmatism, his stomach was disordcrcd,his liver was allccted to an alarming dcgree, appetito fell away. and ho was terribly rcduccd in llcsh and strcngth. Tluco bottlcs of Electn'c llittcrs curcd him. Edwanl Shei)herd. Ilanisburc. 111., liad a ruuning soro on bis leg of eiglit vcars slauuing. Uscd tltrco bottlcs oi Electrio llittcrs and scvcn boxcs of lluck len's Arnica Salrc, and his lrg is sound and wcll. .lohn Spcaker, Catawba, O., liad fivo largo Fevcr sores on his leg. doctors said ho was incurablc. Ono bjtllc Elcctiic Bittcrs and ono box llucklcn's Arnica Salvo curcd him cn tlrely. Sold by J. T. Shurtleff. TIIE OIIANT MONUMENT. After many ycars of tcdious walting tho ground was brokcn Monday for tho Grant monumcnt in Now York. Tho ccremonies wcro wltliout pomp or dis- piay, but tno spcctacio was imposing. Tho flrst movcmcnt for tho monumcnt, says tho Herahl, was mado in New York witliln 24 hours of tho dcath of Gcn. Grant, which occur cd July 23, 1685. Somo largo snms wcre iminediately sub scribcd, and then camo tho unfortunato controvcrsy ovcr tho sito for tho mauso- icum. cnicago, nasutngton anu at. Louisnutin lival claims to New York and thcro was a prolonged and uiwccrnly squabble. Tho monuinrnt fund whicli bad grown to $50,000 wlthln tlio flrst twenty days, rcmaincd almoststatlonary during this disputo nnd its growtli sinco has bc?n slow. Tho niausolcum will cost $2.V),000 to build its flrst story nnd tho fund now amounts to $150,000, lcav ing $100,000 yet to bo raisod to completo tno nrst story. For Ofr rlfljr Verf. An Old iko Whll-triid RimDT.-Mm.Wlin-low'i hoothloi; Hrop bai been uicd for nrer ClULDBIK WD1UE THTUIKO, wltll I'lHriCT SOC- CC88. itKonrnEstrieLiiiLD.BorTcits thflacM, Aluti ll I'aih: Ccbe Wixu CoLia. tnd it the bet remedy lor Diarrhoiu. Sold br DruelKts liicrrrrpartof Ihe world. tiesureand wlc for MRt . W irrlow'i foomiNa Strcp. nd Ulte no ouicrmnii, TRrentrnre rrnta a bottle. 17rl Col. Fuller was at Ilrattlcboro reccntly arrancinc for tho summcr cnmnalcn ou tho farm which he reccntly gavo to Ver- moni Acauemy. aii tno pians lor tno changmg of tho buildings wcro cffeclcd. and tho gcncral outlino of tho work laid out. Sinco thcn ho has scnt up sovcral boad of puro Ilolstcin stock. nnd will send othcrs as roon as nccded. This la the flrst timo in tho history of tho Stato maiaiarm nas ucen put in councction with a training scliool of this sort, and tlio result will bo watchcd witli Intercst. DIllINIfl!NNI!5S-LIQIJOII IIAUIT In nll Ihe World tlierr U but one :ure. Ilr. IImur' nolden Sneerfle. It cin be tjren In eop of tea or corlte with nut thtVnowledn oi tbe prraon ttklnjr It. rltrct inKRipeedy nd pfrinanent care, wbether the patieot U r moaertte drlnlcer or an slconoUe wrecK. & nuui ou, -oi orunumi HATe been cured wbo tam taken tbe Oolden SpeclHc In their ooiicc -tiiimjiii tucir Kiiow.euKc, ana to-ar be- llere thernaltdnDkliiff ot No hirmfuf tffect rraulu from IM adminlitratlon. own des will. Curei gu&ranteed, iiiircu. feuu lor circai&r aiifl full I ucuinra. aiiuith ia connuenee, UOLS I ciric Co., t Ucc Birwt. Unciuuall, g. ucniars. Anareaa in connuenee. uoldix Hpr. Tl Iloonilnj; Vruiort. Tt '11 l..,.,.r., l,af tn two seasons a corpoiation, of wbicli Ex-post- a summcr resori east of this Tillago, cor- rcctiy nameu "Uamp uomiort." this "Adfrondacks" of tho Green Mountaius lias alrcady becomo too small, and an addition to the hotel, larger tlian tho original structnro bas been commonced andwillboroadvfortlioscason'sbusiness. Tho number of cottagcs lias also been largcly incrcascd. Last ycar a road was bufit Into Little; Potid, farthcr into tlio woods, and a hotel, ico houso, etc, orcctctl ncar tlio uanks. A roau is to oo built into t is romantic locality starting from Woodfonl City. A roail already i cxits from tlio upper cnd of Woodford City to Littlo Point.over which carriagos, can now bo drivcn tiiough with difll- culty for tho lastquarterof amilo before it stiikos tho road from Camn Comfort. This road is to bo put in good repair carly iius seasou. That dono a new nnd inagniflccnt drive for Bennington plcasuro scekcrs is afforded, for tho view from tho llagar cleariug through which tlio road from woouioru uity to i.ittio t'oim passcs, is ono of tlio flncst in all soutliern Vermont. This vlow is towards tho East as well as to tho West Tho road alrcady built is a flno ono and will rcudcr tho Littlo Pond, its liotcl and possibly many cottages easily acccssiblo. In connectioii witli tncso tnlngs wo nolo in tno itutiana llerald of Tucsday, an intcrvicw in whicli ilr. Martin gives his plan of pro cccdurc, and tho piospects of tlio undcr- taKing. uo says: "My business hcro is to intercst Rut land pooplo in an cffort to rcndcr their surrounuings attractivo to Bummor pco plo