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XL A Journal for tbe People. Devoted to the Interests of Humanity. Independent in Polities and Religion. Utve to all Live Issues, and Thoroughly Itadteal ln Opposlngand Ki posing the Wrongs ot the Masses. i. J. lilMfU, (Utter awt Prep V F ICE-Cor. Kkokt W ubingtun mtbjuets TEKM8, IN ADVANCE: f i I- r One year... mouths ... Tlree months.... ICO 1 75 1 00 ADVERTISEMENTS Inserted on Term MARTHA MARBLEHEAD The Halt and Matrsn sfCbetialem. Bv MBS. A.J. UUNIWAY, IcriMK OF "JCOTTH REII," "ELLES BOWll, ahie asb HEmre lee," "ihi HArrr HOME," "OSK Vox AST'S SPBEBE," "MAIHiE HOSHHOS," ETV., ETC., KTC. j . h .i, according to a. i or congress, in '.! ! t.y Mm. a.j. Duiiiwsy, in thenar oi th Librarian of Congr. "at Washington City. CHAPTKlt XXVI. Kingston Greeusborough was alone in his little private office in the city of Washington. The night was sultry, aud tbe stifling at.oosphere was terribly oppressive. "Why the citadel of government should be kept in this horrid climate Is more than I can tell !" be exclaimed, aloud, wiping tbe perspiration from his forehead, and giving vent to sundry potTb and respirations of tbe discontent always inspired by intense heat. "If I had my way. I'd move this molten cap ital to the summit of the Rocky Moun tains, or some equally central position, wbere there's a breath of air in the sum mer months," be added, not noticing that he had a listener. "Ah .' eh ?" be asked, iu mingled rage and scoru, as Thomas Jones stood before him, trembling like tbe arrant culprit that he was. "And to what am I in debtel for this untimely visit, pray ? Tbe atmosphere of my office was nearly , enough like the temperature of hell be- i fore you eutered it, and uow it is insuf-' ferable. Head that, you dog !" i At anot her ti me the Houorable Thomas l Jonts would have resented the insult; , now he lairiy quaneu wmi guilt and apprehension. In bis soul be knew he was a thief and a robber, and. though be believed there were no hu-, man laws to bring bim to justice, he felt inslinelively the foretaste of the higher law lo which all are ever to be held re- . sponsible in tbe end. He took tbe let ter mi his nerveless fingers. The hand writing wax only too familiar. "What business bus my wife to be writing to yout" he managed to say;; but his assumption of injured dignity only made bim feel aud look the more , contemptible. "Read, and see. "The home your kindly hand and no- I ble heart prepared for me is gone," . wrote Martha. "Tbe Captaiu Johnson ' who negotiated for tbe sale of my bard-, earned farm, and helped the dishonest , thing the law calls my husbaod to , wrong you out of, after you bad paid j your money for it, has levied upon all ' my right, title, and interest in tbe city house aud grounds, and the whole is ! gone, under tbe hammer. I protested, but in vain. I tried to hold a third In terest in tbe property, but failed. My husband's debts, the judge decided, took precedence over any of my own in terests; for, in law, I belong to Thomas Jones, soul, body, and earnings. I know not what to do next. I have been very ill for a day or two, else I would have written earlier. My step-mother, touched by remorse, and humiliated by ber public discomfiture, has been kind to me; but, Kiug, ber very atmosphere is poison to me, and I cannot live in It. My 'alher otters me a home, but I can not become a pensioner upon the bounty of a man, iu my faded womanhood, who married me or?, in my fresh young girl hood, to get rid of me, when he knew I detested the ootids. I have tbe bouse. hold furniture left, hich I would sell and hide myself sonu here, in earth's oblivion, and live till I could do better on the proceeds, only nolvody is willing to purchase, lest my legal master come and reclaim his property, as he did iu your ease. So I am driven to the wall. I will send the children home with my step-mother, for they have not my cause for withering under her breath, and I will start forth, penniless and alone, to make my way in the world unaided. Don't try to find me, King. I shall never look you n the face again, for I feel that you have been wronged so far beyond my poor power to make repara tion that I cannot bear to meet you. King, I sometimes wonder if there is a life beyond this vh. of i-.r- whua tii wronirs of this life m-.v h rih, i. uiav surprise you tbat a Christian worn- I eou,,9el8 ln important matter con- au should ask such a question, or raise ceruin tbe fla,re of State such a doubt, but I am driven to doubt To look upon one couple harmoni everyihiuu except my own dreary ex- I ously mated, iu a country and uuder a istei.oe. Would to God I might doubt ' 8ytem where not oue pair iu teu are tnt " really contented with their condition as The lawful husband aud absolute each other's custodians, is a sight to owuer of