Newspaper Page Text
THE BENNINGTON BANNER, FJRIDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1891. A STOUY NOT AIiTOGBTHBR WITHODT POINT. 'Butyou seo, Lona, it's somothinc tliflt has got to bo dono," saidj Hermia TTano, nodding licr hcail. Dr. Electus Vane lio had bcon mould ciiug in Ilolmcsworthy churchyard six yoars, with tlie wild buttercup and black bcrry vincs running riot ovor hls gtave cad beeu a grcat lovcr of Shakspearo and Iiad called tlio twin daughtcrs Hcr niia and Iloloua. They wero odd nanies, ii ud of courso required cxplanations for almost ovorybody oxplanations tliat roro somotimos a littlo awkward. Ilelcna was romantically inclincd, and filoried in licr uomcnclaturo. Ilermia ot hor poarly tceth togethcr and wishcd .jho had beon called Trudenco, Naoml or yny other hura-drura, evory-day sort ofj sii appellatlvo. Upon thls sunsliiny afternoon Hclona . Vano sat, with a book in licr lap, upon tlm doorstep, making qulto unconscious Iy to horself a plcturosquo littlo tableau under tbo evening shadow of tho grcat tuaplc, which was just sliowering down tlio last of its crimson Dlossom banncrs Gj mako room for tho clustcr of tender joung leafago; for spring had moved idowly up tho Holmesworthy way that Koason, and ovorything was lato. Iler mia, with hor sleoves rollcd up, had just tfnished wasliitig tho dinncr dishcs. 'Somo ono must wash dishes," said Hermia, "and Ilelcna does sohato kitch en drudgory." "I'll do 'cra, dcar," said old grand tnarama Janc, and apple-chcekcd old lady. "Run along to your sowing. I hato to sce your pretty wliito hands in tlio dish-watcr." "You, indocd?" cricd Ilermia. "Not tta long as I am here. Why, what aro young folks mado for, if not to wait on -old pcoplo?" "Ilelcna does not always reason so," Bald tho old lady, a little bitterly. "Oh, well, you sce, Helena is intellcct ual and writcs poctry. Now I liaycn't tlio brains for that sort of thing cvcn if I caredforit which Iam sorry to say I don't, and so it stands torcason, you seo, that I should be in tho dish-watcr." Accordingly, Ilermia had washed the dishcs and arrangcd thom in a ncat or dcr on tlio whitoly-scoured shelvcs, and bad comc out to havo a littlo domcstic cliat with Ilelcna. ''Got to bo dono? of courso it has got tobo dono!" retortcd Helena impatiout ly, "and why can't wo hiro somo ono to dfl it?" , , "Moncy rcasons, Lena monoy rea sons," sagcly answered Ilermia Vano. "Wo can't afford it." "Oh, what adcgredation it is to bo Ijoor!" sighcd Ilelcna liftinghcr tur jjuoiso bluo eycs to heavcn. ','IIo mia, why in tho namo of Midas and Crocsus, nd all thosc rich old hcathcns wo rcad about, didn't somo old millionairo fall in lovo with us whcn wo visitcd Alico Copo last wintcr iu .rhiladelphia? Girls in xiovels nover go auywhero without pick 'hig up at lcast half a dozen bcaux." "But wo aro not girls in novcls," lauched Ilermia. "Thcro was Mark Hazeltine you ro inombor him, Hermy? that youug man with tho splcndid dusky eycs and wliito teetli. "I romcinbcr," said Ilermia, blushing Jl little in spitc of hcrself. 'I know be fancicd ono of us, or both. Just think how oftcn ho uscd to como lo Alico's. If wo could only havo rcmained n littlo longcr I fcel certain hc would havo bccoino a foregone c.iuclusioii. And rtnly think" "What nonsenso all this is!" impa tiently cricd Ilermia. "And what on cnitli has it ,to do with our spring house clcaning? Thero aro all tbolowcr rooms to bo lc-paporcd, and " "And who is to do all this housc maidy sort of work?" dcmanded Miss "Vane, with a shuddcr. "Wc, of courso, Ilelcna, sinco wc can't afford to havo it dono." "Ishan'ttouchit." "Thcn I must," said Hermia, witli tho coo indcpcndeuco which was a part of hcr naturo; "with what help grandmam