Newspaper Page Text
TME BENNINGTON BANER; ; FR1D A Y , MAY 5, 1893. through thoso grounds, and noting tho changes vhich have taken placo in the wced grown desert of a fow years ago, should not forget that thoy owo a large share of thia bcaiity to Mrs. Tiffany.. Iler activo brain had planned still further improvements, aud it is to bo hoped that tho Society raay be ablo to carry tliem out. It almost Beems as though it raigbt give hor swcoter rcst, in tho hlll top gravo wbicli sho prepared for hcrsolf, if . other bands sliould carry on ,tho vtork laid down by bers. "Mr. Tiffany was not an ordinary woman. Sho was giftod with unusual oxeoutive ability. I( it scemed desirj ablo to her tbnt a thing sliould bo dono, sho was always ready lo do it. No con sidcrations of fatiguo or ill bealth de terred hcr from pushing forward, wlth thoroughness and vigor, whatovsr sbo had undortaken to do. Sho watched tho digeing, aud draitiing, and filliug in of lawn, and drivoway, and btirial lot, oxercising closo supervision over ovorv step of tlio work, aud tho rcsult will be a monuraent to hor houor in all timo to come. Bnt it was not as a work er alouo that our lost friond was valued. Vf itli unusual forco of character.sho pos sessecl a manucr of exceediug gentleness and a heart f ull of tenderncss and syra pathy for others less fortunato th'an her solf. Nono wero too poor and low to bo boyond tho reach of her sympathies, all woro her brothers'and sistors, and her judgraent was always tcmpered by tho largestcbaritv. Many sad hoarta have beon ehet-rtd by her effloient, praotical holp, and her kind faco has brought sunshiuo into many shadowed homes. "A dovotcd wifo and rsother, a true and loyal fricnd, au carnest, conscien tious Christian, a largc-hearted, public splrited woman, Mrs. Tiffany will bo missed and mourned so lotig as hor con toraporaries remain in active lifo. She was loved best by thoso who know hcr bost, and long and intiraate acquaint ance only showcd moro fully tbe sweec ness and nobloness of her pure womanly charaeter. " Tho following poora, composed by Mrs. Eli Tiffany, was sent to Mrs. Etnily Hutchinson, a short tirao boforo lier doath twelvo years ago, aud was sug gcsted by theso words spokcn by her during an iutorviow: "It is almost over now." Mrs. Tiffany roturnod to her homo and bcfore tho day closod sont this poom to tho family. It has boeh clier islicd as s prccious lcgacy over since: ALUOST OVER. It Is almost over now, My life work netly done: A few niore slitehes yet, I trow, Long it stems Bincc 1 bsgun, And tne tkread of m&uy years Has bee snmnimes solled by tears, Krmtted, too, by caies and feanl O, It ls not that I shirlc TnillueoD from day to day; I hsvr learncd to tako the work, s a coinfort on rny way. Yet I rest ! o my knee Just a little wnile to aee, Evenlng creep on lovlngly. - Silence and a purple sky, Over-a-chlng Yale audhllll And nilrer stars tkat seem to llt In the gold alr, mutt and sml, Wblle the rich and radiant West, Asforfestlval isdrcss'd, Amber studs upon her breast. Now a mlat most stftly r4. PutUog outtbc purple light; Tinting all mj twirllng thread, , Creepeth up Into the nlght. I oan longer work, yon see, Wlth the beara thus scnt to me, E're the dark fall Vearily. iook, ray chlldrenl everywkere. O'cr my work aud hrart U spread, This brigkt fleamlns from tne alr. Rlotllni; out uy trembllair dread, From the llghtsuch joy I take Tbat ye must not murraur make. If, tnus tlttlng, llfo'a thrsail break. Only put ray cbalr aside, Anf In eentlest acconts aayi Motber worked Uere tlll shn died, Tith llod's love llht on her way. uy tol lOKunneara. ikoow, Of the He arenly llght'a lnQow, It is almost orei now ' MEMORIAL DAY, 18D3. Tho me morial comraitteo mot on tho oveniog