Newspaper Page Text
THE "BENMNGTOJSI BAOTER, F.RIDAY. SEPTEMBER 30, 1892. fr (Conh'nuedrom .FouWi PrflC.) vico-prcsldent of tho Woman's Board for. vermont, caueu n mecunu; 01 wuwuu Middlebury, in June, 1873, for tho pur poso of orRanizing a brancli. Tho "Ver mont branch was thon formed. Mrs. Luther Daniels was chosen prcsidont; Mrs. J. n. Goulding, secrotary; Mrs. Geo. II. Fox, tro.isnrer, all thcso wero from Rutland. It was voted to hold tho annual meoting tho laat Wednesday in October. Theroforo livo months consti tuted tho flrst financial yoar. Tho rc coipts during that timo wore $503.40. Mrs. Daniels resigned her oflico in 1875, and Mrs. Iloraco Fairbanksof St. Johns bury, was clcctod prcsidont. Mrs. Fair banks resigned in 1883, and Mrs. A. W. "Wildo was olocted presidont. Mrs. Wilde resigned in 1890, and Mrs. G. G. Beuo diot was choscn prcsideut. Tho Branch has liold twenty annual and twenty Juno raeotings. Thoro has been contributed to tho Woman's Board sinco tho branch was formed, $83,041.82, adding tho $0,007.72 giveu beforo tho board was formed, and tho amount given from Vormout to tho Woman's Board is $05,009.54. Tho Branch has supported ten missionarles with au ag grccato of 83 years of labor in India, Turkoy and Japan. Tho Branch has contributed for Biblc, women, scholar shipsand sohools in Turkoy, Chiua, Micronesia, India and Japan. Tho prcscnt numbcr of auxillarics is 120; of mission circles 49. Tho presont oflicers aro Mrs. G. G. Bcnodict, presi dent; Mrs. Ilcnry Fairbanks, secretary; Mrs. C. M. Stono, recording secrotary; Miss Mary C. Torroy, corrcsponding scc tary; Mrs. T. M. Iloward, troasurer. The amount contributed tho past ycar lias been $5,452. Tho largcst legacy cver reccived bv tho Branch was that of tho lato Miss'E. Maria llubbard of Bennington, of $2,140.03. Mrs. Uutterson of tho Madura Mission was ncxt introduced, and at onco won tho hcarts of her listcncrs by her mag notic personality and carnest words. Mrs. Gutterson said sho had no story to tell of tho sacrificcs of a missionary's lifc. To her had been giveu tho honor of being tho child of missionary paronts, who went from Amcrica to South Africa, and labored thero for forty years. An honor which sho jirizcd abovo anything tho world could give. Then sho marricd thp man sho lovcd. and went to India to sharo his lifo and work, and certainly thero was no hard slups in that. Mr. Guttorson, who has tho happy faculty of sccing tho good as well as tho evil in all things, then spoko in an intcresting way of her imprcssion of India and its peoplo. Tho Hindoos, sho said, whcn onco their conlidenco had been won wcre mosi ucvoieu inenus. They aro rcached and hclpcd just as peoplo overywhero aro helped, first by loving them and then by exprcssing that lovc, just as God helps us by loving us and by oxprcssing llis lovo. As fathors and mothcrs aro not content with tho ordinary daily supply of their children's nceds, but aro always on tho watch to add to their happiness by doing something cxtra, so tho Heavcnly Father aildcd to His constantbeneflcenco tho cxtra gift of His dear Sou, as tho highcst expicssion of llis lovo for us. Tho spcaker closed with a tcndor appcal toall Christian women, as tho Chn'st-mas-tido approachcs, bringing memorics of God's "cxtra gift" to them, to mako somo little roturn in tho form of an "cxtra gift" to Uim. "It may be that this gift of yours, whethcr offcrcd from your abunuance or at cost of somo personal sacrifico, whethcr it bo of money or influenco or labor or botter still, your vcry sclf shall bring hclp to somo woman across tho seas, who must othenviso go unhclped and unsavcd." An offcrlng for