Newspaper Page Text
THE BENOTNGTON BAKNER, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1891. WISE AND OTIIE RWISK. If you want to feol right, do right. Ono troublo about unpleasant jjoo plo is that it gencrally geomx irapossiblo for theni to get out of the vay. Doii't allow burrs to ripen in tho horso pasturo to mako mats of tho mancs,aud tailsof tho horses and colts. Sore teoth will sometimes mako a liorse carry its touguo out of its mouth. A karsh bit will do tbo samo tbing. VTa buy a cow that is a good avcrago ono; tvo could bny a iirst-class ono for $15 nioro. Wbat doos it cost us to savo that $15? Did it ovcr occur to you, that farm ora who grow paying crops in a bad or off year aro in tho minority rathor than in tho majority? All tho largo brecds bavo been form od undcr tho iniluenco of a mild climato, breeding from tbo best, ana a "plonti ful supply of food." Aftcr dipbtbaria, scarlet fovor, pneu monia, or any other sovere illness, tboro is no better tonio than Ilood's Sarsapa rilla. Eastcrn Orcgon and Washington this ycar rcport a yicld of thirty million uushcls of wkeat a largo inorcaso in tho production of this crop. If raanaged in a careless, slip-shod inanncr, thero is noithor monoy nor ploasuro in gardening. But thero is nono in any busincss carried ou in this inanncr. Sell the horso you don't nced if you can gct a reasonablo prico for hira be fore wintcr. It does not pay tokoep sur pluB liorses unless thcy arc growing into money. Thero is a yast amount of wasto of purposo simply bccause it is not given onough forco to securo its proper com plction. Tho reader can follow out this idea to good advantago. Money docs not always mako men that is, tho simplo possession of it. Tho best succcss is not in tho baro accumula tion of monoy, but in its intolligont and advantagcous uec. Tho popular notion is that every liower sccretcs ncctar, whereas tho num ber that rcally do sccreto honey in sufB cient quantity to bo availablo for tho boos is comparatively fcw. For crossing ou large Iirahma or Cochin hcns thero is nothing suporior to tbo Leghorn, aud tho pullots from such a cross should bo matcd with riymouth Rock or Wyaudotto males. Nearly levcl ground is prcferablo for an apiary. If it slopes gently to tbo south or east, so much tho bcttcr. It should ncvcrbc in such a location that water will stand upon the ground. Mako it a rule nover to speak un kindly of the absent. Tcll your friend, when aloue with liim, his fault, if it can Ijo bettercd. Nover 6peak of it if it Is somcthing tbat cannot bo altered. That is true agriculturo whcre tbo land bccomes richcr overy year it is cul tivatcd, and tho farmer grows at homo all that is ncedcd to supply man and beast engaged iu cultivating its soil. Tho best succcss is such as keepo the horae and the farm in good shapo; the stock in thrifty, bcalthy condition, and furnishes tho children the best ad vantages for scbool training and for so ciety. A speaker ata dairy institute, as re ported m tho Farmer,s ttectew, said tbat tbo best rosults ho over got wero from tbo following ration: Fifty pounds en silagc.tcu pounds dover hay, iive pounds bran. If you cannot havo bos stalls, at least let your stalls be wido cnough to allow tho horsos to lio down comforta bly. It is well cnough to havo the parti tions high cnough to prevent tho horses roaohingeach other. For Ovcr JPifty Years. An Old and Wklitiuf.d Hemedy. Mrs.Wina low's Sootbing Syrup has been nsed for over fifty years by millions ol moihers for thelr children wbile teetning, witll perfect success. It sooths the child, f oftous the guras, allays all nain, curcs vind collc, and is tho best reinedy for Diairlioea. Is plcan&nt to the tasle. Bold by Drugglsts in every part of the world. Twentv-flre ocnts a bottle. bo sure and ast for Mra Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no otlicr kind, 18yl We necd fast walking horses, and tbo colt should bo traineu tothisend; but wo are usually in suuh a hurry tbat tbo colt is forced to trot, and soon be coming leg weary, it gets into a way of walking