Newspaper Page Text
THE BEKNINGTOjN BAOTER, FKIBAY, JULY 8, 18.92. "turntag to their busincss in New Tork with Mrs. M. on Monday. Mrs. BonynRO and two dauRliters, Misscs Ireno and Adolaide, o Harlom, N. Y., aro boarding for a timo witli Mrs. J. S. Skinner. Mrs. 13. 1s a daughtor of Mrs. Russell Fisk of this placc. Miss Louise Thateher of Bennington, a nlcco and cousln, is ofton hero to cnjoy their society. Mr. and Mrs. II. I. Spafford havo tho dccpost sympathy of our community in tho deatli of their little son, Leon, about two years old, by mombraneous croup, on tho 2d instant. Tho f uncral was beld July 4th, at 3 o'clock, Kov. C. H. Pcck offlciating. Many friends with rclativos from out of town wcro presonttooxpress their sorrow in the groat bcroaveraont. Tho excursion by tho Young Peoplo's Unlon of tho Baptist ohurch on Monday last, was a pleasant affair. Tho Union, accorapauieu by many of the Sabbath sohools, spont tho day in tho grovo at Manchester Depot. Several wlio could find accommodaions, went by teams to visit tho Dorset marblo quarrics, and tho day boing so perfect it proved a vcry on joyablo occasion. Tho oxorclses conncctcd with tho opening of tho Green Box Banks of tho Congrcgational Sunday School, took placo last Sabbath afternoon at 5.30. Though very rainy. quito a numbor woro prcsent to cnjoy tlio addresses of Mrs. Peek and Miss Anna C. Park of Ben nington. Miss Park oxhibited many artieles of wonder from her oxtonsivo collection of curiositics from foreign lands, which mado tho occasion ono of much interest. Tho graduating exoreiscs of tho Graded school .wero hold in tho Baptist ohurch on Friday ovoning, July 1st. A deop in terest was mauifested by the friends of tho large graduating class, many of whom were from adjoinlng towns, so tliat long beforo tho doors wcro opened, a crowd largor than could bo comfortably accommodatcd in tho church, had gathcred to witness tho oxorcises. Soats and chairs wcro mado available as far as could be, and tho aisles woro fillcd and othcr room occupiod by thoso standing, whilo many wero unablo to get into tho houso and wcro obliged to go away. It is matter of rcgrot that tho audicnco room was not large cuough, so that tho oflleers of tho school could have bettor accommodated tho friends, somo of whom had como from quito a distanco to witness the exoreiscs. A list of tho graduatcs is appended, as is also a pro gramme of tho oxorcises. It would be invidious to attompt to speak only in a geucral way of tho different parts, so woll rendered bv tho pupils. Tho piecos selected for recltation, and the range of thought in tho choico of subjccts for orations and cssays and their prcsenta tion by tho graduating membors, was a guaranteo of tho aptitudo and ahility of the Principal and corps of tcachers to instruct and bring to tho front tho bcst powers of their pupils, and a promiso of coiitiuucd success in tho school uuder its preseut managoment. Tho music of tho orchestra and singing undor Prof. Downs was highly cnjoycd. Tho following is tho class motto and namcs of memmbers: Motto: "XoTalm Without tho Dust" Class Members: Anna K. Butts, Stella 11. Bottum, Lizzio D. Bourno, Mabcl F. White, Lena A. Mattison, Martha E. Worthington, Julia J. Houghton, Susio M. Mathors, Nettio T. Hawkins, Alico II. Matteson, Arthur II. Cushman, ,Thomas II. Powers. Arthur J. Mattison, lliram S. Barton, Georgo W. Hawkins, Norman D. Bottum, Fred W. Koberts. Class Marshal, lliram S. Barton. rnooRAMMi:. Muslo School Orchestra I'rayer Rev. C. H.Peck Chorus "Wnndering Song," Hlgh School Salutatory Stella It. Bottum Declainatlon, "A rrophecy," Winchell Arthur J. Mattison Kssay, "lloino," Lena A. Mattison Oratlon, "The Now South,". .Thomas II. Poer Uecitation, "Scnath's Sacrlfico," Georgo