incidontal cxpcnses was mado, and tho oxerciscs of tho aftor noon closod with praycr and benedic tion by Ilov. A. W. Clark. In tho cvcning a publio meeting was hcld in tho church, tho pastor, Bov. C. It. Seymour, presiding. Tho devotional servico was led by ltev. Charles II. Pcck of North Bennington. Mr. Soymour spoko bricily and then iutroduccd Mrs. Gutterson, who had, ho said, alrcady spoken to tho convention which was tho principal reason why they wished to liear her again. Mrs. Gutterson in an informal talk gavohcraudioncoglimpses of Iliudoo lifo and character, with bits from her own experienco. Tho rcligion of tho Hindoos, Mrs. Guttorson said, is an cxccedingly complicatcd ono.'amix turo of philosophies and superstitions. Having forty thousand gods, thoy aro besot with fcar on evcry hand lcst of fenco may in somo way bo givcn to somo of tho. innumerablo divinities. llelig iously India is far below what it was in tho oldon times, yct it has cver been tho tcacher oT tho Oriont in spiritual things, giving to tho othor countrics of tho East tho best that thoy havo known, by prop agating tho religion of Buddha, which tcachcs much tliat is puro and elovatlng. India will continuo to bo tho spiritual leador of tho Orieht, as sho hcrself bo comcs Christianized. It is a fact worth knowing that all othodox Hindoos aro callod upon to set asido tho 18th day of October uext, as a day of praycr to Almighty God that Ho will show to tho world that Hindooism is the truo relig ion. Dwclllng upon tho uttor lack of truth fulncss, which is a charactcristio of tho Hindoo character, tho speaker said that although England hadj brought much ovil upon India, cspocially in forcing upon her tho opium ,traflic; yct in many ways tho English domination had been of the grcatcst bcnetit. It is something to bo dcpcndcd upon. In tho English court, justico can always bo obtaincd by the nativcs. Tho last spcakor of tho ovening was Rev. Albcrt W. Clark of Praguo, Austria, who, in a sttrring address, gavo a vivid picturo of his work in tho historic city of Praguo, which ho said was old whcn Columbus dlscovered Amcrica. If tho good pcople of Vermont wcro intercstcd in homo missions, ho might propcrly como beforo tlicm as a homo missionary. einco from his far away cKurch ho had scnt ten prcachcrs and thrco or four J3ible women to Amcrica to labor among tho Bohcmians in Clevcland, Chicago and elsewhere. Amerioa lias to-day no inoro cloquent prcachor than ono Of theso mcnnow working in Chicago. In 1872, tho Amoricau Board seut threo from horo to Austria, Schauffler, Clark and ono othcr. Tho languago proscntod cnormous difflcultics, but thcso wero at lennth ovorcome. After a timo Mr. Clark was loft alono in tho ficld, but pressed on in tho work. Into tho dark ness of that heathen land tholightof tho gospol has ponotrated. Tho conditjon rf iramm in raanv nlaces bas bccn grcatly amelloratcti. Frora bcing a bcast of burdcn sho has como to tako her rightful placo as tho companlon of her liusband, Ilomcs havo been rcdoemod frnm tlio doublo ctirso Of drink and gambling. Sixty-fivo raombors had bcon addod to his church in tho last year. Mr. Clark has a plan to purchaso tho gardcn and barn belonglng to tho re ?nrmer. John IIuss. and to ostablish on tho sito a Congrcgational church to bo known as the Vormont church. Tho bouso in which Huss llvod is not ob tainable, being usod as a national mnaeiim. Tho musical part of tho programmo wasTurnlshcd by tho choir joftho church.