Newspaper Page Text
"V STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT. A IRIITEU WAITED. A GOOD COMPOSITOR WIIX 4 K1"" ,itBti"n at this office. Albany, Dec 30, l?65. Agents for Linn County. The following named gentlemen re authorised W reeeive nd receipt for subscriptions to the . r"V"0cat in this county Moore A Baber, Harrisburs;, i-aui Clover, II. L. Brown, 8. A. John, I O. C. Cooley, -. Worth Bra!, J. M. Johns, . J. R. Thorpe, J Harvey Smith, Adam Nye. J Pine, Sfew Brownsville, Brownsville, Peoria, Scio. Lebanon. TOtm COUNTY KATTEES.- Th Weather." Just awful," is the expression KieK exactly describes it. We shall be glad to get rid of the present J-ear if the late sort of weather will go out Vritb k. New weather with the New Tear can't be worse that's one consolation.! All the week we have had hard rains, high vrinds, a bare day of calm with sunshine, then more rain, frost, snow, and as we go to press, a thaw, just to keep np the va riety, we suppose. On Christmas day the rain poured incessantly, with heavy winds, from dawn xmt'A nightfall, but a clear, fine evening was vouchsafed. : Let us give thanks for that. A IIappy New Year I--So we say inost heartily to all our patrons and read ers. . May they enjoy a merry day,a pros perous year, and still happier, merrier and more prosperous future years, down to an honored old ae. Soiree. Mr. C. S. Barnev. a most ac tomplishel teacher of Dancing and the finest violinist ia Oregon, will give a Dauc ing Soiree at the Empire llotel hall, ou New Year's evening. Read his adver tisement. Tots ! Tots I Frveknd & Settlemier bave a choice and splendid lot of toys and holiday gifts still for sale. Call on them t j please your little folks on New Year's Day. . Aa Exhibition. What purported to be a 44 School Ex iiibition" was given at the Court House on Thursday evening. It was certainly, an Exhibition, and, we are constrained to say, a very improper and reprehensible one. It was one of that class of Exhibi tions which have been a good deal too fr"uent during the last four or five years, C which innocent little children are made to " speak pieces" filled with parti san prejudice and rancour, with sectional aom and hitrel, and further, t istigm - t'ze their own fathers, in common with all! Democrals, as "traitors." It is about : time that a stop be put to this sort of Eihibitions, when the exhibitors appeal tn the verv class tbev thus wantonlr kH shamefully insult for patronage and sup port. If they desire to give such "Exhi bitions to please certain " loyal" folks, let them do so to their heart's or hate's con tent ; but they ought to ask none but the lovers and admirers of their exhibitions to patronize them in. a substantial way. Of the numerous recitations, declamations, dialogues, songs, 4c., which made up the .programme of exercises on Thursday evening, more than two-thirds were of a very malignant, . Abolition character. Democrats who have children to educate will do well to have their little ones sent to schools where learning and not politics -is deemed of first importance. - By adopt ing such timely caution, they will not, at the School Exhibitions, endure the mor tification of hearing words of hate and in sult, directed agaicst themselves, from the mouths of their own children. Pa rents can generally attend to the political instruction of their children, if any be tieeded ; schoolteachers would generally give better satisfaction by teaching those studies which are usually adapted to chools, and letting political teacbingalonc. ? P. S- Since the above was put in type we learn that at the close of the exercises, and after a Irief address bj te Rey. Mr. Eairchili, who f poke by special invita tion, the Rev. Mr. Starr aroe and pro ceeded with the delivery of a very repre hensible speech. Among ether things he coBwaenied the " teaching of kiyalr in schools," and siid if it were taught in all the schooW there would lie ewer seces sionists and Fewer secessions, Vhy will not Desiotrsta wl? Lsvc ."hilirea make' provision to have them educated in schools where this kind of Abolition pTopagand ism is not practiced I AM political schools ! re pernicious; but this Puritan political fstea is pestilential. Frozen to Diuth. Mr." Solomon Kohlberg. xaerehant cf Portland -and Balsas CitJ, was frozen to death on Thurs day of last week, oa the trail from the the Cascades to Sandy, lie and two or hree others had started from Dalles City totuake the Unl trip to Portland. His comrades got through safely after a good deal offering, but lit. Kohiberg final ly B'2ca.aibed to the piercing eoii and perished in the trail. The Hebrew Benev olent Society of Portland has paid high tribute to his laemory. 