Newspaper Page Text
THE BENMNGTON BAKNER, ' FRTDAY, JANUARY 22, 1 892. BENNINGTON BANNER. BENNINGTON: FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, 1S!2. A. .1. Dkwev hns just rccovercd from ji severo altack of la Grippe. Mits. H. L. IIovkk gavo a ladics Hj.wP party Satuiday afternoon, lasU Tiik Rov. W. J. Chapman ot Cam bridge, N. Y.. was in town Monday. Mits. B. F. Foon is visitinsr at tho homo of her sister in Oswego Falls.N. Y. Maj. A. B. Vai.entink liaa bccn ab- Kont tliis weck in HosUm .inu Now lork. Fiiani; Bis.vni'oim gavo readings in West Troy, N. Y., Monday ovcning, Jan. istii. HIji. anh Mits. EnWAiti) L. Bates wcut to Chicairo. 111.. last Saturdav for a slinrt visit with liis brotlicr, Robert P. Batcs. Mits. Chas. T. BuitT cntertainnd a muubcrof her laly frienks at a card Sarty Wednesday aftcrnoon, fromSto o'clock. Tiik "Round Tablo Reading Club" cjclcbrated its first annivor.sarv by hav Ing a good llmc in general, at tlio homo Of MNs Sophronia Collins, last Tucsday crciiing. Pnoi'LK sometimcs scoff at la Grippe, (it shniild always be sp-lled with a hig G and double stotted p), bef'oro they havo linil a porsonal tusslo with it, but nover afterward. Joski-h Cini.i), general freight agcnt oj tho L. S. 1!. R., has bcen laid up tliis Week with tho prevailing cpiddnic of Olds in somo cascs resulting in la Grippe. A pouni.E-nuNNKi: load of boys Tucs day, eollided with a trce, cnming down Uio sidewalk on South streot, and th( steerer was quito seiiously injured. All got a good shakiug np. Tiik Y. 1 S. C. E. of tho Sccond Con grogational church will hold a novcl and .onusing cntcrtainmcnt in tlieir cliapcl and parlnrs ncxt Wcdncsday evcniug, January 27th. Itofrcsluncnts will bo sorvcd during tho ovcning. A NUMinnt of nico houscs, two on ciioico oorner lots, aro slated for orcc tion in town ncxt year. Theio aro a score or ninro of lesser dimcnsions nl tcady dcturmincfl upoii, making a fino prowpect in vicw for tlio growth of Ben nington. Tiie tono of tho specchcs at tho uicct ings of tho Sons of Vermont within tho ueolc, somo of which aro reportcd clsc uhore. makos tliis issuo of tho BANNKlt womcthingof aBattle Moiiumoiitnumber. Tlio subject, bowovor, is ono worthy tho lrintor'H ink shcd in writing itup. TiiKitK will bo a special meetingof Mt. Antbony Chapter, No. 1. O. E. S., Wed ncsday ovcning, Keb. 3d, (third). By tho authoiity of a dispcnsation grauted by aii(l I'atron Cnrran. Important busi jicsh will bu transactvd at tliat timo. A fiill and prompt atteiulanco is cspecially ilcsired at 7.:J0 o'clock at Masoiilc Hall. Onk of our physicians rcmarked tliis vrcek that on ono road of a fcw milcs toading out from tliis villaKo. tliero woro tivontv cascs of sovero sickncss. It is iot all la Grippe but tho teiidcncy is that tyay and to )iioumonia. Thocold woath ir of tho past few days will probably set flo for tho huttcr tho qtiestion of a con tiuuation of tliis opidomic. Tiie Bov. Win. B. Walkor has sccured .from tho mint for his coin collcction a tao-lialf tlullar, aquartor-dollar and dimo lf tho now serics of 181)2. On ono sido is KH eaglo of tho pattcru of tho last ccn iury coin, holdiug in onu talon a bundlo & arrows and in tho othur talon a laurel avig. Tho half-dollarcoins have in ad lition "In God wo Trust." Tho two larRur coins havo on tho othor sido tho bead of a lioroio liguro with libcrty cap 41 ul laiiicl takin tiie placo of tho euii (iincutal GoddchS of Libcrty m wcll known and tho dimo picccs aro tlio 'Rino as now witli "ono dunu m tlio ctntio. TliChO coins bcar 1;1 Ktiirs. 1)K. Uoskins, tho venurablo agricul Cural cditor of tho Watchman, in au ar dclouoiitaiiiin dircctiiiiis ou how to milk a Jcrsoy heifcr says: "Hy carcfully watching hcr Ioks as yoti milk, you cau (noroaso or dccixasc tho rato of milking (Old rcllovo hor from auy paiu asoccasiou dfinaiuls." Tlio liabit of 'carofullj vxatchina hcr k-g.-,' is ono that alarm cm ploycu dnesn't li.iv to road tho nowspa poiH to accpiiro but it isn't ho miii'li from a desiro to avoid painiiig tho huil'cr as it (s to kcep his manglcd rcmaius from in Ccrfcriug with tho giowth of thu bur locks and ))igwced on tho other sido of tiie b.irnyard. llitrUnyton Imlepcmlcnt. Tiik fuiicral of Tliomas Conc, nn old JiUd l-CBpi'ctcd residcnt of Beuiiington, wjk largcly attendud fioin tlio. rcsidcnce his daughtor, Mrs Mary Gibncy, last Kuuday ai'ti-nioon. Tho M-rvices woro hold at 2 o'clock. No is survivcd by a fatully of six sous and ono daughtcr, and hu p-and-childrcu nuinbcr forty-ono. flis cliildron wcro all at his dcatii bcd xad at tho ncarly all of his do Ccudant wcro tirt'scnt. Thcso includo iiibiitioncu abovo and fivo grcat- T&ndchlldrcn. His wifo dicd August -Jd, 183(5. Tliey wero in their lifc-timo Cood and attcntivo mcmbcrs of ht. Fran is do Salcs chuich and both woro buriod rom tlio church andrcsttogctlicrincon CKiratud grtniud. ilr. Cono rctaiucd his ininu cluai ly until tho last. IIo was sick rtnlv abnut two wccks and sank pcacc f ully to rcst. Gov. I'aok has appointcd Charlcs C. Vi'ancn of Waterbury and John W. Tit amb of Rutland Fiah Commisbionursfor Qiis Statc, vico Hon. Ilcrburt Braincrd