Newspaper Page Text
THE BENNINGTON BANNER, FRIDA1, JANUARY 20, 1803. 5 2rLallit'.H, Jiickots 79c, at Frciu's liojr Oiisli Liidies' Nowmaikets $1.80. Tliink of it liulit-s. a N'uwmfirket mn'lonf exuellunt niuteiinl fiir Sl.S'JatFriwir's Troy B;iz iar. 15 Piilluil.Conuv Csipes, witli ntiniiiie Sabli Collar, ruiliicuil trnm $12.00 to 0.- 50 oaeli at Frear'K Troy H.iz.iar. 10 I'hina Sual Militiry Cupes, raluceri from $17 73 to $12.50 each at Fruar's Troy Bazaar. 10 C.inaila Seal fiapes, 22 inclies lonj;, relur-il from $22 to 10.75 each at Frear's Troy Bazaar. 2li C.inaila Seal, 17 inclies Innfr, wcio $17, aio no w inarkcd $10 at Frear'b Trnv ll.izamv 15 liest Clilna Scal Capcs, fnll 11) inclies lnti&rt'riiiced from $20 to $12.50 at Frear's Troy II zur. 10 C'.inida 'JeaverCapcs.lSincl'L'sdeep, witli Kviiuiiie Sililu Colliii, reduced from $14 to $0.75 at Frear's Troy Hazaar. 10 Ablr.iklian Capes, IS inclies dccp, reduced from $15 to $0.75 caehat Frear's Troy Haz.tar. 10 Astraklian Canos, 17 inclies lonjr, re duced from $12 to $7.73 at Frear's Troy Bazaar. BJfOvcr tlueo liuudied boxos wrlting pajieis aail aUo a latno assoi t iiiont of Ur.itie's aml lltirtl's Ilnust papeiHiu white aud in h j liuis rucuived at lliu liA.v.Nlilt Statiunery Storo. Exc4.tluMi llargalna In plunh cluaks. Fruar is bound to out every pliibh gaiiiicnt in tliu liotuo ueforu inventoiy, February llrst. Plush cloakx, 40 inclies loug, inaclu from tho but quahty seal jtlusli, Londou ilye, liued throiiKliout witli bruwn alin, lour cuiiuiiio teal orua!ent8 in frout; would bo uceivt liuy;aii!s at $:)o; Frear'x great January olearanui) Sldo pricc, C25j sizes 34 lo 4-i himi, If ymt iin lu nveil ol a liam'hoint., warni vl'.'al:, or v?l!! bo apt to ni'cd ono iu-xt Bcasou, this is thu iior tunitv of a lil'etnne, otferud at Ftvar's Troy Bazaar, CgIIousE to l!i:Nr. Ouo or two dc sir.iulu tuncments lo lunt. luqtiii'a of II. T. (ii.shm in M.iuutauturiug Compaiiy, North Bunningtoii, Vt. 40tt C2T' fow 1S!):J diaiies left at tlie Ban jjkk blaiioiiury Storc. Thcy will be cluM'd out uliuap. J'IIuid's l'ui)leand Ilitssian 1)1 uv; (Jr.iuu's "O'nl Siylo" aud 1'aicli muHt Velliim; and Waid's lioyal lnsh Liut'ii, tliu most lasliiunalilo statiimery, jut lccfived at tho llanuer Statiuntiry Store. CjJ3" rini wonilciful p.ipiilarity attainrd by iloud's Uousuhold Calcndar lahtyear, will bo iTp'-atod by Ilood's Huusehold Caletidai'-AUiiaiiau for lt03, jiixt puhlihh ed. A happicr uoinbination of C'alcudar aud almauae, of buauty aud utility, of ait aud ailvertiMn;?, lias sehlom been pro duccd. Tho lovfly piettuo of '"Tliu Ynuii; DibcovcrerH," lithn:iailird in delicate colors, will bo wtlcoiuo overy wlieio,vhilo tlicpad is attrautivoly innV cd