very slow to rest. Good butter speaks for itself and othcrs spoak for it. With all tho com petition of tho timos, tboro aro plenty of people in ovcry town who aro willing to pay a fair premium for excellenoo," says Iloard's Dairyman. Of all tho flies tbat cvcr tortured brutes, tho ono that tiekles the horso "undcr tho chin-' is the most annoying to tho cquine race. Don't think of working a horse in the fly season with out a jaw cloth on his bndle. Wben Baby was sicfc, we gavo her Castoria. When Ehe was a Child, Bho cricd for Costorio. When Bhe becnme MIss, Bho clung to Castoria. "Wben Ehe bod Children, Ehe gavo them Castorla, Alanyof us have too much land. Taxes and labor aro high. Monoy is scarco and proflts short. Many of us would do bcttcr with less land and out of debt. Wo should farm less, but on a botterplan; and would roap a moro abundant barvcst. A doctor when askcd how to attain eoodhealtb. said: "Wcll. tho best tbintr is to selectagrandfather and graudmoth- or ol goou, iicaitiiy stock." Tlie moral of whicb is that wo bavo tho phvsical welfaro of our postcrity grcatly in our own controi. Thenonderous Entrlish cart horso. flcot courscr and the diraiutivo Shetland pony are all supposcd to have dcscended from originals that wore as uniform in tbeir cbaractcristics as aro the mcmbers of a hcrd of bison upon our Western praines. A BTJRGLAR OAPTURED. This mornlng about two o'clock, John Wood, tho welf-known plumber who rc sidcs on Main Strcet, was awakened by boaring glass brcak. On gctting out of bed ho recoivcd a blow on the head. He immcdiately grappled with tho burglar. and aftcr a tcrriblo strugglo succecdcu in holdmg hira until his wifo obtaincd bolp. On bcing searched at tbo station, Mr. Wood's watcb and wallet waa found on bis pcrson. IIo gavc tho namo of Robcrt Terry. Tbo broken glasa provedtoboa bottlo of SulphurBittcrs wbich bad almost curcd Mrs. Wood of rheumauRm. Ezchanyc. The contral idea of a notcd song is, "Loarn to labor and to wair." But it is as hard for most peoplo to lcarn to wait as it ia for some to labor. Tbo grcat troublo of tho present day is tho irro nresslble effort to amass wcalth nnd honor withont cithor laboring or vrait- mg. How can we best cnjoy tho tompt- ing fruit? Eat it at rcgular times, just before and at meals, orsoon after them, and it then becomes a part of tbo regu lar meal, and is dige&tcd with it And tho stomach that much abuscd organ will then got timo to rest botweon eat ings. The world is too much given to money as tho uiumatum or success. Farmors do not noed to work sololy for monoy. A bngbt-facod child witn a cultured mind is far more attractivo than a good bauk account mado by a farmer whoso cuuarca sit arouna mm as stupid dolts. -Ono kind of plant can nover change to anothor any moro than you can mako a man out of a pig. Somo folks do say that man was gradually ovolved from a monkey. But ovon they do not think this camo all of asudden.bccauso tho win ter haonencd to bo hard on tho monKoy, or ho got caught out in tho raiu. If cnough bens aro kept to use tho scraps only, every egg is profit, aftcr do ductmg tbo oxpenso pto rata for uso of buildings. Tho labor also costs nothing, in fact, for it, too, is simply a saving, for any momber of tho family can attend to lew ucns. iience, tlie smaiier tue flock tho grcater the profit proportion ately. Thero is such a variety of work con nected with general farmfng that if tho farmer looks uf ter and kecps up overy end ho will find tbat be must spend tho most of his timo oither in band or head work. His presenco, or even the thought tuat ue migiit apjjear at any time, wui mako men moro caref ul aud do thoir work better. Tho welfarc. the health. tho temper- amcnt, to say nothing of tho happiness of tho horeo, aro largoly dopcndcnt ou surroundings. To bo suro, tho horso nccds no &rc-a-&rac to arause or entor tainhira. Doubtlcss he cares nothing for harmonious tints of artistic orna- montation. But ho docs apnrcciato comfort, and comfort does him good. A movcmont is ou foot for a great international ezbibition