Newspaper Page Text
THE BENNINGTON BANNER, FKIDAY, APRIL 20, 1894. I would ank ono sorious miostion. and ask for a eerious answov. FirSt, Wborein doos tlio forcfolnB statomont vary from the trutli? Heoonu, if in commou war, tboy wlio trado with tho onomios of thoir country, and Supply thom with storos, aro punished as Tories, why aro not tUoso raore so, who at this prcscnt timo of universal struggle throughout tho clvilizcd world. trado in ardent siririts? I Iiodo tbat no ono will trado in ardeut spirits until lio cau clcar himsolf by an honest, satisfactory answor. All that are not for us aro aeainst us, and aro our cneuiies. (Writton bv an old Revolutionary sol dior in 1834. when tho writor was 84 vcars old. Tho stvle shows old aco. but the subjeot and facts belong to tho pres- cnt ago as woll.) Ono of tho Dauchters of the Revolu tion found tho documeut among old papers. Some of Bennlngton's Trotters. Tho announcomont of the coming racos on tho North Bennington Driving Track, Juno Oth and 7th, has alroady awakened rauoh intorost among tho local horsemon. who havo alroady begun jog- trinir their horses in antioipation of tbat v event. Among tboso whioh tho Banneb scribe has nottccd on tno streota are uio fdlowintr from tho stable of Goorgo P, Lvonard, prosidont of tho association, and who broucht out tho fast maro Joan.Hast scason: Alicia by Aloyono (his youngcat daughter), dam Mercedes a.yu: siio uy uooawin's cnampion. Alicia will bo enterod for the flrst timo this soason in somo of the slowcr classes, Sabloson, 3 years old, by Lcs Wilkes, own brothor to Sablo Wilkos, out of producing dam by Bollfounder, has win tered in line shapo and should go fast this season. As a two-ycar-old, he showed botter than a 2.38 olip last sa son, when he was not fully acclimated. To-day ho is in fino shape, has all tho qualitics of a raco horse, and is safe for anvnnn r.n drivn. Goodstock. bv Com- Btook, 8,340, dam by Polonious, is an- otner tnreo yoar om tnat wui oe cnioroa for the flrst time tlus soason. Jio prorn isos well, and it will bo surprising if ho does not win somo of tho raccs in whioh bo will oe entered. C. E. Galusha's b. m. Blanoho Peaco- maker, 2.34, is boing bandlod by a vet- eran trainer in Cambridgo, N. Y. Sho is one of tho bandsomcst pieocs of borso ilesu in town. as woll as ono ot tne sat cst drivers. It would not surpriso any- ono if iho should got insido the list this season. Foggy, who holds tho obampionsbip of the State, 2.13, and owncd by W. H. Bradford of this villane, has wintered with A. P. Mo Donald at Island Tark. Troy. He has oomo out in good shape and it is confidently oxpectcd tbat ho will rcdcem his record this soason. Frank Burcess has the favorito pacer. Frank Burcess. 2.22, well known on all tho raco tracks in this section. Ho is iu fino shapo for tho season's work, and bis friends oxpeet that he will reduco his record soveral seconds beforo tho season closes. Anothor ono is Lindale, 2.371, a direct dcscendant of Rydsyks' Hambletonian 10. Others aro Tnll, a 4- ycar-old llliy, wlio as a 3-jear-oia, gained a record of 2.39, and Erama B., 2.37. Amonc thoso of his stable who will raako their dobut on tho turf this year aro, Beulah B., a threo-year-old, and Lindune. botn promisincr coits. At North Bennington, H. C. White has in training Sydnoy Vonur, 4 years old, by Sydney. Ho has no record but will probably be enterod in tho 2.40 class. Bello Hoxie, a flve-year-old, by Ison, 2.0'J, wlio nas snown a quarter in 37J. Ruth Wilkes, flvo-ycar-old, by Aristaucs. 