Newspaper Page Text
6 THE BENNINGTON BANNER JFRlDAY', FEBRUARY 24, 1893. TIIK WAU ON l'BSSIONB. nnncrL'Ksmun O'Neill. who misrenro- sen'ta M:s84olnisotts in tho Hational Ilouse lus received solid chunkb o f rzeu trulli in reulv to a lotter he wroto tho Ciiinmaiider of tho Q. A. H. O'Neill is catcliiM it all around as Lo deserves, but for all that tho ilobate p;oes on and it i probablo tho Domocratio Conjress will jiass Bomo such measuro next year should this be stopped bj alio publicau Preslclent and Senatu the Ilouse has pasml it. Tho letter of Com- rnaniler-in-Cliief Wfissert is as followa Phovidknck. Feb. 11th. 18U3. Jlon. Joseph 11. O'SeM, Houne of Reprt stnlalltes. 'axhnjton, D. C. I notico 111 tho moininK papors you quoto moin approvsl of your proposed nmendnifiitH to cxistim: uensious lecis lation alTfctini: ponsions o inraatcs of soliliers' homes. Latur, I reccivcd your letturof lln)4th mnt,. askins ouuorso- mont of somo inti'rviews. said to hava Leen held with mo on that speciflo point. Uncortaiu wliethfr represcutcu or mts renresentcd in that inturviuw, I say to vou that. whilo I am in favor of lccisla tion uivinj,' major portions of pcnsionsof inmatos I hoinrs to his faiully, yet ii liu has no fixaiily, I say lot him liave it all, oven if it amounts to tlftv cents pcr day. For your proposed atiiomlmcnts Rfner ally, as published, I havo no faror. Tlioy aro nll - calculated to rcstrlct bencllts lieretoforo accorded su'vivinR veterans or their wiclows. Your restrictlon to less than SOIX) per year is particularly ob- noxions, beuanso it requircs puuue ac knowledgmcut of poverty. llealth aud lovaltv wero all that Lincoln askcd of us when you wero a babo and wo wcre bat- tniiR to preservo a uotigross xor you 10 sit in. I commend for your considcration tho words of another f-ou ef Massacliusetts, as ho voiced tha country's estimato of tho services of tho founders ot the Re public, who wero survivors in his tirao, I lefer to Wcbster. Yiur warfaro in ad vanco on who, in the provldencoof God, may become soldiers' widows, is uttqrly repuguaiit to oven average man hooil. lu tho body of which you aro a liiurnbf r, sits inauy a man who foujjht us man fashion, opcn and above, frontface. Gordou, his faeu Koamed with tho track of Union lead; Butler, slinrt ono lcg; Wheeler, tho wild riiler wlio gavo us so little rest, aud thatsturdy flghtor, Mooro of Texas; they wero line of'battlo sol diers in time of war; but I hnzard tho prediction uonc of thom could belnduced to lead in such a flght as you aro mak iiiR. You cry out airainst tho sum total of tho annual appropriations for pcn sions, and capitaiists and cowards com pnse tho majoritv of thuse who applaud. Figure tho total of all pensions fro.n 18(5.) to 1S93 and it is a littlo more thaa the araount paid iu tha samo tlme for in terest alwne to tho bondholders. Ho bought his bond always below par, at times as low as thirty-cight. The men I now havo the" honor to command and thoir deccased comradcs eudorsed thoso bonds with their heart's blood, and by their valor put tliem on tho road to par and at a premluin in tho flnancial inarts of tho world. With tromcndous uuan iraity thoy stood for honcst monoy ia peace.insistins; that Unclo Sam'sproniise to be bondholder should bo rcdeemed at 100 cents ou tho dollar with all iuterost, and payablo in Kold. Tho next Prcsideut of tho Unitod States rocs into offlce, having becn votcd for by liumlrals of thousands of veterans. I havo no criticism for their course, Tho soldicr carned the right to voto as ho pleased bo it Democratic, Itepubltcan or I'opulist. If somo of them, advanced in years, enfeeblcd hj discase, saw flt to totter to tho pollsand voto tho Jlucwump tiuket, that is their rlKht. But I beg you to ston this warfaro which will drivo ij - ... oinor matters gcnnane to our systera of gov crnment and tend to weld thom into an early solid politlcal raass. Your present course, persisted in, rcnders that nearly inovitablo in ray opinion. (isigned) A. G. Wkisskkt, Commander-in-Cliief G. A. K, 'Ihi ! .Tluutu for