Newspaper Page Text
THE BENNINGTON BANNER, FRIDAY, JULY 15, 1892. QIKLS IN SECRET DEBATE. Tho Sylvania young ladies determined a f ow days aj;o that in tho courso of human evcnts tho timcs woro mellow for n socrot organization; it was to boa kind of a socret debating club, and boys of all ages wcro of oourso cxcludcd. Thoy said it was to bo a "girls scorot" sooloty, and thoy solomnly declarcd thoy wero going to liaveittnat way or not ui u. about an hour tho young ladies sat and convorscd, yet no ono hau tho oourago to propose an organization. At last, how over, ono of thora suggosted that they got to work. They know thoy ought to havo a Prcsident, but how to oleot ono was the qucstion. One girl said sho had hcard her father say that all rrcsidents ought to bo elected by a popular voto. So thoy solcoted a young lady whom thoy considorcd a favonto with overy ono, and she declarcd which onoof thelr nuraber should bo preslding ofliccr, and thus tho rresidont was olccted by a popular voto. Next a Secrotary was chosen by tho voico of tho wholo assorably. It ticklcd tho girls im mcnsely to votc, and after thoy said "Tesl" or "No?" thoy would all laugh for tho spaco of about fivo mlnutcs. Whon order was ponnanently restored tho Presidcnt announced that a question was opon for discussion. Tho words had hardly had timo to escapo her lips boforo sixtcon girls leaped from thoirchairs and sixtecn simultaneous voices shoutod, "Mr. Prcsident!" Tho scouo that followcd beggars tho peu. Imagino sixtecn girls all making a spcech on tho sarao subjcct at tho sarao timo. Tho Prcsidout rapped and rcrap ped on the tablo and tricd to bring thom to order, but her voico as wcll as tho Kound of tho gavcl was lost in tho din. It was ovidcnt that tho dobaters wcro prepared for tho discussion, for as timo woro ou thoy warmcd up to tho qucstion, and their sixtecn impassioncd voicos mado tho cciling rattlo. The lamp bo gan to sway, tho Scriptural mottocs that hung on tho wall roso and fcll, and ovory now and thcn a chair would bo Bent furiously across tho room as an oxcited speakor advanccd ncarcr to tho front. Tho beuding of sixtocn pairs of arms in unccasing gesticulations confused and dazzlcd tho oyo liko tho rovolving of rapid machinery, and added but direr confusion to tho babcl that foll upon tho ear. Occasionally two opposing arms would becomo entwincd as thoy aspirod togethcr to the cciling. Then tlicro was an instant pauso inthatlocality, andoycs would gazo back on oy6s that glared with tho Qro of dcbato. Sometiracs a fair dcbatcr would stop for a second at tho cnd of a sontenco to catch her broath and seo what cffcct hor oratory was having on tho rcst: but when sho saw that they all rushod hcedlcssly on sho plunged onco moro into tho mad dcning specch, and hor voico was hcard abovo tho roar. Tho Prcsident, a good talkcr hcrself, had at last yielded to tho fcarful odds against her and sank back into hcr scat, wrapped in silcnco and despair; tho Sec JOttny buricd. hcr faco in hcr bands and wopt, but stilt thoso slxtoon richly frcighted orators floated gallantly on nwr Hm stnrmv wavcs of dcbato. But. as tirao woro by, naturo's oxha'Vstcd forcos began to robel, and at last, liko tho Deacon's wondcrful one-hoss shay, thero was a grand collttpso, and tho wholo sixteon in tho same instant droppcd panting from tho ranks. Aftcr a fearful silonco of about a minute, ono of tho girls got up to remark that sho thought it was pcrfoctly dis gusting for all tho othor girls to com mcnco talking whon shoBtartcdto spcak, to which tlicro followcd an oxcited cliorus of voices whlch said plainly, although