at Berlin m 1604. The arrival of the emperor will soon settle tho important question, "to bo or not to bo." Thero is no class of horses so scarco in all markets everywhero as a really superior saddlo-horse. Horscback rid mg has bceomo very popular of lato years, both with ladics aud gentlemen, and ono obstaclo to tho fascinating pleasuro boing more general, is tho diffl culty of obtaining horses of suitable gait to render tnem desirabio unuer tno saa- dle. -Tbo farmcrs in a Tonncsseo county havo startcd an order known as tbo Farmor's Kcliancc. Tbo following uniquo plank in its platform shows tbat thero is no uonscnse iu this new com bino: "Work hard ten boura in tho day, tbree bundrcd-sixty-five days in the year, nover como to town witnout bringim; somothing to scll, and nover buy anytlnng witnout paying xor lt. But is that not ratber ovcrdoing tbo tbing in the way of work? Blood Folaon Is very liablo to follow contact of tbo hands or faco with what is known as poison ivy, especially iu bot woather or if tho body is perspiring frcely. The troublo raay subside for a timo, only to appear iu aggravated forra' when oppor- tunitv oiiers. Tno creat nuruying pow- crs of Ilood's Sarsaparilla thorougbly cradicato ovorv traco ol poison from tno blood, as tho curcs it bas accomplisbed conclusivcly sbow. It also curcs scro fula, salt rhcum and all other affections ansing from mipuro or poisoucd blood. THE LONOEST WOKD IN THE LAN- GUAOE, KTO. "I have found tho loncest word in tbo English language." writcs a correspond- ent. "It is Volocipcdcstrianistnanar iauologist, (thirty-fivo lettcrs.) Hero aro tho next longost, as I mako them out: 1. dis-nro-nor-tion-a-ble-ncss: 2. hon-or-if-i-ca-bil-i-tud-in-i-ty: 8. dls-os- tab-lish-mcnt-a-ri-an-iRm; 4. un-pro-pro- a -.11. - j. 1 l.l I J m last word applics to all that have no propreantcpenulv that is, to every word ot less tnan six syuauies. Tiio stcmof tho word, of course, is 'ult,' tho remalnder bcing an aggregation or pro flxcs and sufllxes. "I havo also collcctcd sevcral curious Bentcnces. This ono contaius all tho lettcrs of the alphabet.and aB thoreare in it but thirty-two lettcrs, I think it must bo tho shortcst ot tho kind ever made 'Pa'ck my box witb flve doxsn liquor jugs" A curious thing aoout tnu son tenceis that tho six uunecessary ietters are the vowcls of tho alphabet, with tho cxccpuon oi a, nameiy, e, l, o, u, tno i and o boinir ronoatea oncc. The son- tenco of thirty-tbroo Ietters bas all tbe Ietters: 'A nuick, brown fox jumps over tbo lazy dotr.' and tho scntence of thirty-six lettcrs also: 'Jaok quickly ex temporized tho flvo towbags.' " DoHon Journal. DUUNKENNESS-LIUUOU UAB1T lnnll tbo World tlicre U but oue Oare. Dr. Ilalueit' Golden Specrflc. It can be giren in a cup of tca or eoBet with ont theknowledge of tbe person takiog it. effect- ingaapeedy and pcrmanent cure, whether th atient u a moderato drinker or aa alcohollo wreck. Thousands of drunkirds hare been curcd who have taken the Golden Bpecifleln thelr coffee wlthout thelr knowledge, and to-day be lleve they qult dnnking of thelr own f ree will, No harmful effect result from lta adminlttration. Cures guarantecd. Scnd for clrcjilar and full par tlcnlars. Addresa In confldence, Goldbx Sp CinoCo..l85ltace8treflt. Clncinnatl. 0. yl BUUINPAIDNO ATTENTION TO THE ULD BCAN'S ADVIOE. Two of tho bcst-known huntcrs in Cal lfornia aro tho two Aris. Ari Ilopper. father and son, of tho Sierras do San Ra fael, says tho YoutKs Companion. Tho fathor stuttcrs drcadfully. and the son is a ciant, with a voice liko a bull of Ba- eban, which try as bo will. be cannot moderato uciow a roar. vnenever tho son bellows a certain favorite story tbo father marchcs up and down, oxclaimlng as tho cnmax is reachcd: "ii-b-Doy, you 1-1-lie: you kn-kn-know you l-l-Ho." They wero huntintr intho San Bafael mountains and bad drivcn two grizzlios down a stccp, narrow path to a piateau tbat endcd in a shoer nrecinice. on tbo odgo of whlcii stood a small troe. Tbo bears wero separatcd, and tho son follow ing onedrovo uim up