Newspaper Page Text
THE BENNINGTON BAJsnSTER FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1892. (Continued from Fjfth Page.) "Word. Tho Biblo itsolf furnislies proof o its own inspiration. Tho studeut needs tho graco of humility. Tho address closod with an eloquont portrayal of self-sacrillco for perfcotiou fn soul-winning and soul-saving. Tho dullsoil by its self-sacriflco is traus forracd tlirotiRh tho treos into a thinR of bcauty in treo and flower. Tho Rov. Charles Perry Mills, of Now buryport, Mass., woko up a Bennington audionco to a good natured manifesta tion of applause, and thcn with stirring words anu apt illustration doscribcd tho marks of tho "Now Era in Christian En deavor," begun in its olovcnth yoar cul mination at tho reccnt Now York con vention. Ouo mark is tho intensification of pledged servico for Jcsus Christ. Anothertho raanifcstation of intor-do-nominational comity in tho barmony of thirty denominations in a convention. Still another, tho dovelopment of publio consoienco for tho supjression of ovory public cvil and promotion of overy pub lio good. In tho cndeavor to bo right on evory question. Loyalty to our country and responsibility to publio welfare aro Endcavor priuciplos. In roforenco to the grief at tho White IIouso, a tiibuto was paid to tho ideal Amorican homo in rrcs idont Harrison's words in Utah, "Whero cmn wnman is retrnant as Oueen." Op portunities for Christian Endeavor aro to be found in making tho town olean, in abolishing tho saloon, in promoting Sun day observanco and opposing tho sccular i7.infr of tho dav throuch tho Sunday nowspancrs. l'rcsident Clark's tour arouud the world marks an era of world wide ovancclization. As among the Sons of Veterans and the multitudcs of young voters dotermimng tho destiny of par ties, young peoplo must become promi' nnnr, in all relicious work. After tlio Benediction tho delegates and all Endeavorcrs adjourned to a social reoeption in tho parlors of tho church, whero rofreshments wero served, and mutual acquaintanco promoted. Early Wcdncsday morning, athalf past sir. so.ores of Endeavorers assembled in tho Methodist church for a scrvico of praver, led by tlio Kcv. (i. O. woustcr, pastor oi uie uapusv cuuiuii m xouunjur ior. During tho day tho sessions wero held in tho Methodist church which was crowded twico to its full capacity. Tlio pulpit was decorated with plants, flowers and banners, and tho niusic under tho oxcellent leadership of Mr. Downs, showed markcd improvoment in ac quaintanco with tho hymns and in cn- tnusiasm anu narmony. Tho Rov. II. Campbell, of Rupert, con ducted tho devotional scrvico and prom iso meetniff. The reports from local Unions wero conducted by Yice-Presidcnt E. B. Jor dan, of Jericho Centro, introduccd with prayer by the Rev. W. J. Chapman, Shel burne, vt., lato pastor ot this church. IJlltlnnrl ponnrtod 00 cnninfi'nc thrco new ones organized since Juneand 5 junior socicties. Membcrship, 700 ac tive, 275 associato and 225 junior. Sinco May 1891, 93 conversions aro roportcd and 00 additions to church mcmborship. Black River Union reportcd 11 socic ties, with a membcrship of 357 activo and 78 associate, a total of 435, a gain of 52. Twonty-threo havo unitcd with tho church, two meetings of the Union havo bcen held. Ono society raised $50 for a cuurcn carpct. Another offcred prizes of $15 and 10 for numbers of Scripturo vcrscs committed to memory. Pledgo ind invitation cards wero circulatcd in hotels. Tho two cents a week plan for missions had becn adoptcd. Ono society spent twelvo weeks in thostudy of Stalk or's "Lifo of Christ." Washington county gavo an cncourag ing report of 20 societies in its Union, S3U