AV. Hawkins Duet Piano, "Ono Ilcart and Ono Soul," Julln J. lloughton, .Nettio T. Hawkins Orlitiou, "A Man lor tho Tiines," Arthur II. Cushman Easay, "Amerlcan Llterature." Martha K, Worthlngton Itecltatlon, -"The Flrst Settler's Story." Will CarMon, Mzzlo D. Bourno Muslo School Orchestra Oratlon, "A Flta for o Llbrary," Fred W. Koberts Itecltatlon, "llow Ituhy Played," Jlabol F. White Sclectlon, Plaiio, "Tho Klvcr of Ltfe." Itoblnson Ilall Kssay, "No Palm Without tho Dust," and Valedlctory Annalt. Butts Class Song Frcsentation of Dlplomas and Award of Prlzes Benedlctlon Her. K. B. Tozer Muslc School Orchestra 'Coinlng wtthln a fractlon of the honors, Miss Bourne reoelvcs especial montlon. South Shaftsbury. Frank Iiico has moved into his now houso. It is very cotl nights and mornings for July. Charles Draper is homo from Allon town, Penn. Eddio Spafford of Troy, N. Y., was in town ono day last wcek. Grant Brownson has tho foundation to his now houso quito completcd. Mr. and Mrs. Friss visitcd friends in Albany, X. Y., over tho Fourth. Kd. Pattou and family havo taken a little run outof town for afow days. James Frank and wifb wero in town on Sunday, driving over from Bennington. Mrs. Towlcy and Miss Susio Bcldcn spent tho Fourth in Danby, among their friends. Mrs. Polcg Cole's mother is ablo to bo about again. Mrs. Colo is not wcll at this writing. Mrs. Kobert Hastings' condition docs not improvo as yct. Mrs. C. E. Hastings is some bettcr. C. F. Chapin and family aro homo at tho Hon. Wm. P. Mattison's, arriving on Wednesday of last wcek. Baymond and Flossio Woodhull havo gone to Connecticut to visit their grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Uatcli. In last wock's Bannkh, tho little f;uestatMrs. C. S. Mattison's should tavo rcad Miss Paulinc, a daughtor of Mr. and Mrs. Ilarry Burgess of Hoosick Falls, N. Y. Miss Grace Martin's namo was on tho programme as ono of tho spcakers at tho W. C. T. U. Convcntion at Rupert. Owing to tho shortness of timo anu not being well, sho was not ablo to attend. Dr. Woodhull has rentcd Mrs. Doan's now doublo houso, whcro ho will havo sufUclent room for his drug storo and plenty of offico room, vory much moro conveniont than tho houso ho now occu pies. Quito a largo number from hero at tcndcd tho graduating exoreiscs at North Bennington, Shaftsbury being wcll rcpresented in tho graduating class. Stella and Norman Bottum from. tho north part of the town nnd lliram Bar ton from tho Ccntre, (tho latter was ono of tho orchestra); Georgo and Ncttio Hawkins. Xizzio Bourno, Susio Mathors and Hattio Mattison from .hero f Arthur and Lona Mattison from the southwest part of tho town. JJvery ciercjso passed offwell. Particular mention mado of somo but sufllco it to say, that although wo woro much crowdcd wo on joyed tho wbulo evoning, Shaftsbury. Tho Baptist ohurch at tho Centro is undergoing ropalrs. A cousin of Honry A. Barnoy spont tho Fourth with him.. Miss Anna Summora is visiting in East Arlington this week. BenjamiD Howlet and wifo aro rojoic ing over the advont of a uino-pound Rirl. Sholdon Harrington, sr., spent a week in Connecticut reoontly, and roturned Monday. Miss Bortha Bottum has arrivcd homo for a visit. Sho has beon toachlng in tho West Mary Munro of South Shaftsbury mado a short visit in this part of tho town roccntly. Clark Stono and Mrs. Addie Webb have each had their residoncos paintod in vory flno colors. Mrs. Georgo L. Lano was called to Bennington "thia week on account of tho illncss of a rolative. Mrs. Dell Shaw, of North Adams, Mass., is visiting her paronts, Mr. and Mrs. Richmond Galusha. Tho Fourth passed off vory quiotly horo. Somo went to Arlington and othor plaocs of amusomcnt. Quito a numbor from horo attondod tho graduating excrcisos at North