Vu. It has been truly said that half tha world does not know how tho other half lives. Comparatively few of us havo perfect health, owing to tho nanuie con dition of our blood. But we rub along from day to day, with scarcely a thought uniess iorced to our nttcutlon, nl tlio thousands all about us who aro suffering from scrofula. salt rheum and other seri ous blood disordcrs, and whoso agonics can only bo imagined. Tho marked suo ccss of Ilaod's Sarsaparilla for tlieso troubles, as shown iu our adrcrtising columns frcqucntly, certainly secms to justify urging tho ubo of this excellcnt medicine by all who know that their blood is disordered. Evory claira in bo lialf of Ilood's Sarsaparilla is fully backcd up by whatthe mcdicino has doae and is still doing, and when itsproprietors urgo its merits and its uso upon all who suf ferfrom impure blood, in greator small dcgrecs, they cortainly mean to ineludo you. MILI.IONAIRK AND BILLIONAIRE. Tho raillionairo has given us great tel cgraph, railway and newspaper systems; WO now want thn hiliionnirn ta lmrnoaR clectricity to our productivo machinery,. niuuii BiiHii Biiu lunnor lersen tlio cost of production and transportation, so that wo may havo still further advanco in wagcs, reductiou in prices and larger re sources to call upon for public improvc ments; that laboiers may work fowor hours a day, nad live forty miles from their work. Tho socinl city, with its theatrcs, libraries and cultivatint in flucnco shall bo removed from tho dln and dirt and humdrum of tho commor cial and workshop citv; and this ad vance will necessitato tho replacing of tha tcnement rookories by profltablo business structures, and thus abolish ex-istingtcncment-liousescondittons, whinh are the great stigma upon modcrn city lifo. This process has already begun. Willionaira capitallsU are bnllding liOBses, and everyoue is built on an im proved plan, so that tlio now toncmcut hous- has more improvoments than dld the houes of tho wcalthy fifty years ago. Soclal Economta. 2,328.072. These flgures repreent the number.o bottles of Dr. Klng's New Discovery for consumption, coughs and colds, which wero sold in tho United States from Maroh. '01 to March, '02. Two millions, two bundred and twenty-elghtthousand. six hundred and seventy-two bottles sold in one year, and each and every bottlo vim sold oa x positive guaranteo that money would b refunded if satlBfactory results dld not follow its use. The se cret of its succoss is plain. It mverdis appoints and ean always be rclied upon as thn very bestromedy forcoughs.colds, atc. Prlce COo and $1. At C. D. Gibson's drugstore. Watari Klta8hima, a Japancso Har vard student, said the ther day In an addrcss in Koston that "tho Japancso of to-day are suffering frora religious dys pepsia they kavo had so many kindg stuffed into thom." ChildrerY Cryfor PitcheiJt3 O.storla COFFKE, AND COFFEE t Kauy who talk lcarnodly about coffeo aud its niaicing navo semom, u over, tastcd pure coiloe. All tlicy know is a moro or less strong infusiou of chickory, adultcred with a portlon of coffeo. I lteard of a connoisseur oneday who made tho lives of his wlfe and coak a bunlcu to them by rcason of tho coffen broucht to him in his oirn houso. In splto of tho most caroful making and tho mostabso luto purity his ilocha was nover riht At last, in clesperation, his wife askcd him if lio ovcr u'it his coffeo to his taste. "Oh, yes; tho club. They mako it thcro richt cuoush," wus tho answer. Drivcn to hor wits' end, the lady con sultcd with her cook and flually sent the lattcr to tho club to lcain tho "propcr way to mako coffee." As tho absMlutc purity of tho coffeo was ono of tho points iusisted on as csseutial by her mastcr, tho coak studied tho coffeo used in pre paring her niaster's iufusion, and her scnso of smell spcedily taught her that his so-called "pure coffeo" was largely mixcd with chickory Tho cic cou flrmed her opinion and she went honio. Tho coffeo was made and for tho Ilrst time gavo perfect satisfaction. She was sent for by hcr master aiid congratulated on tho