2.20. and a tlireo-year-oJu b, m., jjauy v euuur uy ouiuiuuuci, iiu uy Eiectioneer, uer aam Dy jkoo mo uregor. All come from cood trottinz stock and will undoubtcdly mako a good showing in tne races in wmou tney wui bo on tered. Cbarlcs W. Roberts is driyinc tho b g., Wesloy, 2.35, sired by Electric, ho by Electioner, and who, judgmg from his actions, will materially reduco his rec ord this summor. MOVING AGAINST FAST DAY. It looks as though tho next legislaturo will bo asked to abolish Fast Day in Vor- mont, as tho desiro for its abolishmcnt is lindtng abundat oxpression through tho prcss and tho peoplo. It is said tbat tho GoTernor in his messago to tho next leg islature is willing to recommend aboli tion, as tho day has almost ceased to be observed in a rcligious spirit. Tho puns ter now oalls it a "Farco" day, and tho majority of the peoplo scom to regard the namo as proper as any. Tbe St. Johns bury Calcdonian insists tbat tho legis laturo shall abolish Fast Day and mako a holiday of August 10th, the annivorsary of the Battlo of Bennington, as tho oc casion would then havo a historical sig nificance and could be observed with a patriotic spirit. It suggests that tho new holiday bo callcd "The sixteenth of August," or, as has been proposcd by one or two promlnent men of tne State, "Bennington" day. Tho Battlo of Ben nington is gonorally conceded by histori ans, to bo the pivotal battle of tbe Revo lution, and its annivorsary comes at a time ot the year whon outdoor festivi- RaRliusp.ttn rpnnntlr sihnlinVind Vsiat. av nn thn nrrniinn rhit:rliorn waa n tntnl abfaicnco of eyory proper obscrvanco of tho cUay, and a new holiday, named aftor a famtons RoTolutionary battlo, bas beon establiuMied. The a&nre, written by Dr. H. O. Day of this villagtfKfor the Troy Times, moots with our apWobation. Yestorday, Mas sachusetts oorcbratcd what is callcd Lex-. ington-Coucord or Concord-Lexington;' or, as Gov. Greebalge calls it, "Patriot's Day;" and, Whil, Boston nowspapers difier as to tho nancl as it is seen Vor xnonters, also, do, yet tho idea is sound. We prefer "Benfcington'JJattle Day," for our Sixteenth. Thero aro ahumbor of rcasons wby tho 10th of Augustsbould, followlnganalogy, Buccccd "Governor's Sunday," In this State. Loxincton was a skirmish in point ofnumbers, yet thero was sown tho seed of our mighty Ropublic. At Ban nington, tho turning'pomt was roachcd. bcgan at Loxington and Concord, and', both should bo cqually recognlzod. Botb should bo made National holidays. O'NEIL MUST PAY. Ever sinco tho case of John O'Ncil was decided in tho Snpremo Court, and he was taken to the Work Houso in Rut land for conflnomont, an effort has been going on to sccure his rolease. Ten days ago a petition asking for tho rcmitting of bis fino, ovcr $600, was prcsented to tho governor. This tho govornor do clincd to do, or pardon bim for the un oxpircd term that be has got to servo. His answer to tho potitioners is quito ex plicit. Tho governor takos tho ground that O'Nell moved from Rutland to Whltehall, N. Y., for the oxpross pur poso of interforing with and brcaking down tho nxciso laws of Vermont, and that hi acted as ho dld with tho full knowledgo of what awaited him. The adTortislng agoncy- of N. W. Ayer&Sonef Philadelphia, is unucs tionablytho largest and probably tho best quipped of any in tho Unitod States. Ithasmoroand largir patrons than any othor, and, taking iono thing with anothor, it is questionabls whethor tiiey aro noc enciuea to tno creait oi securing for thoir patrons botter sorvico than cari be counted on from any other. It should be, and doubtloss is, a great sourco of nndo and satisfaction to Mr, Ayerand Mr. MoKinuoy that tboy have been ablo. whilo remaininir in Phila delphia, to build up a largcr advortising bustncss than nas over been securoa bo foro by any