--. . t- ': ' " ' ' Rov. Mr. Seymour' offorcd a closing prayer Hnd after tho bonedictibu tho twontioth convention of tho' Vermont Branch of tho Woman's Board of Mis sions was adjourncd. KOTES. , Tho Rov. A. W. Clark of Praguo, Austria, spoko for his fln'd in a most cloquent and conyincing mannor. Al ludingto tho projudiecs against f oreign" missions, ovon among good pooplo, ho said that ho heard whou iu tho northorn part of tho Stato, that tho Bennington pooplo wcro noted for thoir gencrosity and sympathy in all Homo Mission work, but wcro rathcr indiffercnt to tho work in foroign lands. Ho said "I can provo to you that I am a nomo Mission ary, for from my fiold was sont Miss Roitingor, who is doing such a grcat work among tho Bohcmians in Clovcland. And her brothor, an ablo and.successful pastor in ono of tho wcstorn Statcs, with soyeral othcr young men and womon, brought into tho light of tho Gosnel in tho Praguo mission; aro all doing homo missionary work among tho Bohemians in tho Unitcd Statcs. Is it not Homo Missionary work to train tho workors for Homo Missionary fiolds ?" Mr. Clark spoko of a Bohomian motlior, who took tho hand of au Amori cau visiting in Praguo. and with fast flowing tcars tried to mako him under staud that sho had givon her two daugh ters, all sho had, to missionary work in Amcrica. Sceing this man from tho "foroign land" to which her childrcn had gonc, her hcart went out to hiin as in somo way conncctcd with hor loving sacrifico to tho oauso of "foroign missions" in tho Unitcd Statcs. Miss Jano Tomplo, Miss Ellcn Daloy, Miss Ruth England, Miss Hattio Wilcox, of Miss Penfield's Sunday School class actcd as ushors. This class is noted for its missionary zcal aud contributions. Tho Vico-President for Bennington county is Mrs. G. M. Sykcs of Dorset. Pownal. E. A. Pottor lost quito a valuablo hoi so last week. Reprcsentativc-olect D. T. Batcs gocs to Montpelier ncxt Tucsday. Mrs. Philip Goottcl is a gucst of Mrs. D. T. Batcs tho prcscnt week. The Rev. E. L. Scott, a forraer pastor of tho Baptist church horo, has been spcnding a fow days in town. The most terrifio thundcr storm in years passed ovor Pownal early Monday morning. No damago was dono. Tho Rov. Thomas Monro dclivcred an address at tho Epwortli Leaguo conyen tion hcld in Pittsfield, Mas3., Wednesday of this weok. Tho Rev. Mr. Macceorcc. of tho Ver mont Baptist Convention, gavo a vcry in tercsting talk to a largo congrcgation last Sunday cvening. At tho mectin!? of tho nominatine com- mittco of tho Epworth Leaguo, Fiiday night, a now board of oflicers wore nom inated for the coming year. O. D. Card has accontod his old posi- tiou as clcrk for A. G. Parker & Son, during tho absenco of Mr. G. T. Parker, who goes to Kausas for somo little time, A crrcat rohcarsal is in nrocress by tho schools for tlio oxorclses to bo lield Col umbus Day, it being tho fourth ccnten nial of tho diBCOVory of America by Col umbus. At tho Flandcrs and Mason wcdding thero was a black shawltakcn by mistake. Tho lady who lias tho articlo may call on Mrs. Warren Haloy and get all necded information and obligo hor. Station Aecnt Conkoy and wifo of Nortli Pownal, havo rcturncd from their two wceks yisiting at Pliilailelpnia, 1'a., it being tho annual convention of tho Tickct Agcnts' Association, of which ho is a momber. Two vountr ladics. Misscs Jcnnie Monro and Anna Haloy, whilo out riding Tucs day aftbrnoon and when near tho Stato lino on the road loading from what is known as "Mason Hill." tho horso fell ,dovn, throwing tho ladies to tho.ground. Tlio liorso, lortunateiy, was tnrown in such a position that rcndered him holp less anu lio was obliged to lay thoro un til tho harncss was takon off. Thore bo ing nb ono near to holp tho ladies Miss Haloy was soon on iicr way tor assist- ancc. Wlnlo siie was away jiiss