cliango in tho preparatlon, whero upon 8ho answcred quietly: "Please, sir, it is not tho making I havo chaugcd, but tho coffeo. You require chicory with your coffeo, that's all 1" I beliovo noth ing short of ocular demonstration satis fiud hcr master that it was actually tho purity of his hnme-mado soffco that dis gusted him. London Queen. W1IAT OUltKD II 161? Disttirbtd.dUturbeil; trith paln opprcsicd, No fl-cp, no rrat; wliat a dr-dful nejt Sucli terron thui ei snarcd him? Djrp-pla all nMit. alldujr. It rrllr Keemeii had oomn t dUy; Troy, (iueis jou men, wliat cured lilinf It was Dr. Pierce's Golden Mcdical Discovery. Thatis the gioat curo for lieadache, scrofula, dyspepsia, kidnoy disease, llvcr complaint and genoral de bility. An iiiactivc livcr meaus poisoucd blood; kidney disorder mcans poisoned blood; coustipation raeans. poisoned blood. Tho great autidoto for impuro blood is Dr. Pierco's Goldeu Medical Discovery. Actiug.directly upon tho af fectcd organs, rcstores tliem to their aor mal condition. Tho "Discovery" is gwranteed to benelltor cuie iu all cases of tllseaso for wlilcn It s rccommenucu, or money paid for it will be promptly ro fuuded. CUSTKIC AND HIS MEN. "Poor Custerl" said ono of his men. "I followed him througli a great part of the war of tho rebnlliou as a privato sol- dier. I followed him afterward in v,v rious canacities during his warfaro on tho frontier. Yes, and to-day, u I shonlu see tlie ceneral astrule lus Kentncky thoroughbrcd, seatcd as no mao ovcr sat on lus liorso betoro or siuco, should I catch tho glint of the sun on tho mlghty sweep of that sabro of his, and see tho yollow hair fiying straight as ho dashed along, I could notrcsist the temptation to seizo a poker or a hatchet or au nx-han-dle. jump astrido that old mare of mino and follow him for bottor or for worse. "And no soldicr of Custer's over did more than follow him. Ho was a leader of his nieti not a driver a cavalicr cen eral, who asked no man to go whore he daro not tako tho lead and as tho dan ger becarao groater Uuster was suro to bo just so much further in front of tho column. Tacticiaus havo censurcd him for that. and nerhans ho would havo becn with us to-day had he abandoncd it. Ilut he was a dashing soldicr, aud would rathcr chargo upon an enoiny out numburing him twcnty to ono than seek vantago grouud or lay siego. Ho be lieve(l it to no lctTbuT few opportunities co by. pro- vided he thought tho enemy worth tho nietal of his troopers. "(jusicr nad tlie most unbouuded fa tli in the rank and Qlo of his rcgiment, but nover reposed tho lcast confldeuco in his subordlnato ofHcers. IIo gavo liisper sonal attcntion to the miuutestdctails of iiis command, saw that overy trooper iiaii nis iiiu auowanco oi rations and clothing, and saw, too, that the men at- tentlcd just as carefully to the nhysical wants of their horscs. IIo would neror uike the word of captain or lioutenant ou such matters. For that reason the subordlnate commissioned ofQcers hatcd him just as hcar'tily as tho men loved uim. 110 lnsisted always on bcing auso luto m his coinmaud. "But how tho boys loved that manl Their dovotion was flttinclr dcmon- stratcd in an incideu in tho general's last battle on the Littlo Big Ilorn. The 200 troopers of tho so entli cavalry knew thoy wero hopelessly outuumbered by an caemy better armcd than themselvcs. Eight cavalry men broko through the In dian lines and gained aneigliboiing bluff. Thoy wero practically nut of dangor, for tho lino horscs which tho sovcnth wcre then equipped with could laugh at the bcst Indian ponies. But thoy halted on tho bluff, and, looking back, saw their leader hemmed in on all sides by the savago cneniy. Ono said: 'Boys. wo can't do this?' and alighting, placed his carbiuo against his liorso's head and shbt him dead. Then he quietly reloased his l-ovolvers from the saddle, and, thnuting them into his belt. started down tho slopo. Tho romaining seven "followed suit, and tho littlo band was annihilated in an attempt to gain their leader's side on foot All but ono was killed, and