Newspaper Page Text
VOL. 1. ALBANY, OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 30, 1869. NO. 21. lip SUImun SUmtftn iii O 'rC3 J PCBL1SHED EVERY S.VTVRTIAY ET COLLIXS VAXCLUVIJ. Odd l''cllovshIp- 1-V f the Register. -What Is Itf rrtce ox corner op ferry axr riasT-STS., OPPOSITE W. W. PAURIS11 i I'U.'i STORE. . . TERMS IX ADVANCE. One Year Throe Dollar Six Months Two Dollar9 Single Copies.. Tcu Cents ADVERTISING II ATE?. One Colunn. per Year. $100 ; Half Ceilumn, $60 ; Quarter CVlauin, 15. Transient ailvcrti.-eiuent3 per Square ef tea lines or less, fird insertion, $;) j each subsequent insertion, $1. BUSINESS CARDS. THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECT fully iuf.irin tha citizens of Albauy and vi ciuity that he has Ukeu charge of this csiablish meat, anil, by keying clean rooms aud paying strict attention to business, expects tJ suit all those who may favor him with their patronage. Having heretoiore'earried on nothing but First-CIasa Hair Dressing1 Saloons, he expec's to give entire satisfaction to all. Children and Ladies hair neatly out and hampoocd. JOSEPH AYE PEEK.. scpl9y2 GEO. W. CRAY, I. . S., RAD U ATE OF THE CINCINNATI DEN tsl College, would iuvite all persons desiring artificial teeth, and first-class dental operations, to give him a call. Specimens of Vulcanite Base with gold-plate linings, and other new styles of work, may be seen at bis office, in Parrisb. Co.'s brick, (up stairs) Albany, Oregon. Residence Corner Second and Baker sts. 2 I. B. RICE, ill. !-, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, ALBANY, OREGON. OFFICE ON SOUTH SIDE OF KAIK street. Albany. September 13. S-2tf E. X. Rnwsell, A TT0RNEY asi COUNSELLOR at LAW, Solicitor in Chancery and Kent Eutnte d'ent Will practice in the Courts of Second, Third, and Fourth Judicial Districts, anXin the Supremo Court of Oregon. Office in Parrish's Block, seeond etory, third door west of Ferry, aortb side of First st. II - "1. Special attention ivn to tl collection of Claims at all points in the above namei Districts. 'j. e. rowsiL. " Powell Az Flinn, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW and Solicitors in Chancery, (X.. Flinn, Notary Public,) Albany, Oregon. Collections an conveyances prom ply attended to. I W. . BITaBlDEL. F. BEDFJELD. Hiltabidel & Co, "TTkEALERS IN GROCERIES AND FRO JLf visions, Woo and Willow Ware, Confec tiunery. Tobacco, Cigars, Pipes, Notions, etc. Main street, adjoining the Express office, Albany, Oregon. 1 W. W. PARISH. J. C. JIESDES.iXL. W..W. Parrisb. & Co., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS in General Merchandise, Albany. The best Goods at tho lowest market prices. Mer chantable Produce taken in exchange. 1 E. A. Frccland, DEALER IN EVERY DESCRIPTION OF School, Miscellaneous and Blank Books, Stationery, Gold and Ste A Pens, Ink, etc.. Post office Building, Albany, Oregon. Books ordered from New York and San Francisco. 1 S- ZZ. Clangbton, NOTARY PUBLIC AND REAL ESTATE AGENT. Office in the Post Offico building, m Lebanon, Oregon. Will attend to making Deeds and other convey ances, also to tho prompt collection of debts en trusted to my care. 1 . BARROWS. 1 BLAIS. 8. E. TOCSG J. Barrows & Co., GENERAL AND COMMISSION MER ehants. Dealers in Staple. Dry and Fancy Goods, Groceries, Hardware. Cutlery, Crockery, Boots and Shoes; Albany, Oregon. Consignments solicited. 1 C. DUealey &. Co., MANUFACTURERS OF-ASD BKALEKS in all kinds of Furniture and Cabinet Ware, First street, Albany. Albany Weekly Register JOB PRINTING Firtt ttreet, (oppotite Parrith Co.'a ttore.) ,Altriy s s s Oregon, HAVING a very fair assortment of material we are prepared to execute, with . neatness and dispatch, all kinds of neb as fiand-bills, Programme, JtfZ-heads, Card, i - Ball Tickets, ; .Pamphlets, Labels, Blanks of all kinds, at low figure as a due regard to Ust and good work will allow. When yon want anything is toe printing lino, call at the Rxoibtcb office The origin of OJfcllowsIup in the United States dates from the organiza tion of the Washington Lodge No. 1, on the 2Gth d;iy of April, 18 1, in the city of Baltimore. It is not our purpose to state by whom that lodge was organized, but simply to give a fair, aud uubiased statement of tho principles of the order, aud the general object and aim of the association. Whatever might have been the object i f ancient Odd Fellowship, as it exists in despotic Europe, is nothing to us. The question is simply the his tory of Odd Fellowship from the time of its organization in the United States down to the present time. " .