from our gieatcities. Somo years ago I conceivcd tho idea tliat Vermont, aud cspecially our immcdiato locality, was vcry Bhort-sightedin not otlcring in duccments to sccuro a largo iullux of summcr visitors.and consequoiitly startod a kiud of local boomlng outerpiiso, aud to-day an association exists which nuin bers among its 35 incorporatora many of tho most inllnential nnd moncycd mcn of New York. Albany and Trov. Wo coutrol ncarly 500 acTes of forcst laml ncar Woodford, whicli is ncli in trout strcams and small gamo haunts, and its hillsides and val leysaro to-day dotted witli cottagcs and club houses. Wo aro but a llvo hours' lun from New York and our many visitors can leavo New York at mid- niglit Fridav night and Iump from their 4 I.. ..A -.....!. C..M !.........!.... UtllM ill- HU11UU U1U lWilU IllUIimty, in tlio hcart of a natural wilderncss, whero they can enjoy rusticity nearly 48 hours bcforo returning to thcir liotolnces inXew.Yoik City. "Alter tliis entcrmiso was Btarteu anu ..lnn.l - j..n.,tnl t.., .(I.,,. T .i-n.if to New York last Octobcr, and barring weekly visits to my homo at Bennington, havo dovoted mv timobooming Vermont and our special scction In particular, to wealtliy icw loiKers sceuing a piace lor rcst in summcr. oaiatoga is com naratiTclv nlaved out. New York is too conscrvativo for many New Yoikcrs not witliln JicAllistcr's magic4UU. inotrno gist of tho mattcr is that tho w cll-to-do, and in many cascs inoweaitny mcuoiioi ltan, tired of tho ccasclcss whirl of unte and post-ttntcn gaicty, wisli to spcnd a month or two ot the liot summcr whcro thcy can ho within callof overy mail and tne tclegraplt wlics, yet wncro tueycan bo rcniovcd from iho heat. bustlo and confusion of city life, and givo tlicir familics puic uioimtaiii air, wliolcsomo liviiig and frcedom from the cx- aclions oi tliat bauo ot lasliiouabie liu- manity, Madamo Grunily. "Tho lmmeasuicd eulogies of our Stato by prominent Now Yorkers, many of wliom, until a fow months ago, wcro absolutely ignorant of even a f raction of our htatc, navj becn a constant souico of surpiiso to me. Tlicir ignoi'anco of locality has ainusid mo greatly. One lady askcd mo if Bennington was on Lake Champlain, and if it was truo that cvery vermontcr ato uuicn cnccso irom his pockct and mtinchcd hugo wads of spruco gum. "in luitiicnnc uio lntercsts ot our so ciety noar Beiiningtoii, I was forcibly struck witli tho magnillccnt nttractions that Vermont as a State could show thcso city peoplc. Vermont is rich In splcndid sccncry, glorious innuntaius. good liuutlng iu tho lino of small game, and ccrtninly somoof tlio bcsllisliiiig on tho continent. The subicct of flshlng is a dcar ono to tlicso city neonlc. whoso flrst intcrrogation is: 'Wlierc's your bcst trout strcams? Why cannot tho pcoplo nll ovcr tho State, or at least thoso of Uutland nnd Bennington countics, stnrt an organized cffort to show un tho nttractions of tlicir manv bcautiful towns and moun tain rcsorts. and ican a rich liarvest ovcry summcr from thousands who would bo oniy roo wiiiing to scizo tno cnaucc, did thov but know it? "Yvnat wouiu l 110 i would uavo a geneial fund contiibiited by tlio varions countics, controlled by a committeo choscn by such couiilies, who by excur- cursions. advcrtiscmcpts in rcw loric papcrs nnd circulars, would boom their scction to lts iiiucst capacity. "Lct our farmers clean un thcir nrem iscs, mend thcir fenccs aud givo thcir houses a new coat of paint. It costs little, but conveys an air of tlirift nnd comfort to any stiangcr visitor. Stock our streams with fiuo trout: cstablish laigo though notcostly summcr hotels in convenient uooks, witn nrst ciass board and accomniodations no na(e le fots gras or stowcd teirapiir, but niro mcats, ircsn eggs, miiK, butter and crcam. City pcoplo npprcciato such Mitngs, and aro wiiiing to iay any rea sonablosnin for thcm, too. "I nm wiiiing to predlct that within six months Itutland county will havo an organlzation to our own nt Ben nington, to iuduce summcr gucsts from our vltiea to visit our mouiitnin homos. I flrmly bellcvo that if $1,000,000 wcro nut into Bennington and Uutland coun tics in a jiidiciuus manner it would pay 15 pcr cent. in lcss tlian 18 months. and within two ycars would doublo itsclf. "Vermont, liko jniuiy of sistcr E.istcrn Statcs. has sent thousands of her capital to toit 1'ayno to Kansaa, nnd tno l.oril knows whcro. Somo of it, to bo surc, has nald rlchlv. but manv thousands of licr liard carucd wealth hassunk in Kan- sas bank stock or mcltcd away in South crn land buhbles. If a littlo of this cap ital wcro to-day cxpended in furthcring Vermout's bcautica and attractions as a summcr rcsort, wc would to-day bo tho rcccivcrs of an cnormous numbcr of Xow York pcoplo witli