iu coliirs but willi bliaip.plain iiuics. Coples tn.iy bo obtalned of thcdrimKits, or by seudiny mx rentH in stainps for ono copy, or ten conts for two, to C. I. Hood & Co., Louell, Jlass. Itliciiinatloiii Oiircd In n I)ny "Jlystic Cnre" for ilietimatiHm and neuralia radically curek in 1 to 3 days. Itb action upiiu tho systi'in is reinarka blt and inyhterious. Itrimoresat onco tho caic and tho dictaso immrdiately diaappeais. Tliu ilibt dnnc pieatly licno iltn, 75 ccnts. Sold by J. T. ahurtleff, driiKiKt, Bennington. 51yl I CASTLKION. VT. A11KI, E. LEAVK.NWOKTH. A. 51., Prlnclpal. Flfo anlstant ti'ucngrs. One )mnlred andone SUIe clinlarxhlPM. . TKIt.M BEUINS TUASDAY. FKU. 14th. 1893. Wnto for cirtuUrj lo lral WANTED ! ThornuKhly rfllntilr Bzentn fora llrst cla! cah reBl"lcr tliat can lm rold nt a lll deratti prlco. KxcIiisIvh tcrrl ory Rlvpn. Addrn-s witli rcfcr ences l tlie ninnu ctun-r. UXlVEllsAL I'ASH 11E0ISTEU CO. U'mlilngt m, Nc Jcry ltl VILLAGE NOTICE. Acipeable to Swlinn 21ft o' thu Vlllagc By Ij&wa. thp itnib-'ri of thu Klrc L iariatMii a e berrby no'ldrd lo inrci at tlir TnistH Knoinx. F-ldiy enliiif, January 27th, 169.1. t 7.30 o'clock. to m mliiatx cau iiiatr for C'Ulef En;i nwr, Firn aml "ecnn Ai"-Im anl. and to trans act ihe businoa mmiFil tn xb tecttnn. J II. KKl,S . Vlllaise Clert. Bi-nnliiirlnn, .Tannary 18 h I'ti. 12 LIBERATION NOTICE. Thllto rertify that I l ave RiTfii mv on Jofrnli F. i amp, lila ilim- durlmr reiuuind-r of hi ininorlty. I lull rlnim nnc of lila wacii nor py any of hls deblsafif thl riate. HES'HYO CAMP. Bennington, Vt., January 7ib, 1891 MEATJrlARKET. Brst quallty ChlcKo Uecf: aln, Freah and Salt Mnt of nTery d. fClpiloa; Taultry, Kgg Frult ni1 Vtfetaliles. Bougbtforcaaa aid aoM reanablt. A. C. Sweet, Proprietor, ADAIIS'S'IILIICK. W HOUTII 8T. OH S! Bond 8c Tiffany, Lorees aad M inaK" Tt. 9S MONDAY. JAN, 23rd. I'irt appearancn I ere of ROBERT MANTELL in tiie VIOTOR Kf RAB4T In tlie Int nf-ly Ii t re linz Rira nilc Drama THE FAGE IN THE MOONLIGHT. Rifcenlly from lt fln a' Rnn In I'rocior'a Nrw Ya lc Tliea re. AU tho Beautiful Scenery Pro- parcd ez ire-trfo the Nnw 1rk pro iltii'tion will be im d here. PRICE3 S100, 75c, 00c, 35c. 09-Ilcketa at Sburtlrft'.. THE FASHIOMABLE EVENT OFTHE YEAR CRUSSEH'S COMPANV. THURSDAY, JAN, 2611). TbeonlyUompanyrmtwulne'liaol rlght 10 tne produc'ina of lb Mlerpiec of Uro n.n Ilownl. Enq. authorof "hi andnnh " "AristrK-. racy"eie, rtr. A C able CorapnT. tpclal Pcenrr,- a id MagnlCceot Costucuei. 