Newspaper Page Text
THE BENNINGTON BANNER, FRIDAY, MARCH 31, 1893. SENTIMENT VERSUS JUSTICE. A case that ba attpacted a great deal of attention for tlta past jear and," moro especially, durins the last two montUs, is tliat of tho convitted wifo murdorer, Carlylo W. Harris, of New York. aid there is a stronc probability that a pub lic tscntimcnt may bo created in his be lialf BufBcicnt t procure a commutatiou of his sentence to imprisonment for a longeror shorter term, from GoTernor Flower. Harris marricd a young ad accora plishod girl while sbo was still attcnding Bcliool, aud persuadcd hcr to keep the marriage sccrot, on tho usual pretense that the announconiont of it would somo how interfeie with his prospcctivo ad Tancoment in his carcer, and would not meet tho approyal of his friends and family. lt waa shown, conclusiTely, at tho trial, that ho repeatedly deceived his Younj; wife and her mother, that he was mtending and expecting to bo marriod to another lady of wealth and soqial poaition, if he could rid himself of tho lscumbrance of his present wife, aud was hcartless and cruel in his treatment of tho youug aud trusting woman who loved and marricd him. The wifo diad suddenly and nayster iously, at the house whcre she was at tending school, and was buried without any aeknowledgmant, on ths part of Harris, of his relationship to hsr. Sub sequently snspiclons wero arouscd,. an investigation was rnade, the ovidqnco of the marriago was preionted, it was proreu thathar death was due to an oyordoso of morphine and that tho pro scription for tho pills, which wore tho cause of her death, was written and given to bw by Harris. Thero wero many othor incideats teuding toconuect Hanis with the dsath of his wife, all of thera, of cottrso, largely circumstantial, but all Bhowmg the falsity of his owu professions of innocenco. Harris was defonded by ono of tho ablest crimlnal lawyers of tlie country, befoio a jitdge of uuimpoacbablo charac tor aud abilitv, and was found guilty of murder in tho tirst degrce, by a jury of at lcast arerage iutelligenco andfairness. Siuce his conviction his oouusel has einplvred ovorj possibla legal mcans to BecMi'ua rotbrs.U of th verdiet, but tho justiee of it, on the ovideuco prcsontod, lias been aQirmed by tho soTeral Courts of Review. Failiag in theso efforts his lawjurs aptriied for a new trial, on the grouiul of newly discoyered evidonco, and tlmir application waa given au cx hauliTB examiuation by Recorder Smythe, who doclmed to grant it. Tha grouud of the application appears to bo based upon tho uriduucB, largely hear say, that the wife waa addicted to the uso of ubium, and that her death was theiesultof her owu carelessnsss, or worie. During the pondeucy of thesa pro cuediugs, Ilarris has been a frequent con; tributor to the daily and Sunday papors of New York, upon diffurent aubjects, and ha, also, mado iopeatcd and eto phallc prutestations of his innoccncu, and appeaU to publio help and sympathy. It would be cruelly unjust to judgo af tbejwords or actions of a raan standing, as does Harris, under tho shadow of gallows, by ordlnary standards, but few cau have road his letters, eithcr withrof erenco to his own caHo, or upon other aubjects, without some feoliug of dis trust as to his honesty and sinceritr. Theluvlng, derotod and broken-heart-ed mother of tho convicted murdorer, has exhausted all her own means and all tho inlluonce sho could exert in bchalf of her son, of wheao entire iunscence sho is fully convinccd, and her prcsent ap lieals for holp in prevcnting tho oxccu tiou of thu sentence upon lior boy are full of pathos. An appcal is to bo mado by Harris' couiisol to Goveruor Flower for exccu tire clemoucy, and thia appcal is to be reinfoiced by a monstor potition in that bchalf. It is suggcstcd, also, that a masa meetiiiK bo held to protsst against the exeeution of Ilarris, in whicii prool nent clergymen and humantalrians aio to participate. It is, of eourso, inflnitoly to be pre fcrred that this man should not sulfer the extremo penalty of the law. if there is any leasouable doubt as to iiis guilt, but sympathy for him, and pity for his unhappy mother, should not entirely eiTace