wcll-fllled purses and wants easily catorcd to,whlcli would liclp all our pcoplo in moro ways tliau could bo calculatcd. "You may think mi avisioiiaryentlm siast," conclndcd Mr. Martin. "but I havo for months lived among tlicso eo ple, aud nm confldcnt that uothing but lacK of knowlcdgo of Vermout's ro sourccs and wealth as a summcr resort prcvcnts a visltatiun from tircd-out soci ety peoplc, wliich would mako our hotel mcn and cottago owncrs happy, and rcndercd our 'abandoncd farms a night maro of tho "past." llucklen's Arnica Snlfe, Tho bcst Salvo In tho world for Cuts, Bruiscs, Sorcs, Ulcers, Salt Ithcum, Fe vcr Sores, Tcttcr, Chapped 1 lands, Chil blalns, Corns and nll Skin Eruptions,and posltivcly cnrcs Piles, or 110 pay ro qulrcd. It is guarantecd to givo pcrfect satlsf.tction, or money rcfunded. Prlcc, 25 ccnts pcr box. For salo by J. T. Shurtleff. 4vl New Englnnd Weekly Weather Crop Ilnl letlrt. Ilciiortcd for tlio Bannkii by tho Now Fnglaud Mctcoiological Society co-oper-atlng with tlio United Statcs Slgnal Ser vicel Tho tcmpcraturo of New England for the wcek endllig April 24th, 1801, has bccn gcncrally above tho normal. It was very warm during tho flrst of the wcek, tho tempciaturo rangingfrom 00 to 80 degrecs. On tho morning of tho 21st, it fell to about 40 degrecs in tlio South aud to 30 dcgrees to thoNorth. Tho prcclpitation was nearly ovcry whero bclow tho averago. At Orford, N. II , thero has bccn 110 raln for thrce wecks, and in that and othcr sections raln will bo ncedcd soon. A bcavy thundcr sliowcr occurrcd in tho South on tho cvcnlng of tho 18th. Auothcr is rcportcd iu Connecticut 011 tho 22d. No damago has hcon rcportcd from elther storm. Tho small amount of prccipltation, hlgh tcmpcraturo and cxccss of sunsliluo during the flrst part of the wcek just passcd nnd tho last part of tho wcek firevious has mado a wondcrful chango n tlio anpcaranco of vcgetatiou in Now England, nnd has givcn a grcat impctus to farm work. Tho corrcspondcnt at Orford, N. II., reports tho soasoc laUr tlian tho avcragc, but from all otlier sections it Is fioni n weck to tcn days ahead. In the N01 th tho trccs nro put ting out wcll and grass is coming forward fast. Tho frost is gotting out of tho ground, exccptlu tliu mostiiortlicrn 'cc- tions, and lt is scttllng fast. Somo piowing nas Doen nono In tho moro fav orod localitics nnd a few oats sown but ucjonu tnat littlo lias becn douo ou tho 1"m' micr grain is gcneraUy looking Tho inaplo sugar scison is practi- ca"y ifr no f ully an avcrago amouut is r"-ui iu.iii.jr. 1" MasLsausctu somo lands aro still luite wet and littlo has becn dono on , ,them. "t pn hlgh lands liiuch plowing has becn dono, graln sown hnd gardcn truck and parly potatocs plantcd. Win- ter ryo and wheat is looking well and in Eome sections is much ahoad of tho av- crilC0. Fruit appcars to blossom thougli "' '8 mucli dangcr that tho warm "- iit. . ira ouiu iu fsst and tliat thoy will bo mjuicd by cool e,r . . , , I" Khodo Island and Connecticut farm . work is bcing rapidly pushcd, and In soutliern Connecticut most carly crops aroinirom sovcn toten aays oarllcr tlian usual. In ccntral Connecticut asnara- f;us is rcaily for markct, much planting s dono nnd stock lias bcen tumed out to pasturo. Withal, tlio outlook for tho farmer for tho coming scnson iu Xcw Eugland ia vcry good. 1'iioF. v. il. Uavis, Director. J. Waiiiien Smith, AssisUmt. Cambridgo, Mass., Apr. 25th, 1801. P. S. Correspondcnts aro requcstcd to Includo in their report for ncxt wcek tlio avcrago timo of planting and harvestiug tho sevcral crops in thcir vielnlty. Thoso from tho tobacro growing sections aro requestcd to mako special reports on tho conditlon of that crop cach wcek. Wo hopo that nll correspondcnts' will unito iu ciidcavorinr' to mak-n thW lnilli-tlii dnilng tho scason not a pago of mcan- iiiisicss worus uut n truo stawmciit oi tho crop condi tions and tlio inlluenco of the wcathcrupou them. Xewspapoi-s aro invited to jmbllsh tho bulletins or cxtracts from thcm. Ex clianges from tho nowspapcrs will bo ap- picciatcu. .1. WAIIIIEN HJIlTIt. Now Try Thl. It will cost vou nothlngnnd willsurclv do you good,if you havo n Cough,Cold,or any troublo witliTIiroat.Chestor'Lungs. ur. King s now uiscovery lor uonsump tion, Coughs nnd Colds is guarantccd to givo rclicf, or monoy will bo p.vid back. Snfferera from la Grippc fonnd it jnst the thing and under its uso had a spccdy and pcrfect rccovcry. Try a samplo buttlo at our cxponso nnd lo.un, for yourself just how good a tlilng it is, Trial bottles freo at J. T. Shurtlcfl's Drug Storo. Largo slze 50c. and $1.00. Tlie 'troy CoufVireiiro. Tho annual mccting of this chuich body is a maikcd ovent witli Methodlsts. Tliis ycar tho intercst was intcnsifled bo causo of tho "woman iiucstion" unon which cacli confcrenco was to voto aud thus contributo to tlio Ilnal dccision as to whether woman should bccomo repre sentatlvcs to tho Gcncral Confercnco, and of courso eligihlo to all ofllccs in tho cliurch hclow that. To cliiiilnato nll ncwspapcr lllppancy tho voto stood as ioiiows: ino wiioio numbcr oi votcs east was 184, of wliich 133 wero against and 51 for. The laity voto of tho con fercnco by districts on tho (jucstiou of ndmitting womcn as delcgates to tho Gcncial Confcrenco was as follows: Al bany, 455 for, 047 against; Burlington, 2S0 for, 318 against; Plattsburgh, 241 for, 254 against; Saratoga, 320 for, 475 against; Troy, 395 for, 584 against. Tho appointincuts for tho Burlington Distiict wliich wogive bclow, locate tho pvcachers who are tho best known here aboiita, witli oncortwooxcptions. Itevs. J. W. Bcnuctt and Frcd Widmcr aro rc turncd to their respectivo chaiges in Troy, X. Y. Tlio Itev. II. L. Grant ie malns chaplain of Clinton Stato Piison at Daiinoiiioia; tho Uov. M. D. .Iump will spend his second ycar at Greciiwich; Wm. W. Fostvr Jr. is at North Adains again, ctc, ctc. Thcso appointments for the Builingtoii distiict wcro mado nt tho scesion of tho Troy Mcthodist Episcopal confeience at Johnstowu: John M. Wcbster, prcsiding eldcr. Arlington aud Sandgate L. L. Law rencc. Beiiningtoii A. D. Ilcaxt. Benson A. S. Claik. Brandon C. lt. Ilawley. Bridport and Shoicham Jesso llrown. Bristol M. 1!. France. Burlington II. A. Staiks. Cambridge W. J. Walkcr. Castleton E. L. Walkcr. Charlotte Supplied by C. F. .Wilcox. Fair Ilavcn D. C. Avrcs. Granville M. II. Smitb. llampton Gcorgo J. Kiiuz. Hinesburgh Aaron Hall. Leicester and Goshen To bo supplied. Lincoln W. Posson. Manchester Ccntcr J. M. Appleman. Mendon and East Pittsford Charles E. Todd. Middlebury T. G. Ilcaxt. Middletown Springs To bo supplied. Monkton P. 11. Sclicrmerhorn. North Ferrishurgli G. W. Woodall. North Granville Supplied by II. L. Kclsoy. Panton Supplied by F. S. Francis. Pawlet Samucl Mcredith. Pittsford W. II. Crawford. Poultney S. M. Adsit. ltaccvillo II. L. Kelsoy. Uipton C. L. Leonard. Hupert Bomino Camnbell. Itutland S. McLnughllu. Salem W. S. Eaton. Shelburne O. F. Wilcox. Sliushan and West Ailington J. E. Mctcal'. South Shaftsbury and Shaftsbury C. A. Brndfoid. , Starksborough S. M. Harris. Tinmouth nnd Danby Four Comcrs Dclano Pcrry. Vergennes" nnd Fcrrisburgh W. P. liulisuti. Wcll and East Wells li. W. Buchana'ii. West Addison Supplied by F. S. Fran cis. West Hehron and Uclchcr William Clark. West ltntfand Supplied by E. L. Walkcr. West Salisbury and East Middlebury Elliott Itouck. Weybridge J. L. Fort. White Crcok nnd North Bennington E A. Blalichard. Williston-Merril Ilitclicock. Winooski J. W. Presley. C. II. Dunton, principaf Troy confcr enco acadcmy, membcrof Poultney quar terly confeience. D. II. Lowell, chap'alh United Statcs army and .membcr Itutland quartcrly confcroncc. S. G. Ayrcs, nssiataut llbrarian Drcw theological seminary, membcr of Fair uuvon quarteriy conicrcnce. BCr. BULL'S facllltatca Tetthtng anJ nV PVDIIDsu'at'stn8llowel,-At flUI OlnUr alldrueljU.Prlci.-23cta Dlll I 'C Cures Coughs, Colds, DUIaeLe O Hoarseness, Asthma, Dronchitis.p AlipM Croup.Inci- and rclievcs Consump- Q V Q 1 1 Q tive Persons. 25 ccnts. j f nUl pm)kc wocs cubcb aoAntnes for Ca. OaUKbtiriH, PrlettQCti, MtUirmlM- This is a picturC of a trout exactly six Catchlrgor hatlnir In poisililonaltout 1 at m 'nJiutntuftfecllon '.' of tho llt-lM lwa: almon or talmon tront, leia than alx larhei in waencc 11 flMicaDrcauui, i ub ui mn ir,H-e-'lon from anr o( the watera of thla Btatf. aln.ll beflDeil aich flih thallbe prlmafscleefldeocelhat tLe ;rosccute TlolaUona oi thla law. Complalnta aant No one doubts that Dr. Sage's Catarrh Rcmedy really cures Catarrh, vhether the disease be rccent or of long standing, because the makers of it clinch their faith in it with a $500 guarantee, which isn't a rnere newspaper guar antee,' but "on call" in a moment. That moment is when you pr'ove that its makers can't cure you. The reason for their faith is this: Dr. Sage's remedy has proved itself the right cure for nine'ty-nine out of one hundred cases of Catarrh in the Head, and the World's Dispensarv Medical Associa tion can afford to take the nsk oi vour beinrr the one hundrcdth. 1 Thc.'only question is are you willihg to make the test, if the makers are wilhnc to take the risk? If so; the rest is easy. You pay your druggist 50 cents and the trial begins, If you're wanting the 852 you iiiget sometning Deuer a ctirVt '" Is composed of puro and wholosomo Ingrodionts, and is tho most roliablo romoay in 1110 marKot xor uu uurno, COLDS and ASTHMA. 10c.