rocmbors, 005 active, 257 associate, and 17 honorary, 0 junior societies havo a mombership of 140. Two meetings a year are regularly held. Other district work is conducted. Chittenden county the banncr Union of tho past year still retains tho State Bannor, pending moro completo returns of mombership irom tho Stato, with 24 socicties, 014 activo, 310 associate, and 07 affiliatcd mcmbcrs, a total of 1,359, show ing a gain of 308, about 30 pcr ccnt. in creaso. It reports a supenntondont of junior work and out district work. Bennington county reportcd 18 socie ties with 002 active, and 185 associato mcmbcrs, 4 junior societies of 73 mcm bcrs, a total of 800. Thrco conventions and thrco local rallics havo been held. District work with tho help of lady cvan golists, has yioldcd good rosults in tho vicinity of Bennington. The Methodist society of Rupert holds tho County Ban ner for attcndanco sinco tho last county meeting. Thero is nced of allying En deavorers with tho Sunday school work throughout tho county. White River Union reportcd a gain of threo societies, and committeo confor ences. This Union is now dividod into tho Golden Rulo Union of 12 societies and 500 members, and tho South White Iliver Union, with 13 socicties and 450 mombers. Windham county reportcd a gain of 2 socicties, compnsing 29 societies, 902 activo and 375 associato, a total of 1,277 members. Sixth C. E. Union, in tho neighbor hood of Wells River, and including a fow Now Hampshiro societies, reports prog ress in tho work. Caledonia Union embraces 10 societies, 9 averaging 40 and ono with 100, or 400 members in all. Addison county reportcd 15 socicties, and ono junior. Fraternal delegations havo been cxchanged botwcen Addison and Rutland Uiiions. Under a lookout committeo a chain of meetings has been held. Lamoille county presented no report. Orleans county enumcrates 10 socie ties, 14 report 305 activo and 150 asso ciate mcmbcrs, 40 conversions, 4 socio tics adopting a plan of systcmatic giving. Franklin and Grand Isle Union report cd 14 societies. Ono is educating a col orjd girl in tho South., ' 0r&nf$ an(l grafton Union compriscs -3 "Vermont aild 4 Now Hampshiro and 3 junior socicties. Junior work is givcn one hour regularly in tho Union conven tions. Tho drift of impresslon for an advanco movement in theso unions strongly om jihaslzcs tho importance of junior work. At this polnt a messago was rcccivcd 6itcnding an invitation to tho Union to mcot noxt year at Burlington. A motion was mado and adoptcd tbat tho Union sond delegates to tho Massa chusetts, Now York, Now Ilampshire and Canada Unions. Refcrrcd to nomi nating committeo. Unner tho topic of "Out District Work," Miss Wnghtof Burlington, sng gested tho appointment of committees to ntra fnr theso flclds waitinc for workcrs. Early beginners in Christian work nced encouragement Relief work can bo planncd for busy mothors, and flowers with Easter greetlngs distnbuted. m,o ifoir .T. n. At 1.HI1 of Manchester. spoko on "Tho Bantism of tho Holy sit,.c,t Tinmn wliile obiectivo in its in- terests was a conqueror. Tlio Holy lH,n.f rnndn tllfi HVOR Of thO APOStOllO i6mpany objcetive. This is tho ago of the dlsponsation of tho Holy Splrit. It Ond mirrorcd in Naturo Ja Ti,i r'lirlnt mirrored in tho New jrestament Scriptures. Thero ia dlffl- RINOINO WOItDS. From a Promlnent and Emlnent Dlvluo Stalemcuta Tbat Are True and Stralsht to tlio I'olut-Ilcod Wliat be Sy, for lils Wortla Are of Grcat and Fecullar Intcrcst. No ono knows better than the faithful pastor tho great value of sound physical and norvo strength. Tho strain upon brain and nervo, tho physical oxhaustion following oxcessivo work, tho responsi bilities