Newspaper Page Text
fit- AgentSrfor Lintr County. Tbe following named geitlcmcn are ehor"! t receive aad receipt f,r subscription to the tiTR Kichts iu this comity s ,:.'. Moore A Baber, ' ; UarruUra, 7 : Paul Cluvcr, . .. , .pine,, i' . H. L. Rrowa, 1 '",-.". v,' S. A. John. J ltrowa.vilhv O. C Cooler, "" 'BrownTille' . L H " T7r? i - 3?eoria, J. M. Johns, J . .... . i : j. r. norpX j V . ; . tiarrey SmitU, I - :? AAunNye,, j. LcbAnom . A e ka N w BVoak. Th fcrtek store at nsbed for L. Sterubafch- Wr cpcned to the fMUs daring the. week. It If the new trick oppo site tha Pert etTicV." niT uK ha Un fitted d to Ke W if proved! iyie, ILu4 the mew farnUdiing ffescnts a fin appearance-. The whole depth W iiicaty ki u devoted to stare purpose, with rapa-l-ior ewtoter. amnio- thriven. drawers. ce. and Wsil owartmriK Wo. for every drparttncnl of rewerat BWtlrae It U a handsome Store. Mr. tMernbaea; kM ISlfcd a to repletion vita every s f ac&Sanabla, ehce, ew and attraet- k ,liia dyr.!TiTeat la another coin ma will Uft,er fearer ia rejrard t liiMrpI wee, ui : d.rect Jfeeir attention to ft. ; Mr. r?rofcack himself U HS51 artsl favorahly known ia this, teww and eoefetr, by his f hwincn asuoct- htioawita the'eld hoaief SchbKicl Co., of which a vat a Member. litre hHK ft eatt al air teefsteret " "''-.'-' Tl Backs, By vrtlicinent U will U feat tkra daya rttciag will be hi at tb Booa foa (a tMt eaaty, o Torsday, tte I9th, Fri-fiaj- Vkt gatwday, the iSLrt of Or.Ubcr sla(. Wa karra thai although mkm ara t f-rJtt 5ero4, the running will l made aUrac- tlra ia a pccanlafy cn to any' who ay bring thejz racer to eotcpett Toir the ttahc. We loara f ieTerml fast one which are to he entered, and lhy will tcsure hij( xrt to all whe ar fond of tfcU exeitingt entortiunatont. The trotunj will alaobe a BtcIt fatnre there. Apr of $100 will he give by W. tiira for the pacing trial. Yhere will be a good time, rt. . KW FlB.-Mcairi.,n. CUVef itd f. Slafl kaat have perrhj the Ureecry Store lately kept t R. Eenlly, and entHtne that hosiaew ' now thiroa aoat. They 'laV a good and ample afock of Family Umcerie of every variety, d ihey tell . feW d deal Wierally.. . The: tora i also really the frost acd vejferabW atartof Albany. They taerit ruodly thare of the patronage of the rotnmanUy, and there U liu'a fear fcat thai they trill receive it.. ; Read their advertwemeot. To Xticrisoss'. Tbi m the-alviee of those who have dealt with J,, at hi gmeral IneTchandie ctoie tn t'lwo, aad gooi advice it t. he bays largely j hay at the lowest prieea for eauh, asdia tana heelU tot the lowest viee His aw briek etore U bvjwjc rapidly fited n. and in a few week he win reoeov into it, whea b will el brate jut opening by exhihifing one of tho most Ceweplete and anpctlnr rfex-k of god ever browght ta thu taarkct. . ... '- Moaa Kew Goods. Levy Br. A Co. have just got w their Fall aad Winter et-Kk of asrK-d mer ehandlsev a" thcif espacions store, and waivbtmse ar literally crammed with artiek-a of avary tlo aeritius. i Their atock of ladica dv d fiincy gwda. of anfeiaelothis wad famwhiaf goi. is eertaialv hicc, rare, and cstenatvw. Tbcy'srfl al tern which enra a reram of their ewstotacw F r fnrtber bargain. . .. - f '-' ' . V,. vdUEt't Plamss Mill. This estMihimMit at the lower end of town contiuuc ia basy and piwperoas operation. It is an alnwt indispcn aable adjnnct t Albany and oar whle comity in these-daya f rapid - improvement, bnildin- and bcaatifying. Tbey do their work ia the V-si style and at Very low, p.'iccs.-Look at .their .advertise 'teeat, and kake a note of it. ' , . . .. Fat;sa SrAa,-J jneiebt 4 Ca have jnrf teeeivod a large invoice of the bet Pa revned Sngar, which they aow ofTc at tha lowest rates. They have al.o a jqonatitj of .snmarip yr p, at equally Tow flqres -Tnoy are fatoraMy known as liber "dtralcrs. and their tvfe enjfly refaterKa pcood - to none in (Vif true, (f good bargains. . r,-.,tr,.i::-?;f i ' ' E. Ca.i5--i"9 one who ffn purchased gooU of this pof alar saerchaoi a tb lower end of Main atreet, will fnret to patronixahin aatn. He bays tot eah, cottntry prodaca a well as dry gaia. irroeeriea and provisions, and thu enablca him to all Very low.' ' . ' " - "? : "Wasco 'Oocxtt FAU.--At the late Agri csktvnl .Fair at the Dalles, BIrs. W. V. 1 Siller received the first premium for eques trlenneism j L. L5 uoland, first prenviom for fle best stallion Joha In me for the- best fcrdoel nwre foltor for tho best filly.; CeWi'llwEK for-'tke Ijest jBrltBg? ltth, for the best -f'nsgjr liorsea'; p.'Abrs.m.'S for , the. fcest span f -draft fcorsesVc Detosf ttr; f&9 tValk fs lorse j Jas. FoItOiT, for the m& jack fe!o fur the best jack eolt j f V. Roland, 5 Ces W4 trSi . Rmj, Siwprsf for the best t John irin'ei for the rssst com ) also for foe bot feei?r j T, VTallacrr, tar the bdst beuls t?t3 H 0 1 4 31 A4rd, JforadrI of Linn eonty) for tlvelmt cor j IiTfeeftra tiest apryfoa": RT"Iaysf for fea bat 5 fa ) II. Coe,: for tho heal femhem'i .rs. TAroneil,' for the best T V- rtt Cfecsrsr. X corres?x Jent of the Walla Walla Statesman farmslws Sft iSolrrat information f tit-prpwladon $ tlMf taxioe i?wn and 'vAtithg' cftoi'ps in Virginia City fJrssshopper, JMihlery Big U.