Newspaper Page Text
8 a4a AN ATTRACTIVE CHILD. The- Unfortunate Occurrence ofHerlifB. How it Ca Xe&r Viting ffer Ex Jrtcnto WnURppT. Her Motlier Tells o Story Whlch Will ' OfwflJ trrtrrejt All. Stories of chlldren aro always interest ing. Parents often Tie svith each, othcr in seeing which can tell the bcst story of rnost intcrestiuj aneodote about their childrcn. But here is n story told by one niotljer whicli, while it may awnke echoes ,of saduess in tlie rainds and hoarts of somo parents, will be to others a mossago fraught with hope and joy. Tho child whose short history of rain' gled sorrow and cladness ts hcreeivon 1s tho daughtor of the well-knomi Mrs. J. Xearmontli, who reeides at 776 Broaa way, South Boston, Mass. 'At tcn years of age," sald Mrs. Lear month, "my daughter becarao nffoctcd with a nervous condition which soon do veloped iDto St Titua' danco. It was prouounccd by tho attendinfr physician to bo a very seYere attack, .. "Themouth would be drawn spas modically far to ons side, the hatids and arms woro restleit andsonstantly twitch ing. Her lirabs also were weak; hor ankles bent undor her so that it was al most iniDossible to walk. COUA LEARMOHTn. "Sho was so uervous that she would scieam almost liko a maniac and then hat o fite of cryinR. After two months' treatment without a curo, I concluded to try Dr. Qroeu's Nervura blood and nervo romedy. '. "Three bottlcfuls entirely oured hor. ;.Sheisnow thirteen years old and has been well over sinco and to-day is a pic turo of health." Childrcn aro prono to havo woak ncrvos and delicate health. Neglcct of a nervous condition, a p.nle lnok, a disor dcrcd digcstion or a r-enoral lack of health and -rigor in a child may result in flts, St. Vitns' danee or some othcr scri ous nervous diseao. Oivo your infants and childrcn this glorious ohildron's romedy, Dr. Grecno's Nervura blood and nerve retncdy in- the foeginninj; of tho discaso whcn you sco tthem nervous, ' restlcse, wakeful, pale, 'spiritless, w"ithout appetito, or with ap petito irregular and bowcls constipated. .It will make their nerves strong, tb.e'ir blood puro, their sloep Bound, natural and refrcshinc. In fact it will tnako thetn well and strong. Itis purely vcgeMblo and hartnless and all druggists sell it for $1.00. It is the discovery and proscription of a phy s'.cian, Dr. Greene. of 34 Templo Place, Boston. MasR., welUknown as tho roost successful 'specialist in curing nervous and chronic disesKcs. Tho' doctor- can bo oonsulted froo, personally or by let ter. GEN. nAUBISON'S ADDRESS OF WELCOME TO THE VETERANS. Tho ad Iresa of Wolcomo to tho visit ing Union Veterans of tho G. A. K. at Indianapolis, this week, will go down to postcrity with Limcoln's immortal Got tyshurg speech and other Listoric utter anccs. IIo6aid: I look iuto tiio faco of, mcn to-uight who, in their individual servico in tho army, havo porforraed dccds of hcroism and courago who, riding with lUshing saber over rebel guns, liavo carried the SUrs and Stripes to victory. (Applause). I look into tho faccs of mon to-night who, at tho bayonet's point, have pushed back their country's enomies and havo plantcd tho fiag on rcbol ramparts. I look into tho faccs of mon who havo shed their blood and dropped thejr limbs up ou tho battleflold, and who walk among us to-night mained, dismombored, that tho honor of tho flag raiglit bo uutar nifilicd and tho Union unbroken. (Loud applause). Cau it uo possiblo that wbilo tho sur vivors of this great strugglo are still with V?j whllo they walk our streots, a goneratiou has corao on forgetful of tlioir great achiovements? Uas tho moth of avaricc, tbo cankor of greod, so caton