Newspaper Page Text
THE NETV SOUTHWEST, THURSDAY, SEPTE1VEBER. 23, 1880. OUR ADVERTISERS. That the public have appreciated the enlarge ment and-improvemeut of the New Northwest, is . learly shown by the increase in its ad vertising patronage. The notices below are nec essarily brief, as our space is so crowded. f j - Aurora Restaurant furnishes a "good square meal" for 25 cents. The fact that "Rose Pills" are advertised, is evi dence of their merit. Keimeyer, the tailor, No. 162 First street, has a large stock of elegant goods. Himes the Printer, at No. 5 "Washington street, does first-class book and job work. Alisky & Hegele are furnishing Eastern and Shoalwater Bay oysters in every style. The announcement of the Mechanics' Fair for 1SS0 will be found on the preceding page. Pannier's Blood Purifier is now recognized as a standard remedy for all disorders of the blood. Mrs. Dr. Solander undoubtedly has discovered an invaluable medicine a remedy for diphtheria. Mrs. "Wass, No. 64 Morrison street, lias a fine etook of hair goods and a great variety of patterns. Dr. Keck advertises his celebrated catarrh rem edy, and has numerous testimonials as to its elli cacy. G. O. Bailey, North Second and B streets, con ducts a general grocery and ship chandlery busi ness. Dr. Paul M. Brenan's office is at No. 08 First street His advertisement appears on an inside page. "Wiberg & Kiernan, No. 145 Front street, are constantly increasing tneir stock or line boots and shoes. Ira F. Powers' furniture stores, Nos. 1S4 and 1S5 First street, are constantly thronged with patrons. Sportsmen will find a full line of anything they need at Vm. Beck & Son's, corner Front ami Alder streets. John A. Beck, No. 140 Front street, is a reliable jeweler, and persons needing watcn repairing should can on mm. Marshall & Co., the Central Market grocers, do a large business, their stock being well-selected and their prices low. Burklmrdt & Spaulding, corner North Second and B streets, do a general butcher and packing business and supply snips. 0. Conrad & Co., No. 10 Yamhill street, dvo ant clean by steam all kinds of silk and woolen goods They also clean Kid gloves. Miss Dr. Angie L. Ford has built up a large practice in this city. Jier specialties are the dis eases of women and children. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. "Williams. No. 231 Second street, invite the ladies of Portland to examine their stock of fine hair goods. Fleischner, Mayer & Co. have now in store their stock of Fall millinery, and particularly in vite the atronage of the trade. The O. T. Co., corner Second and Stark streets does all freighting and tranferringwith dispatch Also, JiacKs are constantly on call. "Woodward & Macroon, corner Second and Tav lor streets, have a first-class livery stable, and keep carriages on can day or nignt. Voss & Fuhr, the Washington-street bakers maintain their reputation of furnishing light and Wholesome bread, caKes and pastry. The office of the well-known lawyers, Dolph, BronaitKh, Dolnh & Simon, is in Odd Fellows' Temple, corner First and Alder streets. Johnston & Holden, at No. 16S Front street, are practical plumbers, and any work entrusted to them is always promptly and well done. O'Shea Bros., in Central Market, deal in all kinds of fresh and cured meats (wholesale and retail), and are prepared to supply ships. D. AV. Prentice & Co's store. No. 107 First street, - is completely stocked with everything which a first-class music establishment should have. One of the nicest places in the city is Bobbins fc Yates', No. 229 First street, where is kept every thing pertaining to a picture and music store. C. H. AA'oodard & Co. arc agents for the "Scot tish Thistle Medicinal Fumes," said to give al most instant relief from asthma and hay-fever. Olds & Summers, No. 188 First street, make a specialty of furnishing lamps and oils, crockery and glassware. They are agents for "Hero" oil. The office of Mitchell & Dement, attorneys-at-law, is on the southwest corner of First and Mor rison streets. Mr. Mitchell has returned from the East. AV. W. Espey, the manufacturer of wheeled ve hicles of all descriptions, enjoys the well-earned reputation of turning out work not excelled any where. Fishcl & Roberts have received their Fall and "Winter supplies of clothing, which wore manu factured iu New York by Mr. Roberts especially for fine trade. Olds & King, the Third-street merchants, oflbr for sale a complete assortment of house furnishing goods. Particulars may be found in our advertis ing columns. Isador Gumbert, of the Golden Rule Bazar, 172 First street, asks the attention of