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PROTECTION AND RECIPROCITY. QL. NU- a. NEW YORK, SEPIEMBEP, 1 802. PRICE ONE CENT. rabll-lie.1 mnntbly at 1S5 VetTfentY-thlrd COBDEN CLUB'S SCdEME JIEVIVED. PROTECTION AND BECIPItOCITY. EtHmdaltkeXtw TcrkP. O., NatTttk.tattami- MALCONTENrS. corrwauTEu jiy ooha s. noo. CHAITFJl YL BBAMBI.E EDLE. Irtle tQrnn.ce?, dlsmnniled factnrlas, stlent mos. uiiBiitnnivAii vnrumnu a iti irauurui uia At laat tho exoi int: elcctoial canvasa waa vur. JLF nwn L WIIH MPPU 1 I lllH VIII llf V 111 mr nm nuu u tll'ln uunv IIUII .iiiiiiti A X itk mh I (111 MirtltAil itrirli i1n nirumnnv If.rrtll lttl Munufnrtnrfra Plirhed nnd subm ueil. wh'In anor waa miiimnt- imM tAtin ni iiinaHnniuii so uncni'uou9ly cown, h ni roaultd ia n nntliitlml hririmul nt niLiMinih'u vct nfl nml bl zlng bonllr s nnd sliout-t of irlnmph tos I llnd to thelr joy at tti reiult ol Democruile Tlo orv. a yuiir pnssed by nnd ror n whlle nii wew nn ....... I 1 1.1. . . 1. I ' I . . I. M worKs. nut. oveu ba'oro tbnt lxjrioa liaa ox Iiiri'd.a BiiBMiclon T.ia iiwiiltnulnc In tho ralnd 01 tuu eoile tbnt u i-rent frnud lniil b-en I 1 -dao Milml thut cry Ol Polk, Dallat aud tho xar u o mz. Alnnui ioiarerB throuciiout tlie country b- gnn to fenr nnotbor low tnriff ora nnd thnlr Jmrs Wf re not wlihoiit t"uudntu, for In 1MB tho pnrty la power dnl indeod repenl th" !uir."U9 tnriff of '42, wlileh ihy hnd 8" Bnlem ly promlwd lodofwiid nnd tlia' retwnl wns only mada posii.e by tlto rnstlntr vota t th tralior protaatlonist, Gaorge M. Dallasl Alth"Uu'h tlie bill. now tntr.idutAd inr n v rv low tnriff, wns bnvely tougut fair tba Whlsja m CoDirro-s nnd by Frote'Mionla'tn tliromrliont the country, it wn csmb Ished In silte of thuir trotHtxnnd tna taillt o 'iS. ih lowst tntlltthe Uuite l HtatHS liaanvHr uowa, nnd wnicU was practioally Xrea trude, booume it law. Thut Immeillnto rnln dld no rosnlt wna dne to t-x raniiw caua. Afainln- In Ireland, th n oropa In Eunim, tbo Mexlonn wur, IU Cnm nn wur aml the ili'coyurrat i;olillii Cn ! tm i . ..II . 1 " .... II dny, but us b.iou ns theio ntiaxaxl ro onroi-s Tr-reriitou,tbe old disaetrous consequencei etiNued. Tli lirltlsh free trndo docfrlno, pnt Inlo pmctip by tbe Inrlff of '46, dnToyol onr clilof iiitl nstrl, nnilyzd aSI buslneai nnd nuiiln wor thonsund- of m-n aud wouion thrnno lnto cnloraoil Mleno'tH, II rclinntn nnd tnnniif cmrars srw pal witb arirt)lieosion nnd lub t In turn urew rot Ivo. TbH conntry wn- flood-d wlth f"Ml)ju pooils, rnnhjr la-torp.t cl'tsed nnd 0"her- kopl on worliional loivori-il prican. .Manuf 0tnrrB, vrorkinitmKn, mrcli-in'" nn'! Inrmoru ull sbar ed n tho irnneral rnln nnd iIih-ivhm. "Wai;B jnii comi) ilown " at lust orlod Cap Ital thronghoiit th- oountry, "Waff-n h M not oomo ilownl" sbrinked suf- ienni;ii!il)or. A tli- months by ilmes crow worS' lnntcadof b'ltr; rannnfno urrBbeo mnbank ruit nnd 8'rHt eoin-TS In tho nninemu townsnnd citlw werfi JUled wllU Ulc, uxrltoJ nit-n, Tborpe Flntohur, thrntich nii thtronMn nl tlifHM ynis. Imd keDt hls workmnn omnloved nml vrell nU. bat a lo itli liewiw that tl.o PBairy I0B8HS ne wan dailv In urriiii? nonld Boon rextilt Inimmit'llntn liinkrn'toyund intn, nnd h too wn nbllire I to joln th t;-nii nl ory nuu iu circiHrH