Newspaper Page Text
The Banner. UENNINCiTON. VERMONT ! Friday Afternoon, May 29th, 1891, OKKllNAI. 1'ACKAOES ANO THE U. F. SUrltEMECOUKT. Tt N1 Itn romemlierwl lliat tllO SU' premo Court gavo a decision a sliort timo Rinco tliat affordcd great comfort to tlio linuor mcn all ovcr tlio country. l'roliibhion and Hccnso wcro both cntslicil at ono blow and "freerutn" was Tlio countrv liowovcr dld not look on tlio "orlginal packngo declstou" in tliat liijtit, but rcganlcd it as a blow to Stato riglits tliat was cntirc W linwirrantable. Local sclf-eovcrn- racut was attackcd by the Suprerao Court, ono of the foreraost prhicipjcs of ,,.. rrnvnv,,mn,,r. was llllflcrmilicd aim overy body was alai racd. Truo, tliroo of tlio Justiccs had dissentcd and liad sns- talncu ino oia isuhiiuuvu uo uim wliich the govcroment was fomiucil. piin liivvvii liv nnn nf its corresnona- cnts, "C. Jt. B.," took tliis view fn Its (lint Usnn nftnr tho decision. Con- gress took tlio samo viow, as did the country gencrally, and a law was passcd tn rnxtifv Ihn r.fToctf! nf tllO d?ClSlOll 01 tlio court, Tliat law has just como bo-foi-o tho court for its constructlon. It is hcld bv tlio Court to bo constitutional nml U thcrcforo tlio law of tlio land, Morcovcr, tlio court liolds tliat Its fornier decision ilkt not alicct mo gcncr.ii pryiu bitlon and Hccnso law of states tliat liau iimn, tlint tlii-rn was rcallv no need for our last lcgislaturo to re-cnact all of our prohibitory lcgislatlon as it did last nrccautiouarv mcasuro. Itwas safo, tliotigli, to do so and conscquontly woll. ,, ... Ii. Ita rnnnnt. iler-isinn nn tbo COllStitU' tionality of tlio lato law of Congress, tlio Court is unanimous. Tho n milton IS rMVfl. liv Cliicf Justico Fuller, tlmtift Ii tliron nf tht iusticcsdissentfrom snmn of tho lcasoniiie of tlio court in its concluslons, Of tliis conclusion tlio Uoston Journal says: "'Tlio decision of tlie Suprcino Court tiplioliling tho Iegality ot tlio urigtnai l;icbnrrn hw nm nlso of cxistillg tcm- pcranco legislation is a hard blow to tho liquor dcalers and also to tho Democrat ic pollticians, wlio hopcd to proflt by tho rnnltisioil lliat nil chhiusuo ui:i.iaivi would causo in tho Wcstern States." NEW ENOLAND WKEHLI WEATIIEIl' CltUI' 11ULL15TIN. I Reported for the Hanner by Ihe NewErailand Meteoroloelcal Soclcty, cooperatlng wltb the Unlled Btatcs Slgnal serylces I Bulletln No. 5, ,.., For the week endinu May 21,1891. A ccncral licavy rainfall occurred t1irnn"linut New Kiitrlaiid on tlio north varying from 31 inclies in tho south to 3J inc'jcs in tho north. During tho two or thrca davs following tho rain the wcathcr was L'cnei-allv fair with lugli winds and vcry Btrong tcmperature rangcd whilo tho last of tlio wcck itlias bccn ciouuy anu warm wun uccasiunai hhnwcrs. At West Mcridan, X. II.. snow squalls occurred on tho l"tli and tho weathcr was gencrally cool on that day. Liglit frosts occurred on tho morning or tlio lsth and a hard frost. wliich in placcs amouutcd to a "frcczo" on tho morning of tho llltli. At Gi-afton and Uanbury, X. II., tho ground frozo to tho depth of ono incli, and cvcry thing that was up was cut down tliroughout tho northcrn States. In most of Massachusctts anu scctions of lihodo Island and Connecti cut it iiijiiicd garden truck and other crops to somo cxtcnt, but on tho Massa chusctts coast; in tho grcatcr part of Itliodo Island and in tho southcrn Con necticut vallcv no damaco was done. Tho prcclpitation was abovo tho normal cxcept in southwcstcin New Kncland. Tho temncr.ituro was bcyond tho normal and tho sunshino was about tho avcraco throughout Now England. Tho much nccded rain wliich occurred on tho 10th, nut new lifo into all vcgcta- tion. Tlio (iroutii nas uccn gcncrany brokcn. althouch in tho southwcstern sections whero tho lcast rain fell, more is alrcady nccded. On account of the cool weather grass and grains grow klowlv. csneciallv in tlio northcrn States. aud tho formcr is looking thin. l'ota- tocs aro partlv planted in this scctlon, but little work has bccn dono on corn. Apples aro gencrally considercd nnin jurcd by tho frosts exccpt in southcrn Vermont and northwcstern Massachu sctts, althotigh it is iinpossiblo to tcll yet tho cxact condition of that crop. At Brattleboro, Vt., apjilo blossoms cro so frozcn as to turn brown aftcr tho frost. I'liun trecs and strawbcrries wcro injuicd. Iu tho vicinity of Lco lnmstcr, Mass., clierry, pcacli anil pcar trecs aro loomng vcry wcn anu tno ou server says will bet for a larco cron. At Marshilcld, Mass., tho grass on tho dyko-meadows is looking well, but gencrally tho outlook fortiio hay crop is not as good as last ycar. Crops that aro up in tho south aro gencrally looking well but growing slowly. Somo damagc was uono to truit trecs. tomatocs aud other crops in Wcstern Massachusetts and Connecticut by high winds on tho istn and lutii. niu ouiiook at tlio cnd of tho week Is vcry promlsing. Maint Bethel, grass. is lookincwell: vcry little wintcr-killed, and with favor able conditious will maturo a good crop of hay. Brunswick benson vcry back ward. Farmcrs about througli with the cxccption of corn and such crops as wouki oo mjurcu uy inocoiu. juayiicld, somo corn planted, thotigh most prefer to wait till tho ground is warmcr. Grass backward; carly sowcd grain comes pooriy. Now Ilampshire Cantcrbury, liave had most all kinds of wcathcr. But lit tlo corn planted; grain is making a good stand but is low. Danbury, grapo vines Blightly injuicd by frosts. Sceding of all kinds of farm crops is progressing rapidly. Grafton, so cold that grass docs not grow much. Littlcton, fai mcrs aro gctting thcir work wcll along. Vcrv little corn planted as yct. Newport, alll crops up wero killcd by frost, though oats not injurcd. Grass still backward. Nowton, corn is but partly planted as yct; pcas and carly potatocs aro now growing fastcr than any wcek before. Oxford, oats aro liardly up cnough to bo allectcd by tho frosts of tho past wcck and very littlo garden truck in. A'crmont Bellows Falls, probably carly frults aro damagcd by frost, carly gardens wero injurcd. Brookfield, ruit trces aro just beginning to show thcir blossoms; much corn has bccn planted this wcck. Burlington, tlio licavy rain of last Saturday was much ncedcd. East Berkshire, tho frost injurcd plum trecs aud strawbcrries and somo claim it liurt applo trecs. Potatocs noarly all planted. West Fairlee, tho