adrertising agoncy in New York or clsowhero. Prmtor's Ink. 8PE0IAL BUSINES8 L0GAL8. A comnloto and frosh lino of re liablo secds; garden, ileld and flower, at uoiusraiui's. livz, S'Found. A purso contiining small sum of monoy. tho Bannek Offlco. J:Wanted Channo to do houso work. Sarah Piorco, 7W Gago streot. B"-A first-class assortmont of flshing tacklo at uoidsmitii's. uut, 2-Spocial Sale noxt Monday of Baby uarnages, uoingcrators ana ucreons ior windows and doors. Prices not to be found olsowhoro for these goods. U. 11. rOTTKK. JEifCow pasturine may be obtained at tno uowey tarm tno coming season, Apply to A. J. Dowey. 13tf JOno piano for salo and ono to ront. Miss A. E. Clark. 121 South street. 13tf CSholf papor at tho Banner OfHco, Erjf-To Rekt. Furnished rooms, with or without board. Also, a barn. 314 Pleasant streot, village. Ilt4 Q5TSpoakine of tho Watorman Foun' tain pen, Olirer Wendall Holmcs said: "lt works admirabiy: 1 nave civon up evcry othor pon in its favor and havo of Iato done all my writing with it." For salo at tho Banmf.r Offlco. &ff""To Rent. A small tonoment house. Inquire of E. S. Uarris. f0tf. !5Ladies. clcanse your kid cioves with Josonhino Glove Clcaner. for salo only by Mrs. F. Mc Leod, who has just returncd from New York with a now line of spring millinery, all tho latest novolties ana shapos, correct styles. 421 Main street. 12tf iJHonrv M. Stanley usos a Wator man Fountain pen. Ho says of it: It is my latcst discovery and tho best. Tho pens may bo found at tho Bannek Offlce. CHOICE WRITING TAPERS. Do you liko a heavy. mcdium. or licht wcieht papor? Tho Bannek Statlonery storo can givo you any weignt you aesiro, or any quality. The papor at 20 cents nor pound is bic amount anu coou nual ity for small monoy. From that you can ilnd overy quality to tho very choicost. A comploto lino of Hurd's Stationory. tho very choicost manufactured. is now suown, at tne banneh stationory storo, fOno of our prominent citizens re- cently said of tho Waterman Fountain pen, which ho has been using sevoral niontns: "1 would not bo witbout it." Tho pons are for salo at the Banneii Utlice. nsr-Fon Sale Cueap. A small ac count against tho Bennington Steam Bottlinc Company of North Bennington. A liberal discount will be allowcd. For particulars, inquire at this offlce. rsyTo Rf:nt. Two or threo fino ton- ements, with modcrn improvements electric lichts, steam heat, bath room. otc. Appiy to a. u. ltockwood, 230 Union streot. 7tf. K-Tho Wm. Radam Microbe Killer. for the curo of all diseascs, for salo at ouu Main street. Unly agent in this sec tion. Mrs. Mary Gibson, Bennington, Vermont. 29tf. Klieumatlim Cured In a Day "Mystic Curo" for rhoumatism and neuralcia radically cures in 1 to 3 davs. Its action upon tho system is remarka- bie ana mysterious. lt romovcs at once tho causo and tho diseaso immcdiatolv disappcars. Tho flrst doso greatly bono flts, 75 cents. Sold by J. T. Shurtloff, druggist, Bennington. Slyl BASE B ALL CAPTAIN WRITES. JOHN MOltMIX, FOKMERI.T CAPTAIN OP THE BOSTON8, JOINS THE STAFF OF THX BOSTON JOURNAL. One of tbe most onterprisintr movos in newspapcr writing of to-day, is that just made by the Boston JourDal. That pa per has engaged Uaptain John F. Morrill, so noted as Captain and Managcr of the Boston Baso Ball Club, to have cbargo of tho roviow of tho baso ball games in the Journal, writing over his own signaturo every Sunday, an intoresting anof entcr taining article regarding the Woek's do ings by tho base ball players of tho coun try. This notablo movo will illustrate tho intcntion of the Journal to givo its readers the best of ovcrything in tho base ball line tho coming summer. No papor in tho country will havo as a contributor to its columns a man whoso namo can carry moro woight than can Capt. Mor rill's and evoryono will wan1; to road Capt Jiornirs articies. uapt. Momll's intor esting articles will appear in tbo Journal oxclusively. BOltN. mTCIICOCK In Williston. ADril Oth. to Itev. and Mrs Merrill Ultchcock, a son. MAUUIEB. 