Newspaper Page Text
ALBANY REG ISTEIt. Hlnin, Young A Co.N Column. BUSINESS CARDS. ADVERTISEMENTS. PCB LUSHED KVERY WKDJiESDAY A.ND SATVRIUY, By COLL. VAX CLEVE, IN REGISTER BUILDINGS, Corntr Fi-rry ami First A'rects. TERMS 33 ADVANCE, die year Three dollars. Six months. Two dollars. Single copies Ton rents. ADVERTISING KATES. Transient advertisements, jier square of ten Unas or less, first Insertion il ; each subsequent Insertion 80c Ijircr adver tisements inserted on the niost lilvral terms. JOB WORK: Having received new typo, stock of col ored inks, curds, a t cordon Jobber, etc., we are prepared to execute nil kimlsof print ing In a better manner, and fifty per cent cheaper than over before offered in this city. Amenta for the KeglH ter. The following gentlemen are authorized to receive and receipt for subscriptions, advertislne. etc., for the Rfhistkr : Hiram Smith, HarrUbunr. . 1. Tompkins Hairtflinrg. Peter Hmric. Brownsville. W. K. Kirk, Brownsville. J. B. Irvine, Seio. T. H. Reynolds, Salem. L. P. Fisher, Sun Francisco. D. P. Porter, shedd's Station. MlhCELLAXEOUS. S. J. McCORMlCK, IS HAPPY TO INFORM HIS NUMER OUS friends, patrons, and the public in treneral, that he has HB . OPENED THE Fraskun Book Store, AT 19 FIRST STREET, ISKXT TO CESTHAI MABKET) with a complete stock of School Hooks, Stationery, Blank Books, tiold Pent, Cutlery, Ac., Ac., Which he will dispose of at The Lowest Prices 1 smSCRIPTIOXS RECEIVED For all the popular NEWSPAPERS AM piAUAZIXIS I which will ie Delivered In any part of the city. Portland. Feb. 7, lar73-23tf Arctic Soda. HAVING ADDED VASTLY TO OUR &o411Ues for dispensing this delight ful and health-giving lieverase, we would announce to out former patrons, and the public generally, that weare fully prepared tram one of those elegant Tuft'i Arctic Fountain. tn s mply sodaof the best quality in un limited quantities to all who may fuvor us mtta a call- SOTTLED SODA! AND Sarsaparilla! WILL, D0RIKG THE SPRING and SUMMER. be delivered to families ordering through out the city. Dealers Supplied at Liberal Rates. A. CARuTHKRs A CO., THEE OLD STOVE DEPOT. JOHN BRIGGS, Dealer in RANGES. COOK, PARLOR AND BOX, STOVES ! Of the best patterns. U,SO i TIX, SHEET IRON AMD COP" PER WARE, And the usual assortment of ffcfnisning goods to be obtained in a tin store. Repairs neatly and promptly ejksented, on reasonable tennsi , rfcjowr btrb"t,aibat. 3 P 2, BUSINESS CARDS. JOHN CONNER, BANKING AND Exchange Office, ALBANY, OHrXMIX. DEPOSHS RECEIVED S1TIUECT TO cheek at sight. Interest allowed on time deposits iii coin. Exchange on Portland, Sm Francisco, 0X1 ! New York, for sale at lowest rates. Collections made and promptly remitted. Refers to II. W. Corbett, Henry Failing, W. S. Ladd. iiiutkinp hours from 8 A. M. to 1 P. M. Allmny, Feb. 1. 