ho, bolng a half-bretd, tho second son of Tiioophlle Bruguier of this country by his first wife, thedaughterof WarEaglo, escapcd slaiiL'hter, the infuriatcd Sloux payiug no attention to any but palefaces. Bruguier and I wero friends, and lio told mo the incidunt the second day aftor tho tight." Stoux City Journal. WOMEN WANTED. Betwecn the agcs of flfteen and forty flvo. Must havo palo, sallow complox ions, no appetite, and bo hardly ablo to get about. All answoring this dcscrip tlon wi'l plcaso apply for a bottlo of Dr. Pierco's Favorite Prcscrintion: take it regularly, accordlng to dircctions, and then noto tho genorally improred condi tion. By a thorough courso of sclf-trcat' mont with this valuable remedy, the ox tremo cases of uorvous nrostration nnil debility peculiar to wotncn, aro radically cured. A written guaranteo to this cnd accompanics ovory bottlo. "A FOKKItUNNKK." Tho dcath of Dr. Marvin Green. Prnl. dcnt of tho Wcstcrn Union Telegraph oiupaiiy, io.-uis iuo ussion Journal to cpitoBiizo his lifo and tho stens taken tn build up the great monopoly of which ho was me neaa. it oegins by saying that "Dr. Green represrnted a peculiar tvna of organizer of which tho business an- uais of tlus country now contain so many consplcuous oxamples. IIo camo into nctivity just ab ut tho timo tho movemcnt toward consolidation was be ginning to make itself felt amnag tho railroads. Old Commodoro Tandcrbilt had qult tho watcr and was trying his hand at the crcatiou of tho New York Central out of tho dozen links which made tin the lino bctween Now York city and. Buffalo. Tho trunk linos, liko Children Crytor Pltchor't Casttrla. tho Baltimore and Ohio, tho Eiie and tlio Pennsylvania wero coralng to tako dofiuilo form. The spirit of combination was in tho air. Frora the first Dr. Green was n firm beliover in tho prxctical util ity of Prof. Morso's iuvontfon. But the manner in which it was handled practi cally destroyed all of its chances of com mcrcial sueccss. Tho patonts wero scat tored. Thelincs wcre pnorly construoted and tho tcleirniph systom was witliQUt any unlty. Messeges which wero to tro beyoad tho initial lmo wer'e delaycd, until the publio lost faith in the cffi-ciency- of tho sorvice. It was then that Dr. Green orgauized a syndicato and hought tho Vorso Liue botween Ciucin nati and New Orleans, and tlie rival line Kiiown as tho Pcoplo's. This was tho beglnning of tlio oliminatlon of corapeti tion from tho telegraph business. Thcso llnes wero corablucd into tho Southwest crn Telegraph Qompany. Tliis movo wns carrled another stago, wheu, through the iaclueiico of Dr. Green, an offonsive and dofonsivo nlliauco was formcd amang the leading telegraph corapanies. Thoso in tlio compact wero to exchango but wero to liandlo tho messagos of no lines out sido tho membership. Tlie territory was dividcd betwecn thom and steps takeu to avoid encroachmuut. Tho flnal stase was tho consolidation of all these luto tho Vestcrn Union Telegraph Company, tlio groatcst corporation of tho kind in tho world. From tho flgures of tho last report it appcars that tlio Wcstcrn Union has ono-third of all tho telepraph mileage in tho world and .andlrs ouu-fourth of all tho telegraph trafiic. "The telegraph certainly is one of tlio lines of business in which unity of man asemont and sci vice has proved a great advantago, so far as public convenienco is conccincd. It is almost of neccssity a monopoly, and thcrein lies one of the strongcst argumcnts urged for the Gov ernmont control of it. Tho Wcstcrn Union managers havo usod their control to reap largo proflts. Telegraph tolls hcro aro in exccss of thoso in the leading countrics of Europo. At tho bamo timo, tho rcsponsibilltics iuvolved in tlie Gov ernmeut's taking Control of tho tele graph aro ho serious, the difflulty in drawing tho line wheu a step iii that di rcction is taken is so great, that thoso who urgo it must show that it is tho only courso opcu for tho protcction of tho intcrcsts and convenienco of tho public." ItH YOU 11 OWN DdCTOR, Itwon'tcost you ono-half. as much. Do not dclay. Send threo 2-cent stamps for iiostago, and wo will send you Dr. Kauftnan's great work, ilne colored platcs from lifo, on disease, its causes, and homo curo. Addrcss A. P. Ordway & Co., Boston, Jfass. 