1'ricea 35, Wind'S ccnt. Barars Dau w , H. FREAR'S ANWTJAL -AND Glosing Out Sale -OF- COLORED (1 NOW IN PROGRESS.. ml toMntlnue nntll the last ()ny rf January l5f3. Iituintr tliia Kflle nianv supirb drt-ns pat prn will bo onld that l ciil'aWc (oranv (pannnV wppr, anil can be boiiglit. if jnu Imy nnw at marTclnuly rd"CHil prlcrs. Plfne irnd lli fnllnirlngcirpfiillv. and If you want. ft will b" npt tn vnnt. Wo 1 Vre-t fioodj bny now Theic i.i a llme for nll tblngfi, aiid Jpnunry f tbe nnr mnrthlnthe year in whlch Frpflr offera mcli cinvlnclng Im'galns In nny nnd -II klnds of drcsa gnuiU. All of Frpai'K $17 nnd 519 I'altprn U ,hp Dr-8p of all kitids rrdurpil In $10 nnd $11.51 pjcIi. All of Frpni'a rxcliK've Illitli JCnvpltlpaln S.1V ard Wnol, hiinernh'e Ottnmnn Vtlinir. Pllk and Wim.1 StiipPR. ctc . Ptc , redncrrt rrnio 2..'0 a d Z'Stn?! 75 nnil t2 prr yarp. 8 piprn nf $'.5AII wnil Impoitpd .'Iifll t'loiba rpi'und o S1.21 pcr ynrd. 7 pIpcs "f $U9 Allwonl Im portcd Clouileil JI xlure in as manv diffcrent ci'orings, rpilnrpd to $1 23 ppryard 6 plpcenf Cliancpablr All-nonl Impoitpd Crcnon Clotbs re" dnved from $1 10 lo $I.SJ peryard, -UW Remnants and Odd Dress Lengths of Colored Dres Goods will be sold at about Half Value. 8 pIpcps of All-wonl Irrporltrt Oeiman cllkand Vi'i ol Croqiiklp rrdm-ed frnm $1.69 to Jl.Sl pcr yard. 3 drosspc, ltli fur flde bnnd icolnr wlne. brown and ecru), rrducrd from $1 59 to $1 23ppr yurd. 20 plpcea (an odd lot), of Impo'led All wool Mljiure in chpck", plripp" nnd noclllu. rcdnccd from $1 15 and $1 25 'o 75c pcr yard 5 plecea of linpnited (iprman Antraklmn Plut ' ro dncpd from $1 M) to 8 1 ppr yard. 5 plecpn of All wool Dijiiblpwldlh ((2-lncli) f'cot. h Tcedn io duci'd frnm $'.60to $1 ppr ynrd 7 pIpcps of Im pnrlpd All wpcJ Crjpon. vjili oblonRdola 5 8 nr at Inch lnng, pmhruiderrd lu sllk, reduced from Sl.tO to $1 per rd. School Dresses for the Girls on Frear's Remnant Counter at almost Half Price. 8 rilecea of ImportPd All-wonl Mlxtures rp. ilurel from $1.C5 lo 75c per janl. 2 rl ce of ol' ol(lnublpwldl"i(42.ich) Blnrk Caniel Hulr. wiih yrllow stripes, ivdacfd from $1.3i tn75o per ynld U 1 1-c i ol Impoiled All wonl dnulde wldth Craqupllc, In all co'or, reriuppd from tl to' 69,' ppryam. 6 plecps of importpd Wool dnubln wl llli (41 ii cb) Foulle ( lotli. reriucpd ftom 75p lo 59cperyaid 7 plpppd of dcuble wldtb (I2 Iik)i) All Wonl Fancv Wpayp. Prp (!oo,is, In lllunili. td pffrctn, rrdiu-fd from 09c to 4Uc per yard. 4 Paltern Drepe, green wlth llk nriped comblna llon,reriuced $8 to4.10 each. Exceptional Bargains in Dress Goods for Tea Gowns and House Dresses on Frear's Remnant Counter. All ofFrear'g 49c and 50c Doublo Wldth All Wool Sllxtd Drpn.H Oii dirrduced to39c pery'd. AllorFrear'49aandu0cl'Uids reduced to 39c per j rd. 10 piecen of Doublo Wldth (18 iucM All Wool Caini I Ilalr (lotha reduqed from 49c to per yard. 2Jplecnof Doub'e Width (39 lucli. itrktly all wool