and sympathics with afilictions and tho myriad cares mako tho earnest proacher's dutics ardous and wcaring in tho oxtremo. We do not wondcr, thercfore, at tho strong and ringing words of praiso which tho ominont divmo, Rov. C. D. R. Mcacham, gives that raost wonderful of medicincs, Dr. Grceno's Nervura blood and nervo remedy. Whon ho was run down in hcalth, wcak in nerves, pios tratcd in strength, and with his blood badly impaircd, ho was restored to sound and vigorous health by this marvellous health renewer. Ilero aro tho cxact facts in his own words : "I am vorv clad to say in rocard to Dr. Greeno's great remedy that whcn my Diooa was uaaiy lmpoverisneu oy an oia scrofula huraor, and my nervous systom was greatly impaired, Dr. Greeno's mcdi cine cave mo wonderful rolicf. "At tho present timo my hcalth is as good as at any timo in my lite, and my confidcnco in Dr. Greeno's remedy is con stantly increasing. "Rev. C. D. R. Meaciiam. "Pastor BaptistChuch, Townshend, Yt." Wo havo publislied tho tostimonials of vast numbers of peoplo who woro curcd by tho uso of the great discovcry, Dr. Greeno's Nervura blood and nervo rem edy, but wo tako moro pleasuroinciving to tho world Rov. Mr. Meacham's own words in rcgard to tho wonderful bcnefits no receiTea Irom tnis vaiuahio remeuy, bccauso wo rcalizc that thooarnest words of a rainister will havo trrcat woiuhtwith sufferers from disease, and cyerybody who reads his convincing words inregard to tho suro and rcmarkablo curative powors of this medicino will loso no timo in securing a bottle nd thus Qbtain a curo. It is puroly vcgotablo and perfectly harmless, and is kept by all druggists at $i.uu. Its discoverer is tho well-known Dr. Grecno of 34 Tcmplo Pl.. Boston, Mass.. who gives consultation and advico f reo to tho sick, personally or by lotter. Tho sick should uso immodiatolv Dr. Greeno's Nervura blood and nervo remedy, for it is not oniy tlio ocst romeay ever aiscoV' crcd. but theso using it have tho nrivi lego of consulting Dr. Grecno concerning its cffccts, their hcalth, etc, This fact aiono guarantecs tno assuranco oi cure, If youneed a medicino do notfail to tako this bcst of all remcdics. culty in finding tho imago of tho Holy Spirit. His personality may be discov ered in tho history of tho Church, in its psalms and hymns, and iudividual cx periences. Ptntecost, the dawn of Christianity, is relativo to tho work of Christ as tho elcctric currcnt to tho cablo laid botweon two contiucuts. Christ mado it possiblo for a Christian to be mado. Tho Holy Spirit makes Christ ians. Tho Scriptural equivalent for tho Baptism of tho Spirit is "filled," "on- dued" to tho fullness of tho capacity. Thodistinction bctwccu tho Spirit in lifo and in its fullness is not a dilferenco in kind, but in choice. Tho baptism of tho Spirit comes in conscquence of a sur rcndercd life, and tho Spirit of God till ing it with his fullness. Fulfill tho con ditions and Ho will como in, as tho at- mosphoro secks to press in through overy crovico. Tho Spirit has tlireo ois tinct oflices: (a) Upon Christian belief; (b) Upon chai'acter; (c) Upon work. In tellcctual mcthods, taking tho Gospols only for a centro, aro faulty, Tho Jesus of tho Gospels has grown sinco thcn. St. Paul arrivcd at tho dignity of Jcsus, not through intelleet, but through supcr rational means, tho noly Spirit. As to charactor, tho modorn cry is for tho othical Christ, but tho Clinst of tho Scr mon on tho Mount is not the Christ of to-day. Tho disciples boforo tho Spirit ual baptism woro wcaklings. Wealth of charactor sprang from Pentecost. Tho uoiy spirit is tlio meaium to comrauni- cato the Risen Christianity. In Christian work tho secret of