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JOB PRINT! KG. DRY GOODS. DRUGS, ETC. DRV-G00DS k GROCERIES. . ' M EW STORE, NEW CiOOlh! TEEZEl ALBANY REGISTER PRINTING HOUSE WITH XEW AND FAST POWER AM HAND ' P It E S S ES, Latest ami most Desirable St j lea or Printing Is undoubtedly THE SHEBANG 1 TO GO FOB When you wish Posters, or Visiting Cards, Business Cards, Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Envelopes, Ball Tickets, Programmes, Labels Bui why particularlte, when It Is gen erally acknowledged that we are ON IT When ft oomee under the hud of To convince yottraelf of the truth of the above statements, you have only to call (or send a hand ac csropanied by three stamps to pay return postage) tvltcn we wfll astonish you with the capacity f the Rec- COLORED or Plain work, and tlie re markable ele gance exhib ited by the Bom in Oorraltng the stamp for the same when finished. When you have "his." in our line, call. A bint to the sufficient is wise at a blind kick's none, or words to that effect f YSTKRS. SARDINES, RED HERRING, U oodflah, etc, just received bj Mating The undersigned will toon open An Entire New Stock DRY GOODS, Fancy Goods, OLOTHING, I UOOTH, hHOES, HATS, ETC., ETC. AND REQUEST A CALL TO EXAMINE their stock, before purchasing . clso where, assuring pureliusors A Savins of Fifty Per Cent In their price. We have fnciliii.-s for presenting the mmt complete nsmrtmcnt of goods ever offered in this market, nt reduced rates; and have adopted an our motto, "Quick tola ami mall pntfitt." Call and Bee for Yourself. KLINE A CO., Iii Tntf rick, Albany, Or. Sept- tl, 7 1-3 VI mm stock : JUST OPENED. GEORGE TVRRELL HAS SOW OPENED OCT. AT STORE loeenUv occupied by A. Cowan A Co., on First street, Albany, a new and well se lected ttock of DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS, GEXTS' CLOTHING, Gent' nnd Boy' Hate, BOOTH AM) MIOEM, Wood Ware, Crockery Ware, Groceries, Which he has pnrchaaed In San Francisco, for coin, and which he will tell AT THE LOWEST PRICES, FOR CASH Oil PRODUCE. All who want the BERT UOOBH AT LOWEST PRICE, Should give him a call. GEORGE TUKRELL, First Street, Albany. Albany, Sept. , 18JL sewing machines. THE CELEBRATED Buck Eye Sewing machine Price 44; without tabic, Eight rontons tiftj the Iluektir H-wing Ha- .UH..'.Hil..'lAMN,JI... I. It. la the almnlcst. shuttlA maMiin. uuv. 4 I, tlOB Imd VMInM lull. .V It htJK IM Small UnHmra nr khmiiai...) , ..a unupniwi J uW411" J1!61 10 lrgc range of ft ft Id WMM UtUthk Sa l..l .. tS aw. l. IT UU HW n ItflW If mn . not... ani otlWcWni. W T. Tho shuttle will wear longer tbaa the. shuttle In any other maffhlnefMTT 8. That It has the teat feeding device Ice, w nwm win never wear our, mil not nr or- siarcnou goons, or puctor the team aolh that r".i.L" ",TLtabort :er lira uti;i. wuini Ail UUMRT Ttinrlj am ItahlA n An I ...Lc. SLirF W ......,. ,.., .,,. ,,.,. kmi mac tnoeloth ..nataTw S'tactolh or VWaJ?fi It has a beantMM took stltoh. the same at the How". WI&J, Wnger Florence, allkn w boVkak' Wo otht a premium of ant attaoSv? Si for any machine on this coast thatwui nwkflastmngertn-nioreelastlottltohthan the Buckeye. For full rrtadUrc B. B. MINER A (jo.. Gen. Agents, Albany, Oregon. 41 CENTS WANTED IN EVERY TOWW Albany, OntgfM. GEO. F. SETTLEIOiER, DRUGGIST, (Successor to D. W. Wakeflrldl, I'arrUh'i s, Bui Idlag, riratNtrevt, AI.IIANT, OREGON. Dealer in DRUGS AND MEDICINES. CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, ETC. All article warranted pure, and of the neat quality. Physicians prescriptions carefully com- pouuuea. a tunny, uci. i, uwhui PATKNT ME D1C INKS. PIPIFAX. mils CELEBRATED GERMAN HIT A ten itKimurs the app-iile, is a certain re lief for liysyxraia, InaigtXton, BUUmaneu, ana macuon oj iae unr. This is tn certify, that the formula nsed in the manufacture of the German Plpifax Hitters lias been submitted to my examina tion, and I cheerfully state the Ingredients are well selected and combined, producing a Hitters which will no doubt prove a UBAiriiruL toxic, ana pramar mgautm. G. HOLLAND, M- D. Dear Sir: I have examined the sample of Hitters presented, and nnd it an exceed inch pleasant cordial nnd valuable tunic. II. II. 