Newspaper Page Text
THE BKKNUSGTON BA'NER, JMIDAY, AUGUST 4, 1893. wo a few days, and you wtU be startled at tlie unex pectcd success tliat wlll rcward your efforts. We posltlvely havc tlie bet bulness to ofler an agcnt tlmt can tt fouml 011 tlie faoe ot thli earth. 845.00 proflt un 873 00 jiorthof buslncssis belng eaily nmi Uonorably made by ond pald to huiiureds of liicu, woiuen, boys, unu glrls ln our cmploy. You caii tiiuke uioiiey faster nt work for us thau you havc any ldia of. Tlie bmlness Is to casy to learn, and instruciloiis so slniploandplaln, tliat all succeid from tlie start. Tliose wlio lake hold of thfi busiiius reup thc advaiitage tliat from tlie sotind rimitatlon of one of tlie oldcst, most succcsaful, aud largest publlshlng hcuscs ln Amcrica. Secure for voursclf tlie proflts tliat tlie buslness so re adily and liandsomely ylelds. AH bcginners siiccccd grandly, and morc than rcallzc tlicir grvuti-a cxpcctiittous. Tliose wlio try It flnd cxactlv at we till tliem. Therelsplcnty or room for a few tnorc workcrs, and we urge themto begln at onco. If you are already cm. ploycd, but liave a few sparo moinelite, and wlsh to use thera to advaiitage, tlien write ua at once (for this Is your grand opportunlty), and recclve full particulars by return mall. Address, TllUE & CO., liox No. 400, Augusta, Mc C. D. GRES3SLET. housepIintihg I do none bnt flrst-class work, and guaranto satlsfaciion ln all cases. Estlmated f urnlslied on appllcatlon. 408 GAGE ST., BENNINGTON. All persons liavlne; luwn mowers tlint need to bo hharpcnfd or rcpalrcd ln any wny wlll do well to call on Mr. Fallou as he ls glvine flrst-class satlsfactlon. Also, repalring and Jobblne or all klnds iiromptly attenrted to at Brnwn'n Old Shop atllTHcicliSt. Bennington, Vt. 19m3 P. H. Fallou's Machiae Shop Diiua Are you all run down? Scoffs Emul sim of Pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda will build you up and put flesh on you and give you a good appetite. Boott'a Emulslon cnrcs Congh, Colds, Consumption, Scrofhla and all Anaemic and Wasting Biscascs. Prcvents wasting in childron. Al most ns palntnblc as nillh. Gctonly tlie gcnulnc. Prepared by Scott & Bowno, Chomlsts, New Tork. Sold by all Drugglsts. Whaf is Oastoria is Dr. Samuel Pltcher's prescrlption for Infants and Cbildron. It contains ncithor Opiura, Morphino nor otlicr Xarcotlc substanco. It is a liarmloss substitnto for Paregoric, Drops, Soothlng Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Plcasant. Jt3 guarantco is thirty ycars' uso by Mlllions of Motlicrs. Castoria dostroys Worms and allays fevcrisliiicss. Castoria prcvonts voniiting Sour Curd, curcs Iiarrho3a nnd "Wind Collc. Castoria rcllevcs tcctliing' tronblcs, curcs constipation and flatulcncy. Castoria nssimllatcs tbo footl, rcgnlatcs tbo stomach and bowcls, glving bcaltby and natural slcop. Cas toria is tbo Cbildron's Panacco tbo Motbor's Frlcnd. Castoria. H Castoria Is aa czccllent mcdlcino for chll dren. Mothcrs haro rcpcatcdly told mo of its good effect upon thelr chlldren." Da. O. C, OsaooD, Lowell, Htass. " Castoria 13 tlio best roracdy for chlldren of whlchlnmaccpiaintcd. I hopo tho day la cot far dktant whcn mothcrs will considor the roal lntcrest of thelr chlldren, and use Castoria In stead of the vnriousquack nostrums which oro destroylng thelr loTed ones, by forclnsoplum, morphJne, soothlng syrup and othcr hurtful ttgenta down thelr throats, thcrcby Bendlng thom to prematiire gravea." Dn. J. F. KntcmaoE, Conway, Ark. Tho Oontnnr Compony, T7 Mnrray Streot, "Novr Yorlr Clty. lllllllli Is composod of puro and wholcsomo romody in tho markot for COUGHS, URE Bennington, INS JOTTOLlWfl q KJOTTOLHNd Q KJOTTOLrNSj I n (COTTOLBNBj CQTTOLBNb . COTTOLBMBi , OF THE Has come not a little knowledge as to cook ery wliat to do, as well as wliat not to do. Thus we liave learned to use tlie most pure and per