Newspaper Page Text
THE BENNINGTON BANNER, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1892. SlIiVEU BLANU tflFGIN" TO SfOUT A KNOTTED CLCB POB Ol'FOSITION. Webb, Washington corrcspnndent of the Boston Journal, writes, uncler dato of Februrtry 21st, that Clirtirman Blanti is becomlnj suspioious of liia party. He says: "They cannot paillock a man's mouth, or stop brinp;ing up tlio qnestion, aml I don't thiuk ilioy will atteinpt to kill the silvcr bill with tlio tariff. I liavo hoard a grcat many rumovs to that offect and, if wo ilnd ont that that is tho Kame, wo liavo a way to mcut it, and tho Silver bill will bo offereil as an amendment to ovcry bill which comos up. We do not intend that a minoiity shall nin over a majority in that. way, and wo havo a ma jority in favor of tho Silver bill. Tho Silvcr bill will not bo kept down by any tactics of that kind. Silver will bo kept forwaid constantly, and by atteuiptinp; to kcep it down they wonld mako it tho biggest issue of all. I shall not obstrct tho tariff bills, but wo must know what is to bo dono about tho consideration of tho silvcr is.sue. Huforo wo tako up tho tariff bills and tho appropriation bills, thorc must bo an agrecmcnt upon just what wo aro goins to do. Thero must bo an undiTstandiiif; froni the lioghining or clso silver will bo heic as hmj; as tho tariff and nppropnatinns, and will bo talkcd of ' as inuch as nnything clso beforo tho Houso. I am in favor of tariff reforin and of consideriiig tho tar iff bills, but if their prosiammo is to kcep the tariff licio always and not to do iinything 011 tlm hilvor (jucstimi,- then wo will considei tilum all togctlier. Thero is 110 disposition against fcikinff up tho tarilf, pioviiled wo ean have au undcr standing that it is not to bo ruu as iv ma chino to knock out Hilvur." A SHAKI ANTAtiO.NISM COSIINO. It is ovident that thero is to bo a vcry .sharp contest in tho Houso of Uepiosen tativcs between tho TarilT bill and the Frco Cninago bill. Tho nienibi'rs of tho I'omniitteo on Ways and Jlcans will en deavor to havo tlieir measuics broiiuht beforo tho Houso at tho vcry earlicst possiblo nioment in order to got the viglit of way over tlio Frco Coiuago bill, whilc tho ineinburs of tho Appropriation Conunittc" will cudcavor to havo tho ap propiiation bills lcidy to follow each othcr in rapid siicccssinn whencvor tlicrc shall bo any ccssation in tlio talk on the" tariff. 15y this parliamentary niaiienvie the expcetations of the Deinocratie leaders aro that thty can do soinething at least to suppress tho silver (iiicstioii without. placiiif; thcmselvcs in direct an tagonisni to tho frec coinage men. Tho latter aro somcwhat apprchensive as to this situalion. THE ItKPUlII.ICANS AR A FACTOR. Aii inipnifi.nt fictor in the condition which is likcly to cxist whcn tho freo coin:ige nien shall press thcir measuro to the consideration of tho Houso will bo tho attitudo of tho Itcpublirans. Most of tho llepublioans, who aro vcry hoslilu to tho Frco Coinajjo bill, will vote to cn deavor to dcfeat it in cvery possiblo way. Uihers, who aro opposcd to freo coinage, but who aro taetical poliiicians, will ondcavor to recoimnend that the Kepublic.ins shall not aid tho anti-freo coinago Demncrats out of tho dilcmma into which tlieir party has tlirown, and that the Kcpublican party shall adopt a policy of noii-intcrferenco and permit the two factions of tlio Democrats to contest that battlo for theinselvos. If that polioy shall bo adoptcd, thero can bo Do possiblo doubt as to tho result.for tho frco coinago Domocrats aro in an overwhclming majority. In faot, the anti-freo coinago Demncrats aro but a vory small handful on their sido of the Houso. Tho latter, howovcr, rely upon tho almost solid voto of the Ilepublieans to embarrasB and obstruct the considera tion of the Freo Coinago bill, and to do featitif it shall eomo up. Thoy will not bo manly cnough if tho Ilepublieans should do that to admit that tho Frco Coinago bill was defoatcd by a Kcpubli can vote. It Should bn In Kvery Ilouse. .1. B. Wilson, S71 Clay St., Sharpsburg, says ho will not bo without Dr. King's'Xow Discovery for Consuinption, Coughs aud Colds, t)iat it eured his