'POLAND. M. II. SHAFFER, WALTER CO., KILC AGENTS FOR THE I' KITED STATES, 6m j SilZ Battery St., Sun Francisco. 4vt STOVES, ETC. W. H. M'FARLAND & CO., Opposite the hotel, Albany, Oregon, SUCCESSORS TO 0. P. TOUPKMS A CO, ST0VE8, RANGES, Force and Lift Pumps, LEAD AND IRON PIPE, ECollo-w Ware, HOI WE FrHNINItltM HAROWARB, Till, Copper and Sheet Iron it arc. LARUfST STOCK IS THE YAIJJEY Lowett Price Every Time. Repairing Properly Done. 40vl WHEAT FRUIT TREES. For Sale ! 1,000 BUSHELS or nOMT, WHITE CHILI CLUB WHEAT POIi SEED. CALL AT THE RESIDENCE OF THE undersigned, six miles south of Alba ny. MARTIN LUPER. Jan. a, 18TMSm3 Fruit Tree, Grape Tinea, Ac. rpgj INDERSIGNED INVITES THE X attention ot the public to his lante and complete stock of APPLE. PEAR. PLUM. CHERRY and other TREKS. Aiso. GRAPE VI Ki- Imai iinlie stntn Ornamental Treca, Shmbs, Plants, Cur rants, Gooseberries, Straw twrrics, Rosea, Itahllas and lhilbf, which wUI be mild at low as urai-wass tiocE can ne aironted. Q. Vi-mi J. A. MILLARD -SH FRUITS. neaeJioa. aranes. nrailct. J? pa pears, etc by Ivt DtBOIS. PORTLAND HOTEL. METROPOX.ZS HOTEL. Comer Freit and Salawa Sts,, PORTLAND, OREGON. This new and eleghnt hotel, with ITew Furniture Throughout, It now ora to the prnuc. ttian Wf . rUEE COACH TO THE HOt'BE. Come and See I t. Tm.R.PREurR,Prept. NEW STORE ! NEW GOODS ! M. MILT. REACH It now opening a Selected stock or General Merchandise, Consisting of Staple aud Fancy Dry Goods, Olotlaiug! GROCERIES, HARDWARE, Crockery and Glass Ware, BOOTH A.D SHOES, PAINTS AND OILS, ETC., ETC., A ND IS OFFERING THE GOODW TO f t lie public at prices corremiondlnir with the times. All kinds of merchantable produce taken In exchange for gtaxla. Come one, come all, and examine prices, at tlie old stand, formcriv occupied by ft Bench A n, oppotitc Foster's brhk, touth aide Pint tlreet, Albany, Oregon. JlvS (J ROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, In full T aupply.Just received ly Sr4 DvBOIS. HARDWARE. NEW FIRM! W. II. KCHM ok CO. Have just received a lurge und weU select ed stock of HARDWARE, Such as Farmers' k Mechanics' Tools, C)xeisrriNG of-axvils, vices rel lows, hamincrs, sledges, saws, plnnef, cress cut and mill saws; together with a ASSORTMENT OF IRON ASiO NTEKI Nttls, springs, axles, thlmblc-skeins, liolts, etc., eta, etc ! A well selected stock of Wagon Timber, i SPOKES, HCRS, Bant rims, shafts, poles, hickory axles, elc. All of which arc now oflcred to the pub licist low rates. As we uiiike the business a specialty, we can and will koep a better tuHOrtment. nt lower prices, than any nouse in iniscuy. Also receiving nnd opening, a lame and splendid assortment of WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, Which wv offer at reduced rates. W. II. KllLS A CO., Montelth flrc-proof brick, First street. March 14, 70.27 FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! " A Stltek In Time Save Xlne.- UNION Fire and Marine Insurance Company, Not. IIS and 413 Caiifornia St., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. Stockholders IndlvMimlly Uabl. Cash capital, in gold coin, 1750,000 00 . S0,000 00 Deposit In Oregon. - - IiOw.cs promptly and equitably ad- PAID IX GOLD COIX. riins COMPANY HAVING COMPLIED JL with the taws of Oregon, by making a deposit of rlflv tbiuisand dollars, is now prepared to ctlfcct insurance against loss or damage nv nre, anil also against marine and Inland navigation risks, on liberal terms. UUOTAVB TOITCIIAKD, President. Chas. D. Havkn, Siretar)'. t. C: JSENDENH ALL, Agent, Albany. Albany, 1871-18 NEW TO-DAY. 8 WKET POTATOES, per test steamer, by 3V J'l CAWI paid for WHEAT, OATS, PORK. Butter and Eggs by WHEELER, at Shcdd. Hvt CIiOTHINtt and BOOTS and SHOES a line assortment, very low-by WHEE LRR, at Shcdd. Uvl riiiL- uill'TTi IT ci inV( U iriilVli'S II Plows, and all kinds of Agricultural Machinery, "o'd by WHEELER, at Shcdd. NOW IS THE TIME! NONE