success is conviction, born of tho illumination of the Divino Spirit. Tho needof ouragois"Iknow." Conviction is the striking feature of tho enlarged influenco of men, liko Mr. Moody, for cxample when once en dowed with tho Holy Ghost. Tho first condition for Endeavorers to receive powcris reilcction. It is not tho spirit of our timcs to "tarry at Jcrusalom," nor at Bothany, or Galileo. but among tho tragic momorios of Jerusalem, whero wo havo failcd, havo denicd and forsaken our Christ. In places of difB culty thero is need of a muscular Cbrist- tianity. Powor will como as a rcsult of sclf-conqucst and of faith. Rov. Theodorel). Bacon of i.ssox junc- tion, plcad for "tho exaltation of tho Biblo in our Socicties." Tho succoss of tho Endeavor movement does not pro cludo failuro. Association carrics a tcndcncy to collapse. Mero begness is not grcatness. Failuro may lio in the neglect of pledged duties through lack of continued intcrest. Tlio dcvclop- ment of relicious thought is needcd to awakcn right feeling. This can bo best secured through Biblo study. Rcad in sympathy with tho men who wroto the books. Adopt the Junior mcthod of markintr toxts. Arranco Biblo readincs. Tho Amorican Instituto of Sacred Liter aturc, with its plan of Biblo study,under Presidont Harpcr of Chicago Uniyersity, wascommended. Tho Rev. Wm. McNeill againaddresscd tho convention for flfteen minutcs. Thero aro two classes of Endeavors. Somo promiso moro than they provo; othors provo raore tnan tuoy promise. Failuro comes through being tingod with wilderness. An open Parliament: now to lurtner tho Endcavor causo in Vermont. Sug gestcd: Work, if wo would not bo a nuisanco; pramoto Junior Endcavor; win associato mombers; tho Spirit is given for us to wait upon Him; trust Him; riso on stepplng stones of ourdoad selves to higher things. . Tho afternoon session omjjuiwizuu iuo idea of Christian Endeavor m tho depth of practical mission work. MrS. IS. I. USgOOU, Ol umiuilll, road Miss Fairbanks paper on "Methods of Intoresting our Young Peoplo in For eicn Missions." Miss Middlebrook of tlio UaptlSl cnurcu aau luu huiu u uiu hymn: "Tho Endcavor Band." cucntly discussed the "Dynamics of Christian Endeavor." Thero wero (a) Trv: (b) Tho dash and impulso of youth; lc) ino naru anu iuuk iiuuuumu iui illustrated by Wellington and Bluchor at Watcrloo. . , , Miss Gertrudo Evans, of Bonningtou, ompbasizcd tho valuo of tho Frayor Meot- Tho Rov. n. T. Beach, from tho School of Christian Workers, Springflcld, Mass., onnirn nf misplnn work in tho Jerusalem of our own towns; In tho Judoa of out districts: in the Samaria of work among tiin onteaats of society. and in tho re- gions beyond ; of lnterost In Japan.Corea, Mongolia and China. Mr. Arthur W. Milbury, of tho Now York Industrial Allianco, for rescuo work,well known to Bennington citizens, Sioturcd mission work in tho slums. lelia, tho Rose, an outcast roscued from a Mulbory strcet den, awakcncd by tho gift of a rose, had led moro than ono hundred souls to Christ. A collection of $46. a spontaneous gift of the conven tion to this work, was offored and ro ceivcd the tbanks of Mr. Milbury. Tho nominating committeo reportcd tho following list of Stato officers for the new year. The report was adoptcd and theso officers olected: Rev. T. G. Thomp son, D. D., Burlington, President; Rev. C. B. Atwood, Whiting, Rov. A. I. Davis, St. Johnsbury, Mr. G. F. North.Rutland, Mrs. E. G. Osgood, Bellows Falls, Rov. J. J. Hall, South Ryegate, yico-prcsi-dents; E. E. Townor, Montpelier, secro tary; Mr. Merton Chonoy, Barre, treas urcr; Miss Mary Hammond, Burlington, superintcndent of junior work. Corro sponding delegates: Rov. W. C. Clark, South