Newspaper Page Text
VOL. 1. ALBANY, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1868. NO. 16. 1-llII.ISHED EVERT; SATl-RDAV BT COLLIN'S VAS CLEVEi OFFICE OS CORSKR OF FERRY ASIV FIBST-STS., OPPOSITK W. W." PAKKISH A CO.'S S.oKK. TERM; Ono Year Six Months Single Copies -IN ADVANCE. Three Dollars Two Dollars Ten Cents ADVERTISING RATES. One Column per Year, $100; Half Column, ,561! ; Quarter Coluiin, $:55. Trausiciit advertisements per Square of ten tines or leys, first insertion, $; ; each subsequent insertion, SI. j , " HUSISESS CARDS. AfjiiAKir bath iiousis: rjaE UNDERSIGNED WOULD HESPECT M fully iuforia the citizens of Albany ami vi cinity that lie has tukeu charge of this establish ment, and, by keeping clean rooms aud paying strict attiistion to business, expects to suit all those who may favor him with their patronage. Having heretofore carried on nothing but First-Class XI air Dressing- Saloons, lie expecs to give eutire satisfaction to all. Children and Ladies' hair nentlv cut and shampooed. JOSEPH WEBBER. sepliy2 CEO. W. GRAY, X. X. S., f GRADUATE OF THE CINCINNATI DEN TT tal College, would iuvitc'all persons desiring artificial teeth, and first-class dental operations, to pivo him a call. Specimens of Vulcanite Base with gold-plate linings, and other now styles of work, may be seen at his office, in- Parrish, & Co.'s brick, (up stairs) Albany, Oregon. Residence Corner Second and Baker sts. 2 S. It. RICE, 35. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, ALBANY, ORSGON. o FFICE ON SOUTH SIDE OF MAIN street. Albany, September 19, 6S-2tf E. F. Russell, A TTORNEY and COUNSELLOR at LAW, Solid 'or in Chancery and Jiettl Emtate Afjcnt Will practice in the Courts of the Second, Third, and Fourth Judicial Districts, aud iu the Supreme Court of Oregon. Oflice in Parrish's Block, second story, third door west of Ferry, north side of First st. II ."S-Speeial attention given to the collection of Claims at all points in tbe above named Districts. C. POWELL. Powell & Flinn, A TTOUNEYS 4 COUNSELLORS AT LAW J and Solicitors in t hancery, (Ii. Flinn, Notary Public,) 'Albany, Oregon. Collections and conveyances promply attended to. 1 W. niTABIPEL. V. M. CEOFIELD. Hiltabidel & Co., BEALERS IN GROCERIES AND TRO visions, Wood and Willow Ware, Confec tionery, Tobacco, Cigars, Pipes, Notions, etc. Alain Btreet, adjoining the Express office, Albany, Oregon. 1 W. W. PARISH. J. C. XESDENHALL. W. W. Farrish & Co., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS in General Merchandise, Albany. Tbe best Goods at the lowest market prices. Mer chantable Produce taken in exchange. 1 E. A. Freeland, DEALER IN EVERY DESCRIPTION OF School, Miscellaneous and Blank Books, Stationery, Gold and Steel Pens, Ink, etc., Post office Building, Albany, Oregon. Books ordered from New York and San Francisco. - 1 S- II. Claughton, - NOTARY PUBLIC AND REAL ESTATE AGENT. Office in the Post Office building, Lebanon, Oregon. Will attend to making Deeds and other convey ances, also to the prompt collection of debts en trusted to my care. ; j . . ' 1 J. BARROWS. X.. BLAIX. S. E. YOUNG. J. Barrows & Co., ' GENERAL AND COMMISSION MER chants. Dealers in Staple, Dry and Fancy Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Cutlery, Crockery, Boots and Shoes ; Albany, Oregon. . ' Consignments solicited. 1 C. IVXealey & Co., MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS in all kinds of Furniture and Cabinet Ware, First street, Albany. Albany Weekly Register JOB PRINTING Finf street, opposite ParrWk & Co.'b store,) Albany s s. s Oregon. HAVING a very fair assortment of material we are prepared to execute, with neatness and dispatch, all kinds of saeh as Hand-hills, . .-.:.' Programmes, Bill-head, Cards, Ball Tickets, Pamphlets, Labels, - , Blanks of all kinds, ml as low figure I as a due regard to taste and good work will allow. When you want anything in th priatiof line, e&U at th BiaisTKB offioe. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 26, 18G3 i i College l,and Commissioners. . -. '! i The Commissioners to Ideate lands "donate J by Congrss to the Sjtato of Ore gon for uii Agricultural College, 'aud to establish such College," consisting of Rous. J. F. Miller, J. II. . and J. C. Avery, met in this city on Tues day, December 15th, 18GS, tfy consult iu relation to the policy to be followed. , It was determined that . immediate and prompt action should be had in the premises- Good land' in the Willamette val ley will bo taken wherever they can be found in tracts or bodies of one hundred and sixty acres. The Commissioners will visit South-eastern Oregon as parly: in the spring of 18G9 as may be, fjr the pur pose of examining and appropriating' de sirable lands in that qunrtej. Persons who are informed of any suitable unoc cupied lands in the valley,' are requested to notify one of the Commissioners of such fact, that steps may be taken by the Commissioner so notified to feeure such lands immediately. The College is now ready for the reception of scholars. j Section three of the law under which these Commissioners, are acting, makes provision for the selection of uch schol ars, as follows : "Each State Senator is hereby authorized aud empowered to se-j lect one student, not less than sixteen i years of age, who shall be received by the faculty of said college ancj instructed by them in thc manner provided in this act, for the space of two yeprs, unless such student shall be discharged for mis conduct; Provided, however , That this act shall not be binding until the trustees of said college shall adopt a; resolution and file a certified copy,, thereof with the Secretary of State, assenting to, and agreeing on their part, to faithfully carry out the provisions of this act.' - We publish the law entire in other place. Id the meantime let our Senators miike the necessary appointments, that the benefits intended to be "conferred by the law mav be received. v ! Falls. makes the Locks at Willamette The Oregon City Enterprise following mention of this enterprise : Mr G. II. Belden began the survey for the locks, across the river at this eity, on Thursday last. The company arc n!ow fully organizej, stock all subscribed, offi cers elected, assessment levied and paid up to commence the work immediately. We find such gentlemen as Messrs. Gold smith Bros., Jos. Teal, Orlando illuma son, John F. Miller, R. R. jThompson. Jas. K. Kelly, et.', interested I in the project, and while they are not very com municative upon the subject to us what we see leads us to suppose ) that they mean business ; and that the canal alone -is but a small part of their project, plans of which will be developed by time. ) . i Tue R. R. Bond Injunction Case. On the 12th ins't., Judge Deady, of the U. S. District Court,. announced his de cision iu the case of II. C. Coulson and wife vs. the City of Portland, and the de cision ris published entire in Monday (Dec. 14th) morning's Qregonian. This was a suit brought by the plaintiffs to enjoin the city authorities from Issuing interest coupons to the West Side Rail road bonds," and from levying and col lecting taxes upon the property of plain tiffs to pay such interest. The decision is against the city and pronounces the ordinances providing for the payment of such interest void, by reason of being in conflict with provisions both" of the State constitution and the barter of the city. Resolutions of , the Oregon Leg islature. The resolutions of the Ore gon Legislature, instructing Senators Williams and Corbett to resign, were: in troduced into the House of Congress on the 8 th inst. After some discussion the paper was read, when a resolution was adopted directing that the document be returned to the proper officers of both branches of the Oregon Legislature, the same -'being scandalous and impertin ent.". I So much for the resolutions. Resigned. rCurt. Whitson, late Co. Judge j of Polk county, haying resigned the office on account of insufficiency of salary, Gor. Woods has appointed James Collins Esq.; to fill the yacancy. . ' There remains bat three hundred miles of the Pacific Railway to complete. Written for tha Register. Description of a Woman A Parody. , - i ' " j BY GOSU. 1 Ahvoman is like but stay, To ivbut is she unlike, pi-ay ? And yet she-is useful in ber pliice3. ! She's proud and wasteful ; Lhcks mind, but tasteful, And is lull of sweetest graces ! ' VTben She's pleased, I am hujrgod, VTIiea she's not, 'I am snubbed, And 1 can