iiiai wmi;w mimt Dn reumo'. ilio rosall wns ouo ot tbe niot dlHastrous rimoin lioHiate. Ou evonluK', durin? thl tlmu, thro raen sni cronc ninv' ovor n mlserahle llr klndleil on tha Kelly bearth, Tlmv wre flnffer (wynn, Joh Danle imd G 'Utlomin Klly, and thy fpOKe in wn 8DTHd. rooib ont al ton b. nl- tbouu'h Mra. K-llr bnil bn nent to tlie oorner Bt rnnnil tuocblldrfn woro lu tli-ir bida, LtileNor.i, Krownlu o u tll. tliin dolicnto Rlrl, had b6u vry III slnco UhrUimatnn I now i iy on n eoncti In tho corner, to-slng un oaitllr wltb pnln and lavor. "Xe" mu lored Kolly, wlth nn ,onth: "an' tho loina doin's poln' on up to tbp b"Ua just tho fHtna, wid tha mln n dyln' llka cbea in tlie totvnl Tbeie'a to bn a urnnd neddm' in n fetr duyn and tbem bypercriti-8 Is to enll fr forrin' paits. llra. j-eyion, hne'a to le," he bhvu a rocck iva einnbiisiB to tha nnm "nn' n iirmiilr Diora 'rlnloeratlo busaey 'twoulj be hurd to 1UIUU, "a e'e a meddlln' hero woek In and wak om an' taltn ah-'s aot my own famlly np SKln me and tbin Blieand'Fletebor partlnd tli re oo wnrruk an' lets bobeit mlu die fer tbevrant of It I" Truly our blps3lnRB brlchten as thevtnk thflr IIIbt. Work hnd b-rn waltlns tnr mauy yoirs at Kolly'a very dor vet Hu Imd never ehown a daiiro to embraoo lt Until lt vian bevon.l hu ronch. Tban thero wera mor- wblpers bolwaen tbe wou nuu neny vnaau Wltn : "JJnt wn'll tnfco our rovlncn ont of Vm, by. bvr. ttvz 1 1" A- he pnnsed, a farlll, trombllnjr olce crled at lila rlbonr; "How dnra yr darao my MHn Ith-1. yon una, wiosod man? How rfira y r? I hat Tnr, tliet'a what I ao, an" I wlU yr waa dead I Noras'ood thara. her thla.nhlte fnc r'k. ln wltb rnce. Shn sliook bar puny flst In h-r nmnntt.hit.1 fiatkAi.d ru. ...i . Jtora tonatb th bloit be dalt h.rnudtn. ioivi-u uy ow itrnadlul oatha, Hed out lnto tb welcome nbiidowi nl ihn ni,ht HhU an liour Ininr mu lru .Hif ninin i.n. drenralnK by tbe flr, loosed op to" b- a wbi jnu, iikuidu uy iinparnaiurA ly brllll'tnt o o t rt80l ClOHn HCaluat thn vimlns nntia Th tliuesbad bcen no wlld and thn tnrenln ob- niiu.-aru so arnadrnl, that bn nroae wltb in i ui inrror, nien nnamail 01 nnr nio CiBut ry weakn-nn. oroatod tbe room and lurnw oacic ine vindovr. Hora lielly, trnn rnijeed sbnwl coverlni: Bar bar bead and a nnnntr mn. iui. lnKabout hertblnly elid fe t, tood eblvennj; mwu duuuiuk iu in Ki'i'u, iroaiy atr, Ktbi-I Fletchfr d brk'ht flra, nil rinlng for warm njlk. urued bertodrluk It. " 'Ob.illa. I bl gnRn.d Norn, "I rnnne.1 allllio wuy to teil yer, an now me tbroat harts "Ntuor mlnd. rtcnr "nirt th i. "nbutpver von hnm to tnll toalt nml ....... drl k ihiaand rastn little, nud the'n yon can teil me. .or.(hokd,flotohel bar thln tbroit wlth Cer clawa of flOBem.nnd tkinfrthcnn. onadl- entiy awallowad Ita cnntent, Tban ahe (ellio buu n.BHjcnin upon Miaa nateber's rlth Rown. acd tho Inily dld not pnll tb ailken labrlo aai'iebut.pareilnKthachlld'ndrk balr wtth nor dalgiyjaweled ber eeii. orn took tlie band Iu her two dlrty onoa and cnvorad ll witb knnes. 