Newspaper Page Text
THE BENNINGTON JBAJOTER, EKIDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1892. SPCEIAL DUSINESS LOOALS. 337T. S. riumb liaa anotlier fino lot of 8hon.ts Oliesterwiiites vvhich lio will sell. No. 231 Silvor street. 0S, 3x&30 sS 404 4 i t i r4 AU EgF-Mns. A. Keyks & Daugiiteu. Call on tho new Drcssmakera wlicrc Stylcs as well as prices catinot fail to plcaso for Mrs. Keyesifc DaKuhtcr under stand their busincss well. 220 North street. J3" Diariea for 1893 just reccircd at the Banner Stationery Store. AU intend ing to mako use of a diary durinj: 1893 sliould mako their seleotion now botoro tho selection is brokcn. S3T-Vanted A Rirl or middlo aged woraan for pcneral houso-work apply at W. A. Viall & Co. Store. BSf-riain and ruled writiug papcr, twentv centa and twenty-fivo ccnts p"r pound at Banucr Stationery storu. J-"Tomboa," wliat f.i Tombola? Tho ladiea of St. Mary's Guild will an awor. Dccombcr 20th, at tho annual fair of St. roter's cliureh. 44tf SIIurd'a Hoval I'urplo and Itussian Bluo; Crano'a "Old Stylo'.' and Parch mentVellum; and Ward'a Royal Irish Lincn, tho most fashionable stationery, just rcceived at tho Banner Stationery Store. Freat's llnrgalna in Sllt'rware for Chrlst lii n 8 Rogcrs' triplo platcd knives and forks, $3.50 and $.17i perdozen. Jtogcrs' triple platcd teaspoons 2.00 and 3.00 por doz en. RoRurs' triple platcd table spoous $4.00 and 3.50 per dozon. KoRera' trip lo pbted child's sot (knifo, fork aud spoon), $1.00 and $1.50. Itngers' triplo plated suRar shells 50c. Kogera' triplo platcd cream ladlc8 75c. KoKcrs' triple plated Rravy ladles 1.00 and 1.80. lloRers' triple plated berry spoon $1.50. Salt sets 38c, $1.75 and $2.25. Nut picks 50c and $1.00 por box. l'io knives 2. and 3.00. Orango spoons50c cach. Ico creara spoons 50c cacli. Uon JJon trays 1.75, $2.25 and S1.50 oach. Chilri's mujs 75c, $1.00, $1.20 and upward. Nap- kin nnj's 40o, 4.o, 50c, ut)c auil 7o Spoon trays 1.00, 2.00 and $3.00. Spoon holders 2.00 and $2.75. Picklo castcrs $1.50, $1.80, $2.00 aud $2.25. Cako baskots $2.39, $2,50, $3.25 and 3. 75. Uutter dlshes $2.75, 3.00, 3.50 and upward. Iluttcr knives 50c. Do not purcliaeo silverwaru loryour own uso or Sot Cliristnias uiits without lirst inspcct- !nr ti, ' -""'Iful nssoitment e.xliibited tuu u l l.. m for Cliristnias 1S92 Bazaar. Fjciir's Troy A Siilluble uliristinan Glft. For a husbnnd, son, brother, ncpliow or guntlctnan frisnd, a hamlsomo sleigh robe. Wm. II. Froar has placed on salo 500 sleigh rcbea at tho tollowing low pricci: 35 gray .lapancso wolf sleiuh robes, sizo 48x00 iuchos, felt lined, 2.09 each. 40 gray Japancso sleiuh robes, sizo 48x00 inclics, plusb lincd, $4.33 each, 20 gray Japancso wolf sloigh robes, ex tra largo sizo 54x00 inclics, plush lined, 5.85 cacb. 25 gray Japancso wolf sleigh Jol- fItrl iarK0 SZe) 54xco incli cs, lnedalllon plusb lined, $0.90 each, 20 gray Japaneso wolf sleigh rubcs, sizo 48x00, mcdallion plush lined, $5.50 cacb. 25 blacl; Japaneso wolf sleigh robes, slze 4Sx00 inclics. plush linod, $3.50 each. 15 black Japaneso wolf sleigh robes. extralargo sizo, 54x00 nichcs, $7. 