wifo who was thrcateucd with Pntsumonia aftcr an attack of "La Giippo," whcn various othcr remcdies and several phy sicians had done her no good. Kobcrt Barber of Cooksport, Pa., claims Dr. King's New Discovery has dono him raoro good than anything ho evor used for Livor Trouhle. N'othing liko it. Try it. Freo trial bottles at C. D. Gibson's drug store. Largo bottles 60c and $1. CALIFOttNIA'S KAHinUs I1IQ TKKK. Insome twenty irrcgular groups, cx tending through a distance of about 200 milcs on tho wcstern slope of the Sicrra Novadas, from Calavcras through Tularo county, California, are found what are known as tho famous "biir trees" of Cal ifornia, aud, wocdcrful to relate, al thougii a passagcway has been cut through it through which stagcs pass regularly, tho trce still lives. This treo is in tho Mariposa grovc, and is 2S fcct in diamctcr. A still largcr treo in tho same grovo is known as tho "Orizzly Giant." It is U feet in diameter. Tho highcst of these trccs is in tho Calavcras grore, aud it is '.V2o feet high. This tree, the Sequoia gigantea.should not be confuiiudcd with tlio California red wood, Sequoia scinpervirciiH, a trco which quito frequently rcachcs a diamc tcr cxccedini: 15 feet and a hcight of 300 feet Tlio largest specimcn of this trce is scvcn milcs south of Santa Crrz; itis 20 feet in diamoter and 300 fcct high. Tho rcd wood is found fmm tho bound- ary of Mcxico northwurd, fonning vast forcsts upon tho coast rango of moun- tains, nevcr vcry far from tho Pacific, Tlio wood is hght and closo graincd, mucli rcscmbling rcd ccdar in appcar- ance; itsplitswith remarkablo facility, is ctnincntly durablc, and is uscd for building purposcs, cabinct work and a! most evcry varicty of general wood work, forming tho principal sttplo of tho Children Cryfor California lumbor trado. AYith Biich abundaut supplics, thero foro, of one of tho flneat varieties of lumbor, it seoms soniething moro than a oity, but rathor a mitter calling for so vero crltioisin, that tho lumbcrmen should be permittod to dostroy. as they aro doing, within a fow oxccptions.theso groves of Sequoia gigantea. Theso trees crow nowhero clso in tho world, and thcir beauty, grandcur and marvelous ago combino to mako thi'm objccts of such surpassing intercst that tho folly and ncglect of tho government in per mitting tlieir prcscnt destruotion will pass tho comprchcnsion of succeeding gcnerations. Tho Calavcras giovc,north Yoscmito valloy, is still untouched, and Mariposa crove, thirtv-flvo milcs south of tho valloy, is safc, bccauso includcd in tho Yoscmito grant, but tho Frcsno Flats grovo, tho noxtono in tho bolt, is a sceno of dcstruction. It. bclonjrs to tho Cali fornia Lumber Company of San Joso. Tlieir policy has been to Rlaughter tho trees without regard to ago nr sizo, beauty or grandeur. This was onco one of tho lnost bcMitiful of tho groves, but to-dayitisa pitiful wrcck. Giants of tho forost, flftccn, twenty and thuty fcet in diamotor, lio on tho ground in evory direction. Tho largcst trunks, thoso that aro too largo to bo haudlcd easilv, with thosaw, have bccn shattcrod with blasting powder. Stumps of tho trees, six, tcn. or a dozen feet high, aro all about, an army of witncsses to tho mnle volont avarico of man. Ocrasionally thero is a inighty trco still standing.with a irrcnt gash, pcrhaps five feet drcp, cut and sawed into ono sidc. This grovo has beon almost annihilated. Whcn tho company cleans up the trunks and limbi that now covcr tho cmtinil, its work of dcstruction will bo just about completed. It has been cngagcd on this grovo for a liumher of years, and Iias turnod its at- tenlion almost wliolly to ino Rpquoins. If tho big trco lumber lirotiglit niciier priocs tnan any otuur s'ut, inu so-.u which is showu in tho dcstruction of tho groves could be understood. Hutitratcs no liiglicr in tno marKCi man iuo sugar pino, with which tho mountain slopes aro (lcnsely covored. Tho lumber com panies coiild have inado just as inuch money and ncen at nn cxpcnso 101 uiasi ing powder, if thev Ind let tho big trccs alono and turncd to mosugar pim-s. In tho groves further south tho same sceno is rcpcated timo aftcr tinio. In that portion of