Uenrlella, In itret ai.d eyenlng ilindet, reduced from 59c to 49c pery'd. Abe-utlfulqualily nfDoubl AVidlo f.Binch, All Wool Fllling fd Finish HpnriPtta all cnlora, for treet and eenine, rrdaced to 35u pcr yard 2 plfcen of All Wool Dnuble Wldtb Blick and (rny, oiip and threejainer-lncb chcck teduced froia49cIo2)Cperiaid, 10 pieces of All Wool Fllling Doubln Wl Ith, 38 Inch Caslimerc, all col or, reduced to 24c peryard. ''KHiiK'JI Remnants of Plaids, Remnants of all Kinds of Piain Goods, Rem nants of Cream Color Dress Goods, Efc, Etc, on Frear's Remnant Counter. All of Frear'a 2.c Double Wldth. 34 Inch. Mlxed Dreaa Oood In ttripes, plald and mlxtnreo, re docpd to 15c paryaid. All Wool Fllling Prein Gnoda for Wrapppra and Houe Drexes reducrd tol"c per yard. 23 Inch Plald Drei Ooodj re duced to 8ic per yard. 2J luch I'lalds for coin-fo-tal)lr llnlnga, etp., etc , rpducd tnicter y'd The rerr low and a'troctlve prlcn on all of the ahore mentinnpd DreM Uoo Ii will oune them to moTP. rapldly. If you re Interetted do nnt walt nn'il the last day, an you will turely flnd Ihe majorlty of tbe be; thlng all nolrf. and they caonot br dupllcatrd at thlj (Jreat January Re ductlon Sale of Dren Qood's at FREAR'S RAZAAR. (I Commencing Balnrday, pece January 7th, owing to a change of in all dcparlments are to be rednc havo cnt prices thronghout on ari 5 PEE, CE All Sl. Dress Goods reduced to 70c 75c " " 02 l-'2c $1.50 Wool Underwear, now U '29 $1.''5 " " 98c $1.00 " " 75c lankets and $2.48 Conifortiibles reduced to $1.98 1.75 " " 1.B9 $1.60 " " 1.19 BOOTS AN Gcnts' U 39 Calf Slioes, now 3.75 $400 Kungiiroo, " 3.25 $3.50 Culf "Hluchert, " 2.75 $2.75 Calf Slioes, " 2.25 Ladies', Missns and Children'f; have also felt tho CARPETS. $1.50 IWouquetto reduced to $1.35 1.25 Body Brussels " 1.00 85c Tupestry, " U9c 75c " " C2Jc CLOAKS A Ve havo in all about f ifty Ladie rather than pack away we will sell have your sizo, hero is a chance to $1.48 Dress Sliirts reduced to $1.11) $1.00 " " 79c 85c " " 69c 75c " " 59c 50c Unlaundered " 39c We have a large assortment of de of which has not beon considered case of clean out before wo invent Plums Plucked $1.09 Gauntlet Kid Gloves now$1.39 $1.25 " " 98c $1.50 seven book " $1.29 $1.25 " " $1.00 $1.00 " " 79c 8c Scrim reduced to 8c 8c Linen Crash reduced to 5c 9c Dress Gingbains reduced to 0c $2.39 Chenille Table Covers $1 .98 50c Infants' 1'lusb Honnets, 35c Ladies' $8.00 Jlacintoches, navy and black, $5.98. The accumulations of an entiro measnred and ticketed with the pr is not a piece but is set at a very ex UNDERWARE A A. DRYSDALE & Cor. North BENNINGTON. ni mber 31st. and ending Saturday, finn,()iir largoand varied stocks ed quickly. To effoct which we average of ! All 50c Dress Goods reduced to 39c hc 19c 75c Wool Underwear, now 59c 50c 39c Special Job Lot Ladies' 85c Jerseys for 59c. Comfortables. $1.25 Comfortables reduced to 9Sc hfic " " G2c 75c " " 5Uc DSHOES I Gents' $2.50 Calf Slioes, now $2.19 S2.00 Hulf Shoes, " 1.59 $1.50 " " 98c proporlionatoly low. Rubber goods cutin prices. CARPETS. 