Newspaper Page Text
THE BENNINGTON BANNEE, FEIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1891 - CAIItO ON A "TEAIl." Caiko, Egypt, Oct. 4th. Cairo has becn a regular "tear" for a weok. You see, tno noiy carpet lias arrivou irora Mccca, and tho Arabs aro simply crazy. This carpct is a mostinttrosting thing to contoiupiiue, ana tno servico ovcry year has pjrown to such cnormousproportions that it commands tliu attontion of tho wholo civilizud world. This carpct is uot an old carpet, as is gencrally sup poscd. but a nuw ouu is raado ovory your for this service, of which I will tell you. Expensivo ? Woll, rather! It takes a wholo year to mako it, and whon it is iinished it stands out a marvel of lino silver and gold thread worked intn beau tiful desigas, and tho" wholo cotiUiining many beantiful pcarls, riibies and other precious stoueB. To bo sure, theso stonos aro prcservcd from ytar to yoar, and placcd on evory now carpet, but tho body of tho carpot is now overy year. This now carpet is takeu to Slecca, whero is tho toinb of Mahomet, tho Pro jihet, and spruad over his gravo, wliero it rciuains lor two lnonths, and is then brought to Cairo again, whero all this hubbub is kicked up. I wish you miglit havo seeii thcso Arabs tho day this carpct arrived. Tlioy woko mo at i o'clock in tho morniiig, parailing tho streets infront of my hotol, and thoy kopt that parade up all day long, and havo hardly stopped since. Ono brass band after another, followed by ono of tho priests (who accoinpenicd tho carpot to Meccn) and a howling mul titudo liavo kopt the city in au upioar. Howovcr, tho carpet was linally takun to tho oitadel of Cairo, whero it has siuco been dividcd among tho priests and a few favored Arabs. I was favored with a seat atnong tho foroign Cousuli', closo by tho sido of tho great priest who re coivcd tlio carpet on its rotuni, and theie foro had a lino viow of tho wholo pro roedings. H'lien I arrived at tho citadel tho car pet had not arrived, but I was not long kopt waiting. I'romptly at !) o'elock tho Uoveruor ol Cairo and escort arrived at tho building. and a saluto of ten guns was lired. Then eamo tho foreign Con suls, Anioricau, Fieneh, Uiitiah, ete., and tho troublo began. Tliero were 101)1) Arab soldiurs drawu up tn line, aud a iine, manly-lookiiig sot thoy wero in their whito unifonns and red turbans. Then thoro wero 100 lancers on horso back, with their gnrgeotts colored llags, tho artillery and about 300,000 Arabs. Greatscottl What a peilormauee thoy did havo! Tho carpet camo in on a camel and was put up in tho sliapo of a pyramid, only ono nide loft open. Then camo tho priests who aecompauicd it to Mecea, and all of their retainers. each on a camel. Thoy wero beating drums or blowiug somo hidcous winil instruuieuts, and to h.ay tliat caniels and inen were in gorgeous costumes, scarcely approaehcs the magniliccnt truth. As soon as tho carpet camo a royal saluto of tweaty-ono guns was lired, tho laueors disinountcd, tho soldiors "fell in," and a din com menced such as I had nover hcard. Can nons lliing, bands playing, and :J00,000 Arabs crazy as could be, niado something of a row. All tliis in honor of tho prophet. Tho Arabs rushud liko niad to got to tmch tho saered pieco of silvor and gold aud precious stones, tirmly beliovinir if they could but toueh it they wero uot only .sure of heaveu, but had rceeived a soveioigii cnro for every ill and troublo. Xot uuly this, but thoy beliovo if thoy can only touch tho priest's robe it is a suro curo for all ills. It is really pitiful to seo tho-o Araln whon once they got to toueli tho carpet. They at onee'covor their f.icus with their liaiuls, striko tho chest an I kiss i i mo aud again the haud that touclied tho carpet. Tney can be seen all tho btroots along which tho carpet passen goiug tluoitgli this perform iuce. If ono is so fortunato as to reeeivo buta smill tliroad lioatoucu inclosos it iu a smill loiUhur bag, ties it arouud his neck, and from that timo ou heis not only satislled that ho will havo all ho m ty desire, but as sure of evor liisting lifo iu tho world to come. I got tlio chief janissary to tho Ameri ean Consul to got nie a pieco of this car pot. 11c is a Mohumrnudaii, but his long assouiatiou with Ainerican Cimsnls has mulo hiin somowliat Christianized. It was only, howover, alter repeated promisos ou my pnrt that t would nevor use it as a uiattcr of ridiculothat ho cou sented to givo it to ine. Ilo