juonro, who was tho most soriously hurt, man agcd to got tho horso unhitchcd from tho wagon. After tho ladies wero takcn liomc, Dr. Niles was callcd, and it was fouud that Miss Monro had hor arm broken vcrv badlv and othcr sovero wouuds. It is not dofinitely known how badly Miss Ualey is hurt. Sho is quito badlv brulscd, but it is thought sho has no urokon uoncs. A. G. Parkor is quito indisposed. Mrs. Col. Morritt Barber, U. S. A., is visitipg horo. Abraham Myors will livo at tho Centro tlus wintcr, raoving tliore this wcck. Georgo Evans is doing tho painting and other trimming upon tho Baptist church. Mrs. Mary Bastion is considorod -vcry sciiouBly 111. A consultation of physf- cians was nciu 'luesuay. Tho new wheel'is at tho factory and will bo put in position as soon as tho bed work arrlvos. lt is oxpcctoa to uouuio tlio motivo power. Last Sunday tho Rov. T. Monro gavo an cxpose of tho "labor quostion" which was very flnely handlcd. Pastor Monro's mothod of treati'ng topics mako his scr- mons cxcccuingiy attractivo. South Shaftsbury. Iliram Mattison lias gono back to Nor wich. Tho "Workors" mcot with Mrs. ncr man Niles this woek. Miss MilHo Barton is homo from her visit in Ferrisburg!!. Aaron Piorco has roovcd in ovcr tho Hawkins' Bros. storo. Mrs. Lowis Hcartt is homo from her visit in Pittsfield, Mass. Hiram Barton is assisting in Wm. P, Mattison & Co.'s storo. L. J. Barton will movn iu' whcro Adcl bort Hawkins movcs out Miss Rogcrs has bccn cntcrtaining a sistcr anu a cousin this wcck. Mr. Riokait of Grccnwich, N. Y., has moved lu ovcr Uhanes uasweii. Willie Moon has just reccived his new wheel, prcsontcd uim by Jits fathor. Georgo A. Bruco and Charlio Hawkins aro in Now x ork tms wcck ouying gooas, Thomas Dunlap, our town reprosenta tivo, will goto Montpelier noxt Tucsday. Asovoro thundcr storm vlsitcd this placo last Sunday morning oarly. Thomas Rocrcrs. Jr.. left homo this week for a courso of study at tho Albany Metllcal Collot'a. Miss Mary Brock of Walingford spont ono niulit tuis woek with her cousin Mrs. Harriot Mattison. Mrs. F. L. Mattison will CO td Pltts burg, Pa., noxt woek, to visit hor brothor Morttmer uatcs. Susio Beldon and Miss Towsley will no homo to spond a fow days, to bo ablo to attcna tho lair at Manchester. e Mrs. Doaa'snifiw houso is nearin'gcom- pietion. vt. yooauau wiu occupy tno south part, Albort 1'oroy tno north part. Mrs. C. E. nastings rodo down to seo her dauchtcr. Miss Einma' nastings, on Wednesday. Both ladies aro moro comfortablo tban fonncrly. Wm. R. Mattison, son of tho Hon. W. P. Mattison, has been nominatedi for tho oflico of city clerk by tho Ropublicans of Waterbury, Conn., whoro ho is now a practicing lawyor in tho oflico of tho city attornoy. Tho sorvices of tlio wcelc will bo as follows: Sernion Sunday morning, Oct. 2nd, subjcot, "Christian Followship," at 10.30 o'clock; Evening servico at 7 o'clock. subjcct: "Tho flrst religlousdis pnto." Endoavor servico Monday oven ing, class meeting, Tuosday. ovening, prayer meoting, Thursday ovening, choir rehearsal on Friday ovening at Dr.Wood hull's. Wcck nicht meotinss becrin at 7.30 o'clock. Weac Arl lncton. R. G. McKco comcs to tho front with a flno new carriage. Mtss Fannio Ilaskin uecan school in Manchester two weeks ago. Miss Alma Hoyt romains about tho samo, if any change it is for tho bctter. Mrn. M. J. Urr ot OanibrHlce, JS. i., spent last wcok with her brothor, Calvin Skinner. Miss Thomnson attcndcd tcachcrs' cx- amination at Bennington Friday and Sat urday. Mrs. Frcd Dcckor is very ill at this writing. Dr. Blackfan of Shushau, N. T., is her attending physician. Miss iMiiuo uanamaiij wno has ucen