fect and popular cook ingmaterial for all frying and sliorteningpurposes. is tlie natural outcome of the age, and it teaches us not to useax&, but rath er the new sliortening, 39 whicli is far cleaner, and more digestible thau any lard can be. Tlie success of Cotto lene hascalled out worth less imitatious under siniilar naraes. Lookout for these! Ask your Grocer for Cottolene, and'be sure tliaty ou get it. Mado only ..y N. K. FAIRBANK & CO., CHICACO, and M 224. Stato Street, Doston. u COTTOI.HNH Q ICOTTOLENEl Q ICoTTOLENEj O COTTOLBKtf ICoTTOLIiMCi fcoTTOLHNc! Castoria. " Castoria ls so well adaptcd to chlldren that I recommend itac suporlor to any prescrlptloa known to mo." II. A. Ancntn, M. D., 111 So. Oxfonl St., Brooklyn, K. Tf " Our physiclans Jn tho childron's depart mcnt hava Bpoken hlghly of thcfr eiperi enco In thelr outsldo practico with Castoria, and although wo only h.ive among otrr medlcal supplies what is known as rcgular products, yet woaro freo to confess that tha merits of Castoria has won us to look with favor upon It." Unitkd nosprrAi, JLXO DlSPEMallTf, Boston, Masa Alloc 0. Surrn, Frt$., ingrodiGnts, ond ia tho most robablo COLDS andACTHHA. lOo. & 35cts. WITH Vermont. Scotfs EnralAi HAHFIIS ANOTUEK'S aiSTEB. Let us all pray to bo delivered from the Bin of hasty judgment. "When I firsl beheld four or fivo modern comediea adapted from tho French languaKe. wherein tho situations wero all duo tc somebody, chiefly a sho, entering somo body elso's apartments, chiefly a he, 1 Bcoued audibly. Tlie thing was absunl, outworn and cheap. But now that has happened which haa caused nie to know a great deal moro about French coro edies and critical situations than all the most successful pluywrights put to- cether. In the firat placo I occupied (and etill do occripy) chambers which consist ol two rooma connected by a tiny hallway giving on to the landing by one door. Thereforo it will be plain to tho ineanest mind that onco tho halldoor is occupied by the enemy, the only other exit is from the window by way of tho guttor pipo a vertical distanco of thrco stories. Thcre should always bo two ways, not includ ing tho window, out of every sot of chambers. This need had nover presented itsoll to me until ono memorablo af ternoon, when without knock, word or waniing a round faced, golden haired, bluo eyed maiden in an astrakhan faced jacket, a gray skirt and a black velvet hat charged into my room after tho most approved fashion of all tho comedies, crying, "Dear old, Joor My namo was not and never will be J oo. Thero was no need for explanations. Sister, and nnly sister, wus stamped all over tho faco of tho maiden. Everybody who has been possessed of an only sister understands tho manner in which one of the tribe enters a brother's rooms. The maiden gavo a little scream as I turned. Sho apologized. Could I tell hor whereabouts Mr. Joseph Rupard's chambers were? I coiild not for you may livo 17 yeara in chambers without knowmg the faco, lifo or occupation of any ono of your fellow convicts. I suggested that she should speak to tho housekeeper and es corted her to tho tiny hall aforesaid. You will observo that thero was noth ing whatover in these proceedings to bnng a blush to the thmnest cheek. Tho imp of perversity, who is gener ally playing about on tho landing for 0 shilhngs a week, uiet mo in the hallway, saying, "Lady and gentleman to see you, sir." Behind him stood two figures that I know, and at any other timo wouldhave received with joy. Tho maiden at my heels lost her sin- gularly pretty head, and whispering "What shall I do?" bolted back into the sitting room. All this was strictly ln accordance with the rulcs of the stage, but why it should havo takcn placo in my chambera I could never understand. And yet I was deoply thankful that aho had not gone forth, liko Una, under tho noses of my visitors. Unclo