'Wot II lie la my, wot dn I koer for m w ua uiw uainn-u yar n' I haio b'm. luioi? i cU blm to burry to tbo laofty, u.uiiik J CIIArjJE DANA "Stryes yon all right Thcy'n to flr lt to-nlRht, trne ns tbara's a God tlfv Ih, favthar, O.vynne nn Dartle?" annh tnrrihlo enrnMtn,,B8 In Noni'n volco that litbel Fletchor neyar pauspd tn fliuih' . Tba n Ins'nnt sho wna In tho hall eall'nc to Flotfher nnd Peyton, aml by tne aounn oi nltinrinfv iln'ira nni 1 hnrrvlnc footBten down ilio I'Uth. the list-nlni; culld knav tbat hor worda han noon neeiii'O. When Mlts Fletohar retnrned ann ronnn N'Tn nncmiaolnaa on th" floor, a tlny etream t blood Bininioi; tbe wlnto Utt Ol mo nwitm rnit nn wh nh flm lind fnllan. A Ethol Fletchnr knelt nnd ralael tbe aad. DDchlldllko lae to hr bosom, Nora'a dark yns opanod wltb a look ol lueiinuto nnppi- noaa. "Would ynr nilnd n klln' m, miss etn-ir Thnn ihj L-lu innnhnd her II tw. "I ooal'in ' iet blm dnmn yr, no, not If h la my inytneri A pau e, In wmon ano lauoreu w ummu, nn.l n.n innt.-niT nnra nn at the nltrlnc rT1" ib"Te her nml oluteblng ner loveu teaouern banil, sho akd : "Y-r qnlte -ur, Ml Ethel, nboot JBn, an' hls lovm' me. an wantln' mo In H"iiTen?" And E h"l FI-tth T. bnr bot tanra falllnc nnnn thn stifTrfnlnif (nrm In har arma. dld not p-nk, for sh knew by the aralle on the dead rlil d a llpa, tnat tn niiawor nau re cdou u-r. A ItWidinmnri Pntton dreW n"nr tbe W0fI the ooiintlns-rora wlndowa wnre lllutnlnnd fio- wlihin. and tinv atreams of o'moke were enMllii tnrnuli tne loo'enan b aues. F.otobcr drew bis broii u siiarpiy, ona uni. nnil IiIh irrmnon l'avtfrh'a nrm. "vvo ro 'oo iat, ine wnoi piaon u um from wthln I llon, glvo tbe al .rm, Peyton, 1 - .:. . " ... , i , , miift fre if sotno ot tho iuaculnory can oe Bavad." Il"!rrdl8 of tjarsonai danser ne nnrrtea to the aide of (be bnil llnc wlth tbMnaof foroln an oritrnnco, nml th door yiebled to bla pow- rfnl blnwB. lattln out a bilnilin,' cioim oi mnke ns it fnll. Aa heBti)nd baokwaril. hnlf s ifled, h rBnasalnt.t a mn wbo w.ntrylnclo hIiii Diat blm in tbe aatKuesa. inan insiaui in tnrn-a. nnu. L'ras i inr a Binnu biuuitt fl -ure by the thnat, rer'oifnlred, by tho now briL'ht ticht from Iha biirnlnc bulldlnir. tbe h ootb, vilkluoua countananoe ol Geulletnuu Thla la yonr trnrk ia It, you oowardly ho-ind I" crlnd F oto'iar. Tban a eno f ihla mnn'a bnoe Intrratttnnn nnd n n-al zntlon of what th-se ruined bulld Inua mount fnr blm. ciusod blm 'O tlehton hl- u'raap on Kally's throa , nnd toshaka tha cow- aruiy wreten until nn wmmperon mr imrcy. A shot, ah irp nnd aruel, ran out npon tba nir ; Injba I laze Gaffer 0 wynno aiood rsreal-d lor ona ina'nni, a smuKinn p ioi iu ui uni. ron-bllnir bnnd. nnd. na Fl-trb-rwillia irroan relaxed hU bold on K-lly'a tbroar, and fell II f e feaainthe doorwayot bls bu'nlns faotory, (iwvnnea unaiiuTcn. terror-atncKen lac dlsappoared in tb- dnrkness. CnAP'I EU VII. DALLA8 NtairrCAPS. The crr of bard tlDiae reacbrs na from erery nart of thaeonntry. The mnklnc of roada Ih rtiiptu, .inctwrira. are cioaea auu. ouaaea ann nliltis urc nn lonrt-r built. Faetnry handa. rnnd- mnt-rH, carpentora. brtcklarera anit labnrera arnldla and iwrntyalB la rapldly cmbnclng erory puraul.ln tne oouuury. iv iotic iruuiu jm. u. ISJS. Weakn Dassad by aftertbo burnlne of Fletoh- ar'a laotory'brlniilnt; no reilet to ibe etarvtnc pnor. The Uoll tlnca inru nai pnnta iye-eap'i tha Onmiwetond witb bl ekened walla. clo'rd doora and tail smokn stacka 0iTand wltb bnr rala to