Hero, to Canada; Mr. B. Frank Harris, St. Johnsbury, to Now Hamp shiro; Rev. C. O. Day, Brattleboro, to Massachusctts; Rev. H. T. Barnard, Wost Rutland, to New York. Tho Committee on Resolutions roport cd tho thanks of tho convention for tho hospitality cxtonded by tho Christian peoplo and Endeavorers in Bennington, to each speaker outsido tho Stato for his assistance, to tho Vermont railroads for favors in transportation, to Secretary Towner for his continued and efficient scrvices, to tho retiring president and of ficers and all othcrs aidiug in tho con vontion, and to Mr. Downs for his cffec tivo leading of tho convention in song. Tho Committoo on Credentials report ed upwards of 200 accrcditcd delegates from Endcavor socicties. The placo of tho next meeting was re portcd and chosen to bo Barre, Vt. The treasuror's report indicatcd re ceipts to tho amount of $220.24, expondi tures to dato $97.28. Some bills, includ ing printing bills, aro not yot paid, Tho session closed with a letter from Rov. P. McMillan, an ox-prcsident of tho Union, words from President Martcn on retiring from offlce, and lively answors to tho question box from Rev. G. T.Lcm mon, of Schaghticoke, N. Y. Tho ovcning servico, resumcd in the Congrcgational church, was opcncd with Scripturo and prayer by tho Rov. M. L. Severanco of Bennington Centro. Mr. Charles Bennett rondcred a beauti ful solo insong, accompanied by tho or ganist of the church, Mrs. G. W. Kceso man. A message of prayer was sent to Mr. G. W. McKay, a Now York bankor. holding to-night an evangolistic sorvico in Plymouth church, Brooklyn, followod by prayer by Rov. Mr. Seymour, pastor of tho church. After singing, "Throw out tho Life Line," tho Rev. George T. Lemmon was introduccd, spcaking upon tho "Lcngtb and Breadth of Christian Eudeavor." Tho length of aggressivo labor and tho breadth of noblo achiovcment; for all men everywhero that thoy may rcalizo tho Fathorhood of God. Lines of work are thoso of our Lord's in his rcply to John, practical help to raon; to savo men one by ono, and winning the children to Christ, and consocration of ourselves to God to do sometliing for him. Miss Mary L. Hutchins sang: 'Asliamed of Christ, and shall it bo, A mortal man ashamed of Ttioe." Tho closing consocration scrvico was hold by Mr. N. Miller Pratt of Burling ton. With brief praycrsand appropriato song tho congregation was led very ncar to tuo presenco oi God. rno intcrest culminated in tho consecration of delo gates by countios. As each county was namcd its delegates roso and ronowed their vows. Among them wore theso ro sponses: "Wo are not our own, but bought with a price." "Lot us awako out of our sleep, and let Christ shino up on us." "Uou our l'atlier, Christ our elder brothor, tho Holy Spirit our guido and helper." "Lot us provo moro than wo promiso." "Moro and better work for Christ." "All for Jesus, all for Jcsusl All my bcing's ransomed pow ers." "Body, soul and spirit, Jesus, wo givo to Thce," All delegates then aroso and sang: "iilest bo tlio tio tnat uinds our hearts in Christian lovo." After a word of crcetinc from an En- doavorcr from the Stato of Now York, all umted m the nymn, "Uod be with till we meet again." Praver and Bcnediction wero oncrod by Prcsidout Marten, and the convention adjourned to meot another year at Barro. GREATEST SKIN GURES Cutlcura Curcs AII Sltln Emptlons, Olves a Clcar Coniplcxlon Frco from Plmplcs. Too mnch nralso cannot be paid of tho CnncURA Ksuedies, as 1 havo uocd thcm for the last year and a half or bo, ond find them to bo the greateat eKin cures, uiooa punners and liuinor remedles of the ai;e. I havo uscd a good rnany no-callcd toilet eoaps, and