tuc path, leaving tbo father to tacklo his on tbe platcau. After a cbase wbich cndcd iu his grizzly gctting away from hira, Ari Ilopper' Jr., returncd to tho platcau, As ho camo down tho path this 1b what ho says ho saw. "Tbar war tho old man un a treo. and bo taken up with tho b'ar that ho novor evcn noticcd his own son. llo'd clum outon tho'limb of that treo ovcr tlioprco ipicc, and Mr. Grizzly was on tho samo hmb. rcaching carofully for him witb his paw. Every time ho stuck his flst out tho old man woum jau it wiui uis bowio and say: 'G' back, g' back, you posky fool; o-d-don't you seo if you c-c-come any f-f-fu'thortho 1-1-lirab'Il broak and k-k-kill us both?" Kiglit boro tho old raan always oxplocs and nover givcs his boya cbanco to tcll truthfully how ho managcd to oontrol his laugutcr iong onougn to "pick ou1 the Doar witn nis niie. What is Castorla is Dr. Samuel Pitchcr's prcscription for Infants nnd Cnildron. It contains neitlior Opiura, Morpbino nor othor Narcotic substanco. It is a liarmlcss substituto for Parcgoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its eruarantoo is thirty years' uso by Millions of BlotUcrs. Castoria destroys "Worms and allays foverisliness. Castoria provcnts vomiting Sour Curd, curcs Dlarrhcoa and TVind Collc. Castoria roliovcs toctblng troublcs, curcs constipation and flatuloncy. Castoria assimilatcs tho food, rcgulatcs tho stomach and bowols, glvinff hcalthy and natural sloop. Cas torla is tho Children's Panacea tho Mothcr's Friend. Castoria. " Castorla Is an cxcellent medlclno for chil dren. Mothers havo rcpeatedly told mo of its good effect upon thelr children." Dr. G. C. Osoood, Lowell, Mass. ' Castorla ls tho best reracdy for children of which I am acquaintod. I hopo tho day 13 not far dlstant when mothers will conslder tho roal Interest ot thelr children, and uso Castoria in stead of thevariousquacknostrumswhicharo destroying thelr loved ones, by forcingoplnm, morphine, Eoothlng syrup and other hurtful agents down thelr throats, thereby Eending them to prematuro graves." Dn. J. F. KrKcnELOE, Conwny, Ark. Tho Ccortnnr Oomrpany, T7 Mnrray Stroot, New York City. SOAP. JtjJ ITtfZ GVnihiNE For Blllous snd Nervout DIiordr, tuch at Wlnd and Pflln In tf'SffiKM Fulnets. and Swtlllng alter Meals, Olnlness and Drowilnew, Co d Chll 8, Fluehlno ' ""'t,1:???.? Appctlte. Shorlncs of Breaih, CortUenes, Scum. Blotches : on th i SHb. Dlttu bed Sleep ' M.",UJ Drems.andall Htrrou nd Trembllng Seniailons, ftc. THE FIKST DOSE WILL O'VEIlELlEf m TVVENTY MINUTES. This is no fiction. EveiysuumrisearnesUy lnvitedtotiyoneBoxotmesc UHEClIAMSrilXS, Uken as directcd, will quickly rwore" toconipletc healtli. Fora WEAK STOMACH; IriPAIKED tney aui Lmt ihhuiv. .. . c... . theROSEBUD OF HEALTH admitted bv thousands, in tees to the Ncrvous and Debihtated is that BEECHAM S PILLS HAVE THE LAUUL5I MLt o- Kni rnicni nLuibinK in ini- ii.ii. Prepand only by THOS. BEECHAM, St. Ilelens, ianeiMUlro, England. BoldvJruoolt generoUv 0. F. ALLEM & CO., 366 ani 367 Canal S., New totk. Bota Agentsfor the United States, w (If ttor druggist does not keep them,) svery WATER PR 00 ' " THAT CAN BE RHL1ED OM BEARS THIS MARK. BE UP THC MAflMC ECD8 MO LAUNOERHtO. OAH BS WtFED CfEAN FM A KJOfSEWT. THE ONLY LINEN-LINED WATEKPROOP COLLAR IN THE MARKET. 11 3UH B00TB8 FIRE. LIFE and ACCIDENT. BENNNIGTON, VT. ForOId jad,Yoiipg. Tntts IAvcr Pllla nct as klndly on tho child, tbe dallento fomalo or Inflnn old age, oa upon tlie Tlgoronn man. Ms Pills Biro tono to tbo wcU itomaeb, bow klUnays nnd bladdar. To tbeao orirans tbelr trenetbenlDB'qnalltlea Aro Trondcrfnl, couiing; themtoper form tbelr fnnetlona aa ln yoattu . Sold Everywhero Offloo, 80 & &1 Park Placc, K. Y. Castoria. " Castoria b so well adaptcd to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to mo." n. A. Ancnsn, M. D., 111 So. Oxford St, Brooklyn, N. Y. ' " Our physlcians ln the children's depart ment have spoken highly of thoir cxpori ence in thelr ontsldo practlco with Castoria, aud although wo only havo omong our medical supplies what is known