tho sequoia bolt. bitvpen tho north and south boundarics of Tu laro county alono thero aro at least tcn mills, cvery one of which is industri ously vorking away at tho bij trees. Their owners cvidcntly fcar that tho National Governmi'tit will somo day awaken to Hie wisdom of throwing protfction around thcse uniqun groves. and thcv aro detenninod to cot just as mncli nioney out of thom as possiblo be foro that day comes. In tho Frcsno grovc, which is on the lino between Fresno and Tularo countics, tho General Grant National I'ark pro scrves a fow of tho big trccs. It is only a snuaro milo in oxtent, and does not in cliulo the wholo of tho grnvo. Tho rcst of it is rapidly disappearinc. A lit.flo to tho southcast tho Sequoia National Park includcs tho North Kaweah and South Kawcah groves, w'-ich wero withdrawn froni salo in timo to savo thom fnmi dc struction. Throuch tho romainder of tho groves ono comes upon tho samo sceno again and again. Kvervwhero ax, saw and blasting powder aro doinir thcir detestablo work with spccd aud thor oughncss. It has been propnsod to cxtcnd the boundarics of tho Scqunia I'ark so that it will embraco all tho sequoia groves in Tularo county aud covcr tho mountain slopo from tho sunimit of tho Sierras nearly to the lowor timhcr lino. If the proposition included the wh(do hplt of tho sequojas from tho most nortliorn grovo to the mostsouthcrn tree, itwould be still moro heartily approvcd by all thoso cxccptiiiE always Mio mill owners who have visited tho groves and know how hoplcss is tlieir prcservation in any othcr way. I.OOK AT HIM! A ycar ago ho was not expectcd to livn. Liver complaint almost killcd hini. Ho got grent rcliof from threp bottles of Sul plmr Blttprs, and six bottles curcd him. Editor WeeMu Pres. That ablo protectionist jourinl, tho American EconomM, notcs an improve mont In tho tln plato liar. "Not long siucc," it says, "hc would not tdmit that rtiiy Americau tin plato mills oxistcd. Now ho only contends that tho Ameri cau establishmcuts do not mako tin plato of ccrtain kinds and certaiu slzes of a ccrtaln thickness in cert.tin largo quanti ties at ccrtain low nriccs " Tliis is a hopefulindication Riirolv. Prctty soon tho tin plato liar will fold his tent and silcntly stcal away, liko tho stccl rail and tho wiro nail liar and tho othcr "tariff reforin Ananiascs who havo pro- ccdcd him. vVhen Baby waa sick, wo ehtb her Castorla. When the was a Chlld, sha crled (or Coatorlo. When she becam Hbn, iha cluog to Cutoria. Wben iha h&d CblUrea, be gare tbem Coitorls. I1INT8TO IIOUvKKKKPKIIN. Bipo tomatocs will rcmovo ink and othcr stains from white clolh, also from hands. A good linimcnt for stralns is mado of one-half ounco of wormwood, onc-half nuncoofoil of organum or marjoram and ono half pint of alcohol. Glycerine has bccn found to rcliovo ptin from burns and to forwaid tho hcal iiig proccss. Itsmarts on thoflrstap plication, but this effcct soon wcars away. Itice in tho hull, whcn hcatcd in tho popperliko popccrn, burstopeu just liko tho latter, nnd not only has tho Ilavor of real popcorn but is ciisper and moro de licious to tho tastc. A simple tcst for dotection of lcad in drmking water is furnishcd by tincturo of cochincal. a fow drop-i of which will colortho watcr bluo if thoro is tlio rc- motcst traco of lcad nrcsent. Cclcry is a scdativo, and is good for rhcumatism and tho so-called ncuralgia, which is only anothur name for it. Cu- ciunbers cool tho syBtoin whcn frcsh cut. of courc. Lcttuce is not oulv cool- iug, but producos slecp, cspccially if tho stalk is catcn. One of tho most offoctivo romedies for prcvcnting tho halr from falling out is tho nuinino tonics sixty grains of ouininc. ono-half pint of whiskcy and tvvo ounces of glycerine. Apply ovcry nlL'lit for tcn uavs. rubbing It wcll into tho scalp, thon orait for two wceka, then rcpcat. JneFamlljr Mrdlclnn MovMhe Ilnirnl Each day. Most pooplo nccd to uso it Clarissa. ho said in a uentlo tono. am a sclf-mado m m. Wliy do vou smilo? Self-mape, sho said thoughtfully; I was wondcrfng whero you got ynur pattern lor tlio cars. PItcher't Castoria. INSUBE BOQTH a BENNNIGTON. VT. YOUR OaOiOE OF TH1RTT BDILDING L0TS On Ilarrlsou