Of St. Albans, smd Frank II. Atliorton of W'atci bury. wIioko tcrms of ollico ox nircd Di'ccmber 1st, 181)1. Mr. Warren is ono of tho trustees of tho Stato Fish jfj.vtolicry, and Mr. Titcomb is sccrotary tf tho Vfi'inont Fish and Gamo Lcaguo. Pnring tlio past tcn yoars tho flshory in tercstn of tlio Stato havo bccn greatly promotcl and tho laws for tho proteo tjon of lish cil'cctively executcd undcr tjxo dircctiou of Mosrs. Kraincrd and Athcrton, tlio rctiring commissloners. Tho local mcmbcrs, wo undorstand, aro qulto well plcascd with these appoint mt'iiU. Itis oiniucutly propcr that tho LoiL'no Hhould havo a volco in tho ad tninlstration of tho law thuy aro organ tfzcd to cnforce. Tiib death of jrrs. Clark Rico, Mon day, was a grcatburpriso to many fncuds in town. Ilaidly anyono knowsliowas III, indccd, sho liad uot given up tn tho llscaKo unOl a vcry fcw days piovious to Iinr (lcccasc. . Mrs. Rico was tlio only jiid of tlo lato Mrs. Marcclltis Scldcn, Iior maidon namo v,as Kliza Wliito, and 1io was wcll known both in thi town smd Shaftsbury. Slio was buricd from Jier lato rcsidcnce on Tbursday aftcr oon, tlio Rev. Wm. Rogert Walkcr, 3tcotor of St. Pctcr's churcli, ofTlciatini;. largo numbbr of sympathizing fiiends Toro prcscnL Tho intormcnt took placo in tlio Ilinsdillvillo ccmctcry. Mrs. 3Uco was dcsorvedly cstconiod in tho tcommuuity, cspecially by thrM wbe luiuw hcr." Of a rctiring dispositlon, do tncstlc in hor tastcs and habits, sho gavc lier strcngth witliout stint to hor fainily. to whoin her Ioks will bo a great afllio ;tion. Wo cxtcnd to them in tliolr bo rcavcmcnt, licartfclt sympathy. E. B. I'ATrunsox has Rono to Boston on a plwisuro trip. Mondat will bo tho Fo.'tial of tho Convcr8ion of St. Paul. Mns 0.)!.. AuiioTTgwo an on'oyablo aftein ou pioicssivo uuchio p.irty tliis WCCK. Thk .Aldino knitting Company aro doing a livoly businoss working oven ings. A. C. I.AMAimn scoks hcalth during tho wintcr mouths at tho Bormuda Is lauds. Tiic slprgliing is flno about our villago and is bciug enjoyed to its utmost thcso days. Louis I5. Wnrrx'iY of Now York. has bcen making his sister and other friends in town a short visit. Johok Chas. II. Daiii.ino roturned tliis wcek from a short visit ho mado to his formcr homo m Woodstock. Amono tho lcaders of tho Bannhk now in attcndance at tho Albany Busi ni ss Collcgo, is lrving N. Clark of West Pawlet. Miss r.i;7.n: Cooi-ei: is visiting friends in W ashington, and writes that it is ono of tho niost bcautiful citics ono cau iliid anywhero. Tiik cost per familv of food in tho Unitcd States is S2I:l.(r a ycar, against '22'J.ri'j in Enrope. But tho Amcncan cats mnro aud liuhcr food. Tiie wondorful phonograph or talking macliino at tho I'utuam Iloiisois attract ing a good dcal of attuntinii. .1. K. Seaver is tlio gi'iitlomanly manager, wlio unih'i-staiids thoroughly tho businoss, and it wfll pay anvono to visit him and sco tlio diouograph operato. Thk rain or Monday caused tho roof of Masnnio Hall to lcak down, wcttlng tho ftiruituro and caipct, bcsidcsdiscoloriug tho walls. It secins a pity that tlio roof on tiie Park Block docs not appcar to bo posslldo of lixing so that thcso thiugs will not occur timcs a ycar. Tiik Lasher Stocking Coinauy's niill is up and novcrcd, and work on- tho in sido is beinir pushcd rapidly. It will bo a mndel mill lioth in appearanco and in work in. Tlio Haxnfii bindcry has just tr.rncd out for tliis concern a handsoino set of books ono of tho liucst mado by us during tho ycar. II. L. PitESTO.v, puhlishor of tho Kan sas City Humlny Sun, has bcen arrested in that city for violating tho law nguinst papcrs devoted to scandals and unclcau matter. Tho arrcst took placo on tho 10th inst. Preston was a formcr residcnt of Uennington. Tho penalty for tho of fcnso for wliich Preston was arrested is from two to livo ycars in tho pcntitcn tiary. Oun rcaders will recall that a fcw wcok's ago wo noted an accidcnt to tho agod mntlierof John II. Ayres, bv which slio fractured a hip. On Saturdaj- a dc spatch camo for Mr. Ayres to como on imincdiatcly to Ilebrnn, 111., whcro his motlicris living witli Mrs. Stratton, a mairicd daughtcr, as sho was worso and rapidly siuking. IIo lcft on tho 5.15 p. m., train and a lettor ycstcrday says that thcro is no hopo of hor rccov'cry. Mrs. Ayres is a good woman and many friends horo wiil regrct to hoar of tho probably fatal uature of hcr injury. Prof. W. W. Davtox, tho "Princo of Mediums and grcatcstoxposcrof Spiritu alism in the entiro world," will givo two of his really wonderful and mirth-pro-voking cntertainmcnts at Library Iiall, Wcdncsday and Tliursdayevcnings, Jan. 27th and 28th. "Tho most wonderful man that ever appcarcd beforo a Concord audicncc," says the Dully 1'eoplc & I'a triot of Concord, N. II. Prof. D.iyton and his company gavo ono of their on tert.iinments hcro about. two yeais ago, and as then we can rccommcml thotn for uiving ono of the vcry bcst and cleancst cutcrtaiumcnts of tliis kind wo havo over witiiossi'd. Tho well known A. Louis Hlodgctto is tho advnnco agcnt. Mr. Illodgcttehasa "sonnon" thathe rcpoats aftcr tlio book agcnt stylo that ratlicr ojliises most cfl'orts, cven the Cliincc uostrum spccch that ono ofourlocalpco- nio soinolimes rcpcats, is east cntiroly in fio shado by it. Tiie Fitchburg railroad will run a win tcr cxciirsion to tho National Capital, Koliniary 2nd, via. tho West Shoro and IVnusylvaina railways. The oxcursion train will lcavo Nortl'i Adams at 1 p. ni., and iiuiforui 10 faic from thcso stations. Lcavo Hlackiuton 12.i!J p. m., Williams town l.iiii p. in., rown il p. m., Ko. Pownal 12.50 )). m.. Pctorsliurgh Junc tion l.UU p. in., Iluosh k 1.04 i. m., IIoo sick FiiIIk l.:)J p. m., Walloom.