- The design of the order was for the purpose of associating together individ uals of various creeds and ideas, whose business it should be, not only -to allevi ate each others troubles in case of ne cessity, but to cement themselves iu the unity of Friendship, Love and Truth. This was not from mere pecuniary ad vantage, as many unfortunately under stood it to be, but its doctriues teach us that in all circumstances of life in which a brother may be placed, he is to receive the aid, tho council or the protection of his fellow-member, not as a favor, but as a rijht a right that ought to be held saered by all, and dates from the time of hie membership with the Brotherhood. Men are not always what they seem. We should, therefore, judge men by their conduct, not by their apperance or profession. lie who p guesses a humane benevolent heart, who closes not his hand against his brother in his dark days of adversity, is a true man, be hi situa tion in lU'e ever so humble. That man is to be pitied who can trust to self, and refuse his aiudly Sices to bis brothers, for without that brother what would he le ? There are several classes of persons that become members of this most praise worthy and popular association. First, we have such men as Thomas Wilde-, the great founder of American Odd Fel lowship, whose great heart was filled with Friendship and true brotherly love for all mankind, aud whose constant aim and intense Je.ire was to do good, not only to the members of his association, but to all men. lie recognized himself as a constituent of one universal brotherhood, having come from the hand of a com mon -Parent ; and he seemed to accept the trust delegated to him by that Par ent, for he was ever seeking to relieve the distressed aud unfortunate, and to elevate aud ennoblo his fellow-man and educate him to a higher degree of man hood. There is ar.other class of men who, I am sorry to say, are by far the most nu merous, who loofc upon the institution as the proper vehicle for their advancement in tho social as well as business relations with the world. They count the costs with scrupulous accuracy in dollars and cents, and the various advantages to be gained personally by being associated with the beuevolent and charitable men of the world. Business he thinks, will be better by reason of hi fraternal ties. Or peradventure disease my prostrate him ; in that case he will receive the kind care and attention of his brother, besides a weekly benefit of a few dollars. In case of death, the widow will be cared for and the orphans educated. Aud thus it is that thousands become members if the institution, not that they may benefit their fellow-men, but that they may be benefitted, and that their egregious selfishness may slip through the world under tho garb of Be nevolence and Charity. Many times in the course of life true and false Odd Fellowship is severely tried by demands upon them for i'.ie relief of unfortunate or distressed brcthercn. The true Odd Fellow's purse strings are ever loose to the calls of a needy brother, and he gives readily- to the fulP extent of his means, -and wishes sincerelj' that he were able to do more for him ; while the false Odd Fellow, with many protestations, pleads his own poverty and gives with reluctance the scantiest pittance his well filled purse may contain. "Ani I my brother's keeper ?" he saysC; If circum stances have reduced him to poverty it is his own fault j why should I be re quired to assist him ? I shall look out for myself and let others do the same. H Every Odd Fellow should : remember the story of the man who went down to Jericho aud, falling among thieves, was robbed aud left by them half dead. By chance there came a certain priest that "way, but seeiug the wounded man, passed by on the other siJe, as likewise did a Levite, who passed by the other side. But the good Samiritan seeing him had compassion and immediately bound up his wounds and ministered to his wants until he h ul recovered. Is this a fair comparison ? Will two-thirds of the brotherhood pass by on the other side ? Every Odd Fellow can answer for him salf. "Do unto others as you would that others should do unto you," is the Gold en Rule of Odd Fellowship. Uiiu County Teachers' Association. Brownsville, Jan. 1st, 1SG0. EDITOR RLCISTER : Allow me, through the columns of your excellent paper, to publish a minute of the Linn County Teachers' Association, which met at North Brownsville, Decem ber irOih. Owing to a misunderstanding as to tho time of