ma can givo mc." "Ilermia, havo you sunk so low as to bo a mcro household drudgo?" sovcrely demandcd Hclona. "I havcn't sunk suflicicntly low," Iler mia laughingly retortcd; "to lio in tho diit, as long as I am physically ablo to purify my surroundingst!' . A golden mid-April day! Tho violets making a bluo carpct along tho sunny fiide of tho orchard wall; tho primrfiscs writing tlicir hicroglyphics adown tho courso of tho gurgling strcam; and Ilelcna was practicing a new song, with hcr bluo ribboncd guitar, in tho parlor, whilo Ilermia, in tlio shed at tho foot of tlio gardcn, was mixing a prodigious pail of whitcwash, and singing at hcr work as morrily as if tho limo had becn balls of cmbroidery iioss, and hcrbristly brush a dainty nccdlo, wcaving itsclf 'in and out'of silkcn canrass. Sho was drcsBcd appropriately to her work, tliis entorprising young damsel, with a crash apron ticd around hcr trim waiRt, and an iropromptu Normandy cap, made out of a bandkcrchief, porched on hor head, concualing tho wholo of hor bright hair, except whcro ono or two etray cuils.had escapcd and hung liko wandcrintr spirals of sunshino, on hcr I)liie-veincd brow. And if Hermia Vano could only havo known it, sho nover lookcd pi ettier in hcr lifo. "And now, grandmamma, I bclicvo this witcbcV cauldron of foaming snow Is rcady," said ncrmia, gaily, "and if you'll tako hold of tho handlcs just to steady it, you know I'll do all tho lift Ing. Wo will bcgin opnratlons at once." Whilo old Mrs. Vano and Hermia wcro toiliiigBlowIy up,tho gardcn walk witli tho whitewash tub'bctwecn thom an t-Io-j;antly dressed young gentloman witli iIamo!i(l studs in bls shirt bosom, -nttaight camco-liko fcaturcs and dark bluo oycs fringed by long lashes, was ad vancing briskly up tho front patb. "I think that must bo the house," said Mr. Mark Hazoltine, "as ncarly as I can guess from tbo confused directions of that old idiot at the railway station and" But the current of tho soliloquy was cut short by tho sudden appcarance of a bright jwclcoming face at tho door Helena Vano hcrself, in pale bluo muslin with bluo filletii of ribbons in hcr hair, a sash picturesqucly loopcd atone sidoand rosettcd slippcrs, like a dreamof Cinder olla. "Miss Vane can you pardon this intru sion," ho began, courtcously lifting his hat. "Oh, Mr. Hazeltine, I am so glad to sco you!" cried Helena, cxtcnding both hcr hands. At tho samo motneut Ilermia and the tub of whitewash appcarcd around tho corncr of tho house. In bcr surpriso at tlio sight of an unexpectcd visitor and tho unoxpcctcd visitor of all othors Hermia droppod hcr ond of tho tub, ool oring as rcd as a roso. "Oh, my dear!" cricd old Mrs. Vano, trying butin vain, to savoit, "thcrogocs your whitewash!" "How do you do, Mr. Hazoltine?" said Hermia, recovering hor self-possession, and advancing with proilcred hand. "My sistcr is ahera practicing for a masquoradc," stammercd tho scandalizcd Helena. "No such thing!" retortcd Hermia, blushing a moro vivid scarlet than ovor, "I am going to whitewash our back kitchcn.cciling." "But can't I help you?" asked Mr. Hazeltine, laughing. "I used to bo a good hand at tho brush in my schoolboy days." "I'vo no objection to your trying," said Hermia, gravcly. "But you'll havo to borrow a shcot from grandmamma to cover up your flno clothes." "I'll risk tho fino clothes," said Mr. Hazeltine, resolutely. "Hermia! Hermia! are you crazy?" protestcd nelcna,tumingpink and wliito by turns. "Go and chango your drcss at onco and como down to the parlor." "Not until I havo dono my whitowash ing," insistcd her obdurato twin-sistcr. "Itemcniber, Mr. nazeltine, it was your own offer!" And Mr. Hazeltine, looking into tho sapphire dopths of thoso sparkling oycs, stood