32a was about 29 years of age- - - . - ; Pzasoxaii Ilea. Isaac Cox, the ttaucl'Pcmocratla Ilepreseotative ' from - Z csepbica couaty, paid us a' visit on Jea. Ills coEstltaeacy may well feel CI rchocl, a2i.raia the utov: ; . rX 1EBW1AT1YE r.iMsonr.. Oa the fourth page of this paper, un der the head of" A Rascally Reporter," will be found two reports by Abolition journals, of some remarks made by J. II. tnderwood, nit Abolition Representative of Lane county, in which the Reporter of one of the two journals the Statesman tartured Underwood's language fo as to make it appear that be bad terribly scored Hon. Jus. D. Fay ofj. ckson, and that that gcut'eman bad quie ly submitted to the scoriatiuu. Hie following, from the report of the Legislative proceedings in the last Review, telling of a scene which occurred in the House the evcuing pre ceding the final adjournuienMrf the Leg islative Assembly, will show our readers that Mr. Fay did not permit the rascality of the Statesman Reporter or the coward ly and disgraceful behavior of Underwood to pass unnoticed : Mr. Fay rose to a privilege question 5 he asked the member fr,m Lane (.Mr. Umler wood,) if the reported speech, in the last Statesman, of that gentleman, is a correot rendition of the language used by him. Mr. Cnderwjoi refused to anwer the question direetly. Mr. Fay said that ho sho.iid a cept the gentleman's silence n an nekituwl did use the language re ported, and he thereupon cnUe-d Mr. Under wood a liar, and wtu pr.ieeedii.g :o state h contempt for such a .iwardly creature who thus attempts to falsify the records of the H.iuse, and make rea lers at a distance be lieve that he w u!d even dare U u c the lan gnage rep-rtcd iu his spee.h. M 11 vl!iy called Mr. ray to order, wiien Mr. I tulor woihl, presenting the appearance of a whip pel puppy, meekly suggeste! to " let the TeofTemaa gj on, he raii t hurting him. Mr. Fay also rebuked the Statesman's re porter in a similar style. To this we may add the following state ment: Oa Monday evening, Dee. 18:h we were sitting with Mr. Fay at bis desk in the House, iust before tbe cren'-nir of t i-eiore iue Cfcn.nj; w the evening session. Mr. Fay called .Mr. I Underwood to h:s dek, there showed him the report of his Underwood's re - - - marks, in que5tion, and asked li'tn to sta'e if he had used sueh !a;igu txe, or anything cquiva'ent t it. Unierw.iol first replied that he was not very certain just what he did say, but be was quite sure he had not used the reported lan guage. Upon Mr. Fay pressing him to i A-. "j j-.w...., , j ' 1 . r . 1, answer more deunitciy tie naerwooa ) did deny having used or intended any j their consent, and despite their opposition' such language as was in the Statesman "s j to it. This is a misch'evous kind of leg report, and pointed out several lines oi j i!ation. und is liable to lite grofscst wrings .1 1. v . . 1 , ... .. . 1 . t . : mas repon as su niucu tnai uiu:i nave been added by the Reporter, without his knowledge or on -eat. This pr.vatc con fession was wr'uns: from hiai ive mijrht say he was almost frigh enel out of it by Mr. Fay. and yet, it sem? that the miserable fellow hal not lha h injror manliness to stata tin trrth bsfjrj tin House, when Mr. Fay cjurea?!y regain ed hini to do s . Iliso'jjjc w.isapparent : he hoped that the repjrteJ boldspeeohin the Statesman would give lm theTepnia- noti oi unn! wvu-uuuiiH i'li. i a (of whom be 13 mortally afraitT) in debate , and create the imj re3skn that," instead ofs being a very vain, cowardly hector, he really possessed pluck. But his ba.e f u-c did n jt Fueceed. There, before the House, in the hearing of hundreds of spectator.