meeting, the various parts of the county were not as well rep resented as they would otherwise have bcn. Notwithstanding, enough teachers were present to make a pleasant and profitable session. Tho session lasted three days. Tie branches were all represented, and the discussions lively. The purest harmony prevailed, and good will was manifested by all prescut. The Institute was never in a more flourishing condition. The teachers are alive to the responsibilities which rest on them, and the people are beginuiug to realize the benefit of such institutions. The following resolutions were adopted: Itesolced, That we regard scholarship and practicability as the highest qualifi cations of teachers, and that polities and religious sectarianism never ought to enter our schools. Believing that the presence of parents has a salutary effect on our common schools, therefore, resolved that we re commend that patrons vh;t their schools abd the loacuers Institute more fre qucntly. liesfjlced. That we believe the prejud ice existing against female teachers in our county ought to be removed, and that we invite them to the field of labor. Jiesolted, That hereafter circulars be sent to teachers and the friends of edu cation generally throughout the county, notifying them of tho time of holding sessions, containing the programme of exercises, and requesting their attendance IZesolvcil, That teachers who frequent saloons snouia not be regarded as poises sing good moral characters. Jtesolvcd, Thaf we teuder our hearty thanks to Mr. Smith for the generous offer of the use of his hall in which to hold our session ; and that we tender our warmest thanks to those citizens of Brownsville and 'vicinity who have open ed their homes to members of the Insti tute. The next session of the Institute is to be held at Irving's schoolhouse, May 4th, 18C9. Officers as follows : Presi dent, J.v W. Mack ; Vice President, A. C. Henderson ; Secretary, R. N. Thom son ; Treasurer, N. Ilendrie j Executive Committee, S. G. Irving, J. F. McCoy and J. W . Mack. It will be seen that we have an able corps of officers, and all may expect an entire success at cur next session. The Executive Committee inform me that they will select lectures from the best talent in the county. Every friend of education is invited to be present, and we promise them, unhesitatingly a rare lite rary treat. J. N. DENISON, Sec. How to Cook a Bean. Buy -a (bean, bathe it well, put it in twelve quarts of stenched river water, (if you haven't got a river, better buy one, as they are handy to have); boil it six hours by an averdupoise clock, take it out and wipe it thoroughly dry with a eoft towel an old shirt won't answer lay it on its northeast side, about two degrees sow-sow-westerly ; bore a hol& gently in each Cud, abstract the "innards" very quietly without mussing very much j then stuff one end with soft biled rice, and the other end with rice boiled soft; the end that points towards Scio should, in.all instan ces, except in cases of extreme hemor rhage, be stuffed first; then take the Brownsville side of the shell off gently ; then the Corvallis side with Yaquina railroad speed only, then sweeten with salt, and it will taste so much like rice. you'd never dream it was a bean. "I say, boy. stop that ox." "I haven't got no stopper, sir." "Well, head him then." "lies already headed, sir." "Confound your impertinence, turn him." "He's right side out already, sir." "Speak to him, you rascal, you." "Good morn ing, Mr. Ox." . -; ' - THE llAJSKEK'S LOVE. Ten new theaters are , beinar built in St. Petersburg!. I am no not so. actually u It! i iiu , A NOBLE HEROINE. It was a dreary morning in November; the rich banker, Mr Brandon, was seated in his room, busily engaged in writing ; he was interuptetl by the entrance of a clerk, announcing that a lady, who de sired to see him a short time alone, was waiting at the door or the bauking-house; she had arrived in a hackney coach, aud had sent iu a message to this effect, not wishing to alight uutil assured that Mr. Brandon was disengaged and willing to receive her. The clerk delivered his message ; Mr. Brandon looked both puzzled aud an noyed, but gave orders that the lady should be admitted. iMr. Brandon was about sixty years of age;. he had commenced life-as. a. junior clerk of the establishment ; he had risen by gradual aud regular rotation to the seuior partner ; in person he was com monplace, not to say vulgar, about tho middle height, stout and clumsily made, his fda tuxes large and promiueut, his face