visiting rclativcs in Wiscousin for tho nast fow weeks, rcturncd last wcok Wed nesday, Mr. F. noward had tho misfortuno to loso a fino young colt last woek. It tried to niinn a picket fcncc. caucht on tho pickots, and was dead whcnfound. men. christian workors, aro assistini: our pastor, Rov. G. A. Robbins, in a four days' meoting. May much good result from their work. East Arlington, Another caso of blood poisoninc is ro- ported. Mr. Slicldon Mooro lias been yery ill. lt is saiu nis sickiicss resuiteu from a wound in tho hand reccived from a mcat hook, or somo such implement. Tho liOvai Temporance ljC"lon is to moct next Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Manchester. Mrs. Lvdia Woodward has been crant- ed a pension of $12 pcrmonth onnccount of tho dcath of her son Uhaiics L. Wood ward, from wounds reccived in tho army. Uhiiurcn wm bo chargcd au admission feo of ten conts at tho fair this ycar, for tlio lirst timo, but it will bo worth it. Tho pony hippodromo will bo as good as a circus. Rov. and Mrs. T. J. Clarko will receivo their frionds at tho church parlor in Northfield Mass., Oct. 5th, it boing tho BOth anniversary of their marrlage. Tlio ccromony was pcrformcd at Manchester by tho lato Dr. J. U. Wickham. uut ilvo porsons aro livlng who wcro prcscnt, Mrs. Dr. Wickham, Mrs. Judgo Minor, Mrs. A. M.Campbcll.of Boston Highlands, G. B. Hollistcrof Cincinnati Ohio, and J. Burton nollistcr of Rutland Vt. Dca. William Bt Burton died Friday ovening from paralysis. nis first shock occurca somo years ago, louoweu oy a nartial recoverv. but for tho nast voar ho had beon gradually failing, until tliroo wccks ago a seconu siiocic prostratcu him and from that timo ho grew weakcr until tlio cnd camo. His funoral was largoly attcndcd from his lato residonco Monday afternoon. Dea. Burton had been in tho mcrcantilo busiticss hcro, and at Man chester Centrc, Burton & Co. Sovoral years ago failing hcalth causcd him to civo up activo uusiness, jio was aiways promiuent in church matters and for many years was tho leador of the choir in tho uongrcgauonai church. Journai. Manchester Centrc. Everythiug on tho fair gouiul is bcing put in tlio best possiblo shapo for tho fair ncxt weok. Tucsday. AVcdnesdayand Thursday. Thero being no other fairs at that timo in this part of tho country in eures plonty pf good horsos for tho raccs which will bo botter than over givcn on tlio track boforc. To this may bo addcd tlio snlendid attractionof tho pony hippo dromo raccs. No ono can afford to miss tho fair this ycar. Owncrs of good stock aro urged to placo it on oxhibition, and tho ladics aro oxpectcd to mako floral hall blossom as it nevcr bloomcd boforo. Tho first rogular meeting of Adoniram Chapter, O. E. S. following tlio summer adjoumment will bo hold at tho Lodgo room ifti Tuosday evening, Oct. 4th, at 7.30. On Sunday next, Oct, 2nd, Rev. Mr. Scariug of Arlington will ofliciato at Zion church and administor tho Ho)y Commuuion at 3:30 o'clock in tho after noon. Sunday school will bo hcld at2.30 and will bo announccd by a fow strokes of tho bcll. Tho usual morning sorvices will bo omittcd. BABY FOUR WEEKS OLD Dlstrcssing Skln Discnso from Birth, Curcd in 5 Weclts. Mado Ilcalthy and Bcnutlful by Cutlcura Rcmcdlcs. " Mybabyboyhad been luffe'rlng from blrth with ome aori of an crupllOD. Tbe doctors callcd It czema. Illa llttlo ncck waa one ruw and cspoaed raues vi reu, 10. flamcd flesh. Illa arms and across and undcr his thigbs, nhcrcver tbe fat flesh mado a fold, wcro Jast tho same. For four wceks after his blrth be auffered with this ctnptlon, and nntli I got Cu Ticniu Remedies, tbcro was little slecp for any