-. Mr. Fay. on his refusal to repeat before J- r the House what he had bat a few uw-iM " . - . . ments before confessed in private, de - nounced Mr. Underwood as "a liar and scoundrel," and the shrinking, sneaking, cringing creature, overwhelmed wi;b shame, but shaking with fear of his man ly, bold, defiant denouueer. crouched in his scat, and only croaked, when Mr. Fay was literally skinning him s let him go on ; he isn't hurting me." The fellow's bodily fear deadened his every other seu;e of feeling, and even the indel.ble brand which Fay with burning words was bl ster- ing into his writhing flesh, seemed not to affect him, so abject was his fright. " OB.EGOX IX CoNGRESS.Our reverend Congressman figures on Commltieea as follows ; 5th among ten "member. on In dian affairs : 9tb among ninf members on Pacific Hailroad. .Thus ha is oa two ou: of thirty-three Standing Committees. Ei ther the State or the Rep reVctitative is very slimly appreciate! in that body. Should any resident of Oregon desire fc address a letter to our CongTesMtt-tit we will mention the fact that his uauie is J. II. D. Hetilerson. . From xhe Laptit CuuNxar. -Ibe Columbia' is still closed by ice, and n common; by tra' sirrA largo & Co. at the Dalles, and mc&eiigcr $5J,'J00 in treasure and a large lot of ex press matter. They report the trail worse than at any previous period. The road from Dalles City to Walla Walla is open. "Wosth lixowixo. Readers will find in another colum the advertisement f Parrish &. II.ilmaD, Portland, who are established in tbat city as Real Estate, Commercial, and Stock Brokers, andTJejeral latclligcnce aad Colksclion Agents, reraohs in the interior who wish business transacted in thee several departments in Portland, can repose confi dence in the ompctency and integrity oT thin 5rm. They are prompt nd faithful in ful &llin their engagements. Electios or Sxsator. II n. C. Cde, for merly member ol Congress from California, has been elected U. S. Senator to succeei IIjiu Jas. A. SlcDjugall. It is "useless to add anything further than that he is an Ab itlitionisL - " Lodi Sold. This noted raser wa3 s:ild in San Francisco a few days ago for $5100 in gold. Coombs of Napa, was the purchaser. Caticn 19 .bad Wstn "ljrtlanri,V? t D-nvSOhy Elder A. OiVgi Ww.'Tayt.a il fr iJair: CiryA lew ay Mr S W Tiiibrtri;m Arrobf rif Wl!s imlhv. .1. P.. Hnrv I. insm to II it ijirr K .( h LATEST KASTF.ItN NEWS. No d:s a'xliea have been received dar ing the week. The latest news is to Pec. 2th. Congress wis moving slowly in the transaction of bad ness, and a serious division is anticipate t between the llali cnls and the President. 1 1k Senators and Representatives from tloSmthern States are still denied seats in Congress. 1 be ge news is U'timpi rt int. Some white New York sold'urs tin 1 Federal negro troops had a fight toe her in Nor folk, Va., Doc. 1 15th. Only in.' a ne gro was injured. Iniormntitm 5"nteI. At the late Special Session. Dr. Tate, one of the Abolition Representatives from this county, introduced a bill to provide a Charter for the city of Albany. Of the features of his bill we could not obtiin inf rtnation during a visit to Salem on the last day but one of the session. Vc only know that on motion of Pr. Tate himself the bill was tabled on its third reading the evening before final adjourn ment. So much for that part of the mat tor. The point we seek information on 's. upon what authority, by whose rcjuest or petition, did Dr. 'late a.-k lor a new Charier for our city. We have yet to hear of the first resident of the place, other than the Representative himself, who sought for or desired a new Charter. It seems to us that before a Representative introlucesa bill to wipe out an exi&ting city charter, and to substitute another for it, be ou ht be enreful to know tbat public aciioti bus Leen taken uj'ou it by tbe pcrsuus espeeialljr interested, and tbat jji majority of tbem favored tbe change. In this instance tbeie was certainly ik public presentation tru'ncussiou jprujeet, and, we believe, no t'.e-iie for i .ject, ami, we Del.evc, no lor any band. Yet, bad Dr. Tate at tbe j ;on in tii.s uis.auee meic was ieiuiun "u:rpti t ipirPTTr r'nTTlirD last uiotueut moved the passage i-t hisij,3 new Charter, beyond doubt tbe two) Houses would have Passed and the Gov-1 irti.-.r nnr.ivii.l litt ot nii'l tilt fit"?-US ' of Albany would have had thetr present j; .l...ffAi. i-.lin ..n,1 Pr T,i t.' now ! " li irfnr Mit river tlipiii williiiiif nnr nre. : .... . . . - - - j 14 . 