in to the liea'rls of this gcnoration that they aro unmindful of tlicso mon? God for bid! Whcn tho great strugglo of tbo Rovo lution was ovorth's country was bank rupt; t)ie notes that it had issued wero valueless; it was without credit at homo or abroad, and too many turned aw'ay f rom tho just claims of tho soldiers that had followed Washington frora Cam bridge to Torktown. The army pleaded in vain for justico at tho hands of tbe government it had saved. But tbcy had to deal then with a bank rapt government, without tho power to redccm its pledges, an impoverishcd peoplo who had spent all in that oight years' strugglo. No such cxcuso can bo oflcred now. This country is rich in the great ro sourccs of tlicso accuraulated years. Our pcople can flnd no oicuso for ingrat itude toward tbo soldiers of tho land in tlioir inability to mcot his just demands. Tlio Amorican Boldicr of tbo civil war has uot becn commercially grecdy. Ile was'not temptod to servico by his month ly stipend. If tbero had bcen no othcr impulso tbau olevcn or thirteen dollars a month we would havo had no 'army. Tho mcn wbo went to tho front wero not impolled by sordid purposes or hopo of gain. And, when tbo war was over, their thought was not of depondence up on tbe government but upon their own rightar.ns. (Applauso). I saw that great parado with tho gal lant and lamonted Geueral Sberman at its licad, sweep by tbo Troasury of tho United States, and thero was not a proedy oyo turned toward it Tbo sol dierlias bcen a workraan; his family have eaten tho fruits of his owntoll. As long as God gave him strcngth of arra be wrought and ato tho bread of independ uucu. Only when ho bcciino the veteran of time, when as I have said bofore tho paralysis of ago drew close about tho citadel of his life, and tho arm tl had wrought so bravely for his country and so sturdily for his family lost its strengtb; only then did ho turn liis,liono f ul oyo to A-ard tbo governmont for roli'if. Tho Grand Ariny of tlio Republio has rightly claimod that the man who fell by the way in tho battlo. stl h'fo, from dieease or oasnalty or tho adranclng jcars, lost tho capacify to maintain him sclf, shonld bo carcd for by the natipn he helped to savo (applause)', and not be dcpcndeat upon tho township poor fnnd. A prosumption will bo iudulgcd in his ftnror. We do not ask that nny one who has fraudnlontly obtaincd a piace upon tho pcnsion rolls shall bo kept thero, but wo do ask that othcr famlliar mazimim of tho law that fraud is to be proved, and not presumed, shall bo applied to tho soldiers' olaim. Theso gonoral prlncl plcs and I caunot go into dotails I think must bo acceptablo to every right thinking, patriotio man. Wo aro impa tient only with those who start with a prejudico against tho soldior. (Loud and long applause). A POSSIBLE VERMONT INDUSTKY. Thero was a time when Vermont was noted fr its flno standard bred shcep, just as it was faraous tho world over foc its Morgan horses; but various infltt ences rcsultcd in a partial loss of tho prestigo of Vermont sheep, and in roccnt years the industry has suffercd a markod aecline. This is unfortunato in moro ways tban ono. It not only tneans fi nanoial loss dircctly, but it aoprivcs tho Vermont farmcr to a cortaln oxtont of a useful ally in securing tho bost roturns! from tho most rugged portions of his land. Thero aro many hills in Vermont upon which shecp aro about tho only an iroal that will thrive; for they will climb very stccp placcs and live on land that would starvo any other domesticat cd animtl. Thero is every rcason, tbercforo, why many Vermont farmers should raiso sheep, and tho increasing tcndcncy