bcaisthc naino of Sulomon Mahomut, aud is a kind follow indeed, especially to Anirri cans in Cario. Ctuutle l'ayne In Jloxtun Jourmtl. DON'T DO IT. Said my i)hysician,who lor six montliR had doctorod me lor ilyspep.sia witliout, wlien I tiild hiin I was going to try Sulphur llitters, thoy will only m.:ko you worso. I did try tliem and now I amawellnian aud eau oat anythiug. Sulphur llitters aro a groat foe to doe tors. Uonio llastette, X. Y. C. and II. 11. Uailroad. iiioicii.izi.n riiK nivv. A pr.ictical mobilization of tho cntiro availablo forco of tho United Stitos Navy is now ttkiug plaee. Under im per.Uivc orders liom Washington tho woik is being prosrouted with grcat euergy. In tho Urooklyn N'avy Vard tho Miund of tho himmcr is inecssant. Tho yard has not bcen tho sccno ot such activity siuco the civil war. At the Maio Island Xavy Yard ou 'tho I'acilic coast tho s.inio liulustry is visihle. In the ll.mtun Xavy Vaid tho rcpairs ou tho crui-or Xowarlc havo been rushed with all possiblc Seed, and thc Xo.vai k is ox peetud to bo iu coinpleto lightiug and seagtiing tnm within a very short time. IiiNpitoot' peaeelul roporls from Val paraiso ovory indication points to pre paration for tho rapid coneentration of a pttwcrlul foico in South Aincriean watcrs. li circiimstances rcndor itadvisablo to back up oiir liual dom mil upon Cuili for rcparation by a naval deinonstratioii, it is ovidontly tho purooso of tho adiuiuis tratiou to mako a display of forco that will not only insuro apology and redross from Cliili, but will also toacli all South Auieriuaii X'ations wuolcsomo re &pect for tlio Uuited Statcs. At picsent, largoly throiigh Knglisli misrepresouta tiun, tho people of South Aiucrica euter tam tho idoa that thc American navy is weak and worthlcss. Tho sight of a strong lloet of our cruisors would afford them ucoded cnlightcunieiit. It would bo possiblu to concentrato a formidablo forco at Valparaiso witbiu sixtydays. Tho lt iltimoie is already tliero. Tho Sau Franciseo will roturu thithcr as soon as ghocau bo dry dncki d and get hor Juill cleauod at San Fran ciseo, tovvard which port shc is now steainiug. Tho IJostou and Yorktou'a aro woll on their way toward Valpaiaiso. Tho cruincr Philadelphia, tho gunl)..u I'otrcl, aud the wooiloii corvettes Ko u sargo and Y.iuticaro all voyagiug south ward Tlio lino warship Charleston has been ordcrcd to tho I'acilic coast from Chiueso waters. Tho Newark will proba bly stirt south very s.iou. Kvcry effurt Is boing mado at tho Drooklyn Navy Yard to proparo tho Chicago, AtlautJi, Concord and Ueimingtoii for immedUU) sea servico. Withii a few .days all ol theso 1'our vessols ci'i 1 'i V r v "ChildrenCryTor Chili. Work on tho armorod flghter, iliantonomoh, is being pushcd with ox tromo hasto. It is beliovod that in ten days' tiino sho can bo mado rcady for sea. Sho could matntain a specd of ton knots in a voyago around Capo llorn, and could whip any vessol tho Chilians havo. Granting that tho Pctrcl, Koarsargo and Yantic aro seut olsewherc, it W(mld still bo practicablo to assomblo at Val paraiso a fleet of tTelvo steel sbips, manned by moro than 3,000 sailors aucl marincs, and cairyiug an arniamont of moro than 100 high powered breech load ing riilos. Asido from tho Vinch and 0-inch guns thcso cruisors would carry fourtecn 8-inch riflos hurliug 2o0-pound armor piercing projectllcs. Thcso guns aro far supenor to tho fl-iuch Krup s that aro mountcd ou tng Valparaiso forts. Tho 10-ineh rillos of tho ilian tonomoh could mako havoc with either forts or ironclads. If it is necessary to mako a naval domonstration in tho South I'acilic tlio United Statcs has suflicient forco at comiiiand to c.irry tho projcct out cffcctivoly. N. Y. Press. TIIK HI.VrOKX Ol' A UL.ACK KVK U-IIICII IIKCK.NTY WEST TO NEW YOItK A young niauwcll known in tho best of Now York society camo back from New Ilampshiro last wcok, aftor having spent a niouth at tho beachcs located within driving distanco of Portsmouth. Ho camo back witli a green patch on his rightcyo. "'Why, Ilcnry," exclaimed tho young mau's motlicr m a tono oxhibiting groat alarm, "what's tho mattor V Youhaven't put your oyo out, havo you, darling ?" "6h, no, maiiiiiial" tho young man answered, "l'vo just blackoned it a bit. Kun against a a bedpost, you know. Ilo all wcll in a few days." "I didn't caro to tell mother how I got liui t," Mr. Ilenry remarkcd noxt. day to ono of his men frioims; "sho'd nover stop laugliing at mo if sho know. llut I'd just as soon tell you, if you liko." "If l liko ? Thero's nothing I'd liko better. I'vo already niado a guess, thotigli, my boy.' "What's your guess ?" "That you ran up against something with moro lifo in it than tliero is in a bodpost. What do you say V Am I right ?" 