1IOW JOUKNaI.I.M PA1S. It is now going on to ten raonths since I began to writo for tho papers. I am about to engago mysclf to a farracr, to how wood for him at Ti cents pcr cord, honest measure. My first story was in tho shape of a tracedy, baseu on eating lobstor salad aud ice cream for supper tho uight of its u-oduction. I sent it to tho postofhce jy liexanna, my wifo. I lauked the courago to go myself, tho postmaster has such a scarchiiic eyc. Boxanna, who is nervy, askcd tho postniaster how many stamps wero nccded for tho first cdition of hcr hnsband s brains. Tho post mastor replled only ono. He grinned sarcastically as ho atiswered. The story was declincd. My naxt attempt was a humoroas sketch on tlio milkman, who, mlstaking Saturday for Suuday, ieft honcst railk on tho wrong day. This liad a great run through tho mails. I sent it to a dozen papors. I was soraewhat comfortcd, howerer, by tho note one editor i-ent mo. -rranam hoTVOUld llavo acccpteatnoTiii,i-. clo with nleasuro; the only thiug that liindered him was tho thought that his milkman might take offcuco. Then I tried writing for tlie agricul tural press. I wroto leugthyand luarncd cssays on how to bccomo a successful farmer. baned on my cxpcrieuce of a snmmcr on Cspo Cod, whero I raisedono busliel of nico notatocs from tno bushels of secd, and other artlcles of a liko na- tuio taken from my owu expcrienco. These articles were acccpted and printod and coiiod; here was my forto, I liad at last struck it rich, so I coutinued to write. In slx months aiy stamps gavo out, my paper was used, ray mk got so low I had to water it, and I began to wonder if tho cditors wero nover going to send mo a chcck, which I had confi dently expected overy day. Finally I becarao desperate. Itoxanna and I wero living on half rations like a shipwrcckcd crow. Our ilourbarrel was nearly empty. I wondcred if I could water that, Koxanna said no, 'twouU mako paste. Wo didn'tcare to eat paste. at least not quito yet We might havo to como to it, tuougn. I mastered up my courago, which is seldom above zcro, and wroto firm yet rcgretfui letters to tue agncultural cdit ors. In tho courso of a weck or two I rcceived auswers; they mocked mo, thoy lauglied at rao. "What," they said, "ex- pect nav? Ha. lial Why. man. you ouglit to pay usl Ilaven't you had honor enough in seeing your namo in print pay lndeed." I was souclchcd. so was Koxanna. It's a case of liowing wood with me or eating paste. 1 tbiak i'U new. I was very much troubled with indi gestion, wind or gass in stomach, and sorcness across my bowcls. I used Dr. Deano's Dyspepsia Pills and experienced almost immcdiato rclief, and vtry soon was ontirely cured. Gkokok N. Wood, Baggago Agcnt, P. R. II., Bordontown, N. J. CO-OI'EltAriON AMONO FARIIRU8. Co-operatioa appcars to havo proven a failure witli the farraers of North Caro llna. A dlspatch from Ilalcigh annouuces tho collapso of a largo nuraber of tho storcs which wero established in that Stato by tho Allianco. and tho loss of tho funds invested in tliem. These stores wero started a fow years ago, whcn tho co-oporative movoment was strong, and wero owned by stock compaaios of farra ers. Their purpose wns to soll all kinds of goods tn tho mombors of the Allianco for less than tho samo ariiclos could bo nurchascd of other mcrchauts. It is said that thoy genorally did that; but tho bottom of tlio trcasury has been reached, and failurcs aro now reportcd all over tho Sta'e. In somo cases thcro appcars to bo difHcnlty in fixing tho lia bility of tho stockholders and of tho pro moters. and tho tanglo which will follow is likoiy to bo an expcnsivo ono to the, farmcrs. Without doubt thcre aro thoso who will regard this as a fresh proof af the inadequacy of tho princlplo of co-onera-tion. Certainly co-operatlon docs havo its Hmitatlons, but the