rain of last wcck brought tho grass to lifo and it is now looking flnely. Massachusctts Agamam, potatocs 4o ing wcll; ryo liardly an avcrago; plcnty of tho wcb worm. Brmardston, moro rain is needcd. Blandford, but littlo corn planted as yct; stock sccms to bo doing wcll In jiastures. Fitchburg, pcas, potatocs, ctc, coming u;i ami slowly. Florlda, potatociopall planted. Iladley, tho frost injurcd potatocs in somo sections grcntly. llolyoko, pas turcs aro vcry short and stock has to bo fcd ln stablcs. Lcomlnstcr, tho rain of tho 10th gavo now hopcs to tho farmcr; planting going on rapidly. Marblchead, iu scmc sections about hcro frost dis colorcd tho potatocs and badly injurcd tomatocs incxposud placcs. Marshilcld, small fruits aro having a good sct; pota tocs coming on rapidly; most farmcrs planted corn this last wcck. Taunton, carly potatocs, tomatocs, corij and most vcgetables ln gardens were, in many lowlands cut oft by tlio frost. Walpolo, crops iu fair condition for growth when rccovcrcd from tlio shock of tho lato frost. Worcester, grass docs not grow; tho frost did much damago to apples, pcas, Btrawbcrries, tomatocs, potatocs, corn, cucumbcrs and somo othcr crops. itliodo Island Bristol, onions from BCts promiso to be vcry good; potatocs st-uted well; corn bclngplantcd; atiples and pcars blossomlng full; hay crop not ns promising as last ycar. Kfiigston, havo lieard of no frostH, bcing proba bly proventcd from occiirring by cloudi. iicss.. At jnciciit ovcrything nppcars to bo doing well. Connecticut Kalls Villagp, jnospcct for largo yicld of all kinds of fruit; rain liclpcil gi-xss and ryc, but thcy aro not up to tho avcrago condition. I.cbanon, fiotatocs aro planted and corn" planting s w6U undcr way. Grass is not ns thlck as last ycar but is growing wcll now. New Bntaln, potatocs aro coming up vcry slowly, somo plcccs bcing rcady to hoo; corn is ncarly all planted. Middlc town, potatocs are comingflncly with tlib prospect of a largo crop of hugs; corn is mosfly planted; ryo looks wcll. Mif fortl, many farnfcrs covered all thelr patntocs expccting frost and frcczo; acves wcro covered. markct men kcpt l.,,.l(,., nll nlfrlit. H Mr.L-.V7l .... during tho liight but wasa narrow cs-1 cape f rom a xtrious f lcezc. Yoluutowu, i LTnss is cominR forwanl wcll; corn is bcfiinninj: to como iip, also somo potv , toes; ryo la looKinf: wcu: anpio ircesuu not Beem to havo bccn iojured bytlie irosi uul pcacn trecs h.ivb. west omuo- bury, potatocs ira lookinRwcHand somo j aro hoeiiig tlio flrst tlme: peapli anlJ . pcar, aiso cnerry irecs navo uccn mjurcu moro or less bv tho late frost: rnln is ncedcd badly bv gaass and oats. 1'bof. W. il. davis, utrccior. J. Waiirkx Smitii, Assistant Cambridge, iiass., iiay joui, jbki. local rosmumPT. Woodford. Ilagar is vcry ill J. W. with pncu- monia. Anthony Ilagar has lost anotlier work horsc. Charles Glcason is sick with fever and la Grwne, C. W. Cutler has bccn crantcil a new neiision ccrtiflcato. Horman Huubco is doinc a lumuer job at North llcunington. It is not dccidcd on what dato tlio ncxt 80cial will be hcld. Mav is cirine us an uuusual nunibcr oi irosts ana cooi Dreczos, Somctimes thoso that pay tho flddlor ilou t navo niuch timo to uanco, Tliis (Thursdav) morning it is tliouglit J. V. ilagar is n ntuo ucncr, Mrs. Stcphen Glcason's gcraniums and other plants aro unusually elcgant. Will Bowlcs's horso Jcd, is at Hur- gcss s 8table, licnnington, sick wiiu fovcr. AVoodfonl oeonlo congratulato Mr. and Mrs. James Iliggins of Iloosick Fulls ix. l., on tno auvcnt oi a son. Will E. Cutler and wifo and Guy liave visitcdat Jlrs. O'Brion's in soarsunrg tliis wcek. II. M. Harris of Bennington has in halcd our licalthf ul zephyrs sevcral davs. making his hcaduuartcrs at Will Bowlcs's. Illerrlt Wlix. Wo dcsiro to say to our citizcns, that for vcars wo navo uccn tising ur. iving'i Now IJiscovorv for Consumntion, Dr. King's New Lifo Pills, Bucklen's Arnica Salvo and Electno Ilittcrs. and liav never handlcd remedies tliat sell as wcll or tliat havo givcn such universal Batis factlon. Wo do not hesitato to cuaran teo thom overy timo, and wo stand rcady to retund tlio puic laso price, n satisiac torv rcsults do not follow thcir usc, Thcso rcmcdics havo won thcir great poDulantv purcly on tlicir merits. J. i, Shurtleff, druggist. South Shaftsbury Tlio Sunday school will bcgin rch ing this wcek for "Childrcn's day" ;in rchcars- ox erciscs. "Comical Brown" mct his appoint- ment on Tliursday cvcning last and liau a very good liouso. Mrs. C. F. Hastincs was ablo to rido a vcry littlo way last Sabbath, but is still nulto lceuie, Mrs. Grant Brownson has convalcsccd quito rapidly was out carriago riding last wcck. iA fow of our townspeoplo attendcd tho conccrt at Itutland this wcek. C. F. Chnpin of AVatcrbury, Conu., spcnt last Sabbath with his family at Hon. Wm. P. Mattison's. Tho weathcr is vcry plcasant, but extrcmcly cool nlghts, making gard encrs and fruit-growers uneasy on account of anticipated frosts. Mrs. Gco. 1. Montgomery is at Iier formcr homo in tho north-east part of tho town, and is in a vcry critical cnndi tion. About tlio only hopo of rccovery is that bIio has always before rallicd from thcso sovcre attacks. Tho quartorly mccting of tho Meth odist cliurch was held hcro lost Sabbath. Tho Y. P. S. C. E. serviccs in tho cvcn ing wcro wcll attendcd. Mr. Colo's class will mcet at tho cliurch on Wed nesdav evcnine from this wcck until furthcr noticc. An incrcaso in liiinibcrs would bo gratifying to both lcader and class. All who do atlcnd fccl that a careful study of tho Scriptures is vcry intcrcsting and profltable. A now sub ject cach wcck gives addcd intcrcst. Wcdnesday morning intelligenco was rcceivcd of tho dcath of Adison Barbcr, llving at Bcnton Cenlrc, N. Y. Tho 8troko was vcry suddcn to his fainily as ho was at tho timo engagcd about'his placo dirccting somo work. IIo mado a sliglit noise, wliich attiaeted tho atten tion of liis assistant, wlio found Iiini grasping tho whcel of his wagon forsup port. IIc fell before ho could bo hclped, uut lifo was cxtinct upon rcaching him. Ucccascd was a nativo of this town, a brothcr of tho lato Evclino Eddy, also of Mrs. Marietti Mattison, dcceascd about ono ycar. Thcio is ono brother, Byron n ... . i j. jiaroer, resiuinir in jcnniut:u)n. an otlier brother, Iliram, wlioso whcrea- uouts is unnnown, Iliicklcn'a Arnlra Salvo, Tlio best Salvo in tho woild for Cuts, llrulses. sores, uicers, bait itiicum. to- verSorcs, Tcttcr, Chappcd Ilands, Chil- blains, Uoms and all bkin ruptions,and positivclv cures l'lles, or no pav re quircd. It is guarantccd to civo pcrfcct saiisiaction, or moncy reiunucd. 