'Ilight you aro. I 'an up against thc hardest llst in Amoriea. l'll bnt you I was knocked thefull lengtli of this room. All my fault, too. (Juito deserved it." "Wiiat had you douo "Playcd a joko on a man a milk man." "Good joko ?" "Wcll, rathcr. I'll tell youaboutit. 'Twas up in Dover; that's tou miles from Portsmouth. I was up thoro to seo a friend, and ho took mo into a placo called 'Skip' Twombley's for luiich Said 'twas tho only placo in town whero wo could get auy baked 'coon.' " "I nover ato any baked 'coon'. Isn't itgood ?" "Uon'tknow. Nover ato any myself. Thoy didn't havo any tho lirst day wo went in. and tho ncxt day I irot knocked out beforo I had a chanco to try it. Whilo wo wero in tliero tho llrst day tho milkuian camo in, sot his big can (lown ou the lloor, stepped into tho back room, ;ito asausage or two and went out. Whon ho went out thoro was something in his milk can besides milk; somo things, I'd botto say, for I had turnod a quart uf ininuuw bait into tho milk." ".Minnow bait! wuat's tnat y" "Why, little lishes about an inch and a-half long. Just good mouthfuls for pickerel. "Wcll, thc )ropriotor of the placo saw mo put thc fish iu the milk, and niado mopayliim for them, which was, of cour.ns, all rigut onough. As I gavo him tlio m no.' bo said: '1 pity you if Charloy ovor flm s out who d mo that." " 'Ono,' 1 said, "twat only dono for a jokc' " ' 'Wcll, 1 guess it you wasa nulKmaii you wouldn't caro 'bout liavin' a joko liko that playcd on you.' " "1 lauglietl, ainl protty soon my iricnu md I went out. Xoxt day at about tho sanio tiino by thc cloek wo wout into tlio snop igain. " 'What did 1 tell yor said tno pro orietor to mo as soon as ho set oyes on me. 1 told yo Cliarloy'd bo mad, didn't I i' Ile's goin' uj) an' down town sweann' lu'll kill tho fcllcr that put tliem hsli mto his milk. bays it s lost him thc best ciistumcr ho had, tho rcs taurant man up tn tho statiou.' " '"IIow's that?' laskcd. " 'Wh ', tliero was a man camo up to tho couiiter and called for a glass of milk. They gid it to him in' ho wi'iit to drinkin' in. All of a sudden ho turucd red iu tho t'aco an' comnn'iicod a-chokin". Ilo put uis thiimli an forelinger into his m uitli aud pulled out mo ot them iniu nies. You can jest bet your hat that fulliT was niatl. Au' so was the restaur- aut man. " ' 1'his morniii' Charlcy, knowin' nothin' about it.'wcnt into "tho rcstaur nut same's usiial and nskcd how niueli milk thov wauted. They told him thoy didn't want no moro of his milk. 'Twas bad onough, they said. to buy milk of a man who walcred his cows at a pump. 'tiioutgidn' further an' bujin' of ono that ilippod his water out of tho brook. " 'Then Charley llared, and ho was ilariu' bait' au hour beforo he caught ou to how it happened. Then ho coaio down hero with blood iu his oyes.' "'Dul you tell him who dnl it?' I asked. " 'No, Sircc: I didn't do nuthin' of tho sort.' " 'Then I will.' " 'You'd better not. IIo'll maul yc.' ".lust tlien in camo tlio inilkmau. Ho was tho maddest looking man I cver saw. "1 stepped up to him and said: 'Look hero, old man. I'm tho chap that you arc looking for. I'm awfully sorry about that rostiurant matter, you kuow.' "IIij looked at mo a secoud, aud then blazed out with tho longost string of un inoutionablo words that I over listened to. Ho ended by feaying: 'I'll l'arn you to put lish into my milk.' 'Tho next thing I know I hcard my friend say: 'He's all ight now.' Then upcamo somebody with a pieco ofiaw moat aud clapped it on over my cye. Then it Riiddenly oecurrod to mo that I'd beeu struck by lightuing." "What did you do about it ?" "Nothiug, cxcept that I got out of Dover as j iiic-k.y as my friend's horso o nild haul 'ii yew York Times. A FOOr.ANI) UIS MOSBV HOOH I'A'tT How truo somo of thoso old sayings :nc. Airondo miiio ji.tid a travo., g ipiack ',0 to eu o him of Scrolula. fn ni whieh ho had sulfcied for two yo irs. Ilo gavo him a botllu of stulf which only ag giavated tho dise.iso. Whon ho went to consult him the secoud tiino tho quack liad lcft for parts unkuown. Upon lcarn in',' tho ciri'iimtanci'K I lTCommcndi'd Sulphur HitlriK. Fivu bottlcs curcd .liin. JSdltot Juurnal and C'ourier. Ilo: "I hopo you'ro nover jealous of mf. dcar." Sho: "Joi'ous of you? Why, how o ild I be?" Aud I o is still wondcriug wha sho meant. Pltcher's Castoria. A LITTLK IIIISTAKE TII T V.OST $10,000 OU 815,000, Charlcs H. Arms, Assistant United Statcs Attorney for tho District of Col umbia, was founi at tho Grand Hotol reccntly, and told tho following intercst intr reminiscenco of Col. Intrcrsoll and tho lato John JlcSwccnoy, the wily ora- tor anu lawyor: When Col. Inecrsoll undertook tho do fonco of Dorsey of Star Kouto notoriety ho was given a clicck for $50,000, with tho iiudcrstanuiiig tliat ho was toomplov so'mo ono to assist him and pay for such services. Ingersoll dctcrmincu to em ploy tho lato Johu McSwcouoy of Woos tor, Ohio, who was tho foremost crimi nal lawyer of tho United Statcs. Inger soll had nover met McSweenoy. but ho telegraphcd him to como to Washington. McSweenoy, although a full-bloodcd Irishman, had spcnt scvcral ycars at a Gormau university, and looked liko a German. Dorsoy's confidential man Georgo Eak ors, was a Gormau and was cxpected tho day beforo McSweenoy would arrivo. As Eakcrs liad somo important knowledgo, Col. Ingersoll was auxious to seo him. Ho went up to tho Arlington, whero all tlio Dorsey party -wero quartorcd, and awaited his man's arrival. Soon tliero entcred a tall, stout man with his trous ors tuckcd into a pair of No. 9 boots and his clothing bespattorcd with mud. His hair fell in riuglots to his shouldors, and his wholo appearauco was that of a journeyman Toxas cowboy. Tho stran ger had scarcely had timo to look around beforo his hand was in tlio grasp of tho famous orator, who said: "I am Ingersoll." "Yes," returncd tho other, "I was looking for you." 'Ali! I thought so," chuckled tho Colonel. "Como right up to tho room;" and witliout giviug tho gucst timo to regislcr he cseortcd him to tho room. "Ono of tlio lirst things I want to say to you, Mr. Eakcrs, was in this mattor of my feo. It won'f, bo worth whilo to mcn tion tho amuuncl rceeived to McSweenoy when he comep,ashe will naturally do his utmost. I proposo to cmiiloy him as cheap as I can. Of courso I must havo him, and if itcomes to a pinch I would pay him $25,000 to assist me, but I think 1 can got him for $."i,000, perhaps, and I am satislied ho won't refuso $10,000 in such a casc as this, if ho thinks that is all ho can get. Ho's au awful stickler for fecs, though, I hear, so just oblige mo and don't tell him what I got." "Oh, certainly not," said the staid in dividual. "Well, I'll seo you again in a fow min utes," said Ingorsoll, as holeft tho room. A short timo after that ho saw tho namo John McSweenoy on tho rogister and sent up his card Ilo was directed to the saine room. "Whoro's McSwceney?" iuquiretl In gersoll, looking around hurridly. "That my namo," said tho supposcd Eakers, with a comical drawl thatgrated on Ingorsoll's cars. What followcd need not bo told. Of courso they dividcd tho feo equally. Seattle PrexH-T'tme. D)US IHOTECTION I'UOTKCT. Certainly, in ono instancc, it docs. Hood's Sarsaparilla is tho great protee tion against thodangcrsof impuro blood, and it will curo or provcnt all disoascs of this class. It has well won its namo of tho best blood puriiler by its many re raarkablocurcs. Tho highcst praiso has been wo by Hood's Pills for their easy yet cfliciciit nction. S(dd by all drnggists. Prico 'S contt) por box. TUK I'AIinOr I'llKM-iliD TIIK UUTTON. A geutleinnn iu Little Itoek, Aik., who has rccnntly returned from Mexico, and wao brouglit with him a parrot which ho pui'chased in Vora Cruz, lias bcou very uiucli astouishcd at somo tricks which that bird has learncd during tho few days ho has becn in the houso. Tho bird's owner, Col. Iloward Johuson, oc- cupics a licauliful resideuco iu tho sub urbs, and .loeko has from tho lirst showu tho liveliest intcrest iu all his surround ings. It was very soon fouud that ho could not bo allowed his liberty in Mrs. Johusoirs room as ho at once fornicd a tcrriblo antipathy toabeautiful pauther- skin rug, in whieh the head is remarka bly lifelike, and tho moinent he was rc leased ho would mako for tho rug aud hegins bitiug savagely at its eycs aud nose. Ho escaped from his cago ono day and almost demolished the nose of the rug, and after that ho was chained to his porch. lt nappcncd tliat for several davs in succcsinu the perch stood by tho wall. closo bcside tho electrie bell. When Mrs Johnson