as regular products, yet we aro froo to conf ess that tho mcrita of Castoria has won us to look with f avor upon it." U.NITED IlOSrlTAl. AKD DlSPEHSiBT, Boston, Uass. Allex C Shitb, Prei., JrfTb GUINfiArfc aox DIGES1I0N; UISUKUtHtu uvtn; fev doaes will work wonders upon the Vltal Organs : Strenglhenlna Drinfflong-lost Complexlon; bringlng back the keeri edoa of appetlto, the toholo phyitcai enew oipe numan irarac. nll classes of sodety, and . one of the best garan- F 01188 CUFF STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, OASTLliTON, VERMONT. Tha fall term will begln Aug. 18th. 1831. A full hle and ft-merieneod instructors: two thorotipn ooursea of fttudy ; a mtture class of Fupiis; ampio laciuuei; a dokuuiui nun iiwjw a location. and the reputatloa achicTed by lte nearly f our huudrcd fcraduatest Joffer an ample puaranty to thuse BeekJnf? a better proparation xor toacnin7. f or niruter miormaiionappiy w 23M A11EL E. LEAVENWORTH, PrincloaU Bn-r ltUliortiathinWBMdfU work fr , bj rp. Amuo, TtiM, and Jnc.BoBa.ToTtdo.Oklo. it auY ftAiua axn owtr ilOO00 I'aontb. Toacaadolhworkfudlln t rtAra. liaraar tai ara. EtM bt 'rlnaari aro ttally tamlar tnn ti to 1 1 10a dr, All irH. TTt fiow yo kw orallthi llna. Ulc roooty orwork ra. Pallnr ma known amoor tbccn. WITH MRRIS. WnEREAS, the Clrcnlt Conrt of tbe Unlled Btates in equlty aitting, held in and for the Nortbern District of New Yorlc, at the chambers of theCircult Judge ln the City of Syracusc, on the 24th day of Marcli, 1887, did make a decree or a certain sult thcrein dcpending. wherein the Central National Bank of Boston, (which sned as well for itself as for all others similarly situated) was complainant, and Bowland N. Ilazard. Wil llam Foster. Jr.i the New York, Rutland and Montroal Kallway Company and i9 Atuerican Loan and Trust Company of Now York wcre de-' fendants. by wbich it was among other thlnjrs thfrein contalned referred to the nndertigncd to ell at public anctlon the premliea aud property hereaflerdescribod Wow, In pureuance of said aecree, notice ls hcrebyEiven that ou the second day of June, 1887, attwelve o'clock atnoon, at the outer wciterly door of the Court Houe in the City of Troy.Coun . Srof EcnasclaerandStateofNew York, tbe un erslened will sell at public auction to the high est bidder the premlses and property dcncribed and contalned in a certain mortgage made by the Ibanon Sprlngs Itailroad Company to the Unlon Trust Company, and which were conveyed by a decd executcd by Ocorge McClcllan, referce, to Willlam Foster, Jr,, an(Mtowland N Ilazard. as f ollows: "All the rigbt.title and Interest of the said party of the nrstpart fsaid Lebanon Springs Rail roadCompany) of, in and to all and slnguiar tbe eeveral pieces urparcels of land forinlngthe trackor roadwayofthe party of the flrstpart f rom Uie Chatham Four Corners, in thcCot'nty ot Columbla, to the eail llno of tbe State of New York, ln the town of Ilootick, in tbe countT ol Hcnsselaer, and alllandsthereaftertobeacqulrrd for the purposo of forming said track or road way; also the railroad of the aIJ party of the flmt part now bullt, and to be built, nnd all tbe rails. bridges, fcuccs, sratlons, station houscs, wood houscs, buildings and othrr siructures and appurtenances thereunto belonglng, and also all" tbe tolls, Incomes, rents, issuea and proflts and alienable franchise of tbe said party of the Drst part connccted with said rail way or relatlng there to.includine Its riehtsand f ranchises as a cor porationand also all therolllng stock, locomo tives, tendern, snow plows and tcrapers and all tho pasenger can. baggage, mail and ezpress cars flat cars and cars of overy description: all the machlne ehops and blacksmith sbops and all the articles used ln tbe coiistruction, replaclng and repairing of roads and cars and in tbe run ningot cars now ovrned or hereafter to le ac qulred by the said party of the flrst part, all of wbich chattels are declared to be flxtures and ap pnrtenanccs to said railroad, and are to be sold tberewith and not separate therafrom, and to be