to produce mutton instoad of wool is ono of the encouraging signs of tho timcs of which they shuuld not loso sight. Tho Amcrica Wool and Cotten Reporter calls atteution to tho chango which is go ing on, and rejoices over it. "Henoe forth." it says, "tho farmer's flock of sheep must stand on its own legs, and theso must be mutton lgs; tlitis sufQ clently suj)ported, it can not oniy tako care of itself but cnricli the hilltops of tho farmor and bless his tabk with tho bcatofmeat." Itpoints out that tho hutcher's markct of lato has shown a growing partiality for mutton and less demand for beef, and says, "Wo should eat moro iamb moro mutton. It may bo a great blessitu; thacit is neccssary to push this sido of tho shcep intercst if it is to rcsult in the roaring of bottcr mut ton, and moro of it, and its prcsentation to tho public in moro attractivo form, and oyerywhoro." It is a well cstablisbod fact that mut ton" can bo grown choaper tban any othcr meat, as the fleecos, despito tho low prlco of wool, will go a long way to make up tbe cost of raising. No anl mal will grow moro rapidly, as com parcd with the food consumed, tbau a famb, and tho perccnt of gain as to cost is tho highcst. Every farmer ought to keep a fow shcep. and espccially tho Vermont farmer. Frco Prcss. A BROADSIDE OF CHEER. We publlshed yestorday, says tbo Bos ton Herald of Tuesday, a broadsido of cheeringroports frora overy part of tbo country, showing a markeil and all but uulvcrsal improvomcnt, not only in tho busincss outlook, but in tbo actual 'con dition of trado. The reports carao to 'us by telegraph from the ofllces of tho load ing journals of tho different sections covored by our porvaslvo search, which ranged from tho Atlantlo tq tbo Paciflc, and from tho Gulf to tho Canada linc. In oach caso tho stateinents are signed, so.that tboy carry tho weight of cditorUl titterances, and aro entitlod to all tbo Credit which attaches to tho.declarations of tho Tiest informed and most influen tlal journals belonging to tho Amorican prcss. When such a body of opinion concnrs, as it does substantially in this caeo,JLho concurrence may safoly be taki on as ostablishing beyond dlsputo tho polnts on which it is in agreemen-, Thoso points aro tliat trado. is roviving on all sides, that monoy, when requircd for legitimato busincss,' is obtainablo in mucn larger amounts and on far bettor torms, that confidenco is roturning and that tho prospccts for a fair fall busincss aro a great doal brightor tban seemed possiblo a fortnigbt ago. Ilcro is a very encouraging improvoment, and the causes aro not far to seek. The cnor mous arrivals of cold from Eurono. mainly frora the coiTors of tho Bauk of iingland, liavo agam givon uackbono to our curroucy system, which had become very limp undor the long-coutinued ox ports of tho yellow mctal. Theso re ceipts of monoy in its sounjost form have bcen supplomeutcd by a largo ox- pansion of national bank notes and treasury notes. Tho vast aggregato of supplios has brokon the back of tho cur roricyfamino and dissipatcd the appre honsious or disappointcd tho greod of curroncy hoarders. Atlurd most notcnt factor is found in tho passago of tho ro poal bill by an overwholraing majority by tno uouse, ana tlio convtction no widely cnfertained by the publio that its pas sago in tho Sonato is only a qucstion of time, and notof a very long time, eithor. Vermont and Troy woro roprosoutcd in the Herald's svmnosium. tho forraer roportod by tho Froo Press and tho lat- tor by tbo Timcs. THE COSMOPOLITAN MAGAZINE. This suoorblv illustratod marrazinn (n a special World's Fair numbor in its beptember issuo, and a copy bas como