touclied the button Jocko took notos, with his head on onc sido aud a most inuuiriug air, aud when tho servant appcared iminediately afterward Jocko gavo a faint eroak ot astonishinent. Af ter witiicNxiug this piirform.iuco scvcral times lt was eviilelit tliat .Jocko iiegnu to seo somo coniiectiou betweeii the button and tho hervant. Ilospcuta deal of time studying thc button, runniughis heak softly aiouud it, and uppaicntly coiumuniiig with him-elf, his mistres's watehing him uieanwhile,highly amused it lns clcverness. At last, wlietlier acci- dciitillyor othorwise, Jocko discovered tlio conneetiou aud precd tlio button. Tho, next moiiient a hervant appearud auii tho little schi-mer straightened up and said with gioat gravity "Jocko's liuugr.v." His mistrei.i's shouts of laughter aud thc servaut's astoiiiKhment did not iu tho lcast dicoiuposo him. ilo liad ruug lor what lie wauted, aud he m- sisted ou having it, Tho. schcnio worked well, to Jocko's uianitest delight. Ho rang tho hell again beloro half au hour, ;uid remai'Ked to tho servant who an swered tho call: "Well, you aro adaisy! Jocko wants water!" Col. Johnson u so delightcd with his bird's !.ccoiiidishinent that ho inyitcd somo friuiids iu to witness it tho other niglit. Jocko was iuclined to sulk at liist, but linally briL'htoued up, and was koou woiking at tho button. When tho servant entcred Jocko iioised liiniaclf on ono foot, swung his body to aud fro iu a most all'ccted way, and exclaimed: 'Hcllo, Tom, is that you? llring iu an other bottlo of wine, will you?" ,Col. Johnson, bo it umleVxlood, is a cliurch uiemher, and his miiiistcr was prcscnt, and thc Colnuel itisists that. Jocko caught this trick beforo ho camo into his hands. St. Loulx Globe-Dcmo-crat. American lctciitinin . at tho brutal attack ou tlio 1( tKiiiiure's seameu iu Valparaiso will not bo lesscned by tlio statcmcnt of ono of tho ollicers of tho stiip that after . that sanguiiiary battlo iiar tho city, in which ilalmaccda met h's liual defeat, thu Haltim iro's wholo lorco of surgcons wero sent nshuro aud worked night aud day caring for wound ed Chilians. Yet a few days lalor, un aroiod and uuolloiiding sailors iu the lialtimoro's uniform wero mobbcd and murdoiedin Valparaiso streets hy com ialriotrt and iicighbors of tho very men uhoso sulferingK tlio American suigoons lia i relieved. Aro thoso "Yaukt cj of tho South" birbaiians? Has gratitado no placo in Chiliau charactcr ? Weaiyot Woll Doing. North Sido "Oacar, why can't you bo a go l bov?" Waywanl 4-ycarrold: "Mamma, it maRus mo so tired." LO, THE FOOR KANSAN. Tho Tr6ime does not uced to spcak of Its great admiration for Woman. Witli out hor, this would indeed bo a chccrless world. It might be a quietor world, and a calmcr world, and a world with smaller bills for dry goods, but it would still bo a bleak, cold, forbidding world, which would continuo to got worso tho lougcr it lastcd. Wo shoudder to think of tho world at tho oud of a i undred womaulcss ycars. But dolightful as woman is aud must over remain, how much dcep sor row sho ofter brings to good men. Wo hopo wo undcrstand tho danger of ovcn hinting that womeu has a sphero in a contracted, pcnt-up Utica scnsc. Tho bouudloss univorso is woman's sphere. Somo pcoplo havo stopped donying this. But how much troublo sho makcs for man when sho stcps out of what was supposcd to bo her sphero in tho daik ages which provailed uji to twcnty, thir ty or forty yenrs ago. Tliero is no placo wo supposo on tho faco of tho earth wo iuliabit whero woman is so ulifottorcd as iu tho Stato of Kansas. Hero sho follows out her manifcst destiny and votca and holds oftieo. Xaturo will always triumph in tho oud. For a long timo woman was unnaturally kopt out of office, but it could not go on forover. Woman has como into her own in Kan sas, butalas for man in Kansas. A fcw days aco tliero arrived in Iliawatha,Kan sas, sovoral uupropossessing looking men wearing stiff clothes which stood out arouud them liko a high board fcnco around a baso ball grouud. After look ing about town a little, they lit their pipes, producod groat pails of pastc, and procecded to cover overy bill-board in tho city with posters of a gorgeous and startling naturo. They wero advauco biil-stickors for a certaiu IJondon Gaiety Conipany, which, composed largely of young womeu. Tho pictures representcd tlicso young pcoplo as clothed in a way which it would seem should havo delichted the dress