75c Uest Wool Ingrain, now C2c 00c " " 50c 40o " 30c 35c " " 25c ND CAPES. s' and Misses' Garments, which at half price to close out. If we secure a rare bargain. 25 Linen Collars reduced to 20c " " 15c " " $1.00 neckwear, " 75c " " 50c " " 17c 15c 11c 75c 50c 38o sirablo and popular things, the cost in this mark-down. It is simply a ory, at Random! Ladies' $3.25 Flannel Pleated Waists, $2.75. Ladies' $2.50 Flannel Pleated Waists, $2.00. Ladies' S4 Iland Sewed Boots,S3.25 $2 " $1.09 White Kose Toilet Soap 50c a box 25c Linen Ilandkerchiefs 19 lRi " 12 l-2c 15c " 10c 18c Germantown Yarn 15c a skein. -A.3STTS- season have all been sorted out, ice for piece. Among tho lot Ihero tremely low price. & River Sts.. RKEXSXHESCJ M HQSIERY ! SON, 9 919 9 9 9 99009 999 9999999 40999 999999999 9999 9999 999 25 Boxes re MILLS This week, including sonie River Oranges. Special pr K. R. HA WH0LESALE OUR MESSAGE To shsppers and glft-raakers tn gcncral, is WE HAVE WHAT YOU WANT rorelhoucbt, care'ul study, laste. hard work and llbcral bnying are tho fnctors we cnlled to ouraid loug before you bd cntcrtalned a pnnKlng ihuUKht of tho de mands of far aivar Clulutnina, and nnw we aro rea ly tn sptvo j ou well, meet your wanta, gratlfy your uishet, tatify your taste WITH y GIFTS fnr old and young. As to mattcr of prlcc?, we not only clalm, but wcdo offcr our entire tlock at prices cloe on hnncst goods cin be rold. Wevffer no b.tlts, but mark our nam at an milrorm ncalo of low prices, gulng full valuclorthe money and guaranteclug every arliclo as repre scntcd. E.L.MICHOLS 453 and 457 Main Strect, Kcn ningtoii, Vt. HEADQUARTERS FOR StoTpn. Ringea. IIol Alr Fiirfaces, Iron and Lead 1'lpp, Water Clo.ttn. Bnth Tubs AgatP.TIn. Cni ppr and (!lvmzpd Ware. aud ln Uct every hlniruiuallykeptln a Ilrsi-cUs tin and stove Uore. FIRST nOOP WEST OF THE MF.THODIST OUURCII. BENNINGTON. VT. THE WM. RADAM MICRORF KILLER. The Greatost Discovery of the age. Cnres All Diseases. MRS.11ARYUID30.V. Agent, Bennington, Vt. Test monlali: DiFiiTnEniA cunti) iikao this ArrucTEu iiik's EZrERlENCK Salt i akk ( itv. F. b. 28th. 1891. DearSIrs In lat S- p'pmbpr I lot ihrpe r.HId ren witli tbe ilrralful dleae. rilpbiheila. A ah rt iline aftcrtbU a Uriy friend came lo the nntireori a yl'it. liflmtlng witli hertwo chlldren. Wp expUliipd to ber tlie dnngrr be wm Inrur Ine a tbe il'pae mlght nlll