or take tho place of tho claima of justiee in bshalf of tho loring, trusting Echool girl whoto life was taken to servo his seliish purpose, acd tho mother of tho rnmdered girl has equal claims upon human sympathy. Noitlier should tho opinion of a thou eand, or ten thousand, raen and womea, who have, at best, but the most supcrfi cial knowledue of the case, eutwcigli the judgement of tho judges and juy wlio lieuid tho ciitiio eviduncc, or who havs, since the trial, given tho tcstimony im partial examination. Tho assertions of Harris that tho Dis trict Attornsy who prosecuted tho case, and the Judge who tried it, wero inilu enced by a desire for his life, is unworthy a momcnt's cousidcration. It maj be taken for grantcd that tli' propost'd'betition will ho largely signed, and that the meetiug, if held, will be fully attended. Thero is a certain amountof tsaudlin sentimcntality always at the servicc of a convicted murderer, And the more cowardly his crime, the moro nurnurous the expressions of this unraerited and wholly unworthy sym pathy. It is far easicr to sccure moncy to dcfend a murderer than to defend tho just rights of his victim, and so it re auires little effort to obtain signatarcs to an application for pardon, while the inuoctnt sufferers lie in unmarked graves. But none tho less, tho dcmand of jus tiee ihould not be wholly lost sight of in tho outpouring of maudlia sympatby. St. Albans Messenger. TREBLE AND BASS. "Twinkle. twinkli, little atar, IIow I wnder wbat you are." In trrble netl ri'ed little Grace. "Catorrh. catjirrh, catarrh, catarrh, WLttt a horrld pe(t jou are:" Qrowled dear papa in loweat basa. When papa reads this, he will learn how t get rid of the pesf By its mild, healiug, autiseptic antl cleanslng prop erties, Dr. Saee's Catarrh Cure Bemtdy cures tho worst casefl. This infallibla renedr does not, liks the poisonous, ir ritatin'g 4nuffs,"oreams" and strong caus ticioiutions with which tho public. hate becu so long huinbuggcd, siraply palliate for a hort timo, ordrivo tho disease to tho luugs. It produccs a perfect and permancnt curo of tho worst cases of chronic catarrh. "Cold in the head" cuted with a few applications. Catarrh hoadache relieved and curod as if by magio. It removes offenaivo breath, losi or impairmcnt of the senso of tastc, smtll or hearing, watering or weakness of the eyes, and lmpaircd mcmory, when rcsulting from catarrh. OnlyCOconts, by druggiits. Tho createst mistako that a brecder of pure-bred hogs can mako is to tend out inferior Btock. Ho may got a big price for a few fat hogs in this way, but tho loss of trad will be greoter than what bo gains by such transactlons. E. Geuseuloiter, liTeryman, Pitts burg, I'a., cured a raluable horso of in fluenza by using Salration 011 on him fr a fow days. ANOTUEKPLAN. His Grace tho Arcbbishop of Caater bury has givsn his august sanction to a liquor bill drawu up by tho Bishop of Chester and now pouulng lu Parliameut and any-uumber of lonls faror lt. The bill bears tho titla of the "Authrized companies aot," and proposes that inall localities whoro the new companios aro to supplant tho existiug public houses a simplo majority of gbveruroent votcrs aro to have powar to brlug altout such a chango. Iu all sectious whero proliibl tion or nolicense is proposed tho propo sition must hava tUo support of two thirds of all the votcrs. Tan qualifled peraons may form a company whose articles of associatiou aro to be approvcd by tho local board of trade and oue-thl'-d of tho (lircctois raust bclong to or be nominated by tho local authority which is also to appoint ono of tho two auditors. Existiug liceused victuallers, ati'.ording t ths Bishop of Chester, who iutroducod tho bill, will recsivo somo eqaitable con sidoration for belng driveu froin busi ness. After the expiratiou of flvo yoars thero will bo a guneral diminution of licensos. An offort will bo mado to in cludo "clubs" in the operation of tho proposed law. Tho corapauios' carnings aro to be limited to C perceutau invested capitaland surplus prollts will be divid cd botweeu a reserro fund and public objects not now supported by tho gov ernment. lu conuoctiou with tho cora pany saloons