1'rlco, 2.) ccnts cr Uox. or sale by J. T. Shurtleff. 4vl Arlington. Blslion Bisscll mado liis annual vislta tion to St. .Tames Parish on Tiimty Sun- uay, nn msr, a ciass oi sevcn pcrsons wcro prcsented for coudrmation. Tho repairs and improvcmcnts on tho Arlington liouso aro rapidly approach Ing completion, and a great numher of summer gucsts aro coufldently cx pcctcd. Nows is recently rcceivcd from Lake Park, Minn., of tho vcry scrious illness of Itov. Dr. F. J. Hawlcy, a nativo of West Arlington, infer : l)ied at Connvmead Farm. Lako Park, Minn., onMonday, May&'ith, Itov. Dr. Fletcher J. Hawlcy, agcd 77 ycars. Tho funcral will bo attcnded from St James Church, Ailington, on Sunday, 31st, at 2 o'clock, p. m. Inter- mcin at jvcrgrccn i;emctery. I no Kov. Dr. Hawlcy was a nativo of West Arling ton, and a brothcr-in-law of Thos. II. Canflcld. For Over finy Yeara. An Old and Wkll-trieo rtEMEnv Mt..tvtnB. low'a Boothing Syrup has been nsed for over rtv yeara by mfillons of moihera for thelr cbildren whilo IretblDg, wllh perfect succesa. Itsooths the child, aoftens tbe irums, allaya all pain, cures wlnd collc, and Is tbe best remedy lorDlaJrbma. Ispleaaant to tbe lasle. Sold by Drugglsta In every part of the world. Twentv-lWarrntsabottle. lleeurejand k for Mrs. Wlnilow's Soothlng Syrup, and take no berklnd, gyi East Arlington. Shcrwin was in Troy Tucs- Italnh day. Itob Blair is buildincr an allittnn kn his houso. Miss Cora Ficld lcft town last for Uoston. Cllnt Ficld has tho contract fnr pnrrv. ing tho mall. Mrs. Seymour Hard is snondlnrr n fow wccks witli fricnds in Itutland. Messrs. I'cttlbono and Dvnr nf Manchester, wcro in town Sunday. hvdncv Mosliicr and wifn of f!am. bridgc, N. Y., wero ln town Sunday. Charley Grout Iias bccn wieldinrr lm paint brush in Stratton for a few days. Andrew S. Hard of L,ans!nbiirrrli. rn. ccntly spcnt a few days with his parcnts. Mlsses Sad o Farnham and Allcn Marshall wcro ln Troy ono day this wcek. cs Acirio Eddv and Amv llnpV havo bccn on tho sick 11st tho past wcek. Mrs. K. Walker and son rctnrned from a fonr wceks' etty in Wardsboro, on Monday. Tho memorlal scinion to tho n. A. It. boys was preached by Itev. A. 0. Ficld at tlio Congrcgational church. 'Ilio ire uomnanv was nnt last wcck Wcdnesday to savo tlio homo of Mr. Fishcr of Arlington strcot. "Unclo Amos" Kniglit. our vntpran ;l I ! t .. . : ... , , iiian i.,, in ,unu niujf. iiia tiailgll- tcr, Mrs. Whitman, has becn summoncd from Troy. Tho friends of Will Coultcr will 1, intcrcsted to lcarn that ho is now iu Iloosick t alls nrcnarcd to civo vnu aalmvn orcutyour hair. mo rcmains oi wni itobinson of Mid dletown wero bronght liero for intcr mcnt Tncsday. IIo formerly residcd in this town au was mall carricr for somo timo. Nate Caso aud Miss Ellcn I.Vonn nf Shtlshan wero ma'rricd nt- Shushan .May 10th, by thB' ller. J. E. Metcalf. Tho liappy couplo rctnrned to East Arlington nislit amld congratulatiomi. asuower oi nco and Fowual. q, HouElitallnc is buildinR a new , fence. Mi8S Carrlo Hugliotaliiig is at Ocean (jrovc N J I Ti,e ol(1 8he(1 , Join A jrooar iias been torn down ami a new ono will bo substutited. On Mondar. .funo 1st the lato rcsl-. dence of Jolin Blanchard will bo sold at nn publio auction by T. II. Hall. . On Fridav of last week the M. E. so- cioty gavo a rpccption to thcir pastor at ino cnurcn pariors. A largo numucr nt tended. Tho old svstcm of working tho higli- way tax is now in forco, and the diffor- cnr. pauimaatcrs aro out witn incir forccs. Tho su t of W. Scott vs. T. II. Hall, for nosscsslon of houso was tried on Sat- urday. Tho plaintiff confesscd judmcnt auu appeaicd to tne county court. in tlio ileath of llenedict Niics ono ofour old residcnts passcs from us". Few nf our cltizens bave bccn inoro actiro and sought for than bo, and ho Hved to soo his f amily timong our most rospcctea townsmcn. A Fortnnato and Oratefnl Woman Mrs. J. II. Oilc.t of Everott. Pa.. Bavs: "I suffcrcd for vcars from kidnev and gravel trouble. No physlcians or medi cl 'o at homo dld mo any good. I flnally ..I.U.J r , T J V i.,ana Degan uslng ur. uavm Acnncuy b Favorito Kemcdy. of Itondout, N. Y. A fow words tclls tho vcbuU. I am a per fcctly wcll and liappy woman onco moro." North Pownal. A Suggestion: If wcightbo tho "forco oi gravity" lt is n rcquircment oi corn mon nrudenco. that anv. who aro cn- gaged in lifting hcavy bodics, liko watcr whccls, etc., provido in tho flrst nlaco.or much as possiblo, against accidcnt, on account of Bomo defcct or wcakncss in tho maclilnery: sinco, as betwcen tho fnrces of cravitv and cohcslon. the lat tcr vcry oftcn provcs tho wcakcr of tho two. A suitablo flag has becn purchased by thn Rp.bnnl in nnr villacro and arrangc- mcnts mado to iloat it from tho top of tho school house on Decoration day. But somo of our local sagcs aro not agreccl liow to fix tho polo for that pur poso, and thero is danger of unplcasant delay on account of a bootless disputo among "tlio wiso in thelr own conccit," wliethcr tho polo bo perpcndlcular or liorizontal. Now lt is respectiuny Bug gestcd, not howcvcr without duo rcgard for tlicir ofncial dignity, that a platform bo crectcd for the cnmmittco to stand upou aud that they tako turns to hold tho flarr as a substituto for a pole. No nalnt is ncccssarv. as thcso centlomen (and wo speak it to thcir credit) aro onough seasoncd to stand tho weatlier, Tlio rp.lsonini? of somo of thcso nhlloso plp3rs, in regard to tlio best method of "raising tlio pole," reminos us oi a ccr tain tinnpr's slrm which was tho tail cnd of a calf skin hanging down from a knot hole. Ono morning tho ttnncr was sur prised to notico a secmingly well drcssed gcntlcman standing medlt-vtlvely, for a long timo in front of liis door as if gaz ing at Bomethlng. At last ho askcd him if ho was in want of anything and what it was? His visitor replicd by cxplain ig that ho was "a scientifle scarcher af tcr truth and ncvcr passed by any pho nomcnon without asccrtaining, if possi blo, its cause; but, that for two hours ho had studicd iiitcntiy this mvstery, with out yct reaching a solution, now the calf, wlioso tnil that was, ovcr got