of May 1, at the rooms of .G. A. Custcr Post, and arranu'od tho details for the observanco of tho 30th as follows: Arthur J. Dewoy, President of tho day. Ilon. Wrn. II. C'ook of Milford, Mass., Orator, J. A. N. Williams. Mar ghall. N. M. I'uffer was appointed com mittee on music; and A. M. Downs, D. M. Blackmer comraitteo on printing. Comraitteo for raarking garycs: Ben nington, and tho Oentro, A. G. Patchen, J. I. Loomis, D. II. Kudd, T. A. Ilutch ins, J. C. (Jhtrk; North Bennington, II. T. Cushman; Hinsdillville, A. J. Noyes; Towsloy vard, A. M. Downs; chapel, Gco. Vf." Bowles; Woodford, SUphen Gleason, Charlcs Bowles; Eiusloy yard, M. V. B. Armstrong; Pownal, I. C. Burt, W. E. Murphcy was instructed to ar ranuo for aUnion mcmorial sorvico Sun- day evening May 28, if found practicable. It was arranued for Custer Post to con- duct tho scrvico in tho morning at Ben nington Gontrc, and Sixtn Uorps rost the serTico in oui viliage cemctory. Tlio Parado will moro at 1.30 p. m as ustial. and march to tho Soldicrs' Ilome, whero tho services of tho Grand Army will bo aaid, tho Oration dehvored and othor oxcrcises approprktto to th occasion. It is oxpootcd that a train will bo nrovlded for thoso who wish to Tisit North Bennington, diroctly after tho services at tlio graves aro over. N. M. l'UFFun, Sec'y. Com. OPERA HOUSE ANNOUNCEMENTS, Tho Y. M. C. A. bencnt's dato is May 10. See ltem m another placo. The dato for "Tho Chimes of Norman dy" is May 12. Wo give in another place tlio prcsonncl of tlio artists. Lots of fun, cood scenery, now aud catchy spccialtics is tho programme, at tne upera nouse wnen -ueia m oiavery tlio iNautlcai uomcuy urama wiu uo pre sentcd on a grand spectacular scalc, nextTueiday, tho Otli, inst. The play and company comes woll recotnmontled. The play tells a protty story full of pathos, and deals with a bad man. A beautiful young lieircss and a yeung horo, wliu Iitcrally gocs through ilre and water for tho sako of lils hnart'B idol.and comes out victorious in tho cnd. At ono timo tho licro is in mid-ocean in a small boat, at tho mercy of tho elcments, and again ho is lef t for dead in a burn ing building whero rescuo seoms impos siblo an'l yet amid all tlicse gtartling sccncs tlicro is a vcin of comcdy that tlirns toar and sympathy, to merry laughfcr. Tho company is hcadcd by Martin Ilaydcn, tho author of tho piece. rowwAL. Joseph Ilaloy was home last weck ovorSunday. The Epworth Leaguo will givo a social dance in tho vestry, Friday ovoning of next weck, with a very interesting pro gramme, after which refrcshmcuts will bo strved. Samuel G. Batea, and lils sistor, Bcs ii, sprnta fow dayi of the prcscnt weok in Bennington, with their cousin, Miss Bowcn. At tho last monthly rncoting, held Tucsday ovnning of this wcek, it was voted mnanimously to uso tho procccds of the noxt entertainment to purchase a carpet for the parsonago. A goodly number attended tho Musical Festival held in North Adams, Mass., April 28 and 20. Tho Pownal will play Williamstown tcarn, SaturdSy of this woek, on tho former's grounds. A good gamo may bo oxpccted. SPECIAL BUSINESS LOCALS. JrSr-WANTED. A cirl to do coneral housowork. Apply to Mrs. John II. Ayres, Maln atreet TrF lllvrpn Htin twn fv tlircn llll.l'""! wuw, - - rooras for dressmaking. Miss Frost, 201 union sireec. rr5P-Fon Sale. or to Rknt A good piano. Enquiro of Miss A. Clark, 121 South streot. rr5J Notice. Notiea is hereby civen that an important business meeting of tho Bennineton Vlllar'e ImDrovement society is cailcd. to bo hold at tho resi denco of A. B. Valentine, in the villago of Bennington, Saturday, May 13, 1803, at 3 o'clock p. m. Alraa. P. Valentine. president; Flora M. Uravos, secrotary. !T5t To ItEitT Furnlshcd rooms for lodgcrs. Apply at 251 Union street. 