this hum,) woman's earnings ; gladden the eyes and heart of a human hunc his head in ha,e. itariau even less susceptible of the fll- "Do you kuow, Tom Jones, low-lived uess of things than the humble cbroni dog that you are, that it u ouly my cler of lHlrr,Uve. j e,,,, that , sublime contempt for you that rrmlu like to think upon and write about a you to exist for a minute ." said KiU(!, glowering. I am more sinned against than ln - uing. whimpered the legal bei. And how? "kedKtng. -he never loved me." And you, knowing she did not love you, intruded your j reseiice upon her, and compelled her to be your drudge, your slave, and tbe moiuer U your ebil - dren. In addition lo this, you have de- prived he- of iue entire proceeds of her earning-,, ,nd made ber the unwitting i" t' i..o .tiia ruiu me, ber best i 1. No wonder, nnor nn- II'. ir Hi self a. f.-i. iI'iHls Ix'.iljV. tllflt Villi tlunb ......... KTicveJ I nevVr in mv hf i sncved. I t.e er in my l,fe have volume vn. kuown any man who habitually wronged ft woman but thought site had abused him." And you, good reader, liave doubtless observed tbe same phenomenon. You, as well as I, have more than once known men o beooUed by rum or licentious ness that nobody could endure them ex cept their wires, and they had to; and ! vnu have heard tbem, after having fairly worn the wife's life away through abases and privations, declare, and you have beard other people echo the decla ration, that tbe poor, fellows were more sinned against than sinning, for tbeir wives liad wade them what rhey were. And yet these are t5e men who cry out tbe loudest against woman's right to life, liberty, and happiness, and who predict tbe direst consequences to the world if Hhe become endowed with her own inalienable prerogatives. "Do you know where Martha is now?" asked the injured (?) husband, with a show of interest. "Indeed I do not. Would to heaven I did. But, If I knew, I would no more pive yon h clue to her whereabouts than I would expose the alding-place of any other runaway slave." "What do you intend to do about this business? Do you mean to try to get your money back ?" "If I didn't despise you I wouldn't hesitate to boot you out of my office for asking sueb a questioo. No; you know as well as I that I eanuot recover the money. As you are the womau's hue baud, you cannot wrong her, under the law, auy more than a slave owner, un der tbe old regime, could wroug his property; but there is one mode of re dress. I'll prosecute that go-between, who aided vou to swindle me. Gus uhl.llHll know. . mbMlt Long as King had been engaged as a secret service detective, and wily as he I t nM.m In kvlnnlna nltlAm trt. I tia. 6. tiee, he was thrown off his guard for , . " once. 1 noma joues umz caugnt an iue. "And what does he kuow V King was himself again. The ques- , tion had put him upon tbe alert. j Nothiog." Then how can be know all .'' Irs of no consequence." But evideutly Thomas Jones, tbe ' Honorable, did not tbluk it was of no eooseq uenee. Before be slept he had j ' dispatched to his accomplice, saying: j j Summit. Sacks. Soap. 81ilp sails Sunday, i Kixrru i When this dispatch was received by tbe Captain, it made a visible change in j ' his deportment. His dress encountered 1 ' a complete metamorphose, also, and by I , mornhig he was ready to obey tbe tele- gram, which he interpreted to say, j "Spies. Smoked out. Skedaddle. Tbe closing sentence ueeded uo inter pretatiou; but the young man obeyed it , roe llonoraoie l nomas jooes leu me company or Kingston ureeusoorougn i with a atMntTA rnMllAlllnv linVftrinorl " r s. about mm. lie was not wnony oevoia of conscience, and, in spite oj himself, there was a lingering tenderness for tbe mother of his children In his heart, which be could not quite dispel. I have seen a man beat and abuse his patient horse till tbe poor animal was dead, and then shed tears of real sorrcw over the defunct carcass. So I have seen a man who hat! appropriated as bis own the entire services of an unloved and uncberished wife till be bad lost her, and then he has been badly sorrow stricken. But in either eae tbe remorse t has come too late to benefit tbe injured I""- wneiner norse or wile. ! " ue -,nK lo pnecuie iue hirsute-countenanced Captaiu who had ' K"en Pwion of bis property, the bird bad flown; and he had himself to thank for the indiscretion that haa caused him to take alarm. Captaiu Johnson well kuew that, as he was not the husband of the swindled party, there was danger of a striped suit aud bard labor in store for bim iu the ieuiteiitiary, for it is everywhere con sidered a crime in law to obtain mouey uuder false preteu-es from auy one to whom the offending person is not mar ried. Colonel Augustus Marblehead pursued tbe duties of bis office with much credit to liim-elf. His little wifj proved a ' venisoie jewel, a nil. like au honest mn- he Invariably took her iutn his happy union. But the trouble is, such , are so scarce that my stock in store is !s,n exhausted. In cases wbere there are uo obstructions to a happy life. then, U ,ery lillle to Take away a the ' mountains, Island, amI ' " ' that obstruct tbe course of a mlehtv river, and its roaring cataracts become 1 a placid current that ever stogs achant iug lullaby to life, as It goes wandering smoothly on toward the sea. put ii,.. same river, or two of them, imperfectly blended together, to coursing their way .......... ..Aaiii nn.l i. . . . . : 1 .1... i. l ... 