collapso of thoso atores cioos not mark them. Tho wholo experimoat was doomcd to failure from the start. Tho farinors of New England havo becn through with it aud thoy know tho defects of tho scheme. A few yoars ago ovory rural coramunity liad lts "L'rantro" sloro, but u is with difDculty that ono is ta be found now. In tlie first place, in order to succeed the managers ot these cnterpriscs must bo men af moro than avoraco abllltT. , Ther I do not liara the clemonts of nersonal in- I tercst to Btlrnulate them to cfose calcula- ! tion aud alanulug; nor is thero tho chanco of largo proflts to cover short comings. But fow of these farraers' co oparativo storcs evcr iad such managors at the kead of thom. Inforior men had to bo selcctcd as tho salaries offered wero not enougli to attract othcrs. The farm ors apparently thought that what was saycd in that item was so much clear gain. As an illustration, at tho forma tion of ono of these companius tho prop osition was mado to pay tho naangcr a thousand dollars a year; but tho major ity of tho stocklnddcrs inslstcd that such a sum was more money than thoy mado themselvcs, was moro than it was worth. and so thoy fixed it at sevcn. hundred dollars. As a result thoy got a seven hundred dollar inan. Again, in raost cases tlio storcs aro poorly organizcd. Tho farrners aro mado the vletlms of "sharpers" rcnlly, if not litorally. With out expcrienco in trado themselvcs and without tlio foresiuht to put their cnter prise into the hand of au oxpert, thoir want of sueccss was a forcgouo mattor. Co-operatien has proven a s'uceess in England aud Franco whero tho satno tal ont has been givcn to it that has been ci vou to other great corporations. It has been a failuro among American fanaers for tho lack of that. SIMIIMNO A OOOO STOUV. "An ancicnt Persian king,' said tho doctor, "had brought beforu him a trai tor to tho throiic, who, after nbrief hcar ing, was condoinned to ba strangled. '"Mcicy, 0 king!' cried tho unhappy man. "'No,' resnonded tho king, sternly. 'You havo consplrcd against mo. and you must pay tho penalty with your life. Tho clock is now tremblingon tho stroko of 12; wheu it sounds tho bouryou must bid farowell to earth.' "Quick us thought tho prisoner turned to the clock, which stood by tho throno, and with a mlghty push throw it from tho pcdestal aud it fell with a crash to tho noor. " 'I bow to your will, O king!' bo said. calmly. 'When this clock strikcs I will dic, and not beforo.' "As a tributo to his prescnco of mind tho king spared the prisouor's lifo, and, aftor a briof imprisonment, gavo him his liberty." "Quito as intercsting as tho other," oxclaimed a lady when the narrator had tiuishcd. "Shows that thero is nothiug now un dei tho sun," chimsd in another. "numph yes," said a small, quiet man iu tho- carncr, after tho cominunts had run their course. "Very good story and I hate to spoil it, but I niustdo it." "Yes; munt do it. Thero wero no clocks in ancient Porsia, so tho prisoner could not havo sraashcd ono." London Tid ViU "I havo tried Salvation Oil in my fam ily, on a broken aud dislucatcd foot nnd can recommcnd it to any one as a good Hniment. JIis. William Tolley, Joplin, Now books of tlio season havo a re llcious prcdomiuauce which pcrhaps sig nifles tho presenco of Lent and appraach of Easter. It is rathcr rcmarkablo that roligious novels no loncor anpear. Thoy camo in numbers at ono timo, but having wrought their work seomcd to loso the publio intcrest. That truo friend to all suffering with calds and coughs, Dr. Bull's Uough Syrup( will always help and never disap point'you, as other cough remedics do. TJioro is a traco of humor as well as enthusiasra in Gen. Weaver's elaim that the Populists cannot bo called a sectitn wiiicn poueu votes in every atate last Noverabor. This fact, howover, is as lio states it, though Vermont camo near be ing an cxception, as it gavo him only ioriy-mree voics. Wm. McCarthy, 122 E. 8th St., Ciucin nati, Ohio, writes: "I used Dr. Bull's Uough hyrup in my family with cood re sults." Wo recominaud it to