I Ilnd Cuticuiia BoAl' la ihn linut. T linvn vr . T" .J I llnd lt fnr eupcrior to all W J iW) othcr tollct or mcdlclnal eoaps. It curcs all Skln cruptlons, and irlica a cleur compleilon. As for eham pooingl would useno other, and for tho fnco elthcr, as it ls a curo for all plmples, blarklicadf, cczcmn and all lrrltntlonsand rocKhness of the facc. Yor ntter uslne ifcn nrrnfrmiA Roap awhlle. It makcs the face emooth and cool, and doca not (rlve thitburnlng fonsatlon which so many othcr tollct soaps do. Try the CoTiccnA Kemedies and you will not regret lt that you havo evcr done so. LEWIS I'. KELI.KK, 13 Lco Avenuc, llrldgoport, uonn. Eczema 10 Years Cured I purchascd and uscd Cdticuiia with tho most Kratlfylngresulta. I was trouhled with eczema In the form of salt rhcura for tcn years, and had qulto despalrcd of bclng curcd. Cuticbha, with tho help oi ine uuticura DOAr anu uuxituiiA ikcsui.v&nit bas pcrmanently removed my comptalnt, and left mv desh sound and healthv. JAilES T. WILBON, Manufacturlng Chcmlst, tilicekman Btrect.Xrew lom.n.i. Cuticura Remedies Aro tho greatcst skln raret, blood pnriflcrs, ond humor remedles of modera tlmcs. Bold every whero. l'rice, Cdtictoa, 60c; Boap, 25c.: Rb goJ.VKNT, tl, Preparcd by tho I'ottib Dbco sjcs CnsMicAL ConroruTioN, Boston. JK9-" now to Curo Blood Dlsc&ses," malled f ree. piQV'P Bkln and Bcalp purlQed and bcauUSed DHD1 O by Ccticdba Boap. Absolutely pure. 1 RHEUMATIG PAIN8 In one nilnnte the Cntlcura Antl- Fatn l'laster relievea rhenmaUc, sd atlc, hlp, kldney, chest, ond muscular paina anu weaiuesaea. ince, c C. D. CREENSLET. s HOUSE PAINTING -AND- !! I do none but flrst-class work, mnd Kuaranlee atlsfactlon In all caies. Estlmatedfurnlshed on nppUcitloa. 408 GAQE ST., BENNINGTON, I 'f. 1 BALL BEARING PNEUMATIC TIRED SULKY WHEELS, SPECIFICATIONS: RIMS-Cold rollcd steel. 1IUBS Steel. with hardened stcel bearlngs prcssed in. AXLES ArO steel and long enough to take the attachments. BEAIUNG3 Best steel balls.with adjustable cones on axles. SPOKES Best steel wire, not tangent, at tached to rlm with long sleeve nlpples. Broken spokes can be replaced in a moment by any one, TIRE N.T. Protectlon Btrlp or Morgan & Wright. FINISH-Nickel and enamel. 5 These wheels will be found equal to any on the market, and far superlor to the modern blcycle wheel. Weusoa long hub that makes a very stiff wheel for sharp curves. The wheels are complete.ready toattachto sulky. But the price does not Include tlio at tachments. Each palr of wheels supplled with a pump. Price $15.00 per palr, or attaohed to the sulky ready for use. $75.00. n. is. rais & co 9 &10 Cannon Placc, Troy, N.Y. Mrs, Fanny EJcLeod Large store was completely packed with cnstomers at her recent Opening, and more goodswere sold than in any other two Millinery Stores in the county in the same length oi time. The ladies of Ben nington know stylish hats w'nen they see them, and at Mrs. McLeod's is the place to find them. Jnst east yonr eye on her heantifnlly arranged Show Window, $$x$$$$ 44$Q 40S g?SSSS0- WATER RATES OFTIIE BENNINGTON WATER GO. First laueet (per year) $8.00 Becond Faucct 2.00 WatcrCloset 3.00 BathTub 3.00 PrivateStables, 1st horse 5.00 Each addltional horse or cow 200 Lawnliose (to bo used by hand only) 5,05 Steam boiler for bouso warmlng, etc, for each square foot of hcating surface of boiler 03 All others epeclal, Provided, that no private house shall pay oyei $20.00 per annum excluslye of lawn hose and boiler. The ahov rates are for single f amilles. IIENBY W. PUTNAM. Preaident Tulv 10. 