to our tablo. Tho success of this nublica- tion, undor tho cditorsliip of John Bris bon Walkor, has bcon phcnomenal. Our roaders havo some of them known of the wondorfully low rates, formerly, by which tbo Cosmopolitan, the Banneu, Grant's book, or Shorman's and Sheri dan's memoris wero clubbed, but of lato tho managoment of the Cosmopolitan havo "carriod tho war iuto Africa" by cutting dnwn its price to $1.50 per year or 12 ccnts a month. This bas bcon dono whilo maintaining tho standard of cxcollonce, fully, with tho $4.00 maga zines. For u "York shilling" our read ors can obtain tho Cosmopolitan, equal in all respccts to the 25 and 35 centissues of tho leading raagazlnos. Tho prcsont issuo (Soptember), has twcnty illustrated articlcs about tho great fair, written by loading and well known writers. Tho il lustrations aro flno half-toncs onsuring a corrcct representatiou of tho subjecto selectod. Our readors can roadily verify theso statoments, if tboy aro skepUcaf, by calling on their local nowsdealor. For salo in Bennlncton by Miss Eddy. Editor Walker and bisassociatesccrtaln ly havo accomplished tbo long considered irapoBsIblo in magazino publishlng, tho raaximum of oxcollenco with tbe mini raum of expenxe. A first class magazino for $1.50 per year is somothing of aprob lom to solvo and they appear to havo dono it. TiiOino 0 3anp 8t Wijj gtnvosq etji otm Jn0 ioj pajb otji puiD tVM. qi cstj . rauiwass cjoirot n cured. trr kxxd pplloailona, thej cnaot reMh (be waj v care aursus. ui vau is or confutuuon- at remeoiet. utuaeea u oausea bj u un&mea eOBdiUmeftheinaeoui!llncDf the Eamjchlan Tok, ITlMa tU.Mfc tvn bflkiKd 70 Tt rcaWJKud or iaptrfeel htwiaff, nt hIk It ii attirtlT dnmt dMJMM ( Um nntt, ni m Ices tbe lnflatamtlaa etn be taken out d3 this Mberwrtoirt U IM xwt ccaiitlo, ktiril wlU bg dotToyed forerer: nlao.eaje out of tem are caused by otorrli. wlick i uoiblng but an inflimcil copdition of the mucoas inrtacts. We will plvo one Hundied Pollars for ny cx&e ot deftfaf (camed by taUrrh), ibat cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Bend for clrcn Urs, tme. P. J. CHEVEY & CO., Toltdo, 0. OB-Sold by dniRgiits. 15c NEW BLACK RESS GOOD3. W. H. FkeIii'b fall importations of fino klack Artm goods are ooming in daily and a,t preftent the department i fllled to 'its utMoet capacity with tho best assortod and moct comploto lino of all-wool and silk and wool black goods that the largest retall dry goodp in tbe ttato would tako prido in oflcring to tho public As the goods are arriving so last, and in such large quantities, it will be neceesary to run some of them off in ordor to got tho 'roont requircd for later importation orders which aro duo to ar ri,vo, about September 15th. All tho 40 ,ineh all-wool Granito Figitres of tho (1 nnalitv will be sold at 75c. 2(1 nicces 40inch silk finlsb Henriotta, 75c. quality. will no sold lor ouc. This is a gioit Dai j gain. 15 pieccs 40 mcli (rcgular $1 qual ity) Uenrietu at 00c. If the times woro right would not last a weck. Black Goods Dcpartment, Froar's Troy Bazaar. Dcaa'a llheatnnilo FI1U abolatelr cturs rheamuisra asd neuralgU. Kntlrel TtgtteWe. catt.. To retain an abundant hr& of hair of a natural color to a good old age, tho bygisno of the scalp must be observcd. Apply Hall's Hair Itenewor. Bloody "Wntcr Oozcd Out Constantly. No Pcaco Day or Nlght. Doctors Falled. Cured ly Cutlcurn. Tly child's dlsoasc, whlch was the worst klnd olZczcma.stanod onone check llke a ringworm. epreuu unu uciiuu su lae poor little fcllowhad no peaco nlght or day; 'Then it started on tho other cheek and chln, uutil all were raw as a pleco of bccfstcak, liko a burn