7"u,uw l" u" will give you many themes to dilate J?OTS.Xr.A0Vr), OREGON, FKIDAY, JTOVV.RY -1, upon that may tax your powers of de- I sorlptlon to the uttermost. I Colouel Aucustus Marblehead was too happy and too busy to thlnktor know very mnch about the life struggles of a robbed ami injured woman. He was as luoky in finance as in love, aud being prosiered in these two relations, how eould he sympathize with tbe miafor tunes of those wno never had been : happy and successful in either? But Martha Marblehead, the junior, was a very different sort of person from i iu store for yon In the society of the Martha Marblehead, tbe senior. Not man you love, only because you haven't but that she was ambitious for her bus- been a conjugal sinner yourself. I'm band, ami proud of his honors and sue- disgusted.' cesses. She loved him, aud, per cue-1 "Man looks "St the outward appear quenee, his people also. Tbe attach- j ance, but God looks Ht the heart," was ment of the guileless Ruth to aucieut i the bond-woman's meditative reply. Boas was not more complete tban hers; "I wonder If I haven't Iteen pluming nor did Ruth's artless assertion, "Thy 1 myself over much upon my righteous lieople shall be my people, anil thy God I conduct, and pay log too little heed to the my God," more fitly apply to tbe one 'cause aud consequences of my inborn than the other. ' inclinations?" When Martha Jones nee Marblehead j "Now you're talking sense, my staler, had parted from her children and her i Shall I write to King and tell him all home, and had written lo King, as! about it?" above quoted, and had started forth in ' "No, dearie; not now. If lam to be tbe world, pennileas and alone, ber first , happy iu this world, or tbe next, I must thought was to meet ber much-loved sister-in-law, with whom abe held long and important counsel. "Vou are the only woman, my sweet sister, who has not counseled ine to go back, with my children, under the im- j can be induced to forfeit her word." per knis rule of tbe one woman whom, of j ;t be continued.; all others, I have most cause to dread," saia the homeless one. To the Point. "I realiie the situation," was the! The following resolutions were jmssed kind reply, "and would not for the j t U)e rwelt allliua, (lne 8ixtl Suf. world see you thus humiliated; but I j fra)?e C),VeullT,n held In Des Moines, had hoped that you and our mutual Iowa: mother, aecordiug-to-the-law, had by Jietotrrd, That the aristocracy of sex, this time completely buried the , as it exists iu this con u try, is contrary hatchet." natural justice aud to the spirit of our ... , , , . . . r . , free Institutions. "I have forgiven her, botleauuot for- , Ilcllolv,lit Thmt taxation without rep get the past, and I cannot live in ber reseutanou is tyranny, whether the vi sivht. Hard indeed is It for me to be tints be women or men, and that all ; derived of tbe society of my little ones. , ... , ' T . . . i but it is better so than Uiat I should spoil their dispositions by reflecting UKu them the constant shadow of my owu outrages. To my mind, the mother who can give up the society of her chil dren for tbeir good is far more hemic nd unselfish than the one who slays wlth tbem constantly to gratify her self 1 love, when she. can best further their interests by going-away into oblivion." "But where will you go, sister?" "I do not know." "Surely yon will not bide from me?" "I cannot say." "Have I not always reen your friend?" "Yes, dearie; it isn't that." "Then don't be angry if I ask you a question, will you V "No, you precious goose." 