1 1 . 1 -. i vtous Kuowitiuge on me:r pan, w uucu-it .ana uiyt uanuerous auus. 11 is a ?j e cies of legislation which tbe people ought in the Orst place to guard against, and m the next, to .-eveicly condemn wbe.i prac-i tiscd. It place. the e pie . subject u tbe cai rice. w.ll. or ideas ure of the Ilenre-1 sentive, and thev baie no remcnlv, .'i.Sv .o await a ssubefiueni t-eislun to have the .. ,. . . . , , il t' 'Li. li il ) 1 1 . . ' I , t 1 1 ' I r." w 1 1 , i J " - 1 Tna Mails. Ajih ah parts of the rfu.e wo hear cjuilaaus abuu. the irreg ulariiy or failure ot the uiaiis. T he storms ,i, t " . i.i i. .. ... . 1 ..u:.. .uut ia il.- rvvai.UJ i iuie iuaa uiivinu aluust impossible. i 1 iu:3oz.uri3rs or cdkdolsnce. Wbeiias. H h is pi -as -I Pr ri:Ie cj t teniire fr-ta atroo;! u. tf.r I n .n d t?a fr nj f. in th Jirlttii oril:'e. r be'u re ! asd wor.i:y Strati r. !?Arri. At.ex.ispet. h i! ip.domit .He in- 1 F' u V n :e r- s?'? V" 1 VT ro"5l'lf-.b,,re b:u up Ut w-h uijut Inn!, ncd loUcli lasting ; " ; I WnRit?A. Wi. tti m nil r ofCnr'r.thinn Ludce K - . ir. A. F. and A. Jt., le iring t re -e l,urT-'V COXSCQl'CVCC OF THE .v-.tliy ti ib r JaliTc of the dv;-!. and s'rAX f M. P XTOX. f ibe firm of Tbmp: oltiic expressi'-n of t ur f rrjw Tor the uutiiue'y djiitii of so est'.m .bls a bruti-er aad wii tar a citi- len. fh?rf. r.-. lie it f:tthi, Thai i'l thi afflicting dispensation wo hnailj'y W u th will of Him w'ungivcth and Uira who takcth atv.iT. f!coiied, Tnat by b'i 4 atH 8 -.cist t has b-!cn de prived of a trno and efficient BKinlur, and tlie Ld e made t urn i i l;sa of a w iitbr brotlicr. i!otrf. That we tcnd-T our ile pest svuipiithy to the relative t f tt e e- eased, mid tn r.; csp.c'.aily to thj willow and ter Utile thiid. M.iy Provj.Kuce -aard and prou-et h.r tiron ;h te rmj f li e, and tBsy je orphan find llitn ti be a fat-cr to the iatheil.Fs. Jiesehtd, Thatin resniet f rnr lamcn'cd broth er thj ui-ni'Kr of ;bu L djj wear Cic usual tale of mmin f r thirty days. Heiehttl. Tat a c ipy of theja rsolntions be pre-c iicl to tbe w'.d. w, un l aUo that lie pent for ptilt!e ition to the State It;ooTs X'EXOcn at and Aibuy Journal. SI. W. M tCK. Seentary. "MAURI HIV: , A tt rjsidence of C. P." Enrkbart. ?b f:ber of the Bride, near Albany. Chr.Ktuias -Dav. 1S6), ly tha R v. E. R. Geary, B. V. Cuadilto Miss Liuie Bcrlhwt. W acknowledge the receipt of a gencrvos share ... lto .U; . to i:r good fri.-nl theVery "ppy firrtnm, aa 1 nor tswession of e 'mplimestfto bis liVo'y , . , ,. Sri tvtSj earnwt wish tht nnit.-d life may ever bs brf e'!urryf pr .fp.nius aajt.llissfuL At tie f hj Bri luJTtliOT. in Lion cvuiity, Do. 21 by Win.' IL. Maria, J. P., B. Jam a t j K M .r.. - Ai .ho r.sidjucj. J' t. o tJc'a tit tf, in Linn e ty, D c ro b. by EI LV A. lirwtf;, Jjicob Wi0-lc .(. itiii Mttaiuia K ' ' "; At ti ra-d.ncv oi' t.i. Bn le Ta.'iisf, n L.nn ' x. a. sta.-g.iujl. P., Ju Ucad t iL Matilda Iu Sjritiz Talkr, P JlpCoon-11 t- irl-esH&ic. of th bride' tatucr'.N v. SSifc.'fcystbV Iter. Mr. Cm pcr, J. T. Armstr n,: i ilisj Oalirijlla Siphons. In Portland, by L- Anitewm, J P., Juliu M. Em-ry to MiaS Car-line M, Iiigtnson. At tbe Chol.c in Prtland. at 10 o'clock, rP. M.oa Monday Deo. 25th, by Rev. J. Fieruna, Mr. M.: O Curn r, Pr. pri.tJr of U.e C:.ejr 11 to!, to Miss Minuij Wmburg. In Sjboin Whatsmnb c.mnty, Washington Ter ritory, Djc. 4th, by.tb; R :. Thvin-ia Byron, Eich uri P i6t to MUs Emma II. Kin;. ' QUAKTERLY MEETINGS M. E. CHURCH SOUTH. CIRCUITS. f INDEPENDENCE First Saturday and Sabbath in January, 1SC0. SALEM Secjud Saturday aad Sabbath ia Jan uary. : N. B The District Slcwards will please mee' ma ia CiTTallis on t-ie third Saturday and Sihln .h i-i Kkrcmber. A. E. SEARS. P. E. ; i- o. o- jP ALBANY LODGE, NO. 4. Tbe Resrulaz rilsttinja of Albany Lodg-e, N, 4, 1. O. O F.. arj uold at t is Halt ia Alb my. -v-ry WEDNESDAY EVESINO. fX 7 o'c.tck Breturea in g Kid ttandiu bdloning to other Lodea are iaviUsd to attcn'd. ' W. W. PARRISH, N. O. Ed. Mer.aiLU Sjcr-tary. . Albany, Nor. 35, 16fti, ; nooso. I thi: cihciit niiHT us JL the Mjie f Oi-. g 'ii. 1 r Hie County f Littii, iti.iitui lriin, lsiili : JOHN MNWILiWK, n.T. ) Action nt Law vs. JAMKS M. MA HON. l)-ft, ) Rcwver M-nry. To .Bamrs "ill -livilimi, KolVndstiit, In the imuu (.l'llif !?!.itj ot : Yon :irc heieby ri-iir.