18H7 The "NEW PRACTICAL" mothnd for tcachlng shorthand and the best methods of bookkecping are taught at the AND Thla InsMtntlon has become consnicuous for educating young men and women practically, ana ior suppiving uusiness iiiiusna invunmy with well qualiflcd bookkeepers. stenographers and buslness assistants. Corresrondence Invlted. For catalogue, address CARNELL & GUTCHESS Albany, N. Y. MEAT MARKET. npt miftlitv Chlcairo Beef: also. Freah and Salt Meats of every description: Poultry, Egci. rmit anu vcgeiauies. uougucior casu auu buiu reosonablc A. C. Sweet, Proprietor, AUAMS'S I1LOCIC 108 80OTII ST. EDWARD J. HALL. FIRE, LIFE, STEAM BO EMPLOYER'S INSUR REPRES AETNA of Hartford, A5IEHI0AN or New York, C0NTINENTAL. ofNcw York, GUAN1TE STATE, or Portsmouth, Nt II. HARTFORD, or Hnrtrord. INS. C0 or N0. AMEUICA, ori'liUadelpIila, Pa. EOUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY. JOHN V. HA ACE JOHN V. HA ill ! GRAND DISPLAY -OF- FALL STYLES -AT- Miss Sibles, 445 MAIN STREET, BENNINGTON. Oct. 8, 10 and 11. -s- Our opcnlng is a little late, but we are confldent that the ezhlbltlon we shall make of new styles will merlt the ap proval of those who appreciate well se lected eoods, as thero has never been such a dlsplay of Pattern Hats ! and Bonnets this slde of New York Clty, Be sure and remember the date, for we shall be glad to weloome all to Inspect the dlsplay. THE WM. RADAM HldOBE KILLER. The Greatest Discovery of the age. Cnres All Diseases. MRS. MARY GIBSON, Agent, Bennington, Vt. Testimonials: SPIDER CANCER COMPLETELY CURED. OnANOE, Mass., Jlarch 27th, 1891. Gentleman About nine months ago I was com pelled to dispose of my buslness In Boston and come to Orange, which is my home, on account ofslckness, I was troubled with a splder cancer on my leg, indigestion and generally broken down In health. I was under a doctor's care for some tlma, but with no apparent beneflt, and was bcginnlng to feel discouraged when my daughter and a fricnd of mlnd prevailed upon me to try yourMicrobe Killer. I sent to Boston for a jug, took it, and as it seemed to bentflt me, continued its use. Ihavetaken thrcejngsin all, and now consider myself completely cured, my cancer be ing entirely gone, and my general heaMi almost perfect. I thlnk the Microbe Killer Is the creat est medicino on earth, and would rccommend it to all aflllcted. Yours very truly, S. J. HOWELL. Orange, Mass , Jnly 29th, 1893. Mns.OlDSON Dear Madam: Inreplyto yours of 21st Inst., I will say the testimomal endorsed sborc is a genulne, unsollclted extract from many more praises which I handed Mr, Radam. I consider Wm. Radam's llicrobe Killer the best remedy lor all itis recommendcd for, on this earth. I remain yours, etc. S. J. HOWELL. FOR SALE BY MRS. MARY GIBS0N, 509 MainSt. WB MAKfi A SFBCIALTY 0F FITTING AND SPEGTAGLES, We furnlsh;the very best Frames and and guarantee eTtrything. We have evry appllance ioi testing the eye by the latest and most sclentifl; methods, suc as are used by the most celebrated occulists and opticlans, and have made a thoroagh study of the buslness. Ask any of the many customers we have fltted, (especlally within the past year) how well we haye served them. Wo belleve lt is to your advantage to patronlze us. SQU1RE & RAWSOfi Bennington, Vt. HARRISON I. NORTON. LL k SON. ACCIDENT, ILER AND LIABILITY ANCE, SENTING: LANCASIIIRE, of England, NATI0NAL, omartlord, NORWICn UNION, or England, P1IENIX, orBrookljn, PII0ENIX. of Hartrord, QUEEN, orAmerlca, HOME, or New York, AMERI0AN GASULTY INSURANOE AND SECURITY C0, LL & SON. NTS. OP 11111111 RED CROSS, BURLINGTON, GOLB COIN PARLOR STOVE OnA llftlf Yi nainla, nt nAHt--i 1 l- tne otlierftalfaregettingtheinin just aa fast nmoagnoy can J?et mera rrom the factorv naS fllin It&tl (:rn. Knr T.lf nr,A nA - jiaugea (uao you snouiu