'Well, you know, sister, the talk is that you are going off to meet K'ng , (ireetiHboroinrh- 'Tian't true, is it '."' Xben vou. too. doubt me. O. mv sis- ' teFi i did Ilot look for tha, j l... . . ... a n iiiuuhim urauuB. uearie. . t . . i a .1 i . . nui. luoifimr vour love Tor ivimr nv your miue for Gus, I feel as though my ques tion wasn't altogether criminal. The difference only lies in the fact that we are married, and you are not." "A difference that makes a wide dis tinction, sister mine. Do you know, I sometimes lose faith in God, in heaven, aud in humanity? And then, again, I eanuot help believing that there is a life I beyond human ordering, where the wrougs of this existence can be righted. Some day I believe I shall come to King, as his other self; but I fancy it will be when each of us has shuflVd oil' this mortal state, and shall be clad in the incorruptible robes of immortality. j , wrote , nim the ,,,,. dav eXr,.,. , . ,ubl of evervthim?. I ish I bad added as a postscript the hope that , I have iust mentioned. It uiicht have I comforted him." I "Well, sister, for cay part, I confess ' that to me there's a great deal of trans ! ceudeutal nonsense in your heroics. If I God intended you aud King as couuler ; parte of each other, aud it looks to me tbat he did, else you wouldn't he so thoroughly iu love with each other, In meant that you should enjoy this life to gether, as welt as the next. I never did believe In surfeiting the system on the oilier unu-'oi iue, nil we would Jose all taste for even the sweets of it. "Then what would you have me to do?" "Go where you please, or s'ay here, If I you like. Our hone and hearts are big enouirh for vou. Obev the laws of men. badly as you have been outraged by i recommended be swallowing of it in .. . .. , ,, . ,! extreme cases In which be had just been them, until you are legally divorce.! ; nUfd , lhe jcK of u,ne nen from man-made bonds, aud then you 1 fungus was too near closing toallow the can be in a position to give the laws of gargling, he blew tbe sulphur through a (:,ui - nim,ua i iiuiil into the throat, and after the fuu Uoda cnance. gUs had shrunk to allow of It, then the "But you know the law of Jesus. H iu . .,iet from wouiu i noi violate an iinpnnam com mand should I, as a divorced woman, become a wife ?" Tbe little woman laughed merrily. 'ine iron-jacket discipline or Msjor Marblehead has colored your imauina- .... tion w, iia luay conns, sne sa.u. .in- niilaivfjlv . . ..... ... . . . ... ""' ITZ.I, ..n. .In ,A, ...... ... ... .. yourself in bondage to a man who brought his wicked amorita into your vast- Iu,,naul vll,u! UI..F : . . nis owu ouiigauou to you, merely cause you have not been guiltv of a like sin, I must sav tbat I can't comprehend 1 your code of ethics." 'If I believed the course you unli , w"'d be nght, V follow it if the heavens feii, lho ,ono womaIli J, J ii-rt nunn J ,J,e ' 1 j lariy, paiiouiftc iiliu i.cnij. iue jnu- tion," was tbe rather petulant response. (Tronic drunkardsare put to an ex- (gU mnl8teraua wife, and several mem "If you feel morally bound to BoM' 'j: tbe British aud Brazilian Em- Fbkb srncx. Pant Fkbm, Pkeb I'opi.e. ILKJULJJIUIII musingly, while herheart prompted the suggestion, and her pale face lit up with a beaming nwiance. "I haven't your conscience in ray keeping, sister; but I know, if Gun were in King's place, and I in yours, the whole world shouldn't part us. Aud I shouldn't think It necessary to be a moral convict, personally, in order to put myself on a par with Tom Jones, In a vain attempt to get even. You talk as if there could be no conjugal happluess preserve my owu inner self-respect. While men's laws bind me us the wife of another, I will obey tbe mandate. I promised, you know, and no genuine Marblehead, whether maid or matron, persons who assist in bearing the nur- dens of government should share equally iu Its pt ivi lege-. i:eolvct. That the ballot is a source i of po it and necessary lo the protection r iiiiii vKiiiai rigiiiM and liberties; mat it should be ttie proiwrty of all law- I ahldmir-adiilt citizens. licnultol. That we believe the ballot ill woman's hand would prove a blese- ' m",Re ." "1rse" awl Her country; , vance her interest-, aud eularire ' her ! opiHirluuitieH, it will al- bring to tbe State the ameliorating iullueuceof her enlightened conscience mid moral force. III . I Wi. It.l nilru. uo. f I -riiiiued and vigorous tro- i a more ileteriuiueil aud vigorous prose- ciitionof this work; ami that we will be- I I siege the State Legislature to take such j preliminary action as is necessary I toward luve-tliiig woman with her fulU ! rights of citizenship. I ' Whi:kkas,, The ballot is necessary to ' uproi many oi me evils wnicu amid , vl t" w a i , thl (s.ieni, silent power; therefore, 1?.. 11,-1 i, i. .,, .1,.,.. f 1 women to contribute to the supnort of ! I the clergy I Akiu...u..i who oppose their eufrau- 11 I ' Congress has enfran chised the negro, alien aud ex-rebel; and. v h krfas, rne women citizens are i Ml illt. I ItFMIlt AU I ll fliriMMIll I 1 1 1 I 1 1 IbrMf rn Jlenoli ril, That the citizens of this Stale nolle ill a-petition to Congress for a.eenin lo v.. ...II- tuti f tlie I nlted States, giving women also the ballot upou eciuul terms with men. JUtotttd, Tbat the thanks of the I Christian women of this Convention be extended to Rev. Isaac See, of New Jer- j sey, and other clergymen, tor their no- Ide stand, :ts ministers of the gospel, it. I behalf of women's right to speak from j the pulpit, aud thus help to remove the l.iifoiry which fetters the free exercise ' of the religious inclinations of women. 