13tf Itlieumatlam CureU In a Day "MvRtic Curo" for rheumatism and nouralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the systcm is romarka ble and mystorious. It removes at onco tho causo and tlio discase immediately disappoars. Tho first dose greatly beno flts, 75 cents. Sold by J. T. Shurtloff, druggist, Bennington. 51yl jstTrMTaw Tt Rvmt Onn nr f.vrn flo. . w vj " " - . . v. - sirable tenomcnts lo ront. Inquiroof II. T. Uusliraan Mauuractunng uompany, North Bennington, Vt 40tf 02p"Dr. Royces' Extract Roots, Barks and Ilerbs thb groat Vegetablo Remedy for the ciuo of all Chrouio Discascs is now sold bv Hattio Evaus of 223 Union streot, Bennington, Vt., at $1 por bottlo or 0 bottles for $o. if you aro simenug givo it a tiial. Bm2 BIHTUS. , E( ENADT.E In Ilennlng'on, May 3rd to Mr. ana Mri. jos. vonaDie, a on. UIEU BUUFFEE In North Bennlngten, AprllSOth, Mrs. Margarel O. Hruflee, aged 59 years. DOYLE In JJonnlnstoo, at the Seldiern' Home, April 30th Frank Doyle, ged 49 years. PERCEY In Shaftsbury, May Jud, Mrs Abble II. I'ercey, aged 39. ALLEN In Denntngton, Uay 2nd, Mrs. Sarah B. Allen aged 71 yearj. C DONNKLt In Bjnnlngton, May2nd.Larry O Donncll, aged 52 cars, TIFFANY In llennlngton. April 20th, Mrs. Phoebe Cooper, wlto of lilt Tiffany, Esq.. aged 62 years. PR0POSALS FOR GRAVEL. Sealed proposals for furnljhlng Bennlagton Tlilage with first nuallty fllnt grarol In lots of (100). Ono bundred to (1000). oue thousaud loads of (4000), four thousand lbs. per loail to bede llrered durlng the montbs of June, July aad Aueust, 1893. at iucb tlmcs andplaces, as direct t by Street Commlssioner, will be recelved untll May 20th 1893. Said Proposals to be addressed to H. M. Tuttle, Street Cornmlasloner, and plalnly marked, "Proposals for Qravel." Trusteea reserv Iig the rlght to reject auy or all bida by them not deemed, advantageous to the Tlilage. 16t3 n. M. Tuttle, Street Com. i n mi i BND & TIFFANY, Les.-ees and Managcrs. TUESDAY. MAY 9tli, One nlght only, A grand spectacular produc tlon of the nautlcal comedy drama, HELD II SLAYERY. Witk apeclal scenery. Kew and novel mechantcal euccis. KA1N STOU5I OF REAL WATBB, SAII. IIOAT AT SEA. THRILLINO FIRE SCKNE. New and catchy spcclaltles, N1P AND TUCK, The dioclng plckaclalrs, mlrth, tnuslc, song. sentiment, new norelties. Ererytbing productJ as advertUed. Prices, 75, 50 and 35c. SPECIAL VILLAGE MEETING. The letral voters of the Ylllage of Bennineton nre hereby notlQed and vrarned to meet at i'reo Llbrary Hall in Bald vlllage on Wcdnesday, May 10, A. I). 1893, at 1 o'clock In tho nfternoon, to transact the followliig business: lst, To seo lf the Villago will rote to postpono tbe constructlon of any system of publlc sowerage for tho Vlllage untll after the Vlllage liave .ur cbascd the coriorato pioperty nnil all the rights and privllegcs of tho Bennington Water Company located In said Vlllngc and viclnlty, pursunut to tho provlslons of Act nutuber 172 of tbe Laws of Vermont Passed by the Gcneral Assembly ln 1880, npprored Noveinber 23d, 1880. 2nd. Toseelf the Vlllage will vote to instruct Its trustees, or a majorlty of them who inny act, to take all necessary and proper steps to prerent tlio constructlon rf anr srsteni of nubllc rewerase in and for sald VlUage, undcr any contract or pre- tenueu eontract or contracts neretoiore inaue ior that purpose, untll after tlio Vlllage Bhall liave made an j coinpleteil the purchase and becOmo tho jegnl owner of tho property rights and privileges of the Bennington water Company, or untll sucli otber tlme as tbe Villago may deslgnate by vote for tuat purpose. 