tho words wcro notdistinguish ablo, that each ono was undor tho samo imprcssloh. By a powcrful uso of tho gavel, aided by hcr foot, tho Prcsident was ablo to quell tho muttorings of tliis sccond storm and dcclaro poaco in Warsaw agalii. Tne armisticc, howover, was of short duration. Tho girls bcgan to call for tho decision of tho Chair. Each one was suro sho had mado tho bcst poiuts, and fclt hor brow warmiug to tho laurel. Tho Prcsident aroso and in a fow words statcd that sho could not dccido tho qucstion from tho fact that sho had not bccn ablo todlstinguishasingloword that was said. That was onough. Tho last syllablo was still lingeriug on her llps whon pandomonlum broko looso again. Cries of "Trcason" rcnt tho air, and in a great throng they mado for that Prcsident and brought her down from tho chair with forcoofarms. Thoscono was indcscrib able. Tho wildcst cxcitcmcnt prevailed, and amid tho confusion, whilo battlo cries and shouts fillcd tho room, tho rc portor mado good his escapo, and onco moro in the opcn air faltcrcd, tlianks to hcaven, for lifo. And tliis is the story of how tho "Girls Scoret" socioty roso, flourishod and decayed in a singlo nlght. Sylvania Telephone. A FOINT POR YOU. In view of what Ilood's Sarsaparilla has done for others, is it not reasonable to suppose that it will bo of bouofit to you? For scrofula, salt rhoum, and all other disoases of tho blood. for dvsoep- sia, indigestion, sick hcadacho, loss of appetito, that tircd fecllng, catarrh, ma laria, rhcumatism, Ilood's Sarsaparilla is an uncquallcd romcdy. Ilood's Pills Curo sick headachc. AN KXI'ERIENCU WITH A B0RGI.AIf "I had a quocr oxperienco with a burglar in a Minneapolia hotcl during tho Kopublican Convention," said Frcd E. Wadoll at tho Southern. "Whon I retlrcd I turncd tho koy, but without having the door quito closcd, and. as a rcsult, tho bolt dtd not onter tho lock. About 2 o'clock 1 was awakcncd by a slight noiso. A strcot light shown into tho room, and I could plainly sco a man rifllng mypockcts. I had bothwatch and purso undcr my pillow', but was un- armod. Iat ilrst thought I would not tako chances on getting liurt by molest ing tho fellow, but when I saw hlrn cooly appropnato a scarf-pin that my wifo had givon mo I changcd my mind and said to him vcrv nuictlv. 'I truess you don't nccd that.' IIo startcd toward tho door, but a splrit of rccklcssncss had seized mo, and I orderod him to stop. Evidentlv thlnking mo armcd, ho dld so. IIo stoou ncar an opcn window and hcld a sraall rovolvcr in his haud. I told him to throw it into tho strcct. andho did so I thcn mado him turn on tho light, and he looked surpriscd and rolievcd to flnd that I was not bolntlnir a nistol at him. He was a rather good-looking young fellow, and did not at all resomble a criminal. IIo adraittcd that tliis was not his flrst offenco, howover. IIo was a clerk in a Allnneapolis dry goods housc, and had not into a way of llving which his salary would not supnort He sat down on tho foot of tho bcd and talkcd it all over with mc. IIo was vory palo. and his chln nuivcred a little, but ho did not do tho baby act Ho said ho sup- posod ho would get a couplo of ycars at ritiuwater, ana tnat no ucgcrveu it. i sat np in bed and rcad him a lecturo, tnen, told nim to go ana sin no moro, Children Cryfor My words appcarod to touch him. Ho shook my hand, thanked mo for my for bcarance and loft mo. I slept with a clear conscienco until 8 o'clock, then I awoke to flnd that watch, purso and dianiond scarf-pin wcro all gono. Ho touchcd mo deepor than I did him. I was so mortifled that I dld not roport mv lnss. but If