1 Omo for Diphtheria. A correspondent of a Victoria paper writes : Should you or any of your family be at tacked wilb diphtheria, do not lie alarmed as it is easily and sneedilv cured without a ooctor. When it was raging in Kugland a short time ago, I accompanied Dr. Field on his rounds In witness the so-called "wonderful cures" t -t I ... i. : 1.. .i ... . . lie ieiiijiue,i, mine iue Riliei.lH OI oin- ers were uropping on un ai. s.ues. I lie remedy, to be so rapid, must be simple. I All be took with him was powder of .sulphur and a quill, and with these he ii red every patient without exception. 1 1 . ,uu.uu...f..i ..r l..... i...n "1 his finger, instead of a spoon, as the sul jiliur does not readily dissolve with wa ter. When tbe sulphur was well mixed, he Kiive it as a gargle, and in ten mm '.Hen tbe patieut was out of danger. Brimstone kills every species of fungus in ma. i, beast, or plant Iu a few minutes. Instead ot spitting out tbe gargle, be diphtheria. If a patient eanuot gargle, - - M- take a live coal, put it on a shovel, sprinkle a spoonful or two of t brimstone at a time upon it, nml let the sutlerer inhale it, holding the head over i, m ni ili fimmis will die. The room may also be tilled with the fumes of the , I !,....- ..,.1 tUm Matlttllt m al- - , ,e noMm It J . tiiiraiiviap nil I nn u r. inn uib mscii m " is at east woilli Irving. . (fera most it the hands aud feet of the chronic iuduces him to till himself wllh IlltOXieatlllC tlUtll ttllU IUCU kill ihimir Snlt is thereupon nrougui I " n7t tue jsst msn who had the in (b- i ... .n Honor to the drunkard, ' and the jurv compels him lo pay what is considered a fair price for the de- .mried. A very interior article oi very drunkeu husband can '. .1 . . .. ... !.;.. be made In this ue to his widow from to OUR "W 18HINQT0N LETTEH. To the Editor or the New Northwest : TheSenate has been busy with itssllver measures since Monday, and, regardless of the near approach of adjournment, drifted into general debate upon them. Nothing particularly new has been de veloped, for silver arguments are worn so threadbare by repetition that no bus iness man comprehends any of them, or even tries to, and the great subtleties and elucidations evolved by the honor able Senators during this week will fall lightly upon the country as water on a duck's baek. Mr. Dawee, however, made an interesting and rather a sur prising point In showing the incorrect ness of the eharge that the act of 1ST3, demonetizing silver, was passed through parliamentary trickery, for he clearly demonstrated that It did not become a law until after fullest discussion in the House and Senate, atnl repeated annual recommendation of the nnuucialoillcIaU of the government. Even Mr. Kelly, of Pennsylvania, whose greenback the ories are well-known, made a speech in favor of the bill, in which he said that this country, like Kugland, should niuke the gold dollar the absolute uuit. Tills view would be astonishing did we not realize by dally observation that the popular will causes every legislator to change even his llfe-loug views, the ad vocacy of which, upon the stump and in Congress, made and kept lilm a pub lic man. Senator Bayard announces that he must serate himself from many of his esteemed colleagues, now that they have become suddeu and zeal ous converts to the silver heresy, seem ingly forgetful of the fuel that these po litical brethren must forego their own personal views to carry out the wishes of their constituents, whose demand that silver must be remouetized is so strong as to be irresistible. Every day's debate shows that the opponents to this e1(, UBVe but a smaU II)tnority in the Senate. Au exciting struggle has taken plaee over the New York Presidential ap- pniutments, in which Mr. Conkliiig came otl victorious by aid of certain Democratic votes, and tbe causes of such a strange coalition are subjects of weighty deliberation among Mr. Conkling's opponents as the liitermlna- ble matters of metallic standards of money. Mr. Conkliug has many ene- i fiit u. liuru IT.. I niiii. w.aia im and these are backed by an equally strong dictatorial individuality, which asserts itaelf whenever he is called into action any ubjecli heuce nl8 vigorous . ' ... ... hitting propensities make him many euemies in bis own party, as well as that of his opponents. Tbat he, in a battle with the administration, should have been able to marshal Democrats Inin liia rxnbu lr under his dinta- Hon is as much a nroblem as whv mauv staid Senators should prove enthusiastic advocates of an extreme silver measure. The House seated Mr. Patterson, con testant from Colorado, by a very close vole, rejecting the proposition to