-l t tqipc.-ir mi J untwir the ( ln;l;i;t't ot t .e I'inliiUSl 111 ihe hvt? UUflttoU eaii.c H.-w oil lilo a-;ltl':t Vtt im the CICIK "t sn'nl Cvurt, within leu days 1 tli.lttle of suvicc ot tliis s imiiH iis u .n, IF served in sait I ii'.n enmity. Or.-;:nii, or, it' ; nvtl in any oih r coniiiy in tlu" St.-ittC tli 11 i;tii:i twenty diiys of tli;- JaW of service hrrool Ui n you j it served out of sa'ul St i;e, t: ea l.y the fir t il iy .f ttio n-xt T -iuiol Jii l Coma Aiul you itiv further notitied th:it iF you ti answer t nluve rs fjliiuil, III? 1'luilitiil', i'or w:t.';t ( mifttrt r. uiit lake jud -moist iiniii"t you for t' e Mini ol $liio CO with imcr-st Ih reotj at the rate of 15 -r cent, j er annum, f:ot:l the 'JUh ilny i t 1 remlu'r, lSj'.l, cotnpiintnlL'l nnuuuliy, iK-si l e.s eU mid dishoifi 'iiienU vf Uii uetiou, tit the next term of s.;id Cuurt. l!v ov.lCr of the fettrt t I' ANUlt t I1KLM, Atiyf fur PIT. Fifty eetiti l. S. lUveuue slainj). J tkecml) -r i' i, I?ik". f, N. H. Oi a t! r. one of .Pln'mliff" Alt nu ys In t'.o at ve cniiilcil c, e rtify the foregoing to ou a true eojy of the otUtnul siniini ti a in l eiue. ' N. II. t It.VNOn. cI.tSO Git jT iV V E AirpOOiADLI!" AT Tin: COURT I-IOUSS, o.v NEW YEAR'S EVENING, For tic Benefit of the SaVasta Schools of the c tv. I l f ntiA.n .1 UlliilJl lUlllJll'JU IS LilllllllU IU .111. supper 11 ill le Served bj I.a.iit s. Tor wfcieh a mnj. rut-.' charo will b.i nittilc. Tle prtw iU nn t- ! divid d rqitally nui-m li t'ir.,-8 Sa'ib-t'i ?c'v-l f Al'-any fur tbe j'.ir i h i.o of I". n-.k f r t'i ir L:tr;rii'. tfi Conrriliuti.-n-' will le th inkfully rv eived. and cm L 1 -'.t nt thr C r! H. nsi; during Montlav. Albnnr. li e. TO, lrG3. PROSPECTUS 01' lllAJ JJll iliui tu vVU lilLill. OR AniHT THE IG1U OF! , tl ".' U. JAN LA.tV. Hi- arM;., ,r,P.fjalr; JVa!!, Joo a alni TI1K LArAIC'ITC COt'KISSR. T ; f r TM:f'- Li,,crr tii..ii!r r nvii It 11 artr.Tnfi' n,l il I'nil ilu? truth, we ?! nl! iu itlii r t w re t t h .- i i-lit mr ih Im't. bat at ail t':ai Ue f.iiiiJ b.-st li n r lbr Oo'.ni- ,i ! i ...l.r t - t..i,. n m .a;.,. . ... . -'-..3 . si:il Jt k.ti. nut! ni tlia 3iv3 ai-J la-itjls uf the b.u r Jjvs if Ue R t ulUv. J. II. UPTON. W. J. BOWMAN. L.. ; c t -. TVp. ?0, 1SG3. v ' t lv C. S. BARNEY, AT 111E i Empire Hotel, Albany, Ogn., ox M05DAY ETESIiVG, JA"V. I,1S6G. ! T.V i.e-t.-.-m.-n tir pnitc:r r.-ia?t-l to inrit.- t i-at. nlaiie-.i a!! lh ir l..ilv aio'iaiiiunif. j . "-! ''-- i , ,. , . . , . - L. St. T A1Ti'.5n . J. n. ItOLMAS PARPJSII&HOUrAN POllTI.AXI), OON. Heal Estate, Commorcil "ar)d Stock Brokers, General Inclllerrncc and Col lection Agents. OFFICE Xo. 50 PioB'fr Block, Front Street. 1 rrtaiid. t'c. 0. l-fii. GENERAL NOTICE. ic 4 Pai'.i n. the Ticture Galltry will be closed tor a few wo'.-rs. D j iwtW will be given of the time of the re openin? cf ihs (Jallery. Per 'tis who have had a'tlinps for pictures !:itt:!y ran nbtnin tSe photngravhs, eampltted and ready for delivery, bv railing oon. .THOMPSON i PAXT0N. Alhanr. Dep. T.O, 1805. s. hcki-at d. s. m'lesxbt ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS, OREGON CITY. Farticilor tt-t'on given ta Land Clsims and Land Titles. Or.-jr in City. Orn.. Dec. 20, 1SG5. FAIR C3ElOlxTI NOTICE. SHAREHOLDERS In the Cap f?ti ck O mia:iy. lor ih ; paip ise of ecur mg a pe.-tnatient t'ar Gruund (near Albany) fur L:eo cnuitr. are r.qn. at.d to nut nt tlie Court II. um in Alba iy, on TUESDAY, JAXUAP.Y 9.h, at 1 o'elork. P. St., for tUe purpose cf orguuixing said Company. A. IIACKLKM KN. I Subscription JOIIX BA11B.0WS, J CuCBiaittee. , Albany, Do?. 20, 1805. I SCSIOOL MEETING. VfOTICE IS I5EREKY GITE! that there will be n in.ctin of tbe losil Vo ter "f So'iool Pis't i- t. No. 5, lAtn entin'r. Orernn. at the School II u?c, nn SATURDAY. JANUARY 0, 1SG0, at 2 o'clovk, f r thj purposo of Kvyin? a tux to r pair and cnlarsre... vie. DisUict fachool House. By ordtr of t' e Dir"otov(. E. At FREELAND, CTcrk. Albany. Deo- 23. 