nrotee' t' era In tbeir Idleness from tbe rus Inx frost and enow. Tlie-e barrals wrra mocKlnRiy dubbed "Dalina Nlnlitcarw"' by tba ntarvlne: dasirntn m-n wnosa yot8 bnd nlaoed Ditllaa in power a fcw yaara balore, nml they eonl4 oe s en lor mllaa arounu, nancmg, we iinnr oeaian Burnaia ol dlatreaa. oyar tbo nllmt fnetorles wb-ra onca ha 'iiy. buar life h nl rtirneil. Onftold wlaterailay Maritarutuwynne and JoeDartleaualnronlrouted eaeh otber in tba (Mih. wbtrbled to Uarcarat abomennd looked ijowo npon tba rulnad fnotnrlea. Mnrearet's liioo waa pnle and wnn and Uartle a oy. do nerata nnd bunirrr looklnL'. elaanod In bla nn nlrnvBn laee wltb wolQb floro-Desa, Tbey raet In nncer and there waa n shrlnklnR aa of fear in Uarearet'a manner, aa tbo stood before blm.. "An,BO."en-erod he. "ye'yo cone back on pnor folk,"tben reading only too plainly tlie terror In bor oyea, ne ni aown or me way. ibla mdq wltn a groao nm nia taoe in nu roncn bttnda. "Dnmn 'om,"ha crlad, "for takin'yefrom m t Whnt irood hna tlielr larnln' an' tlne wnys dnna ye, Ui-r? Yn are Btnrrln' llke tbe reat of ua. an tbay lenve ya to dle I Tbe Kitt'a eyee, lookluu ilnwn at blm wltb nlmo-t un-nrtbly benuty. wereflllad wltb taara. Hhe clutcbed nt be lol laof b-r blnrk shawl nnd atrnya in Vnln to anawer Blm. S-ratnR bar waan. bo loat nll control of bla onsslon. and. rislnn in bla wra'b, be llftod hla clenobod banda lowartl heaTon: "Don't yer bo n rryln'. my eirl. don't yar. or na trua a tharo'a a God In he-iyon, I' I bne lioir heirta diouuj l nae mnruer ln my thouchiBr' "Amt wbat ttood wlll murder dn7" asked thn tremblinit . irl. onlmlni; hlm wl'h a loucb of lier" band. "It you hud reud aud thuught, Jou, now for eating tlioo nnstv ffreen apples. yon, loo." Judge. Hero yon would Boe It is yonr own fault tbnt yon nreetarTln' nnd not tbe fault of themonyou won d miirdr." Ho ciized uloomllv at har. yet s'ood nulotly utidernn liifluanit thntaaemeil to bring oulm and romfort to hls desperate mood. "Lnok nt yonder fnetoriB," sbe contlnned, wlthnri-onHClouaonitorloal powo'r, r ilaiuK her vouncvoloe and Dointim; to the sllent tinlld- Injr balow, "look at th'm, Jo, wlth tbelr cloaed doora and BmooK-tnoics oovorea wrn thoo barrolx to kaD thom from rustlnir tbme idla days. Wbo cloaed tboso doora? Wby, tbe mon yon loliowed n tew yaara auo. tvnere ii Li muoi uneKtnorn' in uoncrwB asain: nni tnr by yonr yote. wny, ine onya can tne imireisban im: tbrra MJniina nwntonDV yet, thay ibemselyea aont Jlr. Uallos to Wushlog ton." Ye'ra mlehty wlso." crowlod Darlle, with mloKlad aiiRnrnndadmira'lon. "I s'pnseth irrnnil folkant th house told ye tbls. Wbat els- hov yar leirnt?" M Isa Et hal tnuuht me many thlncs ia thoaa hapny dlly8.' nnBwera Miru'rat eoltly, "and now that sho is eone lt eooma somn lma ns boitRh my Ilfe bnd cmo wlth ber. Y-m know when erandfathar waa 'lyluK, Joe," h-ro sho atrutntiad witb a sob and smootbed the fold of bec. blaek drcss, "Mr. Flotebr camo and talked to hira. Ob," wi hta wonderfnl light- mir of tbe eyas and a trombloln tbe rleb volco, "Iiow be tnlked t If yon nnd I oould always ll-ten to aupb we would never wisb barm to ona of them caln. Ho wna pxlo from the vary shot crnndfatbar care blm tbat oUht you m-n buriied bla fac'ory down, and yet he weut up to L'ranmntner s cea ana sata : -unr- irnret tells me tbat you aro elok and sulTerlnt?, Owynno, and 1 thouicbt it mlRbt muka you foel bflter If I called and told ynu tbnt I benr no III wlll. Ood knowa, 1 fenlonlr ilty for you misculded mn wlth your mls- taken hatred and alarylnR familte.' Urandfntber he dld tne noit aav, yon know Juat turned bls fnce to the wnli nnd cilnd llke n olilld. 