I over meet that smooth- faced, ponitential young hypoorito, thore will bo a suddcn f unoral, and eithor ho or I will rido in tho hearso." St. Louls Glebe Democrat. THE CURISTIAN ENDEAVOK CON VENTION. Tho convontion of tho Christian En dcavor Socieiios which closcd In Now Torkon Saturday was romarkablo, not moro for tho large numbor of dolegatcs in attondanco than for tho harmony and earnest enthusiasm that markod its do libcrations. Coming almost immediatoly aftcr tho political convontions of tho f our partics wlio aro contosting tho control of tho administration of tho Govornmont of a great Nation for tho next f our yoars, In each of which thoro wcro wido diffor oncos of opinion as to tho availabllity of candidatos and tho wisdom of polioics, this convontion of twonty thousand dolo gates, rcprcscnting a socioty of a milllon and a half inoinbers assemblcd togethcr animated by a common purposo and laboring for a coinmon end. From tho very naturo of tho organiza tion. tho Christiau Endcavor Convention was largoly composnd of young mon and womcn. Wiso and ablo toachors tlicro woro among thein, thoso who had labor cd for many yoars in tho causo of Chris tian llving and Christian doing, but tho vast majority wero but nowly onlistcd, and animated by tho enthusiasm that concoives a purposo half accoraplishcd if it is well bcgun. By no moaus tho lcast oncouraging featuro of tho convention was tho broau catholicity of spirit thatprovailed among tho dclcgates. Thoy woro roprosontatives of all tho so-callcd. ovangolioal donomi nations. Doubtlcss thoy diffcrcd in in torprotation of doctrino and in meaning of rovelation, but in tho ono purposo of "Christiau cndeavor" thoy woro unitod. Whethor or not this convention or tho great organization reproscntcd by it is dcstined to mako a permanont imprcss upon tho religious thought of tho timo, this niuch is ccrtain: Tho causo of truo Christianity is immoasurably advanccd by tho enlistment of so many young and ardcnt disciplcs of tho Mastor for tho purposo of holping thcir fellow mcn to ootter Hving, to botter knowledgo of tho trials and pcrploxitics that aro tho ac companimcnt of every lifo, and teaohing thom by precept and oxaniplo that tho best Bervico is obedienco to tho com maudment that includos all others, "That ye lovo onoanother." Messenger. Tho childron's healtli must not bo neglcctcd. Cold in tho hcad causcs catarrh. Ely's Cream Balin cures at onco. It is porfectly safo and is casily applicd into tho nostrils. Tho worst casos yiolding to it. Prico 00c. SIIALI, TVE TKV IT AOAINt Tho Herahl. in a rccont articlo on tho uso of campaign funds, rofors to tho po culiar charactcr of tho Harrison campaign of 1&10, which was kopt up with great vigor for ncarly a year. It is statcd as an ovidenco of its spontancousncss that mon rcadily lcrt thpir uusinoss in tiio aay timo to engago in political mcotings and colebr.itions. Thero aro yet many lmng who can attcst to tho truth of tho almost univorsal giving up of busincss to poli- tics. for tho reasou mainlv that thoro was littlo olso to do, and tho rovolution in tho Governmcnt which followcd showeu tlio intonsity of tho public fcollng. Vory in- noccntiy tho causo of tuat great "commo tion motion." in tho lancuaco of tho popular sbng of that day, is quiotly left out ot signt, lest somo oi tlio uemocratic masscs should learn somothiug which would enlighton their eycs upon tho bcautics of Jackson-Van-Buron Domo cracy, which aro bccoralng popular in tneso uays. tho autocratio powor oi Jackson, so niuch vauntcd thon, but a powor now dcprccatcd as of great dan ger to tho pcoplo, causcd tho