taken as a part tbcrcof ; and also all the right, title and Interest which thn said party of the flrst part mayhavoor may hereafter acqulre of, ln and to the Vermont and New York railroad, con structed or to be constructed from the terminu. of the railroad of the party of the flrst part ln tht town of llooslck aforesaid, to the Tillage of Ben nington, in tho State of Vermont, includlng all the right title. and interest of the party of the firsl part, In and to the f rancblse and equlpment ot the said Vermont and New York rallroad.belong Ing to orlu any wise appertaining or which may at any timo belong or appertain to the same a( well fn law au In equity." Dated Albany. N. Y". Aprll 11. 1687. " WOKTniNGTON FROTniNGHAM.Iteferee Hils & BcLKLET.Sollcitorsfor Complainant. The aboTe mentloned sale is postponed thirteenth (13th) day otOctobor, 1887, at same liour and jilnce. Atbanv. Jnne id, 1887. WOIlf HINSTON FROTHINGHAM, Referee Hali & Uulklkt, Solicitors for Complainant. The a vo sale is further postponed until the Twellth (12th) day of November, 1887 at the same hour and place. WORTUINGTON FROTniNGUAM, Refere. Hali Bulklet. Bollcitors. Tbe above mentloned sale Is further postponed to the Elerenth (11th) day ot Febroary, 1888 tke Mrae hoar and place. Tror. 12. 186T, WOUTUINBTON FR0THINGIIAJ4. Befua Hale a Balkley, Bolicitors for Complainant. Tae abor mentloned sale is postponed to th fekwesth (leta) day of Aprll, 1888, at the aame hMkvattt! ylaos. Troy, February 11, 1888. WORTUINGTON FROTnJNGHAil, Referee Hale & Bulkley, Solicitors for Complainant. The abor mentloned sale ls postponed to the Sizth (6th) day of June, 1888, at the same hour and piacfl. Pated Troy, Aprll 16th, 1888. W0RTH1N0T0N FROTUTNGHAM, Referee. IXu & Uulkley, Hollc tors for Cempltlrsrt 'Iht a'ire tale ls postpoued to the ignuet. . (Utj) Jay 3 July, 1888, at the same hour and Dlace. xxoy, junootn, isaa, WORTUINGTON FROTniNGHAM. Referee. IliLE Bulklsv. Solicitors for Comnbiinant. Tbe above mentloned sale ls postponed to the Twentieth (20th) day of July, 1SS3, at the sams honr and place. xroy, jujy mtn, isss WORTUINGTON FR01HINGUAM. Refi-Ma IIjile & Bulkley, Solicitors for Cnmplainant. The above mcmiODed sale ls nostncned to .Iih Twenty flfth (25lh) day of July, 1888, at tbe snm hour and place. Troy. Juiy M. itsss. WORTUINGTON FROTniNGUASr. Rpfnr UiLsJt HcLKLET, Solicitors for Complainant. Tbo aboro mentloned sale Is postponed to tbe Twenty-eighth day of July ,1633, at the same hour ana piace. ITOy, JUIV ', J550. WORTUINGTON FROTlTINGnAJI.- Referee. Uale & Bclklkv. Solicitors for Complalnwt. Tbe above mentloned sale is nosttionod to the Twenty-flfth day of Septcmber, 1883, atthe samo nonr ana piace. irov, July as. isbs. WORTUlNQTON FROTniNGUAM. Rpferee UtLE & Bulkley. Solicitors for Complainant. The aboro sale ls postponed to October (3d 1P83. nt the samn hour and Dlace. WORTIIING. TON FR0T1IINGUA3I. lteferee. uale 4s dulklev. rJolicltors tor Complainant Troy, Sepl. 23, 1688. The above mentloned sale is Dostrjoned to the Seventeenth (17th) day of October, 1883. at the same hour and place. WORTUINGTON FROT IfiuxlAM. iteicree. iIalb and ni'CKLEV. bollcitors for Complalnan Troy, October 3. 1888. The above mentloned sale Is nostnoned to the twenty-seventh (27th) day of November. 1888. at tho eame hour and placo. WORTHINQTON FROTHINQHAM, Referee. Uale and Bclklet, Solicltori f or Complainant Troy, Oct. 17, 1888. ine aoove mentloned sale i postponed to tn eleventh (11th) dav of December. 