rcforra women of Hiawatha, sineo thoy showed a protty thorough omancipation from skirts, but it seems that it did not. Tho women of Hiawatha were scandalized. Thoy aroso in a body and proceedod to tho council chamber and domandcd that tho obnoxious pictures bo prohibitod. Unfui tunatoly, tho womeu of Hiawatha neglected, at tho last clcction, to seo that Aldermcn woro chosen from their own sox. Of course, tlio mcu rofuscd to in terfcro with tho pictures, and each 'fclt in his pockot, to mako suro Uiat ho had not lost his complimontary ticket to tho porformance. Tlio women wero indig nant, and lcft tho chamber. Then, ao cording to tho dcspatch, thoy "armed themsolvos with pitchforks and rakea aud scraped the bills from tho boaids." They then declarod tho membors of tho Council social outcasts and went home. Nothing, wo suppose, can bo dono about this. Of courso it is an outrage on tho mcn of Hiawatha thus to doprivo them of a chanco for artistio study, but whatredress havo they? None whatover. In Kansas nothiug is so superlluous as man. Onco he was powerful and his voice was hcard on public qnestioni; now he is seen but little, and in placo of tho sound of his voico tliero is tho harsh scratch of tho gardun-rako and tho four tiued pitchfork. as his wifo and daugh tcrs cultivato the hill-boards and tear away pictures iu which ho formerly de lightcd. Tho qucstion of the deporta tion of tho Kansas man will yet llnd its way into National politics. His inost saered rights havo becn trampled on. Tliero has ceased to bo an.vreason for his further cxistcnco in tliat State. Tribune. KV ANU NiM ... T.n flrlmip has hnnn nn'vah'iitin Aiif- tralia for tho jiast fow months. Thioo aro K'fili cntiics for tho New York Horso Show, wliich will open .Motiday in Madisou Squaro uardtn. This is' 3S0 moro than lu any provious year. Thnv aro aaitathvr thc oopstinn nf romoviiur tliu caoital of ilinneHota from St. P.iul. Tho Westcrn part of tho State is ambitious for tho honor. The temperatuic of Uussia is too low to excite a high eirculation. Four thou saud books wero published tliero last year and tho averago eirculation of each wasoOOoopies. John Harris of Ifowell coiintv. Mn.. is 77 ycars old, lias been mariied thn o times, and is tho father of 21 childreu, tho youngcst of which is threc weel s old. Tho County Courtlias granted h m $10 to help him llirough tiio proscii. sorape. Trafllc in tho Straiid is so rontrestnd at prcsent that it is iroposed to iiiua subway from tho "city"' o Watcrioo statiou, with a viow to tnking oll tln piessurc. Thc gieat highway betweeii th "citv" and ChaiiiiL' f!nws is nnu hlockaded daily for hours. Ono of tho show ulaccs of .Mncinnc is tho headquartois of the old Aiiiitu ;n Kur Conipany, built by John Jacob Astor iu lttUU, Thu hoiihC, now oeco pied as a (Iwelling. is a long and rauill l nir stru tiue, with dingy looms and i vurv unatt ii'tiva iuti'iior. Ilnr uitiiin lt was laid tho foum.ati.iu of the colosal Astor fortiiue. Tho followinir dmlnffiin .nf!tinllv oveihcaid iu a cliiua stoio inthiscitv latelx : !j Puichaser What is the niice of theso smoke bulls '.' Clerk Thirty-livo eents apiccu. Puichaser Isn't that too much ? Clork that's on ni'count of ttiii taiiff, bccauso thoy aio im portcd all tho way Iruni Massaehu.setts. Whilo searchinc for cold and silver iu tho Cancado rango, Washington, a lirospeetorstumhled ou a ledgo ot cryst d u..n. Miitablo for uiakiug glass. Ac cording to a speeimeu ils peiei'niairi' o mutal suhstanee is very low. Ono ton of it would piodueobnly 21 conts' woith oi gidd, but prospectors hao searched iu vain for very quarts along the coast. Miss DcPoyster: I havo becn trying to llnd out whero your daughicr got her now 'rown. Havo you any idea? Col. Bilderwiek: I ought to know. Thi "in iu xlie liought it from has hern around to my ofllco overy day for about a mo ou. AT A PLEASANT rl?,.E.X.Lll!,.JRIN0 1 FEEL BRICHT AND I1EW AND MY COMPLEXION IS BETTER. Hr rtnctnr it lt aet prntly on tho ttomnrli, llrrt Irol lc'.tlnpr. nn.l Ha .lcn.ant laxatlrp. Tliis drlnw li nndo fmn Wrbg, aud Ii iircportxl (orura u eully Utco. ItlJ called LHHE'S MEDIGME .AUdnmliitaMll It at 60c and $M ner rocksee. Juyone tn-dy.. Lnnn' Famlly MrdMiiB moirn Ihn lnnrrlt each day. In onler to be healthr, UUii vneceuarr. wmmM We Giv Away the Formula of Cottoleqe the new Vegetable Substi tute for Lard, to any one who applies. It consists of highly refined Cotton Seed Oil, pure Beef Suet, and