onc. In flve weeks be was com. pletelv curcd. Ile was nlno wccks old February 1st, and you onght to seo his skln now, emooth, CTen, nnd n beautlful plnk and whilo color. Ho Is as healtby as ho can bc. Tho CrmcuitA Resoi.vent has givcn him tone, vlgor and strengtb. I cnclose his portrait. Thanks to tho famous Cuncnni Remediss. They cannoioe sposen 01 too niguiy, moy uave aono au that has been clalmed for tbem. WM. A. QARDNER, 181 E. 123d St.Now Tork. From the age of two months my baby cndercd with tbe cczcma on ber face and body. Doctorcd wltbout avall. Uscd CDTictnu Ueuedies. Fouod them in evcry rcspect aatlifactory. The chlld has now a beantlful skln and Is curod. Vo cbccrf ul f recommend tbo same to all motbers. Mns. J. ROTHE.VBEUG, 1CC3 Flrst Avo., N. T. Cutlcura Resolvent The new Blood and Bkln PurlQer, Intcrnally, and Ooticvba, tbo grcat Bkln Curc, and Cuticuiu Boxv. an ciqul.lto Bkln Dcanllficr, ezternatly, In stantly rellevo and specdlly curc cverydlseaseand humor of tho skln, scalp, and blood, with loss of halr, from lnfancy to age, from plmples to ecrof ula. Bold evorywhcro. Prlcc, CcTlctnu, Wc.; Boap, c; Re8olvznt, tl. rreparcd by the VortEU nua akd CuEMiaiL Conroiutiox, Boston. JXS" " How to Cnre Bkln Discascs," 64 pagca, C0 lllustrations, and tcstlmonlals, mallcd frcc. BABY'S SUn and Bcalp porlDod and beautllled by Cuticdiu Boir. AUolutcly puro. RHEUMATIO PAIN8 Tn ono mlnute the Cutlcura Anll- Fatn 1'laiter rellerea rbeumatlc, acl aUc, hlp, kldney, chest, and mnacalax palns and weakoeaMS. Frlcel2So. T SOCI OF S40 The Largest Numbcr of The Largcst Amount or Ass Tlie Largcst rrcmium The Largcst Sur Tlic Largcst Pcrccntagc or Asscts pniiy, 126 THE GREATEST COMP ' lTT T T M P, i . HA AGE JA8. K. SUC0ESS0R TO MIL SHOB jfiLlSTX) T3RTJ 00 I SELL THE CRPKDHATED CLOYES' FOtt LADIES' F1NE FOOT-WEAR. ALSO, EST. JIEiJ'S AND CHILDIlEN'a SUOES OF 409MAIN STREET. O. D. CREENSLET. HOUSE PIINTING -AND- mm ! Idor.onc but flrst-class wnrk, and RUnrantoo tatlsracuon m all cascs. iistlinatea rurnlsnca 011 appllcatlon. 408 GAGE ST., BENNINGTON. Take Notice ! I am prepared to flll orders for anything in tte uno ot juusicai aiercnanaite. SPECIAL DISC0UNT Of 20 per rent. on all Roodi. llcst vlnlin trings at the follonlnc pricei: O, l.rc; D,15c; A, Itc; n, Isc. Augoods warrantea Ubsi'tn 1110 markcc, HARRY J. HEMENWAY, 235 NORTH 8IREET, DENMNGTON, VT. For Sale. Thn twnMnrv hrlplc liniMft and birn. kuown aR thc Hen. (ipo. tt. Bradford placo In Bennington vi'iage. ims la a Rare Opportunity To secure one of the fluest rpld(nce In town For partlculars enqulm or wrlte to JOUN V. CAHNEY, Aeett. Bennington. Vt., July Btli, 1ST2. 25tf. To Drive Away the Blues: Dld yonever Iiave the blues, when you dld not khoiv wnat 10 un wun yourscur JieouinRn wliat most oronle f.ill buclc on at ruca times. and nolbing Ih better to drleaway tlie blues tlian a sliort crlnp s ory or a fuw good Joke. Our npeclal offr of 25 back numhefaof the WAVER LY MAtiAZINK, of dilTcmnt dnttf, forSl pot pald, will supply you with nbout 4IX) ehort, clran aud coniplete torles. joVek 'tc. Tlie ame. amount of reading in tlie traahy 2c norel, would co9tyouS12. Bcnil slamp for tumplc. Address WAVERI.EY MAOAZIKK. 20tol2 llox 172, Dotton. Mass V SAMPLES BY MAIL OF WALL PAPERI BARGAINS: At Less tban Hanufacturers' Prices T TO CI.OSE OTJT 1883 COODS. , Ererr roll now and selected trom tbo bort tf. t and urgot manotactnrers, by nhom thoy lz areirOTrantood,aalK byna. ifi tf Prttty PAPEns. So. Jlom i Wrth 4 to 6c. ot ractory. it, ttf Worth 8 to lto. at Factory. if 2) 4 to 18 Ineh DORUF.ns, le. Yard i A T. Worth FiactOTT. Z. to 18 lnth BltDKItH, llt,0 to 5. Yd. W Worth 4 to 80c at Factorj. T, BEJTDSC IN STAMP8 A 4f CADY. Provldence. R. I. M ti' IT rtfer to AOavu Jtx. Oo of Prmtdtnce, onJ A to over 100.000 pUated cuttonert tn rrrry Btaut thi UntorLAaiiil-ra WANTJO). 