throiigh that knot hole." Thn llrst ltesult. Everv inirrcdlcnt emnlovcd in nroduc intr Hood's Sarsanarillais strictlv iiurc. and is the best of its kind itis possiblo to bny. All tho roots and hcrbs aro care- fullv selected. ncrsouallv cxamlncd, and only tho best retimed. So' tliat from tho timo of purcliaso until Hood's Sarsapa rilla is prcpared, cvcrytliing is carefully watchcd with a vicw to atttining the best rcsults. Why don't you try it? West Arlington. W. M. Mosely, of Eaglo Bridgc, N. Y., was iu town Jlonday soinng nay iorK8. Mrs. Mary Anu Phillips is qulto ill, but it is hopcd sho may soon uonuout agaiu. Mrs. C. B. Hard of East Arlington, and licr Bon Anurcw, of Troy, N. 1., re cently visitcd at Mr. A. Hanaman's. Mrs. Wilkiuson and chlldren, who havo bccn spcndinc a low weeks with rclatives in Lakcvillc, rctnrned Satur day. Mrs. Fayetto Lackcy, and littlo dauchtcr. of Pawlet, is spending fow wecks with her mothcr, Mrs. Phil lips. Iliram Hawloy has raised hisshccp barn. II. u. lluck is also rcnairing bam, which, whcn coinplctcd, with cel- lai, ctc., wiu uo vcry convcnienr, Tho latcst nows rcceivcd from C. W. Shcrman and family thoy wcro visiting m uwosso, itiicii., and wcro liiteuuing to start East this wcck. Their many fricnds in this vicinity, as wcll as in Salem, N. Y., will bo glad to welcomo thcm. Manchester. Parker II. Warren of Philadelphia is in town. Joseph II. Bcnnctt has rcceivcd a pcn sion of S12 a month. Tho Juno tcrm of County court will onen liero Tuesday. ,luno zd. W. IC. Bennett of Bellows Falls spcnt last Sundav at liis homo hcro. Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Shwarts of Now York havo rooms at 11. P. Hoyt's cottigo for tlio summer. Itov. Mr. Dickinson o' Stamford, Conn., prcacl ed at tho Congrcgational churcli last Sundav. Cousiderabio building and rcpalring is bcing dono about tlio Equinox liouso in getthig it ready for tho summer. Col. L. F. Copcland of Fennsylvanla will e-ivo liis Iccturo "Wliai'stoIIindcr," at tho Congrcgational church, Wcdnes day ovcning, Juno.ld. Dr. F. McNornv of Brooklvn. N. Y.. a trmiiuate of tho Now York dental col- lego, has takcn cliarge of Dr. Swift's dentai rooms oi ims piacc. Vermont Aasoclatlon of Koad and Trottlng llorse ureeuera. All the stakcs and purses offercd by tho Vermont Associatlon of lioad and Trottinc Horso Brceders for its nicetinc at White Itivcr Junction in August ncxt C1080 tno lum oi Juno. Tho st-iko for 2:23 stallions has been withdrawn and in its placo tho following is oncred lor norses tliat havo novcr bcaton 2:27 prior to Juno 10th, and aro othcrwlso cllgihle undcr tho rulcs of tho association: No. 7 Associatlon Guar antco Pursc, $400; cntrance, 10 pcr ccut. of pursc, payable 2 pcr ccnt Juno 10th, 2 pcr ccnt. July 10th, and S pcr ccnt August 10th; horso not rcquircd to bo namcd till last payracnt Tho wholo nmount of cntrance moncy must go into tho purso, and, if ovcr $700, tho cxccss to bo divided bctwccn tho fifth and sixth horscs in tho ratio of GO pcr ccnt of such cxcess to tho fifth horso and 40 pcr ccnt to tho sixth. Tho associatlon will hold a nublic salo of horscs in conncction with tho mcct ing, at whlcli any mcmbcr may offer for salo as many horscs or colts as ho may dcsiro. Entrics for this salo will closo July 10th, aftcr which a catiloguo of tho horscs cntercd will bo publishcd and tho list othcrwlso advcrtised. A first-class auclinnccr has been engagcd and this will bo tlio best opportunlty for tno brceders of Vermont to disposo of tlicir stock that has orcr rcen aitorued ln new England. Katrs for transportation of stock will be lcss than half mcrcly nomlnal. Etitrv blanks and dcscrintivo matter rcganling cltncr tno salo or staxcs and purses may be obtaincd upon applicatlon to tno sccrctary, r. ii. rarringion, uran don. A fafo InTcatrnent. Is one which is guarantccd to bring rou satisfactory rcsults, or ln caso of failuro a icturn of purcliaso price. On this safo plan you can bnv from our ad vcrtised druggist .1 bottlo of Dr. King's New Discovcry for Consumption. It is guarantccd to uring rcllef in cvcry cose, whcn uscd for any affcctlon of TKroat, I.uiil's or Chcst. such as Consiimiitiou, Inllammation of I.ungs, Bronchitis,Asth- ma, wnooping uougli, troup, ctc, ctc. It is plcasant and agrccablo to taste. ncrfcctly safo and can nlways bo dcpendcd upon. Trial bottlo frco at J. T. ShurtlolFs drug storo. DIHJNKKNMiS-LIQDOII IIAIIIT lii all the U'orld thrrp l but nne (!iire. Ilr. Ilainea Uolden fperrfle. It ran b glren ln a enpof teaor coffee with out tbeknowledge ol tbe prrson taklog It. effpct lngaipeedy and'perniauent cure, whether tha patleat Is a mooVrate drinker or an ajcobolio wreck. Thouiaodi ot dmnkards bare been cured wbo'haTe taken the tloldenSpeclOcln thelr r.oltrt wlthoUt thHr knbwledge, and toMay be- llevn thev aultdnnklnr of iiieir ewn 'fieo will. No bannfuf effect resulti from ita admlnlilratlou. Cures amaranteed. 8end for circolrr aud full par. tlintara. Addn-ss In confldence. Qouiik Spi. ciricCo.,llS,lceSlrrct.(.1acliinaUlO. yl 8TATE ITEMS. Wnt Dover bu It cium of lulIceDza. 8t. Johnatmry ll to try a concreto road. Poutoes art ret&Illng at $1.40 por bntliel In Veisenoes. It la reporttd thra are IM childrca In fortjr famUlea at Wtbitcrtllle. TberUbutoQ0tnmatalatbe jall at ew. I... n ,1 . t. . . I. - n. n ... k... hour t or terrlcea at flrea. The Darre flre di-partment are buslly pre rr- work on tho fonndation for tha RomlD Calu Hc church at Montpelier naa befrun. Edtrard Rar of UlneahurBrh wai klcked bra coir tbe otber day aod serloustj kuit. Tha lliti of WeathenSeld iboir a docrrase frora bt year In ererjthtug but polls. A throuirh frptffht In nov Tun orer the Fltch burg road from Uellows Fallsto Worcester. ThoUrand JurrofthaUnlled States Clreult Court at Windsor foand U trae bills. Persuant to & Toto of to town of Poultner. ber nlRnvay wiu be worked nnder tne olu ais trict ijttem. Mr. Carollno M. llowe. aeed 77. and Mvroa E. Fuller ofTunbridRe, ai;ed 47, were marrled tne ower aar, Tbe WomtQs Ilorae MlaElonary Un'on of vermont will hold thelr annnal meetlng at lirat ueooro on luesaa, june vtn. E. O. Sbaw of rjarton. nhlla In Florlda the pait wlnler. aold aeTeral of bis Vermont mode Tiouna ac pricra T&t7ingirom qoj io iuu. Betbel baa a man Kathan Farker. wbo obeTS tbe flth lavi. lle baa lived tbere 63 yrara aud naa nerer aroppea a dook lnio ine waier. OtiaFllntofTunbrldirehad one