romoval of tno uovcmmcut ueposits irom tno uni ted States Bank to Stato banks, styled dcposit banks, but moro gonerally known as "pet" banks from their managomont by fricnds of tho administration. Thcso funds of tho Govornmont wcro malnly uscd for spcculativo purposcs, and thero onsucd a period of prospcrlty, as it was callcd, whlch domanded tho chartcr of a multltudo of banks throughout tho coun try, with littlo or no capltal, to mako monoy casy, and loans to ovcrybody. Tho Frco Silvoradvocatcs, Grccnbackers, and thoso who wish a return to Stato bank issucs, all of which mako up tho larger portion of tho Domocratic masscs clamonng for moro or an casy currency, appcar rcsolvod to cntcr upon tho samo wild, impolitio schcmcs which will end only to ruin- to tho masscs with tho building up or fortuncs and monopolies by tho shrowd, cunning, and thoso who are alrcady mlllionairos. Tho lcsson to be lcarned is that a reac tion followcd the inilation pcriod, to an almost univorsal bankruptoy of tho coun try in 1837, when tho worst failurcs woro1 tho "pot" or Govornmont banks. Pros pcctivo citles throughout tho West, no less than spcculativo schcmcs in tho East, catno to an cnd as in a flash, and multitudos of young men who wcnt out to mako fortuncs in merchandizing wero forccd to tho land to got thcir bread. Tho "wild cat," "red dogM and other currency, so plentlful, bocamo worthloss, and it was a long timo boforo such banks as woro solvent wcro ablo to rcsumo spcclo paymcnts. When mon talk of hard timcs thoy know littlo of tho straits to which tho workingclasscs woro reduc ed at tho timo. So universal was bank ruptoy and so difficult to eet rellof from insolvoncy that tho rcaction was ncccs- saniy siow. iho crasn camo Immcuiato ly aftcr tho inauguration of Mr. Van Buron as President, and although ho was in no way rcsponsiblo for tho dlsastcrs whlch fell upon tho country, unlcss as oxocutor undor tho will of Gon. Jackson. his administration was forccd to bcar all tho responsibilitics thcrofor, notwith standlngtho famoussaying of Jackson: "I tako tho rc8ponsibility." Tho pooplo boro up under thcir burdens as wcllas thoy could, and wero rcady to dovoto all thcir onorgics for tho olcction of his suc cessor, tho unanimity of which was ono tho most romarkablo in tho hiBtory of tho country. Tho question now rccurs. aro wo ready for a ropetitlon of a liko disas- trous porioa v isosion Journal. Ono of my childrcn had a vcrv bad disctiargo from hcr nose. Two physi cians prcscribcd but without benoflt. Wo tricd Ely's Cream Balm, and, much to our surpriso, thero was a markcd ira provemont. Wo continuod using tho Balm and in a short timo tho dischargo was curoa. u. A. uary, uornlng, N. y, Mrs. Fuller, wife of tho Kopublican nomince for govornor. and Mrs. Strana han, wifo of the oomtnoo for lioutcnant gOTornor, wero in their glrlhood class mates at tho Glenwood Ladies' seminary at West Brattleboro undcr Princlpal urcuic Pltcher'e CCttoria. A GOOD STOnY OF INGAIXS. Senator lngalls of Kansas has been elcctcd an honorarv momber of tho Min ncapolis Cod LivorOil Club. Thero was no doubt about his eligibility, and his olcction was unanimous. Ingall's raeager endowmout of flesh has been tho occas ion of a good many storics, ono of tho best of wnich was related tho other nigbt by anothor Kansas man at tho West "You know how Ican lngalls is," he said. "Well, down in Atchison thero is a doctor who is a great friendof tho Sena tor. This doctor had boon greatly an noyod by a nowsboy who would come in to his offico vory uncoremoniously and pcstor him by trying to scll papors." "Ono day whon lngalls