Avecuo and CottaRe Street. Lirge lots. best noll. and to bo sold al reaaonable prlcea. A dlscount ou l)tn tuken bcforu Nov. lbt. 13 14 15 COTTAOE I 12 11 10 0 8 7 0 5 t 3 1 2 WKST MAIN STI5KET. A uplf to.K. L SI1.LEY, West Is composod of puro and wholosomo remody in tho market for COUGHS, What is Castoria is Dr. Samucl Pitcbcr's prcscriptlon for Infants aud Childron. It contalns ncithor Oiiitim, Morpliino nor othcr Narcotic suhstanco. It is n liarmlcss substituto for Pnrcsoric, Drops, Soothing Sj-riips, and Castor Oil. It is Plcasant. Its giiarantco is thirty ycars' uso by Blillions of Mothcrs. Castorla dcstroys Worms and allays fovcrlshncss. Castoria prcvcnts vomitinff Sour Curd, curcs Dlarrhoca aud Wiud Collc. Castoria rcllcvcs toctiiiu? trotibles, curcs constipation aud flatulcucy. Castoria assimilatcs tho food, rcgulatcs tho stoinach and bowcls, igivins hcalthy aud natural slccp. Caa toria U tho Chlldrcn's Panacca tho DIothors Fricnd. Castoria. " Castorla 1 an crccUcnt mcdlclno for chil dren. Mothcrs havo ropcatcdly told rao of lts good eSect upon thcir chil Jren." Do. O. C. 0-oood, Lowell, Uass. Castorla ls tho bc.t remedy for childron of which I um ai-qaalntcd. I hopo t!io day 13 i:ot far dlstant when mothers will consldcr tho real Intercst of their children, nnd uso Castorla ln stead of the various quack nostrums which aro destroyinethi-lr loved ones, byforclnsoplum, morphlne, soothlng synip nnd othcr hurtful agenia down thcir throats, thereby sendlng thom to prcmaturo graTos." Do. J. F. KiMcniLOi, Conway, Ark. Tho Contnur Company, T7 F FOR THE E1 SrATEOK OIUNIBl. TOWsLEY. Notlce of Ftltleinrnl nnd '.ppllcatlon for Distrl hntlon STATE OF VERMONT, i Dintrlct of Hcnnlinrtin. f ln 1'robnte Cnurt, hrld at the Prnbftte of. flcf In Ilcnnlnrtnn, wllhln snd fcri(l DlstrictOD the 81 li ilay of Ftlrurjr. A. D. 1W2 Prff"nt. Ilon. Alfred Rohln-oii. 'ndcn. AmaAaTuompnn,Hdinlnltraiorof the pfttstcnf Ot liim 1 rowtlFT IntH of l'owtial. ln nd iliMrict. dPCrHieil, prrnent' M dnlidtia tlon arcom t ffir!Ximlnati"n nnd allownnce and makes applirallon f'r h ilccriof ilWnlhutlonand prlltion ofihr rtistH of aald lttcoiad. Whrreupon It l ordcrwl by ralill'onn, that tald aconnt and said appliciitinn tw ivferrrd to a rrsKlnn therrof, to be hrld at ihe Prnbatn OITIcm oforcfald. on the ifith dny f F lirmry, A. I), 1HW. for hearln and lf cVlnn t.irrron; nnd, It li furtber onttrrd. lliat nollce theienf b Rlvrn to all partlca In'rrcOrd, bv publlcatlon of the same three weckn nuccessiTrlr In tlie H'nnlnclon Uan nib. a newspaprr publlthrd at n-nnlngtoic.prr-Tlou to mlit fir hearlng that Ib-) mjai. par at sabl tlme and plam. and bow cnn-r lf any they inar hnve. ohysaut account aboulil nat be allnwrd and atli;h dncrtM) made. A True Uecord, Aitot, ALFItKD ROBINSON, Judite. A TrueCopy of Re.-ord Attent 4 AliFitKO UOBIMSON Juigt. WITH MRR STREET. Main Strcct, Hemiliifjton, Yt, ingredionta, and is tho most roliabto COLDS and ASTHM A.. 10c. & 35ct8. 1 Castoria. " Castorla ls so wcll adnptcd to children that I rccomacndltassuperiurtoanyprcecripUon knowu to ine." IT. A. Aitcmn, M. D., 111 6o. Oxfonl St, Drooltlyn, N. Y. " Our physlclans in tho chlldrcn's depsrt mcnt havo spo!:cn hlRhly of thcir eipcri enco ln their out&Ide practice wllh Castorla, and although wo only havo ainonit our mcdical supplles what ls known as rcgular products, yet wo are frco to conf css that the merlts ot Castoria has won us to look with favor upon It." U.iitid IIosprrAi. iND DisrsMaiRT, Boston, Uass. kuxx C Snrra, Prt:, Mnrray Streot, Now York Clty. LAUNDRY. S E M O I" 5J . f w -2 o . ,3 K k. a 5. E W : : ' ' i ' N OAR E STATK OKMAKV 11UOWN. Notico of Settlcment nnd ppllcatlon for Distrl' hu'lnn. 8TVTEOK VEItMONT,( In Probate Conrt held Distrlct of Uemiiiiirtnn, I t the Pronatr (ifllcr in H'Uinirton, llhlu and funaiil dilrlci,on tbe 8th darnr buarr. A. i. lrai l'n-x-nt. Ilon Alfred itoblnson. Jnde. Porter K..llrown. adnlnl-tmtor of the tnate of Mary Hntwn. Iki- or fnwpai ln safu cu. trlrt. ilrceaniHl itrpentH Iit4 ndiMlnit)tratni ac rnmit lor rxamlnallon and altnwaurr. aml miken appllcatlonforaili'crrenf illKirlbiulon nud par- lllMin nr ine foini' il hiiii uca'C'l. i