hotel, restaurant and housekeepers to his Jargc stock pi crockery and glassware. G. AV. Biles & Co. have opened a neat boot and shoe store, the Columbia, at No. 171 Second street, in Centennial Block. Their stock is large and well-selected. Shindier & Chadbourne, First and Front streets, between Morrison and Yamhill, display a varied assortment of fine furniture and bedding, carpet ings, oil-cloths, etc. In the Oregon Furniture Manufacturing Com pany's windows, corner First and Yamhill streets are continually shown handsome flew styles of furniture and carpets. Newborn', Hawthorne & Co.. dealers in acri cultural implements and wood and steel goods. are ready to supply anything the farmer or the mcciiuiiic may ties i re. . Lewis & Strauss, No. 123 First street, are dis playing a mammoth stock of millinery goods, Whicn tney invite the public and the trade to ex amine before purchasing. A. Lobe & Co., No. 169 First street, in addition to keeping a large stock of lamps, unbreakable chimneys, crockery, glassware, etc., arc agents for the JiAiison on anu tue tubular lamp, whicn without a chimney, is Avarranted to burn in the fiercest gale. 01dendorfi& Huebner, corner First aim Wash ington streets, succeed woodward uraueij in the brokerage, insurance and real estate business. Both are experienced business men. Orecon Kidney Tea does what is claimed tor it, and is having such an extensive sale mat uie proprietors, Messrs. Hodge, Davis & Co., have doubled their facilities for its manufacture. Tho tmvnlim? miblic will find the O. & C. R. R. Co's time schedule of the arrival and departure of trains, and the sailing days or tne u. H. te rs. Co's steamers, regularly published in this journal. A partial list of the various articles sold at Sal inger's Cash Auction, No. 210 First street, for 10 cents, is published in this issue ; also, a small number or tne outer good oargains to oe loumi there. The Occidental Restaurant is now conducted bv Mr. Cohen, and the table is supplied with the best the market affords. The rates for board are low, as will bo seen by consulting his advertisement. F. E. Bench & Co., No. 103 Front street, suc ceed Coggins &, Beacii as agents for the Av- erill mixed paint and the ban rrancisco rubber paint. Their stock of doors, sasli and blinds is large and varied. Professor AVliite states in his advertisement the advantages given to scholars of both soxos at the Business College. li.very word iu it is true- Young ladies, as well as young men, should avail themselves of its advantages. Those who are called upon to fulfill the melan choly duty of rearing a monument to departed relatives or friends, will be readily accommodated by Mr. ATm. Young, the marble worker, on the corner of Front and Pine streets. PERSONAL. To H. J. McCormick Sir: Alter you had ad mitted that your knowledge to secure the arrestof a person for selling liquor without a license was not gained in a very reputable manner, you ought not to have blackened your confession by the lie that several citizens of Corvallis had brought that matter to your attention. Those fellows who worked the case up with you are the same set who made you acquainted with what you call "my reputation'.' a set who rank far beneath me in tho estimation of every candid and respectable citizen of this town. All my actions are per formed openly and in broad daylight, and not un der the mask of a hypocrite of your and your in formers' caliber. This, probably, is the most notable difi'erehee between me and men of your stamp. My liberal ideas and unveiled actions will stand a favorable comparison with your mockery. E. AV. Fitzner. Corvallis, September 18, 1SS0. FATHERS AXD MOTHERS, ATTENTION! A SURE CURE FOR DIPHTHERIA DISCOVERED. Clarendon Hotel, Portland, Oregon, 1 September 11, 18S0. J This is to certify that I have witnessed Mrs. Dr. M. J. Solander's treatment of diphtheria in the family of D. C. Davis, of AVallowa Valley, Union county, Oregon, and that I, as an individual, have implicit confidence in her ability to cone with and master this home-desolating scourge, diphthe ria. J. J. Blevaxs. Address for two months, Salem. On Friday night, Senator Conkling opened the Garfield and Arthur campaign in the Empire State by a speech m rsew iork City. miscellaneous advertisements. Hotels, Restaurants, Housekeepers, Take Notice ! YOU CAX BUY CROCKERY, GLASSWARE? House Fur nishin g Goods of Every Description, CHEAPER OF Than Any Other Store in the City OKAUKIMIS Wj K PIONEER SHOP OF THE NORTHWEST. AVILLIA3I A"OinVG Manufacturer of MDELDBIaE: M03NTUMBKTTS, Hoadstonos, Tombs, Mantel Pieces, Table Tops,' Plumbors'Slabs, CountorTops, Etc.; Also, Stono for Building Purposes. Partle living at a (Balance, liy (wilding descriptions at what they wish can nave ixasigns, rnces, eic, seni 10 mem 10 cnooe iroin. Simp Xo. CO Front Street, nonr O. S. X. PORTI.AND se!6 lin Co'h Wharf, OHKGOX W. ESPEY Manufacturer of Buggies, Carriages, Phsetons, Light Speed Wagons, Single and Double Steel Bottom Buck Boards. IT. S. MAIL BUCK HOARDS MADE TO ORDER. Dexter Wagons, Mdej-par anil White Chappie Wbkoiik. Sprint; ami Thnrouzlihmee Mail Whboiih, the Kspay Hack l rllnlfi; i ...... .1. ...... ..,.