&35cts. HTATK NHIV8 Telcphouo-wircs aro bcingstriing from v uxisor 10 rci Kinsviiic, Tho houso of Gcorgo Pliimb in Whit ingham was burncil last wcek, Several boat loads of Vermont titnber havo lccently been shipped to Europc. I!cv. .1. S. Iiridgford of Winooski, has been tianslcned to tlio Soutliern New Lnglaud roiiiereuco. Aoungsou 'Hal cy Clifford of Fair fax, was senously liijiircd last wccls bv falling thiougli n trap door. A lluililictoll bov stnloaicvolvcr from his fatlicr Saturday and whilo playing wuu it scnouiy wouiidcd anotlier boy Tho liigh watcriii LakoCham)lain has rcndcrcd tho saud bar bridge, from tho maiu innu 10 ijranu isle.neaily Impassa- uiu ior stiiuo uays. The new bullding of tho St. Johnsbury Itebnltciln iSTcported to be in a dnnger- ous coiniiiiou 011 iiccount 01 tlio scttlin; of tho foundatidns. Tho old dutbriildliigs at Norwicb fTni versitv. Noltlilleld. weio satuiatcii with naphtha, scf ou'flronnd burncd tho otlier lilght. Theru"w;as 110 attcmpt to put out 1'ho llurnlialn voirian, ' wjio swlndled tho' mcichants bf 'Montiicllcr. tm to bo Mrs.'lda nurnIiam,,oiily daughter of Ira Oalo, bno"6'f tho Wcalthiest men 111 Baire. ,' Louis Biuiie'tte, employi Whitcomb iif Lniienbiii'gh, employed by John 01 i.iiiicuuui'iiii. was found ucau 111 1110 ryaa last wceK. lt ls sun- poscd lio liad.a Iit and was smothered iu tho mud. E. B.,Taftlias pyesentcd to tho Ma sonic Hbrnry., of 1liilin'gton n set of "Oould's Hisipry of Frecmasonry." It is 0110 of the. most valuablo works of tho kind yct publishcd. That Tired Feelisig Wien tho ' wcatlicr srows warrncr, tliat extrcmo tired fcellng, want of appctltc, dullncas, langnor, and lassltudc, aflllct Jmost tho cntlro liuman family, and scrof ula and othcr dlscascs caused by huniors, manlfest tlicmsclvcs with many. It ls Im posslblo to throw ott this dcblllty and cxpel humors from tho, blood wlthout Iho ald of a reliatlo mcdlclnc llko Ilood's SarsaparilU. " I could not slcep, and would get up In the morning 'witli hardly llfo enough to gct out o( hcd. I hail no appetito, and my f.ii-0 would break out witli pimples. I bought a bottU) of JJood's Sanaparllla, and soon oegan to slecp soundly ; could gct up wlth out that-tired andlauguld fcellng, and my appetito Improvcd." lt. A. Sanfoiid, Kent.O "I had becn much trouhled by gcncral deblllty. Ijst spring Ilood's Sarsaparllla rroveil Just tlio thlDg nceded. I Ucrlrcd an 1:irr.cns3 ariiount of bei'.cBt. I ncvcr fclt bettcr." H.lF.'ilaLET, Boston, Mass. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by aH.drugglsts. $1; 8lx for 5. Made only by a J.OOI) & CO Iiowell, Mass. IOO Dosoa Ono Dollar J (At'the'Oiasiandof i- 11 " lifavc opcncd a Isirgc anil cnllrely new slock ol BOQTS AMD SHOES Theso gooils were pnrcliased for casb, and will be sold at tho Lowest Livlng prices. Trunks, Traveling Bags, Etc. Tho largest- and hest selected stock ever shownin Bennington Conntyi varylng in price 41 to 815. MfLLEK & WILLIAJIS, .... 409 Hnln St., Hciinlnglon. lhn ala lnhn lonitl. a lila:lon of the laara of "Hc.a lanjtb. an-l dnea not Inuniiuaieljr r tarn tho ramr, wl a pf-iwn wno nr cau-nra irwra anr pnj Iioui, lanu i-K-nr-i inion.oralffion iroat. laas laau aix lt not moi than len ilollarv ft r eai h an taL.n. ianht ap twuii tamevtai rauxhtor taarnfitln tbe vitetai.ftLU State.' Tho Vermont KUh and Game Lean will to tbe 1 fflwrs tvloir at Itiillaud, Vt. l'l Ira Ward and wlfo of Vw Tint-on nm tho oldcst couple in Addison county, and if thcy livo nntil November 10. 1802, in tond to celcbrato tlicir 75tli wcdding an nivcrsary. ( Col. Stcphen M. Plngrco of Hartford, ' who has bccn at Mary Fletcher Hospital, I iiuiiiiiuuii, iur feverai wceKs wltn a badly brokcn leg, has ao far recovcred as to bo abio to rcturn to Iiis bome. A dcc r ahnut a ycar old was found in Granville tl c othcr dav suiTciing from woundK c.-.URcil by jiimplng on a barbcd wire fencc. Sevcral deer lmvn vnrilcd In Jbat vielnlty this winter. 11:0 111 st slab or innrblo from tho East Monkton qu.iriies was shipped last wcek. The ciuarry has becn openrd by cxperts, and has provcd to bo 0110 of tho bestdo'- omuo marbles wltliont any outs. it, is Kini inat iuat tuo .iiidovinc estato I has received offcrs of $30,000 for somo 000 ncrcs of land in tho northwcst corner 01 Hardwick, lt is nearly all gnod tim - bcr land, nnd it is underKtood that tho , exccutors now ask $40,000. Charles Stlllman, a swindler, has rc-1 cently swlnillcd Feveral" Burlliigton par - uiH wiiii ooglis cnerKS purportlng tO DO ccrtlficd by tho Bank nf Commcrce at llochcstcr, N. Y. Whcn tho fraud was ag discovcrcrl Stlllman lias Ieft. A log diivo owncd bv tho Connecticut invrr i.umucr uomnanv anu containing 20,000,000 fect, is hctng put into tlio rivcr 1 11 ll tt m. . ... . tb 171UU.I1IMOWU, II. 11)0 lOgS WIU OO floatcd down to Wells Uiver and stoppcd until tho watcr is at tho right pitch. It is cxpcctcd that tho comingsummer will bo a busy 0110 at tho port oi St. Al- oans mr vctennary iicaltn olliccrs, as lt is rumored that many thousand head of cxport cattlo nro to bo passcd at that noint. Upwardsof 500 head havo alrcady becn passed by tho burcau of insncction. The rededicatory cxerclses of tho Con- gregatlonal cliurch at West Randolph, camo 01T last Fridav and wero well nt- tended. A. B. Tcwksbury prcscntcd tho keys, nnd an original hvmu was contrlb- uieu uy 11. 