red, his eyes round, blue and un meaning, his thin locks plentifully sprinkled with grey ; his manner was precise and formal, his dress plain and old-fashioned. He placed a chair for the reception of his visitor, aud seated himself gravely iu another beside the fire, folded his hands before him and awaited her appearance. The door opened to admit her; she en tered ; it closed behind her ; she ad vanced into the room, and the banker raised from his seat. '5he was young and beautiful; tall, magnificently formed, with a face whose beauty of feature was its least charm, so intellectual was the expression, so spark ling with the light of genius, so beam ing with the fire of an unquenchable en ergy. - Her dress was plain and evidently se lected with a view to economy, but taste ful and elegant. There was in her whole stj'le and manner that decision and confidence which is the. result of high fasi ion, and that ease which inter course with the world alone can give. The banker sprang forward to meet her ; he took her hand affectionately. "Mad eline," he said, "you have retu:ncd at last ! How glad I am to see you again ! I thought you dead, or lost lost to me forever. "Where have you spent the in terval since we met ? Why have vou hidden yourselt troni me,: Oh, Made line ! I have suffered much tor you.' 'Do not call me Madeline : longer Madeline Vernon ; I am f-Married, Madeline ! Say Married I" And the banker gasped with excitement. "No no!" Said the lady "but am no more known by that name and those with whom I reside call me Mary Clintou." Mr. Brandon remained .silent; she spoke again. "I could not continue dependent on you I could not live on your bouuty : I re solved to find subsistence for myself or perish. I have had my struggles; I have suffered much ; but I have succee ded ; and I seek you again, to thank you for your past kindness to entreat your continued friendship. I am happy ; at least, I am content. I have obtained a situation as a governess ; I reside in an obscure and gloomy part of the city; but tho family I serve is opulent. My salary is a liberal one; end if I have no pleas ures, at least I have few annoyances, and no insults " She spoke quickly and with an effort, and she ceased abruptly. "Oh, Madeline ! is this a life foryow?" "I have no choice," she answered ; "I must submit to my fate.'' "You have a choice. I have offered you all I have to offer. I renew my pro pcsals be my wife." "No. Mr. Brandon ! I thank you from my heart I thank; you ! but it can not be. Pity mo not ; I am happy I" "Happy I Madeline Vernon, do you remember what you hare been ?" V Yes I remember I remember!" "And I, too, remember I" (And the banker; rising, paced the room with hur ried steps.) I remember all I can tell you all 1 I can recall those times when, among the proud, your father was the proudest ; when among the gay and lovely, you were the gayest the most beautiful ! I can go further back, and I can see your mother y u are her im age, Madeline ! site whom, as a dream, was ever present to my sight -she whom, as a dream I worshiped 1 Well, she mar ried. She hose your father -the gal lant, and admired Henry Vernon and they were happy. Then I can recall your birth you, their only child ! and from the first I loved you ; I loved you for her sake 1 I can recajl their rapid rise from affluence to the possession of eno-mous wealth their luxury ! Then sAe-died. "A few years pass away, and you take her place. You appear, the mistress of matchless charms, the heireps of untold riches. Who so admired ? 60 courted ? How often have I watched you when you saw: me not ! In the Park, at the opera, who was so gallantly attended ? who greeted with so deep a homage as Made lino Vernon, the only daughter of the wealthy banker the proclaimed heiress of the 'Merchant Prince V Your suitors, aisoi were they not numberless ? ; What was not offered to your acceptance f what j did you not reject ? Bank, title, station personal qualifications that might mate with such as yours fortunes equal to your own. Ah ! what might you not have been ? ah I what arc you now? Wejl the sequel the. sequel. Ah, uow you weep ! Your father, he-bocomes a bankrupt worse, worse a diahonorcd bankrupt ! But one way lies before him but one path, dark and gloomy; on that he enters by that he escapes all shame, insult, contumely ! lie dies 1 , 1 will not dwell on his death" of horror! but you were left young; beautilul, alone and poor, my child, what snares were . around thee ! Then I came I, your dead mother's humble lover I, your dead