1871-iv3 Monictliing cwin Dwibtfjr. ll. E. O. SMITH, DKSTIST. T T AS LOCATED IN A LBA IT ny, and 1ms the new in flag" .tfinr rr vention inplate wore,vfmue ... iicui,-H,r TtM'tll in the mouth without covering the whole heretofore. It gives the wearer he wearer the free nse of the tongue to the roof of the month la talking and tasting. It is the Smith & IMrviuo patent. Toeth BSttaeted without pam. Plates mended, whether broken or divided. wsrOKKtCK-Eirst street, east ot Conner s Hank (up stairs), Allmny, Oregon. vvt CITY MARKET, FIRST STREET, ALBANY, OREOOX, J. L. HARRIS, PROPRIETOR, WILL EKUBAVOK TO KEEP CON stantly on hand a full supply of ATX KINDS OP MEATS, Which will be of the very best quality. The hiWiest.marketprice paid tor beeves, boss and sheep. . Third door west of Ferry.on south side of First street. J. L. HARUI. Albany, Dec. 18, W71-15V JOHN SCHMEER, PEAX.EK IN Groceries & Provisions, ALBANY, OREGON. HAS JCyr OPENED HIS NEW GROCER establishment on corner of Ellsworth and First sneers, with a fresh 8 took ot Groceries, Provisions, Candies, Cigars. To bacco, 4c., to hlch he invites the atten tion of our citizens. In connection with the store ho will keep a Bakery, and will always have on hand a full supply of fresh bread, crackers, 4e. fcSr Call and see me. JOHN SCHMEER. February 16vt TURXLVG - TUBWIKO. . V wr lit- -t f'VM PREPARED TO DO ALL KINDS I of turning: keep on hand and make to order rawhtdc-liottomed Chain ftc. Shop near the Mills anl Hosiery, Jeilei son, Ore gon Branch shop near -'Magnolia Mills," llbaflV, where orders tor enairs, inrniuic, Ac, can be left, JOHN M. METZLER. Jefferson, Aug. '.:, isis PETERS & SPEIDEL, MANrFACTl'REIlS OF Carriages & Wagons, Of Every Description, ALBANY, OREGON. MANCFACTURE TO ORDER ANY and all styles of Wapoos, Carriage!, Hacks, 4c, at as reasonable rules as I he use, of 100(1 material and fiwt-class work will Jus- "iti'pairing neatly and expeditiously done at low rates, shoo on Ferry between First and Second J"' 8' PETERS & SPEIDEL. .Mlmnv. Mnreh 7, 1873-27 SiTotloe. 0 CALTFOBNIA RAILROAD ( mnpiinv, i.aii'j mMr.triiJiuni,i-U iiuim . rt - i . l - . . , Trni. .Mini isia. .loiiee is nereoy tan tUtVf 'i visorous prosecution will be Ifiti I :i;in"t any anil evcrypereon ,, 'n-' H upon any Railroad Land, . e rpinov-bi'tiinl)erthcrefrom " BOVtiHToftheCompa ' " 111 FDR. land in odd munlwml sec- i rvoyed ofjunstirvcyed, r i-r.fihlriy miles from the ' :!?onwiV Ihe Comnany. I R. MOOREB, 8 iJind Acnt. W. C. TWEEDALE, DEAiElt IN Groceries, Provisions, Etc., ALBANY, OREGON. WILL STRIVE TO KEEP THK11EST of gouts in my B, iwd mb at Ou ' est tiring raU-3. Call and st e vu: Mtf At orth Browiisiviile, KIRK, HUME &. CO., ARE STILL SELLING DRY GOODS, CLOTHING. 1IOOTN, K1IOKS, UARDWAKE, UROCERII34, XOTIDNS, ETC., EM'., of which they keep on hand a full stock, and are able" to sell at lowest rates, as usual, for 'nsh or IrMluee. Will also lie able to buy and sell Grains of all kinds, or attend "to Storing or for w inliii" it ' " . in itnlsey. .Vi.i ifisa trial KIRK, 1R ME A CO. J. W. BALDWIN, Attorney and Cotiusclor nt (.aw, WILL PBACWCE IN ALL THE Courts in the id, 3d and 4th Judicial Dis tricts, in the supreme Court of Oregon, and in thfl C. S. District and Circuit Courts. Omen-In Parrish brick, (up stall's), In office occupied by the lateX. TB. Cranor, First street, Albany, Oregon. to'.Svt; J. t'. I-OWELL. L. FLINN POWELL & FLIX, Attorneys and Counselors at Law AND SOLICITORS IX CHANCERY (L. Flinn notary public'. Albany, Oregon. Collections and conveyances promptly at tended to. 1 V. M. JONES. J. UNSET HILL. JONES A HILL, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. ALBANY, OllEGOX. 