-au 1.0I) p. m., North Ilonsick l.W p. m., arriving at Albany 2.55 p. m., connectlng with special train ou tho West Shoru railroad, lcaving Albany 5.00 p. n., and arriving at Washington at 7 :1U a. ni., Fchruary '). TicKets aio good going only on special train, aiul rctiirning aro good Icaviug Washington on any rcgular train of the Pcnnsylvania railroad, cxccpting tho New York Limltcd and Congrcssional fjimitcd, until Fiiday eveniiig, Fehruary 12th, incliisivc, and from New York by West Sh'oro and Fitchburg railroads un til Fchruary i:ith, iucliisivo, P.issongers will havo tho privilogo of stop-ovcr on retiirn journoy at Baltimore and Phila-di-lphia within tho limit of tho tickets. Apply to noarcst tickot agcnt Fitchburg railroad for oxcursion tickets or other information. Sleeping cars will bo at tachcd to tho train at Albany, and ac coinmodatious rcservcd in advauce upun application to W. K. llarcourt, ticket agcnt, West Shorc, R. It., Albany, N. Y. Rodiiccd ratcs havo bcen arrangcd for at tho prinuipal hotcls. To obtaiu tho re duction, excursiouists will exhibit their excursiou tickets at tho hotcls. An apology in tho Churr.hman tliis weck for a bad error, tho f.iult of thu proof rcader.and what it says in explana tion thereof, induces us to reproduco tho plalnt of tho West Randolph Hcrald Js New on tliesamo subjcct. Tlioso whu imagino that tho Bannkii may bo "a sin ncr" in this rcspcct "over all tlioso wlio dwell at Jerus.ilcm," sliould carcfully read tho following, and mcditato uoou thu latter clausu: "Tliero is nothing that trics the patienco of a newspapor man so sovcroly as tho wrctc.Ued typographical errors that will get by the best proof reading. Last weck wo ILtttercd our solves that tho papcr was a good ono but within two hours aftcr Itwas printcd wo would havo enjoyed suppressing tho whole local cdition. Tliis was tlio way it happciicd: Tho paper went to prcss with tho lirst editiou at tho usual timo 11.30 a. ni., Wedncsday, c.ueftilly pioof road, mado up, etc. As usual sovoral West Randolph items camo in after that time which, with a few not in typo wheu the iiaper weut to prcss, went over to tho local edition. Thcso last wcro Iiurricdly set, and ono or two particularly badly manglcd. Tho last two orthree wcro set after tho local cdition was all lockcd up aud on tho prcss. Thcso incro mado iuou tho Ctb pago and not proof read in tho nurry io get mis cdition out ou timo. P.irt went in undcr Randolph licadand wo wish tho otheiB bad not giino iu at all. Ilereaftor items handed iu or ro ccivcd Wcdncsday inurnlng will bo printcd lf wo haio timo to set and caro fully proof road them. If your itoms do not nppear you will know tho roason." Tlio Banneii onco soberly prina-d "tho eyo of piiikles" for tlio "ago of Poriclcs," during tho hafto of gotting to prcss with tems coming in lato. SFEA8TEn falls on tho 17th of April lhis ycar. IIavk you got nccustomcd yot to writ inc 1892 ? The Rev. Chas. R. Soymour has bcen in Boston tliis wcek. Josepii IIayes was callcd hore tliis week hecauso of tho illncss of his mothcr and sister with la Grippe. Tiik cnndition of tho Hon. II. G. Ront. sick in San Diego. Cal,, tho last timo wo ncard, liad improvcd. Sciioor, distriot clcrks naist mako their roturiis of btrths and' dcaths this month Blanks for tho samo aro now at tho Town Clerk's oflico. The girls in tho ribbing dopartmont of tlio valciitino mill enjoyed a sielgli rnlo on Wcdncsday. Their slcigh broko down on uppor Jiain strcct. Asiono tho gticsts present at tho han quetof tho Sons of Vermont in'), Tucsday, woro Mr. and Mrs. John N. Hills, well known hcro, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. L. Itatcs of Bennington. (JXE dollar and tlftv couts in advauce pavs for tho IJannku ono year. And 45 cents mmo gives you tho chnico of tho Boston Journnl and Now York Trlbune ( eekly cdition), also a ycar. Thk annual mcotingof thoEiglith Ma snnio Distiiet, E. S. Weston. 