'Qod blest you, -Ir,' be Kal 1, 'for coming. It Is on my conBcl-noo that l rntaea a nina. a-niuat you. xou ya o-enn .-ood liona and I know lt ian't your fault that be neom-nru Idb) and stnrytnir. Won d to Ood wo bad llatened to yon from tho Orstr " -l Kent un ns lone as L oou:a saii ur. Fintoh-r. 'witbout reduclns wnsna. and tben 1 o.illed thn mn tocalherhnd told them I mnst t-lva them Ipss untit tbo panto was ovor, but wonld ii ot oloaa tbe worta nnlos obiicea to. Yon know wnnt happened tben. Tbay burned mr laotory. tbroatened tny life nnd bome. and now I muat un eaaiThara: but If it Is anr com'ort for you sttmnir man to know it, I ko a rnlned man.' Joe, Ur. Fletcher ta a good man." "Yet yer 'srood man' leayes yer to storve. lt seams," anearod Dartle. Harirarnt'a paie taea trraw warm wnn ibb cnmaou blooa as De reDil'd: '1 eould not lake mnney Irom fttm uo.; knows be thlnks 1 hare plenty, fnr, af er Mle ctliers mtrrlase. lust belore ane anliea, sne called ma and anld: 'Mareaiet, tbise are b ird times. and worse dnys are abead. and I oomd not feel bappy U I tbouKnt ol you as snlferlnc. I bare plaon-lasum ot moneyln tbe b-ink for yeo, and yon can draw It a yon oeed It, My brotber wlU try to aell onr bome and hls property bor-, and wlll follow as to tnpaua aon so uae wnat i loave you eara fully. and lo a few montba 1 wlll wrile and ee tbat more Is plaeed to your oceount. You wlll not oe loreotten.-" Uarcaret nnused mnny tlmes to wloe away tbe t-ars oa abe reneate I tb- worda. -w-ii. on' wnero a yer money. tnanr ae- manded Uirtla. 'Joa." anawered Harcnret. wltn ber dirk. aarnest oyea tnr&ed lownra tne qniat town, "(io you imnc tnat i eoui.i unve money in ina DanK ana so poor toiics a siart mir arouno maf 1've drawo out evory oeony. and thank Qod I bad it tnmynl" 'An aa'anrl 'an' iroezln' yourselyes todo itr cnea uarus. I am youna and strons and It doesn't mattar." a tld tbe cirl. "Th-ro aro mnoy alok and old onoa ln tho town tbat neod lt more tban I." D.irtH looked at ber glowlntr, Inaplrel tace witb awe. wbtle a new emotton was born In bia bruaat and masterad bltn. wl b sometblne very llke a sob be bowed ma nena. "An ye snah a ellD of a drl. too l Ood be tbanked tor sueb oa ye, M.-K. I've beun a bnd man. out uod heliiin me. irom thls nour on l'macbnnitad oner Wiibn einllnol newly.bora trnst Manriret took tb" hand beld out to ber, and loL'otb-r bny wont down lnto tbe lamtne-strlcken town. OHAPTEB TIIL Tnn BtiADOw or dieath. "Trho U hunery? Oo nnd eee. You that are fnll texl Hnd knntt not wbat ll la to be buiig-rr liarbaps nnrer saw a buiiery man co aml e-, Oo and aee tboaaanda, innn nnd wnman. boya aud ulrls, old and jnuncblack nud wulle, nt all iiaiiims, crowiiini;, J aiiiug cacu mu-r; xnno-i OKtitlne tr a flrat cbnuoe. aotla tnoro llke liun- trj whIvbs tban bumnn beiusa. In a Innd of llanty, waltlng tlll tberimd la randy