-le ' . Helena, Kelso ter Cjck5.)0. Aeroas the jrfHirr-onfclente,- White's JJanteha 1 siL' . j',' LZ u. beT'';,'t!Wiuti-fav7r9o (Jallatin, .' JS?xrtfi TelSoont'i-IiTpO, i'l- - , - . T--tal east of the xmisilmif.tp00 ' . 1 'est cf the Mountains Peer Lo!ge ?cr--nnnitJoMi .Sllteflr Rjw;. JTg,an J Utile Black- Showuag a grjwiJ total 4 , IHpW besides the srttleinenis ia lTitter Itwt .ViiJIey and Hell -ate IWudc, trhich I wilr etcak of at nnther $ite - TtuckiA tit-rkwjaiiiicatia tsr this hide of the MoaiitaiRS hm largely increased in the lat six weeks. , , , ; . ,:Th$ VU&rothf Austria. hft8 igtvei a i cfe croe ordering the - swf prossion of military tribunals for tho trials of oSeriees committou bxrilin"H naaury.Eastcra paper ,Ti TresiJcn of the United States 'de crees that Military Commissions sliall Bit for tha trial cf ociics conunitted by civiliarus, Uie'Saathern, ea4 Jforthern States. Aastria is ealled a Dcspptism ; the United Et& Mij&3& io fee iVee.BImvhteh does thcrjB.?"0TAo hs tJie mof-1, fje3doBa.?.-Th a itl J.lcT'feWai exceeding kdinMcttJty W itiosr spjtr OtS3ie AWition eidl-iae far jGoiroorpf: .Oh has pablish eda km letter, la wiiich-Iie,'tie- ' - e - -e. tra i cotmscls tiie coloi irition of -U 1 1 ivls in .,mc ouiatry by tLcuisidyce. I-5 l.ieyes tiie two races cannot live together 1 ? t.irr.o Goyercmcnt, without dlnad- " - -. '1 " .'.J Tijr avowaie s.Ifo Ilad ''".'J'm -r- " 'a JLi,' rJ- I if e .i j.ieei".o';i to n a candidate who tac.f. Hdrhf.ry. The Oriwnitn of Tuo8- tlivy gives the follnuin'' : , On Thurso iiist alnut noon, after th ftas U)iiml dijn from Malm Citv . hud the .tnnv Uaneh, ami was limiting i icn.ant aili-v. w it it ilnmt rivor. six ro:iil njrt'nt if.TnHtl from the lui.shea. ... - : - -A 1 avtiiM with sHnt inns nvxl vsstols, nnd wenr- ihr nmsKs, unnmrnliNl ; the drivrr tt Mnji I literati of lmltin thi.tlrivr xvhijjed tihiwl nt n faster gait ; wh.en otw of tho htre!i in the team wtw shot; fuUinp; dead, vhieh caused the MiiFrt Ut tiKl There wore twelve a Cn?r m bonm, fortsistihw f nine men and three vnmeri. We ureutrnMetoohtftin their names. " A mxm as the roldwrii fttWf ft!ilt in Hoping tho winch they l u. ciihtr Mdo of the road, nutting to flight the driver d eight tf the passongcrn. The reinain tnjf fVmr were tiie thn women, ami Mr; A OiMidtnftii. - Th " Agfnta" astel the wo men to alight, and presented their Hwolvers to Mr,! Gotnlman, also askin hiirt fe gtt out of Uie ciiaeh. U'y this time the other pescn gore were mmedistiiee ahead, get ting away. Tlw rvUUr then pnH',lel to take what 1uaWp thev itmht fiinl. even imllin the jewelry from" the persons T th females. The ear of one wvmart"vnt badly lacerated i . . i . . ' wnere a mcmner oi tne uanuim took mini her set of diamond rings. Tho amounts stnleh makes an acjtwgate of some $l5.0tXK Mr. Goodman was tha heaviest loner. He huthoriaoa u to mv that ; ha w ill give $5,lhh for the appndieusion of the thieves and the rwovtry of this monort One of the wqmeii lost JJ,(K amnuer f.NRi, a packer Iwat $1,500 besides others amounts equal in the aggrogato to $13,000. The robbers made good their escape and nonOof the passengers were killed., ilr. Qvxxlman tired two shots, Ntt there being no 'convert of action among the passengers resistanoe on his part was a useless undertaking. The road is a plain open highw;l rery murh tratrfed; M. tine point whfrtf the attack wn madev Akiother arh. With passengers and Wells, Fargo A J-'Je-rtMs JNIesenger, came up . to. the place within fire minutes after the time the roblAi h'ft,'eid a gang tf ieo ".were etA jdoyed Imt a short distaiure from there work ing the mmd. - No cine waa obtained as to whom the mhl)crs were. Fisxnisa $E$Ti3XTo-rY irresjondent at WashingtonVif the Springfield (Mas.) Republican; InTcterrin n 'i h'e"xecution of the irimx-ent Mrs. Surratt, by order of Ulaynau Stanton, says that, though he is satis fied that the innftlerd womaM was " not in any wiiy guilly of Mr. Lincoln's death," he u is delightoil that she was hung lncauc her death has made the JVmoerntie lcadors swear ing mad.'? Aui he, H$ n t s This is an excellent result. 