1). U. G. JI., will bo hcld at Brattleboro. Feb. 3d. Tho Fifth DKtrict will hold its meetiiig at Burlington this ovcning. Mns. AiiTiitrit G. Siikiikv has invited friends to hor hoini', No. 1S(1 Eighth stiect. Saturday ovcning to hcar Ilainii bal Williams of New York, tho Shakes pcrian rcadcr. Mr. Williams will road from Othcllo. Troy Patiiicic Maiian of Co. F. 2d Vt., dicd at th" Sohlicrs' Iloiiif, Jan. 20th. IIo enlistcd in the war of tho Rehellion, May 201 Ii, 1801. and was admitted to tho Homo July 20th, 1801. Tho remains will bo takcn to Newton, Mass.. for l)lt. of (;lens Falls, N. Y., has a tliiit-lock musket and bayonot which wcro carricd during tho RovoluMon iry war hy John Garlicld, wlio was ono of tho far-famcd Green Mountain Boys undcr command of Col. Ethan Allen. Daniei, Boston Ciiew, a wcll-known colorcd citizcn, dicd Tucsday, agcd soventy-two yoars. IIo was born in Maryland. IIo was in Washington for several years and came to Troy about 1S10. Mr. Chow was for many ycars pro prietor of a rcstaurant iu this city and was also at the Troy Ilouso. Ho was a niombcrof Zion cluucli and ofSt. Augus tiuo's bcnevolcnt society. IIo is survivcd by a widow and sevcn cliildron: Fred. A. Cliew, attoriicy at law; Danicl C. Chow, Phliicas II. Chow and John P. Cliew, who is a residcnt of tho State of Wash ingtou, and Mary E., Eniily and Sarah Chow. Mr. ChowAviis intorcstcd in tho "underground railway," and assistcd many slaves to cscapc to tho North. It was for that roason tliat bo was com pelled to lcavo tho South. Mr. Chew's death was suddcn, from licart discase, though ho had bcen conlincd to his rcsi dcnco for sovcral days. Troy Timcs. Tho Ph. II. Chow mcntioncd abovo is tho Banneu book-binder, whowascalled homo Tucsday on accouut of his father's death. This is leap ycar, alludiug to this top ic Collin Shacklcfoid said rcccntly: "Somo ono askcd mo the other day what was tho origin of womcu proposing mar- riage during tho lcap ycar. I lookcd it. up, and whilo it may not bo now to all I daro say it will intorest many. In tho 3rcar 1288 a statuto was publislied hy tho Scotch Parliamont, of which the follow ing is a cony. aud is, to mv mind. tho origin of tho ciistom or idca. I do not kuow that it it is a ciistom or ever was: 'It is oHa!iit,that duringthc reignof Her Maist Iilessit Maicstio Margarct, liko maidcn, ladco of b iitli high aud low cs tatc. shall hac libortv tosneak to the man slio likes. Gif ho rcfuscs to tako hcr to bo his wyf, ho shalo bc iiiulct iu the suin of ano huudrcdlty pounds or lcss, as his cstait may beo, exccpt and alwai gif ho can make iUi))pear that ho is hcthrotldt to anothcr woman, then ho shall be frce.' After tho dear old Maruarct had passcd away tho womcn bccaiuo claniorous for their privilejics. and toanpeasu them tin otlieractof I'arliaincntailowcd them tho privllcgo every fotii'lh year. This year is leap year. aiid no doubt tho qiicstinn will bo askcd of you what gavo riso to tho notl"ii that womcn may do their own coitrting." Thk death, last Friday, of Hon. Walter A. Wood of Ilonsick Falls, N. Y., rc a man who has bcin very promi nent in all this reirion. Tho very fiill biogradiy which we printcd last wcek givcs a good accouut ot tlio nre worK oi ono of Uciissclacr couuty's most promi nunt mcn. Tho was hcld from St. Mark's church in that villago, Tucs day morniiig, and was huyely attendcd. Biidiop Doane olficiatud, assistcd by tho Reotor, tho Rev. Geo. D. Sillinian. A largo party camo ui from Trov. At a mceting of tho foiindation of tho Albany dioccso on Monday, tho death of Mr. Wood was aunounced and tho sccretary was instructcd to eiiier upmi the min utes a tribiitc to tho worth of tho dc ccascd. Erastus Cornitig and S. E. Marvin, with tho bishop, were selected to rcprcscnt tho trustees at tho fuuoral. Tho death of Mr. Wood recalls to mmd tho rcccntly established brancli corpoi-.i-tion atSt. Paul, Minn. For yoars every mnutli carloads of mowcrs aud rcapcrs maiuifacturcd in his immcnso cstablish mcnt havo bcen sent out of tho villago of Hoosick Falls, to ncar and distaut points, both in this country and across tho scas. Huiidrcds of mcn havc fouud thrWty and coustantcmploymciitbcuauso of tho gcnius and wc.dtli which cnabled Mr. Wood to bocomo ono of maiiklud's greatcst practical hcncfactors. Tlio qiiostiou now arises: Aro thcso thingsto coutinuo or will tho plant bo gr.ulnally movcd to tho west? Tlino alono will rcply. Asamattcrof newsvo givo tho follow ing: Tho orgauizalion ot tho Walter A. Wood Harvoster Company of Miuncsota was completed last week by tho iilingof tlio company's artlclcs of incorporation with tho registerof deeds atSt. Paul. Tho capital stock of thnnow eorporation is fixcd at 2,500,000 in 25,000 sharcs of $100 cach. Tho artlclcs of incorporation slatc tliat tho priiieiplo placo of businoss of tho company is to bo at St. Paul, aud tliat the gcncral oflicus, fautorics and shops shall bo locatcd within thu corpor ato limits of that city. Tho gcifural naturo of tho busiiicss is tho mauufac turo of agriculturo machincs, iinplemeuts and appliances for tho wcstern and northwesteru trade. Tho now company is to havo uso of p.ittcrns of tlio eastern factory aud such machinery as may bo nccdcd for tho new plant. Tho stock holdcrs of tho Hoosick Falls eorporation aro largcly intorcstcd in tho St. Paul concern, U. E. Dudly Tibbits, Waltcr P. Warren and J. Russcll P.irsous boing in tho board of diicctors. Tho othcrs aro Gor. William R. Merriam, Greeiilcaf Clark, JamiA J. Hill, William Lindcko and Clintou Morrison. Tho incorpora tion p.ipors wcro signod by William R. Mcrilam as president. Grcculoaf Clarko, Walter P. Warren and J. Russel Pursons. Theio aio to lo niuo dlrcctors whoso torm of oflico is for ono ycar. Thoy aro to bo clccted ou tho sccond