Ben nington last Friday ovenlng. Pownal. DIIATH IX THE FOURTII. ' A sad affair is tho dcath of young Wm. Cummings hero by tho prcmaturo firing of a cannon. In company with several boys ho was opening tho 4th of July and about 1 o'clock a rain bcginning thoy concluded to fire a last shot for tho night. As it did notgo off young Cum mings went to rolight it when tho cannon went off in somo raannor. tho oliargo striking him in tho right sido of tho head, blowing off tho skull. Dr. Barbor was called and found tho body whcro it had fell, tho brains lying out sido tho cavity of tho head and a pool of blood surrounding it. It was removed till morning to tho houso of Jamos Morgan when tho Dootor who has had oxperionce in a numbor of similar casos procoded to mako the remains prosont ablo by replaoing tho f ragmonts of bono and flesh somo of which had beon blown to tho roof of tho houses adjolning. Young Cummings workod in tho factory horo and boarded with his grandmothor his mothor being dead. Ho was about 17 years old. Tho funoral occurrcd Wodncsday. Dr. Barber visitcd his brothor Androw in Dalt&n, this week who is critically ill. Ho has had au attack of gangrcne of tho right lcg which completoly dcstroycd tho llcsh of ono sido leaving both bones baro. Ho is to bo romovcd to tho Hospital of Mercy, in Pittsfield, Mass. S. J. Grady and wifo havo beon spend ing a fow days in Rutland. Miss Lizzio Gojttol of Adams, Mass., is spcnding a few days in town. Misses Etta and Mary Woloh of Ben nington wero guests of Mr. and Mrs. Half over tho Fourth. Joseph Haloy roturned to Bolmont, Mass., Wednosday. His sistor, Ida, ao companied him to speud a fow days. Mr. and Mrs. Hout of Amstordam, N. Y., aro spcnding tho Fourth with thoir daughtcr, Mrs. Georgo Hudson. Tho game betwcon tho Iloosicks and tho Pownals, which was to havo taken placo Mouday July 4th, on tho homo grounds, was postponcd on acconnt of the dcath of ono of tho members of tho club, William Cummings. Itisoxpccted that at somo futuro dato tho clubs will mcot. Childron's day was obsorvod at tho Baptist church last Sunday with a vory woll carried out programmo, principally by the young peoplo as follows: Music, "Tho Lillies," by tho choir; prayer by tho pastor; recitation, "Welcomo to' All," Minnio Wright; "A little Lady," Jessio Moon; Music, Congrcgation; "Tho .Sccond Glass," Margio Myors: Solo by Miss Allio Johnson; "A Littlo Child' May Potter; "His Mothor," Florenco Roynolds; "Bluo Bells," Floronco Gard nor; Dialogue, "Then and Now," Mar gio Mycrs and Arthur Houchtaling; Dialoguo, "Welcomo to Juno," Floronco and Daunio Gardnor; Duct, "My Fatlier Iooksup to thee," Mrs. Gardnor and Miss Alico Thompson. The cxercises woro vory interesting and cnjoycd by all. Much crodit is duo to tho cuildren. Dem'g RheumatloPIIUabsolutelycuTerhPU matltui and Xeuralcla. Entlrcly vegetable .Safe SPEGIAL BU8INESS L0CAL8. dT"Grcat bargain salo of trimmed and untrimmed hats, also ribbons and flowors sold way bolow cost at Miss M. H. Sibloy's, 445 Mainstreot. gjf Tho chcapest placo in Bennington to buy goods is J. E. LaPointo's. Thq old River strcot storo. Do You tVlsh Drapory iJurtnlns. G. V. S. Quackenbush & Co.. aro f ull of thcm. Ucavy curtains, with dado and deep fringo, at 4.75 a pair, and with friozo from $5 to 40 a pair. Plaln drapcry curtains, with' deop fringo, all colors, $4.50 to $15 apair. Laco curtains as low as 00 conts and as high as 40 a window. Goods by tho yard for long and short sash curtains, Bagdad curtains, bamboo curtains. Adjustablo brass rods for sash curtains. Al! ordcrs filled promptly at Quackenbush's Troy. 2"CAni) of" Thanks. Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Hill wish to thank thoir many kind friends and ncighbors for tho numberlcss aots of dovotion, words of consolation and lloral offcrings so frooly and appropriatoly bestowed in their reccnt sad hcrcavomcnt; and wish to givo especial oxprcssion to their erntl tudo to Mr. and Mrs. Louis L. Tiffany, Mrs. Eli Tiffany and tho omploycs of tho Coopcr Manufacturing company for thoir lloral offcrings and untiring cfforts to lightcn tho afiliction and sooth tho sorrow which in God's providenco has settlcd so hcavily upon thcm. C5F-CARD of Thaxks. Tho com mittco having in chargo tho rcccption to the Rt. Rev. John S. MiChaud wish to ro turn thanks to all thoso that in any way contributcd towards making it a grand success, but cspecially do wo thank Dr. E. B. Daloy and Maj. A. B. Valcntino for thoir words of welcomo and congratu lation, in which thoy voiccd tho sonti mcnts of not only tho parishione'rs of SU Francis do Sales, but of tho community at large, and to Maj. R. J. Coffey for favors grantod. Per ordcr commlttcc. Jouk RODIX80N, Presidont. ' D. A. Wahd, Sccrdtary. !J"Rhoumatism Curcd in a day. "Mystic Curo" for Rheumatism' and Neuralgia radically cures in ono to thrco daysi Its action upon tho system is ro markablo and mystcrious. It romovca atonco tho causouand tho discasoim mediatoly disappears. Tho flrst dose greatly beneflts, 75 ccnts. Sold by J. T. Shurtfoff.Druggist, Bennington. 41yrl DWanted. A girl to do general housework. Apply 205 North street. J3"LaPointo of tho old Rivor street storo is givitig moro grocorios and dry goods for less money than any othor merchant in Bennington. Notlce to vaj Patrons. On acoount of tho Wm. H. Froar Athlotic Association's oxcursion to Saratoga Friday afternoon, July 3d, in ordcr to givo the members of tho associ ation amplo timo to get ready for tho pnrado and excursion tho TroyBazaar will closoat 11 o'clock a. m. On all othor Fridays througfaout July and August tho Bazaar will closo at ono o'clock to givo tho employes a half holiday. Please bear this in mind and mako your prepa rations to either visit tho Bazaar on Friday morning or earlior in flio week, and obligo, Wm. H. Fkeab. DIEO III IX In Bennington. July 4th, Norah E. II111, aged 7 years. 8TAYNER In ProTldcnco. R. I., July 4th, Mrs. Lena May Stayner, aged 23 years. KELLOGO In West Arlington, Juno 29th, Mlnnle Kellogg, aged 14 jcats. For Sale. Tho two-story brlck houso and barn, knonn as tho tJe'n. Cieo. 8. Bradford placo In Bennington vi'Iage. This la a Rare Opportunity To secura one of the flnest resldences tn town. For particulars enqulre or wrlte to JOI1N V. CAHNEV, Aeent. Bennington, Yt., July tith, 1892. 2Jtf. Noti ice. To the tax payers of the Vlllage of Bennington: A rate blll has becn placcd la my hands for col lection as follows: 00 cents on the dollar for the Villagetaz; 15 ccnts on the d.ollar for the IHgh way tax on the Grand Llst of 1892. I hereby Ue mand the amount of oaid taxes and notify you that I will attend to the receptlon of the same at FirstNatlocalBank onandafter July lst, 1602, from 9 a. m., until 4 o'clock p. m. There will be a discount of 4 pcr ccnt on the Vlllage tax lfpaid withlH 90 days. Bennington, July lst, 1892. 25 OEO. F. GRAVES. Treasurer. Notice. To the tax payers of Benulngton Graded Bchool Dlstrict : A rate bill has been placed In my hands for collcclloaof Cic on the dollar of the Grand Llstof 1893 or the Bennington Graded School Dlstrict; I hereby deraand the amount of sald tax and notify you that I will attend to the re ceptlon of the same ai Flrst Nallonal Gank of Bennington jon and after July lst, 1893, from 9 a. m. until 4 o'clock p. m. There will be a discount of 4 per cent It sald tax ispald wtthln 90 days, Bennington, Vt.. July lst, 1893. 