where you would rub oll tho sUu, and bloody watcr oozcd out constantly. His BiUTer lnge wero terrlblo I know, ai though ho was but slx months old and coiUd not tell how ho euffered. Itlcdhla hands that ho wotild not scratch, then ho would rub his poor llttlo cheeks on his shoulders to rcllevo tho Intcnso itchinp. I had as cood a doctor aswas ln fhiladclphla, but he fallcd'toreliCTO him. I read of the Cuticura Kemcdies, and at onco purcbased them. Strange to eay tbat very nlght hercstcd without gcratchlng his faco, and from that on ho Improvcd ahd soon was entirely cured. I would liko anyono BuHcring from this terrlblo discaso to seO my boy, who is in his twclfth yeactaow. 111s complexion ls as clear and smooth as can be. This is an unsollcltcd testlmonldl, and every word is true. 1 thank' God for my child's rocovcry, and I thank tho manuf acturcr of Cdtjccra. . Mrs. E. B. OlMBLE, 852 N. rorty-Sccond St., llilladelphla. CUTICURA WORKS'WONDERS And have cffcctedlh'e most wonderful curcs of torturinp; and dlsflKaring Bkin and scalp discases of 'Infants and chlldren evcr rocorded. They nfford lnstant rclief , permlt rest and sleep, and polpttoaspeedy curewhon the bost physicians anaall other remcdles fall. V ! . ; Bold throuRhont (he worldV ' TfHm, Ooncusi. Mc.; Boip, 25c.; Resolvekt, $1. I'oT-rzn Imua and Cukm. Coiir. Bolo rropeto(,J!oton. J09- " IIow to Care Bkln DUeaseir"-' mtlled froc. niny'P Sklnand Bcalp purifledViid besntlfled DADI 0 by Cuticuiu. Bair. AhoIitely puro. IFTrRED,AGHIN6NERV0US Mothers knew tho comfort, strength and vitality in Cnllcnra Anll-rain riasten, they would never bo with out them. THE 3CIND I THAT CURES "I CONSIDERED PATEHT MEOICIHES A KUMBU6 1 " i ICend What n O. A. 7ommand- g cr Raya. I DANAS-.. 1" A GREAT BLESSma 10 MB ! " IDANJL SAnSAPXBJLUL CO, 3 GHTBt-For Kmi time X hwe been tnrablad withm JCldneys, bclnsoblldtORfttiptwa 30r threc tlractn)zhL I u aJo grfitlr troublcd jbr dT. Could nwf rid ttUtn miles without itop- pingiwoorinrteume. uon sthrouth the tfrrlce. IfrfuiU mm neip mc 'inen i tnea otner pJijiicuni, but to no ; ! parpotc Then I trled othrr rrmaliei but Ot no XbrgtntobcaUnned. I hcftrdof I SAHSAPABILLA HbQtpAldno ftttentlon to lt M'l xonildcrtd ptcst W mfQiclne hnmbqg. OnedaTBvUecAllfdlinr attratlon to Hct. Mr. Cluke'i tettlmoDUl. I knew l'thcr Clrke,ml I knnr hU lUtemtst must Sbeirne. 1I would not miort k hnmbux. Bo I vent ta Pcrlv & lhinfa mnA bmteht a l-.H1 BWhenthic wi goof, I waa ao nrachlwtler I rotl gconld co to brd nd tnv all Blcht. Can HNNl Qirh and ftir thrmirh tha acniri. wlthmitE unj incoDTonience. It haa hpn a r blfttnar to ttte. Youn rfapfrtfullT, F BiVerfllcM.Tt. aO.TllXOtsON. 1'. Oxrrsi Wiraayab!.tIinoiilalo(Mr.Tlllo-fe mi,1rholf ftpromlnnf tpcmbcr of wttftbelogi tt U4i ic oi mo jL-ence, vommanacr of tne" Jl. l'oat. and hu held ull of theg Itovrn'Afflcea. ypurt trTilr.- i Dtna Siriaparllls Co., Bellasi, HaJne. Thl Tnslilullon Is to 'bolneartt douHftd ' In tln Iramkdlils!. rtherebV rri.ktnu It Ihs laroeit a. ir VtrnSilt tha'besl CammercIal.'Shnrtioiiiix r and Telenraprt,chool In Ameflca. . . .. IHundredl of Iti graduates are attlited to. .poiitions iRnuMl;. spring and Juramw, i seislons for Teacher and others. For . . Catalogne addretl ...... JjARNELL k GUTCHESS(J, ALBANY, N.Y. FAGE LIKE A BURN g Bken4elil,Vt TEA AND COFFEE SALE -AT MILL 8TORE, Frora September 1st to September 15th, Rcgular Prico. Special Cholccst New" Japan Tca, per pound, COo 60o Cholce Kcw Japan Toa, per pound, - 50o 40c Fincst Now Japan Toa, per pound, - - 40o 85c Good Now Japan Tca, per pound, - '.TOo 25o Cholccst Fomosa (black), per pound,- - - 70c COo Finest Fomosa (black), per