or public houses it is pro Eosed to astablish reading rooms, coileo ouses, lib.raries ani other meaus of publio reoreatioa. Tho Duko of W'esbninistor, in aspoech favoriug the bill, declared that tho measuro was eatitlod to popular support, bccausc, in tho tlrit place, 'peoplo wero not to bo deprived of the drink which ao many thought they ought to have," and second "what should rocommeud it to tho tempcratico party" becauao the public hcruses would "bo raducod iu numbor, and, as was shown lu Swedcu aud Norway, tomperatico would bo grcat ly advancsd." "THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE," Uuns tho old saying, and everything that erer rnakes part of any orjan of tho body tnuht reaoh its plaoa thorein through the blood. Therefore, if the blood is iiuulittd aad kept in good condi tiou by tho uso of Uood's Sarsaparilla, it neceijsarily follows that the benetlt of tho tuudicine is itnpurted 'to very organ of tho body. Can anything be siaaplor than the nlethod by which this excelient raedicine givos good health to all who will try it fairly and patioutly? WHAT 13 A WIFE? Tho pretty school teachor, for a littlo divertibemcut, aud askcd lior class for tho best original difinition of "wifo," and the boy in the coruur had promptly reaponded, "A rib." Sho looked at him reproachfully, and nodded to the boy with drsamy oyes, who soemed auxious to say somctuing. "Man's guidlng star and guardian angel," he said, in respouso to the nod. "A helptneut," pnt in a little ilaxon haired gul. "Ono wbo soothes mau in advcrsity," suggestcd a domura littlo girl. "And ipeuda his monoy when bo's flush," addud tho incorrigiblo boyiu the cornor. Thero was a lull', and tho prstty dark oyed girl said alowly: "A wifu is the envy of spintors;" "Ono who makes a mau hustlo," was the noxt susgestion. "And keops him from making a foul of himself," putin another ginl. "Somcone tor a man to iind fault wilii when things go wrong," said asorrowful littlo maiden. "Stop right thoro," said tho protty school teachor. "That's the beit uellui tion." Later the sorro wf nl littlo maiden sidled up to her, and asked : "Aren't you soing to minry thathand some man who calls for you uea ly every daj?" "Ycs dear," she replind, "but with us nothing will nevor go wrong. Hosars so himself." I'loneer Press. PERILS OF MODEUN LIFE. Contacta with electric wirs, railroad accidents,brokon car and elerator cablcs. explosions of steam, natunl gas and chemicals, poisona in adultorated food and drink, are a few; but all theso daa ge rs combinad do not kill as rapidly as slow consumption. The death rato, howere'', lroin consumption, i bcing yearly cutdown sinco Dr. Pierco of Buf falo, N. Y., has given to thi world his celebrated "Golden Hedical Discovery," a cure for consumption and throat and lung troublos that lcad to consumption, if taken in timo and given a fair trial. Tho time to cure consumption (which ia rcally nothing more nor lcss than luug scrotula), is in tho first stages. A cougb gencrally sounds the alarra, and you should take the "Discovory" at onco. Thero ia a time when it is too lato. PRESERYING THE LINCOLN MONU MENT. A movement is on foot ia Illinois to mako tho groundi at Springfisld, whero in lio tho romains of Abraham Lincoln tho property Qf theState, and to do away with a chargo of admission to thom. The property is owaed by a aorporation, which oxacts an admission feo twenty 11 to cents from each visitor. Littlo of this monoy. itis claimed, gees to pro sorro the placo from decay. Both tho sepulchro that contains tho remains of tho martyr President and the monumeat that towers above itarobocomingdilapi dated, while tho grounds in gencral aro in a sbabby condition. lt ia shamcful that a spot so consecrated by patriotic raomorif s should bo allowed to suffar from innttention. It i not less a Bhamo that it should be mado, aa Westcra papcrs freely allego, an objoct of pri vato proilt. The property, including monumcnt and aopulcnro, waa bought by a fund raiscd by publio and privato subscnption, and it would ba only right and proper to placo tham in the posscs aion and caro of the Stato of Illinois. N. Y. Press. A MOUNTAIN OF SILVTJR METAL. Tho bar