50 each. 50 black Japaucbo wolf sleigh vobcs, sizo 43x00 inclics, incdallion plush lincd, $0.05 cacb. 3" black Japancso wolf sleigh robes, sizo 51x00 inclies, medalliou plush lined, $8.05 each. llorso Clothing Departmout, Frcar's Troy Bazaar. XffTwa parlor stovos, one opcn gratc, etc, for salo chcap. Inquiro at tho Ban Nbh Stationery storo. IUKU FOSTER In liennlngton, Dcc. 10th, llayraoiid Foster, nced fi ueeki. UlAWr"OKI)ln Iicniiliitfou, Dec. 12th, Ezra H. t ranford, agi-d 77 years. uTHNUAM-I.i Iteiiulugton, Dec.3J, Emily P. Burnliam. agnl 82 years. UAMhY In lknulr.gton, Dec. 1-Jili, Mrs. Maigare' Gailey agi-d 74 yrars. PUHUY-In Sunderland. Di c. 10th, nt the r-sl-rtcnee of liU grand-ilauchter. Mis. Snyder, Mincr I'urdy ofSIaiiclietr, aeedSl yearf." Wanted. A rellable cook. who can do washinz and Iron Iiik. Apply to J1K8, Wu. E. I1AWKS, W2 205 Korthtitrcct. FOR RENT. oj West liulfcleeant new lioue ultli modern im proTements, now ready to oecupy. cornor Sclioil and I'leaiant fttrretK. Knqulre of E. A BOOTII, Town Clerk' Offlce. 46-49 To Rent. A deslrahle liou" ti rpnt ln Benr.lnRton, In Sulre of F. O. 5Iatilfn, Bennington, or II. D. llall orth llcnnlnijlon, Oct 28th, 40tf Business Opportunity. Btonc Mlll Store on Klver Street. Nortli Jlen. nlnton, will b rented on eay terms. It ls all ready for buln-fs-c lunters. druwers. hrlres. dcsk. et.- (looil lnc itioil. Inqulre at ofilcc of N0TICE. The annual meetlne of thx tockholder of the llennlneton Cmin'y Natlonat lianko' Ilennlncton, Vt., will 1)0 lirld m their baukln roomH on Tups day, th lOdi tlay of January. 18 3. at 2 o'clock, p! m., for the purpo-e nl elcctlng a board of Dl rectors for the ensiiinK year. CLEMENT II. rOf'E. Cashler. Bennington, t Dec. 10th, 189i 43 N0TICE. Tho annnal mectlng of the Corporators of tho Bennington Cminty Savlngs llank will be liold at theoflleeof their treasurcr, ln their banking roomo, In 1'ark Illock, ln Ilenningtou, Vt., on the llrst Wednesday (4th la). of Jnnuary, A. I) 1803, at 7 30 o'clock p in , for the clcctlon of a Board of Trmtees for the year eiijuliiR, and the trnnsao tlon of any other hiulncsa found necensary and nroner when met. eDcclnllv to flll Tacanclea In the nuniber of corporator, and to altcr niidroTlie liie uy.iaws. Datcd atllenntnfrton. Vt , Dcc 9th, 1F92. O W IIAltMAN.SecreUry, THE FIFTH ANNAUAL BALL OF TIIE- WILL TAKE PliACE ON FRIDAY EVENIN6, DEC. 30, 1892. An intereitlng featurc will be a Prize Squad Drill In New Drill lleiruUtlons, under the command of tho Company Sergeantt. DMISSION, $1. SUPPER 50c. Bj tlic S. T. Taylor Sjstem. THE MISSES FE0ST. 201 UNION STflEET. Ber.nlnglon, Vt., October 17th, 1392. tCrnl DllESSMAKIM. S40- A RIGHT pRR TO YO In person, bringing productions of Jiis inv tliing" to amuse and e hig. His entire outflt large and comniodio Plenty of rooin fou e crowding", Do your s DOLLS, BANKS, BEDS, CRADLES, GUNS, DRUMS, .1 "W ' KITHENS, STOVES, DISHES, PIANOS, BUREAUS, m H VASES. FAHCY GLASS, TH ERM 0 IViETERS, &&&&&&SkSS&S& FMMEB PICTORE In addition to the Noveltics, our line of cliiefs, Mufflers, Apro Fancy Slippers, Pock fuinery, INcckwear, is at specially Ioav price ary 2nd. contcmp and are conse(iuently low prices to rednce A. 1YSDA i 4 i S 4 S 00- 000-0 00 cj 0 O &j 00 00 00 Elfigan Ira tord -O00 Y CHRISTMAS U ALL. with liim all the latest entive brain. Every litertain the little and is on display in the us second story of Cor.lrtli&EiTerSi verybody and no hopping in comfort. DESKS, SKATES, SLEDS, TOOL GHESTS, BLACKBOARDS, 0S 0KeSxS00&&S30&S , ENGINES, GAMES, SHAVING SETS, PIANO LAMPS, SMOKING SETS, BISQUE ORNAMENTS, MANICURES, ?