25 OEO. F. GRAVES. Treasurer. Notice. The rate bill of the Town tax of 1892 isnow in my hands for collection : I hereby dcmand pay ment of sald taxes, and I will atterd at Flrst Na tional Bank of Bennington, on and after July lst, from 6 a. m, to 4 o'clock p. m., to the receptlon of the same. There will bo a discount of 4 per cent, lf sald tax is pald withiu 90 dayi. Bennington, July lst., 1893. 35 UEO. F. G RAVES, Treasuror. Wanted. County agents wanted to sollclt orders for Rubber Boots and Shoes from local retall trado on commisslon. Quickselllng goods; not many samplcs; good rcsults with ordlnary elfort. Par ties residlng In this dlstrict and already canrass Ing local trado. conld mtke this a valnablc addl tlon to thrlr business. Address with rcferences, "COLCHESTER RUBBER C'O." SAOE & CO., Agents, 100 Federal St., BOSTON. 24t2 Notice. Offlce of tho Bennington Water Company, Ben nington, Vt., June 27th, 1893:- Notice Is hereby glver. that the rcgular annual mcetiuc of the stockholdcrs of the Bennington Water Company will be held at the oflko of iicnry w. 1'utnam, in sam bennington, on lues day, .July 12th, 1892. for the purposo of electlng a board of directorsof sald company for the year ensulng; also, to transact any other necessary buHlneia when met. 21t2 J. T. SUURTLEFF, Secrctary. Bennington & Rutland Railway Company. The stockholdcrs of the Bennlnzton and Rut land Railway Company are hereby notllled that the annual meetingof eald company and the flec tlon.of directors and other oflleers of sald com pany necessiry to be electcd by tie atockholdcm, will bc hcld and made at the Flrst Natlonal llank of North Ilcnnington, on the flrst Tuesday(5th day) of July, A. I)., 1892, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon. Dated at Bennington. Vt., Juno Sth. 1893. 21 U. W. IIARMAN, Clerfc. For Sale. A very nlce saddle or drlvlng pony, kind and not afraid of tlm cars or flrewoiks; also, two colta, 1 yearllng and 1 2 years old. Excellent stock, TermB roasonablo to cash buyen. Apply to 8. T. FOND-A. t421 201 Unlon St.. Bennington, Vt. T, E. BULLARD, OPTICIAN. WILL BE AT THE PDTNAM HOUSE Each Wednesday, July 13th, 20th, 27th. August 3rd, Etc, Etc Hours 10 to 12 a. m. and 1 to 5 p. m. AU errors of relraction iccurately corrected on scientlflc prlnclples, Thoso persons who liare been unsuccessfal ln getting their ojes fitted clscwbere are especlally lnvlted to call. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. S. L.JEWETT, DEALEIt IN WALL PAPER, RENSSELAER READY HIXED PAINTS. VARNISHES, SHELLAC, KALS0HINE, 0ILS, PAINT BRUSHES. Etc Etc COR. 80UTn & WEEKS 8T8.. BENNINGTON MEAT MARKET. But quallty Chlcsgo Beef: also, Freah and Salt Meats of erery dcscrlptlon; Poultry, Eggs. Frult and Vegetables. Btugbtfor cash aad sold reasonable. A. C. Sweet, Proprietor, ADAMH'S BLOCK. 108 SOUTH BT. GRAND ANNUAL EXCURSION, JOLT 21it., . . . Of. Obottnental Temple of iionor, NovZl, of Hoosick Palls to Clty of Iladson and retur-n Ronnd trlp tlckets, $1,00, For farther partlcti, lars address,, UtU - SooslcU'aUt.N.V, n .il V., I'.rZ jfe:';f.4a Cltlzens of Bennington, allow us to call your ol the frugal and enterprlslna of this community to-do can only keep their standlng and contlnuo pendltures with tho ntmost care and economy. Vlany of lis S Thlnklng how he will invest tbose .hard'earned whcro his money gocs farthest, and he gets the of our old stock from our countersat low cash pletc, andatprlces that with the cloie buycrs' havo os flno a llne of A cver adorned the shclves of any emporiam of and examlne our stock Is Indeed an agreeablc from one of the largest whol'sale houses ln the natlon. we can with safety sa that a visit to the truly happy. LADIES, please bestow a fow of LtghtDress Goods. WRAPPERS. 