3d To see if the Vlllage will vote to Inqulre in to the nublionecessitv and the necesslty of Imllv lduals and prlvate corporatlons within the Vll lage, for a system of publlc sewerag'o, aud to what extent and through what portion or portions of tbe Vlllace tbe constructlon at au earlv day. of publio sewers, ls an urgeut necesslty, and ap point a commlttee for tlmt puriose . 4th. To see lf the Vlllngewlllvotethatwhen- evcr it consiructs puuno sewers, tney suan no lalil at Biifllclcnt denths to be secure from tho action of frost and to proTlde for drnlnage into tho snme ln a proper manuer, of tbe cellars of tho aliuttmg property unieu tn exceptionai lnstanccs wuere, ior urgeni reason sucu piun may vo im or Inortltnatolv exnenslve. fith. To see It tbe Villace will vote to establlsh and construct a system of purface dralnage for tbe strests of tbe Vlllage, or any part of parts tbereof, eltber in coujuiictlon wlth the bouse seweragesystem.or by au Independent sewerage system, wlienever any system of publlc sewerage shall be constructed ln sald Vlllage. Ctli. To seolf the Vlllage will vote to postpono the constructlon of publlc sewers untll theprovls- lon or tne law requiring asseasments to oe ruaae agalnst abuttlng owners cmbraced in Act No. 110 oi tno jjiwsoi 187.', snau Derepeaicaormoui fled. 7th. To seelf tbe. Vlllage will vote to purchase tbe corporate property and all the rights and n.l.lUnM nf 41. o tl.nnlniHnn W'n ln. 1 '.M.vr.o w pursuant to the provlslons of Act Number 172 of the Laws passed oy the General Assembly of the State of Vermont, passed In 1830, approved Nov ember 23d, 1S8C Aljotosee what measures tbe Vlllage will tav?, jf any, and In what manner t!ie Vlllage will proceed to make sucli purchase, 8th. To transact auy other proper business found necessary when rott. J II. ICELSO, Vlllage Clerlc, II. T, CUB1IMAN, 2nd. I'rrsldent. Bennington, April 28th. 18S3. R0UND TRIP S23 T0 CHICAGO. Timouon THE World's Fair Visitors Association. Vcrtb In ilceper extra. Rooms at our hoteli $1 to 1310 ptr day. Parttea must engage bertbs by May 16th for this nxcnrslon. Full partleulars and tickets, address W. U. IUTTER, 31t Rlver tit. Tror.N.x". 15m3 GARNIVAL -OF- -FOR- THIS WEEK -AT- irRJEA-Il'S TROY BAZAAR. $! l CARPETS. This ls the great Carpet month and Frear ls heaiquarters for Carpet ln Troy. In all gradcs efCarpetlnghs U showlng an immense assort nent. Tapestry Brussels Carpets are tbe best Larpets yon can buy for the mcncy. They are' exceeaingly durable and will stand a great amount of hard wear. Itwjll take many years ot constant nse to dlm their colers. The pittcrns are copied from the hlgh-prlced Aimlnttcrs and Moqucttts, and tho deslgis are woaderfully re produced and tn as charming eolors as In the or Iginals. Frear has Tapettry Brussels In sptclal destgns for bedroems, parlors, dlnlng rooms, 11 brarles, hallsand stalrs. Hundredj of deslgns to chooss from. In Moquette Carpeta the large patterns of twenty-flve jears ago have been re vlvcd ln the most beautiful colorlngs. Large Chintz patterns are the cholce for certaln rooms. They include many elegant efiects. For Cham- ber Carpets In Moquettes Frear has some very dafnty thlngs. Ile has a grand line of Axmlnster Carpets. snperb patterns ln the rlchest colorings, lncludtng many excluelve deslgns, Body llrui sels Carpets sUUhold their twn as ono of the best floor covcrlug. The method of maklne tlism te curt s greater perf ection and clearness of deslgn than In kny other carpet, and they are unsur passed for wearlng qUalitics. Frear has a splen- dld colltfllon for you to chobse from probably three ttraes as many patternt as ahy other bouse la Troy. Call and see them, ,Goods shown frsely, whatheryou Intend to purchase or not, at the Troy Cash Bazaar. INDIA RDGS. Wm. II. Frear has just recelved 100 IndiaTtags, 27x56 laches, Jus-t the thlng for uso on