1 Am't want an " era of goi finding" jut vhw. That is, I do not desire that iifc-n who Kate the black man and the? Union shall lik Mr. Johnson. The cnfesseIr''adntltti4,muriler of an innocent lady, " an excellent result !' And the wretch wh6 fiiis gh'vats1, and rejoices, is the Waslungtoa rrejmdcnt of a leading Massachusetts Alxdition organ. Reflect npon it, nnjulers. Xor docs he want an " era of g'Xl foclirguil'tiTht fiej4is4 ?wrt-tch evi dently pants for the blood of more Catholic ladies, of .more. IVmocrats, of more fellow countrymen, tlnijixetarSljvitou has yet slanghtercd, than the Abolition mobs have ; sacrificed, tfcn,the war has occasioned. Io all Alxditionisfs endorse his ilcsaouiaeal sen timents ? ... IsfM ten axis. WW ardiuRirrne that Han cck "Ati-ksoH, an eminent citizen of Mis- sotfrif -Kfts at Umafiffa a few days ago, with aboot 300 xPus iiiliin trrt'aif of emigrant riglit fwurt that State, on tho way to this Valley. "The Oregonian of Tuesday sffrs', in the same d.nn'eciion -''- We" are informed tht Xhcte Jrre at this time not le.s'tuau Tive hundred immicnant waffon's west of the lilue Jfcmntains ta to tho WHfcwv'VHyr Teryfmany of these Trill crosr ' the Cascade mountains bv the wagon roadi.jlietwcan Ten 'iilc Creek and the Jthwles, on .Saturday last-, there vci-c a niimler of trains in camp. A hearty wqlcome to fticm all, will be giv en by ar Valley people. ,i TnE Gale. Tlio same severe wind and rain storm winch swejit over this part of the country lastnidartigliVat'iilttcil Port land. ' There it tore away awnings and sign boards, threw wYllag-sUvlfs iyid . scaffold ings, drove email boats and aw-log booms from their fastenings, and played mischief generally. It-drd1 tt Vspecfa1:llamago up this iviay, but it was about the roughest storm we" remember to imve Experienced in Oregon fbrthe tima it .continued. , It was atrong enough to hare blown the sun clear across the Unc. I j n-r i sjji at ;itft t.i ReYENLE CoLUXTjo)r-J2iA.' Collector of 0. S. Revenu? for Oregon reports tle total collection for August at alout $70,000, for Scptcmlxjr, $00,000., 5ayhat Oregon con tributes nearly three rtcrs of a million per annum 3 jet she cimmt have a mail f urn -?sheil to her I ; This is t charmiag specimen of thctftwcteTincare" of the best Crovem teent fa the tforld.":' To bestow a. tlmusimd millioii & boddy loyalist ?fot rawely rurposc isll Jt to givjOregon a tftaii is not to I; nwragnt ot. 1A owr w !erroirona hill above . Canyon City, broke wy moiTOBg-ef th If tij iastant-and flooded a joj-tionT of the town. . Much, dam. age was donc Jifi: faa water. . Among . the KMMes -am imajiiooi ; enc iouowioji : j. Stuart. $3,000 ? Sheriff Si. P. Berrr, $1,000 ; McCullonghC,. Ilellnran..-Wi M. Wunsch t-Xh',, Sc,f)00',Minors'' , Citch,. Company, ?;O0 : W illiam rox, '?;uu : Hosa, UHsndress, Ifi.os xaquis a Bav. There has been soiife trouble ftt Yatjuina Bay' lately; !- A party ' of soldiers tfcting under orders of the Indian AgentJ proceeded to tear rfowa the dwelling and warehouses, -of Dr; Ketioggf wlio: has authority, front Collector Adams navigate the Bay- f licllogg was absent at thf time, but liastily went to. 'tho. scene' and repaired bis dLaniased Imildlngs-'h The troops had re turned to Siletz Reserration, -and further troubles were apprehended - . - ? Jti- ? T T W A 51 ; I)ESTBU(iTiyE Eiee. A fire occurred early lasfTueaday morning aeross tiie river from Portland, and two hotels, two saloons, a dig' tillery, and t wo stables .were'; eonsnmed. Four . valuable, borses- and -two dogs were burned in one of the stihlest f The principal sufferers afeitlr. Iambcrt, 3If.x. J5. Hives, aad Mr- Traiucr. - The total loss "was v about - a-- - rtK.v'ttr .. W.m ft.5 . I J ' : -. .. ... - Pebsoxal. Mr. P.J ilalone, editor of the Keportcr, paid usa vipit during tiie weeje, OB hisway Jhonie to Jackf?ouville from a long tour ia Idahoi wli'creV'v-d "are glad lo karii", he has bcexi' vcry euiijefsfu ;.ile hqks, haJe ana vigorous. Special Dispatches of This Day. Knit Esprrssl j to The Stale UUhtu Ih inorrnt. SATES Td sTePTEMBER 25. President Lincoln on Negro Suffrage. New Yoik, jcpt. 25. A letter written ly Ihelntc l'rrMilent ti Hen. WadswoTth, ah was killed nt the battle f the Wilih-nieM. i piihliieil in tlte Southern Adv.H-nte of tho lstli. 1m It Mr. Linei.lii say: If our .ttcrc ("hmil.l hp rrnlUrd, and l'u !wed by Mieh desired result., 1 cionud fee, it Universal nmne'ty Is granted.' how adder the cir euiiiitances wc ctin avoid etnetihf: a Velum to uni tersal suffrage n a bac of intelHsHifco nnd mili tary wrvice. How U lcter the condition of tlm colored rnco lin long been a ttddy which has ut tmcted my foiious and careful atteiitton. 