seat t Mr. Belfonl, by a very close vote, and ; lo relegate the whole matter to the peo ,,le f Colorado. But for a change of , oue , tb r , . , , , , , , t"'8 laltr proposition would have lieen carried, hence Mr. Patterson gets into Congress "by the skin of his teeth," for seating him was certainly a narrow miss, though a fine exemplification of the old saying, "where there's a will there's a way." The lailies have presented hundreds of petitions asking for the amendment which will give them a right to vote, i ami so strong is the pressure brought lo hear by tliem, that oue cannot resist the conclusion that it is only a matter of -horl time uutll these irrepressible agi tators for the rights of women will ac complish all they ask for. Mrs. Belva Lock wood, one of our female lawyers, is determined to gain access to the Su preme Court of the United States, from w(.j she has been heretofore barred by its decision, and she is too plucky to be defeated, hence we take it, she will soon b as much au advocate there as she is in our lower courts. She fought her way into these under strongest op position, and, of course, her vim can't be checked from going higher. Careful observation of the workings of Woman Suffrage iu Wyoming Territory leads us .uto strong personal judgment against the dogma that good can come from women mixing iu politics as voters. But we fully share Senator Thuruian's philosophy that it is perfectly useles to oppose mere personal judgment, given by the old fogy past, ugafust ioplilar will, hence, when public opinion gives us the amendment which these leua- I . c,,us, persevering women seem uoutia i ive, we w ill join with the pessimist ( , aoi!0ute fltct I B ""' ,, ,,. ; " balever is, is right. The most fashionable hotel here is , ..vormleys." Its proprietor is u eol- J ... - .. ored man, and he always lias a run i house. The foreign legations, partlcu- , !.. . I ... I. i ... f .....! Tlia Gnan. h assies board here. Felix. Washington, D. C, Dee. 24, 1877. mm 1110 ijiuck Sea. through Black spols broke out nil over the surface of a California man, after he had 1 leeii bitten by a spider, and he looked like a checkertmard. The spider is deail. iiki uuu run-tuns ere lriv-n iv the lunula Lam iuiu.Ii. til tw tv,.uri..f.n. A mail never wakes up his &evoud baby I to see it laugh. IVTJJIBEIi lO. In the United States Senate. SIXTEENTH AMENDMENT WOMEN PETITION!! as. Mr. Sargent I present the petition of l-.llzuDetn l. be n e n K, a citizen oi me United States, a resident of the State of California, and a tax-payer in bau Fran cisco, in which she respectfully petitions for the removal of her political disabili ties, and that she may be Urdu red in -ested with full power to exerciss her riulit or sell-government at me ballot box, all State laws or corutitutinns to the contrary notwithstanding, I also present a similar petition of Laura De Force Gordnu, of California. I move that these petitions be referred to the committee on prlvllegesand elections. The motion was agreed to. Mr. Thurmau I present the petition of Cornelia C. Hussey, of Essex county, New Jersey, similar to.thal presented by the Senator from California. fMr. Sargent I move its reference to the committee on privileges and elections. The motion was agreed to. Mr. Ferry I present the petition of Eliza Parker, of Thurston county, Wash ington Territory, praying for the re moval ot tMilltlual disabilities, i move its reference to the committee on priv ileges and elections. The motion was agreed to. Mr. Windom I nresent the petition of Mrs. Charles G. Van Cleve, a citizen of the United Slates ami a resident ot the city of Minneapolis, Minnesota, pray! ne for the removal of her nolitieal disabilities. I move its reference to tbe committee on privileges and elections. l he motion was agree I to. Mr. Jones, of Nevada I nresent a similar petltlou of A. II. H. Stuart, of Tliuistoti county, Washington Terri tory, praying for the removal of her po litical disabilities. I move its reference to the committee ou privileges and elec tions. The motion was agreed to. Mr. Oglesby I present the petition of June Graham Jones, of Chicago, Illinois, in whiuhsliestates that she is thenwuer of real and personal property to au amount exeedtng a thousand dollars; that she is taxed upon tbe same for all governmental purposes, and she desires to be relieved from this burden of taxa tion or else to have her political disabil ities as a citizen of tbe United States re moved, so that she may exereise the rieht of voting at tbe ballot-box. I ask that this petition take the course of the other petitioiis.oi. this subject. The vice-X'reslilent rne tietition win be referred to the committee on privi leges and elections. Mr. McMillan I present the petition of Sarah Burger Stearns, of Saint Louis county, Minnesota, praying for the re