silvcr now stored i the Uulted States Mint at Philadelphia amounts to 110,000,000 ounees, the largest quantity erer dopositcd in ono placo ia this coun try. This quantity is equal to 0,250,000 pounds avofrdupois or3,125 tons. Load ed upon wagous carryiug ono ton eaoh, and allowing forty fect for each tcam and Tohicle, this mass of metal would mako a proccssion over twenty miles long. Tho quantity ia so great that a new atcel lincd vault,u5 feet long, 8 feot wide and 10 feet deop, has bsen built to accoramodato a portion ot it. Pilcd full from floorto ceiling, howpvar, this new addition holds only 20,000,000 ouncos. As silver bullion is being poured into the Pliilabclphla Mint at tho rato of .1,800,000 ounces a month, it will bo only flvo or nix months when another new vault mnst be built unlcss the purchase of tho white metal is stoppad. Children Cryfor Pitcher'fc CsstorI, COBRESPONVENCE. FROM THE "GARDEN C1TY." Cuicaqo, March 21st, 1S03. To the Edltor of the Iianner.Dnxn Sut: Chlef Allison directs a printad cir cular to American naanufacturers. Exhibitora who intend to make dis plays in the Manufacturers' building ro ceived notice from Chiof Allison, a few days ago, t hurry up and have the ox hibits all in by May 1st Tho buitding is vast and the exhibits aro correspond ingly great. Exhibitors in tho Manufac turers' dopartment, to wbom permits have been issued, aro expectcd to at onco tako posscsslon of tho space as signcd to them, and procced without delay with tho platforms and onclusures; and to propare far tho installatiou of theif exhibits. Tho chief of tho dopart ment and his asslstants will lend all pos Bible aid for tho completion of the work, so that ovorything may be in.readiness for tfio opening on May 1st. Wo have a groat work to perform, and by united effort only, hopo for ultimato succcss. Thero aro forty-six acres of floor spaco to be fllled in thia building (a good many farmers hero in tho West feel proud of a 40-acre farm), aud the gigantic task can roadily be accomplished, provided oxhib ita aro not held baek until tho last min uto. Chiof Allisou has his installation corps under perfect command and pro pared to hustie in oxhibits asfast as they arrive. Foroign countries have their positions and platforms well under way, but, with a fow exceptions, American oxhibitors seom disposcd to put off crcctfng plat forms and show cases until thoy aro forced to do so. Ho says unlcss thoso Amcridan oxhibitors movo moro ranidly they will flnd their spaco conflscatcu. As thoro remains only a vory short titne in which to tako ap spaco, and only until April 10th in which to instal displayi, foreigu countries will doubtless be roady by opening day, but uuless a decidad chauge is forthcoming in tho next woek, American exhibitors will suffer by com parison with oxhibitors from abroad. Treasurer Snborga haa just completod a list of tho stockholaera antitlcd to tick ets to tho Exposition under the agrce mont of 1800 aud '91. Ho has found that 130,000 tickots are duo tho stuckholders and has mado arrangements with Stipor intendont Tuckor, of tho Bureau af Ad missions, that will mako it possiblo to dolivor them botweeu April 15th and May lst. In tho sumraer of 1890 it was do sircd to haro aa much aa possiblo of tho stock paid up in full. It was thun agreed that for overy sharo paid up beforo July lst of that year, two tickots of admission to the Exposition shou'd bo issued. Many took advantago of tho offor and in July it was docided to keep open until Novomber lst, for the bcncflt of thoso holding nnt more than tcn shares oach. Then in 1891 an oitcr waa made to issuo ono ticket for evory sharo paid in full beforo Soptomber lst. Again, asany took advauUge of tho propositioa, and certificates wero issuod showing how many free tickets tho holders wero enti tled to. It Js hopcd that thoso entitled to tickets will flle their demands by April 15th, as it is dcsircd to clean up this busiuess by May lst. The Superintond ent has so far this month issuod 23,000 workniou's pa.i908, of which 12,000 have boen signed oy Dircctor of Wotks Burn ham. It is estimatcd that not loss than li, 000 men wero at work within tho gronnds last