pound, - - OOo 50 Good Amoy, per pound, - GOo 25c Cholccst Moyuno Gunpowdcr Tea, per pound, GOo 50c Cholccst Mocha and Java Coffeb, per pound, 33c 35o Choiccst Java Coffoc, por pound, - - 85o - 33c Good Blendod Coffoe, por pound, 25c 22o Try a pound, or at least ask for samplcs, and yon will want moro at abovo priccs. No such tea as our choicest sold with prizcs. If you want tlio best tcas and coffecs imported, at; rcasonablo priccs, you can get them at this salo. E. E. . HART & CO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. BDSINESS MEN !!!!!! B OOKKEEPERS, O NOW? You will avoid the Holidav rash. Yonr will saveS ! the danger of finding yonrself, the middle of' 'next Janu ary, Btill waiting for your books. The bosks will he'' , the better off, too, for a few iusunr We can say, without fear i make the best Blank Books 1 work with a sample order. C. A. PIERCE & CO, Prop's. Banner Bindery, Bennington! Vermont. ICE CREKM HUYLER'S FORMULA, HAVE YOU HEARD THAT At 508 Haln Strcct they are drawlag frem tlicir HnKulflocnt Soda Apparatus tlie faraous Vlchcy Wuter dlrect rrow Snratoga? That our Soda watcr ls cliarged with the (Jejser.'s Nalnral Carbonlc Acld Oas lrom Saratoga Sprlncs, N. T. No orc Sulphurlc Acld ; no morc Marblc Dust. Natural gas is frcc rrora tUcse Impurltlcs, and is absolutcly pure. Leave Your Orders for Choice Cut Flowers- YAN VLECK & POTTER. 508 IVtain Street, Bennington, Vt. MERCHANTS, BUTGHERSTralV enlly. Wrf want a good man la your locallty to plclcnp CALF SKINS 5 BKEV niDE3. SIIEEP PELTS, ETC. for ns UMh rarnblied on Batinfactory KUrniy. Aa drfM. C. S. I'iOe, Hyde Fark, Vermont, U. 8. Jm-Jn. 1, NOTICE. To the tnx pajer of tha Vllltce ot BeanlnKton A rata blll has been placed In my handi for col lf ctlon, as followi: 45 cents on th dollar for the Tlllauo tax; 20 ccnts on the dollar for the hlch was tu on the Grand tAn ot 1833. I liereby d mantl pnymf nt of sald tazes, auil notlfy you that I will attendat First National Iiank In Bennlng ton from 9 o'claelc ft. ra . nntil 4 o'clock p. m. Thero will be a dlacount of 4 per cent. on yu lage tax lf pald wlthln V dara. OEO. F. 01U.VES Treasnrer. - Btnclngton, Vt., July 1, 1683. THE Prloo. 5 lbs for Slbs for Zi lbs 5 lbs for 4 lba for 5 lbs foi 5 lbs for 5 lbs for 5 lbs for 5 lbs for 6 lbs for $2.2S $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $2.15 $2.25 $1.00 $2.25 $1.G5 $1.55 $1.00 7 Will you not need new Blank Books the first of tho new year. ? Thon whynot order weeks' "fieasoning" before , of contradiction ,tliat we i Vermont. Test.onr i SODH! We aro drawlng Ice Cream Soda made from Ourpeople all knbw that Hnyler's oream ls far uperior to any made in this seotion, so if you will drop in we will furnish you with a kind of Ice Cream Soda that has neveav been served in Ben nington before. 11" " TYPEWRITER SUPPLIES. aA largo atanrtment of TypewtiterPper..Theso papers are tie btat for the prlco that we have beenableto Snd. Xlio, Typewrlter IUbbona, 011 Backers. Etc. We in tend.ts be able to tup ply any call for Type writer Supplles. C. A. Pierce & Co.f Bennington, Vt. H.T.Eaton. DEALER IN Cemefery Work, S?tffSs I nw Pricp.s WE8T AEHNOTON VT. ;B1CYCLES REDUCED TrICES. Weoflcr tiicfellowlng Bicycle at the prlws quoted: 1 Sunole, Pneumatic Tlre $150 for f T 1 New Mall, Fnenmatlo Tlre 125 for 100 1 Ladira' Colnmbla, CnsblonTlre... 110 for 00 2 CoIauiblas,Uodel32,PneumatlcTlre, 1W for 130 1 (VlumblaKodel 29, Pnenmatle Tlre, 150 for 03 lOescent. ruenmattc Tlre 100 for 1 Cresoent, -Cuthlon Tlre 85 for Og 1 Credenda, Cushion Tlre BO for U 1 C'redendo, Cushlon Tlre 90 for 40 Uuno, Fnenmatic Tlre....,.. 