moval ot Her political disabilities, ami that she may be declared invested with full power to exereise the right of suf frage at the ballot-box. I move its ref erence to the committee ou privileges and elections. The motion was agreed to. 1 Mr. Chaffee I present a petition of a similar imiort from Medeliua Budd, a citizen of Morris couuty, New Jersey. I move Its reference lo the committee ou privileges and elections. The motion was agreed to. Mr. Allison I present the petition ot Eliza P. Willard Haroed, of Thurston county, Wasbingtou Territory, praying for the removal of her political disabili ties. I move its reference to the com mittee ou privileges and elections. The motion was agreed to. Mr. Cockrell I apear in behalf of one of the oppressed citizens of the Uulted Stales, and present the petition of Abbie L. Stork, a citizen of the United States aud u resident of the Ter ritory of Washington, praying Congress to remove her political disabilities, and that she may he invested with the right of local self-government. I move that it be referred to the committee ou privi leges aud elections. The motion was agreed to. Congressional Record, Xov. 7. Says the-Yariona Union of November 7, in referring to the above: The number of petitions of this class presented indicates a concerted and simultaneous movement over the conn- try among the women thereof. Tbe fact that so many of these (tapers are now presented by gentlemen of all po litical parties) indicates also that the cause of Woman SuUrage Is making marked progress and rapid strides. The Benefit ok Laughing. Dr. Greene, in bis "Problem ot Health," says there Is not the remotest corner r little inlet of tbe minute blood vessels of the human Ixsly that does not teel some wavelet from the convulsion occa sioned by good, hearty laughter. The life principle, or the central man, is shaken to its innermost depths, seudiug new tides of life and strength to the sur face, thus materially lending to insure good health to the persons who indulge therein. The blood moves more rapidly and conveys u ditlerent iniresiou to all the organs of the body, as it visits them on that artk;ular mystic journey when the man Is laughing, from what it does at jUier times. For this reasou, every good, hearty laugh in which a person indulges tends to lengthen his life, conveying, as it does, new and dis tinct stimulus to tbe vital forces. Doubtless the time will come when physicians, conceding more importi.iice than they now do to the influence of tbe mind uhii the vital lorcesof the Issly, will make their prescription more with reference to the mind, and less to drugs, for the body; and will, in so doing, find the best and most elleetive method of producing the required effect upou the imtieut. TUB Uivek Dantbe. The Danulie River has flicured largely m history for 2.000 years, and it again becomes ill-: object to which the eyes of the whole world has turned. It tumUlied a high way for the Turks in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries to ieuetrate Ku miss as far as Vienna, aud in the Cru sades it became an nutlet for the relig ious enthusiasm nf Europe to How to the Holy Land. The DhiiuIk-, from its source in Baden In tiie Black Sea, is 1. S20 miles loug, and it drains, with its tributaries, an area of over 300,000 square miles. It passes through Bavaria, Aus tria, Hungary, and Servla, to the Car pathian Mountains, where it separate- Jinumaniu ami itulguriu, and msses Into the Bluek Sea. thronuh several mouths, lhe principal one being that of SulKa. The Daunt, is navimihle for i steamers as far as Ului. in B.tvnria. At N'opolis, in the tourtevtuh century. Turks into the Din-ibe, and in the dr . teenth century 4u,0W Turks were si; I on its shores, at the blege of Belgrade. ain Correspondents writing over assumed signa ture most make known tbeir names to the Editor, or no attention will be (riven to their eonunanieattona. Wo Will Help 7 We are requested by the Resident Congressional Committee at Washing ton, D. C, to give the following letter as wide a circulation as possible through our columns: To Sixteenth Amendment Advocates Dear Friend: Since January, 1877, lhe Coi.Kressioual Committee of the National Woman SuUrage Associa tion at the headquarters iu Washington have printed and mailed 21,000 XVI amendment appeals and petition forms to friends of Woman Sutrrage, aimiug to secure a petition from every post otllce town in the luited States to the forty-fifth Congress, now assembled. We hoped our request to each signer to remit ten cents to the Treasurer of our Association would secure a food with whlen we might carry on tot- work until the voice of every Stale, county, and town is heard ou the lioor of House aud Senate: but although thousands are signing and circulating the petitions in all sections of the country, the