0lSl5lSlml I O I i5 Every dlsplayed this slde of NewYerk. Our stocked with a llne calculated to snpply the wan in bald head row to the chap who hasjust dnnned GROCERIES ! llousewiTes. do not fall toexamlne our Grocery earn you a dollar. Our Canned Goods, Butter, gtve you the largest auantity of any place ln Be keptln a general store. Be sure and giveus a J E. L 204 River Street, MILL Sx$ No. 1-Uulaundered White Sliirts and ack, rcgnlnr No. 2 ncuvy Blac orBrown Over wcek wc slmll let No. 3 Ladlcs' Undcryests 4 for No. 4 Ladlcs' Undcrvcsts, sllk tr Whllc thcy last we shall No. 5 Twcnty per ccnt. discount No. 0 Sevcutcen Bananas for 25 . All are Genu -$3 l l HAHT WHIOLESAL EQUINOX SPRING WATER ! Especlally efflcv:lous for dyspepsla, gont, rheumatltm. kldney tronblps, etc. EQUINOX SPARKLINO WATER Is luperior to any imported table water. Send for clrcuUr wiin anaiysis. EQUINOX SPARKLING GINGER CHAtVIPAGNE. Prepared from the' flnest aromatlc extracts carefully compounded, and combined with Equl nox Sprlng water. The purest and best glnger tonlo. A deltghtful, Invlgonitlng beTertgo and valuablo stomochlc. Contalns no capslcnm or aeieterious cnemicais. EQUINOX SPniNG CO.. Manchester, Vermont. Refer to Lymin Rogers, M. D.( Hon. I.nther jt.urnTes, uon. a. u. vaieniine. uennington; c i. vvyman, ju. u.. uon. u. 9. ioiourn, ni&n chester Centre; L. H. Hemsnwar. M. D., Man. chester: Hon. Robert RoberU. IlurllnKton: W. F. Mluarfl, M. D., Waterbury; Hon. Charles Dewcy, Montpelier; 8. H.Sparhawk, M. D, St. JohnsDury; Hon. Levl K. Fuller, Brattleboro; Hon. J. O. McCuIIoueh, North Bennington; Geo. A. Stone. Presldent Troy Clty Natlonal Bank. Troy.H. x. FOR SALE BY t vr Tr i t r a r lr..,.. tTiu... Manchester, ii. Sharxnor, u. J. tvaic ana n. v. uiier, Manchester Centre, J D. Rlce, Manchester Depot. J. E. Glbsot., Bennington, E. 8. Cbaodler, Bennington Centre, EQIOT0X' HOUSE, 8UMMSR BESORT. Manchester, -. - Vermont. .Qdlck.lrftlnilrom ew Yort'. Troy," Albinyi Botton expresi dally, Iiicludlng bundsy. ihMjMihMih I DRESS GOODS WIWiWMW AT 4 I attentlonto the thought foremost ln the mlnds where they can buy the cbeapest. The well in their prosperons course by making their ex The struggllng worker must certalnly spend pare dollars, nnd to mabe both ends mcct he must bny best qnallty. HaTlng swept erery dollar's worth prlce, enablcs us to refltl them with a llne com with dchght and satlsfy the mott exactlng. We Its kind In Bennington, and to Inqulre the prlce surprise. Having purchased tbese goods dircct U. 8., after a most careful and dellberate examl- OLD RIVER STREET STORE will make yon glances upon the most rarefullT iclectfd stock -A A Gents' Furnlshlng Dcpartment Is thoroughry ts of ererythlng mascuUne, froni the gcnial gent irouscrs. uur iine ot necKnear is compicie. GROCERIES ! Dcpartment, as it takc.i but a few purchases to Hugar, etc, aro at rock bottom priccs, and we nlngton. We lmvo eTcrytbing that is usually cau. ennington, Vt. THE STORE. Sj for 41 ccnts, rclnforccd front and Iirlcc 50 cents. alls, regular prlce 50 cents. Ncxt tliem go for 41 ccnts. 25 cents. Iramcd, regular prlce 25 cents. scll them 4 for 50 cents. on wliaL-Hammocks we liavc left. cents. ine Bargains ! 2xS Sl RETAIL. Ccnts a Montli by Mail, Tostagc Free. An Elegant Family Newspaper. Vlorpents MiHiliiil lik DRESS GOODS lliiiiiiiiiinl IlSliirt Waists.1 o ISISIIOISI4I&0I Sfit PONTE5 k COMPANY, Tryitamonth. 