&!xS4S(&&&S 5000!05(S505SO'SO TfrygViml'PflliMl ia rliitr, Afrya Vt distinctive Holiday Umlbrellas, Handker ns, Gloves, Mittens, ethoolts, Jewelry,Per unusually coniplete s for this sale. Janu late a change of firm nxaking- extreniely stock. LE & M. CKSES. JEWEL CASES MPPY 1 Y SPE0IAL PRICES 0N THE F0LL0W 20 pounds of granulated sugir Cloveland's J3aking Powder, Best Keioseno Oil, 150 test, Saratoga Chips, fresh and crisp 3 pounds large new Raisins Citron, best new Leghorn, per Choicest Florida Oranges, per Choice Florida Oranges, Kus Llalaga Grnpes, per pound 18c, llixed Nuts, per pound, 15c, a Best Chocolate Cream Drps, Best Broken Candy per pound Best French Mixed Cundy, per Best Aiuerican Alixed Candy, Stick Candy and penny goods, We hayo just recclved avery larire stock of Chlldren'a aud M Is-ea' A rctlcs. Don't let vour chll of Chlldrcn'a ArctioH. sizes 8 to 11, for 60c or a One dollar will huy a gonl deal at the Mlll Christmas etock and we can convlnce you. E. E. HA WH0LESALE RIVER STREE UNTIL AFTE AT LOW Coice Groceries WE LEAD THEM ALL DRESSED LUMBER. PINE LATH, SHIHGLES, ln any qimntilj, at 99 M0NUMENT AVENDE, OUR IV1ESSAGE To shoppers and glft-makcrs In gencral, li WE HAVE WHAT YOU WANT ! ForethouRht, carelul study, tastc, hird work and llbcral buylng are the factrrn wo callrd to ourald longbefore yotl htd entertalncd a pasalng thought of the de mands of far awar C'hrlatmns, and now wo are rea ly to serve you well, meet your want8,gratifyyour wishet. satiify your tate to'ITH .' GIFTS for old and young. As to motter of prices, we not only clalm, but wo do offtr our entire stock at prices close as honcjt goods can bo sold. We cffer no balts, but mark our wares at an nnlform scalo of low prices, givlDg f all valuo for the money and guarantecing erery nrticlo as repre scnttd. E.L.NICHOLS 453 nnd 157 Main Street, Ben nington, Yt. DESIRABLE CHR N0TICE. The annual meetlng of tho Stockholders of the Flrst Natlonat Bank, or Bennington, Vt., will be hekl at their Banking Houje.ou Tuesday, tho 10th day of January, 1893, at 10 o'clock, n.m., for the purposo of electtng a Board of Dlrcctors for tho cnsulng year, and for any other business. Datcd, Bennington, Vt., Dec. 9th, 1893. OEO. F. GKAVJJS, Cashler. ear mmn. ING GOODS UNTIL JAN. 1st., 1893 : 1.00 39c 08c 25c 25c 20c 35c 30c 50c 25c 50c 12c 25c per pound water white, per gal . per pound pound dozen sets, per dozen . 3 pounds for... pounds for 18c, 31bsfor... pound 15c, 2 lbs for per 1b. 10c, 3 pounds for 6 for 25c 05c Men's Knit T.cgplns, Luinbermen's Rubbers, dren po with cold feet when you can buy a palr palr of Mixses' Arctlrs, glzes 11 to 12, for 75c. Store. OIto us a call before yon puichase your RT & CO. AND RETAIL. TGASH STORE R JANUARY 1, ISTMAS GIFTS! PRICES. Candies agd Nuts, IN LOW PRICES. SLIPPERS ! -ss A FAIR 0F SLIPPERS will makc a nice Cliristnias prcs ent. SLIPPERS will makc a useful prescnt. $4 Call on A. F. LOOMIS, And scc lils llolliluj SLIPPERS 111 Hain Street, Bennington, FOR 1893. Novelty of the Season -AT BANNER STATIONERY STORE- -00- (4RAND sale -AT- rir7-nn7T.nnnJi TROY. 000 EVERY PATTERN MARKED PLAINLY. Iress ratterns for only 51.61. Cnrlstmaa Patterns f r Sl.TS. Fancy Cneviot Dren I'attfrn" for $2.63. 