was in tho office tho boy was hcard coming up tho stairs, and tho doctor docidod to put up a job on him. Ho rushod out an articulated skeleton, and placed it in a chair by tho desk, and then tho two men withdrow to tho back room "In rushcd tho boy, and, without no ticlng what was at tho dcsk, camo dlrect ly up to tho skeleton. Whon ho looked up and saw it griuning at him ho was nearly scared intoconvulsions, andbolted for tho door, yelling bloody murder. Tho joko ticklod tho doctor, but lngalls' conscienco prickcd him, and, going to tho window, ho looked out at tho boy who was standing below crying. " 'Como up stairs, my boy, ho said, Tll buy ono of your papers.' "But tho nowsio bcgan to yoll harder than over, and botwecn his sobs ho man agcd to blubber out: 'Ob, you can't fool mc, oven if you havo put your clothcs ou.' " Froi the Minneapolis Tribunc. When Baby was sick, wo garo her Castorla. When he was a Chlld, sho cried for Castorla. When she became MIss, she clung to Castorla. When sho had Childrcn, sho gavo thom Castorla NEWS AND NOTES. Romcmbor that ovcn a hog cannot bo injurod by injurcd by clcauliness. When you talk to a man about his sins, don't stand ovor him with a club. Kcep better stock and keop it bcttor. Is tho "stock" thomo now. Not a bad ono. Fow men havo tho knack to handle moro than a hundrod fowls and caro for thom properly. Mankind will bo most prosperous and happy as each individual appllcs himsolf to that for which ho is best fittcd. It has been said that what the short horn is to cattlo, tho Dorking is to poul try. It is C6scntially tho meat-produc-ing f owl. "Breed goes in at tho mouth," for to fecd, as tho princlpal factor, must tho major part of all stock improveraont bo ascribed, Ar a vule. a scttinn hcn Is ncarly al- iv.iva f at. and to nrovcnt hor from sotting simply keep hcr in a condition unflt for layiug. -Tho creatcr nart of inlurics receivca from bulls aro dono by tho so-callcd gen- tlokind; justaslt is tliat tlio gun not loaded is tho ono that kills. -Tho Now olcomarirarino law has had an amendmont mado to it that probibits any family furnishing thcir clomestic oleoinargarino for cooking or eating pur poscs. Tho druft of a farm machino is in- crcased by allowiug tho parts that work upon each othor to rust? Tho man who sholtors his farm machinery savcs his horscs as well as his machincs. Don't imagine a tcn-acro pasturo will support innumorablo cattlo. Tho rcsult of ovorstocking pasturos is dcath totho pastures anci Btarvation to tno cows, and thoso aro dead losscs to you. Althoucli tho Moriiio wool will not supply tho placo of coarsor matcrials for tho manufacturo of snmo fabrics, yct it will como ncarer tnan any otncr ono grado in supplying tho wants ot man. Mr. Thavcr of Wisconsin who grows borrios comraercially, said: "Tho secret of laying down a blackberry or raspborry ! r-i! 1 1' l.l... !. JJlUUUll'lUIl 1 LU UUUU UUlUtT tUU Ullli J111U and not abovo. You must do tho bond- ing in tho root." Tho best way to salthorses isto bavo a littlo compartmont in ono corncr of tlio focd box. in wlucii keop n lump oi rocK salt. Nelthor cattlo nor shcop, and not ovcn hogs, will cat too much salt II it is kept aiways witmn tnoir rcacii. Somo briuht road improvement fel low went into print with tho urgent ad- vico to get tno roads pnotograpiied while thoy were bad and show thom to farmers altcr ttiey bccomo good, so they will not forgot. Nory good idca, that. Tho farmor should rcalizo that farm lng has not yet reachcd nerfection ; that improvcracnts aro possible in a thousand things; and his constant study and caro . i i i i ,j i. x i iui