father's only friend ! I, your own most passionate adorer ! I -rescued you from want from insult from despair and I dared to speak of love ! I was, I fear, too hasty, too inconsiderate in my proposals; lay love was despised reject ed ! You left me. But, Madeline, your suitors, where are they ? The gay train of knights, vowed to your set vice the proud young nobles, who laid their pride and their nobility at your feet where are they ? They fled at the first shadow of your misfortune, or those who remained stayed but to wound with expressions of contemptuous pity, or insult with baser proposals. They fled, and 3'ou were des olate. Was no one faithful ?" "Yes ! one!" murmured Madeline, as she hid her face in her hnds ''one I" ''And that one, Madeline, do you still hope and live for him ? do you still love each other ?" "Yes ! yes !" said Madeline, rising, with sudden energy ; "we stil! love each other we still love each other we hope still ! I will not desert him ! He clung to me through all. I will cling to hiuj, and we shall yet be happy I" "Madeline," exclaimed the banker, and he knelt before her ; "accept mo ! I offer you a situation equal to the one you have lost wealth beyond your wild est dreams, luxuries beyond your utmost wishes. I will raiseyou above the proud est of your late admirers the parasites, the fawners, the faithless ones of former days. You shall set your foot upon their necks. Gold, diamonds, equipa ges these will not bribe j'ou. I offer you power independence the power of doing good the independence of all obligation. Oh, think before you again reject '. Your lover, too I saw him but lately ; he is ill. I marked his slight figure, his thin, flushed cheek ; I heard his frequent cough, lie is working hard ; he denies himself many comforts that he may free you from bondage. He will not live. Labor, scanty clothing, and poor diet will do the work sooner or later; you will lose him ! I offer you his health his happiness. I will pour gold upon him, and with gold, ease and com fort. If you will be mine, Madeline, I will settle upon him that shall lift him at once to affluence. Madeline, you will not now refuse me ?" She answered mournfully and slowly : "No, Mr. Brandon, it cannot be; I never will desert him ! Oh ! believe me, I feel grateful; he, too, shall thank you; but ask not, I beseech you ask me not to deny myself the sweet privilege of strug gling for, and with him, through the darkness of the; present hour into the light beyond. We are1 young and hope ful, and we shall yet be happy. .Yes, we shall be happy! Oh! my friend, our all ; ask us uot to renounce it !" Mr. Brandon rose from his knees, and seated himself at bis desk ; there was a long pause. At last ho spoke but in al tered tones. . "Tell me, Miss Vernon, your lover's present plans. It may be in my power to aid him." "It is his intention to procure a situation as clerk, which he has promised to him upon the payment of a sum of money, provided he can raise it in a certain space of time; during which the place will be kept ope for him. Our object is to accumulate this sum ; to do this we are straining every nerve, and I trust we shall succeed." Another long pause, and the banker raised the lid of his desk ; he touched a secret spring, and a drawer flew open ; he took from it a roll of paper, and with a grave and solemn air handed it to Madeline. "Madeline ! are you too proud to ac cept from one who loves you but too well, the gift of two thousand pounds ?" She started from her seat. , "Do not speak hastily, Madeline ; false pride is no virtue. I know not the ex act sum required, but this sum will go far toward the attainment of the object you have in view. Take itgo ! and unless again thou comest iu distress come to me no more; but if thou needest a friend, I am here I am here !" Madeline, was awed, and pleased, and pained ; she could but weep her thanks. He took her arm and drew it within his own, and led her through the banking house, and handed her sobbing into the miserable hackney-coach awaiting her. He stood, half'-uoconsciously,at the door, watching its progress down, the street, till at the corner it stopped to take up a tall and elegant-lookim youns-man. who awaited its arrival ; : shiverinsr in the chilly air he recognized the favored lov er, and, heaving a sigh, withdrew into his appartment. There he resumed his seat at the desk and opened his private account-book. :Ah I he said, "1 have no command over myself when that girl comes- I could make myself a begger to see her look happy. But