fnrdlBtrlbu ttnn. If we eould etnp the Impnrt nt tba fnret-i artloloa. tbe eold wonld oeaae to Oow nut t pny tnr tbem. nnd mnnay would than airatn neconie more aliuudant, nud Intxir aitain be ln demaud. I liad cut a oice ripe iratermelon for In snlte of the ceneral dlstress thronchont tbo country, tbo D -moerata were ao thnronijh ly Imbued with tbe dnetrinaa of Britlsh Frae Trade, that they persiated ln malntalnlnu the iow xriu, nnu loreiim kooub oouiiduqu Moodlns tbo markata. D-onle wer unemploy- ed evorywhore, and money beoame ecnrco in conBOiuenco of tbe anormons Imtiortatlons. Boup nonaea wero openoi in tno citiea ana towna, nnd tbonsinds of stnrvinc people lloolt-d to thom dnlly to be fed. AlarcHXnt uwyono anu urtie upon rencn- inc tbe town entered ono of tbe eoup hoiiB8 and fonnd Thnrpn Fletober, wlth twootbar entieman. BtandlDtj in tne miast otia- mntley orowd. "l uear that tnts soun Kitenen is ono oi your obarltl-s, Fletoh'r," snld one of tbem, "A Cbriatfnn work, the only trouble is wo naed more of thom dnrlns thaso nad times" "Yi-b." ret l lod "l anaiain tnisone bnt it Iscmtrnry to my irlnciploa. Idonot llke aonp houes. Tbeynr-a deeradation to thls fras oountry. Evory man ln town should be tnkloir soap from off hls own tabie." ' Un. thay are a I zi lot." arawi ii tno otnor youne man in a lower volco. "Thls is easler don't yoa knowtliinearnlnirit. Ourslatbe crandeat povornmont on tne tnco of tne eartb for now everytblng ia obeap for tbese poor devIK Dld you ev r know a timo bofore wb n boniB nnd shoos conld be bouitbt forn ru m plttanoe? Wby, our working men ougbt to llve llk- prlnoear "i naee aro aisastrons times, Bir, ana you city polttlelans know It." retorted Flatcber. 'What ma'tora it to mo lt tnmir are cneap u I h.ivo not tbe money to buyf I am compelled to stnrt my factory nbroad ln ord r to llve but none the lesa abn.ll I mourn my rulnod ooun try I I consMar iho-o placarda marked 'obeap,' dNplayod In all our sbop wlndowa, aa bideoa ot poverty, signals of diatross and courieri ol famlno and Qnanolal rnln 1" Tliastrancrs turned to leave and Fletcher 'ollowed, nfter spoaklng pleasantly to aome ot bisbam koown workman ln tno orowl. A- be croaied tho room Marca-ot deteotod many an evll clanee dlreotod towanl nim. "Uamn that nrl-tocrat " muttered one man; "be portands to b oar frlnd, nnd yoi, aurse nim, ne's a tatcin' tne gom we pui in nts poct et to forrin' ports and Ieavos us bere to starye." "Ha's trylns to sou hls crand plaoa and tbe Dlant."sild auotber. livii nt n i.i.t., wn larr nim AHiman iti Eolly'a famlllar brogne, "Faltb, we aed lo tbat tbo nlirht we wero ofiiier Bmisbln' bla windys an' puttin a torob to tbe plle. Uhare, he's a wiilte llvarod ooward. tar he nlver s mueb as lifled a Oninr adnst a man o ns. an' now be'a f-r runnln awny wid tbe vowld we arned fer blm, and bopea to sbtop our mouthr wia asooD nonsei" "Da damned it hodo Ui" shonted the now ezelted crowd. TO SB 00NTINUK1X An Echo from Free Trade Times. New Haven. Conn., July, 1892. EsrtoB AmtsioaH Eoomouist: I ahonld ilke toletyon knowofa Uttlaoeeurranea tbnt bap- paned whaa I waa a by of twelve, whiih ra- ealls vlrldly how free wool beueflta the famer, It was soon af tor tbe Walker Tnriff ba tn to caatlta-bliKbUogsbadowoTor