never d pcml on her "mind." She is like an old shoe' Worth little, it is true, And dei-eitful when she is most kind 1 Ii'ahe wishes a bonnet, Or the Iat new sonnet, ! She Will eome cooing r.round like- a dovo ; As sweet as a saint, Well bedauhbed with red paint, She will call you my darling, my love I But wben she is mad, At mother or dad, Or with fcusbnnd is ml'feil '.it, j,.. You cat bet she is rough, !Aud it'you'r not "up to sauff," You had bi-ttcr "git up and git 1" iShe'll cry aud she'll bluster, iAtid make sueli a fuss, sir, You'll thiuk pandemonium is let loose t she'll pull down her hair, Aud round the house tear. Just like a crazy wild gooso ! In short, as a v.'ife, She's the baue of man's life, Seldom holds the same humor a day I Like an angel when civil. But worse than the d eil When thwarted in any pet display ! She's loving and eros, Bhe's silver and dross A mixture you'll find in nothing else human 1 Sbe leads man a life Of vexation aud strife. And is like nothing ou earth but a woman 1 Timely Conversion. We are in formed that Bro. Upton, editor of the Dallas Signal, (Copper), has lately pro fessed religion and joiued the Southern Methodists. Grecian Bend. We have been re quested j to give a description of the "Grecian Bend," by a number of our lady readers. We are compelled to the humiliating actnowledgment that we have never seen the "new style," and therefore couldn't very well comply with the request. A poetic genius who has seen it defines it thus : Throw up the chin, and out the chest. Assume the form of the letter S, Like a Kangaroo your arms extend. And then you'll htivo the "Grecian Bend." Severely Hurt. Mr. Wm. Web ster, packer at the Magnolia Mills, one morning last week received severe in juries from a fall. He had been attach ing a belt to a shaft to start the mill ma chinery and iu returning made a mis step at the head of tho stairs, and was precipitated to the floor below, falling on his back, 11a was taken up insensible, but soon revived with proper treatment. Happily no bones were broken, and he will be able to resume his usual labors again in a few days. Mr. W. is reputed to be the best and fastest packer in the State. i Large Hogs. On Friday the 18th, the P. T. Co.'s steamer, Reliance, brought down two monster swine, one alive and the other deceased. Tho dressed ani- - f r . l J flan i , mat weignea oou pounas, ana was a huge mass of fat; the other would probably not weigh quite so heavy, but he was " all hog " and no mistake. Capt Pratt had them down on the freight list as "elephants." They were shipped at Corvallis, and we suppose were the prod uct of Benton county. They were the largest swine we have yet seen on the coast, and are hard to beat anywhere. Good Stage of Water. The Wil lamette river at the present writing, is in good stage, and scarcely a day passes without tho arrival of from one to three steamers at oar city. An immense amount or Frpight Kn nncnmnlated at our mills and warehouses, which will give employment to all the steamers that come for sometime yet. Steamers are now running as high up as Eugene, and find plenty of water in the channel. i ' - Mistake in the Tiire. We are inr formed by a note received from J. V. Crawford, President of the Linn Co. Teachers' Institute, that the Institute adjourned to meet at North Brownsville on the 29th of December, and therefore the advertisement in the Register ap pointing the 24th as the day for conven ing is incorrect just five days too early. Teachers and others interested will please take notice of the change, and act ac cordingly , New. Goods. -John Barrows, . Esq., of the firm of J. Barrows h Co., returned the other day from Portland, where he has been tio secure a lot of new style goods, dress patters, &c, and those who visit their establishment first will get the first choice. That's what's the matter. . Telegraphic Summary. Dispatches from "ashington, Doc. !th, to the Oregonian say that the till introduced by Sumner was to resume, to a certain extent, the power of Congress over Georgia, in consequence of the Leg islature of that State haying been illegally constituted. Mr. Drake's resolution in regard to the grades of General and Lieutenant Gen eral, Admiral and Vice