nothing else. Cottolene has received the guarantee of expert Food Chemists, hearty en dorsement from Cooking School Principals. and gen eral praise from intelligent housekeepers everywhere. Its use in the kitchen insures peace in the dining room and health in the entire family. Give Cottolene a trial. At all Grocers. Get the genuine. Manufactured ln CIIICAQO by N. K. FAIRBANK & CO. 6 Contral Wharf, Boston. MEEIOAN REAKFAST jEItEALS. CHOICEST I1K1SAKKAST UUUS, ,1-B-C-OATMEAL, Holcctrd Ornln. MulU rtcniovcd. Ureinlv C'onUrd, Jnlekly Pr lmrcd, j:.illy lllifMled, Kcnnomlcul. Heaithful, Velicluus, Best. mark ?wgLw orusnea White Oats. A.B.O. White wneat, IPCnilDMI'U II. M I' rXinCEHKALSMFG. W&$ BfAM COOKED. j.urraytM., ricwiorK. 1 Sold by all (;rocerw GOOD NEWS 9 (j FORTHEMILUONSOFCONSUMERSOF g. Tutt's Pills. It glvcs Dr. Tutt ploasuro tn nn nouncc tliat ho is now puttlng up a TINY LIVER PILLs irlilch Is ofrjtcecdlnKl y small l7.e, yet Ga rctalnlni nll tho vlrtucs of tho Inrscr W oncs. Thoy nro guarantced puroly veKctnhlc. Both 8lzes of theso pills A nro still Issued. The exact glzo of V Is chown lu tlio bordcr of this "ad." " WE5LEY HEIGHTS WASHINGTON, D. C. A RARE OPPORTUNITY FOR AN INVESTMENT. This property Is a pirt ol Northwesl Wash ington, and Issltuated opposlto theslte recently purchasel by Bishop Hurst for the erectlon of the new ArrjQricap UoiVrsity on which ($10,000,000 wlllboejcpenilcd In errctliu suiwrn iiull ilui. It U but iO mlmilr drlvofrumtliu WliUo llniiHC aud Hsiiuate 1 on ono ot tlio hlgneit hi h Iu lln D.slrlct or Coluinhla. The nvprnijB dlzo loti, SSrlS', cost from 8 ttf.1 1 1 $730. on'Mlfth cili, b:ilani-o lu 1, 3 and 4 year. No bett-r or safor Inriuco ment havw ever bcen o Tered nurchnscrs tn makea pnirititblo lnvo-tnie'tl. ValucH are rnp Id IV lncn'aHi. Wrllefor f tll partlculnri, ref ervnce, liluilrated mapi and f ull luroruiatiou. JOHN F. WAGGAMAN, 700 14th st.. n.w., Washington, D. C. ffi.Kl-.fn. I.'. - 1 . ril in . II- I 1 -Ki H Itiilt ll, Imt M ) i fi t li y ii i k ty lu Y to i II tn tu . t .iuuim ut (lu- airirl, itnd ln ic n jou f ill II- (li . ii -, oil Uf'-. Ill onv uil t (titr t o. t -i' hii r iini'i ni f l lit'iur, . in j ni uur ili. . r H'.irf iiifiiifris onlj i th w i l . m. t.uut y M 1 l itr w r rkt r Vt tnrl t V" tnrnMi'i iASII.Y(Hll.l MM Kun-. V.ui h l LAI.- l'KI.I,. A'Mri'Mitotiii It., t'tniAM), 31AI.k ! trathiAijr ralrlj lulriltriit h rmi uf ill. Mlio-idii trad oliI wrlle,i wm ! nftrr intructlon, u 111 trork Indtiti1oitil how to rirn ThrM llmiittnd hrlln ' Ti-arlnlhrlrowti lut'allttrt.nlirivrrriher Ilrr.l w;italofiunU the Uuatloti orriiitlfjrnifnlil nhU h joumrn nni tlial tnotun moiif r fnr iilPUulias iiic raaTnl at alwi. 1 Mj atul qnlrklt tcanml. i dfirr Uut une Morkcr irum rnth tlialrict orrounl. -iiar atrcatly tmiprlit and rutlJfd nltli mp)iynifDl .nr itunibrr, whxait lunklntr otr rSiW a irtreath. IV I nd .NOlil l. TuU i-irtlo.lir. riC r.K. AddrrM- tnr i:. tl. AI,Ii:,'. Jlox 4UU, Aiiuualu. Bluii.-. n ipmnfftntttn dalouritr lliiaorworfc. iif-J I Bfll W U uivT tx. yuuf.r ii.l,o...l Itttoa! W funilih fffytlihir. Vt ,Uttrzn, NuiUk Voti t m dv.w j flur tpnrv iiiutiiaiita, ir a!t . Bnt 'In.a to thrttork. "IiIIb b ft'relyiiwlij,iiii.l triti'TWfriii'te'iil btrfwi. rrrtt wAcr Beglnnmirtminiliijr froL li& m 50 jh. kand jvtt1 ind moro after a little eijn leiiOJ. t .n f'littf.h vu ;b m pionir-ul and (each jrn KK. Jt'l.n' '" i"r- r HOUSE, SIGM, -ANU- OARRTAGE PAINTING. I'fliiilllif, Olnzlni;, AlabnMltilnir. KaNoiulnlnL'. Tiiitlnu'. Slcu aud I'urrid.i- I'il.ntlni; lii CharlcxU. I'hllllix CIIAUI.KS 71. UURVHAM. 240 UntonSlrwt. IVi.nli Rlon. Vt I fi IT wliy nyl)oilylii tbxlnndKbniilil 1 1 1 ba 1 1 tadte uf C'Uimiuipiliin liad It bil I tl'Ht I wnt to Ci.lniudu. b' allff Doi'ttT cuMdo nntbliiK for me nt 1 1 c i n -. nti l ir. iild lntyi 'led llicre bad not an cdd mincr eiTCll me a r clpr wlllch M'l KKL.Y I)I!KI AIK.. I nd ihi formula In any nfreri'ro: tecelpt of 91 (I'o-tnl Nolr) nud OU K IT Wll.l CUKHA.SV CA"KI1 prop-rly rntde and used accordlnit to dlierlloi h. AildrfK C. It. UADI.KV, l!ox 1028, Bradford, (43inl) l'euuaylvanla. We Don't Want the Earth ! But we want cvcrjriody to know tliat we liavc removcd our store to M. 0. Ilealy's building, ncar thc It. II dcnot, and flttcd it ii) with new goods. Call and sce our ucaiitiful prcsents In French Chlna, decoratcdKlasswarc, Iiand lamps, castors, ctc. prcscntcd to cvery purcliascr of our cholcc tcas, baklng