John yes, it waa an uncle, even as is tho case in a com edy would havo laughed, and sinco she was another man's sister that would havo been even worso than Aunt Alice's hawkeyed inspection of tho maiden, and Bubsequont descnption of hor face, fig ure and dress to all her rightebus world, I received my pcople in the hallway. An inspiration told mo to get rid of my coat and rumplo my hair. Desperate fear mado me very wise, most courteous and genial to excess. "Oh, so glad to seo you," said I, "but I'm afraid you'vo como to a regular camp in the wilderne'ss. Fact is, my sitting room iB upsido down that fool of a housemaid has been doing sorno thing to tho Bro that has filled tho place with srnuts, and I'vo mado her dust every thing out . again. But como into the hedroom, since you'vo taken the troublo to climb all these stairs." Even as I spoko in tho hall, I heard tho heavy armchair wheeled up against my Bitting rdom door, and there was a sound of emphatic dusting. I thanked heaven that was pleased to afllict mo that it had sent at least "ono heart still ready to play out tho play. ' Into my humblo bedroom I led those relatives, and my aunt, after the man ner of women, made scorching inven tories with her eye and inquircd as to whether I was well looked after. But it was tho auntipathetic kiss and tho re mark that followed "My boy, how hot you arel Aren't you well?" that seared my perfectly lnnoccnt soul liko hot iron, Perfected criine must bring with ita pense of ease nnd rest. It is the unmer ited imputation of evil that strains the nerves. My aunt would fain have had tea, "when that girl had finished cleaning your rooms." The bedroom door was of course ppen. I assured my aunt that tho folly of that housemaid preventcd her from finisliing anything this sido of doomsday, and that tho dust would not eettle down till 20 minutes after that. Thero was a crowing, choking noise. that might havo been a smothered chuckle, from tho sittmg room, whereof the fanlight above tho door was open. "What a very superior voico sho hnaV said Aunt Alico. "Quito liko a lady's. Is she pretty?" "Como and soe," quoth I, with that icy innocenco that only cunning can bestow. I half opened tho sitting room door, coughcd vohemcntly and drew back as one choked with tho dust. "Impossible," I said. "Sho's not in n sweot temper today because I made her dotho rooms twice. Wo'd botter not disturb her, or she'll break my orna ments." This, mcseems, could not have been oscolled by tho most hardened profligato on the stage. My aunt lef t very slowly and deliber ately, mourning for tho loss of her tea. I oscorted hor and Unclo John down to tho first iloor. How could I tell that hei housowifely zeal for her nephew could havo lod hor to bestow upon the house maid, who was Fan of tho Teeth, a few hints on tho best management of fires and tho propcr caro of the room, which tho fellow servant was even then tsup posed to be cleaning? "You seo, it all means moro work for you in tho ond," said my aunt. I dashed into the aitting room to flnd, helploss with suppressed laughter, the maiden with tho black velvet hat. I wa coatless, as has been recountod people never etay long with a man who lacks a coat my hair was on end, and I waa flushed. But thero was no rosisting thal infootion of mirth'. Ilaughcaloud. The air was dense with dust, and all the f nr niture was out of placo. '.'That fool of a housemaid" had lived uptoherrepu tation. "Haven't I dono the room beautiful ly?" sho said, with a wicked giggle. "Thank you thank you, oh, so much for helping mol" "Nbt in tho least,'! said I. : 'Tvo'got a sister of my own. But hadn't you bet ter" "I'm gone," Bho said, and vanished a tho word to hunt for her brother's cham bers. Entered, her cap over ono eye, Fan of tho Teeth, oiling with rage. She waa an austere woraan of 85, not to bo trifleil with. " And I'm suro mo and Luoy, too, wo takes all tho troublo that wo can with 17 sets of chambers to bo gone through, ana tho bells ringing on every landing all day long. 