Admiral, is in tend to reserve those grades for extraor dinary public service, and not leave them open to be reached by regular promotion. The House bill to transfer the Indian. of the War De- to the Committee Affairs to to tho contro pdrtment, was referred on Indian affairs." Wilson introduced a joint resolution, submitting a 'constitutional amendment forbidding the States from making dis tinctions between citizens in civil or po litical rights on accouut of color; also, a bill to regulate election! franchise in the United States. j Conness introduced a bill giving full day's pay for eight hour's labor. Postage on Letters. Many persons pat letters into the post without attach fug stamps, not knowing, .perhaps, that fetters so put in will not be sent to the directions on the letter, but will be mail d to the dead letter office at Washington, irhere it is opened, the name of the writer Seamed, when it is re-sealed and mailed the person writing the letter; Others, through carelessness or a want of knowl edge, put "revenue" stamps on their let ters; as revenue stamps do not pay post age, the letter might just as well, for all practical puposcs, havd no stamp on it, and will, in the course of time, return to the original writer. The only plan td pursue to insure the reception, by your friend, relative or business firm, of any lbtter you may write, is to pre pay postage remembering that "'revenue" stamps are not "postage" stamps. Revenue stamps on the backs of letters are worth lessthey aro not intended to pay post age, and will not bo received by the postal department in payment of postage Oregon State Fair. On. Wednes day (16th) we had the pleasure of a visit from Hon. J. II. DouthitJ" a member of the Committee appointed to locate lands for the benefit of the State Agricultural College, and a general worker irf all that is calculated to promote the growth and prosperity of our State,' who presented us with a copy of the report of the eighth annual Oregon State Fair for 1868, con taining the award of premiums.address of the President and doings of the Society. We have been too busy during tho week to examine the work will pay our at tention to it next week. Pertinent. We heard a gentleman of reliable business qualifications assert, the other day, that thel close of the year was a very proper timejto pay up all lit tle outstanding liabilities, and start fair and square with the world on the first of the new year! His tact in mentioning this matter we at once acknowledged. Our Little News Hoy. BY LOUISA ALCOTT. stages Slow Time.- The California I are now running on slow timo, and the mail now don't eret in nntil tha "next Jday!" ! . - . - Wealthy lady in Buffalo lost her pocket-book, containing a j large amount of money. Honest boy found and returned it to her. Benevolent; and grateful fe male generously rewarded his honesty by the magnanimous presentation of an apple. - A cotemporary says jtbat since the flat tering vote which Seymour and Blair re ceived of the negro States, Grass Valley (Cal.) Democrats have! become so .polite to the darkies that a locality in that town, formerly called Nigger Hill, is now de signated as Colored Eminence. .. " .J Massachusetts does not appear to be a very good State for Democrats. Only six towns Southwick, Cheshire, LenoXj Pittsfield, Burlington and Blackstone gave majorities for Seymour and Blair. There was a tie vote in the town of Car ver. " 1 A Boston paper asks: "If the May Flower had landed at Plymouth Church Instead of lymouth Rock, what would iave heen the proper command for the Captain to give? Bea$h Tier, of course." The famous Howard; will ense, of Bos l on, has been settled, and Mrs. ; Green, ee Hetty R. Robinson has been left to ' face a frowning 'world" with only $3, 500,000. Her case is a sad one, and she has the sympathies of the American peo ple. ' Hurrying to catch a certain car, at n certain corner, late one stormy night, was suddenly arrested by the sight ot ;a queer-looking bundle in a door-way. - I lles3 my heart, it s a child ! Oh Johfi : I'm afraid he's frozen !" I exclaimed to my brother,, as we both bent over tie bundle. Such a little fellow- as ho was, in the big, ragged coat, such a tired, baby fafe, uuder the tuzzy cap; such a purple little nana stilt holding fast a few papers; huch a pathetic sight, altogether ; was the boy. lying on the stone step, with the enow drifting over him that it was impossible to go Dy. ..... , 'lie is asleep, hut he 11. freeze... left so long. - Here, wake up, my boy ; and go home as fast as you can, cried John, with a gentle shake, and a very gentle voice; for the memory of a dear little lad, safely tucked up at home, made him fatherly-kind to the small vagabond. J he moment that he was touched, the boy tumbled up, and before; he was half awake, began his usual cry: with an eye to business. ' . 