liand badl manirled bv a crosi hocr tbe othcr dar. It i teared the wonnd may prove poisonoua and re anicin nyaropnoDia. Tho Connecticut rtrcr ts fllled with locs be tween Wells rlrer and ClAv ialAnd. Ther are Bome of last year's drlre, thln ycar'a not karlng reacnes mere yeu A olle of lumber fell on tbree chlldren at St Johnabnrr the other dar and covered thetn nearly outof ilght Some workmen who were near Dy iibcratcd mem Marrelle W. Cooper formerly of Rochester, but now appralser of the port of New York, t talked of as soon to be appolnted consul-general to uverpeoi. Joseph Amel of Northfield thrust his head under a cutUng machlue in tbe Excelslor mlll ln that town the other day, and the knifobearlng lerer smicic nim, cuuiog on one ear. Darld Bullock of Brattleboro started to go flshing, bnt got drunk Instcad, got into a flght, pulled arevolrer, was arrebtod and locked upln aeiauitoi 9ju paii. The trustees of tha Brooks llhrarr At Tlratlli.. boro bare been presented with Ja partitlon deed oi uie lown oi itraiueooro uy Kooert uooae- noagn, oeing uaicu li w. llugh R. nogbes of West Pawlet, employcd at a slate quarry in Qranrillc, was badly iojured Monday by a heavy stone. which fell upon him anu crusueu mm lernoix aouut ine oacK ana neaa. -Hr a irenerous tubscrintion of slOO br Mrs. Frederlck BUliogs the Congregatlonal church ot Woodstock Is quallfled lor electton as aperpetual memoer or tne uenerai ineoiogicai LiDrary ln Hostou. All the pastora forevcr may now use the library and draw books gratls Dr. Moren, the State cattle lnspector, went to Swanton Frujay nlght lo see the hogs ownrd by r.awaru ueu, wnicn ii was lenreu jiaa some 10 fectionsdisease. IIo madn a careful exauiloa tion and sald that ihe swine had no contaglous aiseaie. bnt were suirenng irom paraiysis oi tbe ninu icgs. Leonard Johnson, the fttation agent st West Pawlet, has resigned his posltion. Mr. Johnston Is. doubtlcss, the oldest statlon agent on the Rutland and Washington branch of the Drla ware and Iludson, baTlog held bis positlon at West Pawlet since the establiibment of the rail road statlon there. The next annual excurMon of the Vermont Press associatlon lcaves Vermont pointg Friday, July 10th, and tbe members aro to rendrzvous at Boston tbe same day and banqurt at the Amerl can house In the erening. Saturday is to be spent in Plymouth, Mass., and Sunday at Nantasket Beach. "Tront flsblng In this vlcity has bccn excop tlonally good thus far and tho scason ls Retllng at its baat," saya the Hardwick Gazcttc. "They are beginning totakefllcs, and good atrings are re portcd nearly every da. The Bix-inch ever, ls openly aou perslstently violated by those wbo"e age and standiog should induce tbem to respect P ln some degree, as well as by small boya. JudgeJohnB. Iiollenbeck dled Sunaay ot Burlington, aged 09 years. lle wasborn ln Kich mond. February lltfi, 179i, and served as lieu tenant ln the war of 1812 and tookpart lnlbebat tle of l'laltebarpb. lle was initiated into Mason ry Msrch 6th, 1811, aod was aupposed to bo tbe oldest Mason in tho world, Mr. Hollcnberk was Grand Sccretary of all the Masonlc bodies of Vermont, commenclng In 1853, and reslgnlDg Io 1872 at the age of 80. In 1811 lie was eleclcd Jus tlce of the 1'i aco and held tlie ofllce unttl 1D88, when he fell and broke his hip, necetsitatlng his retlrement from publlc lile. The luneral was held Monday atternoon tbe Mr sonic serviccs be. Ing conducled by the offlcers of the Urand Lodge Pecu I iar Pccullar ln comblnation, proportlon, and prcparatlon of Ingrcdlents, Hood's Barsapa rllla posscsscs tho curativo valuo of tho best known rcme- BJ rJ'o "os "10 vcgctablo riOOu Sklngdom. Pccull-r ln its strcngth and cconomy, Hood's Sars.nparilla ls tlie only mcdlclno of which cin truly bo sald, " Ono Ilundrcd Doscs Ono Dol lar." I'ecullar in its mcdiclnal racrlts, Hood's Sarsaparllla accompllslics cures hlthcrto un- SSarsaparillaC?? tho tltle of " Tlio grcatcst blood purlncr cvcr dlscovcrcd." I'ecullar In its "good namo at liomc," thero Is moro ot Hood's Sarsa parllla sold In Lowell than ot all othcr blood purlllcrs. I'ecullar la its pbcnomcnal record of 0Qr,ili;sa'csabroad no othcr a cCUIiarpreparatlon cvcr attaiucd so rapidly nor held so stcadfastly tlio confldenco ot all classcs ot pcople. Pccullar In tho braln-work which It represcnts, Hood's Sarsaparllla com llocs all tho knowlcdge which modcrn researchav leilf ,n med'cal iclcnco has IO llSGIT dovolopcd, with many years practlcal experlcnco In prcparlng racdlclncs. Be sure to get only Hood's Sarsaparllla Sold by all dmggliia. Jl;iIxforfJ. r.eparedonly by C, 1. 1IOOO & CO., Apotbecarles, Lowell, Mais. 100 Dosos Ono Dollar FOR RENT. Sereral de!rble tencmcntg to rent. Anplr to W. B. IIAWKty. I t& 1' Blue Packages 10c Eaeii. This is a picturc of a trout exactly six Catihlrigot hmlnKln pnslaion a trmit l-Mtli,nlr In hes l I aln!a'Hnof ih lr if flmndiufi.t I HMtlitn aSTof thu lle lwd Lawk! a wiiu tal-s -if pMoheft frulil anr aalmon or ralrnon trt, lss ttiau slx loche.ln jmjili. ainl dorx.not linuiMlUblr n tirnihq samo, wl'h wnenori ll m as likb o canjcu , ur nas 111 uis poseNsion buy iioji, lati'l luvKru SAjinunorsaiuion irouu hMiM il m 1.4 t.ilrH ew miitf h . ur liau ll, liis hnv from any of the wa.ern f ilns 8iaf, th II befluednot uorr thin ti dollars fnr fh fih so takeu. caurht nr jrKisseeit: and tho posiesalon of any such flh shallle iulma fncKoidpncv that ll eramewns rauuLtor talenfrotu the ahtera oftulaS'atr." 1 b Vrr inont Fih and Oarae Lettn will proteci.te Tlolslloim ul tlim law. Coinplalnts a .ut tu uciiia vi.u, i iiNunin How raro it is to seo a Imln. l,nrtv vigorous old man liko this, who is ad vanccd iu yeara but is good for many ycars moro. Too often wo sco old mon and aged womcn weak, brokon, slckly. uiiiint.uiij nuiiuiiii, uuscrauio most oi tno timo. 11IUV IUUK UUCK UnOU tllplrpotU' rnivs f, i i-1 ... with longing, ond they look forward witn tlreatl. And yct no matter hnw much thcir constitu.iou may havo bcon impalrcd, thero is no rcason why thoy should not livo tlio rcs.of thcir ilaya iu hcaitlt and comparativo slicngth. Tliis has bccn dono by lrany iu tho past, and u utii.KuiNiu uj' inuio lo-uay. Ti'ODii a way for thoso who caro to follo v lt jju juii ims wayisr Wo an swcr, by tho uso of tliat great life-givcr an.l stiength imparter, Hunt's ltomedy. It ls not only a tonlc, but a food for tbo lifo. It awakcns to