ouservauun huuuiu uu w iusuuvur uiu bottor plan, says tho Amerlcan Ilome stead. Tho necds which pigs havo for salt and asncs aro wcll known, but not gon erallv nracticod. Whilo pigs aro roam- ing in tho flolds and woods thoy do not neod tno ashes, out wiien coniined to thcir winter nuartors, and f cd cd food, a weekly supply of wood ashcs will bo of incstimablo value to thom. It has aiways been tho fato of tho Domocratic party to lag about a gonora tion bohind tho march of hnman prog ress. Tho Frco Trado doctrinos which it is now endorsing with such formality and omphasis aro a rclic of tho Southern Confcderacy and havo been ropudiatcd by ovcn tho Tories of Great Britain, who ordinarily aro about tho last persons to acknowledgo that tho world movcs. Ilenrv Wattcrson has a nicturosauo way of puttlng things or at least did nounccd to Kentucky and tho country apropos of hispubliclyoxprcssed opinion tnat tor tno Domocratic party to noml nato Grover Cloveland would bo to walk through a slaughter-houso into an opon gravo that ho was not a slavo niggerbut a freo nigcer." In an intorviow at Chi- catro ho said: "In 1804 wo had a war can didato on tho peaco platform, in 1808 a hard-money candidato on a soft-monoy nlatform. in 1872 a ISemiblican on a Democratlo platform, and in 18S0aPro- tcctionists on a r rco 'j. rado piauorm. in each instanco dlsastor followcd." This was a falthful picturc, and that of 1802 will make a companion ono to "hang on tno nno." 14 Yoars of SufTerlng. Bhonmatism and Grarcl Carcd. Mr. Feter Lawler, of Dalton, Mass sulTercd from Kklncy trouble, gtono In tho bladder, and Bhetmiatlsta for fonrteen years, and foand no beneCt trotn the many remedlesbe took untll ha trled Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy, iujkJ t Eoodoot, N. YM irtikh eotiretf cured him of tseso dlstrcosuis aod dcath deallng IN S UKE JOHN V. HALL & SON. Eepresenting thefollowing Insurance Co.'s: AETNA of Hartford, CONTINENTAL, IIAIITFORD, LANOASUIRE, Ll ERTY, PHENIXofBrooklyn, PIIOENLXofLondon, LirS AND INVESTMENT MERIGAN INVESTMENT COMPANY, s&- Wc care for the lntercsts of IMSURE BENNNIGTON, VT. Whaf is tUfLiLll1liillJLgiIuiltmlllL Castoria is Dr. Samuol Pltchor's prcscription for Inflints and Ohlldren. It contains ncitlior Opium, Morpbino nor otlior Narcotlc substancc It is a harmless substituto for Parcgoric, Drops, Sootliing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantco is tkirty ycars' uso by Millions of Mothcrs. Castoria dostroys Worms and allays fevorishnoss. Castoria prcvcnts vomiting Sour Curd, curcs Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria roliovcs tootking tronblcs, curcs constipation and flatulcncy. Castoria assimilatcs tbo food, rcgulates tbo stomacb and bowols, giving bcalthy and natural slccp. Cas torla is tbo Cbildren's Panacca tbo Motbor's Frlcnd. Castoria. " Caetorla Is on cxcellcnt medldno for chil dren. Mothers havo rcpeatodly told mo o lta good effect upon thelr children." Da. O. O. Osoood, Lowell, Hass. Castoria ls'tho best reraedy for children ot whlch I am acqualntcd. I hopo tho day Is not f ar dlstant when mothcrs will conslder tho roal Interest of thelr children, and uso Castoria In steod of tho rariousqoack noetmma whlch are destrojing thelr lovod oncs, by forelngoplum, morphlne, soothlng syrup and other hurtfal ngonta down thelr throats, thoreby Reading them to premature grares." Da. J. F. KracimoE, Conway, Ark. The Cenianr Oompany, TT Mnrray Strot, New Yorli Clty. The smnlloat PU1 in the World! TuttsTinyPiilsS aro vcrv emall, yet possess all the vlr tuesof tho larger Tntt'a P11U whlch A havebeeniopopi uirfor