4 Ltlxral induomenf, wnt jot parxwyuan. TgSTATE OF ADA C'AMP. Hl'ATEOF VERMONT, I In Probate Court hcld Dlstrictof Bennington, ss.( at the I'robato oflico ln Bennington, witbin and furraid dlstricl.on tbe 2Sth dayotUeptember, A. D. 1892. Present, Hon. Alfred Roblnson, Judge, IlcniyO. Catnp. admlniitratorof the ejtato of Ada Cainp, late of Bennington, In aaid ceacd, makcs oppllcatlon to ald Court to have the time heretorore llmlted by said Court for tho payinent of the debti and dlsposin;: of tho eatate of tho aald Ueceaed, extrnt'ed from' the 14tb day of Jujjr. A. D., 1892, to the fl(it day of Apnl. A. Wh' rcupon lt is ordered by ald court that said applicatlon be referred to a aesalon be held at the Trobate OIBce ln Bennington In said dlstrlctontUo 15th day of Oct, A. D. 1893, for hearlng and dccnlon thereon; Is further ordered. tbat all p'reons interetted be notlDed hereof. by publlcation of notice of said opplica tlorf and order thereon three weeks succcatlrely In the Bennington Bahseh, a newpaper pnb llihed at Bennington, and which dreulates ln the neighborhood of those lnlerested, before aald time of hrarlng.that theymay appear tt said timo and place, and, lt they sce .cause, objoct thertto, Br the Court, Atteat, lf ALFRED EOBINSON, Judge. EQ HE YORK. Policlcs I11 rorce, 230,424. urance in Torcc, $804,894,557. Incomc. $33,126,350. plus, S27,792,9S1. to Liabllltlcs or any Orcat Gom pcr ccnt. ANY IN THE WORLD. n LL & S NTS. MILLER, LER & WILLIAMS. 0s UTICA SnOES, WUICII ARE NOT EXCELLED SHOES OF I.OWER GRADES lOTUE CIIEAP ANY GKADE OR BTYLE. BENNINGTON, VERMONT. Don'tremaln undcr the Delnsion that money will buy just as much ln ono place as another. Itwon't; It nevcr dld, and it never will. Tliere laboundtobea dlfferencc sometimcs blg nnd sometimcs llttlo but always a dlfferenco. just Ihe same, Methods make the dilference. Big prices go with old-fashloncd notions; modern methods bring llttlo prices ln their traln. Are you aclose buyerf Do you undcrstand that the fractions count up Into a largo amount durlngthe counte of a ycarf Uo you have that in mlnd whcn you buyf I have tbat In mlnd when I sell allof tho best goods at the most reasonable prices, includlng everythiug In the Ilne of Cl th Ing, IlaU, Caps and Furnlshlngs ot tvcrydc- scription, fltting from the smallest boy to thc most portly gcntleman. Do not forget the place. G. 33. SXBLEY, FREE LIBRARYii BUILDING, 501 and 505 Main St., Bennington. OF FITTINQ AND SPEGTAGLES, We furnish the very best Frames and Lenses and guarantee evirythlng. We havo ovjry appllance foi testing tho eyes by the lateit and most sclentiflo methods, Btich as are tised by the most celebrated occulists and oplicians, and have made a thorough study of the btuiness. Ask any of the many eustomers we havo flttcd, (espcclally withln tho past year) how well wehayeserved them. We bellevo lt U to your advantage to patronlae us. SQU1RE & RAWSON. bennington, Tt MEAT MARKET. Salt Meats of everr dtBcrlptlonj Poultry, Eggs. Fruit and Vegetables. -Boaght for cash and Bold reasonaoie. A. C. Sweet, Propnetor, AuAjwa I1LOCIU 1PS SUUXU Bl. UITfiBLE oo X L EYE-GLASSES 1842. THEN rt T.1 t . i i , i in present locntion. ways, Electrie Lights or Tcleplioncs. iliiiiuui uiLiiun. x.iiiuiH. iiivijicu riii H ii raas not yct in uso. Jllack bnnd URCd tor Dlottincr. Coramon Cedar J'oncils only in uso. Only four Wnds of Stecl Pens. Only ono mako of Ink and fivo sizcs. 