tbe ooun'ry. I was at tbnt tlme livinx ln ona ot tbe most proaparons aeotions ot the Btata ot New York. and the larmer bad not nlo ly starteJ in tba aheep industrr, but wbon tiiey were reudy to sall tbeir wool tbo prlce was not only very low but tba demand was llmlted; In iv qniredaboutaamuch labor t se I thotr olip a It bad to prodaoe it, tbo oountry boin' fljoded wlth foreign wooU Tbe result was the farmers beeame dlssoar- hsoj, klll-d off thair sheap, drtnd the oir eases down for tullow, and sold the loga o inutton ia tha vlllnga for (too cniti por pound, rbus ended tbe sbeep Induatry In tbat and probnbly otber sao ions of tha dtata, but loaj belor-ltwas agaln started tha caniilor Ung llabman bad ralsad tbe prloe of wool 'to i hlghernirure tbanit to undrtho Piotuctlve Tarlff of tha prnvtoos fonr years. Uop ng onr "Tarlff Heform" furmors wtl. read and ponder nwblle over tbeso tacta, Iromalu, very truly yours, W. W. MitonKLl. Free Trade British Tebtimony. The workmen, it must be conf-ssed, bavo n"t bitberto lookej to tbe Tnriff ln v.nn. Tbey bavo not only enjoyed a hlb 'rnt- of wairoa. but tbay bnvn nla bad an incn-a-lnL'ly hi'-b rnia for a ntnnbHrof vi'aia nint. Ijibor haa neirly ilonbltf In yalun in all Iron nnd a eal works in tba UniUvJ btati-s dunnittn- las' twanty years. Wliliin tlie anme (vrlo.1 th-re bas b-in n c-oernl railtia. on lo tlu i.rii-p of eommo-lltlHH. M th it Inbor h-aau jora.1 tha I eoWlia nt lth ht 'H ip and luff i4 . . . . r J . i 1 n 1 iiin Anothar Altrmpt to Convert tha Wctt to Fre Tradi. TbeWestern Democratlo Oampalcn Fund, bended by Ur. Josepb Pulitzor. the mllllonalre edilor of tboNewtork 11'orW, wlll appenl to thn aymp tbfes and to the pocket-booka of the Cobden Club. Mr. Pnlitzer, who llvea abroad, and merely vlaits tbls conntry oocanlonally to sen how tblncs net alontr ln hls stupendooa neospaper bulldlug down on Park How, ia doubtless In cloaetonch wltb the toreli:n Free Tiadera. Tbelrsl-the Idaaof convartlng th Western farmora to Cobdenlsm. Tbe CobJi-n Club years ngo saw that tb ' farmers eoostltnted tbe bulwark ot Protectlon In tbis country, and realizdd that, It tho Cob den Club wos totrlumpb,tbey must be wanned from tbelr allolanco to the tearhlngs ot Oeorge Washington, Alexandnr Bamllton, Tiiomns Jrff. rson, Henry Clny, Horace Groa lay. and ovory illustrioue Amertoan statesmnn wbo bas earned t&a loye, r.nltudt and admt ratlon cf hlscountrymen. Botbeyhlred one Prolegor Mongredlea to write up tbe sldo ot Free Tr.tde. nnd hls books.wero scnttord free by tbe 100,000 tbrounbout tbo West. Thn Lon- don Times lostead of the New York Wortd was ihen tbo leadlog ebampionot thn Free Trade cruaada. Tbe Times aaid on July 12, 1880 : "We wiah tbe Oobden Club tbe bett sucoasa in tba arduous enooanter wblch lies before lt. We bope Mr. Augnstas Mongr- dJen'eeicellent yolnmvB, and tbo otbnr publicotlona of tbe dub wlll, between thom, carry tba Unltod Smtee by storm and tbrust reason i. e., Free Trad- lnto nll mlnds, wbetber wililng or nn wllllng tondmlt ib" HubBtltute "Eoform" Clnti for Cobden Club, nnd how ilke an oxtract from the Worid ot 1892 thls extraot reads. But the Times added a sorlous rofleotion whlob wo earnostly com mnnd to tbe thoticbt'ul consldamtlon of tha Wustern'ralDbowobasors