thlrtjyears. w Thelr slxe and sugar-coatlng com- mendthom for the uso of children (9) and persons with weakstomaohs. For Sick Headache they aro lnvalaable as they csuse tho . food to aMlmllate, nourlah tho bodyH and pass offnaturally without nausea or grlplnff. Uoth sUes of Tatt's X'llls a are sold by all droirgUts. Doh small. W XTlce, 3o. Offloe,301'arkPlacc,N.y. IIGO ttOttt Root Beer Easlfy and cheaply inade at home. Im proVes the appetite, ind alds digestion. An unrivalledtempera'ncadrihk. Health ful, foaminp;, luscious. One bottle of extract makes 5 gallons. Get it sure. ThlfU not only "JttitM good" a othen, but farMtir. One SOLD trial will iupport this claim. EVERTWHERE WIUUm CmI.Im, Il.rlf.ld, Ct. HOUSE, SIGN. ASD OARRIAGE PAINTING. FalDtlng. Qlazlngi AlabosUalng, Kslsomlohis. Tlntlng, etc Sign and Csrrlage Fslntlng by Ca&rlesa.Fhilllps. cnAHLEan. bobnham. HO Unlon Stwet. Beaalnsteo. Vv. WITJH ANGLO NEVADA, (JRANITE, IIOME, IXS. CO., or No. Amcrlca, NATIONAL, PIIOENIXof Hartford (HJEEN. ACCIDENT SECURITIES : our patrons. WITH Castoria. Castoria Is so well adaptcd to children that I rocommcnd It os suporlor to any prcscription known to me." n. A. Ancnsn, M. D., 111 So. Oiford SL, Drookljm, N. Y. "Our physlclans In tho childron's depart ment havo spoken highly of their experf ence In thelr outsldo practlco with Castorla, and although wo only hare among our medical suppliea what ls known as regular products, yet wo aro freo to confess that tho merits of Castoria has won us to look with favor upon It." Umitco lloarrrii. xso DisrznoiBT, Boston, Uoss. Ar.rxt C Surrn, Prts., Tlie abovo traile-mark ls fonDcl In hals sold only by n, and a lookat them will convlnce you that It UJuit the bat you want. We also hare other makes Inbotb toil and stifif hats that are bound to lult tne most ustldlout tattes. UEAUTIFUL NECKWEAIU FASAIONABLE COLLAK3 AND CUFF8 UNIQOE DESIQNS IN HANDKER3HIEFS, Fancy Hoslery and all gentlemen's lunpllea recognizea iact inai wnen one ii in neea or a CUSTOIMflADE SUIT, of the Tery best qnallty, flt and lererythln? gnar anteeu 10 oe nrt-cias, uer go loruwiin 10 AYERS, THE MAIN STREET TAILQR. PIELS ROBERT H. READ (SI. Dn narrard, 1870.) S P E C I AL I ST-DIsEASES F KEcrcM 175 Tremout Street, Doitoo. Send for PamphleM SssSon1 Omci Honaa 11 to 4 o'clock. SitunUysLIV" I 111 H BnndaVs. UondaTS 'nnt turiii 111 u Octl.excnled. plyll IV I Vbll BENNINGTON BANNER JOB PRINTING utn o 4.4 Rctalns this spacc to call! attcn- tion to its unsurpasscd fa- cilities for OB PRJNTING, BOOE BINDING, &C, &C. T IS PREPARED TO FURNISH BILL HEADS, LETTERBIIEADS, CALLING CARDS, BUSINESS CAItDS, ORDERS OF DANCES, BILLS OF FARE, INVITATIONS, CIRCULARS, PROGRAMMES, FOSTERS, DODGERS, AND Every Variety of JOB PRINTING Itt THE Mostr)rtisticSlyle WHli the Grcatcst Despatch and at REASONABLE PRICES ! The Job Printing Dep't Ts rnpnfotta.1 wllll fllA mn.fc tborough modern equ'pment, and only workmen of recog nlzedproflciencyandaklll are einployed. Tho same is true of the BINDERY, And the work in this depart ment, as in all others, may be relieduponas Strictly First-Class. In addition to the usual bind- ing and rnling ot publlcatlons, blank booki and statlonery, a npecialtr Is made of re-blnd-Ing old magazlnes, booksand perlodicals, the only ccrtain means for thelr convenient handling and prcserratloa. THE Stationery Dep't Has been rc-stockcu wltha lull llne or Blank Books, Legal Blanks, Office Supplies, Stationery, And all grades of paper manu factured, including the finest stock. $s iEstlmatcs or prlccs on all klndsorworkpromptly nirnlsli ed on appllcation to THE BANNER, BENNINGTON, VT.