mattlng or hard-wood lloors. bathrooms. etc. Elegant de slgns and colorlngs at the extremely low price of $1 39 each. MOQUETTE CARPETS. Frear has 25 mere rolls of the very best Mo quette Carpets wlth borders to tnaUh, for H per yard. ' LINENS. Belng In dlrrct communlcatlon wlth the lead Ingmanufacturers of llnens ln Kurope.' Frear Is enabled to furaish you with the most rellab'e Table Damask and Napkins to be found any where. No ttore In the United f tates indersells hlm. IUs sptclal Importatlons for numerous hotela have become promlnenl llems in his tusl ness. For bflusekeepers of refined taste, and who take prlde ln tbelr llnens, he Is prepared to show the most orfglnal deslgns at the; most saod. erate prices. ICE-CREAM FREEZERS. 3-quart "Oem" or "Llghtnlng" Freezsrs for $169, 4qnart "aem"or "IJghtnIr.g" Freezers for $1 89, at Freir's. BARGAINS IN EETTLES. Number 7 Copper Tea Kettle, nlckel plated, OOj at Frear's. No. 8, $1. The above are but two of the hundreds of kargalns at pressnt at the House and Kitchen Furnishing Deparl' ment. FLAT IR0NS. A tet of three Flat Irons (one bandle to flt each Iron In set), for H at Frear'j. STEP LADDERS. 4-foot Step Laaders C5c. 6 foot step ladde rs 75c at Frear's. WOOL FIBRE PAILS. For the small snm of 35c at Frar's. SCISS0RS FDLLY GUARANTEED. In sizes from 4 to 0 laches, at Frear's Troy Ba zatr. at the extremely low price ( 25c. Thli II au opportunlty the llke ot whtch the Trojan pub llc oas nevr been offered brfore. FREAR'S PRICES IN 0IL ST0VES. One-burner 011 Stove 47c. Two-burner Oll StoveSllD. Tbreo-burner Oil Stove fl 47. The "New Beauty" Oll for $4 at Frear's. Frear's Oll Stoves have Iron tanks; no, tln oll tanks too son gct worn out leaky. AT FREAR'S TfiflY WM HODSEKEEPERS LliMEN BOOM -AT- OUACKEIBIJSH'S. A large aad new sttick of Jokn S. Brown & Son's Tabls Clolhs and Napkins to match. The Iris, Scotch Thlwtle. Orchldi, Chrysanthemuas. Sun Flower, all the latest pat terns. 10 odd 8 4 and 8-10 Tablt Cleths for $2. worth 2 75; $2 50, worth 1; $3 worth !4; all per fsct and good patterns. Barnsley Table I.lnen, 71 Iuches wiJe, $1 ; former price $1 25 per ynrd; napklos to match. A bargaln. A flno and large assortmpst of Scotch Tablt ens at 45c. 50c 73c and $1 per yard. 721uck. Hemstitched Tablt Llnsn $1; fonae price ?1 37 Iriah, Scotch and Uerman 'i.lnen Shecting and PillowCase Llnpni.nll wldths, atspcclallow prlce. Ilcmstltchtd Llnen Sheets frtm $5 50 up to (16 per palr. Hemstitched Pillow jind Uolster cases, in all sizes. TV'ebb's old Itandalltown Bleached Towel's; also large assortment of Damask and Huckaback, with plaln and knotted frlnge and Hem stitched Tonels; all frou I tt$18 per dozen. Bleaihed and Cream Iluckaback Toweling frtm licto73c ptryard. Hand Embroidered SPATCHEL GOODS. Squtre, Round and Ovat Dtylles In a number of ' patterns, from $2 75 to $10 per dozen. Scarfs, 43 to 72 incbes lotig, In new dt-slgns. A lull aiid complet4 Une ot Sllk Emt roidered Sqtsres, Tray Clotbs and Doj lles; somethlng entlrely ntw. G, V. S. IJUACKEH3USII & CO.. Corncr BroaUway aud Tliln! St., Troy, N. Y. or new and uleslrable Sprlim (ioods at E. L NICIIOLS'S Main Sireet Storc. Wc lii vitc the ladies to call and see our new stjles or Capcs and JacUcts that arc Iiaving such a large sale. NEW DRESS ' . TRIMMIN6S AndSHks. Wehavc Just au ded a new lln? or Corsets. It will pay ou to give them a trlal. New Hoslcry and Unilcrwcar. White Gotxls and Einbroidcrlcs, China, Vascs, Lamps and Art Nov eltlcf. TYPE-WRITING AND CORYING. All klndsof type-wrltlne and copying di no at snori nouce ana at rensonaoie prices. Work accurately and efftciently done. Orders by tnall recelvo promrjtaltonttom ' NH.K.S & VENABLE, 12ml Bennineton. Vt i carrlage horse 8 yeais old; 2 aecond-hsnd double wagons; 1 llghl buegy wagon; 1 top bug gy: 1 pbocton carrtage, all in good repalr. 