1'oitcromilli 01 Uoston. 1110 pastor, liov. V. M. Hardy, prcachcd tho dedicatorv sermoi'. Tlicro is a blg trout preseryo up in Ad dison county.although itis not gcncrally known. Col. T.M. Chnpmaii and Joseph HattCll Of Middlcblll'V nwn Rnvnral htin- dred acres of land lii ltipton, ncar Bread Loaf Inn, In which 110 flsbingis allowcd. and wheio tho nuinerous mountain brooks swarm with trout. Tho schcmo was stai tcd only four or fivo vcars ago, State's Attomoy W. W. Stickncy of Windsor COIintv rctnrni-il Snlniilnv frnm Washington, wlicio ho argued tlio P.obert riiuiu naucax cornun caso Deloro tlio iuu bcnch 111 tho United Statcs Suprcmo court and fccurcd a dismissal of tho pc tltion. Fitton Is now in iall at Wood stock for contcmpt of court in disobcy ing .Iiulgo l.'oweH's or lcr in the divorco sult brouclit bv 1 s wifp. Tho Fall Mountain Pnper Coinpauy of Bellows Falls has acquired ahont one third of tho entiro acrcago of tho town of Granville, and will cut off tho timber for nulp stock. Tho tlinbcr will como down Wlllto I!i'cr. It will bo rnmemlicred that tho conipany got n bill tlirough the last Leglslaturo to improve tlio channcl at tho coinpaiiy's expensc. Tho purchnsc of timber hnd on that riverand its trib- utarics will follow as a mattcr of courso. Through tho cfloits of tho L idies' Aid Society, tlio intcrior of tho Clulstlan cliurch at Lincoln has bcen thoroughly rcmodelled and icpnintcd. Sheriff Claik lias prescnted tho cliurch a valuablo or gan, and ntlicis havo givcn libci-al sums lor linpioving tnc groiiiids. A conc:r', lntcndeil as a wclcomo to tho new nastor I!ev. Mr. West, was hcld last Sunday, at wiucii iiuro was an addrcss by linns r, Hoag, tho aged Sunday schoo'l and tcm- pei.uico woiKcr. (Jfioil Looka, Good looks aro moro tlian skiu dccn, depcndiiig upon a hcnlthy ronditlon of all tho vital organs. If tho Liver bo in active, you liavc n Bilious Look, if yuiir siomacii 110 lnacuvo you liavo a Dyspep tic Look and if your Kidncys bo alfect-.d you havo 11 Pinchcd Look. Secure good iicaiin anu you win navo good looks. Elcctiic llittcrs is tho gicat altcrnativc nnd Tonlc acts dlreclly 011 thcso vital oagans. Curc8 Pimples, Hlntches, Boils and gives n good complcxion. Sold at J. T. Shuitleirs Drug Storc,50c pcrbot- ue. M.tltKIKI). VANDF.llBt'IK!- AtlAMS InPennlni-tonCVt.. tre. Am II Zlr I. br Ihe Itcv M. 1,. S Trr.ince. Mr. I.ew'a Vanderlmrjr nf llnninjrlo'i Aiitl Mlsit IIAtlDHti Adamaor Wllliamatown. Mofb DIKU CtlAFrEt-In Uutland. April Slit, KreJerick v;i au c, agea n jcar. HANOUMIAN-Iii North nennlngton, April a.iiu, Aimo njr iiiiiuraoau, aireu iu years. HKEES-In nrnnlngtoD, April 24th, Thoroo ureen, aceu io y--ars. PAUMENTEU-In Dwjnlnifon. A"nl 27th, Ccl. urruiue u, rariurnur. agt-u oyraia. ADVMS-In Souih Shaftsbury, April Mih, larence Auama. ageu n jeaia. DAY In Dalton, Mai,. April I5lh. Rtephin 1 rau ior. luriocriy oi uenningion, affea iMra, I nODFItEV-In llinnlrKton. April ffllb, Mr. 1 r.mora wueor frca uduire.aKtu -ll ;eara- At no othcr scason is tho systcm so sus. ccptlhlo to the bcncficlal cfXects of a re Ilalilo tonlc and lnvlgorant. The impurc stato of tho biood, tho derangrcl dlgestlon, and the wcak conditlon of the body, caused by Its long battlo with tho cold, whitry llaets, all call for the revlving, regulating and rcstorlng Influenccs so bapplly and cffectively corablned ln Ilood's Sarsaparllla. " Ilood's Sarsaparllla did me a grcat dcal of good. I had no particular disease, but was tlrcd out from overwork, and it toncd me up." Mns. O. . Simuoks, Cohoes, N. Y. s Sarsaparilla " For scvcn years, spring and fall, I hr scrofulous sorcs como out on my lcgs, anc for two ycars was not freo from thcm at all. I sullered very much. Last May I hegan taklng Hocd's Sarsaparllla, and licfore I had taken two bottlcs, tht aorcs hcaled and the humor left me." C. A. Ahsold, Arnold, Me. " Thcro Is no blood purlflcr equa! to Ilood's Sarsaparllli" E. S. Piielps, Eochcster, Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all drugglsts. $1 ; slx for $5. Mado only by C. 1. 1100D & CO., Lowell, Mass. 'OO Dosoa Ono Dollar WILLIAM: J. W.Willlams.) inches long. Vermmt. Read ftila fluolatlan fiom an u-t or ine waien or ta'a ucaie trout, land-Iorked h the Irattpooalhla Injurj. to the wateri frum Inchea In Iri Kth. caurht, or taken tbe poaaeaalon of anr recalrs pronpt at Somvr, T1TCOUD, Becretarr. 