financial intrt or our appeal is almost wholly dis regarded. We have long since exhausted our treasury audourowu personal resources. and tiHW 5.500 packages of petitions. forms, and appeals are lying here folded ami addressed, which we cannot mail lor want of postage. in meetlltlon or lo.ouo petitions and appeals we extended the time for circu lation to l-ebriiarv 1st, as we shall have large presentations iu both House and Senate in December, January, and Feb ruary. we now owe $55 for printing. S3o for labor, (folding, uddressiug, anil stamp ing) and it wilt take 6,500xle$55 00 for postage ou new petitions, so that it will take $55 plus $25 plus $55$135, to put in circulation the petitions we now have on band. There are still 20,000 post utllee towns that we have not been able to reach with our petitions for lack of means. Can you. will vou come to our aid? Faithfully yours. Sara J. Andrews Spencer, Cb'ii Res. Co... Com. N. W S. A. Spenceriau Business College, 7lh A S, Washington, D. C. Let me add my urgent appeal to tbe above. Mrs. Spencer has done her ut most, and cau do no more without help. Truly yours, Ellen Clarke Sargent, Treasurer N. W. S. A. 1,733 De Salles St., Washington, D. C. Tommy Tries to Smoke. I've been sick. Mamma said 'moking was a nasty, dirty, disgraceful habit, aud bad for tbe window curtains. I'apa said it wasn't. He said all wise men 'moked, aud that it was good for rheumatism, aud that be didn't care for the window curtains, not a that fiog that bust and drown people, I forget it,s name. And he said that woid-.j didn't know mucb, anyway, and they couldn't reason like men. So the next day that papa wasn't nice a bit that day I frew over the accawa rium, aud I felt that I bad the rheuma tism every time I went to sit down I just got papa's pipe and loaded it aud 'moked it. And they put mustard plasters on my tumraick till tbey most burned a bole in it, I guess. I link they fought I was going to die. I did. I fought so. Mamma said I was going to be a little cherub. Nurse said so, too; then she went lo put an ozser mustard plaster on and I didn't want her to, and sbe called me something else. I guess tbat was 'cause I frew the mustard piaster in her face. I don't want to be a cherub, anyway. Cherubs are little boys without any bodies or legs to them nothing but little wings right back of their ears. They can't haV?-.'iU8tard plasters ou tbem. but then they dou'tv"ave much Inn, aud I guess tbe augels Us9-U.,eQ1 for playing marbles. Tbe other augels are called syrups. They wear night-gowns, and gold rings about their beads, aud no end of wings. Tbey haveu't anything much to do except to tote around little harps aud play lag aud loaf about ou the clouds. But I wouldn't want to be a syrup un less I could have a tail, too, like a mer maid or a loholer. Anyhow, I'd rather be little Tommy for a while yet. But I wou't 'moke again. I guess mamma was right. Maybe I'm something like a window i-urtaiu. 'Moking isn't good for me. I'uck. Is Mars Inhabited? Is mis neigh boring world the abode of living --features? This question is beyond the pres ent power of science to au-wer. But would it not be strange beyond expres sion if a world, with land aud water, and dunging seasons, and appareutly all tbe conditions required by life, so like our earl'.) tbat it is even possible that man eould exist upon us surface. should roll on through theagesuuinbab- iteil ami unenjoyeil? Uor earth teems wltn lire in Its remotest corner, yet some Martial astronomer may at this moment be wondering what is the use of us, ami whether our planet is the abode of intelligent beinxs. After the wonders that science has already achieved, he would lie bold who should say that this problem can never be solved, unfortunately, we cannot bogie for much from the improvement nf our telescopes and the increase of their mag nifying Miwer. The disturbances pro duced by our atmosphere are aggravated by every such increase. Bui when the problem of life in other worlds is sofVed If it ever shall be it seems safe to say that it will tie l y thi-atteutivestudy ofur near oeightior. The (Joiaxy. Two friends, just married, were dis cussing rapturously, as they congratu lated each other, the merits aud charms of their spouses. Said oue: "My wile bus got the loveliest head of hair I ever saw, even on the hair-renovator labels. When she lets her hair down, the ends fall to the floor." "That's nothing," replied the other; "when my wife lets her hair down, it all falls to lhe floor." "Doctor, my daughter seems to be go ing blind, and she's just getting ready for her wedding, lo! Oh, dear me. what is to be done ?" "Let her go right on with the wedding, madam, by ail means. If anything cau open her eyes, marriage will." " Y-u .r- pi -( ' ' IniitT l I In- ' orri'fl ' lady. Simply aj, 1 a ciiromo." ij i -f V