hcalthful aclion tbo sluggish livcr. tho wcal cncd kidnovB.tlio noor circulatlon. lt makcs tho 'blood uctierand gUes a warm clow to tlie system. It has bccn uscd for moro thnn Jlfty ycars, nnd is unquestionably tlio bestof alr modorn discoveiics. Itcad what has bccn said in its favor: "I chcorfiilly recomincnd Ilunt's ltom edy. It has ulmost raised tho doad." Dit. h. A. 1'ai.meii, Wcstcrly, 11. V "Hunt's Beniedy savcd mo from death bv Bnght'a discase." jKitc Smitji, Kingston, N. Y. REMOVAL ! KliOM llil'l IIUI'F UUU.DINd TO TIIR TORE, 132 NORTH STEEET, Iabuta short dlitance. Tbere you will find tho Original Domestic BAKERY. A full linonf Cnkcn, Pies, Etc. Glve mc a call ftml I enhavor to Btfrve you ln tho futuro as ln tlie past. Falthfully jours, POOR. reat Beductions PHOTOGRAPHS FOIl THE KKXT TI1IUTV DAYS AT MILLER'S STUDIO. In ord'T to nrre cenerally Introduce ott bi perlor photoxraphs to tht publlc, we will tnake untllJunn I5th,our UKbT SATIN FINIS1IKD CAUlNLTSfor $2,50 a Dozen ! A reduc'lon also ofJ5cer,l will be allowrd to pcrsons holdlr.c our tlckets, who will uso thcm before Juuo 1st. W. E. IV! I LLER, No. 101 North St. Bennington, Pasturago for Oattlo. (Jon'J.well-watcredpasturape can be obtnlnci forthe pcanon.for a liu.lit'd tiumbtror cows. on tliu farn of thc late Mo.-cs l'afgr. Fnr trms Inqulreof U il.AUSTIN. WATER RATES BEf HIKGTON WATR GO, Firnt taucct (prr year) $6.(0 NM-otiu Faucet 2.00 WaterClosct 3.00 BathTub 3.00 PrlTateHtAbles, Ist lioroe 5.00 Ech edditlonal horne or cow 2.0(1 Lawn hn (to bo ued by hand nnly) 5.00 bteara boiler for bouo warmlofr, ctc, for eacti Miuare fool of bca'tjif nirfjco of Indlfr 03 All othcrs pccial, I'rovtdcd. tlial no prtvato house shall pny OTer fO.liOperannaai exclulTtj of lawn how and bo U r. 1 b- ahoTC rates art for nlnKle f amllltt. UENUY W. rUTNAM. lreM-nt .Tnlr in. ihkT ?ii thc ufucera imuitd beluw at Itutland, Vt. ''It's 'iO ycars now since buying that piano, and it's as Kood to-day as when we first got it. "It's the fincst sounding instru- mentlover lieard. Where can I buy one?" ''Piercy & Co. liave tho agency. Ask thom for a'Fisher' piano." "I Will." 354 Broadway, TROY, N. Y- HISTORY OF THE NEW YORK LIFE INSURAftCE CO. Groivlli of llie Compiuiy During; llic pusl Decade. NEW INSURANCE ISSUED. In the year 1881 . In the jcsrl85 In the ear 1800... 979 00 .. B82l.t5SIXI ..15!),5;ii,03 0U ANNUL ISCO.ME. Inthc vear IBW ln tho irar 1S8J $8 111 TO) 41 IS 101 112 71 3;,!5S.1C0 08 Ill the year 1SU0 INSUIUNCE IN FOnCE Januao 1 18 1.. Janiia)' 1 18U , Januaiy I, 1801 . ...$l33,Ti!0,01N0O 2J'ir.7l,iO0O ... 8,;ai(Xl ASSK.TS. .faniiary 1. isst Jsnuarjr 1. 188(1' 1, 1S01 .513 181,034 81 ...BS.Wil.'l !H ..116 917,810 07 6UKTLUS. Janunry 1. 1881 . Januaiy I. ll-8tt Januaryl. 1891.... . .fB 017,02 81 ...10.18K1ISMI ...I).8!i8,0l!0 PAID TOLV 1 V-I10l.IlEnS. In Ihe var 1880... In the tar 188.1... In the yrar 1800... .. S4 400191 tt 7Sl,8;3 75 .... u.iruiiuw CHILDS&POWERS ACENTS, Reniiiiigloii, Vermont., Thc Ijirjwt, best nd most cotnpkle stock eye otTrri d ln Wennlncton. H nre wiih tbe ncoplo In publlc and prlrate ImproTCincntb ana proion to lei imm kdow it PAPBH FIM 10 CITS Upward, until our cntlre tovk of ovcr TWO THOUSAND ROLLS Iiavc bein diaposfd of, We hare morpon tbe road, and doii't propiwo to jret lefl with lt on oor hands Tht? celebratlon (8 comliiff, and ne want to nit'ft lt liau wajt anu so do you. COME AND SEE Ourlmmensosiork and you will certaiuly fcel rcpaiu ivryourvim. W. A. VIALL & CO. WS M Olf u'OODS AT- JOSEPH SCEWAEZ'S. AN STOCK MV.MU -OF NEW GOODS Just Opened. Cliiklrcn's, Misscs' and Laillcs' OLOTE TOP SHOES. The Wllfon patent ImproTed Lacc Clap ser Ct attached to both new and old hrA. aod lep plni. Ileductlon offiO cents cn the price of nJl goods. Onnosilc UaiHlst Cliurclu- Mnln Strccl, Ilcimluon. 0MSIIssI0NKIls, notick. J KstateofHAltHlEl VATC'IIElV. Tbe undf rlened, htTing bccn appolnted by the Hon. Probate Court for the Dlitrirt of Hennlnfrton rommiMiooers, loreccire, cxnrainc, aaa sujust al cnuoii ami ucoiftnui oi n perionn atra'nsi ine ei tale of lUrrlt-t raUrhen. hitn of Bfnnlnirtrn. Vt ln sald Dlitrlci.d ceavcd, and all cUImt exhibited in ottff t Lhereto, bcreby (fiTen noticc that we will mcet for the parpose aforrtald, at the storo of Mlller & WlMIimi, 409 Main street. oo tb4 lnt day of Juoe, and 3rd day of Auaii't ncxt, from 2 o'clock p. in. until four o'clock P.MMeach ofialddayn,and that lx monthi Irom tbe lnt day of June, A I). 1801, ! the tlme llmtted by aaid court for eaid creoiiori to nresent incir cJaims io ut lor eianj.n allon and aflnw&nr Dated at licnnlntoa tbU 13th day of May, A.M. DOWN'S, J. W. WILUAMS. 17 Conirottiioner. inches long. Vrmm Read thla quotatlon fioni an act In Mf thnxatersor this btste a trout. land.loclced 'he lrat possiblo Injuty io ihe tratera from ich iu.via lucurs io irnBiu, , caught, or taken WALL will reecire nr.tnnt atlention br the Leauffe. uun ,thi.vjiu, ctecrelai.. )UY YOUR liARIIBN MIH TOOLS, AMERICAN SEAL PAINTS, AND Painter's Supplies ROOFUIG, BELTING AND LAOING, 0R00KERY AND AGATE WARE, Ilarbccl Wiro Fcnciiic nnil roultry Ncttiiig, Iron, IiC-ul and Tin I'ipt.Scrccn Doors and Wlndows, and Scrccn-clotli, ctc., ctc, of WiNSLQW. Main Street, First Door West ot Methodist Church, Bennington. ,-jrn Wliy ls our ttsto apt to tlllTer so mucli from anotlier in tlio choico of a tii? Siitiiily bccauso tlicro aro so many vario tics of tics to cliooso fiom. Iliavo tlicm tliat ladlcs cau sclcct f rum f ully cqual to tlio croclictcil. Tlio rlesij;ns covcr almost cvcry form tliat liuman ingenuitycantlc- visc. Tlio colors incliulo tlio cxcccilingly plaln and cxcccdingly biilliant, and overy sliado bctwccn tlio two, and tlicro is al most an cqual dlvcrsity of matctial can consult your prcfcrcnco and your pockctbook not only as to tics, but as to cvcrytliing tliat comes under tlio liead of SIcn's Fuinisliings, in tlicir latcst do signs, and iu fact cvcrytliing tliat bc longs to a First-class Clotliing Storc. G. B. SIBLEY, 501 & 505 Main St, Free Library Building, Bennington, Vt. Every- says eso, Tlie verdict is unanimous tbat tbe New Varioty Storo is giving the best ralnes in Tea & Coffee. E. fi. MciNTYRE, 15!) Main Strcct, Bennington, Yt. Nothlng bettor for bablcs. Full Crcam. Full Wclght. llcst ou Earth. For sttle by IUVING K. GIBSON. BcnnliiKlon, Vt. I tbe leadlntr achool of BUSI!fS AKD BUUIT II1VD and furnlihra thn