1 think I am clear aud decided s to what comr I idmll pursue in the premises. . IV regard r?elveii rc li;ionl.v as tho Xatiou'g eunrdi&ii of Hiese peiple, who have fa licmieally vindicated their nio)liod on tlie Stttle fild. H'hencVvr nsdntinir, W tlepub lic Iho Mavcs have ilrlUonntralpd, iil ldnd, their ri(;ht to the ballot, which I but the Hitman protec tion of the flax they hare so fearicKsly defended. Politic ia New York. Kcw York. Sept, J5. At a moctinR of Statu ! light lUetti held at Cooer Institute to-day. Tho. jawrenco prtaided. . llucululions were adopted denouncing the Democratic nomination and platform : aa absolving them from any obligation H sllppo'rt the party ticket j and proclaimins them elvc for tho Constitution aa it In, and afliirminf that all Executive Proclamations ainl li-crcc in defiance of Ihe rijrhta of State, anncontitHtinnnl, null and void. The nomination of the State ticket Is left to the decision of a Committee of Thirtv. Thirty Ave Awwrnbly Districts are sniil to have! been represented. rromTToHS Carolina. ? tYahingtoa."cpt.' 2A. A 'itispalcU recvirel from Uov. lltdilen of Korlh Carolina say : In reference to the election of lloleate to the Ftate Convrnlin, which (ook place ou Tltnrsday, one half the tate has be heard from. The rcult is very gratifying ; Arrival f tha Steamer at Columbia Bar. Portlnnil, Sept. 30. The steamer Oruaba I now at tho month of Ibe Willamette. Not bein able to ero tha Bar. her pa.sengers will reach tho city by jrivcr (learner. PORTLAND MARKETS. Flour We mark no change in price. Three liiw ited operation In home brand. Colfae i advanc ing, the itock on hand ia not full J Kb, 27e Cor la Riea, 28c ; Java, 32e. Lard omtiaue ftcarre, al a moderate advance earn, 3Zr, btilb, 27e. Ituttcr, best Oregon, 3ie. jtpplc, b.-, 6V. Kggs, 32e- Mount IIoo Swokim:. The Orriii says that paff of dense black smoke, so thick as to (tbsvmre the view f tho summit, were plainly seen issuing from a grge on the southwestern side of Momrt Hood, last .Sit ftTtfay. Tiie Ovvrnment will of.lige Mount flooil to put on a stamp if it unlAlges rn shiJi btrsiness. It might ihj to send Stanton down to see the rmtcr., Wc can't think of any man who could le an well spared. He will eventually bring up in just as hot aud sulphurous a place, however, if there be truth in Revelations. Foaxr.T Sf:i.!.s n Mirv--tlohn Tf . Yirt? writ to Wis Philadelphia fre a long sen sational fetter alamt the designs of Ihe North em Em vcrats, to get all tho-S-.mthern dele gatius into the next Congress for the pur p.isc of running down tla public credit and paving (he M'hy fcr reif liatin. He rays : ' The conspiracy 1! lT'n duly organised, and involves more elomervt'than the people would fit present readiJjflHiicve. I regard it as the great pwil of tiie Itepnhlic." Stnsiuixu. A . dispatch from ?nri!is;ficld. 111.. ky? contributions to the Lincoln"nt fund arc coming i;v very slowly. This would denote that the " Na tion's grief" was bnt tcmprffr f , thA the aiovmring of Oie Ahofition hosts over Lincoln a- a , awt'ec pf;. croeodilo, toirs, :ori for popular effect The oV-wl Lincoln can dis pense no, ipoifs, glte no offices. Tlien has Alwlitioit sorrow cspsJJ U I?t upon him, - :; 1 - '' ' ----- yft - Terrible A 'difficulty occurred at Cordelia, Solona county, California, a few days ago, between W. L. English and two of his sons i on one side, and Perry Durbin, the brother-in-law of Engliwh, all of Oregon, and Frank .'Grady, on the .other. Ia the affray, English nnd one of his sons, it is said, were killed, and the other son and Durbin mor tally wovinded. Grady ; escaped unhurt. r ire-arms and knives were the weapons ugvd in the terrible affray. , UxAMtABLE. The Oregonian withers un dcr the exposure by the Statesman of the State Printer's Laws' speculation, and, says of its Abolition co temporary : , . t Bat we fenr we shall soon be corDolled to put it down as a iJo'tis canablr of nor little meanness than ttt ever eharaccterixed tho vile CrT'Thw ftt3fcts which we so heartilv despise. ' " ; . ThecoiwptiuTentary pair will please to sing, in ufsteord'ant metre, the following ; How hsppy it i, don't you sec, For brethren to lire in harmonec Ts Cbico-Idaho Rcte. Lieut. Mul- rt pu on alinsof stages over this route. )hiiers re statioetl k)ng the road for their protection .The faro through from Boise City to Virginia City is $7S to lfumboldt, $65 ; to Chico. S75 J to- Safcramento. $85? It is a tri-wcckly linc. '' ' Road NoTir Persons interested arono- Ui5e that the Ilelmick bridge on the" Lack- iamrette, Folk'connty, 6u the road between MonhwcuHh and Corvallis, haa Wen torn away" in order to pttt oh repairs, mid will not be rcadyfor travel again before aboi; three WCCK3, . .., ; ... .... ; . . ,.; . : V AlftA tit raARHET. . ! Reported by J. Norcxoasy September 30. . Wheat, $08'o busbub , Oats, 5055o f onan. 1'otatoes, &0 bu?b , Flour, 2a bbl.. , Butter, JUlo Px , Eeits. 25o n dozen. Dried Apples, 80 , Drie Peaches, 158 lb. wrioa piuus, xp unea pe&r. zuo. Oregon socks, u 00 doi. . ,, , . ;j . . . , .,, MARMEDs At Broirnsvilfc, coftnfy ,! Sept. rOth. by Iter. 8. H. Hann, AtXder Brandon to Mies A. K Andrews. " 1 ' - - ' -' By IlcT.ft . IrViuo, ftpf.-27fli,' williara Gird lo Miss A goes Steven. " ' ' l! S At Idaho City, Sept. tMf. by Ec. A. Z. Poulin, Ilenrr Bennett to Mary J. Duna.'