ordrrrd hr ld Court.thalaild accouiil and bI i a pllcxll l) be rcfcrred to a nnlon therrof, to be held at the l'rhatp Olllr afireld, on theS 'lbda ol Kb. A.U. lH9i. for hrarlnr and druman tnerron; and, it ib further orderrd. tbat notlre Ihrrrof be Kivrn to a'l partlrs Inttres'nl. bjr pnbllcallon oi ine amr inrer wecnn au.rriireiy ln tlie llcnniojrioii uahnkh, a urwipaper puDiuuni at Hriinlnirlaa, prrrioat tm nld tlme apiKjlntrd for hrarinft, that tbrj may appear U in Urar and place, aud ahow cauae, If anj th r niaj hari vthr aald account should not bo ailowed. aad KUchdrcft-nmadn ATrueRteurd, ttrrt, Al FRKD ROBINSOK, Jud. A Trus Copy of Rreord. itet, 4 ALFRED KOUINSON.Judge. WnEHEAS. the Clrcnlf. Tonrt of tbe Unlled Statm in rquitv slrtlrifr. held ir. and for the Northern Dlitrict f New York, at (he chambers of lh Clrcuit Judgeln ihe fltv of jyrncuse. on tho 24th day of March, 1887. dld make a decrr e or a certaln anlt tbtrein depending whnvln thn Central National Bank i t llnttnn, (nhlrh snrd aa well for Itaell a-s for all oth- r slmllarly nltu&trd) was complalnant. and Rowland N. Ilazard Wil llam Fotr. Jr., the New York. Rutland and Montreal Uallway ompany and AmTlcan Loan and Trutt Company of Ne w York were rte fendant-. bv which It was among ntbprlblngn thrreln contalned rcfcrred to the undsrMgnrd to ell at publlc auction the premiies and proprrty herearterdrcrlbed Iow, fn pumuanco ol pald ciecree, notlce i hcreby Ei'en that on the second day of Junr, 18S7. ve o'clock at nnon, at Ihe outer woterlj .the Coun HnuelnlhfCltyof Troy.Coun .v in . enKselaer and Stalr of New York, the un derslgned will ell at publlc auction to the high. cst biddrr the premlr and proprrty deccrlbed and contalned ln a certaln hiortgngt made by the 1'banon Sprinss Rnllroad romany to tbe Unlon Trunt Company, and which were conveyed by a rteed execuled b.v (jeorce McClellan. refrrer, to Willlam Foster. Jr., and Rowland N Hazard. a follows: "All therleht,tlilf and IntereRt of the nald party of tb- firat'part frald I banon Sprinim Rall roadC'ompany) of, in and lo all and Hlngularthe sevrral plrcea ir parcels of land furmini; the trackor roadway of the party of the flrt parl from Jie Chatham Foor Corners, In the Covnty of C'olurnlila. to the eai lin of the State of New York. ln Ibn town of Ilooslck. ln the countv ol Rensiclaer. and alllandxthereaftertobeacqulred for the purposc of formlnir Raid track or road way; also the rallroad of Ibc aH pany of the flrn part now bullt, and ln be biiilt, and all the ralls. bridges, fenres. sratioux. Matlnn bouncs, wood houscs. bulldlnip and oihor structures and appurtenanctK thereunto brlonglnp. and alo all Ihe loll, Incnmps. renu, Isniesanil profltK and allrnable franrhlRe of the nud party of theflrst part connected wltliHaldrullwayorrulnting there lo, Incluillnir lt rlt'bl" and frnuclil'es as a cor poration and alfoall tb rolllnir Btock, locomo tlvea, teiidrrti, now plnw and fcraprrs and all the pai.-nc-r cnr haggHe, mail aml exprean cars flatcara andcartof evi-ry descriptlon; all theniacMneshopn and blackfinltb bou and all the articles used in tlie constructlon, replaclng and repairlne ol roada and cars and in tbr ruu ning of cars now owned or hereaftci tc le ac qulred by tbe Kaul porty of the flrst part. all of which chattcls are declarcd to b flxtures and an. I urtnianccs to faid rallruad, and are to be sold therrwith and not feparate thewfrom, and to be taken anapart thereor; and also all tlie riKht, ltle and Intercst which tli- tald party of the firet part mayhaveor niay hereafter acqniri-of, in and to the Vermont aud New York railroad, con stnictednrto be conitrnried from the trrniluu. ol the rallrnad of the party of the firet part in tln town of Uooslck afore.-alri. to the vlllage of Hen nlneton, in the State of Vermont. In-ludinc all thr rirht title. and interent or the party of the first part, in aud to the fianchis- and equ'pment oi thesald Vcimont and New York railroad, belong Inu to orln any wlse appertinlnr or which maj at any tlme belong or appertain to the aame at wcll In i M ln cqblty." Dated Albany. N. Y April 11, 1687. WOKTHINCTON FKOTiUMill A M.Referer IIale & F.ui.KLKY.Sollcilnr for ComplainaDt. 