to his colors. "My own offcr!" said be. "Of courso it was; and I shallfeel toomuchhonored by its cxccptanco." And to Hclcna's Vauo's inilnito dis gust, Mr. Hazoltino spcnt tho wholo morning in tho kitchen, disguiscd in a papcr cap And a pieco of an old shect, hclping Honnia to whitowash the ceil ing. "Hermy" said Holcna, whcn Mr. Haz eltine was gouo and sho contrivcd to ob tain audienco of her sistcr, "I am asliamcd of you." "And why?" "To lot Mr. Hazeltine into tho sccrct of our poverty " Hermia's oycs ilasbcd. "If ho despiscs us on account of our poverty," 'sho said. "his fricudship is not worth having. I shall not play hyp ocrito to accommodato any man." "Ho will ncvcr conio here again." "I beg your pardon, Lona. Ho is com iug again to-morrow.". And stiro ciiough Mr. Hazeltino mado his appearanco tho noxt day, "quito rcady for auotlicr job of work," as lio himself cxpiosfed it. "But you are not in earncst, Mr.'IIaz clton?" Helena plcaded. "Ves, I am, I nover onjoycd myself nioro than I did yescrday. With Miss Hermia's consnnt I'll soo tho houso clcaning throuuli." "You'll bo of no uso at all with tho scrubbing brush and tho broom," said Hermia, mischiovously; "but I'vo no objection to your hclping papcr tho littlo west room whcn wo gct tho paste rcady." It was nearly a weok bcforo tliey got to tho west room, but Mr. Hazeltino camo every day. And whcn they put on tho last strip of bright colorcd bordering, Mr. Hazeltino laid asido his papcr cap. "Hcimia," said ho (they had grown to bo grcat friends during this alfrcsco sort of lifc), "I'vo a question to ask you." "Well?" "Don't you think wo work togethcr nicely?" ' "Pretty woll, considoriug," said Her mia. "Would you objcct to mo as a part ncr?" "Not at all." "Thon may I considor mysclf accopt cd?" ho askcd cagcrly. "Yes," sho answcrcd, with half a blusli and half a smilc. That was Hermia Vano's last job of houso-clcaning. Hclona is singlo yct. Sho says sho cannot comprclicnd tho meu of tho prcs cnt age. Omahti Hce. I'revontlntt In Hetter Than cure, and thoso who aro subjcct to rhcumatism can provent attacks by kccping tho blood puroand frco from tlio .ncid wliich causes tho dispaso. For this purposo Ilood's Sarsaparilla is uscd by thousands with grcat succcss. It is tho bcst blood puriilcr. Constipation is causcd by loss of tho peristaltic actiou of tho bowels. Ilood's Pills rcstoro this action and invigorato the livcr. Wifo: I wcnt to a now dry goods storo to-day. Husband (sadly): I supposo, as usual, that you opcncd a now account thcro? Wifo: No. They didn't know mo, so tho thingsaro romlng U. O. I). Tlllt IIOIJNr KKi If- PltlRK . A fricnd in nccd is n fricnd indecd,nnd such a fricnd you will always flnd in Sulphur Bittcrs. They curcd mo of had given upllfo in despair, and was nlmost at dcath's door. Thoy aro a truo fricnd of tho s!ck. Mrs. It. C'raync, Hartford, Conn. SECOND ANNUAL MEETINO OF THE NON-PARTISAN W. O. T. U. At tho second annual mecting of tho Non-Partisan National Woman's Chris tian Tomperanco Union, held in Brook lyn on tho 10th-13th, Nov., thero wcro dclegatos from Mainc, Vermont, Massa cbusetts, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsyhania, Ohlo, Iown, IUi nois, Minncsota, Colorado, California, and Districtof Columbia. Althoughtwo ycars have not passcd sinco the organi zation of tho Union, it has little less than 10,000 members. On Tuesday ovening Rev. Theodoro L. Cuyler, welcoming tho convontion on bo half of tho city, showcd that if his fifty ycars of scrvico in tho tcmperanco causo would entitlo him to rank as a vetcran, ho could not yct boplaccd on tho retircd list. Ho spoko with tho forco and ilro that largo expericnco and stronir convic tions give. From his earncst addrcss wo tako