weok, and that number will bo coa stantiy incroased, aud by April 15th, not fowor than .50,000 will be cmploycd. This great army of wnrkmen will make instillation casy and insnre tho opuuing of the Pair May lst. ' Fourtecn special cara will be rcquircil to transport tho hugo ploco of machinery which tho General Electric Light Coin pany will ahip to tho Fair during noxt weok. It will furnish iiuid for 15,000 electric lights. More anon. CortP. VT. E. Siiki.T)OK. Conclilns Laadi to Conaainptloa. Kemp's Balsam will stop the cough al once. 47 jl GOOD ROADS A NECESSITY. Col. Albert A. Popo of Boston has for some time beon agitatng the subjcct and iusUting on tho nccasaity of better reads in the couutry. He has, during the past fow months, ondearorcd to do somuthing moro thau agitate, and has procured a monstur petition signed by thousands of tho citizons of tho United States, includ ing Stato officiaU, judgea, lawyers, min istera, and in factmon from overy claas and condition, asking Cougresa llrst, to found in Washington a Ruad Dopart ment, similar to the Agriculture Depart ment, for tho purboso of promotiug knowledgo in the art of constructing aud maiutaiuing roads;aud that in such de partmentprovision be mado for teachiag students te becomo skilled road cngi ueers. It was also iu tho petition that there be prorisinn for au exhibit on tho subjcct at tho Worlu'a Fair, but as tho fair will be over when Cougress again assembles, this part must, natually, be abandoned, although it wuuld luvo boeu a most valuablu addition to tho exhibit. This petition does not intcnd that there shall bo another cabiuot ofticer, nur does it intcnd that road making should bo nndcrtakcn by tho National Govcrnment. Itsimpiy coutemplatcs tho dissnminat ing of information which will tond to improvetho ceneral knowledgo of road making in tho country. That this is a inatter of no 8mj.ll lnomont, tho strong ondoraoment given tho movomcut by mcn who know whereof they speak, is amplo proof. The Messcnger haa beou committed to this movement for a long timo, and has urged its impertanco upon its rcaders times without number, aud it rcgrots that the 52nd Congress did not pass tho measuros rcrjuired to ooraply with Mr. Popo's potition. Tho rcaders of Tho Mcasengcr well knbw tho value of good roads whero they havo been con structcd, but it is a lamcntable fact that thcse picccs of good road aro by far too few, and, in many cases, this is due to a lack of knowledgo of how to mako thom any better. The farmers are fully as much intcrestcd as any one, and if they will sigu potitions and writo the Con grcssman from their district. tho result may, or at leaat should be, tho estabiish mcnt of such a dopartment as Mr. Popo asksfor. S'. -Albans Messcnger. Tho 47th nnnual mcoting of the Grand Lodge of Vermont, I. O. O. F., will bo held in Burlington the third week in May. It is thought by many of tho prominent Odd Fellows to bo advisable to hold a flcld day for tho Cantons in connection with tho mcetimr. which will probably bo arrangcd for in the near luture. i iie eiection ot ouicers ot tno Patriarchls Milltant, which ia held blonnially, will occur during this wcck. It is reportod that inaamuch as tho Kontucky horap crop has beon on tho dcclino for four years, farmers will sow less thaa ovor this year. Betwoen the eloctrocution chair and the rniscarriaso of justiee theso days, hemp stands a poor show. It haa been discovored that the great naval parado and tho oponing of thobaso ball Bcagon in New York hava been as Bigned to the same datt, and tho only thlng that can be done apparently is to again chango tho dato of tho naval parado. It would not do to Iet tho gamo oroaK up uio parauc. STATE NEWS. Rutland boasts of about 700 dogs. Maple Riigar is sclling for 17 cents a pound in St. Albans. St. Johnsbury now boasts of 25 cora mercial travelers as residents. Flfty-one cara of Canadian applca havo been eutcred at St. Albans sinco last Saturday. A meeting of tho school dircctors of Orango county has been called at Brad ford. Thera aro at prescnt 77 prisoners in the Uouso of Correction at Rutland, 11 of wlwm aro women. Mrs. C. C. Poolo of St Johnsbury ro-. coivcd a chcck