7 yard.i W'ool Ki-rey Olothn for $2 73. Dresa Patterns of Wnol S'riprs onlv $2 75. All W'ool Seri;e and llrnrlttta rattersa only 3 50. 62 Inch wlde Camel Halr Dress Patterns, $. Chnatmas l'atterui of Serges and Twills.tpeclal at 54 60. 6 Btylcs of Fancv Scotch Wool Sultlngs, In DreiS Pattprns at $5 Elegant whlDcord", Diagonal, Rtorm Serges and Fancy Kersey Suitlngs, truui $5 to $7 a pat-ti-rn. In Colored HressstufTjwe are maklng speclal prices for the Ilolidaya. No L'lf ao acceptabie to the ladles as a good wooldresf. NOTICE OUR PniCES l-Who cannot affordi to buy one or more 9f theae Uoliday Dress Pat. lerns? A0000000000000 000000 0000A 0 CHRISTMAS Handkerchiefs. 0 V VIIIIIW IIIIIW 0 4 000000000 0000000 0000 00000 100 dozen Pcalloped Embroldercd Lawn Hand kerrhiefs. ln hrautiful dealgns at 12c rach. tOO cloztr Scalloped Emhrnldered Lawn and I.lnen Ilandkerchlers, In nll tlie latest Btyles, at 23c each. 75 dozen Emb-oidcred Fancy CMflbns la all new comblnatlon hadlng. 100 diizcn Kcall"ped Embroldered All-Llnen llandkerchiefa at SOc rach. 200 dozen I.arfle' and Chlldien's Silk Initlsl Handkerchiefs 22c and 25c eRCli. 100 dozen Scafloprd Embroldered Ilandkfr rhlrfs Tery choictt and excIiiMve deslgn, from $1 tn5 each. t03 dozen Pla'n IIemtltclird AlM.lnen Hand kerchiefs, i to 1 Inch htra, from 12c to 11.50 each. 500 dozen I.ndi-s'. (i'en)s' and Chlldren's Inltlal Handkerchiefs, in all tho ncwest letters. from 15c to 50o each. G, V, S, QUACKEHBUStl t CO, Corncr Brcailwaj and Thlrtl St., Troy, N. V. FOUR HUNDRED YEARS AGO, And more, Columbus flrst set foot on Anierican soil, and u new Con tinent was discovered. Spcaking of present discoverics, you can run upon a very protltable flnd if you visit my store. It is as full of things whicli tncet your wants as perfect as tlic flngcrs join at tho palm of tlic liand. You couldn't get closer to the plumb line of ex actness in just what you require for the Iloliduys in substantial and profltable presents ; they are full of comforts and will cause one to long reniember the doner. I am as familiar with the wants of my pa trons as you are with your own door-yard, or the niultiplication table. I have to serve, but you must lend 1110 your aid, you niiist buy in order to get the benefit. Do not expect to flnd a coniplete stock if you dclay too long. G. B. SIBLEY'S, FREE LIBRARY BUILDING, 501 and 505 Main St. Bennington. JU8T 0PENED AT THE BANNER STATIONERY STORE, Ccomplcte atsortrrent of FASHtONABLE STATI0NERT. Hurd's RotbI Pnrple. Hurd's Huslan I'lue, llurd's Egg Shell FlnKh Etc. Craue's Dcstaff Lln-n Crano'a Kld Flnlh, Cranrk'a Patrhment Vcllara. Crantt'siild Styln Vellum. Ward a Ilnyal Irlah Llnoo, Adozcn, or more, styles or llcx Papers at the BANNER STATIONERY STORE. Notice. The annual meetlng orihe rtorkholdera of the Flrat National lianW of N'orih llcniilnc'on. Vt, will bn he'd at thrlr btnklnir hoiiae on Timday, tbo Thlrd day of Janinry. 1891. at 10 o'clock a. ui,, fonho ptirpcn" of elcctlng a Iloard ol Dlrec torthe enxulng year. S. D. II.VLU Cashler. North Bennington, Vt., Dec, 1st, lb02. 4615 QUACKENBOSH'S