8nAW-Oni8W"OLD-In th M. E. Chureh. of Hlnesburgh. asslsted by the Itcvs. A. D. Ileaxt and John M. Harrii, John Shaw of 'Weybridge, and Mlas Bertha Orlanrold, daughter of E. B, Orlswold, of this vllltge. Cane-Seated Chairs Rebottomed by a flrst-claia workman, at Um2 118 UALL ST., BENNINOTOa. THE WATERMAN FOUNTAIN PEN i Js the best . . . pen made, says Chauncty M. Depew. For sale at THE BANNER OFFICE. Sewer, Pipe, Cheap ! The understraed has for ttle. at lm than nnxt about 2,000 feet of sewer pipe, from 8 to 15 inchei, that must bo closed out now. It will be sold in JotB to tult customers. Take odTantage of thu rare opportunlty. Call at plumber'i ihop on 611 ver Blrpet, Bennington, Tt. Sewer connections made on reasonablt terms. W. D. NEWT0N. REMOVAL Dr. J. W. Racetti hftl rpmnvrrl hta nffln frnm Main itreet to the corner o North and Oage streeta. ,otf GASH BAZAAR SILK DEP'T. WE H. HEAVY PURCHASES OF THE MOST DESIRABLE FOREIGN AND D0MEST1G SILES AT LESS THAN COST OF MANU FAGTURE Have enabled him to pnt on sale at his Silk Department $100,000 WORTH OF SILKS -AT- Than any other honse in New York State, and the immense bnsi ness done at the Silk Department is proof of the statement. Here are a fewreasons why onr Silk Department is always crowded with heavy hnyers. We sell FOR 75c Blick CrnUl Cord. sultablefor making the ashtonable Spring carje or larra flleeres. and worth $1 per yard, J We Have 75c The larecst collectlon of Blaclc and Colored Molres and Molre Antlques to be found outside of Nrw Yorlc, and we lell an All 811k Melre at YARD. We Are Selling ASOInchwide White Habutat FOR 55c YARD. Slllr, one tbat will wasb, one that will wearrnd alwaja look well, and worth 75c per pard, You Can FOR Buy Anv of ithe best erenlnc Bliades 19c ln a Chlna Slllr, sold everywhere at Zic per jard, You Gan See FOR 75c A greater collectlom of all the dlfferent makes. all the new wetTes, in Plaln, Strlped or Bro. caded Black SUlcs, from Ihemost reliable slltc manufacturers in tbe world, and bearing wm. II. Frear's guaraotee for price and uauij. a ai-incu oatin Mna. ame, worth $1 per yard, We Gan Show You FOR Novelties 58c In Chene Toffeta Sllks, In Changeable Bllks, Ia Wash Sllks, In Evenlnir Rhadn Ttrivnrlo Sllks, In Pekln Strtpe Sllks. InPrinted Chlna Silks, TroyCash Bazaar. In this cn nectlon we will npeak of foor col orlnes in a Persian Brocade, worth 1 per yard, We Are FOR Always 49c Fleasedto show vou nnrfllllm. whether you buy or not, and the oftener you come 'he better we are pleased. A Black Ilabutal Silk, 28 inches wide, worth 69c per yard, LOWEf. PRICES FREAR'S BAZAAR, ymm svsrmi WE IMPROVE THE FIGURE. With our superbly handsomo made-to-ordcr suits thftfc Rtriko tho ideal of perfect ntting clothinp, and mnrK a aiscovery m tne possibility of flgure, you can flnd nothing hetter or ilner than onr drfisn nnrl business suits, made up of fault- lessiy correct measures of materials that are nrescrihfid hv fasliinn. Fashion's prescriptions are exclu- hivo, uuu our creations m sartorial art adrait of no rivalry or imita tions. It takes thfi mirrnr f n rnnrn- duce them ; but you cannot wear refleptions. Wasto no time in re flectinjr, but order ricrhfc nwav vnnr spring, summer or fall suit, and we are quite connaent we can please you, as our fitting in the past speaks for itself. Givo us a trial. i'KED