Tucsday of Fubruary eacli ycar. Tho meuting nuxt month may givo an iukliug as to tho futuro courso to bo pcrsucd. Asa F. Loomis has a new advcrtiso nunt iu anothcr co'.itmn to-day. Oun rcaders will do well to reod tho articlo in anothcr column, cntithd: "Wby an Ovcrshadowing lRsue,"bccauso of its historio summary of a truth that is wcll known to all our oldor rcaders. Tiik Fitchburg westcrn passengor do partmcnt has issued an cducational 100 rido tickct for scholars 18 years of ago and over, good for slx mouths. This goes to help tho Troy schools. Couldn't somotbing of this sort bo dono for thn Bennington aud Manchester Kchonls. Tiie Bannkk is undcr obligatlons to M. M. Pomcroy for a copy ot"'lliick' Pomeroy's Golden Thuught Daily Jour nal for 1S02." This is a very ncatSmo. ollico diary ono pago to a day tlio top of cach lcaf of which is ndorned by a proverb uuder tho date. Thcso "wiso sayings" aftcr tho maiiner of "Poor Ricbard's Alimnaok," aro in tho iu imitablo stylo ol tho noted autlioraud cditor who is tho main spiing of tho Adcancc Thowjht publication sending out tliis book. Advancc Tlwwjht is said to bo a "red hot" numihly; scnd 4 cents for a sanqilo to tho p'p'cr, l!ooius40, World Buildttig, New York City. Wk publish iu tho Bannkk to-day tho oflicial aunounccmciit of tlio Now $Turk Lifo Iusiiraiico ('oinpany (copicd from tho Now Voik Tribune ot Satiud.iy last), hhowiug tho results of its matuiiiig twenty (20) ycar Toiitiuo pidicics, also the uuorinous transactions of tho com pany, during lSOl.Ail iiiiislailinit tliat tho results aru tlio sal'est aud bot tcsts iu litu iiisuranci', as iu auy other biiMiicss, and easli dividi'iids tro'in (17 to 101 per cent ot all prumiiims pald in a bcoio of yoars surely ouglit to bo eutircly satis lactory to tho policy holdors in tliat grcat comp.iny. Mcssrs. Chihls and Powers, II. L. Hovcraud II. N. Williams, agcnts, will givo auy furtlier uaiticulars. Tiie II niiliiKtoti Frn l.lhrary. Last weck tho BanNki: spoke of tho Freo Library and of tho elfort that m.iy bu mado to briug it down stairs. Wo hopo somuthiiig may bo dono that tho reading room as wcll as tlio library may bo iucreasL'd iu u&cf uluess. Tho niajorily of the Bennington pcople aro almoatstrangers to thuopportuiiuics all'orded by our reading room with its excolleut list of pciiodicals and papcis. llcro aro to be louiid many ol tho besl Amcricau publicatious, suuli as daily aud wcokly p.ipcrs and inoiithly mag.izines. Tho rangu of reading is wido and ovcry dcpartineiit represcutcd is mcaiit to lio thu licsc of its kind. Thu list embraccs sometliing good aud intercstiiig for every ono who reads light, jiivcuilo papers for tho youug, lashiuu litoraturo for tlio fasluouablu, pictorial papers for thu gr.ivo and thegay, tho youug aud tho old, politics tor thu politiciaii,science tor thu scientist, mechauics for thu mcchaiiie, sports tor thu sportsmant aud a vast amouutof currentsohd reading f irovory body and every clas that seeks it. Ou thu list aru tound tho North American Iteview, tho l((i'c Monlltly, tliu Cen tury, tho Echctic, the Fnrum, llarpcr's Muijuzine, Jlarpvr'n Jluzur, Ilarper's Wcvkty, Ilarper's Yovny J'eople, tho Forlniyhtlu llecicw, Coxmopolitait, l'orest and Htreain, A'eio Ewjlund Mayazinc, Mayazineof American i'soT,New Vork D.uly Jlerald, Now Vork Uaily Tribune, 1'opular Ucience Monthly, tit. Nicholan, icribncr,, Widc-Awake, YoullCa Voin- panton, rublic Opuuon, I'rank Lexlle s 1'opular MonUily, bcientilic American, Scicntijic American, (ISuilduiV Kditioii), Ssienttffo American tiupplemvnl, A'eio York tjchoolJournut, ute., utc. This sceins to us a most maguitlccnt equipinuut l'ora l'rce reading ruom. It gives ovury advuut.igu for pnpular und iuscruutivu reading tliat cau hu dusiied. i'liesu pciiodicals and papers aru abso- luloly frcu to thu reading public. Wo coiniueud thisinuausot cuiture .uid moii- tal iiiiiirovomcut to all 'hu peonloof licn- uiugtoii. Show your intulligciit apjde ciation ot this bv tisiuu it. and it thuruis a deiuaiid tor iucreased advantages, thu doiitjiid will suruly ou uiut. Y. M. C. A. NutitM. Tho annual liiecting of tho Associa- tion occurrcd Mond.iy, tho 11th inst. A largo iiiimbur of the young uiuii wcro piescnt and listuuud to tbu uiii'ouraging leports ol thu lieasuicr, liiiaiicu coinuiii teo aud gcueral sccrct.try. aud then elccted the following guiiilemcu as di reutors tor thu terni of liueo yeais: E. I). Buiinett, Atfrud Robinaou, W. A. Ausiin, .Meriitt Morgan aml A. Buol SiUIuy. Tuu auiiual repui t will hu preeiiied but uot distnhutcd until attcr our puuhc auui, wiuca will taku piacuoiiauud.iy, 1-tth. Wi? havo hccuicd tor that diiiuoiiu of thu inostpromiiiuiit uiuii iu Nuw Vork to addruss us. Tuu Bo.ud of Dircclors inct on Tucs day i'nr oigauization aud clcutioii of olliccrs, wilh thu resultas lo!low: Piesi doiit, W. C. Bull; Vice-Presidcnt, Ed wanl J. Hall; Tre.isurur, Cliarlus B. Viall, Jr.; Recording Secretaiy, Merrilt B. Morgan. Saturday ovcning at 8 o'clock, Mr. M. E. Waisou will givo his talk ou photo graphy, illustraiiug as ho procucds, aud atthucloso take a "ll ish-lighl" pliotog rapli of thu audicnco aud duvclope it at ouce. Mcmbcrs may invito tlieir gen tloinen fncuds. 