'Iheabove uicntioned sale is poslponed tidneemh (13ih) day of October, 18S7, at same hour and jdae. Albanv. Jun.-l, 1837. WiiKTIIINtiTON FltOTIIINIiHAM, Referee IUle & HrLKiXT, Soliciiorn for Complainant. Thea veMaleis further postpoiu'd unlil he Twelll ' il'Jth) da of NoTenibcr, 1837 at the same hour and place. WORTHINtiTON FltOTHINUHAM, Refere IUlk & iiui.KLKY. Sollcitors. Tbe above nii:ntioned ale l further potponed totbe Eleventh (Uth)da) of February, 18S8 the same hour and place. Troy, Vov 12. 1887, WOliriUNIiTON FKOTHINWIAM. Referee IIale & Ilulkley, !olicltor for Cnmplalnant. Tn- abov ineutioncd saleis polponed to th ElKhtrcnth i!8lb)day of April, 1888, at the same hour and place. Troy, February 11, 1888. WOKTIIINOTON FROTllINQIIAM, Referee Haln & Hnlkley, Solictnr for Complainant. The ubove nieiitiiiiied suIh is pnstponcd to the Slxth (tith) day of June, 1683, at tho same hour and nloce Iiate i Troy, April 18th, 1888 wdUTlllNUTON FROTII'NOIIAM, Referee. 111 T & Uui.KI.EV. HMb' "r fir fpmpi.irprt (Uuj lay i July, 1188. at the aame hour and place. Troy, .InneCth. 1880. WOUTIIIM.TDN' FHOTIIINOHAM. Referee IIale & SollcliorH for Complainant Tbe above nientioned tale i potponed to the Tentieth (20th) day of July, 188s, at the aame nour ana pmce Troy, July I8ih, 1883 W- ItTIIIMiTON FlimHINGIIAM. Referee IIale Ul-lklky. Solicitors for Complainant. Tlie above meritioDfd aale la poatpcneil to ,he Twenty Ofth CJSlh) day of Juiy, 1883, at tlie snm hour and place Troy, luly 20. 1888 WORTIIINOTi S FROTIIINOIIAM. Referee. IIale & ulkley. Sollrltnr for Complalnant. Tbe abfiTM mrnlioned Kale N postponed to the Twenty-eighth day of July,1888, at the aame hour and place Troy. July 24. 1888. WOIITIIINOTON FROTIIINaiIA.lI, Referee IIale & IIclklkv. Soliritors for Complalnvit. Tbe above nientioned xale Is postponed tn the Twenty.flfih tla of tieptember, 1888, at the same hour and place. Troy.Julv 28. 1888. WORTIUNOTOV FROTIIINOIIAM, Referee IIale & IIitlkley. 8olltitor for Complainant Tbe above eale is potponed to October (3d 1888, at Ihe sam hour aud place, WORTHINO TON FKOT1IIN01IAM. Refer. IIale &, Hulkley. Solicitors tur Complalnant Troy, Sent. 23. 1888. The above mrntloned sale l postponed to the Seventeenth (17tb) day of Ocliiher, 1888. at the sami- nour ana piaee. wuiiitiituioNrOT XMiiiAM, iteicree. ilALE AKD HfCKI.KY, Solk'itors for Complainan Troy, October 3. 1888. The above mentloned sale is DostDoned to th twenty-srventh (27th) day of Novembcr. 1888. al tho same hour and nlaco. WOKTHINQTON FROTIIINOIIAM. Iteferee. IIale and Bdlkley. Solicitors for Complalnant Troy. Oct. 17, 188 rneanove nienuoneu saieis postponea to la eleventh (lltlil dav of December. 1839. at th same bourand place. WORTHINUION FROTIIINOIIAM. Referee IIale & Bl'lklky, Solciton for Complalnant. Troy, n. y., wovember Z7tn. is. The aDovr mentinned sale Is nostnoned to the Hrcond da of January, 1889, at fiheen minutes past twelve o'clock p. m. at the same place. noHTjiisaTON r kotuivobah, xuieree. Troy, rieceinber 11, 188H. The mentlonedt-ale Is postponed to tbe flrst day of May, 1889, at two (2) o'clock m., at thes tne place WORTIIINOTON FROTIIINOIIAM, Referee IIale a Bcckliy. eollcltorn for Complalnant. Troy. January i. iiuw Thm nhnve meiitloned sale Is nostnoned to the elghteenlh (18th day of June, 1889, at two o'clock p. m.. at the same place. ...nnnilMWnTltV fflJftTII f UOII k 1 D.f.M. Hai e & Hulkley. SnlicitorH for i ocnplalnant. The above mentloned cale l poatponed to the fourth (itb) day ol Seplember, 1889, at two o'clock p. m.. at 'hc same place. iroy.uune 10111, ioov. WOltTHINOlO.N FHOTIIINOHAM. Referes IIale & Bcckliy. Solicitors for Complainant. Tln. nhovf nu ni loned sale Is postponed to the secnud (2d) day ofOclober,188. at two o'clock p in.. at tb' mmr Place. Troy. Septt-mlier 4th, 1889. WOUTUINMTON FROTIIINOIIAM, Referee IIale & liuCKLKr,Solicitonfor('mplalnant. Toc above tuen't nrd sal is pisiponrd tn th sUth (6tli) day of Noveraber, 189, attwo o'clock p. in , at tlie same pliiro. Irov. October 2d. I8H9. WOHTIHNtiTON FROTIIINGIIAM Referee IIale A ItL'CKLKY. Solici'on.forfoni)lainnt The above iiiemioued nle Is postponed to the fourth (lh) day of liecember, 1889, at2 o'clock p. in.. at the anie place Trov. Novembcr ulh. 18k,9. 