tho folbiwing sentences: "I am heartily glad to cxtend the hand of honcst welcome to this convention; happy is tho city which thus rcceives fresh influcnco from good women. Go into our homcs go into our churchos, bring every right iniluenco to bear upon tho pulpit and upon the prcss, and your organization will yot sprcad throughout tho land. After prcscnting facts to sho w that all the lcgislation against tlio liquor traffic in difTcrent scctions of tho coun try had bccn sccured by tho two grcat political parties." "This tem poranco rcforra raovemcnt, born in tho hcarts of Christians, and baptized by tho Spirit of Jesus Christ, will not dio. Our mountains will not bo its monumcnt; our valleys will not becomo its gravo; thls flag will not bo its pall, but will yot float over a land delivorcd from tho greatcst curse that afilicts humanity May thero be a baptism of tho Spirit for you, and may Brooklyn bo tho bettcr as it will bo the happicr foryour presence." From Dr. Lyman Abbott's address to tho convention, wo mako tho following extracts: "I am suro that partisanship is the greatcst hlndranco to tho tcmperanco cause; the two greatcst obstaclcs in the way of progrcss in any movement aro incrtia and partisanship. Wo may havo zeal without knowlcdgo, and we may have knowledgo without zcal; put them togethcr, they mako a capital team, and pull well, but apart they aro usclcss: He who leads should always bo in touch with thoso who follow: tho pionecr corps of an army should nevor allow a grcat gap botwccn itself and tho main body. Pcoplo get discouragod whcn they aro not unitcd. Napoleon said ho won his battlcs by concentrating his forccs, whilo his encmics lost, by di viding thcirs. Ono stap at a timo makes bcttcr progrcss than a grcat flying lcap that lands you practically whcro you staitcd. Bcttcr shut up ono saloon, than promiso to shut all, and lcavo all opcn. I heartily agreo witli tho motto on thoplatform: 'Nocompromiso between tho homo and tho saloon.' It is not possililo that thero can bo any coni- here. Ladics look to it, that you marry to your cnthusiasm, good practical, common scnsc; then march on, onc stcp at a timc, and God bo with vou." Itov. A. J. F. Behrands, I). D., was ex pccted to addrcss tho convention, but absence from tho city prcvcntcd. B. F. Dcnnison of Philadclpha and J. N. Stcanis of New York, camu as fratornal delcgates appolnted by tho Tcmpcr.mco Congrcbs which mct at Saratoga in July, and gavo hcarty grecting to us as fcllow laborcrs in the grcat causc to which thcir livcs arc dcdicatcd. Chaplain JicLaian of tho U. S. Navy and Chaplain Crauc of Amcrican Si'amau's Fricnd Socicty, wcro iutroduccd and cxprcsscd inuch intcrcst in tlio work. Tlio Prcsidcnt's addrcss gavo forciblo prcseutaMou of tho principlo on which the Union is fornicd, and rcasons why it should not bo coubidcrcd, as It was ncvcr dc&igncd to bc,tho rivalof tlio old Union. Tho geueral secretary gavo 4S0 as tlio uumbcr of uuious that rcportcd. and gains in sovernl Statcs; Pennsylvania rc ports 5SS new members. Tho fluaiicial sccrotary and trcastucr rcportcd rcccipts amouutlng to $4S.'!(J. .').); disburscmcnts, $4070.47 lcaving balancc in hand, $100.80, witli uo outstanding bills. Iute.rcstiiig facts wcro brought out in tho rcports of tho sccretaries in the Evangi'listic, educational and lcgislativo dcpaitments. Jliss Chaso, whoso woik ainong soldicrs and sailors, rcportcd suc cessful labor, aml thrco sailors' and sovcn soldiers' uniuns. Tho account of tho work among foreigncrs, by Mrs. J. Lcman, a Bohcmian, who has dono, and is doing, a wonderful work among her own pcoplc, touchcd tho hcarts of all that hcard it. May God sparo hcr many ycars to bc a fricud and tcachcr to theso pcoplc. Tbo