'I lie Itloiniiiieiit tHneliitiiii. Undcr tho guiso of reporting the pro ccedings of thu lato auiiual mcctiug of thu Buuliington B.ittlu Monumunt Asso ciation, quito im exteuded articlo was publislied in tho lleformcr (in parl), iu thu Rutland llerald (in fuli), also in thu Valley A'cic.t of North Adams, aud copicd by othersj m.iking stitcinents which aro very misleading and cuntrary to tlio facts. What was intimn'ol as bcing said re Iating to tho stairs aud thu coutiact mado thcrcfor. and to tho suit pcuding, is wholly imagiuative, as theru was noallu siou to tlioso mittcrs during thu mcctiug. Most of thuinlurunccsinoant to bu dr.iwu from tho articlo aro wholly uiitruc, and cuntrary to tho facts in Ist. Wo learn that no monoys wcro over borrowcd of a Connecticut institu tion or of any persun, to pay tho runiiiiig expunsos of thu Assnciation. Thu small oxjicnses iu tho carly stagosof tlioMouu mcnt cntcrpriso wcro borno by contil butious from iudividuals, aud tho tinvt spcut by thosu lntcrostcd was civcn,and declarcd to bo wiihout expcctitiou of ruward. 2nd. Tlio failuio to procccd to tako tostiinony bufnro tho partius rcforrcd to was bocauso tho plalutiffs refuscd to pro cccd. after agrooing on reforecs. 3rd. So far as rel.itcs to dclay, iu tlio hcaiing of testimony now, it is nu accouut of thcso s.imu plainiiffs, tho Association coutlnually urging thu pio cccding wi(h tho testimony. 4th. Tho Association claims to bo ablc to put in all of its testimony in a weok's timo, aud it is not bclioved that tho plainiiffs can covcr tnorc thau that, but, tinless thoy proccud fastcr in tho futuro thau in tho past, they will ncrer coin ploto their testimony. Ctb. Tho inonunient is not "by ox niesscd"orotticr provisiou of thostatute, liuldun for auy dubt, much lcss for ono that has no oxistence. 0th. Tlio "common opinion provail ing in Bennington" cxists only iu tlio imttgiiiatiun of tho writer of tho articlo. It is quito absurd to say, as ho docs, that "tho town has tho bcncfit of the monumcnt and tho Stato might hold that the towus hould pay tho debt." referring to a judgmnnt to bo obtaincd hereaftcr. This matter is in conrt, to bo decided on its mcrits, and it is very poor judg mcnt, and in vcry bad taste, to attntnpt, by falsp roprescntation, to manufacturo liublic opinion in tho intcrcst of any ono. A l'cmuuul l xplanutlon. To the Edltor ol' the lianner: Dkais Sut: For publio iiiformatinn will you ploaso publish tho fact that I havo no 11 nanclal intcrest, whatsoover, in auy ncwspaper publislied iu Bennington, or elsowhere, eitheras owncr.ormortgagco. directly or indirectly. xub rosa, orothor wise. Ncitlier havo I any titlo or intcr est iu tho whole, or in portion of any nuwspaper, daily or wcokly, any whcro, though am a subscribcr and advcrtiserin many nowspapers. A. P. IlnnnltiRlnn Cmitro. As wo advancc in years how manv pleasnntnnd harinlcss di'lusions of chiltl hood and youth vanish, loiving sadnoss and regret. We recall a pooin which g ivo pleastuv and eauscd Mignestivo spooubi tions with its iiccnmpauing illustrations, in tlio carly days.Tho poct lcferred to an ambitious cow which "juniped over the moon," causing so much amuscmcnt to an intelligeut dog who witni'sscd the re inarkablo perform iuce, that ho "laughed to seo tlio spnrt." Foarless extmplos of ten helps tho timid. An aspiring basin then mado au cffurtto iursuu an attend ing spoon. Within : fow years.studious scicntists liave proved licyoud a doubt that thesu statenicnt aio ntterly false. Thoy donotdeny tho fac that tho cowat tomi'tcd to go over the moon, but insur mountablo obstaclcs irevcnud, and sho foll far short of her elforts. It has also bcen pioved that tho dog did not laiiL'h, butviowed tho uiiusu il attcinpt, with gravo considi-ration. Wo liave bcen con vinccd by logical rcas iiiing, that tho rcf orencc to thu basin and spoon was a poct liconse. Our lirst lesson in liistory was ono of pecnlinr iutuiet. ro wei'o told of tlioso Aiuiust days of 1777 of thoso storn faccd mcn and sail-oycd womcn who did their duty so paticntly and bravely. Our bearts burned with cliildish patriotism as we learned from houored lips, of tho heroic deeds of our aucesters. Wo bclieved then, and havo for ycars, that adecisivo victory upon a wull fought battlefield, givo renown to tho namo of Bennington. Rcccnt histor ioal rescarch, aidcd by supcrior though modest wisdom on the partof thohistor ian, havo convinced us of our dclusions. For "the battle fouylit, at Wulloomnae nhould be called the battle of the )'alloom nac." Wo sliould not havo tho least ob jeclion if tlio inhahitants of Wallooms.ic or Hoosick, sliould erect a Battle Monu ment in commcmoration of their warliko deeds. When it shall bo completed wo would wiilingly givo them somo valuablo points concerning tho dodicatory scrvi ces. If thcro is any ono subject that Bennington people iindcrstaiid bcttcr than is how to conduct a cele bratiou. Coiitinued practico is a hclp to the succcssful issuo of a grcat undortak ing,as wcllas in ihoso of lessimportanco. Thu dclusions of 1 14 ycars havo not lcs seucd our patiiotl.