37vl T. W. HARRIS, n D., Physician and burgeon, ALBANY, OREGON. OFFICE-OVER A. CAROTHERS & Co's Drug store. Residenee-Fourtlwt., four blocks west of the Court House. LEFFEL & MYERS' WaterWheels SPHERICAL FLUMES, And Uenertil Mill Macliincry. J. F. BACKEN8T0, Agent, 51v3 Albany, Oregon, o. D. Kin:, 31. D., SurgcoR & Pliysician. OFFICE -Fit st street, between Ferry and BroatUilbin. RksIufnck-Third street, two blocks below or east of Metho dist Church, Albany, Oregon. v5n40 Piles Zriles' WHY SAY THIS DAMAGING AND troublesome complaint cannot be cured, when so many evidences of success might be placed before you every nay cures of supposed hopeless cases? Your physician informs you that the longeryou allow the complaint to exist, you lessen your chances for relief. axperime$ ka aitrht this in aU ear. A. Cnrothers A' Co.'s Pile IMUs and Ointiuent arc aft they are recommended to be. Will cure Chronic, Blind and Bleeding Piles In a very short t hue, and are oonvi nini in t . This preparation Is sent by mall or ex press to any point within the United States at il 50 perpackngo. Address, A. CAROTHERS A CO., 27 v5 Box 33, All lany, Oregon. LIGHT Rl NNING "HOHE." Latest ! Simplest Bent ! TJIXCELS ALL ( THE11S. WARRANTED for 5 vears. Furnished to luiailies at fnetorv nnees. rold lrom am to Wkn than any other first class machine. The only agency in Portland Importing direct from manufacturers. Send for terms, H lustrated circulars and samples. "HOME SIIl'TTLE" improved at low prices. Eft her machine warranted togivo satisfaction, Oil, and all kinds of needles for sale. Extra commission to agents, GEO. W. TRAVER, Gcn'l Agt Southwest coiner Third and Morrison 4Sv5m3 streets, Portland, Oregon. MARBLE WORKS. MONROE & 8TAICER, Dealers in Monumente, Obelisks, Tombs, Head and Foot Stone, Executed in California, Vermont and Italian Marble. SALEM, OREGON. BRAHCH (SHOP AT ALBANY. HENRI F. KAVRS, General BnsinessInsnraucc Agent, Notary r-utoli. SPECIAL ATTENTION given to the ad judication of accounts. Collections uiade in afl parts of the stale. Office next door almve Ik Hive Store, First street, Albany, Oregon. v5nS0 Albany Book Store. JXO. FOSIIAY, D E VLER IX MBCELLANEOD8BOOKS, Si'Ikk'I Hooks, Blank Books, Stationery Fancv Articles, &e. Books imported to order, at shortest pos sible notice, vsnw COLE !Dr, J. s. Coleman's Compound iviimd KYtinct of F.uealvntas is a invparu- tiontiimblnlngall the valuable me lleinal properl les of the Eucalyptus which Is cul tivated In uearl. even- California I arflen for lis modioinal utility, having iwonie the household rbmedj- lor all diseases ot the kidneys, bladder u'ml urinary eaeal.and seminal weakness, It seems to havoadt rect affinity fur the genito-iirlnar ei'gans and their surrotuidbjgs, and cures them by its alterative, ltealing and balsamic (irop- etually than any ' itner known rmodx 1 P E! rT. i. is also an mvai ifljfuable rem edy for all diseases of the mucous and serous membranes, such as: llronchilis, Heeklng