gcncral ofliccrs wcro ciectcd as follows: Prcsidcnt, Mrs. E. J. Pliinney, Cleveland, O.; vicc-prcsidcnt, Mrs. II. J. Walkcr, Mlnneapolls, Jlinu.; gcncral secretary, Mrs. Howard M. Jugbani, Cleveland, O. ; rccording secretary, Miss Florenco Millcr, Des Moincs, Iowa; treasurcr, Jlrs. C. C. Alford, Brooklyn, N. Y. Thcro was a flno programmn at tbo Young Woman's mcctmg on Thursday cvcnlug, with rccitations, nm-iic and nd drct.R5s, and a gcncml rcpoitof tho work by Mrs. ltlchard Dnrlington of Pennsyl vania; national secretary iu this depart mcnt. Dr. Cuyler gavo us ariothcr short, stir ring spcech of instruction and encour agcmcnt, and Itov. Mr. Braislin, pastor of tho Washington Avcnuo cluircli.wliere tbo mceting conveucd, also took part. Thcio were othcr vlsitors to tho conv n tion. whoNO chccrlng words I would bo glad to rcport. 'Ihc last half hour of tho convention was deviitloniil, and after singing "Blcst bo tlio tlo that binds our hcarts in Chiis tlan lovc," wo adjournrd, with tcndcr thouglits toward cach otlicr. and loviug trust in Him wlmso scrvants wo arc. Chlldren Cryfor DEFEItRED VERMONT NEW8. Farms are ln domand in Tunbridge. Fox hunters aro in big luck tbis fall all ovcr the staU. The tobacco crop of Vermont is ready for market. About 5000 Iogs wero burnod on tho mountain in West Enosburgh reccntly. A spruce trce was out in Belvidero tho other day from which 11 12-foot logs were taken that measurcd 1154 feer, Thoro has been moro typhoid fever in Vermont this fall than for a long timo. Low water is the probablo cause. Tho Ccntral Vermont railroad pays Middlebury $200 per year for tho water uscd by it at tho station in that village. Rocks aro being blastcd out, of Now Haven rivor so that logs can bo floatcd to the Middlebury pulp mills with less difil culty. Tho Northfield Neios says that Charlcs N. Cilloy of West Berlin recently cought a pantherin a fox trap. no wcnt to his houso to get a gun, but whcn ho had rcturncd tho panthcr had disappcar ed with tho trap. Daniol Azro Ashloy Buck, born in Norwich, April 10, 1789, was tho first na tivo born speaker of tho House of Keprc seutatives iu Vermont, having hold that position from 1820 to 1823, 1825 to 1827 and 1829 to 1830. Tho 22d annual mceting of tho Ver mont Dairjmon's association is to bo held ln Brattleboro about tho middlo of Jan uary. Efforts are being mado to secure a largo list of promiuent spcakers, and so far the principal officurs have beon suc ccssful in this rcspect. H. B. Williams of tho board of cattlo commlssioners visitcd tho f arm of Joscph Cross at St. Albans Bay tho other day in company with Dr. C. L. Morin, and or dered killed 20 hogs which wero cffccted with cholera. Twenty-nino of tho drovo of 49 had died bcfore tho officials wcro notified. John G. Borden, formoly well known throughout Vermont, died tho other day at Walkill, N. Y., leaving considerablo wcalth. Hobequcathedhis homo,St. Ilmo as a homo for Knights Tcmplar, in mcm ory of his father. Ono of the fincst school buildings in tho statb is one now nearing completion in Barre. It will cost $00,000 and willbo rcady for occupancy in a fow months. In addition to tho rccitation and asscmbly rooms thcro is a llbrary and natural his tory collcction. Tho building will bo called tho Spaulding gradcd school, in raemory of Dr. Spaulding. Tho St. Johnsbury Itepubllcan says: "Tho republicans of Brattleboro havo mado a most excellent movo and ono worthy of imitation througli tho stato. Bight on top of tho election rcturns they proceeded to raiso $300 and leaso rooms for rcpublican hcadquatcrs, and they purposo to make thiugs hum from this time until tho ropublican candidato for prcsident is olected ncxt Novembcr." Tho futuro of Vermont was never brightor