beat ad Tantairra. lt tducatrs lia yodns mea and vomen firactlcally and tnppllct dIneas noupra with corn petent awiitanta. I)ont dedd where jou will at tend until you writa to us for parUculars Addreaa OarDell OutcheM. A SCHOOI. OF SHORT HAND YPEWR1TING baiy, K, T ifti Wat body Mustb OUR CHINA Iias arrlvcd aud Is rcaily for c.v ainlnalloii anil sale. It is hy far THE LARGEST ! AND Most Attractive Assorlmcnt n Iiavc cvcr sliown, irom uic APEST TO THE VERY FINEST inaile. All iinnorlci soods. Call ana scc It at ICHOLS, 415 Main Slrcct, Bennington. Wroueht Steel Range ! HARRY WILLOUGHBY, 11S Main St., Rcnnlngton. VI. CgySucccssor of tlio late C. E. Gravcs JUST AR1IIVEB Tlie Largcst Llne of mwiw & niiffi CLOTHS ! In Soullicni Vermont. Sprlng Linc or DUNLIP HATS Just rcceivcd. Tlie Latcst Novcl tics In Collars &. Cuffs. And Bress Slilrls. Now Is thc timo to Icavc your ordcr fbra sprlnir sutt. iTlcc and 11 1 guar aniccu. JOHN H. AYRES 411 MAIN STREET, BENNINGTON, VT. ACHOICE AMDFULL LINE OF FIELD, GrABDEN AND Flower Seeds, AT E. S, Chandler's Bennington Ccntre, Vt. piSTATK OF LAUR.V A. SQUII1ES. NotlceorScttlcmrnt anil Applicatlon for nistrf. btlttnn. STATK OF VKUMONT. I ' I'lsinci OI llDmnfff nn. In Prohste Court. hpld al t1iPmKt nar. i. .riiM.nKimi. m saiu aisinct, on tnelllli ilsr o May, A. D. 1WI. ' Prfnwnt, Hon. Alfrr.1 llonlnson, Jmljrf. Jolin V. Tarnrr. arimttilslrslnrnr iv. ...... Hr I aitr& A. FaiirM. !t nf II, nnltif.n tn dl.lrct, iiTssM, presinls Mi ailmlnlMrallon acccunt f r rxaniinntli.n a iit allowancr, and mskf apnlirallon for A ritre nr dlatribotioa D'l iiaititloo of tliH tatc f saM deccasfd. Whfrcupoi , It ls nnltpd lijrsolil Cnnrt.thst nl.l n'oiiiil ami ssid mll-.atlonlrri-rt-rrrl to a si.islcu tlit-nor. tn be lieMat the rrohate Ofllce nfortsaM. at ten n'clcck, a.. rn. co the Ist dar of Jon, A. II., 18S for he&rinx and ilcis!nn therron. ana.ltisfQr Ihe'orderrd, that nollce thrrrof be rlrentoall panlea Intfrtned, by publlcatlon of the same thtwt weeks successlTolr Id iba liennlnirton IUfxih, aneispaprr pubHihnl at Ilennlnjrton. prerlous t.i salil tlme appolnlrd tor hrarinir. that they uiaj a prar at sald lirn.- and placr, and sbow cause, if any they insy bare, by aald ar ronritaboaldnot be ailowtd, and such decre made. A true Kfcor.1. Attest, t l.r'HKb R0BIKSON', Jadfs. A tniecopjol iwrd. Allesl. 17J ALTIIEDROBLNSON, Jad-s. fOlt PORTRAITS QO TO I atson's low Stndio, 109 North St,, over National Eipress Office, Bennington. Best facllltles for produclnit pnotoaranha ln Fouthfrn Vermont. Low prlcea. Satlsfon EQaranleM. WIIEREA8. the Clrcnlt Coort of the Unlled States ln eouitv sltting, held In and for tha Nortbern Dlstricf of New Vork, at the chamberS of Ihe Clrcnlt Jude In the Clty'of dyracSie. on the S4th day of Harch. 1S87, dld makaoree or a cenaln anlt therein depcndlng. whereln tho Central National Bsnk of BMton. (which sned a. , j . .. "imuariy sltnated) was complalnant, and Itowland N. llazard Wil llsm Foster. Jr.. the New Yorlc. natlsnd and Montreal lUllwsy fompany and ti--. Amerlcan Ixa.n and TrnH Company of New York were de. fendanf. by which ft waa amonr nlherihli,. tbjrein contalned referred tn the nndirlimed to ellat pablloaoetlonthepremlses aud property herearterdescribed now. In Dursusnce of mM .t t. licrebyirtien ibaton the aeconddayof June. 1887 at twelra o'clock at noon, at the onter weslerly door of the Court IIoue In the Clty of Troy, Coun ty of Uensselser and Stalc of New York. thn ui lerslcnea wm sell at publlc auction m th. ki.h. est blddcr theprernlsrs snd property riescribed jnd contalned in a eertsln mortKace made by the reUnon Spriuas Ilallroad Company to tbe Unlon Trust Compsny, and which were con rered br a deed executed by Ueorire McCIellan. rVreter. to wuiiam rosier, or., ana itowland N Itazard as follows: "All the richt.thle and Interest of the sald party of the f!rsrnart fsald Ubanon Spriofs Ilall roadCorapany)of,lnand to all and slnCTlarthe sereral plecea nrparcels of land forinliut the t.r"k.J' ?yot,he Prtyof the flrst part from 'hoChatham Fonr Cornera, in tbe County of (.olumbla, to the east llne of the State of New lorit, in tun town or Iloosick, In ihe coontrol Renaselaer. and allUndsthereaftertobeacquired for the purpose of formlnir aald track or road. way; also the rallroad of the sal J party of the flrJ' I'i". now !"IU' and 10 "o tullt. and all the ralls.brld?es, fences, statloua, ttatlon housea, wood honses. bulldine and oiher slrnctures and appurtenancea thereunto belonglnir. and also aU the tolls, Incomes. rents, Issues and proflta and alienablo franchlse of the sald party of the flrst part connected with sald rallwaj or relstlng there to.lnclndlDK IU rijrhts and franchlses as a cor- ia,r.iu mauau ine rouine stock, locomo tives, tendera, snow plows and scrapera and all tho pa.senser crs. bai?)ta(re. mail and eipresa cara liat cars and carj of eysry deacriptlon; aU the machine shops and blackemlth shops and all the artlcles used In the constructlon, feplaclne andrepairtnitof roada and cara and In tbe run nltiR ot cars now owned or hereartei tc te ac quiredbythe aald party of the flrst part, all of which chattcla are declared to be flxtures and ap r urtenances to sald raiiroad, and are to be sold thercwith and not separate therefrom. and to be taken aa a part therepf; and also aU tbe rhrht, itle and interest which tbe sald party oflhe flrst part mayhaTeor may hereafter acQUirt-of. ln and to the V ermont and New York rallroad, cin structed pr to be constrncted from the tcrmlnu. of the rnllroad pf the party of the flrst part in tht. town of Hoosltk aforesald, to tbe Tlllspi of Ben n,l"J?t0.1,ln ihe. ?tote f v"Tnont.inclndint all tht rlght tltle. and Interest of the party of the llrst D.rt' ,'?.'iD1 t0 the f'anchlse and equlpment of the sald Vetmont and New York raUroad.belonir Inx to orlu any wlse appertalnlnc or which may at any timo belonc or appertaln to the same al well m awaa In eqully."Dated Albany, N. Y. April 11. 