10 D" ucau, ur uuiy bivcihhi Who Is she? Ono of tho thousands of womcn who sullerln snenco wnen tney ougnt to uo l'appy. Why do thcy suffer? necauso tlio Innumerablo ills common to "1(!'r scx afll'rt tnom. Bccauso their jvuf,ul"uli Ia unucreiuuu orapprvuiat- ei' y ll'o '"cn aronnd them. Thousands v women suiii 1 sulTer sllcntlv and tho world never knows of tho agonythey cndurc. 11 is au wrong. 111s nccuiess. russing slcki.css may comc, but tlicro is no rea son wny it snould continue. Tho sya tcm can bo strcngthcned. tho llfo aulck- cncil nnd tho hcalth toncd up by tho : . . ..... iiuiil uicaiis. jui uut wuai mcansr Listcnl For fllllv half a renlnrv ono crrnnil rcmedy has stood forth unfivallcd in tlio rcsuus it nas produced. It is Iluut's Itcmedy. It has rcstorcd moro men and amhwoiucn to pcrfect hcalth whcn thcy wcro 011 the road to dcath tlian any othcr Known uiscovery 01 modcrn tlmcs. lt has rellcved femalo troubles In their worststagcs. ICcad: "1 was curcilof licart il senso. aiislntr from derangcd kidncys, by IIunt'R Kem cdy." Mns. A. O. Hockwki.i., Provi- ucnco,,it. 1. 1 sullered for ycars with wcak bacic and swollcii limbs. llunt's llemedv cured me," Mrs. Wm. Giiav. Hotel uoldsmith, Boston, Mass. rOB AT.T, FTNE LAUNDHY WOBK USE ELECTEIC LUSTRE STAECH. T&o ttnalna U ilwtjt la Blae Fatkagei, loc ch. Bwas or Iwtatiomi. For ttle U groccr. u Tbe Electric Lnstre Starcn ittodi peerlcu axqodk lUrcbci oied for LanDdrr parposea, Itm&ketihlrti, collart and eaffi look llke new, No other ktArca do tha tme work or prodacci the ume reiaiu." From Kew England Orocer. CnLIFORNM FRUIT WING GUM A delldous confoctlon as mucl nch enjoyod vj ladica ana gentiemca u bj Tho bcst physlclana recommond IU uso aftcr cacU meaL It swwtcns tho brcoth, aldi dtjreBUon, pn eenroa the tccUt ana bardetu the ffumo. t ALL DEALEHS 8ELL ITt A Bample Packaoz la Bot TOALL '.VllO ADDI'.ESS mz UAKtrrACTimiits, JCNTS & PRIMLEY CU, EIMuui, Ind. SBIV IJiVB Ur liUUIIS -AT- J0SEPH SCIIWAEZ'S. AM IHUB STOCK -OF- NEW GOODS Just 0p8ned. Childrcn's, Misscs' and Ladics' OLOTfl TOP SHOES. The Wlliton pntcnt ImproYfd Lacc CIfpff cut Mttschf d to both new and old fthoen. nud lep frnn. lieducUon tt 50 cenU (n the prlco of all gooas. Onnnsltc Hantlsl Churcli.. Maln Strcct, IlciinlmrtoiK LANDSCA PHOTOGRAPHY. Tho hest scason of tho ycar for nhoto- Braphinc liesidcnccs, Summcr Kcsorts and othcr out-door suhjccts is tho last weck i Apiil and lirst two wceks in May. Tho follago at this scason is just suulcicnt to ndtt to tho bcauty of a pic- turo without ohscuriug anythinp;, J1II.1.EU Ruarantecs first-class work In this linc. I.cavo ordcrs early nt 104 Xortli Strect, Ucunington. M1LLER. THE NEW WEBSTER m o a VE3STER,S 3 c INTEnNATIONALj O DICTI0XAKY, 3 SUCCESSOR OT THE UNAORIDGED. Ite-edlted arnl Ilesct from Corcr to CoTer. A GRAND INVESTMENT for ererjr Famlljr and SchooL Railalon haabeen In proerraa forotcr 10 TFar. More than IOO edltorial laljanra mploi.d. Critlcal eiamlnatlon Inritad. (lct tho Iltit. Sold b all Dookacllera. Illiulratnlpamphleltrea. CanUonl Chrap Looka calltd " Wtbattr'a Blr DlcUonarjr," "WtUttr'a ncjcloprllo Ulcilon: rr,"tt,arl)lnralTfrtUed. TUbodr of thf ia Irom A to Z la prlnted from plataa mada hr pho tojtrap hlntj tha antiqnatnl 11(7 edltlon. Tha an thnitlo -Unabrldrfd" Mlll coprrlghted) and th nr " lntf rnatlonal" both bear the Impriat of O. & C. 2IEItnlAMACO..I'ubIUhere, HprincOeld, 3Ia., V. S. A. Ia Ibeleadlnf achool of ar'iatas aro airoiT dikd and furnUhea the brat ad vantarta. It t-ducatn Ira joanr men and womn r-rarticallr and tnppllra dinrsa hoti.ea wiih com prtent aallanta. Tlenl dedde where ou will at tend ontU you wrlt te na for partlculara. Addrtas Uancll A Uutchtu, Al scuoni. OP SHORT HAND !UY YOUR UARDBN IM) FARHINC TOOLS, AMERICAN SEAL PAINTS, AND Painter's Supplies ROOFING, BELTING AND LAOING, ORjCKERY AUD AGATE WARE, llarhcil Wiro Fcncin2 anrl roultry Nottini,', Iron, I.caa antl Tin ripi,tcreen uoorsaim wnuiows, ana ocreen-cioiu etc., etc, 01 WM. Main Street, WINSLOW Firsl Door West Methodist Ghuicti, Bennington. ,t 1IJIM H 4 It's j f.ict tlie mcre yiu try to make an impression, tho lcns likely you are to nuke it. Jmt be your self you'll be pretty sure to comc ont right. You cannot be natural in demean or if you are not properly it's useless to attcmpt it. An awk wa-dly drcssed man is almost ccrtain to be corrcspondingly awkward in manner He doesn't feel comforta ble and he cannot help bctraying it He may have paid for his suit twice it's value, but be'll never get any p eainrc out of it. You will have no such imfottunate experience if you bay your Clothing and Furnishings of G 11. Sibley, for he is sure to put you on the right Uack in the way of dress. 