TOO POOlt TO BTJY IT The Cheapest Live Newspaper on the Pacific Coast ! Albany Register An Elglit-Pnge Weekly Newspaper, COSTAISIXO FORTY-EIGHT COLUMNS of matter, written and selected to roeet the wants aud tastes of all varieties of people. The REGISTER is nriulcd on new aial elegant type, contains a carefully wtitten tllgest or Hie news of tlie week, both local and general ; is plain and outspoken on all matters of iwlltical importance, while Us columns contain a fiiir share of literary and miscellane ous reading, etc., etc., making it the most attractive paper in Oregon. The REGISTER is offered to sub scribers, from now until the close of the volume, FULL SEVEN MONTHS ! For tlie extremely low price of ODoL.FaTOC Which puts it within the reach of all. Will not the friends of the Register make a vigorous effort to put into the hands of all their neighbors, as at tlto price it is the cheapest newspaper pub lished on the Pacific coast ? Further Improvements. We contemplate various Improve ments, awnng materially to tne gen eral interest of tin? Register, as rapid ly as the increase of patronage will justify. Among the first or the "A'cw Departures" is the enlargement of the paper one or two columns to each page, making It, if not the largest, tlie equal in size of any journal Tn the Union. This will lie done early in the comimr Spring, shonld the increase in our sub scription justify. We look to our friends throughout the county and State to lend us their aid in this matter. Help us now, and we will give you tlie best to ue nati tor uic money. WILLIAR DAVIDSON, REAL ESTATE DEALER, So. St froal Street, Portland, Or REAL ESTATE In this CITY and EAST PORTLAND, in the most desirable liK-nll-ties, consisting of LOTS. HALF BLOCKS, and BLOCKS, HOUSES aud STOKES; also, IMPROVED FARMS, and valuable un cultivated LANDS, located in ALL purtsof the STATE for SALE. REAL ESTATE, and other property. pureliiusHll(ircoml)ondeiit,lnthlCITT nnd throughout the STATE and TERRI TORIES, with great cure aud on the most ADVANTAGEOUS TERMS. HOUSES and STORES leased, LOANS XEiitVTIATED. and CLAIMS OF ALL UK- SCRUTIONS PROMPTLY COLLECTED : and n giicral FINANCIAL and AGENCY HUSL ESS t ransncicu. AGENTS of this OFFICE, In all the CK TIESand TOWNS In the STATE, will re ceive descriptions of FARM PROPERTY and forward the tame to the above ad dress. Kvl rsr J. L. Harris is offerhur seven and eight cents per pound tor No. I iteef Pork or Mutton. Here's vout chance to all yourtock for cash. A nuv.AT Vaiiikty Of furniture. nf lnlcst tirliK. at prices to suit, such as parlor sets, bed-room sets, chairs, bedsteads, bureaus, etc., at Chat. Mealey's. All klndsof bedding roaim factured; very handsome extension tables, at San Francisco prices; lounges, sofas, very neat book-cases with glass fronts ; a fine assortment of picture frames, cheap as dirt, and a gixat variety of other novelties that housekeepers have only to see to pur cliasc. Go to Mealey's. RHEUM. A. Wheeler, dealer In general merchandise.- A large stock of all kinds now In store and tor sale at low rates. All kinds of produce bought at highest market rates. Cash paid for Wheat, Oata, Pork, Butter, Eggs, etc., 4c. iuonc are tnfr.rrned that tuelrsubtcript ion expires with that number, and they are h vlted to renew It Term-tt) per annum, in advance; six months, ti; throe month. tar Legs! tenders received at par fro anbsuriben In the Eastern States, Ike Divine Tragedy. Below will be found portion ot Longfellow's hut and greatest poem. Following tl first scene cones tlie preaching of John the Baptist, in which the austere prophet sommons tlie people to repentance in the fearful language and imagery of the Hebrews under the Old Covenant : JOHN THE BAPTIST. Repent ! repent I repent 1 For the kingdom of God It at lutnd. And all tho land Full of know lodge of tho Lord shall bo At the waters cover the tat. And encircle the continent r Repent 1 repent 1 repent I For lo, the hour appointed. The hour to long foretold By the prophets of old, Of the coining of the Anointed, Tho Messiah, the