'Tisn't as if I was afraid of my work, for I 'ave kop' my solf over sinco I was a littlo girl of thir teen, nor Lucy neither. But when that lady on tho staircase spoko to me an tole mo that I waa inattentivo an Lucy, too, an smuts all about your room, sayin that I was to takoostracaro of you, sir, I was put out. "Do as you would be dono by, I thinks, an show no fayor to any chambers mor than another, for nOino" ono must loso by it, and if it isn't you it will be some oth er gentleman. An there aren't no smuts inyour room not to be seen, an Lucy, I know sho 'as been on the fourth floor sinco I come down with tho slops, but I didn't say nothink to that lady when Bho said what sho said an Lor, sir, what 'avo you been doin to tha furnichewre all pulled across the room? An you 'avin to seo your friends in your bedroom aa if it was our faultr "Fanny," said I, "if thero has been any fault, that fault is mino. Tako, oh, tako thoso lips away, and hero's a half sovereign." It was a damning confession of guilt, received as such. Fan removed herself with an unholy light in her eyo. I hated Fan, and this still f urther shook my nerves. Worn with a thousand con flicting emotions, I fled to tho sideboard and pulled uiyself together wth the nec essary liquids. Men nover seem to do that on tho stago after any unusual cri sis. They do in tho prosaic world of real lifo. Re-entered Fan, tho half sovereign in her hand, and placed it on my table. "I'vo to'ok them in their teas," she said oracnlarly, "an -Bho was tellin 'im all about it. She is "a real nico little lady, sho is, an an I don't want no 'arf Buffering for that." No comedy that I.could think of had any mention of tho 'Boubrette to be sure, Fan was rather too angular for the soubrelte refusing a tip. "And you'ro a lady, too, Fan,-" said L "Keep it. Fow peoplo return money. Still fower dismiss preconceived suspi cions." Sho withdrew slightly alartned. I stepped into tho hallway to set down tho empty soda wator siphon in the placo appointed. Tho door leading to the landing was half open. I heard voices descending tho stairs. "He wus really very nice, Joo, about it. Said ho had a sister of his own and laughed." "H'nfph: Thon I'm sorry for his sis ter, that s all. Ho drinks liko a fish Why, only last night I found him on his hands and knccs on tho second floor and had to help him to bed." The next chambers! As I hopo to clear my character before all jndges, it was tho man in the noxt chambera! I had heard tho infernal din of that episode at 2 o'clock in tho morning, and a few of Joo's coinments as ho left tho drunkard, How should tho maiden know exactly into whoso rooms sho had penotrated, and here was Joo aaddling me with my neighbor'a hooted Bluinbera. I gripped the Biphon head in nn agony of wrath. The steps were almost bppo- Bito my landing. Thero was moro aoua water than I thought for in tho tube, and tho infernal concoction exhansted itself with a fizzle, spit and grunt. It seemed to roar through tho house. "There!" said Joo. "You heaf, Milly? That's a soda water siphon. Ho's at it again so early." "But ho didn't look as if hotook" Tho sweet voico died away," and I waa alone with my sorrow nnd my siphon. Today I know something of plot and construction, and, as I say, I under stand tho vorisimilitudo pf tho modern French farce. Yet would I sell all my insight for tho singlo privilegoof ex plaining to Milly (my Milly she has dusted my room) that I am not indeed I am not tho villain that Joo paintcd me. St James Gazetto. n Oermany's Eniprcsi. The presont cmpress of Germany waa the Princess Augusta Victoria of Au gustenburg, and Bismarck arranged tho matchwith thoidea thatit might heal tho rather serious breach between tho Holstoiners