501 & B05 Main St,r Free Library Building, Bennington, Vt. Nothing botter for babies. Full Crcam. Full Wcight. Itcst on Earth. For mle by IRVIN0 E. GIBS0N. Bennington, VL IN CIIANCERY. STATE OF VERMONT Benrlngton County CHARLES E. WELLI.NO, nnMfcRA.LVoNS. KLIIAII D.KK.LMOIiE, AHAI'H 1". lllll.l). Wherr&S. Charles E. Wetlira-nr ftpnntairtnn In tlte rountr of Bennington anil Kfate nf h&4 filed ln the offlce of Ihe Cltrk nf the Court of i nancerr in tn ruouty or urnnipKton,hIa pttl tlon f'rlorecl"eure axalnitt Ifone- A.Lroniof Watlinfrford in thp county of Hutland.aod Elljah D.illniorernil Aiaih 1. Chlld of Bennington ln Ike coantr of-Tea ilnrtnn. and Rtate of v.r mont. apttin lorth that llomer A. I.jooa (-Ir-acribtd aa Ilomer A. Lyon then) of Itennlnc-tnn In tbe connty of Bennington and State of Vrr- niooi oo me eigniu aar or roremtMT A. D. I6SS. duly tstcn'ed to Charlea E. Wrlllng Ideachted af Chai. E. Welllng) of Bennington in tbe county of Bennington and btate of Vermont, a nnH.,.. dred of c-italn lai.d tltuated In Bennington aioreaain anu neacrioea aa lorova: BOQnd-d on the north br landi of I oren D. Auitin: ...i i. lliram Dei IVa land about fortv rorii fmm i.b lia kjuiii nnr, uii me west aiue OI loe DrooK to a bendlnaaldhrtok; tbence crnalngio the east alde nf the brook ; I hence on the eat aids of said bronk on said In lo'a vest ilne to Fre man6tnl- too aiana; ooioe aoutn or lands of Freeman Stratton and Barbt r L'haj.n and m th i. tberentreof the hlfrhway from Toan Ilouse to Iiren B. Aullo, containlng about forty acres of land be the ame more or less Also a certaio pirce oriand i, aaiu uennlofrton belnj side of llald Mountain, bounded north i um. m r.i, vj ,uu. vi iiuii coanaier: south by landa of Barber Chaie: west by lands of Conoitloned for the narment nf nn. fhnn..n dollars as erldenced by bis (tbe said Lrons)prom misaory note or notea for aaid aum or may be by any renewalaof tbe said noteaof all or any part Iherrof oroddltlon therrtoof the aald aum par able to the said C E. U'Hllnr.of M. aftcr da'e with Inteimt, and shall keep the bulld- "ivnu uu rrioiira iniuroa arainst loss by nre and aishrn the p Jlclea to a ild Welling; Whicli It now Jattlr due andowlnc.andhaanot been paid ecC(m.loa to the effect of thn a.m- ,n arlt.l ne note for tilne bundrcil Hnll-r. in. c iiirrron iroin me Atra a ly or uecember. A D 1"SS; and one olber ru.te ftr one hui.drrd dollars with Interrst thereon from tbeHnt day of Dccem ber, A. D.1SJI: bolli notea made and delirertd In accordanca with the condiilon or sald mnrtgace And fanher thoweth that ElHah n rtn and Aupb P, Chllds of aald IV n 'ngton iolntlr and KTrnllj elalm aome sort of Interest la said mortgsgrd premises ilerlrd slnee the ,,!,. of aaid monisge deed And praylngthaUberiiul ofredemptlonoftbe ssl 1 llomer A. I yona. Elilah D.l-Ulmireand Aaaphr.Cblldslnthi prem&ea may be foreclo-ed aeabiy to the proti.lona of sectiOD seren bundrrd and sixty of the ReTlsed And It apptarlnx tliat tbe aald defendants are wilbjutthls Mtateso th.l "ir terred upon them. ir laTuiscroRi oaDMiD, tbat Ihe said de fendants be rrqnlred to appear in court on the flrst Tuesdayuf ihe neatstitedteimor aald court tobo held at alarchester wilhtn .ri rZ eoiinty ol Bennlnirion, on tbe Brat Tuesdsv of June, A. I). lwl.and answer to the said netltlnn of th. said Chtrle. E. W.lllng. and th M rle tloner sball ciuae this order to be published Irithe Bairnt'Oloi llli.Krn r,nljln...j;l .' '1 at Dennington af.Tnuld tbree ki.iccr, thelatt oiwl.ichpublirailniia sliall be at lea.t tjrentr days preriona to the commencement ot tbeaforcsldtermr.rnniiFt. " Datrdat H, nn ninoiiarnrMlJ iitB ikiv. jt -. Anrll.A. , " " TRpWAnDJ.nALL.atrk. a.w.fiAilu: Aiiollicr nddlilon to the spring stock at NICHOLS'S. MilVllllliSSTHIMlllffl In vcrj- desirable iiatterns. But- 10ns nnu uraldsto matth new DRESS, GOODS. SPRING JAOKETS, & WRAPS. Clilliircn's Caps andT Cloaks. Sp Ingwclglil nndcrn-car.lioslery and gloves, and blousc wnMs Call and cxamlne at 453 to 457 Maln Strcet. Wroughi Steel Range! HARRY WILLOUGHBY, 418 Maln St., Bennington. Vt. S3T"Succcssor of tho late C. E. Oravcs JDST AMIVED! Tlie Lnrgest Llnc of CLOTHS In Soutliern Vermont. Llnc or Spring DUNLAP HATS Just received. Thc LatcstNovcl" llci ln Collars k Cuffs. And Drcss Slilrts. Now Is llic tlmc to leavc jour ordcr for a sprlnsr snlt. Prlcc and flt cnar antccd. JOHN H. AYRES, 411 MAIN STREET, BENNINGTON, VT.- 20 YEARS. "It's 20 years now since buying that piano, and it's as cood to-day as when wo first got it ''It's the fincst sonnding instrn- mentlever heard. Where can I bny one?" ''Piercy & Co. liavo the agency. Ask them for a 'Fisher' piano.' "I will." 354 Broadway, TROY, N. Y,