for. $2000, lifo insuranco carricd by her late husband. Memorial Day has nover been observcd at Williamstown, but $30 has been appro priatcd for that purposo this year. Tho members of the Rutland Modical Club have agreed to raise tho prico of their calls from $1 to f3, af tor April lst. Tho caso of G. W. Buckhata against tho town of Barre, for $30,000 datnages, was decided Tharsday, iu favor of tho defcndant Tho children of tho lato Spencor Smith of .Clarendon havo reccivod $2,200 each from tho cstato of their uucle, John P. Bowman. All but $15,000 of the $100,000 capltal stock of tho Dalton, N. H., electric light plant is taken, and St Johnsbury oxpccts to be heated and lightod by tho syatom. Frod Wheolcr, conductor of a way freight between Northfield and Whito Rlver Junction, who fall frnt tho rear end of his train and struck his head on tho rail, diod from tho rcault of his in juries at his homo in Bethol, Monday. An effort is boing made to induco the Now England Telephone and Telograph Cempany to string a motallio circuit from Rutland to Bellows Falls. About 200 appoaled liquor cases were entcred for thia term of tho Rutland County Court during the last few days. This ia the largest batch of liquor cases ever cntered at one time. These patents to Yermontora are an nouncod: J. W. Carvor, assignor of one half to D. W. Bromley, PawUt,post; G. W. ReDd, Derby, toilet papor holder; J. S. Dodgo, Lincoln, trade mark for touic aud pills. The Greon Mountain Trotting Associ atiou. of Barre, annouiiecs the following pursca for their summer meetinga: May 27th, 3:10 class, $50; 2:50 class, $75; 2:38 clasi. $100; 2:30 clasa, $125; June 23rd, 3:10 class, $75; :50 class, $100; 2:3Schisa, $125; Juno 21th, 3-minuto class, $75;2:15 class. $100; 20class. $150; July 4th,2:50 class, $125; 2:33 class, $150; 2:30 class, $175; July 5th, 3-miuute class, $100;2;45 class, $125; frco-tor-all, $300. Tho Eocutivo Committee of tho Ver mont Methadist Scmiuary haa elected theltev. H. A. Spcncer, of Lawrenco, Mass., finaucial agent of tho institution, and lie will begin his duties the ilrst of May. Mr. Spcncer was formerly a mom ber of tho Vermont Ctniferunce and sorved successfully most o"f its best par ishes. including Montpelier. For the past throe years he has beoti pastor of the woalthiest church lu the city of Lawiunce, Mass., and Is ono of tlio most popular members of that coufereuce. Tho many fricnda of tho seminary havo rcasou to becungratulatcd that Mr. Spen cor h.ia accepted his eb ction. TUE SOLITARY CIIESS PLAYER. In tho uarly half of tho uontury lived a kind, vunerablo Turk. His chaiitablo linpulius unfortuuatoly being limited by uot overabundant meaus, iio had ndopt od tho method df asseasing privately the rich of the land a pcrcoutago of thuir in comes, trusting to his persuasion and llie noblo purposo to collcct tho bourty wherowith to relievo tho sufforing of his fellow-men. So systomaticaliy did ho proceed that he kepthiuibclf iufoimed of tho revenues of the.dilTerontindividuals. and had lien Ali Iost.severely at tho card tablo since his pieceedlng visit, or other ise raet with tinancial roversea. niscon- tribution was lowored, and that of thoso enriched thcrobv correspondiugly in- creascd. Once, when startinc on ono of his rog- ularscmi-aBnual tours of collection and riding througli a donso foreat, ho caaie unou a Turk decplv eimaieU in a soli- tarv gamo of chess. Promptod by cur iusity he reiucd iu his roule, and after a while opened conversatiou by asking who was tho winner. The plavcr was apparently too deepl y intart'sled to noticofhim for a few mo mcnts, then arising with oridcnt disgust Le replied, "I lost." "Vrlio wonV" "Allah." "Allah? How much did you lose?" askcd tho venorablo Turk, in surprise. "Twonty piasters." "And how do pay Allah?" ho contiu- ued. Thereupon tho Turk oxplaincd that it was his daily custom to play a gamo of chess on that socluded spot with Allah as opponent, ho aiono being wortny to to take his losiugs, and that Allah at rcg ular intervals sont an oaiissary in tho form of somo travoler to aollect tho bounty duo him. In this instauce it was uudoubtodly the persou boforo him, aud accordingly ho haudcd ovor