than now. It has herotoforo bccn claimcd that tho stato and its intcr ests wcro on tho down grade, but if I judgo tho signs of tho present timo cor rectly, tho stato is again moving up tho hill of progrcss and is suro to attain a prosperity grcater than it has enjoyed for ycars. Vcrmontcrs only need to stand by hcr, rcprescnt fier advantages iu thcir truo light and hcr futuro will bo all right. MaJ. Joseph Grout. Ono Brattlcdoro young man cxpccts to rcalizo within a fcw days that viituro is somcthing moro than its own rcwaid, in his caso at lcast, says tho Phccnijc. A ycar ago hc casually rcmarked that ho could givo up smoking if hechosc, whcrc upon his grandfather rcmarked that if he would df) so for a ycar $23 should bo his reward. Tho young man has not touchcd, tastcd or handlcd the weed for 3G0 odd days, and is now stretchiug out his palm in rightcous anticipation. A few nights ago a Mr. Itoundy from his houso at Hardwick saw meu at work ' in tho comctcry. .and tnking a lautorn wcnt out to flnd out what they were do ing. but they lled as ho approached. A small mound of cartli showcd whcre the mcn had bcen at work, and tho usc of a shovcl discloscd a gravo containing a salt box, in which was tho dccomposcd body of au infant. The caso is uudoubtcdly a criminal onc, auil it is cxpcctcd that it will bo thoroughly invcstigatcd. Tho second wifo of Dr. Olin W. Daley of Montpelier and Boston has bccn sucd , by tho divorced wifo of tho doctor for ' alicnation of tho doctor's cffcctlons. The damagcs aro placcd at $25,000. Tho , second Mrs. Daley was Miss Mao E. Gatcs ( of White lUver Junotion, and is tho daughter of George W. Gatcs, a promi ncnt man in that town bcforo hls dcatli. Tlio present Mrs. Daley inheritcd $00,000 from her father. Dr. Daley is tho son of well known Montpelier pcoplo. His first wifo was Miss Nellio C. Bay of Hincs bnrgh, whom ho married in 1880. Ho Ilvcd with her until last spring, whcn ho niitiflcd hcr that ho would no longcr sup port hcr and lcft for Dakota, wboioho sccured a divorco from bcr. Ho then re turned to Vermont and prepared to mar ry Miss Gatcs. Just bcforo tho cere mony, which took placo Thursday, Miss Gatcs was servcd with a notiilcatiou that tho first Mrs. Daley had bcgan suit against her. Tlio wcdding wcnt on, howevcr, and the sult will bo tried lator. That tho watcrs of Docrflcld ri ver ni o llkely in the ncar futuro to bo uscd iu Boston isa statcmcnt that fcw will at first believo posslblc, yct it is thoucht to bo possiblc, says tho Dccrfleld Valley Tlmes. Boston's water supply is gettlng short and hcr water cominissloncrs havo lookcd far and ncar in vain for a feaslblo sourco of supply, until they now think f o Dccrllild nvcr thcir bcst sourcc. If they should dccido to uso theso watcis an immeuse dam will havo to bo buUt rt Shclburno Falls and a conduit 115 milcs in lengthbuilt. It will ncccssitato au im menso outlay of monoy. Pltcher's Castoria. Catarrh in One of the most common dlieases, and one of the most neglected, is catarrh ln the head. It is an lnflammatlon of tho mucous mem brano, and is caused by a cold, or successlon of colds, combincd with lmpure blood. It comcs on so gradually that almost beforo a pcrson reallzes lt, lie ls sufterlng sovorely with catarrh. It causes a dlsagreeablo dbcbarga from tho nose, dryness in tho back part of tho throat, Inflamed cyes, rlnglng notses in the cars, headachc, and sometlmes loss of senso of smell or hearing. Whea Catarrh in the Head Gslns a flrm hold on the system, lt bas vcry dingerous tendencles, bctng llable to develop Into bronchltts or consumptlon. As catarrh Is a constltutlonal, local appllcatlons can do but little good. Tiat ls required Is a constltutlonal remcdy llko Ilood's