powdcrs, ctc. AVe are makiug a big ran on flnc ioot wcar. We liavca largestock for falland wintcr wcar in gcnls', laiilcs', inisscs and yoiillis' lioots, sliocs and rnbljcrs. l.atest stj Ies. Lowest priccs. Our groccry dc parlmcnt Is coniplctc. AVe dis play tlic largest llne of clioice clzars and loimccoiii tlio county. Wlioicsalc and rctail. Full liuc ofdrugs, standard patcnt mciU cincs, toilct articlcs, ctc. JJ. NOUTII BKNMXtiTON. RANGES ! Yn, my stork ran?es all throuch the llnes of stovHK, bardware. wooden. plaiis and llnware. pniula, olls. varnishea. bruabrs, cntlery and an hiindrpd aud one other artlcles lht would take the broad Me. of a nrwspnpi r to I'numrrate, but I sp'clally wnnt tocall your attcntion to EANGESt The celebrated "New Househotd" of high grade, the "Cyclone," of leRer uraite and the dandy"4bole Oolil Coin" that sclls lor little moiiey. I am also aeent for the celebrated "Slew art Store," and other flrst-caa cookers and hcaters. The wtseman before he ar- RANGES For hU Palnte, Olls, Varnlsbeii Hruches. "Siiour's" or "Pierce'a" qulck drjina Hoor pnlnts. CaiTlage palnts. Cutlery. farine r', butch ci s' and carpenters' tools, will do well to consult my fctock, And the man wlio never disar- RANGES! Hi most economic planx always Interviews me when liUwislien revert to Belts and L.acinL'8. by the biinch or side, lHinipi, Slnks, l.ead pipe. or .IlltllllNO In tln. Iron, copper, lcad or brass. Thus it is that Winslow, the "Old Kellable." rear- RANGES And makesflt the supol.v to tke demand and the pricc to the articlc tielah I WINSLOW, 428 MAIN STREET. HARK! HARK ! Whnt does thts mean? Do the people uf P.en niiiKion know anyiliini; about it! YeHeidny ee 'iinuMheic iu rivfil in town one of the f.nnoiw llichaid-oii & Hojnten ln.'ili is. Well. w. II, lo y it H peifeetiun would not be sajinj; halt uoujrb. Call and iiiveftluate. Jut look In the I'utiiam Ilouse ofllce and see hat daiay, the STOV, equal to'tlie Stjwnrt,3 Call and seo that ercr reliablejewett,steel:range goldigoin,; burdett, smith & go, eq'jare iparlor stgve, Also a New ant Complele stock 'of iiouse i-ysRisning Goods from a Penny Wfiislle to a Wash Boiler, at HARRY WILLOUGHEY'S, s !is Mnln St.. Bi'iuiinirloji. Vf. fOM H I SSION KltS- N i TIC K. INtate or KltXNK II. SPOIT The uniicrtpned, haiuiKheen ppointed by ihe Ilnn. lVotmte Court for tlie Di.iriet of HiUhiiucton tmininU!foners toreeeie. cxmnine, an.' 'idju.I atl claims iind demands of all pcrpons aira!nt tlie es tate nf FrHiilt II. S; tl 1 te of ll-nt linrtrii, Insald Ditrict, and allcliiiiuexhilnled m otNctthcrctn, liereb.v irlien notieelbat e will iueet for ihc piirpue afoit.aid, at ihe IntHilnelilnsof ilii ileeenfed in lleiini. R'on. on ihe "jili day of N. Tember. Ii t, and SOih day of Mnrch next. trmn l ti'clock p. in., unlil four o'clook 1'. M., eaeh of said days. and that ix uinnllK trnm the lAlh day nf rt. A I). 1831. l the tiuie liuiited by saio cnurl for said credito" to proent ihelr claims to us for eluluin atin aud altouanee Dated at Ib-nnlnRton tbl 3rd day of Xoem. ber. A.D1891. TIIOHAS WIHTK. 42 Elil TIKFANY. Coiauiissioners. NOTICE TO SELL REAL ESTATE OF ZADOC L. TAFT, Dt-ccascd. state of veiuiont, Pi.t. of Bennington, ss. ( In Probatet'ourt.beld at Bennington, within and for said diitrict.ou the 3uth day of Octubcr, A. U. 18U1. Prcscnt. Hon. Al'red B .binson, Juot'c. Daniel McEoen. cx-cuti.r ol tlie lal will and tevtmneiit of Z idoc I.. Talt Inte of I'rnnlnfton ln. said ilisirirt. ilecea.ed make am l o.llon tosaid eourt for lli-ensc to sell all iu Ihe real etate of said decea-ed cniiv.tin nf tlie lale b.mi.timl of tlie dic-a-ed Mtu te in 11 nlnutrui lllace, repr'seiilin(;ltntllie nleof -ad real estate Is nnosirv for llic paynient ol d-bts and txpeies Wlicreunon. It is ordered br said Court. ihar said upplicatlon be rcfcrred toascssiuii thereof, to be held ai Ihe 1'robile otllcr ln II, i.n uxtnii. In said ditnrt. on thc -If ilav of N reiu'ier. A D. IS'.M. for liearim: and riirl.ion tliercnn; is further ordcird, tlial all prr sun tntercstcd be uotltied bereof. lii piilillealion of noticr of said apnlicatioiiund order Ihrreoii. thrie wcrk ucccslreiy iu Ihe Ilciiniturton IIa.xneb, r. ncwspapcr uublisfieil at Heuritirton. and uhl-h cireulAtes In the ueiKliborhooil of those Inler ested. before said time ol hrarini; tliat tliey may appearat said time and place, and If they Kte cauae, object thereto uj mo uourt. Atteat, . . 42 ALHtfcD ItOClNSOX, Judge.