1S38. at th same hournndplace. woiii'MinuroN FKoruiNQUAM, Referee Uale Bulkley, Solcltors for Complainant. Troy, r. i., noTomDer iun, isso. Tbe above mentlonpd sale la nosrooned to thA Scconddar of January, 1889, at fifteen mlnulca past twelve o'clock p. m. at the same place. , Wortuikqton FiioTniNQQAV, Referee. Troy, Decemuer ii, lasa. The abore mentloned sale ls Dosrooned to the flrst day of May, 1889, at two (2) o'clock m., at the stmeplace. WOHTUINUTON UOTHINGUAM, Rereree Uale Bucklet, Solicitors for Complainant. Aroy, january a, joov. Tbe abore mentloned sale ls nostDoned to tht eigbteenth (18th; day of June, 1889, attwo o'clock p. m., at the samo place. WORTUINGTON FROTniNGUAM, Referee IIalk & UULKLBT, Bollcitors ior complainant. The abore mentloned sale ls postponed to the fourth (4th) day of September, 1389, at two o'clock p. m., at the same piace. iroy, june ioui, jooj. WORTUINGTON FROTHINGnAM. Referee Uale Bucklet, Solicitors for Complainant. Tlie abore mentloned sale Is nostDoned to the second (2d) day of October, 1839, at two o'clock p m., at tne same piace. Troy, September 4th, 1889. WORTUINGTON FROTUINGHAM, Referee Uale Bucklet, Solicitors for Complainant. The abore mentloned sale ls postponed to th slxth (8th) day of Norember, 1889, attwo o'clock p. m., at the same placo. Tror, October 2d. 1889. WORTUINGTON FROTUtNGUAJI. Referee Uale & Bucklet. Solicitors for Complainant. The aboTe mentloned sale is postponed to the fonrth (4th) dsy ot December, 1889, at 2 o'clock p. m.. at tne same piace. Troy, November 6th. 18S9. WORTUINGTON FROTHINGUAAI. Referee nn.n tnucKLEY. Sollcitoni for ComDlalnant. The abora mentloned sale ls postponed to tbe second (2d) day of January, 1890, at two o'clock p. m., at tne same piace. Troy. December 1th, 188. WORTHINGTON FROTHINGU 4J1, Referee. Uale & Bulkley, Soli for Complainant Thn nhnvo mentloned aale ls Dostnoned to th Serenth (7th) day of February, 1890, at 2 o'clock p. m., at tno samo piace. Troy, Januarr 2. 1890. WORTUINGTON FROTniNGUAM Refereo. IIalx & Bucklet, Solicitors for Complainant. Tlie abore mentloned sale ls postponed to th fifth (5th) day of Marcb, 1690, at two o'clock, p m.. at the same place. Troy, February 7th. 1890. WORTUINGTON FROTUINGUAM. Referee. Uale a Buckley. Solicltor for ComDlainanU. The abore sale Is postponed to the Slxteentb (16th) day 01 Aprll, lavu, ai two o ciock p. m., a the Bame placc, Troy.Jiarch 6th, 1800. WOR1HINGTON FROTniNfJHAM, Referee. iriLX & llncKLEY. Sollctot-H for CnmDlainants. Tbe above mentloned sale is postponed to the elerenth (11) aay oi june, isj, at two o ciock, p m.. at the same place. Troy, Aprll lBtb.1890. WOItTlflNGTON FROTUINGTON. R f !e. Uale 1'ucklet, Solicitors for Compla Jtant The alcrL mentloned sale ls pmtponed to the tentb i .via) day oi beptemoer, iwu, at z o aocK p. m. at tne samo piacu. Troy, June 11th, 1890. WORTUINGTON FROTUINGUAM, Referce. TTit.r. A llccsLEY. Solicitors for ComDlalnin Tbe abore mentloned sale is postponed to tbe twenty-first 21 day ot October, 1890, at 2 o'clock p. m., at tne same piace. Troy. September 10th, 1890. WORTHINOTON, FROTUING UAM, Rereree. Uale & Bucklet, Solicitors for Comptalntant. The abore mentloned sale i postponed to tho Eighteenth (18th day of December, 1390, at two o clock p m, at the same place, Troy. October 21st, 1890 WORTUINGTON FROTUlNGHAM.Referee. The abore mentloned sale ls postponed to the Nlneteenth 19th day of February, 1891, at two o'clock, pm, at the same place. Troy. December 18th,I890. WORTHINGTON FROTUINGUAM. Referee. Uale Buckley, Solicitors for Couiplaluant. The above mentloned sale is postponed to the 23rd day of April, 1891, at 2 o'clock p. m. at the same place. Troy, February 19th. 1891. WORTUINGTON FROTUINGUAM, Referee. Hale Bulkley, Solicltor for CompUinant. The above mentioned sale is postponed to the twenty-seventh 27th day of May, 1891, at 2 n'clt p. m., at the same place. Troy, April 23rd, 1891. WORTHINGTON FROTniNGUAM, Referee. Uale Bulkley, Solicitors for Complainant!. Tbe above mentloned sale ls postponed to tho twentv-ninth (29tb) day of July, 1891, at two o'clock, p. m. at the same place. Troy, May 27th,18J)l. WORTHINGTON FROTUINGUAM. Referee. Uale Bulkley, Solicitors for Complainant. The above mentioned sale ls postponed to tho Twenty.ninth 29th) day of September. 