BMITH, North St. Tailor, Bennington. IARPETS.". i e QUACKENBUSH CO.'S NEW STYLES now ln stock and arrlvlng daily PRICES WAY DOWN. Best Azmlntsters tl 25 and upward. Best Mouquettes $1 per yard. Bect Bedy lirusstls $1 per yard. Tapestry Urusela 60c and upward. All wool Ingralss (Oo to Kc. SMYRM ID JAFM RUGS & MAT 0ILOL0THS. We havo br for thc larcrest and beit nclrt tA 0HINA AND JAPAN MATTINGS In this market. all Jolntlesi eood.i. from 20c to 85c per yard. The llnest quality we have ever snown. EXQUISITE SPRING CLOiKS! JAUNTY COATS AND GENTEEL . CAPES ALL THE NEW FASHI0NS NOW IN OUR CLOAK ROOMS. Frtcesare down this SDnne and rerv hand' some pannents are found at $7, $3, $9, $10. $11. a sice uaat or upe can De naa as ii, JS, e so, U, S. QUACKEKBUSH CQ.. Corner Broadway and Thlrd St., Troy, N.T. CALL AND SEE THE NEW GOODS ! Wcareconfldcnt wc can plcase yon in DRESS GOODS TRIMMINGS -ANt LADIES' FURNISHINQ GOODS, AT 6UR MAIN STREET STORE. E, L IHOIS All shades of this celebrated Paint. Atlantic White Lead and Oils. FIELD, GARDEN AND FLOWER. A FULL LIIME IN BULK AND PACKAGES. E. S. CHANDLER, Bennington Centre. WALL -AND- "ET TJi qjxlj r8 bST -AT MILL STORE. Examineonr stock before hnying either,and you will find what yon want at reasonable prices. E. E. HART & COMPANY, Its hard to tell which .... is most essential to .... Good Frinting, . . THE PAPER, TYPE AND MATERIAL, 0R, EXPERIENCE. THE BANNER PRINTING OFFICE has all these reqnirements in abnndance. That's why its printing is so satisfactory. LMT ON YOUR PCPiSE Well, that isjast what I am do ing. I am glvlng bctter goods for lcss casli than has been given in years. I liarca good stock of Glothing, Hats, Caps and Fnr nlshlng Goods. Tliey are or the best qualitics and styles in the market. Partlcular attcntion Is given In my purcliases to have the very best goods that arcto be Iiatl. I lnvlte yon to Tlslt my store at No. 501 Main Street, Free Llbrary Btilldlng, Bennington, Yt., that I may verlfy thc aboyc remarks. Respectrally, G. B. SIBLF Y, . AND Best ln OTerrthlne rjertalninc to business edn catlon. For catalogue address, CAKNELL & GUTCIIESS, Albany, N. MEATJLARKET. Best aualltv Chlcaco Beef: also. Frenh and Salt Moats of erery descriptlon; Poultry, Eggs. Frult and Vegetables. Bougbt for cash and sold reasonable. A. C. Sweet, Proprietor, ADAWS BLOCK. 108 SOUTH 8T. I. S. MOON. OARRIAGE SHOP. Carriages Repaired and Painted. HOBSE SHOEINQ AND OX SnOEIKQ, AND UENERAIi JOBBINQ. 033 East Main St, Bennington, VI tmS TO LET. A convenlent and dealrable restdenee on IIill Street. Inquire of F. O. UATTISON, Benning ton, or IL l. I1ALL, No, Bennlagton. 7tt !toc: OF- THE- P00R BUSINESS STATI0NERY Or other printed matter belifc tles any business ; so DoiVt Use lt Send your printing to the Ban ner Job Offlce. You are then sure of neat and tasty work ; equal to that from any offlce. This is no idle boast. The Banner Job Printing Office is the largest and most com pletely equipped printing of flce in Southwestern Vermont, and, consequently, can handle any class of work in the print ing line. Bennington, Vt. BICYCLES. Wlien yon get a whccl, get the best. BiTore buylng come and see them. Other whecls make thepacc and thc Stcarns takes thc race. We have as follows : Stearns' Special, .... $150 " ModelA, .... 125 " ModelB. - - - - 125 " Ladies', - - - - 125 " Tandum, - - - - 225 Columbias, 125, 140 " Ladies' - - - - 125 Cresent Scorcher, ----- 90 " No. 1, 75 No.2, - - - - - 50 " No. 3, 40 " Ladies', No. 4,i - - - 75 " " No. 5, - - 50 " ' No. 6, - - - 40 " Junior, - - - - 25 Lyndlurst's, - ----- 125 J. H. AYRES & GO. BENNINGTON, VT. B B. LETTER FILES, ANCHOR FILES, PALCON FILES, AT TH BANNER OFFICE,