1S87. " WOUTIlINGTONFnOTIlINIlIIAM.neferee Hilk & BctKLET, Sollcltors for Complalnant. IheaboTe nitntloned sale Is poslponed tlilrteenth (13lh) day of October, Tw. at same hour and ldaee. Albany. June Al, 1887. WOlrflllNtlTON FKOTIIINGIIAM, Rcferee Hsle & UrLxi.LT, 6olicilora for Complalnant. Tliea sesaleia further postpooed until the Twellti (12th) dy of NoTember, 1687 st thS Bame hour and place. WOHTUINlffON FUOTIIINGIIAM, Keferee HlLI & BCLELET. Sollcltors. Tbe abpTe montloned sale Is fnrtherpostponed to the tleventh (11th) day ff Febrnarr, 188 tbe same hour and place. Troy, Nor 12. mi, WORTII1NHTON KROTIIIKOIIAM, Referee Hale & llulkley, Sollcltors for Complalnant. Tni alov nieDtioot'd sale is postponed to th ElRhteenUi (lSili)iUy of April, I88S, atthe same hour and place. Troy, February II. 1888. WOltTlIINQTON FKOTIIINGHAM, Referee llale St llulkley, Sohcllors for Complalnsnt. TheaboTe mentloncd sale Is postponed to the Sixth Mhrtay of June, 1888, at tbe same hour and place. Ilafed Troy, April 18th, 18S8 WORTI1INUTON FROTU-.NGIIAM, Referee. Hitr A Bcixi.KT, fbllc tora hr Ccropislrrrt i jt a'.ose tIe la poslpaued to the Jufrnuei. (lluj lay 3 July, lt88. at the same hour and place. Troy, June th. 1888. WOltTllINUTON FROTIIINOIIAM, Referee. IULr & Bulklkv, Soilcitoni for Complalnant. TheaboTe menlloned sale is postponed to the Twenlleth (20th)dyof July,188, it tbeaame hour and place. Troy, July 18th, 1888 WollTItlNUTON FROIIIINUHAM, Referee Hali & UcLkLtr, Solicltors for Complalnant. Tne abore mentiniiMl a.l. 1. ku TVenty Ofth (S5ih) day of July, 1883, at the snm hour and place. iroy. Jinyau, its. WORTI1INUTON FnoTinvriirssi p.r.- HiLl i i'CLKLBT, Solidtors for Complalnant. The above mentlnned sale Is poslponed to tbe Twenty.elghth day of July,1888, at the same hour and place. iroy, Juiy isstt. WOHTII1NQTON FROTIIIKfinA lt n... Ule & Bmur, Solldton for Complalnut. The abore mentloned mIs i Tvi.tnnn.i ... t. Twenty-flfth day of September, 1888, at ihe aama hour and place. iroy, juit xs-. isw. WOItTllINnTOX PnOTniKniTini n.r.u HiLl & Bclklxt. Solidtors for Complalnant. The abore sale IsDostnnmvt t n i. nh. iia ir-oo, i ine saum nourana piace, VtUitminU. TON FROTI11NQ1IAM. Iteferee; uale ot hclklet. boucltors for Complalnant Troy. Sept. S3. 1888. The abore mentloned sale In nfKtlWin.rf tn tha SeTenteenth (17th) dar of October, 1888. at the same hourandplaco. VVORTHINUTONFUOT itiuiiAiu, jieicrce. iiale xwo ucckley, Sollcltors f or Complalnan Troy, October 3. 1888. The abore mentloned sale is postponed to the twentr.screnth f27th) dsrof Nnvemh.p iass .t the same hour and placo. WOBTH1NOTON Troy, OcU 17, 1888. r The abOTe meDlif.nM Ul t nntnnnA In tVa. eleycnth (HUi) day or December, 1888, at tbe same nourandplace. WUUTIIlKUmM FKOTIIIVf.IIAM- TsVf.r-a. Hal & Bclklet, Solcltors for Complalnant. Tlie atJOTt mentIo&td a! la nrutnnniJ tn tha. Second dar of January, 1889, at fifteen minutee past twelre o'doclc p. rn. at the same place. m vmmAuiui xHUTuiNOBJic, itcieree. Troy, Pecember 11,1888. The atKre mentlonpflRitlA l nAirnnnri .t,. flret day of Jlay, 18S9, at two (2) o'cloclc m., at ibe Msinpplace. WOItflUNGTON FROTHINOHAU. Referee Halk a Hi'celzt, Sollcltors for ComplalDast. aiVJl HHIIUBI tDDV. Tbe aboTe mentloned Ale Ii nmtnnn'.1 tm,m elKbteemh (18th, day of June, lasu.attwo o'clock n, iii., a. iuo rMiiiic uiactt. WORTUINOTON FROTIIINOIIAM, Referee IIali & Bclelet, Sobcltors for Complainajit. The abore mentloned aale la postponed to the fourtll (Uh)dayoISeDtember.l8S at p. in., at the same place. Troy, Jant isu, ims. WOKTHISGTON FilOTIlIVilirAif Hf.. HiLKtt DrcKLKT. Solidtors for CompUlnanu The abore mentloned 11 n ln second (2d) day of Octsber, 1889, st (wo o'clock n i., at tbe same place. Troy, September 4tb, 1889, WOimilKGTON KROTUINnilAM, Befere IIalb lIi'CELiT.SolicitorsforComplainanU The abore mentloned aaloli Tvytinonwt ia ts sixth (6th) day ofNorember, l69,at two o'clock p.;m. a. tne aame piare WORT1I1NUTO.N FROTHINailAJI. Referee IUlx a BrcELlT, Sohdlora for Complalnant. Tlie abore mentloned sale ls na"MtniTW(1 tn tha fourtli (4th) cliyof December, 1839, at 3 o'clock i. m.. m ifio laiuo piace. Troy Norember 6th, 1SS9. WORTIIIUTON FltOTlI I NG II A M , Referee niUt Abcckle.'. Solicitora for Complalnant. The abore mentloned ule la TMtnnntvi tn second (2J) day ol January, 1890, at two o'clock p. oi., at the aame place. Troy. Dwinber 4th, 188. WOUrMlNGTON FKOTUINGII IM, Referee. niu s Dt'uui, oou ior ixmpiaioant The abOTe mentloned sale la iKMtnoneii tn th Berenth (Ttb) day o( February, 1890, at 3 o'clock p. ms, ,UO BBUIO lasM-C irVTauauuiir a, acun. WOllTHINOTON FROTU1NOUAM ruferea. IIai-x & Bccklet, Sollcltors for Complalnant. The abore mentloned aale ia nntnnn.H tn tt. Hlth (3(h) day of March, 1890, at two o'clock. p m.. at the same place. Troy, reDruary ,in, jbw. WORTHINOTON FROTIIINOUA1L rtebr. Hale a Bccelet. Sollcltors for Comolalnants. The abore sale Is nostooned trt the Rlvtnti. (leth) dar of April, 18WL at two o'clock P. m a the aame place. Troy. March Sth,1830. WOltllUNOTON FKOTniNOHAM. Refereo. UAI.E urcKijiT. oonnor iori;ompuinanta, The abore mentloned sale ia natnnnu tn th. elerenth (11) aay of June, 1890, at two o'clock, p nu at the same place. Troy, Apni lotn.ixuu, ORTlflNOTON FROTIUNQTON. IU f sr-e. Ilaut Fiicelet, Pollcitors for Compla jtant Thf f l.rt mentloned sale la iMMtDoned tn th. tenlli t .otn) day of September, 1890, at 2 o'clock p. m. at the aame place. Troy, June 11th, IB'JU. ITORTIIINOTON FltuTlII.VmiAM. IttforL IUli & Bccelet, Sollcltors for Complalnsn Tlie abore mentloned sale Is poatponed to tbe twenty-lirst 121 day ot October, 1890, at J o'clock . ai tne same piace. Tmr. September 10th. 189(1 WOHTIIINOION. FROTIIINOIIAM. Rereree. IIali St Bccklkt. Sollcltors for CompUlnUnt. Thn abore mentloned sale ls Ttostnoneil tn th. Eutbteenth (18lhl day of December, ltSO, sttwo i roy. iietoner aisi, is:si wuiuuuuiu.1 r ku i iii ftuu AM.Ileferce. The abore mentloned sale ls iKMttnoneil tn th. KiurU enth llh day ot February , I89L at two 'rlock, p ni, at the same place. Tmr. Derember 18th. 1KUO. WOKTHINtlTON FKOTIIINOIIAM. Rereree. llale S unctley. solicltors for Cvmplalnanu Tli abore mcnilonetl sale ta nn.rnnni1 tn tk. Ord dsy t.lApill. 1891. atS o'clock p. m. at the ihsic place. jroy, reornary mn. iwi. tVOItTUlNIITOX FHOTItlKdtlAlf. Hale & Bulkley. Solidtor for Complalnant. The abore mentloned sale la postponed to the twenty-Mrenlh l7tt) day of May, i&ll. at I o'cl'k m. at tne same piace. Troy. April OU. 1891. WOIIT UNtlTOX KROTIUNItll AM. Itefrree. llale Bolkley. Sollcltors lor Oomplalnanta. Tbe abore mentloned sale ls postponed to the twentr-nlnth (ZKb) day ot July, 1831, at two 'ctocx, p. m. at tbe ssme place. Troy, May T7 ia, itm. WORTWNUTON FROTIIINGHAU. Beferee. llale s Bulkley, Sollcltors for Complalnant,