1891, at i o'clock p. m.. at the same place. Troy. July 29th, 1891. WORTUINGTON FROTUINGUAM. Refereo. Uale Bulkley, Solicitors for Complainants. RTTOHBUEG B- H. HOOSAC TONNELROUTE. On and after June 29th, 1691, traini will run at follows ; LEAVZ BENNINGTON VIA. BESSINOTOX RUTLAND BAILWAT. Leave Bennington 7 32 a m, arrire Troy 8 SO, a m. New York 210 pm, Hoosick Falls 9 10, North Adams 9 65, Grcenfield 11 13 a m.Fitchburg 1 35, Boston 3 05 p m.Mechanlcville 9 25,Saratoga,10 00 am. Leave Bennington 12 40 pm, arrive Troy 2 30 New York 7 00, llooslck Falls 2 48, North Adams S 35, Greenfield 5 W.FItchuurg 7 57, Bosion 9 25 p. m.Mechanlcville 2 34. Leavo Bennington 3 32 p. m., arriva at Troy 4 48, New York 9 20; Uoosick Falls 5 8t, North Adams 6 15 p. m. Leave Bennington 5 15 p m, arrire Troy 8 E5, &m, Hoosick Falls 614, No. Adams7 0up m, echanlcville 665, p. m., Sarutosa" 25p.m. Leave Bennington 12 40 a. m. arrive Troy 2 10 New York 6 45am. I.cave Bennington for Rutland and Montreal 12 40, 9 10 a. m., 2 15, 6 15 p. m. TRALNS ARRIVE AT BENNINGTON. VIA. BENNINGTON RUTLAND ll'T: 1 20 a m, from New York, Albany aDd Trov. 9 40 a m, from New York, Albany, Troy, Hoo sick Falls, No. Adams, Saratoga and Mecbanic ville. 2 40 n m, from New York. Albany .Troy.Uoosick Falls, No. Adams and Boston. 6 00 p. m. from Troy and New York. 6 35 p m, from Albany,Troy,Hoosick Falls, No. Adams Boston, and Saratoga. Arrive at Bennington from Rutland and Mont treal 1 20, 7 68a. m., 1 10, 4 00 p. m. J.WIUTMdRE J. R. WATSON, aen'lxrafflc M'g'r, Boston. Gen'l Pass. Ag't. C. A. NIMMO, ' Boston. Gen'l Western Passengcr Agbt. Troy. LEBANON SPRLNGS RAILROAD. Bennington, Troy, No. Adams and ijoston. PummsT arrangement, commencing June 1691. 19, Leave Troy 10 a.m., arrlro Bennington IL35 a. m. Leave Troy 3 p. m., arrire Bennington 4.40 p. m. LeaTe Bennington 8.30 a. m., 3.30 and 5.45 p. m. Arrlye North Adams 9.55 a. m.. 4.32 aud 7 p. u. Leave Bennington 8.30 a. in., arrive liostou 3.05 p. m. Leave Bennington 3.30 p. m., arrire Co ton 9.25 p. m. From New York Saturday only. Leave New York 3.60 p. m.. arrire Bennington 10 10 p. m. For New York Sunday only. Leavo liruuing ton 12.20 p. m., arrire New York 7.45 p. ni. E. D. BENNliTT. Supt. JOSEPn CUILD. Gen. Pass. Ae't. Dotr Cota Guitars Jdy 0ldLCAar)doHr,5r These have rccelved the Aghf it bonors incompetltlon. BlxSllTer,Three Bronze, Ono Gold Uedal and Thrce VlDlomas. Muilcal Initrumcnu of every description, in cludlng Uaynet EmMor and Wm. B. Tilton Ouitars, lt&nd and Orchestral Instruments, Strings. etc. Scnd for CatalogDc. J. C. IIAYJfES it CO., lloatou. Slasa GETTHEBESTWHY? l'f rfertlT 1'Urc. (LJneqDuled Mtrcneth Most Delleious. i jauii. rcuD4imicHi r CINNAMUn l tM drfl - O R N 0 1 A CLOVK -rlUIBIls CCLKRY-PCACH SELEG juodw(it. .' ,iw j r m. t. !!-, riu in n"' ,,,lt Uii.oti. we twch v'luquli'kt liow L ..fu 'rrtu ti to t JU t dar itt 'iin itart, ti ! t md fti llt.tli all if, Ii m AJt tr frli. Vu ' ll gOllamsa t liultie, c't. n all rutir iiii.or tntM utsivtits onlrta tli work. .111 li mw, orMt y tl'rUl for tvfrrltilnir. EA8IIT, SrKkjJlf.Y lmr.l. FAUriCLLAlCS 11IKH. jUdrMi tt omc, S11NSO.X it 10., IORTUM', Mltii.. SEfflNARY, MANCHESTER, VT. A flrst-class school. For cataloguo and admis- sionapplyto A. U. f liKKlN, TOHCipai. Fifty-nlnth year beginnlng Sept. 3rd. n wnn trteh m tlinrnnch nnil buslness educatlon? Do you wish to employa competent buslness asslstant? If so write tothe DSCHOO AND 1 t nnAtAB Asi-nlettu1 T?T1APT1a moderatc, facilltles superior. For CRtalojrue and gpeamcns oi penmanuiii auuiwn uu Gutchess, Albany, N.Y- Fall term openn Scpt 1st. 1891, r Jirirest, best Competent stndeuta aiJed to ;ositlon3. EJtpant cataloffue fre. E. E. CIIILDS. Notice. J , To the taxpayers of the liennln tton Graded School Distrlclt : A rate blll has b"tn placed in mr hands for collectlon of 50 cents im tne dollaron the Grand List of 1891; I hereUy demaml tbe amOUnt Ol saiu uuauu ji.u uih A n hn u.- tend to the receptlon of ihe samfRt First National UaUK OI lenUlDgWU, 1UU UklVt UUIJ k 19Jt, from 9 o'clock a. m. until 4 o'clock, p. m. n.M will h n Htvrnunt tt 1 n-r vnt. nn Ralil tax lf paid wlthln 90 day. Bennlncton. Yt., July 1st. 1891. OitlflBirftiCAN Apamphltt of Infonnatloa and ob-. xstract oi ine laws, snowm uow to. O0tain l-ntents, carcata. TraJej siiaru, uoprriKnta, un: Jrti.. vJOl Urondwar, new 1 ort