- AtiTi?, ;. i At Plaoerville, Sept, 14lh, hy Dv Overver, J. P., Perry Fjiirchildat to Misa T, Wdhw ".. : n At Pine Grove, Sept 9th, by WaltcrBarnS, isq., Jacob Garreht to Miss Catherine tong. At Dalles City, Sept. 10th; "by KevV Father Vermass, W.; 'C' Mooney to Miss Anna Finncgan. In Polk coit?t Sept. 2d,- by. J. iKolby,-J. P., S. Thom-pson Brothers to Misa ilorthrt SudeO. ? DIED: : Kear ilcmoiebth, Sept. ltth, Mr. JSarcissa Mul ley, wife of Luke Mulkey, ged years, a month and .20 days.. , H ,-,.-?.Vj"'. ,.t :' In Sa,lcjji.';Sept. 15th, eiinstiaV ' JlcCallcy, wife of Andrew SIcCalloy', aged 5" yeiirs, 4. months' aadiydays.:-. J?'"s "?;i ' " ' ; '' In Eat PoMliwtd ftept. 23d 'i-Mrsi'Loabr Elisa beth Morgan, .wtfajuf i II. Morgan aged 31 years. Prom in iii.ii Avviirtloil nt Ilic I.liiu 4 'miiy I'll I r. Held at ltodtoit, Nt'it. 17th, IHO.t. Owinjf to the hielemeney of the weathor tlio Sec ond liny, tho receipt rero not sufiloietil to pay the premiums lu full. , Xho leevipt were about SHOO. KxM.n, rent of Itmd, etc., $300 j amoiiiit of pre iniumi), $u(IU. ; Thu Society 'will be able to pay about 50 per cent of thu premium. Diplonxw will be given wbcu preferred. Tho ribbon n ere to bo put on the article. in the pavilion on the oc otnl dny, but circHiudlunee were fueh It could not be don Tlio officer regret it. Any mialakes iu the list VHU ho corn;ted by tho Secretary. Class 1 N'o. 1. Host ta1l1. n 4 yr upw., M. H. Wallace, 10 (10 2d 5 00 2 1 C.dt P. II. Miller..., II. N. Smead... II. Kndd C. 11. Cochran M, It. Wallace, n 00 4 nit 2 on 2 no 1 no lo on 5 on 4 on 2 oe 2 oo . 2 00 1O0 I 00 4 00 19 00 Id 2d No. Itcst mure. 4 yrs upw S. 11. Thompson... 21 " Y. Jclc " " 1. " J. Mark 2d " - " M. 11. Wallace. Sucklinir oolt l. irfiw. 2d W. Jeida.n Class 2 Roabstrrs. Bct 5 yr upw, Comet, M. It. Wallace.... 2d u " " F.clipe, " " J Powell . Class 3 Daxrt Horsks. Bet hone, 5 yr apw. It. Culr " A - J. Morgan niaro 5 " T. I'oacll...;...,. ... - " 3 " i, M. Kllbddi " " i " T.Tnckcr.Lanero. 8 Ort 10 on m A on t to 10 00 8 00 00 4 00 2 no 4 00 10 00 6 00 8 00 00 3 00 4 a 3 00 1 50 2 00 1 00 2 00 2d " " " " A. Wileoxm.u... Class No. 4. No. I. F,et talllon, 5 yr upw, M. H. Wallace... " " 4 - It. Foter " S II. X. Clock " 1 " S. II. Miller 2d " " " " M. I. llvlaud... " filly J.M.Cottrell Class .. 2. Bct brood ware yr upw II. N. Pnread... 2d - W.R.Chvywmd - " 4 " C. Da Illy 3 . M. EUiot... 2d " - - . Cary ' - 7 " j. m. .'. -No. 3, BSest honv enk, I yr old, John Mrsrf, 2d - " " " J. M. UltoU.... " " ' snckling, John Morgan.... 2d " " " C. iNvi. " mare eolt " 11. N. Fmcal Class S TrottiwjOkboos 11 used II Attar. llsst trotting 3 mile. H. M. WalUee.... 20 00 21 " - . u M - T. Well,ikc 10 00 - " 4 " M. II. Wallace 25 00 21 " " " " A. Savage 13 50 "Svr 3 " M. llrvon 15 00 2yr" il " B. H. -Miller....; 10 00 , Class 6 No. 1 Ursnisu. Ibwt inua heat, 2 in 3, M. Lur ..... 2d " " H. Field " 3 mile hor?, M. I.uper " " " H. Field 6 No. 2 Ucssisu. Ikft 1 nrlle, 4 yr upw, W. Clavpool...... 2d " ." " M. Lupir ..... u it 2 ' 2d " " j. Mark.!!!!".!"!!!". " 2 " J. M. Cttrell CA vs 8 N. 3. Bc?t pan roadsters. P. 1. Henderson 2d . " - . , C. llarn " " carriage horses, M. Morgan.... " " dralt " M. LujHrr Class 7 No. 1. Itest jack, A. H. Osborne " " M. M.irjran " mule colt, A. Cowan 2d ' A. II. Osborne Class S--No. I. Best milch Cow, A. parage Class 9 No. 1. Best buck 2 years old, Jesse, ParrL-h - " ewe and lamb, ' " praded ahcep " .. buck, " w " iwe " f fc-ss 9 No. 2. .st ft", 3fr. fugh, Class 10 No. 1. 20 00 10 00 15 00 8 00 10 00 5 00 8 00 4 00 4 00 10 00 & 00 10 00 10 00 10 no 5 no 2 00 1 00 4 00 3 on 2 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 1 on Best sample broom corn, D. P. Porter.... 2d 2d " " J. lb-ard. rii, i. lIarailton.-.-A. .-..,... " 1). P. Port spring wheal, K. It. Willoughly... ":K " , .... buckwheat, " Class Id-sV. ?. ' 50 1 00 50 1 00 1 00 t 00 Best rutabaga, J. A. Pnrtor..... 100! 60 1 00 60 1 00 60 100 1 00 50 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 60 40 100 1 6 1 00 3 6 2'W 3 00 1 50 3 00 1 00 , 100 60 50 . 3 00 60 2 00 ' 1 00 50 2 00 2d 2d 2d J. II. Templctou......M blood boot, John l'.carJ " J. A. Porter.. ......... red bcot " M . J. R. Templcton beat;, J. A. Porter... pamnips, Jidiu Beard 2d J. It. Teinplelon carrot, John ltoanl onions, " , white mechanic potatoes, J. BeatiL. Chili J. Newhoaso cabbago, John Board.',,,;, quash, S. 8. Markhain.....J...WM. " D. P. Porlor 2d " " corn Starch, Mr.,Pnfrh......i-..4,.- " " potatoa Mr. 11. Foster ClasS 10 No. J. Beat water melons, John Beard i " serpent cucumber ' :; Class 11 No. 1. Best tobacco plants, John Board , . Class 12 No. 1. Bet batter, Mis M. Q. Hanna, 13yrold " " lOba, Mr. Sarah Pneh...... 2d - - k. C BurkharU Class 12 No. 2. . ... Dcst honey, O. II. Hugho. 2d I C. Burkhart -.a Class 13 No. 3. r ' Host 3 pair socks, B. II. Allien .'..'.' il - " J,.tt. Wilson "1 pair wool hose. J. G. Wilson,-. " blanket, J. R. MoClnroI. u, r f wool itaspenders - " , - joaa, J. tl. Wilson ..'.... " flannel, J. M JUCCluro...... ,. .. " ' i. U. Wilson eairp Mrs. B Coeb ran ...... 