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ALBANY REGISTER. P. 8. Offlelnl Puper tor Oregon. WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 17, 1873. Republican Candidate. FOR CONGRESS, HIRAM SMITH, OF LISN. Alexander R. Sheppard has been ap pointed Governor ot the District of Columbia, vice H. D. Cook, resigned On the 10th the President accepted alxtv-fivc miles of tbe Nortliern Pa dflc Railroad, in W. T.. recently ex amined by the Commissioners. y The California State Board of Equal Lzation have announced the rate of taxation for State purposes at five cents on 100. Tbe 15th inst. (Monday) was the time elected by the planters or Cuba for the final meeting to disttBS tbe proposition to be submitted to the Government of Madrid for the abolition of slavery in Cuba. A gravel train while crossing Win chester bridge, between Roseburg aud Oakland, on the 13th, was thrown from the track bv a brace which had slipped from its place, breaking Mr Hallett's leg, and otherwise injuring him. A Chinaman was also hurt, supposed fatally. Hikah Smith Our candidate for Congress, is one of the people, has always been more or less interested in agricultural pursuits. If elected to Congress, he will go from the people, thoroughly understanding their wants, and will apply himself diligently to securing them. An express train which left Vitto- ria for Madrid Spain, while running at full speed ran off the track, killing 17 passengers and injuring 70. Scarcely a person on tbe train escaped injury The Carlists obstructed tlie track from Saragossa to Pompolimn, and a train was thrown from the track, but fortn- nately no one was injured. Gov. Booth's reception at San Fran cisco on the 13th, was a perfect ova tion. He was received at the ferry- landlng'by an immense throng of peo ple with music and transparencies, and escorted to the Grand Hotel, where he addressed over six thousand people, congratulating tliem on the victory of the anti-monopoly party. Many pri vate and public dwellings along the line of march were illuminated. A case of twenty years' standing, Involving tbe right to over 40 acres of land in tbe neighborhood of Areata, Humboldt county, California, was de cided by the Secretary of the Interior on the 12th. The case, as it stood, was Hinsdale vs. Townsitc of Areata, and was decided in favor of Hinsdale, who was held to be entitled to enter the land under the Homestead Act. Another instance of the law's delays. A Horrible Story of the Slave Trade. A telegram from London on the 12tb, says that dispatches have been received at the Adrairality Office from tbe commander of the British steam sloop Daplme, announcing the capture in the Indian Ocean, near tbe Seycbette Islands, of a slave ship, upon which there had been terrible suffer ing. Smallpox had raged ou the ship, and out ot 300 slaves taken on board 250 had died. The remaining fifty were terribly emaciated from disease and want. The cry was, no more lawyers, no more doctors, no more professional politicians give us a loyal, true man of the people; one whose former life and personal experience will be a guarantee that the wants and Interests of Oregon will be his aim when he reaches the halls of Congress; one whose time will not be wasted in con cocting buncombe speeches, and fixing up things for a re-election. In Hiram Smith the people of Oregon have tbe man demanded by the times; a man of tbe people; thorough, true, honest, faithful; a man who is self-reliant be cause self-taught; a man who has earn ed all he possesses by his own individ ual exertions; a man who has never made a business mistake; whose judg ment i9 sound ami clear; who has no vices to get rid of; who stands high In the estimation ot all in his own home; whose long and industrious life with and among the people, enables him to thoroughly understand and appreciate their wants and who will work with an energy and will that knows no de feat, for their aeeeomplisluueut. We submit that the nommaiiuii ui suoii a man was demanded by the times by the people ; and now that the cry of the people lias been answered, it only remains for them to show they were in earnest by endorsing him. Balloon Failure. The Graphic''ii balloon, which was to leave on a voyage for Europe on the 12th instant, didn't leave. The inflation ot this monster balloon had been continued until about 400,000 feet of gas had been pumped into it, when it bursted, letting tin? large body of gas escape, which nearly smothered those in close proximity to it. Mr. Steiner, who had the contract for fill ing the balloon with gas, said the bal loon was not made of proper material, and therefore it would be folly to at tempt to fill it again. The enterprise is abandoned for the present. How ever, a telegram of the 13th says that "Prof. Donaldson, the aeronaut, who was to have sailed for Europe yester in the Graphic balloon, says that im mediately after the collapse ot the first experiment Goodsell offered to begin at once the construction of a new balloon