1314 1. 8. MOON, llennlngton, Vt. REDUCED PIUCES Save moncy by purchaslngPaine't Celery Com pound, Ilood's and Djna's Sarsapanlla ofme for (5 cents per bottle. OEO. W. WALWORTH. North Bennington, Vt, March 7th, 1893. 8m3 SALESMEN ! Wo want more ACENTS at home nr to travel. Salaryo7 commlsalon. Cash advaaeed for expenspg. Good terrlt try for thoae who apply earlr. Wrlte for trrms. R, G. CIIASE & CO., 12tS 23 Pemberton Sq , Boston, Mass. WASMTED. SressmaMsg bythe day. Michlne furnlihtd when detlred. MRS.TOIUIET. 13m3 ' - 4UMaln8trctU DO YOU WANT THE LATEST STYLES 03J1 T--E ? UP T0 DATE, USED 0N Y OUR TAKE IT T0 THE There, since the flre, every old or worn piece of type has been discarded and replaced by the newest.and latest designs. You will be pleased with the work. PECIAL -IN: WALL THIS MONTH AT THE MIIjIj E. E. HART & CO. SLAOE'S OLD I'vo road so mucli of "Cole's new storo," It runs ln ray rniud o'er and o'er. Altioui;li his rlivracs aro of tlio best, I ciu'taffurd to lot mino rest. - AlthouKh my -goods won t kcep you warm, It suroly wont do any harra Toquotoyou prlco and name tbora o'or But stop 'ero I begin toboro. iii. My watcbes and my clocks aro briglit. And, mark my work, tbo timo is rigbt; My rings aro now and sucli a sitjlit, And as to prices they aro rlght. IV. Silk ribbon cbains aro all tho go And they look ioat and n6bby, too. Stick pins in silvcr and in gold, But yet my story's not all told. v. In silvcr waro my stock'a comploto And on my tnblo it looks ncat. Boads and oanings at prices low For that's the way I let them co. VI. My opcra plasscs mako a show As to tho theatro you ro, In pcarl and silvcr, black orpohl, Anu they aio very cheaply sold. Thren or four experi workmen on circnlar saws and plainers. Good wages and steady work. Pay every Saturday night. Apply to H. C. WHITE, North Bennington, Vermont. THE WM. RADAM MIGROBE KILLER. The Greatest Discovery of tho age. Cures All Diseases- MRS. M ART UIBSON, Agent, 609 Maln Street, Bennington, Vt. its csi in nnoNcniTis axd Dirninrmc sori THROJLT. Benkinqtom, Vt., 8ept 7, 1M2. Qentlemen fwould llke to say a word repant Ing tbe beneflt derlvtd from tbe use tf tbo Ml crobe Klllerln a sevtrt case ofbronchitls. I had trlod many differeit rcmrJles,but nothlng htlped me nntll I took Mlcrobe Klller, and am happy to say that by Its utt I am eatlrely curert. I have alsonsed It wken my chlldren were afUIcted wltn dlphtherlc tore tbroat aad fevtrs, and fonnd it worked llke a tharm. curiaz them wlthout aay trouole. One ofmy bojs.wko is affticted wlth a bad ease of catarrb,ls now utlng It and ls already Er..tlyb.ted. V.r.yonr,. NEXT J0B PRINTING ? BARGAINS PAPER store. VII. What iR so prctty and so flno Asa Wheelcr & W'ilson now uumocr ninc? When you aro out give me a call And I will show them to you all, VIII. On safeties the boys all ride, Justsuoliow swift and gay they plide. "ItomitiKton" and "Traveler' tako tho load In stylo and mako up, and in specd. Ix. For when tbe question is of health Wlry do you c.iro to board your wcalth? Iloniain mdoors aud griove and sigli Wliilo oiherson their rrhcels rido by. x. I'vo rcad so inuch of "Colo's Xcw Storo," It runs in my mind o'cr and o'er, Althuugh my stmo is not as new It's not tho storo I'm Sflliiig you. XI. I'vo said so much 111 say no moro Uut call around at Slado's Old Slore And l'll convinco you that 1 can Scll just as clicap as auy nnn. Moral Go to Slado's for clocks, jow olry, silvcr ware, sowin? machincs and bicyclos. (UMVtCTort. MidilF.) W, M. S. REEV I -AQENT FOIl- VICT0RS, OREDENDAS, MAJESTICS and others. Bargains in second hand pneumat ic blcycles. NORTH BENNINGTON, VERMONT. STORE !