ot thls osmpalgn. Itcontlnued: "But wo daro not vonture to be prophotts. Wo havo hcard too many propbecles, and hava walted long and yalnly for tbeir nccompllsh ment. Tbat free trado wlll come some dny In the Unltod Btatvs it Is perfectly safe to osssrt; but bow and wban, and other minutioo of tha klnd, mnat ba left to the Cobden Club and to ite twelve Cablnet Minlstors in thelr unofflolal capncity lo dHeldo. Thelr prophocles shall be llke lovera' yowa broken, lt may ho, a tbou nnnd times, bnt uttored slnaaroly overy tlme, and believed In to the very lusU" Tbat is the lovor-llka bopo and oonfldenoe ot wblch pur Wostorn Demooriilo Fund cam paigaars wlll need a goodly store to oarry tbem throucb the crnol dlsappolntments and falluros lying before them. "TarifF Oppressed" Wago Earnera. Tbofollowingdlalogue is reprodnced ln Th Bulietln of tbo Amerlcon Iron and Steel Asso o.atlon. It occurred between tho Distriot Attornoy of Allfghony Coonty and tha worlingman (undar oath) who offered to bail Burgass Joha McLnokle, arrested tor partlclpatlng in the recont labor dlstnrbanoes at Homentead : "What ia your name?" aaked Distrlct Attorney Burlelgb, "Owon Murphy, sir." "Whero do yoa rosldo?" 1n Home- stcad." "How much realostato do you own. Mr. Murphyr' "Wfll, Bir, 1 ownahouso ot fourteen rooms wilh a lot 60 x 110 toet In Homeatead." "What Is Its valua?'' "Ten bouBand doUnrs." "Anytblnc ngalnst It any Jndgmenis or mortKgea?" "No, slr." "Own nny other property?" "Yee, slr,'' and then Mr. Owen Murphy, mlll worfcor, pro-oo-ded to dsalnateseyen other pieees ot real estato wblch be beld in fee slmpla and froe ot ancumbranoe In tbo borongh ot Homeatead, tbe aiwrtsgato valuo ol wbloh wos $1IJ,000. A eeoond worklugman wos sworu, who aa a-rteil tht he ownad roal eatata to the vnlua of $10,000. Comment la nnnocossary, but wo .anuot retlst the temptatioa to inqulre : Wbora uodor the sbintn? sun, oxoopt among tarift oppressed workera ot ihia protoctlon-plua-dnred land ot onra, eould two steel workars, or any otber workers, bo found who. betweea tbem, hadlald away $35,000 troca tboir eara ings? Tree Traders Think So Stfll lo a free oompetltlon tor the market of tho Onlied Btatea, tbo wagee ot manutaataring la bor in tbe Kortharo Stutes mtut be reduood at leasl aa low os tbe wogoa ot labor ln Englaud. 1 be aatural priee of' the maunfaoturing labor of tbe Nortbern 8totes is predaely the same as batof the mnnnfnoiuring labor of Englnnd, ind not a cent more. Spetch of Frt-Tradt Oonqreaman Mclhitfie of South (XtroHna, 1832. Ibest polish in the world.I with I'astes, Euainpls, nnd Palnta whlch st.iin tholiar.ds.injttrn tbo lmn, nntl burn off. The RlslngGrin StovoPollsh IsBriU liant, Odorleas, Dnrablo, and tbo nn. sutncr pnys for no tln or glasspackage wltb dvcry purcliaso. KftS m A!"JUAL SALE CF 3,003 TOHS. AKTF.Il YllU IIAV'E fltVFN l.HIKIiAL, BUfi'Ottr TO VOUI1 LUCAL, l-Afisil. Mud for a len ot TI1E AMCRICAS EC0N0JII3T. the reHabl nroient of tbJ pollcy of Pro'actlno. flry p wt'O wlidi -n tn h omiileta litruriiiatlnn p u lu Tatllt 'tuu IJ liaTa TUK BCU.IOUInT tiw .m ly. l'tiw, zxia a j.wr FPFC1AI, CAMPAIOS OFFER. In tlnbii nf 0t ul.iXTli'llnnj (n oftrj THB EOONO. UHI wi I l Mit to rn iu aMnie uutil a aeuim diuxt AlitSUUV troMiti tHT.