0'llTIIIMiN FRIlTIIIVOIIAi!. Referee iiaie aduckle. Sollritora for I'omplainant. The above nientioned ale ls pnsipooed to tbe recond (2.1) day ol January. 1890, at two o'clock p. tr., al tlie ame piace. Troy P-erniber4th. 188". WOItlHI'OTON FltOTHINOIHM Referee. IIale & Hui.kiey. H..II for f'nmiilainant Tlii. nhnve nietitloned aalft ls POHtDoned to th Sevnth (7ih) day ol February, 1890, at 2 o'clock p. m.,al tbe same place. Trov.Januarv 2. WOHTMINdTON FROTIIINOIIAM Hcferea. IIai.1 II IIUOkl.Ev, for romplainant. The above menisiued sale ls KHiponed to th fllib (5th) day of March. 1390, at two o'clock, p m., at tbe same plice. Troy, Feliruary 7th, Ip'JO. WORTIIINOTON FIIOTMINOf! AM. Referee. Hai.k a llucm.HT. 8nll llnr" for Comulalnanta. The above sale Is postponed tn the Slxteentb (ICUi) dav or April, 1ETJU. ai two o ciock p. m., a th aame Jilace. Troy. MkixIi Mh.lSpn WOll.HINOTON FK(llIINCIIAM Referea IIai.e IIitii.iv. Soltcioni fnrromplalnants. Th" abov-iiien'loned sale is pnntponed to the eleventh (II) aay ol.iane. twoo'ciocK,p m. at tbe fame tr-. Trov, April IRih.lwn WO'ltTlilNOTON FUOTHINGTON. Rtf 'r".o. IIale Pi'celev. hollcltors for Comnla jtant Thr il.t. mentloned sal Is postponed to the tenlb i.utn1 day oi eeptemuer, law, ai ao ciocx p. ra at inr ssm- piace. Trov. June tllh, '890 WORTIIINOTON FRxTIIINOIIAM, Referee. TlALa ItccxLcv. Snllrltoni for ComDlalnvn Tlie above mentloned ele l poeluoned to the twentl -flrst (XI day of Octobsr, 1890, at 2 o'clock p m., at tnn anie pisce. Tmv. Rontrrabrr 10th. 1890 WORtUINOTON, FROTUlNaUAM.Rererte. Hale b Bccklvt, 8olIcltors for Comptsinta Tbe above mentloned ale Is postponed to fh EiKhteenth (18th day of Pecember, 1SS0, attwo o clock p m. al the same place, Troy Oeiobrr Stlat, 18911 WCiRI IIINOTON FI.OTHINOHAM. Referee. The above ninntloned sale Is postponed to the Nineteenlh 19lh day of Fcbiuary, 1891. at two o'clock, pni at Ihe same place. Trov. Oereniher 18'b.l'on. WOKTIIINOTON FHOTIIINOHAM Referee. IIale & Buckley Solicitors for Complainant. The above nientioned sale is pontponed to tbe 23rddynf Apill. 1891. at2 o'clock p. ra. at tbo same place. Troy, February 19th. lf-91. WORTIIINOTON FROTIIINOIIAM, Iteferee. IIale & Hulkley Snllritor for Complalnant. The ahote mentinned sale is postpoicd to ths twentj-seventh 27th) dayof May, 18'Jl. at 2 n'cllt p. m. at the same place. Troy. April 23d, 1891. WOIITIIINOTON HtOTHINGHAM. Referee. Hal' & Bulkley. Solicitors for Complalnants. Tbc above mentloned sale ls poslpnned to ths twentvnlnth (2llib) day or July, 1891, at two o'clock, p m at tbe same place. Tn y. May 27ih,lSl Wi'KTHl.MiKiN FROTIIINGIIAM. Referee. IIale Ilulkley. Solicitois for Coinplaliiam. The abov nientioned sale Is postponed lo ths Twenty-nlnth 29ib) day of Sptember. 1891, at2 o'clock p m. at the t-ame place. T'ov July 2lith, 1891. WORTIII OT' N FHOTIIISfiHAM. Rrferco IIale & liulkby, Sollcilots for I'ouiplainants. The ahove menlionHd tale is pnst ttn-i to tht twcntv.elgblb 28lhday of October. 1801. at two o'clock p. m., at the vanic place. Troy. Sept 2Uth. 1MU. vi KTHIN. ION FHO1IIIN0HAM. Rcrerea. IIale & Hitkelky, 8rjciU,m lor I'dinplninmit. Ihe above Ilienlionfd snlf is postpnt ed to tba elcvtntb illtb) ris of Noveintier, 1MI1, attwo o'clock p. m , at Ihrsamepluco Troy O tober2fih. 1W1. WOKTIIINUTON FHI'IIIINOIIAM.Refrree. Halk & Ht i keley. Kodeiti rs for omplali.aiit Tln above uicntioned sale ia posipcned t( fbe ninth (9th) day of Decen.btr. It'Jl attwo o'cloik p. m.. al tbe same place. Trov. Novetiiber lPb, 1891. WOltriliNi.TON FKOT11INOIIAM. Iteferee. IIale & Ilulkley, rtojlritn n for t'oniplali.ants The above mem lom d ale Is po'-tpniitd to the tbiriletb-3(lih day oi Dneniber. lhtf , at two o'clock p. m at tbe place. Troy IPecimb. rUih. 1811 V.l)"TlHNo'KKN FlUiTIIINGIIAM, Ileferce. IIale & liulk ey, solicitors for i oinplaiiiaut The above n entloncd fair Is postpotid lo the Tw. nilctli (i'Oih) ifay of January, lfcS'J, at two o'clock p in, at the san.r rl cc Trov. DeccniberSOi'i 1891. WOIl'iH .xO'ION FROTIIINGIIAM, Referee. IIale Bulkley, bolititotH for( ouipluinant. The i.bote menlii.ned sab is postponed tn tho twenty-tbird- 2ird-day of F. btuary, 1602, al two o'clock p m ar the same place. Trn Junitai) 20tb, Ibit. WORTIIINGT1IN HltiTIIINGII M, Heferee. IIale & Kulklly, Solicitori. for Cuinplali.anti.. The above nienilontd sale i po-tpoiod to ths twentv-tlnrd (Wid) dy ot Match. 