1892. NOW. iTr:Liiii :iiiii i .rnuii .111 ill ri;ii ii ot Cannon Placo Bookstoru. We kficp ii stock: 185 kinds and G colors of Ink. 83 kinds of Pcns. 75 kinds of Pen Iloldcrs. 1 1 1 '. KII1IIK .lllfl 1 - TIIIIIIM III II! cils. 40 kinds and 0 sizcs Mucilagc. 2CG kinds of Alemorandums. 00 kinds of Nbto Papcr. 28 kinds of Mourninff N'oto. Como whero you iind tlio larcost as sortment anu most reasonabio prices. If i! 1SIMS & (!0 i.J.1 JLFI i I JL.UJLKJ W V V I y & iu uannon i'lace. Trov. . i THE WM. RADAEYI 1IJ.XVJ.I VAFJLI JLVA tJUHlAi mi r. i . . t. II H U1KH HHI UIHI'.IIVHI'V III IIIH Hll Cnres All Diseases. . t i r" a ."..r r ' mcmr . . t. . r Testlmonlals: A PREVKNTATIVE FROM TVPIIOID FEVEH. Rocuestkb. N. Y.. Bcnt. 27th. 1890. your rcmcdy for what It has already done In m familylam Inducid to strnd lou herewith m tPstlmnnlol, In the hopes that it may be th r uituica. luur ul uiv luiiiiiv with LiiKe ivanii iuu uiiibuco (ii us. uui 1.1S111117 01 Fcvei I l . I A ,.!... 1 1 1 .. ..1 1 .1 T V - . 1 . . . . thc Microbo Killer. nnu tlieseven of us drank qulte frecly, with tho result that not one us wer aHectcd wttli any illncbs whatever. I flrmly b uie iuui tiiu hcid mcjv i uiuiiui uiimiiusicr uu knovring exactly the naturo ot it. forbade it. M mother died of the fever. The morning aitcr her dcathl bad a very si snau noc uo witnout uicroue Killer. w ncu 1 FUn easo. iitui w, rtiu, i.. uuiroraet. RoniESTEn, N. Y.,Aug.llth, '92. IT w . i n j . . . tr. t, Mulam; Your request ot tlie Sth. mst., at hani In refponse will say that the scatement given th Wm K.lrtnm M ernhn Ki cr t.n .. Kpnt "7th. is a ciear siatement 01 lacts, anu you may uso tn yours truiy, u. w JiUlUi UUJUUA.. U U ll ..... in n EQUINOX SPRING WATEB nieumausm. hianey trouDies, eic. Send for circular with analvsls- to any importea tabio uater. SPARKLING GINGER GHAMPAGNE. rrepareu irom mennesi aromauc cxirai; inn ii A rt Aitirnrrii i mvimintr npTfriLirH u vflliinhTA tnmnnhli- AliactAi-1 'otitro I. II. HiirinVflT. .,L. II.. aia TtOY.H. X. FOR SALE UY J, N. Ilard, H. S. Dow, Munson Ilouse, Manchestc L. Shaffncr, C. J. Walt and II. W. Utiev, MancbPbter Centr J. D. Rlce. Jlanchester Depot. Rolfe it'Slaile. Montpelier, Hlggins & Hyde. Rutland. V.. It rvvr and John Warr. Trov. N. T. F.. nibnni.. IVnninirton. E, S. Chandler. Bennington Ccntre, EQUINOX SPRING CO.. Manchester, Vermont. EQIOTOX HOTJSE, SUMMER REbORT. Manchester. - - Vermont. i tmpw irn m. irnm ti w idi.i iivi. munu TiA.tiM. inniniiiniv nit?nt train ra rtcw larji. 7U dav. ... from New YorKwltnout cnange. York to Manchester 6 hours. only) reaches Manchester at 7 p. m. TlnoT. nnt tjltpn. I,U.Uhlis. E! STATEOF FRANK II. SCOTT. ouuon. STATE OF VERMONT, I Dlstrictof Bennington. f tn 1'mhnin cViurt. hcld at the Probate naln nonnlnirton. withln and for said Distrlct the 20ih day of Beptemner, a. i, iwra. Present. Hon. Alfred Roblnson, Judie. tatA nt Franlf II. Scott. latfi of Rennln ii'iitpani AiiminiKiramr 01 ino c admlnlstratlon account for examination anu lowance. and makcs appllcation for a dccree icrri..,itinn Anu nartiiinn nr inAMUin nr & r1i.M.i1. ini.Mtinnn If 1. nrdr0l liv calil CVinrt. Ib .al1 .MMiint n nil BAln nnnli.if Inn lui rAfprrpn aforesald. on the 10th day of October, A. 1892, for hearlng and dcc'slon taercon; further ordered. that notice thenof be given thMA ..iti iiiw.fl.iTPiT in liir iMnninnnn tii vinn tn imid timfl xor neannir. ina. mev mir oearat said time and place, and sbow cause OVUir Ulcy UI.J un.c. nui wnu avvuu. owwia.u m be allowed, and such decree made. A recerd wbereot is oraerea to te maae. A True Copy of the Orlglnal Record. m .tilat irvnvn nnniKKnv Jitilm m i . r i.m.11 Kimi nnun. jnar