see. Beautiful Lamps ! Ttr:ii..r.i.i,n i.. .i . . . .. C nno n atmnar rnn1.i nn. tt.., . ., tha rnlnH nan nnnrvniio, 1).. .1 wvmvw.v- sjav UJ LUUtlliUrj enumerate, when people know that in order thvmitnnA iuai iiiiiir in nniisn itinn SWWAyj'TH.lli.!,'yLlll'V.WJJiUglJlJ-Jlll.ljlAi-iii.tL. BOOTS. UUU19 iiiUJUL'l nuiii. III uxijII iriiii:ii diiiii 1 jii 1 111 1 1:11 SHOES. A ftill IInc orsiioes ror men nrnmnii niiil nlitlilHnn Tn and Spring IIccI. RUBBERS. Jlen's Im. Sandals and S. A nvnrfl n (rnnil llnn nf lnnj berincn's Oyers. WHENINNEEBOF FOOT.WXAR CAO, a r 1 nniuiie ni 1 1 Luumiui 441 Main Street. Bennington, taT'Agent for Jules Doux Dye House. EQUINOX SPRING WATER ! rnenmatism. mancy trouDies, etc. Send for circular with analvsis. EQUINOX SPARKLINO WATER i3 superlor to any imported taoie water. SPARKLING GINGER GHAIViPAGNE. Prepared from the finest aromatlc extracw carefully compounded, and combmed with Equi nox Sprine Water The purest and best glnger tonic. A ueugiitrui, invlgorating Deverage ana valuable stomachlc. Refer to Lyman Rogers, M. D., Hon. Lnlher R. Uravcs. Hon. A. B. Valentine. Denningion; E. L. Wyman, M. D.. Hon. M. S Colburn, Man. chester Centre; L.II. Hcrasnway. M. D., Map cheter; Hon. Robert Roberts, Burlington; w. F. Minard, M. D., Waterbury; Hon. Charles Dewcy, Montpelier; S. H.Sparhawk, M. D, St. Johnsbury; Hon. Levl K. Fuller, Brattleboro; Hon. J. G. McCullough, North Bennington; Geo. A. Stone. President Trov City National Bank, Troy, N. Y. FOR SALE UY J, N. Hard, II. S. Dow, Munson House, Mapchester, L. Shaffner, C. J. Walt and M. W. Utley, Manchester Centre, J. D. Rlce. Manchester Depot. Rolfe &Slade, Montpelier. Higglns Hyde, Rutland. E. B Cox and John Warr, Troy, N. Y. I. E. (ii bsoi., Bennington, E. S. Chandler. Bennington Centre, EQDINOX SPRING CO.. ilanchester. Vermont. EQUINOX HOUSE, SUMMER RESORT. Manchester, - - Vermont. yuicn: trainsirom ew iors, j.roy. Aiuanj, Boston, including nlght traln to New York Sun dav. Day (Jrawing room and sleeplng cars through from New York without changc. Time from New Vnrk to Manchester 6 hours. The 1 30 p. m. traln from New York (Saturdars Dogs not taken. UUIJJ rctttuca ,unut.ucDrek ov t m p, ui. JC. 11. . ORYIS, NOTICE TO SELL REAL ESTATE OF ALONZO FOX. STATE OF VERMONT, ( , District of Bennington, ) In Probate Court, held at the Probate Offlce in Bennington, ln sald district, on the 18th day of Octooer, A. i. Prptpnt. Hon. Alfrtd Roblnson. Jwize. Edward Rlce, admlnlstrator, de bonls non, of thecstateof AlonioFox, late of Bennington, ln eald district, dcceased, makes application tojsald court for license to sellpart ot the real estate of sald deceased, to wit : The place known as the Gregg place In the village of Bennington, tcn acres of land, situated ln the town of Woodford, refercnce to be had far description and bounds to the land records of the town of Woodford, repre sentlng that the sala of real estate would be ben eflcial to the estate of sald deceased and tbose ln terested in sald estate. Whereupon, it ls ordered by sald Court, tbat sald application be refcrrcd to asesslon thereof, to be held at the Probate offlce ln Bennington, ln sald district. on the 5th dar of Novcmber, A D. 1892, for hcaring and decision thcreon; and, lt is lurther ordered, that all ptr sons lntercsted be notified hercof, by publlcation of notice of sald application and order thereon. thrss weeks succcsslTely ln the Bennington Banhxs, a newspaper published at Bennington, and whlth circnlates ln the nelghborhood ot those inter ested, before sald time of htaringlhat they may appearat sald time and place, and If they cause, object thereto. Bt the vourt. Attest, 40 ALFRED ROBINSON, Jdt I