2d ;,s-.: j , CiASS 13 Jtu. 1. - : ; Bosf (pVAi, Mrs. Rndd " hair work, Mr.- W. Varrish .w.-.-.-.vw.v 3 00 2 00 3 00 1 00 3 00 3 00 " . braiU . ira. ur. ruiiiii.v.-wkw m ;.: pfiss Willonghhy.v.v.v ... " hirt, .tSS" A Irvin.v.w.vAVA." " . crochet eoHaf, Atisi O. NeIson.vAA.w cr u r Mrs. kelson mva-avav " tirly",- Or, Smith.-.-.v..v....A........n " ;. ff MhwStv-Willonghby....;. f 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 .damp mat, Miss Watts................... - Miss raine,, .-. book mark," Miss O. Nelson. .'. silk embroidery, Miss Willonghby... worstod " ,'... .... " . ... cottony Mrs. lUidd....,M, .1 tr' jiis8 WiUouj;hby oMe ease : : " Mr " . 4i 1 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 4 do -f 00 if a . 1 00 2 00 1 00 wax Work " . , " T pair hoso Mrs. Willou'ghAy.v'.v ' 1 Class 11-A'o. I. ; ' ; rBest boqucS Mi's. 8. A, Smith.l..',v.v.-.,.v.. '"" roses', J.' A.' MiMad.-..v..i.V..........- EosWorghura syrupy f. Hamilton l" 00 1 00 100 1 00 canned cherrtes, Mrs. Wtllouguny., i- M'k befVies-boftled Shi. WrWoatrhbv 1 00 :.&-.;. gooMferri 100 - peach, ia eans, MfB. if. F. rortof. 1 00 ' d'd gooaborrieS Misa A-WUlonghb i 00 ..'..." . rre eurrants, . , . . ,100 3d" ' i . a; . 1- i Mrs. B. II. Allon. . , 50 Best breaA itfrsJ. A. Hnuna...u . I 00 2 AisIo...-.-.'..'.v ........v......'-. 50 f 00 1 00 t 00 too pfescrfisd plnins, Mrs.'B. J. An .-..-v f :: . pears' " rt A !, ' .,) cherries, Mrs. Colvors.v ' ' 'filtcrian rah. Mrs. Ei To ".' " ' ,Willoug6by....v. v jurranf jell Mrs. J. A. Hanna....... plum " - " !' '.marmalades, Mrs. J. A.llanna butter, Mra, P. Ailsms. , , , " ,: j. R. MoClure... bottlod dhcrrics, blood heart, Mrs. F. Adams,...;.,.-. "., " " '", Royal Ann, Mr, E. f 1 T.: Willonghby... ...... ........... npple hhltcr.-Mrs. J. R.; MeClure... blackberry jam, Mra; 1. P. Porter..: currant " . " ... 1001 f 00 f ou 1 00 Is 00 50 I'OO 1 00 24 1 00 1 00 1 00 Ci.Af 15 No; 2. llet 20 varieties uuvUm, J. Ilamill'm 2 00 j (!rentet No. good varieties, L. C. I!uikh:irt 00 tlretilei-t No. Bond varieties penr, n. o. . J Willouehby Z hct upeeimeii 10 vnrielie. H. 1!. Willoujrlil.y 1 00 Orentcst No. varieties pear, h. C. Uurk- l.nrt, 2 00 llet specimen vnrielie, T. Froiunn 1110 2,1 " " ' It. H. lliirhhait SO Wwateit No. viir plum, h. C. Ilurkhitrt 1 00 I!eal specimen 0 Viir. (I. H. Hughe 1 00 2d " " " I,. Churchill 50 i. grnpoK, 11. 11. Will.iuglil.y 1 00 Class 15 SIo. 2 Wise Asa Viskcak. Rest rurnint nine, .T. A. Manna 1 00 " vincgnr, " I 00 Class 10 -No. t. Host photoirrnph. A. D. Tiixton. - Sa 5 no artixtie work, Mis Willonghby 3 00 Class 10 No. 2. Ilc.-t waj;on, N. Price 10 00 " plow, K. Henjamin ......... Ir 00 " brenkhit; plow. I. A. Porter.. . S 00 " cultivator, K. C. Phiinp & 00 iitov5it machine, A. F. Hubbard. .. 5 00 " wnliiiiff mncliiuc, Dashaway," lirave k ItobiuMon. Ralem , 5 00 2d " " J- A. Porter, I'nrvalli, 2 00 saddles, Flih. Corvallis, diploma... " fancy boat. N- Holder 2 00 ipcciinen wniuanhip. J. Kirsbbory diploma. Diploma will Ik plveo Jo place of the money premiuaaa to elasa 1ft If preferred. Specinl Prtminms Comet Cult. Flrt premium, D. M. Bond ; 2d premium, Rev. J. A. lliihna. J5tate Fair Address. TheOrcgonian an nounces that Her. II. K ILincs, of Vaneou vct hsw been M-lectcd to deliver the Annual Address at the State Fair on Friday morn ing next, at 10 o'clock.' Is it possible that no fanner, or other suitable jverson in Ore gon, coma ie round t deliver the Address? A Clergyman, or other urofisssional man. ought not to Im the Orator nt the State F:r, or no man not a resident of the State, there are farmers iu the State who could ably per form that hig uaty. Une ot tlieta Nioubl hate feen chosen. GOOD NEWS UJ00D NEWS! THE WA1US ENDED ! OUR COUNTRY ISSAVED FOREVER! RALLY! RALLY! ONE ANOALL AT TUB NEW STOBE OF Ia. STEI51KACIf, opposiTff Tiifi post or? ICR, IX AIjIIAIYT, OKEUOIY. Im: Publi m: Lewi: to ixfoiih the lie that 1 have just reeeivivl ouo of tbe Larrcst and best sd(-ctcil Stocks of Merchandise ever bruiiirht to this Market, direct from New York and San Francisco, cou.-isdug of every de scription of LADIES', CHILDREN'S, GENTS' AND BOYS' DRESS AND FURNISHING GOODS, Such as Ielaiuri, Casihiiteresi, Mohair, drruianin Cloth, Chononiaho, Keotch lMniils, Wineejsi DeRaizo, l'oplln, Kllla, Jnsjpersi, InraoIs. Mohair, Fonlarde, Poll De ChrTrc, Corset t, Xiiblas, I.a Prlesjc, Ulcriuosi, Alpacas Shawls, Cloth Cloaks, Hoods, Kid tiloTPS, Hoop Skirts, Breakfast Shawls, Balmoral Skirts', Collars and CatKt, JLIneu IIandkrrrhie1( Embroidrrcil Haadk'rrhfW, Embroidered Bands, Merluand Cotton Hose, I.aocsof All Kinds, Latest Styles Fall and Winter Hats THE CLOTHING AND GENTS FURNISH ING DEPARTMENT ' CONSISTS OFjTDE VERY LATEST STYLES OF Black Cloth 13 res a Coat. Black Beaver Breas Coats, Silk SSized Cassimare Coats, Black Docakin Panta, Fancy Cassimero Pants, Silk Mixed Cassimere Pants, Cloth. Silk and Velvet Tests, Fins Cassimero Snits, Overcoats of All Hinds. LINEN B. SHIRTS, FANCY. OVERSHIUT-S. MERINO AND COTTON BOCXB, snAKEK riAXSf.L vmtMmttfs AXt . DRAWERS SILK FOCKET HASDlfERcTflEFs; tltf elAfftlS, BUCKSbSl MWE, BLACK ANf FANCY NECii TttKf SLK" ANfJf MElffNO AXtf COTTON GLOtE ooT8 Aygiioue of ma ksnds Alio, a Gooii AsortS5ttt ef Paints, Oils, LcutV Itooklng Glasses, CarpctsV Wall Paper, Oil Cloths, ; Window Shades, Curtains. Hardware Tool, Tabic and Pocket Catlcry. , Lamps, O lasts ware, .,.'