all heads of farailies as tho bcst. In viow of tho eagerncss which tho nations manlfcst to Incrcase their stock of gold it is reassuring to know that the sunnly of gold from tho South African fleids is increasing rapidly. It has neaily quadrupled In four years, tho outputin lBsu i)oing;wy,oo7 ouuces aud in ltfna, 1,' 215,804 ouuces. Found tho reason for tho great popu larity of Ilood's Sarsaparilla dlmulv this: Hood's cuiies. Be suro and got 1100D s. The Australian ballot bill, which is under considcration in tho Alabama i,eg- lsiaturo, umers trom au otliur southeru measurcs of tho kind in makinc provi sion for assisting illitcrato voters to voto. Evidently tho how Mississippi plati is thought to bo open to somo objectlous, STltKNOTlI AND IIEAT.TU. If you aro not feeling streug and healthy, try Electrio Bitters. If fa Grippt has lcft vou weak acd weary, use Eluctric Bitters. This remedy acts di- rectiy on nvcr, stomacu and ividneys, gentfy aiding thoso organs to perform their functions. If you aro aflllctcd with sicic iicadaciie, you will lind speedy aaa: permanentrelief by taking Electric Bit ters. One trial will conrinco you that this is the remedy you need. Largo bot tles only 50c at C, D. Gibson's drug storo. Uniess thcro is a suddcu chango of mind among the Domocratio lcaders in Uongress, tlio groat naval rcviow m Harnpton Itqads aud Now York Bay noxt April. to which tho lloets of tho wholo world havo been invited, will havo to bo abandoncd on tlio iiumillating pro tcxt tliac Unclo Sara can't atTord to pay tno bins. Laite'iFumllT Uedlclaa Hoynathe ltoweli Each day. Most neonlo nccd to uso it. Edison prcfers womcn machinists for tho dclicato details of his clectrical in vcntions. Hoaysthoy havo more flne senso about machinery in ono minuto than tho inostof mou in their wholo lifo timo. iDislodee BUe. Stir up the Liver, Curo Siok-Headaohe, pemale Ailments, Remove Disease aud Promote Good Health. Oorered with aTaittlcn & Bolnbla Ccttinj. Famous the world over. 3 i 01 all drueE'uti- Frice 25 ccnti a box. j J New Vorlc Depot, j6i Canal St. i "THELAD WH Burrell'e Sarsaparilla Y M9 111 e44 ETtrybodv h atlnit It Whvt Bcausa It cont ilie old-fttshloned tjarnparillai on tho inarket good. WE OrATtANTEE acourft (8 bottle)to Iflo TAnr and Unmrr rnmr. such an lenrMl Deblll Uolls. Ulct-r. nillloiHn'fS Sypbllll', DycDep'la, tlsm. NiruralRia. IWithiV Di-f.-e. Dropny. Hmn llte. Pimplej, Uizz ncm. t'alus In tlie liacW and Kl HfUS or tlred feeling, DMurbed Sleep, Kidney AS A FEMAL ft tand pre e mlnently at tha head of all mtdlcin wlmle rntem. Oet a bottle of Sarttpavllla, Yellow Dock and not benelltted by It, wr!i u, clvlnir u thn mme ygu ANOTUEUBOrTLE KltEC OF C1IAI GE JhS5 IF NOT ENJOYING OOOD I1E LTII, HE HENRY T. BURRELL, EXTRACT ESTABLIS , ALL DEALEItS SELL IT. WE Price. $1.00 Per Bottle, JA8. EL SDCCESSOItTO MIL I SELL TUE CErEuItATED CLOYES' FOK LADIES' F1NE FOOT-WEAR. ALEO, EST. MEWS AND CHILDREN'8 SUOES OF 09MAIN 8TREET, CE1ETER OF ALL KINDS SOLICITED, AT LOW PRIGES. WILLEX CHANGE FOR OTHER PROPERTY. WRITE H. T. EATON, West Ailington, Vt. 18 CENTS PER POUND. Z TRY IT. WRITING PAPER ! 20 CENTS PER POUND. -4 S I I I I I I I I I LU - ALL TAKE IT" A.T? ellow Doc.k and Gelery. 5JK5 talnn tbren time as much tadicln ai moit f (at tlio samo urlce,aod does them the cioil yoa. If roa are ufTerInefroia diiareaof the blood ly, 81' Ilhum. ScrotuU, Erynp-lai, Vslnrla. Indlrestlon, fongtlpatloa. KlnR-H EtII Uhnm- r. Imnotency. tSkm VmpilDni Ix of Appe diierx. ireadichr. N'erTniiBiies. Oi-aeral WeaW Troubles, Urniary Tioubles of all kind. E 11EGULATOR, al preparatloni. Glre trength and vlgor to th Celery of TourJIedlclne Dealer, and If you ara of tlie dealcr you bouglit lt ol, ard we will send 3S& ND FOIt BOOK OF TE3TIMONIAL8. , Sx50 COMPANY, Boston, Mass. IIED 1848. WANT AGENTS IS EVERY TOWN, 5S5 6 Bottles for $5.00. MIXjLER, LEIt & WILLIAM8. isik: emporitjm 0- UTICA SUOES, WniCU ARE NOT EXCELLBD SHOES OF LOWER QRADES lO THE CIIEAP ANY QRVDE OR STYLE. SPECIALTY. BENNINGTON, VERMONT. 23 Y WORg A A A A 5l t) A A IUJJ II