and tho Prussians. Tho pair wero married in Berlin in 1881 after n wooing all too briof and cold, and tho princess at onco discovored that she had a difflcult pnrt to play. Between her est Dressing AYER'S HAIR VIGOR rreTcnts tho lialrfrom becomlng tliln, faded. Rray, or wlry.and prescrves it rlcli nes i, lux urlanco, and color to an ad vaneed nArlnd nf lifo. It curcs ItchlDg humors, aud kecps the scalp cool, molst, and hcalthy. Ayer's Hair Vigor, Sold byDrngtUU and Ferromer. TheB E11PRESS AUOTJSTA VICTORIA. headstrong young husband and his dom ineering English mother, old Kaiscr Wil helm and Princo Bismarck, all of them sfihemingand each of them at times pull ing a diff erent way from tho rest, her task was very trying, but sho succeeded well andgradually won thosympathyand re apect of ovory ono with wkom sho camo in contact. Sho had a faculty for Bpeaking tho sof t answor that turneth away wrath and provented nnd pacified many bitter quarrels by a timely word. Klckcd Up a Ilumpus In Germany. General Vcrdy du Vernois, author of tho military bill which kicked up such a rumpus in Germany, was born in East Prussia about 00 years ago", entered tho army in youth, saw much activo servico and by sheer merit roso to tho highest rank next to that of field marshal. Hq is today tho most prommont military V GEN'EUAL VERDY DU VEItNOIS. writei? ln tho German army. Personally ho is dcmocratic in feeling and associa tions, but his military ainbitions make him an ally of the Btrong government party. According to Gennan custom (tho custom indeed in all military mon- archies), ho left tho army only to become a cabinet oflicer, and as a matter of courso at onco began to work for a big gcr military establishment. A Great French Novellst. Emilo Zola, tho noted French realistio novelist, has a conntry house at Mcdan and a luxurious city homo in tho Ruo do Bruxelles, Paris, and in both his work ing room is an odd combination of lux- ury and ' arrangement for hard work. Ho ia very methodical indeed in his ZOLA IN HIS STUDY. work and almost every day writes alrout 1,C00 words. His sentences are bo thor oughly thought out in advanco that ho very rarely erases or Interlines a word. tlo is 63 yeara old, small and thin and t-ery wrinklcd. His countenance has a deeply melancholy east except when ho ia in animated conversation, and ho ia troubled with n dry and hacking cough. The Fatlicr of Tnlaco Cars. Pullman is a wonderful town, though now n part of Chicago, and tho man whoibnilt it and built up tho great sleep ing car manufacturo is worthy of study. Georgo Mortimer Pullman was born March 3, 1831, inChautau county, N. Y. AtHhowent into n country etore, at 17 ho Ioft that placo to lcarn tho trade of a cabinet mak- ,'earf ud. at 22 ho for romoving such houses as OEOitau m, tolljian. was necessary for tho wldcning of tho Erio canal. In 1850 Mr. Pullman locat ed in Chicago. Soon af tor ho conceivcd tho idea of inaking sleeping cars comfort ablo, and in 1803 ho turned ont tho first onoof tho kind which has sinco made him very rich and famons. Little Daiiy' 11 ru very. My littlo sister Dalsy is 0 ycars old. She is a qulck, ncrvous chlld, and, as is nome tlmes tho caso with willful chlldren, is very much bound to try everythlog and do all that sho takes n fnncy to. A year ngo papa was very slck, and as he was very wcak the doctor ordcred port wine for him. They let Dalsy try it, and sho took a great fnncy to it, so that sho wanted it whcnever papa had it. About two months ago there were a nuin ber of pledges for temperance given ont at our churcb, and Dalsy slgned one. I don't think sho qulte reallzed at the tltnewhat lt meant, for when a bottle of port wino was bronght in tbo house a week ago Daiay wontod Bomo riaht awar. I said. "DaisT, remember you havo slgned .the pledge.'7 Sho thought a momcnt ond then turned resolutely away, and when they