15. BANK EXiIAFE I WM. GIRD, PROPRIETOR ! rpziis popclau saloox-is In U-danoj of iU ate ' nuptial: ed Proprietor assure to -vory gust tbe ni :8t prompt and satUfuot ry at tention iu tTcry thing whicSt the bouse ailords, to eat.rtuin thj ruind aud give ibocr to the body. . Tbu Billiard S.iloon is provided with splendid BILLIARD TABLES, Of the l.itcit approved siylj, with all tao boat im prrcuitfUta. ; THE BAB. Is alwsyi eupplicd with tba very beat CIGARS, : --';.-. . : LIGER B3EEII, and "SO FORTH." lis alio has on band always ready for customers, FRESH OYSTERS! Di;ec t Yuquiua Bay, aekuowkdged by cpi curct to be suj-Ciijr to any oysters found tdscwherc n tha coab'u ...At.SO... SARDINES, Diah.d up ia the b,st gtyU, with " trimmings." ST Tbo Saloon is on tbe uor;hwest corner o thj bi'ick next east to that 'in which Springer's PaciGo U. tel stands. . , Albany, N.r. 25, 1SG5. If you want Salt Cheap, or anything aisj in tjo grocery l.n, jut come alung a4d fi iH I will sell, ; J. pHJBAPJJfc GOOD NVAVH FOR j. ri.i:ts-nxrn. ism. :;tsrn. J. FLEISC.HNER & CO. 4 RK TIM. AT TIUJIl OL! i'V STAN II, Coin r of li;;-t im.l V'JU 8trei.tH, Where tbi-y ore selling their larije uud well MicrtO'l at.iek Uooiia .'hcaicr Ciannnj-flthcr JIoikc In Town. Our fiiof'it coiiH's'a i,f Dry fiexxls nnd rorercK, of all kinds, Ileadj' 3I(Io Clothing, Hoots and ShooH, IJais r.ud C:iji, lie. Lamp, tiltj nnl Crockery TVare, Iniii1'4 mul Oils. Ilardwtir', iils, fic. In faft, rvery'.hii th" Funii'r rivK ,A!1 tf wiiii li wo will i'Jci l;::n;;e for all kiti'1. of ss At III? Iillict market rrioc. Vte ironld not rtfutt tvrn t.'n.ti. If Yo-a don't belieTo V7o ara Selling' Cheap, cell and b;c. an?? J. FLEISC 1INKR 4 ro. F.. O. Frtnt LAvn. j ('.. T. Smti ""Mirt:. PTnii'i ivn c. erTTi ruirn i ALU ANY. Oil EG OX, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC CHEMICALS. ...atso... rtn(s, Oils, Iyc .Mi!K"s, (ilcisq, Kerosene OH.:. I iAtl' Uliirixt x jLi.4XJ ovJAro. jSurgoom? flue Toilet and olher; Kponse!, I'ombi, PnYSUir.S' PBE-5rRirTI0N8 Csriullv t-iiii'i CKi:u-J. Mi l i.k!s iZa& atieutlc-i l-i Wilis Cars ad li-l-it!- Z f COUNTRY. Will Sn4 cr.r ttci.k of JueaUiuM eimj)!ets, rat- rai-.trd ana of tue l-?r ijua'.isj Our ,t.;r8 i ia tl Fir, Trf trri-koa First A!barr. H. V, OUR BUSINESS ENLARGED!!00 ta11ki' n. oiiteis. s. s. XASsoia. OLIVER &, MARK HAM, ALB AN yTo li KG ON. J 1STEW STORE I j . ; Ivirr irnMnill I 1 TTrVTIil' . mr . ...... - - - ti il.e !a.i we bv h.veiil ml l. ! , I''i '.it. mid tare rem i f 1 fr in unr !:it : :anj tu 13 i srse ijd? ri-jr !:i'. :r tcujjici v .1.... r i , . ' fiiend and eutvBier and ibe pnb'U' gm .-rally. AsJ w iha'.l kf-p evostautly vti huui a gtntrai assoitiuaiit if DRY AND FANCY GOODS, AVD CEOTIII.G, BOOTS and SHOES, HATS and CAFS. Orerery dsscrlption and of tbe best and la!1' !. HARDWARE, CROCKERY GLASSWARE. ...ALSO... FAMI IjY G R O C ERI ES ! Which we will sell As L,oit ns Any Store lu Town. A liberal tbare of pairtsnngo is ri??pcctfu!!y solicited. VEGETABLES AND FRUIT, of the best assortment ai:d quaiitks always on liacJ. OLIVKR A MARK HAM. Albany; December 9, ISOi. ALBANY FClADUr AND MACHINE' - SHOP ! A. F. CHERRY, HAVING PlRCIIA.SII Till EX tin intnt in t ie ALUANY FOUNDRY Ai O MACHINE SHOP, I am Prepared lo Furnish WROUGHT ANO CAST IRON WORK Of every description, on short notice. Also, BRASS CASTINGS. All for MILL WORK Will ba filled with dispatch, and iu a satisfactory manner. HORSE POWERS Agricultural Implements Manufactured to order, and particular attention paid to Repairs. All kinds of PATTERN WORK done to order on short nrtice A. F. CHERRY, Albany, September 16, 1SC5. -- milE TRUSTEES OF THE JL ateranamed Institution of L-nrninj. at a niveang b ;ld (nviitnrday, Nor. 11. l.S6.-rc-or? the School, by-the einplnymcnt of Rev. W. A. FIjJLEY, AB.. as Prjsid'T.t, and R. N. Arm BTjloso. Estj., Professor of Mathematics. Tho Profess irs barin-'tit r?o of tha Instifntion. pledge thcuifcHes to dewt.- untiring atten tion to the interests of the pupils placed under their supervision. ... All the branches of learning nsnallv tannt in Colle.a will receive special attention when dasired. The Trustees intend t make the C irvallb Col- le-o a FIRST CLASS INSTITUTION of learning, worthy tue patronage of all friends of education. RATES OF TUITION . FOR SESSION OF 5 MONTHS: Prixart Branches $!O.GO PllEPAltaTOBT, DITTO. ....... 