. Crockery, all kinds, Groceries, ; Tobacco, i And many other articles, too numerous Unicntion. TIIE HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOB COUNTRY PRODUCE i v - of SVety dosolrfpttoa. ' Come and Exam fire My Stock Before Purchasing lvlsewbere. I- NEW BRICK STORE ! Opposite the Post Office, Albay L. STERNBACH, , Afbanyi Sept. 30, 18C5. MEANING Mllili! T- COMLE1T. ALDANYOBEGON. TT HAVE ALWAYS ON HAND, m or wuj Olanuraotnre to order, every style of DOORSr SASH ANC BLfNDS, at the shortest notice and lowest possible charges, Boards Matched and Planed. work, executed in a stylo not surpassed by aoy Shop in tho State jar- The Mill hi ta Che lower ntwt of tle fown on the river barik, at the comers of tbe joinine ? - . . . J'. B. COMLEY. Alonnyf coptcmDcr 20, 1805. just Deceived r Direct From the Refinery! Kfl HF BARRELS SAN FKAX- d J oiseo Kennod Sugar. , . :;: " '.'- ALSO' ' 100 KegN Syrup J which Wo are selling very cucap. ' ... J. FLEISCHNER Jc CO Albany, September 30, 1805. S. I.BTT, j Portland. ( A)!inVf iEW VOIUt STORE. IN FOSTER'S TWO STORY CRICK. FIItttT NTRI'ET, ALIlAlfV. WILL YOU LISTEN TO THE TROTH ! The Best Chances in the City ! 2STO HTJMBTJGr I IT M I'ST BE AIITTE TII.1T the Hou?e of LKVY IJHOS. & CO., Have decidedly Iho BEST STOfl OF 600DS, OP ALL USD, On hand, which they offer at such MARVELLOUSLY LOW PRICES (hat they can't bo pnrchased here, nor te in Portland, for the saiiio figure that they are hold ing their splendid large stock at, of Dry Gootls), . Clothing', , 8be aud Doot, . Hfttsi and Cmpmt l arpein and Oil Cloth, Crorkerjr, Paints, Oils), CilasiNtynrr, A.t At. Notwithstanding that there U a great rise in STAPLE GOOHS. We are determined, a nsnal, to p!re GOOD SA..O-A.X3ST& .4nd a gvid f fioir to THE FABMEHS TO LAT IN THEIIt FALL SIPPLIES, For which they take SEIflI.IXT.iBLE PRODITE W EXfH.UCE Thcv can ofTor betfer fnd?cnTSnfs ffiarf int other House this side of Portland. hntinR always a Partner watchinjr tbe market, who doe no let opportunities slip, bat scixes them, in order that our Hne can sell i 1 Cheaper than the Cheapest. Albany, August 28, 150. RACES ! RACES! rf. rt 4 .T: AT THE BOSTON COURSE! FOR THREE DAYS! Commencing Thursday, October 19th, and to Continue Friday, the 20th, and Saturday, 21st ! FIRST DAY t SfXllLE HA.'H OF A MILE Three years olds; Entrance $a0. IXLE HASH OF A MILE Entrance 75. SECOND DAYr TWO MILES' DAPH Entrance $a0. . Trot tins tr SINULE TUfcETS MLE trance -Ea- THIRD DAY i MILE HEATS Bert two in three Entrance 50. Pari net MILE HEATS Best two in three; Eutrauce $i0. Tho chore Races and Trotting Matelic are free lo all Oregon raised horses, in Linn. Lane and Benton eonntk-t ; the Pacing is ojicn to all Oregon raised horsei. ; Fhe Race?, Trotting and Pacing, will be goTcrn by the rules of (he Linn Coanty Jockey Clnb Boston, Linn county, Sept 28, 1 365. - PROVISION STORE! n. ouvea. ; OLIVER S. S. MARKBAX. Sl markham. ALB AN YOItEG ON. WE WOULD CALI. ATTENTION to the fact that we have bought out J. E. Beatly in tbe CwIlOCEIllf STORE One Boor West of (tho Post OSce, And we shall keep constantly on hand a general assortment of FAMILY GHOCERlfiS t : T . : Which we wUl sell As Low as Any Store in Town. A liberal share of patronage is respectfully solicited. VEGETABLESAND FRUIT, of the boat assortment and qualities alwaya on hand. WBSAT STORSB. - OLIVER A MARKHAM. Albany, September 80, 1865. HOUSE XOST. STRAYED OR TAKEN (pfoiiikblf by mistake,) from near Sand Ridg; abont one year since, a dark bay horse, near fifteen bands high, four years old last pritK; I think had a small white spot in the HrrelbMMl, broad between bn ovca. was bad to Dilh t a fence, would iaw at a pate, stable or barn dbb' of salt thrown on the grteiad, was gentle lor aa Sn broken horse, and bad boon rode a littlo; Ai'jf ihfonnation of hint re warded, w ; ' IWliTHlT. rWpt 2HT865 ff ; STIL.I ON THE CORIVER! R. CHEADLE'S CASH STORE I the place to save money : where yoa can bay goods at Small Fronts. Bo sure and call, and see for yoursclvos. sugl B. UMBAJ'Lt. - -3VOTICE! NOW IS A GOOD TIME TO SET tie np. We will take WHEAT and OATS at tho highest Cash priee, on ail aeconnn doe or cash will do just as well. au28 J. ilvEISUIlEK VV. WAITED. - srh rtrtrk i;siiiit. wheat. 