Paraclete. The Desire of the Nations, is nigh I He shall not strive nor cry, . Nor hit voice be beard In the street ; Nor the bruised reod shall he break, Nor quench the smoking flax I And many of them that sleep In the dust of earth shall awake, on tliat great and terrible days And the wicked shall wall and weep, And be blown like a smoke away. And be melted away like wax. Repent I repent 1 repent I 0 Priest, and Pharisee, Who hath warned yon to flew From the wrath that I to be 1 From the wining anguish and tan f The ax Is laid at the root Of the treat, and every tree That bringeth not forth good fruit, Is bewu down and cast into the are I Ye Scribes, why come ye hither f lu I lie hour tlutt Is uncertain, In the day or anguish and trouble, He that stretebctu the heavens a a cur tain A nd sprcadcth them out aa n tent, Shall blow upon you, and ye shallwlther. And the whirlwind shall take you away asstubblel Repent ! repent I repent I raiurr. Who art thou, O man of prayer t In raiment of camel's hair, Begirt with leathern thong, That here in the wilderness. With a cry as of one In distress, FreauBaM unto this throng 1 Art thou tho Christ? JOHN. Priest of Jerusalem, In meekneas and humbleness, 1 deny not, 1 confess lamnottbeChrlttl PRIEST. What shall we say onto them That sent us hero ? Reveal Thy name, and naught conceal. Ait thou Ellas? JOUK. Not Art thou that Prophet, then, Of lamentation and woe, W ho, as a symbol and sign Of Impending wrath divine Upon unlielievlng man, Shattered the vessels of clay In the Valley of Slaughter ? ' JOHN. Nay, I am not he thou numcst ! PUIBST. Who art thou, and what Is the word That here thou proclatniest? jonx. I am the voice of one Crying in the wilderness atone : Prepare ye the way of the Lord ; Moke hi paths straight In the land that is desolate 1 pbibbt. If thou lie not the Christ, Nor yet Ellas, nor lie, That, In sign ot things to be, Shattered the vessel or clay In the VnUev of Slaughter. Then declare wito us, und say By wliat authority now Baptize! h thou ? Jonx. I indeed baptize you with water Unto repentance ; But He That comet h after me. Is mightier than I and higher ; The latchet of whose shoes 1 am not worthy to unloose ; He shall baptize you with lire, And with the Holy Ghost 1 Whose fan Is in his hand ; He will purge to the uttermost Ills floor, and garner his wheat, But will bum the chair In the brand And Are of uiiquenclaUik) heat 1 Repeat! repent! repent! He Took a Chair. A Chictuu lover, who went to see his irlrl otic evening recently, was received with marked trtgtdrty, possibly owing to the fact that he had lost all his possessions in tlie nre. After llngerinir a few mo ments, be moved toward the door, say ing, "he guessed he'd go." "Ohf" said she starting from a beautiful con dition of semi-uuconsclousneas, ''won't you take a chair." "Well, I don't care if I do,'' was his reply, and he took the chair thanking her kindly, and carried it home, lie says it Is a good chair, made of walnut, with a stuffing and greon cover just what he wanted. Some young men of Fort Wayne went into a restaurant aad dined to the amont of several dollars. One young man proposed to pay tits bill, when another young man stopped him and he proposed to pay. Tlie game was played by all, when it was proposed to blindfold the waiter, and the one he caught was to pay the bill. While the waiter was groping around the room the dead beats made good their escape. ' A very prompt way of taking a man at his word was lately flirnished by one striker, a 'bus agent on the Kansas Pacific Ralhoad. Having protracted the sowing of his wild oats too lomr. his lather was kindly remonstratine against his dteipattou, and remarked that be would rattier follow his sou to the grave titan see him a drunkard. The young mau replied, "Here goes, father," and Instantly put the pistol to liia head and disdiarged It. Boston boasts of a clock that has to be wound up only once a year. It lias been wound up on Christmas day for fifteen years. General Spinner has found that wo men are more honest tutut i I 8