Cuutrk, au sen durius IV - uimncy. Djspt m!ii, EeiK'liorrlKea, Ele. This preparation is the result of Dr. Cole man's experiments with the medicinal properties of the tree in the l. 8, Marine Hospital in Sua Francisco, in 187! and ISTi. where he had unusual facilities for testing the various met nous oi preparing the remedy, am: Its uses. II cm lie relied upon as certain to Kive the promised re- suiis. and hundreds of test imonials ol its effica cy can be seen at his ol liee, J.Uj Kearney St., San Francisco. Coleman's Double Extract of Enenljptns is a powerful, yet harmless, febrifuge, and is a special preparation for the treatment of the mala rious fevers of our interior va!lc . and is warranted to cure any case Of 1'ever and Ague treated with it according to direc tions, whilo the baneful results of the use of tie usual Quinine and arsenical remedies for t hose diseases arc entirely avoided. Beware of imitations, and take none but cole For sale everywhere, and byChas, l.ang ley&Co.. Drugg sis, A'cnts,San FmnciSOo. HOLLOWAY'S Eyery Man Ms otj PliYsiciaiL V"3 .,. louob ,'Wi tles(Vlu rt Bttb'lf mdetitssfiMB, k " '.'. '-..i y-ir-i," I .irsist-cir.-ii: of s s r .'i.', wih , K ooa "fgea- !'if i anfl Q'txMSKi wiu rs oh l u(..., uiv "I'liiiuo la ore- ' e CRANK & IIRIGHAM. San Francisco, Cal. 131 Solo Agenti for the Pssilflc Coast REWARD g FOR AX i Iiicural)le Case! XBR. LE RICHAU'S GOLDEN BALSAM! Afti-r ten years' trial on this Cosst has proven itself tUo only curative in a ce rtain clans of diseases pronounced by medical practition ers as incurable. Dr. Le Hilton's GOLDEN BALSAM No. cures CRiaiicres first and second stages, Borcson the L'gs or Jiodv; Hiiro Ears, Eyes, Nose, fcr.j Coppir-col-m-d 'Bl'itches, Bypliilitie. Outarrh, Diseased Scalp, ami nil priniavyfetmsof thv disease known as Syphilis. Price, i. per hot. tic, or two for 0. Br.LsKicWi 60LUEH BALSAM No.2 cures Tertiary, Mercurial, Syphilitic Rhcnnia, tism, Pains iu Oio Bouts, Bakol the Neck, n, ccrated Bora Thnmt, Bypliilitie Rash, Lumps and Contracted Cirds, Stiffness of the limbs, and (indicates all dlteaats from tkn system, whether caused by huliscrctien or abuse of mercury leaving the blixid pure sad lioalthy. Price, $5 per bottle,, or twe for ?!. Dr.Lelto's GOLDEN SPATIISH AM- tldote, for the Cure of Oonnortia-a, Oleet, Irri tation, aravel, and all Urinary or Genital disarrangements. Price, $'150 per bottle. Dr. Le Richau's GOLDEN SPANISH IS- lection, a wash and injeetio- for severe cases of Oonnorhnea, Initammatmy Gleet, Btrlctunn, and all diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder. Price, $1.50 per bottle. Also Agents for DR. LE EICHATTS GOLDEN pTjjLS for Seminal Vsi-c-s, Klfcht Emii slons, Impoteucy, and all fliseaSM srJsiiiK from Masturbation and excessive bn s. Price, fit per bottle. The (tonuine Gousm Bauui u put up only in round bottles. On receipt of price, thif itierlielnM w!'l bo sent to all parts of tho emuftry, by (rwn or mall, securely packed and freo from obstr- vatlon, boio Auents, 1 0. r. RICHARDS k CO. Wholesale and Retail DrnKitWs and CheniiHts, 8 W. nir. Clay ,v sciBtun-, Btrcets. nan t naeisco, ui.