5U-JUU lSOOOf bushel of Oats, by au2o ' -i - . - i-t.ioi-i- n a. ROCKIIVO CHAIRS f ALL AT UPTON'S FURNITURE ESTAB- J Ijshmcnt anil get. good, nieo Rocking CbaiK sffgartr C ash paid Tor Produce and grain Stored at roasoBHbw rates, bv . . R. CHKABLE. P RITJDSf ONES, at Upton's Furniture Es- Ji tablisbmont. ; aagzitt ; . ; ; pt f 1 IX AIRS All Eix.dsyat Uidoa's Furniture Establishment. , ang21tf ItEOGIOlJS, NOTICE. A TXIRfi SATS TiTESTIPIO WELZ. Ebo hold with the Little Bethel Church of Regular Baptists at; the school hodso in Syracuse precinct, Linn county, near Mr. Allphia's, commencing on Friday before the second Sunday in October next. fiHiin. Stout and Loverajre will be in at- tcudiince, and likely two e three ernigrant Minis ters who have lately arrived in tne vauey. UTOTICET. ty:; . Pioneer Gold and Silver Klbiintr Com pany The Stockboldors of tho Pioneer Uold aud Silver Mining Company, arc notified to ruoet at thoir aceustomcd place of buslccsa . in Albany, Linn Couuty, Oregon, ou JSatnrday, Oct.Tth, IP65, for tho election of officers. ABRAHAM MILCER, JnV t-d Secretary, Low pmas win THE ENTIRE STOCK FOR SALE 1 AT COST, FOR CASH ! AT iT. 3STOKCROSS' 1 W IM (OXTIM r.TOSELLnf the ljuuee, Pound, Inch, Yard, Pint, or Unshel, " At Lower Pfifelhan roh lif Boasjlit e(sewher - - f "Are yon selling at Uit price? I've jut pawl more. I shall know where to c Ihe nest titoa. How can y sell at price less than We sec qaoted at wholesale?" are the feaeatiotu I often hear. . ft I Bay for t'ssh friu ImporteYf. Manufacturer!", ntt thcif' A (tctrts, in tlia CHEAPEST MAR&aZT! In Large Quantities when Goods aro Lw, Kn.iMine mc to sell as they advance for lc than I Cm buy at the present lime. I am often in tho nnrkot, picVinr op bargains1 for yonr IwnoCt. i . 1 I can give yea Iho ; GREATEST VARlEtY TO SELECT fFXa I enir git e fnH (& Lowest rnftrr I can give yon tho LATEST SttLES ASI XE1 noifbtit I can five yoa the Highest Price for tSTxaf Tern kavo 4o Sell t I can save yon 20 per ecni. on Dry Goods, Boots and Shoe I ear. save yon 25 per cent, on Ready Made Clothing , I ra safe y.n 10 per cent, on - ; Groceries, Crockery, Glass r I can save yon 10 per enf. oa ffardware, Iron and Steel I can save yoa 15 per cent, wis Keekanir' Tool., Oatfits to the Santiam fl iae . Thimble Boxing Warr TimbcrsV Hope and Chains - If ill Saws, Ac, At As I jret a portion of my living ir'nrn each of IBC alxirc deparfrrteffts of trade, T can sell at fe profit ' than if I were confined to eilhrr. Give me A Share of Tour Patronage, . And I will pte jls ' ' t LOW PRICES FOR TUB TBOSSV -Without another word, jast cotnc, ladies and 43 old and yoiTBg, to the f?tore of '..' an23 J. ISVKVRUS. GOOD NEWS S'OR THE PUBIilC J , J. FLEISCHNER 4 CO L RR STILL AT Til EI R OLI J, ST.VNH, Corner of First and Washhsztow . streets, AIBAV, Oregon,' Where thev are selling their lanre and well selectedi stock Goods Cheaper than any Other Hoasef in Town. Our Stock consists of Dry Goods aad Groceries, of all iiadsy . Ready JIade Clothing, . nots?and Shoes, flats and Caps, Ac.- Lamp, Glass and Crockery Ware Paints and Oils, Hardware, Nails, , In fact,- everythinjr tho Farmer need. All of whKtr wo will exebaage lor ait turn oi At the highest market price. We woald aot refuse even Cash. , . . If Tea dent believe V7e ar Sellias.' Cheap, call and see. ALBANY FOUNDRY We irre rVejred to Farnlsi VfiOtJSIfF AfiD CAST (EOJJIVCni ... . . . - Of every deseriptioa, o short aetiee. AIv BRASS CASTINGS , All Ordcrs for .' "JZ J-! ' .. .. . w ... tr -tJ-Ll Will be filled With dispatcn, ana ia a uij! manner. . , . IIORSE POWERS v-v - a : !-:;v;';;':! Agricultural Impiciaeiitrf ' Maaafactnred to order; an piirticuUr attonUofif paid to Repairs.- AH kinds of PATTERN WORK done to order on short notice ' - a. f. cherry' . ; , john east.' Albany, September lo, 1865.' , IVOTICE. ; ; THE PARTNERSHIP HERETO- fore existing between J. KORCROSS aad A.: n jors. nnder the firm name of J. NORCROSS 4 CO, at Buona Vista, Oregon, ia . wj solfed by mutual consent. Ail demands g"" said firm to bo' paid by J. Sorero. and A. C." ; Jones, each the one half of the same mdividaally separate and independent oi me mnvw , m u , debts due said firm to he paid to A. C Jones.- ., Buena .Vatr, September , mcf,6. ... , ' " . '.'.: A. C. JONES.- ; wanted ! z . ; . ; z a ri r f ForsDS of wool-, w HJUl exchange for." Furniture,' Bending Chairs, Ae... by 1 - - '! 'ZZl,', : - - ' ATTENTION I z XTOV WHO HAYE BEES WANTING Chil-' 1 lrens Chairs,- call at Vptoa r -srai- turo Store and get them. augSltf It you want Salt Cheap, or aaythinr I else in thegrocery line, just come along aad gel it, for I will wit : c T &. CHEADLE. A Good w:agon-yard fbr.the benefit of those who trade with me, Is alwaya ready :.-,t,-j .via-c.! "...' C ..'-T::.nj.3t,CHEADIJi. - BEDSTEADS, A snperior quality at ...' ;?.if , ug21tf ii :k ? XPTOS' CASH PAID FOR' WHEAT AND" OATS, by u u, J. FLEISCHSE.R 4 COw f ! Kf TONS "OF "SALT; FOU SAL&' UU ebcap,by J. FLKISCILSER 4 CQv