1802 at two o'clock p m.. at tbH sati'e place. Troy, Febiuurv 23 18U2. WOIITIII.NGTo.N FUOTIIIVGIIAM, Referee, IIale Hulkley, Sullcitor furCouiplaliiHiit. "PITOHJSUJia K. ti. I100SAC TUN'NEL ROUTE. On and aftcr Nov IGih, 1891, tralns will run a folluws ; leaye uennihovon via. ue.nninoton & hltland KAILWAY. Leave Bennington H5 t m,nrrie Troj 9 2i), a m, New York 2 10 p m, Uooaick Falls 912, l.rlh Adams 0 62, Greenfleld 11 15 a iii.Fltchbur); 1 39. Boston 3 05 p m,Mechanicville 9 5,Saratoga,10 UQ a m. Leave BennlnptoD 12 40 p m arrive Troy 2 10 New York 7 00, lloosick l-alls 2 11, North Adams 3(15, (ireenlield 1 25.KiU.liburg 7 58, llosioti 9S5 p. m.Meehank-Tllle2.-i4. I.eave lieniiiiiciou 3 05 p. m.. arrivo at Troy 4 20, New York 8 50; II oMck falls 3 63, North Adams 4 3i p. m.. bo'tnu 9 25 p ui. Lave Bennington 5 lil p m, umve Troy 8 5, p.m, lloosick ialls 614, No. Adams7 0np m, Mecbanicville 8 65, p. m., Saratoea 7 Leave Beuuingttin 12 40 a.m. arrive Iru) 210 New York 45am. I.eave Bennington for Rutland and Montreal 12 40, 6 05, 8 55 a. in , 2 050 iu p. m. TRAINS ARRIVE AT BENNINGTON. VIA. BENN1UOTON & RUTLAND n'Y: 1 20 a m, from New York, Albany and Troy. 9 29am, from New York, Albany, Troy. IIoo. slrk Fallb, No. Adums, Saraloa and Slerhauio. ville 2 35 n tn, from New York. Albany.Troy, lloosick Falls, No. Adaina al il !!utou. 4 2u p m. In ra Troy. 8 36 p ra, from Alhauy.Trny.IloosIck Falls. No. Adams Boston. and Saraloga. Arrive at Bennington from Rtitland and Mont treal 1 V0 8 15a m , 1 10 3 3, 6 40p. m. J.WUITMORE J. R. WATSON, Ucn'l 1 talllc M'g'r, Bostun. Oen'l 1'ata Ag't. C, A. NIMMO, Boston. Gen'l Westcrn Pasenger Agest. Troy. LEBAN0N SPRINGS RAILROAD. WM. V REY'NOI.PR, Recelvtr. Chsnge of lime In effeet Noveirbrr lflth. 1891. TRAINS LEAVE BKNMNOTON. 8:20 a. m. For IVtersbutp JuncMon. Nonh Adams and Bo on nnd all fninN Knft and West on the itthburpR. R. Also. on nll pniiiison Lebsnon Sprlnss R.R. For Petersbureh Junctlon, No. Adsms and B ston. 3:30 p. m. 5.IR n m Fnr Petersburgh Junctlon, 110 P lila Wllilsmsiown ai.d No Adams r oll t.nint. nn I rhunon Spiings R. K. ARRIVAL Or TPAINS AT BEXNINOTOS. 11:35 a.m. From Troy. Hoo-lck Falls, W11 bainfii wn, No. Adnms end points East on Fitchburir R R., and all points on Lebanon Sptiocs R. R From Troy, IIoolck Falls and pidnt- west on Fltcbburg R. R. From 7 orth Adarcs, Wlllinms town Ho-ton and all points. pat on Fitchbun: R R. Also. 4:40 p. m. 6:08 p, m. from all points on Lebanon Springs R. It. E. I. BENNETT Supt. JOSKPII CHII.D. Oen. Pnss. Ae't. Scientific American Agency for CAVEATS. TRADE MARKS. ESION PA1ENTS COPVRIOHTS, otc. For Informatlon and freo Tlan'book writo to MUNN CO 31.1 Uhoadwav, New York. Oldest bureau for eecurlnc patents in Amerlca. F.ferypatent taken outbrus ls broiifbt beforo tbo publlo by a notlce glvcn freo of chareo ln tho Larccjt rlrculatlnn of any eelentlflc paper In th Frld. Splendldlr Plastratert. No Intrlllrem. man should lx) without It. Wceklr. S.'l.llll a rear; UM tix montbt. Addrcss MUNN A CO, I'UULisuEns.SClEroadway, A'cw York. "WATER RATES OFTUE BENNINGTON WATER CO. First taucet(peryear) $6 0 Second Faucet 2.00 Water Closet 3.0 BathTub S.00 PrivateStablet. 1st horne 5.00 Each sddltlonal horse or cow 2.06 l.awn bose (to beuert hv hand onlv) 5.00 Uteam boiler for boasn wsrmlni, ctc, for each square foot of htatlug surface of bollrr M All others sperlal. Provlded, thal no prlvate house sball pay over 120.00 per antutm excluslre of lawn ho ana boiler. The ahov rt. are for sinelefamllles. UKNRY W. PUTNAM. President. JoIt 10. lfwr l SAM. W. DUNTON, PUAOnOAI. FNOINEER. A"f IIITFCT AND 6URVKYU. DORSFT VT Faim.Town Lot, Rnsd, Sewerage Water 8ys tem, rraloag and Orade Kjrveis I'lans and specluVatlons Inr fcundailons, brldgri, dams. publlc and prlv.t- mdldines. JO-UENKRAL DIIAUGIITSMAKjEI Dorset, Vtn Dectmber 21th, 1891 . 4?mi