off ered her some to see if she would tako it she would not even look at lt It was a thing many a grown person would not have done, and with a willful nature like hers itwas, I think, a herolc act. Cor. New York Press. STfe Greatest Blood Purifim m KNOWN. This Great German Mcdlcino ls I lchcanestanri best. 128doscsof SUtHy 1 PHUltilIlTEKSforei.OO,lessthanfir 3 irj ono ccnc a aoso. li Wlll curu ivi worst cascs of skln dlsease. us coramon plmplo on tho face. iii to that awrul dlseaso bcroruia. a JijUI.rnUB BlTTEItS 13 4 lllDcst mediclna to use ln I I cascs of such etubborn andd'your i cucep scatea ajscases. ionCyBnreout Uiw uver vuui irororucr.UscP'a 71 Rl lirr DIIIQ 8ULPKUn ormercuir.theyaredead" ly. Placo your tmst ln 4 . - B ULniUR BITTE matter what alla the pureet and ou, U60 'nlinr Hillfrnl I mcdlcino evcr made. t t n..L.ilV r - M wlthayollowsckyDont walt untll yon fJ suu&muccr IByourff uimuiowKuiftiW in urcatti foul andAare uat on your uacK, ofTunslTC? Yourwbut get somo at once, li stomach ls otitwlll cureyou. Sulpbur of ordcr. UscBlttera is SULPHUR ffTh. Tt? IlITTfHSi7 AUU i uuu o A ii-jiiuirn Ino vh!ck,itft uso. Kcmembcr what you ropy, clo.jgVeaii hore, lt may ea?e your it has -savett hnndrcds. l't wolt until to-morrow, Try a Bottle To-dayl B S ff Aro you low-spirltcd and weak. or Stluennir irniu iiiu uxcvswb oi ' n.. , 'UI, ,111 , youtnr li so, Duuaun jjij.x-uiu) wlll curo you. Send 3 2-cent stamps to A. P. Ordwar & Co., Uoton.Maas.. for best medlcal vrore published JUSTICE LEWIS' RUSSELL Brings the Enemy to Bay After 'much Persistent Effort. MAKES A D1SC0VERY THAT WILL INTEREST VERMONT PEOPIE. fcriiblc Itcliliigniid RiirnlngEn dured for Two Ycars. Cured at Last by Allen's Sarsaparilla RIIEU.UATISM ALSO VANQUISIIED. Tlie Greatest Rcmcdy of llic Age. Hon. Lowis Kiisscll of E. MiddUibury, Vt, has had an cxpcrienco during tho past two years which is a very common ono in tho Stato of Vermont, but very few havo been fortunate enough to find tbo koy to cscape in so sliort a time. Thero is happily ono retncdy for theso evils thatscldom fails to vannuitsli them entirely. "Allen's Sarsaparilla," Kead wliat Dr. IJussell says in his lottcr to Mr. Allen: "K. Mii-dleburt, Vt , Jlay 29. 1S9?. M. U. J Allen, Dear Sir I wlll statn to you what klnd of a tlmc I have ha'd wllh Eczema or Salt Ulifum. For the past two years it has been more than I would wlsh to cudure for any small um. Some four weeks aeo I was taken with itheumntism in my leg and hlps nnd for Ihreo weeks 1 could lmrdlyiret around the honse Two bottles of Allen's Sarsaparilla have cnred tny rheumntlsm. I shall use one or two bottles lnore and I think lt wlll curt me entirely. I have taken many other klnds of medicine for my tmubles alHo no fcood fffect I thlrk vours Is thestnff. LEWIS HUSSEil,, Jnstlce of the I'esce. I h-reby certlfy that I sold two bottles of Al li-n' Saraparilla to tlie wlthlnnamed Lewltltus sell. D. G. PECK. E. Mlddlebnry, Vt. Dealer ln Oroceries and Patent Slediclnes. Aro you RufTering from Eczema, Salt Rheum or Iiheumatism? Curo yourself by using this great remcdy which is within tlio reach of all. It is also a suro remcdy for all iiloo'l, Stomach, Kiduey and Liver diseascs. Sold ou tho "no buncflt no pay'' plau, ' by all dcalers for 50 ccnts. THE ALLEN SARSAPARILLA CO., WOODFOItDS, ME. J. H, AYERS Ilas rcceired tlie largest stock or SPRIN6 HATS Ever shwn ln Bcnnlngton,and at prlecs ncrcr before lieard of. I harc also a nlcc largc stock of CLOTHS ! Of tlie latcst Foreign and Domcs tlc pattcrns. Give mc a call, as mr prlccs are lowcr than you can buj clsowlicrc, quallty and work taken Into conslderatlon. QSrH AYERS, THE MAIN STREET TAILOR. HOUSE, SIGN, XKD OARRIAGE PAINTING. r&tntlnE. Qlailnr. Alabastlmnr. Kalsomlalnff. Tlntlng, etc Slgn and Carrlage Palntln?, by CharleiQ.Fhllllpi. UlIAKiJia lt. iiUUMIIAil. l.J10UnIonStret,I5enninston,Vt.