'Paper sir?' Herald !rTranskipt! liast , a great gap swallowed up the 'last edition;' and he stood blinking at us like a very chilly young owl. '1 11 buy em all, it you II go home my little chap; its high time you were abed, said John, whisfcing tue damp papers into one pocket, and his purse out of another, as he spoke. 'All of 'em? why there's six!' croak ed the boy, for he was as hoarse as a raven. . 'Never mind, I can kindle a fire with them. Put that in your pocket; and trot home as last as possible. .. j ' 7 f a J.1 A . 1- I T I 1 A 1 up tue miy emits tuac ten iruia tue iiiuc fingers, too benumbecrfo hold it. 'Mills Court; out of Hanover. Cold, ain't it?' said the boy, blowing on his purple hands, and hopping feebly from one leg to the other, 'to take the stiffness out. He can't go all that way in this storm such a mite and so used up with cold and sleep, John.' 'Of course Jie can't; we'll put him in a car,' began John; wheu the boy wheezed out , 'No; I've got ter wait for Sam. He'l be alone: as soon as the theater's done Ho said he would, and so I'm waiting. 'Who is Sam?' I asked. J 'He's the feller I lives with. I ain got any folks, and he takes care of meJ Nice care indeed leaviug a baby like you to wait for him here, such a night as this, 1 said, crossly. 'Oh, he's good to. me Sam is; -though he does knock me round sometime when I ain't spry. The big fellers shoves me back, you see, and I gets cold, and can't sing out loud; so I don't sell my papers and has to work em oft late. 'Hear the child ! One would think he was sixteen, instead of six I said, half laughing', 'I'm most ten. Hi! ain't that oner?' cried tho boy as a gust of snow slapped hiiujin the face, when he peeped to see if Sam was coming, i 'Hullo! the lights is out I - Why, the play's done, and the folks gono; and bam s forgot me. : It was very evident that Sam had for gotten his little protege ; and a strong de sire to shake bam possessed me. 'No use waitin' any longer: and now my papers is sold, I ain't afraid to go home, said the boy, stepping down, like a little old man with the rheumatism and preparing to trudge away through the storm. ' 'Stop a bit, "my little Casabianca; a car will be along in fifteen minutes, and while waiting you can warm yourself over there,' said John, with the purple hand in his. 'My name's Jack Hill not Cassy Bunks please sir,' said the little party-with dig nity. -. - i Have you had your supper, Mr. Hill? asked John laughing. S 'I had some peanuts, and two sucks of Joe s orange; but it warn t very film , he said graveiy. j r I en nn Id f hinlr nnf Y-fara " etaw and be quick, please cried John, as we sat down in a warm corner Oi the con fectioner's opposite.' ' ! While little Jack shoveled in the hot oysters- with his eyes shutting up 'now and then, in spite ol himself--we looked at him, and thought again of the little rosy lace at home safe in his warm nest, with mother-love watcliing over him Nodding toward the ragged, grimy for lorn little creaturedropping asleep over his supper, like a tired baby, 1 said Can you imagine our Freddy, out alone at this nour, trymg to 'work ofr his pa. pers. because afraid to go home till he has?' j.--. , ;. . .. 1 :-';a: 'I had rather not try answered brother John, winking hard, as he stroked the little head beside him, .which, by tho way looked very much like a ragged vel low door mat. I think brother John winked hard, but I can t be sure for know I did ; and for a minute there seem ed to be a dozen newsboys! dancing bo lore my eyes. I . 