his purso contiining 100 piasters, tho losiugs of flvo gaines. Mucli picasod witli this unoxpcctcd coutribution to his fund, and mentilly resolving to como by tho same way on his return trip and collcct Allah's fur tlier dues, the vouorable man rodo on. Returning after au iuterval of flvo days ho again foll iu witli tho ccccutrio chess player. "Who won to-day?" ho asked, aa tho other rose. "I won to day," waa the roply. "How much did you win?" "Yoasec," was tho explanatiou, "Al lah is a much better player thau I. When I lose, it coata me 20 piasters; when I win, I get 1000 piastors, and Allah al ways promptly sends au omissary tj pay his debts. Pay up, old mau." With these words, and lovelling a pair THE ONLY WAY To curo diieiuos of tba skln such as salt rheum, cczomu, pimples, bolU, hlotchcs, ulccrs and sorcs, is by the usc of Dr. David Kennedy's Favorito Rem cdy. " 1 used numliers of so callcd blood puriuers. Iwrites Mrs. Bclinda Hod- Msdon,Haverhill.N.H.,with SQELi?out beneflt. until I ljran to tnke Dr. henucdra Favor- ite Remedy, and from the first bottlc I cxpcrienced relicf, nlthongh I was suffer ing from an ulccratod sore lcg, a fcwbot tlca pntlrely curcd me." Whllo Favorite Rcmcdy is curing tho cruptlons and sores causea by imnurltics of tho blood, it is nlso rrgulating tho bowels, assbts digcstion, clcars tho com plexion, produccs rcfrcshlng slcep, dis pcls aches, paini, nervousness, and tnclan cholla, puts new lifo and trength ln the dcbllltated. If you have lUffercd from tho La Grlppe, bur a bottle of Dr. Kcn ncdy'a Farorita Itcmcdr and it will put viKr nd lif Jn your body agatn, and makt you u good u now. of cockcd pistols at the Rtupeflcd travel er. tho brigand capturcd his purso con tiining nearly twico the nmount that ho claimed as his duo from Allah. narper's Young Peoplo. "STRATIFIED REFRESHMENT." Four days after the reading, July 8th, 1770, of tho Declaration of Independence to tho peoplo in Philadelphia, Capt Cook sailed from Plymouth to di&cover Hawall. He named this fair arcbiaelrcgo after the fourth earl of Sandwich, tho inventor of stratified rofreshmont Dr. W. E. Griffis. riHZES FOR ADVERTISING IDEAS. A bicyclo manufacturer recently offer ed 21 prizes for tho best suggcstions for an advortisement. Thero wero 25,000 ideas offered in tho contest, and the fourth prize in this larco iicld of contest anta was taken by Mr. Johu Sturgess, connectcd with tho wall-knowu advcrtis ing houso of Pettiugill & Co., of Boston. Mr. Sturgiss is an artist of skill and efli cioncy and fertilo in ideas and suggest ions. Boston Daily Journal. Charlca W. Fairbauks of ludianapo lia haa been in New York for several days. Mr. Fairbanks was ono of tho Rcntlomen selcctcd to delivor an address of welcomo to Geueral Harrison on his return to Indlana. Speaking of tho eventMr. Fairbanks said to me: "It was a rernarkablo domonstration. I doubt if thero has been another liko it in the history of the country. It was in no souso a polttical gathcring. Domo crats vied with Republicans in honor ing tho cx-President In a Stito whero party liucs aro drawn as tightly as thov are in Indiana that ia saying a groat dcaf. Itwas a wonderful tributo to Geueral Harrison'a steriing record and pcrsonal integtity. St. Johnsbury has organizcd a com pany to tnanufacturo "dandelion com pound." St. Johnsbury proposes to do away with "that tiied feeling" from now on. Springfield Reportor. It Cum C14j, CtacU, tm TWnt, Cmf, lala aza, WhMjinj aook, SrtaiViUi aiiJliUna. A tartaia mut t f ijtlx ia tnX aUcta, aadaiviUfUraaMlita(H. Tnalian. Tn viU im tba MJlal ttttX titra UlLrnr taa ftnt dtu. Ba'.i t Jealr tTwyvaera. utp bottlo 50 atnta and 31.0t. gxTKa Biaoll?st jMll lm Wc?2d! frota DTspcpcls iuiiZ S tolt-Hcadao ho, reuderin.v llla mi-ernltlo, wliea thm remodyUaiyBurlauiJ? TSay Uset PsBb willmK!7IwovnBll illin troahlo, ouaUwyuutucxtiuuldlfteetyntirrood, tj pravcDS boailiwha cct hnpnrt m oiij'jymciit of IUb to wUJcli you liavi2N lioun a htramror. D(M small. Prico, nj? Ka cenlc Clce, SO rark rUoe, If. Y. Envy is casy for a happy man to bear evcn from his friends. lt always sccms to be ex citecl by the new quuk-ivind-ing Waterbury wateh. It winds in about five seconds Coin-silver and gold fillcfl cases make it beautifui to look at. It has a ieweled movement, and is an accurats timekeeper. It is still a low-piicxsn watch. Jvelcr rll tt In im'cral tylea. 