Sarsapa rilla. whlch,by thoroughly purlfylng tho blood, cxpels the germs of tho discaso, soothes and rebullds the affected mcmbrano, and glves hcalth and vlgor to the wholo system. II you suller with catarrh, try Ilood's Sarsaparilla. Hood's Sarsaparilla SoldbyalldruBgiitj. I;ilxfor3. Prepwedonlf Soldby alldmgglsts. gi:lzfor$S. Preparedonlr br C. I. IIOOD & CO., Apotboculet, Lowell, llui. by C. I. IIOOD & CO., Apothocarlei, Lowell, llui, IOO Doses One Dollar IOO Doses One Dollar uni J-W scjr m . K.ytvWcl MILLER & Can girc, and do ivc unusual Slioes, Rubbers & Trunks A full livc or Wintcr kooiIs, includinj; the Woonsockct Uiibber Tioots, which aro the bcst made. Cork Solc and Ileavy Cair Goods for WiLtcr. RubberShoes 18 to 75 Look 409 MAIN STREET, HERE USES Tooleantombstones. To reno w oil-cloth. To polish knlvea. To srmb floors. To clean dlshss. To whlten maxble. EVERYBODY USES IT. StntlitB to elean fls tfth, 6arconi to potlih tbslrlmtnimeaU. Oonfctlonra toteotir thetrpni. Vecbantci to br!fihtt thctr toolt. Cooki to clen th kitchen ilnk. Falntan to cleta offBurfcii Kaginwn toelen partt of macblnti. MlnUten U renoTit old chpeli. Sextont to cloan tho tombf tones. noitlcn on brutea asd white horsei. Artlsti to cleaa their palattei. Wheelman to clean blejcles. EVERY ONE F1NDS A NEW USE. INSUKE WITH BEHMHIGTON. VT. 1 HrlTHEPEEROFALLCOCOAS. S Vcm crbwlNb (jocoal L defies all honest competition. Economical. EiV'S CATARl CREAM BALM) rlcinine llin Nnnnl Puswnsc. Allnyn I'nln ntid Inflnm lUHtlnn. IIoak'H tlio Sirr llomorcit ilm .Kciihcm of Tuklr! und Mnell. TRY the CURE.HAY-EEVER A pnrliclc lopplicd Into I'Bcli untril nd Is aKrrrAble I'rico M celitn at L)riiKKli; b) raall, leiHtereil. G'lct 30yl KLY BltOTHKriS, M Vtwa St., N. Y. Qolj The higliest Iionors have "Silver lfrt1n1enay?rd. Bay State Guitar;, UANCOLTN'S and BANJ03 1 alis Wm. a Tiltin ts llavnea ExoeliDr Oultara. benJ tor CatlorMA for all MusIca! i- atruminti J t lli'VflLH c CO., Itoituit, Slnar Children Cryfor Pitcher's Castoria. the Head "I had the worst symptoms of chronftf catarrh for two years. So troublesomo was lt that I could not smell nor taste. I found Ilood's Sarsaparilla a spccdy cure, and I am now freo trom this awful dlscase." J. II. Sammis, Bay Shore, N. Y. " For several years 1 had a catarrhal allec tlon In my throat. I was rery much bcncfited by uslng Ilood's Sarsaparilla, and would re commcnd lt very hlghly to any ono having asthma or catarrh." Ki.mi iiuvmt. n of Devrles & Feterson, Omaha, Neb. Hood's Sarsaparilla " For several years I have been troubled with that terrlbly dlsagreeablo discaso, catarrh. I took Ilood's Sarsaparilla with tho vcry best resuIU. It cured mo of that contlnual drop plng ln my throat, and stufled-up fccllng. It has also helpcd my mother, who bas taken lt for run down stato of health and kidney trouble. I rccommend Ilood's Sarsaparilla to all." MK8. S. D. IlEATn, rutnam, Conn. N. U. It you decldo to take Ilood's Sarsa parilla, do not bo Induced to buy any other. WILLIAMS! advantages (o pnrcliascrs of cents. at our new line of Trunks. BENNINGTON, VT. ARE MANY To renovato palnt. To wash out slnks. To removo rust. To brlghten metala. To Econr bath-tubs. To scour kettles. Hoaiemaldi to icrab marble floor. ChemUts to renvTB aome italna. CarTera to aharpea tbelr knlrea. Bbrewdoneatotcoar itrav hli Boldlera to brlshten thelr arma. nuoTatori to cImd tarpeta. Tlieverdict is nnanimous that the New Variety Store is giving the best valnes in Tea & Coffee. E. H. MclNTYRE, 45!)2JIaln Strcct, BonnlnRton, Vt. FOR PORTMITS GO TO 109 North St., over National Express Office, Bennington. Ilest facllltlei for prodacinff ptiotoraphs lo outhprn Vermont. Low prices, BaUsfactlou gnarantecd. v FOR watsonsNew smoio