64 for Uuno, Cashlon Tlre.... , Ttfor J Blnch, 31-inch Whsel Cushlon Tln, 40 for 80 Some of aboVe l.aTO not been used. some are tllgbtly Bhopworn and othera aecond-hand. A fall llne of Columblas, Ilickories, New Malls, Wcttefn wheel Worka, and the most complcte line of Itlcyrle Bnppllea ln the city. All at ae commodatlng prices NOTE THE. NEW L0CAT10N, 22 THIRB ST., TROY, N. Y. H. II, NIMS & C0 NOW or 1IAG Bcslnnlng weak of July' 10th. and erery week thereafter, a tEN DAY'S EXCURSION . TO THE WORLD'S FAIR AND RETURN FOR $30 Inrladea tranaportatlon bth waya, slx days room and ineala, llrst clajs. ana tix admlaslons to the Fair. ETerythlog will be. guarantced as represented and refcrencns glven to tho.e who bare been our guests. Lowest rates to Chlcago for transportion only and all polnta West. For partlcnUrs address h G. RITTER, 315 River Street, Troy, N. Y. CORRECT STYLES FOR LADIES. GORREGT STYLES FOR MISSES. CORRECT STYLES FOR MEN. CORRECT STYLES FOR BOYS Arriving each week at tbe Shoe Emporium of Joseph Scl)warz, Opposite Baplisf Church, ; Bennington, Vt. 1STATU 01TDAVID C. HARWOOD Notlce of Settlement and Appllcatlon for Dlstrt bntlon. T A TE OF VERMONT, ( . Ds trict of Bennington, ( In Probatc Court, held at the Frobate Offlce In Bennington, In said district, on the 23th day ot Augnst, A. D. 1893. Pre&ent, John V. Camey. Judge. Irvlng E Gibaon, admlnlstrator ot the estato of Darid C Harwood, late of Bennington ln sald district, deceased. present, hls admlnlstration account for examl natlon and allowance, and make appllcatlon for adecree of dlstribution And partition of tbe es tatfl of said deceased. ls ordered by sald Court,tbatsald aceonnt and said appllcatlon be referrcd to a scsslon thcreof, to be hcld at tho rrobato Offlco aforesaid, on the 16da) of Sept. A. D.1893. for bcarine and decmon tncrcon;and, it is further ordered, that notlce. thercof b&giren to all parties Interested, by BubllcaUonof the lamo thrco wecka successiTely i the Bennington Bahnxh, a newspapcr publlshed at Bennington, preylous to sald time appolnted 'for hearlng, 'that they may appear at said time and place, and show cause, lf any tuoy may have. why sald account should not bo nllowed, and such decree made A record whereof Is ordered to ae made. ATrueltecord, Attest, . JOIINV. CARNEY, Judge. A True Copy of Becord, Attest, 83 JOHN V, CARNEY, Judge. BOOTS SliOES JJSTATE OF JOHN LAWKENCE. Notlcoof Settlement and Appllcatlon for Dlstri bution. STATE OF VERMONT, Dlst. of Bennington, ss. Jn Pmbate Court, hcld at Bennington, wlthln and for sald district, on the 31st day ot August, A. D. 1893. Preacnt. John V. Carney, Judge. Geerge B Lawrenco, admlnlstrator of tbe es tate of John lawrance late of Bennington sald district, deceased, presenta hl admlnlstra tion account for examlnation and al lowance, and makes appllcatlon for a decree of dlstribution and partition of theestate ot said deceased. Whereuponlt (i ordered by aaldConrt, that sald account and' sald appllcatlon be referred to a aession thereof, to be hcld at the Probate OCtlca aforesald. on the 18th tlav of September, A. D. 1893, for hearlog and dcc'sion taereon; and, it ls further ordered, that notlce thereof be glren to all parties Interested, by publlcation of tbe same three weeks succestlrely ln the Bennington BAH ner, a newspaper publlshed at Bennlngton.prc Tious to sald time Ibr liearlng. that they may ap pear at sald time and place, and show cause if any they tnay haro, why sald account should not be allowed. and such decree made. A record whereof ls ordered to b made. A True Record, Aitest, JOHN V. CARNEY. Judge. A.True Copy ot the Orlgjnal Record. Si , Attest-JOHN V, OARNEY. Judge. ' Vv1