0?i&iwt FREAR'S. JUNE 30th. TO JULY 7th, THESE ARE GREAT DAYS FOR ECONOMICAL BUYERS ATTHE BAZAAR. Wm. n. Frear has succeeded in obtalnlngthe entlro lot of a large manufactuier's sample Apronsatjurt about one-thlrd actual Taluc. In the lot, of course, are included every con celrable stylc large, small, long, short, plaln and fancr trimmed. Uanr of thpm nr worth 75c and tl each, but they all go at the unlform prlce of39c each. Some of them are sllghtly smicu, dui you can weu aaora to navo tnem lsundered at this low prlce. If you wish to selectfr.m aflne assortmentofNurseAprons Waltrcss Aprons. etc, call early, for they will not last long, and thoso who come flrst have the adrantago of obtainiug flrst cholce. After making your selections In Aprons ask to be shown the great bargains ln Ladies' Night Dresses, Walklng&kirts, Underskirts, Draw ers.etc The days ofbeuding over a sewlng machlnc, or stlll more laborlous method of making Underwear by hand, are bapplly "among the things that were." Frear's fllus lln Underwear costs but little more than the Muslln In the bolt, and the wlse woman now purchases her garments ready for immcdlate use and uses her Ume to better advantage. FREAR'S PREVIOUSHOTWEATH ER RECORDS HAVE TO STEP INTO THE SHADE. Iled Tape is bcautlfully illustrated at 11 Frear's Wash-Goods Department. In Glng- II hnras cvery popular make Is hbre rcpresented A in bewllderlng variety and a uample of Frear's H prices follows : Q 10 yards of Plald Glnghams, 33 inches wlde, O worth 18c per yurd, cau beobtaincd for $1. 10 II yards otStrlpcd Gingham at theasionlshlngly 11 low prlce of tOc. The sateen situation is ilt tingly cipressed by the following few words: p Stock ncrerto large; styles never so hand. II some; prices ncver so low. 10 yards of llne n Fiench Sateen. in light and lark colors. will U cost you at Frear's but $2.50. 10 yards of f Sateen In pretty strIpes,for 80c atFrears.l0 jd U Engllsh Cambric, worth 20c per yard, for$1.25 P 10 yards flnc llatbto for St. 10 yards of Mag II nolla Mull for COc. 10 yards White Ground Q Lawni, with colored flgnres, for 60c. 10 yards V Tc Callco, In pretty patterns for 45c. ASK ABOUT THE BARGAINS REP RESENTED BY THE RED CARDS AT FREAR'S. S Iu the Ladlcs' Shirt Waist llne at Frear's is shown linndreds of thcse Indispensable warm weaLier artieles in plaln or fancy trimmed. white or colored. Callco, cambric, percale, sateen. Swiss, lawn, nalnsonk and sllk shirt waists at such prices as the following: Ladies' White Lawn Shirt Waists, plalled front and back, Frear's prlce 39c. Extra flne white lawn Shirt Waists, box plalts front and back all sjzes, Frear's prlce 50c. Fancy trimmed Lawn Shirt Waists, both hlgh and low neck. W tuckea rronis anu back", at C5c eacu. isxtra. flne Lawn Waists. fancr trimmed. tueked fronts and back. all slzes, Frear's nrice $1.15. A lull assortment oraiisses' white Lawn bntrc Waists at 75c, Sl and $1.25 each. Ladies' fancy trimmed Waists at $15, (1.50, $1.75 and upward. Ladies' fancy trimmed Waists in printcd lawus at $1.25 each. REO TAPE WILL BE MORE SAT ISFAGTORILY ILLUSTRATED THAN EVER FROM JUNE 30 TO JULY 7 AT FREAR'S. In the Hamburg Embroldery llne a full II complete and excluslve assortment is now n found on tho countersof Frear's TroyBazaar, snrpssslng ln breadth of variety, exqulsitness A of deitgn.workmanship and materlal anything H before shown In Troy, andatprlces from 23 to 40 per cent less than same riuality could be II obtalnedforelsewhere. Uonglit 1'ifit. Gaul, III 8witzerland. brooght to us dlrect, with all the saring ln cost and the exclnslTeness in selcc D tlon that such intlmate relatlons make possi- D ble this Is the reasou why you ar l.ble to secura a full pattern of hemstltched Embrold- 1 1 ered Swlss at Frf ar"s for Wc It Is worth U special Tlslt to Frear's Troy Bazaar to obtaln a dress pattem of the handsome hemstltched D Swiss Embroldery which Frear is selling for It 81.12. t The besutlful dress patterns which Frear is n , selling for 81 JS5 are worth donble the prlce. U 'Ladies who are competent judges tell us that the beautlful patterns which Frear is selling Q forf 1.50 aro better qnallty "and bandsomer O paflerss than those marked S2.D0 elsowhcre. 1 Cash Bazaar. ' , . ' . .... ,: J.:--L iLiUy