she will come no more I" anil again he sighed heavily. "Three thousand pounds, too I What a largo sum ! under what head can I enter it? Under that of charity f. Yes, charity And so he did enter it And there it stands, an almost- solitary item. Original. Constancy 10 a . . . est heart, Though dark clouds lower round ua telling that we soon must part ; Though a storm of cold adversity is coming thick onu last, , , , I hare loved thee, and still love thee, and will love thee to the last. - They have said tbat wero others foil aa lovely and as fair, . . - That soon I wonld forget thee 'midst !! tauy tliroug elsewhere 5 - - - . , '- That when ttrange faces greet mo in the circle. of the gay, s ' My love for ihco would vanish ani foreTor pass awav. ' ' ... But vain beings so assuming,"' upbraid year chiding now, ..... And with spirit all undaunted I shall keep my sacred vow ; -Yea, with spirit that hath never quailed beneath a srormy blast, ...- ' r I hare loved thee, still iovo thee, and will lore thee to the last. 'MiV-'l E. They sat upon the front door mat. When softly shone the moon. And listened to the music that Came from a bcor saloon. His manly arm did round her twine. Their lips in kisses met; And when he asked, "Wilt thou be mine" She said, "I will, yon bet.' ., .. .. Gastronomy.- The following curious details regarding the gastronomic tastes of the reigning sovereigns of Europe, are taken from a Paris paper. Napoleon III. Abstemious, cautious; never making the slightest remark to the servata. Moderate drinker," but great smoker.' - Queeu Victoria Abstemious, Pusey ite, liking beef and pastry. Alexander II. Hearty eater, connois seur in wine, preferring Champagne and Burgundy and fond of game. His Prussian Majesty Good drinker (Roedcrer, etc.), beef, mutton, biscuits aud sweet things. A pleasant and unaf fected host. His Majesty of Austria. Silent ' at table, cats dark meat, especially mutton' and game, and drinks the national wines of Hungary and Bordeaux. . Victor Emmanuel. Mighty hunter. Capital appetite, eats only white meat and small game. Kills wild boar, but never eats their meat; drinks the Cote'd Or wines. - Isabella of Spain.- Great appetite j prefers ' veal and white meats, drinks Spanish wines and Bordeaux.' . The Sultan. Partisan of strong meats, of rice, of pastry, of Eastern fruit, and of Burgundy. His Dutch Majesty has the finest cellar in Europe; fond of . fish, and especially salmon. His neighbor of Belgium cats very little, and always small game, and drinks sparingly of Bordeaux. The ex-King ot Hanover lives on tho Bohemian pheasant, the woodcock of Galicia, and smoked ham. of Styria and driuks Moselle and the Rhine wines. ' .' King Louis of Portugal is the smallest eater in Europe. Ricn Nobles of England. Speak ing of the rich man of England, it is said the Earl of Dudley one of the richest noblemen of that little island. Of his wealth it is said ; II is' territorial possessions and country seats in Staffordshire and Worchester-r shire, England, his shooting-grounds in Scotland and the cast of England, his mansion and picture gallery in London, his winter palace in Borne, even' his valu able mineral estate in Menonetshire, fade into insignificance when compared with his mines and colleries, and iron works around the midland town which takes his title. The latter estate honey combed by industry beneath, blackened by industry on the surface covers an area of ten square miles. It furnishes employment for nine thousand working people, and reckoning in their families, wholly supports at a moderate computa tion, something like seven and twenty thousand human beings. It is intersect- .J m I-..!.- 1 1 J . 3. by forty miles of railroad. The horses employed upon it are numerous enough to supp'y a cavalry regiment; the canal boats to furnish a fleet. The steam power used is simply incalculable, it is so dispersed. Eight locomotives ply upon its railways. There are forty boilers in one of its works, and twenty id anotner. Every pit and every furnace over and under the whole ten miles has accompany ing steam engines. This vast estate yields seventy thousand tons of pig iron per week, to say nothing of the limestone used for flux; and it sends manufactured iron into all the markets of the world. Nearly a hundred heads of - departments, are engaged in managing it, and it takes over three hundred clerks to keep the accounts. The annual outlay in wages does not fall far short of half million sterling. , i The panier dress is now ? oalled ,the "dromedary style." ;...