'There goes our car; and it's the last said John, looking at me. : 'Let it go, but don't leave the boy : and I frowned at John for hinting such a 'Here is bis car. Now, my lad. bolt . your last oyster, and come on." -. 'Good-mimt ma-am I Thankee, air v. croaked the grateful little voice, as the child was caught up in John's strong hands and set down , on the car step. With a word to the conductor, and a small" business transaction, we left Jack, coiled up in a corner, to finish his nap as tran quilly as if it wasn't midnight, and a 'knocking around': migl t not await him at hi3 jourtiey's end. v! - . We didn t mind the storm mucn as we plodded home; and when I told the story to Rosy-face, next day, bis interest quite reconciled me to the sniffs and sneezes of a bad cold. 'If 1 saw that poor, little boy, I d love im lots. Aun't Weedy!' said Freddy, with a world of pity ; in his beautiful child' eyes. . ' r:-.,, . And, believing tnat others wouia oe kind to little Jack, and such as he," I tell . the story. - . - , . m f . , , r When busy fathers hurry borne at night I hope they will buy their papers of the small boys, who gets 'shoved back ;' the feeble ones who grow hoarse ana . can't sing out';' the shabby, ones, who,, evidently have only forgetful Sams to n -. 1.1. 1 care lor tnetn ; ana ine nungry looking ones, who don't get what is 'filin'.' For love of the little sons and daughters safo at home say a kind word, buy a paper even if y m don't want it; and never pass by leaving them to sleep torgotten in tue streets at' midnight, with no pillow but a stone, no coverlid but the pitiless snow, and not even a tender-hearted robin to. drop leaves over them. Aferrg's Must? urn. -'V . - ...', . i ' ; Toe- Best Pun.t Hero1 is the best pun of the century-; and by these presents " we confer on its unknown, author, who ever he may be, the Grand Cross of tbe Legion of Honor which every fool wears no'wa-days : "Brigham Young is indeed a pillar of Salt Lake. 'His idea of a wife is Lots." MarysvUle Appeal. .' ', The Bee says : "The eight mobbed newspapers of San Francisco claimed 187,000 damages they .were offered $23,500, which they refused, sueiog, won 31,000. ; - ; . The Virginia Enterprise eays, "During the past week not a single accident of any kind happened on the Central Pa cific Railroad. It was Thanksgiving week, too." Houseman, Harbor Master- of San Francisco, has paid into the city treasury $2,427 for November collections, making a total of $27,519 for the twelve months he held the office. Judge Lamar, of Mendocino county, Cal., adjourned the County Court till next March on account of small pox in tbe neighborhood of Ukiah City.. - " i , I,, Mr. D. O. McCarty is arranging for tho appearance of his American Flag, at San Francisco. It is understood that the typographical work will be done by ladies. .. . : " : ' . - Miss Cossa Haines, of Alleghany, died recently from the effects of injuries re ceived from a sky-rocket, which, in, de scending hit her in the face. ;. j In compliment to the Chinese, the last locomotive put on the Central Pactfie Railroad has been named "Confucius." Stockton Gazette, -j i . t - After getting along down the scale the Company intend to call one "Copperhead."- MarysvUle Appeal. Gen., Grant will have control of 53,000 offices and officers, whose annual . com pensation amounts to thirty millions of dollars. ....... . ; A wild boy has been" discovered by a party of hunters between Cholame Valley and the Buena Vista oil wells.. ' ' One can go from San Francisco to New York now in eleven days. ... Fare, about $220, gold. Dan De Hpune, the tight rope walker, broke his leg the other day at Carson the wooden one. The loser of an election . bet at New York has the f choice, of wheeling in a wheelbarrow a colored woman, weighing not more than 150 lbs., from tbe corner of South and Roosevelt streets to Wall street, attending by four torch-bearers and a band of music, or pay 9100 and s basket of wine. - - The Unite States has 5,000,000 school population; who require 20,000,000 books, at a cost of $18,750,000. New Orleans and St. Louis are to be connected by a Railroad to run on the west bank of the Mississippi. : It is estimated that one ihoutand live have been lost, and three million dollaxa worth of, property destroyed by li-htiiis- this season, - - "