-ms. "Wo lQvi"hce 'Ock anl rills, These wo ds uiij ie.npl;d hlls." and tho memorics of tlioso just mcn aud womcn who lived for God, aud havogonu to tlieir reward. lf tlio peoplo of tho Walloomsac will liave such a ccllchratmn as wc suggest, wo will attend it. Wo will carry our luncheou and makc a day of it. Wo will promiso not to criticisc tho architcctural deign of their monumeut; or qucstion their l i"lit to ereet It; orovcrwhclm them hy a recital then, or aftorwaids, of our siipcilorknowlcdgo ot the lnstoiy of Walloomsac or Hoosick; or cause ain by allusiou to dcar and honoied nmiH's; hut will promiso to lcavo them to tho iiiidisturhed enioyinent of their m'luiiinent. For "the hultle fouuhl at W'ltllooinMi' nhnnhl bc vullnl the battle of II ((((lOl'Kllf. Wo frankly confo-s wos'iall bosorry to part vtitli'nui B.ittlo Monuinout. We adiniro ir. Wo cnjoy tlio magniflceut viuws from thu lonk-out windows. It has a subi.tant'1 ll appo.irance, and wo liopcd it was hcro to stay. lf wu must p.irt witli it,wu will siibmit to thu inuvit- ab!o with tliat muck hiiiuility which has always charactciUi'd tio pi-ople of Ben nington, lintii iu puulic and domestic w-ufaro. For tliero wis ncriT a stoio luiiisi! ncar its site. "Ilnrtioync did not lit out an rxiiediUnn ti.ianiH lienimvjlon, nor did hc xri.d llnum to cnplurc xlores tor." Wu adiuit we havo a slight degree of ciiunsity which uudor thecir cunistances wo trust is pardouablo. Wo uni'it holp wondering whether tho pa triiitic inli.ibitants of thu Kiupiro State, will tako it down and carry itawav stouo by stonc, tlieir distinguisliuil historiau lciding tlio attraotive prcc&ssioii ; or whether they will put it upon ndlei-s.and wo shall sco it liding majestically away from us, over tho hills aud through tho valloys, to take its liL'htful placo at Wal loomsac. For "tht baltle ou iht at Wal Innmsac sliould be called the battle of WaU loumnac.'" Alis! theio was iievcra storo houso ou ".ho hlll;" theio was nover a battlo of Bennington. Gen. John htark nuvcr poiuted todistant rcd coats witha rcfeienco in trumpet liku toucs to tho loving constant "Mollio." Thoro was never a,'CatamonntTavein"ora "Lind lord Fay." Thodustof coiiqucred Hcs siaus docs not rest m tho old cumctcrv. For "Buryoync did notjit out an expedl tion atiainnt Jlenniivjton, nor did hc scnd ll vin ln caplure storex there." Novor m.iru cau tho wordi "historic Bennington" be wriiton. Nover moro cau wo rolcr witli jii.tifi;i llo pridu to ' our historic town." Al isl tho pity of it, our celob.iatiims aro ov.-rl Tiioro aro no material loft for our nott ccntcnnial which wu havo auticipated with truo pa triotic fervorl Whnn tho snows of winter shall havo passcd from our mount dns and they shall agaiu bo clothcd with vcrduro, wo may seo wiittten upon their rugged sum inits iu charactcr of living green. "Ich abotl" for "tlio glory has dopartcd" from our mounUius, tho so-na-nud fiom our valloys, for "the battle fauyht at Walloomvic should bc r.alled the battle of Walloomxac" aud "lluryoyne did not Jlt out an expedltlon ayatnxt Uen nniyton, nor did he send liaum to capturt storex thcrc." ONK OF Tl E MoUBNEItS. North ItemiliiElon. flUDDKN DEATH. Mr. Simcon Porcy, a much rcspcotcd citizcn of tho placo dicd vcry suddcnly tliis morniiig (Friday). Ho has bccn suffering for a days witli la Grippe.nalno sovercly, liowover, that ho coulil not bo ahout tho liouse. Tliis morniiig, whilo at tho brcakfast tablc, ho complaincd of p.iin iu his sido. Beforo alil could bo givcn, he dicd. IIo is about 73 ycars old. Ho. with his wifo, havo beon living with tlieir soii-in-l.iw, Lumin Russcll. Mrs. S. B. Hall und mui, Carter, havo bccn In Troy, N. Y., this weck visiting and shopping. Miss Olani Emcrton tikcs tho posltion of asslstant in tho railroad otlico of Ac oountaut W. G. Shaw. Tho Rev. Mr. Tozer suppllod tho pul pitattho B.iptist church, both morning and ovcning, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry D. Ilallleftfot Springflold, Mass.. to visit his brother, Charlcs Hall, residing there. Cards aro out for tho marriage of Miss Francis N. Col vin of this placo, and Mr. Quackenbush of Hoosick, ou tho 2Sth in stant. Mr. Shcjinrd, tho Fitchburg ngent at our depot. is tho rccipient of a lato New Year's present of a sou. Ho was at homo in Arlington last weok attcnding to it. II. B. Cunningham has bcen in his old placo at tho dcsk in thn depot. doing tlio Fitchburg work, whilo Mr. Shepard has bcen spending a fow days in Arling ton. A slcigh with threo scats, fllled witli young pcople connectcd with tho Y. M. C. A. of Bennington, namo inro tho vil lago on S iturday morning, to all appear nnco having a good rido and time. Aftcr looking about for a little whilo and gutting warm, they lcft for homo in good spirits. Tho question as to who is to run the grist-mill horo has just bcen answercd. It is understood L. A. Dolph, who has becn ovcrseer on tho Jennings farin for several years has lentcd it, and will shortly tako posscssion. Mr. Dolph has tho requisite, wo shoulcl judgo, for a good and eompotent niiller. Tho judgment, iu tho suit of 'Charlcs Thatchcr