-."-. . . . . . . . Kinjnmiuin invrj np;uii, iicium agous, pit, mini 01 me jiphi I'.MSicrn .MHierim. IrweHt and bct facilities of any shop on tho Pacific Slope, and guarantee every- article of prtcosthat can't he weal liy deulcra and nmiifaciurcr. rlto to mo ror anything you want, himI corn puns with any of my competitor, ami he convinced. selOtf yy, yy. KSI'EY. Ilnx B30. Iort!niiil, Oregon. OYSTERS ! ...IX- EVERY STYLE I The Occidental Restaurant and Chop House, Corner First mill JIorrlNon Strecli, A.S REOPENED UXDBB NEW M AXAGEM EXT. MEALS AT ALL To ault rvprvluulv if u-lll unit Muni Tickets nt the followlnir reduced rates: Twenty-one 15c Meal Tickets' S 00 ate " " - i w " 35o " 0 00 Board hy tho Week nt Special Kates. KclGtf COHEN. Proprietor. OYSTERS .IN... EVERY STY I!E Mt. Hood Agricultural Implement House! NEWBERRY, HAWTHORNE & CO., IMPOKTEUS AXD DEALEBS IX AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. General Agents for the Celebrated Morrison Blows, Improved "Whltowatw 'Wagons, Bonpcrs, Mowors, SoIf-BIndlng Harvesters, Ilcndora, Threshers, Engines, 'Farmor'n Friend Drill," the Esterly Seeder nnu cultivator, luiuroiui Barrows, Ballroad and Mining Shovels, Hoes, Scythes, Snnths, Cradlos, Forks, Picks, and n FuB Line of Wood and Steel Goods. Nos. 261 and 263 Front and 260 and 262 First Stroot, Portland, Oregon. tar Sond for Catalogues. Je6-0. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. ESTABLISHED 1856. OLDS & KlfiC, DEAI-EHS IJf Dry and Furnishing Goods. 147 Third Street, Portland. We make a speclnlty of HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, And offer a very complete assortment of Blankets, Sheetings, Quilts, Marseilles Spreads,! Uonuorters, Towels, Uapkuis, Table Lui ens, Crashes, Curtains, Tidies, Materials for lambrequins, Furniture Covers, Etc. Strangers will And every inducement otfemi thorn tai iiiHKc meir purcnases hi our store. HT Mail orders promptly and intelligently filled. "W USE ROSE PILLS. FOR, THE LADIES. Jilt. AXI MILS. . A. WILLIAMS, From the East, , TAVK COME TO BOBTLAXD FOR THE PUBPOSB o onering 10 uie people a superior assortment of IIAJCR. GOODS. H They can be found at o. 2SI Second street, mid will b pienttea 10 receive cans irom inoee wismajt anytnlnr in Uielrline. Indies ha vine ComUBigs or Cut Hair ean feet B made up In Hrst-claws style. Comblngn Ibotel, Old Switches Cleaned, Repaired aiMi Covered with Lang Hair, and colored anv shade defied. Terms Ken.soiijiljle. REMEMBEB THE I'LxVCE, Xo. aI Second Street, between .Salmon mid jriiin. sel tf G. NEIMEYER, erchant Tailor, So. 162 First Street, If EEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND A FINE AND COiT V. plete Assortment of SCOTCH, ENGLISH, FRENCH & DOMESTIC GOODS,, AVlilch are unsurpassed, and which will be MADE UI AT COST 1KICES. O'SHEA BROTHERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BUTCIIEBJS, And Dealers in All Kinds of . FRESH AND CURED MEATS, ETC. Stalls 22, 23, 24 and 25 in Central Markety IKBITLANP, OREGON. SHIPPING SUPPLIED ON REASONABLE TEBJC-- w?16 U EMPIRE BAKERY. VOSS & FUHR, ; Manufacturers of Bread, Cakes, Pastry, Pilot Bread);, Soda, Picnic, Butter, Boston, Sugar and Shoe viy CRACKERS, Jenny Llnd Cakes, Ginper Snaps, Etc., 'o. .11 WnHliliito" street. Portland, Or. , RSTOrders from the Trade sollclled.-n ESTABLISHED IS68. G. O. BAILEY, Wholesale and Retail Grocer and Ship Chandler. Ship Stores, Crockery Ware, Limp, Plaster, Cement and" Feed, Garden and Grass Seeds, Foreign and Domestic Fruits, S. E. corner It nml Second Streets,- Portland, Or. self! tf USE ROSE PILLS. josKrit nuiiKHAnn. MOHTON 31. SI'AULDIXG. PACIFIC MARKET. BTJRKHARD & SPAULDING, Butchers and Packers, And Dealers in All Kinds of FRESH AND CURED MEATS, BACON, HAMS & LARDr 35 and 37 B Street, Corner of Second. PORTLAND, OREGON. Special Attention given to Supplying Ships. solG tf IMMKMATE RELIEF FROM ASTHMA AND HAY FEVER The Scottish Thistle Medicinal Fumes, (PATENTED DEC. 30, 1S70.) WIU be sent by mall on receipt of price 81.00 Por Box C. II. 1VOODAni A CO., DntKKiHts, sel6 U Portlnnd, Oregon.