be lurllng In the boii"p. ahhnueh wpbad ilpaned and fnndiratrd totbe ertlre itlfacll-nof the quarantlne pliy elcian 8he delrea to lar nwbile bonever. ai alie badcome Honi" al-tance frm lhB eountry In about week hcr 5-y ar-ntd boy wa tnkpii Ihwii nltb diphtherla I felt vrry raucli pon cern.d. aa my ownexiiprieiee had pmved ao dii Bslrouswlti lhl illi'aoe. havlng lmt all my famlly exrept a baby tblrtv-twd daji old. We bhw a ntatrment In nvwtpaper reuardinir caen nfdlpbthiria that bd hepn curpd by Mlcrobe KCler. We nrocured Ju of No. 3 and gare IIip child half a tuinlilciful of I at otcpnnd tben b1I rloe rery freqoently. Tue chlld eomrorne d tbrowla up tbn raerahrno tb flrit day: the -c-od dar the throit ws clear, in t thn thlrd day thnoblld waaquite well and pUjlng about tbn hnae. F om ha' I liae een of .tho efTrct of Mlcrobe Klllenn ibiaciel am natlidpd ibatbai I nsed itlnoeadof eniployl g two doctum, my cblldren would hare been tarrd. 9S6FlrstSt. C.O.JOUNSOM. Fnbvribed and iworn to before me thUTth day ofMar-b, 1891. IstiL) OEO. D. PYPER. Nntary Pnblle, Salt Lake County, Utab. 919I919I9I9I9I9I 9191 99 9 9 I ceived at the TOiiEl. of those delicious lDdian ices by the box or half box- RT & CO. AND RETAIL. $9$9 S9 SASS.A!3S .4'!!?SS50 m9999999999999999990O9 Si9 900 v3 OWIXO TO THE SEAON UE 0$ 000 000 S0ING VELL ADVAN'. ED MRS 00 000 ' 000 0At McLEOD W1I L STYfilSH 000 90$ 000 0 MlLIilNtRY VEHY LOW. IF IS 00 00$ NF.F.D OF A ST'i LISH HAT OF 00$ 00 550 000 COURSE YOU WILL GO TO 00 !!! THE Fashionable Milliner, S! MRS. FANNY McLEOD. St! J03 OO0 &4S.00004000000000000000099 00000S.500SX55;00S5S 000000000000000 000000AS000 tmtr nimi irt Company. NORTH BENNINGTON, VT. WAST IJTOAKfAKD ASH l'artlea havlnir the ahove for pnl vlll p!ea6 wtlip to u. idyiiig tli" lliicknchS of ilock on hand and bottmn cdi price. C. D. GREEN SLET. HOUSE PAINTING ANL) PAPBIt I do but flrt-clssa work. and gnaranleb ratlf:tcilnn iu nll cnaes. Estlmateu fumltbed on applivatlon. 408 GAGE ST., BENNINGTON SQtllRE "OlTHAIiIMIO OPTICIANS." Wlllfityour defectlro vi i..n wlth prope'ly ad jiikted Bla-e t en pricp than chamen by trav- BOOK BINDING. BOOK BINDING, BOOK BINDING, Magazines bound, Old Books Re-boundi ellnir pp'lciana and ppeciaplp jiPilnlerx, ann inre you bpilel work be-ide InOpllcal work llen Iiingtou C4ii nnw clalm rquillty wlth tbe chiet. BLANK BOOK WORK. BLANK BOOK WORK, BLANK BOOK WORK, RULING, RULING, RULING, Of Every Descrip tion at Banner Bindery, STRAYED."" From tbe Trenor raeadowa. a bay maro, 3 cnming 4 yeani, black polni, ern.H lr In forehrad and double mane; hi-lght about 14 htnd. A suitable rcward 111 be giren for tbe returnerdlacuTeryoftald coli. JOSKril KORWOOD. Pownal, Vt.. ot. Oth, 1892. 2tf