of silk provided Donald son would engage to make the Euro pean trip in it. The offer was accept ed, and the balloon will probably be ready for him about the middle of Oc tober. The car, life-boat and instru ments which had already been provid ed will be used. Prof. Wise publishes card defending the theory of a wes tern air current, aud announcing his readiness to start for Enrope at any time in a gas-tight silk balloon. He also censures the attempts to turn a great scientific experiment and enter prise into a money-getting affair. ALBANY AM) SASTIAM CANAL. The Albant and Santiam Canal Company would respectfully call the attention of thj public, and especially the Capitalist, and those desiring' to engage In manufacturing, to their gigantic water power and water priv ilege. Sixteen thousand cubic feet constantly flowing every minute, equal to 800 horse power, with from 8 to 30 feet fall, sufficient for the most exten sive machWry, with ground on which to erect the necessary buildings, etc. The Company deem it but proper that me puoiio siioum know more tuny tne locality of this great water power, its facilities and surroundings, in order that those unacquainted may form some estimate of its value. The city of Albany i the county-seat of Linn county, located on the south east bank of the Willamette river, about 100 miles south of Portland, by river, and SO miles by railroad; south Of Salem 45 miles by river and 30 miles by railroad, and north of Eugene City 45 miles. Albany is located In a prairie of the same name, which is the great agricul tural center of the Willamette Vcy, Anunal Conference of tbe Church .ootifh. a. E. The Olyrapia Courier says: "Tbe tanners of this portion of the Territory are menaced with a serious blow to their prosperity, The quantity and quality of the potato crop have al ways been our boast, but now the rot lias made its appearance In Pa cific and Ohehalis counties, and in many places the crop Is almost an en tire failure. The vines grow luxu riantly until tbe potato Is nearly ripe, when they begin to show signs of blight near the root, and In a week Ike whole vine will be dead". The Tbe tuber then stops its growth, and soon begins to decay. The Board of Health announce the iresence of yellow fever in Memphis. The Columbia Conference of the M. E. Church South, met at Brownsville. Oregon, September 3d, and adjourned September 9th, 1873. Bishop Doggett presided to the sat isfaction of all. There was an advance in all the in terests ot the church ; never were the prospects so good. oiiowiug are the appointments. WILLAMETTE DISTRICT T. B. WHITE, P. E. Salem E. J. Dawue. Corviillis-B. R. Baxter. Dallas Or. Goucher. Lafayette F. W. D. Mays. Oregon City-H. C. Jolly. Albany .las. Emery. Lebanon D. C. McFarland. Eugene Clty-E. 8. Michel. Brownsville J. W. Craig. JACKSONVILLE DISTRICT J. W. STAHL, P. E. Roseburg B. F. Oglesby. Oakland Mission to be supplied. Jacksonville J. W. Stahl. UMATILLA DISTBICTB. V. JOHNSON, P. E. Grand RondeC. II. E. Newton. Powder River to be supplied LaGrande to be supplied. Walla Wal)a-R. R. Johnson. M. Belmontet, the well-known Par isian Ex-Deputy, was recently waited upon by one Boulplquante, who drew a revolver and menaced M. Belmontet with instant death if he did not sign three drafts, payable to his order, for 4,000 francs. M. Belmontet signed one of the documents, and persuaded Boulplquante to call on the next day for the others. Meanwhile, of course, the ruffian was arrested. The new Catholic Cathedral of St. Patrick at Armagh, Ireland, which has been some 30 years in die course ot erection, and has already cost about $360,0001$, now completed. ind it is believed that upward of 500, 000 bushels of surplus wheat will be re ceived at that point, the present season. The most of it will find its way to tor pi,, .. cither by boate or rail road to Portland, and from thence up on the ocean. The Willamette river is navigated by beautiful steamers, carrying from 80 to 300 tons, running as far as Albany some ten months in the year. Also, the O. & C. R. R , with its beautiful locomotives, is pass ing through the city daily. The city ot Albany is located upon a high, roll ing prairie, with the Calapooia, a beau tiful creek, flowing into the Willamette river on the wen, the water of which is used in driving two large flouring mills, situated on the bank of the Wil lamette river. The city Is about one mile in length, running east and west, and from one-half to three-fourths of a mile in width, and is laid off with streets of good width. The Canal, wlik! k the subject and object of this communication, receives its' waters from the South Santiam river, which heads in the great Cascade mountains, some 75 miles east of Albany ; theuot running westerly through a valley of the same name, to Lebanon, a village located near the west bank of saul river, 13 miles east of, Albany. The Canal receives the waters from tie Santiam river at that point, thence miming west to its ter minus at Aloa iy. The main .santiam flows northward, and empties its mountain watirs into the Willamette river 10 miles northeast of Albany The Canal is krought from Lebanon through n beautifulpralrio for a dis tance of 12 miles, and empties into the Willamette river, forming on its way and in the city s-oile of the finest water powers for manufacturing purposes found on the Partno coast. Ihere are but tew, if any, points in the State which surpasses Atony now, for man ufacturing facilities. Cheap water power aud easy of (lccess, and conven ient transportation, either by water or railroad, and the location beautiful and healthy The Canal Company offers liberal inducements to persons desiring to en gage in the business of manufacturing. and will furnish water power upon the most reasonable terms. M.iuiitactur- uigofall kinds Is needed in Oregon, and could be made profitable. The Canal Company will agree to furnish. within sixty days, any water power needed, irom a mittoii factory to that ot a locomotive. Immigrants and others are earnestly liiviteu and requested to visit Albany and examine for themselves. Real property can yet be procured on very reasonable terms, both in and out of the city. Our people compare favor ably with the rest of mankind, morally socially, politieally and financially. Published by order of the Board of Directors, hept. 8th. 1873. L. ELKINS, D. Mansfield, President, Secretary. MISCELLANEOUS. BUILDERS, ATTENTION ! SASH, BLIND, AND DOOR FACTORY. S.H.ALTHOVSK. J. F. 3ACKKMHTO. W. KETCIItM. ALTUOUSE & CO., Lyon Street, ou the River Hank, ALBANY, OREGON. Koep on hand a full aortnient, and are prepared to and FURNISH TO ORDER, Doom, Sash, minds, ' .Holdings, Such as CROWS, PAS EL, RASH A SECTION OLD, Of nil sizes WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES, Flooring, fsidiug, And- AII other hinds ot Hnihiiitff Material DRY GOODS. ETC. BT r- full Cf J ft W 0 2.1-H 1 is ??F-5 3N 9 a to fi if S3 1 i 9 a r 1 fro I o 52 .... v a1 m 3 a 0 rJtsP t LSO: ."V work, PREPARED TO DO Ml LI. lurnish shafrAr funs, ziirzn siMKers, suction rana. anvuur nuiievs , any kind, at our factory on Lyon street ion uiu nra uiiiii, nuxi neiow .nark nam warehouse. ALTHOl'SE & CO. Albany, Feb. 10, 1.S09-H CO TO THE "Can Such Things Be," etc. Elizabeth Stewart Phelps, in the In dependent, speaking of fashions, shoots her mouth off thnsly: "Suppose, In short, that by one subtle, strong coup d'etm the thinking woman of America could make it fashionable to dress like rational creatures!" She proposes a conspiracy of '-seven hundred, perhaps a thousand women," and that the lead ers of the "Republican Court" shall be "let into the secret," with "Mrs. Grant for our President, and Mme. kDemorest for onr committee on de sign." She says that dress skirts shall be shortened from four to six inches, that the bias waist and corset shall give way to plaited gamp, that cloth ing shall be suspended from the shoul ders, etc. Then she has a new issue: "Does either the essential modesty of feminine nature or the safety of society require drapery below the i.nees?" The courts in Utah are still at an absolute dead lock, and there Is no possibility of , relief under existing BEE-HIVE STORE! TO HI'Y Groceries, Provision8y Notions, &c, &c, &c, CHEAP FOR CASH ! Country Produce ol All Kinds BOUGHT FOR MERCHANDISE OR CASH! This is the place to get the BEST BAR GAINS ever offered In Allmny. Parlies win always uo well to call and see for them selves. II. WEED. First street, Albany, Oregon. 32v5 ALBANY FOUNDRY And Machine Shop, A. F. CHERRY Proprietor, ALBANY, OREGON, Manufactures Stean Engines, Flour and Saw Hill machin ery, WQOD WORKING And AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY, And all kinds of ntOft AXIS BRASH I'AJSTIJNM. Particular attention mid tonimlrinvan kinds of machinery. 41v3 S fi a " H H m 9 " I fi W 0 90 g re ij 5? a 5 w ss Srt H 9 S H 63 H 5 99 e ft fti O it f i A j S3 ft 3W 9 9t' 1 1 1 i'Kj i 9 1 9 0 ft H S 1 -0 o S 0 ?. S-fc- 2 1- WATCHES -JEWELRY. a titts. j. jt xitvs. C1IAS. BOIIKGAIIDES. TITUS, B0UR6ARDES & CO,, DKALKHS IN 6S JEWELRY, Silver & Plated Ware, -and- DIAMOND SPECTACLES. QLKftQ.9(i Per day. Agents wanted! All WJIuwmJ elOHHeH of wnrlctnir ntvnl nf either sex, young or old. make more mon ey at work for ns in their mm momenta or all the time, than at anything else Iar tjcnlara free. Address G. Stinson ft Co., Portland, Maine. iiyl Com Bay Coal Agency. berrymaiTa ootix. TVEALBRa In Cumberland, Lehigh and iVn descriptions of ForeW and Do-mS!SfeP0J- A3o, PIG IRON. mramoo and Jackson Fmnetoco.Cftl. Uvf MANUFACTURED Ann ADII STvn especially for the Padflc cCuf, NATIONAL ELGIN WATCH CO. of Elgin, Illinois, viz: Pacific, California and San Franclco WATCH, and we moat -1,1,,,,.,.. ommend them to the puWlo,M m-ssini elrj-, SUvor and Plated Ware,' ' AtSO Pistol and Cartridge!. tar Repairing a 8peolalty. . GrAII Work Done and floods Sold, Warranted to be aa Represented. Titus, Boorgardes 4c Co., ATJOHNOANm'SOLDSTAWD. First street, ALBANY, OBBOOK. WVD