vs. (. W. Bradlcy," of Sunder land, ou tho issue of appropi iatiiiK over 3000 crates of buttcrboxes, has just becn paid at tho end of an exeeiition, aftcr tho caso has bccn crried throngh tho courts to tho highest tribund in the State, involving ycars of litigation, which with tho costs was no.irly thrco thousand dollars. Tliero has bcen a notablo additinn tho list of blooded horses owui'd iu this noighborhood, sinco that publisheil a fow wceks sinec. H. C. White took ad vantago of the ain'thm salis in New York of last week and bid offa "Sirlnoy" colt, which will bo two ycars old this 20th of April noxr, and has trotrcd iu 2.10J. "Siilnoy, Jr," was brcil bv G. Valensio of Plciscnton, Cal., is 15 h mds high, color chosliiut with stripo iu facc and somo wliito on hinil ankles. IIo is half brother of Frow Frow, that trotted a milo when ono year old iu 2.2."$. The printcd pcdigreo adils, hois aaurotrotter as ho will sho.v for himselt. The following olliccrs wero elected by tho society of tho Congregationa church. at tho annual mjoting, viz. : President, II. D. Hall; First Vice-Piesidcnt, M. C. Huliiig; Seeoud Vieu-Prosidout, W. K. Simonds; Clerk, B. T. Henry; Treasurcr, W. G. Shaw; Collcctor, II. T. Cushman; Aaditois, V. W. Roberts, W. E. Simonds and S. B. Hall. Artliur II. Cushman and Doining Hall who havo so well lilled the positions. will act as ushors for the year. Finaucially tho year has been a prosper ous 0110, and tho society starts tho new ycar freo of debt. Tho reading club wero highly cntcr tainedon Tucsdav ovcning at tho house of Mrs. C. E. Welling, by an ovening of Travel by Miss II. S. Welling. Tho leadcr had visited the foreign tield and taking the idea that "all roads leads to Ronie," sho conyeyed tho momhers of tho club in various' partios. by difforent routes, somo as pcdcstri.ins and by other modes of travel, and thus by giving de scriptions of aml incidcuts whicli would occur (ccrtainly toa fertilo brain), brouglit them faco to faco in tho iniperial city. An introdtiction to tho wonders of Romo, und beingguided iu their wau derings for sight-seeing, m ide itan in tercstiiig cntertain'iient tor all present. Woixllonl. How'd yo liko tiic lcap year pirtv last niglit? Thoro was a plcasant social at Elmer Glcason's Friday ciening. "Old Spiko" is 110 moro; ho has found that placo whcro all good cquines gol Ch.irlos Gloas in and an it'ior gintlc man havo gono east in soarch of cmploy ment. Alfred M. Ncwcll was with his brother. Albt'i t, who is sick, at Bcadsbnro, last weck. Po.stmastcr Glcason's sixtictli I irtlidaj was Tucsday. Hu obscrve 1 it in a qtilol way. Wednesdav morning was tho coldestof tho scason; but rains aio of fruiiuent oc currcncu. Tliis must bo an "dpen wintcr," for crows and spiing liirds aro now and then sco ' aud bearil. F. C. White has gono to Wilmington aud sav slio has tiken a log job thcro. Frank "is a good talkcr and quito a "stir ring" fcllow! Porhaps it is liecauso' thcro wero so many cases of la Grippe in town a ycar ago why thcro aro 110110 now. But wc gucss tliat is not the icani! Wo learn Miss Ilelen Robiuson, who spcut a portion of tho .summer of 1800 at tho Mt. l'leasaut liouse, is vcry ill at hcr homo iu Brooklyu, N. V. A tompcranco sormon preaohed by tho Rov. Charlcs R. Seyinour iu tho Sccond church, Bennington, Sopt. 13th, 181)1, was lcad at thu Uuion church hist Sunilay. It was woll ro cuived sud could uot bc gainsaid. Ncxt Sunday a scrnion rcccntly picachod by tho Rov. R. T. Sawyer of Newtonville, Mass., is to bc lcpioduied. Frank White has roturned from Cooperville. Washington. Frank docs not claim that he went thoie last spiing to inaku his fortunc, but to sce tlio coun try I Hc says the warpiospects betwecn tho Unitcd States and Cnilu aro ascrious imiicdimcnt to businoss 011 tho Paciflc coast. Occasionally 0110 of our business mcn rcceivo a circular from "Green (ioods" non in Now Voik. Tho fools sliould be wiso cnougli to know that Woodford mcn aro too "substtntial" to call on them, or bj duped by their saw-dust gamc, as it is lc.irucd homu vcrdaut oncs havo bcou. Foutli li fuoiir. Ed. May is vcry i-ick at L. W. Colo s with la Grippe. Gcorgo Drapor spcntlast Sabbath with his parents iu towu. Ed. M.iyand Mr. Hathaway aro both quito ill ut this writiug. Mrs. Nclson L iCassi of East A'bany, N. Y., spent part of last wtck in tawn. Mrs. John M. Shartz rutunied to hcr homo in Atiautio Highlauds, X. J., last weck. Mr. and Mrs. Timotliy Harris and several of their childrcii havo bt-011 quite sick witli la Grippe. Miss Emily Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Frod Mirlicld havo rccovorcd from quito a sovoro atUick ot la Grippe. Mrs. G. P. Montgomery, for years hav intr bcen nu invalid, is at this wrttiug in a vurv critical couilitiou. Thcro sccms to bo a good dcal of sick ncss. Tho doctor is ou tlio roidalmost day aud niglit visiting faiuilius. Hcrinan Nilcs aud family aud Charlio Haswcll aud family havo all occn sick wlthsuuicthiug very liku la Gitppe. Adolbcrt Hawkins is again ablo to at tend to business, after a severo Uluess. His family also havo bcon quito sick. Mrs. C. S. Mattison is visiting Mrs. C.