10. Sclcntlfio American Aflency for CAVBATS, TRADE MARKS. DESICN PATENTS, COPYRIOHTS, etc, Tor Information and free nandbook write to MUNN K CO. J61 BROADWiT. Nrw Tork. Oldutbarean for aecarlng palenta In Amenca. Krerrpatent taxen outbr u Ii brounht betora the publio bj a notice flrcn free of cbaree ln tba LartMt elreslatlon of anr aetentlde paper Ii te world. Ipleadldlr lllutraud. No uuUlnM man ihould ke wltkoni It. Traetlr.83.oe a reaxl SUOatz nontha. Addmt ilDNN A CO, tusuaaaua, 3 lil Broadvar, ' Zuk atf. r m m Mr. John L. C. Brady, Brookville, Pa., had a strokeof'BeH's" palsy on one side of his face so badly that he lost the use of that side, not be ing able to shut his eye. He at once used Salva tion Oil, and it made a complete cure. Feb. 8, iSjj. nUCU LHNGE'S PLUGS, Thi Great Tefcacca llMC W AntldtUI-Prlc 10 Cta. At all dtalera. NOTICE TO SELIi REAL ESTATE OF DAVID EXFORD, Decoaaed. STATE OF VEUMONT, j Diot. of Bennlngtou. s?. In IYobate Court, held at Bennington, within and for said district, on the 23d day of March A.. D. 18'J.J. Present. John V. Carner, Judge. Dinlcl A.De.n.admlnlstratorof tho ettate of David Exferd. lato of Pownal, ln said csised, makes application to paid court for Ii' cense to nell all of the rral estate of said de- fcaed, the hoine farm with house and out-bnild-r thereln. bounded a the south by hijawny; on the west by landa of Ujron Jcpson Cha. Ex ford,A.A..Maiinnand'I'arir3Nile; ontbe north by landsof L. Ertes and Mjron Jepson; asd en th enst by hi ihwiy. Also, thrao other pleces of Und boauded a the north by land of Myron and Waltcr A.Jfp-on; on tho east by lands ot;L,Ertes, Mary I'irker nnd Illlanil Rood; on the south by Ui'Ai of Mary Parker; on the west by Parker and highwav. runta'nins ia all about 'JO0 ncr; for more full dncriplioa and bouadi rcff rrnce may' be had to the land records of ihotown of Pownal. reprcentinK that thi saleofsaid real estatfl will he beiK-ficial to tho estate of said deceased and conceroe.l llierfln, nd therewith flled tho conscntlu writing of all such as resIJeln tbe Stntc. Whfreupon lt is ordcred by said court tht said application be referred to n sesaion thcrcof ,to be held Ht the Probnte Oflice in IJenninR'.oa ln said District on the 8th day of April, A. Ii., 1(193. for hearinR and dccition thereon; U further ordend. that all persnns mterestcd beno lBed hercof. by publlcation of notice of said applica tion and order thereon liree Metks succeKDirely in the BenuinKton BANNia. a newspapor pub lishcd at liennlnKton, and which circulatcs in the nriKhriorhood of thoe Intcrestfcd, btfora said time of hearing, that tbey may npp ar at said time and place. aud, if they ste- cuuse, cbjoct there to. Ily tho Court, Attet, 10 JOUS V-.tJARtfET, Judrt. NEWGOODS! HEW S00BS ! SI!W GOODS! AT- ISc)warz's . LADIESVFASHIONABLE TOOT WEAR. jb cntLBKTO'S BHOE3. "4 IIEN'S FIKE BOOTS A SHOE3, A AKRtVIKU DAILY. l SGHWARZ'B, n ia TnE PLAC3. Eat Main Street, Bennington. O. D. CREEHSLET. HOUSE : PAINTING - ArllJ PAPlilt umm I do r.ofe bnt flrst-cliss work, and caaraale atisfacilou iu all cmti. Estimatcd f urnlshed a application. 408 GAGE ST., BENNINGTON, H.M. HARRIS SacceitortotheXaUteofa.r. HAR5IB. VrnOLESALE AND RITAIL DKALXKS. Nalls, 4c, 4c. A great raiiety n'Tablt and pooket Cntlery, Azes, Tools. Grliditenes, Car riaga Tirci.Kow BolU, Locks, Screwa, rdTeti,Kntf,Washers,Azle Flales Screwi, Bntts, Stnpi aat Inses, Cable and Tno Chalns. R. R. Wkael Bari, BaldwinRefric eratort. AOENT3 FOIl HOWE'S IIAT PLATI"OHU ANI COUNTEBBCALS8. Domestic and Imported Cifars Fine Kcy WeitClears, Pipei.Tobacco, etc. Ilope. Lath, Yarn Tubs, lUlls, Wash Boardi, Brooms, Clnthea Wrinfwra, Plcka. Sledire,Axe and Hainmer Ilan dles. GalranUed feace, wlre and poultry net tlng. PESNSfLVAMA BUILDING LOTSforSALE. Four flnobuUdicit lots oa Grand Vlew itrtef. westofSIlTer. building lot on Omnd ViewTerrace. Ownera are out ef tewn the rea ton far stllino;. Applrto W, F. Toomy fot prioei ajid terma. ttt n u 4 mr steel