12.50 Advanced, ditto 15.00 I.ncidextal Expenses 5 cents per week. Of those Krinar out of tho County, payment re- quired iuvariahlv in advance. Those in the City uud County, one half ia advance, tha balance at tho close ot the Sessnm. SJ-Fpr further particulars address the Presi deut, Ret. W. A. F1.v1.15y. Corvallis, i)regdnt or - il. CAXTERBt'RY, President Bjard of Trustees. te-cinbcr 2, 1S63. 17-tf ; i .: NOTICE! NOW IS A CSOOO TIME TO SET Uj up. W will taUd WHKAT aud OATS u te highest Cash price, on ail accouuu due us or casa will do Just as welt. (1001) NEWS MJOOI) NEWS ! THinVAIUS I5NDED! COR COUNTRY ISSAYED FOREVER I RALLY! RALLY! ONE AMD ALL AT THE STOBE li. OTEIKAH1? orro-rn: run oi-tic e. J k t.z:vz: ro Ersrops tss;: 1. 1 I .. .t .)i.,i ;i.,-Vs ni Mr-r ;i:ii;i'!e vtr l-i-.i:;-!.t l i thi. .'.L-ik-.t. direct !V.,isi Xivt y.iik mi l h-ja Fiaueuc-7. oasistiu of every d.; scrhilivti vf LADIES', CHILDRCN'G, GENTS' AND EOYS' DRESS AND FURNISHING GOODS, fa-.ii :tl f DelsiitiCH, C;hii?rfs. Jsohuirs, C!crtnatii! t'iiii'i, .'Iit'!i(i:i!i!to, tiltiiill IT:? ill, XVIlU'C-JM, IJflJiiijrp, Poplins, Silks, I:.?;jjfrs, S'lirjiGls, ItJoIiftss-, I'oitlurii'?, i L I'rit-e, JlerittOH, Aipm as, j fihI-i, i ioth Cioks, li wod, Ovsxccp.ta cr All Hints. LINEN K SHIETS, OVKT! SHIRTS, MEIUN'O AN'P COTTON SOCKS. s,!AKr:R T LAN NFL I" N I EI: S 1 51 T.T S AND SII.K VKTT nVKTVcmtT SILK A N'T) ME P. I NO ANP COTTON GLOVES, S LOOTS AND SHOE? OF ALL KINDS. i . , . , Faints, Oils, tend, Looliiug Glasses, Carpels, wan rwPcp, on cloths, Vi iudorr Shatlcs, Curlaitis. ; IlardHsre, Tool. Table aad i'oeliet . i . ; .m:jps. ; 'ict,, uuoisware, Crockery, nil Iiintis, , Groceries, Ar.d many c?ber articles, t-o cnmcr&us to teer.Uoa. TIIEIIIGIirST IniCE PAID FOtt COUNTRY PRODUCE if every description. Come and Examine 52y Stocli llcfore Purciiaslng Elsewlicre. m- NEW BRICK STORE ! "S Oppcsita the Pest Office, Albany. L. STERN BACH. Albany, Sept. 30. 1S63. LOOK AT THIS! GOODS BELOW COST! KOIIN & KICE SELLING OUT! TO CLOSE BUSINESS! IXTEXDIJVG TO I5ETIK5 TO tiic :5latv3 as tarty as practicable, we are deter mined to CLOSE OUT OUR ENTIRE NEW STOCK, M'hiih we brought on here in tha Spring, AT BELOW COST. We wish the public to give us a call before pur chasing elsewhere, as we assure them we will oEer bargains fur Cash or any kind of Merchantable Produce. Call at onr Store in Nat. II. Lane's old staa d, under Cranor & Helm's Law OiTieo. KOIIN A RICE. Albany, October 23, 1SC5. PACIFIC HOTEL, J. C SPXlHriGEi;, - Proprietor. TniS LONG ESTABLISHED, LARGE, C0M m jiiiuus and well furnished house is main tained as a First-Class Interior Hotel, For tha entertainment of regular boarders and transient guests." . Thi bouse was almost entirely re-bnilt last year and thoron-hlv ro-furaished wilh NEW BEDS Beddins and 1'urnUure. THE TABLE Is provided with every substantial and rare with every substa sons. . tiis noozas treat of the seasons. - : Ara Comtnodious and well ventilated. Prompt aud caret ul attendance is assured to guests.. The California Stage Company's mail coaches come to and go from tha Hatch Charges moderate. Albany, August litn, I860. augutr PL. ANING wiiiili ! J. 33- O 03six,E"S--ALBANY,OREGON. I HAVE ALWAYS OJ IIAXD, or will Manufacture to order, every style of ' DOORS, SASH AND BLINDS, ai the saore..o notice and lowest posi-iulo charges. Boards Matched and Planed. IVork executed in a stylo not surpassed by any Shop in tbe State. j&- T.Tie Mill is ia the lower part of the town, ou the rivjr bank, at tho oornors of the joining claims of the Monlittbs and Uackleman. , . J. B. COMLEY. Albany, Septeoaber 20, 1865, NO KAIiTIItfAIEl THE LOWESTPRICES OL THE WEW STORE f WITH EHTIFtELY KEV GOODS , J' is; it iirtoTitrit iiAVixct jus t r -.Uihti'-h'A t:.rllifc 1 vts ill thfl NEW BRICK STORE, r'ljp'j'-.e t':c ll't;n trcn G J!etr, on First ltrt, IX AOiA.W, OIICGO.V, T.ilie j r.rr: In aimr.unMtig t the jitslilso tit !! -y ar? n 't in ruculpt ( t!i - t utESSITE, BEST SELECTED STOCi OF ' GEfJERAL MERCHANDISE r.ri-r i rou';!.t to th's j.lo";, which tby will icll M low ns eny '.tier b'ue. We aiU particular attea tloa to cur stock of - 2D3LT GOODS, in of l'.e Latett Stylw of wrr"i C;0!?, Foulard, French 3Ieriiso Deittlne, ' JSohalr, Ioplius, ICnIisIi 7'Jerinon, AIpHcas, if Sil-is, 'iusllnn, Sheeting, Linens, Krondrloih', C'ttssluierel, ; l'lajincIof all kind. pri:,t, American, English nd French, of evcrr j le. 'A most I3!eirtr;t' and complete icrtaent LADIES' CLOTH CLOAKS,.? SAQLT..?. CIRCULARS,. ..-vr Ti'ALKIXO BASQUES, . BASQUES, CHILDREN'S CLOAKS. ...AtSa... II0SI2F.T, GLOVES, IUEE0N3, UAUZ I MKTS, ai;d ehies rps&wimas, , KOOP SKIRTS, jEALMOKALS, I U&T3 Htm EOriKETS. f ...AI.0... ICHiLDREN AKD YOUTHS' CLOTHING 1 i 't fvcry p titcra avid Taric-ty. jfiCSTS' f LGTKI5G A5D FtRXISflHG GOODS, 0 tlis la: -.' !v!es, fabtics aad fasaioni. Coot end Shoe. I ...Ai-ss... 't A oini'.k-is a&d rrlsd ftcek ef r i'froceries. Croclicry and Glassware, Carpets and Oilcloths, Cufiery and tlardRare, I:sir.l- and Oil, dr. Ve will take ertry ip??:e ef COUNTRY PRODUCE Atyl f jr it tus biglit market pric. KOJIN A LROTHER. Al.ii!j, Oe:. il, 1835. -. S. 15. TSie aamcrons friends of ?. r.OSLN, of tee late firm of A. Schlasw! 4 Co., MrH! fi'icl hies at ottr Store, prei.sred to wait on ha ,,u frit..;i U ftnd fornter wavu. K. k LRO. ; i crillf-iR (IFF ! F.FillNR DFF1 l - rrr "KXTr-TS TXT t ; OOU,U vU W V-'xvxxa.i CIIAHLES BARRETT,; Frost Strqst. ard Ho. 5 Washington Etrctt, Peitlard. . TIte E,rcstt Most General, and Most Splemlisl Assort mwil or STATIONERY, BLANK BOOKS, LETTER. PRESSES) &C, ON THE PACIFIC COAST, . - Consisting of 2,000 Go! Peas, tea dc by Mabie 4 Todd, and by others: warranted gold ; ' r JJOO riiotorajih Albums, leantiftil ss9ortmet ; 5.000 Quirts Blank Books, Rcusia, bf bound, Ac; 500 Lct er and Seal Presses, and Eyelet Cuttart; 6K) Volnroes Medical and Law Books; lO.fiCO Novels, assorted, paper covers ; - ; . -,- 5,000 NuvcU, cloth binding. An Immense Assortment f SCHOOL BOOKSI ...seen as... Spe"ers, Readers, Grammars, Aritbmetia ; - v Geography, Algvbra, Speakers, Latin. Greek ; . Hebrew, Gorman, Freneh. Spanish, Welch, ? Histories, Travels, Memoirs, Mathematics, ., ; Also, a Large Assortment of RICHLY BOUND H Bibles, Prayer and Iljmin UtocSff Webster's. Walter's, and Johnson' Diatioaariwf Lippincctt's Pronouneing Gazotccr ; . . piur's and Ttsrien 'a French ; - Anthon's end Andrews' Latin ; Adler's and OUendnrfTs German. BansU'a Spaszt; History, Biosrraphy. and Natural History ' It. i;c:..",ii5 worki and Sacred Classics: Standard Fiction. Science, Arts, Toy Books J ' "t Belles Lfttres, Gift Boohs, Miscellaneous; ' rijW-s. Arr-liitoetnre. Mechanics : : . Voyages and Travels Encyclopedias, 'Text Books School ana toileziate liaons, iiaps. vaaro , Theology, Juvenile Books; V' - Bibles aad Prayer Books ; r Poetry and the Drama, Modern Classics; . Mechanics' Text Books and Pocket Corapaaict; l Atlases, Globes, and PeItnS Map, &. MISCELLANE010 A Consitting of ' . f -r Music and ilasteal Instruments, Bird C ;tf f4 Brashes of all kinds, Twine. Mmillsiga, 8t .mf i f Fish Lines an I Hooks, Reels, Poles and Baki Flairs. TOvs. Inkstands. Steel Pecat Baaketa of all kinds, Powdi r Flasks, Shot Blti Drawing Instrnments, Drawing Paper, reneiisrr Chcss Boads and Men, Checker Boards aud Mat; Backeammon Boards. Dice Rod Boxes, Domincei Playing and Visiting Cards, Perforated Paper;: . Optra, Quartz, Magnifying and Telescopic Glasses Baby Carriscs, Hobby Horses, Ac., 4c., 4c All for sale at the very towest prices. t N. B.- Particular attention given to " -; orders From the Interior. CHARLES BARRETT.' Portland. Novembor 16, 1S85. . i - i ; . : ; . . JOHN FEUGrsonv i (OF SAN FRANCISCO, CAUF0EJJIA.)''; Will attend in person to the , . . , Prosecution of Claims Arising ia Orejoa nad California, - r And to the Settlement of Accounts witi the STATE. TREASURY. WAR. NAVY ANO FffST OFFICE DEPARTMENTS. '. ... IN THE INDIAN BUREAU. LAND CR PATENT OFFICE. Persons having business can have it promptly attsnded to, and obtain information from time W time, if desired. , . " ; Apobess . 476 SEVESTE STREET, WASHINGTON CITY D, C. a2S NOTICE. -' THE COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFOR35 existinar between A. F. Chebbt and Jo Last iu the Foundry business bas been this day dissolved by mutual consent. The business wiiL be ooatinucd hereafter by A. F. Chebrt in bit own name, who will pay all debts of 4h late firm, and will collect and receipt for all debts dae the same. A. P. CHERPsY, Albaay.Deo 9.1S65. J0BN EAST. ' CASH PAID FOR WITCAT AJfO OATS, by J. FLEISCHNE& A CO. rr TOXS OF SALT, FOB SALTfi dJ chea-p, by J. FLElSSlER COv V: V 'I f I